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A 3-word Story @ 2012/07/02 19:17:25

Post by: snurl

Simply add 3 words to this story whenever you want.
Posts may be humorous but try to keep the sentences readable.
In the beginning,

A 3-word Story @ 2012/07/10 11:30:01

Post by: black templar

A frog lived

A 3-word Story @ 2012/07/10 20:15:23

Post by: TheRobotLol

Somewhere on Mars

A 3-word Story @ 2012/07/10 20:40:16

Post by: black templar

Liked to build

A 3-word Story @ 2012/07/10 21:33:24

Post by: Wardragoon

My Little Brony

A 3-word Story @ 2012/07/10 21:44:12

Post by: Great White

was a queen

A 3-word Story @ 2012/07/10 21:45:30

Post by: Wardragoon

who lived in

A 3-word Story @ 2012/07/10 23:56:01

Post by: snurl

the bottom of

A 3-word Story @ 2012/07/11 00:02:58

Post by: Wardragoon

hobbits underwear drawer.

A 3-word Story @ 2012/07/11 00:58:13

Post by: Great White

there are some

A 3-word Story @ 2012/07/11 00:59:40

Post by: snurl

But one day

A 3-word Story @ 2012/07/11 02:24:42

Post by: The Mad Tanker

he flew up

A 3-word Story @ 2012/07/11 03:17:01

Post by: Wardragoon

up and away!

A 3-word Story @ 1421/12/12 01:11:34

Post by: snurl

until he reached

A 3-word Story @ 2012/07/12 01:43:30

Post by: Wardragoon

the mighty locale

A 3-word Story @ 2012/07/12 11:45:04

Post by: snurl

of the giant

A 3-word Story @ 2012/08/25 05:35:08

Post by: Jonagorn

that lived in

A 3-word Story @ 2012/08/25 08:08:37

Post by: snurl

A housing project

A 3-word Story @ 2012/08/25 12:25:54

Post by: Jonagorn

located in Scotland.

A 3-word Story @ 2680/02/25 23:11:03

Post by: snurl

The Giant said

A 3-word Story @ 2012/08/26 12:23:20

Post by: Jonagorn

, "Who goes there?"

A 3-word Story @ 2012/08/26 23:32:19

Post by: snurl

and a small

A 3-word Story @ 0007/08/27 13:19:46

Post by: Jonagorn

man opened the

A 3-word Story @ 2012/08/28 09:05:59

Post by: snurl

door and said,

A 3-word Story @ 2012/08/28 14:48:17

Post by: Jonagorn

"It is me!".

A 3-word Story @ 2012/08/29 10:06:37

Post by: Far Seer

The Emphrah of

A 3-word Story @ 2012/08/29 11:17:36

Post by: Jonagorn

the Jaknukajel Empire

A 3-word Story @ 2012/08/29 12:41:58

Post by: snurl

So the giant

A 3-word Story @ 2012/08/30 00:45:28

Post by: Far Seer

brandished a wand

A 3-word Story @ 2012/08/30 01:04:32

Post by: wolftheassassin53

and cast a

A 3-word Story @ 2012/08/30 09:20:49

Post by: snurl

very big spell

A 3-word Story @ 2012/08/30 09:29:22

Post by: Far Seer

that made everything

A 3-word Story @ 2015/05/15 11:26:01

Post by: snurl

glow in the dark

A 3-word Story @ 2012/09/04 00:10:28

Post by: Jonagorn

in the day time.

A 3-word Story @ 2012/09/04 08:42:53

Post by: Far Seer

So then he

A 3-word Story @ 2012/09/04 09:07:22

Post by: snurl

started to see

A 3-word Story @ 2012/09/05 06:33:25

Post by: Far Seer

the future of

A 3-word Story @ 2012/09/05 12:21:59

Post by: snurl

Games Workshop prices

A 3-word Story @ 2012/09/06 07:12:38

Post by: Far Seer

. It was amazing,

A 3-word Story @ 2012/09/06 12:06:15

Post by: snurl

how they could

A 3-word Story @ 0001/11/24 06:55:24

Post by: Far Seer

lower them by

A 3-word Story @ 2012/01/02 10:26:42

Post by: snurl

night, then raise

A 3-word Story @ 2012/09/09 04:08:58

Post by: Far Seer

them by day.

