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Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 18:41:36

Post by: adamsouza

Official Zombicide FAQ by Guillotine Games

Updated Core Rulebook http://guillotinegames.com/dl/zombicide_rulebook_english_V3.pdf
Toxic City Mall http://guillotinegames.com/dl/tcm_rulebook_web.pdf
Prison Outbreak http://guillotinegames.com/dl/po_rulebook_web.pdf

Free Official Zombicide Game Stuff
CHARACTER CARDS - Survivor and Zombivore http://guillotinegames.com/en/survivors
New MIssions http://guillotinegames.com/en/free-missions

ANDROID APP - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.twistedkey.zombicide

Skill List

+1 Action: The Survivor has an extra Action he may use as he pleases.
+1 Damage with [Equipment]: The Survivor gets a +1 Damage bonus with the specified Equipment.
+1 Damage: [Type]: The Survivor gets a +1 Damage bonus with the specified type of Action (Combat, Melee, or Ranged).
+1 die: Combat: The Survivor’s weapons roll an extra die in Combat (Melee or Ranged). Dual weapons gain a die each, for a total of +2 dice per Dual Combat Action.
+1 die: Melee: The Survivor’s Melee weapons rolls an extra die in Combat. Dual melee weapons gain a die each, for a total of +2 dice per Dual Melee Combat Action.
+1 die: Ranged: The Survivor’s Ranged weapons roll an extra die in Combat. Dual ranged weapons gain a die each, for a total of +2 dice per Dual Ranged Combat Action.
+1 free Combat Action: The Survivor has one free extra Combat Action. This Action may only be used for Melee or Ranged Combat.
+1 free Melee Action: The Survivor has one extra, free Melee Combat Action. This Action can only be used for Melee Combat.
+1 free Move Action: The Survivor has one free extra Move Action. This Action may only be used as a Move Action.
+1 free Ranged Action: The Survivor has one extra, free Ranged Combat Action. This Action can only be used for Ranged Combat.
+1 free Search Action: The Survivor has one free extra Search Action. This Action may only be used to Search and the Survivor can still only Search once per turn.
+1 max Range: The Survivor’s Ranged weapons’ maximum Range is increased by 1.
+1 to dice roll: Combat: The Survivor adds 1 to the result of each die he rolls on a Combat Action (Melee or Ranged). The maximum result is always 6.
+1 to dice roll: Melee: The Survivor adds 1 to the result of each die he rolls in Melee Combat. The maximum result is always 6.
+1 to dice roll: Ranged: The Survivor adds 1 to the result of each die he rolls in Ranged Combat. The maximum result is always 6.
+1 Zone per move: The Survivor can move through one extra Zone each time he performs a Move Action. This Skill stacks with other effects benefitting Move Actions.
1 re-roll per turn: Once per turn, you can re-roll all the dice related to the resolution of an Action made by the Survivor. The new result takes the place of the previous one. This Skill stacks with the effects of Equipment that allow re-rolls.
2 cocktails are better than 1: The Survivor gets two Molotov cards instead of one when he creates a Molotov.
2 Zones per move Action: When the Survivor spends one Action to Move, he can move one or two Zones instead of one.
Ambidextrous: The Survivor treats all Melee and Ranged weapons as if they had the Dual symbol .
Blitz: Each time your Survivor kills the last Zombie of a Zone, he gets 1 free Move Action to use immediately.
Bloodlust: Combat: Spend one Action with the Survivor: He moves up to two Zones to a Zone containing at least one Zombie. He then benefits of a free Combat Action.
Born leader: During the Survivor’s turn, he may give one free Action to another Survivor, to use as he pleases. This Action must be used during the recipient’s next turn or it is lost.
Break-in: The Survivor doesn’t need any Equipment to open doors. He doesn’t make Noise while using this Skill. However, other prerequisites are still mandatory (such as taking a designated Objective). Moreover, the Survivor has one extra, free Door opening Action. This Action can only be used to open doors. Please note the Break-in Skill doesn’t apply to removing barriers.
Can start at [Danger Level]: The Survivor can begin the game at the indicated Danger Level (first experience point of the indicated Danger Level). All players have to agree.
Collector [Zombie type]: The Survivor doubles the experience gained each time he kills a Zombie of the specified type.
Death grasp: Don’t discard an Equipment card when the Survivor receives a Wounded card. This Skill is ignored if there’s no space left in the inventory to receive the Wounded card.
Destiny: The Survivor can use this Skill once per turn when he reveals an Equipment card he drew. Discard that card and draw another Equipment card.
Distributor: Using this skill alters the spawn step during the Zombies’ Phase. When Resolving the spawn step during zombies’ phase, draw as many Zombie cards as there are Spawn Zones. Assign each of them freely to a spawn Zone, then Spawn Zombies Indicated.
Dreadnought: [Zombie Type]: The Survivor Ignores all wounds coming from Standard Zombies of the Specified Type.
Frenzy: Combat: All Weapons the Survivor carries gain =1 die per wound the Survivor suffers. Dual weapons gain a die each, for a total of 2 dice per wound and per dual combat action.
Gunslinger: The Survivor treats all Ranged weapons as if they had the Dual symbol .
Hoard: The Survivor can carry one extra Equipment card in reserve.
Hold your nose: This Skill can be used once per turn. The Survivor gets a free Search Action in the Zone if he has eliminated a Zombie (even outside a building) the very same turn. This Action may only be used to Search and the Survivor can still only Search once per turn.
Is that all you’ve got?: You can use this Skill any time the Survivor is about to get Wounded cards. Discard one Equipment card in your Survivor’s inventory for each Wound he’s about to receive. Negate a Wounded card per discarded Equipment card.
Lifesaver: The Survivor can use this Skill for free, once during each of his turns. Select a Zone containing at least one Zombie at Range 1 from your Survivor. All friendly Survivors in the selected Zone can be dragged to your Survivor’s Zone without penalty. This is not a Movement. A Survivor can decline the rescue and stay in the selected Zone if his controller wants to. Both Zones need to share a clear path: a Survivor can’t cross barricades, fences, or walls. Lifesaver can’t be used by a Survivor in a car or in an observation tower, nor can it be used to drag Survivors out of a car or an observation tower.
Lock it down: At the cost of one Action, the Survivor can close an open door. Opening it again later does not trigger a new Zombie Spawn.
Loud: Once per turn, the Survivor can make a huge amount of noise! Until this Survivor’s next turn, the Zone he used this Skill in is considered to have the highest number of Noise tokens on the entire map. If different Survivors have this Skill, only the last one who used it applies the effects.
Low profile: The Survivor can’t be targeted by allied Ranged Attacks and can’t be hit by car attacks. Ignore him when shooting in or driving through the Zone he stands in. Weapons that kill everything in the targeted Zone, like the Molotov, still kill him.
Lucky: The Survivor can re-roll once all the dice of each Action he takes. The new result takes the place of the previous one. This Skill stacks with the effects of other Skills (“1 re-roll per turn”, for example) and Equipment that allows re-rolls.
Matching set!: When a Survivor performs a Search Action and draws a weapon card with the Dual symbol, he can immediately take a second card of the same type from the Equipment deck. Shuffle the deck afterward.
Medic: Once per turn, the Survivor can freely remove one Wounded card from a Survivor in the same Zone. He may also heal himself.
Ninja: The Survivor makes no Noise. At all. His miniature does not count as a Noise token, and his use of Equipment or weapons produces no Noise tokens either! The Survivor may choose not to use this Skill at any time, if he wishes to be noisy.
Point Blank: When Firing at range 0, the Survivor chooses freely the targets of his Ranged Combat Actions and can kill any type of zombies (Including Berserker Zombies). His Ranged weapons still need to inflict enough Damage to kill his target.
Reaper: Combat: Use this skill when assigning hits while resolving a Combat Action. One of these hits can freely kill an additional identical Zombie in the same Zone. Only one single Zombie can be killed per Action when using this skill.
Regeneration: At the end of each game turn, discard all Wounds the Survivor received. Regeneration doesn’t work if the Survivor has been eliminated.
Roll 6: +1 die Combat: You may roll an additional die for each “6” rolled on any attack, Melee or Ranged. Keep on rolling additional dice as long as you keep getting “6”. Game effects that allow re-rolls (the “1 re-roll per turn” Skill or the “Plenty of ammo” Equipment card, for example) must be used before rolling any additional dice for this Skill.
Roll 6: +1 die Melee: You may roll an additional die for each “6” rolled on a Melee attack. Keep on rolling additional dice as long as you keep getting “6”. Game effects that allow re-rolls (the “1 re-roll per turn” Skill, for example) must be used before rolling any additional dice for this Skill.
Roll 6: +1 die Ranged: You may roll an additional die for each “6” rolled on a Ranged attack. Keep on rolling additional dice as long as you keep getting “6”. Game effects that allow re-rolls (the “1 re-roll per turn” Skill or the “Plenty of ammo” Equipment card, for example) must be used before rolling any additional dice for this Skill.
Rotten: At the end of his turn, if the Survivor has not taken a Combat Action, driven a car, and has not produced a Noise token, place a Rotten token next to his base. As long as he has this token, he is totally ignored by any and all types of Zombies (except Zombivors) and is not considered a Noise token. Zombies don’t attack him and will even walk past him. The Survivor loses his Rotten token if he takes any Combat Action or makes noise. Even with the Rotten token, the Survivor still has to spend extra Actions to move out of a Zone crowded with Zombies.
Shove: The Survivor can use this skill for free, once during each of his turns. Select a Zone at Range 1 from your Survivor. All Zombies standing in the Survivor’s Zone are pushed to the selected zone. This is not a movement. Both Zones need to share a clear path: a Zombie can’t cross barricades, Fences, or walls. Shove can’t be used by Survivors in a Car.
Slippery: The Survivor does not spend extra Actions when he performs a Move Action through a Zone where there are Zombies.
Sniper: The Survivor may freely choose the targets of all his Ranged Combat Actions.
Starts with a [Equipment]: The Survivor begins the game with the indicated Equipment; its card is automatically assigned to him before the beginning of the game.
Steady Hand: Allied Miniatures are ignored when the Survivor uses a Ranged Attack or Drives a Car through a Zone. The Skill does not apply to a Ranged weapon killing everything in the targeted zone (such as a Molotov Cocktail, for example).
Super strength: Consider the Damage value of Melee weapons used by the Survivor to be 3.
Swordmaster: The Survivor treats all Melee weapons as if they had the Dual symbol .
Tactician: The Survivor’s turn can be resolved anytime during the Players’ Phase, Before or After any other Survivor’s Turn.
Taunt: The Survivor can use this skill for free, once during each of his turns. Select a zone your Survivor can see. All Zombies standing in the selected zone immediately gain an extra activation: They try to reach the taunting survivor by all means available. Taunted zombies ignore all other Survivors: They do not attack them and cross the zone they stand in if needed to reach the taunting Survivor.
Tough: The Survivor ignores the first Attack he receives from a single Zombie every Zombies’ Phase.
Toxic Immunity: The Survivor is immune to Toxic Blood Spray.
Trick shot: When the Survivor is equipped with Dual Ranged weapons, he can aim at targets in different Zones with each weapon in the same Action.
Webbing: All equipment in the Survivor’s inventory is considered equipped in hand.
Zombie link: The Survivor plays an extra turn each time an extra activation card is drawn in the Zombie pile. He plays before the extra-activated Zombies. If several Survivors benefit from this Skill at the same time, the players choose their activation order.

Unofficial Zombicide FAQ

FAQ - Updated 9/23/2012

Q: If Survivor A shoots into a zone containing Survivor B, using a 2 damage weapon (i.e. Shotgun), does Survivor B suffer one wound or two?
A: Two.

Q: If all the Survivors in play are, in the noisiest zone, inside a building, that has one open door, and one closed door, and there is a group of Zombies outside the building, which (when ignoring doors), taking a path via the closed door, are closer to the Survivors, than taking a path via the open door, do the Zombies take the path via, and stop at, the closed door, or do they go the long route round, via the open door?
A: Zombies always go to the shortest clear path leading to the Survivors. In this case, they take the long route to reach their meal.

Q: If a survivor carries two flashlights, can they both be used together to draw 3 cards per search?
A: Yes.

Q: Can flashlights be used when searching cars, for example to find both Ma's Shotgun and the Evil Twins in a Pimp Mobile, and if so how does this work with Police cars, do you draw cards two, or three, at a time, and if you draw two, or three, weapons at once can you keep them all?
A: Flashlight: Pick one extra card when searching. Police cars: draw cards until you find a weapon, then discard the others. Pimp mobile: contains either Ma’s shotgun or Evil Twins. These effects don’t really interact with each other.
Police car: keep the first weapon you find.
Pimp mobile: pick a pimp mobile weapon at random.

Q: If you spawn fatties, but are out of walkers, do the walkers get an extra turn?
A: Yes.

Q: Does the +1 die skill provide +1 die per action or +1 die per weapon?
A: +1 die per weapon. This will be corrected soon on the app.

Q:Can your two zones of movement with a car be back and forth?
A: Yes.

Question 3b: If so, how many attacks would you make on the figures in the two zones, 1 each for the movement, or 2 in your starting zone and 1 in the drive-through zone?
A: 2 in your starting Zone and 1 in the drive-through Zone.

Q: If you have a full inventory and draw a scope or rifle, can you combine it with a scope or rifle already in your inventory without having to drop something else first?
A: You have to drop something first.

Q: Similarly, if you have a full inventory and draw a glass bottle or gasoline, can you combine it with a glass bottle or gasoline already in your inventory without having to drop something else first?
A: You have to drop something first.

Q: Can car movement be activated more than once per Survivor, on the same turn?
A: Yes.

Q: Can 2 sawed off shotguns be reloaded with 1 reload action?
A: Yes.

Q: When combining a glass bottle and gasoline, can the molotov be put into your hand immediately or is it a seperate action?
A: Answer is P. 12 – it can be equipped.

Q: When using a molotov, do you also get a free reorganization or does it leave you with an empty hand?
A: Molotov is a one-use weapon. It leaves your hand empty.

Q: Do discarded cards get removed from the game or put in a discard pile for reshuffling in the event that the equipment deck is empty?
A: They get in a discard pile. This pile is reshuffled when the draw pile is empty (note: no Wound, Molotov, Ma’s shotgun or Evil Twins cards in the reshuffled pile)

Q: How does this impact non-weapon cards discarded from police car searches?
A: They get reshuffled when the pile is empty.

Q: Are zombie Ahhh cards included or removed from this discard?
A: They are included and reshuffled as well.

Q: How do you handle starting equipment when starting with fewer than three survivors (Might Makes Right with 1 or 2 players)?
A: Normally. The Survivors) get the starting weapons in a random manner. If there’s only one, he get the whole package (and deserve it).

Q: Can a door be opened even if a zombie is already present in the zone?
A: Yes.

Q: If a small group of survivors are all located in one zone in a building and all the entrances have sealed doors (or unopened ones), where do all the zombies go/move towards that have been spawned on the rest of the gameboard not including the building that the survivors populate???
A: They move as if all doors were opened, but stop by closed doors.

Q: Must a crowbar or fireaxe be equipped in hand to use it's ability to open doors or can it be in your three back equipment slots?
A: Pg.8. It must be equipped.

Q: Can you open a door while in a car?
A: Yes.

Q: If a car enters, exits, or passes through another zone with a car with survivors in it, does the first car roll for damage against those survivors in the other car? (Simply put, is it possible to "run over" players in another car?)
A: Yes.
(As a sidenote: the way cars are played rises a lot of questions about intuitiveness and realism. I’ll try to schedule as soon as possible a designer’s note about it. In short: cars were designed as a special movement possibility. Designing a whole bunch of special rules with exceptions would have been too heavy and game-breaking in our point of view).

Q: When all 18 noise tokens are on the board, where does the next one come from?
A: If you can’t use extra tokens from another Zombicide game or extra tiles pack, ignore it.

Q Should the extra small Spawn deck be used for the scenarios?
A: You may be talking about the “Walk of the Dead” kickstarter special Walkers deck. In that case, this deck was designed for two purposes.
1) Walkers only mission (a.k.a. “Romero mode”). Use the WoD deck instead of the regular deck. It’s deadly fun, you’re warned.
2) As an add-on to the regular deck, to get more Walkers on the board.
Eiher way, using this deck is optionnal but strongly recommended to get a fresh experience about the delightful secrets of Zombie deck building. Expect another designer’s note about it soon. I love the Wod. Really, I do.

