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Made in gb
Incorporating Wet-Blending

Wales: Where the Men are Men and the sheep are Scared.

I prefer the brown.

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

barnacle111 wrote:
So I need to make a decision between two schemes. Anyone help?

1) blue camo with grey armour
2) brown camo with black?

I want to get a scifi look. My other factions are plague -pale flesh and prison orange, marauders- grey/brown skin and plain green fatigues with orange bits.... (Nb unfinished minis!)
What should I do or change?

hmmmm i personally would go more for the blue camo, blue grey and black are more fitting for urban warfare although ironically the blue also makes them stand out a bit more against all the grey on the board.

The brown is also nice but the blue camo seems to break up the model a bit more, when paining browns and blacks onto the clothing and belts it all seems to blend into one and makes it hard to distinguish individual details therefore if you did decide on the brown colour scheme I would suggest mixing things up a bit and doing the belts in another colour like a green or a very sandy brown/yellow/white mix.

Also as a final note, I am loving the camo itself, I've been trying to get a good camo effect but I just cant seem to get it to look right and always looks a bit cluttered and blurry
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

CL VI Store in at the Cyber Center of Excellence

 JaydeeOT wrote:

I've been trying to get a good camo effect but I just cant seem to get it to look right and always looks a bit cluttered and blurry

Sounds like you ARE getting a good cammo effect.

Every time a terrorist dies a Paratrooper gets his wings. 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

 CptJake wrote:
 JaydeeOT wrote:

I've been trying to get a good camo effect but I just cant seem to get it to look right and always looks a bit cluttered and blurry

Sounds like you ARE getting a good cammo effect.

Ha! good point although there is a fine line between camo and crap, I just cant seem to get the balance right
Made in us
Warning From Magnus? Not Listening!


I vote for the brown and black. I think it looks a little more realistic.

Check out my Deadzone/40k/necromunda blog here! 
Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


I suppose this is the best place to put this, as it's not really worth its own thread. What are people thinking of the DZ enforcers compared to the WP ones?

I just painted up a bunch of both, and I'm in two minds. I actually prefer the more simple aesthetic of the DZ ones, as it lends itself to clean paint schemes better, but obviously the WP ones are far more varied and the detail is sharper. I also like the thicker legs and the added equipment of the DZ ones.

Of course, this will all be largely moot once we get hard plastic multi-part enforcers at some point, but for now, what's the consensus (if there is one)?

Made in de
Zealous Knight

All for the DZ legs (and ease of assembly!!). I'm dumpijg my 15 unassembled wp enforcers for sure
Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


Dumping them is possibly a tad harsh, they're still very neat models.

What might be an idea is to see if anyone in your gaming group who doesn't yet play DZ wants them, as with Enforcers only needed 6-7 models a side (if you can convert a sarge/heavy weapon) they make a neat starting faction. With 15, you could even get 2 new players in.

But I do agree they can be a bit of a pain to assemble, having done 30-odd WP ones.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/01/16 17:49:11

Made in nl
Zealous Knight

...a starter with a lot more weapons variety etc. is all of €27,50 before discounts. And I didn't mean throw away, I'll try to trade them off or something. Just really can't be bothered with them anymore now we have enforcers with proper knees
Made in jp
Incorporating Wet-Blending


 Bolognesus wrote:
...a starter with a lot more weapons variety etc. is all of €27,50 before discounts. And I didn't mean throw away, I'll try to trade them off or something. Just really can't be bothered with them anymore now we have enforcers with proper knees

I picked up the 45-model Strike Team package, and I never had a problem with their skinny knees because I assumed that Enforcers were cyborgs. True story.

Now showing Striders for Deadzone!

Painting total as of 5/25/2024: 49 plus a set of modular spaceship terrain and two walkers

Painting total for 2023: 79 plus 28 Battlemechs and a Dragon-Balrog

Made in nl
Zealous Knight

I don't mind the fluff, I mind the look. It happens - true story
(And I actually liked wp enf until I saw their DZ counterparts... )
Made in jp
Incorporating Wet-Blending


 Bolognesus wrote:
I don't mind the fluff, I mind the look. It happens - true story
(And I actually liked wp enf until I saw their DZ counterparts... )

Did I come across as confrontational? That wasn't my intention. I was just saying that I didn't mind the skinny knees because I misinterpreted the fluff.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/01/17 00:02:25

Now showing Striders for Deadzone!

Painting total as of 5/25/2024: 49 plus a set of modular spaceship terrain and two walkers

Painting total for 2023: 79 plus 28 Battlemechs and a Dragon-Balrog

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Just a quick post before dinner.
Made in us
Near Golden Daemon Caliber



I still say enforcers are RoboCop inspired cyborgs. At least on my game boards

Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


Nice plague.

And I must admit, I too liked the idea of Enforcers as cyborgs or cybermen-type things or even robots. I was actually a little disappointed when they turned out to be basically human+1

Made in nl
Zealous Knight

 JoshInJapan wrote:
 Bolognesus wrote:
I don't mind the fluff, I mind the look. It happens - true story
(And I actually liked wp enf until I saw their DZ counterparts... )

Did I come across as confrontational? That wasn't my intention. I was just saying that I didn't mind the skinny knees because I misinterpreted the fluff.