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/01 18:30:30

Post by: DeathRex

In total horror

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/01 23:07:39

Post by: snurl

I watched helplessly

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/03 16:32:06

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

as my friend

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/03 16:35:09

Post by: SoloFalcon1138

Awoke from childhood

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/03 16:37:49

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

as a bunny

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/03 21:34:48

Post by: snurl

with low esteem.

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/03 22:41:19

Post by: DeathRex

He cried alone

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/02 05:44:29

Post by: snurl

until they came

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/04 08:52:30

Post by: DeathRex

with dead chickens

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/05 01:56:47

Post by: snurl

..and promised cake.

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/20 04:55:25

Post by: Shredsmore

Dancing toilet fairies

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/20 22:04:18

Post by: Far Seer

appeared from a

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/21 06:27:44

Post by: Decio

flaming BANEBLADE factory

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/21 07:54:20

Post by: snurl

while they were

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/21 15:25:10

Post by: Decio

pursued by Techpriests

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/22 06:39:21

Post by: snurl

with holy chainsaws.

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/23 03:34:56

Post by: Decio

The fairies fled

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/23 12:43:07

Post by: snurl

straight into the

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/24 03:00:01

Post by: Decio

barrel of fun

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/24 05:33:21

Post by: Far Seer

, filled to the

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/24 15:33:33

Post by: Decio

brim with giggling

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/24 15:46:02

Post by: Leigen_Zero

japanese air hostesses

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/24 22:56:01

Post by: snurl

. When you realise

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/25 01:19:28

Post by: Decio

that they were

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/25 05:14:30

Post by: Far Seer

in fact daemonettes

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/25 06:25:41

Post by: Decio

that wore ripped

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/25 09:14:50

Post by: snurl

dry cleaner bags

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/25 13:22:08

Post by: Leigen_Zero

Still, I've seen

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/25 14:31:02

Post by: Decio

much worse in

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/26 12:15:00

Post by: Far Seer

my lifetime. Like

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/26 16:07:56

Post by: snurl

Tadashi's first girlfriend

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/26 23:13:16

Post by: Far Seer

, who was a (oh feth, Tadashi has earned himself quite a reputation on the corrupt a wish thread!)

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/27 07:00:58

Post by: snurl

self-described gastropod

A 3-word Story @ 2012/10/31 12:42:12

Post by: Leigen_Zero

of considerable girth

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/01 02:31:25

Post by: snurl

, whose table manners

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/01 05:27:34

Post by: Far Seer

were quite beautiful

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/01 06:20:27

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

and rather barbaric

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/01 09:14:54

Post by: snurl

when too close.

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/01 09:43:21

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

The invasion of

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/01 10:19:52

Post by: 4oursword

The lesbian haggises

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/01 12:20:30

Post by: Leigen_Zero

From Hadrian's Wall

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/01 12:23:53

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

sent the Jewish

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/02 05:34:13

Post by: Far Seer

knights charging for

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/02 12:29:44

Post by: snurl

emergency accounting services

A 3-word Story @ 0002/11/02 11:22:24

Post by: Leigen_Zero

deep in the

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/02 13:25:10

Post by: 4oursword

Pope's underwear drawer

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/04 19:55:37

Post by: snurl

, where secret documents

A 3-word Story @ 3812/11/04 21:58:44

Post by: DeathRex

Revealed the truth

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/05 05:37:53

Post by: Far Seer

of Draigo's insanely

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/05 06:51:49

Post by: Decio

massive red lunchbox

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/05 11:58:48

Post by: snurl

, which is filled

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/05 15:33:11

Post by: Barksdale

to the brim

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/05 15:36:20

Post by: thenoobbomb

of the big

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/06 03:26:38

Post by: Decio

box with spastic

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/06 04:52:47

Post by: Barksdale

midgits screaming and

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/06 05:15:11

Post by: Decio

moaning while Ultramarines

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/06 06:10:17

Post by: Far Seer

danced around gaily

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/06 07:03:54

Post by: Decio

praising Twilight and

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/06 07:39:58

Post by: CuddlySquig

Pinkie Pie enthusiastically.

