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Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Have there been any further updates to this Saga?

I backed the KS and when I raised a few questions I was issued with a refund without asking..

Was wondering how the story shaped up.
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

They do updates now and then but i am still not convinced that they are buying time before they bail.
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Interested to see if this ever delivers.
Made in no
Umber Guard

There is some optimism among some of the backers atm because the paints seem to have arrived at Broken Anvil HQ. But tbh, I have more faith in Mythic delivering than BAM atm. At least they are working their way through the backlog.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Just updating this thread here.... Paints were received by BAM in Jan 2024 and backers are still waiting for delivery. BAM has updated discord on the pack out they started on 5/1, but they still aren't finished as of 5/20. So 4+ months and counting to sort paints and put them in boxes. On discord, the excuses are plentiful, but never any hard dates, plans, or follow through. On KS, backers are asking for updates and are being ignored.

Hopefully the paints will be shipped within a month, but if this is the pace of the current BAM team I'm not holding my breath on Rivenstone (no KS updates since Jan 2024). I, unfortunately, backed all three KS projects. I'm just hoping to get to some paints for my 'investments' and then chalk the rest up to a hard lesson learned on KS and BAM.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Not that I am defending Broken Anvil/Level 52, but didn't the first Two Thin Coats campaign take forever to ship out because of some kind of issues with the paints once they arrived from the manufacturer?

'They are just little bottles of paint, how hard can it be?'

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Good point, I just looked at the original Two Thin Coats campaign and there were a lot of issues (supply chain 2022) and it drew out close to a year to fulfill to everyone. But there were also a lot of updates, so many updates letting his backers know what was going on. Also, according to the updates, after receiving the paints, they were shipped out in weeks.

I would have jumped on their third wave if I didn't back BAM paints. Hopefully BAM can fulfill. They are at the last mile, they just need to finish.
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