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GW price increase June 1  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Multispectral Nisse

Luton, UK

 KaptinBadrukk wrote:
 Riquende wrote:
This is good news.

Every time I buy Vallejo I can feel even more smug.

How is this Good News???

I love GW.

And? Means nothing to me who loves GW, more fool them. GW are a company, not your family.

“Good people are quick to help others in need, without hesitation or requiring proof the need is genuine. The wicked will believe they are fighting for good, but when others are in need they’ll be reluctant to help, withholding compassion until they see proof of that need. And yet Evil is quick to condemn, vilify and attack. For Evil, proof isn’t needed to bring harm, only hatred and a belief in the cause.” 
Made in ie
Norn Queen

Dublin, Ireland

Disappointed in the spray can increases, use them regularly. Rest is shrug, does anyone honestly buy gw glue?

And isnt it possible the price increases are due to material and input costs rather than a moneygrab. The products are non model afterall bar the robg.

Dman137 wrote:
goobs is all you guys will ever be

By 1-irt: Still as long as Hissy keeps showing up this is one of the most entertaining threads ever.

"Feelin' goods, good enough". 
Made in gb
Posts with Authority

Norn Iron

 KaptinBadrukk wrote:

The company that does not sell GW is a company that GW probably does not know about.

Only because they don't research the market.

I'm sooo, sooo sorry.

Plog - Random sculpts and OW Helves 9/3/23 
Made in us
Monstrous Master Moulder

Rust belt

 KaptinBadrukk wrote:
 lord marcus wrote:
 Grimtuff wrote:
 FSWG wrote:

So you could argue stop carrying GW. Look up Lonestar Comics. They had nine large locations in DFW. Several years ago the owner told GW he wanted a better discount, that he shouldn't have to keep paying such an increase of cost to his business. GW of course said no. He claimed if he didn't carry it GW would die in DFW. Hindsight it kinda did but not from that issue alone. So Lonestar Comics stopped carrying GW. They then took it a step to far and kicked out the GW players, if they didn't sell it, you couldn't play it there. 2 years ago Lonestar Comics closed all its doors and sold its inventory and lease to two different companies. Even my store is next to where a Lonestar Comics use to be.

Conversely look at miniaturemarket.com. So, yeah...

You mean the company that doesn't sell GW?

The company that does not sell GW is a company that GW probably does not know about.

They sold GW stuff up to about a year and half ago
Made in us
Ancient Ultramarine Venerable Dreadnought


GW Just sent me this:

Hello [my real name here]

Thanks for writing in to us, although I don’t have great news for you. We have not been made aware of any changes happening in June.

Sorry we couldn’t be any more help than this.

Games Workshop
North America Customer Services


This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/05/19 19:54:26

INSANE army lists still available!!!! Now being written in 8th edition format! I have Index Imperium 1, Index Imperium 2, Index Xenos 2, Codex Orks Codex Tyranids, Codex Blood Angels and Codex Space Marines!
PM me for an INSANE (100K+ points) if you desire.
Made in gb
Posts with Authority

Norn Iron

 Korinov wrote:
ORicK wrote:
And the price per model for GW units is not even that high compared to most competitors.


Unless all the "most competitors" you know is Privateer Press.

Virtually everyone else is producing

a) high-quality resin models that are priced the same or a bit higher than GW plastics.
b) models cheaper than GW.

This, so much. You have to get out of the blinkered view of 'the competition' consisting of the other handful of premium-price sf/f manufacturers (which call for a far smaller count of expensive minis in their games anyway) when a lot of other companies producing plastics sell them for about 50p a figure, and even a lot of metal minis sell for as much or less than GW plastics.

I'm sooo, sooo sorry.

Plog - Random sculpts and OW Helves 9/3/23 
Made in ca
Lord of the Fleet

Halifornia, Nova Scotia

 KaptinBadrukk wrote:
GW Just sent me this:

Hello [my real name here]

Thanks for writing in to us, although I don’t have great news for you. We have not been made aware of any changes happening in June.

Sorry we couldn’t be any more help than this.

