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'ere we go! starting an ork army need some advice  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in ca
Sneaky Sniper Drone

Hey everyone! So after kick butt with the tau I decided it is time to switch sides and kick melee butt!

My vision began with the killa cans and deff dreads. So in short I want to build an ork mechanism army supported by floods of Gretchen. Since I gather that they dirt cheap. To start I would like to build a 1500 point list.

I was thinking of getting that space wolf / ork set to start and a few other models.

Any suggestions?
Made in us
Slaanesh Chosen Marine Riding a Fiend


Coming from a guy who loves our Walkers, they are paper thin against certain armies. Melee is still a gimped army style, despite my constant attempts at it. That's not to say i'm telling you not to do this, just don't get too upset if they die too much :(

My suggestion would be first, and foremost, get a Big Mek with KFF. Keep him in a smallish squad of Grots so they can take hits for him. He can give the Grots and your walkers a 5++ invul, which will be imperative to their survival. He can also smack one with a wrench once in a while too. If you really want to keep the repairs going, you can bring extra Meks for 15 points a piece as well, and for each HQ you take, you can take one Mek without using up an HQ slot.

I wish Dreads could be taken in squads, so you could try tossing in a Morkanaught or Gorkanaught as well.

Just be careful with the amount of Grots and where you place them, so they don't end up hindering the Walker's movement.

I could see something like:

HQ: Big Mek (35) ; KFF (50), Fixer Upperz (15, grants a 3+ fix chance)
HQ: Big Mek (35) ; Kff (50), Da Finkin Cap (10, Grants an extra Warlord trait off the Strategic table in the BRB)
HQ Mek x 2 (15 each)


Gretchen x 15 + 1 Runtherd (50)

Gretchen x 15 + 1 Runtherd (50)

Heavy Support:

Killa Kanz x 6 with Rokkits (300)

Deff Dread x 2 with 3 Power Klaws/1 Skorcha (190)

So fa, thats 815 points.

Id suggest tossing the Big Meks and little Meks into the 2 Grot mobs, and spread them out, try to get the two KFF's to overlap and grant each walker the save, without keeping the Walkers too close to get Pie Plates dropped onto them. Then RUN up the board. The Kanz can fire pot shots as they draw closer with their Rokkits to help pop vehicles, or you can give them Skorcha's like the dreads, to deter people from charging them with the D3+1 overwatch, or to flame and soften up an infantry unit you plan on charging with the kanz. Dreads have 3 PK to rip up anything they get into contact with, and with the flamer to deter enemy charges/soften a targeted unit.

The Meks wade behind them in the Grots for wound absorption. Even Grots will be annoying with a 5++ invul fom shooting attacks, same with the walkers.

With your leftover points, you could try giving the Dreads the Grot Rigger upgrade to give them IWND to repair hull points and the Meks can try to repair weapons/immobilized results as well.

My suggestion is bring some Mek Gunz. Lobbas are great and can provide serious cover fire for your walkers, or Dakka Jets to zip by over head and lay down some suppressive fire. If you decide to invest in a Mork/Gorkanaught, these guys can be a pain in anyone's side with an invul save, meks to fix their 5 HP, or Grot Riggers for IWND. They can provide some great fire power and provide a massive distraction as well. Threat saturation is key.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/07/26 22:05:42

Made in ca
Sneaky Sniper Drone

Melevolence wrote:
Coming from a guy who loves our Walkers, they are paper thin against certain armies. Melee is still a gimped army style, despite my constant attempts at it. That's not to say i'm telling you not to do this, just don't get too upset if they die too much :(

My suggestion would be first, and foremost, get a Big Mek with KFF. Keep him in a smallish squad of Grots so they can take hits for him. He can give the Grots and your walkers a 5++ invul, which will be imperative to their survival. He can also smack one with a wrench once in a while too. If you really want to keep the repairs going, you can bring extra Meks for 15 points a piece as well, and for each HQ you take, you can take one Mek without using up an HQ slot.

I wish Dreads could be taken in squads, so you could try tossing in a Morkanaught or Gorkanaught as well.

