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Strike Force Justian as Black Consuls  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in se
Oozing Spawning Vat

I'm pretty new to Space Marines in general and wanted to give them a go. I've got a full roster of Strike Force Justian and wanted to try them out in black and gold. I do have a couple of questions about the emblems though.

What squad number , if any, should they have?

Should they all have the same squad specialty symbol on the right shoulder or is it a mix and if so who wears what symbol?

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 Newbugrunner wrote:
I'm pretty new to Space Marines in general and wanted to give them a go. I've got a full roster of Strike Force Justian and wanted to try them out in black and gold. I do have a couple of questions about the emblems though.

What squad number , if any, should they have?

Should they all have the same squad specialty symbol on the right shoulder or is it a mix and if so who wears what symbol?

First, Welcome to Dakka and the Space Marines.

That’s actually a very good question. I’ve not read their fluff or rules.

They are a Kill Team. Are they an ad-hoc group gathered together from assets in the field? or a dedicated squad who just geared up for the job?

Looking at the pics of the squad, most of them have the tactical/battleline arrow, but the sniper has a devestator/heavy support arrow. Captain should not have any, or a skull for command. In the pics, it looks like they have different squad numbers on the 2 I can see. From this, I am going to assume that this is a collection of battle brothers pulled from assorted squads.

Now, this is for the specific example of Strike Force Justian, of the Ultramarines. How do the Black Consuls organize KTs? What story do you want to tell with your force?

Made in se
Oozing Spawning Vat

Thanks for the answers. I haven't really put all that much thought into it. I basically decided on Black Consuls since I both like the colour scheme and wanted to keep the strike force in the Ultramarines family so to speak.

I think I'll be going with the idea that they've been assembled from different squads and from what little I've read the Black Consuls are big on doing it all right and by the book. I'm thinking that ought to mean they ought to go for how the Ultramarines set things up.
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 Newbugrunner wrote:
Thanks for the answers. I haven't really put all that much thought into it. I basically decided on Black Consuls since I both like the colour scheme and wanted to keep the strike force in the Ultramarines family so to speak.

I think I'll be going with the idea that they've been assembled from different squads and from what little I've read the Black Consuls are big on doing it all right and by the book. I'm thinking that ought to mean they ought to go for how the Ultramarines set things up.

I honestly could see it going either way.

If they are in the middle of a planetary campaign, and something needs a surgical KT strike, I could see an ad-hoc team being assembled from assets on hand and sent to do the job. Whichever brothers are on hand with the right gear and training get sent on the mission.

But if they are on the strike cruiser with time to plan? I could see a squad hitting the armory to get the tools needed for the job. So while they might normally fight as a squad of bolt rifle intercessors, for this mission one guy gears in phobos with the sniper rifle, another goes heavy, etc.

Made in gb
Leader of the Sept

The official GW pictures show 4 Tactical/Battleline with the heavy bolter and bolt rifle variants, one assault/close support with the chainsword, a devastator/fire support guy with the sniper rifle, and then the Captain.

In times gone past, guys with bolters could be either tactical or devastator squad members, but the new Primaris organisation removes that option.

So based on your proposal to adhere closely with the codex, you could certainly mix up company and squad markings, but the squad type designation should match what GW show.

Please excuse any spelling errors. I use a tablet frequently and software keyboards are a pain!

Terranwing - w3;d1;l1
51st Dunedinw2;d0;l0
Cadre Coronal Afterglow w1;d0;l0 
Made in se
Oozing Spawning Vat

Thanks guys for the info! I guess it'll be second company but from assorted squads with appropriate role markings

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/19 19:58:14

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