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/06 07:40:46

Post by: Decio

When the Fluff

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/06 09:04:36

Post by: Barksdale

dictates that mahreens

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/06 09:09:51

Post by: Far Seer

act like this

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/06 14:02:58

Post by: snurl

you know its

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/06 14:13:28

Post by: Barksdale

inherently ridiculous, however

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/07 05:17:02

Post by: Far Seer

the truth hurts

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/07 05:32:52

Post by: Decio

like a whiny

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/08 06:02:40

Post by: CuddlySquig

kid in the

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/08 15:39:04

Post by: Leigen_Zero

Tervigon's birthing canal

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/08 17:24:47

Post by: CuddlySquig

The truth is

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/08 17:41:10

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

Satan bled rivers

A 3-word Story @ 2512/11/08 20:38:59

Post by: CuddlySquig

because of Draigo's

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/09 00:01:25

Post by: snurl

online porn habits.

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/09 00:47:12

Post by: Decio

Unfortunately for Matt Ward,

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/09 01:19:55

Post by: CuddlySquig

Draigo was killed

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/09 05:30:18

Post by: Far Seer

whilst masturbating too

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/09 08:59:12

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

Tyranid porn which

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/09 09:18:53

Post by: PredaKhaine

Seriously messed his

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/09 09:20:11

Post by: guyperson5

Reputation. In turn,

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/09 11:54:26

Post by: Far Seer

Matt Ward also

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/09 12:34:59

Post by: PredaKhaine

wrote more overpowered

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/09 13:05:12

Post by: Leigen_Zero

things that led

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/09 13:38:29

Post by: snurl

to an angry

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/09 14:11:03

Post by: PredaKhaine

Nerdwar with big

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/09 14:55:51

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

Asian people with

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/09 23:36:15

Post by: Far Seer

space marines that

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/10 00:40:48

Post by: snurl

should've been painted

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/10 02:01:23

Post by: Decio

. In the end,

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/10 03:51:48

Post by: snurl

Tadashi's girlfriend realised

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/10 03:52:38

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

the Chicken army

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/10 03:59:07

Post by: Decio

was better than

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/10 04:10:54

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

the Oldcrons when

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/10 04:26:18

Post by: Decio

Tadashi slapped the

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/10 13:18:11

Post by: Barksdale

hoe and pistolwhipped

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/10 15:34:20

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

the Black guy

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/10 19:25:32

Post by: DeathRex

Over chicken nuggets.

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/10 21:22:32

Post by: Far Seer

Unfortunately for Tadashi,

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/10 22:58:52

Post by: nomsheep

a fat guy

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/11 00:09:33

Post by: snurl

in a thong

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/11 10:16:38

Post by: Far Seer

danced his way

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/11 12:25:31

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

through the barracks

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/11 14:55:38

Post by: snurl

with Spiral Energy

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/11 15:41:18

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

and facing the

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/12 05:21:50

Post by: Far Seer

bewildered soldiers with

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/12 11:00:44

Post by: snurl

A leering expression.

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/12 16:48:54

Post by: Leigen_Zero

Proceeded to slather

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/12 17:00:14

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

butter over the

A 3-word Story @ 0008/11/12 17:31:11

Post by: Grey Templar

Mankini he wore

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/12 18:45:43

Post by: CuddlySquig

. The soldiers cried

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/12 21:34:34

Post by: Grey Templar

because of the

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/12 23:52:13

Post by: snurl

waste of butter

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/12 23:53:11

Post by: Grey Templar

But then a

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/13 05:25:31

Post by: CuddlySquig

butter fairy came

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/13 06:39:03

Post by: Far Seer

along and slurped

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/13 06:59:49

Post by: CuddlySquig

up the butter

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/13 12:51:28

Post by: Leigen_Zero

with a straw

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/13 13:39:43

Post by: snurl

, but the sargeant

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/13 17:07:51

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

drew his pistol

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/13 17:11:22

Post by: Grey Templar

And commited suicide

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/14 03:40:07

Post by: snurl

followed by the

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/14 03:56:01

Post by: Color Sgt. Kell

angry cheesecake salesmen

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/14 04:07:10

Post by: Grey Templar

who killed the

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/14 04:07:44

Post by: Color Sgt. Kell

tyranid with the

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/14 04:09:30

Post by: Grey Templar

horrible giant red

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/14 04:10:37

Post by: Color Sgt. Kell

eyeballs and the

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/14 04:32:33

Post by: Grey Templar

giant green Dil...pickle.

