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Ghostbusters: The Board Game - @$1,302,903 Next SG @ $1325K  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Quite right, Dark Severence. KS just makes sure to get its share before disbursing anything to the creator. If there was ever a case that clearly illustrated the difference between a bet and an investment, it's KS. But really, any time you enter into any contract you are making a bet. As consumers, most of us are used to making very safe bets. Maybe part of the excitement of KS is the risk?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/02/11 07:00:27

Made in gb
Smokin' Skorcha Driver

Was looking forward to this and then realised it would cost me well over £100 after shipping, import taxes and the Royal Mail double-dipping me. Guess Im waiting until it hits retail.

Join us on the Phoenix Forum for Bolt Action Tournaments and Much More:

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Just Curious, was the Wotc vs Cryptozoic/Hex lawsuit ever settled? A big legal battle hanging over their heads may be pertinent.
Made in us

So now that we've seen that KS Campaigns are actually 'contracts', where's that 'Montana beach front property' along with accompanying 'bridge' we were promised?
Made in us
Incorporating Wet-Blending

 CaulynDarr wrote:
Just Curious, was the Wotc vs Cryptozoic/Hex lawsuit ever settled? A big legal battle hanging over their heads may be pertinent.

Oh, heck no.

Most parties settle, but, even then, this sort of thing can easily take a year or longer.

For the HQ25 project, I did some research and followed some Hasbro (and thus WotC's) IP disputes, including WotC vs. Cryptozoic. If you know more, please add!

Crimson Scales and Wildspire Miniatures thread on Reaper! : https://forum.reapermini.com/index.php?/topic/103935-wildspire-miniatures-thread/ 
Made in us


First stretch goal is an upgrade! And who could have asked for a better one?

Made in us
Infiltrating Prowler

Portland, OR

Yeah it is funded!

 Pete Melvin wrote:
Was looking forward to this and then realised it would cost me well over £100 after shipping, import taxes and the Royal Mail double-dipping me. Guess Im waiting until it hits retail.
It is roughly £82 for the Paranormal pledge or £111 for Mass Hysteria pledge, that includes VAT. Shipping is still a concern to the EU, it is something that is however being looked into so I'd definitely at least set a 'Remind Me' and check back with it later to see if they resolved it.

 CaulynDarr wrote:
Just Curious, was the Wotc vs Cryptozoic/Hex lawsuit ever settled? A big legal battle hanging over their heads may be pertinent.
Cryptozoic Entertainment LLC split as a company with the Hex team creating HEX Entertainment LLC. It is my understanding this was not due to the lawsuit but their desire to switch to a full time HEX team and business vs splitting resources to Trading Cards/Board Games and HEX. HEX Entertainment LLC was added to the defendant list in the lawsuit as well.

WoTC vs Cryptozoic Entertainment LLC was filed on 05/14/2014 for pantent infringement. The latest docket entry was 01/13/2015 and is currently still in discussions between the lawyers of the parties. A lot of back and forth. In other words, unless there is a settlement, this is going to take at least a couple more years before it is fully in court and finished.

None of which actually effects the Ghostbusters KS as their funds encompass something else entirely. Currently it is my understanding that almost every CZE projects is self contained in terms of cost. This ensures that if one project tanks, it doesn't effect the company or other future projects as a whole. By the time there is a settlement or goes to court, Ghostbusters KS would have already been completed and delivered as well.

 Manchu wrote:
First stretch goal is an upgrade! And who could have asked for a better one?
But I want to know what that means, now we have to wait until its unlocked. I'm guessing it is upgrading the token to a plastic miniature. I am both happy and sad. Happy that it'll actually be a miniature but sad because its a board game, so it isn't a miniatures game per say which means it probably isn't scaled to the right size (determined from how its shown used in the initial video). I could be wrong though.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/02/11 17:54:57

Made in us


The Ecto-1 miniature is definitely not in 28mm:
CZE wrote:The game board squares are 1.5" x1.5 inches. The ECTO-1 will not "entirely" fill two game board squares but will be large enough to clearly take up space in two squares.