Just be careful with the amount of Grots and where you place them, so they don't end up hindering the Walker's movement.

I could see something like:

HQ: Big Mek (35) ; KFF (50), Fixer Upperz (15, grants a 3+ fix chance)
HQ: Big Mek (35) ; Kff (50), Da Finkin Cap (10, Grants an extra Warlord trait off the Strategic table in the BRB)
HQ Mek x 2 (15 each)


Gretchen x 15 + 1 Runtherd (50)

Gretchen x 15 + 1 Runtherd (50)

Heavy Support:

Killa Kanz x 6 with Rokkits (300)

Deff Dread x 2 with 3 Power Klaws/1 Skorcha (190)

So fa, thats 815 points.

Id suggest tossing the Big Meks and little Meks into the 2 Grot mobs, and spread them out, try to get the two KFF's to overlap and grant each walker the save, without keeping the Walkers too close to get Pie Plates dropped onto them. Then RUN up the board. The Kanz can fire pot shots as they draw closer with their Rokkits to help pop vehicles, or you can give them Skorcha's like the dreads, to deter people from charging them with the D3+1 overwatch, or to flame and soften up an infantry unit you plan on charging with the kanz. Dreads have 3 PK to rip up anything they get into contact with, and with the flamer to deter enemy charges/soften a targeted unit.

The Meks wade behind them in the Grots for wound absorption. Even Grots will be annoying with a 5++ invul fom shooting attacks, same with the walkers.

With your leftover points, you could try giving the Dreads the Grot Rigger upgrade to give them IWND to repair hull points and the Meks can try to repair weapons/immobilized results as well.

My suggestion is bring some Mek Gunz. Lobbas are great and can provide serious cover fire for your walkers, or Dakka Jets to zip by over head and lay down some suppressive fire. If you decide to invest in a Mork/Gorkanaught, these guys can be a pain in anyone's side with an invul save, meks to fix their 5 HP, or Grot Riggers for IWND. They can provide some great fire power and provide a massive distraction as well. Threat saturation is key.

Wow thanks this is excellent information! I exalted thanks for the details.

My ork army is going to be my "fun" army. I live mecha and in a statement I never thought I would make, the ork mecha is stunning.

The tactics you gave are great, I might just pick up a flier.
Made in gb
Tough-as-Nails Ork Boy

Hong Kong

If youre a Tau player switching to Orks, first thing you need to come to terms with is that you'll probably start loosing more often then you used to, until you become experienced with your ladz. Everything Melevolence said is solid, but if you are genuinely interested in playing orks, then you need to familiarise yourself with the age old saying "boys before toys." That sample list above was only 815 points, so if you go with something similar then I whole heartedly recommend (as someone who has played exclusively orks for many years) that you put in some units of boys, and some nobz. And if you ever want to expand your army a little more, look into lootas and maybe some flash gitz. The entirely mechanized theme is a cool one, but not one i see going too excellently without some ladz to back you up, also without a warboss in your army you cant call a Waagh!. But hey, if you want to make an army of killa kanz and dreads, go nuts, just make sure you paint 'em all yellow

Melevolence wrote:

My suggestion is bring some Mek Gunz. Lobbas are great and can provide serious cover fire for your walkers, .

Are big gunz still a thing? I thought they were replaced entirely with these weird new Mek gun things? When i read the new dex for the first time the other day there was an entry for the new weird mek guns, but i couldnt find anything in there for good ol' lobbas or kannons.

Made in us
Slaanesh Chosen Marine Riding a Fiend


WE Drake Man wrote:
If youre a Tau player switching to Orks, first thing you need to come to terms with is that you'll probably start loosing more often then you used to, until you become experienced with your ladz. Everything Melevolence said is solid, but if you are genuinely interested in playing orks, then you need to familiarise yourself with the age old saying "boys before toys." That sample list above was only 815 points, so if you go with something similar then I whole heartedly recommend (as someone who has played exclusively orks for many years) that you put in some units of boys, and some nobz. And if you ever want to expand your army a little more, look into lootas and maybe some flash gitz. The entirely mechanized theme is a cool one, but not one i see going too excellently without some ladz to back you up, also without a warboss in your army you cant call a Waagh!. But hey, if you want to make an army of killa kanz and dreads, go nuts, just make sure you paint 'em all yellow

Melevolence wrote:

My suggestion is bring some Mek Gunz. Lobbas are great and can provide serious cover fire for your walkers, .

