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Made in gb
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator

Exeter, UK

Chopstick wrote:
Look like there're matching left/right arm of most blades except for the Nightfiend and Shadeweaver. Don't mind me time to dual wield blade, and dual wield flames.

And enough spare arms and heads to make a few 'extra' models from the box by having a mandrake just emerging from a shadow, limb first. Ah, it'll be like making a box of zombies go further all over again!
Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

Made in vn
Longtime Dakkanaut

I wish they used a different combat knife or at least switch it to the right side for the fearmonger.
Made in fi
Posts with Authority

The latest Balance Dataslate apparently dropped last weekend? Big changes this time around. Harlequins lost FLY, and many more smaller changes. This will shake up things considerably!

CURAC has the deets

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/04 20:49:01

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

It changes so fast, I barely even get enough time to try out the rules before they change again!

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in fr
Longtime Dakkanaut

Ah yeah I think it’s just the like Starter one that’s less. Then the others at 80.
Shame if it’s going to 85, that’s even more past what I’d want to spend.
Particularly when I can get an individual Kill Team printed for a good price and much more to choose from.
Made in vn
Longtime Dakkanaut

The terrain is one huge single cast piece + sprue and the Nightlord upgrade is also on 2 sprues so price a bit higher is understandable.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/05 22:34:31

Made in us
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran

Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra

I noticed that the Scout Squad and Blades of Khaine rules were posted for free on the website.

"Calgar hates Tyranids."

Your #1 Fan  
Made in de
Emboldened Warlock

My review of the new Kill Team Nightmare box is now live, explaining all build options and what you can expect from the new book. I also took high-res sprue pics: https://taleofpainters.com/2024/04/review-kill-team-nightmare/

Made in fi
Posts with Authority

Aand its gone. Sold out in under an hour. And no doubt the vast majority of people only bought the box for the minis for their 40K armies

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/06 10:34:55

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

 stahly wrote:
My review of the new Kill Team Nightmare box is now live, explaining all build options and what you can expect from the new book. I also took high-res sprue pics: https://taleofpainters.com/2024/04/review-kill-team-nightmare/

Surprised you didn't mention one of the mandrakes is essentially an asset swap of one of the khainite shadowstalkers.
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

 tauist wrote:
Aand its gone. Sold out in under an hour. And no doubt the vast majority of people only bought the box for the minis for their 40K armies

Gee, almost like that's what the teams effectively were?

This whole season has been very lackluster. A big chunk of the revealed Kill Teams have just been units getting resculpts(Scorpions, Scouts, Mandrakes) or units getting upgrade frames(Night Lords and Brood Brothers). The only "new" has been the League of Votaan KT coming with Brood Brothers.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/06 11:04:55

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

 tauist wrote:
Aand its gone. Sold out in under an hour. And no doubt the vast majority of people only bought the box for the minis for their 40K armies

Amazingly after about a year or so of abject failure to get anything on launch, my friend and I actually managed to get one (I'm having mandrakes half, and yes, it is for my 40k army)
Made in us
Brainy Biophagus Brewing Potent Chemicals

 Kanluwen wrote:
 tauist wrote:
Aand its gone. Sold out in under an hour. And no doubt the vast majority of people only bought the box for the minis for their 40K armies

Gee, almost like that's what the teams effectively were?

This whole season has been very lackluster. A big chunk of the revealed Kill Teams have just been units getting resculpts(Scorpions, Scouts, Mandrakes) or units getting upgrade frames(Night Lords and Brood Brothers). The only "new" has been the League of Votaan KT coming with Brood Brothers.

upgrade sprues are nothing new for kill team. every vs box for kill team to date has been a new kit vs an old kit with an upgrade sprue. legionaries, pathfinders, hierotek circle, the first votann kill team, and so on

i have played games of the current edition 
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

 StudentOfEtherium wrote:
 Kanluwen wrote:
 tauist wrote:
Aand its gone. Sold out in under an hour. And no doubt the vast majority of people only bought the box for the minis for their 40K armies

Gee, almost like that's what the teams effectively were?

