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A New Beginning  @ 2019/01/29 08:53:29

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

It has been quite some time (years) since I have posted much of anything outside the DCM forums and would like to share the shenanigans of what I am up to for modelling, painting and terraining.

What will follow will be an ecclectic mix of whatever I am up to at the time but as with all these blogs, I hope it will motivate me to get more done.

Unless overly excited I will likely be posting only finished models or units as I complete them.

First off my gaming/painting room.

Time for another clean up...

Normally I do my work at the old kitchen table but the small table is being used currently so I can paint in the media room at night and watch Game Of Thrones from the start in the lead up to the new season. About to start season 1 episode 5 tonight.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/01/29 10:16:16

Post by: Danny76

It will be interesting to see what you are working on.
Having a dedicated space is great for the spurring on to get stuff done I find, don’t you think?

A New Beginning  @ 2019/02/03 08:56:15

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

First up is a unit of Northkin Battle Bears for by Trollkin Army.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/02/17 05:44:07

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Next up are some of my models rebased from WHFB Orcs and Goblins to AOS Destruction.

6mm cork mountings, bought in sheets from my local hardware store. 1 pack of 6 sheets for $8US and a sheet can do about 200 of the 25mm bases shown below.

Did the bases up in batches of 30 for the first lot then satin varnished. Pinned the transferred models after I touched up any bits that needed redo and light Matt varnish over the lot to remove the satin effect on the base.

Only about 400 models to go from the army....

A New Beginning  @ 2019/02/17 06:28:52

Post by: youwashock

Killer pic on the wall.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/02/17 08:31:21

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

 youwashock wrote:
Killer pic on the wall.

Bought in a comic store in NYC back in 2007 for $15US then spent close to $200 to frame it. I loved the x-men comics as a teen when I collected them and it is a wonderful picture.
It is the black and white of this...

A New Beginning  @ 2019/02/20 15:06:58

Post by: Boss Salvage

Gonads! Excited to see you back at work, will be following

A New Beginning  @ 2019/02/20 17:55:13

Post by: amazingturtles

The goblins (or whichever) look really nice! I like the borders of their hoods.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/02/21 13:01:36

Post by: Snrub

Nice to see you back in the hobby Gonads! Keen to see what you produce.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/02/24 09:13:40

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Thanks for the kind posts.

And now for something completely different.

Yolanda Skorn, Hive Scum from Necromunda:

Roughly followed the colour scheme from the Forgeworld website:

And now posing in front of some of my Death Ray Designs MDF Zone Mortalis/ Necromunda Terrain:
A handful of modules still being painted, and when they are all done they will be up here on the blog...

A New Beginning  @ 2019/02/24 09:24:26

Post by: ingtaer

Really great work mate, looking forward to seeing more! My goodness is your room a mess though... Where did you get the little mdf paint rack from?

A New Beginning  @ 2019/02/24 10:37:21

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

 ingtaer wrote:
Really great work mate, looking forward to seeing more! My goodness is your room a mess though... Where did you get the little mdf paint rack from?

3 more corner paint racks and my set up I’ll be complete.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/02/24 10:40:21

Post by: ingtaer

Thanks for the link, just across the ditch is handy!

A New Beginning  @ 2019/02/27 06:08:05

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

And now we move into 54mm Inquisitor from the early 2000s.

I have a heap of models that I have collected over the years and the first (Non-GW) one is a 2 headed beast from the Helldorado range
The piece of flesh is toilet paper, folded, soaked in PVA glue and then painted over red with blood for the blood god last.

Next month I hope to get the chos magus painted. He is already assembled, ready for undercoat.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/02/27 17:10:51

Post by: amazingturtles

Aw, doggie.

The blood looks nice

A New Beginning  @ 2019/02/27 17:47:51

Post by: youwashock

54mm =][=? Now I am really paying attention.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/02/27 19:44:27

Post by: Das_Ubermike

Wow. A Gonads sighting? What next, Bugswarm and Hubcap come back? It's good to see you posting hobby stuff again 'nads. I really enjoyed your gobbo army blog from years and years ago.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/03/02 11:31:30

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

I spent the last 2 days chopping and gluing high density mattress foam to transport models in my battlefoam bags. So not much work done. Pics will come later in the week when all is dried.

March goals are to rebase AOS models, paint the chaos magus (already underway) a necromunda model, the above mentioned foam which is essentially done, and finish my last few zone mortalis terrain pieces. I was going to try and do the trollkin sea king but there is likely 30 hours in just painting it.

Anyway, here is the next batch of night goblins on new bases.

Now I’m off to drink beer and watch series 3 Game Of Thrones episodes on my projector as I go through the whole show in the lead up to the finale season, add sand to bases, paint the magus and Eyros Slagmyst, Necromunda bounty hunter.
Truely an amazing time in my hobbling life.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/03/09 09:12:42

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Back to Trollkin this week and Grim Angus, warlock for the Trollblood faction.

Have been playing him with a sea king and hearthgut hooch hauler and 2 war wagons and having a blast.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/03/15 11:03:19

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Off to a warmachine/hordes 3 man our name t tomorrow so have been playing and organising for that.

In the meantime, 4 of the last round of metal squigs. About 30 or so to go.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/03/15 13:24:55

Post by: Boss Salvage

Good luck in the tournament, you had me reading up on those shooty Troll units, seems like a good time I am curious what the rest of your list is, although I did some scheming and feel like I got pretty close

A New Beginning  @ 2019/03/17 05:19:10

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

 Boss Salvage wrote:
Good luck in the tournament, you had me reading up on those shooty Troll units, seems like a good time I am curious what the rest of your list is, although I did some scheming and feel like I got pretty close

Grim 1
Rune bearer
Sea king
X2 war wagons
Hooch hauler
Minimum unit pig lookouts (absolute star of the list)
Trollkin thumper
Minimum stone unit with attached stone scribe elder
Bog trog mist speaker

Automatically Appended Next Post:
And here is the unit of pyg lookouts.
In over 10 games they have never failed to get their points back, absolutely fantastic unit.

I am in one of the 2 Queensland State teams in the Warmachine Oceania Team Championships in May and found out yesterday it is fully painted so trolls it is for painting for the next few weeks. Last night I started the Sea King and painted his skin and some of the coral. Long way to go though....

A New Beginning  @ 2019/03/17 09:17:23

Post by: mcmattila

Ah, I remember seeing that Inquisitor Chaos model in a White Dwarf back in the day.. You've done a great job on him! I'm also digging those Warmahordes models, Grim Angus looks like a cool post-apocalyptic character (I've no knowledge about Warmahordes..) and that Lookout with the snowman camo gave me a chuckle!

If I were to give critique, some of your models seem a bit glossy and could benefit from a coat of matt varnish. Could just be the lighting, of course..

A New Beginning  @ 2019/03/18 14:22:06

Post by: Boss Salvage

 Waaagh_Gonads wrote:
Bog trog mist speaker
Twist! Or maybe shows that I don't know what those do (I assumed a second free thumper instead of the attachment and that new, less-good artillery piece for themey laughs)

Looking forward to the sea king!

A New Beginning  @ 2019/03/24 04:07:38

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Please note: The Chaos Magus in the picture of an earlier post is not my model, I put the pic there for illustrative purposes.

This is my Chaos Magus...

