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What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/15 15:33:08

Post by: Stormonu

As the title states, what have you been spending (or plan to spend in the short term) your gaming money of late - GW or otherwise? Feel free to discuss why you bought what you did, not just what you bought!

For me, my latest acquisitions have been threefold: I recently bought the Eldar SC. Ihave an old 2E/3E guest Eldar army, but no wraithguard and only the old metal dreadnoguht and (one) War Walker. I’m holding off on assembling the wraithguard until I feel confident I can magnetize them - I’d rather not have to buy a second or third set just for different weapon options.

Second item was a Mantic Forgefather force. I’ve always loved dwarves, but squats never interested me. The Mantic models, however, looked more in line in what I was looking for and purchasing it has got me interested in looking at their take on the 40K rules (and strongly considering giving it a go).

Third on the list was Curse of Strahd. I started my gaming life with D&D and had taken a haitus from it for a few years (to end up picking up on wargames and board games). My eldest son, who just turned 17, had recently brought over some friends he’d been DMing and had been talking up how good a DM I was to them, and talked me into running a D&D game. So I chose my favorite adventure, Ravenloft, to run them through. They’ve been enjoying it until Strahd led them into a trap and laid waste to the party. They were all flabergasted - they hadn’t expected the villian to come *after* them, and thought he’d be just like some video game end boss who’d be waiting for them at the end of the dungeon.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/15 16:04:28

Post by: Turnip Jedi

The majority of my hobby money has been going into Guild Ball

Besides being an excellent low model count game, the recent local burn out on both X-Wing and MTG means its pretty easy to get an opponent on club night as a fair number of people have picked it up

I've also been picking up and painting scenery for it as the suggested scenery rules mean the majority of 40k/AOS/WMH stuff is too chunky, and whilst my snow flocking to match my frozen pitch mat has been a bit variable I'm reasonably satisfied with it

Also been picking up Constructs for my Circle Orboros army, easy mode painting as they are more or less based scenery

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/15 16:28:35

Post by: Asmodai

Latest purchases have been various Custodes to add the new releases to my existing force and some Starfinder miniatures to represent the PCs in my game and make them standout a bit more from the pawns I use for NPCs and monsters.

Aside from Starfinder and 40K, I'm also playing in a 4e D&D campaign - but that doesn't require any new purchases.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/15 16:38:49

Post by: amazingturtles

I bought glue.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/15 17:39:28

Post by: Geifer

I bought a Darkoath Warqueen because the model is pretty and my Darkoath Chieftain was lonely.

I also made the mistake of seeing a picture of the Tomb Kings DLC for Total Warhammer II, and immediately went out and bought both...

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/15 17:54:50

Post by: amazingturtles

 Geifer wrote:
I bought a Darkoath Warqueen because the model is pretty and my Darkoath Chieftain was lonely.

I do really want the warqueen, but she is going to be best friends with my excelsior warpriest, and i don't care how nonsensical that is.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/15 18:00:19

Post by: Geifer

 amazingturtles wrote:
 Geifer wrote:
I bought a Darkoath Warqueen because the model is pretty and my Darkoath Chieftain was lonely.

I do really want the warqueen, but she is going to be best friends with my excelsior warpriest, and i don't care how nonsensical that is.

Ooh, priest and sinner buddy movie material right there. Nonsensical? Nonsense!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/15 18:10:00

Post by: BrookM

I'm in a bit of a hobby slump these days due to work and all that, though that doesn't stop one from dumping money into the hobby. My most recent purchase is a Bombshell Miniatures Betty, really love the sculpt so no harm in owning it (again).


Though at some point she'll also need a plane to fly around in, either another Thunderbolt or a Lightning for the Auxilia fleet.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/15 18:15:51

Post by: Cream Tea

My most recent purchase is an Eldar Falcon. I bought it because I had at least two of each of the other non-FW grav tanks but only one Falcon, I saw one for sale in a local game store and it was cheaper than buying from GW directly (it's a webstore exclusive for some reason).

I also recently bought an Imperial Sector box together with some friends because it's cool terrain.

Before that I bought some Fire Dragons, Baharroth, Maugan Ra, Howling Banshees and an old Warlock second hand, all metal, plus a resin Spiritseer. I prefer metal over finecast, and they were reasonably cheap.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/15 18:20:21

Post by: amazingturtles

 Geifer wrote:
 amazingturtles wrote:
 Geifer wrote:
I bought a Darkoath Warqueen because the model is pretty and my Darkoath Chieftain was lonely.

I do really want the warqueen, but she is going to be best friends with my excelsior warpriest, and i don't care how nonsensical that is.

Ooh, priest and sinner buddy movie material right there. Nonsensical? Nonsense!

Exactly! it's classic, plus they even can have an adorable pet sidekick with the gryph hound

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/15 18:33:52

Post by: bigern314

Picked up an Italeri M8/M20 1/56th model for use in Bolt Action.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/15 18:34:49

Post by: Azreal13

This thread has made me realise that almost everything I've bought so far this year has been theoretical!

I backed the Panzerfauste Spitfyre game on KS, which isn't due to fulfill for a while.

I also similarly backed the Highlander board game.

I've preordered the Ratcatchers and new strategy deck for Guild Ball to get the alt sculpt of the captain model, and I've back ordered the last model I need to finish off the Union faction.

Just about the only thing that's actually in existence is a set of tokens for my GB Morticians, and I only ordered them yesterday so I don't even have them yet.

Not to worry, the pile of shame remains spectacularly massive so I've plenty to be getting on with.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/15 18:46:54

Post by: OrlandotheTechnicoloured

Nurgle stuff from GW

Feculent Gnarlmaw (spooky tree), great value although it's noticible it's a china rather than uk produced mini

Biologous Putrifier (I'm converting a fair most the characters rather than buying them but I really like this one)

Lord Felthius & the Tainted Cohort (I need more blightlords and this grinning easy build fool and his mates fit the bill)

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/15 19:19:00

Post by: Jamie Shred

Ordered some models from w artel recently. Crusher and some alien eggs for AVP and 3 burst cannon stealth suits to bolster my existing unit.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/15 20:27:33

Post by: Captain Joystick

Local store had its anniversary so I picked up a Primaris Captain with punchy bit as well as a primaris apothecary, chaplain, and librarian. Come Saturday I'll be getting a few leftover riever arms from someone in town, and will use them to kitbash a chapter master concept I've got rolling around in my head: a counts-as Pedro Kantor or a counts-as Lysander that can be justified in an otherwise 'primaris chapter' because he's been crippled and it temporarily getting by in a modified centurion warsuit.

They'll be a different kind of 40k project for me, reverse of what I usually do. I'll build and paint them completely before I buy another marine kit.

I'm leaning towards yellow livery with white or paper-ish shoulders and a black left arm.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/15 22:17:22

Post by: Rygnan

My purchases in the last month (in reverse order) were-

A pre-order of Raven. Teen Titans in Batman are a pretty far below the curve at this point, due to a lack of selection and team rules having a negative drawback to counter their bonuses (Titans have by far the biggest drawbacks). Raven doesn't necessarily fix the biggest of these drawbacks, but gives the opponent a serious choice about what to deal with, and she can help shut down a crew that has 4-5 bodies over mine. She's also a great sculpt and puts us one step closer to the TV Titans roster (just need Beast Boy now) so that's a plus

Humvee from DishDash- This one is future proofing more than anything. BMG has vehicle rules, which are likely to be updated to 2nd edition at some point in the near future. The Humvee card I think will be great fun with Rick Flag, and when they arrive the Special Forces.

Iron Man Hulkbuster and Spider-Man- This is just finishing off a list I've had ideas for for a while, and I got the Hulkbuster super cheap so I decided to buy it for possible Marvel/DC crossover games

John Constantine, Zatanna, Jason Blood, Nightwing and the resin Commissioner Gordon starter- Catching up on releases for my Brave and the Bold, I now own everything I want from past releases. The magic guys may not see as much play in the near future, as they are a bit overpowered, but the cops especially will be making appearances in many of my lists going forward. Nightwing was a must because he is one of my favourite characters, and in game he is quite amazing (also for my Teen Titans alongside Raven)

Captain Cold, 2 of the prisoner sets and the Secret Society 3 pack (Black Manta, Professor Zoom and Killer Frost)- Started a new crew for Batman, based off of the Central City Rogues. I love all things Flash, so naturally the Rogues would be a crew I love. I'm yet to play them, but very excited to see how it goes

I also got the plastcraft prison set, but that was a birthday gift rather than a purchase for myself. I'll be using it for a Batman board, just need to finish building it. The pre-painted nature of it is really great, as I own a Knights of Dice board as well that is unpainted, but my prison is simple- build it and it's finished

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/15 22:38:38

Post by: ChargerIIC

I've bought clear plastic bases so I can rebase my Primaris force. I tested it on a biovore and really liked the effect.

I picked up a unit of Fallen in a FLGS cosignment sale.

I need to buy some tyranid stuff for an escaltion league but want to verify my 2k list first.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/15 23:18:08

Post by: carlos13th

Start collecting Skitarri box

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/16 00:12:25

Post by: thekingofkings

Iron hills dwarves and some nasier ashmen

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/16 02:08:29

Post by: Odrankt

GSC Battleforce box, 1 Old Start Collecting Tyranids, 3 Leman Russ's and 2000pts of Dark Eldar 2nd hand from a local.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/16 02:36:57

Post by: Winter

I have vowed to paint only this year, no model purchases.

