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Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2014/08/11 19:57:16

Post by: Malika2

Hi everybody!

Some of you might already be familiar with my work. Sadly enough the previous incarnation of this thread got deleted (spammers ruining all the fun). Luckily enough my ships are still safe! Besides, if you're really interested in my older images, please browse through my Photobucket!

However, whilst it is rather sad that my old thread got deleted, it did give me the opportunity to have a fresh start. I like fresh starts since they leave me with a sense of optimism and inspiration. For a while now I've been using SketchUp to design all sorts of weapons, ships, buildings and what not. Some of it was for more focussed projects, other was a bit more over the place. For this I'd like to have a bit more focus. For a while now I've been working on robotic creatures and underground cities. To be these things were all linked somehow, but not entirely sure yet how.

So with this new thread I'd like to expand on that, further develop these worlds/setting I've been working on. What this means is that this thread might be more than just pictures of SketchUp models, but will also include random musings, fiction and such. At the moment I can't provide that much more than that since I'm also trying to sort it all out. All I know it's going to be a sort of post-apocalyptic scifi/fantasy like thing, grimdark but without the overkill of skulls.

But ok, you've read enough for now and probably want to see some pictures!

Here are the robotic hounds I've been working on. They still need a cool sounding name, as well as legs! As you can see they're quite beefy, the human model is 30mm tall (base not included) whilst the hounds themselves stand on 40mm round bases. By the way, how high/tall is a base? Haven't had one in my hands for years, I was guessing they were 5mm tall, might be wrong though...

If the human survivors aren't being hunted down by the hounds, the skyrays (also need a better name) will come for them. Armed with various ranged weapons these robotic monsters can take our prey from a distance. However, don't think they're vulnerable in close combat. Their blades have torn many into tiny pieces.

Most humans live in fortified bunkers, once pristine cities that would reach high into the skies, they have been reduced to wrecked shadows of their former selves. Warlords have converted the ruins of these cities into castles. No longer reaching into the skies, most of the population now lives underground. Outside, where the machinations of nightmares reign, there is little space for humanity. However, this doesn't mean there's nobody living there. There are still those who have managed to climb out of their underground homes, seeking to reclaim the surface. Small communities have been building their settlements there, which are but scattered buildings, and most of them still do their primary dealings beneath the surface.

So yeah, a new beginnings. Lets see where this project will take me, and how long it will take me before we'll be seeing spaceships here as well!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2014/08/11 20:51:46

Post by: Alpharius

There is no one more excited to see this thread return than me!

Thank you for taking the time to post and share it here on Dakka Dakka!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2014/08/11 21:34:06

Post by: monkeytroll

Good to see you 'set up shop' again, and I for one am happy for it to include more background musings than previously

Eagerly awaiting more progress on the drones too...

Are your plans for the Skyrays to use the same buzzsaws as your existing product?

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2014/08/11 21:36:39

Post by: RiTides

Very stoked to see this project log up again . It is one that I am the most interested in since I'm also doing 3d modelling of some prototypes at the moment, and learning from your efforts is very helpful

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2014/08/11 22:56:02

Post by: Malika2

@Alpharius: thanks dude!

@monkeytroll: the buzz saws on the skyrays and hounds are based on the previous ones I designed, but have been tweaked and resized to fit the creatures. I have been pondering about designing some new versions for the hand held ones, but they're a bit on a back burner for now.

@RTides: thanks a lot! Awesome to hear that I can help you in any way!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2014/08/11 23:53:07

Post by: SBG

This looks cool - is this a setting that you've designed 'from scratch'? Or are you building on some obscure, awesome series of novels that I now have to read?

Looks super neat and I'll be checking back!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2014/08/12 05:45:51

Post by: Malika2

It's mostly from scratch. It originally started out as something that could potentially be part of Sciror, a project me and Philip Sibbering have been working on over at the Troll Forged forums. And whilst it might still be part of that, I feel it's something I should experiment with for my self, independently from existing projects or companies.

I'm curious to see where this will take me, sort of a challenge to do some world building/storytelling on my own.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2014/08/13 07:24:11

Post by: Malika2

A little update!

First off, containers!

In the past these containers would carry all sorts of goods, from local foodstuffs, building materials or even lifestocks to exotic off-world products. After the cataclysm this all came to a stop; there is no more off-world shipping and trade between the castle cities is almost nonexistent. Many of these containers have been abandoned, or have been converted for other purposes, be it makeshift fortifications or even impromptu homes.

At the moment this container is a solid model of 42mm x 42mm x 78.5mm. In other words: quite a chunky beast. I am very tempted to hollow it out and make the door removable. It would then also mean I'd be forced to do some internal detailing, which might be pretty cool.

"There's no such thing as too many bolts, boys!", Yeshik yelled at the others as they were in a hurry to put everything together. And he was right, the structure couldn't be strong enough. It had to withstand the elements, mighty storms that could tear a man to shreds. But the building also had to be strong enough to hold off the creatures that stalked the wastelands...

As you can see I've been adding some more detailing to the building, a rivet or two! There's one major problem I'm running into at the moment: this building consists of 60 parts in total, this includes outer walls, beams on the corners, floors (also inside, not on the groundfloor though), ladders (still need to be made), balcony walls, etc.

Personally I think it's a bit too many parts, production costs would simply skyrocket if I would want to actually print and cast it.

I've been looking at Mantic's stuff, it seems rather affordable and a lot more standardized. One thing that really bugs me about Mantic's stuff is - even though the quality looks great - that it looks rather flimsy to me. I guess I'm more influenced by the 2nd edition era and Necromunda bulkheads, big sturdy stuff! And then I'm looking at the Dust Tactics: Warzone Tenement, which looks very impressive and is quite affordable as well. So it is possible to make something partly modular and affordable without becoming an overly standardized and almost flimsy thing like Mantic's kits.

I guess the challenge now lies in reducing the number of parts, any suggestions?

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2014/08/15 12:49:12

Post by: Malika2

Been tweaking the building design a bit. The most noticeable are probably the new railings. Furthermore I've fused some of the parts together (walls with corners), meaning that this building now consists of around 36 parts (this includes separate doors), rather than 60 something.

Also started working on a second building, very much in the same style as the previous building, only with some of the wall components being slightly different. You can't really see it since the aesthetic design is identical, I guess I'd need to have some pics of the separate components. It consists of 27 parts (including a separate door).

I've also continued working on these buggers. As you can see the tails have been modified a bit to be even nastier. The bodies have also been given some extra detailing, including tons of rivets. The details need to be tweaked here and there before they're considered ready.

I've been pondering a little bit about gaming in this setting. Not fully sure if I'd totally want to reinvent the wheel and come up with my own rules, or let players simply use their own game systems (modified versions of Necromunda or Mordheim - the whole Inq28 craze - come to mind here). Another option would be that it could be playable using Warspike, but since that's still very much a WIP, with nothing really set yet, it might be tricky. More musings on that here. However, I'm very much pro the idea of a narrative set up, maybe even with a GM in there. Well NPC's are probably a must since those mechanical creatures can't really be tamed, they are more like robotic wildlife!

This world being wrecked by some great disaster, the hive-like cities reduced to nothing more than sort of post-apocalyptic castles, I imagined the early 'factions' to be simply warbands who leave the castle, either to explore, conquer land, go on quests, etc. The player gets a budget to create the warband, which then expands further down the same (similar to Necromunda, GorkaMorka, etc). I just like the idea of players being able to go very crazy with this. From warbands consisting of just a single uber-powerful warrior (maybe with squires/servants around him/her) to more 'professional' units and so on. NPC's would play a rather big role in this thing as well, so often it isn't just warbands fighting against one another, but in many cases it's them working together to finish the campaign (how very D&D!) with the GM controlling the robotic wildlife, techno undead, surface dwelling villagers, off-world agents, etc.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I thought it might also be nice to give you guys an 'inside' look at the buildings:

As you can see, the insides are also detailed. All that needs to be done now is to add some detailing to the ceilings, and then the model is as good as done. Well, I'd need to check if the whole thing is water tight and all that, but that's something one has to do with every model anyways!

In the meantime I've started on something new...

It's still at its very early stages of infancy, just recycling some models I've had lying around. You might recognize the buzz wheel, the tentacles are new. Right now only the basic shape is done, all the details will need to be filled in now. So lots of rivets, tubings, spikes, etc. will need to be added to both the wheel itself as to the tentacles. The endings of the tentacles will also need something nastier, maybe large spikes or something.

Sadly enough, this is also where it's becoming rather problematic. The tentacles consist of lots of components, which - all put together - make SketchUp run REALLY (understatement) slow. It's like I'm operating the desktop computer I used to have when I was still living at my parents place over a decade ago. So I need to figure something out for this, or otherwise totally redo the tentacles. I have been tempted to just take the tail of the hounds/skyrays and just beef them up a bit. Need to ponder a bit about it, especially since I did put in some time to make the tentacles you see in the pic above...

To give you an idea what kind of creature this is going to be, it's basically a lone-wolf kinda unit, riding around the wastelands, hunting for humans. If it doesn't crush its prey with its wheel, the tentacles will take are of it. The creature also uses the tentacles to grab onto walls and such to climb on them or catapult itself across larger distances. I still need to have some sort of intimidating sounding name for this creature. At the moment the design has been saved under the name "Squidwheel 1.0". Hmm...Squidy?

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2014/08/16 08:47:31

Post by: Malika2

For the more perceptive ones, I've 'recycled' ('upcycled' might be a better word in this case) the tail design I've used on the Skyrays and Hounds. The main reason was that the previous version of the tentacles were just unworkable since my computer couldn't handle it.

However, it would have been a bit lazy if I simply used a magnified version of the tail and didn't modify it in some way. As you can see, I've been adding some rivets on the now-tentacles as well; this kinda detailing would be impossible on the tails since they're 50% smaller).

Also the spikes themselves at the end of the tentacle have been modified: longer and sharper, but also with some detailing. I'm still a bit curious is these would be printable since the printer might see it as too thin. I'll try to throw it in Shapeways as soon as possible just to see what their checking-system says (don't have the budget yet to do test-prints).

I just noticed a slight mistake on my part. The human model is a bit bigger than it's supposed to be - 33mm instead of 30mm. The reason why I picked 30mm instead of 28mm is twofold: (a) 28mm scale models tend to be 28mm from the bottom of a model's feet to its eyes; (b) there has been an upscale creep throughout the years, meaning "28mm scaled" models are often around 30mm or even 32mm tall. Just put your old Imperial Guard or Space Marine models next to the contemporary ones to see what I mean.

The 'Squidwheel' (still don't have a better name for it yet) is about 60mm tall and stands on a 40mm round base. One challenge point is that the buzz wheel isn't the most stable of objects to be put on a base like that. So the plan is to design a base-surface for this one, which will probably be the ruined remains of a surface dweller's home or something.

However, this is where I need your help. Since I don't have my old bits box anymore, what are the exact dimensions of a round base? So ok, 40mm diameter on the bottom. But the top diameter is slightly smaller, how much smaller? And how tall is a standard base? Up until now I've been using 5mm for that, but I've got a feeling it's a bit less. Help?

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2014/08/16 13:14:01

Post by: monkeytroll

I make it 4mm tall and 36mm across the top.

If the squid-saw is printed ithout base that leaves all sorts of room for peeps to do what they want with it...cut down some blade to base it, creat a custom base, have it floating, use the buzz-saw and tentacles in different models......