And with my earlier finished Rat-dog.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/03/24 04:39:18

Post by: youwashock

Radical. He looks super cool.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/03/31 01:27:03

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

The foam sets I made up a few weekends ago.

I use 3, 5 and 7 inch foam and get it cut to size at the store. Australian's go to Clark's Rubber, not sure equivalent stores in other countries but high end medium density foam mattresses would be much cheaper but issue of storing and using it all.

Then a thin sheet of medium density foam (about 1cm deep) is added for the base

I use a extendable box cutter knife or an electric bread knife to cut. Larger models get custom cut outs but otherwise I try to do generic square or circular foam so multiple armies can use them.

They are cut to size to fit battle foam carry bags.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/03/31 01:58:30

Post by: JB

Well done on those storage trays! I like the great work on the minis too but I keep staring at the double hand grenades for some reason...

I also like the signature you use with the record keeping.

Keep it up Gonads! It is good to see you posting in the rough and tumble area of Dakka again.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/04/03 00:43:10

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Now it is time for trollkin thumper.

Has been a winner in every game so far with Grim1 in Kriel Company Theme Force.

Also just realised for some reason I have turned the tartan pattern 90 degrees to what had been doing (green now runs length ways instead of across the sashes). No way I'm going back to fix it though...

A New Beginning  @ 2019/04/06 13:08:38

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Off on holidays for a week in the Cook Islands with my wife from tomorrow (kids staying home with my mother to look after them).

So this will be the only update for the next week.

Continuing the trollblood theme as the Oceanic Team Tournament and its fully painted requirement rapidly approaches, here is the first of my 2 Trollkin War Wagon Battle Engines.

Painted in sub assemblies and then pinned and glued in place:
x1 Main body and yoke
x4 wheels
x2 buffalo
x5 crew
x1 main gun and turret
x1 main gun blast shield
x3 loose cannon shells
x1 base

So 18 sub assemblies.

The metal is meant to look worn and dirtied to fit in with the rest of the army scheme.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/04/06 17:33:39

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

That last battle-wagon is one great model, and I love your metal on it!

A New Beginning  @ 2019/04/08 13:20:29

Post by: Boss Salvage

 Waaagh_Gonads wrote:
So 18 sub assemblies.

Result is grand tho. Enjoy the holiday!

A New Beginning  @ 2019/05/03 05:20:38

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

After a much needed holiday the second war wagon.

Went with a bronze metal work to differentiate from the first but techniques otherwise exactly the same.

More Warmahordes cominig in the next few weeks as I aproach the big Oceania team Tournament next weekend.
Then it will be a variety of other games systems to give myself a break.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/05/25 00:51:24

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

So after finishing at the Oceania Team Championships and a couple of weeks off from painting some more models are ready for uploading.
The next few uploads will all be Hordes.
2 and a half hours from undercoated to varnish. Wonderful model to paint. Eilish Garrity The Occultist by Privateer Press.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/05/26 09:57:24

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Next up the current pride and joy of my Trollbloods, and I think of all my Warmahordes... The Sea King


I will never, ever paint another one of these.

Skin was airbrushed in an hour and a half, and very happy with it at the time, then around another 38 and a half hours to finish the model.

Phenomenal amount of detail that requires careful painting to avoid buggering the skin.
Then when I finished I realised all the other colours have subdued the skin effect I had. Need really good light now to see the contrasts.

Lesson learnt, go max contrast on skin airbrushing.

The boat is pinned in place after being painted separately.
The mast is magnetised at the base of the mast and on the connection between chain and sail to help transport.
The model is on a 120mm diameter base.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/05/26 10:02:59

Post by: insaniak

That is one bonkers model. Nice work!

A New Beginning  @ 2019/05/28 13:32:05

Post by: Boss Salvage

Congrats on finishing your Sea King, he's a real tour de force

Lad seems pretty competent in-game too!

A New Beginning  @ 2019/06/02 10:53:17

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

He is excellent with some casters and pretty Meh with other, exactly how a model should be, have a place but not be super OP.
The thing that stands him out is the extra 2 inches on his anchor and it being chain weapon, the extended threat range is super needed for trolls.

Next up my first Long Rider 'Tuffalo' unit.
As always better pics when you click on them to take you to the gallery.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/06/22 22:46:59

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

21 days since last entry, damn time ran away from me.

Rok, Character Dire Troll.

Used the how to paint ice tutorial from games workshop (easily found on youtube). Worked a treat.
Airbrushed skin and rest hand painted.

As per the usual, full sized pics available by clicking on the pictures.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/06/30 03:55:13

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Bee a bit side tracked on Necromunda terrain, with a sudden surge in the game by a mass of local gamers.
Really great narrative fun. Definitely not set up for competitive play.

Next up, the warlock - Jarl Skuld.

Great fun to play in Northkin theme force. Rubbish in every other one I have tried.

As usual, click on the pcis for link to higher resolution pics.


A New Beginning  @ 2019/06/30 05:05:45

Post by: youwashock

That ice troll is really cool. Also very well painted.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/06/30 06:22:30

Post by: StormX

Great work!, looks really well done.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/06/30 21:31:09

Post by: IGtR=

Any more 54mm Inquisitor in the pipeline? Really love the stuff on pg1 and it really shows off your painting skills

A New Beginning  @ 2019/07/07 08:09:43

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

 IGtR= wrote:
Any more 54mm Inquisitor in the pipeline? Really love the stuff on pg1 and it really shows off your painting skills

Just assembled a broodlord to use as a genestealer (the one on the pipe) and assembling some other models. It is just a matter of what I am doing at the time, necromunda is upcoming and terrain (hopefully) and heaps of grymkin (assembled 11 cask imps and 2 mad caps and 6 clockatrice this weekend). However there will be some 54mm scale stuff soon. Check back in a few weeks as I haven't started painting them yet.

Northkin elder:

A New Beginning  @ 2019/07/09 02:56:05

Post by: StormX

Wow awesome work!

A New Beginning  @ 2019/07/11 03:02:18

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Last entry for the trollkin for likely a few months as other projects that I have been assembling take over.

Minimum unit of long riders. Haven't painted the other 2 as haven't been needed yet.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/07/11 03:03:50

Post by: StormX

Amazing, great job! also those base's look fantastic aswell.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/07/14 05:35:08

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Time to move away from Warmahordes and into some Necromunda.

Since its re-release I have been buying everything that GW have released but have only been playing in the last month due to the horrendous release schedule meaning pretty much zero interest by local gamers.
Suddenly though now with a consolidated rule book there is a sudden burst of interest and games being played fortnightly here and a campaign day in Brisbane.

The orlocks were the first gang I assembled and so are the first I painted.
Now campaigns are underway a second box will be needed to expand the force beyond 10 members in a campaign.

The 1 Percenters
Due to the biker feel to the models the gangers' names are based on Harley Davidson bikes or engines.

I went with exactly the same paint scheme in the GW painting video on youtube except the base which is the same for all my necromunda models
Last weekend at the campaign day with 16 gangs, I won artificer award for best painted gang.

As always, click on the pic for full sized, more clear pics.

For extra fun times, and to save money and add to customisation, all models are magnetised.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/07/19 08:43:31

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

The rest of my orlock gang, and then a group shot with the extra weapons I have done so far.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/07/22 13:10:18

Post by: Boss Salvage

Good looking crew, impressively thorough magnet / extra arm work. If there's a downside to these boys it's that they match their basing a touch to much for me, but as you said the basing is set for all the gangs, so maybe Team Black & Blue is going for homefield advantage by matching the decking?