So with that said, I purchased a paint of replacement paints that I needed to work on the various armies/models I have on the go.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/16 03:51:22

Post by: ZergSmasher

Latest model acquisition was a Sloppity Bilepiper for my Daemons army. I also have a new Typhus model coming in the mail soon courtesy of eBay, and possibly some other stuff that I bid on if I actually win.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/16 04:31:30

Post by: tneva82

Insulation foam, hardboard, plasticard, rods and whatnot to be used to work on terrain for our 30k games

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/16 04:38:38

Post by: Girthquake

I bought assorted 5mm D6 and 1:12 scale playing cards to do bases for Harlequins

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/16 06:45:54

Post by: Lum

I try to cut down a bit on my purchases. So far this year I only got myself a small supply drop of bits off eBay together with some DI Inceptors. Next up is going to be a box of Terminators for my Deathwatch army (which I am going to spruce up with some swapped/purchased BA/SW/DA bits as well as a pair of bionic legs from Anvil Industries for my Iron Hand Terminator), the model of Inquisitor Eisenhorn (together with the new book) and an Emperor's Champion as base for a conversion for my new Salamanders captain.
This should keep me covered for the next time, won't get anything else till these are built, yet I Already have plans for what to get further down the road (Dark Imperium for that sweet deal on Marines and some more tanks. But that is pretty far away still!)

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/16 06:52:14

Post by: Big Mac

a old catachan armour fist box(chimera and squad of catachan), I build the chimera to add to my collection and clip off the troops to my bitz box; not that I really need more IG, but it was $45, and I really wanted the old metal OOP chimera valhallan tank riders.

a outpost pythos boxset of terrains.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/16 06:55:14

Post by: Thargrim

The last thing I bought physically was the ork shadespire expansion, and I pre ordered star wars legion plus one dice pack.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/16 06:59:44

Post by: Racerguy180

most recently.

Models wise:
Ordered a rapier w laser destroyer, etb Aggressors, vidicare, combat squad Hellblasters and a FW assault cannon for razorback.

GW manufactorum and sanctum to buff out tabletop.

Various paints, glue & brushes.

in the near future
hopefully more terrain with just a couple of units and my salamanders will be done (for now).

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/16 07:31:44

Post by: Dr. Mills

Most recent?

3 steel legion plasma gun troops and 3 heavy bolter weapon teams ready for a doubles tournament in May.

Hopefully I can get them all painted in time!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/16 10:44:38

Post by: AndrewGPaul

Nuln Oil. Lots and lots of Nuln oil, to paint my titan.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/16 14:30:05

Post by: durecellrabbit

Unusually for me I betrayed my beloved horsemen armies for Late Republican Romans and their heavy infantry. Went for 15mm from Forged in Battle and Baueda.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/16 15:32:42

Post by: kronk

I just bought Dorn!!!


What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/16 15:45:29

Post by: jeff white

Methanol - 99%

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/16 15:48:15

Post by: ScootyPuffJunior

A bunch of mid war Italian stuff for FoW.

I had always intended to stick to only playing Allies in my WW2 games, but the new Italian book is awesome and I love their cute little tanks.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/16 15:57:15

Post by: Stormonu

 jeff white wrote:
Methanol - 99%

When you absoulutely, positively have to strip the paint from every miniature you own....

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/16 21:45:08

Post by: Gimgamgoo

Excitement... New Isorian Combat drone went up for sale today.
C'mon postie... :-)

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/16 21:46:44

Post by: bigern314

Bought a 4 point Viking warband for Saga, which I hope to start playing. If not I have all kinds of use for 32 Viking minis for 35 bucks.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/16 21:48:08

Post by: thekingofkings

bigern314 wrote:
Bought a 4 point Viking warband for Saga, which I hope to start playing. If not I have all kinds of use for 32 Viking minis for 35 bucks.

What vikings did you end up getting for saga?

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/16 21:50:15

Post by: Desubot

Well future me will be getting a preordered skaven shade spire team and some dice.

past me picked up some thornwood green.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/16 21:55:01

Post by: bigern314

 thekingofkings wrote:
bigern314 wrote:
Bought a 4 point Viking warband for Saga, which I hope to start playing. If not I have all kinds of use for 32 Viking minis for 35 bucks.

What vikings did you end up getting for saga?


Its 25 plus 7 bonus models according to the ad. I would have gotten it without the bonus stuff. I can use these guys in Frostgrave as well.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/16 22:55:20

Post by: thekingofkings

bigern314 wrote:
 thekingofkings wrote:
bigern314 wrote:
Bought a 4 point Viking warband for Saga, which I hope to start playing. If not I have all kinds of use for 32 Viking minis for 35 bucks.

What vikings did you end up getting for saga?


Its 25 plus 7 bonus models according to the ad. I would have gotten it without the bonus stuff. I can use these guys in Frostgrave as well.

how do those scale with LOTR/Hobbit? always looking for some good northmen

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/17 01:15:13

Post by: ncshooter426

I bought 2 more razorwing jets - bringing me up to 4.

Also bought some more mantic stuff, because I have problems. I really like KoW, and want to expand my local interest so building armies of every kind for others to use.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/17 19:59:04

Post by: privateer4hire

Got a box of Kharadron Arkanauts, Fuse card game and the Gal Gathong Romulan ship for Star Trek Attack Wing for my birthday.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/18 15:31:05

Post by: Modock

I bought several Scibor fantasy and scifi minis.
Infinity Szalamandra (gorgeous mini) and Spektr boarding shotgun for my Tunguska army.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/18 16:32:34

Post by: amazingturtles

I went and got the battle for the glades set for kings of war. I like the trident realms guys! plus they come i am assuming with more tiny otters, which is something i always need, all the time.

Have mercy on me, as a sinner, etc.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/18 17:36:40

Post by: TheDraconicLord

The Malign Portrents dice (they are so pretty!), the battle ruler and another of the Daughters of Khaine "Blood Coven" boxes.

I'm getting ready for some sweet, sweet Snake Girls.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/18 18:36:40

Post by: porkuslime

crap-tons of miniature space ships from Star Trek Attack Wing ,at a buck a pop, with cards and tokens..

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/18 22:09:15

Post by: ncshooter426

 amazingturtles wrote:
I went and got the battle for the glades set for kings of war. I like the trident realms guys! plus they come i am assuming with more tiny otters, which is something i always need, all the time.

Have mercy on me, as a sinner, etc.

Good man! Heartpiercers got better in cok18. I still tend to like ensnarers mostly though

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/18 23:55:13

Post by: Dysartes

 porkuslime wrote:
crap-tons of miniature space ships from Star Trek Attack Wing ,at a buck a pop, with cards and tokens..

Sounds like you got a good deal there.

My last purchases were yesterday - Jabba the Hutt and Alliance Rangers for Imperial Assault, a couple of paints, a drybrush, and a pre-order for Eisenhorn & the new book (Magos?).

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/19 00:11:53

Post by: amazingturtles

 ncshooter426 wrote:
 amazingturtles wrote:
I went and got the battle for the glades set for kings of war. I like the trident realms guys! plus they come i am assuming with more tiny otters, which is something i always need, all the time.

Have mercy on me, as a sinner, etc.

Good man! Heartpiercers got better in cok18. I still tend to like ensnarers mostly though

Heh, well, good woman in this case. But thanks! That is good to know about heartpiercers, i've already got some ensarers and i've been debating whether to make all of the new ones i get heartpiercers or not.

i'm not sure what i'm going to do with the abyss stuff though.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/19 11:11:46

Post by: Frankenberry

Most recent thing...probably the dnd 5.0 collection and the Arkham Horror game (I'm such a huge fan).

Model-wise I think I'm gonna order Dorn, because feth it.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/19 13:26:01

Post by: CikkCakk

A box of Stormboyz, Gretchins, Start Collecting! Orks and a Space Marine Attack Bike - to convert it to a Looted Warbuggy.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/19 16:32:45

Post by: Captain Brown

I bought a "Suppressor" [Repressor] tank upgrade from Rivetzone Enterprises and a Rhino tank for the chassis. Looks very close to the FW Repressor.



What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/19 16:56:19

Post by: Bi'ios

Ordered Dorn. Also purchased a Malifaux “Curiosity Killed the Cat” box on eBay. Spent way too much money.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/19 17:05:32

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Bought three of the Malign Portents Heralds, the supplement and Death battle tome. Will be getting Morathi and the Daughters of Khaine battle tome. It's a toss up if I get the dice. I love buying dice, but I know damn well they'll end up in the bag with a few hundred others, so I tend to convince myself not too.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/19 17:07:00

Post by: Adeptus Doritos

Lots of Mechanicus terrain.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/19 17:10:08

Post by: Huron black heart

I've definitely been overdoing it recently on the hobby spending, perhaps I'm having a mid life crisis. Anyway my most recent purchase is The Great Unclean One, but thinking about it I've bough far too much since Christmas.
And the wargaming/tabletop show season is coming up where I always buy some bits and pieces, and Salute where I buy lots of bits and pieces...

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/19 23:35:54

Post by: CragHack

Malign Portents dice, Nagash Omnibus and Malign Portents supplement book.

Planning on buying a pack of fancy Custodian spears, the FW Shield Captain, Valdor and maybe a second Achillus dread.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/20 13:57:39

Post by: carlos13th

Inquisition crusaders.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/20 14:07:16

Post by: Earth127

Dungeons and dragons stuff mainly for gaming. Some Ecoline and pencil to produce maps for that.

Purple and green paints for 40K , trying to clear some backlog of painting and building.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/20 18:09:19

Post by: Stevefamine

I bought about a $100 of supplies from http://www.greenstuffworld.com - lovely products

Bought a plastic Hive Tyrant

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/21 18:17:54

Post by: bigern314

 thekingofkings wrote:
bigern314 wrote:
 thekingofkings wrote:
bigern314 wrote:
Bought a 4 point Viking warband for Saga, which I hope to start playing. If not I have all kinds of use for 32 Viking minis for 35 bucks.

What vikings did you end up getting for saga?


Its 25 plus 7 bonus models according to the ad. I would have gotten it without the bonus stuff. I can use these guys in Frostgrave as well.

how do those scale with LOTR/Hobbit? always looking for some good northmen

Can't say, never painted any LOTR models.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/21 18:19:35

Post by: Nurglitch

Bought a box of Venomthropes/Zoanthropes under the notion that I had some spare Neurothrope bits laying around. Needless to say that I did not. Kind of wondering about what to do with it now.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/21 19:51:52

Post by: Elbows

After having almost zero leadpile...I realized I'm a couple boxes behind (mainly due to unexpected gifts and Kickstarters) so I'm not doing any hobby purchasing lately.

