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Nevelon’s Workbench: Bike chaplain and some more nids  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in ca
Roaring Reaver Rider

Nice looking setup so far Nev, having some natural light while painting really does brighten the mood.

1500 1000
Please check out my project log on Dakka here  
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Sneaking back into the house to post an update for you guys. And grab more stuff. And it’s not really sneaking, as The Wife knows I’m here. But anyway...

The unpacking continues. Most of the minis are out of boxes and on shelves. Still need to shuffle some around, but mostly the older stuff, some of which might return to boxes.

Got a game in yesterday at the FLGS. Team game. The Tzeench guy I played against a few weeks back (with a similar list) vs. Necrons. 2x2k lists vs. 4k of robots.

I put a list together based on the age of the minis. So it was a little odd. I thought I took a pack pic, but it’s stlll on my camera. I’ll upload and append it once I get internet at my new place (grumble).

Lib conclave (2 power armor, on TDA)
1st co TF (assault teminators, 2xtacTDA, one with AsC and one chainfist, the other with HF 2xCFist)

Chapter master TDA
Chaplain TDA
2x10 man ML/F tac squads in rhinos
5 man naked tac
Ven Dread AsC fist/SB
MM/HF speeder

Game went long (shock) but we made it to the end of turn 4, so a good length. I’m not sure what the final score was on maelstrom points, but it was a victory for the ultras/tzeench side. And we all had a blast, which was fun. The Necron guy was happy to get some of his stuff to the table he doesn’t normally get a chance to.

OK, gota run. Need to load the car and make tracks before The Wife/Son get back from seeing a movie.

Hope everyone enjoyed their weekends.


Edit: Forgot to add, going down to the shop again tonight with 2k worth of Death for AoS. Will post an update/pics when I can.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/02/22 17:34:10

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

In a Trayzn pokeball

Have you got your son into 40k yet?

 JohnHwangDD wrote:
The hobby is actually hating GW.
 iGuy91 wrote:
You love the T-Rex. Its both a hero and a Villain in the first two movies. It is the "king" of dinosaurs. Its the best. You love your T-rex.
Then comes along the frakking Spinosaurus who kills the T-rex, and the movie says "LOVE THIS NOW! HE IS BETTER" But...in your heart, you love the T-rex, who shouldn't have lost to no stupid Spinosaurus. So you hate the movie. And refuse to love the Spinosaurus because it is a hamfisted attempt at taking what you loved, making it TREX +++ and trying to sell you it.
 Elbows wrote:
You know what's better than a psychic phase? A psychic phase which asks customers to buy more miniatures...
the_scotsman wrote:
Dae think the company behind such names as deathwatch death guard deathskullz death marks death korps deathleaper death jester might be bad at naming?
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Have you got your son into 40k yet?

Not yet. It’s on the eventual to-do list though. He has shown an interest. But the last time I tried to teach him a slightly more complex then Risk board game, I had to constantly repeat myself and some things still didn’t sink in. So I think he likes the theoretical of more complicated games (probably to be more like me) but the practical is a little outside his grasp. When I have him for every other weekend, I plan on teaching him more games. But ramping up from simpler stuff first.

When I was partially moved out, I had cleared off the top of the 4x8, but not moved out all my terrain and such. I heard that The Boy gleefully borrowed all of it for his Lego battles. As I’m leaving the table behind (no space) that corner of the basement is now his to use. Should make The Wife happy not to have legos smeared all over the primary living spaces in the house. It’s not that She is anti-lego, but considers the volume we have excessive.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Victory over the Internet! After a seemingly endless string of barriers and issues, I’m online at my new place. Everyone I talked to was very helpful, just a lot of hoops needed to be jumped through to get online.

(edited pack pic of retro army upthread)

Actually got in two games of AoS yesterday. Although one was a demo game to re-learn the ropes. In theory it was filmed, so might sow up online. I’ll actually need to check with the guy and find out where his blog is. Edit: He just posted a link here on Dakka.