Q: Should the extra tray of minis be used?
A: Feel free to use it. It’s yours. On the positive side, it will prevent an “instawipe” by zombie-lacking extra activations. On the negative side, there will be more zombies on the board. Oh, wait. Extra zombies? Isn’t it called Zombicide? On a more serious manner, these was added as a stretch goal. Expansions and free stuff we keep in store will put these extra zombies to use if you have them. But in no way these extra zombies shall be mandatory to play. Never.

Q: Regarding the Tough ability, if an extra activation during the 'building population phase' causes a Runner to move one space and attack a Tough survivor, do they shrug off the damage?
A: No. the Tough Skill works on the Zombie phase.

Q: Do they shrug off one damage from cars?
A: No

Q: Also, same game round, during the zombies phase, do they also shrug off the first damage, even if they have previously shrugged off 1 damage that game round?
A: Tough deflects *only* the first Wound inflicted during the Zombie phase.

Q: The Medic skill could be read that they can heal themselves and another survivor in the same turn. Can a Survivor with the Medic Skill heal either (a) one person per turn, or (b) one survivor PLUS themself per turn?
A: One person.

Q: Can a car be searched by the same survivor several times in a turn, or is it several times during a game, but limited to once per survivor per turn as with rooms?
A: One Search Action per Survivor and per turn, wherever the Search is made in (car or room).

Q: The new campaign rules state that a survivor that reaches the red zone and successfully completes a mission may keep one piece of equipment for starting the next mission. Does this include the Pimp-mobile weapons (Ma's Shotgun and Evil Twins)?
A: Yes. Enjoy.

Q: If so, how are Pimp-mobile weapons distributed in future missions if there are more Pimp-mobiles than such weapons remaining?
A: Normally. When there are no more, there are no more.

Q: Can a slippery survivor get into a car with a zombie in the same zone?
A: No. No interaction between effects. anyway, getting into a car isn’t considered a Move Action.

Q: Can a survivor get out of a car if there is a zombie in the car's zone (whether the survivor is slippery or otherwise)?
A: Yes.

Q: In missions where you can gain survivors at random during the mission (e.g. "Might Makes Right" and "The Skyscraper" from the "Switch City" campaign), what do you do if you gain a character with a "Starts with a..." blue-level ability and there are none of that weapon left in the item deck (because some are in the discard pile and/or they are already being used by other survivors)?
A: Whatever the case, you can look for the weapon in the draw pile or discard pile alike (so, go to the discard pile first !) Do whatever it takes to get this poor soul the weapon he deserves.

Q: Is there any chance we could get a couple of "Sniper Rifle" promo cards to use when a scope is combined with a rifle, analogous to the Molotov cards that replace bottle and gasoline? (Perhaps they could be included with the expansion...)
A: We’ve talked about it several times. No promise, but we’ll do our best.

Q: In scenario 8, there is a door lined up with a crosswalk in the lower right corner. should this be on the lower zone?
A: That door should lead to the Zone containing the police car.

Q: Must a molotov be equipped to be used?
A: Yes.

Q: Can you search a car while inside another car?
A: Yes.

Q: Can you find gasoline and the bottle in a cop car?
A: No. They’re not weapons by themselves.

Q: What about the scope?
A: Same answer.

Q: Does the inital card dispersement count as a draw? i.e., does matching set apply if doug draws the pistol?
A: No.

Q: What do Zombies do if they are already on the noisiest zone?
A: Unless there’s someone in sight, they don’t move.

Q: If you start a scenario in a building, when you break the door to get out, do you spawn zombies in the street zones?
A: No.

Q: If Zombies have two equivilent paths to follow to the same group of survivors/sound, but the first move on these paths is the same, do the zombies split? (example: If I have one zombie and I can go left, left,and down, to reach the noisiest group, or left, down, left, do I put two zombies in the left room?)
A: No. Splitting occurs when zombies which step to take next to go to their meal.

Q: If Zombies have two overlapping paths to follow to different groups of survivors/sound, do the zombies split? (example: If I have one zombie and there are two noisiest groups, left and left, as well as left, left and down, do I put two zombies in the left room?)
A: No.

Q: Can the zombie movement in closed rooms detailed in the downloadable scenario be moved to the rulebook as opposed to the scenario map?
A: We’ll discuss about it.

Q: Can scenarios be officially rated for difficulty?
A: We’re planning a new way to rate Missions’ difficulty. You’ll know about it soon, with a free downloadable Mission.

Q: Do cars produce noise tokens?
A: No.

Q: Does it cost an Action to use the Medic?
A: No.

Q: Regarding the Tough skill - the PDF rules state that "The Survivor ignores the first attack he receives every Zombies' turn", does this really mean the first entire attack in the Zombies' turn, or should that say "Zombie's turn"?
A: The first Wound he should receive.

Q: Page 7 of the rules, 'Danger Bar and Experience', states that a Survivor reaches Red Danger Level at 44 XP, but the Survivor ID Cards make it look like 43, which is it?
A: 43.

Q: Must the flashlight be equipped to gain its benefit?
A: No.

Original Write ups for Martin and Eva, before they were rewritten.


"Skill is a matter of life AND death."
Inspired and gifted, Eva was unsatisfied with her humble life as an accountant. Being part of the rank and file was like being a zombie to her. So, in her spare time, Eva danced, drew, sculpted and even took Japanese fencing lessons. Like everyone else, the zombie invasion changed Eva’s life: acting normal is now a nonsense and she feels more alive than ever. Extroverted and hyperactive, Eva is a messenger between survivors groups. No way she’s going to give up on her old activities: her notebook is full of sketches and that sword sure comes in handy.

Blue / Starts with a katana
Yellow / +1 Action
Orange A / Slippery
Orange B / Swordmaster
Red A / +1 free Combat Action
Red B / +1 to dice roll: Melee
Red C / +1 to dice roll: Ranged

• Eva Duran is the dream Survivor for any player looking for a melee character with a fluid, neat and deadly style. The artist starts with a katana, whose two dice allows to quickly get rid of a zombie crowd. The experience points earned this way, along with what the team finds, then allows to specialize Eva at the Orange Level. You’re dreaming of dual-style katanas? Eva has it with the Swordmaster Skill. Any other melee weapon can do the trick but slightly changes her gameplay: used in pair, axes have less dice but more Damage against fatties. A chainsaw pair... and our graceful wardancer becomes a combine harvester. The Slippery Skill comes for an assassin’s gameplay, preferably with distinct weapons in each hand. In this case, the sub-MG suits this. Whatever the choice you make for her, Eva becomes a mass murderer in endgame.
• Eva Duran is definitely a brawler. Melee is her obvious choice: if you take her along the bushido path, Eva will benefit from a quick and harmonious progression, especially with a katana in each hand. Going for a hybrid way or dropping melee for ranged combat is possible: her progression will be a bit slower but the final result will be the same. Anyway, the inventory is vast enough to hold a pair of katanas, two sub-MG’s and Ma’s Shotgun, so why hold back?
• Eva is a great solo warrior but needs a team if she wants to cope with her two weaknesses. First, her playstyle isn’t really fit to 2-Damage rated weapons. So the artist mostly avoids fatties or leaves them to her more macho teammates. On the other hand, she doesn’t have team-oriented Skills like Born leader or Medic. She’s nevertheless a dream bodyguard and perfectly matches any support-oriented Survivor!


"Trust me and you’ll live."
Marvin Redfield’s mother always told her son he was born under a lucky star, that he was promised a great destiny. And she was right: the little boy was gifted with incredible luck. Yet Marvin didn’t ask for anything. Being left in peace was all he wanted. Marvin’s life was turned upside down the day his family was caught in a grisly accident. The boy was extracted from the rubbles without a scratch but was now an orphan.
Years flew by and Marvin became a bodyguard. As if to ward off the past, he used his luck to better protect his fellow Survivors. When the zombie apocalypse came, Marvin was not afraid for himself but for his friends.
Nowadays, Marvin scouts the city trying to save as much people as possible. His legendary luck hasn’t left him and gives him an aura of “redemption angel”: some people pray to him and beg him to find their lost ones amidst the death vortex. Marvin’s still cool: no way he’s going to become some kind of messiah. His dearest wish hasn’t changed since his childhood: all he wants is be left in peace.

Blue / Destiny
Yellow / +1 Action
Orange A / Loud
Orange B / Lucky
Red A / Born leader
Red B / +1 free Combat Action
Red C / +1 to dice roll: Combat

• There’s no bad surprise with Marvin Redfield. Destiny, his starting Skill, allows him to Search without fearing of an unexpected zombie. Equipped with a flashlight, he becomes the one to quickly deliver quality material to the whole team. In this case, everybody wants to keep as close as possible to this bodyguard! At Orange Level, player’s choice of a new Skill is crucial for Marvin’s gameplay: with the Loud Skill, he becomes a great controller and can guide tides of zombies for the greater good. Lucky, he becomes a good fighter able to efficiently use luck-oriented weapons (chainsaw, sawed-off, sub-MG). Red Level’s Skill choice is made according to the needs. In an extended team, Born leader allows a fellow Survivor to get away from a sticky situation with increased chances. The free Combat Action and the bonus to dice rolls really make Marvin a great fighter, according to his endgame arsenal.
• Marvin Redfield’s first game turns are mainly for Searching, so he finds good equipment for his allies and himself. Afterwards, the Destiny Skill is recommended for Search-oriented missions (finding some food, creating a Molotov, etc.) As aforementioned, Orange Level’s Skill choice has a great influence on Marvin’s abilities. Better choose Luck in a tight or veteran team and use the best from tricky weapons. In extended group or rookie team with noise management, the Loud Skill makes a difference. Whatever his Danger Level, Marvin can really act as an altruist Survivor and succeed all along. This last point mainly relies on the weapons he keeps in his inventory.
• Marvin Redfield is a cohesive team’s pillar, where his legendary luck makes him a great ally. Giving him a flashlight is a basic good practice to makes the best of his Destiny Skill. Afterwards, a smart team will leave him have a chainsaw and/or a pair of sub-MG : he’s the best at using them at full potential. Marvin’s only weakness is his slowed experience gain compared to combat specialists. Time spent to search and distribute equipment is not spent to earn some precious XP! In this case, courtesy asks to let him take the objectives and use Molotov cocktails to catch up any delay he could have in experience.

Information from Kickstarter (which is over)

Zombicide is a collaborative game for 1 to 6 players developed by Guillotine Games and published by CoolMiniOrNot. A game lasts for 20min (beginner board) to 3 hours (expert board).

Each player controls from one (for 6 players) to four (solo game) "survivors", human beings in a zombie-infested town. In fact, "survivors" hastily change to "hunters" to smash zombies through and through. However, the team must constantly keep the balance between survival and slaughter: as the zombicide's going on, the "Danger level" is going up and infected are growing in numbers. Any misstep can turn to disaster.

Zombicide is a fun and easy game with cool minis in an archetypical, popular and comics-inspired environment. Ambiance is constantly kept between "beat'em up" and "survival horror" as characters keep on turning from preys to predators. Humor and gloom happily marry in a zombie-fest.

They started a Kickstarter for it to drive down production cost and increase the first print run size. They were pleasantly suprised to get eh game 900+% funded and they have throwing in all kinds of Exclusive game extras every 100% of the funding

If you go in at Abomination $100 + $20 for extras (Marvin,Eva). It's like buying the game, it's $30 design your adventure supplement, and getting both shipped for free.

Zombicide is a $89 game
71 miniatures (28mm "Heroic" scale): 6 Survivors, 40 Walkers, 16 Runners, 8 Fatties and 1 Abomination
110 mini-cards (42 Zombie cards, 62 Equipment cards, 6 Wounded cards)
9 gaming tiles
6 dice
6 Survivor Identity Cards
24 advancement counters
4 Cars tokens (police car and pimp mobile)
18 Noise tokens
10 Objective tokens
12 Door tokens
6 Zombie spawn tokens
1 "First player" token
1 Exit point token

The Exrtas are big enough to be a supplement on their own
+ 6 Additional Exclusive Survivors with their own rules
(Marvin,Eagle,Nick, El Cholo, Dave, Eva)
+5 Additional Exclusive Zombie versions of Survivors
(Marvin,,Nick, El Cholo, Dave, Eva)
+ 4 Extra Fatties
+ 1 Extra Abomination
+ 6 Extra Runners
+ 20 Extra Walker
+12 additional Alert Cards
+ 6 Zombicide Black Dice (Zombie Head, Molitov Cocktail, bullet holes instead of pips) not included in the main game
+ 6 Zombicide Glow in the Dark Dice (Zombie Head, Molitov Cocktail, bullet holes instead of pips) not included in the main game
+ 1 Zombicide T- Shirt (Zombie Head, Molitov Cocktail, bullet holes instead of pips) not included in the main game
+ 1 Downloadable Scenario
+ 1 Downloadable Map & Scenario Editor

Broce Willis, er,, umm, I mean NIck, the Bad Cop

Machete !, No No I meant El Cholo, Zombie Hunter

Sheldon, so sorry, I meant Dave, the Geek

The Chick from Kill Bill, or is it Eva Duran ?

CHUCK F'N NORRIS !!! - Eagle Chaz

Marvin Redfield - Tired of these Muda F'n Zombies on his Plane

Zombie Nick

Zombie El Cholo

Zombie Dave

Zombie Eva

Zombie Marvin

Zombie Eagle - When we reach 340K

Oh, yeah, I guess I should include a link if you are interested. CLICK HERE


Kickstarter for Season 3 of Zombicide over

Previouls Zombicide Thread can be found here

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 18:52:13

Post by: Cyporiean

Looking forward to it

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 19:01:54

Post by: DaveC

It's live


EBs flyiing out 400 to start

Automatically Appended Next Post:
$140 - EBs sold out!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
$100,000 target funded in 7 minutes

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Stretch goals

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 19:13:27

Post by: whalemusic360

Man, glad I backed before I bothered to read anything.

Just noticed that the base game comes with 12 survivors, but not their zombivor versions. Guess we know 12 of the stretch goals.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 19:19:12

Post by: endtransmission

 whalemusic360 wrote:
Man, glad I backed before I bothered to read anything.

Just noticed that the base game comes with 12 survivors, but not their zombivor versions. Guess we know 12 of the stretch goals.

I thought exactly the same thing when I finally got around to reading what I'd just backed

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 19:20:01

Post by: grefven

What do you guys think, if you grab the $90 EB will you be able to pledge for everything that is in the $140 for the same cost? Like last few KS? I better go grab one just in case. Who can say no to a saving of $10 in addition to the bonus +$10 you get for backing KS2!

Edit: And they answered the question the Update 1:
You can also pledge $140 and choose the $90 early bird level, if you wish to pledge for Patient Zero - it's a limitation of Kickstarter that they can't share a common pool - so snag yourself an extra discount!

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 19:25:48

Post by: -iPaint-

If you didn't have enough zombies before, this sure is a way to get them. At $100 you'll be getting a ton of those Skinner zombies at less than a $1 a mini.

Also, really happy with the survivor direction this time round - they all seem more functional than previous seasons.


Automatically Appended Next Post:
grefven wrote:
What do you guys think, if you grab the $90 EB will you be able to pledge for everything that is in the $140 for the same cost? Like last few KS? I better go grab one just in case. Who can say no to a saving of $10 in addition to the bonus +$10 you get for backing KS2!

Edit: And they answered the question the Update 1:
You can also pledge $140 and choose the $90 early bird level, if you wish to pledge for Patient Zero - it's a limitation of Kickstarter that they can't share a common pool - so snag yourself an extra discount!

See the latest update:



Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 19:30:19

Post by: endtransmission

grefven wrote:
What do you guys think, if you grab the $90 EB will you be able to pledge for everything that is in the $140 for the same cost? Like last few KS? I better go grab one just in case. Who can say no to a saving of $10 in addition to the bonus +$10 you get for backing KS2!

Keep in mind that the $90 early bird doesn't include the Audrey figure and she's unlikely to appear as an add-on

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 19:35:42

Post by: willb2064

Over $200k already (perhaps unsurprising given how popular the first 2 games are).

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 19:36:59

Post by: Aeneades

 endtransmission wrote:
grefven wrote:
What do you guys think, if you grab the $90 EB will you be able to pledge for everything that is in the $140 for the same cost? Like last few KS? I better go grab one just in case. Who can say no to a saving of $10 in addition to the bonus +$10 you get for backing KS2!

Keep in mind that the $90 early bird doesn't include the Audrey figure and she's unlikely to appear as an add-on

They have confirmed in the comments that if you upgrade the $90 early bird to $140 then you will also get Audrey.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
New Stretch Goals are up -

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 19:38:37

Post by: adamsouza

And we're funded.. and we've hit our first two stretch goals!

We're already funded and hit our fist stretch goal in only a few minutes! Yowza!

