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![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2008/08/03 01:54:55
Subject: Topic Update
This is an automated message added by the articles system. A new article titled The History of Dakka has been added to the dakka articles system. This message thread is for the discussion of content in the article. If you have anything to add to the article, then just jump in and edit it by going to the actual article page and clicking 'edit' (the link can be found just above the article). If there is no edit link then the article is locked for now, so just add your comments or content to this thread and if they are appropriate then they should eventually get merged in. If there is something in the article that you wish to debate or comment on, then this is the place to do it. Just hit the reply button and get chatting! You need to be registered and logged in to post in the forums so if you are an anonymous article editor then now would be a great time to register and join in dakka's great forum discussion!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2008/08/03 14:29:00
Subject: Article Discussion: The History of Dakka
Great start!
I did some grammatical editing: nothing major--just spelling and sentence structure type stuff. Probably wouldn't even notice, but wanted to give a head's up.
Guinness: for those who are men of the cloth and football fans, but not necessarily in that order.
I think the lesson here is the best way to enjoy GW's games is to not use any of their rules.--Crimson Devil |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2008/08/03 19:52:15
Subject: Article Discussion: The History of Dakka
Foul Dwimmerlaik
I have to make a correction about the iterations of dakka.
Technically, the iteration would be 6.
While I do not recall what forumware it was, there was indeed a board prior to EZboards use. It had a very short life span IIRC.
I am sure Russ can fill in that gap as the former webmaster.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2008/08/03 20:54:08
Subject: Article Discussion: The History of Dakka
Morally-Flexible Malleus Hearing Whispers
Well I kind of moved near Toronto, actually.
stupid question but I am curious who else tried to buy dakka. They can PM me if they are private. Not that it is any of my business.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2008/08/03 21:10:04
Subject: Article Discussion: The History of Dakka
Foul Dwimmerlaik
OT stuff updated. Rough draft that needs refinement if anyone chooses to do so.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2008/08/04 06:51:25
Subject: Article Discussion: The History of Dakka
Decrepit Dakkanaut
Hellfury wrote:I have to make a correction about the iterations of dakka.
Technically, the iteration would be 6.
While I do not recall what forumware it was, there was indeed a board prior to EZboards use. It had a very short life span IIRC.
I am sure Russ can fill in that gap as the former webmaster.
Well, that probably explains why Russ told us he was on iteration #4 when we bought it. I was trying to figure it out and I jumped to some conclusions, but that's exactly why I'm asking anyone with a more clear memory (I have a terrible memory) to edit the article and correct the inaccuracies.
I did email Russ to have him take a look at the article, so maybe he can add more information then what he already provided me.
Tacobake wrote:stupid question but I am curious who else tried to buy dakka. They can PM me if they are private. Not that it is any of my business.
I think only Russ would know the Ebay user names. Or are you just hoping people that bid will let you know (assuming they post regularly on Dakka, of course)?
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2008/08/04 07:24:08
Subject: Article Discussion: The History of Dakka
Madrak Ironhide
Fact: Vin Diesel was one of the original bidders for Dakka
Dakka, but he withdrew his bid after an extended duel with
Sean Connery wherein much banter and pseudo martial
arts movements were exchanged as a proxy for proper
Of course, the better man won.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2008/08/05 14:38:56
Subject: Article Discussion: The History of Dakka
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests
Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.
Wow... I did not know I had been here that long.
And Drew made me come out of lurking as well Yak... although I ended up arguing with Ed quite a bit more.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/20 23:33:38
Subject: Re:Article Discussion: The History of Dakka
Fighter Pilot
I just recently found out Dakka had originated from my home NH from a forum member Deffdread, he said he used to go play in the store and it was like an entire mill floor huge. Im proud to brag that my small state has contributed so much to the wargaming community. Im also sad that i was a kid when the dakka store was in its hay day... I walk by that mill building at least once a week and glance up nostalgically at it. All of us from NH should see that as an inspiration of how something so big can come from a state so small...