Then we played a 4 way game. Free play, with two heroes and 3 units double the base size. I think I was a little light on points, and decided to pull the crazy aggressive thing and get first grab on the objective. Held it for a little bit, then the pain started. Still a fun game.

When I was putting a list together (2k was suggested to me) I found I was actually a little light on skeletons. In AoS there are some serious benifits to bringing a large squad, and the battalion thing I was thinking of using needed 3 squads. So if I wanted to do a block of 30 spearmen and 2x20 blocks of hand weapon guys, I needed a few extra. So I packed 5 primed guys from the back of the bench. Didn’t need to use them, due to the mission we played, but they might get some paint quick. Shouldn’t take long to bang out.

While I was down there I finally broke down and picked up a new LR; the Deathwatch kit with all the options. Unfortunately, when I opened it up to check the parts it was missing one. Both of the shrouds for the TLLCs were broken off the sprues, and only one was found loose in the box. So I need to call GW and ask for a replacement. Been a while since I interacted with GW’s customer support, but I have high hopes it will work out.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/02/28 15:18:32

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

GW's Customer Support is good, and normally a painless process. They'll get you the pieces you need. I even managed to blag a bunch of 32mm bases because I was "disappointed that they couldn't just swap the 25s in the command squad set to be consistant with the rest of the SM line". (How hard can it really be?).

I was suppose to have an AoS test game last night. I ended up heading home early and missing it for a couple of reasons. But it's on my to-do list.

Glad you're back online

Made in us
Tail-spinning Tomb Blade Pilot

My ancient "lab"

Bless, the wifi has returned! Sounds like a good time down at the FLGS, need to pick up some AoS minis for myself! GW customer support has always seemed to have gotten high praise from most people, and with the new form the company has taken, this should all work out.

My Necron Blog! http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/693066.page
My Screw-Around Blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/701938.page
My personal favorite YT WH40K channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnHCy9ID33sHp6Quirb1-XA

Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

I'm liking the pics of your new digs, Nev! I myself need to get my stuff more organized. It's on my to-do list! As for the natural light, it really does help compared to flourescent light. Painted minis look better in natural sunlight, IMO.

It's also great that in the middle of all that hectic moving stuff you're able to still get a couple of games in. Helps ease the stress of it all, huh?

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/1/23, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~15000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Adeptus Custodes: ~1900 | Imperial Knights: ~2000 | Sisters of Battle: ~3500 | Leagues of Votann: ~1200 | Tyranids: ~2600 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 13 | Current main painting project: Dark Angels
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

So replacement parts should be in the mail. For all the issues that GW does have, customer support has never been an problem. From the cover falling off my 3rd ed rulebook, dragons with 2 left wings, bubbles in the finecast fire dragons, to lascannon sprues missing bits, they are there for me.

With no internet, my options were to go to the FLGS to game, or go insane. There is a finite amount of time I can spent working on moving/unpacking before my back tells me it’s time to curl up and die. While I’ve been getting a bit of reading in, getting out and socializing is important. Plus it’s only a little under half an hour to get there, rather then the ~45min it was before. Much more likely to pop over for a game.

So I did some unpacking. Workbench is now fully armed and operational.

And now, I Paint!

OK, it’s just putting the base white down on some skeletons, but I got to start somewhere. They shouldn’t take that long to do. And have been lurking at the back of the pile since time immemorial. Might as well harness the drive of AoS and the game last Tuesday to get them done. I think there are a few more lurking about, I’ll see if they want to get done next.

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Those skellies probably started as Empire swordsmen. It's just taken so long to get around to them they've decomposed

Nice to see a change from the Ultras. Of all the blogs I watch on dakka, I feel like I'm the only one who isn't painting 40k regularly.

Made in us
Tail-spinning Tomb Blade Pilot

My ancient "lab"

Nice to see some AoS minis here, an excellent change of pace from the bulky SM.