Games Workshop
North America Customer Services


It would help us if you posted what you sent them, you know, for context.

I'm guessing it was a question about the price increase, but for future posts, just posting a reply with no context doesn't exactly tell us much.

On topic, I've used the GW sprays for some time, but I recently bought some army painter instead for the wider colour assortment. I already have an ADL, so I'm set there. Still funny watching the annual price increase.

Mordian Iron Guard - Major Overhaul in Progress

+Spaceship Gaming Enthusiast+

Live near Halifax, NS? Ask me about our group, the Ordo Haligonias! 
Made in gb
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord

 KaptinBadrukk wrote:
GW Just sent me this:

Hello [my real name here]

Thanks for writing in to us, although I don’t have great news for you. We have not been made aware of any changes happening in June.

Sorry we couldn’t be any more help than this.

Games Workshop
North America Customer Services


That's because June is 2 weeks away. Not close enough yet.

Games Workshop Delenda Est.

Users on ignore- 53.

If you break apart my or anyone else's posts line by line I will not read them. 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Runnin up on ya.

 KaptinBadrukk wrote:

which then brings the BIG question: Are they gonna shut down if they don't get good sales out of this?

I don't expect so, anytime soon. GW's in a nearly textbook death spiral as a company but there are always ways to pull out of these things or prolong the sometimes inevitable crash and burn. I fully expect this report to mirror the previous 3 reports and show a large and increasing loss of revenue, year on year but that the company will maintain a facade of health due to all the previous years' cost-cutting and efficiency improvements. My warning is that those days are done; GW has trimmed all of the corporate fat possible and all that's left is cutting bone (core elements of the business).

GW will pay a dividend if it is remotely possible to do so, because the people in charge are fully aware that the semblance of profitability combined with a healthy return to investors is the only thing that's shoring up their share price.

If they are unable to pay a dividend, those large, institutional investors will begin looking at the actual health of the company and the end result will likely make the January 2014 sell-off look like a cake walk.

So, what happens in the worst-case scenario of weak stock? The obvious result is it starts to make GW an attractive target for a hostile takeover if any large companies are shopping.

Six mistakes mankind keeps making century after century: Believing that personal gain is made by crushing others; Worrying about things that cannot be changed or corrected; Insisting that a thing is impossible because we cannot accomplish it; Refusing to set aside trivial preferences; Neglecting development and refinement of the mind; Attempting to compel others to believe and live as we do 
Made in gb
Posts with Authority

Norn Iron

 Riquende wrote:
 KaptinBadrukk wrote:
 Riquende wrote:
This is good news.

Every time I buy Vallejo I can feel even more smug.

How is this Good News???

I love GW.

And? Means nothing to me who loves GW, more fool them. GW are a company, not your family.

Ouch! Bit harsh, but... yeah, agreed with the last bit. Don't get too attached to them, Badrukk. Take at least a look at other games. (Not just Warmachine and Infinity, either) GW might seem like the be-all, end-all to you now, but it'll help not to be too dependent on them when the novelty eventually fades. (After they have a bunch more price increases and so on. )

I'm sooo, sooo sorry.

Plog - Random sculpts and OW Helves 9/3/23 
Made in us
Loyal Necron Lychguard

I skipped a page, but we're basing this all on what one person's store is saying? They could just be, I dunno, wrong.

 agnosto wrote:
 KaptinBadrukk wrote:

which then brings the BIG question: Are they gonna shut down if they don't get good sales out of this?

I don't expect so, anytime soon. GW's in a nearly textbook death spiral as a company but there are always ways to pull out of these things or prolong the sometimes inevitable crash and burn. I fully expect this report to mirror the previous 3 reports and show a large and increasing loss of revenue, year on year but that the company will maintain a facade of health due to all the previous years' cost-cutting and efficiency improvements. My warning is that those days are done; GW has trimmed all of the corporate fat possible and all that's left is cutting bone (core elements of the business).

GW will pay a dividend if it is remotely possible to do so, because the people in charge are fully aware that the semblance of profitability combined with a healthy return to investors is the only thing that's shoring up their share price.

