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2018/02/08 17:41:38
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Fixture of Dakka
youwashock wrote:Oh, yeah. That's the stuff. Classic and awesome. Thanks!
Thank you youwashock.
Cosmic wrote:Beautiful warhost, so colourful, characterful and old school. Really top-notch stuff, thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the feedback Cosmic.
Dysartes wrote:Looking great, Captain - how much more of the old Eldar do you have kicking around?
Thank you Dysartes, I have to paint 4 more Dark Reapers, a War Walker, a Jetbike, a Wave Serpent (unless some one wants to buy an old style WS first), Asurman...and 19 Harlequins (although painting these is a maybe)
Nevelon wrote:That is a beautiful picture of retro-goodness!
Thanks Nevelon.
Elbows wrote:This makes me want to take more 2nd-ed inspired White Dwarf photos...very cool. (may go take an army pic or two myself!)
Do it and let us know where you post them Elbows.
Here are 5 painted Dark Reapers, I think I need to go back and redo one or two of their face-plates.
The long painting war continues...
2018/02/08 18:29:59
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Walking Dead Wraithlord
Nice color combo on the Reapers.
Favorite Aspect since WD 124.
2018/02/08 18:43:47
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Powerful Phoenix Lord
(sings) Gloorrrrious!
2018/02/10 20:47:48
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Fixture of Dakka
Thank you youwashock and Elbows,
Another unit painted a while ago. I think I will go back and change the colour of the Shuriken Catapults to my Wraithbone blend.
I picked these up right after they came out, box of 5. Same time as the Vyper release.
The long painting war continues...
2018/02/12 17:08:52
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Fixture of Dakka
Another mixture of old painting and new. Re-did the Exarch wings and did repair work and touch-ups on the rest for this unit of Swooping Hawks.
The long painting war continues...
2018/02/12 22:01:16
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Walking Dead Wraithlord
I like those Hawks. The dark helmet with the lighter bodysuit looks cool. I agree that swapping the catapult color to bone will be a good call.
2018/04/02 18:05:01
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Fixture of Dakka
Thanks youwashock.
2018/04/02 21:54:17
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain
These all look fantastic!
Stormonu wrote:For me, the joy is in putting some good-looking models on the board and playing out a fantasy battle - not arguing over the poorly-made rules of some 3rd party who neither has any power over my play nor will be visiting me (and my opponent) to ensure we are "playing by the rules" |
2018/04/11 13:17:29
Subject: Re:Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!
Love the army shot there.
2018/06/30 18:32:12
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Fixture of Dakka
Thank you JohnnyHell and Sigur.
As I am moving and have packed up my paints (and a whole lot of family items over the last couple of months) I have not been able to add to this Painting Log. I have been able to play some games, so posting them here to entertain you with more images.
So a battle between Space Marines and Craftworld Eldar - 100 Force Points.
6 Objectives scattered across the battlefield. My opponent set up his army is a broad gunline making certain he was occupying or close to all the objectives. While I concentrated on my right flank and by the time my opponent realized this and placed some heavier units to stop this, he was pretty strung out.
This was his counter to my heavy right hook. In a way I influenced his placement and had almost my entire army facing only half of his.
My main concentration. I am pretty certain that the Space Marines were certain they would be able to collect several objectives without much of a fight...they have not fought Eldar and their speed before.
The Space Marine response. (Look, the Dreadnought is not painted so it is doomed!)
More to come.
2018/07/01 10:23:56
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar
Ahh, the classic “cower in the corner” eldar deployment strategy, I know it well. When you have the speed to get wherever you need to be, why strung yourself out and dilute your forces more then you need to?
Looking forward to seeing how it turns out.
2018/08/29 18:38:14
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Fixture of Dakka
Nevelon wrote:Ahh, the classic “cower in the corner” eldar deployment strategy, I know it well. When you have the speed to get wherever you need to be, why strung yourself out and dilute your forces more then you need to?
