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Made in us
Neophyte Undergoing Surgeries


When the team from Pointeast came to visit the office, where he bragged about himself and not our abilities, he recorded the entire meeting. Later he told us all how he would use that recording to undercut them and take all their clients if they didn't invest in us. He is just so dim, that he thought they'd bail him out of over 1mil in debt. Skybound alone was over 400k. Not to mention the other projects the bailed on from Level52, such as the Medevil statue etc. He of course told all of us that it was covid shutdowns in China etc, until right before the layoffs telling us that he took the money and started Broken Anvil. He's not an intentional scammer, just so egotistical that he thought he could somehow keep pulling in big clients. With every Level52 client they had, somehow, the client always would "act stupid" and be weird about giving him more work. Of course when you argue with clients and are late on every deadline they bail. He had the chance to make over 1.2mil from a deal with the pokemon company and literally scared them away when they had a check in hand. He didn't stash the money away, we suspect he lost it in crypto, tons of delivery food, toys and payroll. He yelled at us all one time that if you spend enough money on something and grow it fast enough it will be successful because people can't ignore it..... well.... did it work?

I just want people to realize he stopped buying toilet paper and yelled at us when we asked for some.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

How did he find 45k dollars for a deposit? Also, high quality miniature paints cost a small fortune to manufacture. At 1.25 which is on the low end, he is going to have to pay 46k alone for 2 tiers of the paint set, not counting boxing, shipping, labels, and bottles. This is bs. I bet he posts a made up "ticket" for costs I bet it will hide all of the actual important information and won't be real. Alternatively, he changed the formulas and he is about to send a ton of "apple barrel" paints to people. Paint manufacturers aren't kmart lay away plans, you either pay or you don't. They aren't taking a deposit, and why would you make a deposit if you can't guarantee the rest of the money?

Please, please, mass report Rivenstone, Forged, and the Paints to Kickstarter it is very clear that Chris has no plan to give any honest updates and this needs to forced. He is in violation of the KS ToS and needs to be held accountable.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2023/08/29 01:44:00

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Elcommi wrote:
Well. Looks like my pledge has been refunded. No comments or replies. I’d definitely say the Ks is dead and to pull out.

I’ll be contacting my credit card company to issue chargebacks for anything from Level52. Too shady.

Did you request a refund from them or asked your bank for a chargeback?
Made in us
Neophyte Undergoing Surgeries

Posting this awesome detective work from the KS before Chris refunds them to remove it. Posted in multiple parts

Hi I have some questions,

Instagram update for Level52 Studios, LLC, May 1st 2023.



You can find the full update on instagram at the link above as well as the link solely to Level52 Studios, LLC instagram to look at any early posts if you would like to. The link for the Level52 Studios instagram was listed in the creator bio for the Kickstarter I had questions about at the bottom of this post.

"We are being acquired by a larger collectibles and statue manufacturer." - Instagram update for Level52 Studios, LLC, May 1st 2023.

Before the campaign for paint was even posted, you commented that a company is acquiring you. Did you have a contract signed or any other concrete evidence from them that offered a legally binding guarantee that this would go through? If not, why was this potential acquisition of your company and all the other delayed business from Level52 Studios, LLC not mentioned in the risks of your Broken Anvil Studio Paints Kickstarter, if there was no legally binding guarantee? Given how important you make it sound in your most current post and your May 1st update on your Level52 Studios, LLC instagram, was it not actually that important to the continued success of your company? If it wasn't that important and would have no serious consequences can we your backers know what your other plans were to see these multiple projects to completion within the time frames and proposed budgets on your Kickstarters? This is assuming the goals on your kickstarter are accounting for budgets you have worked out for your company to see that you can make the deadlines you have picked. Is that what the goal number on your Kickstarter indicates? If this is not the case, what does the goal amount account for? Lastly, if it was as important as you make it sound and you knew about it at least 9 days before posting the Kickstarter why did you not inform us of it in the risks and challenges section?

