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Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

Drove an hour yesterday to see Romero's latest, and to those thinking about seeing it because the reviewers might be jaded or just wrong - Don't. I haven't wanted a movie to end so badly in a long, long time. Zombie carnage was at a minimum, any momentum was broken by narrated 'flashback' segments of scenes you just saw, with some news footage spliced in for "larger picture" commentary, or inane bludgeoning about youtube / myspace / etc. And I almost flat out couldn't believe some of the narration tripe, like the ultimate gem:

"It used to be us versus us. Now it's us versus them. Except now they, are us."

Diary made me realize two things though. One, I haven't actually been satisfied with any of Romero's work since Night, though my issues with Dawn are based in liking the remake better (which nobody is going to agree with me on). Hell, even Land was better than this latest, with Denis Hopper and the Dead Reckoning giving me something to enjoy! And two, I really appreciate how satisfying Cloverfield was

Best part of the flick? The trailer for Doomsday, which thankfully dropped the zombies for road warriors

- Salvage

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2008/02/25 15:14:03

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in us
Crazed Witch Elf

Albuquerque, NM

I actually liked the new Dawn of the Dead. Any Zombie movie where the zombies haul ass and are super strong scare the outta me. My biggest fear is a zombie outbreak.

Imperial Guard

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Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

A fellow blasphemer, I knew I could count on you X!

The Dawn remake may be my favorite zombie movie, got a whole lot right for me - and yes, I like my undead fast. Sean of the Dead comes in at a close second though, spoof or no.

- Salvage

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
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Blood-Drenched Death Company Marine

I'll most likely wait for the DVD then.

I also liked the remake of DotD better than the original. The first ten minutes of the movie is just fantastic. DotD 78 is still a great movie, but I think it is starting to show its age.

My favorite continues to be "Return of the Living Dead". With Shaun and DotD 2004 a close second and third.
Made in id
Lurking Gaunt

Wait, wait, what? Flashbacks? Spliced footage? I was told this was a zombie version of Cloverfield. That's about the only thing that got me curious about it.

Blah, skipping it then.
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Nasty Nob on Warbike with Klaw

St. Louis, MO

Boss_Salvage wrote:A fellow blasphemer, I knew I could count on you X!

The Dawn remake may be my favorite zombie movie, got a whole lot right for me - and yes, I like my undead fast. Sean of the Dead comes in at a close second though, spoof or no.

- Salvage

Chalk me up as a third member of the club.
I loved that movie.

How can you NOT love a movie that has richard Cheese singing "Down with the Sickness" lounge singer style?
Come on!

As for Shaun of the Dead... It's probably #3 for me. Nothing wrong with a good spoof. LOL

28 Days Later is my #2, possibly vying for #1 with the Dawn remake. I liked it when nobody had even heard of it.

Just got 28 Weeks Later, too... looking forward to watching it.


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Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

MagickalMemories wrote:Just got 28 Weeks Later, too... looking forward to watching it.

Let me know what you think. Most lovers of 28 Days agree with me that the opening first scene is aces, followed by a lot of meh, a truly impressive take on a familiar scene towards the end, and then more disappointment.

28 Days comes in at #3 for me, I think. Solid movie, well shot, exciting, but could use more, well, actually-deceased-ness

- Salvage

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in us
Crazed Witch Elf

Albuquerque, NM

28 Days later made me poop a little. 28 Weeks later... well that made me poop a lot. Extremely gory, especially the scene down in the tunnels when it's pitch black. And let me tell you something, don't make the mistake of getting 28 Days and 28 Days Later mixed up.

Imperial Guard

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Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

Stormtrooper X wrote:Extremely gory, especially the scene down in the tunnels when it's pitch black.

TO AVOID spoiling it more for MM ... I'll just say that I wish more of the movie was like the tunnel scene, much more creepy / survival horror. And on the 'gory':
I don't really think corpses on the ground = gory, more creepy and horrific (walking on dead bodies? blerg!). UNLESS you mean the part where everybody in the 'safe room' got infected and it turned into an orgy of death. In which case yeah, that was intense and another good bit of the flick. Press of Humanity is scary in general, but generally strangers packed in a subway with you don't want to eat your face off!

And on 28 Days, yeaaaaah I'm lazy though

- Salvage

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2008/03/20 13:57:04

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in us


MM and I seem to have a lot in common. I'm also a fan of the Dawn remake (although I wouldn't call it better or worse than the original), and I also just got 28 Weeks Later and haven't watched it yet (gonna have to re-watch 28 Days Later first to get in the right frame of mind- queasy and skittish).