All Infected and Patient 0 level backers will receive a purple Zombicide storage box containing all the promo Dashboards released before Season 3, even the ultra rare Kyoko!

We've already well passed our second goal of $150k, adding 8 more skinner walkers to all Patient 0 and Infected pledges!

We're also almost at our goal of 175k!

Zombicide 2 backers: a quick note on the $10 optional item credit we're giving to Season 2 backers. This credit is applied at Patient 0, Infected, and their early bird levels. Please refer to the FAQ for full information.

You can also pledge $140 and choose the $90 early bird level, if you wish to pledge for Patient Zero - it's a limitation of Kickstarter that they can't share a common pool - so snag yourself an extra discount!

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 19:39:02

Post by: Piston Honda

1.7 million is my guess. ($1,748,734.00)

If I can, and if anyone wants to, can I create a separate thread (not sure which forum) person who guesses to the final amount (you can be a specific as you want to for the final total) gets a Kyoko figure?

I have about 30 of them around me. :(

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 19:41:11

Post by: grefven

While this is the type of company that does not need any support through Kickstarter, the game is honestly really good, and that will buy my pledge this time around, too. But they are kind of abusing the system a bit now, and the small guys that really need the support through KS is less likely to be albe to get their projects funded because these kind of project. But I ain't really in a position to complain about it, as I'm joining in on this, too.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 19:44:09

Post by: adamsouza

The goals are going from locked to funded faster than I can keep up.

I'll update unlocked stretch goals in the forst post later on after things have slowed down a bit.

The 4th goal unlocked before they posted the first update, mentioning the first 3 goals being unlocked

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 19:44:44

Post by: whalemusic360

 Piston Honda wrote:
1.7 million is my guess. ($1,748,734.00)

If I can, and if anyone wants to, can I create a separate thread (not sure which forum) person who guesses to the final amount (you can be a specific as you want to for the final total) gets a Kyoko figure?

I have about 30 of them around me. :(

Cincy was talking about doing similar guessing that as well as a survivor cameo guess.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 19:49:02

Post by: Piston Honda

Yeah, they are abusing the system. But every "true intention of a kickstarter" argument ends up the same. It's like a Christian vs Atheist debate. We know how it ends.

I think of it like this

1.) Kickstarter will not (unless there is bad press) noose CMON/GG for doing a KS. Not when there is some heavy coin coming towards them.

2.) People will vote with their wallets.

3.) A large flow of cash via KS will allow them to make components that would not have existed with kickstarter, know what the exact demand is or would have taken longer and we get a lot of freebies in return.

Would be interesting to see what the can do without kickstarter but don't think that will happen as they seem to rely on it completely.

But at least they present great opportunity to get LE minis with KS.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 whalemusic360 wrote:
 Piston Honda wrote:
1.7 million is my guess. ($1,748,734.00)

If I can, and if anyone wants to, can I create a separate thread (not sure which forum) person who guesses to the final amount (you can be a specific as you want to for the final total) gets a Kyoko figure?

I have about 30 of them around me. :(

Cincy was talking about doing similar guessing that as well as a survivor cameo guess.

So can I do a small little contest or no?

Not sure what the rules are?

I'll state the obvious, I, like everyone else, did not read the CoC when I signed up for Dakka.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 19:54:41

Post by: adamsouza

Zombicide Kickstarters are for funding the extras

They would have enough capitol to make the basic game, but the KS gets us a boat load of extras. Arguing against that is madness.

I'm pretty pumped about this extra. It's a nice thank you for new players, and a we're sorry for not numbering some of the cards in the last KS. Plus we get the case.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 20:02:23

Post by: whalemusic360

I like how it's a kickstarter exclusive item, with a retail value. It could have a retail value of 300 million, moot point if it never sees retail.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 20:09:34

Post by: Manchu

 Piston Honda wrote:
So can I do a small little contest or no?

Not sure what the rules are?
No Dakka rules against it.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 20:12:47

Post by: Morathi's Darkest Sin

I had to back it, its still the boys fave board game so far this past year. So more tiles, survivors and options are too good to miss.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 20:13:24

Post by: ced1106

 Piston Honda wrote:
1.) Kickstarter will not (unless there is bad press) noose CMON/GG for doing a KS. Not when there is some heavy coin coming towards them.

So, basically, KS is violating KS (which sounds pretty perverted). Whom do we report them to?

And... all 1000 EBs are gone in 1 hours and 12 minutes.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 20:21:44

Post by: DaveC

New stretch goals


Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 20:22:04

Post by: prankster


Update #4 - Jun 29 2014
275k reached! Next three stretch goals revealed!
We've hit the $275k mark!

And since we're moving so fast we're going to announce the next three stretch goals!

And beaten to it....

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 20:29:39

Post by: adamsouza

At least now we have hot the all important dice benchmark !!

Can't have any serious KS without exclusive dice.

Also, is it me or dis this guy bare a slight resemblance to Rob Zombie ?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 20:31:16

Post by: Cyporiean

I hate those dice, with icons on 1 & 6.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 20:35:18

Post by: adamsouza

 Cyporiean wrote:
I hate those dice, with icons on 1 & 6.

Zombies Bad (1)
Molotovs Good (6)

If you don't like them, I'll be more than perfectly happy to give your sets a perfectly loving home, and reimburse you for postage.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 20:40:55

Post by: DaveC

New Zombie Rules

Season 3 - Rue Morge
Skinner Zombies: Just like standard zombie types, but when you kill them you spawn a Crawler for each "1" you roll.
Crawlers: Half a zombie, just like a standard zombie but last in the targeting priority list.
A-Bomb Abomination: Just like a standard abomination, but at the end of his activation he pulls all adjacent Survivors to his zone.

Angry Neighbours
Seeker Zombies: All Seekers on the board get an activation whenever a Seeker spawn card is drawn.

VIP - Very Infected People
VIP Walkers: Just like normal walkers. When you kill one you can keep it on your card. If you discard a set of 5 VIPs with different sculpts you get a pimpweapon of your choice.

VIP rules are interesting but if they displace equipment it's a bit of a risk to collect all 5. There are at least 10 different VIP sculpts and Seekers only come in one type so no seeker runners or fatties.

I like the dice - I wouldn't pay extra for them but if they are putting them in as stretch goals I'll take em pity the green and blue ones were part of a game night box.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 20:45:41

Post by: adamsouza

I don't think they would displace cards. I'm guessing is you put the acutal models on your card to keep track, like tokens.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 20:55:03

Post by: whalemusic360

Who is Lucius supposed to be, Leon the Professional?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 21:00:39

Post by: DaveC

It's Leon yes

Here's the sculpt they previewed it nearly a year ago

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 21:15:18

Post by: Popobates

I wanted it to be Wesker from resident evil holding a green herb with a pistol.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 21:21:53

Post by: Vetric

Woot! Was in for the last 2 Kickstarters, really enjoy the game, am in for this one too. And in past they've shipped fairly close to on time too iirc. At least for Kickstarters...... Looking at YOU Ogre....

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 21:32:57

Post by: adamsouza

Popobates wrote:
I wanted it to be Wesker from resident evil holding a green herb with a pistol.

POOF !!!

For you, it is now Wesker from resident evil holding a green herb with a pistol.!!!

By time I post this and you read it, we should have already hit the 350K mark.


Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 21:39:07

Post by: DaveC

Daisy Duke

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 21:41:22

Post by: adamsouza

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 22:07:56

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

Naturally I missed an EB. Oh well.

Have they said what the deal is with Zombivors for all these new survivors going forward?

I don't see either box mentioning zombivors. Maybe you can't have zombivors in a team? Yet we're still seeing zombie versions in the stretches.... odd...

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 22:12:13

Post by: DaveC

I'd say with 12 survivors in the boxed game they can't include 12 Zombivors in it as well for cost/space reasons but I wouldn't be surprised to see a boxed set of them at some point whether free or paid for.

The Angry Neighbours and Lucius all get Zombivors so they haven't dropped that idea.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 22:24:36

Post by: notprop

I'm still waiting on CMoN to forfill Season 2!

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 22:36:01

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

With the pile of new survivors I'm thinking it's safe to unload some of my season 2 promos.

Heck, they'd probably pay for the game and a few new promos the way demand seems to continue to climb...

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 23:40:10

Post by: willb2064

 notprop wrote:
I'm still waiting on CMoN to forfill Season 2!

Seriously? I got mine last October!

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 23:44:33

Post by: Alpharius

 highlord tamburlaine wrote:
Naturally I missed an EB. Oh well.

Have they said what the deal is with Zombivors for all these new survivors going forward?

I don't see either box mentioning zombivors. Maybe you can't have zombivors in a team? Yet we're still seeing zombie versions in the stretches.... odd...

Given your backer history, I'm shocked - you don't seem to miss much at all!

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/29 23:50:54

Post by: cincydooley

 notprop wrote:
I'm still waiting on CMoN to forfill Season 2!

They have. If you're missing. It you should probably contact them.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 00:27:42

Post by: adamsouza

2,915 Backers $421,536 pledged of $100,000 goal

I'm guessing free zombies at 500K and Kat Zombivore at 525k

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 00:29:25

Post by: Alpharius

Any 'fake stretch goals' show up yet?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 00:30:39

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

 Alpharius wrote:

Given your backer history, I'm shocked - you don't seem to miss much at all!

It falls squarely on the time difference... Or I can blame my mother in law's snail like broadband... or the keyboard made for little old Japanese lady fingers versus my red blooded American giant hands...

I got a lot of excuses.

Back on topic, I'm hoping the add ons are something besides more and more survivors. I know they showed off those raven/ crow flocks, and barricades, and doorways... maybe we'll be seeing more 3d stuff this time around?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 00:52:33

Post by: adamsouza

Before the Kickstarter they mentioned a Kickstarter Only A-Bomb sculpt.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 01:01:09

Post by: Piston Honda

I want a survivor wielding a hockey stick.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 01:09:48

Post by: adamsouza

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 01:35:41

Post by: cincydooley

 Alpharius wrote:
Any 'fake stretch goals' show up yet?

Not really.

They're all bonuses to the base box, so it doesn't seem like it so far.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 01:46:48

Post by: adamsouza

 cincydooley wrote:
 Alpharius wrote:
Any 'fake stretch goals' show up yet?

Not really.

They're all bonuses to the base box, so it doesn't seem like it so far.

One could make the argument for this one

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 02:11:58

Post by: H.B.M.C.

What's a "fake stretch goal"?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 02:31:01

Post by: adamsouza

I was just humoring him.

Everytime there was a stretch goal that didn't include a physical item, the backers were getting, someone would complain about it being a fake goal.

Stuff like Extra missions, flufff, proabaly will hear people complain about the RPG stuff if it isn't in print.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 02:35:46

Post by: cincydooley

Oh, I hadn't seen that one.

I guess you're right. It could be.

But the support for this game is so above and beyond about 90% off other games, I'm all about a better online editor

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 02:58:33

Post by: Piston Honda

like the map editor, SG. anything that helps promotes the creation of more scenarios. As this game is scenario based. More variety the better.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 03:14:26

Post by: adamsouza

I'm not against the map editor at all, but I hardly think it took 75K to fund it's update

Again though, I'm not complaining. I just saw someone ask about "fake" stretch goals and picked the most likely target of his ire.

Also, if I'm reading it right, it's an additional campaign plus the map editor update.

Who can argue against an additional campaign ?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 03:18:14

Post by: H.B.M.C.

 adamsouza wrote:
Who can argue against an additional campaign?

Give it a minute. There are enough raging heroes around here to have a go at even the slightest thing that doesn't meet their exacting standards.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 03:20:17

Post by: Piston Honda


my cheap plug.

I'll go back to binge watching Fargo and complaining about tonight's wwe PPV on the internet.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 09:35:51

Post by: DaveC

Thiago posted this about Rue Morgue Zombivors

There are no Zombivors in Rue Morgue (but then again it has twice the usual number of Survivors). We'll get you the Zombivor versions of those Survivors some other way...

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 10:06:25

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Which has to be responded to with a "Why?".

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 10:26:38

Post by: Azazelx

Calm down mate. It may not meet your exacting standards, but there's no reason to start raging for no reason and turn this into a shamefully negative thread...

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 12:02:40

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Is that the kettle boiling, or is it just getting yelled at by a pot?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 12:43:44

Post by: Azazelx

Pretty much just that people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones or Skulls Techpriests. You started both the uncalled for snark and (amusingly) the bitching before people unhappy with that other campaign have even said a word.

Now if you'll stop making this thread such a shamefully negative pit of argument, I'd like to see how the campaign is progressing. It's almost like a GW thread here, the way you're carrying on.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 12:53:02

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Where did I start bitching? I'd made 4 posts in this thread prior to this one, and not a single one of them is a complaint about this KS. I like this KS. I think this KS is great. It's part three of my fav series of KS's to date.

And the Raging Heroes thread is shamefully negative, and no matter how much you try to use those two words to needle me, it will always be true. You're a bunch of whiny entitled children in that damned thread, and have been since almost the first page of it. And you hate, HATE, that someone called you on it.

And YOU Azazelx, more than any other poster in any other Kickstarter thread, are the most consistent complainer of them all, always having something new to complain about (even when it is legitimate). Your mere presence in KS threads makes me want to skip over them, as you're always complaining about communication or some other imagined (or real) problem with the latest KS, and yet you continue to back them and act utterly astonished when things don't go perfectly. You know what the definition of insanity is?

There's a reason I stay out of the Raging Heroes thread as much as possible, or the Tablescapes, or whatever. You're a really big part of that of that reason.

So pot kettle. Glass houses. whatever.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 13:07:21

Post by: Malkaven

I never played this series before. Would season 3 be a good jumping on point or should I start at season 1? Or maybe it doesn't matter?

Also, do these play well in a single player setting?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 13:14:31

Post by: H.B.M.C.

 Malkaven wrote:
I never played this series before. Would season 3 be a good jumping on point or should I start at season 1? Or maybe it doesn't matter?

Also, do these play well in a single player setting?

By the end of this Kickstarter Zombicide will have:

3 Starter Boxes
2 Expansions

... and this KS includes that third Starter Box (Rue Morgue). So you can jump in right there, as each of the starter boxes, whist having a slightly different theme, has the same rules base (ie. all the games work together without any required conversion work) and includes a full rule book. So here is a perfectly fine jumping in point.

As far as single player goes, sure. It would work because the zombies are all driven by defined AI rules (for lack of a better term). They always move towards a Survivor that they can see, and failing that the largest amount of noise via the shortest route possible. They don't roll dice, they just cause damage, meaning a person playing the game by themselves can control all their Survivors normally and then all they have to do during the Zombie turn is move the models in accordance with the Zombie rules.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 13:17:28

Post by: basement.dweller

I'd like some input on that too - is it worth jumping in on Season 3 if you are a zombicide virgin?
While I am a bit of a figure snob, Wehrkind and other people have attested to this being pretty decent despite the material. More than anything it seems people are really enjoying the game itself. While I don't particularly game as much as I'd like for various reasons, I would not say no to a game that is fun for everyone involved = not Monopoly.


Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 13:22:44

Post by: cincydooley

 basement.dweller wrote:
I'd like some input on that too - is it worth jumping in on Season 3 if you are a zombicide virgin?
While I am a bit of a figure snob, Wehrkind and other people have attested to this being pretty decent despite the material. More than anything it seems people are really enjoying the game itself. While I don't particularly game as much as I'd like for various reasons, I would not say no to a game that is fun for everyone involved = not Monopoly.


Honestly, I'd say unequivocally yes.

I think Rue Morgue will be a great jumping off point if you're new to the series for a couple reasons:

1. Plenty of survivors in the box, right off the bat. I personally don't think the Zombivors add that[ much to the game, beyond adding some different playable characters.

2. The team rules will be new for all of us, and with Season 3 you can simply learn them right away. I think they're going to add a lot of fun elements to the game.

3. This KS will probably, like all the previous ones, be full of cool extras and plenty of bang for your buck.

4. Zombicide is really fun and easy to teach. My wife, who doesn't care for zombies at all, really likes it.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 13:36:28

Post by: H.B.M.C.

In regards to the figures themselves... well that sorta depends on your point of view. I look at them as pure board game pieces, not miniatures to be held up to the same standards as a table top war game. I mean, sure, people paint them and we've seen a lot of great examples of painted Zombicide collections, but I wouldn't consider it as necessary as painting a 40K army.

As far as the material they're made of... well they're not the PVC disasters of other Kickstarters, that much I can tell you. They're decent detail and have bright colours that make them easy to distinguish.