If they are unable to pay a dividend, those large, institutional investors will begin looking at the actual health of the company and the end result will likely make the January 2014 sell-off look like a cake walk.

So, what happens in the worst-case scenario of weak stock? The obvious result is it starts to make GW an attractive target for a hostile takeover if any large companies are shopping.

People have been saying GW is in a death spiral for like a decade now. At this rate the spiral will end when I'm too old to paint anymore.
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

 Vermis wrote:
 Korinov wrote:
ORicK wrote:
And the price per model for GW units is not even that high compared to most competitors.


Unless all the "most competitors" you know is Privateer Press.

Virtually everyone else is producing

a) high-quality resin models that are priced the same or a bit higher than GW plastics.
b) models cheaper than GW.

This, so much. You have to get out of the blinkered view of 'the competition' consisting of the other handful of premium-price sf/f manufacturers (which call for a far smaller count of expensive minis in their games anyway) when a lot of other companies producing plastics sell them for about 50p a figure, and even a lot of metal minis sell for as much or less than GW plastics.

It doesn't make sense to compare GW models with anyone other than scifi-fantasy miniature manufacturers. Who cares what the price of a WW2 infantryman costs, or a civil war dude with a bayonet, or a SR-71 scale model or a bi-plane. Or a catamaran or man-o-war, for that matter. These things appeals to a totally different audience.

Without discussing quality and aesthetic, since these are highly personal and subjective in nature, Mantic and Reaper sell reasonably complete scifi/fantasy miniatures at prices that are cheaper than GW. Infinity sells a small but high quality line of infantry-sized miniatures that are price-competitive, but not cheaper, than GW. Privateer Press sells a reasonably complete line of miniatures that are as expensive or more expensive than GW. DUST is kind of incomplete, and has little model variety.

The other companies that produce scifi/fantasy can't really compete with GW in the breadth or depth from a modelling perspective. They just don't have a collection that you can really dig into. I'm not saying that there aren't good companies that have some great models; but if your thing is modelling futuristic armies with some reasonable variety of troops, vehicles, and stompy robots, the options are very limited. Guys like Anvil Industries are great, but you can't really build something substantial with them.

Also: HIPS is generally the most desirable material for hobby now, not metal. Producing metal minis is great for nostalgia, and single-piece metal makes it easy to paint, but for modelling purposes, HIPS is vastly superior to white metal. Plus, good luck trying to build something like an Imperial Knight (a 200+ piece kit), made out of metal. If you don't like kits that are 75-300 pieces that take a lot of time and care to build, stay away from GW for any sort of gaming, because every current, major faction has them (I'm not including Sisters or Inquisition or Assassins...), and practically requires them to play an averageish game, casual or otherwise.

Also, many people who have the hundreds/thousands/tens of thousands of hours to throw at hobby necessary to build such armies to resemble anything remotely like GW's vision of what a table should look like will also often have significant disposable income. Obviously, GW is catering to them, at the expense of customers who wish, for example, to just buy a few models and play a game.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/05/19 20:21:20

Made in us
Monstrous Master Moulder

Rust belt

Requizen wrote:
I skipped a page, but we're basing this all on what one person's store is saying? They could just be, I dunno, wrong.

On page 3 there is a store owner who talks about the price increase. If you still don't believe us wait till June

Made in us
Cosmic Joe

 Talys wrote:

I'm not saying that there aren't good companies that have some great models; but if your thing is modelling futuristic armies with some reasonable variety of troops, vehicles, and stompy robots, the options are very limited.

Um.....not sure that's exactly true.

Not sci-fi but...

Also, check out my history blog: Minimum Wage Historian, a fun place to check out history that often falls between the couch cushions. 
Made in ca
Ancient Venerable Black Templar Dreadnought


Oh, GW will have an easy fix to prevent jumping ship:

- Sprues will have a weird dogleg at each connection to a part and you will need their special side cutters to trim the parts off safely.

- GW will change the plastics to a new "'Ard Carapace (tm)" plastic that is impervious to bonding of traditional glues but their "'Ard Bond (tm)" glue is the only one specially formulated to work.