My Necron Blog! http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/693066.page
My Screw-Around Blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/701938.page
My personal favorite YT WH40K channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnHCy9ID33sHp6Quirb1-XA

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Zambro wrote:Those skellies probably started as Empire swordsmen. It's just taken so long to get around to them they've decomposed

Nice to see a change from the Ultras. Of all the blogs I watch on dakka, I feel like I'm the only one who isn't painting 40k regularly.

You still paint 40k. Your ‘Fists are coming along nicely. Plenty of non-40k stuff out there, although it does make up the bulk of Dakka. Somewhere in the depths of my pile of shame is a handful of empire troops. Handgunners and spearmen from the 6th edition starter. I think I painted a few gunners, probably some more primed. Spears are still on the sprue.

JustaerinAtTheWall wrote:Nice to see some AoS minis here, an excellent change of pace from the bulky SM.

From a bulky POV, it’s hard to get skinnier then a skeleton!

One thing you have to give to skeletons. You might want to field them in 30+ man blocks, but they do paint up fast.

Just need to finish baseing them. I had some shields already done I can just glue on. They probably fell off some other, older, skeletons. But this is an eco-friendly undead army. Reduce, reuse, reanimate. Not everyone in the horde needs a shield anyway, just enough to get the point across. Plus the one guy is missing his lower arm.

Made in us
Ultramarine Land Raider Pilot on Cruise Control


Nice! Good to see the workbench is back in operation.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

And done. Really simple scheme. Base white, Silver/bronze/brown on what needs it, nulan oil the whole guy. Dab of red wash in the eye sockets. Probably more steps in the base.

The base is not the same scheme that the old ones are. The flock is the same, but those are entirely goblin green. I black rimmed these. I think it looks better. I’ll probably go back and do my undead army at some point if I’m going to be playing them. It’s not hard to do, just a tad tedious.

You may have noticed that another guy lost his arm. It’s a flaw in the kit. Probably something about where the plastic gets injected, but it’s a very common break point. I also need to either find a better long term place to set up the light booth, or I’m going to take less formal pictures. Well, I’ll probably take the same amount, but will stockpile the guys a bit and batch photo them.

I was getting ready to do the next batch of skeletons, and found there was only one left. Looking back at picts of my old bench, there were only 6 there. Oh well, last guy is started. I thought I had 8 of them. Checked the bits box, I have the parts to make one more. Plus some random arms/legs/heads, but only one torso.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/02/24 03:42:37

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

In a Trayzn pokeball

 Nevelon wrote:

I black rimmed these. I think it looks better.

Whenever I see a 40k base without a black rim I hurt inside. With fantasy models on square bases (not the newer AoS models) I think goblin green all over + flock is...

 JohnHwangDD wrote:
The hobby is actually hating GW.
 iGuy91 wrote:
You love the T-Rex. Its both a hero and a Villain in the first two movies. It is the "king" of dinosaurs. Its the best. You love your T-rex.
Then comes along the frakking Spinosaurus who kills the T-rex, and the movie says "LOVE THIS NOW! HE IS BETTER" But...in your heart, you love the T-rex, who shouldn't have lost to no stupid Spinosaurus. So you hate the movie. And refuse to love the Spinosaurus because it is a hamfisted attempt at taking what you loved, making it TREX +++ and trying to sell you it.
 Elbows wrote:
You know what's better than a psychic phase? A psychic phase which asks customers to buy more miniatures...
the_scotsman wrote:
Dae think the company behind such names as deathwatch death guard deathskullz death marks death korps deathleaper death jester might be bad at naming?
Made in us
Ultramarine Land Raider Pilot on Cruise Control


All painted up they remind me of the Ray HarryHausen skeletons from the old Jason and the Argonauts movie. Very Cool. And the black rim does look pretty nice with the flock.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 Nevelon wrote:

I black rimmed these. I think it looks better.

Whenever I see a 40k base without a black rim I hurt inside. With fantasy models on square bases (not the newer AoS models) I think goblin green all over + flock is...