And further to what cincydooley said, the 12 Survivors in the base Rue Morgue box is actually quite good. For a long time, before the second half of Season 1 hit, we only had the original 6 + 3 promo survivors, and with 5 people playing that left little variation. 12 survivors off the bat (13 with Audrey), is a really good start (plus it appears the first two promo-survivors already have their minis completed, so that could mean a lot of survivors to start with, offering tons of variation).

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 13:53:45

Post by: Azazelx

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
Where did I start bitching? I'd made 4 posts in this thread prior to this one, and not a single one of them is a complaint about this KS. I like this KS. I think this KS is great. It's part three of my fav series of KS's to date.

And the Raging Heroes thread is shamefully negative, and no matter how much you try to use those two words to needle me, it will always be true. You're a bunch of whiny entitled children in that damned thread, and have been since almost the first page of it. And you hate, HATE, that someone called you on it.

No, I don't hate it. Bloody hell, you flatter yourself. What a delusional degree of self-importance. I don't really give a feth what you think, quite frankly. "Shamefully Negative" is really just another joke to play with, like the various animated GIFs. Especially since it comes from you, given your history in pretty much every non-FW GW thread. Every time you post either of those words, it's like the "delicious" lips GIF appearing onscreen.

And YOU Azazelx, more than any other poster in any other Kickstarter thread, are the most consistent complainer of them all, always having something new to complain about (even when it is legitimate). Your mere presence in KS threads makes me want to skip over them, as you're always complaining about communication or some other imagined (or real) problem with the latest KS, and yet you continue to back them and act utterly astonished when things don't go perfectly. You know what the definition of insanity is?
There's a reason I stay out of the Raging Heroes thread as much as possible, or the Tablescapes, or whatever. You're a really big part of that of that reason.

That's awesome. I'm really flattered that you care so much about what I post. Actually, no. I don't. Because I don't much give a feth about that, either.
I do find your comments especially amusing and headscratchy since I rarely even post in the RH thread anymore - and haven't for the last couple of months, and have really only posted there semi-recently to respond to trolling from people like yourself. Like 3(?) weeks ago now most recently?

In fact, my opinion of you has mostly gone from a WTF is wrong with this guy? person when I came back to Dakka a few years ago, to considering you to be someone who mostly posts intelligent things, but goes stupid in GW threads, to almost exclusively a rather confused and laughable white knight/black knight, depending on if the thread is GW's or some other company's (including FW). So no, I don't hate it. I don't hate you, either. At this point you're simply another self-important poster on the internet who is essentially little more than a living joke. I'm aware that you're far more than that in real life, to your friends and family, etc. But I'm none of those things, and we'll never meet, so those things don't matter, so you're just the joke part. And in the end, who gives a gak? (Actually, it's a bit of a shame that you've lost the plot so badly recently, since you were legitimately very helpful when I was asking about 40k RPG books awhile back, and I did/do appreciate that.)

Now, if you really, truly can't stand me or my participation in KS (or other) threads, I can highly recommend that little button in the lower righthand side of all of my posts. Press it, and you won't ever have to worry about seeing me gak up your precious kickstarter threads with my shamefully negative attitude.

To the mods: I'm happy to leave it here, but since HBMC started this off with his snark post and then his self-important outburst post, I'm happy to have my right of reply here and leave it at that. He's more than welcome to take his ranting at me to PM if he'd like to continue.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 13:56:07

Post by: whalemusic360

As others have said, it is 100% a good game to get non gamers playing, fun and easy to play. You can also solo it up, help learn the game yourself before diving head long into it with others. RM seems like it will be a decent starting point. If it wasnt currently in Kickstarter, I'd say Season 1 would be better, but you'll get more bang for your buck here, though not the instant gratification.

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
12 survivors off the bat (13 with Audrey), is a really good start (plus it appears the first two promo-survivors already have their minis completed, so that could mean a lot of survivors to start with, offering tons of variation).

Did want to correct this that Audrey is only with Patient 0 backers, so she wouldn't be with the 12 base. We are already at 2 free survivors at the infected backing though. I'd suggest the Patient 0 level anyways, if you want some extra variety.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 13:58:16

Post by: basement.dweller

@ Cincy

Thank you both for your input. It sounds good Yeah I am more inclined to look at this as a board game and tame my expectations a bit on the figure front.

One thing though - how does the number of survivors impact the play variation? I've gathered there are different scenarios to play out and that it's kind of open akin to open source with the editor for people to add new ones.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 14:00:27

Post by: reds8n

Stick to the topic folks.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 14:02:49

Post by: whalemusic360

I've always done random suvivor choice, and it does add quite a bit of variation, as they can play very differently. There are a few types they all fall into (melee, gunner, tank, support, etc) and it can change the game quite a bit depending on how many of each there are, and who is playing them.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 14:09:25

Post by: ecurtz

The survivors all have a different set of special abilities which expand with the number of zombies they kill (killing zombies also increases the rate at which they spawn, so there's a ramping up as you play).

Season 3 seems like a good place to begin to me, because IMO 12 survivors is way better than 6 plus the zombivor versions. There has been a bit of power creep along the way though, so the equipment in Season 3 is probably too strong. Season 1 is the other good starter, as the scenario and balance on Season 2 wasn't as good (again IMO).

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 14:09:56

Post by: basement.dweller


Ahh gotcha. That sounds pretty neat actually.

As for Zombicide season 1, it's quite expensive over here and shipping pretty much kills it when looking at online vendors. Stuff like this is more often than not a KS or nothing thing for me.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 14:17:12

Post by: cincydooley

 basement.dweller wrote:
@ Cincy

Thank you both for your input. It sounds good Yeah I am more inclined to look at this as a board game and tame my expectations a bit on the figure front.

One thing though - how does the number of survivors impact the play variation? I've gathered there are different scenarios to play out and that it's kind of open akin to open source with the editor for people to add new ones.

Don't sleep on the minis yet. They're actually pretty highly detailed and can be painted up to a really nice standard

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 14:20:42

Post by: adamsouza

Season 3 would be a great starting point. The 12 survivors, plus the 4 from angry neighbors, plus the exclusive ones you'll get for free for backing the kickstarter, will give you a nice selection of survivors. Also, Season 3 backers get the updated Dashboards for all of the exclusive characters relased over the years. That will give you a huge selection of survivors to choose from if you just proxy the miniatures.

The Dashboards are what matter. You could use any pawn on the board. The game just looks cooler with the matching miniatures.


Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 14:44:01

Post by: H.B.M.C.

With the amount of dice they keep giving us, that better be a big dice bag. And I'm not just saying that because I bought two extra sets of dice last time 'cause I over pledged by accident and didn't have anything else to spend the money on. @ me.

 basement.dweller wrote:
One thing though - how does the number of survivors impact the play variation? I've gathered there are different scenarios to play out and that it's kind of open akin to open source with the editor for people to add new ones.

You're right in that there are many different scenarios, and that you can easily design your own survivors. What we mean though is that having 12+ at the start gives a lot of variety for people right from the get-go, allowing people to pick ones that suit their play style or just their preference. For example I almost always choose either Wanda (from Season 1), or the Cardboard Tube Samurai (a Season 1 exclusive). Wanda I choose because I like her default special rule - she's has roller-skates, so she can move twice as fast as everyone else, meaning I'm a good scout, I can get out ahead of the group and lure Zombies away, and I can get out of trouble fast if I need to. CTS on the other hand is someone I choose for no other reason than I think he's cool.

And in a lot of games people end up playing 2 characters (some of the scenarios are for 8 Survivors, meaning some people can play multiple - and that's not hard as the game is very easy to learn and play), so having more than that default 6 (as we had originally) is good, because it means the game isn't always the same people playing the same characters. With the default pledge you have (right now) 14 survivors. With the second level pledge that jumps to 19! If you're playing 8 survivors in a single game you'd need to play three scenarios before you had to use the same survivor twice. That's variety, and that's a great way to start this season.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 14:45:00

Post by: Malkaven

Thanks for the info all.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 15:18:55

Post by: basement.dweller

Yes, thanks everyone for all the input!

This actually made me want to play... like now Anyone in Göteborg reading this that has the game?

@Cincy - that is a really good paintjob!!! You could always tell the sculpts were good from the start. They are full of character which sometimes can trump other aspects of a mini. My biggest concern was and is the material, but given how much praise this game has gotten I feel going the extra mile in cleaning will be worth it in this case.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 15:30:58

Post by: Hulksmash

This is the season I jump in. I regret not doing season 1 or 2. 1 it was that or Sedition Wars...Wrong choice. And season 2 hit during a low hobby fund time. This time however I'm in.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 15:50:07

Post by: cincydooley

I mean, for full disclosure I do a ton of work for CMoN and have friends in the company, but this game really is one of my favorites.

It's very fun, the online support for it is immense, and the production value of the game can really draw anyone in. Can't recommend it highly enough.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 16:15:18

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Heh. The preview video shows off a new Ultra-Red weapon: The Holy Pan (it's a frying pan with a halo!). It says it's "Made in France", and aside from being a fairly decent weapon (3 dice, 4+, 2 damage), if you have a second melee weapon it adds +3 dice to that weapon.

There's also the Uber-Shield, which gives you Tough and Shove, and you can discard it to ignore all damage inflicted that round.

There's an armoured fist that grants the Tough skill. A Winchester rifle. Something called the "Zombicider", which looks like a huge feth-off shotgun where you just roll as many dice as their are people in the area you're targeting. A companion weapon for the katana that prevents crawling zombies from spawning from Skinners. Some brass knuckles!

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 16:22:31

Post by: cincydooley

The new A-Bomb kinda terrifies me.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 17:13:30

Post by: -iPaint-

Good god the comment section for this KS is atrocious, and it's only day 2. If it isn't people complaining about free stretch goals, it's people complaining about wanting more add-ons....It's baffling. Usually by this point there'd be more $10 survivors, so I for one am happy that CMoN and GG are willing to provide us freebies for the first dozen or so stretches.


Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 17:20:35

Post by: cincydooley

 -iPaint- wrote:
Good god the comment section for this KS is atrocious, and it's only day 2. If it isn't people complaining about free stretch goals, it's people complaining about wanting more add-ons....It's baffling. Usually by this point there'd be more $10 survivors, so I for one am happy that CMoN and GG are willing to provide us freebies for the first dozen or so stretches.


I've sorta stopped going to the comments sections of "big" KS projects for that very reason....

Oi Vey...

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 17:30:32

Post by: -iPaint-

 cincydooley wrote:
 -iPaint- wrote:
Good god the comment section for this KS is atrocious, and it's only day 2. If it isn't people complaining about free stretch goals, it's people complaining about wanting more add-ons....It's baffling. Usually by this point there'd be more $10 survivors, so I for one am happy that CMoN and GG are willing to provide us freebies for the first dozen or so stretches.


I've sorta stopped going to the comments sections of "big" KS projects for that very reason....

Oi Vey...

Totally. Which is disappointing, because there are times when people aren't complaining and they do offer up good advice or ideas. I (and I'm sure many others) just don't want to wade through the quagmire to find the decent posts.


Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 17:37:33

Post by: basement.dweller

I find this forum infinitely more useful... I even got PM's from people after I posted my questions here It's fantastic. And the spawncamping of misguided supporters is minimal here.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 17:40:13

Post by: nkelsch

It does seem like this is the only game which seems to be getting 'stronger' with each release opposed to a lot of the other companies which are getting weaker and having worse problems with quality and consistency as their house of cards fall apart.

The only thing which I see making people sad are that if they join in season 3, they have like 30 some survivors and zombivors which they can never get due to exclusives. They are not needed, but some of the terribly fun and familiar ones are basically unobtainable.

So it is the walking the line between exclusives and late-game completionists.

I have played this game a bunch, it is totes fun.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 17:52:15

Post by: Nostromodamus

 -iPaint- wrote:
Good god the comment section for this KS is atrocious, and it's only day 2. If it isn't people complaining about free stretch goals, it's people complaining about wanting more add-ons....It's baffling. Usually by this point there'd be more $10 survivors, so I for one am happy that CMoN and GG are willing to provide us freebies for the first dozen or so stretches.


Don't forget the "+1" crowd, or the incessant chirping of "[random celebrity] should be a survivor!".

Worst comments section I've ever seen.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 18:00:48

Post by: grefven

nkelsch wrote:
It does seem like this is the only game which seems to be getting 'stronger' with each release opposed to a lot of the other companies which are getting weaker and having worse problems with quality and consistency as their house of cards fall apart.

The only thing which I see making people sad are that if they join in season 3, they have like 30 some survivors and zombivors which they can never get due to exclusives. They are not needed, but some of the terribly fun and familiar ones are basically unobtainable.

So it is the walking the line between exclusives and late-game completionists.

I have played this game a bunch, it is totes fun.

While they might not be able to use the actual figures, the ID cards are free to download from their site. So it's just a matter of switching one ID card for another and they can fully experience Zombicide as those that wanted to spend money on the figures.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 18:01:32

Post by: RiTides

 DaveC wrote:
I'd say with 12 survivors in the boxed game they can't include 12 Zombivors in it as well for cost/space reasons but I wouldn't be surprised to see a boxed set of them at some point whether free or paid for.

The Angry Neighbours and Lucius all get Zombivors so they haven't dropped that idea.

DaveC, do the zombivors have an in-game use yet?

It bothered me that they were making that many special models, many exclusives, that didn't actually function in-game previously... or at least, didn't really function well or weren't necessary.

Do they do more now?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 18:05:58

Post by: Nostromodamus

When your character dies, it comes back next turn as a Zombivor.

Basically "second chance" mode.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 18:08:37

Post by: DaveC

Yep RiTides check out page 22 of the PO rulebook


I don't really use them they are a bit broken with 5 wounds IMO but it's a good way of keeping someone new in the game if their survivor "dies" early. They aren't necessary and the game plays perfectly fine without them it's just another option but I like having the mini though and I'd pay for the set of 12 Rue Morgue ones if needs be - even if I don't use them much.

Here's Season 1 and TCM rulebooks as well if anyone wants to look at rules first - the core rules are the same and won't chnage in season 3.


Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 18:20:39

Post by: adamsouza

The Zombivors lack the extra activation at Yellow that everyone else has. It is actually quite noticable in the late game.

Honestly though the 5 wounds doesn't seem to make a difference. In my experience you are either okay, or something went badly and your swarmed. When that happens having 1 spare wound or 4 extra doesn't make much of a difference.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 18:26:18

Post by: RiTides

Thanks for that, DaveC and adamsouza! I don't own the game but have played a few times with friends and it is a lot of fun, we just never used the Zombivors so I was wondering about that

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 18:36:15

Post by: porkuslime

so. the zombivor models are still "heroes" and are controlled by the players?

I thought they went to the bad and started munching the heroes.

(obviously I have not played the game yet)..

And.. is there ANY reason to have 30+ survivor models other than the near infinite variety of using only 4 or 5 in a game? (like... can you bring in another character if ya die?)


Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 18:43:11

Post by: Siygess

 Hulksmash wrote:
This is the season I jump in. I regret not doing season 1 or 2. 1 it was that or Sedition Wars...Wrong choice. And season 2 hit during a low hobby fund time. This time however I'm in.

Heh, you too, huh? Sometimes when I look at my SW box I wonder if I backed the wrong horse. . and the only thing that stopped me picking up Zombicide at retail is large number of exclusive survivors I have missed out on.

..but sod it, better late than never, right?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 18:43:58

Post by: DaveC

Correct Zombivors are still player controlled.

Season 3 is 1 - 12 players and the new teams aspect seems to be 3 survivors per team so that's 36 survivors potentially in play! if each player can control 3 survivors although it's more likely that 3 players pool their survivors into a team but yeah more survivors just means more choice.

RM and AN so far has 16 survivors then add Lucius, Cat and Audrey for 19. We know there are 3 guest boxes that's another 6 plus not Raj and not Ron Burgundy so that's 27 survivors we know of this KS before they reveal the surprise ones.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 19:17:50

Post by: Aeneades

I want to know why CMON value brown dice at $2 more then yellow dice! I'm all about the yellow dice...

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 19:56:21

Post by: grefven

A 12-player game, I actually don't even want to know how long that would take to play. Either each team last about 1 or 2 turns, and the poor sods that get taken out in turn 1 will have to wait for the rest to of the game to finish, or there has to be some incredible game mechanics in play here, otherwise I don't see a 12-player game work that good. It would for sure be interesting to see a review of it, though.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 20:09:29

Post by: adamsouza

$611,552 pledged of $100,000 goal

Dice Bag Unlocked

I can't get too excited about it. It's been said that it is BIG enough to hold 9 dice.