Made in us
Infiltrating Prowler

Portland, OR

 Manchu wrote:
The Ecto-1 miniature is definitely not in 28mm
Which is why I'm sad because it would be pretty cool to have a 28mm one. If it was a different company I could see them doing a plastic one for the game box and a 28mm scale in resin but fairly sure they won't. I'm happy though its an actual miniature which is better than a token.
Made in us


People are complaining that it's a $50K stretch goal, and that does seem a bit much, but it doesn't trouble me too much considering it is an upgrade rather than an add-on.

Made in us
Infiltrating Prowler

Portland, OR

 Manchu wrote:
People are complaining that it's a $50K stretch goal, and that does seem a bit much, but it doesn't trouble me too much considering it is an upgrade rather than an add-on.
When you compare to other KS it definitely does seem a bit high but that depends on who is doing their manufacturing. I doubt they are using the normal board game manufacturers we're familiar with, only because I'm not sure they could deliver based on the timeline. Without seeing more stretch goals it is hard to say the real direction they are going to guess where costs are actually being distributed. Unfortunately they usually won't announce the next Stretch Goal until this one is achieved. It is however an upgrade to the base box so that means all future base games will have them so that is a bonus.

If it was me, I could see them making the first stretch goal higher. Then use that to offset 'current' shipping costs to EU, thus reducing it to a more manageable amount. This creates a fairly quick and responsive answer to EU issues, helps generate more in terms of $$$. In the meantime still continue looking and creating an alternate shipping method (cheapest method would be to simply ship a pallet to Amazon.UK, set a far future sell date (so stock doesn't sell), then upload a excel spreadsheet to them to ship to backers out of that current stock utilizing amazon prime shipping methods). Once one is secured then they can later on use that as a method to add a "free miniatures or upgrades" stretch goal and could continue momentum. Worse case they don't negotiate lower shipping costs but because of the SG are able to soak up VAT charges themselves lowering shipping overall and SGs continue.

It'll take a few stretch goals though to see what the big picture is though.
Made in us


Nice summary from KS comments:
GarageGaming wrote:I am actually a fan of Zombiecide, although I prefer Zombiecide 3 out of all of them. It is a simple yet fun game that has a lot of repeated plays. My family and I are fans of cooperative games, mainly because it is easier to play with the family and not have someone get frustrated because a player understands game mechanics better than another. Zombiecide tiles are fairly large (10"x10"), but provide enough to do with campaigns and other things to change the setup even when using the same tiles. The gameplay really depends on the campaign setups for them. Survivors make noise, zombies move towards noise. Zombiecide uses a simple zone mechanic (large square sections or rooms) for movement spaces so moving across the whole board is fairly quickly... although that can be dangerous. You search rooms to get weapons or ambushed, while trying to achieve your objective as a team. Each zombie kill gets you exp, exp means you unlock new skills but also increases the amount of threat generated through zombie spawns. The movement and game is predictable but with a bit of surprise so no game is the same twice.

Just looking at the cards, game board and dice it is clear it isn't a Z clone or rehash, at least in my opinion and observations (obviously more will be known once we see game play). Ghostbusters doesn't have equipment cards so no searching for weapons/ambush; There do not appear to be doors/objectives markers so it doesn't use a door mechanic like Z; There also isn't a player spawn deck to determine if most ghosts (Zombies) appear like Zomebiecide, so ghost spawn is handled differently. The similarities to Z are that it has square tiles (smaller 5.5"x5.5"), dice, miniatures, uses gate tokens for spawns(?), and has an exp track for characters but that is about as far as similarities are. The which are smaller do utilize a common square mechanic for movement similar to dungeon crawlers (has more in common than a dungeon crawler than Z). Ghosts appear to move based on 8 sided dice roll in different directions. The ghosts are also a bit more unique compared to zombies, as they have different rules other than 'runner/walker and 1-2 health'. Since each ghost type is different, that introduces new mechanics that aren't utilized in Z. There are no noise counters (unless streams are equivalent and I'm not sure they are) and no needing to search room for weapons. Depending on if you hit, miss or trap a ghost, ghosts react a certain way (outlined in the cards). Some move away randomly, others move towards the closest slime and some move towards the players. Other ghosts when on the same tile combine to become a bigger ghost. Galloping Ghouls enter the square as another Galloping Ghoul it becomes Gruesome Twosome, Gruesome Twosomes become Boogaloos. I am assuming stream counters are different colors for another mechanic because you can't obviously cross the streams(?).

