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Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/16 18:22:46

Post by: mad robot

Figured it was time to start up a proper thread to get some feedback from you guys.

What we have below are some new renders of our Greatcoat Troops. As usual, please consider these WIP. They are off to the printers and I hope to have something in hand just before Christmas.

Feel free to leave constructive feedback and suggestions.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/16 19:45:05

Post by: poipo32

The only thing that really doesn't cut it for me is the helmet.
It looks like he is wearing a bowl.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/16 19:59:29

Post by: CT GAMER

This design seems "off" to me in that it can't seem to decide if it is wwI/II, modern, or sci-fi.

The gun looks ultra- modern but the riveted body armor looks archaeic. The coats bring to mind Stalingrad, bur the helmet/ mask look like modern swat, etc. Seems like an identity crisis.

I'd like to see rivets carries over to helmet, gun, and leg armor. Otherwise drop them.

Id rather see a more wwII style to the gun personally, more like the stylized Vostroyian lasguns.

I also would like to see some of these alt Kits come with backpacks and/or pouches, etc

Just my two cents as a potential customer...

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/16 20:26:05

Post by: insaniak

Yeah, the helmet really doesn't fit with the rest of the design.

The bottom half of the coat also doesn't look right. It's got that same soft plastic-ness as the WGF great troopers... I think part of the problem is that it's got too many folds and creases in it. Greatcoats a re usually made from pretty heavy fabric, and they just don't bunch up like that. Adding in all those creases and ridges makes it look like a more lightweight fabric... more like a plastic raincoat instead of a heavy woolen greatcoat.

The reduced rivets on the armour are good though, and I love the rifle.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/16 20:36:10

Post by: Clang

The helmet looks overly plain in comparison to the rest of the figure, but otherwise this looks good to me.

I agree with insaniak re the draping, but I guess that depends on what sort of fabric the greatcoat's supposedly made from.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/16 21:07:04

Post by: mad robot

The flimsiness of the coat fabric was the first thing I noticed also, it's already being addressed.

On the helmet, is it the actual shape or the lack of surface detail? This particular helmet is based off a WW2 British design. I've been mulling around some ideas to make it more interesting but maybe the answer is a different design.

The last thing I want is a German style helmet so that is out but there may be other options. I'm open to some suggestions.

Thanks for the feedback.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/16 21:10:59

Post by: insaniak

mad robot wrote:On the helmet, is it the actual shape or the lack of surface detail?

Both. You're mixing a WWII helmet with an ultramodern set of body armour, and they two just don't gel.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/16 21:18:57

Post by: Lockark

I like this minature except for the head. The helmet dosen't look right. The shape dosen't look right, and the lack of detail make it all the more painfull.

If you were to release as is, would easily be my faovrit plastic great coats so far. Would have to replace the heads with some pig-Iron heads. Fix the helmet/head and this would be a real winner. Not sure what to change the helmet to, but that one isn't doing it.

Also. I like the rifle, but not big on the M16 handle rail on top. Good things these are plastic, and looks realy easy for me to cut off.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/16 21:25:35

Post by: Grundz

modify the individual peices so that you have a little bit of a range of motion, and the helmets, and you are good to go

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/16 21:31:50

Post by: mad robot

Thanks guys, appreciate the responses so far.

Just to clarify: These will not be plastic. They'll either be made from resin or metal.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/16 21:32:51

Post by: kenshin620

Lockark wrote:I like this minature except for the head. The helmet dosen't look right. The shape dosen't look right, and the lack of detail make it all the more painfull.

If you were to release as is, would easily be my faovrit plastic great coats so far. Would have to replace the heads with some pig-Iron heads. Fix the helmet/head and this would be a real winner. Not sure what to change the helmet to, but that one isn't doing it.

Also. I like the rifle, but not big on the M16 handle rail on top. Good things these are plastic, and looks realy easy for me to cut off.

Wait these are plastic now? I thought they're resin


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/16 22:09:41

Post by: Lockark

kenshin620 wrote:
Lockark wrote:I like this minature except for the head. The helmet dosen't look right. The shape dosen't look right, and the lack of detail make it all the more painfull.

If you were to release as is, would easily be my faovrit plastic great coats so far. Would have to replace the heads with some pig-Iron heads. Fix the helmet/head and this would be a real winner. Not sure what to change the helmet to, but that one isn't doing it.

Also. I like the rifle, but not big on the M16 handle rail on top. Good things these are plastic, and looks realy easy for me to cut off.

Wait these are plastic now? I thought they're resin


heh. In the 1st post it never realy said what material they are, so since they were CAD I assumed they were plastics.

Guess that's were assumptions get you.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/17 02:29:36

Post by: Jerrous Illandry

insaniak wrote:
mad robot wrote:On the helmet, is it the actual shape or the lack of surface detail?

Both. You're mixing a WWII helmet with an ultramodern set of body armour, and they two just don't gel.

Regarding the helmet? One thing you don't see much of (well okay I don't see it much) are the helmets with a secondary "flap" to protect the back of the neck. What about doing a Cadian-like helmet with visor and an armoured neck guard? Something like the Tele-viper helmet with a neck flap. I believe the Colonial Marine armor in Aliens had them if you're looking for an example?

So far as I know, it would be pretty much unique to your figures, and at the risk of being presumptuous, I think it would compliment the design style.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/17 04:22:15

Post by: kestral

I don't like body armor OVER a great coat. That makes no sense to me. It would be worn under the armor. Also, those of us in the "greatcoat market" are in it for the coat, not the armor. I'd dispense with it and put some interesting buttons on the front or the like.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/17 06:27:04

Post by: Clang

The helmet needs some kind of rim or flare at the edge, both for visual interest and to keep the rain from running down the poor trooper's neck

I do see kestral's point - a coat wouldn't be armoured, unless of course the local weather's so miserable that the coat is worn constantly? Even if the armour is a strap-on vest (as opposed to being attached to clothing), you'd expect it to be worn _under_ the coat. But visually, under-coat armour isn't too exciting, so you can't sin either way...

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/17 07:19:49

Post by: MDizzle


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/17 08:01:52

Post by: Schmapdi

MDizzle wrote:COBRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This - I agree the helmet looks out of place - but please keep the Cobra trooper mouth bandana!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/17 08:17:05

Post by: paulson games

There's a slight clash in the armor studs vs the plain helmet. I think if the studs were taken off it'd be more uniform, but could leave them on the model so the customer chooses?

The helmet does look a bit bland, I think it needs a flaired collar. If you want to avoid the german look try checking out the designs of some of the modern SWAT helmets. The Cobra helmets are basically a flattened out SWAT design. I think a widened rear brim would give it a better look as right now it looks a lot like a WWI helmet or a cooking pot.

If you want a helmet that matches the armor plates a bit closer maybe add a flat panel to the front simular to how firefighters helmets are, or fighter pilot helemts that have a raised band running vertically up the center. The armor is all flat surfaces and the completely round bowl helmet kinda clashes. You need to give it more angles if you want them to mesh more fluidly.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/17 08:39:18

Post by: Jag_Calle

Paulson minis, where is the model from the last pic from? It's bloody stunning!!


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/17 08:54:27

Post by: paulson games

It's a Cobra Iron Grenadier figure. Popped up on a google image search.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/17 13:41:55

Post by: kenofyork

Looks pretty cool to me.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/17 14:02:13

Post by: Grot 6

How many to a box?

I don't mind the figure. I need them for my army of minions. Will there be head options, aside from the helmeted one?

Fith Column, City of Heros.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/17 14:11:26

Post by: mad robot

@Grot: There are plans for lots of head sets in the future. For these greatcoats, there will be 2 or 3 variants on the same head.

I can see where the helmet falls short now, the rest of the figure was refined over the last few months with a different head so this current one was only recently added.

I considered the SWAT type helmet previously but it didn't look convincing to me. Maybe something like that with with some added details would fit the bill.

Thanks for the feedback. Keep it coming.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/17 14:41:17

Post by: Grot 6

mad robot wrote:@Grot: There are plans for lots of head sets in the future. For these greatcoats, there will be 2 or 3 variants on the same head.

I can see where the helmet falls short now, the rest of the figure was refined over the last few months with a different head so this current one was only recently added.

I considered the SWAT type helmet previously but it didn't look convincing to me. Maybe something like that with with some added details would fit the bill.

Thanks for the feedback. Keep it coming.

WW1Kiezer helmets, much in the same frame as the Iron Grenaders, other wise- try the Iraqi Republican Guard one, like the one Major Blood wears


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/17 18:48:24

Post by: Clang

Thanks paulson games for those helmet suggestions - I think something like the Cobra one with the central ridge would particularly suit the Mad Robot figure, simultaneously archaic but modern, if you see wot i mean...

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/20 15:06:52

Post by: Commander Cain

Very promising! The basic design looks excellent, combined with the suggestions you have already got, I think you have a real winner in your hands!

I feel that I should thank you for taking the time to listen to all our criticism, it will ensure that the finished product will be On everyone's wish lists!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/20 17:00:05

Post by: mad robot

Here's a few ideas I threw together, let me know what you guys think.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/20 17:27:17

Post by: Aramus

I really like the second head, as long as you add some sort of eyepiece option on the sprue. The body is awesome though, will be ordering some of these for sure.

Another head idea...it'd be really cool if you could do some cold weather "Russian" themed heads...

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/20 17:30:47

Post by: Grundz

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/20 17:44:12

Post by: Hordini

Another option that might allow you to improve the helmet while keeping the basic shape (and avoiding the Stahlhelm look) would be to model a cloth helmet cover onto the head, or some kind of camo netting or webbing. Although I do agree with the others that a bit more of a flange around the edge would help as well.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/20 18:40:50

Post by: Absolutionis

I like the cloth drapes over the helmet idea especially if they look like cloaks.

As for the two example images, the second one looks to have really delicate parts with the camera and the mouthpiece. I can't imagine those being translated well to a miniature.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/21 04:38:19

Post by: Construct

I rather liked the troooper and commander in the old thread – sure, the armour could be de-bulked a litte and I wasn't fond of the helmetted head, but they showed definite promise – so I was a little surprised to open this one and find out I hatedloatheddespised the current iteration. I had to go back and check it was almost the same sculpt. For me, I guess losing the coat trim, oversizing the cuffs and adding that retro-futuristic melange of gyrojet, AK47 and M16 was enough to tip it over into the mess of competing styles that others have mentioned.

I would be interested to see what he looks like with the old coat, a cleaner rifle and the Cobra Trooper head with the loose face mask.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/21 05:32:29

Post by: Clang

mad robot, I like that left-hand helmet as a general trooper helmet, it has the right mixed archaic/modern feel. That right-hand helmet camera would be a nice optional head (preferably on the left-hand helmet?), but seems a bit high-tech for general use.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/21 06:09:53

Post by: frozenwastes

I like the left hand head because it'll tie in to the armour plates better.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/21 07:42:25

Post by: paulson games

I like the helmet on the left, however i like the ear flaps & strap design on the right better as you can see more of the mask. The mask kind of gets lost with the large ear flaps and loses some of that Cobra look.