Looked that way, hard to gauge tone over the internet - though
Anyway, dakkon: that's some pretty well-done plague skin.
Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Nottinghamshire, UK

Hey folks, just want to say that there is some really inspiring stuff in this thread - my LGS still has a couple of Deadzone starter sets and I'm getting one tomorrow. It was the models themselves that finally swung me in favour, especially that Stage 1 Plague mini - can't wait to get some paint on that one.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/01/19 18:16:30

Driven away from WH40K by rules bloat and the expense of keeping up, now interested in smaller model count games and anything with nifty mechanics. 
Made in us
Androgynous Daemon Prince of Slaanesh

Norwalk, Connecticut

Fezman, you're gonna be in for a big surprise. Literally. That S1 IS the size of a Daemon Prince/Greater Daemon. It would make for a really good Nurgle Prince that wasn't bloated and slow. Make sure if you split a box with a friend (if you aren't just going full in yourself) that you find a way to ensure you get the S1. Don't let friends sway you away from him. Lol

Reality is a nice place to visit, but I'd hate to live there.

Manchu wrote:I'm a Catholic. We eat our God.

Due to work, I can usually only ship any sales or trades out on Saturday morning. Please trade/purchase with this in mind.  
Made in us
Giggling Nurgling

harrisonburg VA

[Thumb - 2014-01-19-20.23.38.jpg]

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[Thumb - 2014-01-19-20.23.11.jpg]

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[Thumb - 2014-01-19-20.22.31.jpg]

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[Thumb - 2014-01-19-20.22.07.jpg]

[Thumb - 2014-01-19-20.21.47.jpg]

[Thumb - 2014-01-19-20.21.31.jpg]

Made in us
Badass "Sister Sin"

Camas, WA

Great rebs!

Looking for great deals on miniatures or have a large pile you are looking to sell off? Checkout Mindtaker Miniatures.
Live in the Pacific NW? Check out http://ordofanaticus.com
Made in us
Near Golden Daemon Caliber


I quite agree

Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


Nice Rebs, you've done a great job with the rag-tad feel of them with the variation in colour.

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

hey everybody, I wanted to hold off from posting this guy since I wanted to get both him, the grenade launcher guy and doctor Simmonds together since I'm going for a plague infected science team look to them all but I'm quite happy with this and I wanted to share

Also Is it just me, or did anybody else want to paint this guy up as Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney.
[Thumb - phoenix-wright-objection.jpg]
Stop copying me!!!

[Thumb - OBJECTION.jpg]

[Thumb - Plague science team 1 front.jpg]

[Thumb - Plague science team 1 back.jpg]

[Thumb - Leg twins.jpg]
Hmmm we appear to have leg twins...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/04/28 21:52:06

Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

 GrimDork wrote:
Marauder Captain. I like this model, but I have a huge 40K Ork army and I'm not looking forward to painting greenskins...

Don't paint them like orks then, go with a fleshy tone, or maybe a brown or red. Several people have been talking about doing that, I might myself for a change.

Or just swap in and use your existing painted Ork figures and come back to these later on when you can be bothered...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
barnacle111 wrote:
So I need to make a decision between two schemes. Anyone help?

1) blue camo with grey armour
2) brown camo with black?

I want to get a scifi look. My other factions are plague -pale flesh and prison orange, marauders- grey/brown skin and plain green fatigues with orange bits.... (Nb unfinished minis!)
What should I do or change?

I'd go with the blue - rooted enough in reality to work, while still standing out enough for effective tabletop use.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/01/22 09:24:34

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Hey everybody, this probably isn't the right place to post this but seeing as its deadzone related I thought I would post it here.

I've taken a little break from painting and focusing on a bit of modelling lately and one of my larger projects is a custom made deadzone board to be used as a base then the extra deazone scenery placed on top.

Here are a few work in progress pics of my abandoned settlement and a few variations on how the board pieces can be arranged.

[Thumb - Milton project scale.jpg]

[Thumb - Milton project scale2.jpg]

[Thumb - Milton project variation 1.jpg]

[Thumb - Milton project variation 2.jpg]

[Thumb - Milton project variation 3.jpg]

Made in us
Near Golden Daemon Caliber


Ooh modular, that's cool. Keep us posted.

Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


That's pretty cool, I think I might try something like that myself next time I stock up on plasticard. It'd make a nice and cheap modular base until I can grab some more terrain.

Made in us
Near Golden Daemon Caliber


Gah, it makes me hate how much better/more patient other people are with that foamcore board stuff. I am just not a person who can do "clean" paint jobs or cut nice boxy/blocky straight lines into various materials.

On a more topical note, I do kind of know how I want to paint my plague. I just painted some strain from sedition wars, the scheme is super simple and fast, but I think it looks good. No reason it shouldn't work on plague mutants if it works on nano/machine zombie/mutants, right?

Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


Like I said over in your thread, the Strain and Plague should mesh very well, both scheme and model-wise. Space-mutant-zombies are Space-mutant-zombies after all.

It does take patience with plasticard and foam core, to be sure, but there's not that much requirement to be super-accurate with the first layers. I tend to start very, very rough and neaten it up with subsequent layers of detailing. I do sometimes wonder (after 10 hours on a chimera, for example) if it's really worth it. I like it as I enjoy the process of scratch-building, but on the whole, it's probably far less labour/time intensive to just buy plastic terrain, which I believe you have plenty of coming with the KS package.

Made in us
Near Golden Daemon Caliber


Yeah, hopefully Do you make the whole tank from scratch? I love those, wish I had the time and patience I see now that you have blogs, I must go avail myself of them.

With all of these strain, I should be able to just paint up a couple of token Plague models and have a viable temporary force so I can focus something else down. Getting a little twitchy about my enforcers and since I've only done two so far... I may end up changing my mind.

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