A New Beginning  @ 2019/07/22 22:53:31

Post by: squall018

Cool Trolls. One of the Warmahordes armies I haven't played much with.

Orlocks are really great. I haven't messed with mine yet as they look time consuming with all the different fabrics, guns, armor etc. Been painting Delaques and Goliaths myself.

Great stuff in here, keep it up!

A New Beginning  @ 2019/07/28 09:47:27

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Now onto some terrain. I have been painting the next few sets for the last 12 months, and still have a few to go but am just about done, so here you go.

These are Deadbolt's Derelict Set. Link to what I bought.


They also make other accessory kits for the sets.

Here are the corner parts (much better pics when clicked on):

A New Beginning  @ 2019/07/29 00:53:25

Post by: RiTides

That Orlock gang is just awesome!!

I like the look of the terrain, but can't see how it's used. Do you have a pic of it from a game or the like laid out?

Edit: Ah! Pic from your link above (huge, so spoilered!). Looks quite cool


A New Beginning  @ 2019/07/29 21:06:52

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

I had half of the orlock gang in the cabinet in my FLGS set up to promote Necromunda, next to the everchosen entries... and it won the open category.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/07/30 13:14:03

Post by: Boss Salvage

Congrats on the accidental glory

A New Beginning  @ 2019/08/03 12:28:07

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Now for the 2 block pieces for the zone mortalis terrain.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/08/10 01:59:52

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Last lot of the zone Mortalis Necromunda terrain

Next entry, back to models.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Painting more Necromunda terrain
Assembling Goliaths, will magnetise when all assembled.
Finishing green stuffing a 54mm Rogue Trader for Inquisitor
Painting a pile of Grymkin

And last weekend moved all my gaming gear from the room it was in to my old, larger gaming room. Still cleaning the odds and ends.

A good mix of stuff happening.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/08/11 12:13:54

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Next up Necromunda Hired Gun... Eyros Slagmyst.

Dude finds high tech suit of armour, cannot get it off.
Suit is designed to suck the water out of others, and then give it to wearer.

The armour just screams out Tau tech, so I painted it up like the original Tau Fire Warrior scheme from the early 2000s.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/08/11 21:43:16

Post by: youwashock

Very cool. I love the various water flasks. Really sells the character.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/08/16 01:50:33

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Back to 54mm inquisitor scale.

Used one of the 40k broodlords with the skulls filed off from the base and his left hand to remove scale issues.

Went with a classic genestealer paint scheme.
The gloss effect is intentional, although it is a satin varnish, I wanted a mildly wet/slimy look.

As usual, click on the pics for better shots.


A New Beginning  @ 2019/08/18 01:54:59

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

And now for some Grymkin Cask Imps.
I currently have 16 to be made by my Mad Caps. Last Game I had 12 on the table at one stage in turn 5 completely stuffing my opponent's ability to move down one flank.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/08/31 23:58:31

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Necromunda terrain.

MDF terrain from Wargames scenery.

I aquired sheets of 3mm MDF from somewhere a few years ago and cut out bases to fit, put fly screen sheeting over it for texture.

All parts are painted seperately with a roller and interior house paint (matched to GW colour) to save masses of money (250ml sample pot = 9ml of GW paint) then airbrushed.
When assembled the damage is applied.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/09/04 13:03:29

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Ladders and railings for necromunda terrain, painted in the same manner.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/09/08 08:39:24

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

The terrain so far.
Next necromunda project will be the scatter terrain from the box set, but lots of Grymkin lined up before that.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/09/11 01:23:10

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Some more cask imps:

A New Beginning  @ 2019/09/15 05:58:59

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Next up, the Malady Man's monkey.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/09/22 01:36:13

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

More Grymkin.

This time Baron Tonguelick.

Yes, he is a pimp toad...

A New Beginning  @ 2019/09/29 09:10:04

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Clockatrice time!

First of 6.
As usual for my Grymkin, all except the bases is GW washes over Runefang Steel.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/10/10 12:17:37

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

'The Child' Warlock for Grymkin and her 'Dolly'

A New Beginning  @ 2019/10/12 22:44:15

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads


A New Beginning  @ 2019/10/15 14:31:34

Post by: Boss Salvage

You know, that's a way more horrific sculpt than I remember it being. Also female??

How's Grymkin working out for you? And that sweet clockatrice spam? I was recently messing with lists for Grym, I think around gorehounds because I like the mini + long leash, but I couldn't quite get into all the weird af options. Also couldn't decide if Dreamer of Child was better - probably Child to tune up all those lights, but I don't like her model, or at least the beast part of it (just real boring, if also pretty easily replaced).

A New Beginning  @ 2019/10/15 23:53:21

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

 Boss Salvage wrote:
You know, that's a way more horrific sculpt than I remember it being. Also female??

How's Grymkin working out for you? And that sweet clockatrice spam? I was recently messing with lists for Grym, I think around gorehounds because I like the mini + long leash, but I couldn't quite get into all the weird af options. Also couldn't decide if Dreamer of Child was better - probably Child to tune up all those lights, but I don't like her model, or at least the beast part of it (just real boring, if also pretty easily replaced).

I have been deep diving into bump in the night theme since steamroller 2019 came out, I just find dark menagerie cannot cover all the space needed to contest the zones.
Current pairing is heretic and wanderer but I may replace heretic with Old Witch.

I have used 6 clockatrice in a dark menagerie list and whilst fun, it runs out of puff pretty quick. But still miles better than the other heavies.

grymkin are in a great place, every selection is viable (2 madcaps on a flank is bonkers) and only the clockatrice is overpowered. Starting with an assault 6 instead of 8 would be the first step in toning it down whilst keeping its core functions in the list, or removing assault but keeping the spray as ranged weapon at 8 inches)

A New Beginning  @ 2019/10/18 04:09:18

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Some necromunda scatter terrain from the box set

A New Beginning  @ 2019/10/19 13:24:56

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

And now for the rest of the scatter terrain from the Necromunda box set.


A New Beginning  @ 2019/10/27 10:49:53

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

More Grymkin

Mad Cap crews. The 2 artillery pieces are WIP and to come.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/11/02 10:49:00

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Next up first of my Piggyback Officers (Command Upgrade)

I should have painted the trim on the shield iron metal instead of copper metal to match the rest of the unit he is attached with, but oh well...

I have just finished assembling all of my Warhammer underworlds forces and am spending the weekend assembling 20 trollblood raiders and Barbaretta and her cybermastiff for 54mm Inquisitor.
So no idea what is next for painting. Whatever strikes my fancy I guess.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/11/03 14:45:24

Post by: CommissarKhaine

One fine looking officer

A New Beginning  @ 2019/11/04 19:18:31

Post by: Captain Brown


Just a suggestion, but a little bit of brown wash around the rust might help it look a little more natural on that Necro scatter terrain.



A New Beginning  @ 2019/11/10 08:37:12

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Next up an evening of painting resulted in 5 Cawdor Bomb Rats for Necromunda.

An absolute pleasure to paint. Lots of character, fit Necromunda perfectly.
As always, click on the pics for giant, clear pics in my gallery.

