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![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2017/12/08 02:58:14
Subject: Captain Brown Paints OOP Craftworld Eldar - Alaitoc Scheme - Old Metal Exarchs
Fixture of Dakka
As pointed out in the Dakka Discussions "So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only." it is probably time to show off the repainting of my old metal Eldar. After finishing four armies I should revive my Eldar, who has mostly sat on the shelf since 3rd edition. I liked the fast moving, hard hitting style and was a very early adopter Wave Serpents (mainly due to the Forge World models), but I digress, the history of my Eldar models.
I first came across the Eldar with White Dwarf 105 in late 1988, although as an opponent…Harlequins were not really my thing and did not capture my imagination. They were one of the lists in Rogue Trader, and other than their Shuriken Catapults being really inexpensive and making mince-meat of my Imperial Guard there were mostly a non-entity as our Eldar player never really painted his models and eventually moved away.
It was not until July or August 1990 when White Dwarf 127 made it’s way to the hobby shops out here that my interest was piqued. After reading the background I became convinced this was the next army for me and immediately sought out some Eldar models…sadly it was the same time as everyone else and almost no Eldar were available in Canada.
In the fall I found a few blisters (this is back when it was 5 lead models to a blister) so a small army of 5 Guardians, 5 Dire Avengers, 5 Howling Banshees, 5 Fire Dragons, a War Walker, a Farseer and a could say I started dabbling.
My Eldar army really started in the fall of 1991 with the White Dwarf articles on the Alaitoc Craftworld and a posting in a message board on GW figures. I found someone in Richmond who wanted to sell off their male Eldar figures. So a visit out and at prices of fifty-cents a figure I picked up a whole load of them…I think my Dreadnought was $5. Then came the task of painting them. They were an army that took longer in some respects due to the vibrant colors, and simpler as there were so few faces. However, when I pulled them out for 8th edition after not playing them since 3rd...they did look a sorry lot. So a refresh was required and now the pictures I am going to upload are the repainted figures as I slowly upgrade to a level I am happy with today and not the 27+ years ago me. Over time some of the new releases i have picked up those from time to time to keep the army somewhat current (and by current I mean about 8-10 years ago current).
In 1992 or 93 when Mark Dance was winning Golden Daemon awards he showed me some of the Phoenix Lords he was going to paint (he had received the early releases due to his painting success on a trip to the UK) and as soon as they were released I picked up several of them.
Later I added a Falcon (which later was converted into a Wave Serpent) and updated my weapon’s platform and several of the FW Wave Serpents…if you look closely at them you will see a fusion of several editions of models.
So first up an Avatar of the Bloody Handed God. As good a place as any to start a PLOG about an Eldar War host.
I think that every model in the army is metal, except for the vehicles and bikes which are plastic (although some of those have resin or metal parts). Now with a Jet Seer, there is another all plastic model...but I guess that makes seven plastic figures in the army.
The long painting war continues…
PS: Photo of the army as of early February 2018.
Photo of the army as of July 2019.
This message was edited 32 times. Last update was at 2024/07/16 20:12:47
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2017/12/08 03:10:22
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar
Looking forward to seeing your Eldar.
I love the old Avatar. He might be ancient, but still strikes a chord. Seems odd to see him on a round base though...
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2017/12/09 00:11:00
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar
Fixture of Dakka
Nevelon wrote:Looking forward to seeing your Eldar.
I love the old Avatar. He might be ancient, but still strikes a chord. Seems odd to see him on a round base though...
Thanks Nevelon,
I moved him to a round base when larger ones became available, did the same for my Wraith Lord and War Walker.
Where would an Alaitoc War Host be without some Rangers.
Some head and weapon swaps for models with old Las pistols, removed the Imperial looking ones and replaced with Shuriken pistols.
Now here are what they look like with yet another redo on page 19.
The long painting war continues...
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/07/16 20:21:43
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2017/12/09 09:39:44
Subject: Re:Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar - Alaitoc
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!
Very cool. Love the use of primary colours and the way you did the weapons.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2017/12/09 18:36:39
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar - Alaitoc
Fixture of Dakka
Thank you Sigur,
Next up is a unit of ten Dire Avengers with an Exarch, the backbone of the troops section.
Painted in traditional Aspect colours, while the helmet hair has some yellow to tie in with the Alaitoc theme.
The long painting war continues...
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/12/10 19:10:15
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2017/12/10 19:13:27
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar - Alaitoc
Fixture of Dakka
Another small squad of Eldar Rangers.
Again several head swaps (one moving from one model to another and a plastic helm replacing that one). I did the sniper rifles in a bone colour to lighten the otherwise dark models as my War Host is fairly bright through out.
The long painting war continues...