- Oddly only their primer "'Ard Cover (tm)" will stick to the plastic as well.

I see a bright quarter for GW with the coming changes...

A revolution is an idea which has found its bayonets.
Napoleon Bonaparte 
Made in gb
Using Object Source Lighting

Curious to see the impact of WFB and LOTR on the report... Not sure if 40k can take it all even with such aggressive agenda.

Made in us
Roarin' Runtherd

 Talizvar wrote:
Oh, GW will have an easy fix to prevent jumping ship:

- Sprues will have a weird dogleg at each connection to a part and you will need their special side cutters to trim the parts off safely.

Why not just make that "Ard Carapace" plastic only cuttable by their new clippers?

Painted Armies
1350 With DreadMob budz
1100 BloodRavens 
Made in gb
Been Around the Block


 -Loki- wrote:
In response to a competitor making a cheaper modular plastic tile board, they raise the price of the one they have that doesn't sell.

Oh GW, you slay me.

Which board alternative are you referring to?
Made in ca
Mechanized Halqa

 Chute82 wrote:
Requizen wrote:
I skipped a page, but we're basing this all on what one person's store is saying? They could just be, I dunno, wrong.

On page 3 there is a store owner who talks about the price increase. If you still don't believe us wait till June

My local store just confirmed a price increase happening this June 1st.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Myrtle Creek, OR

Terror from the Deep wrote:
 -Loki- wrote:
In response to a competitor making a cheaper modular plastic tile board, they raise the price of the one they have that doesn't sell.

Oh GW, you slay me.

Which board alternative are you referring to?

I'm guessing it's the Secret Weapon ones.

Their basic one costs $250 and doesn't include shipping (or a crazy amount of skulls)
GW's basic realm of battle costs $290 and to my knowledge qualifies for free shipping (and does have a crazy amount of skulls).
Comparing those two basic sets, assuming the GW one ships free, is probably pretty close price wise---since it costs me $15 alone to send just about any game-related package via USPS nowadays.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/05/19 21:52:21

Thread Slayer 
Made in es
Pulsating Possessed Chaos Marine

 Talys wrote:
It doesn't make sense to compare GW models with anyone other than scifi-fantasy miniature manufacturers. Who cares what the price of a WW2 infantryman costs, or a civil war dude with a bayonet, or a SR-71 scale model or a bi-plane. Or a catamaran or man-o-war, for that matter. These things appeals to a totally different audience.

Even if compared to other sci-fi and fantasy miniature manufacturers, as far as my opinion goes, GW still loses to most of them in terms of quality/price.

Without discussing quality and aesthetic, since these are highly personal and subjective in nature, Mantic and Reaper sell reasonably complete scifi/fantasy miniatures at prices that are cheaper than GW. Infinity sells a small but high quality line of infantry-sized miniatures that are price-competitive, but not cheaper, than GW. Privateer Press sells a reasonably complete line of miniatures that are as expensive or more expensive than GW. DUST is kind of incomplete, and has little model variety.

The other companies that produce scifi/fantasy can't really compete with GW in the breadth or depth from a modelling perspective. They just don't have a collection that you can really dig into. I'm not saying that there aren't good companies that have some great models; but if your thing is modelling futuristic armies with some reasonable variety of troops, vehicles, and stompy robots, the options are very limited. Guys like Anvil Industries are great, but you can't really build something substantial with them.

As I've already told you in the past, what's "very limited" here is your scope and knowledge on this matter.

The miniature market is growing, with more and more companies offering more and more products. The only thing a "hobbyist" needs nowadays is to have a bit of interest and free time to look things up. Do it and you may be surprised at what you may find.

Example? I'm getting these in a few days. 20€. From a new manufacturer that works with hard resin. As far as reviews go, they're quality-wise on the same level as GW's plastic kit (a bit old plastic kit now, but still from the golden age of Fantasy, head and shoulders over many of the fantasy kits GW has released in the last decade).

Also the whole "metal is for the nostalgic ones, it's outdated", I feel forced to claim BS. Have you seen the russian alternative chaos dwarves? All metal, at 2.5€ per model. Top stuff. I agree for vehicles plastic is more practical, but not really buying the Imperial Knight argument, IMO that doesn't even qualify as a "miniature".