Are big gunz still a thing? I thought they were replaced entirely with these weird new Mek gun things? When i read the new dex for the first time the other day there was an entry for the new weird mek guns, but i couldnt find anything in there for good ol' lobbas or kannons.

Yep! The Big Gunz have simply been relabled 'Mek Gunz', and when you buy them for 18 points, they start off as Kannonz, and can be turned into Lobbas for free, then you can start paying extra points to make them the newer artillery
Made in hr
Flashy Flashgitz


I would recommend picking up the Waaagh! Ghazghkull supplement, it has a dread mob formation that includes 3 mobs of 3 killa kans, 3 deff dreads and 2 'nauts. They get 'Ere We Go!, so they can re-roll one dice when rolling for charge distance (and take part in the Waaagh! if you also take a warboss) and a special rule that gives them D3 HoW attacks instead of 1.

The formation itself costs 1235 points without any upgrades, so you'd have a difficult time fielding it at 1500 points. It could still work, since grots are so cheap.

If you're going to use the formation, I'd suggest you field 2 morkanauts with KFFs. The 'nauts are on the large oval base, meaning their KFF bubble will be huge! You should be able to fit all of your kans and dreads in the field, which will make it that much easier to stomp across the field.

Upgrades to look out for when playing a dread mob are extra armor and the new grot riggers. Extra armor will keep you moving, which is really important for your dreads and 'nauts. Grot riggers give IWND now, which is amazing on a 'naut and quite alright on dreads too. Kans can also use grot riggers, but with only 2 hull points they won't get many chances to roll for it.

You should also consider using 'nauts more heavily. I'm personally a huge fan of the model, but even if you're not too fond of it, you can just make your own! Rules-wise, they are big dreads for all intents and purposes. Their small transport capacity will allow you to get a 'mek workshop' - a unit of 3 mekboys and 2 lootas/burnas - in them, which will make them almost impossible to kill.

Gorkanauts also have their own formation, called the krushin' krew. It's basically just 3 'nauts with whatever upgrades you give 'em. They gain a special rule that gives them Furious Charge on turn 2, but this is completely useless unless your klaw gets blown off. On turn 3, they gain Hatred and on turn 4 they gain Shred.

The best part about the krushin' krew is that it's 'cheap'. It's only 735 points without upgrades, so if you field a combined arms detachment next to it, you could still field 700+ points of kans, dreads and grots next to it.

Good luck with your army! Waaaagh!!!

Krush, stomp, kill! 
Made in ca
Sneaky Sniper Drone

Krushin'krew sounds like my cup of tea! Ill defenitly make sure to include some boyz. I dont mind losing, just sitting back and shooting is boring. I want an army I can recklessly charge with and enjoy my hobby.
Made in gb
Steadfast Ultramarine Sergeant

Looky Likey

The Dreadmob in IA 8 while due a PDF update from FW for 7th and the new codex is pretty good if you want to field a walker heavy army, particularly as deff dreads are troops and can be fielded in squads of 3. Mega and Mek Dreads are a lot of fun and go well with Morkanaughts.
Made in ca
Sneaky Sniper Drone

Looky Likey wrote:
The Dreadmob in IA 8 while due a PDF update from FW for 7th and the new codex is pretty good if you want to field a walker heavy army, particularly as deff dreads are troops and can be fielded in squads of 3. Mega and Mek Dreads are a lot of fun and go well with Morkanaughts.