I'll definitely be grabbing some drones and a squiddy when they're up, and those robo-hounds too.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2014/08/16 14:11:35

Post by: Malika2

I make it 4mm tall and 36mm across the top.

Thanks a lot!

If the squid-saw is printed ithout base that leaves all sorts of room for peeps to do what they want with it...cut down some blade to base it, creat a custom base, have it floating, use the buzz-saw and tentacles in different models......

Note that this is going to be a multi-part thing. So the wheel, tentacles and base are all separate parts.

By the way, a little Dakka exclusive!

The more I'm looking at it, the more tempted I am to try to make some bases as well...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Ok, another update!

First of all, I've decided to put the fellow on a larger base (65mm). A 40mm round base was just a bit too small. Not only balance wise, but also since this machine just needs a bit more space around it.

Furthermore I've cleaned up the tentacles a bit for easier casting, but they also look better this way (at least in my humble opinion).

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2014/08/17 08:08:27

Post by: Malika2

I felt like doing these quick shots just to give you an idea of scale. Clicking on the pictures will take you to the Dakka gallery where you can zoom in a bit on them.

You might not notice it, but I've increased the size of the skyrays with about 50%. Whilst this does mean I'd have to revisit some of the details, the model's size does seem to make more sense to me now, especially when compared to the other models.

The hound looks a bit weird from this angle, too static almost. I need to look at some more wolf/hound models to see if those have a similar problem when taken from an angle like this.

Little by little the squidwheel (why am I thinking of giving it some cliched name like 'Dominator' or something?) is getting there. It'll still need more detailing, and I would like to also add some vents or something along those lines...

SketchUp's human scale model is a flat picture, and whilst it'll turn automatically when you turn the 'camera' around, it doesn't really do that when you're doing a top view with parallel projection. Thus the silly looking line on that 25mm round base...

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2014/08/17 23:15:21

Post by: Malika2

Ok, felt like playing with the styles over at SketchUp, which allows me to make the stuff look more like artwork. Man, I need to learn Photoshop and Illustrator!

However, in the meantime I did a little bit of work on the Squidwheel:

Also, did you notice the base the human is standing on? I couldn't resist and made a bunch of 25mm and 40mm round bases!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2014/08/22 13:50:46

Post by: Malika2

I've finished up the first batch of bases:

The top three ones are 65mm, the ten middle ones are 40mm and the bottom fourteen are 25mm. I could of course make many more variations with also more stuff sticking out and such, maybe even cavalry bases, 30mm and 50mm ones and even bigger stuff for titans, but doubt it would be that relevant. 25mm works for normal infantry, 40mm for larger models and 65mm for chunkier stuff.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2014/08/22 18:45:18

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Man, all of your work is just beautiful!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2014/08/26 15:12:05

Post by: Malika2

Thanks a lot!

I've noticed there were a few small mistakes in the bases. One was that the top part was a bit too small, which makes the base look rather different from the other stuff out there. Another one was the geometry of the models themselves. In SketchUp circles are basically polygons, the more angles the polygon has, the smoother the circle is. Circles in SketchUp normally consist of 24 angles, which becomes very visible especially when the circles are a bit bigger, as you can see on my ship (round Distortion Engine in the middle of the ship). I know the picture doesn't do it justice, but it doesn't look good. To fix that I make sure my circles consist of 48 angles, which works fine when you're doing rivets, gun barrels and other relatively small circles. But when making a 25mm and up sized round base the problem comes back. I could simply ignore this and fix it after printing. However, printing isn't cheap and I don't want to risk damaging the model just because I was too lazy to add more angled circles from the beginning. What this means is that I will have to redo the bases with more angled circles, maybe go for 192 or even 384 angles per circle, especially for the larger bases like the 40mm and 60mm ones.

On another note I've been pondering a bit about the setting itself. One of my favourite artists at the moment is Dan Morison (AKA Dark Mechanic). His work is very different from the conventional artwork you see out there. Nowadays it seems as if we're drowning in a sea of genuine scifi artwork which is all the same. He had an interesting blogpost about it, and I can't stop myself but fully agreeing with it. What originally attracted me to GW was the insane artwork, the vastness of it all and the insanely detailed look. In between both extremes you were nothing but some sort of insignificant worm, either too bland compared to all the details, or too tiny compared to the gigantic things running/flying/standing around you. The old artwork had battles which seemed titanic, like those old paintings of wars in the 17th century or something. The current artwork no longer has that feel, it's just like generic video game art, which whilst sometimes cool is often rather bland and boring. Don't get the wrong, the artists/illustrators know their tools, but don't actually create anything new or capture the right vibe.

But all this left me wondering about this project, am I not falling in the same cliches? Dark for the sakes of dark, main emphasis on war and fighting. Whilst I'm not advocating some sort of pacifist game or anything here, it does leave me thinking. What I'm doing here is mainly to create a world, a story, a setting. Whilst conflict is part of that, conflict isn't the main emphasis of this thing. However, in a tabletop game it would be rather dull to explore entire worlds if you only have on table to play on. I'm in a bit of a pickle here. I do really dig what I'm working on here. It's a world struck by some sort of disaster (not sure yet what kinda) and the survivors are trying to hide away in their bastions, the outside world is a rather scary place, but it offers hope to many (surface dwellers, treasure hunters, etc), despite all the creepy robotic monsters running/flying around. The challenge is to really give this thing its own character, rather than to fall into existing cliches. On the other hand, cliches tend to be cliches because they work...

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2014/08/29 19:44:06

Post by: london1662

...............'Fan-bloody-tastic'!..............i love your designs and the whole humans living in bunkers idea, this WOULD make a great table top game, reminds me of 'Screamers' the movie but better! are you going to build these designs?................ time to subscribe....sorry this is short but rushing off to work on the ideas you gave me in my blog! cheers


Panic! mind fart! where's the sub button!.......help

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2014/08/29 20:24:02

Post by: Malika2

Oh man, Screamers, totally forgot about those! Kinda got traumatized by the sequel they did. Even though it had some cool concepts, the story and acting were just horrid, not to mention the some of the designs!

Plan is to 3d print these figures and get them cast. However, in the meantime I am becoming more and more tempted to make some digital artworks based on the designs. But lets see how that'll go!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Regarding the subscribing, you can find the button on the bottom left of the page, underneath the thread itself.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2014/12/08 14:51:31

Post by: Malika2

Not sure yet what I wanna do with this. It's basically me trying to build a tower, but the scale is still a bit of a mystery. At first I imagined it to be a complete city, the model is about 15cm tall, so it would have been perfect for BFG scaled stuff. However, since it's standing on a planet's surface, it might not be that interesting for such games. I could keep the model the same and count it as an Epic scaled thing, which in itself could be interesting. Or keep it at the 28mm scale, and have it be some sort of broadcast tower.

Or maybe forget about the whole model and approach it as an artwork piece...

Options, options, options!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2014/12/08 16:03:26

Post by: Gitsplitta

Very cool looking stuff Malika, wowza!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/03/19 15:32:09

Post by: Malika2

Started working on something more infantry sized...

It's basically a more humanoid version of my hounds and other creatures. Drones put together by whatever pieces of scrap there are. I kind of imagine this to be a robotic zombie of a sorts.

Still very much a WIP, the basic shape is there, but now the detailing needs to be done...

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/03/19 16:53:55

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Why does it have two different feet?

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/03/19 17:49:43

Post by: Malika2

It's basically a drone put together from all sorts of scraps.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/03/20 10:25:04

Post by: Malika2

Started working on two other drones:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/03/26 14:00:42

Post by: Malika2

I continued working on the junkbots. Slowly adding more and more details to the figures, changing their poses a bit, etc.

The human model represent a 32mm tall miniature, just to give you an idea of scale. I am a little bit tempted to increase the size of the junkbot models by 10% or so, not sure yet...

Whilst the legs and arms are already quite detailed, the torsos still need a lot of work. I'm trying out to include some spinal elements in there, but I'd also love to have a bunch of them with their 'guts' (I guess tubes and such) hanging out, to still go for that robotic zombie feel.

The more I play with the models, I notice that the arms really should be interchangeable. I kinda need to figure out if that would then mean that the bodies/limbs would get a pin connector (kinda like the models you can easily put together from the 40k starter kit), or take the easy road and leave the connectors out (meaning you'd have to glue the model together).

Heads are going to be even tricker to get as separate pieces, would need to kinda rework the whole neck area (mainly for the fellow on the right), but that should be doable...

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/04/01 15:04:14

Post by: Malika2

Very early WIP...

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/04/01 16:47:51

Post by: monkeytroll

Interchangeable arms is definitely the way to go, especially for junk bots. Pin and hole connections would be nice, but don't think they're a necessity. How's progress on the manta- and hound- drones?

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/04/01 17:32:57

Post by: Malika2

Hmm, I see I've really neglected this thread! I've done a lot of work on these creatures last year. A little update:

Manta creatures:
One thing that has really bothered me with these ones were the tails. First it was the size, then the shape. I just couldn't get it in a way that felt right to me. Also, since these creatures have some sort of jet propulsion like system, it's kinda odd to have a tail swinging between the exhausts. So, I removed them!

Here are the six them in their current incarnation:

Bikedrone: (working title)
Next up is another fast unit. One of the few things I liked from Terminator Salvation were the 'MotoTerminators'. Whilst I didn't find them that fitting for in the movie/setting itself, the idea of robotic motorcycles got me very intrigued. So I came up with these:

They still need a whole lot of work though. One thing that needs fixing is the way the wheels are connected, right now these things wouldn't even be able to turn...

The hounds:
I've been extensively updating the hounds, adding all sorts of details, fixing their tails, adding spinal columns and all sorts of other nastiness to them. They still need a lot of work though, like the legs for starters...

In the meantime I also started working on some weapons, kind of the result of my collaboration with Fox Box, I had to digitally sculpt some weapons for them (they basically designed the thing, I had to digitally sculpt their drawings). The result of that can be seen here.

However, it did motivate me to do some weapons of my own, namely energy weapons: A basic rifle and a heavy pistol (probably capable of only firing a few shots before it needs to be reloaded).

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/04/02 17:09:04

Post by: Malika2

Quickly made two pistols...

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/04/03 14:03:32

Post by: Malika2

More pistols!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/04/03 14:06:32

Post by: SJM

Nice, top left is my favourite, like the drum clip.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/04/03 14:18:06

Post by: Malika2

Thanks! Plan is to have a whole bunch of gun variants. Probably around 5-10 different pistols and the same number of rifles. More 'specialized' weapons (cannons, flame throwers, rocket launchers, etc and more exotic stuff) would then follow.

I'm also intrigued by the idea of how some of these weapons will later on be integrated into some of the junkbot designs...

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/04/10 10:40:05

Post by: Malika2

Started working on a new rifle...

And yes, also included a chain bayonet in there!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/04/16 15:23:54

Post by: Malika2

With Shapeways' latest material out there, I really can't wait to print some of these!

Here all eight pistols so far:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/04/16 19:29:16

Post by: Gitsplitta

Really excellent selection of pistols Malika2. Very interested to see how the models actually turn out.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/04/17 13:04:05

Post by: Malika2

That makes two of us! Once I've got some money in I'll be doing some experiments. Luckily enough the pistols are small, thus making it cheap enough to try both FXD and wax. I really hope that the FXD material will work out, would make things a lot easier. After that it's just getting the stuff cast, and I might have a party in the UK who'd be interested in doing just that!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/04/17 13:37:51

Post by: Gitsplitta

Excellent! Sounds like a plan to me.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/04/19 14:40:19

Post by: Malika2

In the meantime, a little update on my rifles:

The weapon on the bottom left is the original 'energy rifle'. The two rifles on the right are my first 'automatic rifles', they're basically the same weapon except for the chain bayonet. The ammo drum needs to be altered though. It's the one from the 'eight-shooter' pistol, but I need to tweak it a bit to represent a smaller caliber.