Progress is like a herd of pigs: everybody is interested in the produced benefits, but nobody wants to deal with all the resulting gak.

GW customers deserve every bit of outrageous princing they get. 
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

@MWHistorian - I didn't say that SciFi and fantasy models don't exist (in whatever size), and I specifically said that lots if other companies gave great work.

What I said us that other than the companies I listed, none produce a collection of the depth and breadth of GW -- dozens of factions, thousands of kits, nearly infinite (hundreds of millions of combinations) kitting mix-and-match compatibility. It is possible, and relative to other modeling hobbies like trains and RCs, not especially expensive, to build a futuristic playable table with a a hundred to a couple of hundred distinctive, yet themed models doing battle. This is not possible with most companies that produce miniatures.

I specifically named Mantic, Reaper, and PP as reasonable alternatives for smaller scale modeling, and Infinity and DUST as limited options (as they have gaping holes in their offerings). For those with less time, these may satisfy your needs, possibly at a lower price (not really PP). If you think another company produces army-sized (in terms of distinct kits, builds, and models) SciFi miniatures, at least to the scale of PP or Mantic, I would love to hear what you had in mind.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
@Korinov - I offer you the same challenge. Direct me to a company that has a catalogue that enables me to build a collection similar in scope and variety to an Apocalypse sized 40k army.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
@Korinov - YOU may not think the Imperial knight is a miniature, but it was Games Workshop's most popular miniature of 2014. Is a scale SR-71, Blackhawk, or Millenium Falcon a miniature?

Regarding HIPS -- the majority would disagree with you. Just read most modeling boards; it's simply the most popular because it's very consistent, easiest to work with material. They are also by far the easiest to customize -- I like infinity models, but paint 'em once and that's it. I'll never buy a duplicate model/kit. I have not explored Russian alternative model sites. I'm not really interested in companies that have limited catalogues except for bits, bases, and that kind of thing.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2015/05/19 23:37:20

Made in us
Hacking Proxy Mk.1


 Talys wrote:

What I said us that other than the companies I listed, none produce a collection of the depth and breadth of GW -- dozens of factions, thousands of kits, nearly infinite (hundreds of millions of combinations) kitting mix-and-match compatibility. It is possible, and relative to other modeling hobbies like trains and RCs, not especially expensive, to build a futuristic playable table with a a hundred to a couple of hundred distinctive, yet themed models doing battle. This is not possible with most companies that produce miniatures.

I specifically named Mantic, Reaper, and PP as reasonable alternatives for smaller scale modeling, and Infinity and DUST as limited options (as they have gaping holes in their offerings). For those with less time, these may satisfy your needs, possibly at a lower price (not really PP). If you think another company produces army-sized (in terms of distinct kits, builds, and models) SciFi miniatures, at least to the scale of PP or Mantic, I would love to hear what you had in mind.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
@Korinov - I offer you the same challenge. Direct me to a company that has a catalogue that enables me to build a collection similar in scope and variety to an Apocalypse sized 40k army.

Your entire argument seems to be down to GW having a larger product line than any other company.

My counter argument is that that means nothing if those models are poorer quality at a higher price.

My dreamforge leviathans are 20% larger than a Knight ans the technical complexity blows anything GW has ever done out of the water. It cost me the same as a knight would have. I don't care that GW have 4 or 5 variants of a knight if you can't even pose their legs.

I bought a full infinity army for the same price as the 40k core rulebook. It means absolutely nothing to me that 40k has more factions than infinity does.

 Fafnir wrote:
Oh, I certainly vote with my dollar, but the problem is that that is not enough. The problem with the 'vote with your dollar' response is that it doesn't take into account why we're not buying the product. I want to enjoy 40k enough to buy back in. It was my introduction to traditional games, and there was a time when I enjoyed it very much. I want to buy 40k, but Gamesworkshop is doing their very best to push me away, and simply not buying their product won't tell them that.
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

@MWHistorian -- First off, I do not agree that GW models are inferior to any other companies. I happen to like 95% of their releases quite a lot. They produce a style that is aesthetically highly pleasing to me.