Hey so I just picked up storm claw and the Ork codex. Looking through it Cans and Deft Dreads are heavy support. Is it ony in Imperial Armour that it say these units can become troops?
Made in us
Big Mek in Kustom Dragster with Soopa-Gun

Nebraska, USA

Unfortunately yes. The only way to field enough walkers to even attempt a walker list now is using IA8 which requires forgeworld enabled play (some people are oppose to it) or double CAD....which apparently every single tournament is banning. Hell im hearing some are banning the ork one, which is just obsurred when they kinda NEED that 3rd HQ to function. Could care less about the 9 troops lol i never even use 6 troops and i play fine - but i always have 3 hqs.

I want to run walkers, since i have 6 kans 3 dredds and the materials to kitbash a gorkanaut and stompa once i get the motivation to do it. But you just cannot field them in the same list without IA8 or 2x CAD, so its very limited to where i can bring it. Hell if i wanted to i can kitbash a 4th dredd, since i have a hellbrute in my bitsbox and one of my dredds is a converted hellbrute. But thats why i dont want to lol i want to keep that thing unique.

Another issue with IA8 is theres a ton of rules that got updated in the codex, but not the IA8. Some of it is now redundant, useless, or broken lol. Mega Dredds still get grot riggers for 5pts, which is kinda nuts. Almost all of it is obvious rule conflicts and can be houseruled though, such as deffdredds score now despite that IA8 book noting that even though theyre troop choices, deff dredds cannot score.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/07/28 23:15:00

An ork with an idea tends to end with a bang.

14000pts Big 'n Bad Orkz
6000pts Admech/Knights
7500pts Necron Goldboys 
Made in ca
Sneaky Sniper Drone

Thanks for the confirmation Vineheart. That is a shame, since a Mecha army is where my heart lies. Though as I read the codex and look at the models, I'm not impartial to a flashgitz list. Love the Space Pirate angle.

Will there be an IA 9 soon? If there is, is it likely to adjust for the new rules for da Orkz?

In the interest of not starting a new thread and clogging up the site, here are some more Ork questions:

BurnaBomb/Deff Bomba/ or Dakka Jet? Is there a hierarchy of fliers for Orks? Never used a flier before since I found the Tau ones uuuuugly.

Trucks or Battle wagons as transport: Thinking of getting the boys and truck combo for, you guessed it, my boys, and a battlewagon for my mechanobs, is this solid?

Also, deft koptas, they look so silly and awesome, but are they worth it?
Made in hk
Tough-as-Nails Ork Boy

Hong Kong

I personally prefer the Dakka Jet because of the option to add the third gun + red paint job makes it a cheap and relatively reliable flyer, but ive never actually run the other two, only seen them on paper.

Trukks are ok, but they are pretty squishy, so if you want something that can absorb a bit more damage and hold more than 12 boyz, go with wagons. Theyre expensive however, so i think its best to use a combination of both. I normally put my burna mob with a big mek in my battlewagon and if im running trukks, just fill them with boyz

Deff koptas are great, some people ive seen dont like them, but give them a buzz saw and considering they can deploy wherever they want, you have the potential for a turn 1 assault. Ill say that again - TURN 1 ASSAULT, and thats what orks are all about, so yeah get some deffkoptas

Also in terms of the running a mekanized army, boyz before toyz is really just a guideline, and its 100% to still krump gitz without any boyz, youll just have to play more carefully. The krushin krew sounds like a good way to go, so does the dread mob. Ill need to pick up the Gaz supplement soon to see what it offers

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2014/07/29 01:02:35

Made in gb
Steadfast Ultramarine Sergeant

Looky Likey

Shaso_Keo wrote:
Will there be an IA 9 soon? If there is, is it likely to adjust for the new rules for da Orkz?
IA9 covers different armies. At some point next year at the earliest I would expect IA8 2nd edition, but we should get a PDF update for free on the FW website in the next couple of months that fixes everything. A lot of the FW Ork models are in IA8 so currently are harder to field than they should be, so FW should have an incentive to sort this.
Made in ca
Sneaky Sniper Drone

Great thanks for the info.