This whole season has been very lackluster. A big chunk of the revealed Kill Teams have just been units getting resculpts(Scorpions, Scouts, Mandrakes) or units getting upgrade frames(Night Lords and Brood Brothers). The only "new" has been the League of Votaan KT coming with Brood Brothers.

upgrade sprues are nothing new for kill team. every vs box for kill team to date has been a new kit vs an old kit with an upgrade sprue. legionaries, pathfinders, hierotek circle, the first votann kill team, and so on

Please read what I wrote, not what you thought I wrote:
This season's lackluster, not because of upgrade frames but because of the fact that out of the 6 revealed Kill Teams only one has actually been something new.
-Salvation featured Scouts(new sculpts with gubbins on the sprue) vs Striking Scorpions(new sculpts; 1/3 units available for the KT)
-Nightmare is Mandrakes(new sculpts with gubbins on the sprue) vs Night Lords(unit with upgrade frames)
-Termination features Mandrakes(Cadians with upgrade frame & repacked characters; lazy compared to the Blooded KT) vs Hernkyn Yaegirs(new unit with gubbins built into the sprue).

 Compare that to the Gallowdark season:
-Opened with Kroot Farstalkers v Breachers(both new)
-Moved to Shadowvaults with Hierotek Circle(upgrade frame+repacked character) v Kasrkin(new/returning unit)
-Moved to Soulshacke with Hand of the Archon(upgrade frame) v Arbites(new/returning unit)
-Ended with Gallowfall, featuring Fellgor Ravagers(new unit) v Hearthkyn Salvagers(unit with upgrade frame).

Gallowdark and Bheta-Decima were separated with "Ashes of Faith", a narrative Kill Team set which was just a repackage of a ton of products plus a single Inquisitorial warband that seemed to be just trainee sculpts released.

First season of KT2021?
-Octarius was "Veteran Guardsmen"(new DKoK models, but the ultimate generic KT name; unit with an included upgrade frame) v Ork Kommandos to start things off
-Chalnath was the Novitiates(a new unit with an upgrade frame built-in) v Pathfinders with an upgrade frame
-Nachmund Gauntlet was Corsairs(new unit; designed around being a KT and a unit) v CSM Legionaries with an upgrade frame(which really wasn't, because it featured an option that was in the unit profile from the codex to begin with)
-Moroch ended out the first season with the Traitor Guard "Blooded"(all new unit designed around being a KT, including a Blackstone Fortress character pack repurposed) vs Phobos Marines with an upgrade frame.

We're literally on an Adeptus Mechanicus research world, and not a single AdMech bit(a faction that would have been a perfect opportunity for an upgrade frame ala the Pathfinders to address weapons being 1 per sprue, for example) has been showcased. Instead we weirdly got Space Marine Scouts as "guards" for an AdMech facility that had an Aeldari prisoner?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/06 13:05:38

Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

Made in at
Longtime Dakkanaut

New Valrak video infos:

Again talks about Vespids for Kill Team but adds that that release will come with new terrain. Name of the box is apparently Hive Storm with Tempestus Scions vs Vespids.

New terrain similar to the Manufactorum Sanctus Administratum with "ladders, barricades, smoke grenades?" (no idea what he means with smoke grenades here)
It does have three layers but not as high as the Sanctus Administratum.

The Scions are called an Aquillion Kill Team and consist of 10 Scions and a gun sentinel. He heard about plasma guns, power sword on the leader and jump packs on all of them. These are new models so not an upgrade kit.
Vespids team are called Sting Wing. "Some of them are quite armoured" and they are also 10 Vespids and a drone for the 11th slot.

Its not confirmed but he assumes its going to be a new KT edition as there is apparently a core rulebook, dice and these starter things in there.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/20 23:48:20

Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

 Matrindur wrote:

jump packs on all of them.

Could it be that he mistakes them with Elysian Drop Troops?
Made in gb
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator

Exeter, UK

 Matrindur wrote:
New terrain similar to the Manufactorum Sanctus Administratum with "ladders, barricades, smoke grenades?" (no idea what he means with smoke grenades here.

Cloudy versions of the old Vortex Grenade marker, so that a smoke grenade can be used to block LoS for real?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/20 17:00:02

Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

 Shadow Walker wrote:
 Matrindur wrote:

jump packs on all of them.

Could it be that he mistakes them with Elysian Drop Troops?

Yes all of Valrak's rumours sound like someone who's never heard of Warhammer saw the upcoming release, described it best they could to someone with a passing knowledge of the setting, then this person passed their interpretation of the news on to Valrak, who has also never heard of Warhammer, and is now trying to chinese whisper himself a youtuber salary.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/20 17:06:03

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Shadow Walker wrote:
 Matrindur wrote:

jump packs on all of them.

Could it be that he mistakes them with Elysian Drop Troops?

I doubt it with the unit name given now, though I suppose it's possible they have grav-chutes rather than jump pack.