Got my daughter to name the last, explaining the odd name out.

Last pic shows the timing mechanisms, one digital and one analog.

A New Beginning  @ 2019/11/11 14:38:20

Post by: Boss Salvage

Good ol' Tatertots

A New Beginning  @ 2019/11/17 11:35:14

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

From Necromunda, Thaetos 23-2 D

A New Beginning  @ 2019/11/24 10:05:42

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Von Castellan, Rogue Trader.

54mm Inquisitor Model

As always, bigger, clearer pics by clicking on the pics.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/01/05 06:45:08

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Back to it after a break.

Start of my Goliaths.
As usual for all gangers the arms are magnetized.

The Gang is called 'So Swole' and all gangers are named after Arnold Schwarzenegger movies.

Just followed the GW youtube 'How To Paint' clip.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/01/12 05:25:58

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Cyber-Mastiff from the Enforcer kit for Inquisitor.

Great model.
As always, close ups by clicking on the images.

The metallics were:
Undercoat GW black primer
Leadbelcher and Ironbreaker layered
GW contrast medium and nuln oil - this caused the pitting effect which was completely unexpected in my previous use of the contrast medium.
Drybrush stormhost silver
Wash Nuln Oil and Armypainter Dark Shade (devlan mud copy)

Very happy with the effect it gave.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/01/19 05:11:47

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Hermit of Hengehold from Warmachine/Hordes.
One of the most broken models ever to be released by PP.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/01/27 05:17:43

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Trollblood Pyg Tank Solo.

First tracked model in Warmachine/Hordes.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/01/27 14:46:21

Post by: Boss Salvage


Guessing this is a Riot Quest thing? Also I love it and all its Metal Slug chibi-ness.

EDIT: Ah, and there's a hero version of it that looks like a mandatory buff so it can hit things? Tasty little 17 pt package for him + 2 tanks ........

A New Beginning  @ 2020/01/27 19:41:36

Post by: youwashock

That tank is adorable. Great work with Duke and the cyber mastiff.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/02/02 04:27:06

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Next Trollblood Pyg Tank

A New Beginning  @ 2020/02/09 04:23:48

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Last of the Troolblood Tanks.

Leadfoot and Treadz, the Riot Quest Model used in Hordes.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/02/10 18:47:16

Post by: Boss Salvage

Good on you completing the set, nice dingy metals throughout. Have you had a chance to play them all together yet? Any good? Who you running them under?

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For page rollover:
 Waaagh_Gonads wrote:
Last of the Troolblood Tanks.

Leadfoot and Treadz, the Riot Quest Model used in Hordes.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/02/16 10:04:19

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

 Boss Salvage wrote:
Good on you completing the set, nice dingy metals throughout. Have you had a chance to play them all together yet? Any good? Who you running them under?

Grissel 2 Kriel Company knockdown army. Running really well and having 3 solos that have endurance and provide the +2 for shooting from the theme benefit is great. Haven't gotten them into knocked down enemy to benefit from the trash rule yet.
I would always run Leadfoot and Treadz and 2 tanks.

Ran them at a tournament on the weekend and won. Gunnbjorn in Storm Of The North and Grissell 2 knockdown list in kriel company.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Necromunda time.

Magnetised Van Saar.

From the gang 'Three Mile Aisle'
All members are named after US nuclear power stations.

As usual click the pics for gigantasized pics.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/02/24 16:45:39

Post by: Boss Salvage

 Waaagh_Gonads wrote:
Ran them at a tournament on the weekend and won. Gunnbjorn in Storm Of The North and Grissell 2 knockdown list in kriel company.
Nice work

Impressive magnetization on the Van Saar, props on the naming scheme.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/03/01 03:26:08

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Next round of the Van Saar Gang.
A model has disappeared, will be uploaded at a later date.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/03/08 07:40:35

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

And now for something completely unexpected... Marvel Crisis Protocol.

Starting with Captain Marvel from the Core Box.
Click on the pics for close up detail of girl abs....

A New Beginning  @ 2020/03/15 10:13:25

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Several layers of metallic paints and washes to get... silver.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/04/05 10:40:23

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

No updates recently as have been flat out at work (a doctor) in the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Iron Man from Marvel Crisis Protocol.
This had 4 attempts at candied red with underlying metallic.
Failed thoroughly so went with plain red.

As always biggerised high res linked pics by clicking on the pics.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/04/05 16:42:29

Post by: youwashock

Van Saar and Marvel minis look awesome. Ultron and Carol are my favorites. Keep safe out there.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/04/13 04:09:12

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Crossbones from Marvel Crisis Protocol.

High res pics by clicking on them.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/04/19 08:17:51

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

More Marvel Crisis Protocol, this time leader of The Cabal, Red Skull.

The tesseract is 2mm across. Painted with white, then guilliman blue glaze multiple times, heavier to edges. Dot white back in center then a last glaze. Including drying with a fan, took about 6 minutes.

As always, big pics clicking on the pics.
His black scarf is way over-contrasted in the pics, a problem I am having photographing any blue highlighted blacks.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/04/27 11:52:04

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Next up Dhunian Archon for Minions in Hordes.

The first of 2 that I have, after this, the other will be awhile.

Complex, frustratingly 'soft' details and top heavy weight an absolute powerhouse in game but low on the list of models that I have enjoyed painting.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/05/03 09:15:27

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads


Hulk from Marvel Crisis Protocol.
A joy to paint.

Click pics for high res.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/05/12 09:44:41

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Next up Trollblood Champions.

As usual click the pics for high resolution pics.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/05/12 09:48:23

Post by: Viterbi

Nice green skin on the Hulk mini! The red bricks on the base contrast nicely with it.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/05/12 12:56:55

Post by: amazingturtles

Such a good hulk! Muscles like that just look like such fun to paint

A New Beginning  @ 2020/05/15 09:45:55

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Next up part of my unit of minion swamp shamblers from Minions in Hordes.

White, warpstone glow contrast and highlight moot green for skin.

Click on pic for high resolution.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/05/21 11:59:39

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Next up the Bokur for the shambler unit:
Quick paint, took about an hour, not including the base.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/05/24 08:27:42

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Next up Venom from Marvel Crisis Protocol.

A very enjoyable attempt at painting black with details, whist still looking black.

Click the pics for high res pics.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/05/28 09:39:37

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Back to Trollbloods

Dozer and Smigg character heavy warbeast.

Click on pics for high res links.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/05/31 01:56:46

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Next up Vision from Marvel Crisis Protocol.

As always, click on the pics for high resolution pics.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/06/06 09:08:07

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads



A New Beginning  @ 2020/06/13 04:01:42

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Black Widow:

A New Beginning  @ 2020/06/21 07:24:21

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

The Winter Soldier:

Would have like better definition on the flesh arm, but oh well...

A New Beginning  @ 2020/06/25 11:44:23

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Erik Killmonger from Marvel Crisis Protocol

A New Beginning  @ 2020/06/28 03:20:09

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Black Panther from Marvel Crisis Protocol...

A New Beginning  @ 2020/07/02 07:10:28

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Doctor Octopus

Rubbish pose, a pleasure to paint.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/07/05 03:34:46

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Back to Warmachine/Hordes.

Gobber Chef from the Minions Range.

Click the pics for high res details.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/07/10 11:49:36

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Spider-Man, Spider-Man does whatever a spider can...