It’s not that I mind the all-green bases I did before. And they look good on a green table. But by keeping the rim black, it helps distance them a little from when they are fighting on a different battlefield. It’s the fact that kept me from basing my minis for years; why is there grass/snow on an ash/urban table? So by keeping them simply black, they fit everywhere. Didn’t necessarily match, but didn’t clash either. Since then I have been converted to the “not done until based” school of mini painting, so they need something.
brushcommando wrote:All painted up they remind me of the Ray HarryHausen skeletons from the old Jason and the Argonauts movie. Very Cool. And the black rim does look pretty nice with the flock.

They do have a bit of that look about them.

So it’s Friday. I like to post a status report at the end of the week, and it’s been a busy one. Plus a lot of musings on what next.

Got my workbench up and running. None of my clothes are folded, or even in the dresser, and the only things on shelves are my gaming books and minis, but the workbench is running. Says something about my priorities. OK, that’s a slight lie. I’ve got the stemware set and the kitchen mostly sorted out. Food, booze, and minis, what more does a guy need? That said, the unpacking slowly progresses. I have internet, but still need to sort that out a bit. Need a jack on the other side of the apartment made live. That would let me get my gaming rig back online. Not that I mind playing Fallout 4 and Civ V, but there are other games out there. Still some paperwork I need to get around to as part of the divorce/move, change of address etc. Nothing too critical, but stuff that needs to be sorted out. I’d like to get most of the apartment sorted out by mid next week. My folks are coming up for the weekend, I have The Boy, and start my new job on the 6th.

From a hobby POV, things should be looking up. I’m closer to the FLGS, so getting down there will be easier. On the downside, my job is in the opposite direction. Might make weeknights rough. In theory, I’ll be working a 8-4:30 shift, so even if it’s an hour drive, I could still make it down to the store at a reasonable hour. And getting home would be quicker. We’ll see how that pans out.

Having an income mean I’ll be able to spend money on new models. Some of this was going to happen anyway. I’ve got half a house worth of equity sitting in my bank account right now. Now that I don’t need to worry about how long that could keep a roof over my head, I can think about what I want to buy that would make me happy. The DW land raider was the first thing on my wish list I picked up, more things will follow. The big thing next month will be the Primarch. As I get settled in and get a better grasp of my income/expenses, more will follow. Still a number of things out there to account for.

From a painting perspective, I’ve got the last skeleton on the bench. He’s waiting for his wash now. Next month’s painting challenge is “Space Marine”. I think I’ll do the 30k apothecary. There is a reasonable 30k scene starting up at the new FLGS, I should get on board. Need to figure out what I need to make a decent army. Right now I just have a lot of 40k crossover stuff. I should look into what 30k shinies I could use. Saw a guy plunk down a 5 knight list, and another guy is working up robots. So it’s not just marines I need to deal with. I should probably get some paint on the RTB01s I stripped and primed. Maybe I’ll do a couple of them next. The MLs would be a good start, so I can field a heavy support squad. Might want to put together some of the last BaC guys with the spare launchers as well. A squad of them with the Master of Signals might be a fun combo.

As always, thoughts and opinions are welcome.


Automatically Appended Next Post:
I’m guessing this will auto-append.

Finished the last skeleton. Here is the new YTD shelf. Same as the old one, just in a new place.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/02/24 17:27:13

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

GW CustServ wins again. I fired off the first e-mail with my problem on the afternoon of the 22nd. Just came back from lunch right now to find a package at my mailbox. Replacement sprue, in good shape. No muss, no fuss.

I’ll start putting it together shortly. But first, some destroyers. Started cutting bits this morning.

Off hand bolt pistols are going to be a minor problem. I’ve got 5 laid out. But that’s the extent of my supply. Should be enough though. The sarge will probably get a power sword, at least one guy will get the ML (depending if I go full 10 men, in which case I’ll need a second ML) One can can toss a grenade. So if I do a 9 man squad, that leaves 2 guys with chainswords and a holstered second pistol. Should make for a decent mix. Getting enough pistol arms pointing forward might be rough, I’ll have to dig around. The legs are also set up nicely that I think I’m going to mod them to be a bit more running. A ball of greenstuff at the hip join and minimal sculpting should make for a more aggressive advance. Basically just swinging the leg back at a bit of an angle.