Are there any holes in this army I should be aware of? For example is there a lack of anti-air or some such? Currently got the equivalent of beer goggles for the Ork codex.
Made in hr
Flashy Flashgitz


Shaso_Keo wrote:
Great thanks for the info.

Are there any holes in this army I should be aware of? For example is there a lack of anti-air or some such? Currently got the equivalent of beer goggles for the Ork codex.

Orks are mostly an assault force. Due to their raw stats and army-wide special rules, they're at their best when charging the enemy. You can definitely make other kinds of armies though!

I haven't played with my orks in 7th edition as of yet, since I still want to repaint a lot of them and add new units, but what I learnt by playing a lot in 5th is that you should always have multiples of everything.

Don't take just one 30 ork mob of shoota boys, take 3. Similarly, if you plan on relying on tankbustas for your AT, grab multiple mobs.

Ork shooting isn't necessarily bad, but a bit unreliable. Because of the low BS all around, the best way to kill stuff in the shooting phase is to shoot them a lot. A lot of our more specialist mobs don't/can't have the numbers to pull that off, which makes them less effective and reliable than those of other races. A unit of eldar fire dragons will bust any vehicle you throw 'em at, while the aforementioned tankbustas might blow it up... Or they might miss every shot because BS2.

An ork mech army can be really strong. Walkers have gotten better in 7th due to the changes to vehicles. It also helps that we have access to the KFF or MFF (if you have W!G) and IWND on every one of our walkers. Grot riggers on everything will mean your opponent has to blow up your vehicles one at a time or risk regeneration rolls. The weakness of a dread army will definitely be shooting. Outside of killa kans and morkanauts, you won't have a lot of ranged AT. You'll also have to watch out for knights and equivalents, as they are basically your dreads+1 and will mess you up in close combat.

As for a non-formation dread mob, you could just use multi-CAD. A big mek and 2 mobs of gretchin gets you 3 HS slots. That's pretty great value, for only 105 points you could take another 18 killa kans or another 3 deff dreads or another 3 'nauts in any combination. In 7th, you can have as many CADs/FOCs as you like, as long as you field the mandatory HQ + 2 Troops. Alternatively, you could just go unbound if you don't mind losing objective secured. After all, 105 points isn't much, but it could still be another dread or 2 kans.

Krush, stomp, kill! 
Made in ca
Sneaky Sniper Drone

Well what drew me to the irks was a) complete opposite of tau by being all about melee as opposed to shoot and b) their hilaoursness and c) dem sweet sweet conversion opportunities on their vehicles. So bad shooting is fine I just want some fisty-cuffs to go down!
Made in us
Frenzied Berserker Terminator

Grab stompa. They're awesome, 7th legal, and are in our codex!

" $@#& YOU! There are 3 things I want in a guy: Tall, Handsome, and plays Dark Eldar!"-every woman since
November 2010 
Made in us
Loyal Necron Lychguard


 Dalymiddleboro wrote:
Grab stompa. They're awesome, 7th legal, and are in our codex!

Eh, personally I don't think the stompa is worth his points, to be quite honest.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Shaso_Keo wrote:
Well what drew me to the irks was a) complete opposite of tau by being all about melee as opposed to shoot and b) their hilaoursness and c) dem sweet sweet conversion opportunities on their vehicles. So bad shooting is fine I just want some fisty-cuffs to go down!

Actually, Ork gunline is a very viable option now. They have some pretty decent shooting. Heck, that's how I'd play them.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/07/30 19:38:47

8th Edtion: 9405 pts - Varantekh Dynasty  
Made in us
Slaanesh Chosen Marine Riding a Fiend


 krodarklorr wrote:
 Dalymiddleboro wrote:
Grab stompa. They're awesome, 7th legal, and are in our codex!

Eh, personally I don't think the stompa is worth his points, to be quite honest.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Shaso_Keo wrote:
Well what drew me to the irks was a) complete opposite of tau by being all about melee as opposed to shoot and b) their hilaoursness and c) dem sweet sweet conversion opportunities on their vehicles. So bad shooting is fine I just want some fisty-cuffs to go down!