His feet are normally attached to the steel reinforcing beam, but I wanted more dynamism, so used some paper clip as rebar, then stuck him in as if he is worming his way through.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/07/10 13:18:46

Post by: youwashock

And now I want them to make a Magneto for him to fight. Love the paint on Spidey.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/07/12 00:53:50

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

 youwashock wrote:
And now I want them to make a Magneto for him to fight. Love the paint on Spidey.

Should be 6 months or so off to be able to do that, The 'X' title announcement teased on Atomic Mass Games Twitter yesterday for more details at the end of July.
Has sent the community into somewhat of a rapturous frenzy.

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Brute forced with XV88 undercoat up to balor brown with washes and alot of individual 3-0 brush stroked. The extra armour is ulthuan grey, wash and then white, again with may brush strokes.
The leaves on his head are green stuffed.
The flowers were off a standard pack of miniature flower for basing.

Rocket Racoon coming soon.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/07/12 05:28:59

Post by: Viterbi

Love the repositioning on Spidey (and the paintjob too), it looks really great! Nice work on Groot, excited to see Rocket.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/07/15 12:02:48

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Rocket Raccoon... With Groot

A New Beginning  @ 2020/07/19 11:34:29

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Next up Baron Zemo from Marvel Crisis Protocol.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/07/20 05:28:02

Post by: Viterbi

Great work on Rocket, love how they connected the bases with Groot's arm making way through the ground.
Zemo looks good too, love the cup on his base, imagining him just drinking some coffee before attacking Captain America

A New Beginning  @ 2020/07/20 11:31:45

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Captain America.

Got the idea and instructions for the shield from a youtube tutorial.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/07/22 06:29:58

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Battle Bear Unit Leader for Trollbloods for the game Hordes by Privateer Press

A New Beginning  @ 2020/07/26 08:51:42

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

The rest of the battle bear unit to go with the unit leader.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/07/26 18:49:52

Post by: aku-chan

Nice work on the Polar Bears!

A New Beginning  @ 2020/07/29 22:03:33

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Next up, some more shamblers from Minions.
As always, click the pics for high res pics

A New Beginning  @ 2020/08/01 01:08:10

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Next up from Marvel Crisis Protocol - Start Lord

An absolute joy to paint.

Note in the last pic a fanta can, similar to the drinks and cup detailing I do on most base.

The junk on the base positioned to represent the blast from his rocket boots.

As always high res pics by clicking on them.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/08/02 06:01:36

Post by: Viterbi

The base decorations really sell those models, the cups look great too!

A New Beginning  @ 2020/08/03 23:18:02

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Gunnbjorn, Warlock from my Trollbloods

Biggerise them by clicking on the pics.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/08/08 23:31:36

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Next up Black Widow, Agent of Shield

A New Beginning  @ 2020/08/11 12:09:48

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Proxima Midnight from Marvel Crisis Protocol:

A New Beginning  @ 2020/08/14 00:30:45

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Next up Corvus Glaive.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/08/16 11:38:39

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Ebony Maw from Marvel Crisis Protocol.

Complete with foster's bottle and TAB cola can.

The spiral of rubble is made from plastic sprue, trash, greenstuff and paperclips. All pinned with paperclips.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/08/20 12:27:42

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Black Dwarf/ Cull Obsidian depending on Comics/MCU movies.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/08/23 00:55:12

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Some Pyg Bushwhackers from my Trollbloods army.

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I am putting up new pics of Black Widow Agent of Shield, the last ones were so bad.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/08/27 00:22:21

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Shuri from Wakanda.
Another MCP model.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/08/30 06:37:31

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads


A New Beginning  @ 0031/08/30 06:53:29

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Marvel guys are looking really good. Ebony Maw's trash spiral is the best trash I've seen!

A New Beginning  @ 2020/09/04 10:09:18

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Troll Brawler, overexposed pics.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/09/06 10:16:59

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Next up from Marvel Crisis Protocol, Nebula.

All washes over different metallics except skin, eyes and base.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/09/07 21:06:10

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Great work. The poses on all of those femme fatales are so dramatic.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/09/08 15:16:51

Post by: Boss Salvage

Nebula looks really solid, nice work. I took a look back through your posts, looks like no Gamora yet? Guessing she's imminent unless I missed her

A New Beginning  @ 2020/09/10 05:22:01

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Coming soon. Just painting whatever strikes my fancy...

A New Beginning  @ 2020/09/11 09:28:06

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Hawkeye from Marvel Crisis Protocol

The bow string is 6-0 non-absorbable suture material super glued in place.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/09/13 13:26:16

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Very nice bow-string!

A New Beginning  @ 2020/09/14 19:33:06

Post by: aku-chan

Nice job on the bow string!

A New Beginning  @ 2020/09/16 01:35:52

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Gamora - Marvel Crisis Protocol.

Hair is washes over administratum gray

A New Beginning  @ 2020/09/16 12:48:47

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Her hair is especially great!

A New Beginning  @ 2020/09/16 15:46:00

Post by: Boss Salvage

Gams looks great! I prefer the white suit myself but it doesn't have any presence in the MCU, which I'm guessing you were more nodding towards with the brown armor.
 Waaagh_Gonads wrote:
Gamora - Marvel Crisis Protocol.

Hair is washes over administratum gray

A New Beginning  @ 2020/09/20 19:22:32

Post by: aku-chan

She is very snazzy!

A New Beginning  @ 2020/09/22 11:56:53

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

I am leaning heavily on MCU appearances, as evidenced by the following... Okoye. Also soon, Tessa Thompson based Valkyrie.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/09/24 22:13:11

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Tessa Thompson MCU based Valkyrie.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/09/27 10:11:51

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Ronan The Accuser.

Painted with all washes over leadbelcher or ironbreaker.

The power gem in his hand is a ball of greenstuff, cut in half and then cored out leaving a central 'spike' to resemble the gem in the containment ball in the Guardians movie.

The zebra crossing was done cutting out a stencil and then dappling celestra grey then white, very happy with it.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/09/28 14:11:02

Post by: aku-chan

Your Marvel stuff continues to be great! Particularly movie-verse Valkyrie.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/09/28 15:14:31

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Very cool. Really like Gamora's hair. And the crosswalk,

A New Beginning  @ 2020/10/02 10:47:14

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Back from camping last few days... and here is Loki. The ice is the technical crackle paint/basing material painted.

Again, to get to use new techniques on every single model is wonderful.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/10/04 11:07:07

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Hela from Marvel Crisis Protocol.

The green source light is all dry brushed.
The skulls are 20 year old GW skulls from the old, old skeleton kit.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/10/04 18:59:48

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Loki and Hela look great. I like Loki's ice.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/10/05 12:42:54

Post by: aku-chan

Nice ice effect on Loki!

A New Beginning  @ 2020/10/05 22:27:11

Post by: IGtR=

Latest set of Marvel Crisis Protocol minis looking fantastic. Great to see you having fun playing around with different techniques and tools as well!

Thanks for sharing

A New Beginning  @ 2020/10/08 11:03:02

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Thor... The Strongest Avenger

A New Beginning  @ 2020/10/09 23:58:43

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Thanos' Throne - Marvel Crisis Protocol

A New Beginning  @ 2020/10/11 11:58:38

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads


The pinnacle of my painting journey brought on by necromunda and MCP.