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/15 15:02:48

Post by: Shredsmore

The cheescake salesmen

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/16 13:30:25

Post by: snurl

said that Decio

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/20 15:39:46

Post by: PredaKhaine

was improbably tall

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/20 16:01:13

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

and fatter than

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/20 20:23:09

Post by: DeathRex

The emperors mother

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/20 18:24:09

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

when she birthed

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/20 18:27:15

Post by: Avatar 720

A mighty cake

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/20 23:01:46

Post by: CuddlySquig

Cuddle the squig

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/21 05:44:52

Post by: Far Seer

Decio slapped him.

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/21 06:37:35

Post by: Grey Templar

Suddenly a wild

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/21 07:22:30

Post by: Decio


Decio hung the

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/21 11:48:15

Post by: PredaKhaine

salesmen from the

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/21 13:38:51

Post by: snurl

Palestinian rocket launcher

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/21 16:27:36

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

before frying chicken

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/21 17:40:03

Post by: ENOZONE

of an Israeli

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/21 17:49:15

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

black man who

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/21 17:56:28

Post by: ENOZONE

was a racist

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/21 22:32:18

Post by: Decio

pig. He enjoyed

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/21 23:38:47

Post by: snurl

fishing all day

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/22 01:37:42

Post by: Far Seer

, for lovely blue

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/22 13:28:22

Post by: snurl

fish that tasted

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/22 14:01:13

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

like black man

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/22 14:20:56

Post by: PredaKhaine

Moving on swiftly

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/22 18:19:04

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

the Jewish man

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/23 05:40:35

Post by: Far Seer

ExNoctemNacimur wrote:before frying chicken

ExNoctemNacimur wrote:black man who

ExNoctemNacimur wrote:like black man

ExNoctemNacimur wrote:the Jewish man

I'd prefer if the conversation didn't steer near any existing ethnic groups/cultural backgrounds, etc. It might lead to nasty staff.

Back on topic: danced happily along

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/23 07:30:42

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

with the chicken

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/23 08:50:27

Post by: PredaKhaine

but meanwhile, in

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/23 11:32:24

Post by: snurl

A non-offensive

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/24 04:37:32

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

land, a land

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/24 10:12:09

Post by: snurl

where no one

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/24 10:33:03

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

at chicken rice.

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/25 00:49:31

Post by: snurl

The White Council

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/25 12:47:10

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

fried the turkey

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/26 01:38:40

Post by: nomsheep

With a Large

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/26 03:58:42

Post by: Grey Templar

pile of heretics.

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/26 04:19:38

Post by: Decio

But then, Kelbor-hal

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/26 05:09:39

Post by: Far Seer

danced to a

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/26 06:03:29

Post by: Decio

Kheradruakh's Cello Concerto

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/26 06:06:08

Post by: Grey Templar

lost symphony that

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/26 07:24:19

Post by: ENOZONE

involved much watermelon.

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/26 07:27:18

Post by: Decio

The Skitarii lol'd

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/26 08:25:54

Post by: PredaKhaine

Then they began

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/26 13:42:04

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

to eat KFC

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/26 16:18:37

Post by: Grey Templar

while dancing the

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/26 16:41:47

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

dance of death

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/26 17:43:08

Post by: ENOZONE

around the KKK.

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/26 20:36:20

Post by: snurl

They should've known

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/27 13:46:10

Post by: PredaKhaine

that it wouldn't

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/27 13:50:37

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

hurt the KFC

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/27 23:04:49

Post by: snurl

to add sauces

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/28 05:13:00

Post by: Far Seer

to the boiled

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/28 08:21:22

Post by: PredaKhaine

chicken. But meanwhile

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/28 19:19:52

Post by: snurl

strange noises came

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/29 11:14:32

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

from the anus

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/29 13:25:24

Post by: Far Seer

of the Emperor

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/29 13:31:12

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

who had piles

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/29 17:49:25

Post by: The Observer

of spicy tacos

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/29 22:04:15

Post by: snurl

for his lunch.