Actually, Ork gunline is a very viable option now. They have some pretty decent shooting. Heck, that's how I'd play them.

Stompas are best in smaller point games, ironically, where your opponent has less answers for a 13 HP vehicle thats immune to EXPLODES! results, and can be filled with Mek Workshop.

As for our Gunlines, we can do it well with our artillery these days. They can answer most any opposition. Lobbas for infantry, Kannons for a mix of anti infantry and anti vehicle, Kustom Mega Kannons for straight up Marine murdering and sometimes vehicle picking. Bubble Chuckas are a strange beast. At their 'worst', they are cutting through Marine armor, and at their 'best', they are glancing weaker vehicles and ensuring successful hits on troops, but not getting through armor. (More hits = more potential fails), and our Traktor Kannons (Still the most situation of all, but still good) can derail fliers and FMC with relative ease, especially with Grot shooting. I just wish we have longer ranged weapons to make the most of it, as not many armies will come to us.

Shootas are far too pathetic range wise, and only Lootas have the coveted 48" range, but struggle to compete for space with our Big Gunz/Mek Gunz. Even Big Shootas/Rokkits only get to 24". Again, with this being Shooty Edition 2.0, Orks still have to provide plenty of bodies to rush their gunline while our own hammers down their numbers.
Made in ca
Sneaky Sniper Drone

Well that is why I am thinking Boys in Trucks, Nobz on bikes, and Mega Nobz in battle wagons. I just want to flood the enemy in green.

Speaking of green, do I have to paint my Orks that bright green? Is there fluff where I can paint them a more dark green, like olive? I would like to create a more realistic skin tone... which is funny... because it is still green.
Made in us
Smokin' Skorcha Driver

Dallas, TX

Shaso_Keo wrote:
Krushin'krew sounds like my cup of tea! Ill defenitly make sure to include some boyz. I dont mind losing, just sitting back and shooting is boring.

Wish more of your Tau brothers thought that way, it'd make the game more fun for everyone. So good on you my friend.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/07/31 01:22:10

Made in us
Slaanesh Chosen Marine Riding a Fiend


Shaso_Keo wrote:
Well that is why I am thinking Boys in Trucks, Nobz on bikes, and Mega Nobz in battle wagons. I just want to flood the enemy in green.

Speaking of green, do I have to paint my Orks that bright green? Is there fluff where I can paint them a more dark green, like olive? I would like to create a more realistic skin tone... which is funny... because it is still green.

People have painted their Ork skin blue or red before, and I'm certain I've seen purple ones too. There is no rule saying you can't. People often come up with backstory as too why the skin color is different. Some of the Orks I bought on Ebay were painted brown skinned for more savage/jungle native look. Go nuts! It's your army!
Made in ca
Sneaky Sniper Drone

mrfantastical wrote:
Shaso_Keo wrote:
Krushin'krew sounds like my cup of tea! Ill defenitly make sure to include some boyz. I dont mind losing, just sitting back and shooting is boring.

Wish more of your Tau brothers thought that way, it'd make the game more fun for everyone. So good on you my friend.

Haha hey thanks!

So if I went hot pink that would be cool? Ha, no, I wouldn't do that.... unless I put flowers in their hair.... and made the choppers into banjos.... and the shootas into daisy guns...... turn the warbuggies into hippy vans....NO NO I am not doing a hippy conversion of Orks!! It would be to cruel.... but Orks with hippy glasses....
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Shaso_Keo wrote:
mrfantastical wrote:
Shaso_Keo wrote:
Krushin'krew sounds like my cup of tea! Ill defenitly make sure to include some boyz. I dont mind losing, just sitting back and shooting is boring.

Wish more of your Tau brothers thought that way, it'd make the game more fun for everyone. So good on you my friend.

Haha hey thanks!

So if I went hot pink that would be cool? Ha, no, I wouldn't do that.... unless I put flowers in their hair.... and made the choppers into banjos.... and the shootas into daisy guns...... turn the warbuggies into hippy vans....NO NO I am not doing a hippy conversion of Orks!! It would be to cruel.... but Orks with hippy glasses....