"This was impacted greatly by covid and the factory we chose for the vast majority of these statues has not been able to come back online as fast as we had hoped. Along with that they prioritize larger runs and ours have constantly been placed in the back of the queues over and over again." - Instagram update for Level52 Studios, LLC, May 1st 2023.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
"There are always unknown risks, but we are very confident our experience in product manufacturing will allow us to navigate most issues efficiently." - Broken Anvil Studio Paints Kickstarter, Under risks and Challenges.

“Our team has spent the last 18 months working with a manufacturing partner that has produced high-quality paints for nearly a century in the United Kingdom. We've ironed out all of the details of the manufacturing process down to the bottles, agitators, and labels.” - Broken Anvil Studio Paints Kickstarter, Under risks and challenges.

Your campaign says you are very confident in your experience in product manufacturing. Can I ask what education or experience you have that gives you this confidence? Also, you state in an update on July 7th, 2023 "Unfortunately, as a result of this unbelievably awesome enthusiasm, sourcing the volume of the specific bottles we need for containing our paint has been a larger challenge than expected, and our manufacturing partner now requires a longer manufacturing period to fulfill the volume needed." I am wondering why it took almost two months to figure out that your manufacturing partner would be unable to provide you with the new number of bottles? Can we have a timeline for this discussion with them and how it went about taking this long to come to that conclusion before sharing it with us? Also, why was the risk of a time increase based on the volume of needed bottles not addressed in the risk and challenges section or provided to us as an update, given that you have experience in product manufacturing and that there would need to be a change to shipping if you surpassed a given number of backers based on the increased volume of bottles? In addition why as the number of backers increased would this have not been of growing concern given your plans according to your FAQ to sell them later this year in your store and through retailers? Did you not have any conversations with your manufacturer about the potential to need increased volume if a certain demand level was reached at any point during the 18 months of planning that went into this project with the added intention of selling them in retailers after?

"Yes! We have plans to offer these paints on our website and through retailers later this year, if we meet our funding goal.

Last updated: Wed, May 10 2023 10:39 AM PDT " - Broken Anvil Studio Paints Kickstarter FAQ

Automatically Appended Next Post:
"We had to scale back our business a significant amount and made some pretty big layoffs late last year." - Instagram update for Level52 Studios, LLC, May 1st 2023.

Was the fact that your company was being scaled back 5 months before the Kickstarter was posted not relevant to potential backers at all during the Kickstarter for Broken Anvil Studio Paints? You had nine days before it started on May 10th to either not post the Kickstarter because of this scaling back of the business or at least provide us with information so we could make a more informed decision. Also, why did you proceed with the process of producing paints for a new Kickstarter over 18 months, which is a process that costs money and time, when you already had so many projects that seem to be uncompleted or in various states of production? In addition, why in all of the marketing for Rivenstone, Forged, and Broken Anvil Studio Paints did you never mention that Level52 Studios, LLC was Broken Anvil Miniatures parent company to offer people doing their due diligence, before investing in them, that connection? In my opinion it seems like a pertinent piece of information to give your customers a full picture of the state of your business affairs when making the decision to invest with you, or would you not agree? Your website brokenanvilminis.com also says “Copyright © 2023 Broken Anvil Miniatures” but used to say

“Copyright 2020 © Broken Anvil Miniatures a division of Level52 Studios, LLC All Rights Reserved” was there a reason for this shift and is Broken Anvil Miniatures still a division of Level52 Studios, LLC or something different?