That is observation based on taking 5 minutes to read the cards, look at the game setup and pay attention in the video. Obviously a game play video will help and it is being updated as previous footage was determined not up to par. It is clear it isn't Zombiecide.
Is that you Dark Severance?

And my observations:
Well ... we know that each player has a certain number of actions to "move, shoot proton streams, deposit trapped ghosts, use unique character abilities, and drive the Ecto-1." And we know that ghosts' AI is based on reacting to the players (if hit/miss, then ___) and that lesser ghosts combine into greater ones. We know that ghosts spawn from gate tokens each turn based on a dice roll. We know that ghosts "attack" the players by sliming them, which reduces the number of action they have per turn until the slime is removed. We know that each scenario will have objectives in addition to standard ghost busting and that scenarios are grouped together into campaigns culminating with a boss battle. We still don't know about the PKE meter, but I would guess it has something to do with how many ghosts spawn per turn.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/02/11 18:25:51

Made in us
Infiltrating Prowler

Portland, OR

I will say I don't think CZE is ready to deal with the "new" KS compared to the last time it ran a campaign 2 years ago. KS unfortunately in terms of the "Games" category is much different now in what backers know, expect, and want. If it was simply a board game with miniatures as add-ons, it may be different but since it has miniatures it enters into miniature gamer scrutiny which isn't an easy or non-vocal audience.
Made in us
Excellent Exalted Champion of Chaos

Lake Forest, California, South Orange County

 Manchu wrote:
People are complaining that it's a $50K stretch goal, and that does seem a bit much, but it doesn't trouble me too much considering it is an upgrade rather than an add-on.

People on KS will complain about damn near anything it seems. The stretch could have been 5k and someone would have complained that it wasn't enough. The internet is dark and full of terrors, and there's always at least 1 vocal person who will never be satisfied. Also, I've read a lot of people saying how 250k was such a high goal, and now that 50k is, yet the campaign funded in roughly 30 hours of it's start, and us already halfway to the first stretch goal. Having spoken to the people I know at CZE, the reason for the initial amount is to ensure the game had enough demand to be viable to make at all. KS seems to be used fairly often in this manner, as a gauge for demand and if a company should bother with a project at all. It makes sense to me, wanting to minimize monetary risk on a new product. And while CZE isn't a HUGE company, they are at least big enough that had the KS not funded it would have had zero impact on the rest of the company and thus refunds would have been given out.

I also mentioned the shipping issue and what I was told was that modifying shipping after the campaign is live is not an option. My advice was that in the future shipping be included in the actual backing cost, not added on, even if that means increasing the backing cost. I can say that the people at CZE who are working on the campaign, especially those who are keeping up on the comments and replies, are working very hard on it and are working longer hours. They even have a EU rep who monitors off hours and helps out where possible.

One thing I can say is that the models are pretty decently detailed for how big they are, and are very accurate to their comic artwork. They should paint up nicely.

As for the Slimer issue: the thinking behind Slimer was to give retailers a perk for backing the game, as CZE want retailers to have more incentive to carry the product. Most KS's seem to ignore retailers altogether, let alone make perks specifically for them. I mentioned the public's apparent outrage at this to a few of the people at CZE that I know. Couldn't say whether they will change that or not. Perhaps offering free to retailers and as a paid addon for non retailers?

If anyone here has specific questions about the campaign that haven't been answered on the KS page, PM me and I will ask my sources there and post answers here since this is my gaming home.

"Bryan always said that if the studio ever had to mix with the manufacturing and sales part of the business it would destroy the studio. And I have to say – he wasn’t wrong there! ... It’s become the promotions department of a toy company." -- Rick Priestly
Made in us


I'd like to know what manufacturer they are working with for their plastics.

Made in us
Infiltrating Prowler

Portland, OR

 Manchu wrote:
Is that you Dark Severance?

