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Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Like the Maelstrom's Edge Broken, these Stargrave Crew figures will probably be scaled way too small for my needs. (But for those so inclined, you'll probably be able to do great mix-and-match between the Stargrave Crew and Broken trooper sets.) I have a sprue of Frostgrave cultists, and I really like their casting quality, character, and detail. Unfortunately, Frostgrave seems to be locked into a small scale that doesn't fit well with any other miniatures that I own, so I don't have much use for my tiny cultists, even for swapping bits. The creepy hooded heads are so cool, but so teeny.

It would be nice if the Frostgrave figures had a lot of non-weapon arms. No company ever seems to want to release a polystyrene sprue of unarmed sci-fi civilians. They're probably right not to; like many of the things I'd really like to buy, they probably wouldn't sell well. But unarmed sci fi crew and civvies are one of the few things you can't get from anyone in polystyrene, so maybe there's a viable untapped niche there? There's certainly no competition.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
So, is anyone else planning to use the cyclops head on a Conquest Nord body to create the character from Krull?

You'd need to Green Stuff some shaggy "that 70's show" hair.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/01/22 16:19:42

Dakkadakka: Bringing wargamers together, one smile at a time.™ 
Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:

So, is anyone else planning to use the cyclops head on a Conquest Nord body to create the character from Krull?

Frostgrave sized head on a Conquest sized model?
Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

 judgedoug wrote:
 Ancestral Hamster wrote:

Back to the topic. That pilot aiming the blaster could pass for a rebel pilot if you painted him orange and white. The chest is wrong, but perhaps there is a torso that would be a closer fit.

Why not a Former rebel pilot who bought a new shirt? There's approximately one infinite number of scenarios for Star Wars gaming in the Outer Rim
Because I know nothing about the Outer Rim, so it had not occurred to me. However, you've done me a favor. I've made the mistake of thinking of the SW universe as static, and it isn't. The Rebels won in Ep. 6, and started the New Republic, so former Rebels would need new jobs. Many of them would be part of the New Republic's power structure, be it military or civilian, but some would not make the cut, or not want that life.

Heck, that ex-Rebel might be an anarchist, and not want anything more structured than contract bridge, and so only joined the Rebellion because the Empire was way too structured and rigid. So the Rebellion is over, and he's willing to let the New Republic prove itself, but in the meantime, he's going "where the best is like the worst, Where there aren't no Ten Commandments an' a man can raise a thirst."*

*Mandalay - Rudyard Kipling

Works in Progress: Many. Progress, Ha!
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Made in us
Haughty Harad Serpent Rider

Richmond, VA

 Ancestral Hamster wrote:
Because I know nothing about the Outer Rim, so it had not occurred to me. However, you've done me a favor. I've made the mistake of thinking of the SW universe as static, and it isn't. The Rebels won in Ep. 6, and started the New Republic, so former Rebels would need new jobs. Many of them would be part of the New Republic's power structure, be it military or civilian, but some would not make the cut, or not want that life.

Heck, that ex-Rebel might be an anarchist, and not want anything more structured than contract bridge, and so only joined the Rebellion because the Empire was way too structured and rigid. So the Rebellion is over, and he's willing to let the New Republic prove itself, but in the meantime, he's going "where the best is like the worst, Where there aren't no Ten Commandments an' a man can raise a thirst."*

*Mandalay - Rudyard Kipling

Dang, go watch The Mandalorian if you haven't! And if you have, rewatch it with the eye on extracting adventure ideas from it. Every episode is like a new RPG adventure or skirmish scenario. This is what Favreau said: "What would really happen with a strong, tyrannical central government disappearing? At first it's wonderful, because it's freedom. But then sometimes freedom gets sloppy. Like after the fall of the Roman Empire, a lot of the world descended into darker times. So it was interesting to explore what the Star Wars version of that would be."

"...and special thanks to Judgedoug!" - Alessio Cavatore "Now you've gone too far Doug! ... Too far... " - Rick Priestley "I've decided that I'd rather not have you as a member of TMP." - Editor, The Miniatures Page "I'd rather put my testicles through a mangle than spend any time gaming with you." - Richard, TooFatLardies "We need a Doug Craig in every store." - Warlord Games "Thank you for being here, Judge Doug!" - Adam Troke 
Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