Model was a joy to paint...

Note the magnetised hand in the last pic to replace the magnetised glove.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/10/13 18:40:42

Post by: aku-chan

Nice muscle definition on Thanos!

A New Beginning  @ 2020/10/17 06:04:12

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Skorne from Hordes.

I picked up a large army for about 15% retail and every model following for the next 150+ will be stripped with simple green and repainted.


A New Beginning  @ 2020/10/18 11:09:03

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Hakaar The Destroyer

Skorne Immortal Solo, and absolute brute in combat.

Drybrushed several greys up from a prime of Mechanicus standard grey.
Gold to the face and nihilakh oxide as base for the gem and the eyes to indicate soul powered.
I could have done all the edged detail in gold as privateer press does, but I will have so many immortals to paint I want it as simple as possible.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/10/19 02:57:43

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

You will notice a much more frequent posting rate. I am currently about 7 weeks behind in my pics on where I am currently in painting and need to catch up.

3 Ancestral Guardians.

Support Solos for the Skorne Immortals.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/10/19 14:45:11

Post by: Boss Salvage

Glory to the Skorne Empire!

Look forward to watching you churn through the lot, nice haul

A New Beginning  @ 2020/10/19 22:51:23

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Skorne Immortal Unit 1.

The bases took longer to paint than the models.

As per the solos there is NO way I was going over all the raised detail with gold.

Biggerised pics by clicking on them

A New Beginning  @ 2020/10/20 21:59:25

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Kovaas - Attachment to Zaal

A New Beginning  @ 2020/10/21 22:01:08

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

2nd Agoniser

A New Beginning  @ 2020/10/22 23:27:49

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Second unit of immortals.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/10/24 01:20:34

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Next up, 2 razor worm warbeasts, very fun model to paint.

And a week's painting in a pic.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/10/25 00:42:22

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Time to pump out some more war beasts - Basilisk Kreas.

The red is Gold with blood angels red contrast paint painted straight over to give a candied red appearance. Very happy with it and very quick.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/10/26 04:11:51

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

And now for some Basilisk Drakes

A New Beginning  @ 2020/10/26 22:09:53

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Aptimus Marketh, Warlock attachment

A New Beginning  @ 2020/10/27 22:00:01

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Next up the Supreme Guardian.

All drybrushed up from a spray primer of adeptus mechanicus grey.
Nihilakh oxide as the start point for the spirit flame/eyes/stone.
With all the cracks and damage, the perfect model for drybrushing.
The OSL is all hand painted.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/10/28 22:14:39

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Next up a couple void spirit solos.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/10/29 21:54:35

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Extoller Soulward solo, or a she is commonly known by Warmahordes players 'The Poop Handler'.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/01 02:11:20

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Next up 2 Immortal Vessel Solos for my Skorne army.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/01 21:58:52

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Next is Skorne solo - Abidan The Keeper.

Tomorrow, for something completely different, Warhammer Underworlds...

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/02 22:28:05

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Now a switch to Warhammer Underworlds

There was a sudden surge in interest in the last couple months in my local town with up to 20 players suddenly appearing from the woodwork to play once a week at my FLGS.
I had been buying everything since it was released.

Love painting the as each warband has very different styles and techniques.

First up the Grymwatch.

Gristlewel Greatsword.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/03 22:07:04

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Crypt Ghouls

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/04 18:03:40

Post by: Fifty

Those ghouls have a fantastic skin tone.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/04 21:56:14

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Thanks Fifty.

Valreek the Tracker

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/04 22:07:27

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Dang, quite the production. Nice work on all of the stuff. Some simple techniques, but good results.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/05 22:33:18

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

The leader: Duke Crackmarrow

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/05 22:46:18

Post by: IGtR=

Fantastic work on these chaps - truly great skin.

Phenomenal rate of output also!

Thanks for sharing

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/06 14:18:31

Post by: aku-chan

Love the skin tone on those ghouls.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/06 23:54:45

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Last up - Duke's Harriers

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/08 10:51:58

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

The warband as a whole.
Click on the pic for clear, high res pic.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/08 23:39:17

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Severin Steelheart from Steelheart's Champions.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/09 16:52:03

Post by: Boss Salvage

 Waaagh_Gonads wrote:
The warband as a whole.
Great work on one of the coolest warbands GW has made, and certainly among the best realized Flesheater models they've done. Solid mix of horror textures on your cannibals here

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/09 23:09:47

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Thanks Boss Salvage

Next up Angharad Brightshield

Just realised she has a six-pack...

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/10 22:33:13

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Obryn The Bold

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/11 22:10:15

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

The warband as a whole.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/12 02:05:04

Post by: Argive

They look amazing!

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/12 11:14:47

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Now onto The Chosen Axes warband from Warhammer Underworlds.


A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/12 22:59:42

Post by: Argive

He looks cold

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/15 10:39:04

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Tefk Flamebearer

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/16 11:54:06

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Mad Maegrim

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/17 11:27:09

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Vol Orrukbane

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/18 10:11:37

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Next is Garrek's Reavers

Starting with the leader, Garrek Gorebeard.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/19 09:23:39

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Targor 'Come at me bro'

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/21 04:05:59

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads


A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/22 10:08:08

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Blooded Saek

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/23 05:09:53

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Last up is Karsus The Chained

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/23 05:29:38

Post by: Argive

Those guys never skip chest day

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/23 23:16:47

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Bare chests with sculpted nipples also means painting nipples... on men.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
As a break from Warhammer Underworlds a Skorne Titan Bronzeback with magnetised tusks.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/25 00:04:20

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Spiteclaw from Spiteclw's Swarm

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/25 23:54:12

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Krrk and Hungering Skaven

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/26 23:53:13

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Festering Skaven and Lurking Skaven...

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/29 22:11:20

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

The whole warband

A New Beginning  @ 2020/11/30 22:30:35

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Paingiver Beast Handlers Unit, part 1

A New Beginning  @ 2020/12/01 21:45:48

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Paingiver Beast Handlers Unit, part 2

A New Beginning  @ 2020/12/02 22:21:32

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

The unit as a whole

A New Beginning  @ 2020/12/03 23:20:17

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Picked up a 214 model Circle orboros army for about 15-20% retail a couple months ago and as I am now only 4 weeks behind on listing here what I have painted, here are the first models.

Shifting stones unit 1.

No command attachment yet painted as he is missing his weapon and privateer press has closed down their parts selection due to COVID-19 restrictions...

Side rant about government restrictions (not PP) despite after 10 months only 4.2% on the US population having caught it and of those, 1.9% death rate.
So in a town/population of 1000 people, 42 would have caught it after 10 months and 1 person would have died... after 10 months.
The parts pickers are probably pretty safe. Considering the staff would all congregate in lunch rooms, and other areas of the PP headquarters.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/12/09 02:03:59

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Second Shifting Stones Unit.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/12/10 05:21:27

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

First 2 Wold Wyrds...

A New Beginning  @ 2020/12/11 08:48:05

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

The next 2 Wold Wyrds and then all 4 together.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/12/12 13:01:36

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Baldur The Stonesoul, Circle warlock.

Went with stone rather than metal for the armour and will carry it across the army.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/12/13 10:08:40

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Wold Guardian

A New Beginning  @ 2020/12/14 00:21:22

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

2 Circle Solos, War Wolf 1 and 2.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/12/14 22:27:22

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Cyclops Raider.