Might order some primer/paint, but I don't really count that.

My to-do list is longer than I'd like.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/23 16:29:51

Post by: Icculus

Finally bought the 8th edition Rulebook. Figured it may come in handy and will be able stop asking other people to use theirs.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/23 16:40:21

Post by: Stevefamine

 Icculus wrote:
Finally bought the 8th edition Rulebook. Figured it may come in handy and will be able stop asking other people to use theirs.

I still dont have an 8th rulebook, but I bought a few codexs and indexs. I just need to grab a minibook off ebay

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/23 16:42:49

Post by: GuardStrider

Bought some Late Romans for my SAGA project. My meta tried the game and liked it, and I am quite excited to start a historical side project.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/23 17:30:05

Post by: amazingturtles

I found a wizard style figure in a bargain bin, and so of course i bought it. Thes question is: do i need more wizards?

And the answer is: yes, always.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/23 19:57:14

Post by: Insectum7

Another Tactical Squad. Some will be Tactical marines, some will get Plasma Cannons and add to my Devastators, some will go beakie and become Sternguard.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/23 20:24:36

Post by: master of ordinance

Zombies and survivors for survivial games, and a section of Modern Infantry for Spectre/survival games.
They will also be good for my homebrew system I am working on.

Oh, and some Ghar walkers.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/23 20:30:58

Post by: ChargerIIC

Called my local game store, found out they had an Esienhorn in stock and 'preordered' it on the spot. I get to pick it up tomorrow. Total impulse by, but maybe I'll run a few games with him in charge instead of cypher.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/25 18:47:03

Post by: Pacific

Mostly eBay purchases - got a collection of old Epic Predators, robots/dreadnoughts (which Im using for a diorama/objective marker) and a Thunderhawk gunship. They need a bath in paintstripper but got the lot for less than 10 pounds.
Also a collection of old 2nd edition Epic ork vehicles from a very helpful guy in the Epic Space Marine facebook group.

 master of ordinance wrote:
Zombies and survivors for survivial games, and a section of Modern Infantry for Spectre/survival games.
They will also be good for my homebrew system I am working on.

Oh, and some Ghar walkers.

I don't suppose you have found any good minis that would serve as Fallout or Mad Max style raiders/bad guy gangs ?

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/25 19:04:19

Post by: Commodus Leitdorf

Slowly buying individual parts to put together the old GW plastic fortress. I got another tower and now all I need is 3 more walls and 2 more towers and I have a full fortress.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/25 21:35:45

Post by: BrookM

With the rumours buzzing about Imperial Knights coming, I've decided to pick up another Bombshell Miniatures mini, this time Raven Skye


to serve as an Imperial Scion on foot for whatever scenarios that are bound to come up whenever we kick off our campaign.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/27 15:40:17

Post by: Stormonu

I’ve. Made my March purchases, or at least started them...

Inspired by recently (re)watching Girls und Panzer, I’ve picked up a variety of German & US tanks for GF9’s Tanks game, and some 28MM scale tanks for Bolt Action (a zug of Panzer IV’s)

Likewise, picking up the Chimera Star Destroyer for SW Armada. “The Circle is now complete”

Finally, I have Devil Pig’s Black Reach (the 40K version of Heroes of Normandie) on preorder, and hopefully should be releasing this month.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/02/27 17:39:33

Post by: Valander

A crap ton of Hot Wheels for Gaslands is my most recent purchase.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/01 23:49:28

Post by: TheCustomLime

I bought an Ironclad Dreadnought today. I just wish they came with plain bases.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/01 23:51:23

Post by: Odrankt

Just bought 2000pts worth of Harlequins. My Necrons are going to kill me...

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/02 00:35:40

Post by: beezley1981

I'm working on some 30K Space Wolves. I'm not a fan of the FW upgrades, for the most part, so I bought some AOS Dwarf axes, Beastmen arms and Goblin Wolf Rider cloaks to trick out my plastic Mark III and IV Marines.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/02 02:36:39

Post by: Elbows

A new set of dice for role-playing. Woohoo.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/02 08:17:03

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Picked up Tri-City and Chem-Zone 4x4s', a pair of double-sided 6x4's, and the Forges of Mars Ltd. Ed. 6x4 mat from gamemat.eu.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/02 15:24:13

Post by: privateer4hire

 Stevefamine wrote:
 Icculus wrote:
Finally bought the 8th edition Rulebook. Figured it may come in handy and will be able stop asking other people to use theirs.

I still dont have an 8th rulebook, but I bought a few codexs and indexs. I just need to grab a minibook off ebay

What product has the minibook for 8th?
I didn't even know one existed.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/02 15:46:12

Post by: Elbows

There is not a minibook for 8th. Doesn't exist, at least yet.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/02 16:01:11

Post by: ChargerIIC

Found I could create a 4th Ravener form the 3 raveners box's leftoverbit. Buying a metal ravener and another box to get myself a cool nine.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Elbows wrote:
There is not a minibook for 8th. Doesn't exist, at least yet.

Isn't the battle primer (both digital and the printed one in the DI box) a mini-rulebook? 9 pages, small size?

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/04 04:01:24

Post by: Smokestack

I bought a box of AoS Witches, a Blood coven and Yvraine (for a hag conversion). Still want to get Morathi, some warlocks and all the new Daughters of Khain snake and harpy ladies..

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/11 23:47:13

Post by: Flood

Terminator Genysis game (River Horse), a second AvP game set (Prodos).
Yes I am planning to play Aliens vs Predators vs Terminators.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/12 01:15:07

Post by: Elbows

ChargerIIC, late reply - but yes the battle primer is the tiny 10-page PDF for free, but that only includes basic rules on how to play and doesn't include any of the information on:

-How to build your army
-Detachment types and CP bonuses
-Open War missions and special rules
-Narrative missions and special rules
-Matched play rules and missions
-Matched play tactical objective tables (the card deck, but in the book)
-Matched play deployment zones
-General rules for basic Warlord Traits and generic stratagems for use in the game, etc.

So the "rules of play" are not the only thing you'd want in a proper miniature rulebook. I was hoping the smaller starter boxes would have the above info but without the 150+ pages of fluff/narrative...nope.

On topic; picked up five Space Marine bikes on sprue, and a Shadespire Skeleton box for my dungeon crawls.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/12 08:35:31

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Another order to gamemat.eu, this time picking up the Highlands of War, some Sands of Time, some Tales of Mars, plus the Highlands and the Badlands.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/12 12:54:14

Post by: Elbows

I wish I could afford that many mats. I feel a bit spoiled and I have...three, lol. (honestly I'd like maybe two more).

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/12 14:53:34

Post by: ServiceGames

AoS... recently finished buying the needed models for a 2000 point Beastclaw Raiders list.

Also bought the Master Grade RX-78-02 The Origin version and the High Grade RX-178 Gundam Mk II Titans version to feed my Gundam model addiction.


What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/12 14:58:41

Post by: ChargerIIC

Got my GreenstuffWorld order in - surprisingly fast shipping from Spain - although the tracking website is pretty useless (ES Spanish only and no tracking once it hits US Shores, despite there being a USPS tracking number on the package)

Very happy with the Roll Maker and it's ability to add tentacles to what I want. Looks like my nids are getting a few extra limbs.

Also bought another hive tyrant. I'm not certain why, but he looks nice when assembled.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/12 18:09:48

Post by: edbradders

I've been buying a lot of WW2 stuff recently for bolt action and chain of command plus I've bought a bit of terrain

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/12 19:09:36

Post by: DarkTraveler777

My tax return arrived and I allowed myself a small splurge.

Picked up FFG's Fallout board game, a Panzerfauste bundle including some Orcs, Dwarves, Gnomes and undead and this guy from TTCombat:

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/12 19:27:45

Post by: Rybrook

I bought a pair of leman russ Las cannons for my Terminus Ultra to allow it to fire straight ahead. Found some triple las sponson pics on the net looks ace.

Army painter mega brush set and 10 mk4 backpacks (calth box) to keep the 2nd ed look

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/12 19:34:24

Post by: amazingturtles

 DarkTraveler777 wrote:
My tax return arrived and I allowed myself a small splurge.

Picked up FFG's Fallout board game, a Panzerfauste bundle including some Orcs, Dwarves, Gnomes and undead and this guy from TTCombat:

Dang, that is neat looking.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/12 20:15:29

Post by: DarkTraveler777

 amazingturtles wrote:
 DarkTraveler777 wrote:
My tax return arrived and I allowed myself a small splurge.

Picked up FFG's Fallout board game, a Panzerfauste bundle including some Orcs, Dwarves, Gnomes and undead and this guy from TTCombat:


Dang, that is neat looking.

It is big too. Got the hull assembled and have no clue how I am going to store the darn thing! It is a good problem to have.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/12 23:35:59

Post by: Pacific

That is pretty mental !

Is that going to be a rusted out hulk for something post-apoc?

Also, what do you think of the Fallout boardgame? Been thinking of getting it

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/13 15:58:00

Post by: DarkTraveler777

 Pacific wrote:
That is pretty mental !

Is that going to be a rusted out hulk for something post-apoc?

Yes indeed!

It is shaping up to be a floating apartment complex/market place. I have the hull made and I am working on the docks and supporting structures which will hold the residences and attach to the sides of the ship. Right now it is a jumble of MDF and plasticard.

 Pacific wrote:
Also, what do you think of the Fallout boardgame? Been thinking of getting it

Haven't had the pleasure of trying it yet. Meeting with some friends next weekend to give it a shot, though!. The contents are gorgeous and the miniatures are pretty fun. A little on the heroic scale (big heads and hands) but otherwise look like they will paint up quite nicely!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/13 16:19:44

Post by: Anpu-adom

Blood Angels Codex for my son.
Vallejo Air Silver as a basecoat for my orks.
And an order of Forgebane... Necron Codex soon after.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/13 16:33:34

Post by: Lazzamore

One of those Winged Nazgul kits, that I will convert into an Orruk Wyvern-boss. Also, took me a lot of saving and deliberation, but I decided to buy a Battlefoam case for my 40k orks. As a matter of fact, I have a picture:

[Thumb - Case.JPG]

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/13 16:37:33

Post by: Captain Brown

Bought a SM Rhino to serve as the hull for a Repressor.