I always wanted to do a clown themed Ork army but never got around to it. Sorry off topic

Made in us
Big Mek in Kustom Dragster with Soopa-Gun

Nebraska, USA

mrfantastical wrote:
Shaso_Keo wrote:
Krushin'krew sounds like my cup of tea! Ill defenitly make sure to include some boyz. I dont mind losing, just sitting back and shooting is boring.

Wish more of your Tau brothers thought that way, it'd make the game more fun for everyone. So good on you my friend.

Thats how i play my tau too. Obviously theres still the extent of sitting back but im usually charging close for rapid fire range, side armor, or better angles to prevent barricade cover. And unlike other tau players im not opposed to assault, or tankshocking. In fact, i tank shock a LOT and it shocks (badum-tsssh) my opponent every time. Nobody does that, not even Orks do it that often, yet i do it all the time.
I dont regularly assault but i actively seek situations where i can pull it off. Ive charged my Crisis Suits or big blob of drones into things several times. Usually by no means needed to do it but i did it anyway because i can lol.

An ork with an idea tends to end with a bang.

14000pts Big 'n Bad Orkz
6000pts Admech/Knights
7500pts Necron Goldboys 
Made in de
Ork Admiral Kroozin Da Kosmos on Da Hulk

If you want to field a walker list,. the Dreadmob from Waaagh! Ghazghkull is probably the way to go. Issue is, the the formation basically come up to 1500 all by itself, and you've got two HQ you can do nothing with except hiding them in a Morkanaut:

Big Mek, Mega Force Field (4++ KFF) 110
Painboy 50
2 Morkanauts, KFF 560
3 Deff Dreads, 2 big shoota 240
3x3 Killa Kans, Rokkits 450

Adds up to 1410 already.

You'll probably want at least as second CAD to have a Waaagh! for your walkers and some place to hide your HQs:
Warboss, MA, Lukky Stikk
2x 20 boyz, Nob, BP, PK

So, you're up to 1845 minimum for fielding this kind of army, so you'd probably have to aim for a 2000 points army.

Second option would be using double CADs, but you'll have to invest a lot more into non-walker units:
Big Mek, KFF 85

2x 20 Boyz, Nob, BP, PK 320

Deff Dread, 2x Big Shootaz 80
Deff Dread, 2x Big Shootaz 80
Morkanaut, KFF 280

Big Mek, KFF 85

2x 20 Boyz, Nob, BP, PK 320

Deff Dread, 2x Big Shootaz 80
Deff Dread, 2x Big Shootaz 80
Deff Dread, 2x Big Shootaz 80

Totals to 1490, so you could still toss a relic or something onto your warlord. You can also just upgrade one Deffdread into a second Morkanaut to get yourself a 1750 points list.

7 Ork facts people always get wrong:
Ragnar did not win against Thrakka, but suffered two crushing defeats within a few days of each other.
A lasgun is powerful enough to sever an ork's appendage or head in a single, well aimed shot.
Orks meks have a better understanding of electrics and mechanics than most Tech Priests.
Orks do not think that purple makes them harder to see. They do think that camouflage does however, without knowing why.
Gharkull Blackfang did not even come close to killing the emperor.
Orks can be corrupted by chaos, but few of them have any interest in what chaos offers.
Orks do not have the power of believe. 
Made in ca
Sneaky Kommando

If you're looking for a walker list, I'd skip the deff dred entirely unless you want to save points. The reason is that most of your fire support in this codex comes from the heavy support section, and you're going to be filling it with walkers. Kans, with BS 3 and the ability to take Grotzookas and rokkits, can do decent duty as fire support in a pinch, while the deff dred is generally better off optimized entirely for melee. Don't get me wrong; kans still belong in assault, but this way you get to do some shooting along the way, and 6 kans with grotzookas is 12 S6 blast markers per turn. TWELVE! PER TURN!