Automatically Appended Next Post:


In March of 2023 Skybound chose not to continue collaborating on production of their Lee and Clemintine statue with you. "In addition to these challenges, ultimately, the statue has not met our expectations in depicting our Lee and Clementine, and our collaboration with Level52 on this project will not continue." saying earlier in the update, "We have no confidence that we’ll be able to deliver the statue to you in any meaningful time period." before providing refunds to all of the people that had ordered them and additionally stating, "Despite us having fully paid for production on the statue, we are issuing refunds because this is our fault, not yours." Was this news of a partner pulling out of business with you before you ever put up the Broken Anvil Studio Paint Kickstarter taken into consideration when deciding to invest time and effort into putting up a Kickstarter for backers to invest in? In addition, if both your Rivenstone and Forged Kickstarters were already underway how did you fund and mange the 18 month endeavor to set up production for these paints while also continuing to put the required time and money into those Kickstarters as well as all of the other open statue orders you had through Level52 Studios, LLC?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
One last thing, a few questions regarding a Kickstarter under the name Level52 Studios.

Which is Level52 Studios, LLC if you follow the link to their website offered in the creator bio it is listed at the bottom of the webpage level52studios.com.


Was this Kickstarter ever fulfilled?

If it was, you can ignore these follow up questions.

Why was the last official update to this Kickstarter and the people who had chosen to stick with you after the offered refunds, almost 2 years ago on November 29, 2021? And why did you not respond to questions about how production was going so they could have a clear picture of what was happening?

This message was edited 6 times. Last update was at 2023/08/30 15:16:35

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Looks like if it was posted in the comments on the paint KS, it has been removed already.

So if anyone wants a refund, you probably should re-post this whole block in a comment and keep getting forced refund until they can't afford to remove posts.

My Models: Ork Army: Waaagh 'Az-ard - Chibi Dungeon RPG Models! - My Workblog!
RULE OF COOL: When converting models, there is only one rule: "The better your model looks, the less people will complain about it."
MODELING FOR ADVANTAGE TEST: rigeld2: "Easy test - are you willing to play the model as a stock one? No? MFA." 
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Appears that KS was banned and refunded. The people in their discord that seem to be okay with the Cult leader essentially silencing anyone asking questions is amazing. I never thought I would see a time where people would willingly give money to someone and say "well gak happens, they should just take some more money!"
Made in ca
Dipping With Wood Stain

darzin wrote:
Appears that KS was banned and refunded. The people in their discord that seem to be okay with the Cult leader essentially silencing anyone asking questions is amazing. I never thought I would see a time where people would willingly give money to someone and say "well gak happens, they should just take some more money!"

Clearly you haven’t been following Mythic Games….. 😆
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Whelp thanks to this thread I decided to bulk download all my Broken Anvil models off MMF! A firm crumbling is one where anything might vanish.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

I find it absolutely hilarious that he is refusing to answer questions directly on the kickstarter and instead answering to his bootlickers on discord. Those people are literally willing to keep throwing money at him even after him literally admitting to fraud. It is hilariously sad. I wonder if he is refusing out of culpability? Discord being considered second hand. Well, unless someone from kickstarter or the government decides to just hop on and read all of his statements.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

For those that have been forcibly refunded did you get back your Kickstarter and backer kit funds or just KS ?
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Just kickstarter.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Slimy bastard. So he’s holding our extra hostage.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Your pledge has been refunded.

I posted a comment yesterday with resources for concerned backers to file a complaint with the Washington Office of the Attorney General, and later that night I received an email from Kickstarter informing me that my pledge has been refunded. I noticed that Chris hasn't issued refunds to all the other comments asking for one; instead, he's apparently just refunding the "squeakiest wheels" like me. The cynic in me suspects it's more about Chris having the ability to remove comments encouraging others to take action, like a corporation using union-busting tactics against employees trying to organize their fellow coworkers into standing up for themselves.

For what it's worth, my comment which led to a refund included a link to this thread and to the Washington Office of the Attorney General with which people could file a complaint:

It also included contact information for Broken Anvil Miniatures which could be entered into that complaint form:

Broken Anvil Miniatures
2220 Lind Ave SW Building D Suite 109
Renton, WA 98057

Transaction date: 5/24/23
Amount in dispute: $144,351
Made in us
Neophyte Undergoing Surgeries

Chris really wasted his time taking photos of bins that have been there for a year. When everyone got laid off Tor was in production and still isn't done lmao.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Why are these pictures of a bunch of loose part? Also what is TOR?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/08/31 12:45:14

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

The Orruk model.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Indiana, USA

Even if the two people that comprise Broken Anvil now somehow manage to complete production on Rivenstone or pack up 1000 shipments of the paint, where are they getting the money to ship all of this? It's not happening. This all ends the same way every Kickstarter that runs out of money ends: with backers being ghosted. Eventually you will just stop hearing from Chris, and he will go on with his life.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User


I'm cross-posting this here as well to get more eyes on it.