What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/13 16:44:34

Post by: RiderOrk

weirdboy because da jump (i hate resin)
box o boyz because orkz iz boyz
orks sc because we need mur boyz and i needed a nob with waaaagh banner so I made one out of there and i needed a painboy and i love the deff dread/killa kans (eben if they are bad)
some stormboyz because boyz

Boyz because boyz iz mean
a carrying case to haul my boyz

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/14 00:34:23

Post by: Mattlov

I bought Archaon. Because I wanted to. I don't even play Chaos.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/14 01:38:47

Post by: ZergSmasher

My most recent purchases are a used Space Wolves Rhino and Stormfang from the used model bin at my FLGS. The Rhino has the Forge World SW doors on it, but wierdly it seems to have started life as a Chaos Rhino based on the fact that there are stumps of spikes and a demon-faced shoulder pad on the gunner.

Also recent, I purchased a Tau bits lot on eBay for $20. When it gets here, I'll see what all is there, but I know from the pics that there are enough parts to make a few drones and even some more Fire Warriors, plus battlesuit weapons, hence why I grabbed it.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/14 09:15:52

Post by: Dysartes

Last model purchases were at WHW, I think - Gor Halfhorn, Necro Hired Guns, Bugman with Stool and a plastic Dwarf Lord on a stool, plus some mugs and ancillaries.

Last hobby purchase would be an Army Painter tank brush at the weekend - I have an AT-ST to paint, after all.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/14 10:53:12

Post by: sqir666

I just found a couple of really good deals for DzC, first deal was a 2 player starter with an additional UCM starter and the second deal was all of the books with a few Scourge models.

Since one of my LGSes is having a sale, I ended up picking up a second Scourge starter, General Wade and some Scourge Prowlers.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/14 20:12:33

Post by: Easy E

This would be awesome for games of Black Ops.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/15 10:52:09

Post by: Rybrook

Found a great deal on the bay and had to snap it up,
1998 3rd edition space marine battleforce unused and boxed, rrp back then was £49.99, got this for £60 and free postage

Bargain, now can make elites to bolster my detachments when I figure them out.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/15 14:46:37

Post by: Elbows

Whoa, that is a really damn good deal.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/15 16:37:20

Post by: ChargerIIC

Bought a Dark Talon. I'm now 1 fighter away from my air support detachment...

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/15 16:38:14

Post by: Kanluwen

A set of Sniper Drones to fill out a potential Brigade down the road.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/16 01:46:59

Post by: CragHack

4x4 Zone Mortalis. Because, why not. I've been fancying about it for the last 2 or 3 years and having sold all my guard and other bits on ebay, I earned quite a spare penny.
x2 containment tanks - never know when those will go out of print! Plus, they will look awesome.
Custodes Shield Captain - he's a pretty one.
Set of instant death and melta spears - gotta collect them all.
Burning of Prospero - needed more Custodes. Marines always sell well.
Forgebane - after selling everything but the Knights, I will end up having both Knights for free

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/16 20:25:30

Post by: Rybrook

Just bought some crux terminatus shoulder pads for the battleforce, hopefully it turns up soon

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/16 21:24:21

Post by: TheAuldGrump

Added this to my Bones IV KS pledge -

Honestly, it was for the flail snail....

The Auld Grump

*EDIT* Added Spoiler, because big damn image....

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/16 21:33:13

Post by: lord_blackfang

I've probably amassed north of 50 Hot Wheels cars in the last month for Gaslands.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/16 21:57:15

Post by: thekingofkings

LOTR and mithril minis, lots

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/16 22:09:47

Post by: Easy E

 TheAuldGrump wrote:
Added this to my Bones IV KS pledge -

Honestly, it was for the flail snail....

The Auld Grump

*EDIT* Added Spoiler, because big damn image....

The Chaos Toad Brawler, the Penguins, the Giant Maggots all had my attention..... but then to spoil me with a Flail Snail too! Too much.

I recently bought a basic Cigar Box Studios field mat. The exciting thing was I spent money I had made selling wargames online!


What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/16 22:51:13

Post by: Azreal13

Rookie Ghast

Rookie Zarola

Not to use as Rookies in Guild Ball (kinda needs a structured league week to week for those to work) but as alternate models I genuinely prefer to their original counterparts.

Plus I've spent £15 on bloody varnish in the last week.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/16 23:22:26

Post by: Nostromodamus

Just dumped more than I’d like to admit on Bones 4 PM.

Also found a sweet deal on some Warlord Napoleonics to bolster my Brits.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/17 00:13:33

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Gonna get Forge Bane (and the second Quest box GW put out) as soon as my resident discounter puts it up on sale.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/17 16:57:46

Post by: ZergSmasher

Picked up the old metal Kharn the Betrayer model cheap from my FLGS discount bin. I still hope to pick up the nice plastic one at some point, but this will do for now. I'm also figuring on picking up my preordered Codex: T'au Empire today.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/17 18:59:17

Post by: xKillGorex

This week had some minis from spectre miniatures to boost my ranger force and a mixture of mena and insurgent guys.
Need a few more rangers, a couple of Humvees and maybe a Blackhawk to boot.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/17 19:18:43

Post by: leopard

some 15mm Normans from Essex Miniatures, arrived about two days later as well so cannot fault it

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/17 22:59:47

Post by: amazingturtles

I just got the GW five skeleton box? the cheap one, i think it's normally ten dollars but i got it for a buck out of a bargain bin.

They're chunky skellingtons, and i kind of love them, more than the modern ones. So much more. I have terrible taste. I want more.

Everyone give me your chunky happy skeletons.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/18 00:16:37

Post by: totalfailure

I picked up the Fallen Frontiers starter from the Scale 75 US shop; it and the rest of the FF stuff they still have is on sale there right now in the Deal Bin. The base game was $60 instead of $100...

I know the game is going nowhere, but they are nice minis, and the game is alright, too. I know Scale 75 has a bad rep for the way they've handled some things on their Kickstarters, and so on. But I got good service from their shopify store this time.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/18 18:35:57

Post by: stroller

Kallistra 28mm trench pieces from a quiet Wolverhampton wargames fair. (Snow). Plans for WW1/WW2/modern/Fantasy/40K/Starship troopers/other use.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/18 22:43:47

Post by: Bellerophon

I've been trying to reduce my spending while I work through some of my backlog. I tried to resist Eisenhorn, I really did. On release day, the FLGS I usually web order from went out of stock, GW's website went out of stock and I thought I was good. Then I checked the website of the FLGS near me - and saw that they still had several.

So the next day I just had to go in and buy him - and ended up picking up a Falcon and a Wave Serpent while I was there. Nice resolve to not buy anything, that.

In the few weeks since then I've managed to resist buying more models, though I did end up buying about 15 Vallejo paints in a store that had them on offer.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/21 10:47:06

Post by: Rybrook

Bought shadow war, rules counters and templates and a bargain steel legion squad

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/21 11:22:48

Post by: Dysartes

Steel Legion? Nice.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/21 13:03:50

Post by: Rybrook

Yes £16 on eBay unpainted

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/25 08:08:30

Post by: BrookM

After two months of moderate spending, I finally had an afternoon off on Friday to visit the FLGS and pick up stuff he was holding for me. White Dwarf January to March, codex: Adeptus Custodes and Chapter Approved 2017. I was also hoping to pick up Forgebane, but well.. his sales rep from GW is being difficult again, with no telling when he'll be getting them.

Also wound up visiting the local GW store and picking up a Sly Marbo and box of Black Library postcards, the stuff my FLGS can't or won't stock, so no sour looks.

Last night after a day of deliberation I decided to cave and order Forgebane, along with Titan's Bane, a box of Ogryn and 40mm bases directly from GW with express shipping, so it should be here on Wednesday.

That should be me, until the Imperial Knight codex and assorted kits go up for pre-order.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/25 08:47:41

Post by: Zillian

A can of Chaos Black and a couple of brushes. Technically, that doesn't violate my no new mini policy. Now that the weather is getting cooler I can start painting in my room again. Painting should not be a sweaty activity lol.

I actually spent some time on my Deathwatch flyer this afternoon, adding the final highlights. Nearly finished, finally!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/25 14:41:16

Post by: deathwinguk

I recently bought First Strike and Codex Space Marines after a 25 (!) year break from WH40K.

I'm now considering getting the Start Collecting! Space Marines box and Adeptus Astartes Dice.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/25 14:49:16

Post by: niall78

Eighteen metal Perry American War of Independence cavalry for Black Powder.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/25 14:51:47

Post by: AegisGrimm

Recently picked up a single Orruk Gore-Grunta for use with some skirmish gaming, to be the big monster in my Orc warband. Gaming bugets are insanely limited in my house right now, we just built a new house and are fighting through the circus of selling the old one.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/25 20:22:23

Post by: thekingofkings

just grabbed some more Prepainted plastic Confrontation Rams and some LOTR models from Mithril.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/25 20:38:00

Post by: phillv85

2 boxes of E2B aggressors
2 boxes of regular aggressors
2 boxes of intercessors
1 box of reivers
1 box of ballplayers
1 E2B redemptor dread
1 primaris chaplain
1 primaris apothecary

A few paints and undercoat and a couple of brushes. All going to be painted as Crimson Fists.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/26 06:53:39

Post by: Stormonu

I am drowning in miniatures!

Just painted up some of the items I'd bought recently 3 (commander) not-Tau Crisis Suits, 3 Panzer IV's, an e-bay Tau Devilfish and an Eldar War Walker from my SC Eldar box (I'm still too frightened to put the Wraithguard together, magnetized). At the least, my ENTIRE Tau army is (was) painted now!

To celebrate, I bought a SC Tau box, Forgebane, a Pac 38 & Pac 40, a King Tiger and a M8 Priest for Bolt Action, as well as half a dozen 1/100 tanks for Tanks! I guess I don't learn...