Looking back after putting it in the FLGS display of the models I have been painting for a 6 month challenge, there needs to be a lot more red on the armour. Oh well.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/12/16 03:45:04

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

3 Cyclops Savages.
All are metal.
Again, needs more red, but will be done at a later time.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/12/16 23:38:33

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Back to Circle Orboros with a unit of Standing Stone and Mannequins, the most broken unit in Circle.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/12/17 23:50:08

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Standing Stone and Mannequins Unit 2

A New Beginning  @ 2020/12/19 01:37:30

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Zaal 2, Skorne Warlock.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/12/20 00:04:34

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Back to Circle Orboros and first Wold Warden.

10 days to go and I will hit 200 models for the year painted, with some really big ones incoming to be posted in a week or so to bring me back up to date with listings here.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/12/20 02:02:52

Post by: tzurk

Jeez you are a busy man! Congratulations on a ripper year mate, you have churned out a lot of really impressive stuff.

I am loving the scheme of the Orboros stuff; the overgrown stone and blue glow is a really nice combo.

Some of these minis are new to me - the Wold Wyrds are some of the coolest sculpts I've seen in a long time.

I also love the dark colours on the skaven warband and am actually a fan of how much gold is on the rhino demon guys (forgive the terminology ) - getting a kind of decadent Anubite vibe from them.

Great work mate and thank you for sharing!

A New Beginning  @ 2020/12/21 00:07:57

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Second Wold Warden

A New Beginning  @ 2020/12/23 10:05:35

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Light Warbeast - Wold Watcher.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/12/23 11:59:59

Post by: Fifty

I love those Wold Wardens and Wold Guardian. Really nice aesthetic to them and I love the effect you've achieved with the stone.

I'd never heard of them before. Warmahordes, right?

A New Beginning  @ 2020/12/24 00:10:06

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

 Fifty wrote:
I love those Wold Wardens and Wold Guardian. Really nice aesthetic to them and I love the effect you've achieved with the stone.

I'd never heard of them before. Warmahordes, right?

Yes. Warmahordes. Circle Orboros faction for the Wolds.

Next up Wurmwood, Circle warcaster
Yes a tree is your army's general.
Cassius (its attachment) is missing an arm so I will wait until parts service returns from Privateer Press to paint him.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/12/24 14:57:08

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Super unique army that really gives an opportunity to show off the wood and stone effects that normally are only supporting elements on a mini. Great job!

A New Beginning  @ 2020/12/25 10:13:00

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Thanks Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll.

Next up a unit of Woldstalkers and Stoneward leader.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/12/26 23:17:46

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Next up my first painted Grave Ghoul from the Grymkin Faction.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/12/27 22:28:10

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

A Woldwight. Sets fire to itself, then gets boosted attack rolls and damage rolls when on fire...

A New Beginning  @ 2020/12/28 22:29:18

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Realised last night that for at least 6 months, maybe even a couple years I have been using armypainter dark tone instead of strong tone for washes (badab black vs devlan mud).
Not too much of an issue unless I go back a paint some older armies.

Next up, a Gallows Grove.
A teleporting tree that warlocks can cast spells through, and weakens nearby enemy models.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/12/29 22:06:00

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Second Gallows Grove

A New Beginning  @ 2020/12/30 22:05:46

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Krueger The Stormlord, Circle Warlock.

A New Beginning  @ 2020/12/30 22:13:02

Post by: Fifty

So much to love at the moment. That Woldwight and the Gallows Trees are top notch. Love what you've done with them.

A New Beginning  @ 2021/01/01 11:11:11

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Thanks Fifty.

Mohsar the Desertwalker, Circle Warlock.

A New Beginning  @ 2021/01/02 10:49:45

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Now down to only 2 and a half weeks, but as I was doing big models from this point forth, expect much slower posting rate.

Storm Raptor, Circle Gargantuan.
High res pics by clicking on them.
The model is on a 120mm diameter base.

A New Beginning  @ 2021/01/04 18:52:52

Post by: Boss Salvage

One of the PP's best, and you've really nailed her. Love the realistic scheme (but charging up them eye lasers )

A New Beginning  @ 2021/01/07 00:05:29

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Celestial Fulcrum, Circle battle engine.

The filling of the markings with nihilakh oxide took about half the time to paint this.
I imagine the small globes are where the shots are fired from so I had all their markings filled, then as parts move away from them I filled fewer markings to show the energy being pulled to them.

The druids were painted separately and pinned in place.

Like the Eagle, on a 120mm base.

A New Beginning  @ 2021/01/07 00:45:02

Post by: The Riddle of Steel

Storm Raven looks excellent. I love the feathers and the base.

A New Beginning  @ 2021/01/09 18:43:00

Post by: aku-chan

Really nice job on the big bird!

A New Beginning  @ 2021/01/10 04:07:02

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Missed this model a few months ago.

Ant-Man from Marvel Crisis Protocol.
I felt that the small version lacked a sense of scale and that by adding a regular item that people know instantly that will give an idea of how small he actually is.
Used a 1mm drill vice though the quarter and into his foot and pinned with a piece of paperclip wire.

A New Beginning  @ 2021/01/15 00:57:40

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

2nd Storm Raptor:

A New Beginning  @ 2021/01/15 17:18:51

Post by: Boss Salvage

DOUBLE storm raptors?? Now you're getting saucy <3

Another beautiful birb, nice changes from the first.

A New Beginning  @ 2021/01/16 15:50:37

Post by: aku-chan

Nice idea mounting Ant-man on a coin, looks great!

A New Beginning  @ 2021/01/17 04:05:33

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

 Boss Salvage wrote:
DOUBLE storm raptors?? Now you're getting saucy <3

Another beautiful birb, nice changes from the first.

Both are second hand and had already been assembled and painted. I rebased them and should have filled some gaps in the second bird but missed them until too far into the repaint.

Now onto models I have been painting in 2021.

First up:

Tharn Ravager Chieftain. A Tharn ravager unit command attachment.

A New Beginning  @ 2021/01/20 01:01:47

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Second Tharn Ravager Chieftain.

A New Beginning  @ 2021/01/20 03:24:18

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

What could be better than a giant murder bird?
Two Giant Murder Birds!

What could be better than an ax-wielding chieftain?
Two of them!

A New Beginning  @ 2021/01/20 03:47:37

Post by: darkkt

Your Tharn Ravager Chieftain paint job is sweet - the bone has a particularly nice look to it.

A New Beginning  @ 2021/01/25 11:31:16

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Tharn Ravager White Mane Solo for Circle Orboros.

A New Beginning  @ 2021/01/28 10:53:14

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Tharn Ravager Shaman:

A New Beginning  @ 2021/01/30 10:50:34

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Tharn Ravager Unit 1.
I have since gone back and changed the base identifying markerss with B-F (A is the officer) as they are multi-wound to keep track of the wounds on the table.

I have used them in 3 Brawlmachine games and they are amazing to play with.

A New Beginning  @ 2021/02/05 11:47:39

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Consistent with my eclectic and short attention span here are some MkV tactical marines for Horus Heresy from my first tactical squad.

From the XVII Host, 'The Blood Drinkers'

A New Beginning  @ 2021/02/06 11:22:37

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Now the MkIII Marines with the radioman.

