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DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/03/12 21:43:29

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Welcome to my P&M blog, such as it is.

Here is the 'full' squad. Not much of a showing for 40K, but I'm working on that. In fact, I have to another picture as the army has grown since this shot was taken.

[Thumb - DSCF6381.JPG]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/03/12 23:07:53

Post by: ZergSmasher

I like the weapon skins thing. Are you doing that across your whole army?

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/03/13 01:00:10

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

The skins turned out pretty good, so maybe. It was an idea that just hit me and I already have about half of my army finished.

Perhaps I'll go back through and add some skins over time.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/03/27 17:55:17

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

I started working on a unit of suppressors. Their Accelerator Autocannons are pretty fierce. I sent some of these pictures to a friend of mine and he said that anything that can carry a gun that big and still fly has to be taken seriously.

Couldn't agree more.

I decided to paint their guns with different skins, sort of like camo skins from a Call of Duty multiplayer game.

I obviously still need to work on the bases, but I'm pretty happy so far.

Let me know your thoughts if you want to.

[Thumb - IMG_1740.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1746.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1747.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1748.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1750.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/03/28 22:09:24

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

I've spent a lot of this quarantine painting. I'm trying to field a semi-decent Space Marines army, but don't have a lot of liquid capital to commit to it right now. That's left me with buying some starter kits and some used models, and not the power that I want. However, I'm almost at 1,000 points, so that's something. I'll but some WIP photos of the various squads here.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/03/28 22:23:52

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Here are the final based pictures of those suppressors.

Since they're flying above their bases, it seemed like a good opportunity to make them a little more complicated. I made some bigger rocks out of foam.

[Thumb - IMG_1840.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1841.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1842.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1844.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1845.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1847.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1848.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/03/28 22:41:54

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

I bought the First Strike kit, which was a bad idea for several reasons, but now I don't have a full squad of Reivers or Intercessors. But I did get some pox walkers to cut up at peoples' feet.

[Thumb - IMG_1829.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1830.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1831.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1832.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1834.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1835.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1836.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/03/28 22:45:31

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

I painted the sergeant on St. Patrick's Day, so that's why he's an Irish lad. But the Adeptus Astartes recruits from all over the universe, so any ethnic group is fair game, right?

[Thumb - IMG_1770.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1772.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1785.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1820.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1825.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1826.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1828.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/03/28 22:58:39

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

I decided not to spend the time to do the same level of detail on the Infiltrators, but then I ended up doing most of the detail anyway.

[Thumb - IMG_1812.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1813.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1814.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1816.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1817.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1818.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/03/28 23:19:48

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

And finally, the Terminator Squad. These are some of the models I've spent the most time on. The sergeant is my submission for the Dakka monthly paint competition.

[Thumb - IMG_1754.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1794.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1805.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1807.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1851.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1855.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1858.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1861.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/03/29 06:00:15

Post by: Viterbi

Nice and steady work on your Space Marines! Love the Intercessor sarge, made me immediately think of Cpt. Carrot from Discworld

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/03/29 19:53:38

Post by: MacPhail

You're on a roll! I like your decisions on those bases... keeping them on the darker side makes the red armor pop.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/03/31 23:55:10

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

 Viterbi wrote:
Nice and steady work on your Space Marines! Love the Intercessor sarge, made me immediately think of Cpt. Carrot from Discworld

I love Discworld. Terry Pratchett was a genius, and will forever live in my heart. I'm gonna call that sergeant Carrot and probably roll with a little flavor text while I'm gaming next. Whenever that gets to be.

McPhail - Thanks. I was looking back at my basing and thinking it was all garbage. I have a Lieutenant in Phobos Armor and an Eliminator squad to finish still, so I probably won't take as drastic a change as I was considering for the bases. Then, I have that Space Marine unit I bought on eBay to strip and repaint still.

I've been kicking the idea around in my head to scratch build a dreadnought of some sort so I can implement some heavy fire. I've only recently started with Warhammer so I don't have the stash of little fiddly-bits to really make it look legit (My massive MTG collection doesn't really cross over). Might have to take a page from Syro_'s blog and just mad sculpt everything. Of course, if I make one dreadnought . . . I'm a bit worried about floodgates.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/04/09 19:06:12

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Working on my Vanguard Lieutenant. His left foot is up on some rubble, there's even a piece of rebar sticking out. I decided that this was too cool of a detail to leave in so simple a state. It felt like sticking him on a plain base, even with a few rocks and shrubs, was underwhelming. So I built a bigger, badder base out of foam and matchsticks.

I sprinkled some sand on and tapped into the corners, then, taking a page from MacPhail 's bag and used an eyedropper to squirt in some PVA glue/water mixture. I have to practice it a bit, propbably have the wrong mixture or wrong technique, because it mostly washed out the sand. I had to reapply.

Anyway, here are some WIP pics. Final shot to come.

Next edition: Eliminators, my first crack at a conversion, and what I hope to be some cool active cammo.

[Thumb - IMG_1883.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1884.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1903.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1909.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1912.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/04/11 01:24:19

Post by: MacPhail

I love this base! Glad to hear the PVA/water mix was workable. Mine is usually roughly 50/50 with a few drops of dish soap to help it flow, and I've seen it wash the sand away and also draw it in to the bead of glue and redistribute it that way... weird physics. Did you craft the spiral texture onto the rebar? It looks awesome, and 2-tone paint scheme on the base makes the contrasting textures pop. The big question... save it for badass characters, or put that much into everyone?

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/04/11 07:55:32

Post by: Viterbi

Great work on the Lt.'s base, really makes a difference and blends flawlessly with the GW rubble.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/04/13 18:59:28

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

MacPhail wrote:I love this base! Glad to hear the PVA/water mix was workable. Mine is usually roughly 50/50 with a few drops of dish soap to help it flow, and I've seen it wash the sand away and also draw it in to the bead of glue and redistribute it that way... weird physics. Did you craft the spiral texture onto the rebar? It looks awesome, and 2-tone paint scheme on the base makes the contrasting textures pop. The big question... save it for badass characters, or put that much into everyone?

I didn't do the dish soap, though I now remember you writing that somewhere . . .

The rebar was another bit of GW rubble. I think it was "supposed" to be on one of the suppressor bases. But, I made those up from pink foam too. So I got another piece of rebar to throw in. I'll pop in another photo pre primer that will show the difference between GW and DJ rubble.

For rhe paint scheme on the base, he's one of the last figures that I even own, so save it for badass characters. I'm going to do some for my eliminators, too, and then I'm all out of plastic.

Viterbi wrote:Great work on the Lt.'s base, really makes a difference and blends flawlessly with the GW rubble.


DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/04/15 21:22:33

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

The Lieutenant is finished. I think. Of course, it's only after I noticed and then touched up a few things in the last set of pictures I took that I can even say that.

Anyway, here are some final shots.

[Thumb - IMG_1961.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1958.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1959.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1962.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/04/16 01:41:33

Post by: tzurk

G'day mate, really enjoying watching the journey so far. Echoing the praise for the base of the lieutenant, it really brings the mini together - and the mud on his boots is a great touch. Nice free hand on the scroll too - always admire people with steady hands. I think he needs another knife or two though

Love the toxic green blood on the other guys too, nice contrast with the red scheme.

I often find that taking photos is a great way to notice things you need to fix too - I should probably start taking photos before I pack up the paint station instead of after! Look forward to more

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/04/19 20:18:18

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

 tzurk wrote:
I think he needs another knife or two though

I want a knife here, here and here. You can never find a knife when you're mad.

[Thumb - Simpson Horn.png]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/04/22 19:27:39

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

I want to start with a massive shout out to MacPhail.
He dropped off a 40K care package on my porch the other day. Some terrain stuff, some Catachan Guardsmen, some Space Marines, and a kick ass little goblin bagpiper.
I wanted to start with some of those Rambo looking guys, but since I've entered my eliminators into the monthly painting challenge, I told myself to focus on that first.

Update Re: Eliminators

I liked the way the Lt's base turned out, and I got some positive feedback on it. Which I appreciate tremendously.
I wanted to do something similar with the eliminators, and I wanted a bit more rubble. It didn't make sense to me to have them sitting out in the middle of nowhere; snipers. seemingly, would seek out cover.
I don't want to imply a cover bonus, because I know they can't get it from their own base, but I ended up going all out on it.

I also went for a darker color to their armor. Bright red armor with a camo cloak seemed like an unreasonable combination. There are also lots of access points under the cloaks that I wouldn't be able to get to once assembled. The argument could be made that you won't be able to see them either, but in my heart I would know the details were missing from his belt pouch on his back under the cloak. Besides, if someone picked him up, turned him upside down, and looked real close at just the right angle, you might be able to see the corner of it.

Alright, so a rundown of the process and then some pictures:

I got them as part of the Start Collecting Vanguard kit. There are two sets of eliminator squads out there in plastic sprue land. The one that comes separately has a sergeant and two snipers, with a total of three poses.
-The sergeant standing
-A sniper kneeling and holding his rifle two-handed
-A sniper kneeling, one hand on the rifle, other hand digging in a pouch for something.

My set, from the vanguard kit, has two poses:
-The sergeant standing
-Both snipers kneeling and holding the rifle

Now, I don't think that multiple models with the same pose necessarily ruins the unit. I didn't do any conversions to my infiltrators or suppressors, for example.
But, seeing the differences in the two kits struck me as a grave injustice.

So, with some newly purchased green stuff in hand, and a sense of what's-the-worst-that-could-happen-? in my mind, I set about to remedy the situation.

I cut the rifle off from the shoulder and cut the hand off the rifle. Using green stuff I reattached it at a different angle. Then, repaired the hand and made a clip out of green stuff so he is in the process of reloading.

The two poses aren't dramatically different, but enough that they have a little unique character. They also were each kneeling on an identical little bit of rubble that added to their sameness, so I cut that off, too. I figured I'd be sculpting most of the rubble out of pink foam anyway. I did like the bit once I got them off, a little piece of an I beam, so I ended up using one of them on the sergeant's base.

McPhail asked a question about some rebar earlier and I wanted to make some to put sticking out of the junk. Floral wire was too thick for the scale, but I found some 8lb test fishing line sitting around that seemed to do the trick. The only trouble was trying to get it to stick to the stick. PVA glue wasn't going to cut the mustard and I knew I'd get CNA all over my fingers. So I settled somewhere in between with some foam/craft glue I got at Walmart.

Then while that was drying I snapped some more pics.

This morning I cut some lengths from the rebar. The line unravelled in a lot of places, so the glue wasn't the best plan. Might have to CNA the out of my hand after all.

Next up:
-Another stab at gluing sand to foam
-An attempt at active/holographic camouflage
-Some other minor details like giving them heads
-Finish painting

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[Thumb - IMG_1988.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1987.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/04/23 18:18:46

Post by: Captain Brown

 DJJazzyJeff wrote:

-Another stab at gluing sand to foam

Some nice scout conversions there DJJazzy.

As to gluing sand to foam, it works best when the foam is painted so the flue has a sold surface to grab. You can also use epoxy as it is thick enough to hold the foam and the sand can be poured onto it and left to dry...it also will not shrink like PVA does as it dries.



DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/04/23 23:44:09

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Captain Brown wrote:

Some nice scout conversions there DJJazzy.

Thanks, Captain.

Captain Brown wrote:

As to gluing sand to foam, it works best when the foam is painted so the flue has a sold surface to grab. You can also use epoxy as it is thick enough to hold the foam and the sand can be poured onto it and left to dry...it also will not shrink like PVA does as it dries.

And thanks, Captain.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/04/27 19:39:51

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Some custom COVID themed objective markers.

[Thumb - covid objectives.jpg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/04/30 22:47:46

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

A first stab at some holographic camo. I didn't want to just paint some camo blotches. I found a post from another site where someone did a really cool cam like what I attempted here.

Here are his: https://imgur.com/gallery/TpiO06t

and here are mine:

[Thumb - Eliminator Squad.jpeg]
[Thumb - Camo Cloaks.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/01 13:42:32

Post by: amazingturtles

There's some really neat things all throughout this thread! I'm enjoying all the things you do with you bases, it's nice to see such a variety.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/01 13:59:45

Post by: monkeytroll

Really like the active camo effect

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/01 14:17:17

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Some updated shots of the Eliminators. Got the scope lenses painted, the purity seals written, and some rank insignia on the sergeant. It stands out as more of a target, but they are still Space Marines. And if you don't have your regiment and rank insignia, then what's the point?

I'm not sure if I like what I added to the camo effect. Sometimes I do, and sometimes I think I ruined the whole model.

Oh, well.

[Thumb - E Squad.jpeg]
[Thumb - E Squad Tight.jpeg]
[Thumb - E Squad Camo.jpeg]
[Thumb - E Sarge.jpeg]
[Thumb - E1.jpeg]
[Thumb - E2.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/02 02:49:47

Post by: MacPhail

I love these guys. I've seen the active camo effect before, mostly on assassin bodygloves, but only ever in paint. Doing it with texture here is the next level... it's super effective. Also a huge fan of both the detailed bases and the painstaking conversions, especially the removed magazine. It's the little things, man... nice work!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/02 04:35:05

Post by: tzurk

Those cloaks look great - like MacPhail said, the texture really pulls it off. Looks like it'd give you a headache if you stared too long at it, like one of those holographic find-the-dolphin pictures. Really visually interesting effect!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/02 06:42:43

Post by: Honingtomaten

Nice basing man. Was scrolling through your blog, was really laughing with the covid bases.
Keep up the good work!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/02 14:59:24

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Those holographic cloaks are amazing. Using the texture on them really hammers down that they're HOLOGRAPHIC, not merely mimicking the environment but becoming it!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/04 01:05:53

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Woohoo! I made it to the second page of my blog! I never thought it would happen.

I've been working on a new bench in my garage, which is going to be sweet in about 72 hours when the last of the coats of resin are finished and have a bit to set.

I've got some WIP pictures.

[Thumb - IMG_2011.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_2015.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_2017.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_2051.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_2053.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/07 15:27:43

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

The bench is done, but I haven't set it up with my kit and tools in the garage yet. I'm writing a paper for a class I'm taking, and working three jobs.
The pandemic shut-down stuff has left Mrs. DjJazzyJeff and me in a bit of a financial situation. Plus an accident totaled my truck, and insurance is us around over the settlement.

Anyway, despite all of that, my hobby urges have been tingling. So, a few $0.94 Hot Wheels cars later, I have a new Gaslands project. Got the rules on an Amazon ebook download for $1.99. Seems like someone is getting robbed somewhere, but there you go. Having never played it, I'm not sure about weapon load-outs. But, drywall tape makes pretty good cargo netting. And if you're going to get involved in some post-apocalyptic, televised death races, you don't want a bunch of glass flying around.