I'd be tempted to put tactical googles over the front of the helmet. (not on the face though) That way it adds a nice square shape that distracts from the roundness of the helmet without actually being part of the helmet itself.

While I love the design, I find the Cobra Viper hillarious because who has both a smooth mirrored face mask and tactical googles with a nose bridge?

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/21 17:16:51

Post by: mad robot

Construct wrote:...losing the coat trim, oversizing the cuffs and adding that retro-futuristic melange of gyrojet, AK47 and M16 was enough to tip it over into the mess of competing styles that others have mentioned.

Thanks Construct, I will emphasize again, these are WIP...Works In Progress. They aren't finalized yet and that's why I have been posting these updates; to give folks like yourself a chance to comment and give some feedback.

The size of the cuffs and the missing coat trim have already been noted and will be fixed in due time. As for the weapon, a lot of that is personal preference. While I want people to like the weapon options that are included, there is no way to please everyone. I plan on having the arms be split so that the weapon could be switched out, if you decide that's what you want to do.

I'm still working with helmet options, considering the SWAT style helmet and a cover over the existing helmet. I am also considering some goggles as well.

Thanks for your continuing feedback.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/21 18:08:00

Post by: Commander Cain

Love the second helmet style on the last page!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/22 16:41:54

Post by: mad robot


I've got the latest 3D print in hand, I'll post pictures next week. In the meantime, here's a few more head concepts to mull over... any thoughts?

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/22 20:05:44

Post by: insaniak

#6 gives more of a near-future vibe... but the helmet in 4/5/7 looks pretty good.. and #7 is awesome.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/22 20:20:51

Post by: Clang

I like 'em all - and if you're going to do goggles, I think you need to have variants for some visual variety, some with goggles over the eyes and some with goggles up on the helmet with the straps in various positions. If you were going to do only one variant, i'd go with 7 - if a whole unit is to have the same head, that one makes the most sense, in that it doesn't seem unnatural for all the soldiers to look the same, with the masks and goggles covering their features.

I'd like these even more with some of the previously dicussed helmet ridge and rivet details

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/23 01:17:13

Post by: poipo32

I love 5 and 7.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/23 06:54:59

Post by: Azazelx

Have a look at these if you want a modern style helmet:


Automatically Appended Next Post:
4) Just looks like a Stahlhelm. If you want to make more neo-WW2 Germans. Fine
5) Stahlhelm with DAK goggles. As above.
6) I like the modern helmet look, but if so, lose the DAK goggles. They're clearly too 40's.
7) If you go with 4/5, then this is a good variant. Otherwise, nope. (Personally speaking, I think it looks horrible - as a variant then I'd use one or two - if this was the only option, it would stop me buying the kit.)

Another good looking modern helmet:

If you go with variant helmets/heads, please supply a couple of extras over the number of bodies - say 6 or 8 heads per 4/5 bodies. So people can avoid specific heads entirely or use them for officers/etc.

Please also change the weapon render. Go with something that looks a bit more realistic. There are some amazing looking modern weapons you could base yours off or take inspiration from:



MK14 Mod 0 EBR

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/23 07:15:31

Post by: Guildsman

Definitely have to go with 5. Excellent shape and archaic feel without looking too much like Space Nazis. You could then use 7 as a variant head.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/23 11:43:36

Post by: akira5665

7 for the win. Nicest combo of all.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2111/12/23 21:51:29

Post by: frozenwastes

5 is my favorite. Though the goggles down one is awesome as well.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/28 10:19:08

Post by: Construct

mad robot wrote:I will emphasize again, these are WIP...Works In Progress. They aren't finalized yet and that's why I have been posting these updates; to give folks like yourself a chance to comment and give some feedback.
You keep pointing that out. The reason so much of our feedback is negative is *because* these are WIP – we're focussing on what we feel needs changing. We wouldn't be posting if we didn't already like them or think they showed promise. So smile!

Helmet 5 is a definite improvement but there's still that contrast between the thin, WWII-esque helmet and the bulky, post-apocalyptic torso armour. If you look at, say, the Jin-Roh or Helghast designs you can see that hemet and armour there share a common bulk and design mix and are the stronger for it.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/28 15:47:43

Post by: mad robot

Construct wrote:You keep pointing that out. The reason so much of our feedback is negative is *because* these are WIP – we're focussing on what we feel needs changing. We wouldn't be posting if we didn't already like them or think they showed promise. So smile!

Point taken, sir.

For what it's worth, seeing many people make similar comments about the same details gets a bit taxing. However, I do appreciate ALL the feedback, positive & negative.

Pictures of the 3D print are coming later today. Stay tuned...

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/28 16:24:30

Post by: CT GAMER

#7 is awesome.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/28 19:19:35

Post by: frozenwastes

mad robot wrote:
Point taken, sir.

For what it's worth, seeing many people make similar comments about the same details gets a bit taxing. However, I do appreciate ALL the feedback, positive & negative.

Pictures of the 3D print are coming later today. Stay tuned...

Well if one person didn't like something and no one else agreed with them, you wouldn't have any way of knowing if it was just one person's personal taste or if there was a design issue. I could give you all sorts of advice about what I would like, but I don't know how broadly the miniatures would appeal to people if you listened to just one opinion.

I think the miniatures look pretty cool and can't wait to see the new print.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/29 03:12:22

Post by: mad robot

Ok guys, as promised, here's some pictures of the 3D print I received a few days ago. I've taken the liberty of standing it next to some other fairly common figures for the sake of comparison. I think some of the shortcomings are more obvious than others but feel free to offer up whatever feedback you may have.

First up is a shot of the individual pieces...

Next up is a group shot of various figures for comparison...

Finally we have a tighter shot of some standard troopers...

Thanks for checking this out and offering up your ideas and suggestions. A happy and safe new years to all!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/29 05:09:51

Post by: kenshin620

Hmm, is this suppose to be true scaled?

Because even then the head looks a bit smaller than it should

Its head is smaller than the other one you have I think!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/29 14:17:56

Post by: mad robot

kenshin620 wrote:Its head is smaller than the other one you have I think!

True, that's one of the more obvious shortcomings...lol.

There are some scaling issues that we'll address. A bigger head and hands, overall the upper body seems a little smaller than the legs, etc. The final figure will also measure just a tiny bit shorter, no taller than the DKoK you see next to him.

Hopefully this will let people see where we're headed. We should have refinements finished in a week or two and then it's off to the printer and then, hopefully, to the caster.

Thanks for your continued feedback

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/29 14:39:34

Post by: frozenwastes

I think you already have figured out the changes you need to make.

The one I would add would be to consider exagerating the depth of the details, especially the cloth folds. Not a lot, but enough that making a mould and casting won't soften them away. Though it could be 100% a camera issue with that grey material causing the details to look more shallow than they are.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/30 20:19:38

Post by: MagickalMemories

You're still having issues with the softening of the details on the coat. The bottom looks like it's starting to curl under, rather than have a crisp bottom.

Your torso and, as mentioned, head are noticeably disproportionate to the arms & legs. They need to be made bigger.

I think your gun looks a bit nonthreatening. I'm thinking futuristic airsoft.

Someone mentioned previously that you looked to have too many folds in the coat fabric. Seeing the "IRL" model, I'm prone to agree.

I still think the chest plates are an AWESOME idea, and I can't wait to see them perfected.

FWIW, I like head #6, sans goggles.


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/31 01:07:45

Post by: mad robot

MagickalMemories wrote:I think your gun looks a bit nonthreatening. I'm thinking futuristic airsoft.
Agreed. It's a bit flimsy looking.

Here's a flavor of the newer gun concept:

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/31 01:24:44

Post by: Vain

I have to say, whatever scaling issues you have, these look a hell of a lot better scaled than Cadians, good job!

Seeing them full sized I don't mind the rivets as it will give something for dip/ink/paints to hook onto or pool around.

If anything, I would say slightly bulk out the gun so it doesn't look so fragile, a little bit closer the FW size but not as large as the GW boxes.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/31 03:16:57

Post by: paulson games

I think overall it's getting really close. The head size is slightly too small, I think the details on the head/face may need to be deepened slightly more to make them pop but i think you are very close. I think the torso size seems off maybe due to the way the hips aren't particuarly visable under the jacker which distorts the appearance. Honestly the torso looks rather long when the piece is shown seperate. I think the lines of the coat may be fooling the eye into thinking it's too small. You should line this model up againt some anatomy drawings for scale. Something is slightly off (not by much though) and I can't immediately spot it.

I've found that when designing stuff for this scale it's better to over-exaggerate everything, in 3D if you try and make the models look correct than all the detail washes out when it's printed in scaled down form. On the screen it looks amazing but once it's shrunk down you lose a lot. Make all the detail depth twice as large as what your guys says they should be.

Zoom out on your screen until you have it the same size as what the mini should be then back away five feet from your computer because that's what the typical viewing distance will be, and it'll give you a better sense of if the detail will show up or not. Squint your eyes a bit, maybe take off any glasses etc. The renders make everything look pretty but it tries to lie to you A lot of getting the print scale just right is a matter of experience from playing around a lot before you nail it just right. I think you are just about there with these guys.

The new gun looks awesome, much like a Aliens movie pulse rifle with a drum magazine. I love it.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/31 03:19:05

Post by: SlaveToDorkness

Can't wait to get an army of these and paint them up Cobra style! Nice stuff.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/31 04:12:49

Post by: paulson games

I tossed this into photoshop to see what migt be off, hopefully this will make sense. based on your pics I scaled them as closea s I could, not perfect due to the angle of the parts but hopefully enough to work.

The head is actually to proper scale of a bare head. Which is slightly undersized for a mini given that it's wearing a helmet and minis typically need to have heads and hand slightly larger than normal proprtions. I'd say maybe increase the size by about 5-10%

The torso is a bit long and may need to be shortened slightly. I'd also taper the waist area slightly just to give it more definition and the inverted triangle shape that the male form traditionally ascribes to. Right now it's a bit tube shaped. I think you need to lift the entire piece of chest armor so it'd be in with the proper shoulder line, have more stomach area and lift the belt line. Most tactical body armor plates will generally cover the rib cage to absorb impacts and use softer armor across the stomach area for flexibility of movement.

The waist level is set a bit low which makes the toros look even longer, combined with a visable lack of hip & groin definition.

Have the coat split a bit higher, most pea coats and trenchers button down to the waist but not much further as that would restrict leg mobility. A button below the groin would tend to pull the fabric flat across the goin and make it pretty restrictive and uncomfortable. It'd be difficult/impossible to sit or crouch with it buttoned that low. So move the split up to the groin height or hip height which will help with the definition.

The knee height looks to be right, the lower legs seem short due to the coat but look to be proper length. Maybe lift the knee cap ever so slightly as knee armor tends to ride slightly higher than the knee itself.