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28 weeks later is SO much better than 28 days.
seriously, if you havent seen it, do so immediately.

not as gory, but i really enjoyed resident evil extinction.
sounds weird, but its true.
Made in de
Dominating Dominatrix

Piercing the heavens

you're right.
it DOES sound weird.
Made in au
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Toowoomba, Australia

I like the dawn remake better to...

Romero is a glorified c-grade writer/director who had a great idea for a b-grade movie and each subsequent sequel has become worse and worse.

Land of the dead... I can't believe I sat through the whole thing.

28 days and 28 weeks later were much better, and were at leased based in some sense of 'yeah I would do that if everyone became zombies.'

I'm hanging for an A-grade movie adaption of World War Z. THE best zombie book I've ever read and last I heard Brad Pitt's production company had the rights.
Just to see the US troops blasting away with their entire arsenel in New Jersey and nothing stopping the horde... but it would have to be R rated.

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Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

Waaagh_Gonads wrote:I'm hanging for an A-grade movie adaption of World War Z. THE best zombie book I've ever read and last I heard Brad Pitt's production company had the rights.
Just to see the US troops blasting away with their entire arsenel in New Jersey and nothing stopping the horde... but it would have to be R rated.

Me too. Basically the only zombie movie I really want to see now is a rock solid WWZ adaptation, otherwise the genre is dying out for me. Enjoyed the book immensely, though surprisingly I know people who really panned it too. Go fig.

IMDB confirms that Brad Pitt's Plan B production company has the rights, J. Michael Straczynski is currently writing the script, and the release date is 2010.

- Salvage

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2008/03/28 14:00:28

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in au
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Toowoomba, Australia

Boss_Salvage wrote:
IMDB confirms that Brad Pitt's Plan B production company has the rights, J. Michael Straczynski is currently writing the script, and the release date is 2010.

- Salvage


I hope they go more with the gritty realism/hopelesness of 28 days later rather than the usual hollywood pap. And that Romero is kept away and they don't do a 'tribute ' to him.

The story evolving as a guy who knows what happened talks to regular people who had no idea at the time from outbreak to end at all levels of society all around the world is brilliant.

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Made in us
Crazed Witch Elf

Albuquerque, NM

What? Someone please explain this to me. Throw it in the "spoiler" thing if you want, but I'd like to know what the hell this book is about.

Imperial Guard

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Made in au
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Toowoomba, Australia

World War Z is written from the perspective of a reporter who worked for the UN (IIRC) who covered the pure statistics of the zombie war, thought that the story of what happened was being lost and so has gone out on his own volition and talks to people all around the world.

Starts with the doctor in China who saw patient zero.
Talks to a palestinian survivor who ended up in 'fortress israel'
Talks to a trooper who was at New jersey when the zombie horde fell.
A mercenary who was guarding the rich and famous near new york in a compouds.
Several 'regular people' some who went to canada to flee then got stuck there in winter.
A female russian soldier.
An indian soldier.
The president of the usa.

The great thing is the mysteries that are left behind, the way it spreads, the mistake made clear by hind sight and the aftermath.

For me the best tit bit is using heavy metal music to attract zombies in the US (Iron Maiden IIRC) whilst the british use bagpipes.

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Sneaky Chameleon Skink

Los Angeles

Yay World War Z movie, let us hope they do not butcher it.

It really is one of the best zombie anything ever made and is very much a wonderful topical political observation.

As for Romero...

Night is a fantastic movie that did a lot of things right and was groundbreaking. The problem with that is it let Romero have free reign to do what he wanted and he either spends too much time trying to make a point than giving what his audiences want: Zombie carnage or makes his zombie carnage incredibly lackluster.

Never attribute to malice which can rightly be explained by stupidity.

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Sentient OverBear

Clearwater, FL

World War Z is done in the style of Studs Terkel, if that means anything to you.


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Ultramarine Land Raider Pilot on Cruise Control

Plano, Texas

Have you listened to the World War Z audio book?
It has Alan Alda, Mark Hamill, Jürgen Prochnow, Henry Rollins, John Turturro, Rob and Carl Reiner, and many others.
It skips out on the Russian Soldier, the salesman for the "wonder drug," the woman who invented the zombie proof home, and a few others but it is VERY good!


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North Carolina

Iorek wrote:World War Z is done in the style of Studs Terkel, if that means anything to you.

I was about to ask about this ^_^. I've been told by a couple co-workers that it is an amazing book. One of the best they've ever read in their life. I'm looking forward to giving it a read. Even if it means the nightmares come back x.x....

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