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/30 02:28:56

Post by: Far Seer

This resulted in

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/30 05:42:23

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

crazy diarrhea that

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/30 06:18:30

Post by: Grey Templar

was turned into

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/30 06:22:30

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

Chaos spawn that

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/30 08:46:45

Post by: PredaKhaine

went on to

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/30 13:57:52

Post by: snurl

save the day

A 3-word Story @ 2012/11/30 14:05:56

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

By raping the

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/01 20:47:28

Post by: The Observer

hell out of

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/01 20:48:53

Post by: Grey Templar

empty soda cans

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/02 00:35:42

Post by: Far Seer

, simultaneously giving birth

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/02 03:50:44

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

to a new

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/02 06:41:31

Post by: snurl

generation of Beiber

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/02 06:47:02

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

fans and farting

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/02 06:54:20

Post by: snurl

some silly tunes.

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/04 05:47:02

Post by: Far Seer

The spawn said "

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/04 09:32:03

Post by: snurl

You might think

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/04 13:58:52

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

I'm a cigarette

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/04 23:32:54

Post by: snurl

but in reality

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/05 05:34:29

Post by: Far Seer

I'm a spawn!"

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/05 05:35:01

Post by: Grey Templar

that likes to

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/05 10:25:53

Post by: snurl

twist one up

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/05 12:32:21

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

my mother's toast

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/06 06:07:00

Post by: Far Seer

with a shiny

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/06 06:59:34


pot of jam

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/06 07:20:04

Post by: snurl

from the cupboard.

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/06 07:22:57


in the igloo

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/06 07:33:24

Post by: snurl

where the ice

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/06 07:37:22


Was very cold

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/06 10:32:21

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

but melting. Chicken

A 3-word Story @ 0028/12/06 17:55:02


were running away

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/07 04:24:49

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

from their masters

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/07 05:29:25

Post by: Far Seer

who spanked them

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/07 06:55:02


with a pencil

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/07 06:55:22

Post by: Grey Templar

But then a

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/07 07:04:17


man with a

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/07 09:51:54

Post by: snurl

sawed-off shotgun

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/07 13:08:57

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

shot the gak

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/07 17:33:17


out of the

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/08 03:46:39

Post by: snurl

poor defenseless chickens.

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/08 04:09:49

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

The butcher then

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/08 07:18:05


moved over to

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/08 08:28:05

Post by: snurl

See what else

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/08 08:32:43


he could see

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/08 13:27:33

Post by: snurl

through the window

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/08 14:22:00

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

of hope and

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/09 03:37:28

Post by: snurl

clarity. He noticed

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/09 07:56:33


that a squig

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/09 14:18:54

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

ate his face

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/09 17:28:49

Post by: snurl

many years ago.

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/09 17:35:18

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

Sadly diarrhea spurted

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/10 05:51:05

Post by: Far Seer

out of the

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/10 13:19:46

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

buttocks of Emperor

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/13 05:15:49

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

Creating the fourteenth

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/13 11:38:48

Post by: snurl

member of the

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/13 11:41:37

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

Norwegian black circle

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/13 23:26:38

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

Batman Impersonating jugglers

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/13 23:32:20

Post by: Grey Templar

with funny shaped

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/14 00:13:29

Post by: snurl

hats and shoes.

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/14 02:31:01

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

To carve a

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/14 03:09:48

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

bloody swathe through

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/14 09:23:59

Post by: snurl

the super market

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/14 21:55:26

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

that sold the

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/14 22:04:53

Post by: Far Seer

big fat Nurgle's

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/15 03:35:07

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

Used Jockstrap fitter

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/15 04:52:40

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

filled with pus

A 3-word Story @ 0011/12/15 13:10:37

Post by: snurl

in large quantities.

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/17 03:33:35

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

Meanwhile, in Spess...

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/17 03:46:27

Post by: Grey Templar


A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/17 05:53:09

Post by: snurl

great big ugly

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/17 07:39:18

Post by: Chi3f

son named LOREAL

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/17 08:11:44

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

Played Halo with

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/17 11:35:45

Post by: snurl

real space weapons.

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/17 12:49:22

Post by: ExNoctemNacimur

Loreal then farted

A 3-word Story @ 2012/12/17 19:16:38

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

disrupting the Astronomicon