The rifle on the top left is a new energy weapon, I kinda imagine it as a 'light' beam cannon, basically a 40k lascannon in rifle form (a Hellgun I guess?). It has a lot of components in common with the other energy weapon. I like the idea that a lot of the tech here is rather modular and compatible, meaning that both energy weapons can exchange ones' batteries and other components if needed.

Regarding the sprue, my original idea was to have a pistols sprue with about 10 different pistols on it, and a rifle sprue with the same number. As for the sprue itself, I really love what Pig Iron Productions did with their Near Future Irregulars, so that the sprue itself can also be used in a more direct way. Maybe in this case the sprue would be more high tech shaped rubble rather than bricks.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/04/19 19:06:39

Post by: Gitsplitta

I like the bayonet a lot. Really adds to the look of the gun.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/04/19 19:23:50

Post by: OneManNoodles

I must have missed that FXD email, I think it has the same material strength limitations as FUD (which is ok) and you are still limited to a 0.1mm resolution on details, on the plus 16 microns should be nice for curved surfaces.
It'll still be a pain to clean though lol.

If you do try the wax let me know how it goes, I'm a little sceptical of it.

very nice designs! I really like the pistol grips and revolver clips

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/04/20 13:33:59

Post by: Malika2

@Gitsplitta: Thanks a lot! I'm really digging the chain bayonet idea as well. I'm even pondering of making a type of heavy pistol with such a bayonet, making it the ultimate nasty close combat weapon!

@OneManNoodles: I know what you mean. I'm very curious to see how the material will work out, but I've got a sad feeling that it will not be the cheap alternative for prototyping we all hoped for.

I will definitely keep you all updated on my progress regarding the prints. I know Fleafa over at Resin Addict already experimented a bit with the wax prints, the results of which you can check here.

In the meantime, the beam rifle almost finished:

Next up would most likely be another bunch of automatic rifles and some shotgun like weapons.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/04/20 17:57:26

Post by: OneManNoodles

Just as I thought with the wax, if your not careful the original becomes a one-shot affair, kinda what it's meant for anyway ... I'll stick to plastic for now, thanks for that.

btw watch the barrel tip of the top laser weapon, I usually have to clip a bit off the edge because of it being too thin for shapeways.

The bottom gun would look cool if you angled the external sides of the muzzle end ( bit that goes bang/ pew), so use a cone instead of a cylinder with a wedge instead of a cuboid. Also the laser rifle is asking for a sight above the barrel.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/04/23 22:37:59

Post by: Malika2

Current weapon collection...

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/04/24 00:49:08

Post by: Gitsplitta

Very nice! Still love the chain bayonet... SO old-school.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/04/28 12:04:00

Post by: Malika2

Something was kinda bugging me about the pistol designs, so I tweaked them a bit...

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/04/28 13:09:58

Post by: Gitsplitta

I like them, but I do miss the round magazine. Perhaps on the one in the upper right?

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/04/28 13:59:32

Post by: Malika2

Oh, don't worry about that. The one with the round magazine is still there (not in the above pic though). I will need to ponder a bit about that one, whether I will modify it or not. And if I will: how to do it in such a way that it doesn't lose its badass character.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/04/29 15:46:24

Post by: Malika2

The solid round pistols are as good as ready:

Next up: 1-3 energy pistols, and then the pistol pack should be ready.

Currently got 4 rifles, the autorifle will need some serious tweaking, and then a few more variants need to be made. After that it's a shotgun type weapon. The goal, like the pistols, is to have a sprue of 8 to 10 weapons.

After that it'll be some more close combat oriented stuff, mainly baton/club/mace like weapons and some shields. Other close combat stuff might be some combat knives, and I definitely want to give it a shot at some more scifi styled throwing axes.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/04/29 16:16:05

Post by: Gitsplitta

Very solid selection.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/05/01 11:19:04

Post by: Malika2

Started working on three new weapons:

On the left we see a type of club/maul/mace. Still an early WIP, will need to scifi it up a bit, add some techy stuff on the head.

Then there's the axe, it's as good as finished. I liked the idea of an axe with a way smaller handle, meaning it could only be hold by one hand. Maybe even as a sort of throwing axe.

Finally the new energy pistol. It still needs a lot of work. At the moment it's something that looked better in my head than it does on the screen. Need to play with it some more to make it work...

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/05/01 13:24:52

Post by: Gitsplitta

Very promising start Malika.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/05/01 19:48:04

Post by: Master Azalle

These Look Awesome Malika! between these and your ships you do an outstanding job.

Can't wait till they're finished.

I love you're original energy rifle!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/05/07 11:30:48

Post by: Malika2

Got the clubs ready...

Felt they needed to have some more on them, so spikes and such on it to really hurt opponents.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/05/07 12:04:54

Post by: Gitsplitta

Hey Malika, are these going to go into production eventually... or are you just trolling us with your CAD design awesomeness??

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/05/11 20:20:41

Post by: Master Azalle

yeah... what Git said...

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/05/12 16:50:30

Post by: Malika2

I've been wanting to do test prints for a while now, but having lost a major paid project means that I kinda lack the income to do that.

However, there are a few bright spots though. First one is that I'm currently working with Fox Box to get some of my ships cast. Depending on how that will develop it might mean that we'll keep on collaborating on casting my other designs.

Secondly I've also been collaborating with the amazing fireangel on some 3d printing stuff. He will be sending me some stuff I designed. Here a little teaser. He's currently working on a really cool project, which he can probably tell you more about, but check it out here. He can use all the help he can get!

And third, I might be getting some new work tomorrow. It's a temp position, but combined with some other freelance gigs I've got, it might mean I'll soon have a stable income again, which means I can invest a little bit of money in projects such as these. One thing I'm really curious about is Shapeways' new Frosted Extreme Detail, would be amazing if it's workable for 28mm scaled bits. But lets see.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/05/17 18:09:17

Post by: Malika2

Took a little break from the weapons and robotic hounds and went back to one of my old loves: Space Hulk terrain!

Wall component and floor piece:

Corner component ('front' and 'back' views):

The system allows for easy creation of corridors and rooms. The clunkiness makes sure that you won't need connectors or anything like that, at the same time it kind of adds to the whole claustrophobic vibe of the design.

The main challenge is the size of the wall and corner components. Note that each component is 40mm x 40m (length and width). This is where the clunkiness of the walls becomes a bit problematic. You can't shove a tun of them in an envelope or easy sprue. Weight might also become a problem.

A possible solution for this is to cut the walls in two, but it would mean more parts if you want something complete. Also, the corner piece can't really be cut in two.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/05/19 17:16:49

Post by: Malika2

Here's a little update:

I've managed to break the repetition of the pattern a bit by removing the middle vertical pipe. One other thing I'd like to include here is a separate part that could be added into the middle square of the wall component. That part could include different types of control panels, closets, giant fans, etc. I would perhaps make 3-5 of such different components, allowing you to customize the wall parts and make them more unique.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/05/23 13:35:53

Post by: Malika2

I've removed the 'half' rivets on the sides of the wall pieces. They might have proven to be a potential castability problem. I've also started working on one of the panels, as you can see in the centre wall piece. You can simply stick those in the existing wall pieces, thereby allowing some variation on your wall designs. Will be doing a few more of those to create some more variation.

Next up would be the hollowing out of the wall pieces and corner pieces, which will be a bit tricky. However, it would make it a lot cheaper to cast and transport.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/05/23 15:09:33

Post by: Gitsplitta

Very nice. I like the feel of it.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2619/09/28 12:41:34

Post by: Malika2

I've been postponing hollowing out the wall components. Not because I don't want to hollow them out, but mainly because I got distracted by other things...

Very much inspired by this little snippet I got intrigued by the idea of making separate bits that you could put on the existing model. So that you'd have the basic kit (walls and floors) but then can add all sorts of extra components on top of that. Rather than having to produce tons of different walls and such.

So first up, another wall panel variant:

It's supposed to be a safe, or a secret tunnel or something. I feel that it might need some more detailing though...

Pipes have always been a soft spot of mine, my first versions of these type of constructs included all sorts of advanced pipe systems running underneath the floors. This is sort of my tribute to those old versions. At the moment the pipe system consists of two components, allowing to connect to sides of the wall to one another. However, I might do some variants in case people make broader pathways and such.

Computer consoles are always a must in this sort of project. Here are two components, still very early WIP. The control console (the one on the bottom) still needs a whooooole lot of detailing and stuff added to it. The top one is almost ready, a few details here and there. However, both still need to be hollowed out to reduce material cost (both for printing and casting) and weight.

Of course there would have to be a wall panel variant with some larger screen and controls on it, but that'll be up next!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/05/29 20:52:27

Post by: Malika2

In the meantime I continued working on the safe:

Added a lot of detail to it. Got rid of those giant bolts on the sides, replacing them for smaller ones. Also added some other bits here and there, and fixed the doors, felt they were missing something...

Also continued working on the computer consoles. The 'console' component on the bottom part will probably be a separate bit, which will allow me to make a few variants with different buttons/handles/etc.

And yes, I've built a new pipe component... One thing of note, since I've taken this screen shot I've added a wide 'ring' around the beginnings of the pipes, where they connect with the walls, to make it look better. I think you call it a 'coupling' in English?

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/05/29 21:25:32

Post by: Gitsplitta

How about windows with space scenes in base-relief? (moons, parts of planets, galaxies, etc.)

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/05/29 21:58:26

Post by: Malika2

Well, since you've been so supportive, here you go!

I've been toying with the idea of a wall component variant for a window. The tricky thing is that I don't like it to be just a big hole. Meaning I'll have to design an actual window component. Sadly enough that's not the difficult part, the tricky part will probably be the casting, but I think that shouldn't be impossible to solve.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/05/30 00:43:23

Post by: Gitsplitta

I think you might have the answer right there. Why not just produce a few series of artwork that can be glued into the window areas? There's got to be something generic you can legally produce and use. Either that or make a special template with a cut-out that is the same size as the windows... that way the owner can pick out their own artwork to make for the windows and use your template to cut it to the right size.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/05/30 11:30:36

Post by: Malika2

 Gitsplitta wrote:
I think you might have the answer right there. Why not just produce a few series of artwork that can be glued into the window areas? There's got to be something generic you can legally produce and use. Either that or make a special template with a cut-out that is the same size as the windows... that way the owner can pick out their own artwork to make for the windows and use your template to cut it to the right size.

I was thinking of something along those lines. Keep in mind that the wall panels as I presented them will still be cut in two and hollowed out. meaning that if you do want an 'outside', you can simply use the back of the panel and put a picture on there. I'd really love what Antenocitis Workshop did for Infinity with their Terminal Screens. Might eventually do something similar for the screens and such. Would look a lot cooler than your typical WWII era dark green radar screens...

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/05/31 17:52:39

Post by: Sienisoturi

How are you going to make these models available? Are they going to be order only from some online seller who does 3D prints, or will you publish the files so that people with an acces to 3D printers could print them themselves?