 judgedoug wrote:
Dang, go watch The Mandalorian if you haven't! And if you have, rewatch it with the eye on extracting adventure ideas from it. Every episode is like a new RPG adventure or skirmish scenario. This is what Favreau said: "What would really happen with a strong, tyrannical central government disappearing? At first it's wonderful, because it's freedom. But then sometimes freedom gets sloppy. Like after the fall of the Roman Empire, a lot of the world descended into darker times. So it was interesting to explore what the Star Wars version of that would be."
Okay, thank for the tip. (Have not seen it.) And yes, the results of a power vacuum are not always pretty. It was a nasty surprise for the Romano-Britons when the last legion pulled out of Brittannia, and they were left to fend for themselves. Their great-greatgrandfathers might have been able to fight off the Saxon invasion, but most of the contemporary Romano-Britons were soft civilians who were used to the shield of the Legions. I'm sort of tempted by Pendragon, part of the COIN (short for counter-insurgency) series. It can be played solo or with opponents, and depending on the side, you can try to stop the Fall, or bring it about. And even the Romano-Britons are split; so while the civilian and military parts agree on keeping out the invaders, they each want to be THE power in the government. However, it is a $95 game that I'd have to play solo (even without COVID, my regular group would not be interested), and COIN series games are known for a steep learning curve. May still get it as some point because the subject interests me.

Works in Progress: Many. Progress, Ha!
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Legendary Master of the Chapter


 Shadow Walker wrote:
 BobtheInquisitor wrote:

So, is anyone else planning to use the cyclops head on a Conquest Nord body to create the character from Krull?

Frostgrave sized head on a Conquest sized model?

This with Vermonter’s hair suggestion seems like a fairly straightforward conversion opportunity.

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


I'm surprised that scale is such an issue, when it comes down to it figures are just basically markers on a table top. If you really need to have all your figures the same size an easy way round it is to build up your bases, that way they'll all be the same height.
The irony is that most figures would actually scale to each other, the odd one out is actually GW, who threw scale out the window.
Maybe we shouldn't be using GW as a scaling template?

Made in gb
Terrifying Wraith

Yeah, I was gonna say, my Frostgrave stuff scales perfectly with nearly all my other fantasy stuff *except* modern GW's and the minority of manufacturers that try and ape them.
Made in us
Haughty Harad Serpent Rider

Richmond, VA

Billicus wrote:
Yeah, I was gonna say, my Frostgrave stuff scales perfectly with nearly all my other fantasy stuff *except* modern GW's and the minority of manufacturers that try and ape them.

Especially as GW has wholeheartedly embraced a larger 1/48 quarter-scale for new human-sized models for the last six years now, making ranges have inconsistent scaling within themselves.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/01/23 16:43:50

"...and special thanks to Judgedoug!" - Alessio Cavatore "Now you've gone too far Doug! ... Too far... " - Rick Priestley "I've decided that I'd rather not have you as a member of TMP." - Editor, The Miniatures Page "I'd rather put my testicles through a mangle than spend any time gaming with you." - Richard, TooFatLardies "We need a Doug Craig in every store." - Warlord Games "Thank you for being here, Judge Doug!" - Adam Troke 
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

I find nothing scales with Frostgrave as the proportions (height vs width) are worse than the worst of GW's 90s plastics.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/01/23 16:45:39

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

I find that at table top distances my eyesight isn't good enough to tell the difference in most scale issues.

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


 Easy E wrote:
I find that at table top distances my eyesight isn't good enough to tell the difference in most scale issues.

That’s ...kind of an argument against buying these, though. At tabletop distances, my eyes can’t really tell between nice Stargrave models and those cheapo plastic party favor aliens. Might as well use standees or chits if all i care about is how the minis look from across a table.

I spend the most time interacting a mini during assembly, conversion and painting. I imbue my minis with personalities so that I care what happens if they ever make it to a table top (and most of them never will).

So, while I agree that Frostgrave minis have unfortunate proportions, I’m quite excited for this kit for all the potential kitbashes it contains.

Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


Just realized my glasses’ lenses are thicker than a 28mm base.
[Thumb - 7E8E90BB-2BC9-4BF1-8381-B8CD71295DB6.jpeg]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/01/25 19:54:15

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Myrtle Creek, OR

Even moreso if you use Bolt Action bases as a comparison

Thread Slayer 
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

The Battle Barge Buffet Line

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
Just realized my glasses’ lenses are thicker than a 28mm base.

But what about the diameter? Are you rocking those Ben Franklin 25mm base lenses or the 80's style 60mm monster bases?

We Munch for Macragge! FOR THE EMPRUH! Cheesesticks and Humus!
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


80’s style. I enjoy having peripheral vision. (Also, I haven’t been able to turn my neck very far since a car accident when I was young.).