Does anyone more keen-eyed than me want to compare the numbers on the bins from the current updates (https://www.kickstarter.com/.../rivenstone.../posts/3897255, https://www.kickstarter.com/.../rivenstone.../posts/3897283) to this update from last November (https://www.kickstarter.com/.../rivenstone.../posts/3655351). I could swear that I spotted some numbers that are the same in both sets of photos (, but don't have time to do the investigative work while I'm at work today. If not, I will spend some time looking over it tomorrow morning but figured getting more eyes on it might be helpful. I am trying to decide how much "progress" has really been made or if these are just photos of work done 8 months ago.

For example in one of the new updates I see 704 written on a bin in the same writing as I see in the old update. Anyways, thought it might be worth digging into because I think it is hard to take things at face value with this campaign anymore.

Check out my work on instagram https://www.instagram.com/finescale_dawdler/ 
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

GumbaFish wrote:
I'm cross-posting this here as well to get more eyes on it.

Does anyone more keen-eyed than me want to compare the numbers on the bins from the current updates (https://www.kickstarter.com/.../rivenstone.../posts/3897255, https://www.kickstarter.com/.../rivenstone.../posts/3897283) to this update from last November (https://www.kickstarter.com/.../rivenstone.../posts/3655351). I could swear that I spotted some numbers that are the same in both sets of photos (, but don't have time to do the investigative work while I'm at work today. If not, I will spend some time looking over it tomorrow morning but figured getting more eyes on it might be helpful. I am trying to decide how much "progress" has really been made or if these are just photos of work done 8 months ago.

For example in one of the new updates I see 704 written on a bin in the same writing as I see in the old update. Anyways, thought it might be worth digging into because I think it is hard to take things at face value with this campaign anymore.

That is because no other work was done. This is being done to attempt to placate people, just like he said he was making a deposit of 45k to the paints. The 704 is the same as last time. They look nearly as full as well, it doesn't appear that any work was done on these as far as assembly goes.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2023/08/31 17:55:51

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

GumbaFish wrote:
I'm cross-posting this here as well to get more eyes on it.

Does anyone more keen-eyed than me want to compare the numbers on the bins from the current updates (https://www.kickstarter.com/.../rivenstone.../posts/3897255, https://www.kickstarter.com/.../rivenstone.../posts/3897283) to this update from last November (https://www.kickstarter.com/.../rivenstone.../posts/3655351). I could swear that I spotted some numbers that are the same in both sets of photos (, but don't have time to do the investigative work while I'm at work today. If not, I will spend some time looking over it tomorrow morning but figured getting more eyes on it might be helpful. I am trying to decide how much "progress" has really been made or if these are just photos of work done 8 months ago.

For example in one of the new updates I see 704 written on a bin in the same writing as I see in the old update. Anyways, thought it might be worth digging into because I think it is hard to take things at face value with this campaign anymore.

It could be a case of only 704 people ordered whatever model was in that bin.

darzin wrote:

That is because no other work was done. This is being done to attempt to placate people, just like he said he was making a deposit of 45k to the paints. The 704 is the same as last time. They look nearly as full as well, it doesn't appear that any work was done on these as far as assembly goes.

afaik the models were never going to be assembled by BAM. That's a weird expectation for you to have.
Made in us
Shadowy Grot Kommittee Memba

The Great State of New Jersey

I assume by "assembly" he means "product assembly" - IE - putting the minis in product packaging with other components to ready them for shipping.