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/06/01 08:30:28

Post by: Malika2

 Sienisoturi wrote:
How are you going to make these models available? Are they going to be order only from some online seller who does 3D prints, or will you publish the files so that people with an acces to 3D printers could print them themselves?

Using printing as a means of production is just going to be waaaaay too expensive. Hopefully I'll be able to do some test prints through Shapeways (which will already be a bit expensive for me) to see how the models are physically. Most likely I'll have to go to a more high end printing service, which would mean I'd most likely have to pay around €100 per printed wall component. So selling it like that would be impossible.

Most reasonable solution is to print the prototypes, then cast them in plastic or resin, and sell those. I have two possible parties who might be interested, but I need to figure out a way to keep production as easy and low-cost as possible. Otherwise the components would become too expensive, thus defeating the purpose.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/06/03 09:42:57

Post by: Malika2

Been putting together the components I've got:

The new wall component variant (the light grey ones) allow for walls to 'end'. I'd imagine that these would be a later addition to the set if/when these things would go in production. The basic kit would basically only include the floor tiles, straight walls and corner pieces. Others bits are 'expansions' if you will.

No, I still haven't updated the ventilation grill front piece yet. It will need some work to match the level of detailing the safe has. The grill will also be sharpened up a bit. The computer components are slowly evolving. The 'keyboard' bit will be separate and I have been working on a few variants, more on that soon!

However, the biggest change so far must have been the floor panels. There was something about the small panels that didn't feel fully right. Also, the gaps in the previous version's edges would have been tricky with casting (one tiny miscast the the parts won't fit anymore). So I made them clunkier! No worries though, future variants might once again include smaller tiles and such, but they are lower on my priorities list at the moment.

Hey Malika, are these going to go into production eventually... or are you just trolling us with your CAD design awesomeness??

Some of my ship designs are in production now. Not sure yet when they'll be available though...

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/06/04 09:50:58

Post by: Malika2

I started working on a gun turret. It's a two part bit, allowing you to move it into different positions. I'll probably also be doing a variant based on the energy pistol (bottom one):

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/06/04 11:30:44

Post by: Gitsplitta

Very nice, I like it!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/06/05 14:15:23

Post by: Malika2

Lots of little things done. The holding mechanism of the gun turret can also be used to carry other equipment. I've included another weapon (a variant on my original energy pistol) and also a screen. Expect more stuff to appear soon. Would love to do some robotic arms and whatever else I can come up with...

The computer console has also received some attention. Still need to add some detailing on the top and build the mechanism to hold the keyboard component.

Also, the floor panels and ventilation grill wall variant have also been updated slightly.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/06/05 16:21:34

Post by: Gitsplitta


Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/06/07 19:13:26

Post by: Malika2

As you can see, I've continued working on the computer consoles:

The major update is the removal of the round screen at the top mounted console. I've replaced it for a smaller screen. This also allowed me to make another top component variant which contains two screens.

The existing 'computer' box has been updated as well, mainly some detailing. I'm currently working on making a mechanism for it that allows players to put different keyboards/controllers on top. At the moment I've got two types of controllers, but there will probably be a few more just for the cool factor.

The bottom bit (bottom left, light grey device) has been completed as well. I guess it'll be some sort of plug hub, allowing other devices to be connected to it or something.

I still haven't made a wall plate that contains a large screen. So for now the walls are covered with the wall plates I've already had (the safe and ventilation shaft).

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/06/07 20:01:05

Post by: Gitsplitta

I really like the variation in your approach.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/06/07 21:17:42

Post by: RiTides

Malika, these last few pics have been really impressive! What is the plan for having these produce - perhaps a Kickstarter and cast in spincast resin? I am very interested!!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/06/07 21:31:58

Post by: Malika2

@Gitsplitta: Thanks a lot man!

@RiTides: Thank you! As for production, I haven't really thought of it yet. I mean, I've kept casting and production/distribution in mind when designing the components, but I haven't really thought of who will actually produce these bits. I lack the means and skills of casting stuff. And personally I don't want to be too involved with the whole distribution thing. I'd like to focus my time on designing these things and let the production/distribution be done by somebody else, but yeah these things are tricky I guess...

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/06/07 23:13:20

Post by: home_brew

if you do go into production, I can't wait to get hold of all those bots!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/06/08 19:23:46

Post by: Malika2

Same here! The bots still need a lot of work, and I've noticed that with what I've learnt in designing the weapons and terrain that I might want to redo a whole bunch of the robots to match the aesthetic of the other stuff.

Need to think a bit more about that though...

Nothing really new, just copied the floor and wall pieces a bit to get a more complete view:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/06/09 10:47:31

Post by: Malika2

I tweaked the floor panels a bit...

Here's the 'normal' ones, so without the grill:

Here are the ones with the grill:

And when combined:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/06/09 13:03:54

Post by: Gitsplitta

Lovely floor tiles. I especially like the grill version.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/06/10 12:48:04

Post by: RiTides

I agree, the grill and the combined versions are ace!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/06/10 13:46:42

Post by: Malika2

Over at Resin Addict I've got the feedback that the floors look too repetitive. I kind of agree with them. So I kind of need to play with some ideas to allow for some visual variation in the system.

I've been pondering about doing a similar solution like what I did for the walls. So design the floors in such a way that you could add little bits on them so you'd have all sorts of variant floors without immediately having to design tons of tile variants, larger pieces and so on.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/06/14 03:41:45

Post by: RiTides

Could you link to the resin addict thread? I'd be interested in comparing the replies over there

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/06/15 10:54:02

Post by: Malika2

Sorry for the late reply (busy weekend), but here's the link to the discussion on Resin Addict: http://www.resinaddict.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=921&start=180

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/06/15 18:22:13

Post by: RiTides

Excellent, thanks Malika!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/06/18 16:11:18

Post by: Malika2

I've been restructuring my Photobucket, which means the pics might not work anymore. However, you can still check them all out over here.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2020/12/14 12:15:36

Post by: Malika2

The CNC/laser cutting option is still open for the floor tiles. However, in the meantime I've also started working on some little components that can add a bit of flavor to the floors:

I've also continued working on a smaller console device and a possible wall/door variant (not the big main doors yet):

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/06/22 14:39:53

Post by: SJM

That's really awesome looking, have your previous work pictures disappeared or is it just me?

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/06/22 14:48:25

Post by: Malika2

Check my previous post, I've been restructuring my Photobucket. Luckily enough you can check the pics out here.

Here are the specific albums:
-Robotic creatures
-Weapon designs
-Underground facility

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/06/30 19:36:24

Post by: Malika2

Been working on the drones again...

It's kind cool to see how this has become this:

And yes, it's going to be a multi-part kit...

The creature is almost finished. It just needs a little bit of detailing here and there, especially the head/neck need a bit of work. The shoulders are also a bit tricky since I need to tweak them so they can easily connect to the torso.

And then there's this fellow who is slowly growing up to become:

This one needs a bit more work than the previous drone though, lots of detailing and gear still needs to be added. The head also needs some serious tweaking.

For both drones the human model next to them represent a 30mm model (from the bottom of its feet to the top of its head). This makes both drones about 33mm tall (also from the bottom of their feet to top of their heads). Also, the parts of the two drones are interchangeable.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/09/03 21:30:19

Post by: Malika2

Something was bothering me about the legs of these creatures. And then it hit me: get rid of the 'human legs'! And yes, it makes the machines stand a bit taller (34mm from bottom of the feet to the top of the head). However, it does make them look scarier. But that might also be the additional details...

Many months ago I started working on this fellow. Kinda cool to see what it has become. It's almost done, it's mainly the legs that need to be finished. But don't be surprised if I'll end up adding/changing a lot of details.

Remember this one? Still very much a work in progress, but it's getting there slowly. The legs still need a whole lot of work and the arms (especially the shoulders and elbows) need some fixing up.

In the meantime I've also ordered one of the robots' torsos, a head, arm, and leg to see how they'll fit to one another. Hopefully I'll be able to share some pics soon...

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/09/10 18:34:49

Post by: Malika2

Finally got some test prints in! One thing I can say is that I'm kinda digging Shapeways' FXD material, it really handles the detail rather well. The only downside is that there are still printlines and the material would need extensive cleaning. Subtle Discord wrote some interesting stuff on that.

Another 'downside' of the material is that it's see-through, making it rather tricky to photograph.

But yeah, enough talk!


Scrapbot components:

Test printed some BFG scaled ordnance:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/09/10 22:19:55

Post by: LeCacty

Your stuff is really inspirational! You use sketchup? I never thought that was capable of so much WIN!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/09/11 03:19:39

Post by: Gitsplitta

Wow, those turned out great!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/10/11 10:01:28

Post by: Malika2

@LeCacty: Everything is still being done using SketchUp, but I should really start learning Blender (I've been promising to start doing that for years now!)

@Gitsplitta: Thanks mate!

In the meantime...

Started working on "version 2.0" of the hounds. The previous versions felt a bit too large for my tastes, I wanted something more wolf or dog sized rather than giant hellhound. So I started tweaking some bits and I've got the torso and head ready:

The human model represents a 28mm miniature.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/10/11 11:07:36

Post by: LeCacty

For what you're doing, geometric shapes and all, sketchup is perfectly fine.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/10/11 11:41:41

Post by: Malika2

Yeah, for weapons, vehicles, robots, and architecture it's great. As soon as you try to do infantry and such it becomes more complicated.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2015/10/11 12:36:01

Post by: LeCacty

You could do a mix of sketchup and sculpteo (zbursh lite). make your mechanical stuff and your armatures in sketchup and add the organics in sculpteo

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/01/09 16:56:03

Post by: Malika2

Been a while since I've last posted, but been working a lot on the robots. First up, some progress on the hounds.

I still need to figure out how to get the legs to work nicely, but I feel I'm slowly getting on the right path...

And here two variant bodies:

The humanoid robots have also had a major overhaul, one big change is that I've removed the spikes. I imagined these robots to be scrapped together from industrial components and felt the spikes make them a bit too 'punk' which didn't feel right here. I might have to look at the hounds' spikes soon as well...

And here an assortment of drones that still need more work:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/01/21 19:49:32

Post by: LeCacty


Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/01/21 20:15:48

Post by: Malika2

Thanks a lot! I don't really have an update at the moment, but I can offer you a look into my mind, or at least my influences.

Check it out!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/01/21 23:51:18

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Cool robots! I love that they seem to be customizable.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/01/22 04:51:16

Post by: Jehan-reznor

Not to rain on your parade, but by using Lego technics you could get the same look

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/01/22 06:57:16

Post by: evildrcheese

Totally awesome. I really like those robots.


Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/01/23 12:00:25

Post by: Malika2

 Warboss_Waaazag wrote:
Cool robots! I love that they seem to be customizable.

That's the whole idea. The legs will be a bit tricky since the different 'couples' have different lengths, but I could try to tweak that a bit to make it more workable! At the moment I've got 5 bodies, would need to have at least the same amount of heads and pairs of limbs, but I'd like to do a few extra special heads and arms as a bonus.