The arms are way too long, ape arm syndrome I rotated the pieces to show how long they are in compairson and both the upper and lower arm are overly long. At current they'd need to be reduced almost 30% in length

Might be good to add a elbow pad held in place with a band? Most of the other vunerable areas on the model have armor, the elbows would likely be reinforced as well?

Not bashing the model at all, I love the design hopefully this can help you make the tweaks that take it from 90% to perfect

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/31 09:04:34

Post by: Construct

mad robot wrote:Here's a flavor of the newer gun concept:
This is brilliant. And you've managed to find a balance not only between the design influences – I'm seeing a little pulse rifle, a little PPSh – but between scales as well – it's realistically-proportioned but it has the bulk of heroic-scale weapons.

I think everything's been covered already but I wish to add that perhaps the loss of detail in the prints is a blessing in disguise. With the sharp edges in the armour smoothed over everything ties together a lot better and with the rivets needing to be that large to show up the mind glosses over how comparatively crude they are.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/31 19:01:46

Post by: Clang

Love the new gun concept.

Those comparison pics are really interesting (including paulson games' analysis thereof), clearly showing that other manufacturers are equally out of proportion, anatomically speaking , the difference being that other manufacturers have rightly or wrongly gone for 'chunkier' proportions. Depending on whether you _want_ your stuff to be compatible with other manufacturers (e.g. for the converters' market), this may affect your final decisions on proportions...

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/31 19:58:25

Post by: Alpharius

That comparison shot shows just how screwed up GW's Cadians have become...

Anyway, nice work so far, and looking forward to more!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2011/12/31 20:19:24

Post by: RiTides

mad robot wrote:Ok guys, as promised, here's some pictures of the 3D print I received a few days ago.

What 3D Printing service do you use? Moddler, or the like? It looks quite good! I also like the scale of your model, although I agree that a slightly bigger head would make it look more "normal" to my eyes (although I bet migsula would love it just like it is).

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/01 02:05:38

Post by: mad robot

RiTides wrote:What 3D Printing service do you use?

I use a company called VisionProto. Moddler does great work but the resolution isn't there for fine details & organic surfaces. VisionProto, and similar companies, use an Envisiontech Perfactory machine that is designed to print small jewelry and models with very fine details. The bonus is that they pretty much arrive "mold ready".

Thanks for the continued feedback folks. More updates coming soon.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/01 02:59:07

Post by: Mad4Minis

mad robot wrote:
MagickalMemories wrote:I think your gun looks a bit nonthreatening. I'm thinking futuristic airsoft.
Agreed. It's a bit flimsy looking.

Here's a flavor of the newer gun concept:

I like the gun, partially because Im a fan of drum mags. Also, head #7 with the goggles down should be included as an option, if its not the main head. I know if I was doing a squad I would use that head exclusively.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/03 18:40:37

Post by: MagickalMemories

New gun: me likey!
I think you're spot on with the new rifle; it looks suitably futuristic, but not too sci-fi. It's got an aggressive looking profile and I fully believe I could see one of these guys using one like a club! lol

I think Paulson shared some great advice. He really put a lot of things down that I saw, but could not really communicate. I'm not even sure I saw them consciously, as much as they just "didn't look right." Everything he said, though, had me saying, "Yeah! That's exactly it!"


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/05 21:11:43

Post by: mad robot

Here's an update on the head choices, I'll probably shoot for a mix of 5 of each variant.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/05 21:13:55

Post by: Grundz

That gun looks a lot like a pancor jackhammer

the greatest of late 80's technology!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/05 23:04:55

Post by: MagickalMemories

I'm not a big fan of those goggles, but I suspect I'm in the (if not THE) minority on that.
I do like the helmet, though.


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/05 23:11:53

Post by: kenshin620

Maybe its me but why do the goggles on #2 looks smaller than the ones on #3?

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/05 23:57:08

Post by: Commander Cain

The gun concept looks much cooler! The head variants are also perfect, you do not need to worry about having too many similar looking facial expressions as they are mostly hidden in the helmet and balaclava.

The middle set of goggles do look a little smaller as kenshin said, maybe it is just the angle?

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/06 00:14:34

Post by: mad robot

I'm not a big fan of those goggles

Yeah I know I can't please everyone but, fear not, we'll be making some alternate heads available once the figures hit the market.

The middle set of goggles do look a little smaller

On the goggles, they look smaller but the lenses are the same size, just flatter. The material is a leather that is meant to be flexible so they conform to the wearers face for a good seal.

Here's a RL example

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/06 01:43:15

Post by: paulson games

I love those heads. The detail looks nice and deep suitable for printing and I hope they come out well. Very excited to see the final prints

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/06 01:59:01

Post by: Ketara

Interesting. Very interesting. I have high hopes of this project.

However, I think that your volume of sales will be considerably higher if you make the components cross-compatible with GW ones for conversion purposes. So making a model of accurate human proportions may not be entirely in your best interest.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/06 02:22:52

Post by: kenshin620

Ketara wrote:Interesting. Very interesting. I have high hopes of this project.

However, I think that your volume of sales will be considerably higher if you make the components cross-compatible with GW ones for conversion purposes. So making a model of accurate human proportions may not be entirely in your best interest.

I wouldnt go for the extreme of cadians though

FW sized is more acceptable imo

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/06 08:31:46

Post by: Construct

mad robot wrote:On the goggles, they look smaller but the lenses are the same size, just flatter. The material is a leather that is meant to be flexible so they conform to the wearers face for a good seal.

There's a difference in the distance between the lens and the strap on the two googles. It looks like you snuck the attachment over on the goggles-down version to prevent it being hidden behind the chin strap and forgot to update the googles-up version to match.

Incidentally, your lighting in these shots is much improved.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/06 15:34:04

Post by: mad robot

Construct wrote:There's a difference in the distance between the lens and the strap on the two goggles.

Good catch! You saw it before I did. I think Peter, my 3D artist, threw that in to keep the detail.


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/06 16:28:10

Post by: Guildsman

Like many others have said, these test figures are so close to perfect that it should just be a matter of some simple tweaks to fix them up. Resize a few parts and add the new guns (which are excellent, by the way) and you'll be set.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/06 18:02:10

Post by: frostaxe707

the idea of a russian helmet would ruin it, it looks great already; it would be to vostroyan-y

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/06 18:59:15

Post by: Clang

New heads look great. Personally I'd like more than just three variants though.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/06 19:01:20

Post by: MasterSlowPoke

The greatcoat is still too soft. It looks more like a windbreaker than a proper heavy coat. Look at the greatcoats that maxmini is releasing:


Much crisper and tighter.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/06 19:15:09

Post by: mad robot

MasterSlowPoke wrote:The greatcoat is still too soft. It looks more like a windbreaker than a proper heavy coat.

Yep, being addressed as I write this.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/10 02:32:51

Post by: mad robot

Just put up an opinion poll on the blog about poses. Feel free to cast your vote and comment.


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/10 05:52:09

Post by: MasterSlowPoke

I'd say have the kneeling legs on a different kind of sprue, like how GW does with the heavy weapon troopers.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/10 06:21:13

Post by: ChocolateGork

Kneeling legs would be great!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
And about 30-50% of the arms should be aiming.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/17 04:35:25

Post by: mad robot

Here's a quick update...work continues on the models and below is an exploded view of what we have finished so far. All the arms and legs are being "re-surfaced" to address the flimsiness of the coat and a few newer details have been added already. Hope to have another update in a week or so.

Questions, comments, and feedback are welcomed.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/17 04:50:25

Post by: ChocolateGork

They look great to me!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/17 04:55:20

Post by: Clang

Yup, these continue to improve, looking pretty good.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/17 05:00:38

Post by: Absolutionis

I really have no truly major complaints.

My only really minor issue is that the guns are attached to the arm and will be a hassle to remove. Being metal, this may be problematic.

But the sculpts themselves are great. I'm happy that you've taken input from the community while still maintaining your own direction.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/17 05:03:51

Post by: Schmapdi

Looking very good. A lot of progress in not a lot of time.

I'm confused about the release though - I thought these were going to be metal? But I keep seeing components and the term "sprue" being bandied about.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/17 05:30:40

Post by: Absolutionis

Schmapdi wrote:Looking very good. A lot of progress in not a lot of time.

I'm confused about the release though - I thought these were going to be metal? But I keep seeing components and the term "sprue" being bandied about.

Metal or Resin:
mad robot wrote:Thanks guys, appreciate the responses so far.

Just to clarify: These will not be plastic. They'll either be made from resin or metal.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/17 12:47:05

Post by: Shepherd23

Do you have an expected release date? These look fantastic and I will have to own some.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/17 14:15:48

Post by: mad robot

Sorry for not clarifying sooner. These will be resin. We have more sets planned and all of our sets willcbe interchangeable with each other. Resin will allow folks to customize these much easier.

I can't give a specific release date yet but it will be soon; possibly March.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/20 08:50:31

Post by: MasterSlowPoke

I'd be interested in a loose gun frame, at least. They look pretty nice.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/30 22:33:59

Post by: mad robot

Need some opinions on Heavy Weapons. Seems like folks are looking for some prone gunners, as opposed to kneeling. Assuming I only did or the other, which do you prefer?

Kneeling or Prone?

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/31 00:21:19

Post by: kenshin620

Prone is cool but not everyone's cup of tea. Maybe have a ratio of sitting/kneeling/squatting and prone? Or are you looking for only one to two pairs of legs?

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/31 00:51:05

Post by: insaniak

If you're only doing one, I would go with kneeling as it's more adaptable for different games. Prone looks cool, but has LOS issues in some games (40K specifically).

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/31 00:58:17

Post by: kenshin620

insaniak wrote: Prone looks cool, but has LOS issues in some games (40K specifically).

Yea thats why out of all the heavy weapon teams gw made, only two are prone. Its harder to hit guys on their bellies!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/31 02:05:16

Post by: mad robot

At this point it's looking like kneeling but I figured I'd see if there was any interest in something else.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/31 02:25:11

Post by: Fenriswulf

Any chance of you selling the third head style separately?

I would love the chance to get my hand on a fair few of these for use with my troops.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/31 03:05:53

Post by: insaniak

kenshin620 wrote:Yea thats why out of all the heavy weapon teams gw made, only two are prone. Its harder to hit guys on their bellies!

In 40K, the problem is more that it's harder for prone figures to draw LOS to anything, since every little obstacle gets in the way.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/31 03:42:42

Post by: kenshin620

insaniak wrote:
kenshin620 wrote:Yea thats why out of all the heavy weapon teams gw made, only two are prone. Its harder to hit guys on their bellies!

In 40K, the problem is more that it's harder for prone figures to draw LOS to anything, since every little obstacle gets in the way.

Thats true too

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/01/31 03:46:31

Post by: mad robot

Fenriswulf wrote:Any chance of you selling the third head style separately?