Imagine putting the chunky old Forgefathers goggles onto a Perry miniature’s bare face.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/01/25 22:05:04

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

The Battle Barge Buffet Line

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
80’s style. I enjoy having peripheral vision. (Also, I haven’t been able to turn my neck very far since a car accident when I was young.).

Imagine putting the chunky old Forgefathers goggles onto a Perry miniature’s bare face.

That's a bold look, good sir!

We Munch for Macragge! FOR THE EMPRUH! Cheesesticks and Humus!
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
Just realized my glasses’ lenses are thicker than a 28mm base.

Mine are similar!

Soon, I will need very deep sculpted features on all my miniatures as the only way I will be able to ID them will be by touch.

That does solve the issue of painted miniatures when I am blind though, I won't be able to see they are unpainted anymore!

That maybe an argument against these as well. Have to see them in the flesh I guess.

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Dominating Dominatrix

Some new info about species in SG http://therenaissancetroll.blogspot.com/
Made in gb
Terrifying Wraith

Sounds good to me, not very prescriptive, leaves room for creativity as it should be. Also, always fun seeing an Anvil Industries figure in the wild!
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Yeah, I support the "rubber forehead alien" styling in the rules. One of the great parts of Frostgrave is being able to use any species of soldier, as long as you can tell what class they are.

I imagine using the captain and lieutenant abilities, you could make either of them into a sufficiently weird alien, even as the crew member 'extras' are 80's VHS scifi human-in-a-suit-and-mask style aliens.
Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

First, I apologize for the quality of the photos. That is the best my phone's camera can do.

Second, these Stargrave conversions were made using the Cultist Sci-Fi Accessory Pack. The parts are resin and had lots of flash, which surprised me since I bought their Forest Outlaws parts which were metal and they had minimal flash. At least with resin flash it is easily removed. While the bits were originally made for the Frostgrave Cultist box, they will work with the Ghost Archipelago Crew box, and I'd suspect with any of the FG or GA human boxes made by Northstar. While I put a shotgun on one of the Frostgrave Gnolls, it showed me it was not a good fit, so I left it at that one. The gnoll torsos are wider than human torsos. Similarly, the converted snakeman only has a pistol as snakemen torsos are much wider than human torsos.

The Last War as mentioned in Keith Laumer's Bolo series universe is a fine match for the Stargrave fluff as revealed so far. The Bolo stories were an inspiration for the gigantic cybernetic supertank "Ogre" in the game of the same name by Steve Jackson Games.

Frostgrave Gnolls

Ghost Archipelago Snakeman and GA: Crew

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/02/09 07:22:07

Works in Progress: Many. Progress, Ha!
My Games Played 
Made in us


 Shadow Walker wrote:
They do not have integral bases. I wonder if this will be a new standard for all future Northstar kits?
Oh man I hope so! I hate integral basing because I really love making custom bases. The “standing on a little mound” base is horrible unless you can cover it with grass, which is not so great for sci fi.

Made in us

We noticed that Amazon is already taking pre-orders for next fall's expansion book, Quarantine 37. Ordered that one too, just cuz.

Made in us


Well hi Lee, nice to see you around here. Please tell me Joe has organized an advance copy for you and Lynn to make us a video introduction to the game!

Made in us

 Manchu wrote:
Well hi Lee, nice to see you around here. Please tell me Joe has organized an advance copy for you and Lynn to make us a video introduction to the game!

We would love that! Our current plan is to get our terrain and minis ready and then bang out a game or two as soon as we receive our pre-order. But yeah, if the powers wanted to bless us with an advance copy, that would be awsome.
Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

From Joe's blog:
Backgrounds you can give to your captain and first-mate - in the rulebook: Biomorph, Cyborg, Mystic, Robotics Expert, Rogue, Psionicist, Tekker, and Veteran. Each one of these comes with specific stat boosts and a list of 'core powers'. Captains and first-mates can, but are not required, to have the same backgrounds.
Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

From Nick on FB:
''We are planning the last ever Nickstarter for this April. It will be to promote the new Sci-Fi game from Osprey, Stargrave.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/02/23 09:11:44

Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

Any idea why it's the last?

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Any idea why it's the last?

For some reason the rest of the text was cut off (twice even, I guess some error on dakka?). Here it is:
''Why the last one?? I think we might have run the Kickstarter/ Nickstarter joke too long. So, although this is the last ever 'Nickstarter', we'll still run pre-order programs and specials for future projects. Might even come up with something better... ''
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