After that I'd like to delve into some 'bigger fellows', basically something akin to 'bloated Obliterators' with various weapon systems (including ranged weapons) growing out of their limbs and bodies. Basically imagine Blightkings (for bloatedness, not the organic parts and rot) meets old school Obliterators but the size of a current upright Obliterator. Probably be a kit of three different bodies + various heads and weapon options.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/04/06 20:30:35

Post by: Malika2

Been working on some Epic scale tanks:

More pics and such over here.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/04/06 20:42:20

Post by: Gitsplitta

I like that design Malika2.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/04/13 04:33:15

Post by: home_brew

I really like the design! One thing though, the main turrets seem smaller than the bolters on the front of the tanks.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/04/16 07:43:17

Post by: Malika2

Don't have access to my pics at the moment so I'll have to do this through link:

Working on a new hull

Tank next to a 6mm human

Flame weaponry

As good as ready

New turret variants

Oh yeah, and the tank (with 4 different turrets and two dozer blades) has been shipped off to Vanguard Miniatures.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/05/11 15:12:53

Post by: Malika2

Continued working on the siege tanks. The kit will basically include the hull, two types of dozer blades, and two weapons: an tank-hunting heavy laser cannon, and a shell firing bunker buster.

First up: the tank hunter:

Whilst the bunker buster cannon still needs to be designed, I got distracted. I like the idea that the hull could also be used as a basis for other tanks. Thus the missile launcher was born. Keep in mind that the current missile launcher will be totally redesigned. I just used this one to give you an idea what a back mounted weapon will look like. I've also added a heavy machine gun like weapon to the front, it can (optionally) be replaced for a heavy flamethrower.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/05/11 16:00:40

Post by: Gitsplitta

I like them. The bunker buster is great!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/05/11 16:28:08

Post by: Malika2

I haven't even started on the bunker buster yet. The bunker buster will be akin to a demolition cannon. The first three pictures are the tank hunter. The fourth picture is a missile launcher system, which will be something completely different.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/05/15 17:10:25

Post by: Malika2

Just shipped off a bunch of 6mm scaled upgrade bits for the tank I've designed for Vanguard Miniatures:

From left to right: Front hull iconography plate, twin linked HMG, twin linked flamethrowers, twin linked subatomic heat weapons. Basically your three different types of Immolation tanks for the religious sisterhood. But could probably also be used for more inquisitorial themed armies.

From left to right: left missile pod, right missile pod, missile launcher turret, heavy laser cannon, light battle cannon, quad autocannons, medical transport front hull icon. I decided to ditch the roof part of the medical transport for multiple reasons: (a) it was too thin to cast at this time (b) doing it true justice would mean re-designing a hull a bit (c) economic reasons. Note that the medical transport is most likely an objective, so going all crazy on it regarding design work and printing/casting simply isn't worth the money.

Extra armour for the IVR tank, either plating or reactive armour.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/05/24 05:55:32

Post by: Malika2

Just wanted to quickly share my current vehicle pool with you. At the moment it consists of 17 different tanks (with the possibility of it becoming 21 if you're counting the turrets from the gun emplacements)

So yeah, from front to back and from left to right:
-"Hunter Hull": Bunker buster cannon, anti-armour heavy laser cannon
-"Siege Hull" with "spray weapons pack": Heavy flame weapon, subatomic heat weapon, chemical spray weapon
-"Standard Pack" (standard hull): multiple laser cannon, twin linked heavy machine guns, flame weapon, automatic cannon
-"Oddities Sprue" (standard hull): quad automatic cannons, light battle cannon, multiple laser cannon with multiple missile launchers, heavy laser cannon, medical transport
-"Weapons of Faith" (standard hull): Twin linked flame throwers, twin linked heavy machine guns, twin linked subatomic heat weapons.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/05/24 12:55:18

Post by: Gitsplitta

Those are very slick Malika. When do we get to see physical models? Not that the virtuals aren't fun... but you know... we're hobbyists after all!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/05/24 22:34:37

Post by: Malika2

The standard IVR hull and various turrets have already been sent off to Vanguard Miniatures, which means they'll become available in the coming weeks/months.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/05/25 19:08:02

Post by: Malika2

Look what arrived at Vanguard Miniatures' doorstep:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/05/26 23:55:21

Post by: LeCacty

What's the grey plastic tank in the 2nd pic? Love your's too, but that looks like a perfect rhino proxy!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/05/27 06:05:13

Post by: evildrcheese

Cool stuff. The new printed vehicles look great.


Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/05/27 08:39:25

Post by: Malika2

 LeCacty wrote:
What's the grey plastic tank in the 2nd pic? Love your's too, but that looks like a perfect rhino proxy!

Don't know if it's an official model or not, but it looks like an imperial guard Trojan to me...

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/06/20 12:12:10

Post by: Malika2

By the way, my Novan IVF is up for pre-order.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/06/20 14:40:32

Post by: Gitsplitta

That turned out beautifully Mal. Any sense of scale for us? A 25mm base would do fine.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/06/20 15:27:30

Post by: Malika2

To give you a sense of scale:

The tank is 36mm long and 22mm wide. With the turret it's 15mm tall.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/06/20 15:37:33

Post by: Gitsplitta

Perfect for Epic! Nicely done!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/06/20 15:43:59

Post by: Malika2

That's the whole idea! Two more of my 6mm designs that will seen be available through Vanguard Miniatures:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/06/24 14:36:53

Post by: Malika2

Started working on a fighter:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/06/24 21:34:16

Post by: Gitsplitta

That's really pretty.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/06/24 21:55:47

Post by: Malika2

Thanks! Here's a little update:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/06/30 04:46:08

Post by: Malika2

Next batch of Vanguard Miniatures' stuff just got printed, including some of my designs.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/06/30 05:45:34

Post by: evildrcheese

Awesome. Nice work on the fighter, very swanky.


Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/07/03 12:47:24

Post by: Malika2

More prints arrived:

And here some more pics of some of Vanguard Miniatures' upcoming stuff.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/07/04 18:00:36

Post by: Gitsplitta

Very nice....

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/07/24 07:30:26

Post by: Malika2

Oooh, metal casts of my tanks:link

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/07/24 18:34:49

Post by: LeCacty

I Completely forgot I followed you on dakka! Just saw this on taccmd

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/07/25 17:48:52

Post by: Gitsplitta

Beautiful casts (and tanks). Well done Malika2!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/08/01 16:52:16

Post by: Malika2

Upcoming kit for Vanguard Miniatures I did (the weapon systems are already available through Vanguard's site):

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/08/03 12:37:02

Post by: Malika2

The first design to be officially released!!!

Novan Warrior Infantry Fighting Vehicle (A):

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/08/03 12:46:13

Post by: RiTides

That's a real milestone, congrats Malika!!!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/08/07 13:34:18

Post by: Malika2

Check out some painted versions of the tank over here. (not painted by me)

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Orbital mines:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/08/18 16:01:43

Post by: Malika2

Lots of new incoming stuff:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/08/26 11:27:54

Post by: Malika2

Remember the siege tank I've designed for Vanguard Miniatures?

Vanguard have taken my weapon designs for a new variant on their Trojan tank:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/09/03 09:34:14

Post by: Malika2

Novan Centurion Main Battle Tank ready for printing:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/09/08 09:51:19

Post by: Malika2

Some casts came in for the Dragon flame tanks (3 turret variants) and the Novan Elites Jetbikes:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/09/13 07:21:22

Post by: Malika2

And we've received some pics from our caster:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/09/13 12:58:34

Post by: Gitsplitta

Looking good. Very clean.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/09/13 20:10:27

Post by: Wirecat

It is borderline insanity! Must be a wonderful feeling seeing how Your designs turn into something material... by the dozen? Congratulations!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/09/14 09:07:54

Post by: Malika2

It is quite intense yeah. I mean, I've been designing models for a couple of years now, sometimes selling them on Shapeways, other times making a few test prints for myself, or receiving prints from people who want to test out their printers.

But this is really something else, which is just really motivating. Personally I'm a big fan of the old 'specialist games' so 6mm and space ship scaled stuff (but also more skirmish 28mm stuff). In that regard I'm lucky to have encountered John from Vanguard Miniatures. If only the 6mm market was a little bit bigger though, we could then really go crazy!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/09/15 12:52:02

Post by: Malika2

Lots of new prints got shared on Vanguard Miniatures' Facebook page:

Artillery tank hull:

Centurion Main Battle Tank:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/09/15 18:43:19

Post by: RiTides

All extremely cool!! I love the little flame tank cast shown last page

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/09/25 11:08:47

Post by: Malika2

The Firefly and Siege (needs a better name) turrets are as good as ready to me. Note that the targeting device on the Firefly turret is a separate bit, meaning you could place it where ever on the turret you'd like.

Please let me know your thoughts. If all is fine these kits will be shipped off to Vanguard Miniatures.

Oh yeah, here's a little teaser...

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/09/26 16:15:56

Post by: Malika2

The Novan Regulars Centurion Main Battle Tank is up for pre-order over at Vanguard Miniatures, check it out here

The kit includes 3 Centurion Battle Tanks and will be released on November 25th:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/09/29 18:09:51

Post by: Malika2

Started working on some variants of the Centurion Battle Tank:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/10/11 16:43:01

Post by: Malika2

New reinforcements for the Novan Regulars, the Dragon Flame Tank:

Dragon flamethrower tanks are not operated by regular mechanised forces but by specialist engineer units attached to novan battlegroups on an ad hoc basis as the situation dictates.

Yet another variant of the popular warrior chassis the rear hull troop carrying section has been replaced with a massive armoured fuel pod which feeds a high pressure flame projector turret capable of hurling a jet of extremely volatile and highly combustable liquid many metres. Utilised to breach enemy defense zones and stubborn pockets of enemy resistance this terror weapon has been know to cause the enemy to withdraw at the sight of an approaching dragon before it even gets close enough to fire.

An horrific but highly effective weapon system used sparingly but to great effect by novan forces the dragon flame tank is considered by many a distastful but none the less necessary tool.

This pack contains 3 x Dragon tanks each with three variant turret options.



Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/10/11 18:48:37

Post by: RiTides

Flame tank! Takes me back to "Command and Conquer" days

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/10/13 21:41:50

Post by: Malika2

New releases!

Novan Regulars Support Tanks:

The warrior IFV hull has seen numerous adaptions over it’s years of service. Many field modifications as well as factory produced variants have come and gone but others have prooven themselves in the test of battle and endured to this day. Two such variants are the Hunter tank destroyer and the Hammer bunker buster.

Both vehicles use the same adapted warrior hull to house a specialist heavy weapon in a fixed forward mount giving a low profile for an excellent hull down capability.

The hunter houses a long barrelled high energy laser cannon capable of penetrating the heaviest armour making for a most effect tank hunter.

The hammer on the other hand has a completely different roll and houses a short barrelled heavy mortar designed to smash enemy fortifications to rubble in short order.

Most often seen supporting warrior mounted mechanised forces these vehicles are a powerful addition to the novan arsenal.

This pack contains:

3 x hull

3 x sprues with optional weapons



Novan Elites Javelin Fighter:

The Javelin aero-space light fighter is a sleak highly manouverable and extremely fast multi roll capable aircraft able to operate in space as well as in atmosphere with equal ease thanks to advanced anti gravity generators and numerous directional thrusters.

Used exclusively by novan elite forces pilots this fighter has become a feared site for Tusculum Nova’s enemies with a reputation for extreme combat manouver’s and skilled piloting used to deadly effect.

Armaments include twin laser cannon in each wing mount and innovative vertical launch anti-aircraft missiles mounted along the upper fuseleage.

This pack contains 2 x Javelin fighters and 2 x plastic flight stands.



Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/10/15 15:32:33

Post by: Malika2

A few more WIP's:

First of all, the Apocalypse Battle Tank:

The tank is almost ready. Will need to work on a mechanism to allow you to fit a dozer blade underneath it. Beyond that maybe some extra details.