Then the first half of the squad together.

A New Beginning  @ 2021/02/11 10:50:28

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Mk2 armour for the tactical squad, including the sergeant.

A New Beginning  @ 2021/02/12 17:23:39

Post by: Dysartes

Some really nice stuff in here, Gonads, and it's nice to see someone working on WMH stuff - are you planning on getting the Murderhouse when it comes out?

A New Beginning  @ 2021/02/12 20:28:33

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

 Dysartes wrote:
Some really nice stuff in here, Gonads, and it's nice to see someone working on WMH stuff - are you planning on getting the Murderhouse when it comes out?

I will eventually, looks a brilliant model.

A New Beginning  @ 2021/02/14 11:55:39

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Blood Angels Terminator Praetor.

A New Beginning  @ 2021/02/18 01:25:07

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Master of Signals:

A New Beginning  @ 2021/02/21 13:08:16

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Mk IV armour marines for the first squad.

2nd half of the squad.

Heresy era tactical squad marking

A New Beginning  @ 2021/02/24 12:22:39

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Stoneward and Woldstalkers, second unit.

A New Beginning  @ 2021/02/28 11:42:39

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

The following is what I have painted in the last 6 months up to the first Wednesday in February.
I have placed the models each week in one of the display cabinets at my FLGS to promote the painting aspect of our hobby.

Large sized pic by clicking on the pic.

Work has been insanely busy the last month and I am switching back to Marvel Crisis Protocol Models which take much more time, so the rate of painting will drop significantly.

But man I am proud of that shelf... >

A New Beginning  @ 2021/02/28 16:09:08

Post by: Dysartes

For six months of work, that is an impressive shelf of models, dude.

A New Beginning  @ 2021/03/01 22:36:36

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Bullseye from Marvel Crisis Protocol

A New Beginning  @ 2021/03/03 21:52:25

Post by: IGtR=

Great job, very characterful paint job

Thanks for sharing

A New Beginning  @ 2021/03/06 10:15:23

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Next up MCP Ant Man (Normal Size)

At my FLGS:

A New Beginning  @ 2021/03/13 00:09:57

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

3 Goraxes for my Circle Orboros army.

A New Beginning  @ 2021/03/18 12:30:10

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Taskmaster from Marvel Crisis Protocol painted in Marvel Cinematic Universe scheme.

A New Beginning  @ 2021/03/18 16:28:08

Post by: Captain Brown

Lots of good, solid, steady progress there Waaagh_Gonads.



A New Beginning  @ 2021/03/22 12:28:20

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

The Punisher from MCP.

A New Beginning  @ 2021/03/26 23:56:11

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

A unit of Skin Walkers for Circle Orboros.

A New Beginning  @ 2021/04/02 11:49:34

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Miles Morales Spider-Man for MCP

A New Beginning  @ 2021/04/05 22:24:20

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Daredevil from MCP.
Rubbish bin added to add to the movement of the model.

A New Beginning  @ 2021/04/06 13:19:56

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

The rubbish bin is very characterful, and most importantly in character with Daredevil! Nicely done!

A New Beginning  @ 2021/04/10 11:33:36

Post by: aku-chan

Nice idea with the basing, looks great!

A New Beginning  @ 2021/04/10 19:25:42

Post by: IGtR=

Love the Marvel Crisis Protocol models, they are great sculpts

Thanks for sharing

A New Beginning  @ 2021/04/11 04:12:59

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Wong From MCP

A New Beginning  @ 2021/04/11 13:15:19

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Great job on his face, and on the OSL!

A New Beginning  @ 2021/04/14 23:46:57

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Ghost Spider (Spider Gwen) from MCP
Going for a selfie.

The phone is a piece of aluminum can and the lamp post is a terrain piece from MCP.
The concrete on the base is all green stuff.
Pinned in place with a paperclip.

A New Beginning  @ 2021/04/18 20:58:50

Post by: IGtR=

Snazzy Spider Gwen. Damn the Marvel models are good. Must resist the urge to splurge out on them!!

Thanks for sharing

A New Beginning  @ 2021/04/23 12:00:28

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Enchantress from MCP

The OSL effect is all hand painted to the base and model body.

A New Beginning  @ 2021/05/02 09:44:32

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

The start of a dive into AOS.

I bought the thunderfist box about 4 years ago and have been doing other games until now as AOS is insanely popular here currently.

Searched for ages for a good scheme and decided on blue and pink bubblegum style to make it pop from across the room.

The base material is grit and gravel from the gutter at the end of my street, with larger stones sieved out and most dust removed by washing.

Large pics in the dakka gallery by clicking the pics.

A New Beginning  @ 2021/05/02 15:48:08

Post by: IGtR=

Great job on the big boi.

Nice to see him in something other than red and black or yellow!

Thanks for sharing

A New Beginning  @ 2021/05/03 15:12:51

Post by: Boss Salvage

 Waaagh_Gonads wrote:
Searched for ages for a good scheme and decided on blue and pink bubblegum style to make it pop from across the room.
Proper high vis orky

The actual paint looks a bit undersaturated / incomplete, but guessing this is a contrast paint speed project?

A New Beginning  @ 2021/05/04 00:26:29

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

 Boss Salvage wrote:
 Waaagh_Gonads wrote:
Searched for ages for a good scheme and decided on blue and pink bubblegum style to make it pop from across the room.
Proper high vis orky

The actual paint looks a bit undersaturated / incomplete, but guessing this is a contrast paint speed project?

For the pink.
Pink horror, screamer pink slapped on undersides, carroburg crimson, rehighlight pink horror and then edges pink horror and white scar.
For blue:
Sotek greeen, slap on caliban green on undersides/shadowed areas, drakenhof nightshade, rehighlight sotek green and edge sotek green and white scar.

The washes take time to dry but otherwise by the time I have finished a layer I can go back to the start and do the next colour.

A New Beginning  @ 2021/05/04 02:10:43

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

The Punisher is sick. So is Daredevil. Two of my favorites right there.
The Spider Gwen selfie shot is fantastic. The image on the phone is an excellent touch, and very well done.
Lots of good stuff on all those MCU bases.

A New Beginning  @ 2021/05/04 15:06:17

Post by: Boss Salvage

Fair nuff! Spending time with the closeups I can see plenty of edging and non-contrast action. Guess I was thrown by how light the skin is and splotchy the armor plates are, versus most of your usual style, but both of those are absolutely aesthetic choices, apologies 'Nads

A New Beginning  @ 2021/05/06 02:41:54

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

No problems Boss Salvage.
I am really enjoying painting over gaming currently and trying a range of different styles to keep myself interested.
Haven't used contrasts except as thinned washes as yet, too used to traditional painting.

A New Beginning  @ 2021/05/09 09:53:14

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Orruk Warclans Weirdnob Shaman:

The cloth is darker than I wanted by several shades. The next one will be much more of a dark reaper with darker recesses than black with dark reaper highlights. But at least it will help differentiate them.

Very happy with the smoke effect

A New Beginning  @ 2021/05/10 15:06:53

Post by: IGtR=

Looks good. On the cloak, I think what might be throwing you is that it is the same colour as the skull thing on the staff - maybe changing that to a bone (or a different tone) might help you like the cloak colour. Just a thought!

Thanks for sharing.