As an aside, my brother just got in Rising Sun (the store ordered a KS copy and he bought it), and it's a damn gorgeous game and helluva fun to boot.

Also, Black Reach should be releasing soon, been waiting on it since January. At least I don't have to paint it...

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/26 06:55:18

Post by: AnomanderRake

Finally found some people playing Infinity and went slightly mad expanding and updating those armies, the new Hospitalliers and the Montesa Knight out of the ASA starter are the newest things on my painting table.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/26 07:07:43

Post by: techsoldaten

Recently purchased a lot of Grey Knights and Deathwatch stuff off eBay.

3 Dreadknights, 2 Strike Squads, Voldus, 2 Kill Teams, 2 Corvus Blackstars, and a Watchmaster.

This all stems from a lot I purchased a few months ago. I picked up a very incomplete Inquisition army and needed to fill in the gaps. Currently painting a ton of GK Terminators.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/26 10:07:51

Post by: Rygnan

Over the weekend, I bought Rick Flag for my Brave and the Bold crew, so I now have everything I want for that crew, until new releases arrive. My other crew, the Central City Rogues (ran as a Mr Freeze crew led by Captain Cold), I only really want one more box (the Suicide Squad 3 pack) so Batman spending is down pretty low. Malifaux, on the other hand, are coming out with a few new models that I really want for my crews. The Easter special Viktorias are going to replace my current ones, as they're gorgeous, and upcoming releases contain Marlena Webster and the Freikorps Engineer, both of which are vital to some of my lists (Marlena for Viks and Misaki, Engineer for Von Schill)

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/26 11:10:36

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Got someone in the UK picking up this guy and this guy for me.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/27 03:06:52

Post by: Kelligula

I bought Dark Imperium and some easy to build Primaris. Painting has been a joy, having to choose one scheme has not. Would like to get some Tyranids and Scions as well as more Marines eventually. No idea what I'm going to do with these Death Guard though.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/27 04:39:02

Post by: Sqorgar

After spring break home with the kids, I lost all willpower available to me and went on a shopping spree.

Bought three warbands for Shadespire. I initially played the game and didn't care for it very much. I gave it another chance after Adepticon basically announced a second season. Turns out that it still isn't what I wanted, but I do actually really like what it is. Expectations can really cloud your opinions sometimes. With my wife also liking the game, it seemed like a perfect excuse to get some more warbands. I've been wanting to paint some Ironjawz and Fyreslayers since forever.

With Runewars all but dead, the prices are at rock bottom, and I couldn't resist picking up two Uthuk Y'llan army boxes, and a few unit boxes. The game may be dying, but I've got a new army to play and I'm looking forward to it. I also use the figures to keep me painting. Sometimes, I get intimidated by a fancy new model and I get stuck. It helps to have some mediocre models that don't require a big effort to paint, just to keep moving. I've also been using them for experimentation, and thanks to them, I now have a better appreciation of colored spray primers and wet palettes.

Finally, I got a really good deal on the Dark Souls board game. It got a lot of hate online, but the miniatures are neat and the deal was too tempting. Haven't finished a full run yet, but I really like the programmed movement and boss fights. My 9 year old daughter is a HUGE fan of Bloodborne (please don't confiscate my "Father of the Year" award), so I'm hoping I can convince her to play Dark Souls with me.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/27 05:40:57

Post by: Egyptian Space Zombie


I also got some tomb swarms off ebay for my Tomb Kings. There was a shipping mistake as well and I ended up getting a free Tesseract Vault NIB. I tried to do the right thing and return it but shipping would've cost the guy more than the kit. I'm happy with the free model, but I think it's an ugly kit.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/27 05:45:19

Post by: TheCustomLime

Bought a couple boxes of Empire archers and Warpriest for my Empire/GA:O force. Just need a Steam Tank, one of those big ol' war wagons and some more Greatswords and I can finally call the army done for now.

The Empire army is probably the most expensive in my collection. 20 Light infantry and a character for ~$70 after tax? Jeez. It's a good thing I find them to be some of my favorite GW miniatures!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/27 06:35:28

Post by: Racerguy180


What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/27 08:28:06

Post by: Rybrook

An extra 6 Steel Legion figures, will be hacked up to make long las snipers and a couple of flamers. Then I can play shadow war with my eldest


Forgot the metal terminator captain to make captain invictus with plasma blaster to lead the 1st company or what’s left of it

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/27 09:26:20

Post by: niall78

niall78 wrote:
Eighteen metal Perry American War of Independence cavalry for Black Powder.

And I just noticed Warlord have a 33% sale on core boxes. So three more Hessian battalions are on the way. I also picked up a Perry plastic British and Continental battalion box each as I've read they come with lots of flags - something I'm having issues with.

Those orders kind of equal the work done since Christmas. So back to square one.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/27 16:44:12

Post by: Stormonu

Egyptian Space Zombie wrote:Forgebane.

I also got some tomb swarms off ebay for my Tomb Kings. There was a shipping mistake as well and I ended up getting a free Tesseract Vault NIB. I tried to do the right thing and return it but shipping would've cost the guy more than the kit. I'm happy with the free model, but I think it's an ugly kit.

Racerguy180 wrote:forgebane

My own copy of Forgebane just arrived as well. Unfortunately, due to my wacky work schedule this week, I won’t be able to get to it for a couple days. I am, however, looking forward to getting the Armigers together and see if I can get in a game with them and my night (And maybe some Dradnoughts and/or Sentinels to fill ou the remainder of the list).

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/27 18:50:09

Post by: Elbows

Put myself on restriction recently...so, five Space Marine bikes on sprue was all I've purchased. I can't do anything with them since I need bits to convert them...but it's something.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/27 19:40:24

Post by: Talizvar

Went to a gaming convention recently that had a bring and buy.

I bought:
- A Warlords resin "Police Box" (28mm) now to find the favored Doctor.
- A bunch of IG/AM heavy weapon teams (3 LC, 3 AC) that were reasonably assembled.
- AD&D Ruins of Myth Drannor module for... research for 5e adaptation.
- A ton of lasercut HDF (25mm, 30mm, 40mm, 50mm, 60mm) disks and hexes (B-tech / RRT).
- Dice, 2 RPG sets (1 huge, think D20 is 2" across) and a dice tower.
- The starter Scions 40k box set.

It was a bit of a strange collection but it appears my children have fully embraced their inner geeks and I am being pulled in 3 different directions in hobby madness.
May have to buy another starter set before my youngest son paints another "classic" BT marine yellow and green with the cross molded on... those add-on kits are expensive.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/27 19:55:04

Post by: Whazgog Da Despot

IG Basilisk (been waiting for the resupply for ages)
Ork Stormboyz because Boyz + Firework/Assorted Missile Jetpacks = WAAAGH Levels of fun and hilarity. I've had my eyes on these models for a long time and will prob. get more.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/27 20:15:24

Post by: gianlucafiorentini123

Picked up a Harry the Hammer cheap on ebay, always loved that mini but never picked on up at the time.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/27 21:04:32

Post by: LunaWolvesLoyalist

6 Drop pods, Xiphon Interceptor, 40 mk4 Marines, 10 Mk3 Marines, 10 Justarians, and various bits to build my dream army for 30k.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/28 03:47:04

Post by: ZergSmasher

Picked up some Primaris Inceptors and Asmodai while I was at Adepticon, for a nice discount. Also ordered a couple of left-side dreadnought lascannons from Forge World to make a couple of Mortis Dreadnoughts.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/28 04:30:49

Post by: Girthquake

150 grots and 15 koptas

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/28 11:41:51

Post by: Sarigar

Star Wars Legion boxset.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/28 13:42:16

Post by: Turnip Jedi

A copy of the Guildball starter in the SFG sale, because having painted 3 mini's this week I had to add a dozen to the pile 'o' shame

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/28 14:09:01

Post by: Tamwulf

Just got back from Adepticon, and well, I wish I had stock in Forge World.

I now have the core of a pretty good sized Horus Heresy 30K Imperial Fist army.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/28 21:32:46

Post by: Jamie Shred

Codex necrons and an extra tau cadre fireblade

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/28 21:36:58

Post by: Galef

Just bought a very small collection of Necrons: 10 Warriors, 6 Scarabs, 3 Destoyers and an Overlord.
Just enough to play a ~500pt army for my son to get hooked on 40K. I also converted 4 additional Destroyers for him to paint himself.

We now have ~500-700 pts armies for Necrons, Marines and Chaos Marines, and of course my Eldar to play small "index-only" games at home.


What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/29 19:47:49

Post by: deathwinguk

Just picked up a GW tape measure and set of Adeptus Astartes Dice from my local store

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/29 20:29:15

Post by: UnstableDominus

Knight of Shrouds and Tomb Banshee for AoS.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/29 21:13:18

Post by: Elbows

The necessary purchase lately was 140+ odd bases from Renedra. Sadly can't clear my hobby queue if I can't base my models. Only $30-35 shipped though, and I can now get some stuff cleared out.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/30 00:02:47

Post by: Generalstoner

20 AdMech electropriests.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/30 02:34:13

Post by: Kommisar

a couple oop metal gw models I found at adepticon, a bunch of dark elder stuff and a Russia cast leviathan dreadnought

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/30 15:05:55

Post by: ChargerIIC

My son will be attending a painting day with me so I dropped by the store an picked up a star wars legion speeder for $20. It's more than I would normally spend, but he keeps trying to get ahold of my flyers and I'm hoping giving him one of my own will keep him out of my collection.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/30 17:43:58

Post by: xKillGorex

Just had a few days away for Easter with the family up to Sherwood Forest and made the long time wanted trip to warhammer world. Didn’t actually load up on stuff but did get the Joseph bugman mini, music of warhammer world cd, plus the exhibition book for some ideas.

Not really dipped in to too much gw for the last few years but damn after that trip it’s got me gripped again. Oh and grabbed to coins while there too.