And then there's the anti-infantry variant of the Novan Centurion Battle Tank:

Curious to hear your thoughts before I submit these to Vanguard Miniatures.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/10/16 00:32:50

Post by: home_brew

I really like the detail you manage to put on the model!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/10/27 11:00:08

Post by: Malika2

Orbital mines:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/10/27 11:06:57

Post by: evildrcheese

I like the orbital mines. Nice idea.


Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/10/27 16:06:14

Post by: Master Azalle

Well done on the orbital mines brother

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/11/28 17:16:08

Post by: Malika2

A bunch of my designs have been released by Vanguard Miniatures, allowing you to upgrade your Novan Warrior IFV (a very chunky possible Chimera proxy).

Warrior Turrets Upgrade Set B:

(from left to right: right missile pod, left missile pod, pulse laser turret (with missile pod mounts), heavy laser cannon turret, bunker buster cannon, quad autocannons, medical front armour)
This set contains three sprues for upgrading the warrior IFV model with alternative weapon options. It will allow players to wield some of the rarer Warrior variants

3 x pulse laser turret with missile pod upgrade (Chimerro proxy)

3 x heavy anti tank laser cannon (APDS-6a Defender proxy)

3 x bunker buster (Chimedon proxy)

3 x quad autocannon (Chimerax proxy)

3 x hull MG position blanks with cross symbol (proxy for Samaritan medical transport)



Warrior Armour Upgrade Set A:

This set contains spaced armour for upgrading the warrior model.

3 x hull side armour

3 x turret armour

Please note that the hull armour will fit on the Dragon and Support tank models too.



Warrior Armour Upgrade Set B:

This set contains reactive armour for upgrading the warrior model.

3 x hull side armour

3 x turret armour

Please note that the hull armour will fit on the Dragon and Support tank models too.



Warrior Turrets Upgrade Set C:

This set contains three sprues for upgrading the warrior IFV model with alternative weapon options.

Warriors of faith turrets.

3 x twin heavy machine guns

3 x twin heavy flamethrowers

3 x twin heavy microwave cannon

3 x hull MG position blanks with shield symbol



Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/12/04 13:18:45

Post by: Malika2

The Centurion Battle Tank I designed is out!

Another batch of new releases:

Novan Regulars Centurion Main Battle Tank:

The centurion main battle tank is the most common tank used by novan regular forces in the field a rugged and heavily armoured design it has been built to be a reliable and easy to operate vehicle capable of going long periods of time between maintenance cycles making it the perfect machine to equip Tusculum Nova’s armoured divisions.

The designs has seen many weapon fits over the years but the most common armaments (hector configuration) are a regular tank cannon in the turret backed up by a fixed forward hull mounted laser cannon. In addition the hull sides can be configured to mount a sponson weapon most commonly a HMG for close in anti personel protection.

Pack contains 3 x centurion tanks with modelling options.

Please note that this is the first of several weapon fits we will have for this tank with a long barelled anti tank cannon (achilles configuration) on the cards next.



Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2016/12/25 13:23:28

Post by: Malika2

A little Christmas present, five upcoming variants of the Centurion main battle tank.

Please let me know your thoughts!

Plasma tank:

Light vehicle hunter:

Laser tank:

Anti-infantry tank:

Conqueror tank:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2017/01/21 14:12:08

Post by: Malika2

The Apocalypse Heavy Battle Tank I've designed for Vanguard Miniatures is as good as ready. All I need before shipping it off for printing is some final feedback.

So any suggestions, comments, etc. are more than welcome.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2017/03/11 13:39:51

Post by: Malika2

My Centurion tanks, painted by the talented Mike Salwey:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2017/03/11 18:14:18

Post by: Gitsplitta

Very nice!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 0060/03/12 21:28:01

Post by: Wirecat

Hurray! They came alive! Very nice. I wonder if at this scale sharper borders between camouflage colours would be betterm but very nice anyway! And textured bases are a bonus too.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2017/03/15 17:56:56

Post by: Malika2

Novan Warriors with AA weapon upgrades, painted by the talented Mike Salwey:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2017/03/15 19:35:09

Post by: Gitsplitta

Very nice Mal! They look great!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2017/03/20 19:10:05

Post by: Malika2

My gun tower design has just been released!

Novan Sentinel Sentry Tower x 2:

The Sentinel class sentry tower is a modular armoured defence system seen across novan space. The system can be fully automated or semi automated with a single weapons operator. Designed to allow construction at various heights dependant on the local terrain or situation and with many different weapon load out options this is a versatile and rugged design that has seen great success during it’s time in service.

Set consists of two multi part sentry tower models with weapon options.

Tower height is: 55mm with turret in place.



Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2017/04/08 12:35:05

Post by: Malika2

The first batch of variants of the Centurion Battle Tank have been cast:

Sniper tank:

Siege tank:

Autocannon tank:

Plasma cannon tank:

Laser cannon tank:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2017/05/11 11:02:07

Post by: Malika2


These'll be available at Vanguard Miniatures from tomorrow...

Not sure yet when the bombers will be out, but I was curious if anybody would like to see a 6mm version of this one?

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2017/05/11 15:51:08

Post by: Master Azalle

fantastic work brother!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2017/05/12 15:37:46

Post by: Malika2

Check what just became available...

Novan Elites Panthera Class Heavy Frigate x 2 - £7.00


Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2017/05/16 20:57:11

Post by: Malika2

I've started working on a Lance Frigate as a follow-up to the Heavy Frigate I've done for Vanguard Miniatures.

I'm wondering which version you guys prefer: 3 lances (sides and bottom), 3 lances (sides and prow), or 4 lances (sides, bottom, and prow)?

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2017/05/17 07:45:39

Post by: IronBars

Must say I like sides and bottem best, The prow gun looks a little unweildy to me.

Bought a set of frigates so looking forward to these

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2017/05/18 06:53:13

Post by: Malika2

Awesome! Thank you so much for your support! Very curious to see what you'll do with them.

In the meantime, I've gotten a little bit distracted with another Destroyer variant, I guess it's a tribute to the old Dominator model:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2017/05/18 10:22:31

Post by: IronBars

I like this one, sleek in comparison to the 3 lance one. wil this one also have breadside options?

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2017/05/18 10:48:37

Post by: Malika2

The 3 lance one is supposed to be a heavier craft, really meant to hunt down battleships and big stations. The single lance destroyer is more meant as a siege ship. As for giving it broadside weapons, for some reason I feel it might be a bit too much for it. I imagined as if the lance cannon requires a lot of the ship's resources to power up.

But this isn't set in stone yet...so I might end up giving it broadside weapons like the torpedo armed destroyers.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2017/07/20 17:19:00

Post by: Malika2


Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2017/08/31 08:59:05

Post by: Malika2

Did these 6mm ones a whole while back...

They were based on the 28mm version I did, maybe I should just shrink the 28mm ones and be done with it...

Not sure if I should shrink them to 6mm or do them in 15mm. Might make some fun stuff to shoot at in smaller scale skirmish games.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2017/09/16 11:04:21

Post by: Malika2

Not so much an update, but just sharing some 'fan art' by the talented Mathieu Moyen:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2017/11/07 21:59:23

Post by: Malika2

Most likely will be doing these in 15mm, if there's any interest of course...

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/01/25 20:35:00

Post by: Malika2

Need some extra pistols for games like Necromunda?

Available here: http://shpws.me/PsOY

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/02/09 08:31:22

Post by: Pacific

Very nice work mate!

The walkers above look good, what kind of force would they fit within next to other releases (or is this a new faction?)

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/03/08 21:32:27

Post by: Malika2

The scrap bots were meant to be NPC's if Vanguard Miniatures does decide to do a 15mm game. In the background they'd be akin to reversed engineered/looted/scrapped Cybershadows technology. Whether this is done by the Novans or Skinnerz, not sure yet...

In the meantime, I've started working on something more body-horror...

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/03/29 16:50:34

Post by: ph34r

Nice blog! Some of the earlier Photobucket pictures are broken though.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/03/29 18:17:54

Post by: Malika2

Yah...very annoying. Photobucket had changed their policy overnight and I havent had the time to reupload everything elsewhere.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/05/20 14:33:49

Post by: Malika2

Rampager Light Tank I've designed for Vanguard Miniatures is out!

Tainted Rampager Light Tanks - £10.00

Each Rampager set consists of 4 x multi-part Rampager tank models.

Model diameter approx, 18mm.

25mm plastic bases not included.


Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/05/20 14:59:18

Post by: Gitsplitta

Very cool. That's got to be really satisfying!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/05/20 17:42:08

Post by: monkeytroll

Those are pretty cool! Nice to see your designs are getting out there

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/05/21 14:56:05

Post by: Malika2

Little by little. A whole bunch of tank designs are already available in 6mm, some Tainted aircraft are on their way as well:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/05/29 09:16:50

Post by: Malika2

Aaaaaand, they're out!

Tainted Hecate Interceptor - £7.00

Tainted Hecate Interceptor

Manouverable and well armed, Tainted Interceptors are powered by nuclear cells, such that even in death their pilots may bring woe.

Sets contains 2 x Hecate Interceptors and 2 x plastic flight stands.

Length: 5.6cm


Tainted Charon Fighter - £7.00

Tainted Charon Ground Attack Fighter

A variant of the Hecate interceptor the Charon has been designed as a light ground attack aircraft capable of rapid response and with a surprising amount of firepower for it’s size.

Set contains 2 x Charon fighters and 2 x plastic flight bases.

Length: 5.6cm


Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/05/29 13:22:17

Post by: Gitsplitta

Those are amazing models... though it looks like a pretty rough cast. Am I seeing that right?

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/05/29 16:34:28

Post by: Malika2

Not fully sure if that's the photo or not. I don't have the physical models in my hands (yet).

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/06/03 07:26:08

Post by: Malika2

The Novan Regulars Tribune Heavy Tanks are out!

Novan Regulars Tribune Heavy Tank (Hector) - £6.50

Novan Tribune (Hector Variant)

Novan Regulars field various configurations of Tribune Heavy Tank; The most commonly found among the ranks of the Novan hegemony are the Hector Variant. Festooned with multiple cannons and anti-personnel heavy machineguns, they are a fearsome all-round vehicle, capable of taking on both enemy tanks and infantry mobs with confidence.

1 x Multi part Tribune (Hector Variant) model.

Length 4.5cm

Model painted by Adrian Taylor


Novan Regular Tribune Heavy Tank (Achilles) - £6.50

Novan Tribune (Achilles)

The Achilles variant of the Tribune tank replaces the standard tanks twin cannon in the turret with two long barrelled anti-tank cannon, designed to engage enemy armour at extreme range they have proven most effective in this roll. Used primarily on the flanks of and armoured attack it is not uncommon however to also see them leading spearhead formations in the shock assault roll.

1 x Multi part Tribune (Achilles Variant) model.

Length 4.5cm


Novan Regulars Tribune Heavy Tank (Turnus) - £6.50

Novan Tribune (Turnus)

The Turnus yet another variant of the Tribune heavy tank this particular version has been created to address the infantry and light vehicle wave tactics often preferred by Skinnerz armies. The turret contains two large calibre heavy rotary cannon that can spew out a prodigious amount of fire power, devastating to even the most heavily armoured infantry and shredding light vehicles with ease.

1 x Multi part Tribune (Turnus Variant) model.

Length 4.5cm


Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/06/03 10:04:42

Post by: RexHavoc

Very, very cool.
I see the bundeswehr survive in to the far future and become part of the Novan force!