That said, Imperial Guard did used to have jump pack troopers in Rogue Trader era so these could easily be a re-envisioning of those (they used two pistols I think like the Sororitas Seraphim). Jump packs would also put them on a more even footing against Vespid as well. It'd open up a little more for a Tempestus Detachment in the future guard book as well if there were at least two Scion units, plus Valks and Taurox primes.

I wonder if ladders will be a barricade like option (either add some extra cover or some easy climbs/bridges) or if they will introduce some Killzone specific equipment that some teams get access to. Might also help with some people's complaints about Bheta Decima if things like climbing ropes were universal equipment options available to those teams without fly etc. Curious how you could balance something like that without just assigning extra EP to some factions as part of a Killzone balancing dataslate.
Made in us
Sneaky Sniper Drone

 Tastyfish wrote:

That said, Imperial Guard did used to have jump pack troopers in Rogue Trader era so these could easily be a re-envisioning of those (they used two pistols I think like the Sororitas Seraphim). Jump packs would also put them on a more even footing against Vespid as well. It'd open up a little more for a Tempestus Detachment in the future guard book as well if there were at least two Scion units, plus Valks and Taurox primes.



and they show up in the "Guns of Tanith" Guant's Ghosts novel, with several killteams of the Tanith first (with some Phantine Skyborne advisors) using them to insert into the city of Ouranberg. (Phantine being a world where the surface is uninhabitable, and the cities are all inside domes on the tops of of mountains)

in the book the ones they were using were the Type Five Icarus-pattern Personal Descent Unit produced on the forgeworld of Lucius. they were described very similar to the old rogue trader art.


the book came out in 2003, during the tail end of 3rd edition (and right before the release of 4th), well after (nearly a decade after) the Guard stopped having jumppack troops in the game.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2024/05/20 23:49:29

Made in us
Boosting Space Marine Biker

Gonna take a wild guess the sentinel means something else.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

 cole1114 wrote:
Gonna take a wild guess the sentinel means something else.

What immediately came to mind was the old conversion in White Dwarf (Or was it one of the xyzhunter books? Or both? Or just the internet? I've seen too much, I tell you, too much. I can't remember everything.) where someone fitted a plasma cannon with sentinal legs and ran it as a gun servitor. Looked really spectacular and it's a shame it never became a regular model. Until now, I hope. If not, I'd guess at it actually being a sentry gun such as a tarantula.
Made in de
Huge Bone Giant

Now that Horus Heresy has light and heavy Sentinels, maybe GW wants to add a light Sentinel to 40k as well? If the pilot is similarly exposed it shouldn't be hard to write rules for Kill Team that make the model killable and remain immersive at the same time.

 Shakalooloo wrote:
 Matrindur wrote:
New terrain similar to the Manufactorum Sanctus Administratum with "ladders, barricades, smoke grenades?" (no idea what he means with smoke grenades here.

Cloudy versions of the old Vortex Grenade marker, so that a smoke grenade can be used to block LoS for real?

That would be fun to have and could easily be done as a two part sculpt. Could be a pretty sizable LOS blocker as well since it wouldn't really be any different from a terrain piece.

Nehekhara lives! Sort of!
Why is the rum always gone? 
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

In the video Valrak refers to the sentinel again as a 'bolter sentinel'.

I was imagining something like a stripped down version of the new Heresy era ones, possibly mixed with a sentry turret rather than crewed.
Made in at
Longtime Dakkanaut

I would have thought the bolter sentinel would just be something like the little bot the Navy Breachers have, here in the bottom left. Just with a bolter instead of a sensor if its actually a "bolter" sentinel.

Just because its called a "Sentinel" doesn't mean it has anything to do with the guard Sentinels. Otherwise I guess Leman Russ and Rogal Dorn got some Mechanicum upgrades and are going around on tracks now

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/05/21 10:39:57

Made in de
Huge Bone Giant

I can certainly believe that someone mixed up sentinel and sentry (gun). I prefer it over getting a second Imperial Guard model called a Sentinel when it has no connection to the already existing Sentinel. That would be stupid even by GW's standards.

Nehekhara lives! Sort of!
Why is the rum always gone? 
Made in gb
Mad Gyrocopter Pilot


New KT box is next weekend. Oh boy oh boy oh boy.

Can't wait to grab it.

One and a half feet in the hobby

My Painting Log of various minis:
# Olthannon's Oscillating Orchard of Opportunity #

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