9, not even the 18 you'll get between the box set and free dice

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 20:38:47

Post by: endtransmission

 adamsouza wrote:
$611,552 pledged of $100,000 goal

Dice Bag Unlocked

I can't get too excited about it. It's been said that it is BIG enough to hold 9 dice.
9, not even the 18 you'll get between the box set and free dice

According to poster Thaigo (who seems to be posting from CMoN) , "You can fit up to 7 dice sets inside the bag."

So that is 42 dice, not 18

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 20:39:19

Post by: DaveC

Well that's the full TBBT crew in then (we know from the preview that Raj is in too) Guest boxes are more expensive this time.

Stretch Goals - the $640k for House is already unlocked.

Add ons

Old add ons


Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 20:55:46

Post by: endtransmission

Given that we have Amy, we really need Penny and Bernadette to call the gang complete. Stu would be nice too

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 20:55:50

Post by: whalemusic360

You're missing the pimp weapons at 670k. Wonder why the price difference on eh guest boxes? Still at $10 a pop, but the $15 was much more of a draw.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 21:02:09

Post by: DaveC

 whalemusic360 wrote:
You're missing the pimp weapons at 670k. Wonder why the price difference on eh guest boxes? Still at $10 a pop, but the $15 was much more of a draw.

Sorted now I was wondering why it went from 640k to 700k the Pimp weapon Cards never showed in the email I got - odd

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 21:08:47

Post by: ClockworkChaos

I feel like I am over-excited for the "Dr. House" model. As a side note, could someone explain to me what you get in the artist packs and why are they so desirable? Like I like the undercover cop but is there anything specifically special about these packs? What is in them? Just the survivors and zombivors? Any extra art in there?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 21:17:24

Post by: whalemusic360

It's just two extra dudes that were designed by someone outside the normal design team.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 21:18:52

Post by: Schlyne

Considering almost all of my season 2 stuff was lost in the great apartment fire of 2 weeks ago, I am disappointed that there are no options to grab stuff from previous seasons.

However, this should make things a heck of a lot smoother when it comes to shipping and sending out everyone's various add-on options later on, as we bang out stretch goals.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 21:19:30

Post by: cincydooley

I'm still hoping the next "crew" they're going to do is the Channel 4 Action News team.

Sadly, I know they're only doing Ron in this campaign. Bummer. Could really have dug me some Champ Kind.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 22:19:16

Post by: adamsouza

 endtransmission wrote:

According to poster Thaigo (who seems to be posting from CMoN) , "You can fit up to 7 dice sets inside the bag." So that is 42 dice, not 18

That's good news. I'm glad to have been wrong about it.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 22:25:51

Post by: spiralingcadaver

Does anyone else feel like they visually missed the mark and a lot of the concept?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 22:33:26

Post by: DaveC

 spiralingcadaver wrote:
Does anyone else feel like they visually missed the mark and a lot of the concept?

I guess in order to claim parody they kind of have to miss the mark a bit. I think it's the Zombivor artwork that's really off looks like a different character but that's been true of a few of the zombivor art pieces they don't seem to get the same level of attention.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 22:38:22

Post by: cincydooley

I dunno.. I feel like if i showed that to anyone that watches BBT they'd know immediately who it is.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 22:42:46

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

Did I read correctly that the dashboard box includes dashboards for all the previous promos?

Does that mean I don't need to bother printing stuff out for all those hard to find figures, and can instantly proxy them with basically any figure already in the box?

If so, that's not a bad deal for everyone.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 22:43:56

Post by: DaveC

So the Season 1 total means free Barricades - give us 2 free to get us to buy more (no add on price yet but at $15 MSRP probably $10)

then a new VIP - only 2 this time - pity as a zombie cop is more useful/looks better en masse than 3 Elvis impersonators

 highlord tamburlaine wrote:
Did I read correctly that the dashboard box includes dashboards for all the previous promos?

Does that mean I don't need to bother printing stuff out for all those hard to find figures, and can instantly proxy them with basically any figure already in the box?

If so, that's not a bad deal for everyone.

Yep all season 1,2 and TCM Survivor cards and Kyoko are included no need to print them - buy a box of WGF survivors and proxy away.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 22:48:08

Post by: adamsouza

 spiralingcadaver wrote:
Does anyone else feel like they visually missed the mark and a lot of the concept?

In season 2 they had problems with 2 of the Survivors being to close to the source material they were parodying, and had to change their bio's and minis.

This way there can be no condusion based on the bio that they are the same.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 22:49:22

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

Are all these VIP zombies going in that VIP box, or will they be in all the Kickstarter cardboard swag boxes we usually get our extra zombies in?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 22:52:21

Post by: Aeneades

The barricade stretch goal indicates you get two sets of 4 barricades for free but can't see that they would be quite that generous with them so would guess its a mistake or bad wording.

The wording from email -

A set of 3D plastic barricades: contains 4 plastic barricade pieces

And the image says you get two sets of barricades for free.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 22:53:39

Post by: DaveC

 highlord tamburlaine wrote:
Are all these VIP zombies going in that VIP box, or will they be in all the Kickstarter cardboard swag boxes we usually get our extra zombies in?

The box comes with 20 VIPs - 4 of each of the ones shown in the artwork - that's the retail set. The Leia, Elvis and cop are KS exclusive and will be packed separately - they usually do up a packing tray for all the extras and box them in a plain brown box. CMoN commented that they have at least 10 different VIP sculpts so it's possible they will do a second box set of the KS exclusive ones.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 23:00:25

Post by: grefven

The cop VIP looks really good. I might even get me a few extra of those if allowed.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 23:04:30

Post by: Siygess

 endtransmission wrote:
Given that we have Amy, we really need Penny and Bernadette to call the gang complete. Stu would be nice too

Heh, knowing his luck, Stu would only be available as a Zombie..

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 23:13:46

Post by: cincydooley

 Siygess wrote:
 endtransmission wrote:
Given that we have Amy, we really need Penny and Bernadette to call the gang complete. Stu would be nice too

Heh, knowing his luck, Stu would only be available as a Zombie..


Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/06/30 23:34:28

Post by: DaveC

OK so those barricades are in 2 parts the mattress part is separate and clips on to the lower section using the 2 triangular pieces to hold it so you get an incomplete barricade then stick the mattress on top and its completed. So the stretch goal is 2 barricades in 4 pieces

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 00:49:47

Post by: Azazelx

 endtransmission wrote:
Given that we have Amy, we really need Penny and Bernadette to call the gang complete. Stu would be nice too

Not to mention Will Wheaton...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 adamsouza wrote:
 spiralingcadaver wrote:
Does anyone else feel like they visually missed the mark and a lot of the concept?

In season 2 they had problems with 2 of the Survivors being to close to the source material they were parodying, and had to change their bio's and minis.

This way there can be no condusion based on the bio that they are the same.

Wasn't that S1? Jules from Pulp Fiction and Uma from Kill Bill?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 00:54:55

Post by: Popobates

While I enjoy the bbt crew getting a full team, how have the ghostbusters not made it into this game?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 01:11:47

Post by: Azazelx

Much more difficult to get those uniforms and proton packs in as "generic survivors with no connection to any pop culture, really, honest."

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 02:16:36

Post by: adamsouza

Probably becasue half the people playing it aren't old enough to remember Ghost Busters ?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 02:24:05

Post by: Nostromodamus

If they insist on doing all these celebrities, I wish they would stick to ones that have something to do with Zombies, or at least the horror genre.

All these random pop culture ones feel rather saturating and not in theme with the game.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 02:49:31

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Well we're less than $500 away from the last stretch goal (Zombie not-Leonard) being unlocked. This one is going crazy! The only reason it's the Number 2 KS project right now is because Reading Rainbow is number 1. Kicktraq has Season 3 trending towards 7 million, which is of course stupid, but still funny.

 Alex C wrote:
If they insist on doing all these celebrities, I wish they would stick to ones that have something to do with Zombies, or at least the horror genre.

All these random pop culture ones feel rather saturating and not in theme with the game.

You must be new to this. They've got everyone from Basil Fawlty to Pamela Anderson. They've got references to everything.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 05:20:58

Post by: adamsouza

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 07:37:22

Post by: H.B.M.C.

We are $855 away from that as of this post. And just over 5000 pledges as well.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 08:58:26

Post by: grefven

I like those barricades.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 09:30:40

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

Those barricades will fit in pretty nice with Zpocalypse's barricades and defensive gear.

In fact, a lot of what I see in Z3 seems like Zpocalypse has done already...

Zpocalypse is a totally different beast of a game however, and doesn't really have that arcade-y feel of Zombicide.

There's a place on the shelf for both!

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 0038/07/01 11:20:42

Post by: Nostromodamus

H.B.M.C. wrote:
 Alex C wrote:
If they insist on doing all these celebrities, I wish they would stick to ones that have something to do with Zombies, or at least the horror genre.

All these random pop culture ones feel rather saturating and not in theme with the game.

You must be new to this. They've got everyone from Basil Fawlty to Pamela Anderson. They've got references to everything.

Yes I am new to Zombicide. My opinion stands.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 13:17:51

Post by: endtransmission

Aeneades wrote:
The barricade stretch goal indicates you get two sets of 4 barricades for free but can't see that they would be quite that generous with them so would guess its a mistake or bad wording.
The wording from email -
A set of 3D plastic barricades: contains 4 plastic barricade pieces

And the image says you get two sets of barricades for free.

The wording is very confusing. Thaigo, who appears to be acting in CMoN's stead for answering rules and campaign questions:

CORRECTION: Sorry guys, I just realized I got a bit mixed-up about the barricades. The 781k goal includes 2 COMPLETE BARRICADES. Each barricade is composed of 2 pieces, so you'll get 2 sets of 2 pieces, forming 2 complete barricades. Sorry for the mix-up.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 13:55:41

Post by: Salacious Greed

The barricades look really great, and getting 2 complete ones will be nice. They look like they'll hold paint very nicely, for use in other games as well.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 14:12:17

Post by: endtransmission

So the Police zombies are now unlocked and the next three goals are up, including Gordon Ramsay

And now for what we have in store! Here's our next three stretch goals!

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/09 11:13:51

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Gordon Ramsay. LOL!

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 14:16:34

Post by: endtransmission

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
Gordon Ramsay. LOL!

I can't help but wonder if Jesse will have the Loud skill and be able to combine food and water cards to make health packs

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 14:26:11

Post by: flukezor

 endtransmission wrote:
 H.B.M.C. wrote:
Gordon Ramsay. LOL!

I can't help but wonder if Jesse will have the Loud skill and be able to combine food and water cards to make health packs

YES! The loud skill would be hilarious on him! Maybe they will make him proficient in using the Pan so its no longer a useless card.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 14:28:19

Post by: whalemusic360

His blue level is "Starts with Pan"

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 14:33:44

Post by: endtransmission

 flukezor wrote:

YES! The loud skill would be hilarious on him! Maybe they will make him proficient in using the Pan so its no longer a useless card.

The Pan is lethal when you give it to the preacher... He can take out Abominations with it! *clannnnng!*

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 14:53:40

Post by: H.B.M.C.

He should start with Loud and Taunt.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 14:55:03

Post by: flukezor

 endtransmission wrote:
 flukezor wrote:

YES! The loud skill would be hilarious on him! Maybe they will make him proficient in using the Pan so its no longer a useless card.

The Pan is lethal when you give it to the preacher... He can take out Abominations with it! *clannnnng!*

I guess if you are going to buff up a damage 1 weapon to damage 3 you may as well have some style about it and humiliate those aboms.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 15:29:43

Post by: Salacious Greed

The Zombivor version actually looks more like Ramsay when he's melting down on Hell's Kitchen!

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 15:46:47

Post by: whalemusic360

Not to be that guy, but I feel like we need some more paid add ons to go along with this update. Maybe even just the other guest boxes, but something like the mustache pack from S2 would be nice.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 16:19:53

Post by: endtransmission

I know what you mean, but I think it's probably worth them holding out another day or so before throwing more paid-for bits into the mix as it is still moving upwards. There are 26 more days left

To be honest, the next add-ons should be the first three game boxes as there are enough people asking for them in the comments section... that would give us a boost for another day or two

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 16:56:06

Post by: -iPaint-

 whalemusic360 wrote:
Not to be that guy, but I feel like we need some more paid add ons to go along with this update. Maybe even just the other guest boxes, but something like the mustache pack from S2 would be nice.

Still early in the campaign, don't think they aren't coming. There's still plenty of time for CMoN to add some more optional purchases. Tile packs, dice, survivors, zombie boxes, etc.

Also, I believe Mustache Pack was KS2 exclusive.


Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 17:01:29

Post by: Hulksmash

They could still be kickstarter exclusive if they were offered on this kickstarter Just saying it doesn't say kickstarter 1 exclusive

(I'm in the completionist camp which makes me a bit sad regarding the missed exclusives, even if they are only for funsies)

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 17:13:02

Post by: -iPaint-

 Hulksmash wrote:
They could still be kickstarter exclusive if they were offered on this kickstarter Just saying it doesn't say kickstarter 1 exclusive

(I'm in the completionist camp which makes me a bit sad regarding the missed exclusives, even if they are only for funsies)

True, though there's no precedent, and it would be the first time they offered old exclusives in the latest KS. Guess we have to wait and see.


Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 17:16:10

Post by: whalemusic360

I was saying a similar themed pack, like the action news team, ghostbusters or whatever, not the same pack.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 17:43:26

Post by: -iPaint-

 whalemusic360 wrote:
I was saying a similar themed pack, like the action news team, ghostbusters or whatever, not the same pack.

Ah, my misunderstanding. Yeah, a themed pack would be cool. I'd like to see something with a nod to the Left 4 Dead crew at some point.


Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 17:51:51

Post by: grefven

First bring in a lot more backers by offering freebies, then smack on the add-ons. That's a sure success strategy.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 17:59:02

Post by: cincydooley

grefven wrote:
First bring in a lot more backers by offering freebies, then smack on the add-ons. That's a sure success strategy.

It was wildly successful before there was a single add on, and would still be so without a single add on.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 18:13:44

Post by: grefven

 cincydooley wrote:
grefven wrote:
First bring in a lot more backers by offering freebies, then smack on the add-ons. That's a sure success strategy.

It was wildly successful before there was a single add on, and would still be so without a single add on.

Perhaps I should have specified a bit more. It is the receipt for a sure success strategy to max-out the total amount of money pledged. Thus more ka-ching for CMoN/GG.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/01 20:58:49

Post by: adamsouza

From the Kickstarter FAQ

Season 3 - Rue Morge
Skinner Zombies: Just like standard zombie types, but when you kill them you spawn a Crawler for each "1" you roll.
Crawlers: Half a zombie, just like a standard zombie but last in the targeting priority list.
A-Bomb Abomination: Just like a standard abomination, meaning he can only be killed with a Molotov or similar weapons, but at the end of his activation he pulls all adjacent Survivors to his zone.

Angry Neighbours
Seeker Zombies: All Seekers on the board get an activation whenever a Seeker spawn card is drawn.

VIP - Very Infected People
VIP Walkers: Just like normal walkers, they come with special spawn cards which you shuffle into your spawn deck. When you kill one you can keep it on your card. If you discard a set of 5 VIPs with different sculpts you get a pimpweapon of your choice.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/02 14:32:13

Post by: endtransmission

New update

And how about another awesome new Guest Artsist box?

Paolo Parente

Paolo Parente (born 1965, Italy) is an illustrator and concept artist who spends most of his time locked away in his factory-monastery in Shenzhen, China. Paolo produces toys, games, and comic books for his own universe, DUST (a super science WW2 setting).

Paolo is best known for his work with WoTC for Magic the Gathering and numerous other game and comic book properties. Lately he’s done concept design for upcoming films with HK director Tzui Ark and French director Christophe Gans.


“I’ve died thirty-eight times already, so what’s once more?”

Maki’s first acting gig was as Victim #3 in Freaks of Satan, where she played a hitchhiker stabbed to death by a psychotic trucker. A starlet was born that day. Maki appeared in thirty-seven more low-budget horror movies, dying in increasingly creative ways. When the zombie outbreak hit she was guest-of-honor at a horror convention. Grabbing a sword and a knife from the weapons sales table Maki started to hack, slicing and dicing zombies to pieces. It was her finest performance. Since life is now a horror movie, Maki feels right at home.


“This is going to hurt.”

Obsessed with the game of Operation from an early age, Dylan dreamed of becoming a doctor. Alas, her dreams ended when she flunked out of medical school. Needing money to pay off her student debts, she decided to put her collection of medieval clamps, drills, and hacksaws to good use as a dominatrix. Dylan soon dropped her plans of becoming a doctor, deciding that inflicting pain was much more fun than treating it. When the zombie outbreak struck Dylan grabbed her heavy-duty rubber gloves and some of the more exotic implements of her dungeon and went to work!