I should be working on this:

[Thumb - IMG_2056 (1).jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_2063.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/08 00:37:25

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

And the new workbench is complete!
My paper is done and I’m ready to make some stuff!
Although, a few celebratory beers later, I may not get to anything productive tonight. And it’s my son’s 18th birthday tomorrow, so I don’t know how much I’ll get done tomorrow either.

But, with all the epoxy I poured into this door it’s going to be pretty darn near bomb proof.
This weekend is going to see some Gaslands cars. I’m thinking about the bootleggers because I like the idea of extra stuff in trailers and everybody being drunk all the time. Also, Beverly, because I like the idea of ghost riders driver through every one to stack up health and audience votes. Plus, if I made my main car a war rig, I would win every death match ever. Though, probably not too many races.

[Thumb - IMG_2064.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/08 05:02:59

Post by: Arakasi

That's a nice bench! Did you fill in the panels with resin?

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/08 05:14:04

Post by: Viterbi

New hobby space is looking good, nice use of the door.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/08 12:08:16

Post by: MacPhail

Mmm, bench envy. That's a nice space, plus you've got natural light so I'm super jealous. Theres about six weeks twice a year I can work with the garage door up, otherwise it's too hot or too cold. If I'd known what you were up to I'd have sent you a bag of bits and old models to seal into the resin. Anyway, cheers on the new space... Just think how many unfinished projects you fit on that thing!

Inmygravenimage is the guy to watch for around here when it comes to Gaslands. Theres a few people who play and build tables, but graven's blog is the most extensive one I've seen (plus he paints a bunch of awesome collector sets and board games).

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/08 12:32:31

Post by: tinfoil

Love the bench. But, is it difficult doing all your hobbying upside down?

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/08 17:26:18

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Arakasi wrote:That's a nice bench! Did you fill in the panels with resin?

Arakasi: Thank you, and yes I did. Two gallons of epoxy resin. Should withstand a nuclear holocaust.

Viterbi wrote:New hobby space is looking good, nice use of the door.

Thank you, Viterbi.

MacPhail wrote:Mmm, bench envy. That's a nice space, plus you've got natural light so I'm super jealous. Theres about six weeks twice a year I can work with the garage door up, otherwise it's too hot or too cold. If I'd known what you were up to I'd have sent you a bag of bits and old models to seal into the resin. Anyway, cheers on the new space... Just think how many unfinished projects you fit on that thing!

Inmygravenimage is the guy to watch for around here when it comes to Gaslands. Theres a few people who play and build tables, but graven's blog is the most extensive one I've seen (plus he paints a bunch of awesome collector sets and board games).

I thought about sealing things into it. I had a whole pile of stuff ready to go in, but at the last minute decided to just leave it as the bare wood. Though a little mosquito did land in one of the layers, so there is that in there.
And oh yeah, tons of unfinished stuff coming up. And in the garage, as opposed to the basement, the cats won't be batting my little fiddly bits around. And, Mrs. DJJazzyJeff won't complain about the clutter. Maybe.

tinfoil wrote:Love the bench. But, is it difficult doing all your hobbying upside down?

I just tuck my feet under the bar at the bottom. The toughest part is dropping stuff down/up to the floor.
Also, I fixed the picture.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/09 17:14:31

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

The first project of the new bench:

Magnetizing Terminator Heavy Weapons.

[Thumb - IMG_2066.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_2067.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/09 18:39:13

Post by: Captain Brown

Always a worthwhile effort to get your models as close to WYSIWYG as possible. Makes things easier for both your and your opponent.



DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/11 21:05:09

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

I'm throwing my hat into the ring for the 32nd round of the League of Extraordinary Riveters Terrain Competition.
This round's theme is "Honor Our First Responders"

So, naturally, I'm building some Gaslands terrain. What is a better way to honor first responders than post-apocalyptic, televised vehicular mayhem!
Also, I like saying that.

I'm going to try to put photos as spoilers, because, why not? I'm trying to learn how to do new things.


Not sure if this is going to work.

I'm attempting to list in different ways to see which works. Links to the gallery, embedding, etc. Also attempting to post them and have more text in between. I've seen people doing it.

Here's to stuff working!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/11 21:09:57

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Ok, the spoiler part worked, but not the images. Is there a forum for how to post pictures mid-thread? Or can someone who knows give me a quick rundown?

Here are the pics I tried to post of my competition work so far.

[Thumb - IMG_2074.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_2075.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/12 02:07:39

Post by: Arakasi

Choose the size you want, then just copy the Forums link directly underneath into your post. Wrap with spoilers to taste.
Of course, it doesn't want to work if I use the {code] tag

Should look like (replacing { with [):

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/12 05:29:40

Post by: Viterbi

Interesting start on the terrain, eager to see more of what you will build.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/12 18:30:08

Post by: Captain Brown


What is that black grating right beside and parallel to the Amazon box?



DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/12 19:16:39

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

 Captain Brown wrote:

What is that black grating right beside and parallel to the Amazon box?

My wife bought some flowers from Home Depot. A bunch of the little ones that come in the individual cups. That grating is a tray that holds those cups during shipping and while being stored/displayed on the shelves. She brought a couple of trays home. Then, I went back there and there was a whole cart piled with the stuff. I don't know if they were intended for the garbage, some sort of recycling, or if they were meant to be sent back to the warehouse and reused. But, the stoned kid watering flowers in the Garden Department told me to help myself, so I did.

The grating, when cut from the bottom of the tray, is what I'm using on those wall pieces.

The other stack of black grating is Walmart's version of the same. The patter is not as compelling, but I have more of them. Once cut up properly, I think it will make some good scaffolding.

I want to make a wall all the way around the arena I'm making. There is a rule in Gaslands that if your car or movement template goes off the edge of the play area it gets DQ'ed. I'm not sure how to reconcile that in the 'story' of the game, so I'm looking at making walls to crash into instead. I am going to have to go back to Home Depot and get some more of the trays because I don't think I have enough.

Although, I don't really know how big I should be making the arena in the first place.
Anyone play Gaslands?

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/12 22:12:50

Post by: MacPhail

Those look awesome! Talk about good return on investment, plus you kept it from the recycle bin. Upcycling! I think that texture will paint up really nicely. Are you going to paint and weather the layers together or separately? It looks like you've got enough to enclose a pretty big space, and maybe some islands as well?

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/13 01:08:39

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

I was thinking I would paint them separately, but do some weathering together at the end. Never tackled a project like this, so I’ll be doing a lot of browsing through other blogs for ideas.

I have so many ideas crawling through my head, my ADD is kicking up bad. My beautiful, new, clean desk is already covered in half started terrain projects. Working on some scaffolding, some razor wire (which I don’t like so far), some piping, some spiky bits, and who knows what all else.

I’m uploading from my phone, or I’d try some of the tips y’all sent along. Appreciate it.

[Thumb - 296FB2E6-6A4A-42B7-A1E4-27AFB5FF2C6F.jpeg]
[Thumb - F3E252E6-85F8-4912-9B34-9114CD7906A0.jpeg]
[Thumb - 5ADD58BC-3397-4D14-8E7F-9F67E750D2F5.jpeg]
[Thumb - C6C445C9-CBB9-4664-81D7-8B9E5250D4B0.jpeg]
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DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/14 17:38:38

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

I should be working on my terrain for the LoER competition, or my submission for the Dakka competition, but instead, I'm working on some cars. I made some gs crew members and a spiky ram for the truck. I'm going to assemble a turret-mounted minigun in the bed of the truck. The crew looks like deformed Tusken Raiders more than people, but some more gs sculpting of features will hopefully flush that out. I saw a sticker in the background of someone's YouTube video that said, "Miniaturists work as little as possible". It's true with this project, for sure.


Haha! It worked! Thank you, Arakasi, for the tips.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Well, their faces are still a little messed up. Okay, quite a bit messed up.

But, their hair looks pretty good.

That's supposed to be a shotgun in the guy riding shotgun's hands.

The dude manning the minigun looks better.

Maybe I'll have to plaster a metal sheet over the windshield, though I've used the build slots for this vehicle on armaments, so I can't use a build slot for armor plating.


Anyway, for a first crack at a car conversion, I'm not horribly disappointed.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/15 11:39:27

Post by: Syro_

I dig your new bench, and like your space marines. I don't recognize the color scheme on the space marines. Is it a custom chapter, or just one I don't recognize?

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/15 16:48:08

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

It is a custom chapter, Adeptus Brisonius.
I bought some space marines and started painting them red because I like red. Then, found out McPhail played 40K and started talking to him about it. He loaned me the codex and told me about Dakka. It was only after that that I learned there even were established space marine chapters. At one point I almost repainted everything, but then decided to create a chapter based on me. It's red because I like red. It uses my family crest and motto as its insignia because I like them, too.

[Thumb - IMG_1863.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/16 06:05:10

Post by: Viterbi

The faces of the gasland drivers aren't messed up, they are just mutant drivers. You always just need a positive spin But looking good so far, modeling is something where I lack even the most basic.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/18 05:01:07

Post by: MacPhail

I salute your ambition, freehand sculpting with green stuff on a tiny scale for an enclosed space... that's no joke. Maybe they're horribly burned from some fiery wreck?

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/18 20:06:15

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Viterbi wrote:The faces of the gasland drivers aren't messed up, they are just mutant drivers. You always just need a positive spin But looking good so far, modeling is something where I lack even the most basic.

MacPhail wrote:I salute your ambition, freehand sculpting with green stuff on a tiny scale for an enclosed space... that's no joke. Maybe they're horribly burned from some fiery wreck?

I appreciate the optimism. I'm not sure what, if any, fluff story I'll go with. However, I removed the caltrops dropper, as a truck like this is likely to not spend too much time in the front of the pack. That way I can get some armor plating on the truck and you won't even be able to see them, except for through the slits in the armor. The gunner has goggles and a scarf wrapped around his face to protect from dust, dirt, and smoke. And to protect me from having to make a face for him.

The minigun is also almost finished. It's my third or so attempt at one. And so far, the only one I haven't thrown in frustration or glued to my fingers, at least not for very long.

And there is a cow-catcher sort of ram on the front of this jeep. Not sure what else, but I don't think I'll be scratch building any more miniguns. Have the start of a big engine intake on the hood.

And some more cars lined up to join the fray. I have to figure out a source of guns. Looking around for a site that sells weaponry at a good price and/or large quantity/selection.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/19 15:51:56

Post by: Captain Brown

Cannot help on a site that does small weapons. Best source I can think of would be an Ork sprue as they have loads of Dakka weapons that can be trimmed down.



DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/19 16:22:06

Post by: monkeytroll

Cowcatcher looks good. Kudos for even attempting to sculpt figures - the fact they're inside vehicles helps to hide a multitude of sins, and it's all good practice

Chopping up and combining 28mms scale weapons should provide a few, add in some thin plastic and brass tubes for more variety. Do they do weapon sprues for the smaller Adeptus Titanicus guys (around and the like) - I remember using those on Dark Future cars.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/19 20:20:27

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

I had to get through the honey-do list before I dug into my hobbying today. It should have been pretty straightforward, plant a lavender bush and clean up the garage. Most of the latter was building a shelf and organizing my hobby supplies. So, I reap the benefits of that one, too. But, then I hit a sprinkler line with the shovel and all those plans went out the window.

Fortunately, I have the tools. parts, and know-how to fix a sprinkler line. Unfortunately, I have all those because this is not the first time I've hit one.

Anyway, by the time I got the line dug up and fixed and buried again, plus repaired another sprinkler head that I broke the other day by dropping a garden box on it, it was hotter than hades outside. So, I built the shelf and picked up some of my crap, but then the garage was so hot, and I was sweaty and tired, so I came inside. I've got to get my final assignments graded and posted, so I suppose I'll stop procrastinating and go do that. Maybe when it cools off this evening I'll find some motivation.

I have a lot sitting on my desk right now, it would be nice to get to dive into it.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/24 22:53:28

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

A productive session today.

I've got a heavy machine gun installed on the roof of the jeep, and the engine manifold finished. Is that what it's called? Never been a car guy, more of a book guy. Also, a trailer carved out of foam. It looks more like a kiln or a stove, but it's going to house a still.

I made some more tanks, from a beer and white claw can.

And I got the various tanks primed.

Some propane tanks waiting in the wings. Anything you can run into that expoldes, is better than anything you can run into that doesn't explode.

And another section of junk fence started. Just some sprue and wood glued together.

Onward and upward!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/26 23:16:25

Post by: Syro_

I'm glad you stuck with your custom chapter, I like it.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/27 01:41:06

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

 Syro_ wrote:
I'm glad you stuck with your custom chapter, I like it.

Thank you, Syro. I bought another starter kit once GW opened, so I have a few more to go. Going to keep the red/chapter going.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/27 01:46:29

Post by: Captain Brown


Excited about your terrain build. Looks like a very large piece.



DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/27 06:01:47

Post by: Viterbi

Nice Gaslands update, if I ever get around to do my stuff for the game, I may steal your method for the tanks.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/27 13:35:53

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Captain Brown wrote:DJJazzyJeff,

Excited about your terrain build. Looks like a very large piece.



I'm trying to build a whole table worth of terrain. I don't have anywhere to play except on the kitchen or dining room table, and Mrs. DJJazzyJeff doesn't really like that.
Plus, not being able to go anywhere and play with anyone, I'm trying to build my own set up.

Viterbi wrote:Nice Gaslands update, if I ever get around to do my stuff for the game, I may steal your method for the tanks.

Go for it! It's not stealing if you have permission. A lot of stuff I found online, anyway.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I have my first Gaslands vehicle painted and ready. I did it as part of Mad Doc Grosnik's Drunken Master Challenge, so it could be a little wobbly. I know I was.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/28 16:46:42

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Not much new to report, but I'm trying to get to 100 posts.

Base layered my entry for the monthly painting challenge. I really have to put the gas down on this one.

I have some more materials arriving in the mail. Some wood pieces to cut into Gaslands movement templates that should be here this weekend.
And some aquarium gravel filters to turn into walkways and bridges that won't get here until the end of June or beginning of July. Really? I guess they are a really non-essential item.

Going to spend some time today, so I'll post a real update later.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Scratch that, I just got a shipping notice. The gravel trays shipped today and will arrive between July 14 and August 4.

My guess is they handed them to a wandering hobo and he's walking them to me on foot.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/28 19:29:18

Post by: monkeytroll

Nice to see the terrain growing. You'll need some destroyed tanks for after the crashes....

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/28 20:25:26

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

I think the mechanic in the game is that exploded wrecks are removed from the table. I’ll have to go back and reread. I’m pretty sure the wrecked hills of cars in game are removed once hit, but terrain pieces that explode could be another matter.

It’s a good idea, though. Make some craters with bits of rubble sticking out. A jagged edge of tank here, an odd bit of pipe there.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/29 20:59:24

Post by: Captain Brown

Hurry up DJJazzyJeff.

The closing bell will ring soon.



DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/29 21:16:20

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Great work on the Gaslands car. I'm really impressed that you were able to scratch build three humans and a dang-on minigun. I've been watching and re-watching Fury Road the past week (if you can watch the Black and Chrome version, it's George Miller's favorite version of the movie and it really adds a whole new dimension to it) and all this Gaslands content is making me want to ride shiny and chrome.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Also that little bagpipe player has always been one of my favorite goblin models. Nice to see him get some love here.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/29 21:51:34

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Captain Brown wrote:Hurry up DJJazzyJeff.

The closing bell will ring soon.



Well, if you wait to do it until the last minute, it only takes a minute.

Don Qui Hotep wrote:
Also that little bagpipe player has always been one of my favorite goblin models. Nice to see him get some love here.

I really like him, and he's the only old school mini I have. Well, almost. I do have some Catachan fighters and a few old space marines. I've said it before, but thanks again to MacPhail. I've always been an MTG player, and he's been super generous helping me get into the new hobby. Both of the aforementioned squads and the bagpiper were donations from him.

Anyway, progress has been made. I'm pretty happy with the bagpiper, just need to base him and I'm done.

The tartan is not perfect, but I think it's pretty good. I may touch it up later, but it's gonna have to be good enough for now.

I want a bright, meadow-like grass for him to be marching in. I'm picturing the Scottish Highlands. The only grass stuff I have right now is dry and brownish. I'll have to improvise. How does sawdust work as flocking/basing material? No idea what I'm doing here.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/05/31 22:33:25

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Got my goblin bagpiper done. Just in time for the monthly painting competition.
I'm planning to start next months before the very end, but the best laid plans of mice and men . . .

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/06/01 04:40:29

Post by: MacPhail

He's fabulous. Your green skin tone has great depth, the detail work on the eyes and kilt are excellent, and the base came out really well. He's a holdover from the days when this game didn't take itself quite as seriously, and you've done him justice. Nice job!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/06/01 15:27:51

Post by: monkeytroll

Nice job on the piper

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/06/01 17:22:08

Post by: Theophony

Great work so far.

Also with making terrain out of the soda cans you can always tear/ cut up some cans to have the exploded versions and the metal will look like a proper gauge steel

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/06/01 19:27:23

Post by: Viterbi

That tartan is gorgeous and he‘s looking so happy playing his bagpipes.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/06/01 20:42:10

Post by: BigJim

That’s really good goblin skin. I’m loving the idea of Gaslands more and more, keep eyeing my kids Hotwheels.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/06/01 21:32:29

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

MacPhail wrote:He's fabulous. Your green skin tone has great depth, the detail work on the eyes and kilt are excellent, and the base came out really well. He's a holdover from the days when this game didn't take itself quite as seriously, and you've done him justice. Nice job!

Thank you. I worked really hard on him. That sounds weird to say, but it's true. Spent a lot of time hunched over my magnifying lens with a pointy brush in my hand.

monkeytroll wrote: Nice job on the piper

Thank you

Theophony wrote:Great work so far.

Also with making terrain out of the soda cans you can always tear/ cut up some cans to have the exploded versions and the metal will look like a proper gauge steel

Thanks. And exploded versions are a cool idea, but one that isn't really allowed in the rules. I reread them. If a collision occurs with a destructible obstacle, the obstacle is removed after the collision is resolved. A collision with an obstacle always counts as Head On, and the obstacle always "declares" a smash attack. Then, if it explodes, there is an additional attack against all vehicles within range. Then it's removed and the obstacle can't be collided with again.

Of course, the main rule that resolves all disputes is the Rule of Carnage. When in doubt, do the thing that will result in the most carnage for the greatest number of players. It's what the audience wants to see! So I suppose exploded wrecks of tanks as additional obstacles would be another level of carnage. Or a crater or blast radius could at the very least count as hazardous terrain.
Who needs rules anyway!

Viterbi wrote:That tartan is gorgeous and he‘s looking so happy playing his bagpipes.

Thank you. I wasn't at all happy with the tartan at first, but it's growing on me.

BigJim wrote:That’s really good goblin skin. I’m loving the idea of Gaslands more and more, keep eyeing my kids Hotwheels.

Thanks. I'm now looking through all the hotwheels cars whenever I go into a store. The trouble I'm having is armaments. There are websites out there where you can purchase scale guns, I just haven't pulled the trigger yet. The minigun I made is made of the insulation from an old coaxial television cable and some small strips of plastic. Also, a fair amount of superglue and a couple layers of skin off my fingertips.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/06/01 21:40:58

Post by: Theophony

Yeah, removing the terrain is just the easy way around it, great way to get beginners into a game. To me it's easy to house rule it though with the first explosion/collision doing full damage and any subsequent one doing less damage, but maybe a chance to catch fire. I love Gaslands. Now that I have my printer and more filament I can start printing containers/ gates and weapons.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/06/12 19:29:56

Post by: Wirecat

That's one determined goblin... You have crammed a lot of nice and characterful details into this fellow, a definite thumbs up!

Gaslands vehicles are not bad either, although I'd have stayed with sheet material for modifications. Balancing between durability for game and staying believably true to scale on these small things is very had. Congratulations!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/06/13 13:34:02

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

I've purchased a couple of start collecting sets from GW, as the price is pretty nice for the number of models. As such, I have developed a growing pile of chaos spawn.

I don't want a chaos army. I've never been one who likes the bad guys. Even the popular villains like Darth Vader, The Decepticons, Khan, even characters like Freddy Kruger. I've never been into them.
I fight for the users.

So, I decided to chop off some of their arms, etc. Some of the earlier pictures on this blog show severed limbs at the feet of my marines.

I'm taking it one step further with my Space Marine Captain. I want to make a diorama of scattered, defeated chaos corpses at his feet. But, I also want to play with him in my army. So I'm designing a removable 50mm base as part of the design. I'll also try and submit this to the June Dakka painting competition. As the pox walkers will be part of the base of the unit, I'm thinking they will literally be supporting him, therefore, in a supporting role.

The base still needs work, but this is a dry fit practice run at the idea:

[Thumb - IMG_2289.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_2290.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_2292.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/06/14 14:12:41

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Here is a question for the good of the order:

GW would frown, and insist it was against the rules, but what do you think about having a female Space Marines Librarian? Is there a code somewhere that doesn't allow it?

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/06/14 14:26:41

Post by: amazingturtles

Well, i'm one of those in favor of breaking all of the rules, especially that one, so i say go for it.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/06/14 19:05:06

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Hobby is hobby; do as thou wilt shall be the whole of thy law.

Especially with the female Stormcasts and new plastic Sisters power armor, you've got a lot of badass women to use as a basis without having to rely on third-party models (that in my opinion tend to stray a little too far on the cheesecake side of the spectrum, though to each their own).

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/06/16 02:46:30

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

I have a single plastic battle sister. I was thinking I’d clip off her holstered pistol, hang a force axe off her belt, and make her my librarian. I already have a whole fluff story about an aging librarian master taking pity on a young orphan girl and discovering a strong psychic ability in her. Plus I think my custom chapter red will look good on the Adeptus Sororitas armour.

Also, Amazing Turtles, I found this mini in an old Board game and thought of you. Not sure what I’m going to do with it.

[Thumb - 9CF0381C-38AF-48D6-9D7D-A93DAF24BC46.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/06/16 06:46:19

Post by: Viterbi

Already excited for the female librarian, go for it! A friend of mine has a small chaos space marines kill team entirely made out of women... the scandal!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/06/16 15:12:17

Post by: youwashock

The bear is adorable. As far as the female librarian, galaxy's a big place. Anything can happen.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/06/16 17:30:25

Post by: Captain Brown


Exalted the musician.



DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/06/17 14:23:16

Post by: Syro_

Seeing that bear in the picture while I began reading about you converting a battle sister really had my imagination running wild
As for the bear, here are a few ideas:
1. If you have any interest in getting into D&D or other fantasy miniature games the bear could come in handy.
2. Start a small rogue trader attachment? I could totally see one of them having a bear in their retinue of bodyguards. You might want to convert it to have some bionics in that case.
3. Just save it while waiting for inspiration, give it to a friend, research where it's from, sell it, etc.
4. Go with what I originally thought you were doing. Take a plastic sister of battle and convert her into a bear rider

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/06/26 01:55:28

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

I'm heading out of town to visit the in-laws. It's their 60th wedding anniversary on July 2nd. They said they only want the family to all get together. So, the wife, the youngest kid and I are bundling into the car for a road trip.
Not a whole lot of progress to report, but I have some things in the works so I thought I'd post an update. Give you all some idea of the projects that are piling up on my bench. In addition to what you see here, I glued together 13 other space marines, and am considering arm and weapons options for my Sister Librarian.

I'm not taking my hobby stuff, but will spend the next couple of weeks fishing, kayaking, boating, swimming, and drinking on a river up near the Great Lakes. Cheers, everyone.

[Thumb - IMG_2289.jpeg]
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[Thumb - IMG_2335 (1).jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/06/26 09:36:48

Post by: Viterbi

Looks like you will be using the hobby break well with the other activities. Have fun!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/06/26 23:35:38

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Enjoy the hobby break. Looks like you've got a lot of cool projects on the shelves for when you get back. Try not to spend too much time thinking about all the unpainted models. Try not to let it get under your skin and... oh god, I have more models to paint than I have days remaining in my life

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/07/01 05:10:06

Post by: Captain Brown

Stay safe on your trip and have a good time your parents DJJazzyJeff.



DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/07/21 21:57:17

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Well, I'm back, but the return didn't go as smoothly as I planned. Not going to go into all the gory details, but I haven't had as much hobby time as I would have liked.

But, have done some work on my LoER entry. Captain Brown says i can only submit one piece. rules.


Part of it is going to be a wrecked ambulance. It's a Hot Wheels car that I cut open and modified. It'll have a flickering LED on the inside so it looks like it is still burning a little.

Here are some bullet holes in the windows and blood on the seat.

And some charring from smoke coming out of the windows.

And a billboard to be behind the wreckage, I have some rusting bolts that I've put on the structure of it.

I made a digital image to put on the billboard, but that's going to be a real spoiler for the competition.

Then, I was cutting some foam and both my knife blade and my hot wire cutter snapped.

So, I was "forced" to work on a squad of Hellblasters, and they at least, are coming along nicely. I still have some osl to do on the guns and the eyes of the helmets.

I also have the rest of the No Fear box set lined up and waiting for some paint. I wanted to spring for the Indomitus set, but teachers don't get paid much in this country. And, Mrs. Jazzy wouldn't really appreciate me dropping the $200 to get one on preorder.

Onwards and upwards!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/07/22 21:33:48

Post by: Captain Brown


Welcome back.

LoER entry looks quite nice.



DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/07/23 01:08:17

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Welcome back to the world. RIP wire cutter, RIP hobby knife. Whatever that foam is, step on its head before it can breed. We can't let this go back to the wild and contaminate the rest of our foam stock.

Nice brush control on those Hellblasters. Nice, even coats.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/07/23 11:00:32

Post by: Syro_

Wow that foam seems like bad news, I hope you have spare blades for you knife. I broke my wand hot wire cutter very quickly when I had one.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/07/23 19:33:18

Post by: youwashock

Welcome back! Hellblasters look very good so far. Bummer about the tool malfunctions.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/07/24 06:04:44

Post by: Viterbi

The Foam of pure Evil strikes! But as the others said, welcome back and great work on the Hellblaster squad, love the blue purity seals.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/07/28 17:09:27

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Touched up my Eliminators. I stepped the cloaks back to their original form. I think it looks better without the patches of camouflage. I also added a little more of a brighter red highlight on the cloaks. It ties them closer to the rest of the army without making them super bright. It didn’t make sense to have a camp cloak and bright red armor.

[Thumb - F6A7A0FC-1C7D-4BF6-BEA4-128D016D0534.jpeg]
[Thumb - BE265CF4-023E-4F32-904A-6336409856D4.jpeg]
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[Thumb - 2CBF9035-649A-4143-81BE-C91E8DD7FEF8.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/07/28 17:40:11

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Nicely done! Really good job on that decloaking effect.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/07/28 23:28:00

Post by: Captain Brown

 DJJazzyJeff wrote:
But, have done some work on my LoER entry. Captain Brown says i can only submit one piece. rules.

That is why you take a large piece of chip board, you spray it with several ground based ground cover colours, place all you items on it and take photos from several angles. One terrain piece entered.



DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/07/29 02:58:35

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Rest easy, the foam has been properly punished and destroyed. Thanks for all the welcome backs.

Don Qui Hotep wrote:Nicely done! Really good job on that decloaking effect.

Thanks, Don.

Captain Brown wrote:That is why you take a large piece of chip board, you spray it with several ground based ground cover colours, place all you items on it and take photos from several angles. One terrain piece entered.

I like it. So, with that in mind, here are some wip photos. With only three days left, I have to really grind. Got some nice rust effects on some towers, especially for a first time trying it.

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DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/08/01 13:47:04

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Is that rust sponged? It looks great!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/08/01 17:45:16

Post by: Captain Brown

Some very nice rust effects DJJazzyJeff.


DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/08/02 05:44:45

Post by: Viterbi

Gotta echo Captain Brown, that silo looks like it will disintegrate any minute

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/08/24 00:24:56

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:Is that rust sponged? It looks great!

I used a brush, but a really bit one.

Captain Brown wrote:Some very nice rust effects DJJazzyJeff.


Viterbi wrote:Gotta echo Captain Brown, that silo looks like it will disintegrate any minute

Thanks, gents.

Working on a conversion for this month's painting challenge. I have to pull the lead out something serious.

I'm turning a sister into a Librarian, kitbashing a weapon loadout. Unfortunately, her force stave is looking more and more like a force staff. I kept finding pieces and they looked good together, but I'm not sure. I think I'll prime and start painting, see what happens. I was picturing more of a wizard's staff in my head. Apart from the Aquila, it looks more LOTR than 40K.

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DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/09/09 15:44:13

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

So I hit a snag with the Librarian Sister. I didn't like the way her staff was shaping up, and I couldn't get her arms to fit right. I'll probably end up sculpting her new arms. So, I put that project on a back burner.

I'm going to finish my Captain for the monthly contest, but have been struggling to get started on him. I'm overwhelmed by all that I want to do with him, and I just can't seem to make myself sit down with him. He's been sitting for nearly three months looking just like this:

So, I'm taking baby steps. Working on his display base. I'm going to magnetize his feet so he can have a battle base as well. Since he has an in-game aura effect, the width of his base is pre-determined. I want him to be able to see battle with my army, but also have an idea that I think will look good on display.

The diorama base will have bodies of fallen enemies strewn about his feet. So, I started painting one of them. More specifically, just the head.

It sort of feels counter-intuitive to spend that much time/detail on what will just be a small piece of the base, but it felt really good to actually paint something again.