Riggers aren't really worth in on kans IMHO because of the way hits are assigned to squadded vehicles, you're more likely to get one wrecked or destroyed than to get several missing a hull point. A Morkanaut with KFF and riggers, maybe with a mek inside, will make your kan wall incredibly tough. A Morkanaut and twelve kans takes up all the heavy support in one FOC and run about 900 points. The Gorkanaut is a good choice too for all that killy power, but the KFF on the Morkanaut will make a huge difference to the survivability of your kans and the size of the base makes this a much better option than a KFF big mek.

You're mostly covered for everything except anti-air, so in that case a dakkajet with a fighta ace is probably your next stop. The typical use of meganobz (and one that is unreasonably effective a lot of the time) is to put them in a trukk, point them at something really valuable in your opponent's army, and drive straight at it at full speed. He'll either have to eat a turn 2 charge with 12 S9 ap2 attacks or waste an inordinate amount of fire trying to kill them (and it takes a LOT of small arms fire to bring down T4 W2 Sv2+ meganobz). Assault vehicle means you can charge even if (when) he blows up your trukk.

Slap some grot mobs in there to make up the troops requirement, maybe take a big mek to lead the way, and you're well on your way. If you have points to spare, a Nobz mob with a Warboss and Painboy in a battlewagon with riggers is a scary powerful unit that hits like a Mack truck and is tough to bring down. Surround the morkanaut and wagon with grotz to stop deep striking melta weapons from ruining your fun.

I don't know if this is necessarily the most competitive list, I've had a lot of success with kans so far but I've not tried spamming them yet. But it's thematic as hell and should do pretty well against most infantry-heavy armies. And it uses all the models from the Stormclaw box, as a happy coincidence.

Blood rains down from an angry sky, my WAAAGH! rages on, my WAAAGH! rages on! 
Made in hk
Tough-as-Nails Ork Boy

Hong Kong

Shaso_Keo wrote:
Well that is why I am thinking Boys in Trucks, Nobz on bikes, and Mega Nobz in battle wagons. I just want to flood the enemy in green.

Speaking of green, do I have to paint my Orks that bright green? Is there fluff where I can paint them a more dark green, like olive? I would like to create a more realistic skin tone... which is funny... because it is still green.

Boyz in Trukks, Nobz on bikes, and mega nobz in battle wagons would be my go-to list. I know its not necessarily the best, and if i genuinely wanted to be competivie id change things, but i still think that it is without a doubt the most enjoyable way to play in a game of 40k, theres just nothing like the green tide of boyz and nobz

As for skin, my orks have very dark green skin, I think of it as an orky sun-tan

Made in ca
Sneaky Sniper Drone

WE Drake Man wrote:

Boyz in Trukks, Nobz on bikes, and mega nobz in battle wagons would be my go-to list. I know its not necessarily the best, and if i genuinely wanted to be competivie id change things, but i still think that it is without a doubt the most enjoyable way to play in a game of 40k, theres just nothing like the green tide of boyz and nobz

As for skin, my orks have very dark green skin, I think of it as an orky sun-tan

I like the Orky sun tan, very Nice. Though I think when I paint it will be the Uruk-hai look of lord of the rings coloring.

I was wondering what the general consensus is on Burna boys? Since we have that horrible BS 2, I was thinking of using flama's or scorcha's to counter that poor BS. Now I know that flamers require us to be close. But I was thinking of throwing them in a red Trukk and taking advantage of the open-top-ness and create a burning truck of smoky BBQ. Thoughts on Burna boys?

My main issue with them is that they take up an Elite slot.... though I do not plan on having more than 10 Meganobz, and 15 nobz on bikes, so I guess there is some room in my elites.... but not sure if burns are worth it, since I could just put those flamers on my meganobz or Kill kanz.
Made in hk
Tough-as-Nails Ork Boy

Hong Kong

rather then put them in a trukk, i usually run a big mob of 19 with a big mek inside a battlewagon, then i just use them as an nasty assault unit, with some decent survivability. But, putting them in a trukk with red paint job on it it still good, provided you can keep the trukk from being destroyed

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