I find it a bit odd that the character descriptions on some of these new guest box characters are so different from the actual moddel look... especially Dylan.

Dylan seems to be typical Paolo design, but would have been better as a mechanic?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/02 14:40:11

Post by: whalemusic360

Nope, not a construction worker, dominatrix. Kinda of a weird jump. Whatever, should help jump to the 960k mark. I have noticed a distinct Village People theme going on with the VIPs. Expect an Indian in full head dress or a Biker in all leather next.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/02 15:09:08

Post by: H.B.M.C.

 whalemusic360 wrote:
Nope, not a construction worker, dominatrix.

That took me by surprise as well. I thought she was going to be a car mechanic or something.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/02 15:37:02

Post by: Herzlos

These are still going to be the soft boardgame plastic stuff, right?

So maybe not the best for picking up purely to paint?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/02 15:38:54

Post by: Azazelx

Dominatrix is even more disturbing, given that drill. Still, the back stories are easily disregarded.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/02 16:12:38

Post by: grefven

Herzlos wrote:
These are still going to be the soft boardgame plastic stuff, right?

So maybe not the best for picking up purely to paint?

Correct. Ain't the best figures if your goal is only to paint the best figures available. However, they do paint up quite nicely. Check the image earlier in this thread to see how well they can be painted up to. They aren't bad in my opinion.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/02 16:24:24

Post by: DaveC

I painted the 6 survivors from season 1 and they paint up nicely the detail is pretty good for the material. I stopped there though as I realised the epic scale of painting everything up and decided to leave it unpainted and purely a board game. I replaced the original 6 in a bits order from eBay and the painted ones are in a display case. Definitely worth painting if you have the time but I just don't right now.


Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/02 16:59:28

Post by: endtransmission

It seems there have been a lot of WTF?! comments about the dominatrix writeup. CMoN just commented to say that they will take the best background created by a backer and print that instead.

Some more rules for the A-Bomb have also just appeared. Unlike the normal Abominations, the A-Bomb can only be killed with weapons that have the ability to destroy everything in a square (e.g. molotov, missile launcher and flamethrower). This makes it's ability to drag all adjacent players into it's square even more dangerous!

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/02 18:26:01

Post by: paulson games



“This is going to hurt.”

Obsessed with the game of Operation from an early age, Dylan dreamed of becoming a doctor. Alas, her dreams ended when she flunked out of medical school. Needing money to pay off her student debts, she decided to put her collection of medieval clamps, drills, and hacksaws to good use as a dominatrix. Dylan soon dropped her plans of becoming a doctor, deciding that inflicting pain was much more fun than treating it. When the zombie outbreak struck Dylan grabbed her heavy-duty rubber gloves and some of the more exotic implements of her dungeon and went to work!

I think she's based after the girl in American Mary, which is basically a med student who ends up kicked out of med school and falls into doing all sorts of illegal body mods for people and surgeries for criminals. Not really a dominatrix but does some pretty brutal stuff. Outside of the construction worker get up she looks pretty similar too. The art reminds me of the satisfaction video by Benny Banassi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsR2-Tpsqqc

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/02 18:30:46

Post by: Morathi's Darkest Sin

Seems CMoN is aware.. they are asking folks to suggest a new back story for Dylan in the updates/comments.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/02 18:40:33

Post by: paulson games

The game isn't exactly kid friendly, as it's awash in violence, blood, and some other fairly graphic imagery. A possible text reference to sex? OMG we certainly can't have that. Get back to thoughts of human corpses being brained with blunt objects, burned with fire, faces and heads blown apart with gunfire, all the stuff properly suited for the kiddies.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/02 18:50:06

Post by: -iPaint-

Personally I couldn't care less what the description is, but the art just doesn't scream "Dominatrix" to me. It says "Renovator" or "DIYer" or "Handywoman."

Dominatrix is stuff like leather, chains, whips, and gag-balls....


Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/02 18:51:10

Post by: zedmeister

So, my Mrs was intrigued by this and I'm now tempted to back. How's the game play? What about previous seasons?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/02 18:56:28

Post by: Slinky

 zedmeister wrote:
So, my Mrs was intrigued by this and I'm now tempted to back. How's the game play? What about previous seasons?

It's simple but good, I've played it with my wife with fun had by all

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/02 19:03:45

Post by: -iPaint-

 zedmeister wrote:
So, my Mrs was intrigued by this and I'm now tempted to back. How's the game play? What about previous seasons?

Check out Watch It Played's video covering Season 1 (it's probably the best box to get, as it allows you to play all of the community and official extra scenarios).


The game is quick paced, light on rules, and calls for lots of dice rolling. It's been well received by anyone I've played it with. It's also an excellent source for zombie miniatures, if you plan to play other zombie themed tabletop games or RPGs.


Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/02 19:26:52

Post by: whalemusic360

Normally I'd agree S1 is the way to go, but you get extra bang for your buck with the extras on kickstarter. I'd say that's the way to go for the next 25 days.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/02 20:36:04

Post by: Bossk_Hogg

 -iPaint- wrote:
Personally I couldn't care less what the description is, but the art just doesn't scream "Dominatrix" to me. It says "Renovator" or "DIYer" or "Handywoman."

Dominatrix is stuff like leather, chains, whips, and gag-balls....


Really she's a booth babe at some hardware show or a thematic stripper. That's the sexy construction worker Halloween costume, not an actual construction worker. The shirtless boobs out overalls are some fanservice right there lol.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/02 20:41:40

Post by: Scrub

 Morathi's Darkest Sin wrote:
Seems CMoN is aware.. they are asking folks to suggest a new back story for Dylan in the updates/comments.

They could do with changing her name too, I know plenty of Dylans... they are all male. It is most definitely a male name and it looks bloomin' strange there!

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/02 21:24:28

Post by: Bossk_Hogg

 Scrub wrote:
 Morathi's Darkest Sin wrote:
Seems CMoN is aware.. they are asking folks to suggest a new back story for Dylan in the updates/comments.

They could do with changing her name too, I know plenty of Dylans... they are all male. It is most definitely a male name and it looks bloomin' strange there!

Maybe its a tip on what's going on with Dylan down south.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/02 21:28:32

Post by: ced1106

 zedmeister wrote:
So, my Mrs was intrigued by this and I'm now tempted to back. How's the game play? What about previous seasons?

Wonder what CMON thinks BDSM play is. Building treehouses, I suppose.

Anyway, the game's a good entry-level game for casual players. I'd say the only previous season you should have is the first season base game, because you don't have to wait a year for it, you can try it out and see if you like Zombicide before the Z3 KS ends, and it's thematically where a zombie series would start (post-apocalyptic urban vs. hospital). At $60-$70 online, it's not as good a deal as Z3, however.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/02 21:53:48

Post by: Alpharius

Already at $940K with 24 DAYS left to go!

Is Zombicide the One Zombie game to rule them all?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/02 22:09:09

Post by: adamsouza

 Alpharius wrote:
Is Zombicide the One Zombie game to rule them all?

YES !!

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/02 22:17:19

Post by: cincydooley

 Alpharius wrote:
Already at $940K with 24 DAYS left to go!

Is Zombicide the One Zombie game to rule them all?

IMO it really is. It's far better than any other zombie game I've ever played.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/02 22:21:31

Post by: zedmeister

ced1106 wrote:
 zedmeister wrote:
So, my Mrs was intrigued by this and I'm now tempted to back. How's the game play? What about previous seasons?

Wonder what CMON thinks BDSM play is. Building treehouses, I suppose.

Anyway, the game's a good entry-level game for casual players. I'd say the only previous season you should have is the first season base game, because you don't have to wait a year for it, you can try it out and see if you like Zombicide before the Z3 KS ends, and it's thematically where a zombie series would start (post-apocalyptic urban vs. hospital). At $60-$70 online, it's not as good a deal as Z3, however.

Thanks gents. Think I'll take a punt at this and get season 1 from amazon for £55. Now, to see if I can get Simon pegg and nick frost promos for the mrs as she's a big fan of the film...

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/02 22:28:46

Post by: grefven

Zombicide is so good because it manage to get into the hype of zombies at the precise right moment, and it combines that hype with a really easy-to-learn and fast-paced co-op game.

Zombicide is not the ultimate boardgame, but they timed the launch beautifully and are pretty much alone to take advantage of the current pop-culture surrounding zombies.

Personally, I love Zombicide, and have a ton of fun playing it with my casual friends. And it got me into the traditional boardgaming again.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/02 22:31:51

Post by: gunslingerpro

 cincydooley wrote:
 Alpharius wrote:
Already at $940K with 24 DAYS left to go!

Is Zombicide the One Zombie game to rule them all?

IMO it really is. It's far better than any other zombie game I've ever played.

Ease of access and simplicity of the ruleset have made it a 'gateway' boardgame for a lot of folks outside the normal target audience. I've dragged in loads of folks who saw us play one night, then wanted to play the next.

Helps that you can still play it after a few cold ones, I might add.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/02 22:40:58

Post by: Piston Honda

 Alpharius wrote:
Already at $940K with 24 DAYS left to go!

Is Zombicide the One Zombie game to rule them all?

Based on observations it is.

There is only one other zombie board game that I can compare it to in terms of fun factor and that is Zombies!!!. The rules are pretty poorly written unfortunately on a number of expansions.

Last night on earth was a big meh outside of one scenario.

Zombie Panic was a horrible experience. Very horrible.

I would like to see Zombicide go the route of a more detailed RPG with the use of miniatures and game boards. Simple enough to give it that zombicide feel, but more complex than the semi RPG feel it's got right now.

I still want to try that other zombie boardgame that was on KS sometime ago. Zpocalypse I think?

It's sitting somewhere around here.

One of the biggest draws outside of people able to learn in about 10 minutes is all the pop culture characters they can use. I would love for GG make some historical figures just for the hell of it. Al Capone with a Tommy gun

It's also one of the few board games I can say has had north of 100 plays.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/02 22:52:33

Post by: adamsouza

I backed the Zpocalypse Season 1 Kickstarter. Opened the boxes, closed them back up and put them up for sale on Ebay. and sold it for enough to pay for my Zombicide Season 2.

Zpocalyspe is more absrtact, simiulating days/weeks/months and the figures are just hideous.

Nice dice though, available sepereately, I use them for Zombicide. Has dice for shooting with bullets for pips, and melee dice with blood splatter for pips.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/02 22:54:20

Post by: -iPaint-

 Alpharius wrote:
Already at $940K with 24 DAYS left to go!

Is Zombicide the One Zombie game to rule them all?

It's definitely A zombie game, and one of the more popular ones, but I'm not sure it's THE zombie game, as a lot of people still prefer LNOE and other titles. I enjoy Zombicide on its own, but I really want to start doing some All Things Zombie stuff with the miniatures (and that's why I keep pledging, the models are just cheap enough and of a high enough quality that I think I'd be dumb to pass on them).


Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 00:20:08

Post by: Moopy

Harry Potter??? Is that you?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 00:32:55

Post by: Piston Honda

So which of the KS exclusives must I pay for?

Want to make sure I get them highlighted so I don't forget to buy them and be forever fahked.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 00:37:15

Post by: whalemusic360

Right now it's just bbt dude for $10 and the two guest boxes for $20 per for a total of $50. The guest boxes will be available after, if you hit the upper limits of what you wanna drop in one shot.

Edit, reread your post. Just the bbt guy right now, $10.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 01:11:15

Post by: adamsouza

 Piston Honda wrote:
So which of the KS exclusives must I pay for?

Want to make sure I get them highlighted so I don't forget to buy them and be forever fahked.

That's it so far

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 02:05:44

Post by: Azazelx

 paulson games wrote:
The game isn't exactly kid friendly, as it's awash in violence, blood, and some other fairly graphic imagery. A possible text reference to sex? OMG we certainly can't have that. Get back to thoughts of human corpses being brained with blunt objects, burned with fire, faces and heads blown apart with gunfire, all the stuff properly suited for the kiddies.

I don't know about the KS comments, but my only objection to her being called a dominatrix is that she looks nothing like one. And "objection" would be taking it too far as well. Like I said, the back stories are easily disregarded, and doing so is actually necessary when using any/all of the pop culture characters as their "inspirations".

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Bossk_Hogg wrote:

Really she's a booth babe at some hardware show or a thematic stripper. That's the sexy construction worker Halloween costume, not an actual construction worker. The shirtless boobs out overalls are some fanservice right there lol.

You're right - but that's Paolo for ya!

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 02:13:38

Post by: whalemusic360

She reminds me of Heidi from Home Improvement.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 02:42:22

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Bunch of people are suggesting repair ladies, mechanics, and one good one for the host of a home renovation show.

And yeah, I don't think anyone has a problem with a dominatrix-inspired characters, it's just that we'd like the character to at least fit with that image. The current one does not. The general response from everyone wasn't "OMG! How dare you make a dominatrix!" but more "Oh... is that what she's meant to be?".

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 09:27:51

Post by: ced1106

 zedmeister wrote:
Thanks gents. Think I'll take a punt at this and get season 1 from amazon for £55. Now, to see if I can get Simon pegg and nick frost promos for the mrs as she's a big fan of the film...

You get the promo cards free in S3 (but not the miniatures) so can proxy any promo figures (though not the zombivore?) if the secondary market is too expensive.

Zombiesdash proxy thread: http://www.zombiesdash.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=117&t=37

Fred and Chuck (so you can print and play the promos while waiting for Z3 to arrive!) : http://zombicide.com/en/promo-survivors

Have fun!

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 09:55:29

Post by: Mymearan

Would there be any point in getting in on the KS and selling the exclusives to fund as much as possible of the cost?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 10:30:04

Post by: Herzlos

Some of the Season 2 exclusives are on ebay for £30 ($50) each, so it's worth a shot. Someone is even trying to sell an empty box.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 10:41:27

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Of course if you have a spare grand and want it all...

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 10:47:59

Post by: grefven

Mymearan wrote:
Would there be any point in getting in on the KS and selling the exclusives to fund as much as possible of the cost?

I don't think so anymore. It would obviously make sense in KS1 (oh my, I wonder what I shall do with all my NIB boxes with KS1 exclusive survivors...) but now with KS3 being so hyped, the market will be saturated with survivors. We saw it happen with KS2, and surely will happen even more so with KS3.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 10:48:17

Post by: endtransmission

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
Of course if you have a spare grand and want it all...

That's all of the S2 kickstarter content. It's still missing the S1 exclusives, which would set you back another large chunk of change if you're an utter completionist

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 11:33:14

Post by: OrlandotheTechnicoloured

If you're in Europe it's probably going to be a lot harder to sell at 'peak' value which tends to be just as things are starting to ship because the European stuff tends to arrive after the USA with CMON projects (even when they are trying to get it out at the same time)

that said picking up a few LE that you might want to keep can't hurt as you're reasonably certain to at least get your money back

spending a lot of extra cash in the hope you can sell it and so pay for everything is risky (less of a gamble with zombicide, but still a gamble)

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 11:39:16

Post by: whalemusic360

The LE ones that will be worth more are the ones that are restricted to one per set (the free ones). The other LEs are worth a bit more then retail, but not mind shatteringly so. For example I have a spare Fred (Simon Pegg) because I overpledged by $10 last time. He sells for around $25 now. A nib El Cholo goes for $150, enough that China has started producing copies.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 13:43:52

Post by: endtransmission

Apparently this is just a deck of cards that have pictures of all the characters on. You randomly build your team by drawing three cards. I suppose it's also easier to shuffle and pick one character randomly using these than the dashboard cards.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 13:44:00

Post by: Cryptek of Awesome

Wow... I'm starting to wish I hadn't popped open and primed all my LE models from the first run. Ah well.

So can anyone give me a rundown on these "guest" models... I saw the box in store but no shot of the miniature inside. Are they any good - are they worth picking up?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 13:52:58

Post by: endtransmission

 Cryptek of Awesome wrote:

So can anyone give me a rundown on these "guest" models... I saw the box in store but no shot of the miniature inside. Are they any good - are they worth picking up?

The Guest models are really nicely done and look just like the artwork on the boxes. The Adrian Smith box has possibly one of the meanest close combat characters ever... Padre Johnson adds 2 damage to all CC weapons and eats Abominations for breakfast. I'm really happy with the original three sets

My least favourite character was Uncle Honk the clown

but when he's painted up, he looks fantastic. I would say they are slightly better sculpts than the main ones too.