Once I can get the main set out to people, I may go back and make some separate sets of the heads and guns.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/02/11 03:35:21

Post by: mad robot

Just a quick update to say the final test model is at the printers and I expect him back in the next week. I'll post pictures ASAP and as long as everything looks good, we'll have the full kit in molds by the end of this month.


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/02/23 16:23:58

Post by: mad robot

Received the first of what should be the final 3D prints on the Greatcoats today! There are adjustments to be made on the weapons to make them a little beefier but the final masters should be in hand in another week or 2 and then it's off to the casters!

I've also decided to cast these in metal. Given the size of some of these pieces, there's too much potential for things to break.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/02/23 17:35:06

Post by: MagickalMemories

Metal? Really? Wow. I didn't see that coming.


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/02/23 17:39:05

Post by: shingouki

Looking pretty damn good to me.I could use them as a chaos guard force mmmnnnn.............

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/02/23 20:34:02

Post by: poipo32

mad robot wrote:
I've also decided to cast these in metal.

Another Indie miniature company making guardsmen I won't buy.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/02/23 20:58:34

Post by: mad robot

MagickalMemories wrote:Metal? Really? Wow. I didn't see that coming.

poipo32 wrote:Another Indie miniature company making guardsmen I won't buy.

Resin really means that much to people? My concerns are about the brittle nature of resin, especially with the smaller pieces I'll be making. The last thing I want is to have to lose money on a release because the small parts keep breaking or are too fragile. Metal also allows for quicker production times. Those kinds of issues are genuine concerns for a small company like Mad Robot.

Resin would be my personal preference but it seems to be an issue where there are equal people on both sides. No decision is written in stone however. If people think these should be in resin, I'm willing to listen to your reasoning.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/02/23 21:07:14

Post by: 12thRonin

That flamer canister looks like it's going to snap off regardless of metal or resin. There's not much holding it in place.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/02/23 22:22:22

Post by: Kroothawk

mad robot wrote:Resin really means that much to people?

Just call it Finecast and people will buy the metal version

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/02/23 22:34:46

Post by: Absolutionis

The only argument for Resin I can see is for weapon-swaps. Your model's gun is attached to the right hand. Removing that gun will take some work.

I'm also confused about what those two gun parts are in the top right.

Otherwise, I simply prefer metal.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/02/23 22:43:46

Post by: spiralingcadaver

Resin is a lot easier for hobbyists to work with, but tends to be harder for casters.

I don't know how interchangeable the molds are, but if you can try it out in resin, it would probably be better if that works: resin is cheaper, lighter (shipping costs) and easier to work with.

Personally, I'm really liking resin, but a good mini and I don't really care what it's made of.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/02/23 23:08:08

Post by: MagickalMemories

For me, the preference is:
1) Plastic
2) Resin
3) metal
10) hybrid combination

You may enter almost anything between 3 & 10. LOL

Metal isn't a deal breaker for me. I just don't like working with it. Take that flamer canister, for example. As has already been said, it looks like it'll snap off easily, regardless of material. It'll be a HECK of a lot easier to drill out & pin in plastic or resin than in metal.

As long as the models look good and don't cost too much, I'm willing to consider them when I have a need. Those are the most important things.


Automatically Appended Next Post:
For me, the preference is:
1) Plastic
2) Resin
3) metal
10) hybrid combination

You may enter almost anything between 3 & 10. LOL

Metal isn't a deal breaker for me. I just don't like working with it. Take that flamer canister, for example. As has already been said, it looks like it'll snap off easily, regardless of material. It'll be a HECK of a lot easier to drill out & pin in plastic or resin than in metal.

As long as the models look good and don't cost too much, I'm willing to consider them when I have a need. Those are the most important things.


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/02/23 23:55:11

Post by: mad robot

MagickalMemories wrote:Take that flamer canister, for example. As has already been said, it looks like it'll snap off easily, regardless of material.

Yep, that's one of the changes being made the make the weapons beefier.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/02/23 23:59:29

Post by: CT GAMER

poipo32 wrote:
mad robot wrote:
I've also decided to cast these in metal.

Another Indie miniature company making guardsmen I won't buy.

The Chinese recasters wil have them in resin...

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/02/24 04:19:45

Post by: Fenriswulf

I'd take some of those heads in either metal or resin. It doesn't bother me at all.

Overall, you're the manufacturer, you've got to be happy with how things turn out as well as the consumer. If you don't have the tool for vacuum degassing and molding resin correctly, you could try to farm it out. If you want to keep it all in house, go with whatever you think is best.

If you reckon you can do metal at a price point which is competitive with other manufacturers who offer plastic or resin, I don't see why to not use metal. Honestly I find it just as easy to work with as resin.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/02/24 20:10:19

Post by: Clang

Don't you have a choice in casting resins? I know some types are brittle, but others are quite flexible - e.g. for all the complaints about GW's Finecast casting quaility, they do seem to have got the flexibility aspect right.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/02/24 20:44:08

Post by: mad robot

Clang wrote:Don't you have a choice in casting resins?

There are options, for sure. However, besides the breakage factor, most of my concerns lie with costs. Compared to metal, resin molds are more expensive, have a much shorter life, and it takes much longer to produce each cast. For smaller projects, like a single sprue of heads or weapons, resin doesn't present as many issues.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/02/24 20:56:09

Post by: insaniak

mad robot wrote:Resin really means that much to people?

For me, it's not so much that I'm attached to resin as that multi-part metal models are a pain.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/02/24 21:00:22

Post by: Absolutionis

It's even more of a pain when the kit you buy expects you to accurately cut the small metal pieces you get.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/02/25 16:26:48

Post by: Centurionpainting

I won't buy them if they're metal. If resin (or better,plastic) I would buy some.

The question to ask is: who will be purchasing these and what do they prefer?

I play guard which means I am going to be buying over 20 of these if I buy one. With metal, I will need to pin each part to ensure it doesn't fall apart in gameplay. This means getting out my little GW pin vice and spending 5 minutes on each individual part to get it to support a pin. Multiply this by an army's worth of your mini's and you can see where I'm going. For me, it would be easier to just buy some resin IG ("corporation") from Mantic and call it a day.

To address your earlier point: things will tend to break easier with resin, this is true. Although, the type of guys who own a pin vice and are willing to invest the time in pinning will also probably be able to use greenstuff to fix the small issues caused by resin.

Comparatively, there is no reason metal should win out. So, my point is that you may sell a few of the metal guard but you will not see the volume you are looking for. Unless modellers can cut, shape, and convert your figures with ease, they will invest in something else.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/02/25 17:32:41

Post by: poipo32

insaniak wrote:
mad robot wrote:Resin really means that much to people?

For me, it's not so much that I'm attached to resin as that multi-part metal models are a pain.


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/02/26 17:06:21

Post by: Shepherd23

I have worked with metal, plastic and resin models for over 20 years now. While I much prefer plastic as it is easiest to work with, I have no real issue with metal or resin. If I like the model (and I do in this case) then it being metal or resin won't bother me either way. NOw if we could go multiple pose plastic I would be all over these guys.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/02/27 04:21:37

Post by: MagickalMemories

I've been seriously considering a Traitor IG army for a long time. These models could easily make the cut, if I ever go through with it.
If they're in metal, though... that many models are going to get very heavy, very fast.


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/03/13 09:35:34

Post by: Fenriswulf

Just wondering how the progress on this is going. Have you made any further decision on which way you want to cast stuff?

I'll buy the heads if you sell them separately as either resin or metal, doesn't bother me

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/03/13 14:40:13

Post by: mad robot

@Fenriswulf: It's been a matter of waiting on the prints, they are arriving today. I will be posting pictures ASAP.

The full sets will be cast in metal. Initially there will not be any heads sold separately but that will change once I get the line established. if I do sell the heads by themselves, there is a possibility I will do them in resin but I will have to wait and see.

I am looking into doing a Kickstarter project in order to get these finished without delay. What are people's thoughts on that?

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/03/14 02:08:35

Post by: Thunderfrog

The Kickstarts have gotten popular lately, but it'd take a good incentive to get me to buy in at this point.

You lost me at "metal" there mate.

Good luck though!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/03/15 15:32:13

Post by: mad robot

Here is a picture of all the prints we needed for casting. I still need to go over these and make sure they are up to standards but it gives a complete picture of what we're working with.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/03/17 01:17:57

Post by: Centurionpainting

Thunderfrog wrote:You lost me at "metal" there mate.

Yup, me too.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/05/18 18:01:57

Post by: mad robot

We are now taking PRE-ORDERS on our first 28mm release...the Sadoukadi Greatcoats!

"Born of hard conflict and drawn out wars of attrition, the Greatcoats of Sadoukad-16 are the embodiment of the foot slogger. From frozen arctic wastelands, to burnt out cities, to sulfuric trench-laden fields of mud, the legions of great-coated warriors are able to adapt to a variety of battlefield environments. Drawing upon what some would call “antiquated” equipment, their strength lies in their vast numbers."


These 28mm multi-part figures are cast in white metal. Each pack contains enough parts to build 10 figures and includes the following:

5 standard heads
5 heads, goggles up
5 heads goggles down
10 torsos
10 sets of arms, multiple poses
10 sets of legs, multiple poses
Alternate squad leader arms
2 extra weapons: Grenade Launcher & Flamethrower

Reduced pricing on all PRE ORDERS !
Release Date: mid-June.


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/05/18 18:17:39

Post by: fullheadofhair

Centurionpainting wrote:
Thunderfrog wrote:You lost me at "metal" there mate.

Yup, me too.

You also lost me on the cost. 10 for $50 (or $40) on pre-order. Way too expensive.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/05/18 18:35:23

Post by: mad robot

$40 for pre-orders, the pricing is similar to other companies offering metal, multi-part figures.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/05/18 18:43:46

Post by: bbb

It seems a little high, but maybe if you broke it down and sold a set of 4 for $20, then people who like the models but don't want a whole unit could pick up just a few for a smaller price point.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/05/18 20:46:54

Post by: mad robot

Some additional pictures...

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/05/18 20:52:48

Post by: paulson games

The pricing seems to be in line with most other metal minis, if not slightly cheaper considering that it's 10 multipart models.

Privateer typically has their boxes priced at $50-$70, with most of the models being two part models.

Most individual models you get from Reaper are around $7-$10, battletech is in the $9-$12 range, infinity tends to see $12-$15 easily.

A box of Kharskins runs $41.25 and they are all single piece models. (A unit of death korps will easily set you back about $60+)

Having them in metal priced at basically $5 a model it seems just fine IMO.

Plus it's not like it's Failcast where you'll have it looking like swiss cheese and need to fix every mini.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/05/18 21:04:04

Post by: insaniak

mad robot wrote:Some additional pictures...

Frankly, I don't think these pics are doing you any favours. Blowing them up to 50 times actual size is making them look awfully rough. Going off the initial pic, I thought the texture on the coat was really cool... but then seeing the same texture on the head and chest armour... not so great.