Ps plus some of the pigments from forge world too, haven’t used any of theirs yet plus some of the colours looked pretty good. Sadly had to leave the thunderhawk on the shelf. But on the bright side I still have a scout Titan sat in its box waiting to be built.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/30 18:42:56

Post by: Dr. Mills

Latest purchase was 3 Steel legion heavy bolter teams for a tournament in May.

Didn't really want to, but due to the rules in place I had to use them to field a legal army.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/30 21:15:39

Post by: Rybrook

3 resin bike bases
2 melt guns
30 6mm glass paint agitators

Also will be reacquiring the AoBR box set, and a mk3 LR that I stashed away 10 years ago and hopefully another vintage undercoat should be skull white.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/03/31 14:07:01

Post by: infinite_array

Ended up buying into Gangs of Rome. Bought Fighters Tertius, Quartus, Quintus, Nonus, and Decimus, along with Secundus Dominus. The store owner threw in a free Barca miniature for running demo games and bringing people into the store,

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/02 02:55:00

Post by: ZergSmasher

Just picked up a Coldstar and some more Pathfinders for my Tau. I've also ordered the Easy-to-build Primaris Redemptor Dread and a box of scouts from a seller on eBay, but for some reason they are taking their sweet time to ship.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/02 06:27:51

Post by: squilverine

Had a bit of a splurge yesterday. Picked up a Great Unclean One, a start collecting Nurgle Deamons box, a beast of Nurgle, a Sloppity Bile Piper, Typhon and the Deamons codex and data cards

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/02 11:04:59

Post by: Dysartes

Ordered some plain lipped bases yesterday (30mm and 40mm), along with Veteran Captain Salt for Guild Ball.

Ordered a Tech-Priest Dominus from Forgebane off eBay today, along with some Necromunda bases (and the new WD) from my LGS.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/02 19:21:08

Post by: Pacific

I bought the ForgeWorld World Eaters decal sheet for using on some Epic vehicles (the 'shoulder pad' icons at 28mm will fit the side of a lot of vehicles perfectly). A slightly painful £16, although it should stretch some way and I also got a free FW catalogue, so I can continue to tempt myself with Necromunda (know my resistance is going to crumble eventually..). Also got some old Khorne/Chaos decals for a much more reasonable £5 off the 'Bay, going to mix in a few of these with the 'loyalist' World Eater decals to show that the Legion has just started on the dark path..

Finally got a good amount of 6mm scale Dreadnoughts, Hop-Splat and Zzzapp guns for my Epic Bad Moons for a ridiculously low price, again off Ebay.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/02 20:06:13

Post by: notprop

I bought a bag of skimming plaster, a bucket, a trowel and then ordered a 4ft square table.

Phase 1 of dream gaming den is activated.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/02 21:59:26

Post by: H.B.M.C.

A second basic Event Deck for Warhammer Quest. May not seem like much, but it has a bunch of blank event cards in there. Very useful.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/03 08:30:37

Post by: inflatablefriend

The Eisenhorn figure, some psykers and the IG regimental advisors. Thinking about at IG force but the standard guard model puts me off.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/05 09:25:50

Post by: Rybrook

Bought a commissar for my Steel Legion, it’s the bare face one that is the same as the SL version without the mask, possibly a green stuff conversion me thinks.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/05 10:05:27

Post by: NH Gunsmith

Well, I just started my journey into Kings of War. I spent a few months deciding on what to get for an army, but decided on playing Mongols from the historics rulebook since that also allows me to use some "mythic" elements like giants and wizards as well. I bought the rulebook a few days ago, and bought the first model for the army today.

I bought the model I will be using as my incarnation of the Mongolian god of war (Daichin Tengri)(my Giant), since it will be coming from Italy and is the single most expensive model in the army. It really wasn't too expensive for a 75mm metal model (45 USD converted), but the shipping was half as expensive as the model itself (27 Euros). Still, totally worth it.

I thought it would be fun to build a Mongol army that also has a wizard (will be used as a Mongol shaman), to incorporate some more of the Mongolion mythology and mysticism into an army that will mainly be fighting KoW Fantasy armies. But, here are some pictures of the model (from the Pegaso Models website). I am probably going to have to green stuff the areas where the bow and quiver mount to the model since KoW giants don't have ranged attacks.

[Thumb - b2b_PEG_75-128_1.jpg]
[Thumb - b2b_PEG_75-128_2.jpg]
[Thumb - b2b_PEG_75-128_3.jpg]
[Thumb - b2b_PEG_75-128_4.jpg]

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/05 15:52:26

Post by: ChargerIIC

I did it and bought Black 2.0. I'm skeptical after seeing the paint itself, but will give it a try and see if I can add a little void to my Nephilim.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/06 05:59:41

Post by: Odrankt

Bought myself 3000pts of Harlequins about 2 days ago and going to be buying a Necron Tesseract Vault Tomorrow.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/06 14:42:49

Post by: Crispy78

Picked up one of the outgoing Start Collecting Dark Eldar boxes before they go out of stock.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/06 15:39:26

Post by: GuardStrider

Bought around 30 sisters of battle and 5 Seraphims quite cheaply 2nd hand, guess now I will become a sister player once the plastic line hits.

Also on a tangent, the old sculpts are quite more lovely than they look like in GW store

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/06 17:29:59

Post by: leopard

Ebay of an old Ork Weirdboy, because I prefer metal to finecast

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/06 19:15:41

Post by: Stevefamine

- Glues, paints, the normal upkeep
- Vacuum Chamber, returned the last one and upgraded to a 5 gallon
- Wrong Eye and Snapjaw
- Smooth-Cast 320 / 321
- Rare earth magnets

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/07 06:56:59

Post by: squilverine

I ordered about 20 pots of paid t from GW which arrived yesterday. Just in time to spend a rainy Saturday holed up in my hobby room

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/07 16:19:13

Post by: Emerald

I just purchased 5 boxes of Custodes and 3 boxes of Tempestus for my new 40k army!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/07 17:24:45

Post by: timetowaste85

Um...my wife bought me Mortarion a month and a half ago. Does that count?
Oh, and more paint like every week. I think my wife intends to own every paint color GW makes!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/07 21:15:53

Post by: notprop

Mechanicus half of a Forgebane box.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/08 00:09:29

Post by: Rygnan

Picked up Green Lantern yesterday for my Justice League, if only because I don't need anything else for my Brave and the Bold
Now I want Aquaman, Martian Manhunter and Doctor Fate to go with them, and I have a fully unpainted Rogues crew for BMG too

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/08 00:10:33

Post by: Racerguy180

forgebane, Admech start collecting, land raider helios, Damocles command rhino, & tarantula w heavy bolters

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/08 05:28:43

Post by: ZergSmasher

Just bought (used from a friend) my first Forgeworld model, a Tau XV109 Y'vahra.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/08 07:02:00

Post by: Stormonu

I was planning to wait, but ended up picking up Star Wars Legion today. It llooks like the (Bandai) AT-ST model I picked up a few weeks ago is about the right size (1/48) for this game, so I might use it.

Also picked up a really cheap copy of Betrayal At Calth for my son - cheaper than an SC box - he's in the midst of Chaosifying the models.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/08 08:49:36

Post by: BrookM

Some paints, an audio drama and the latest White Dwarf, excellent supplies for a two week (fingers crossed) leave of work.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/08 16:00:57

Post by: Bi'ios

3 Imperial Knights. Well, 2 plus a Forge World Cerastus Knight. Apparently I’m a masochist

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/08 18:16:41

Post by: Azreal13

The Gaslands rule book
Some FW paint before it disappears forever and feths me over half way through an army
Some Imperial Knight bases because I've got two to build that have been in storage for a while and the bases seem to have wandered off.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/11 12:13:43

Post by: Commodus Leitdorf

Gaming store near me had a damaged box of Stormcast Liberators that was discounted as a result so I bought it.

I've been looking for an excuse to put together a 1000pt force....guess this is it then!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/12 18:40:05

Post by: Rybrook

Just paid for a Base-0 big bundle from Systema Gaming

Will be laser cut over the weekend and hopefully receive before the end of next week, then start my shadow war campaign

Next on the list will be a rubber backed 4'x4' mat

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/12 18:46:54

Post by: Elbows

A simple Minotaur figure from the Mythic Battles game, picked up on eBay. Going to sell off my Massive Darkness one to replace it.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/12 20:28:28

Post by: TheCustomLime

Some German Grenadiers, a Flamethrower/Panzershreck team and a Armies of Germany book for Bolt Action. I need to make some assault pioneers to flush out the stubborn Amis/Ivan/Tomis.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/12 20:33:22

Post by: skycapt44

Scythe, check it out. Great board game

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/12 22:00:04

Post by: leopard

DBMM 2.1 rulebook and Book 3 army lists

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/14 20:17:54

Post by: complex57

I just got back from Miniature Market's 'Garage Sale' and managed to snag:
1) Daughters of Khaine Melusai box ($5)
2) Wood Elf Glad Guard box ($5)
3) Shadespire Dwarf Gang ($5)
4) Rune Wars Reanimate Archers box ($5)
5) 4 different M.E.R.C.s gangs - 10 mins a box for $5 a box

Not a bad haul for $40.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/16 04:54:37

Post by: ZergSmasher

Just bought a second Riptide for my Tau, and I ordered another Dreadnought for my Dark Angels.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/16 05:15:25

Post by: Egyptian Space Zombie

My wife got me another Necron half of the Forgebane box. She wanted to get me a Triumvirate of the Imperium box too but I told her to hold off. My pile of unpainted stuff is getting to be too big. I think my next purchase is an airbrush. Even if I just do the base coat, it would save a ton of time. Also base coating is the most boring part of painting, but if you do a bad job it ruins the model.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/16 05:55:18

Post by: Captain Brown

Just received a Seraphim Sister Superior I thought lost in the post. But it arrived and the seller got a nice surprise of payment in full for something we both had figured had either been sent to the wrong address or lost by the post. The parcel was pretty flat, but the blister pack saved the figure.