CoALabaer wrote:
Wargamers hate two things: the state of the game and change.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

afaik the models were never going to be assembled by BAM. That's a weird expectation for you to have.

I mean, if you want a bunch of loose mini parts thrown in a box cool for you?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/09/01 04:17:43

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

darzin wrote:
How did he find 45k dollars for a deposit? Also, high quality miniature paints cost a small fortune to manufacture. At 1.25 which is on the low end, he is going to have to pay 46k alone for 2 tiers of the paint set, not counting boxing, shipping, labels, and bottles. This is bs. I bet he posts a made up "ticket" for costs I bet it will hide all of the actual important information and won't be real. Alternatively, he changed the formulas and he is about to send a ton of "apple barrel" paints to people. Paint manufacturers aren't kmart lay away plans, you either pay or you don't. They aren't taking a deposit, and why would you make a deposit if you can't guarantee the rest of the money?

Please, please, mass report Rivenstone, Forged, and the Paints to Kickstarter it is very clear that Chris has no plan to give any honest updates and this needs to forced. He is in violation of the KS ToS and needs to be held accountable.

Chris - BAM Team — Yesterday at 1:27 PM
We have other streams of revenue. While at the time of closing the KS we were still spending 100k a month on Rent and payroll, we dont have the payroll expenditure of 100k a month any more.

His answer when asked on Discord where the money came from and why it took months to actually pay for the paint.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Indiana, USA

 halfpaintwater wrote:
darzin wrote:
How did he find 45k dollars for a deposit? Also, high quality miniature paints cost a small fortune to manufacture. At 1.25 which is on the low end, he is going to have to pay 46k alone for 2 tiers of the paint set, not counting boxing, shipping, labels, and bottles. This is bs. I bet he posts a made up "ticket" for costs I bet it will hide all of the actual important information and won't be real. Alternatively, he changed the formulas and he is about to send a ton of "apple barrel" paints to people. Paint manufacturers aren't kmart lay away plans, you either pay or you don't. They aren't taking a deposit, and why would you make a deposit if you can't guarantee the rest of the money?

Please, please, mass report Rivenstone, Forged, and the Paints to Kickstarter it is very clear that Chris has no plan to give any honest updates and this needs to forced. He is in violation of the KS ToS and needs to be held accountable.

Chris - BAM Team — Yesterday at 1:27 PM
We have other streams of revenue. While at the time of closing the KS we were still spending 100k a month on Rent and payroll, we dont have the payroll expenditure of 100k a month any more.

His answer when asked on Discord where the money came from and why it took months to actually pay for the paint.

That's weird. What other "streams of revenue" could they have? Didn't they discontinue their STL site?
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Third mortgage.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

I received a response from the office of Bob Ferguson, Attorney General of Washington, containing the response they received from Chris Trout, CEO of Broken Anvil:

To whom it may concern -

This letter should serve as a response to the complaint against Level 52 Studios and its division known as Broken Anvil Miniatures.

Level52 Studios regrets that it has been, at this point, unable to deliver its projects on the timeline detailed in the Kickstarter campaign. This, however, does not mean that these projects have been given up on, or that we are not making progress toward delivery. As owner of Level52, I have been very transparent with the status of the projects, and have attempted to clear the air on the rampant dissatisfaction and hostility.

We accept responsibility for the delays on these projects but disagree with this immense online frenzy of disparagement. An "anonymous" source which we still have not determined is an actual ex employee, nor is this person privy to any actual factual information, made claims which have now fed youtubers capitalizing on shocking conclusions to support their ad-revenue generating videos and It is fueling unbelievable hostility toward me, with people literally wishing death upon me due to them not receiving the fruit of their grassroots pledges in a timely manner. I would also like to note that this frenzy of activity has broken the community guidelines of Kickstarter, namely, no doxing, harassment and cyber bullying. I have been personally attacked relentlessly, despite my ongoing efforts to fulfill these orders and deliver the projects as promised. Amongst these blogs is encouragement to inundate the AG with complaints.