The pic of the arms, gangly proportions aside, looks much better. On the interwebs, bigger is not always better.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/05/18 21:09:13

Post by: paulson games

I think the grain is part of being zoomed in so much, it's also equally noticable on the blue background as well so I'd suspect it's part of the camera's macro setting.

The arms and legs look great to me, and given that the master parts are all made from the same material I think that it's probably a camera effect from zooming in so closely.

Just cutting the image size in half with no digital clean up improves the grain, the smaller head to the right being closer to actual scale and it's still easily twice the size it is on the mini.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/05/18 21:16:29

Post by: insaniak

paulson games wrote:I think the grain is part of being zoomed in so much,...

Yeah, that was my point. I suspect that the casts themselves are fine... but seeing them blown up so huge gives a false impression. People aren't going to look at those pics and say 'Well that should be ok at actual size'... they going to look at them and see a mini with a rather rough texture all over it.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/05/18 21:25:55

Post by: ceorron

I agree insaniak, please put up pictures that flatter the models not make them look worse. I'm sure they look great though but just not everyone will think about it so much and will simply be put off by the bad picture.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/05/18 21:30:49

Post by: mad robot

Point taken on the pics.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/05/18 22:48:19

Post by: Newabortion

Hey Mad Robot, I love the look of that helmet on the right, add 4-9 more with variations with cloth helmet covers, differnt eye pieces like goggles or sun glasses and you'll get a sell alot to me

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Hey Mad Robot, I love the look of that helmet on the right, add 4-9 more with variations with cloth helmet covers, differnt eye pieces like goggles or sun glasses and you'll get a sell a lot to me

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/05/18 23:06:52

Post by: mad robot

The 3 heads pictured are all that will be available right away, 5 of each. There will be some different variants when the heavy weapons teams come out later this year..

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/05/18 23:43:16

Post by: Fenriswulf

Are you looking to sell those metal heads separately? I'd love to get about 10 of them initially to try out on some models, and if they'll suit, order up a hell of a lot more. Love the full helmet and goggles look.

Really glad you've got to the step of releasing the miniatures! Well done!

I think you've really nailed a good look for the greatcoats. Just wondering what kind of size they are. Are you using 28mm GW heroic scale, or have you gone for some more realistic proportions. Be interested to know.

In any case, good to see it done!

Edit: Think I might just pre-order a box. I am going for a different look in my army, but I think a squad of these would be interesting to see. Could be a special Inquisitorial squad or the like. Would still like to see the heads being able to be bought separately.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/05/19 00:49:54

Post by: mad robot

@Fenriswulf- Thanks for the support!

For now, the heads will not be available separately. To do that would have required a separate set of molds made just for them and it wasn't in the budget. I've already started looking into ways to get some out this summer.

Size wise, they match up pretty good with FW stuff, see pic below. It shows an early print of the figure, the final version will stand about 2mm shorter and the head will be slightly larger, but it still demonstrates the size comparison:

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/05/19 02:35:44

Post by: Fenriswulf

That's perfect. Scale wise they'll fit right in with my other more normal scale looking guys. Can't stand the regular GW plastic proportions.

As for more heads, I look forward to seeing your results. I'll have to go by the ones which arrive, but I look forward to checking them out!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/06/02 16:51:00

Post by: mad robot

I'm very happy to announce that I messed up and over-estimated the production costs of our 28mm Greatcoat models!

The new price, upon release will be $30.
The pre-order price is $25.

We will be taking pre-orders right up to the day we receive the first production run, which will be sometime this month.


Also, because of the changes we made to the molds, It looks like we'll be able to sell the heads separately. Expect to see those available when the figures are released, later this month.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/06/02 22:36:53

Post by: Thunderfrog

This new price makes the models really affordable. Color me interested.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/06/02 23:09:08

Post by: mad robot

Yeah, The $50 price tag was not sitting well with me so I'm glad things have turned out for the better.

I'll have pics of some painted models uploaded in a week or so.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/06/03 20:54:31

Post by: Anvils Hammer

Great move with the pricing!!

These gorgeous figures are now a lot more affordable for people wanting to purchase a whole armys worth!

When can we expect some painted examples?



Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/06/03 21:05:23

Post by: Griever

Damn, I knew these were too good to be true.

I don't have the time to spend 10 minutes gluing each individual trooper, not to mention if they fall more than 6 inches they'll break apart.

I also find metal models really hard to paint.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/06/03 21:08:22

Post by: Absolutionis

With the price essentially halved, you made me a customer!

Griever wrote:I also find metal models really hard to paint.

Use primer.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/06/04 02:16:13

Post by: mad robot

I'm working hard to get some painted examples soon. Hopefully this week.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/06/04 02:46:08

Post by: Valhallan42nd

Griever wrote:Damn, I knew these were too good to be true.

I don't have the time to spend 10 minutes gluing each individual trooper, not to mention if they fall more than 6 inches they'll break apart.

I also find metal models really hard to paint.

Pin them. You likely won't have a problem. Also, metal models are hard to paint? They paint the same as any model. Hard to prep, possibly... Paint, no.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/06/04 04:02:28

Post by: shasolenzabi

I actually enjoy adding different yet similar scaled soldiers to my IG forces. I like the look of these guys and their guns.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/06/19 01:15:29

Post by: mad robot

While I wait for the painter to complete his work, I thought I would post an assembled figure to show what they look like. All I've done to it is give it a light coat of primer.

Sorry it's only one mini but it's all I had left to assemble after sending out the painter's squad.

You can still Pre-Order HERE

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/06/19 04:50:22

Post by: Ouze

Looking nice.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/06/30 15:04:55

Post by: mad robot

As we prepare for the official release of the Sadoukadi Greatcoats, we have decided to stop taking pre-orders after July 1st. After that you will have to wait a week or so to purchase them and then it will be at the normal $30 price. Get yours at the reduced price while you can!

Pre-Order HERE

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/07/01 05:39:43

Post by: Azazelx

These look great, and the new prices are much more affordable. If they were single-part metal castings, I'd have no issue picking some up (if I wasn't broke from Mantic and SW) but multipart metals (for squad builders) don't work for me. I know I'll never get around to that much pinning. I don't mind the odd arm on a HW trooper, but for this many parts I'll just never get around to building them in metal.

I don't love resin either. For this style of model I'm all about the plastic.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/07/03 22:37:57

Post by: Reaper Man 2020

Loving these models, might see my way to buying some, how bad is postage to the UK?

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/07/03 23:59:55

Post by: mad robot

Reaper Man 2020 wrote:Loving these models, might see my way to buying some, how bad is postage to the UK?

Cool, glad you like them! They should be released in the next few weeks.

Shipping to the U.K. is $9.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/07/04 01:56:04

Post by: necromancer120

They look really nice. Great job on getting them ready.

Btw, I still owe you
(This is Doug Hamilton, 3D guy)

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/07/04 02:09:01

Post by: mad robot

Thanks Doug!

To anyone reading this...If you have a need for a 1st class 3D artist, PM necromancer120!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/07/05 20:50:52

Post by: HAZZER

Wow! I love these guys! Shame pre order is finished... Hmmm... May get some for my guard army, well once I start the army...

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/07/14 18:00:59

Post by: mad robot

Happy to announce the release of the Sadoukadi Greatcoats:

Purchase information can be found HERE

Sculpted by Peter Yeager & painted by Tim Spakowski

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/07/14 18:06:34

Post by: HAZZER

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/07/15 03:59:09

Post by: bbb

10 multi-part metal models for $30? That seems like a crazy price point in today's market. How are they this inexpensive?

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/07/15 04:15:25

Post by: sennacherib

Nice work. You should post a whole slew of pics of them painted, close ups from various angles, individual shots etc. what a great price for those figs. Bam. Nice work.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/07/16 16:57:19

Post by: mad robot

Just posted an assembly guide for the Greatcoats.


Here's another picture of them in action on the tabletop...

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/07/16 17:48:23

Post by: Anvils Hammer

They look awesome! bigger close up photos of the painted minis please!


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/07/16 19:09:07

Post by: Commander Cain

It is great to see these guys released. I may have to pick up a squad at some point, while a whole army of multi-part metal is bound to break on me, a single squad should survive my destructive nature!

+3 for the close-ups!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/07/16 19:35:10

Post by: mad robot

+3 for the close-ups!

lol...I'll post some closeups soon.

Edit: OK here's a larger picture. I'll post more closeups ASAP.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/09/14 21:19:40

Post by: mad robot

Here's preview of our latest 28mm offering...Major Hammerfaust.

He's cast in resin and comes in 2 parts. I should have him up for sale this weekend.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Well things got done quick so it's up for sale right now...HERE

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/09/15 08:56:09

Post by: shingouki

This guy looks brilliant imo.Have you got a uk distributor?

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/09/15 10:29:05

Post by: Anvils Hammer

I like it a lot! Why is he in two parts though? Im guessing the right hand gauntlet is separate?

Cheers, AH

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/09/15 14:44:02

Post by: mad robot

@shingouki: No not at this time time.

@Anvils Hammer: Thanks, Joel! Correct on the gauntlet.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/09/16 23:36:44

Post by: mad robot

Latest masters are cleaned and ready for molds tomorrow...

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/09/17 01:33:34

Post by: rhodry

wow they are some cool looking heads

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/09/29 00:40:29

Post by: mad robot

Goggled Heads and Beret Heads are now for sale in the store.

Check 'Em Out

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/09/29 19:45:23

Post by: paulson games

I like these quite a bit and the casting looks very clean. Excellent work.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/09/29 21:42:52

Post by: insaniak

Yeah, they look outstanding. Good job.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/09/29 22:32:05

Post by: alarmingrick

I like the google heads, alot.
My one complaint would be they need some variations.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/09/30 01:01:53

Post by: Construct

Beautiful! You've stepped your game up another level. And is that a new printing service?
The beret heads are absolutely top-notch. They all look like individuals, all different backgrounds and ages. Rugged and military without being exaggeratedly macho. Even the yelling head is natural, and that's something you never see. My only suggestion is that you take the sprued photo again, preferably of a set cast in grey, because the current one loses much of the detail. Edit: Nevermind. Checked the store and realised you had.
Why are the helmeted heads sprued on the top instead of at the neck? It's not a problem to clean up but it seems an odd choice.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/09/30 01:57:23

Post by: mad robot

Thanks for the feedback!

@alarmingrick: You mean variation as in goggles up? I'm open to input.

@construct: You pretty much summed up my goals on the heads. Sometimes heads can look uniform but when you can see faces I want to try and keep them looking as different as possible. I intend to have these painted for some proper pics but I didn't want to wait to put them up for sale.

The goggled heads are like that because of a casting issue I was trying to avoid.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/09/30 02:46:44

Post by: alarmingrick

 mad robot wrote:
Thanks for the feedback!

@alarmingrick: You mean variation as in goggles up? I'm open to input.