Just waiting on the new skinner stuff from the campaign to be released and I can snag some of this stuff too! (I sadly missed the KS campaign this time round)

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/07/29 15:29:06

Post by: Malika2

 RexHavoc wrote:
Very, very cool.
I see the bundeswehr survive in to the far future and become part of the Novan force!

Just waiting on the new skinner stuff from the campaign to be released and I can snag some of this stuff too! (I sadly missed the KS campaign this time round)

All the Skinner models are out now by the way.

In the meantime, new prints!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/07/29 20:44:43

Post by: Wirecat

Another good translation from design to print! Good luck with casting this interesting ARV.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/07/30 12:42:42

Post by: Gitsplitta

Don't see too many companies producing engineering vehicles. Nicely done.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/08/03 14:43:31

Post by: Malika2

The Novan Elites Spiculum fighter has been printed:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/08/05 01:45:50

Post by: insaniak

OOh, that's purty.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/08/18 07:07:15

Post by: Malika2

So this just happened...

Novan Elites Spiculum Heavy Fighter - £7.00

The Spiculum like most Elites aircraft can function perfectly fine within the vacuum of space, but has been specifically optimised to operate in the ground support roll providing precision strike capability against enemy armoured targets and infantry concentrations.

Set contains:

2 x Spiculum heavy fighters

2 x rocket clusters


Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/08/28 09:49:56

Post by: Malika2

A few tiny details here and there changed, will look into it one more time later this week and then it's ready for submission:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/09/12 05:53:39

Post by: Malika2

Feedback needed. I'm about to submit these for printing, just need to know if the missile pods should be pointing straight forward (Elites on top) or slightly up (Elites on the bottom).

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/09/16 03:34:47

Post by: PondaNagura

Daaang, you've been keeping busy.
Great stuff Malika!

I like the slightly up version.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/09/17 18:05:03

Post by: Malika2

Heeeeey! You're back! Do you still do artwork n stuff?

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/09/17 19:15:45

Post by: Wirecat

Another vote for tilted version - it adds some movement.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/09/17 21:46:44

Post by: PondaNagura

Yep! It consumes my time. (good problems?)
I was working on some side projects that reminded me of Sciror conversations, so I started rereading the old posts...Then I saw Ed's announcement on fb.
Not sure where to go with things now, but I guess I'll start a blog here for some stuff.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/09/18 06:41:50

Post by: Malika2

 PondaNagura wrote:
Yep! It consumes my time. (good problems?)
I was working on some side projects that reminded me of Sciror conversations, so I started rereading the old posts...Then I saw Ed's announcement on fb.
Not sure where to go with things now, but I guess I'll start a blog here for some stuff.

It's a sad announcement indeed, but then again, the Troll Forged forum had been dead for a couple of years now and I haven't really spoken to Ed or Philip in quite a while.

I'm mainly doing design work for Vanguard Miniatures at the moment and am trying to integrate some of the concept from Sciror into their Defeat in Detail universe.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/09/19 04:10:08

Post by: PondaNagura

True. I'm surprised the forum is still up, I started backing up some of the past conversations for reference in case it goes down (no point letting old knowledge erode...that's how we get dark ages )
And that answers my question if you talked with anyone recently.

Vanguard looks like it's kicking butt. I have a few friends talking about exploring 6mm stuff, I'll point them your way.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/09/20 00:21:22

Post by: Malika2

You should, and maybe even convert them to 3mm, at that scale stuff gets truly 'epic'. :O

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/10/23 06:05:23

Post by: Malika2

Started working on a sort of grimdark/gothic version of Tatooine, your thoughts?

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/10/23 08:17:31

Post by: Skinnereal

Very nice.
Having a platform to land/stand on is good, and it blocks LoS nicely.

My first thought was Naboo, though.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/10/23 09:59:10

Post by: Malika2

The Naboo vibe must be those big windows I'd guess.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/12/21 16:39:42

Post by: Malika2

Did some oil drums...

Novan Oil Drums (Fuel Dump) - £3.50

Novan oil drums set consists of the following items:

3 x stacks of 9 drums
3 x stacks of 6 drums
3 x stacks of 5 drums
6 x drums in cradles
16 x single drums

6mm infantry figure for size reference only not included.


Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/12/24 11:42:48

Post by: Wirecat

Very nice oil barrels, wouldn't mind them in 1:144 as a scatter for an airfield, actually, looks very versatile!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/12/29 15:47:35

Post by: Malika2

Wirecat wrote:
Very nice oil barrels, wouldn't mind them in 1:144 as a scatter for an airfield, actually, looks very versatile!

1:144, how big are infantry models then?

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/12/30 22:03:26

Post by: insaniak

 Malika2 wrote:
The Naboo vibe must be those big windows I'd guess.

That and the clean, sharp lines. Tatoine should be softer and more weatherbeaten.

They look good, though.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2018/12/30 22:40:40

Post by: JohnHwangDD

Wow, I love that you're doing 1/144 scale terrain.

FWIW, I did a cut at near modern papercraft terrain for KOG light:
- http://www.dakkadakka.com/s/i/at/2016/10/KOG_light_terrain_-_20160930-01023423.pdf

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2019/01/06 20:20:57

Post by: Wirecat

1:144 would be anything between 10 and 12 mm, depending how You measure figures. Happy New Year and best of luck (and attention to details)!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2019/07/21 08:06:16

Post by: Malika2

My shipping container designs have just been released: https://vanguardminiatures.co.uk/shop/novan-light-shipping-containers/

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2019/10/18 14:50:44

Post by: Malika2

Beginning of a possible new project?

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2019/10/27 19:21:59

Post by: Wirecat

A bit disturbing... but I am glad to see You trying new things! Good luck with that!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2019/11/02 09:08:56

Post by: Malika2

I designed a semi generic bridge kit for Vanguard Miniatures


A resin cast generic human bridge span with a slot on the inner faces for insertion of a 2mm thick plastic sheet or MDF (not included) road to whatever width you desire.

Set contains:

2 x bridge spans

4 x optional bridge legs

6 x optional barriers

Span dimensions: 48mm long, 25mm high. Additional legs 20mm high each.

Infantry figure and 50mm square plastic road tile shown for scale purposes only and is not included in this set. Note also that the resin colour may vary.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2019/12/07 12:02:03

Post by: Malika2

Flamethrower tanks are out!

Skinners Flamethrower Tanks - £10.00

Skinners tanks are often individual designs, unique in appearance, but not to be underestimated.

Each Skinners Flamethrower Tank set contains 4 unique hulls and 4 unique turrets, allowing for 16 possible combinations for increased aesthetic variety.

This set contains:

4 x Tank hulls

4 x Flamethrower turrets


Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2019/12/07 23:36:11

Post by: Gitsplitta

They look great!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2020/05/27 14:15:39

Post by: Malika2

Just tossing these smallscale (6-8mm) WIPs here...

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2020/09/03 17:37:46

Post by: Malika2

I feel more and more tempted to perhaps set up a Patreon to release some STL stuff, basically terrain and other bits in mainly "smallscale" (6mm, 8mm, "1/4 of 40k scale") and "fleetscale" (BFG etc). I was wondering if you guys have any experiences on that?

Here a pic of some buildings I might wanna release that way!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2020/09/04 14:21:36

Post by: Gitsplitta

Nice looking buildings! Sorry, no help from me on your question.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2020/09/23 10:06:30

Post by: Malika2

One thing I'm kinda missing in the current 6mm scene is converting. Now that everybody has a home printer, they simply print whatever they want. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against 3D printing...why the hell would I otherwise do 3D design work. But I do miss the whole craft of 6mm converting.

So...I was pondering about making my big armoured gun morphing guys modular. Basically 5 bodies and then 10 different arms.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2020/09/23 10:46:31

Post by: Albertorius

That would be cool. Even more if when loading bodies and arms at the same time they're positiones in the pegs. That way you could mix and match however you wanted but you could also make "full" minis at a time.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2020/09/23 12:11:36

Post by: RiTides

Chunky robots are

Only thing I'm not totally sold on is the tabards, but that might be a personal preference. Never liked mechanical ones / ones on mechanical beings as I don't see the function

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2020/09/23 16:32:20

Post by: Malika2

I didn't really see these guys as pure robots, more as very deformed humans. Imagine Tetsuo the Iron Man in Terminator armour if you will. The tabards are a bit of a quasi grimdark element.

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With or without tabards?

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2020/09/23 16:52:38

Post by: Gitsplitta

I prefer with.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2020/09/23 17:18:19

Post by: Albertorius

Personally, me too, but if you end up doing that Patreon you wanted... why not both?

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2020/09/23 17:43:51

Post by: RiTides

Maybe a third way would strike a nice middle ground with a, how do you say, "codpiece"? Seriously though!

Does look a little bare with nothing at all, although I personally like it better. Thanks for whipping up that visual so fast

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2020/09/24 11:47:24

Post by: Malika2

The version without the tabard might be developed later on. In the meantime I've been tweaking the tabard ones. First of all, I've beefed the tabards up a bit, this would allow for easier printing. But then there's the question: shorter or longer tabards?

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2020/09/24 12:41:14

Post by: Gitsplitta


Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2020/09/24 13:28:10

Post by: Albertorius

I don't have a strong opinion either way, I like both ^^

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2020/09/24 13:30:49

Post by: Malika2

If I am gonna sell the STL's through a Patreon, I could always have one of these three as the 'standard design', and then have the variant designs only available for those who support the higher tier ('access to variant designs' or something like that).

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2020/09/30 15:54:48

Post by: RiTides

Hmmm the wider tabards now look like they interfere with the legs, could you just do shorter of the original tabards (including texture, which looked good to me)?

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2020/09/30 20:28:19

Post by: Albertorius

 RiTides wrote:
Hmmm the wider tabards now look like they interfere with the legs, could you just do shorter of the original tabards (including texture, which looked good to me)?

Well, if they touch the legs they'll be easier to print, separated from them it will need supporting.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2020/10/27 11:29:26

Post by: Malika2

A quick experiment, been very intrigued by the notion of MicroHulk, a pocket version of Space Hulk, so I started out trying to make some modular 75mm x 75mm tiles...

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2020/10/30 13:07:13

Post by: Malika2

In the meantime...

The walls allow for all sorts of bits to be crammed in them:

So whilst the tiles themselves are pretty set and standard, I have been making a wide array of possible wall setups:

I'd also like to develop theme based bits...


The library kit current consists of 4 wall bits (each containing different stacks of books) and a cogitator bank. I'd probably would like to add some separate piles of books that have been dropped on the ground.


This kit currently consists of a med-bed, cogitator bank, and locker. I'd like to add another wall panel with a surgical servo arm mounted on it, and maybe another bed variant that has some sort of MRI scan device on it. I'm still in doubt whether I should do the bodies of the patients separately or as part of the bed.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2020/11/01 02:18:10

Post by: Gitsplitta

That's pretty cool.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/06/04 15:08:35

Post by: Malika2

Would there be any interest in these Titanicus scaled crates?

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/06/08 02:53:18

Post by: PondaNagura

I'm not versed in titanicus, but could be scaled for some loot crates for stargrave?

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/06/09 15:39:09

Post by: Malika2

I guess that if you'd make them 4 times as big, they'd make for suitable crates for Stargrave.

Hmm, and here I am wanting to play Titanicus scaled Stargrave...

In the meantime...