Then, sculpted some GS intestines spilling out of the abdomen.

Feels like progress, anyway, even if it is just a little. Life has been hectic and it's hard to find the time to devote to the hobby. Now I just have to keep that momentum going.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/09/09 15:55:58

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

All progress is good progress! It's why GW staff have to spend at least half an hour on hobby a day - just to keep that momentum going.

Nice work on them guts, by the way! And good edge highlights on that poxwalker head. I love a good diorama base and am really excited to see it all put together!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/09/09 21:55:48

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

I went to my local Warhammer store today. Both always and never a good idea.

Now I have one of these to work on.

I also bought a pot of Blood for the Blood God technical paint.
Which leaves me with a real dilemma.

Should I use the bright green blood scheme on my Captain's display base to match the rest of my troop? Or splatter it with the blood paint?

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/09/09 23:50:20

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

To paraphrase a modern philosopher, why not both?

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/09/10 18:06:17

Post by: gobert

The poxwalkers eyes look really maniacal especially with the cheesy grin! I agree with Don that both might work! Good luck shipping away at him!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/09/11 01:59:34

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Well, you're not very helpful with making a decision. But I suppose you have a point. Pools ard rivulets of blood with chunks of festering green rot sounds like the plan.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/09/11 04:42:33

Post by: Viterbi

Great effort you're putting into the base. That Poxwalker face also kind of resembles a Joker gas victim.
And the most important rule with Blood for the Blood God is that you should put it on everything and it is never enough

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/09/12 02:32:26

Post by: Captain Brown

"Disgusting work" there DJJazzyJeff.



DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/09/13 15:16:08

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Some dry fit mock ups of the base and some more wip photos of the Captain.

I wanted to work on some NMM techniques, but quickly got overwhelmed. The parts I wanted to be gold are all covered in little feathers. So I used a metallic gold after all.

Maybe I'll do some subtle NMM on the red of some of his armor plates. They aren't going to be parade polished, but they are metal, I guess. Is ceramite reflective? Is this armor even ceramite?
There is so much of the lore and background I don't know. I need to spend some time with other players, playing, fighting, talking, and just generally nerding out. Covid is making getting into this game difficult.

I also have some more GS gore. It needs paint, and blood. Getting there.

I'm working on his head. I was inspired by Queen Anne's Revenge to work on the head detail first.

Even in the grim dark of the far future, black lives matter.

I just realized he doesn't have any pupils, and I think the lighter highlights on his left side need to be a bit brighter. I can hear my old art teacher, "Make your lights lighter and your darks darker!"
So, back to the old drawing board. In this case, painting board.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/09/13 17:46:32

Post by: gobert

Good start on the diorama, his face is taking shape too. I agree that a brighter highlight should help... and another pupil! I find them really hard, and could easily forget them too!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/09/13 20:22:33

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Scenic base is really cool so far. Nice blocking everything out.

 DJJazzyJeff wrote:
Maybe I'll do some subtle NMM on the red of some of his armor plates. They aren't going to be parade polished, but they are metal, I guess. Is ceramite reflective? Is this armor even ceramite?
There is so much of the lore and background I don't know. I need to spend some time with other players, playing, fighting, talking, and just generally nerding out. Covid is making getting into this game difficult.

Too each their own! I think ceramite is usually matte but can be painted to whichever standard the chapter chooses. Do as thou will shall be the whole of thy law.

 DJJazzyJeff wrote:

Even in the grim dark of the far future, black lives matter.

Well said, buddy. Good brush control on getting the eyes in.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/09/14 05:10:46

Post by: Viterbi

Ah, pupils and eyes in general, my biggest enemy while painting You're doing very well, nice clean work so far, good luck with the pupils!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/09/14 14:19:19

Post by: DalekCheese

There’s been a definite improvement since the first pictures! Well done.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/09/20 13:37:14

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Don Qui Hotep wrote:Scenic base is really cool so far. Nice blocking everything out.

 DJJazzyJeff wrote:
Maybe I'll do some subtle NMM on the red of some of his armor plates. They aren't going to be parade polished, but they are metal, I guess. Is ceramite reflective? Is this armor even ceramite?
There is so much of the lore and background I don't know. I need to spend some time with other players, playing, fighting, talking, and just generally nerding out. Covid is making getting into this game difficult.

Too each their own! I think ceramite is usually matte but can be painted to whichever standard the chapter chooses. Do as thou will shall be the whole of thy law.

 DJJazzyJeff wrote:

Even in the grim dark of the far future, black lives matter.

Well said, buddy. Good brush control on getting the eyes in.

Thanks, Don. I'm pretty proud of the eyes. And the little lenses on his ear piece. Check the updated picture below.

Viterbi wrote:Ah, pupils and eyes in general, my biggest enemy while painting You're doing very well, nice clean work so far, good luck with the pupils!

Thank you.

DalekCheese wrote:There’s been a definite improvement since the first pictures! Well done.

Thank you, DalekCheese. Welcome to the blog.

I've spent a lot of time working the blending on individual armor segments. I don't want to do all of this and then just slap some gold on the wings and filigree. So, NMM is back on the menu!

Looking for opportunities to provide minute details where I can. Tried for some lense effects on the tiny light indicators on his ear piece, for example.

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DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/09/20 22:40:49

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

And some wip shots of the nmm non his insignia.

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DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/09/22 08:20:23

Post by: Rybrook

Wow, your painting has really come on since you first started good job

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/09/23 02:44:12

Post by: Captain Brown


I echo Rybrook in that each model you paint is an improvement on the last.



DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/09/24 14:15:32

Post by: Viterbi

Nice progress, looking good! And another reminder, that I'm way too lazy for NMM and will probably never try it

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/09/25 22:33:47

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Rybrook wrote:Wow, your painting has really come on since you first started good job

Captain Brown wrote:DJJazzyJeff,

I echo Rybrook in that each model you paint is an improvement on the last.



Thank you both. Practice makes progress. Been doing a lot of studying, watching tutorials, and browsing Dakka for inspiration.

Viterbi wrote:Nice progress, looking good! And another reminder, that I'm way too lazy for NMM and will probably never try it

That's how I felt after seeing every tutorial out there. But it actually wasn't that bad. This blog about it was the best I've read:

More pictures to come soon. I'm hoping to finish this captain this weekend. I have some more details done, but the pictures are a little underwhelming.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/09/26 09:44:06

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Still need to finish his sword, and I’m going to freehand some insignia on his shoulder. But, pretty nearly there.

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DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/09/26 13:06:00

Post by: amazingturtles

You've done such great work on his face, he's got intense eyes!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/09/28 07:30:41

Post by: Viterbi

Nice work on the eyes, very clean. Good luck with the pupils!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/09/28 12:51:54

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

amazingturtles wrote:You've done such great work on his face, he's got intense eyes!

Thanks. I had a heck of a time sticking his head into the armor hole. I put gs on the seems inside where the body and cape joined at the neck. Then it was tough to get his head in without getting super glue everywhere.

Viterbi wrote:Nice work on the eyes, very clean. Good luck with the pupils!

The pupils are actually done, you just can't see them in the picture. I don't have an actual camera . . .

My son was going to come by and bring his, but 20 year olds aren't that reliable when they commit to silly little things for their parents. Shocker!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/09/29 00:03:31

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Not quite done with it, but here is the rank insignia I gave him.

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DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/09/29 01:57:06

Post by: Captain Brown

Getting there DJJazzyJeff.



DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/09/29 05:27:35

Post by: Syro_

That rank insignia looks really cool!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/10/01 00:52:49

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

A quick update and then I have to glue everything down and splatter it all with blood before I take some final photos for the competition.

A Chaos Marine of the Death Guard persuasion, sufficiently hacked to pieces.

Nothing too special on his missing arm.

With rank insignia finished and power sword crackling, here is the Captain looking the business.

Plenty of carnage surrounds him.

All for the glory of the God-Emperor!

Stay tuned as I splatter and drip blood everywhere!
I'm a little nervouse about ruining everything, but here goes . . .

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Here is the finished competition piece.

Passersby were amazed by the unusually large amounts of blood.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/10/01 09:52:29

Post by: Syro_

That looks very nice, and suitably gory. Nice work

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/10/01 15:47:56

Post by: gobert

Nice! The red armour looks great! As do all of the body parts and bloody entrails. Good luck in the comp!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/10/01 23:31:07

Post by: tzurk

Love the NMM on the chest plate mate and the stoic expression fits the scene to a T. I am also really impressed with the freehand on the shoulderpad. Good luck with him!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/10/02 19:54:17

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Great work, DJ! I like the freehand on the shoulder pad a lot, and the NMM sheen on his aquilla is great. The scene is also very cool; an inspirational victory!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/10/02 22:03:17

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Syro_ wrote:That looks very nice, and suitably gory. Nice work

Thank you, Syro. The blood was a pretty fun part to do.

gobert wrote:Nice! The red armour looks great! As do all of the body parts and bloody entrails. Good luck in the comp!

Thank you. Lot's of time went into the armor, all those little plates.

tzurk wrote:Love the NMM on the chest plate mate and the stoic expression fits the scene to a T. I am also really impressed with the freehand on the shoulderpad. Good luck with him!

Thank you. The NMM was not as tough as I was expecting and I really liked the way it turned out, too.

Don Qui Hotep wrote:Great work, DJ! I like the freehand on the shoulder pad a lot, and the NMM sheen on his aquilla is great. The scene is also very cool; an inspirational victory!

Thank you. I was channeling Ghost Rider when I did the freehand work. The skull with the standard Imperial halo didn't seem like it was going to cut it, and I definitely wasn't slapping a transfer on it at that point.

Going to paint up the rest of my space marines here, and put together some terrain. I'd love to get a game in some time in the near future.

Happy painting, all.


DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/10/03 15:56:36

Post by: Viterbi

Now I can see the pupils Congrats on finishing this cool piece, it's a great little diorama.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/10/05 17:41:35

Post by: DJJazzyJeff


So many little fiddly bits. More, it's the irl problems got me down.

Magnetized the weapons options on the cockpit turrets.

Got the new Space Marine Codex on Pre-Order, so I'll make a decision then. Want to be able to keep my options open.

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DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/10/06 16:18:58

Post by: Captain Brown

Good work on the Captain DJJazzyJeff.



DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/10/15 20:57:36

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Today's update rules!

Because . . .


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Now if you'll excuse me, I have some reading to do.

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DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/10/15 21:10:53

Post by: youwashock

Gaslands. Always a source for cool minis. Looking forward to seeing some cars!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/10/18 15:06:49

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Got all the pieces of my Redemptor cleaned up and assembled. I need to figure out the base. I want its one leg up on something, so I'll have to get the angle right before I glue it all together. And I have to find a better solution to magnet his big gun. Might have to get or make another shoulder assembly and just swap out the whole arm.

[Thumb - IMG_2724.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/10/20 06:19:03

Post by: Viterbi

Nice book haul, they are all standing here too on the shelf
Good luck magnetizing the Dread gun and getting its leg up.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/10/20 07:01:56

Post by: Mephistoles20

Great progress, love that epic base!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/10/20 16:51:28

Post by: Captain Brown


I take it you finished your reading.



DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/11/01 15:31:51

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Rules books are awesome. Not finished reading them all, but working on it.

This update covers progress on a build that I've been working on all month. Not because it's super complicated, just because I haven't had much hobby time.

Gaslands has a team sponsor, Beverly, who is a ghost. The other cars on the team get an ability that makes them 'ghost riders', and that made me think of Ghost Rider.

So, I made one. Not the smoothest or best sculpt out there, but not too bad for what it is. Probably could have just bought one somewhere and gotten a much better mini. Oh, well. It was fun.

Wire frame on a Hotwheels motorcycle.

Initial gs build-up

The head is not the right size, too big for the body. The Hellfire leaping of his tires needs some more work. Plus, there isn't the level of detail I want anywhere on his body. No buckles, zippers, etc. But, it was for the October Dakka challenge, and this was taken on the 29th. No time for buckles, onward!

Always time for a chain, though.

Some quick black primer later and I laid down some layers of paint.
The best work is on the skull and the lighting on the shoulders. I may go back and fix up the fire and some other stuff, but then again, I probably won't.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/11/02 02:04:24

Post by: Syro_

Cool Ghost Rider I like it turned out. And don't be hard on yourself about the size of the head, what miniature actually has proper proportions?

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/11/02 07:47:02

Post by: gobert

As syro said! Proportions are over rated! Pretty decent GSing if you ask me, and nice quick paintjob too

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/11/02 11:58:27

Post by: tzurk

Great job on the Ghost Rider, mate! Lovely GS work and i dunno if it's my brain connecting the dots but the paint job really makes it look like his leather clothes are reflecting the flames.

He's probably closer to real life proportions than a lot of GW stuff anyway...

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/11/02 22:40:50

Post by: youwashock

Spirit of Vengeance! Fun piece, man.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/11/03 00:28:24

Post by: Captain Brown

Neat little conversion DJJazzyJeff.



DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/11/05 06:24:20

Post by: Viterbi

Saw him first in the painting comp thread and nice to have all the WIP shots here. Great work on Ghost Rider!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/11/08 14:54:43

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

I have some updates to post of the dreadnaught. I built his base and got the legs positioned. Still struggling with the main gun and getting it magnetized. I think I'm not using a strong enough magnet.
Anyway, here's a couple of WIP shots of it so far.

Not sure if that straw is going to hold up as part of the rubble or not. I'll see when it's painted up and can always cut it out.

I also have four more Intercessors all but finished. They need basing and some small details like the helmets lenses and purity seals.

That'll bring the unit up to seven with Sergeant Carrot in the lead.

I'm also throwing my hat into the ring of the League of Extraordinary Riveters Terrain Competition again.
The rest of what follows is a copy of my post there. If you haven't ever checked it out, I suggest it. Even if you don't join, there are some really cool terrain pieces and ideas floating around in the League's forums.

I'm going to be building a pumping station, in a state of disrepair.

Here's what will amount to the main building, with some pipes running out into the ground.

This picture is upside down, but it's just some foam supports for the main pipe.

Here's the pipe in action, up on supports.

and more here.

It's going to be fairly long. Haven't exactly decided what to do at the end. I'm thinking it'll turn down and go underground from there.
Lot's of room underneath to hide units in 40k
Plenty of spaces to drive cars through in Gaslands. Also, plenty of supports to slam into while you're attempting to drive through.

The fallen piece in the middle is going to have dirt/etc. built up against it so it can act as a jump in Gaslands.

What's a post-apocalyptic death race without hair-raising stunts, after all? Gotta give the audience what they want to see.

Thanks for reading.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/11/08 15:37:09

Post by: amazingturtles

Yeah, you gotta have sweet jumps. That's what pipes are for!

(a bit late, but the ghostrider is amazing.)