Uncle Honk comes with Mitch

There are lots of pictures of the cards and characters over on boardgame geek here, here and here

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 14:20:01

Post by: prankster

 endtransmission wrote:

Apparently this is just a deck of cards that have pictures of all the characters on. You randomly build your team by drawing three cards. I suppose it's also easier to shuffle and pick one character randomly using these than the dashboard cards.

Kind of under whelming for the $1million goal. Though throw in some of those plastic stands and you have basic proxies for all of the survivors to use with the dash boards from the first SG.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 14:29:30

Post by: grefven

I like it. It's a good free gift for the backers. The Zcide would have reached $1M+ even without a single stretch-goal.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 14:30:25

Post by: whalemusic360

I actually really like this goal. It will get used quite regularly in my group, as we do random survivors and the giant stack of dashboards is hard to shuffle, and are double sided, so its hard to get a blind draw.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 14:37:16

Post by: cincydooley

 whalemusic360 wrote:
I actually really like this goal, it will get used quite regularly in my group, as we do random survivors and the giant stack of dashboards is hard to shuffle, and are double sided, so its hard to get a blind draw.

I really do, too.

Simple add on, but will make doing random selection just that much easier.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 14:42:10

Post by: grefven

And while I do like new survivors, I'd rather have something else beside just adding more when I will not use more than 4-6 each game. And with 50+ already to chose from, a new survivor won't add that much to the game itself anymore.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 14:47:04

Post by: DaveC

The $1,000k stretch goal is something I've wanted for awhile so I approve. It's nice to get something other than survivors every now and then and your looking at a deck of 60 or 70 cards for "free"

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 15:20:55

Post by: Aeneades

I like this goal. Hopefully they include the wraith of kings survivors as well (and the upcoming game night boxes) a provide a way to get them for future survivors.

Some of the comments on the update on kickstarter are really extreme. You would think CMON had killed someone by the way they are acting.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Although I do hope the rpg-lite / campaign rules turn up soon!

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 15:29:16

Post by: DaveC

The comments section is ridiculous right now it's day 4 of the KS and they are closing in on $1 million okay there could have been better things to put at $1,000k but they will come and the card deck was asked for during KS2 they listened and made it happen. There's 24 days to go so it should be seen in that context.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 15:29:40

Post by: cincydooley

FYI Dave C, your painted Zombicide minis look aces, bro! Well done!

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 15:35:41

Post by: DaveC

 cincydooley wrote:
FYI Dave C, your painted Zombicide minis look aces, bro! Well done!

Thanks Cincy. Are they yours on page 3? (or just a random search) they look great either way. Someday I hope to do them all but that's a project for down the road I really enjoyed painting those 6. I did get the abomination done as well before I stopped great mini to paint.


Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 15:36:58

Post by: cincydooley

They're actually a friends, so no, theyr'e not mine.

I want to get mine painted, and I actually have a few primed, but i haven't gotten there yet!

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 15:54:54

Post by: grefven

That is a wickedly nice abomination. I'd be afraid to play with such awesome painted figures.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 16:35:29

Post by: endtransmission

I'm only about a third of the way through painting my sets up, but it looks really nice playing with a painted set

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 16:58:57

Post by: flukezor

I really want to paint my sets up but I just have so much 40k to paint I don't know if I'll ever have the time to do it. I can imagine it would look so much nicer to play with than all grey, green, and orange zombies.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 17:56:21

Post by: adamsouza

grefven wrote:
And while I do like new survivors, I'd rather have something else beside just adding more when I will not use more than 4-6 each game. And with 50+ already to chose from, a new survivor won't add that much to the game itself anymore.

Trust me on this, you are wrong.

Each survivor has unique combinations of abilities that play differently, making the game a little different everytime you try a new character or combination of abilities. Not all characters are a good fit for a particular player's style of play.

We are much better off getting new unique/exclusive survivors than anything we can buy more of at retail.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 18:40:18

Post by: ClockworkChaos

People are honestly brutal on the comment section. Honestly its a good add-on. Its not a "KS breaking stretch goal of awesome" but it is still really nice. I do not really understand the comment section. This is a very well run KS and the questions are answered really fast. Correct me if I am wrong but I just see a lot of really spoiled children complaining

(Minus the good conversations in between all the crap- like did you see the conversation about including a disabled survivor to be more inclusive of different types of people? I am all sorts of down to giving a nod to those with disabilities. Those should be having more attention paid to.)

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 19:17:21

Post by: flukezor

The people in the comments spewing garbage are just internet heroes. The guys at GG are really good at getting back to legitimate questions and have a very well thought out and solid plan when it comes to their kickstarters.

I've emailed the devs about a rule question in S1 and got an email reply from them within a couple of days. It was really cool.

I wish people would sit back and realise that they are complainging about getting a really nice cool FREE add on.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 19:21:57

Post by: Aeneades

One of the backers who hated the new stretch goal posted that he wanted to punch another backers face in because he liked the goal.. What's with these people?

A lot of those commenting seem to be convinced that because they are getting all the promo dashboards and team cards for the promo characters for the $1mil stretch goal that CMON are going to be selling the original promo models as well and are already getting themselves worked up in case it doesn't happen (extremely unlikely).

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 19:27:48

Post by: Alpharius

Aeneades wrote:
One of the backers who hated the new stretch goal posted that he wanted to punch another backers face in because he liked the goal.. What's with these people?

A lot of those commenting seem to be convinced that because they are getting all the promo dashboards and team cards for the promo characters for the $1mil stretch goal that CMON are going to be selling the original promo models as well and are already getting themselves worked up in case it doesn't happen (extremely unlikely).

Got a link for that?

And sad to see that the KS Comments section continues to be a largely insane place - they need to figure out a better system, a moderated system, and/or a way to 'ignore' certain users, etc.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 19:33:42

Post by: zedmeister

Wow, vitriolic is the word to describe those comments. You'd think that someone just pissed in their beer the way they responded to the 1mil stretch

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 19:34:20

Post by: Aeneades

 Alpharius wrote:
Aeneades wrote:
One of the backers who hated the new stretch goal posted that he wanted to punch another backers face in because he liked the goal.. What's with these people?

A lot of those commenting seem to be convinced that because they are getting all the promo dashboards and team cards for the promo characters for the $1mil stretch goal that CMON are going to be selling the original promo models as well and are already getting themselves worked up in case it doesn't happen (extremely unlikely).

Got a link for that?

And sad to see that the KS Comments section continues to be a largely insane place - they need to figure out a better system, a moderated system, and/or a way to 'ignore' certain users, etc.

The punching comment? It was this guy here -


(My apologies, originally read the comment whilst rushing to the station and was remembering it slightly incorrectly, it was punching him in the face, not punching his face in). I like that after being called a jerk by the person he wanted to punch he posted this response -

@Cossatta whoa... whats with the name calling bro. All i said was i wanted to punch you. I never said said anything hurtful. jeez!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Despite all the grumbling we are actually moving pretty fast towards the $1mil mark at the moment and hopefully the reveal of some stretch goals that appeal to the vocal backers.

i think they should have revealed the next stretch goal at the same time as the card deck to give those wanting a new survivor something to look forward to.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 19:45:38

Post by: grefven

While I really shouldn't complain myself, since I am backing this project... BUT with huge KS like this, that can afford to hand out free stuff in plenty, it is spoiling the customers making it increasingly harder for small companies to actually get support by KS, simply because everyone is comparing it to the freebies and better deals they receive from the larger KS. This kind of mentality is starting to take over.

 adamsouza wrote:
grefven wrote:
And while I do like new survivors, I'd rather have something else beside just adding more when I will not use more than 4-6 each game. And with 50+ already to chose from, a new survivor won't add that much to the game itself anymore.

Trust me on this, you are wrong.

Each survivor has unique combinations of abilities that play differently, making the game a little different everytime you try a new character or combination of abilities. Not all characters are a good fit for a particular player's style of play.

We are much better off getting new unique/exclusive survivors than anything we can buy more of at retail.

I am not so sure I am wrong, we simply have different views on this. I have all survivors up to date (and yes, I will get all from KS3, too!), but adding new survivors isn't really affecting the game. GG has provided the backers with the possibility of creating your own survivors if you so wish, so you can pretty much create any combination how much you want, just as I would be able to "buy more at retail". It's not like you need a specific miniature and a specific ID-card to play the game.

I'd, personally, would want to see more things added to the game rather than having them pump out new characters. More zombies, more tiles, more cards, etc. I'd even take a dice-bag over too many characters at this point (not that I wrote too many!).

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 20:48:01

Post by: -iPaint-

I've avoided the KS comments like the Plague. There's so much entitlement and whining going on over there that it's disappointing I can't stand to read through anything to find the helpful comments.

I'm gonna need more card sleeves...


Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 20:56:08

Post by: Aeneades

 -iPaint- wrote:
I've avoided the KS comments like the Plague. There's so much entitlement and whining going on over there that it's disappointing I can't stand to read through anything to find the helpful comments.

I'm gonna need more card sleeves...


I generally check Thiagos comment page as he is a member of the team -


and a half hearted look at CMONs -


but Thiago is the one to really keep an eye on.

At the moment someone is complaining that the stretch goal wasn't a foam case. Do they know how much those cost?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 21:00:16

Post by: -iPaint-

Aeneades wrote:
 -iPaint- wrote:
I've avoided the KS comments like the Plague. There's so much entitlement and whining going on over there that it's disappointing I can't stand to read through anything to find the helpful comments.

I'm gonna need more card sleeves...


I generally check Thiagos comment page as he is a member of the team -


and a half hearted look at CMONs -


but Thiago is the one to really keep an eye on.

At the moment someone is complaining that the stretch goal wasn't a foam case. Do they know how much those cost?

Yeah, I should bookmark those for quick access during the campaign.

And yeah, foam is expensive. Unlocking a production run for the foam as a paid add-on would be fine, but there's no way it'd ever be free.


Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 21:00:34

Post by: cincydooley

 -iPaint- wrote:
I've avoided the KS comments like the Plague. There's so much entitlement and whining going on over there that it's disappointing I can't stand to read through anything to find the helpful comments.

I'm gonna need more card sleeves...


Same here. It's pretty bad. I feel bad if spencer and thiago are actually reading them.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 21:02:09

Post by: Aeneades

Thiago has now changed the deck of cards to a non-kickstarter exclusive and has stated that every new survivor in the future will come with a matching card to add to the deck.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 21:12:28

Post by: adamsouza

I follow the comments becuase they occasionalyhave something useful, like the above comment by Thiago.

On the plus side they have stopped demanding season 1 and 2 exclusive figures.

On the negative side, there is a crap ton of whining about the deck oif character cards.

Makes me wishlist an ignore function on Kickstarter like we have here on DakkaDakka

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 21:45:17

Post by: Aeneades

Just past the $1 mil mark so should have some new stretch goals incoming shortly.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 21:56:32

Post by: DaveC

Finally a Resident Evil character - even if it is Alice

Now wait for the complaints about the $50k stretches.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 22:01:39

Post by: edlowe

Really its a 100k stretch to get them playable.

No complaints about Alice tho.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 22:18:28

Post by: -iPaint-

 edlowe wrote:
Really its a 100k stretch to get them playable.

No complaints about Alice tho.

Agreed, not-Alice is a nice character to have.

And let's not fool ourselves, we'll break through $100k in a couple days.


Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 22:35:23

Post by: adamsouza

I can't read Storm of Crows without thinking Jon Snow.

Jon Snow, you know nothing about zombies, nothing.

I'm a big fan of Alice being made, just not of that outfit.

Still hoping for the Winchester Brothers.

 -iPaint- wrote:
And let's not fool ourselves, we'll break through $100k in a couple days. ~iPaint

With 6,248 backers, it's like adding an automatic 60K in pledges with every $10 add on.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/03 22:52:26

Post by: Siygess

Lets hope that Alice is just the first of the characters we see from a certain zombie-slaying franchise!

Edit: oh! The Winchester brothers? Yeah I'd be up for that!

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/04 02:07:30

Post by: shasolenzabi

 adamsouza wrote:
I can't read Storm of Crows without thinking Jon Snow.

Jon Snow, you know nothing about zombies, nothing.

I'm a big fan of Alice being made, just not of that outfit.

Still hoping for the Winchester Brothers.

Oh like the "Not-Alice"

Hmmm, not-Sam and Dean with Impala, add a Not-Bobby

Hasslefree has a nice looking "Not-Katniss" mini

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/04 03:17:43

Post by: cincydooley

 shasolenzabi wrote:

Hasslefree has a nice looking "Not-Katniss" mini

I'm AMAZED this this one hasn't been done yet.

I wonder if has anything to do with it being a Lion's Gate film

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/04 04:01:22

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Now the people in the comments are complaining that the crows and the cards for the crows are separate stretch goals.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/04 04:08:24

Post by: Hulksmash

I personally would love a not-Sam & Dean.

As for the comments I'm trying to avoid them. Keeps my blood pressure down.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/04 04:26:08

Post by: Piston Honda

Not the most enthusiastic stretch goal for 1 million but still think it's cool. It's like baseball cards for geeks!

Wish they would just call the Storm of Crows A Murder. Accurate and fitting for the setting.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/04 05:03:00

Post by: H.B.M.C.

I wonder if the character cards will include the two special promo minis they did for that other Kickstarter.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/04 06:08:39

Post by: Aeneades

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
I wonder if the character cards will include the two special promo minis they did for that other Kickstarter.

Thiago confirmed that they will

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Piston Honda wrote:
Not the most enthusiastic stretch goal for 1 million but still think it's cool. It's like baseball cards for geeks!

Wish they would just call the Storm of Crows A Murder. Accurate and fitting for the setting.

The actual cards appear to say Murder of Crowz (with a z) rather then storm so looks like they just using storm of crows as the stretch goal name.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/04 07:20:07

Post by: endtransmission

It looks like we're going to need add-on boxes of crows (or extra crows with another stretch goal later) though. If the Red level spawns 5, that's all of the crows on the board in one card. According to Thaigo the crows are nasty, but he's not said what they do yet.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/04 10:00:43

Post by: grefven

 Piston Honda wrote:
Not the most enthusiastic stretch goal for 1 million but still think it's cool. It's like baseball cards for geeks!

Come on, am I the only one to pick up on this?! I find it highly amusing that you say that the "team-building cards" are for geeks while baseball cards aren't. It's like when you say "I don't play with toys, this is a highly strategical wargame with preceis replicas of historial soldiers!".

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/04 10:29:36

Post by: eflix29

All stretch goals are really nice !

I wish they would do Jay and Silent Bob ( from clercks )

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/04 10:43:09

Post by: Aeneades

I believe it was Miramax who threatened legal proceedings over the Tarantino survivors in season 1 so I don't think CMON / GG would risk ever making more trouble with them by making Jay and Bob.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/04 17:19:57

Post by: Piston Honda

grefven wrote:
 Piston Honda wrote:
Not the most enthusiastic stretch goal for 1 million but still think it's cool. It's like baseball cards for geeks!

Come on, am I the only one to pick up on this?! I find it highly amusing that you say that the "team-building cards" are for geeks while baseball cards aren't. It's like when you say "I don't play with toys, this is a highly strategical wargame with preceis replicas of historial soldiers!".

But I don't play with toys. I assemble pieces of art and then stand over them while bitching about rules.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/04 18:03:34

Post by: DaveC

Crows are unlocked no great surprise at the next goal (after the cards at $1,100k)

Team builder cards will be mini (equipment) sized after all with the same back as the equipment cards

Team Deck Card Sized Update:

After seeing some of the cleaver ideas and interesting discussions you guys were having in the comments section, we've decided to change a few things about the Team Building Deck. First the cards will no longer be exclusives as lots of players came up with clever ideas for scenarios using the cards. We don't want to exclude players from being able to partake in interesting and cool player scenarios. Which leads to the second change, the Team Building Deck cards will be mini card sized and with the same back as Equipment Cards, so you will be able to shuffle them into the Equipment card deck.

We're really excited to see what you do with these cards and what cool ideas you guys incorporate into your scenarios!

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/04 18:58:06

Post by: grefven

I approve of the team builder cards will be "equipment sized and with the same back".

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/04 19:25:12

Post by: Cryptek of Awesome

Hulksmash wrote:I personally would love a not-Sam & Dean.

As for the comments I'm trying to avoid them. Keeps my blood pressure down.

Wise words - and wholly agree.

shasolenzabi wrote:

Oh like the "Not-Alice"

Hmmm, not-Sam and Dean with Impala, add a Not-Bobby

Hasslefree has a nice looking "Not-Katniss" mini

Cool - thanks. Another survivor to add to the mix!

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/04 22:44:58

Post by: shasolenzabi

 Cryptek of Awesome wrote:

Cool - thanks. Another survivor to add to the mix!