To be very clear, there was no fraud committed. Each crowdfunding project has significant work behind it. Rivenstone is a tabletop role playing game, which requires a universe of intellectual property to be created, including rule books, storylines, physical creature design, and production. We are sitting on bins of figurines, molds, and other products, currently around 50% complete in production, with around 3 months of work ahead of us to make it over the finish line. Forged is a similar concept, but piggybacks on existing gaming universes. For this, we also have significant progress in the form of all sculpts being complete, and currently going through an edit process to enable molds to be made. Broken Anvil Paint Studio is currently in physical production, with significant investment($66,000) being paid into the actual production with a third party.

While Level52 has had successes, it has also hit snags. More globally, there were setbacks in the business as a whole. The industry itself, together with production issues, has slumped. There was a collapse of projects in our main revenue cycles. Our staff, which was a critical component to each of our projects, was kept on as long as possible. It is notable that despite the fact the anonymous former employee stated he "hates my guts," he did acknowledge that the pay was decent. In truth, it was well above market. These snags have served to slow down progress on the projects. But, it has not amounted to any level of fraud, nor has it even killed the projects. As openly stated, it has only delayed them.

To also dispel any additional myths, there has been no personal gain from these projects. One doesn't get into this type of industry or line of work for money; it’s creative work combined with a die-hard love of hobby and fantasy gaming. This business began in my garage. I did not profit at the expense of the complainants. I do not live any sort of extravagant lifestyle. My books would reveal that I made no more than any of my employees, and even less during 2023.

I also would like to call out the realities of the Kickstarter platform that the complainants put their money into. Kickstarter is a platform that allows creatives to bring potential projects to the community at large. This platform is inherently risky, since participants are placing money into a product that has not yet been brought to the shelves. The Kickstarter website states it has a success rate with projects of 40%. Each project discloses that there are no refunds, and that there is risk involved. Risks and challenges were discussed.However some of the challenges we have faced we did not know we would be facing, therefore did not make their way into the Risks section. It should come as no surprise that production delays were a risk. As an example of disclosing such risks of delay, we even flagged a prior Kickstarter project of ours that encountered delays. That project, “Dungeon Delvers,” was successfully delivered despite challenges and delays. The magic and fun of Kickstarter is that participants can get involved with new creative projects, prior to them hitting the shelves. The risk of complications is inherent and accepted by participants. Those who can't stomach this risk should be putting their money into established product lines at local retailers - NOT Kickstarter projects.

Complaints I am receiving from the AG show dissatisfaction that we have not issued a refund. As clearly stated in the campaign, the window for refunds closed. Any requests made within the window have been refunded. Also, any refunds would make it even more difficult to finish each project and get them out the door to our clients, only harming those who are willing to patiently wait for the final products - which is the vast majority of participants. Again, this is how Kickstarter works and the complainants should evaluate their risk tolerance prior to paying money into any campaigns.

To summarize, please take these points into account. First, we have considerable and demonstrable progress on each of our projects. We fully intend to fulfill production on each engagement. Second, there was no personal gain or fraud, period. Third, the risk of loss is something inherent with the Kickstarter platform. We are working on these projects and will get them on the shelves.

To those who are upset, I do apologize and will continue to work to get these projects done and out. As I said before, I accept your anger. However, these products will be released and you will love them. We are continuing to push forward and work as hard as we can on these projects.


Chris Trout C.E.O Level52 and Broken Anvil Miniatures

Automatically Appended Next Post:
The AG's office also noted this:

Our office monitors consumer complaints for possible indications of patterns of unfair or deceptive trade practices warranting further attention by our office. [...] We appreciate your bringing this matter to our attention. Your complaint will remain a part of our public record of this business’s practices.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/09/22 00:04:37

Made in us
Charing Cold One Knight

Sticksville, Texas

Man. What a wild ride, I feel awful for anybody who backed the projects from this studio.