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/11/08 20:45:45

Post by: gobert

Surely the inside of the pipe itself should be the jump?!? Cool idea to make it multi purpose, best of luck getting it painted up

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/11/08 22:44:32

Post by: youwashock

Neat build so far on the Dread. Great idea on the terrain piece.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/11/18 05:19:37

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Good luck in the competition! Promising start on the supports, they look perfect for both sick and also radical stunts.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/11/18 05:42:43

Post by: Viterbi

Excited to see the pipe developing, that will make a great terrain piece and I love your ideas for using it in Gaslands.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/11/22 14:06:18

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

This is going to be my last update for a while, I'm going to spend the next week sitting in the woods, drinking beer, and trying to shoot a deer. Though, I do suppose I'll have more luck with the latter if I do those things in a different order. It will be a nice break, but it will make finishing on time for the LoER deadline nearly impossible. I suppose my business may remain unfinished, but I'm far enough along and motivated enough to finish it.

Forgive the insane clutter on the desk. It's a macrocosm of what it's like inside my head these days.

The jump is turning out. I rlike your suggestions to make the inside of the pipe the jump. It doesn't quite fit a matchbox car, especially on modded with guns, etc., but the rule of cool can certainly accommodate that.

Some weathering on the broken edge of the main pipe. A section doesn't just collapse without good reason to.

I guess this thing was at one point automated, so sme radio towers and antennae are in order.

Ans some little pipe work on the back side. A drining straw kit is responsible for the content of this message.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/11/22 19:55:43

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Great update, one thing I love about LoER is how successfully they encourage creativity. Scratch-built terrain gives you so many creative options to play with! Digging the expanded pipework on the backside, that thing must've pumped a lot of Aqua Cola or guzzoline back in the day!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/06 21:29:36

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

My next project, at least once I complete the pumping station, is going to be a Truckasaurus for Gaslands. I need to focus on the terrain piece this week, I only have until the 15th to finish it. But, I saw this Hotwheels "Fossil Freight" semi-truck and had to buy it. Well, wanted to buy it really badly. So I did. And I'm posting this update about it just because I have been quiet for a while, but don't have much else to share.

For those of you not familiar, here is the fluff/intro to Truckasaurus from the Gaslands book:

"Legend tells of a beast with skin like steel, whose claws can cut through cars like paper, and whose very breath is white-hot death. From the depths of your nightmares arises a terror so thrilling that you will be unable to resist! For premium subscribers only: Truckasaurus Lives! Screeching out of your television set this Saturday night: 7pm Central Mars Time"

Truckasaurus is a heavyweight vehicle and has infinite hull points. It's armed with a turret-mounted Flamethrower, a turret-mounted 125mm Cannon, a turret-mounted Harpoon, and a Wrecking-Ball. It also counts as having a ram on every facing and infinite ammo for all its weapons.
Basically, it's a beast.
I'm envisioning something like Mechagodzilla with wheels.

I'm going to use a larger monster truck as the base, and then this "Monster" truck as the head. The jaw is articulated so it opens, just need to convert the red engine block into a flamethrower and It'll be just about good to go.
The trailer has a spine, so that might make up the bulk of the back. I'm thinking of cutting up a Transformer toy or something like that to get the arms if I can bring myself to break one. Might have to go buy a new one I don't like very well as a sacrifice to the Truckasaurus. If I buy it knowing I'm just taking the arms, it might be an easier pill to swallow.
Attach the cannon and the harpoon to the arms and then probably the wrecking ball on the tail.

Anyway, can't start it yet. Have to get craking on the terrain piece.
Bye for now.

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[Thumb - IMG_3240.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/07 08:08:10

Post by: gobert

Well I think that’s the coolest truck I’ve seen for gas lands! As long as you’re not cutting up an OG Transformer, then your plan sounds cool

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/07 19:05:44

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Meanwhile, at the pumping station:

[Thumb - IMG_3243.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_3244.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_3245.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/10 19:24:12

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Getting there.

I'm content, if not exactly happy, with the rust effects. Need to get the basing texture on the big piece, and touch up a few spots on the others.
Then, paint the dirt and add embellishments. Rocks, grasses, plants, etc.

Going to put graffiti all over this thing. That'll be the really time consuming work.

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[Thumb - IMG_3298.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/11 09:15:23

Post by: gobert

Looking good jazzy, the ramp is going to be really cool! Good luck with the graffiti

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/11 19:18:40

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

I have been doing a fair amount of reading about graffiti in the last few days, trying to be authentic with my painting.
A lot of it is either tags, essentially signatures, or it's politically motivated.
In the realm of 40K, the later might be something to the effect of, "The Emperor Protects!" or, "The Emperor Neglects!" depending on what side of the political spectrum the tagger finds themselves.
For Gaslands, it might be more akin to, "Mars is a Lie."
The former requires a name. An artist typically writes or draws their name. I want a few of the classic looking throw up, blockbuster or wildstyle type pieces, with several simpler tags in the mix. Hopefully, it will look like each piece was put up by a separate individual, with their own artistic and color choices, not just by one dude sitting at his bench with a few paints on his pallet.
So, I was looking at various name generators, fluff sites, Warhammer Wiki, etc., trying to come up with a whole slew of names for graffiti artists.

Then, I realized I have a whole forum full of artists and painters who have selected 'tags' or names that, though perhaps not their legal names, nevertheless identify them as artists:


So, I've designed a series of tags and works based on some of the people here on Dakka who have inspired my creativity, supported my work, or both.
Several of them are based on your armies, your styles, or what you might possibly be likely to put up, if you were a graffiti artist in the world of my gaming table.
Others are just simple shout outs. I need a combination of styles to make it more realistic, and only have until the 15th to finish my piece for the competition.

I had one idea that jumped out at me right away, and it seemed the easiest for me to execute, so I started with Gobert.
And, since you were one of the first to comment on the jump and how it should be the inside of the pipe, that's where I threw your piece.

Let me know what you think. And, if anyone that I add happens to be upset or otherwise doesn't want to be included, let me know. I'll paint over it.
Conversely, if I miss you and you want to be included, hit me up with that too.

Amazing Turtles, I wanted to put you on the other side of the jump, but I had, IMO, a really neat-o idea that I think you'll appreciate. I don't think I'll be able to pull it off on the curve of the pipe so I'm gonna put you on one of the support pylons. It might be a minute, because I'm trying to finish one chunk of this at a time.

Anyway, I'm pretty excited about it. Let me know your opinion.

[Thumb - IMG_3300.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/11 20:07:37

Post by: amazingturtles

I think it's an amazing idea! Gobert's tag looks perfect and i'm excited for whatever you've got planned for me and everyone else! It's very neat of you, really

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/12 00:42:27

Post by: Arakasi

Awesome idea! (and well executed too!)

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/12 06:43:00

Post by: Viterbi

The rust effect looks really cool and the first graffiti is superb.
And the finished shots need to be on the pavement like the other WIP ones, the ground was really fitting texturewise

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/12 09:41:37

Post by: gobert

That’s a genius idea DJ! I’m very honoured to be the first to tag your terrain, especially in my Void Panther colours too! Given your username, you need a Fresh Prince intro style graffiti too

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/12 17:23:17

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

amazingturtles wrote:I think it's an amazing idea! Gobert's tag looks perfect and i'm excited for whatever you've got planned for me and everyone else! It's very neat of you, really

I'm glad your reaction is so positive. Here's a glimpse of what I have planned: I'll spoiler it if you want to wait for the finished piece.

Here's an initial sketch-up I did:

Then here is an image I found online:

I like Omar Rayyan's version WAY better, but I'm trying not to steal it. It's not for profit or anything, so I may get pretty close.

Arakasi wrote:Awesome idea! (and well executed too!)

Thanks. I've had a few good ideas in my time. This is one of my better ones.

Viterbi wrote:The rust effect looks really cool and the first graffiti is superb.
And the finished shots need to be on the pavement like the other WIP ones, the ground was really fitting texturewise

Like I said earlier, I'm not thrilled with the rust. It seems too abrupt of a transition from metal to rust, and not enough rust to really have eaten through the entire pipe. But, your support makes me hate it less.

It's been snowing here the last few days, so I'm not sure if I'll get a clear couple of days before the deadline to photograph in the driveway. We'll see.

Also, here is a spoiler of your tag, if you want to peek.

gobert wrote:That’s a genius idea DJ! I’m very honoured to be the first to tag your terrain, especially in my Void Panther colours too! Given your username, you need a Fresh Prince intro style graffiti too

I'm glad you like it. The Void Panthers have such a distinctive style. I was reading through Dakka posts, compiling a list of people to use, and your name in those colors popped into my head. The tag turned out just as I imagined. I'm trying to borrow a camera to take some better pictures. The purple shadowing looks better irl.

I like the Fresh Prince tag. Bright colors and bold letters are good for this project.

Anyway, here's another update. Graffiti on the jump is nearly done. Maharg and queen_annes_revenge getting the shout outs here. The QAR is tiny, but in World Eater pink. I'm a little intimidated by the queen's artistic ability. He always posts killer shots with wicked level of detail and writes things like, "WIP shot, still a long way to go."

Elle is a nickname for Mrs. JazzyJeff. JKL is my brother-in-law who we lost to brain cancer a few years back. This project is a really cool way to include people from my life.

Coming soon: DV8, Syro_, and Mothsniper set to get a shout on the end sticking up from the ground.

The main station will feature Josh in Japan, Viterbi, Captain Brown, and a whole slew of others. You can't keep these rebels down, or the paint cans out of their hands! Stay tuned.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/12 22:30:23

Post by: theCrowe

Your graffiti research really paid off! And such a fun tribute to your dakka peeps. Not only does it look great but its a sweet way to give back for the support and encouragement. Top idea and super well executed.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/13 07:14:53

Post by: Viterbi

Wow, feel very honored to be included and the tag is looking great!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/13 09:13:50

Post by: Syro_

Nice work on the grafitti, and showing appreciation for people her on Dakka is a nice touch. It reminds me of one of my favorite projects that Cam made: a large Necromunda terrain piece. You may want to check it out in your spare time:

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/14 14:29:16

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Couple more wip shots.

[Thumb - 6C2FE0A5-E416-41BF-A0D4-44DA6DFFBFDA.jpeg]
[Thumb - 63B97E1D-5AC0-4435-BD3D-B363458BE56E.jpeg]
[Thumb - 36CF2BA6-BC59-4C4E-8035-45584FA90BFE.jpeg]
[Thumb - 5F067A9A-1C8B-4F2D-86B6-BAF7D21E5F4F.jpeg]
[Thumb - 84697A31-3BED-48B3-9EF2-2752732DCDCE.jpeg]
[Thumb - C07E7B70-D0CC-4E68-95BE-5E157C6111D2.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/14 18:29:40

Post by: gobert

Ok, so the Mothsniper tag is just genius!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/14 19:04:01

Post by: amazingturtles

Yeah, that came out really well! They all are, i've seen graffiti just like them on train cars, ha

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/15 09:05:29

Post by: Syro_

I have to echo gobert about how awesome your moth sniper grafitti is
Also, thanks for putting me in there too.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/16 08:57:07

Post by: tzurk

Love the graffiti work mate. Inspiring idea and well executed!

Terrain looking good overall, looking forward to seeing the pieces all together!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/17 00:05:25

Post by: Captain Brown


The graffiti names are quite something.



PS: Brain tumors really suck.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/18 00:35:24

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

This project is really coming to life! You've arranged the graffiti in a really realistic way, the way the tags overlap each other. Excellent freehand work, super impressed with the moth!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/20 03:34:27

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

I’m going to post an update soon. It’s been a crazy week. But, the voting for the LoER competition is up. If you all want to participate, it would be great. You don’t have to vote for me, but your vote would be welcome.


DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/20 15:41:34

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

It's been a minute since the last update. Been a crazy couple of days. Working ~60 hours/week plus tutoring another ~10. Between that and the LoER competition finishing earlier this week, Mrs. Jazzy Jeff feels like I've been neglecting her. Probably not wrong.

I still have so much I want to do. So many more of you deserve shout outs than I've gotten to so far. But, it's going to be a bit longer until I get to the rest of you.

gobert wrote:Ok, so the Mothsniper tag is just genius!

Thank you.

amazingturtles wrote:Yeah, that came out really well! They all are, i've seen graffiti just like them on train cars, ha

I looked at a lot of different pictures of graffiti and used a graffiti text generator.
Here's also a neat resource: https://www.goonhammer.com/the-narrative-forge-painting-graffiti/
Graffiti generator: https://fontmeme.com/graffiti-creator/

Also, have you ever seen graffiti just like this?

Syro_ wrote:I have to echo gobert about how awesome your moth sniper grafitti is
Also, thanks for putting me in there too.

You are quite welcome. Thank you, for all your support.

tzurk wrote:Love the graffiti work mate. Inspiring idea and well executed!

Terrain looking good overall, looking forward to seeing the pieces all together!

Thank you. You're in there too, but the color I used isn't a very deep contrast from the rust orange. I'll have to touch you up.

Captain Brown wrote:DJJazzyJeff,

The graffiti names are quite something.



PS: Brain tumors really suck.

Thanks. Yes, they really do. You're coming. I had penciled you on but painted over it to submit pictures.

Don Qui Hotep wrote:This project is really coming to life! You've arranged the graffiti in a really realistic way, the way the tags overlap each other. Excellent freehand work, super impressed with the moth!

Thanks. I plan to put you in there, too.

Some new shout outs:

I am really grateful for all the support sinve I've joined Dakka. The suggestions, comments, etc. have really helped. Much appreciated.

And a couple of group shots of the whole thing.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/21 02:25:56

Post by: Syro_

That's some nice and characterful terrain, nice work getting it done by the deadline with that schedule. When the Pandemic is gone I would love to see those pieces in use on the table.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/21 10:43:33

Post by: gobert

Nice one DJJazzyJeff! Josh’s tag looks great, but Turtles’ is just out of this world! Living in Bristol, UK, it’s quite like some of the more artistic murals. The tea drinking is a magic touch! You got my vote in the challenge and have an exalt!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/22 15:07:29

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

The tag name idea is genius, but your execution is perfection. I’ve definitely seen those tags all over the city! Dead brill.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/22 20:30:09

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

I love that freehand job on the turtle! AT is going to love that. This is a really cool project, helping build community, just right for the solstice season!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/22 21:22:29

Post by: theCrowe

Voted, not (just) because you asked me to but actually because this dakka community coolness deserves to win!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/23 06:44:49

Post by: Viterbi

That terrain looks so cool, love my finished tag Thanks again for including me!
And I gotta echo the others, Mothsniper looks cool, but the tag for amazingturtles is the bee's knees. Just amazing, the face, the tea cup, the pose

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/24 01:58:02

Post by: Syro_

Very true, the amazing turtles painting of drinking the tea is simply... well... amazing

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/24 14:26:56

Post by: amazingturtles

I'm honestly just speechless! And also stunned. And also amazed. And a lot of other words.