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2017/12/10 23:26:19
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar - Alaitoc Classic Paint Schemes
Damsel of the Lady
I like that approach to the weapons too! They do stand out nicely against the cloaks.
realism is a lie
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2017/12/10 23:30:56
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar - Alaitoc Classic Paint Schemes
Decrepit Dakkanaut
They're looking good, Captain - I take it you're on the posting-past-progress phase of your blog?
2021-4 Plog - Here we go again... - my fifth attempt at a Dakka PLOG
My Pile of Potential - updates ongoing...
Gamgee on Tau Players wrote:we all kill cats and sell our own families to the devil and eat live puppies.
Kanluwen wrote:This is, emphatically, why I will continue suggesting nuking Guard and starting over again. It's a legacy army that needs to be rebooted with a new focal point.
Confirmation of why no-one should listen to Kanluwen when it comes to the IG - he doesn't want the IG, he want's Kan's New Model Army...
tneva82 wrote:You aren't even trying ty pretend for honest arqument. Open bad faith trolling. - No reason to keep this here, unless people want to use it for something... |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2017/12/11 15:56:26
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar - Alaitoc Classic Paint Schemes
Longtime Dakkanaut
Really ace looking Eldar, Captain! I love the backstory, too. Lovely old-school models, and beautiful paint work on everything.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2017/12/11 17:18:25
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar - Alaitoc Classic Paint Schemes
Fixture of Dakka
amazingturtles wrote:I like that approach to the weapons too! They do stand out nicely against the cloaks.
Thank you amazingturtles.
Dysartes wrote:They're looking good, Captain - I take it you're on the posting-past-progress phase of your blog?
Other than the Avatar these are all newly painted, I will post some of the historic shots of early paint jobs if you would like (some models like several Rangers have been painted and striped multiple times over the years).
Cosmic wrote:Really ace looking Eldar, Captain! I love the backstory, too. Lovely old-school models, and beautiful paint work on everything.
Thank you Cosmic.
Another five Eldar Rangers.
One more head swap in this group from the Eldar plastic Guardian sprue.
The long painting war continues...
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2017/12/11 20:00:11
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar - Alaitoc Classic Paint Schemes
Walking Dead Wraithlord
I love an old school Eldar army. Keep 'em coming.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2017/12/12 16:03:38
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar - Alaitoc Classic Paint Schemes
Fixture of Dakka
Thank you youwashock,
Another ten Dire Avengers with an Exarch.
Between the two units there is every Dire Avenger pose a few times, although most are the standing pose that was the first iteration and some of those are lead.
The long painting war continues...
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2017/12/15 22:15:00
Subject: Re:Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Schemes (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Fixture of Dakka
The last of the small squads of Eldar Rangers:
Two head swaps on these. Now I can field these as four units of five or two units of ten.
I have had these models a long time, here are some in their first incarnation.
When I decided I wanted to update them I did try these two as a test, but found them too dark and the reason for the Wraith bone colouring.
The long painting war continues...
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/05/27 04:02:35
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2017/12/17 19:15:24
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Schemes (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Fixture of Dakka
Next up are some Fire Dragons and an Exarch.
I think I should paint the gems on the helmets now that I see them together with the white background.
The long painting war continues...
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2017/12/17 23:00:15
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Schemes (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Powerful Phoenix Lord
Lovely stuff (as a fellow metal Eldar player). I do think some paint on the gems would work. I didn't do my Fire Dragons with gems exactly, but some brass along the helmet studs.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2017/12/19 17:58:17
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Schemes (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Fixture of Dakka
Thanks Elbows,
We should talk and see if we have extra metal Eldar that might help the other finish units.
So the old Elderad model has become an Alaitoc Farseer with my paint job.
The long painting war continues...
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2017/12/20 00:51:17
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Schemes (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar
Nice work on the seer.
I’ll agree that the dragons could use a little spot color on the helms. I’m not sure I’d go full gem on them, but maybe the same orange as the armor.
I’ve got some odds and ends of ancient lead eldar kicking around if you need something to round out a unit. Although most of my collection is from either 3rd or 6-8th.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2017/12/20 00:56:36
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Schemes (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Longtime Dakkanaut
This thread makes me happy. I may play marines these days, but I still have 18,000 points of Eldar in my parents' loft that often calls to me. The vast majority of it is from the original Jes Goodwin Aspect Warriors era.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2017/12/20 01:13:11
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Schemes (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Mounted Kroot Tracker
GReat STuff Captain Brown! I love the striking blue against the muddy tones. A real treat to see all these old eldar painted up nicely
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2017/12/20 04:35:58
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Schemes (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Walking Dead Wraithlord
I am so in love with the primary colors scheme on Eldrad. The runes on the cloak, too.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2017/12/21 23:03:01
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Schemes (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Fixture of Dakka
Nevelon wrote:Nice work on the seer.
I’ll agree that the dragons could use a little spot color on the helms. I’m not sure I’d go full gem on them, but maybe the same orange as the armor.