What an embarrassment.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Another message from the Washington Attorney General's office below. I think that additional complaints will spur them to take action on the fraudulent activities of Chris Trout and Level 52 / Broken Anvil Miniatures, so I'd recommend Kickstarter backers file a complaint: https://www.atg.wa.gov/file-complaint

Your detailed consumer complaint may assist us in identifying possible unfair and deceptive business practices which may warrant further attention by our office. We may open a formal investigation or take enforcement action pursuant to the Consumer Protection Act at any time if the facts and circumstances indicate that further action is warranted. It is our policy to neither confirm nor deny the existence of an ongoing investigation. If we file a lawsuit or settle a matter with a business we will announce that to the public through a press release or on our website at http://www.atg.wa.gov.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/09/22 23:24:36

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

This has to be my favorite thing he has written because he is blaming everyone else instead of himself.

But, he already gave up the ghost:

"Each project discloses that there are no refunds, and that there is risk involved."

Except this is what he promised people:

"Should Broken Anvil Miniatures be unable to deliver a reward item for any reason, backers will receive a full refund for the item's value."

He also said the reason refunds can't be given is that manufacturing would be underway... but we all know it isn't.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Here was my complaint filed today

I pledged $200 to support a project on Kickstarter. While I was very excited about the potential rewards, I am led to believe they will not be delivered. While I understand the risks involved, the projects delays are not why I am reaching out. Based on the information I have received and discovered, I have reason to believe this project was created and launched under dishonest and consumer deceiving circumstances. The projects estimated delivery was August of 2023. And to quote from their own campaign page for FORGED on Kickstarter, "The miniatures featured in the campaign have already been assessed by our trusted factory partner and are ready to enter production as soon as the campaign closes." Clearly this was a dishonest and deceptive statement, as this never took place. Their Kickstarter campaign page also made the following guarantee to its patrons and I quote "Should Broken Anvil Miniatures be unable to deliver a reward item for any reason, backers will receive a full refund for the items value." Again, multiple refund requests have been made and they have not been honored. I have been supportive and patient of this organization. The last update I received from them explicitly informed me of their ongoing struggles, and intent to focus on other failing projects, while stopping any and all forward progress on this campaign, that so many customers have invested money in. I have reason to believe that our funds were not utilized responsibly towards the product we supported and thus were distributed elsewhere. It is only after the passing promised deadline and update eluding to abandonment that I am filing this report and requesting a full refund. This company went forward with yet another fund raising campaign more recently, in lieu of other incomplete and dishonored campaigns, under dishonest pretenses. The campaign to support a new FORGED Paint Line did not tell the consumers or investors of the struggling organization.They did not communicate a possible company merger that came out after the fact. This merger fell apart and should have been disclosed under the project risks. They also did not disclose the loss of a staff majority, which of course also impacts the associated risks of this investment. As a consumer I am now led to believe that their last crowd funding campaign for the Paint Line may have been nothing more than a dishonest and deliberately deceptive sales tactic to raise more funds for which there is no accountability. While Kickstarter's terms make it clear that there are risks and you are not buying a product, and it would generally make sense that refunds could not be given after funds were spent on manufacturing, I have no proof of any kind that a single dollar I invested went towards the project I was investing in. Communication has been incredibly limited and no one I invest in should be without the expectation of accountability. Theoretically, by the verbiage that Broken Anvil Miniatures utilized in their campaign promise, by promising a "full refund of the items value" one could argue that the value of the items ordered greatly exceeded the special pre-order investment amount pledged. Thus if one were to research the physical replacement cost of the exact amount of comparable physical models at my local game store, this number would directly reflect the total amount a patron was entitled to in their refund. I am asking for a refund, for accountability, for transparency, for honestly, and for evidence to shore up my faith in future companies and transactions. In the images I am attaching you will see mention of "the last 4 months", however this project should have begun production 8 months ago if the promise to begin right after closing was true. Also the 4 month window will directly show and corroborate the dishonesty mentioned about the risks and launch of their paint line campaign.
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