I'm saying i love it. I love the turtle. It is me, 100%

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2020/12/28 23:34:16

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

youwashock wrote:Neat build so far on the Dread. Great idea on the terrain piece.

Thanks. Don't think I'm leaving you out, mate.

Syro_ wrote:That's some nice and characterful terrain, nice work getting it done by the deadline with that schedule. When the Pandemic is gone I would love to see those pieces in use on the table.

Me too, Syro. Me too.

gobert wrote:Nice one DJJazzyJeff! Josh’s tag looks great, but Turtles’ is just out of this world! Living in Bristol, UK, it’s quite like some of the more artistic murals. The tea drinking is a magic touch! You got my vote in the challenge and have an exalt!

Thank you

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:The tag name idea is genius, but your execution is perfection. I’ve definitely seen those tags all over the city! Dead brill.

Thanks. I had to look up "dead brill". Get it now.

Don Qui Hotep wrote:I love that freehand job on the turtle! AT is going to love that. This is a really cool project, helping build community, just right for the solstice season!

Thanks. That's the idea, anyway.

theCrowe wrote:Your graffiti research really paid off! And such a fun tribute to your dakka peeps. Not only does it look great but its a sweet way to give back for the support and encouragement. Top idea and super well executed.

theCrowe wrote:Voted, not (just) because you asked me to but actually because this dakka community coolness deserves to win!

Thank you. I'd be amiss if I didn't include a tribute to you. Your Sculpting for the Kids thread is absolutely fantastic. I found it when I was going through a tough spot and it helped. So:

They're not done. Need some touch up around the eyes and some other little effects. But, the Square Cops make an appearance!

Viterbi wrote:That terrain looks so cool, love my finished tag Thanks again for including me!
And I gotta echo the others, Mothsniper looks cool, but the tag for amazingturtles is the bee's knees. Just amazing, the face, the tea cup, the pose

My pleasure, thank you for the support.

amazingturtles wrote:I'm honestly just speechless! And also stunned. And also amazed. And a lot of other words.

I'm saying i love it. I love the turtle. It is me, 100%

I'm pleased. And thrilled. And honored. And several other words.

One other shout out of note:

Many of the little tags here and there are former winners of the LoER Challenge, and therefore members of the League of Extraordinary Riveters.
Speaking of which, the vote for the popular favorite is still up for another couple of days. If you haven't already, I encourage you to go over there and check it out. I'm currently tied for first place with Mothsniper, who did a hell of a job on his mirror-tunnel. It's truly awesome.

Thank you all again for the support.


DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/01/08 21:41:34

Post by: theCrowe

Glad you got some positive vibes off the project and the boy is delighted that Nop & Dop have made it to America!

Thanks for the shout out. Most sculpting for the kids has shifted into Burrows and Badgers territory these days but there's always the potential for odd requests from these two that are well worth making.

Sad to see you missed the top spot by a single vote with these. I thought you had the win for sure.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/01/08 22:59:59

Post by: amazingturtles

Woo square cops! More excellent work.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/01/11 23:15:35

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Shots of the whole squad so far. Have a pile of plastic in various stages on the bench. I hope to get some tie to finish things off.
The terrain is my biggest achievement.

The Eliminators hiding amongst the pipes, waiting for a clear shot.

Termies and Suppressors looking to lay down some firepower.

The Captain in the thick of it. Still need to make him a game legal base.

Lieutenant out front, leading the charge.

Coming up n 2021: A couple of librarians, including the long-anticipated female Librarian conversion.
A Primaris Chaplain
A Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought
Some more Reivers, Incursors, and a Hellblaster squad

Easily a dozen Gaslands cars I have cut apart, made weapons for, but not touched with a paintbrush.
And Truckasaurus/Truckzilla.

Plus, Judge Dredd Helter Skelter minis on the way.

Should be a good hobby year around here.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/01/12 19:17:23

Post by: Captain Brown

Nice work DJJazzyJeff.



DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/01/13 03:58:37

Post by: youwashock

Oodalalee! I am honored to be included in this, frankly, rather touching hobby display. The various tags look great. Marvelous paintwork, and a fantastic idea. This level of personal touch and investment is awesome to see.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/01/16 02:20:59

Post by: Syro_

I love that I didn't notice your eliminators in the first two pictures until you mentioned them in the third, then I went back as saw them. It shows you painted them to do their job well.
I like your display, thanks for sharing. And it sounds like a full year coming up with those plans.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/01/16 07:58:54

Post by: Viterbi

Gotta echo Syro_, those Eliminators are hiding very well, good Camo Cloaks
Really cool seeing all the marines and the terrain pieces together. That force is coming along nicely and look amazing in rank. Good luck in getting your goals for 2021 done!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/01/17 09:15:53

Post by: gobert

Great group shots, the terrain looks great for 40k, we need to see it with your gas lands stuff soon too. The eliminators really do blend in with their environment too, sneaky

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/01/17 18:53:15

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

My hobby time right now is suffering from some super ADD. I'm all over the place. Lots of irons in the fire, as it were.

Got my dreadnought primed. Hopefully it will see some paint soon.

Some other dudes, a pile of hellblaster plasma guns ready for osl effects. Plus, a glimpse at what the bench looks like.

I was going to cut up this guy for Truckzilla's arms, etc. It's an awkward build. Backwards in my head. The arms are what the legs should be and vice versa. Plus, my kid played with him a bunch years ago and lost the hands and a few other pieces.

But, then I found this cheap, cartoony looking Starscream.

I'm going to have a go at him first. I figure if I'm relatively careful, he'll have some wings and little bits I can use for some Captain Brown-esque terrain platforms.

Going to use this little forklift as a hand and claws, if I can get it to fit right.

I decided to give my Librarians gold cloaks. I have a Primaris Librarian that will be done up as an exceedingly old man.
Then I have a Battle Sister that has gotten some conversion, still needs a force stave, but will be his apprentice. A powerful psyker in his own right, he sensed her latent ability and took a chance at risking the ire of the Chief Librarian and the entire Adeptes Brisonius Chapter by bringing a young woman into the Chapter's Librarius.
The tests she underwent were exceptionally, perhaps even in some cases brutally, thorough and exacting. She passed them all. Through her exploits in battle, she has earned the esteem of her battle-brothers and none now look upon her as an outsider. Many treat her as the little sister they never had. At least, the little sister who could vaporize them with a thought. The little sister who fights at their side against the forces of Heresy and Chaos throughout the galaxies.
Would any of the Space Marines in the chapter put a bolt through your brain for even looking at her the wrong way? No. But only because she would put a bolt through your heart first.

The gold cloaks need some work, these shots are very WIP (Hence the missing heads). Not sure what to do with all the chains and relics and emblems. I have done those bits gold on the marines, but they get lost against the cloaks. I might do silver or black to look like iron or something. Does anyone have any ideas? Are there materials in the far future more rare and precious than gold?

And my chapter gets a chaplain.

Doing the paint to mimic the liturgical colors of a Catholic priest. (I happen to be Catholic). Anyway, purple is the litugical color of penance used in Advent and Lent. So, I went with purple robes since he's bringing atonement and expiation to heretics. Sometimes with his absolver bolt pistol, sometimes with his crozius arcanum, but always with immovable determination and ironclad loyalty to the God Emperor of Mankind.

This came in. Looking forward to some gaming. Maybe a couple of solo missions with a space marine to hold me over until I can actually gather and play with other people. It's just me and the wife at home, and she's not into the game. She thinks it looks cool and is happy for me, but there are too many rules and too many little pieces she can't see without her glasses.

And this arrived.

And this.

Haven't even torn the cellophane. I don't have anywhere to unbox it at the moment. I've completely buried my bench in projects, and stacked bins of Christmas decorations over much of the garage. I have to at least put the latter up in the attic before Mrs. Jazzy Jeff will let me open the box all over the kitchen table.

And finally, a coworker gave me several sheets of this. He works at another job where they make medical equipment of some kind. I must admit I wasn't really paying much attention until he described the packaging that they use to ship some of the parts. I think I can use these to make a carrying case out of a tool or tackle box or something. Anyone have a carrying case or plans for one? I'm not exactly sure how to start organizing it.

Well, that's all for now. Like I said, all over the place. I keep telling myself I'm going to focus and finish something, but then I see something else and work on that instead.

Hey, look! A squirrel!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/01/17 20:17:22

Post by: gobert

You weren’t kidding on the variety jazzy! The Librarian, Chaplain and Mrs Librarian are looking great already. Neat idea to borrow the look from the papacy, he looks really cool with the white too

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/01/18 06:34:55

Post by: Viterbi

Ok, that is a lot of stuff on your desk right now But don't worry too much. If you keep at everything a bit for the next time, suddenly you have a lot of finished stuff and didn't get bored on the way, because you focused on this one squad or one robot...

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/01/18 08:46:04

Post by: theCrowe

I vote black beads with silver danglies against the gold cloth.

I've also been improvising foam carry cases out of packing foam and spare cushion foam for years. I cut slots along in lengths with a little trench above. The base slips into the slot and holds the mini in place and the trench provides a little reces to lie in. They all lie in neat rows side by side and if you have some foam on the lid to rest down on top they'll be reasonably imobile. I'll take a pick of some to show you.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/01/18 17:04:19

Post by: youwashock

I LIKE that Chaplain! Lots on the go, for sure. Can't wait for the Dredd stuff to have its day.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/01/18 19:25:51

Post by: Theophony

I saved dozens of sheets of that exact same foam from the hospital when I worked their and the scopes would be delivered.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/01/20 23:51:31

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Captain Brown wrote:Nice work DJJazzyJeff.




youwashock wrote:Oodalalee! I am honored to be included in this, frankly, rather touching hobby display. The various tags look great. Marvelous paintwork, and a fantastic idea. This level of personal touch and investment is awesome to see.

The honor is mine. It's been really helpful through the last, tough year to have a creative outlet and supportive people.

Syro_ wrote:I love that I didn't notice your eliminators in the first two pictures until you mentioned them in the third, then I went back as saw them. It shows you painted them to do their job well.
I like your display, thanks for sharing. And it sounds like a full year coming up with those plans.

Viterbi wrote:Gotta echo Syro_, those Eliminators are hiding very well, good Camo Cloaks
Really cool seeing all the marines and the terrain pieces together. That force is coming along nicely and look amazing in rank. Good luck in getting your goals for 2021 done!

Haha, the cloaks work!

gobert wrote:Great group shots, the terrain looks great for 40k, we need to see it with your gas lands stuff soon too. The eliminators really do blend in with their environment too, sneaky

Yes, I'll have to get some shots of Gaslands stuff.

gobert wrote:You weren’t kidding on the variety jazzy! The Librarian, Chaplain and Mrs Librarian are looking great already. Neat idea to borrow the look from the papacy, he looks really cool with the white too

Well, the white was the primer. Most of it will be covered up by other colors, so hopefully that isn't your favorite part . . .

Viterbi wrote:Ok, that is a lot of stuff on your desk right now But don't worry too much. If you keep at everything a bit for the next time, suddenly you have a lot of finished stuff and didn't get bored on the way, because you focused on this one squad or one robot...

That's my plan. Struggling to make any of what feels like progress, but hopefully I'll sit up one day with rows of neat completed figures.

theCrowe wrote:I vote black beads with silver danglies against the gold cloth.

I've also been improvising foam carry cases out of packing foam and spare cushion foam for years. I cut slots along in lengths with a little trench above. The base slips into the slot and holds the mini in place and the trench provides a little reces to lie in. They all lie in neat rows side by side and if you have some foam on the lid to rest down on top they'll be reasonably imobile. I'll take a pick of some to show you.

Black and silver are a good idea. I don't have any "silver" paint, might have to do either nmm or go get some. Will Mrs. Jazzy Jeff be enthused about another hobby purchase?
I'd be interested in pictures. I can't seem to rap my head around what I'm doing with them.

youwashock wrote:I LIKE that Chaplain! Lots on the go, for sure. Can't wait for the Dredd stuff to have its day.

I'm looking forward to it as well. I got the garage sorted out. I told myself I would wait until I got something finished, so as not to have another work in progress. We'll see how long that determination holds out.

Theophony wrote:I saved dozens of sheets of that exact same foam from the hospital when I worked their and the scopes would be delivered.

I just couldn't pass it up.

And, The dreadnought got some paint. Not much, but a base layer counts as paint.
The Chaplain got some attention last night. Not sold on the pink stole. Well, the liturgical color is Rose, technically.
But, it's either purple or rose, they wouldn't be worn at the same time.
I think I'll make it purple with gold filigree/writing/etc.

[Thumb - IMG_3693.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_3696.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/01/21 01:22:20

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Hey, Zona Alfa! Played a short campaign over the summer, it's a really fun system. Plays very cinematic.

I like the new additions to the Chapter, cool backstory!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/01/21 22:07:47

Post by: amazingturtles

He's got a skull mask, he can pull of the pink! Or rose. Either one, really.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/01/21 22:35:33

Post by: theCrowe

With regard to the foam for miniature storage solutions, I took some pics of my Burrows and Badgers box for you.
Spoilered so as not to clutter up your thread.

It's just a catboats delivery box that a rule book and some minis arrived in.

It has two layers that just sit on top of eachother. I put the larger ones top and bottom of the bottom layer as they have bigger bases and I'll put the heavier metal ones down there too. The lighter and smaller ones go on top in a smaller layer that fits between he larger bases.

I cut a slit into the foam to pop the bases into and it seems to hold them security enough, though I wouldn't turn the box upright or have a carry handle or anything on it. It just stays flat.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/01/22 21:38:54

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Don Qui Hotep wrote:Hey, Zona Alfa! Played a short campaign over the summer, it's a really fun system. Plays very cinematic.

I like the new additions to the Chapter, cool backstory!

Thank you. Yes, Zona Alpha looks to be a jolly good time. (Did I really just type that?)

amazingturtles wrote:He's got a skull mask, he can pull of the pink! Or rose. Either one, really.

Too true, too true.

theCrowe wrote:With regard to the foam for miniature storage solutions, I took some pics of my Burrows and Badgers box for you.
Spoilered so as not to clutter up your thread.

It's just a catboats delivery box that a rule book and some minis arrived in.

It has two layers that just sit on top of eachother. I put the larger ones top and bottom of the bottom layer as they have bigger bases and I'll put the heavier metal ones down there too. The lighter and smaller ones go on top in a smaller layer that fits between he larger bases.

I cut a slit into the foam to pop the bases into and it seems to hold them security enough, though I wouldn't turn the box upright or have a carry handle or anything on it. It just stays flat.

Interesting. I'll have to experiment. Thank you for sharing.

And, since it's a new page, and since there is a little progress, I give you:

(A very wip, sticky tack - dry fitted) TRUCKZILLA!!!!!

