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Pile of Shame 2024: A Good Day to Paint Hard  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Finished the first block of Force Grown Drones.

Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

A classic piece from the Outlanders set...with all the cardboard replaced by plastic card painted and details added. I added an extra level to make this one even taller and the elevator a little more useful.





The long painting and converting war continues...


Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Love that Necro terrain!

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in us
Rogue Daemonhunter fueled by Chaos

Toledo, OH

Adding some more backlog minis painted:
A dreadknight
Immolator, OOP exorcist, and two SOB Rhinos
20 Novitiates
6 Arcoflaggelants

Backlog minis painted:

2 OOP broadsides, 3 OOP Crisis Suits, 1 OG Farsight, 20 OOP Kroot, 2 OOP Krootox
1 Magister on Disc, 1 Magister, 1 Gaunt Summoner, 1 Ogroid Thaumaturge, 20 Kairic Acolytes, 6 Tzaangor Enlightened on Foot, 12 enlightened, Shaman,
24 Inquisitorial Agents, OOP Coteaz, Inq. Greyfax
10 Purifiers, 5 Strike Marines, 2 GK Librarians, 1 Chaplain, 1 BC Stern, 1 GM Voldus, 1 dreadknight
1 Immolator, 1 OOP exorcist, and two SOB Rhinos
20 Novitiates
6 Arcoflaggelants

Models added to the Backlog this year

Warcry Terrain from talaxis, plus the mawpit and idol
3 Fronteris Bunkers, One Vox, two landing pads
KT Termination Plasma Generators
Blood brothers, Brood coven
Storm speeder, Invictor,
Wave Serpent


Bought and Painted this year
30 Rubrics, 20 Scarab Terminators, 10 tzaangors, Magnus, Rhino, hellbrute, Demon Prince, 2 Forge Fiends, MVB
Tzeentch Endless spells, Jade Obelisk
Kroot Box, 2x kroot Shapers, OOP Krootox, new krootox, 2x Commander, old Combat patrol, 2 tetras (RIP), 10 oop kroot hounds, 15 vespids, oop darkstrider
2 Sagitaurs, 10 hearthgarud, Grimnyr, 10 Jaegers
Spearhead Terrain
Kruleboys Boltthrower
20 Navy Breachers, Rogue Trader Entourage, Voidsmen, Eversor, Navigator, 2x Priests, Rogue Trader

Added to Backlog in 2023

Warcry terrain from Sundered Fate, Nightmare Quest, and Blood Hunt, plus 6 extra spures of meat trees
three sets of leviathan Tyranids and two of Space Marines
30 Scions, 2 Taurox, 3 Bullgryn, 2 rogal Dorns, and 10 Kasrkin
A fairly substantial Hundred Kingdoms army for Conquest (sigh).

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/10/09 23:03:57

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Finished my first block of Stryx,and a High Clone Executor.

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

NE Ohio, USA

This in no way phased the pile.
[Thumb - 20241015_003351.jpg]
Kill Team equipment bitz.

Made in fr
Fresh-Faced New User

That isane !
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Finished Return of the Witchlord for HQ.

I cracked open my Anglo-saxon army and started assembling the first few units. I doubt I will get them done by End-of-the-Year.

The assembly is slowing me down. The single pose plastic models from HeroQuest have spoiled me!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/10/21 15:41:50

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon


And I’d have the smaller buildings to the same state, but I’ve run out of Zandri Dust.
[Thumb - IMG_5042.jpeg]

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

A Seigebreaker Behemoth and a High Clone Executor.

The end of my City States and Dweghom are supposed to arrive this week, so that'll set me back several days while I get things assembled and base coated, but that should be the end of the new stuff until next spring.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

And FedEx is still giving my LGS the finger.

Finished up a set of Clockwork Hoplites.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

And a second set of Clockwork Hoplites. At this rate I'll get to make the "and CS is finished again" wisecrack before I get the remainder of that order.

Made in us
Rogue Daemonhunter fueled by Chaos

Toledo, OH

Got a lot of painting done, maintained discipline pretty well until I saw some used orks on my local dischord...

Adding some more backlog minis painted:
3 Field Ordnance Batteries
3 Armored Sentinels
1 Ursala Creed Proxy
1 converted OOP creed
5 Praetorian command
1 Mortar Team, 6 oop mortar guns only
6 Munitorum Armored Containers

Painted minis from 2023
25 Tempestus Scions
3 Bullgryn
1 Taurox Prime

Minis bought and painted:
Tempestus Aquilons
Hivestorm Terrain

Added to Backlog:
Vespid Kill Team
2 Battlewagons, 2 Trukks, Squigboss

Backlog minis painted this year:

2 OOP broadsides, 3 OOP Crisis Suits, 1 OG Farsight, 20 OOP Kroot, 2 OOP Krootox
1 Magister on Disc, 1 Magister, 1 Gaunt Summoner, 1 Ogroid Thaumaturge, 20 Kairic Acolytes, 6 Tzaangor Enlightened on Foot, 12 enlightened, Shaman,
24 Inquisitorial Agents, OOP Coteaz, Inq. Greyfax
10 Purifiers, 5 Strike Marines, 2 GK Librarians, 1 Chaplain, 1 BC Stern, 1 GM Voldus, 1 dreadknight
1 Immolator, 1 OOP exorcist, and two SOB Rhinos
20 Novitiates
6 Arcoflaggelants
A dreadknight
Immolator, OOP exorcist, and two SOB Rhinos
20 Novitiates
6 Arcoflaggelants

Models added to the Backlog this year

Warcry Terrain from talaxis, plus the mawpit and idol
3 Fronteris Bunkers, One Vox, two landing pads
KT Termination Plasma Generators
Blood brothers, Brood coven
Storm speeder, Invictor,
Wave Serpent

Bought and Painted this year

30 Rubrics, 20 Scarab Terminators, 10 tzaangors, Magnus, Rhino, hellbrute, Demon Prince, 2 Forge Fiends, MVB
Tzeentch Endless spells, Jade Obelisk
Kroot Box, 2x kroot Shapers, OOP Krootox, new krootox, 2x Commander, old Combat patrol, 2 tetras (RIP), 10 oop kroot hounds, 15 vespids, oop darkstrider
2 Sagitaurs, 10 hearthgarud, Grimnyr, 10 Jaegers
Spearhead Terrain
Kruleboys Boltthrower
20 Navy Breachers, Rogue Trader Entourage, Voidsmen, Eversor, Navigator, 2x Priests, Rogue Trader

Added to Backlog in 2023

Warcry terrain from Sundered Fate, Nightmare Quest, and Blood Hunt, plus 6 extra spures of meat trees
three sets of leviathan Tyranids and two of Space Marines
2 rogal Dorns, and 10 Kasrkin
A fairly substantial Hundred Kingdoms army for Conquest (sigh).

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Finished some Marksmen clones.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Finished several things. Six Centaur Avatara, some Sacred Band and Clockwork Hoplites. I've actually lost track a little bit because I keep expecting some things to show up at my LGS and those things keep failing to arrive.

Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Finished a Reaper Nativity scene.

Started on Victrix Anglo-Saxons for Fury of the Northman.

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

NE Ohio, USA

I've now added 1 Squig riding grot (I think he's from a Warcry/Underworlds team), 1 D&D Cleric, & 1 Wizkids D&D character sized Minotaur to my painted minis tally.
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