@construct: You pretty much summed up my goals on the heads. Sometimes heads can look uniform but when you can see faces I want to try and keep them looking as different as possible. I intend to have these painted for some proper pics but I didn't want to wait to put them up for sale.

The goggled heads are like that because of a casting issue I was trying to avoid.

Goggles up, mask down yelling orders, band around helmet with ?(smokes, ammo, etc...) tucked under the band, damage(scratches, bullet graze. etc...) to helmet.
Just a few ideas.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/10/01 04:30:39

Post by: noneoftheabove0

I really hate to be the first guy to ask, but how do the heads size up on Cadians? They look fantastic, head and shoulders (pardon the pun) above the Max Mini beret heads and miles ahead of the West Wind heads. I think you have the first beret heads that actually look like they are wearing berets. I'm just looking for scale. And as a tangentially related note, the head second from the right looks exactly like a Platoon Sergeant in my old Company. SSG Hulin. The guy was built like a refrigerator and drove around a Mini Cooper. You've got to love guys like that.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/10/01 05:46:56

Post by: paulson games

Does this help?

One of the perks of being somewhat local is I could get them right away.

(Heads and bodies used without anyone's permission, and not offically endorsing either company, use of, or modifying their products. I just like the way Mad Robot's stuff looks)

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/10/01 06:17:27

Post by: noneoftheabove0

Damn those are some handsome heads. And thank you, that was very helpful. I'll be getting some once I get out of the dog house. Of course, the order will put me right back in the dog house. Might as well get comfortable.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/10/01 07:04:37

Post by: Yodhrin

Oh my, those heads are rather nice. Any chance of you releasing a version of the mask+goggle heads with no helmet on? They'd be perfect for recreating one of the cool bits of artwork from the Inquisitor game.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/10/11 15:47:07

Post by: mad robot

As I prepare for some new releases, I thought I'd throw out a request for some feedback.

What kind of heads and bits are you looking for? I've got several, traditional, military-style heads in the works but the possibilities range from modern, to near future, to "mass effect-style" space opera.

Same thing for weapons.

Like I said, I have some things already planned, but I am interested in specific ideas you guys may have.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/10/11 18:52:46

Post by: rhodry

I'am always looking for new space wolves heads without helms.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/10/11 18:57:54

Post by: Absolutionis

Decent-looking hooded heads are always welcome. More "Adeptus Mechanicus" than "Evil Cultist" though.

Also, arms and legs with hexagonal patterns would be great.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/10/11 19:41:45

Post by: Red Corsair

If I were you I would do a very generic large mutant, one that can be converted to a chaos spawn OR grotesque easily. I would also suggest making a mutant sprue, odd limbs and bodies and heads so people can easily come to one place for cultist bits. Do to the insane mark up on GW conversion kits for chaos you could always make "sonic" weapons and bits for cheap.

Do you do all your own sculpting? PM me if you need any help as I sculpt and cast... I actually have a couple molded pieces for said parts already that I might part with as I am too busy to reopen my site currently.

Either way I would strike while the iron is hot on all things chaos.

GL and GJ!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/10/11 22:26:12

Post by: alarmingrick

I placed an order and it came today.
The heads look FANTASTIC! Little clean up, no bubbles.
Basicly, as good as the pic!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/10/12 22:29:45

Post by: Guildsman

What with a growing player base and the imminent release of the campaign book, parts for Infinity would be something to look into. Interesting high tech helmets, as well as jump packs for airdropping troops would interest me personally.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/10/18 16:45:13

Post by: mad robot

Here's an update on some weapon designs. Overall I'm pretty happy with them. I'd love to know your thoughts...


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/10/18 17:02:09

Post by: Absolutionis


As much as people love alternate-looking guns, there is still a great demand for great-looking las(er) rifles.
I love the top one.

Just a suggestion, but would it be possible to extend the barrel (not the muzzle) of the bottom rifle ever so slightly in order to accentuate the las(er) gun tip?

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/10/18 17:10:46

Post by: Reaper Man 2020

I like both of those, the bottom one reminds me of the Alien pulse rifle, very cool!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/10/18 17:43:07

Post by: mad robot

 Absolutionis wrote:
would it be possible to extend the barrel (not the muzzle) of the bottom rifle ever so slightly in order to accentuate the las(er) gun tip?

How's this?

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/10/18 19:42:10

Post by: Absolutionis

Yesyesyes! Perfect!

That is... if you're going for the las(er) gun look. Considering the muzzle, I'm assuming you are.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/10/18 19:56:56

Post by: mad robot

 Absolutionis wrote:
That is... if you're going for the las(er) gun look. Considering the muzzle, I'm assuming you are.

If you guys like it, I like it

I hope to have these out to the printers this week. Any other suggestions on these guns, please make them soon.


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/10/19 03:30:22

Post by: kenshin620

Maybe an option for a drum mag?

I love drums!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/10/19 07:37:11

Post by: Conrad Turner

Why would you need a drum mag on a laser weapon?

Maybe an option to remove the mag and add some cabling to a backpack for greater number of shots without reloading?

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/10/19 07:58:21

Post by: noneoftheabove0

 Conrad Turner wrote:
Why would you need a drum mag on a laser weapon?

Maybe an option to remove the mag and add some cabling to a backpack for greater number of shots without reloading?

I approve of this message.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/10/19 18:13:02

Post by: mad robot


I'm happy to announce new pricing on our Heroic head sets. These new prices should give folks a better chance to enjoy what we're trying to here at Mad Robot.

New sets are coming soon!


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/10/19 18:38:49

Post by: nerdfest09

Just made an account! loving your work so far and now I am going to HAVE to paint some kind of Imperial Guard damn you!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/10/19 18:43:05

Post by: shingouki

Awesome heads,my favourite's are the beret ones.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/10/20 09:11:17

Post by: Marrak

 mad robot wrote:
 Absolutionis wrote:
would it be possible to extend the barrel (not the muzzle) of the bottom rifle ever so slightly in order to accentuate the las(er) gun tip?

How's this?

That looks great. Out of the two designs I'm also favoring the second one. It's mostly the reminder of the pulse rifle from aliens, but hey, I'm honest.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/10/20 18:30:27

Post by: Ouze

God, I love those not-pulse rifles.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/10/21 22:08:50

Post by: Construct

– I prefer the original version of that rifle (it just seems more interesting with the staggered fore-end and more-compact muzzle) but I imagine most would prefer the new version since it harmonises better with GW's lasguns
– Maybe do a scope, red-dot sight and bipod? They're simple sculpts, seem to be popular add-ons and mean you won't lose the odd sale to someone figuring 'well, I have to go to competitor-X to get the greeblies anyway, may as well just get their guns instead, especially as I'll then know everything will fit together nicely'.
– Conrad, drum/half-drum/box mags can represent a larger power cell as an alternative to a cabled backpack for a hellgun, or (since autoguns now have the same stats as lasguns) the muzzle can be filed flat and voila, autogun with lotsa dakka. Speaking of the hellgun backpack, that would seem a good part to make since a) it would work with everyone's guns and b) only Chapterhouse seem to make one at present (and, like the rest of their stuff, theirs is a little crude),
– Aren't you pushing your luck continuing to use the Mobile Infantry eagle instead of designing one of your own?
– Whilst the rifles are good, the stocks are...less so. The first is straight off a Nerf Longshot and the second just looks like a confused mess that would be unconfortable to shoulder. Sorry. If it were me, I'd replace the first with something like the Magpul Masada stock and the second with something more like the actual pulse rifle stock.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/10/22 00:36:12

Post by: mad robot

Maybe do a scope, red-dot sight and bipod?

That is certainly doable, probably in a separate set of bits.

Speaking of the hellgun backpack, that would seem a good part to make

Again, good suggestion.

Aren't you pushing your luck continuing to use the Mobile Infantry eagle instead of designing one of your own?

The design was started over a month ago and I didn't really think about it. I don't anticipate using it anymore.

Whilst the rifles are good, the stocks are...less so. The first is straight off a Nerf Longshot and the second just looks like a confused mess that would be unconfortable to shoulder. Sorry. If it were me, I'd replace the first with something like the Magpul Masada stock and the second with something more like the actual pulse rifle stock.

The top rifle does need a new stock, I'll look at the Masada and see how it shapes up.

Thanks for the input!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/11/02 15:01:08

Post by: mad robot

I'm happy to announce further price decreases, this time on shipping within the U.S. It doesn't seem right to have someone pay $6 shipping on an item that costs $3.50. So, effective today, we will be now be sending U.S. orders under 13oz. via 1st Class Mail. All orders will still include delivery confirmation.

I'll be monitoring this to see how it works, hopefully it will help ease the hesitation on some people who only want to purchase an item or two.

New items are off to the printer this weekend, expect to see some new things for sale before December 1st.


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/11/02 18:04:05

Post by: kendoka

 mad robot wrote:
Here's an update on some weapon designs. Overall I'm pretty happy with them. I'd love to know your thoughts...


Speaking of the pulse-las(er) in ze bottom:
Moving the pump handle forward so you could actually pump would be nice...
... as would adding a grenade shell ejector
- and perhaps even enhance/make the underslung grenade parts bigger (so the gun would differ/stand out more from an ordinary lasgun).
Oh, and make sure you make them as heroic scales as the GW ones.

Would love to convert my Cadians to not-Colonial Marines (I have a few with Hasslefree pulse carbines - but they are tiny).

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/11/04 07:31:46

Post by: Construct

 kendoka wrote:
Speaking of the pulse-las(er) in ze bottom:
Moving the pump handle forward so you could actually pump would be nice...
... as would adding a grenade shell ejector.

From the size of the barrel the grenade launcher as currently-modelled is single-shot, so the grip slides forward to exchange shells. It could also double as a secondary flashlight, in which case the grip is just a grip. If you'd prefer a shotgun/mini-grenade launcher instead now's certainly the time to be making those breathy 3am phonecalls though.

Looking at the guns again I'm noticing a couple of things that escaped me before: 1) There's no triggers on the grips, 2) the cut-out on the grenade launcher grip to clear an ejection port is superfluous given it's single-shot and therefore doesn't have one, and 3) is there any particular reason the area between the handle and the receiver is filled in on the second gun?

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/11/04 21:27:11

Post by: kendoka

I would suggest something like this:

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/11/05 01:07:52

Post by: SickSix

Sorry but that ejection port is clearly too small for the size of round that barrel expells. It is a one shot weapon like the M203. Working just as described by Construct. No ejection port needed.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/11/05 01:53:38

Post by: mad robot

Thanks for the feedback, guys!

The handle is where it is because that's where it rests in the hand of the left arm it will be held by.

This preview is from almost 3 weeks ago, some things have been updated since then. Trigger is there. There are some severe undercuts around the space at the top of the receiver, hence the solid wall.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/11/05 08:50:17

Post by: nerdfest09

Any time frame on when the next sneaky preview will be unveiled for us? :-) I am just waiting on the rifles so i can buy a bunch of stuff together! looking great so far you Mad Robot you!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/11/05 15:32:25

Post by: mad robot

Here's a sneak peak of one of the new items I hope to have up by the end of the month.