We still don't know about the PKE meter, but I would guess it has something to do with how many ghosts spawn per turn.
That is a possibility. ^_^

Yeah I'm not sure about the PKE meter either. I believe it is used in combination of determine where a ghost moves since the numbers correlate with rolling a D8. It would be interesting if it also has other uses. Having it contribute to ghost spawns would be interesting, which is the only thing I'm really hazy on. We know they do spawn from the gates but not sure what determines when and if, is it as frequent as every turn or only when certain events happen?

For instance, we hope we have communicated that your characters are driven by the use of "Actions" that you expend in order to affect the game state. Some of these Actions are used to move your character or the Ecto-1, blast proton streams, remove slime from each other, and deposit trapped ghosts.

You may have also garnered information from the character cards that you get additional role-specific "Free Action" as you level up. These are in addition to the one Free Action you get each round that can be used getting in or out of the Ecto-1 and exchanging trapped ghosts with adjacent characters.

Yes, there is a universal "Lose Condition" baked into the game; Ghosts invade through the Gates from the Spirit World, and because ghosts are the insulation for walls between dimensions, if the Spirit World empties out and you trigger a ghost to be summoned, both our worlds collapse. Luckily, Egon and Ray have modified the Ecto-1 with a modified "Dimensionometer" that transfers trapped ghosts back to their world. If you keep our worlds balanced, you may just buy enough time to beat the episode!
That tells us as well that when a ghost is trapped, we use Ecto-1 to transfer the trapped ghost back to their world. It appears that after so many ghosts invade then the walls between the worlds collapse and players lose. The main goal appears to trap ghosts in traps, use Ecto-1 to transfer back and I'm assuming win conditions are based on their "Scenario/Episode" setup.

Most of the game play seems fairly straight forward from there. The dice create randomness for ghost movement. Slime trails also contribute to randomizing ghost movement. Movement is unpredictable and if you get slimed then you get less actions. There are probably a couple other mechanics we're missing.
Made in us
Excellent Exalted Champion of Chaos

Lake Forest, California, South Orange County

 Manchu wrote:
I'd like to know what manufacturer they are working with for their plastics.

I will find out if this is info that can be shared publicly or not. It may have been mentioned to me before, but I can't recall off the top of my head.

Some things of course can't be disclosed for legal or contractual reasons(like contact info for who granted the licenses for the IP, because someone actually threw a fit over not getting that info). But if it's something that can be shared, I'll gladly pass the info along.

I know for me personally the models are the biggest draw as painting is my primary hobby over actually playing games, so I completely understand wanting to know who is physically making the models(and if one should expect massive delays like we get with WGF).

"Bryan always said that if the studio ever had to mix with the manufacturing and sales part of the business it would destroy the studio. And I have to say – he wasn’t wrong there! ... It’s become the promotions department of a toy company." -- Rick Priestly
Made in us
Infiltrating Prowler

Portland, OR

 Aerethan wrote:
I also mentioned the shipping issue and what I was told was that modifying shipping after the campaign is live is not an option. My advice was that in the future shipping be included in the actual backing cost, not added on, even if that means increasing the backing cost. I can say that the people at CZE who are working on the campaign, especially those who are keeping up on the comments and replies, are working very hard on it and are working longer hours. They even have a EU rep who monitors off hours and helps out where possible.
There are a couple methods to deal with shipping, it just depends on how big they get with the KS and what their planned stretch goals are. The most used method is simply keep things as they are and issue a "credit" to be used in the Pledge Manager. This will allow people to add additional add-ons to their pledge for the difference in shipping. In some cases other KS do something similar except they initially just charged a 'flat rate' for shipping, issue that as a credit to be used on the actual shipping cost. If there is a planned 'expansion' that would be an add-on, that could be thrown in at a reduced amount for EU backers by simply increasing their pledge X dollars and US backers Y dollars. In the end it offsets but the easiest method is the credit through the pledge manager.

