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Pile of Shame 2024: A Good Day to Paint Hard  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Fixture of Dakka

Might as well do a year end report on this one based on my initial 2024 post.


2024: 2 Models
2025: 0 Models

Cleared up the backlog on this and painted everything new I bought.

Marvel Crisis Protocol

2024: 13 Models
2025: 0 Models

Finished painting the second core set I got at the end of 2024. Picked up some X-Men, Sinister Six and others and painted them all right away. Painted some terrain but have a bit more to do.


2024: 0 Models
2025: 0 Models

Picked up quite a bit for this, but managed to keep it all painted.


2024: 32 Models
2025: 45 Models >.<

Had a slight surge in interest right before the SFG buyout where I picked up stuff and lost interest in painting it. Trying to resolve that now, but its definitely the worst of my current piles.


2024: 21 Models
2025: 0 Models

Buckled down and painted Bakkunin. N5 has a renewed interest in it and I probably need to pick up some of the stuff I've missed from the end of N4, but at the moment, all is clear.

Warhammer 40K


2024: 17 models
2025: 0 models

Actually picked up a good chunk of new stuff here.... and then the faction went away. I have started adding Black Templar and Ultramarine characters with silver arms to my collection... just in time for the revamp to actually be good. Picked up a good chunk of new stuff that I've kept painted as well as cleared the backlog. Amazing what actually playing the game will do.


2024: 22 Models
2025: 12 Models

I've bought and painted a LOT of Orks including Beast Snaggas and Flash Gitz and a bunch of other things. Luckily more or less stayed on top of the green tide and took care of some stuff from last year too. Most of what I have left is Squighogs I got for free in the Combat Patrols.


2024: 107 Models
2025: 57 Models

Cut the pile nearly in half! No major new purchases ahead, so I'm hoping to knock it further down and finish up some terrain.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2025/01/06 19:22:53

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