Also coming are the 2 rifles and...some other things

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/11/05 15:34:13

Post by: Conrad Turner

I sense smartguns in the future!

Those are some really nice colonial marine heads. I'll be keeping an eye on these!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/11/06 05:28:00

Post by: Clang

Heads wearing the same helmet but with unique faces - yay! For some strange reason, many manufacturers seem to have great trouble with that concept :( although to be really picky, a selection of more than three would be even better

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/11/06 14:46:35

Post by: mad robot

 Clang wrote:
a selection of more than three would be even better

It's a "sneak preview"...lol. There will be a total of 5 heads in the set.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/11/06 15:01:10

Post by: Scott

 kendoka wrote:
I would suggest something like this:

Actually, I would suggest that there be no round-counter.

I have actually handled a "working" replica of a Colonial Marines Pulse-carbine - working in the sense that it was an air-soft gun - and true to the movie-version of the carbine the red LCD (or whatever) round-counter was displayed on the side of the carbine that would be visible to an enemy. While this makes for a neat effect in a movie, the user of such a weapon would be making themselves more visible by shining a red light at the enemy.

If such a gun were actually in use, it would make more sense to have the counter on the side of the carbine that would be closest to the body of the bearer (assuming most bearers would be right-handed), otherwise a sensible bearer would obscure the counter with something opaque in order to make themselves less visible.

My suggestion is to do away with the counter completely.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/11/06 15:34:23

Post by: mad robot

@Scott: The picture you're reacting to was kendoka's suggestions for changes to the model.

The only major change was making the tip of the barrel larger and removing some of the bolts and minor details that didn't even show up on the test print.

I will have new pics when I get the prints back in a few weeks.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/11/06 15:37:06

Post by: Scott

@mad robot: I understand that, but was providing a counter-point since you take into consideration the recommendations of others.

edit: While I appreciate a beautifully painted mini displaying OSL as much as the next nerd, such displays are more appropriate for some armies than others - typically ones whose members are so powerful or disdainful of camoflage that they proudly display their presence to their enemies. I don't see that level of theatrics extending to the normal "human" grunts (or jar-heads,etc) who would be carrying a pulse-carbine. YMMV.


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/11/06 15:55:52

Post by: mad robot

Scott wrote:
was providing a counter-point since you take into consideration the recommendations of others.

Understood and much appreciated!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/11/06 15:58:27

Post by: Ouze

 Clang wrote:
Heads wearing the same helmet but with unique faces - yay!

Those helmets look terrific, and yes - well said about the unique faces.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/01 15:50:29

Post by: mad robot

2 new head sets going on sale this week at Mad Robot Miniatures, first is Mohawk Heads:

Next is Bald Heads:


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/01 16:12:00

Post by: nerdfest09

I love you steve!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/01 16:42:07

Post by: mad robot

 nerdfest09 wrote:
I love you steve!

LOL...right back at ya!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/01 19:23:12

Post by: Clang

More unique faces - yay!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/01 23:09:01

Post by: rhodry

Hi I have a question on the size of the heads are they guard or marine sized?

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/02 00:08:38

Post by: alarmingrick

rhodry wrote:
Hi I have a question on the size of the heads are they guard or marine sized?

I purchased the Helmeted heads with mask and goggles and the beret heads and the fit great with GW Cadian IG sized models.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/03 20:38:26

Post by: mad robot

Bald Heads & Mohawk Heads are now available for sale HERE


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/03 20:55:09

Post by: Alpharius

Old School Space Marine Scout goodness right there!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/06 16:41:27

Post by: nerdfest09

Just bought myself some bald heads and some of the goggled heads from MadRobot :-) can't wait to see what they're like in my hands!

i'll keep a body or two painted up ready for a little head when they arrive! and i'll paint and show you as soon as i can!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/06 20:06:30

Post by: mad robot

Thanks! I'm packing your order right now, it will be in the mail this evening.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/06 20:08:25

Post by: nerdfest09

Thanks steve! much appreciated :-)

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/10 03:10:32

Post by: mad robot

Our next wave of releases will be in a few weeks; 2 different rifles and out Colonial Defense Heads.

Here is a WIP preview of an upcoming release...

The mic is being repositioned to come out of the ear cup along the outside. Still considering goggles or no goggles...any thoughts?


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/10 03:12:43

Post by: Chronepsis

I prefer goggles... hate doing eyes.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/10 03:13:33

Post by: Absolutionis

Considering the microphone, goggles give it a much more "pilot" feel. Looks great!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/10 06:01:09

Post by: Construct

 Absolutionis wrote:
Considering the microphone, goggles give it a much more "pilot" feel. Looks great!
It's based on old Russian padded tanker helmets, which also had mikes and goggles (though not in that style, which is more modern).

Steve, you also need to put the goggle strap outside the helmet. Perhaps if you model it as a pair of short elastic straps that clip to the nearest protrusions on the earcups, rather than as a single long strap that loops around behind as would be usual? That would avoid disrupting the helmet's lines whilst still having enough length for the goggles to be plausibly lifted up to the brow.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/10 06:59:52

Post by: Surtur

I may use these for my Ultramar PDF. Been looking for something that is better looking than Cadians to represent them.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/10 08:37:16

Post by: paulson games

Loving the tanker helmet. Keep the goggles they look sweet.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/10 14:52:13

Post by: mad robot

 Construct wrote:
Perhaps if you model it as a pair of short elastic straps that clip to the nearest protrusions on the earcups, rather than as a single long strap that loops around behind as would be usual? That would avoid disrupting the helmet's lines whilst still having enough length for the goggles to be plausibly lifted up to the brow.

What are you a mind reader? This is brilliant, the obvious lack a strap on the goggles was because it looked silly going around the outside of the head. That's solid input, thanks!

Thanks to everyone for the feedback so far. There are plans for a modern tanker head in the next month or so, as well. I'm still entertaining other ideas for bits as I move forward with things. Feel free to make reasonable suggestions.


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/11 05:15:58

Post by: coyotius

Steve, any plans to expand the 15mm range as well?

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/11 14:56:08

Post by: mad robot

@coyotius: No immediate plans, though it always remains a possibility. My Harook line has been put on hold indefinitely since the sculptor is only doing work now for a few select companies. Apart from that, 15mm will have to take a back seat to what I'm doing now with 28mm stuff.

Thanks for your interest!


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/11 20:32:51

Post by: paulson games

Woot! My package arrived.

Parts came out looking great, he has the scale nailed very well and the casting has gotten even better on this last batch. Other than being clipped off the sprue these are how they arrived and have had no additional cleaning. The only small critique I have is to make the sprue attachment point a little longer as it was a bit tight to get the clippers into.

Pics for scale reference.

Awesome work as usual

So far this sums up my experiences with their products:

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/11 22:09:05

Post by: Agamemnon2

Oh, that's nice. They're definitely the right size for both Cadians and Scouts. Do you happen to have a Marine body handy you could show one up with? I'm guessing they'd be a bit small, but within acceptable parameters?

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/11 22:50:29

Post by: paulson games

They are pretty undersized for marines. If you are aiming for a look more along the lines of the cover art where the power armor suit is huge and the head is somewhat small then they'd work pretty well provide you fill the recess in the neck.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/12 00:39:13

Post by: Commander Cain

That is the size that the heads should be! Heck, I think you could fit a helmet over that...

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/12 04:36:31

Post by: nerdfest09

Yeah i'd say that looks totally acceptable! not every marine is exactly the same, there are differences in stature weight etc. so using these heads (as I plan to do) on marines will look pretty damn cool imo! :-) I'm currently trying to get some bodies together in preparation for my package to arrive, then it's onto the bare head-O-rama painting!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/15 19:57:27

Post by: mad robot

New rifles and head set should hopefully be up for sale next weekend. Pics ASAP.

In the meantime here's a new preview of our classic tanker head set. These will be part of the next wave, due out in January:


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/15 21:00:10

Post by: EchoJ7

I saw on another forum you where discussing arms, are you going to be matching human heroic scale exactly or are you heading more towards FW scale which is IMO the perfect balance between realistic and heroic scale (I'm thinking in paritcular Elyisans, DKoK and Renegade arms)

Also with you arms come without shoulder pads?, I flipping hate the shoulder pads Cadians sport, here's hoping the arms come with variations (elbow pads etc.)

Just an idea for the future sticking with guard would be torso's based off modern armour with bit's to further customise (additional armour, ammo pounches etc)

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/15 22:27:19

Post by: mad robot

@EchoJ7: Any bits now, and in the future, will be heroic scale.

The first arm set will not have shoulder pads and will most likely be modeled with just a grip and a stock. This will allow for folks to easily insert any weapon they like.

Torsos are in the works, so are legs. The style you speak of is certainly possible, I just need to do some fine tuning to the concept before I launch them.


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/16 05:34:20

Post by: Javin

Any chance of IG arms? No weapons, just arms so we could put our weapons of choice? Maybe a set of rifle arms and a set of hand to hand arms. With a couple of at ease, smoking, drinking carrying arms? Or even IG shoulder pads?

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/16 15:30:01

Post by: mad robot

@Javin: Umm...read my last post dude

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/16 16:57:40

Post by: kenshin620

 mad robot wrote:
@Javin: Umm...read my last post dude

He spammed that post in every human bitz maker thread

Anyways great work going on I must say

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/16 18:26:01

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 mad robot wrote:
Our next wave of releases will be in a few weeks; 2 different rifles and out Colonial Defense Heads.

Here is a WIP preview of an upcoming release...

The mic is being repositioned to come out of the ear cup along the outside. Still considering goggles or no goggles...any thoughts?


Ooo Russian tankers.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/17 01:39:40

Post by: Javin

I will admit I did spam that. I am very excited that you are working on those arms.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/17 03:17:04

Post by: mad robot

Javin wrote:
I will admit I did spam that.

Admitting you have a problem if the first step to recovery...LOL

Yep, I'm thinking those arms will get some major attention next month.


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/17 10:37:26

Post by: lone dirty dog

I did not know you were posting on here as well that will keep me in the loop even more so now, subbed just to make sure I don't miss anything.

I can vouch and say that these heads are some of the best on the market, trust me I have bought from most companies that produce heads.