No problem, Hasslefree makes a few zombie survivors

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/04 23:54:52

Post by: Boggy Man

I'd rather eat glass than field an Alice mini (ebay time!) I'd love to see a not-Jill Valentine though.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/05 16:43:41

Post by: adamsouza

There is a fan made survey for which survivors you would like to see next


Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/05 16:50:36

Post by: DaveC

Unfortunately the poll has no way of tracking who has voted already so the same people are voting multiple times for the same option.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/05 16:54:10

Post by: whalemusic360

It's not an official poll anyways. I don't think some of the heavy scifi choices work very well (BSG and Firefly crews). I would like to see some Fast and Furious folks with some perks for driving cars.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/05 17:39:15

Post by: adamsouza

 DaveC wrote:
Unfortunately the poll has no way of tracking who has voted already so the same people are voting multiple times for the same option.

That would probably explain why Bill Muray and Jason Voorhees were the top 2

 whalemusic360 wrote:
I don't think some of the heavy scifi choices work very well (BSG and Firefly crews).

The wardrobe for Firefly's crew was pretty modern, so I think they would fit in fine.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/05 17:51:44

Post by: shasolenzabi

Sedition wars has also sculpted some of the firefly crew, likely to be rebs.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/05 19:53:34

Post by: endtransmission

 shasolenzabi wrote:
Sedition wars has also sculpted some of the firefly crew, likely to be rebs.

Sadly the sedition wars firefly crew are... tiny and bland

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/05 20:42:39

Post by: Siygess

 Boggy Man wrote:
I'd rather eat glass than field an Alice mini (ebay time!) I'd love to see a not-Jill Valentine though.

I've seen a good Jill Valentine and Ada Wong but they are probably a little tall for use in Zombicide..

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/06 02:54:39

Post by: H.B.M.C.

New update, and it's a big 'un:

Weekend Update: One Stretch Goal Unlocked, Another Revealed! Optional Buy Crowz and Zombies Article!

We've reached 1,100k and the Crowz cards have been unlocked for all Patient 0 and Infected level pledges!

Craving some extra winged menace for your games? Well, here's the Murder of Crowz optional buy, containing 15 Crowz miniatures, and spawn cards.

And here's another stretch goal!

Now, some reading material for the weekend. What's a Zombicide without some scary zombies to fight off? Well, Season 3 and its expansions have some nasty surprises in store for your brave survivors:

Skinner Zombies and Crawlers

It's now been a while since the outset of the Zombie apocalypse, and it's not only the Survivors who have a hard time finding food. Zombies are hungrier than ever, and it shows. Skinner zombies may look like a bag of bones but their mutated bodies are more resilient than ever.

Skinner Zombies come in three varieties: Walkers, Runners and Fatties. They operate like their Standard counterparts in most respects, also sharing the same targeting priority position. But you must be very careful when dispatching them as there's a chance a killed Skinner will continue chasing you as the freaky half-zombies known as Crawlers.

Whenever you kill Skinner Zombies, you must check whether your attack also rolled any "1" results. For each "1" rolled on the attack, you substitute 1 killed Skinner Zombie with a Crawler. You can never generate more Crawlers than the number of Skinners killed in the attack.

All zombies are pretty much the same once you tear them in half, so Crawlers come in only one variety, whether it replaced a Walker, a Runner, or a Fatty. They have 1 action per activation, give 1 XP to a Survivor who kills them, and occupy that last position in the targeting priority list (together with Zombie Dogz).

The fact that Skinners can be replaced by Crawlers if you're unlucky presents some unique challenges. Even if you have a powerful weapon with a high chance to hit, there's always the risk that once you're done swinging it around you'll still be surrounded by a group of crawling monstrosities! Weapons that roll fewer dice may actually be preferable when dealing with Skinners, as you have less chance of killing them while also rolling "1"s. In fact, single die weapons are your safest bet, since they have no chance of generating a Crawler! So will you take them on with a finesse weapon that might end up not doing anything? Or will you risk the mess a more powerful weapon can create?

A-Bomb Abomination

The mutations this Abomination suffered are truly astounding. A lean and monstrous body able to shrug off almost any attacks, and freakishly elongated arms that are able to grab and drag any prey that doesn't keep a safe distance.

Like normal Abominations, the A-Bomb has 1 action per activation and gives 5 XP to the Survivor who manages to kill it. Unlike other Abominations, however, a weapon dealing 3 or more damage is not enough to kill the A-Bomb, only a Molotov cocktail or similar weapon that automatically kills all miniatures in the targeted zone are able to destroy this nightmare!

Survivors will be wise to stay away from the A-Bomb. At the end of each of its activations, the A-Bomb grabs all survivors standing in all zones adjacent to him and drags them into his zone. Its huge arms are even able to grab survivors through barricades, fences or out of cars!


Deceptively similar to normal walkers, Seekers are actually rabid maniacs that feed off of each other's aggression. The more Seekers join the zombie hoards, the more madly the Seekers charge towards their prey.

Seekers come in only one variety, operating like Standard Walkers in most respects: 1 action per activation, 1 XP gained when killed, and same place in the targeting priority list. The big difference is that for every Seeker Zombie Card drawn, all Seekers on the board get an extra activation! So basically every card that spawns new Seekers also counts as an "Extra Activation" card for all Seekers already on the board.

As you can imagine, this makes Seekers very unpredictable. They could shuffle along for a while as slowly as your ordinary walker, only to suddenly gain a series of extra activations in a row and really put a damper on your day. Kill these guys on sight, or put a lot of distance between you and them. You don't want to risk having a Seeker around you.


As Survivors got used to their daily Zombiciding, they started coming up with challenges to "add a little whimsy" to their frequent battles with the undead hordes. They noticed that some zombies had a fair bit more "personality" than others, and started calling them VIPs (Very Infected People), proposing the challenge of killing "sets" of these special zombies.

VIP Walkers are regarded as Standard Walkers for all game purposes (except splitting). However, when a Survivor kills one, he places its miniature on his dashboard as a trophy. Once a Survivor has collected a set of 5 VIPs, each with a different sculpt, he may discard them in exchange of any available Pimpweapon card of his choice (cards that would usually only be found in a Pimpmobile). If a VIP must be spawned and there are no VIPs left, normal Walkers are spawned instead; although Survivors can discard VIP trophies at any moment in order to replenish the reserves.

Zombie Crowz

It was inevitable that crows would get infected, scavenging all those zombie bodies. It was also inevitable that it would be very bad news. Crowz may be easy to kill, but these flying vermin can move awfully fast and, worst of all, they can ignore any obstacles, either flying over them or squeezing through broken windows, holes in the roof or gaps on crumbling walls!

Zombie Crowz share the same place in the targeting priority list as Toxic Walkers. They only take 1 Wound to kill and grant 1 XP. Crowz have only one action per activation, but they can move up to 3 Zones per move action. But the worst part is, when they move, they ignore all obstacles. Barricades, holes, closed doors, even walls can't stand in their way! Once they set their target Zone, they fly straight towards it, without splitting or changing direction, and ignoring anything in their way. These winged devils will be pecking at you in no time, so you better be always prepared for them!

So, are you ready to grab your favorite weapon and take on the new zombie menace?

I figured that the crows would simply ignore all terrain, meaning they always take the shortest and most direct path towards their targets (as the crow flies, hey? ). That makes them very dangerous!

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/06 04:13:21

Post by: MangoMadness


Wouldnt they be splitting all over the place?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/06 05:07:38

Post by: Fenriswulf

Are the crows individual miniatures that you put together on a base, or bases of crows, as shown in the picture? Anyone know?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/06 05:45:06

Post by: Cyporiean

No assembly for any other Zombicide figure, so I doubt they'd start now.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/06 06:15:25

Post by: MangoMadness

 Cyporiean wrote:
No assembly for any other Zombicide figure, so I doubt they'd start now.

They could be like the dogs and have little poles that they are stuck on to join the individual crows together, so they might be able to be pulled apart.

Just a thought.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/06 08:50:21

Post by: H.B.M.C.

This has been said already, but they'd make fine (and much cheaper) flocks of Razorwings.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/06 11:23:39

Post by: Azazelx

 Fenriswulf wrote:
Are the crows individual miniatures that you put together on a base, or bases of crows, as shown in the picture? Anyone know?

There seem to be 6 crows on one base in the render/print pic, and they say that you get 5 for your $15, so I'd say that "each crow" of the five is actually a base with 6 on it as in the pic, unless there's a second/alt sculpt as well.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/06 14:15:03

Post by: adamsouza

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
This has been said already, but they'd make fine (and much cheaper) flocks of Razorwings.

I didnt; know what Razorwings were, so I had to look them up.

WOW, $16.50 for 1 base verses $20 for double digit number of bases.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/07 09:51:00

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Now they're complaining that there's no 1150k stretch goal... even though there is one.

There aren't enough palms or enough faces in all the world...

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/07 10:43:29

Post by: Aeneades

They seem to have issues that the stretch goal only applies if you get an addon but this has been the case for some goals from the previous 2 campaigns and some of those complaining even backed those previous campaigns and didn't complain at all then.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/07 10:45:19

Post by: Nostromodamus

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
Now they're complaining that there's now 1150k stretch goal... even though there is one.

There aren't enough palms or enough faces in all the world...

I almost beat myself into a coma with all the facepalming last time I tried reading their comments section.

I can't even read the update comments without giving myself a mild headache.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/07 13:44:53

Post by: Hulksmash

I broke. Morbid curiousity made me look at the comments. My head now hurts. You'd think people would realize there is still like 3 weeks left in this campaign....And it's already at 1.1 million. And it's already the same value as season 2 (model wise). Just crazy town.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/07 14:38:51

Post by: H.B.M.C.

The first of the Expendables is here!

$1,150k Reached! Two New Survivors Revealed: One Stretch Goal and One Optional Buy!

As we move into only the second week of the campaign, another stretch goal has been unlocked! Anyone purchasing Oksana will also get her Zombivor version for free.

Let's keep pushing towards the next stretch goal:

If you wanted more survivors, we have a double whammy for you! Here's our next stretch goal:

And we're adding another optional buy!

It's Barney Ross. And the cop-looking one is an... underwear model?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/07 14:42:27

Post by: whalemusic360

Who is Seth supposed to be?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/07 14:46:05

Post by: Aeneades

My guess is Liam Neeson (he is in the same pose and outfit in the Taken poster).

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/07 14:46:44

Post by: ghosty

I felt he looked like Liam Neeson. I dunno, have they already made him into a survivor yet, I confess I've never really been able to keep up with Zombicide.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/07 14:48:49

Post by: cincydooley

That's absolutely the Liam Neeson character from Taken.
These survivor descriptions, though. Man, they just keep getting more weird.....

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/07 14:59:51

Post by: Unix

with the option for team play I wish they had focused on teams with with the promo survivors this time around. They're filling out the BBT cast, but it would have been great to see some not-as teams like:

Scooby Doo
Some other sitcoms (Seinfeld, Cheers, etc.)

It's easy enough to make house rules and alternatively they can add to some from previous seasons (ie. Zombieland, Sean of the Dead, Austin Powers)

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/07 15:26:22

Post by: adamsouza

I'm entirely okay with Stalone and Neilson. Actually I'd be delighte with the rest of the Expendables they haven't gotten to yet.

The bios are getting EPIC.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/07 16:42:23

Post by: cincydooley

 adamsouza wrote:
I'm entirely okay with Stalone and Neilson. Actually I'd be delighte with the rest of the Expendables they haven't gotten to yet.

The bios are getting EPIC.


They're hilarious.

Its the kinda bio my friends and I would have cooked up while wake and baking in college.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Unix wrote:
with the option for team play I wish they had focused on teams with with the promo survivors this time around. They're filling out the BBT cast, but it would have been great to see some not-as teams like:

Scooby Doo
Some other sitcoms (Seinfeld, Cheers, etc.)

It's easy enough to make house rules and alternatively they can add to some from previous seasons (ie. Zombieland, Sean of the Dead, Austin Powers)

We know Ron Burgundy is coming, but sadly one of my sources tells me the rest of the Channel 4 Action News Team won't be following this year.....

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/07 17:56:08

Post by: ecurtz

There's some Jet Li art out there as well, to go with Sly.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/07 18:10:22

Post by: whalemusic360

Anyone else find it interesting Cmon doesn't have the high dollar pledges from last time where you make yourself a survivor or zombie in the next season? Do they not have confidence in S4, or just that its to much work?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/07 18:13:48

Post by: DaveC

AT the CMoN expo they said there would be a longer gap between season 3 and 4 possibly years with the inbetween time filled with smaller expasnions and add on sets plus Guillotine Games have other stuff to work on so they didn't want to do an I am Legend pledge level and have it be a long time before they could deliver it.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/07 18:36:20

Post by: Hulksmash

Love the bio's. It's shaping up well. I'm glad I went in this time. I'm a little sad I didn't on the first two go rounds but if my completionist bug starts eating me I'll probably find the models at some point At least I'll have all the cards!

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/07 18:42:35

Post by: Boggy Man

I'm getting all the main add-ons and their parallels, but does anyone have any theories on who the guest artists based their designs on?

Coimbra - Hayden Panettiere and Snoop Dog?
Kopinsky - No idea, like them though
Smith - One of them looks something like a modernized John Marsten, no clue on the monk (a VERY abstract Father Grigori?) but he looks amazing.
Walker - Characters from WD comics, or total OC's?
Parente - Dita Von Teese, Hitomi Tanaka ...I mean I have NO IDEA who that could be.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/07 18:47:03

Post by: porkuslime

I was thinking that SETH was actually a Mark Wahlberg allusion, due to his underwear modelling/rapper career prior to acting..

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/07 18:53:52

Post by: Hulksmash

Nah, seems they are trying to stay away from stuff in the bio that actually identifies the person. Plus he's a dead ringer for Neeson in Taken

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/07 20:14:41

Post by: grefven

 whalemusic360 wrote:
Anyone else find it interesting Cmon doesn't have the high dollar pledges from last time where you make yourself a survivor or zombie in the next season? Do they not have confidence in S4, or just that its to much work?

Why be arsed with all that extra work when the KS will reach millions anyway? I guess that it could be different if they weren't raising that much money, but now when they are, they obviously just need 1 or 2 pledge levels. It's a bit cocky, but understandable.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/07 20:40:06

Post by: adamsouza

 Boggy Man wrote:
I'm getting all the main add-ons and their parallels, but does anyone have any theories on who the guest artists based their designs on?

The Artist boxes were always billed as original designs of the artists choosing.

Only the Exlcusive figs are based on pop culture references. It's easier to defend a one off run of limited edition figures for copyright infringement. Offended party sends cease and desisit, you comply by not making anymore, and just shipping out what you have on hand. When you only have one print run, you pretty much get to use up your entire inventory.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/07 23:27:27

Post by: MangoMadness

 cincydooley wrote:

We know Ron Burgundy is coming, but sadly one of my sources tells me the rest of the Channel 4 Action News Team won't be following this year.....

They should do a Ron Pack

Ron Burgundy
Ron Jeremy
Ron Pearlman

I would buy it!

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/07 23:49:34

Post by: Aeneades

 MangoMadness wrote:
 cincydooley wrote:

We know Ron Burgundy is coming, but sadly one of my sources tells me the rest of the Channel 4 Action News Team won't be following this year.....

They should do a Ron Pack

Ron Burgundy
Ron Jeremy
Ron Pearlman

I would buy it!

My ideal Ron pack would have Ron Swanson rather then Ron Jeremy

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/08 00:30:47

Post by: cincydooley

 MangoMadness wrote:
 cincydooley wrote:

We know Ron Burgundy is coming, but sadly one of my sources tells me the rest of the Channel 4 Action News Team won't be following this year.....

They should do a Ron Pack

Ron Burgundy
Ron Jeremy
Ron Pearlman

I would buy it!


Yeah, I'd buy that for sure.

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/08 01:06:14

Post by: Hulksmash

Swap out Ron Jeremy for a different Ron and I'd be all over it!

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/08 01:07:07

Post by: gunslingerpro

 Hulksmash wrote:
Swap out Ron Jeremy for a different Ron and I'd be all over it!

Yeah, he's like 2/3rds a zombie as it is. How would you make a Zombivor version?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/08 02:25:47

Post by: MangoMadness

 Hulksmash wrote:
Swap out Ron Jeremy for a different Ron and I'd be all over it!

Ron Howard happy dayz era?

Zombicide Strategy, and General Discussion @ 2014/07/08 03:29:26

Post by: Azazelx

Make it a 5-pack of Rons.