Looking forward to seeing how it turns out.
Thanks Nevelon,
So I sent the first turn stationary, surrendering the initiative to the Space Marine player. My forces fired longer ranged weapons, inflicting damage on the Land Raider and Dreadnought. You should have seen the face of my opponent when at the end of the first turn he had suffered some superficial damage on only two of his models...and my army was passively waiting in front of him.
I collected a VP for holding one objective matching my cards and that was it.
As expected on his turn the Marine's pushed forward. Focusing their firepower on destroying the Transports on my right and seizing objectives on my left.
He did severe damage to one Wave Serpent and serious damage to the other. His fire on my Dire Avengers was much less successful with the Alaitoc cover save for long range and Asurmen's bonus protection. However he seized three objectives (he had four at one point, but decided to abandon one to get within shooting range with his Terminator squad).
More to come.
2018/09/25 19:08:28
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Fixture of Dakka
The Eldar strike back.
First the Wave Serpents empty their contents and the Banshees, Fire Dragons, Farseer and least damaged Wave Serpent move forward.
My now depleted Dire Avengers and Asurman advance from my center and the most damaged Wave Serpent moves to assist with my left flank. I brought on my Rangers to shore up the left and stiffen my defense against the Terminators.
Fire rained down on the Dreadnought and Land Raider. It was so intense that the Dreadnought blew up and the Land Raider was severely damaged.
The Land Raider was so damaged that in the follow Assault phase it was shredded by close combat that it was almost a hulk. My fire elsewhere was less impressive and even work I self inflicted a wound on the Farseer with a failed power.
More to come.
2018/10/06 19:53:57
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Hurr! Ogryn Bone 'Ead!
Dire Avengers ftw! *** edit : I have to admit i am a huge fan of Dark Reapers; last i remembered playing with them, their missile launchers slaughtered power-armour clad Space Marines ...
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/10/06 19:55:06
2018/10/07 06:51:45
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Possessed Khorne Marine Covered in Spikes
Very pretty old Eldar, CB. Jes Goodwin's sculpts seem to get better with age.
2018/10/08 20:19:11
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Fixture of Dakka
Private Benjamin wrote:Dire Avengers ftw!
*** edit : I have to admit i am a huge fan of Dark Reapers; last i remembered playing with them, their missile launchers slaughtered power-armour clad Space Marines ...
Thanks Private Benjamin.
Cap'n Facebeard wrote:Very pretty old Eldar, CB. Jes Goodwin's sculpts seem to get better with age.
Thanks Cap'n Facebeard, they do still look like the current range and much of the art.
Report continued.
With a damaged Wave Serpent and the Banshee's tying up the Land Raider the Space Marine Assault Squad and Chaplain bailed out.
However the Banshees and Wave Serpent did no damage and the Farseer inflicted one wound, so the Land Raider survived.
The Land Raider would back out of close combat and the Terminators continued to close. Other Marine Squads either moved to get line of sight or remained stationary and they all let loose with as much firepower as they could. Most of the Dire Avengers fell to this maelstrom, as they were the primary target of almost everything. What was not focused on the Dire Avengers was aimed at the heavily damaged Wave Serpent and it succumbed to accumulated damage.
The Assault Squad and Chaplin charged one of the much reduced Dire Avenger Squads and Guardians in the woods rather than take on Banshees.
This assault would likely decide the outcome as if the Marines were victorious they could control most objectives and have eliminated most of the Eldar troop choices.
More to come,
2018/10/10 17:40:34
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Fixture of Dakka
So, the Land Raider backing out of close combat actually sealed the fate of the Marine Assault Squad. Clear for any friendly fire, the Fire Dragons made short work of the heavily damaged Land Raider and it freed up the Banshees to go after the Assault Squad.
It also meant that I was not worried about those Marines getting into my backfield and the Wraith Lord and Dark Reapers could focus their fire on the Terminators.