The character on these are great and casting is pretty dam clean, I just cant wait to get my next batch of heads

When are these rifles released then

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/20 13:43:12

Post by: nerdfest09

Well I spent all morning for about 4 hours doing some yard work to get the 'ol Nerdington Manor looking fantastic while I was trimming the roses in the front yard I saw a black car with black tinted windows roll slowly down my street veering onto the wrong side of the road as it slowly approached my abode fearing an attempt on my life i made myself really thin by sucking in my gut and standing behind a rose bush but I needn't have worried! it was just my friendly postal package lady (who i think i opened the door to one day after night shift with no pants on.....at all) .... anyway she handed me a box and then went slowly back down the street with dope smoke billowing from the cracked windows and the boom of subwoofers blasting out from the back with Ice Cube!...... o.k maybe not that last sentence I took my little box inside hurriedly to open and was happy to see it was from MadRobot miniatures I ordered two sets of heads to see what they're like!

here's the box!

inside was a couple of small zip bags hand wrapped lovingly by Steve and placed carefully as if he was putting a baby to sleep in a crib!

close up of the bald heads in their clear transport pod!

and here they are washed and out in the sunshine! really nicely done I may add! no flashing, crisp details with no soft looking areas and arrived undamaged!

Well, I simply couldn't wait to get a moist brush onto these baldy's so i started them and i was pleased to notice as i painted that they are all pretty standard bare heads but they each have subtle differences in expression and appearance which is nice, i may have liked to see a grimace, shout or sneer in the mix but i'm not complaining as it just means Steve can do the expression heads later for me to buy..... right Steve?

here's the start of my painting of them, i'll post a finished shot when they're all done next week for you.

hope this shows you how nicely his products are (and they arrived quickly too!!)



Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/20 15:53:03

Post by: mad robot

Thanks Damian! It's nice to see that the packaging is holding up to overseas shipping

Consider "Bald Heads set 2" on the list, chock full of sneers, snarls, and screams


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/20 22:36:49

Post by: lone dirty dog

Nice to see the quality is continuing and the detail crisp again

I just wish I could get mine

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/20 22:47:24

Post by: howie

Russian Tanker heads look ace, right up my street.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/20 23:08:57

Post by: WholeHazelNuts

Ordered mine the other day with thought of doing some old school Scouts. Ordered there from Steve and some scouts from a local GW stockist.

The heads arrived a few days later and am STILL waiting on my scouts!!

How the hell are you sending these to the UK so fast? By Thunderhawk?

Brilliant clean sculpts. Looking forward to next lot!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/20 23:27:07

Post by: mad robot

WholeHazelNuts wrote:
How the hell are you sending these to the UK so fast? By Thunderhawk?

LOL...I wish I had a tried and true way to accomplish that every time.

Thanks for helping support Mad Robot, I sincerely appreciate your business!


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/21 07:31:11

Post by: nerdfest09

 mad robot wrote:
Thanks Damian! It's nice to see that the packaging is holding up to overseas shipping

Consider "Bald Heads set 2" on the list, chock full of sneers, snarls, and screams


Well, that's my christmas wish answered already then! thanks steve that's great news and you've already secured another sale from me when they hit! I'll grab a bunch and give them to my nerd friends as awesome gifts!


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/27 06:36:03

Post by: nerdfest09

Hi again Steve and loyal MadRobot fans! I finished the Bare heads i got recently and popped one in one of my Terminators painted up to look like me so here they are all done and what one looks like all armoured up and looking awesome! these heads are some of my favorites i've found! thanks Steve!

and in Terminator armour I apparently look like this!

I hope this convinces more people to buy these heads? they really are nicely done and for the price I seriously couldn't recommend them enough!

NF09 Damo

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/27 16:23:31

Post by: mad robot

@Damian: ^ win!

Rifles and CDF heads are incoming, there have been a few delays due to some issues with the prints. In the meantime, here's a preview of the 4 releases that will follow in the next wave:

These next 2 sets are the result of working with a Mad Robot customer, he goes by the online name of Lone Dirty Dog. In return for his help in covering the printing costs, I worked from his specific design concepts to make these heads a reality. Other people interested in doing something similar can send an email to projects @ madrobotminiatures .com to request the specifics about how it works.

Cheers to all and here's to a happy and safe new year!


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/27 17:43:07

Post by: bbb

How do those rebreathers stay on the veterans faces? Otherwise they all look good!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/27 17:47:31

Post by: mad robot

 bbb wrote:
How do those rebreathers stay on the veterans faces?

By the Emperor's will...

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/27 17:51:56

Post by: CURNOW

They have to keep sucking to keep them on

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/27 17:54:15

Post by: Javin

When will the vets with rebreathers be available? Any chance of female vets with rebreathers?

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/27 18:00:41

Post by: mad robot

Javin wrote:
When will the vets with rebreathers be available? Any chance of female vets with rebreathers?

They'll be available in late January. There is a slight chance for a female version, but I can't say for sure.


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/27 22:48:28

Post by: nerdfest09

Steve you've been busy and are you really honestly a person with a business that LISTENS TO CUSTOMERS? that is crazy talk right there!

do i need to email you about sneering, yelling heads or is that something you already have in your pipeline?

i'm seriously considering pulling a bunch of the bare heads from my other 25 Terminators and replacing them with yours! (not YOUR head but the ones you make)

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/27 23:17:09

Post by: lone dirty dog

Glad they are up all ready they stay on by vacuum seal it runs around the edge of the mask and forms a suction seal, or as mentioned by the will of the Emperor

Also this leaves the option of adding your own detail if you want makes it a little original, plus they look cool

I just want to say it was a real pleasure to work with Steve and he listened to every idea and adjustment I made, he also added a lot of his own thoughts and never complained once, which is pretty dam amazing if you ask me

Also he constantly updated me to his progress (all most daily) and issued picture references with all the new additions to the progression.

Over all this was a great experience and has been a happy and joyful one, if you have any reservations put them to one side the is a top quality service all round.

Dam all most forget put some aside for me LOL the tankers have turned out looking great (but new they would ) the bonnie hats on the other hand look great better than I thought they would

So my credit will be spent shortly cant see it last long at this rate, great job Steve

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/28 07:15:36

Post by: paulson games

Maybe the masks were surgically implanted?

The smiling aviator head and cigar smoker has me thinking that you totally need to do a sprue of "Not-A-Team" heads.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/28 10:08:50

Post by: lone dirty dog

 paulson games wrote:
Maybe the masks were surgically implanted?

The smiling aviator head and cigar smoker has me thinking that you totally need to do a sprue of "Not-A-Team" heads.

I asked that one all ready he said maybe but if we put the pressure on Classic A-TEAM mind

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/30 11:11:20

Post by: HAZZER

Man i love ur work dude! Will you be able to do some pre hersery style porducts for the futre like maximi steam knights heads? As if you did id be sold!!!!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/30 12:09:14

Post by: lone dirty dog

 HAZZER wrote:
Man i love ur work dude! Will you be able to do some pre hersery style porducts for the futre like maximi steam knights heads? As if you did id be sold!!!!

Hey there are enough steroid enhanced marine head makers out there, this range is for true heros LOL

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/30 18:05:17

Post by: HAZZER

ha ha ha!!!!!!!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/30 19:35:05

Post by: lone dirty dog

 HAZZER wrote:
ha ha ha!!!!!!!

Glad you saw the funny side

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/31 12:41:41

Post by: lone dirty dog

Just got my heads (Bald and Mohawks) and they are looking brilliant just wish I had some hobby time
Casts are spot on and the heads are clean with no flash I just cant wait to use them.

The next wave should be very interesting

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/31 14:59:19

Post by: mad robot

@nerdfest: I'll add them to the list.

@hazzer: Chances of what you speak off are slim right now. My heart lies with the footsloggers of the universe. However, a strong concept could persuade me to try one set. Send me a PM if you have a good idea.

@ldd: Glad they have arrived. You designs are at the printer right now.

On this last day of 2012, I wish everyone a safe and happy new year!


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/31 16:45:54

Post by: lone dirty dog

 mad robot wrote:
@nerdfest: I'll add them to the list.

@hazzer: Chances of what you speak off are slim right now. My heart lies with the footsloggers of the universe. However, a strong concept could persuade me to try one set. Send me a PM if you have a good idea.

@ldd: Glad they have arrived. You designs are at the printer right now.

On this last day of 2012, I wish everyone a safe and happy new year!


Happy New Year to all and looking forward to those heads in the new year

P.S. I might have another idea or 2 when I get the funds together

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/31 17:10:04

Post by: HAZZER

 lone dirty dog wrote:
 HAZZER wrote:
ha ha ha!!!!!!!

Glad you saw the funny side

what funny side im not happy really with what you said. im going to tell my mummy..........

Automatically Appended Next Post:
@mad robot-haven got one atm but i may think of somthing

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/31 17:52:41

Post by: EchoJ7

Do you have any more previews of the torso you showed earlier?

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2012/12/31 22:13:41

Post by: mad robot

EchoJ7 wrote:
Do you have any more previews of the torso you showed earlier?

I'll have something to post in a week or two for feedback.


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2013/01/01 05:32:16

Post by: Azazelx

 nerdfest09 wrote:
Hi again Steve and loyal MadRobot fans! I finished the Bare heads i got recently and popped one in one of my Terminators painted up to look like me so here they are all done and what one looks like all armoured up and looking awesome! these heads are some of my favorites i've found! thanks Steve!

and in Terminator armour I apparently look like this!

I hope this convinces more people to buy these heads? they really are nicely done and for the price I seriously couldn't recommend them enough!

NF09 Damo

Nice heads - I hadn't heard of MR before. I like what you did with the Termis as well. Nice marbling effect on the shield!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2013/01/18 17:13:13

Post by: mad robot

Up for sale now. Check 'em out.


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2013/01/18 17:19:09

Post by: Ouze

The colonial defense ones are really ace.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2013/01/18 17:20:19

Post by: mad robot

Glad you like them!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2013/01/18 17:22:43

Post by: nerdfest09

I love you Steve.......

and you obviously want a direct deposit from my wages into your account? those look excellent! the colonial defense heads are brilliant! and as I mentioned I'll be going a bit nuts in your store soon! :-)

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2013/01/18 22:38:50

Post by: miniholic

Seen those great heads with the sunglasses and the great boonie hat heads finally in the shop and immediately placed an order.
They will surely look great on marines, but i hope also on the new Dreamforge Stormtroopers!
With a little greenstuff to make a scarf and those heads they might look like a future Bundeswehr.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2013/01/19 15:17:49

Post by: johnstewartjohn

Any chance of a shot of a Colonial Defence Forces head on a cadian body? Thinking of replacing the oversized heads of my imperial guard, if they scale well.

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2013/01/19 15:34:12

Post by: nerdfest09

Oh they scale well! better imo than the standard ones, they even look good in power armour and tda, they just seem so much more in scale for the game! I have literally just made my 2nd order from Mad Robot for a whole bunch more heads, these are just so good! and i recently aquired a Guard army they will be used on soon!

Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2013/01/19 16:14:49

Post by: mad robot

@johnstewartjohn: The picture earlier in this thread shows the beret head on a Cadian figure. The base heads are all the same size so they should be fine. Here's a shot of the backs of the CDF heads:

Hope that helps.


Mad Robot Miniatures: New Release - Western Hats pg107 @ 2013/01/19 16:28:42

Post by: johnstewartjohn

ok thanks. I'll put an order in when i've got some spare cash.