Backpacks will be magnetized for eventual swap for JPs. Which I’ll eventually purchase from a 3rd party. Anvil Industry looks to have some nice ones.

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend.

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

In a Trayzn pokeball

Looking forwards to the destroyers. I feel your pain in trying to find left hand pistols.

 JohnHwangDD wrote:
The hobby is actually hating GW.
 iGuy91 wrote:
You love the T-Rex. Its both a hero and a Villain in the first two movies. It is the "king" of dinosaurs. Its the best. You love your T-rex.
Then comes along the frakking Spinosaurus who kills the T-rex, and the movie says "LOVE THIS NOW! HE IS BETTER" But...in your heart, you love the T-rex, who shouldn't have lost to no stupid Spinosaurus. So you hate the movie. And refuse to love the Spinosaurus because it is a hamfisted attempt at taking what you loved, making it TREX +++ and trying to sell you it.
 Elbows wrote:
You know what's better than a psychic phase? A psychic phase which asks customers to buy more miniatures...
the_scotsman wrote:
Dae think the company behind such names as deathwatch death guard deathskullz death marks death korps deathleaper death jester might be bad at naming?
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Looking forwards to the destroyers. I feel your pain in trying to find left hand pistols.

From the selection I have, it looks like the Vanguard Vet box is a good source of them. I also have a number of old just plain pistols that I’d need to find hands with grips for. Probably cut some hands/arms off of plasma pistols.

A chunk of arms are not going to be era appropriate. One problem with magnetizing options is that it eats up your spare arms, particularly outstretched sword/pistol arms, at a ravenous rate. And I have a very slim selection of Mk. III/IV arms to start with.

Automatically Appended Next Post:

First two built. Although I tweaked the angle of the right guy’s arm up a little after I took the pic. And just noticed that he needs his grenades.

Automatically Appended Next Post:

A 5 man destroyer squad. One with a ML, sarge w/ power sword, and probably some phospex bombs strapped across his chest. Do not hug.

Still need to do sink magnets and do backpacks. And then the back half of the squad. One problem is that if I do another ML, I need to figure out a pose for it. This guy is reloading, or at least inspecting a missile, so the gun can be down and not clip with anything on his back. The normal pose sorta excludes most jump packs.

Pretty productive day at the bench. Been a while since I put something together. Was fun. These guys have been on my wish list to build for a while.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/02/26 00:03:33

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Back the truck up... When did you get destroyers?!

The dual pistol action looks amazing.

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


Looking good. I did some arm swaps on mkiii Marines, the wrist plate is actually pretty easy to get off a spare arm with a knife, drill and round hobby file. A little trimming of the elbow guard and they fit over the arm piece nicely.

Have a look at my P&M blog - currently working on Sons of Horus

Have a look at my 3d Printed Mierce Miniatures

Previous projects
30k Iron Warriors (11k+)
Full first company Crimson Fists
Zone Mortalis (unfinished)
Classic high elf bloodbowl team 
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Zambro wrote:Back the truck up... When did you get destroyers?!

The dual pistol action looks amazing.

These are just the guys from the burning of prospero box. With the ML from BaC, and the lion's share of the bolt pistols and extended arms remaining in my bits box. It was my intention from when I picked up the BoP box to do either 15 or 20 of them as breachers, and then 5-10 of them as destroyers. As I’ve not found any shields I’m happy with, I thought I could at least get the gunslingers done. Mk. III has that brutal face-first look appropriate for both squads.
JamesY wrote:Looking good. I did some arm swaps on mkiii Marines, the wrist plate is actually pretty easy to get off a spare arm with a knife, drill and round hobby file. A little trimming of the elbow guard and they fit over the arm piece nicely.

I did cut the hand off of one Mk III arm (to hold a grenade) but overall I’m not bothered with some non era appropriate arms. While there might be some rivet counters who get bent out of shape over those things, that’s not me. I do try to keep the bulk of my 30k stuff on track, but it’s not going to be 100%.