What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/16 06:00:14

Post by: Kelligula

Astra Militarum, Scions, and Drukhari start collecting. I have a lot of free time these days. Also bought the Drukhari codex and found it to be enjoyable. Such an edgy and over the top race...

I want to finish painting more of my Primaris, but I keep going back and forth between Ultramarines and Dark Angels and I can't make up my mind.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/16 18:16:38

Post by: master of ordinance

So, uh, I just purchased a load of Robogear mechs....

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/16 19:25:21

Post by: ChargerIIC

FInally found some nice clear bases for my Dark Angels Flyers. Just in time for a massive point increase :p

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/17 22:02:14

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Plastic Tech-Priest Enginseer and a Lord of Blights.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/18 07:36:18

Post by: BrookM

A pair of novels, Cadia Stands! and the awesomely titled CRUSADE + other stories. Hey, it's €7,- for 13 short stories.

Also some paints.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/18 09:04:49

Post by: Sarigar

Movement trays from folks selling on Etsy.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/19 04:15:45

Post by: Breotan

Drukhari codex and cards. 3rd party Inquisition vehicle icons.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/19 13:52:28

Post by: Talizvar

A bunch of polystyrene bits to magnet-up an Imperial Knight and for terrain details.
Scrap-booking gears from Michaels for detail on a manufactorium ruin.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/19 13:56:09

Post by: Boss Salvage

Against my better judgement, another 10 Flesh Eaters from Raging Heroes

But before that I got a great deal on a MFX Nightmare Whiskey Golem

- Salvage

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/19 14:55:26

Post by: ChargerIIC

I bought an airbrush hood. Going to test it out, but I hope it reduces the complaining about me using the airbrush outside instead of increasing it.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/19 16:35:20

Post by: xKillGorex

Well this morning I ordered some avp minis to expand on the base game. So I’ve got coming the new uscm officer, the multi part marines, the first pred alien and a pair of sentry guns.
Should be good.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/21 07:16:14

Post by: notprop

An Ogre army for Warmaster from Blackgate miniatures.


What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/25 23:04:07

Post by: Rybrook

I finally have my mdf terrain
Was freshly cut over last weekend, can’t wait to build them

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/28 17:45:10

Post by: deathwinguk

I just ordered the Start Collecting! Space Marines box set for my first WH40K 8th edition (500 point) army

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/28 19:10:39

Post by: infinite_array

 notprop wrote:
An Ogre army for Warmaster from Blackgate miniatures.


My Kickstarter pledge for the Rhino Cavalry arrived a couple days ago, so they're the next project for me - though I might need to grab another Scrap Launcher when it hits the store. I'm really hoping Blackgate's next project will be not-Skaven, since they're the only Warmaster army that you can't find or proxy miniatures for.

Also, it's not a purchase at the moment, but Lucid Eye Miniatures put up their pre-orders for The Red Book of the Elf King and it's tempting. The game's background and mechanics sound interesting, the rules are by Rick Priestly, and the miniatures look amazing.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/28 22:07:50

Post by: phillv85

2x Forgebane
2x Electro Priests
1x Necron Warriors
Various paints for the Necron side.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/29 00:38:30

Post by: carlos13th

 NH Gunsmith wrote:
Well, I just started my journey into Kings of War. I spent a few months deciding on what to get for an army, but decided on playing Mongols from the historics rulebook since that also allows me to use some "mythic" elements like giants and wizards as well. I bought the rulebook a few days ago, and bought the first model for the army today.

I bought the model I will be using as my incarnation of the Mongolian god of war (Daichin Tengri)(my Giant), since it will be coming from Italy and is the single most expensive model in the army. It really wasn't too expensive for a 75mm metal model (45 USD converted), but the shipping was half as expensive as the model itself (27 Euros). Still, totally worth it.

I thought it would be fun to build a Mongol army that also has a wizard (will be used as a Mongol shaman), to incorporate some more of the Mongolion mythology and mysticism into an army that will mainly be fighting KoW Fantasy armies. But, here are some pictures of the model (from the Pegaso Models website). I am probably going to have to green stuff the areas where the bow and quiver mount to the model since KoW giants don't have ranged attacks.

Please tell me you have a hobby blog where I can follow your mongol kow armies progress because it sounds awesome

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/29 02:34:56

Post by: Captain Brown

Group of used Sisters of Battle. Seraphim Superior, Seraphim with Hand Flamers, Sister Superior, Sister with Storm Bolter, two Sisters with Multi-Meltas and two Sisters with Bolters.



PS: Anyone who wants to trade for Sisters with helmets I am willing to take Sisters without helmets one for one. Have two heavy weapon bodies and one Storm Bolter Sister right now.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/29 04:44:35

Post by: Dr. Mills

Just ordered a 4" x 4' gaming board from TT Combat to be used primarily in the local gaming club I go to.

Gonna base it and Flock it to have a nice gaming surface. After that, it's going to be lots of terrain to really make a good board! Our current board +terrain dude has started a new job so he can't always make it so its time I helped out too.

(and also I've always wanted to have my own board!)

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/29 06:59:50

Post by: DarkBlack

Just got in a small block of 15mm medieval swiss/mercenary pikemen and some 15mm Indian archers and chariots to fill out my Ancient Indians.

I have a crane agent (so that I can run 2 crane and 3 CG cores) and some ALEPH blisters (spitfire deva and dakini HMG) to add to my primary faction on the way.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/30 08:07:57

Post by: Jamie Shred

Took advantage of the alien day promotion at prodos and ordered the king alien, uscm officer anf multi part marines

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/30 09:09:48

Post by: BrookM

More paints, Belladonna the bounty hunter, Statuesque deck crew and Citadel skulls.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/30 14:06:02

Post by: Spuj

Well since my little one started Nursery my hobby purchases are a lot more restricted now, which is probably a good thing as I have enough projects as it is! So this year has only been purchasing hobby supplies (paints, glue, White Dwarf etc).

However I have been saving for the upcoming Imperial Knight release so that will be my next purchases. Also I'm turning 30 this year so I feel like some Forgeworld Goodies are due as a present from me, to me

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/30 16:16:32

Post by: Captain Brown

Finally broke down and purchased Chapter Approved 2017.



What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/30 18:13:59

Post by: djones520

I just bought a Hemlock Wraithfighter this morning.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/04/30 23:23:15

Post by: squall018

Been buying some of the new star wars legion kits.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/07 16:15:47

Post by: Easy E

I bought a yard of Teddy Bear fur for terrain.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/07 17:57:27

Post by: Stormonu

One of the local FLGS had a sale on all Stars Wars stuff for May 4th (25% off), picked up the C-Roc, Resistance Bomber and Imperial Assault.

After wrestling with it all weekend, I still haven’t got the nose turret into the AT-ST.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/11 13:03:03

Post by: Kanluwen

A second box of Namarti Reavers and Idoneth Warscroll cards. Really handy on the latter given that Idoneth have quite a few 'status effects' that get markers in there.

I've basically bought 1 of everything for Idoneth--aside from the Namarti. Two boxes of each type. Got a Leviadon waiting for me on Saturday and going to preorder an Allopex and two Akhelian Guard(going to build 1 of each).

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/11 18:10:49

Post by: DarkBlack

Got a good deal for it and some spawn; so finally getting the daemons codex.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/12 01:16:14

Post by: SickSix

I am excited. My second order from FW ever. Heresy Black Book II and Salamanders Contemptor with 3 weapons.

I only read the book for like 45 minutes last night and I am just blown away at the quality.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/12 01:18:23

Post by: Thargrim

I got the Necromunda expansion tiles, they are pretty cool. Expensive but so long as I keep them in good shape and they don't warp then they should be fine. I made sure to paint pva glue around the card edges to seal the card. Hopefully that was good advice to do that...

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/12 11:57:49

Post by: stroller

Star wars force awakens starter set. Traitor legions and chaos 7th codices. AoS general's handbook 4 days before they announced the new one - hey ho....

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/12 19:10:47

Post by: master of ordinance

I got my LE Brawler and Uprising book. The Brawler is a nice mini and I like the AK look of her rifle.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/12 19:24:26

Post by: Turnip Jedi

Hit the local nerd show, picked up a Gaslands rulebook and some Resin scenery that will hopefully pull double duty for Gaslands and Guildball

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/12 22:01:54

Post by: leopard

Two copies of the Blood Red Skies boxed set

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/15 12:34:43

Post by: Commodus Leitdorf

I have a Mighty Lord of Khorne I'm currently painting in my attempt to get a Path of Glory Campaign going.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/16 16:33:04

Post by: Easy E

I just picked up some Hot Wheels for Gaslands, and some Metal Nano Figures of Superheroes to re-paint for Super System 4th Edition.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/16 21:15:40

Post by: inflatablefriend

Forgeworld open day ticket, I'm going to have to shower the wife with gifts and spa treatments because it means running off to the UK for 2-3 days while the kid is home from preschool, but I'm hoping it'll be worth it.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/20 02:11:44

Post by: ZergSmasher

2 boxes of Scout Bikes for my Dark Angels army.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/20 07:10:27

Post by: Odrankt

Bought £95 worth of Terrain from - http://www.wargamestournaments.com - I also Pre-ordered 2 Eldar Webway Boxs. I also have some 3D printed terrain on the way but no price has be finalised.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/20 09:30:30

Post by: lord_blackfang

Two Deep Cut Studio 4x4 mousepad mats, Underhive for Necromunda and Cobblestones for fantasy skirmish.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2021/07/17 05:46:34

Post by: master of ordinance

Just ordered me an Alpha Strike lance pack, to add to my already comfortable collection of Mechs.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/24 23:17:12

Post by: Rygnan

Final shipping for my The Other Side Kickstarter pledge. I'm super excited now, it's only a month or so until it's in my hands.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/24 23:39:13

Post by: Easy E

I just picked up a couple of terrain pieces....