 Aerethan wrote:
As for the Slimer issue: the thinking behind Slimer was to give retailers a perk for backing the game, as CZE want retailers to have more incentive to carry the product. Most KS's seem to ignore retailers altogether, let alone make perks specifically for them. I mentioned the public's apparent outrage at this to a few of the people at CZE that I know. Couldn't say whether they will change that or not. Perhaps offering free to retailers and as a paid addon for non retailers?
I've known CZE has always supported retailers and although that is a great idea in principal in practice it is counter-intuitive to Kickstarter. People back KS to obtain items at a reduced retail price, before retail and usually because of exclusives. The slimer basically tells backers to not back and instead wait until retail to get this cool guy. Retailers already get added bonuses that people don't realize. Giving retailers a better price than the normal 40% price they would pay wholesale is already a good deal. If they want to sweeten for Retailers then allowing them access to some "KS Exclusives" to be sold retail would still maintain their exclusiveness, be done in a limited amount and still provide incentive to someone who missed the KS as opposed to someone who knew but decided not to back because of Slimer. Simply giving them mini-boxed versions for Sand Man and Stay Puft would be fine.

 Aerethan wrote:
If anyone here has specific questions about the campaign that haven't been answered on the KS page, PM me and I will ask my sources there and post answers here since this is my gaming home.
Pssshhhtt... do I know you? ^_^ PAX Prime, PAX East, GenCon, DMFs, and or NACC... have we met?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Aerethan wrote:
I will find out if this is info that can be shared publicly or not. It may have been mentioned to me before, but I can't recall off the top of my head.

Some things of course can't be disclosed for legal or contractual reasons(like contact info for who granted the licenses for the IP, because someone actually threw a fit over not getting that info). But if it's something that can be shared, I'll gladly pass the info along.
It hasn't been shared before that I have seen. CZE likes to be mysterious which I do understand to a degree. For miniatures gamers though it is a completely different world. Although I can understand the contractual reasons for the IP, there shouldn't be anything regarding who is doing manufacturing. It is almost unheard of to a degree as most miniatures gamers know X Company uses Y Manufacturer, etc.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/02/11 18:53:47

Made in us


I am not much of a board gamer. But the board game aspect of this project is the main draw for me. IMO a miniatures-based board game fits the Ghostbusters license perfectly -- cooperative, lighthearted, mechanically "casual", and very heavy on theme. As far as the miniatures go, the most exciting thing for me is that the ghosts are in translucent plastic, which is a great throwback to the toys. That totally rules out painting them.

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Alright $300K down, next stop $350K:

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/02/11 21:20:53

Made in us
Infiltrating Prowler

Portland, OR

So looks like they are going $50K route SGs for now, still seems a bit higher than it should be though. I wonder if they'll keep $50K route for SGs or if they'll change it up a little, always felt SGs should be adjusted to reflect what they are adding and they shouldn't always have to be the same amount. I also wonder if they have some other extras to throw in at pre-determined points though.

I would like to ultimately see some additional add-on's though. Right now in order to generate more funding they need additional backers, so instead of having a SG which allows backers to upgrade or add additional $$... I'm still sitting at the same pledge and have finished contributing at this point (for now). The IP could probably generate more but I'd like to think they'd want both additional backers and a reason to increase pledges for existing backers, unless that is going to happen later.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/02/11 21:28:37

Made in us


Maybe it will change but not while the KS is generating ~$4K-$7K/hr levels of interest.

I wonder when the first "so it will be another $50K just for Vinz Clortho" complaint will air ... I hope CZE has a different model for the Keymaster.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/02/11 21:30:28

Made in us
Infiltrating Prowler

Portland, OR

 Manchu wrote:
Maybe it will change but not while the KS is generating ~$4K-$7K/hr levels of interest.

I wonder when the first "so it will be another $50K just for Vinz Clortho" complaint will air ... I hope CZE has a different model for the Keymaster.
That is true.

Oohhhh they could always make Keymaster an additional add-on with the completion of this SG. I doubt they will but that wouldn't be a bad idea. It gets both of them out there, one is free and the other can be used to generate additional backer $$ while adding a new SG. That would justify the high dollar amount for SG a bit more.
Made in us


 Dark Severance wrote:
Oohhhh they could always make Keymaster an additional add-on with the completion of this SG.
I can just imagine it: "What a rip off! CZE is making me purchase an add-on that should be in the core set."

You bring up a good point about increasing funding of existing backers. Maybe the next stretch goal will be a $25-$30K add-on.