Potted cacti:

Labour caste fellows (carrying various types of luggage):

Labour caste fellows (empty handed):

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/07/12 12:25:39

Post by: Malika2

Various logistics bits:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/07/12 13:39:01

Post by: Flinty

Space pears, booze and space porn (I assume that's whats in the books )!

Perfect as objective markers.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/07/13 11:35:15

Post by: Malika2

Exactly! Do keep in mind that all of this is designed for Titanicus scale!

Meanwhile, who needs some 6mm/8mm scaled vending machines?

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Thought people might want to add some livelihood to those grimdark Civitas Imperialis roof terraces when playing Titanicus!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/07/14 15:11:11

Post by: Malika2

Need some speakers?

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/07/14 16:55:16

Post by: Gitsplitta


Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/07/29 12:28:03

Post by: Malika2

Do you think those creatures could be printed as single piece models or should I do the legs separately? Note that they are 6mm scale. They are about 7.5mm tall, 12mm long, and 6mm wide.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/07/29 13:12:48

Post by: Albertorius

Hm.... I think they should probably be fine single piece, depending on the actual isles.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/08/02 13:30:11

Post by: Gitsplitta


Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/08/13 13:34:55

Post by: Malika2

Teaser of things to come...

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/08/30 10:01:32

Post by: Malika2

The first bunch of terrain kits I've designed are now available on my Cults3d!

Type Alpha Logistics Crates:

The Type Alpha Logistics Crates fit perfectly on smallscale terrain. Originally designed for 6mm-8mm scales, it can probably be upscaled for 15mm gaming as well.

- 1 closed crate
- 16 opened crates (various types of contents)
- 1 crate handler (figure is about 7.3mm tall)


Type Beta Logistics Crates:

The Type Beta Logistics Crates fit perfectly on smallscale terrain. Originally designed for 6mm-8mm scales, it can probably be upscaled for 15mm gaming as well.

- 1 closed crate
- 10 opened crates (various types of contents)
- 6 combinations of stacked crates
- 1 crate handler (figure is about 7.4mm tall)


Type Gamma Logistics Crates:

The Type Gamma Logistics Crates fit perfectly on smallscale terrain. Originally designed for 6mm-8mm scales, it can probably be upscaled for 15mm gaming as well.

- 1 closed crate
- 15 opened crates (various types of contents)
- 1 crate handler (figure is about 7.3mm tall)
- 8 combinations of stacked crates


Type Delta Logistics Crates:

The Type Delta Logistics Crates fit perfectly on smallscale terrain. Originally designed for 6mm-8mm scales, it can probably be upscaled for 15mm gaming as well.

- 1 closed crate
- 10 combinations of stacked crates
- 2 crate handlers (each little less than 7.5mm tall)


Type Alpha Transport Drums:

The Type Alpha Transport Drums fit perfectly on smallscale terrain. Originally designed for 6mm-8mm scales, it can probably be upscaled for 15mm gaming as well.

- 1 individual transport drum
- 5 combinations of transport drums stacked on top of each other
- 5 combinations of transport drums stacked next one another
- 1 handler (figure is about 7.2mm tall)


Type Beta Transport Drums:

The Type Beta Transport Drums fit perfectly on smallscale terrain. Originally designed for 6mm-8mm scales, it can probably be upscaled for 15mm gaming as well.

- 1 individual transport drum
- 5 combinations of transport drums stacked on top of each other
- 5 combinations of transport drums stacked next one another
- 1 handler (figure is about 6.9mm tall)


Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/08/30 11:33:59

Post by: Gitsplitta

Very clever!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/08/30 12:37:30

Post by: Malika2


Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/08/31 06:47:47

Post by: Malika2

Simple free sample pack!


Just some free samples for you guys to try out. The kit contains:
- 1 drunk worker
- 1 potted cactus
- 1 closed Type Alpha Logistics Crate
- 1 empty Type Beta Logistics Crate


Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/08/31 15:11:20

Post by: Mr Nobody

I'd love to make a killteam mission with these crates. The hunt for the intel box.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/08/31 15:13:07

Post by: Malika2

 Mr Nobody wrote:
I'd love to make a killteam mission with these crates. The hunt for the intel box.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/09/03 08:29:04

Post by: Malika2

Coming soon: "Bring out your dead!"

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/09/04 14:33:56

Post by: Malika2

New kits out!

Smallscale speaker boxes

These speaker boxes are great for those who'd love to kitbash in smallscale (6mm / 8mm). Whilst originally designed for 6mm / 8mm scales, these might also work for bigger ones. You might want to check the details when going bigger than 15mm scale.

This set contains the following parts:
- 3 types of individual speakers
- 10 individual handing speakers
- 4 types of racked hanging speakers
- 9 combinations of stacked speakers
- bonus worker


Smallscale graveyard

Bring out your dead! This kit will allow you to easily build cemeteries in 6mm / 8mm scales. The necropolis structure and graves are modular, allowing for many different combinations to be made.

This kit contains the following parts:
- modular necropolis (crypts with terminal, crypts, roof)
- modular graves (4 graves, 4 gravestones)
- 3 caskets
- 6 dead bodies*
- 9 bundles of candles

Please do not share of sell these files without my written permission!

*one of the corpses might have an orientation issue on the faces, the software are contradicting one another. Which is why I've included two versions of it. Please let me know if there are any issues!


Smallscale cacti

These cacti will allow you to decorate your smallscale terrain and bases. Whilst originally designed for 6mm or 8mm scale, they should also work for larger scales if resized.

The kit contains the following bits:
- 28 potted cacti
- 13 unpotted cacti
- 8 empty pots
- 1 worker

Please do not share of sell these files without my written permission!


Smallscale vending machines

Even in the grimdark future one might need a quick drink or snack! These vending machines are suitable for many smallscale (6mm or 8mm) projects, but could also be resized for bigger stuff. I wouldn't recommend going bigger than 15mm without redoing the details.

This set contains the following bits:
- 10 different vending machines
- 3 drunk workers

Please do not share of sell these files without my written permission!


Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/09/08 14:53:38

Post by: Malika2

Early WIP...

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/09/12 09:54:01

Post by: Malika2

New release!

Smallscale Shipping Containers (Type Alpha):

Various types of shipping containers are found throughout the human colonies. The Type Alpha Shipping Container is one of these. Besides being used to transport goods, it also has a market stand variant.

This modular container designed for 6mm/8mm scaled gaming, so it would fit perfectly with stuff like Adeptus Titanicus or Battletech. But it could probably be upscaled to larger scales as well.

The kit contains the following parts:
- standard shipping container (19.75mm long x 13.5mm tall x 11mm wide)
- ventilated shipping container
- long shipping container (39.5mm long x 13.5mm tall x 11mm wide)
- 6 types of standard containers converted into market stands
- 8 types of container hatches


Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/09/12 11:40:56

Post by: Gitsplitta

Very clever. I like them!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/09/15 14:29:25

Post by: Malika2

Working on some ventilation system stuff, any thoughts on those?

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/09/15 14:48:45

Post by: Albertorius

The tall ones are interesting, they'd make for significantly different building profiles with the same stock, which is always nice to see

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/09/15 15:30:59

Post by: Malika2

They are inspired by Iranian windcatchers, here's a shot of them on top of one of my buildings:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/09/15 16:46:23

Post by: Albertorius

I'd say they look pretty cool

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/09/16 10:45:01

Post by: Malika2

Don't on a 3D printer, but still want my bits? I've been reaching out to some parties to distribute my designs. First of them are TapThatGames. I've sent them my entire catalog, so hopefully you'll be able to order your printed models from there soon.

But first up is the Cemetery Kit:

Available here: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1070467620/bits-blitz-cemetary-kit

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/09/18 14:55:08

Post by: Malika2

Need some civilian shuttles?

Scarab class civilian shuttle

The Scarab class civilian shuttle is designed for smallscale (6mm / 8mm) gaming, making it compatible for games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Battletech, Aeronautica Imperialis, X-Wing and others.

The kit contains the following parts:
- 3x hulls (landing gears out, landing gears in, separate landing gears)
- separate landing gears
- 2x crew members


Beetle class civilian shuttle

The Beetle class civilian shuttle is designed for smallscale (6mm / 8mm) gaming, making it compatible for games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Battletech, Aeronautica Imperialis, X-Wing and others.

The kit contains the following parts:
- 3x hulls (landing gears out, landing gears in, separate landing gears)
- 2x engines
- 3x hatches (closed, opened, crew member walking out)
- separate landing gears
- crew member


Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/09/18 16:05:52

Post by: Flinty

Nice little utility shuttles. Good work.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/09/18 16:22:20

Post by: Malika2

Thanks! Now lets hope we'll see a few of them on some landing platforms!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/09/22 15:26:02

Post by: Malika2

Still a work in progress, hoping to be able to release it in October. Don't pin me on that one though!

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/09/23 08:08:18

Post by: Malika2

New release!

Smallscale ventilation systems

These smallscale (6mm/8mm) ventilation systems were designed to be used on buildings and vehicles for games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Battletech, and Dropzone Commander. It could of course also be used for other projects and resized if needed.

The kit contains the following items:
- 21 types of ventilation systems
- 2 types of windcatchers
- 1 mechanic

Please do no share or sell these files (including prints and remixes) without my written permission.


Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/09/28 09:19:58

Post by: Malika2

Various of my items have become available on Tap That Games!

Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain Type Vending Machines


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain Type Gamma Logistics Crates


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain Type Delta Logistics Crates


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain Type Beta Transport Drums


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain Type Beta Logistics Crates


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain Type Alpha Transport Drums


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain Type Alpha Shipping Containers


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain- Type Alpha Logistics Crates


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scatter Terrain- Cacti Set


Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/09/30 16:35:45

Post by: Malika2

New WIPs:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/10/02 14:27:21

Post by: Malika2

I've been very intrigued by the concept of megastructures in space, so I've started working on a quick experiment. Note that printing this model would be impossible since it has a diameter of 1.2 meters!

Vanguard Miniatures Panthera Heavy Frigate and Spiculum Fighter added for scaling purposes.

I might have to try something smaller, but I would like to explore fleet scale terrain some more...

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/10/06 10:42:51

Post by: Malika2

The experiment continues. I've reduced the diameter to 31cm:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/10/06 15:39:04

Post by: Gitsplitta


Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/10/06 17:39:37

Post by: Malika2

It was influenced by the concept of a Bishop Ring, but yeah...this sort of structures appear in Ringworld, Halo, etc.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/10/13 09:09:22

Post by: Malika2

I'm trying out Blender...again! Hopefully this time it'll stick. At the moment I'm just using it for rendering, but eventually I should do modelling as well.

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/10/21 09:29:03

Post by: Malika2

I've been a bit quiet lately, this is mainly due to me doing various designs for Vanguard Miniatures at the moment.

But yeah, for Bits Blitz I've been working on some modular buildings. I hope to be able to release the first one by the end of the month...

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/10/22 16:39:07

Post by: Malika2

Rudolf from Grimdark Terrain donated me a Blender preset to play with to make nicer renders of my models. I'm slowly trying to learn Blender here...

Also been working on a modular apartment block, and yes...the balconies are modular:

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Rudolf from Grimdark Terrain donated me a Blender preset to play with to make nicer renders of my models. I'm slowly trying to learn Blender here...

Also been working on a modular apartment block, and yes...the balconies are modular:

Too much sanity may be madness - digital world building  @ 2021/10/23 12:41:52

Post by: Gitsplitta

Those are very cool. Love that tower!