I’ve got some odds and ends of ancient lead eldar kicking around if you need something to round out a unit. Although most of my collection is from either 3rd or 6-8th.
Thanks Nevelon,
I have been looking for a few Harlequins to make a small force, and always for looking for Rogue Trader War Walkers.
Fifty wrote:*sigh*
This thread makes me happy. I may play marines these days, but I still have 18,000 points of Eldar in my parents' loft that often calls to me. The vast majority of it is from the original Jes Goodwin Aspect Warriors era.
Bring them back to life Fifty.
bebopdrums2424 wrote:GReat STuff Captain Brown! I love the striking blue against the muddy tones. A real treat to see all these old eldar painted up nicely
Thank you Bebop.
youwashock wrote:I am so in love with the primary colors scheme on Eldrad. The runes on the cloak, too.
Thank you youwashock.
A very old Eldar Dreadnought...that is now referred to as a Wraith Lord. With the addition of some newer Star Cannons.
Replaced the old square base with a large round one, but I think it might be a little too large. Recently obtained some smaller ones that I might use.
The long painting war continues...
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2017/12/22 12:07:56
Subject: Re:Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Schemes (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Longtime Dakkanaut
The is no school like old school. Sweet looking classic Dreadnought.
Proud Purveyor Of The Unconventional In 40k |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2017/12/22 19:01:16
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Schemes (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Fixture of Dakka
Thank you oldravenman3025,
These are some recently re-painted models...recent because I never did collect any Wraithguard when they were released.
I think I should add the infinity rings onto the large head area.
Again painted in Alaitoc colours.
The long painting war continues...
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2017/12/29 22:39:23
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Schemes (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Fixture of Dakka
Here is a Forge World Wave Serpent (from the first flight). Striped and repainted after being purchased on eBay.
The hard to see Shuriken Cannon on the hull was a regular one converted to hang below the bridge between the two sides, it is magnetized like the turret.
The long painting war continues...
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/12/29 22:42:24
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/01/02 01:22:27
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Schemes (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Fixture of Dakka
Wave Serpent number two. Also a classic first edition version from Forge World. Again armed with twin-linked Shuriken Cannon and a third under the fuselage.
The long painting war continues...
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/01/02 03:27:20
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Schemes (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar
Odd how things come back into style. IMHO shuriken cannons are probably one of the better options for serpents these days, but I can’t think of if they were ever viable before.
Nice looking tanks. I always admired the dappled look, but decided to go with a simpler scheme myself. If younger me wasn’t quite the painting cowered, I’d probably have tanks in that pattern today.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/01/02 03:51:08
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Schemes (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Powerful Phoenix Lord
More great work. I never much loved the FW wave serpent front ends, but I liked the turrets really well.
Fifty - if you have a ton of old Eldar, definitely consider reviving them --- or sell them on eBay. Certain units are going for really really good money. (read: more than I'm willing to spend).
You can make $40-50 for a squad of Dark Reapers at the moment. I'd rather see them revived, but you could be sitting on a decent chunk o' change there if you're not going to bring the fellas back into action.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/01/03 21:31:36
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Schemes (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Walking Dead Wraithlord
Nice effects on the Wave Serpents.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/01/04 18:49:02
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Schemes (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Fixture of Dakka
Nevelon wrote:Odd how things come back into style. IMHO shuriken cannons are probably one of the better options for serpents these days, but I can’t think of if they were ever viable before.
Nice looking tanks. I always admired the dappled look, but decided to go with a simpler scheme myself. If younger me wasn’t quite the painting cowered, I’d probably have tanks in that pattern today.
Thanks Nevelon.
I actually replaced the original turrets with the Shuriken Cannon ones this year (although the parts I snagged on eBay a few years ago, not realizing that the Cannons would be better than the Scatter Laser I ordered from FW).
Elbows wrote:More great work. I never much loved the FW wave serpent front ends, but I liked the turrets really well.
Fifty - if you have a ton of old Eldar, definitely consider reviving them --- or sell them on eBay. Certain units are going for really really good money. (read: more than I'm willing to spend).
You can make $40-50 for a squad of Dark Reapers at the moment. I'd rather see them revived, but you could be sitting on a decent chunk o' change there if you're not going to bring the fellas back into action.
Thanks Elbows.
If anyone has some old Rogue Trader Eldar, I have a list of wants in the Swap Shop.
youwashock wrote:Nice effects on the Wave Serpents.
Thank you youwashock.
Now a third Serpent, just finished, this one just painted and you might see the very slight change in colour tone from the hull of the first two (or maybe you cannot and that was the desired effect).
This one with a twin-linked Bright Lance and a hull mounted Shuriken Cannon.
The long painting war continues...
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/01/08 18:55:46
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Fixture of Dakka
Next up is a second Farseer.
This one was a little later than Rogue Trader, but still on old style metal model.
I have a much older Farseer that I need to repair and paint to possibly replace this one.
The long painting war continues...