What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/24 23:50:29

Post by: Desubot

I literally bought a jar of sand :/ for a project.

weird utah sand.

also 10 grams of peridots because i needed smoothish stones for a base.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/25 05:33:29

Post by: ZergSmasher

Ordered some Ravenwing Black Knights and a Land Speeder (that will be a Talonmaster) from the Bay of E.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/25 07:13:37

Post by: BrookM

A small bits order from Victoria Miniatures: soft metal ammo belts, goggles, gasmasks and some backpacks with airtanks for future Imperial Knight sacristan conversions.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/25 10:43:24

Post by: H.B.M.C.

10 Paizo flip mats + pre-ordered both Infinity War tilesets.

Y'all know I love maps and tiles...

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/25 11:20:36

Post by: Low_K

Supporting the Polish economy with purchases at Kromlech, Hexy Shop and Puppets War.

Mainly stuff for my future German Grot Army to fight my Russian Grots.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/25 11:20:59

Post by: Rolsheen

Sector Mechanicus Terrain
Sector Mechanicus Terrain
Sector Mechanicus Terrain
Sector Mechanicus Terrain
Sector Mechanicus Terrain
Birthday Primaris Captain
Sector Mechanicus Terrain
Yep last two months purchases, terrain for one building

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/25 11:38:17

Post by: Crazyterran

A lot of ultramarine upgrade kits, escher upgrade kits (one of each, used two bits lol), ultramarines deimos doors...

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/25 12:09:01

Post by: Turnip Jedi

A mix of sample sized tufts and clump flock to fancy up the previously purchased terrain

oh and the last metal player for my Guildball fish team on the hope she wont suck in Season 4

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/25 16:57:59

Post by: phillv85

A stack of Necron stuff to go with the 2x Forgebane and 1x Warriors I purchased last month:

4x Warriors
2x Lychguard
2x Immortals
1x Start Collecting Necrons

And to flesh out my daemons:

2x Plaguebearers

And to undercoat the 'crons:

2x GW Chaos Black spray

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/25 20:07:07

Post by: Mrs. Esterhouse

Orlocks. Models, dice, and cards. Gangwar 2. Miss the old greaser look, but dig the new biker look.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/25 21:15:00

Post by: deathwinguk

My Citadel Skirmish Case arrived yesterday

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/25 23:26:02

Post by: djones520

Bought a 2nd Eldar Hemlock Wraithfighter.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/27 23:36:27

Post by: -Loki-

When final shipping for The Other Side came through, I went and added everything for Gibbering Hordes.

Spendy, but I'm too impatient to wait for the stuff to trickle out through the year..

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/28 18:50:50

Post by: leopard

A6M5 Zero half squadron for Blood Red Skies

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/29 18:21:10

Post by: ChargerIIC

Bought a 100ml can of Shiny Pearl from Taiamaya for a paint test. It doesn't allow anything to layer on it that isn't a sharpie, but it was a nice try

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/29 20:10:41

Post by: Jamie Shred

Pledge manager for Nemesis just sleeves and shipping so not too bad. Also pre ordered the elite predators for AvP

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/30 08:38:51

Post by: Pacific

The 'Days Gone Bye' expansion for the Walking Dead: All out War, and the Morgan Booster set. Getting things ready to play through the Atlanta setting scenarios. Have to say, am really enjoying painting the miniatures for this game, they're not the most detailed you will ever see but are brilliantly characterful and perfectly get the comic book's style.

leopard wrote:
A6M5 Zero half squadron for Blood Red Skies

What is that game actually like? It seems to have been fairly popular but have yet to give it a go.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/30 09:35:37

Post by: Osbad

3 Hotwheels for Gaslands

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/30 16:08:56

Post by: Stevefamine

 Osbad wrote:
3 Hotwheels for Gaslands

I want to play Gaslands now

I recently bought a Non-Vac Resin to try out. Picked up glue and more citadel black wash. Ended up buying Dark Age? 40mm bases since GW's were a bit pricey

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/31 19:18:36

Post by: Stormonu

DreamForge is having a sale, picked up their Leviathan kit (1/56 scale &1/100 scale) for about a quarter of a GW knight’s price (which I will be using them for to accompany my official minis.

Also, for my birthday got some snap-fit Aggresors and Intercessors. My son unexpectedly got me the Custodes book, and while the fluff is the most god-awful I’ve yet read, I’m scrambling to proxy some minis to try them out (got some Stormcast from last year that should work).

I also picked up Volo’s monster guide and Mordenkainens book for D&D 5e (been a while since I picked up a RPG book).

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/05/31 20:33:05

Post by: ChaoticMind

Waiting on a couple Ebay purchases they’ll be rounding out but I broke down and got the 6 Poxwalkers box for my expansive Not-cromunda project. They’ll be skulking around the depths of the hive-world with 10 more from the midsize starter and 20 Dark Vengeance cultists fighting Genestealer Neophyte Orlocks, and almost Escher’s.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/06/01 19:43:12

Post by: Easy E

At the opening of a new LGS I picked up a Dwarf and Chaos Blood Bowl team. Apparently, my wife said she wanted a team too.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/06/01 21:32:37

Post by: ChargerIIC

Purchased Glow in the Dark Pigments and an airbrush medium time to get glowly plasma

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/06/01 21:36:58

Post by: godardc

Some Elysian stuff, "one last drop"

 ChargerIIC wrote:
Purchased Glow in the Dark Pigments and an airbrush medium time to get glowly plasma

Nice idea, would like to see it once it is finished !

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/06/02 10:27:02

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Today I bought 3 50mm L bend PVC drain pieces, 3 100mm L bend PVC drain pieces, 3 70mm diameter MDF discs and 1sq meter of flyscreen from my local hardware store to be turned to necromunda terrain.

I also bought a 2nd paint rack to hold 39 paints last weekend at a FLGS where I was playing in a Shadespire Tourney

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/06/02 11:34:22

Post by: Draccan

Stormsurge, Ghostkeel, pathfinders, and Red Dog Tau Weapons and lots of Wargame Exclusive models..

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/06/03 21:57:37

Post by: TheCustomLime

Codex: Space Marines. Maybe this time I'll actually use it.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/06/04 05:35:02

Post by: Rogerio134134

Bought some sepia wash and carroburg crimson wash. Also bought all the marines from the dark Imperium set from eBay to start my scythes of the emperor force.

And last week bought a box of guardians for my Biel tan!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/06/04 06:16:17

Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

A squad of necron warriors to complete my necron force cause 20 footgoer were too few. I got the box from Gifts for Geeks, I really like this retailer.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/06/04 08:48:06

Post by: H.B.M.C.

I just pre-ordered:

1x Armiger Helverins
1x Knight Valiant
1x Knight Castellan

I also ordered a Promethium Refinery, Ferratonic Incinerator and a Galvanic Magnavent at the same time. Would'a got a second Refinery but they didn't have in stock.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/06/04 11:42:26

Post by: Rogerio134134

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
I just pre-ordered:

1x Armiger Helverins
1x Knight Valiant
1x Knight Castellan

I also ordered a Promethium Refinery, Ferratonic Incinerator and a Galvanic Magnavent at the same time. Would'a got a second Refinery but they didn't have in stock.

That's allot of dollars

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/06/04 14:26:47

Post by: ChargerIIC

 godardc wrote:
Some Elysian stuff, "one last drop"

 ChargerIIC wrote:
Purchased Glow in the Dark Pigments and an airbrush medium time to get glowly plasma

Nice idea, would like to see it once it is finished !

I'll post pics. I went with a brand that promised a long lasting day glow, but after testing, I'm not certain they will deliver.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/06/05 18:57:48

Post by: DarkBlack

Getting a 3x3 gaming mat from gamematseu, to fit my jungle terrain for Malifaux.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/06/06 00:03:31

Post by: Sinful Hero

Bought the Astra Militarum codex for my Genecult allies, a box of Moonclan Grots to try to convert to Ratlings, and 4 Maelstrom’s Edge terrain sprues to make and church up some more LoS blocking terrain for my club.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/06/06 23:53:34

Post by: Bi'ios

Preordered a Castellan and some Helverins, and bought GK Strike Squad and Terminator kits

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/06/07 01:18:26

Post by: JohnHwangDD

Recently bought 2 dozen dice - 16mm instead of the 12mm I used to get. Easier on the eyes!

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/06/07 17:13:27

Post by: Captain Brown

Some chipboard for terrain building.



What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/06/07 19:29:10

Post by: ChargerIIC

My airbursh acyrlic medium arrived today. Now to make my own dayglo paint because I'm the patron of bad ideas.

On a side note, anyone know where to get smaller than normal d8 dice?

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/06/07 20:34:12

Post by: Generalstoner

20 Tzaangors.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/06/08 07:43:05

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Three more Galvanic Magnavents, this time for half the price.

I love it when Bits & Kits gets boxed sets in stock and divides them up by item rather than by bits.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/06/08 22:04:25

Post by: xKillGorex

Well the bdays coming up soon so was allowed a shopping trip on warlord games.

So have coming soon the lvt Amtrak and usmc medium mortar, the new us infantry set, a sarissa mdf jungle house, us flame thrower team, Plastic m5 half track, resin sandbags just to se what they are like. Think that’s it for now.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/06/09 09:19:11

Post by: Pacific

Probably the most dull entry on this page - 3 paint pots from Coat D'arms (my old Goblin Green and Regal Blue had finally run out!)

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/06/09 09:36:13

Post by: Gordy2000

Imperial knights...just like, all the knights.

And all the terrain kits, dice....

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/06/09 13:35:40

Post by: phillv85

2x Imperial Knight: Renegade. Not sure if I should choose a colour scheme outside of the Ad Mech red and white, they're both horrible paints to use, end up doing layer after layer.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/06/09 13:50:54

Post by: Sim-Life

Mysterium, Arkham Horror, Bob Ross: The Art Of Chill and Dead Of Winter: The Long Night.

My partner just discovered she likes board games so we dove right in.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/06/09 14:56:36

Post by: djones520

Bought some Vads for Team Yankee last night from a guy unloading his American stock.

What are your most recent game purchases? @ 2018/06/09 19:14:56

Post by: TheCustomLime

Some Empire Greatswords. I figure I got to buy as much as I can before the inevitable reboxes in 2nd ed AoS.