Made in gb
Bonkers Buggy Driver with Rockets

Gods Country - ENGLAND

Initially when I saw this KS, I was really up for it, I mean seriously, Ghostbusters, its pure win. But..........

I've backed AVP by Prodos Games and seen first hand licensing issues. It's all very well the creator telling us everything is good (just like Prodos), but no one really knows how Sony will infulence this (just like Fox and Prodos). This has also made me dig deeper.......

CZ's other KS they ran in 2013: HEX MMO Trading Card Game. Read the comments section and its full of negativity and people wanting refunds for a product that's 18 months late with no sign of delivery. This doesn't bode well for the Ghostbusters KS.

Now, I maybe doing them a dis service, but this is the first KS I've seen than doesn't have a $1 pledge which would allow me to at least ask the questions I have on their comments pages and I've yet to have a response from them via email.

So, based on the AVP experience, CZ's other 18 months late KS with backers crying for refunds, I'll pass on this one. Which is a real shame.

A bit of everything really....... Titanicus, Bolt Action, Cruel Seas, Black Seas, Blood Red Skies, Kingdom Death, Relic Knights, DUST Tactics, Zombicide the lit goes on............. 
Made in us


I wouldn't compare Prodos, who no one had ever heard of before their Mutant Chronicles KS, with CZE, a company that successfully handles multiple licenses.

By all means, post your questions here and we can pass them on.

Made in gb
Bonkers Buggy Driver with Rockets

Gods Country - ENGLAND

The question is a simple one. What's happening with CZE's other KS that should have delivered in Sept 2013 and reading the comments section, hasn't. People are slating CZE and demanding their money back.


Reading the comments suggests some aspects of the KS has been delivered, but a large part hasn't, and is running 18 months late. I'm not a backer, I've never heard of CZE before, but recent KS experiences have taught me to ask questions before backing anything. What confidence can I have that Ghostbusters will be delivered, when their other KS hasn't?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/02/11 22:47:16

A bit of everything really....... Titanicus, Bolt Action, Cruel Seas, Black Seas, Blood Red Skies, Kingdom Death, Relic Knights, DUST Tactics, Zombicide the lit goes on............. 
Made in us
Swamp Troll

San Diego

Manchu why are you white knighting for these guys? I've noticed all of your posts to valid questions or concerns are extremely dismissive. Not only does it make you seem like you're in their pocket.. but you are kinda coming across as a bit arrogant.

Made in us
Excellent Exalted Champion of Chaos

Lake Forest, California, South Orange County

 TheSecretSquig wrote:
The question is a simple one. What's happening with CZE's other KS that should have delivered in Sept 2013 and reading the comments section, hasn't. People are slating CZE and demanding their money back.


Reading the comments suggests some aspects of the KS has been delivered, but a large part hasn't, and is running 18 months late. I'm not a backer, I've never heard of CZE before, but recent KS experiences have taught me to ask questions before backing anything. What confidence can I have that Ghostbusters will be delivered, when their other KS hasn't?

1. Hex is now a separate company entirely, and they are handling that KS. Literally they are on a separate half of the building through a different entrance. CZE and the people running this KS have nothing to do with, nor any input or answers for the Hex game.

2. Having been to the company quite a few times, they have different teams who work on different games. The development of one game does not affect the others, as mentioned before. The success or failure of this KS won't affect their current products, and their current products will not affect this KS.

3. Hex ran into issues with WOTC and supposed patent issues. This game is fully licensed by Sony, and all of the assets shown/used so far have been signed off on by them. It's one particular part of the company I hear about rather frequently.

I don't read Manchu as white knighting. He's optimistic, sure. But that's hardly white knighting, and is not a bad thing.

Please keep in mind, I do not work for CZE, nor do I represent them in any capacity. I'm merely passing on what I've heard and seen.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/02/11 23:03:34

"Bryan always said that if the studio ever had to mix with the manufacturing and sales part of the business it would destroy the studio. And I have to say – he wasn’t wrong there! ... It’s become the promotions department of a toy company." -- Rick Priestly
Made in us
Infiltrating Prowler

Portland, OR

 TheSecretSquig wrote:
I've backed AVP by Prodos Games and seen first hand licensing issues. It's all very well the creator telling us everything is good (just like Prodos), but no one really knows how Sony will infulence this (just like Fox and Prodos).
That is a fair worry considering AvP. Honestly if it was a different company I could probably be on the same boat. Prodos however has never dealt with licensing agreements or fulfilling something in that nature and that is where CZE and Prodos differ. I wouldn't really compare to the two KS.