[Thumb - IMG_3708.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/01/26 15:50:50

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

It takes so much paint to do one of these. Not really, but compared to a marine it does.
Making progress on something.

[Thumb - IMG_3719.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_3720.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/01/26 16:12:25

Post by: amazingturtles

I mean, that is a lot of red. It's good red though!

Truckzilla is inspiring me. I'm not sure what to, but i'm inspired.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/01/27 17:08:56

Post by: Captain Brown


Since it is so early in your design, can I assume that most of the extra wheels hanging in the air will disappear from Truckzilla later in it's progress?



DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/01/27 19:48:20

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Turtles: Well, some sort of inspiration is a good thing. Let your inner truck monster run with it.

Captain: Yes, I think most of them. I definitely want it to look like it was cobbled together from other cars and trucks, but also to look like a unified monster. I may keep some of the extra wheels, but there will be more modifying before it's through.

Nothing new to report, just popped on Dakka to see if there was an update to the next round of the LoER Comp. Not yet.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/01/27 20:21:28

Post by: youwashock

Red Dread Revolver is looking good so far. Looking forward to Truckzilla's final form.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/01/28 01:45:26

Post by: tzurk

Getting real cowboy vibes from that dread. Reach for the sky!

Truckmaster 5000 looking very promising! Is it godzilla, is it transformers - who cares? Super cool idea man.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/01/29 14:48:46

Post by: Viterbi

Nice clean red on the dread! And it may be much bigger than a marine, but the edge highlights are so much easer on those

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/01/30 19:44:06

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Nice use of cork and sundry on the base, he's got an active, angry pose.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/02/04 23:36:31

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Hey, everyone, I did a thing!

[Thumb - IMG_3751.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/02/05 00:48:28

Post by: youwashock

That's a cool thing. Really cool looking, actually.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/02/05 01:14:23

Post by: theCrowe

Was this a Gaslands game? Looks like a suitably post apocalyptic set up.

Loving the DJJazzyJeff cave. I feel very at home. Look at the benchtop, what benchtop? Exactly! Beautiful.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/02/05 05:31:38

Post by: Viterbi

No that is truly the thing and the whole of the thing! Looking great, but we need to see the billboards from the other side! Or did we already and I forgot?

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/02/05 19:00:20

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Look at that board! I want to play games on it!

I actually don't know anything about gaslands as a game, how crunchy is it?

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/02/05 19:11:48

Post by: Captain Brown

Nice board DJJazzyJeff.



DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/02/05 19:20:18

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

I don't know either. I actually just built the boards and before I added some elevation and gravel, paint, etc. I wanted to see how much terrain I actually have. Turns out, enough to do this to a 4' x 6' table.
Gaslands is better on a 4'x4', and Zona Alpha on a 3'x3'. At least that's my understanding.

I have about 100 matchbox cars in drawers under the bench. When I cleaned it up the other day, (yes, that's the clean version of the bench) I found around 35 cars buried in layers of other projects. I'd say about 10 of them have been drilled and taken apart, some with armor, some with cargo netting over the windows, some with guns glued on. A few have little people in the driver's seats, but only two are actually finished.

I'm going to play a game of Zona Alpha before I take anything down, but I don't know what else I'll do. I was just excited to have it all up.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/02/05 19:30:16

Post by: amazingturtles

I think it is quite a remarkable thing. Out of many things i have seen, it is the most thinglike.

Seriously though it's a great looking board for all sorts of games!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/02/06 02:13:41

Post by: Syro_

I'm really happy to get to see you LoER terrain set up on a board I like the look, it's very Post-Apocalyptic. I feel like I should be hearing Three Dog come on Galaxy News Radio any moment

I too enjoyed seeing the work space in the back as well, it reminds me of my own.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/02/10 01:54:50

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

youwashock wrote:Red Dread Revolver is looking good so far. Looking forward to Truckzilla's final form.

tzurk wrote:Getting real cowboy vibes from that dread. Reach for the sky!

Truckmaster 5000 looking very promising! Is it godzilla, is it transformers - who cares? Super cool idea man.

Alright, I'm digging the cowboy vibe. I'll look to put something on it once I get back to actually working on it again.

Viterbi wrote:Nice clean red on the dread! And it may be much bigger than a marine, but the edge highlights are so much easer on those

Yes, much bigger and straighter edges.

Don Qui Hotep wrote:Nice use of cork and sundry on the base, he's got an active, angry pose.

Thanks. I wanted to do the base first so I could get his foot at the right angle.

theCrowe wrote:Was this a Gaslands game? Looks like a suitably post apocalyptic set up.

Loving the DJJazzyJeff cave. I feel very at home. Look at the benchtop, what benchtop? Exactly! Beautiful.

There's a benchtop under there?

Viterbi wrote:No that is truly the thing and the whole of the thing! Looking great, but we need to see the billboards from the other side! Or did we already and I forgot?

Two printed from Gaslands, one I made for a LoER entry that barely got off the ground.

Syro_ wrote:I'm really happy to get to see you LoER terrain set up on a board I like the look, it's very Post-Apocalyptic. I feel like I should be hearing Three Dog come on Galaxy News Radio any moment

I too enjoyed seeing the work space in the back as well, it reminds me of my own.

Thanks. I'm really happy with the feel of it. The LoER terrain is the main piece. Definitely need some work on the rest, but it was fun setting it up.

I did play a Zona Alpha game. I pulled some space marines and kitted them up how the book said to. I forgot about the turn count down, and the weather effects table, and a few other things I think. But it was fun. I took some pictures, so I'll post them tomorrow as a battle report. That's what people do sometimes, right?

The marines were overkill for the Threat Level 1 scenario I set up, but it was still fun.

I'll have to get some other minis painted up, all the weapons and stats from 40K bled into ZA and I was struggling to keep it straight at a couple points.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/02/10 02:09:33

Post by: The Riddle of Steel

Nice looking table you have there. I love homemade terrain.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/02/11 00:55:15

Post by: tzurk

Table looks brilliant all together mate. Nice terrain all round. Hope you get to play some more games soon!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/02/11 22:57:27

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

This is going to be a pretty long post. But, then again it's my blog.

Sergeant Carrot was planning an excursion into the Exclusion Zone.
Seeing as how he's allowed 12 Zhabrost worth of troops (and this being my first time), he filled the entire squad.
Downspout, a veteran Sharpshooter joined up, along with a couple of soldiers handy with knives, Angua and Detritus.
Rounding out the crew were a pair of rookies: Colon, and Nobbs.

Sources had seen a paramilitary patrol enter the zone sometime late last night, but no one has seen them since. Carrot decided that the moment was now or never. The longer the wait, the more likely a follow up patrol would be sent out, or some other would-be treasure hunter would get there first.

They entered the zone near an abandoned water pumping station and quickly began moving to secure the target objectives.

The two knife-men moved to clear a hot spot and search a government vehicle. They had the presence of mind to throw a bolt and activate the hot spot from a distance, but were still within charging distance of one of the bandits who appeared. (They may look like a couple of cultists and some crossbow-wielding werewolf hunters, but don't be fooled!)

The first of the bandits was quickly dispatched. He didn't reckon what he was running into. The second was picked off by a lucky roll from the rookie peeking around the tower, and the third by our sniper.

(I definitely need to install a catwalk up there if I'm going to try to have models sit on top of it again).

The last bandit put up one hell of a fight. Attack roll after attack roll bounced off him without making him so much as flinch. Perhaps he was driven onward by the sight of his fallen comrades all around him, perhaps he just got lucky, but he also managed to fell Corporal Detritus.

Angua, in a rage, finally put a point-blank magnum pistol round into him, dropping him like a sack of body parts. Detritus brought along a medkit and was able to self-administer. Angua moved and cleared the objective marker.

The second Hot Spot revealed a group of zombies. The spawn enemy table lists them as having an armor value of 6, which is military grade. So, these zombies must be what is left of the team that came to the zone in the first place. If Sergeant Carrot thought his troops had a tough time with the bandits, whew. He hadn't seen anything yet. Well, actually, Carrot was equipped with military-grade armor as well, and with the rookies pouring fire and Dounspout sniping from above, the zombies were soon dispatched. Just a few armor saves later than I would have wanted. If I had remembered that there was supposed to be a turn counter, and only a set number of turns to accomplish the mission, it might have been a bigger problem.

Dice rolling in Zona Alpha is backwards. A "1" on a D10 is an automatic success, while a "10" is a critical failure. I rolled a "1" on the hostile spawn table a only one group of vermin spawned. I didn't have a suitable model, so used a couple hardened chunks of GS.

They spawned, they used their free activation to charge, they died.

Victory was just an activation away.

I made off with 650 salvage points and a spare gas mask. It seems underwhelming, but I have no idea what that translates to in-game. It might be a decent amount.
The rules are designed to allow campaigns, including visiting shops between excursions and experience points, battle wounds, etc.

All in all, it was fun. So nice to be playing something, even if it was just by myself.
A Threat Level 1 scenario was definitely not fierce enough for the squad I rolled in with, but now I know. I'll either trim it up or up the threat. Or both. I also want to paint up some of my Judge Dredd models, as they might look the part a bit better. I guess I have an excuse to start that project now, too. So long and square inch of open workbench space!

Thanks for following along. I hope to have an update soon with hobby progress.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/02/12 00:28:57

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I laughed heartily at Downspout the sniper! Well done.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/02/12 03:45:41

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Nice battle report! Zona Alfa is big fun. Make sure you pick up that energy juice that lets you get three activations in. Came in useful more than a few close shaves!

Also, the backwards crits took me so long to get used to. I do like that in close combat you are always rolling off, and it's possible for both combatants to kill each other.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/02/14 07:35:38

Post by: Viterbi

Cool batrep and "hardened chunks of green stuff" should be a unit entry by itself
And is there a Plague Marine mini easily to denurglefy? Would make a great model for Colon (although some already have that hanging out ). Downsput would definitely be a great sniper, waiting for days if necessary.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/02/27 04:44:42

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Completed an entry for the monthly challenge. First time in a while. I have to take some better photos for the comp, but it's finished.
The cars are for Gaslands, for a team with the sponsor Miyazaki, who came up through the underground Tokyo street racing scene. Miyazaki drivers are known for their daring and precision behind the wheel. Also, she has a sponsor perk called "Showing Off".
Seems to fit the theme pretty nicely.

Not the most outstanding paint job ever, but the white and the yellow were a bit of a pain in the
I'd like to do some detail or lettering on them somewhere, but probably not going to happen. At least not before the end of February.
So, without further ado, here they are:

[Thumb - IMG_3856.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_3854.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_3855.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_3857.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/02/27 23:10:33

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Very flash! The yellow and white turned out quite well, nice even layers of paint. Tricky to pull off but it's worth it when they stand out on the battlefield!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/02/28 06:33:19

Post by: Viterbi

Gaslands cars look cool, very cartoony (I hope, that's what you were going for )

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/01 00:47:32

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Don Qui Hotep wrote:Very flash! The yellow and white turned out quite well, nice even layers of paint. Tricky to pull off but it's worth it when they stand out on the battlefield!

Thanks. I think they turned out pretty slick. I've decided what details I want to put on them. We'll see if it turns out before I say anything. That way, if it doesn't work out, I can pretend it never happened.

Viterbi wrote:Gaslands cars look cool, very cartoony (I hope, that's what you were going for )

Bright, flashy, show offy, I'll take cartoony.

I cleaned off the bench. I left a couple of projects out but put most of the stuff away. It was too hard to concentrate on any one thing. Now hopefully I'll be able to finish my dread, a few troops that have been waiting, Truckzilla, etc.

Not much new there to report, except a couple of cars for a Mishkin team.

Hopefully the clean bench produces results, or I'm going to have to pile it back up again.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/02 01:06:43

Post by: Captain Brown

 DJJazzyJeff wrote:

(I definitely need to install a catwalk up there if I'm going to try to have models sit on top of it again).

Yes, having painted figures fall off raised terrain can cause damage and painter's rage. I always recommend having a favorite beverage of each player in case it happens.



DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/04 02:14:27

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

I've wondered about the protocol of having a beverage at the gaming table. To each their own? House rules? None whatsoever? As long as it doesn't spill on the table?

Anyway, some progress on the Chaplain. I've made his stole white again. I'm going to put some lettering on it, I'm thinking "Funerus" on the one side, and "Virtus" on the other.
From my family motto, Vivit Post Funera Virtus. Or, Virtue Lives After Death, for those of you with rusty Latin skills.

[Thumb - IMG_3885.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_3886.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_3887.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/08 14:22:56

Post by: Syro_

Very cool, DJ! I like the the wording on the pauldrons and the relation to your family motto.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/09 02:23:08

Post by: Captain Brown

Making progress DJJazzyJeff.



DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/09 03:11:33

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Finished the Chaplain.
I have to build a lightbox or similar setup to get better pictures. I have a digital camera on (somewhat permanent?) loan from my son. Now I just have to stop making excuses and start taking better pictures.
Of course, these were just taken with my phone on my table, but there you go.

Progress at the start of the month was too far along to claim him in the monthly challenge. I actually started him during Advent, and here it is Lent by the time I finish.
I decided to make the stole white, and make his absolver bolt pistol the rose color. Also, he carries the tome of the Adeptus Brisonius on his belt. You never know when you'll need to proclaim the good word of the Emperor's protection. Possibly as soon as the enemy is nothing but heaps of bodies and smoking craters.

[Thumb - IMG_0005.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_0006.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_0007.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_0009.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_0010.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_0011.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_0012.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/09 20:40:54

Post by: youwashock

Hey, all right! Good to see this guy wrapped up. He turned out cool and the lettering looks rad.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/09 21:44:39

Post by: amazingturtles

Very nice! He's got a good ribcage on him

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/10 02:02:28

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Nice one! I like the dark velvet palette the cloak has. As far as lightboxes go, I've just been using two black sweaters and a stack of books. Lay the sweater down, stack the books, and tuck the other sweater under and around them. I'll just position it wherever I can find/make the best lighting. An imperfect solution, but at no additional cost!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/14 22:05:26

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Thank you, everyone.

Got another four Intercessors done, which brings the total of finished models this month to 5. Also brings the unit up to 7.

I've been putting off doing the plasma weapons of these Hellblasters, not sure why. Especially when it was this easy.

I need to base them, a few more details, but they're just about done.

Some progress on the Dread.

And base coated some inceptors for the painting challenge. Have to get going on them to finish.

Thanks for watching!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/15 12:47:30

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

That's a very different approach to plasma glow, and I love it! It really makes it seem more like the glow is coming from WITHIN the gun THROUGH the plasma coil than from the plasma coil itself, if that makes sense. Looks great!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/15 17:52:47

Post by: Viterbi

Lots of progress going on, love the letters on the stole, very neat! And good to see more red arrive ready for battle, Hellblaster plasma glow looks very cool.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/16 11:15:22

Post by: tzurk

Plasma looking good mate, well done!