The Striking Scorpions finally reached the Marine Devastator Squad in the tower and the result was only a matter of time before they were eliminated and the objective in Eldar hands.
So all that was left was the mop-up.
There were still a few Marine squads and the odd lone model or character, fate was now firmly in the Eldar forces hands.
Next turn saw Fire Dragons get back in the Wave Serpent, the last of the Devastator squad fall, the Chaplin met Asurmen with the expected result, another tactical squad was eliminated as well as the last Terminator. The Marine player conceded defeat at that point.
2018/10/10 19:06:35
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Longtime Dakkanaut
Still loving this thread. And now my own have come back to life like you told me to! (Check my blog)
I think the Rangers and Avengers are my favourites.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/10/10 19:07:02
2018/10/10 19:19:10
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Executing Exarch
Looked like a fun game! Really enjoy those older Eldar models, makes me want to pick up some more for myself!
2018/10/10 19:34:52
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Damsel of the Lady
Congratulations on the victory! You always have such pretty looking games
realism is a lie
2018/10/10 20:01:13
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Powerful Phoenix Lord
Glorious. I'm putting my retro Eldar into combat this weekend for the first time in a while. It's going to be a slaughter.
2018/10/11 01:11:15
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Possessed Khorne Marine Covered in Spikes
Just a shame the fists didn't have an old school Raider to ride in. Looks like a lot of fun!
2018/10/11 01:32:26
Subject: Re:Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Orc of Angmar
This is marvelous stuff.
In particular, I think your scouts are awesome
The dice shall decide your fate...
2018/10/11 03:11:34
Subject: Re:Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Nimble Ellyrian Reaver
Great batrep, and looks nice with all those classic models. Your Striking Scorpions look amazing, and they did their sneaky? job. I haven't found a decent source for those old Striking Scorpions that you have and am envious. I'm stuck with the ugly curled helmet guys that all lean forward or back too much.
2018/10/18 18:18:43
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Fixture of Dakka
Fifty wrote:Still loving this thread. And now my own have come back to life like you told me to! (Check my blog)
I think the Rangers and Avengers are my favourites.
Thanks Fifty, visited you blog and ironically had already given a rating to some of your models in the gallery without seeing the thread.
Tyranid Horde wrote:Looked like a fun game! Really enjoy those older Eldar models, makes me want to pick up some more for myself!
Thanks Tyranid Horde, if you ever want some old Eldar, I have a few in the Swap Shop.
Thank you amazingturtles, Elbows, Cap'n Facebeard, and SirStudent.
Really appreciate your comments.
CaptainWaffle wrote:Great batrep, and looks nice with all those classic models. Your Striking Scorpions look amazing, and they did their sneaky? job. I haven't found a decent source for those old Striking Scorpions that you have and am envious. I'm stuck with the ugly curled helmet guys that all lean forward or back too much.
CaptainWaffle, I had kept many of mine from Rogue Trader, but I did obtain some in the Swap Shop from two members who have some for sale. The member pretre has quite a few of the older models for sale, I have used him to fill in the gaps I had...speaking of which I have some War Walkers coming.
A break from Battle Reports with photos of my army in action.
Need to get back to painting.
Here is a work in progress on an OOP Eldar War Walker. This is the first edition - Rogue Trader version where the pilot was standing upright. This model was probably the one that interested me most in the Eldar army at the was just so different from other walkers.
Now the base and weapons are obviously not the original square base or weapons as I am trying to integrate the model with my vehicles and support weapons. This models original weapons were a Las Cannon and Scatter they will be two Shuriken Cannons with the option to swap them out with other Eldar hardware in the future.
Asurmen also has taken a Simple Green bath in preparation for a complete repainting.
The long painting war continues...
2018/10/19 04:17:30
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Walking Dead Wraithlord
I agree. That original WW has a certain something. Keep the classics coming.
2018/10/19 16:48:16
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Fixture of Dakka
youwashock wrote:I agree. That original WW has a certain something. Keep the classics coming.