And the back half of the squad is done:

Looking at what they call a rad missile launcher on FW’s site, I feel no qualms about my kitbash. It’s basically the HB from BoP cut down to slot into the deathwind launcher from a drop pod.

Next on the build parade is going to be the LR.

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

When it comes to to rad missile launchers, I agree that anything goes.

On the subject of shields for the breachers, have you seen these:



I have a set of the Imperial fist ones, and they seem really nice. I'm very tempted by the round ones too!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/02/26 22:18:43

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


That's fair enough, I only did mine as wanted them to be very early great crusade. That rocket launcher looks fantastic

Have a look at my P&M blog - currently working on Sons of Horus

Have a look at my 3d Printed Mierce Miniatures

Previous projects
30k Iron Warriors (11k+)
Full first company Crimson Fists
Zone Mortalis (unfinished)
Classic high elf bloodbowl team 
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

SmallChanges wrote:When it comes to to rad missile launchers, I agree that anything goes.

On the subject of shields for the breachers, have you seen these:



I have a set of the Imperial fist ones, and they seem really nice. I'm very tempted by the round ones too!

I’ve seen them, still on the fence. I gathered my thoughts over in this thread where I did a bunch of research on different shields. The shapeways ones look nice and are the right size. They are also reported to have a grainy texture, and are a bit pricy. As I’m not in a huge rush to get them done, I’m hoping some better options show up. Or I start drawing a paycheck and blow it all on hookers and blow FW resin.
JamesY wrote:That's fair enough, I only did mine as wanted them to be very early great crusade. That rocket launcher looks fantastic

I have a lot of respect for people who want to get things exact. But I’m not that dedicated. And the guys are like 95% era appropriate. And the key aspects that define the visual are there. I do have to say, I felt very heretical today. One of the left handed bolt pistols had an aquila on it. I had to shave it off. I kept saying to myself “I’m not a traitor, I’m not falling to chaos” Knowing that very few models can bear that symbol in 30k and carving it off are two different things. But it was physically (if not spiritually) easy to trim, so I did make that effort to keep things kosher.

Made in us
Ultramarine Land Raider Pilot on Cruise Control


Nice looking conversions. I really like the massive drop-pod missile launcher being man-portable.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 brushcommando wrote:
Nice looking conversions. I really like the massive drop-pod missile launcher being man-portable.

In 30k they actually still use suspensers for some of the heavy weapons, including this one. So there is a little more wiggle room on what’s “man portable.” Finished the backpacks last night, so more minis for the to-prime box:

I’m also pretty happy how they turned out. Now I just need to wait for a day to prime. Saturday was actually 70 degrees here, but windy. And Sunday it snowed. I’d make some crack about global warming, or Mother Nature being drunk, but that’s not too far out of the ordinary here Upstate. A little odd, but not that far from the bell curve of normalcy.

Got a new TV yesterday. Going to have to shuffle furniture around. The glass fronted bookcase is going to have to move across the room. And it’s already full of minis. Sigh. Oh well, should be a one time problem.

Need to figure out what kind of list I want to bring down the the FLGS tonight. One problem with having a large collection is decision paralysis. With so much to choose from what do I pick?

Made in us
Jinking Ravenwing Land Speeder Pilot

Pittsburgh PA, USA

Nev, I have to agree with the ohers, love the man portable missile launcher, looks great brother.

And too many options is the best problem, far better than not enough options!

Angels of Vengeance P&M Blog

A Tale of 5 Gamers!

Blood Knights Kill Team P&M

Crusade of Vengeance - A Tale of Sacrifce and Brotherhood
Made in us
Tail-spinning Tomb Blade Pilot

My ancient "lab"

Did a catch-up, and it's all lookin' pretty good! The Deathwind ML acting as a rad-ML is very clever and convenient for a jump-pack squad of destroyers.

My Necron Blog! http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/693066.page
My Screw-Around Blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/701938.page
My personal favorite YT WH40K channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnHCy9ID33sHp6Quirb1-XA

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