Love the dusting up the legs of the marines too - nice and natural blend into the bases. Steady hand on the chappy's lettering - great stuff.

Gaslands gear is super cool, that's definitely a game I'd love to get around to one day.

Keep it up mane!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/18 02:34:30

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Looking good, I like the glow effects on the hellblasters. The blue glow on the armor is a good detail.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/18 13:19:51

Post by: The Riddle of Steel

Nice looking marines. Red, black and gold always looks solid and powerful. The plasma glow turned out well.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/18 17:26:03

Post by: Captain Brown


Chaplain was great and the rest of the Marines are coming along.



DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/19 21:53:01

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Thank you, everyone. Some good progress is happening 'round these parts. Space Marine progress. It's Space Marine month after all, right?

I have my Hellblaster squad finished. That brings me up to 10 models for the month of March.

Nothing that's going to win any competitions, but they look pretty good. I think anyway.

I painted this Captain a while ago, but I just made him a game-legal base. So, I'm going to count him as a model that was completed during March. If anyone has a problem with that, bring your little toy soldiers over to Colorado, USA and I'll shoot them with my little toy soldiers.

And, a couple WIP shots of the first Inceptor for the painting challenge. I hope to get all three done before the end.

The NMM looks like it's actually gold. Mostly.

As always, the support is much appreciated. Thanks for stopping by.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/20 15:36:18

Post by: Maharg

At first glance I missed the fact you had done NMM for the gold, only realised when I read your comment, so yes, it has worked out well! maybe some small white/almost white dots on the corners/edges would add to the effect? I like the red you are using, darker, more gritty than normally seen, what's your recipe? I'm going for a similar look for my challenge entry, mixing brown and red to tone it down

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/21 09:49:49

Post by: gobert

Nice job on the Hellblasters. I love the plasma glow from their barrels. Rebasing the Captain certainly counts against the pile, the real question is whether painting the rims of my Orks’ bases should count?

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/21 13:35:44

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

gobert wrote:Nice job on the Hellblasters. I love the plasma glow from their barrels. Rebasing the Captain certainly counts against the pile, the real question is whether painting the rims of my Orks’ bases should count?

Thank you. I found inspiration on the interwebs. I like that the glow looks like it's coming from deeper in the gun, as Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll pointed out.
Are you changing the color? Or painting the rim for the first time?
More importantly, will it help you in your own battle against the pile to count it as a victory? Then do so. Any progress against the pile is a good thing.

Maharg wrote:At first glance I missed the fact you had done NMM for the gold, only realized when I read your comment, so yes, it has worked out well! maybe some small white/almost white dots on the corners/edges would add to the effect? I like the red you are using, darker, more gritty than normally seen, what's your recipe? I'm going for a similar look for my challenge entry, mixing brown and red to tone it down

Thank you. That's high praise, indeed!
I used Mephiston Red as a base coat. Then a wash with Vallejo's black wash. I liked the darkness of the recessed areas but didn't like how the armor plates looked like they had liquid splattered on them. I think I probably did the wash too quickly, and it sort of pooled and ran across the armor. So, I mixed a crappy, craft-store black in with the Mephiston and painted all the plates a darker red. (On review it was actually an Apple Barrel paint from Walmart ) Then I wet blended that up to true Mephiston Red keeping the light source in mind. The highlights are Evil Suns Scarlet. I don't think I used any brown in the recesses. I've heard of recipes using a brown/red as the shadow and yellow/red as the highlight. I didn't want them to look orange, so I didn't do that. The brown I splash on as mud on the boots, etc. The world they're invading I see as more of mud than dust. I don't know if that's a valid reason to choose black or not. But, that being said there may have been some brown in there too. I had brown on my wet palette from some basing work, so it may have found its way in there. I can't really remember.

The NMM is a black/brown mixture, up through brown to Terra Cotta, with a yellow/Terra Cotta mixture as the brightest points. I tried a highlight of yellow but didn't like it. I think a near-white as you suggest would be better.

DJJazzyJeff wrote:Thank you, everyone. Some good progress is happening 'round these parts. Space Marine progress. It's Space Marine month after all, right?

And keeping with that, even more progress on the Dreadnought.
I like what's happening on the sarcophagus. The Aquila on the outside of the cockpit (cabin? cage? tomb?) seems dull and unfinished, especially compared to the one I just did on the Inceptor. I'll probably have to go back and do it NMM just to satisfy myself that it's actually finished.

I still have to:
Finish the base. especially the rubble and pipe sticking out the side. Some scrub brush, etc.
Paint the guns and/or rockets on the nose and get those mounted.
Paint his plasma cannon and flamer weapons options, just in case.
A few more touch-ups, highlights, battle damage, etc.
NMM the Aquila
Steady hands on the writing on the scrollwork on the front of the sarcophagus.
Decide whether to put transfers, freehand, or nothing on some of the wide, empty armor panels.
Oh golly, this list is getting long. Sort of makes me depressed.

Well, Mrs. Jazzy Jeff has a lot planned for today. I might get some hobby time later, but I may also be tired by then. Hopefully, at the least, I'll back to my bench tomorrow. I think I'll focus on the Inceptor(s) as I'd really like to compete in the monthly challenge.

I bought some new clippers, along with a couple of other tools; files, tweezers, etc. I also ordered a bottle of Woodland Scenics still water effects. They arrived yesterday, so I really now have zero excuses not to get going on my LoER terrain piece. Plans in my head are nice, but they really don't count as working on it.

As always, thanks for stopping by.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/21 21:46:31

Post by: gobert

Dread is coming together well, the NMM on the eagle will look great

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/24 20:41:58

Post by: Captain Brown


You will have your army finished in no time.



DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/25 00:41:04

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

gobert wrote:Dread is coming together well, the NMM on the eagle will look great

Thanks for the vote of confidence. I want to try and finish my contest entry, and the beginning of April is earmarked for LoER, so it could be a bit before more progress is made. We'll see. The dread is a commanding presence on the workbench so it might come along faster than I think.

Captain Brown wrote:DJJazzyJeff,

You will have your army finished in no time.



What does "finished" mean?

Nearly done with one of the Inceptors for the monthly challenge. I need to write on the purity seal, do the insignia on the pauldron, and a couple minor splotch fixes. Anything else anyone sees, or suggestions that could improve the work would be much appreciated.

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DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/25 04:41:56

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Great stuff! This inceptor looks badass. Echoing the praise for your NMM, really impressive. I get your point about not wanting to mix orange into the red highlights - it's really easy to creep too yellow.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/25 10:23:48

Post by: gobert

Great highlights on this chap. There’s a noticeable improvement as the army is expanding. Is the skull on his chest eagle staying red? I think it’d look better with a sharper highlight if it is. Otherwise silver or gold would look cool

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/25 21:02:24

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Thanks, Don Qui Hotep.
gobert, I completely overlooked the skull. Didn't even notice it. I did the skulls on other models white. Perhaps something silver/white with some gradients. Almost NMM but not quite.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/26 19:29:24

Post by: youwashock

All these Marines are looking awesome. The Hellblasters especially rock.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/27 18:57:59

Post by: gobert

A graduated white sounds great on the skull

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/28 00:58:04

Post by: The Riddle of Steel

Looking good. The dark shading on the red looks nice and gritty and really makes those eyes pop!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/31 21:08:56

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Well, here is my completed competition entry. I really like the NMM on the eagle, the buckle, and the pauldron. Plus the skull is no longer red.
The OSL around the engines of his jump pack turned out pretty neat, too.
Pics spoilered because they're massive.


and a close-up of the NMM, etc.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I also need a break from painting space marines. Anyone have suggestions for, say, an AoS faction?

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/03/31 23:18:44

Post by: Vejut

Very nice! The NMM wings came out nice, especially given such a small work space. If you're looking for a one off, I usually find Reaper to have enough different stuff to find something goofy I want to paint. Project wise...the Badgers and Burrows kickstarter is running, and oathsworn's got a nice back catalog for order. Staying in the GW sphere...seraphon or skaven are probably as far from marines as you can get, though I'm thinking my tastes may have tilted this recommendations list...

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/04/01 00:11:20

Post by: JoshInJapan

Nice work on the Inceptor-- your NMM gold turned out quite nicely. My only quibble is that the landing gear things on his feet kind of blend into the boots-- they might benefit from being a different color (grey, steel, something like that). Also, I like the white lichen on the base.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/04/01 00:33:07

Post by: amazingturtles

Very nice work! I like how you handled the jets!

Not sure what aos faction i would suggest.... skaven maybe, like vejut said?

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/04/01 12:01:17

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

AoS I think Daughters of Khaine is the farthest from Space Marines. All skin tone! No smooth panels!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/04/02 14:21:53

Post by: Vejut

Yeah, I was kinda thinking factions with lots of drybrush action and texture in their standard kit, and not much armor. Old wold/oathmark style dwarves would oddly probably also fit...

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/04/02 23:00:35

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

I was looking at dwarves, but don’t know what all the different holds mean. Or if you can field them all together. So I got the starter kit with the nighthaunts and the golden boys, and bought some skavens, too. Rats are in.

I have a couple reaver minis, my brother gave me some. I’m planning to paint him a couple for his d&d campaigns. I should have enough plastic to last me a while now.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/04/03 13:31:22

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Yeah, the 3 different Dwarf factions are all different armies. There is a special subfaction that can combine them, but they're all different by default.

Nighthaunts are fun, but the Starter Kit for AoS is dumb because it doesn't give you legal units!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/04/03 13:53:46

Post by: MacPhail

Great paint on that marine! I salute your ambition in NMM and OSL. Both came out well.

I'm drawn to Skaven as well. Fur, ragged cloth, leather, and wood grain are all really fun to paint, and I love the big models from the line.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/04/04 17:33:50

Post by: gobert

Great job on the Inceptor, the Nmm came out great, especially on the buckle and trim. It certainly sounds like you now have lots of non-space marines to keep you busy

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/04/05 06:24:44

Post by: Viterbi

Nighthaunt can be very fun and easy to paint. Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll has some nice ones in his plog and I painted some in a very quick scheme last year. They lend themselves to a lot of experimenting with paint styles.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/04/13 16:27:01

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

So, I bought way too much stuff.

I got some rats, a warp cannon, and some stuff. I don't know why I primed it purple. It was the first can I grabbed. But, I think I'll make a painting decision on that basis alone, and make the army somehow purple.

Working on a sewer base for the cannon, and by extension will for all the little rats, too.

And then I built the Souls Wars starter box. I have the golden boys and some knight haunts.

If I would have gotten this first, I probably would have bought a knight haunt army, instead of a Skaven one. Oh, well. I supposed I could still spend a whole of more money . . .

Anyway, I primed the two armies in different colors and set up a quick game against myself.

Damn, these guys look cool. Even bare white, running across the gravel of my terrain looks so cool.

And, just like that, I'm frickin' buried in plastic again.

I bought a cheap airbrush, which I'm excited to set up and try out. It might give me a leg up on the pile of shame.

I also got a start on my LoER piece. I'm building a mom-and-pop style hardware store for Zona Alpha, or other post-apoc games. Slightly deteriorated, slightly damaged, definitely full of zombies or other threats.

Cutting and building shelves out of chipboard.

Making progress!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/04/13 22:03:21

Post by: Vejut

Isn't that always the cycle? I'd heard purple can be used to give very dark shadows to yellow especially with an airbrush, which might be an option if you're not into purple as a color (unlike me). Be interesting to see what you come up with.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/04/14 12:39:40

Post by: Syro_

Looking good DJ I think all your new stuff, and the Mom & Pop store is progressing nicely.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/04/14 19:12:39

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Thank you, Syro. And Vejut, there will be purple! I haven't decided exactly how much or where yet, but I like the idea of purple.

Here are some more updates on the store. I scored a piece to bend it for the shop counter. I also bought some greeble STL's from Miscast terrain. I have a coworker who owns a 3D printer and is going to cook up a few for me.

Anyway, here it is so far.
Been watching and listening to Trapped Under Plastic recently. It's pretty entertaining.

[Thumb - IMG_0099.jpeg]
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DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/04/15 16:12:27

Post by: Captain Brown

Store is really starting to take shape DJJazzyJeff.



DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/04/16 11:05:20

Post by: gobert

Great looking shelves Jazzy, really neatly done!

Just seen the brave has been doing some purple rats if you haven’t seen them already.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/04/16 12:25:57

Post by: Viterbi

Scratchbuild is coming along great! Already excited for the first paint on it.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/04/16 22:13:28

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Love to see your scratch built terrain. Cardboard shelves look like the real thing. Let us know how the airbrush works out!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/04/17 17:16:35

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Some more progress. It's entirely cardboard or paper so far, with the exception of Mr. Spock.

[Thumb - IMG_0122.jpeg]
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[Thumb - IMG_0133.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_0135.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/04/18 10:36:39

Post by: gobert

Have you carved out supports for the shelves too! Nice details! The collapsed roof looks great too

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/04/18 16:38:32

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I'm immediately brought back to scavenging stores in Last of Us by that build. Well done building a set so evocative!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/04/18 20:48:29

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

I was going to get some greebles and an AC unit printed for this piece. My mate who has the printer just broke up with his lady, and is moving out, etc. I wish him the best. But, it (selfishly) leaves me without the greebles.

Does anyone have a 3D printer who would be willing to print and send me stuff if I pay for post and filament? PM me if you would be interested.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/04/19 20:59:57

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

And now for something totally different.

[Thumb - BC921BB6-06E1-4AF2-9D59-0E0FF031C625.jpeg]

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/04/23 05:25:45

Post by: gobert

He’s a cool mini, the red glow gives him a real menacing look. Nice one

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/04/23 12:15:59

Post by: amazingturtles

He's a mighty hero! A mighty hero with evil red glowing... various parts. It confuses his enemies.

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/04/23 16:37:41

Post by: youwashock

Yeah. He's probably a badguy.

Store build is fantastic!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/04/27 10:00:01

Post by: Viterbi

Glowy looks real cool and menacing!

DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/04/28 04:11:39

Post by: Captain Brown

Loads of great little details being added to the terrain there DJJazzyJeff.



DJ's Hobby ADHD - Everything all of the Time @ 2021/04/30 01:31:00

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Well, this isn't going to make the monthly challenge, but I intend to keep working on it.
There are so many little fiddly metal bits everywhere that it took much longer than I anticipated.

I'm also building sewer bases for my army. So, I did that, just have to paint it and pour some water effects.

And, I know I want to make the Warpstone purple instead of green, but I don't think this exact blend is the right one for me. Still playing with it.

If all of that weren't enough, there is a three-man, well, three-rat crew to paint:

But, I did manage some rust effects on the metal. That ought to count for something. Definitely not done, though. Nobody is traveling in style this month.

Thank for watching. More to come. I hope to get a majority of my LoER piece finished this weekend.