That being said, the depth and breadth argument IS central to me. I want to model ARMIES, and you can't model an army if he collection is missing the pieces you'd expect to see in an army.

I own 2 Dreamforge leviathans and about 30ish Infinity models. They are cool! But, armies they are not and I have zero incentive to keep buying and modeling their stuff, because it just turns repetitive.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


Wait so for paints it is going to cost me an extra like 5 dollars a year at the rate I use up paints? Lord have mercy that's enough to drive me out of the hobby I tell you what

People who stopped buying GW but wont stop bitching about it are the vegans of warhammer

My Deathwatch army project thread  
Made in us
Cosmic Joe

 Talys wrote:
@MWHistorian -- First off, I do not agree that GW models are inferior to any other companies. I happen to like 95% of their releases quite a lot. They produce a style that is aesthetically highly pleasing to me.

That being said, the depth and breadth argument IS central to me. I want to model ARMIES, and you can't model an army if he collection is missing the pieces you'd expect to see in an army.

I own 2 Dreamforge leviathans and about 30ish Infinity models. They are cool! But, armies they are not and I have zero incentive to keep buying and modeling their stuff, because it just turns repetitive.

I wasn't talking about style aesthetics, I was talking about quality of sculpts, detail, composition and assembly.
EXP 1. Malifaux makes higher quality plastic figures, but you may not like the style. They have more detail, are cheaper, are beautiful in their lively character and movement. They're amazing and go together very well. (with some fiddly bits)
EXP 2. Infinity. The level of detail is insane in these things. On an individual basis I'd put them high above anything GW does. You may not like metal minis, I kind of don't, but once they're assembled, it makes it all worth it. The individualism in each figure is very good. And CB knows how to make human faces...especially female faces. Something GW still hasn't quite got down yet.

Now, you may not like collecting them because they're not your thing, but you can't say that GW's quality beats everyone.

Also, check out my history blog: Minimum Wage Historian, a fun place to check out history that often falls between the couch cushions. 
Made in us
Monstrous Master Moulder

Rust belt

 Leth wrote:
Wait so for paints it is going to cost me an extra like 5 dollars a year at the rate I use up paints? Lord have mercy that's enough to drive me out of the hobby I tell you what

If you saw $5 on the ground Iam sure you would pick it up.
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

@MWHistorian - when did I ever say that GW's quality beats everyone else's? I never made that claim.

I think the latest GW kits aren't inferior to anyone else's. The level of detail and complexity of the Skitarii are every bit as good as any other model on the market. But some of that is subjective. I also far prefer posable models.

I love my Infinity models, and I have a small collection of Malifaux. They are cool. They are also not capable of being assembled into an army -- which is fine, but doesn't match up to what I'm looking for as my primary hobby which really needs to be of a grander scale. New releases for stuff like infinity is like, a casual weekend hobby, and then it's done and finds a comfy spot somewhere in a display case.
Made in us
Cosmic Joe

 Talys wrote:
@MWHistorian - when did I ever say that GW's quality beats everyone else's? I never made that claim.

You did.
Right here.
First off, I do not agree that GW models are inferior to any other companies.

Also, check out my history blog: Minimum Wage Historian, a fun place to check out history that often falls between the couch cushions. 
Made in cn
Longtime Dakkanaut


 Chute82 wrote:
 Leth wrote:
Wait so for paints it is going to cost me an extra like 5 dollars a year at the rate I use up paints? Lord have mercy that's enough to drive me out of the hobby I tell you what

If you saw $5 on the ground Iam sure you would pick it up.

Sure, and I could afford the difference by buying 5 less boxes of Pasta, or being more fuel efficient on my driving for 2 gallons worth of gas.

You can throw around percentages and statistics to try and make it seem like its a big deal. It's a quarter. I lose more than that to broken Washing machines every year

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/05/20 00:45:32

People who stopped buying GW but wont stop bitching about it are the vegans of warhammer

My Deathwatch army project thread  
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