For example CZE is very experienced with licensing games and products from their trading cards to board games. Just some of the licenses they hold Sons of Anarchy, Hobbit, Sleepy Hollow, Arrow, Pacific Rim, Castle, Supernatural, One Upon a Time, Adventure Time, Walking Dead, Breaking Bad and many more just in their Trading Cards. Board games consist of DC, Street Fighter, Naruto, Hobbit, Adventure Time, Walking Dead, Batman to name a few. When it comes to licensing, agreements and creation their whole business model is based on licenses. To be fair some games are hit and miss, not entirely because of CZE as some license agreements mean games have to have certain aspects. Others are considered easier because they are designed to be entry games for new board gamers, fans of the IP, moreso than strategically hard games.

 MLaw wrote:
Manchu why are you white knighting for these guys? I've noticed all of your posts to valid questions or concerns are extremely dismissive. Not only does it make you seem like you're in their pocket.. but you are kinda coming across as a bit arrogant.
I would probably be considered white knighting compared to Manchu, although I try to have an open mind on some aspects. I'm not sure the posts are dismissive because I think it is way too early to tell what direction things are going in terms of the KS honestly.

 TheSecretSquig wrote:
The question is a simple one. What's happening with CZE's other KS that should have delivered in Sept 2013 and reading the comments section, hasn't. People are slating CZE and demanding their money back.
Not sure on how anyone would say they haven't delivered. I can't remember the exact date but all backers were delivered their packages. Quite a few kept them, some sold them for a profit even and others got a refund. There was refund tracking to a degree on their forum, most of the communication moved to the forums awhile ago. Anyone who hasn't received money back should have already been handled awhile back when I was following HEX there.

 Aerethan wrote:
1. Hex is now a separate company entirely, and they are handling that KS. Literally they are on a separate half of the building through a different entrance. CZE and the people running this KS have nothing to do with, nor any input or answers for the Hex game.
Just for a point of clarify because someone will bring it up. Corey Jones is the only employee is considered an employee of both companies. HEX technically still utilizes CZE's forums for use as well. But other than that, yes they are separate entities in terms of budget, employee's and projects.

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2015/02/11 23:14:22

Made in us


 TheSecretSquig wrote:
What confidence can I have that Ghostbusters will be delivered, when their other KS hasn't?
First, all pledges are tentative until the KS period ends. That includes mine. I really love GB and so far I think CZE's game is a great fit for the franchise BUT I naturally have concerns as well. I have been burned by a few KS projects and I think I have learned what to avoid, at least in broad strokes. But one has to keep in mind that certain omissions don't qualify as "red flags" until some time has passed. In this case, CZE is setting a pretty leisurely pace for announcing and unlocking stretch goals. So it is difficult to judge, for example, to what extent their October 2015 delivery date is reasonable. As I posted in the comments section, once we have a better picture of the scope of this project, then it will be time for CZE to step up and justify this date.
 MLaw wrote:
Manchu why are you white knighting for these guys?
Get back to me when you have a question that isn't just an insult.
 Aerethan wrote:
CZE and the people running this KS have nothing to do with, nor any input or answers for the Hex game.
According to another post ITT (by Dark Severance?), the action was filed before Hex split off. So CZE is still a named defendant (and now so is Hex). If that's the case, then CZE still has litigation exposure that could implicate whatever proceeds they take from the GB KS. I haven't read the filings so I don't know for sure. Does anyone have a case number and know the jurisdiction?
 Dark Severance wrote:
Not sure on how anyone would say they haven't delivered.
Some backers are complaining to that effect in the KS comments section for Hex. I looked into it before making my pledge for the GB board game. The trouble is, reading KS comments sections is a really bad way to form an opinion of a creator.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/02/11 23:18:48

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