Thanks youwashock,
So I have pretty well finished the painting...had something happen with my blue and so far I have not done additional highlights as I ended up with this swirling pattern. What do people think, should I leave it as is?
The long painting war continues...
2018/10/20 22:11:00
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Walking Dead Wraithlord
That's pretty cool. You could go back in and add a few small highlights to enhance the swirlyness. Automatically Appended Next Post: That's pretty cool. You could go back in and add a few small highlights to enhance the swirlyness.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/10/20 22:15:10
2018/10/21 17:29:33
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Fresh-Faced New User
Captain Brown wrote:As pointed out in the Dakka Discussions "So what are you doing today? Hobbywise only." it is probably time to show off some of the Eldar I have been painting. After finishing four armies I should revive my Eldar, who has mostly sat on the shelf since 3rd edition. I liked the fast moving, hard hitting style and was a very early adopter Wave Serpents (mainly due to the Forge World models), but I digress, the history of my Eldar models.
I first came across the Eldar with White Dwarf 105 in late 1988, although as an opponent…Harlequins were not really my thing and did not capture my imagination. They were one of the lists in Rogue Trader, and other than their Shuriken Catapults being really inexpensive and making mince-meat of my Imperial Guard there were mostly a non-entity as our Eldar player never really painted his models and eventually moved away.
I was not until July or August 1990 when White Dwarf 127 made it’s way to the hobby shops out here that my interest was piqued. After reading the background I became convinced this was the next army for me and immediately sought out some Eldar models…sadly it was the same time as everyone else and almost no Eldar were available in Canada.
In the fall I found a few blisters (this is back when it was 5 lead models to a blister) so a small army of 5 Guardians, 5 Dire Avengers, 5 Howling Banshees, 5 Fire Dragons, a War Walker, a Farseer and a could say I started dabbling.
My Eldar army really started in the fall of 1991 with the White Dwarf articles on the Alaitoc Craftworld and a posting in a message board on GW figures. I found someone in Richmond who wanted to sell off their Eldar army. So a visit out and at prices of fifty-cents a figure I picked up a whole load of them…I think my Dreadnought was $5. Then came the task of painting them, now the pictures I am going to upload are a mixture of old and new schemes (mostly new as the old are pretty bad) as I slowly change from their original schemes to something I am happy with now. Over time some of the new releases came out I have picked up those from time to time to keep the army somewhat current (and by current I mean about 8-10 years ago current).
In 1992 or 93 when Mark Dance was winning Golden Daemon awards he showed me some of the Phoenix Lords he was going to paint (he had received the early releases due to his painting success on a trip to the UK) and as soon as they were released I picked up several of them.
Later I added a Falcon and updated my weapon’s platform and several of the FW Wave Serpents…if you look closely at them you will see a fusion of several editions of models.
So first up an Avatar of the Bloody Handed God. As good a place as any to start a PLOG about an Eldar War host.
I think that every model in the army is metal, except for the vehicles and bikes ShowBox Mobdro TutuApp which are plastic (although some of those have resin or metal parts).
The long painting war continues…
PS: Photo of the army as of early February 2018.
I adore the old Avatar. He may be antiquated, yet at the same time evokes genuine emotion. Appears to be odd to see him on a round base however
2018/10/21 18:12:50
Subject: Captain Brown Paints Craftworld Eldar-Alaitoc Classic Paint Scheme (Realy, realy old Eldar Models)
Fixture of Dakka
pauloyozikko wrote:
I adore the old Avatar. He may be antiquated, yet at the same time evokes genuine emotion. Appears to be odd to see him on a round base however
Thanks pauloyozikko,
I have replaced the square bases of several of the older models I have to match the current ranges. So Avatar, Wraith Lord, Jet Bikes and the War Walker above. I guess part of the reason was that the mix of round and square was less visually appealing to me as the bases in 40K moved to all round. I also recycled the square bases to my WFB armies large monsters.
The long painting war continues...