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Chaos Renegades, Defenders of Vraks - 50-41 Armoury (1750 Completed)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Angry Chaos Agitator

Long Beach, CA

Captain Scarvos paced and contemplated the latest news, reports had come in from command intelligence indicating four Thunderhawk transports were landing south of the Saritama Hills, 49-37. The unit at location reported the Thunderhawks bore Adeptus Sororitas iconography, but that was all they knew. Unfortunately, contact with the observer was lost before additional details were communicated. It was the duty of his company to confirm these reports and exterminate any new threats. However, before committing to a full engagement, he needed to send his own reconnaissance team to gather full details on this new enemy.

Kevin Nash and I have decided to do a "Tale of Four Gamers" type of campaign, where it's actually a Tale of Two Gamers. Kevin Nash has chosen the Witch Hunters and I have chosen Chaos Renegades (counts as Imperial Guard) as the armies for this tale. Over the course of 18 weeks we will progressively build our armies, with a battle played every three weeks. The milestones are as follows:

Edit: This campaign is actually Shep, Kevin Nash, and I doing a "Tale of Three Gamers" now. With Shep doing Tau. This is old news, but I figured I would update the main entry to clarify what you may read about Shep's army below.

Week 3: 400 total points each (Combat Patrol)
Week 6: 700 total points each
Week 9: 1000 total points each
Week 12: 1250 total points each + 1 objective each
Week 15: 1500 total points each + 2 objectives each
Week 18: 1750 total points each + 3 objectives each

Scoring, every three weeks, will be done as follows:

Models Painted on Time: 5 points
Models Painted Late: 3 points
Models not Painted: 0 points

Battle Won: 3 points
Battle Draw: 2 points
Battle Lost: 1 point

You may note that the scoring is weighted more towards having our armies painted, this is to keep the motivation targetted towards building and painting a full army.

As part of this campaign, I decided to document, P&M Blog, the development of my Chaos Renegades Army.

With that, I introduce WIP 1st Armoured Fist Squad of my Reconnaissance Squadron (180 points) , with Enforcer (40 points), for the 400 pt Combat Patrol:

I still need to build another Armoured Fist Squad to complete the Reconnaissance Squadron, aka Combat Patrol.

Thanks for reading!



This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2009/10/14 20:21:43

Made in gb
Mutilatin' Mad Dok

Cherry Hill, NJ

Good luck on hitting those goals, I will be following this thread. Now get some painting done.

Made in us
Stabbin' Skarboy

Here is some of the competition:

This is what I have so far.


137 points - Dominion squad 5x (one flamer) with Sister Superior and Immolator w smoke and extra armor
110 points - Battle Sisters Squad with Sister Superior.

I intend to add another Immolator and a Rhino to get to 400.

Made in us
Nurgle Veteran Marine with the Flu

Wauwatosa, WI

Nice concept, I shall be following this thread and stealing your idea in lieu of the 'esclation league' format at the FLGS.

Made in za
Junior Officer with Laspistol

South Africa

Love the chaos renegades from FW so I will be following this blog.

"I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member."-Groucho Marx
Made in us
Angry Chaos Agitator

Long Beach, CA

Did a color test using one of my models. I think I am close to the color scheme I want.

More taking notes for myself right now but...

The cloth is : basecoat Bestial Brown, a wash of Devlan Mud, liberal drybrush of Snakebite Leather. and drybrush Vomit Brown
The metal is : baseboat Boltgun Metal, 2-3 washes of Badab Black, a wash of Devlan Mud, and a selective dab of watered down Vermin Brown

Not a whole lot of pop, but I want a dusty Vraks militia and I think this will do. I also discovered I need better lighting for my light tent , as the model is a bit darker in person.

Made in us
Implacable Skitarii

Boiler Room, Texas

Renegade IG are totally rad. I am liking the color scheme so far, but I think maybe something different for the head. Maybe a leathery brown or something like that. Can't wait to see them finished!
Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

London, England

Nice sickly colour scheme. Maybe do the leather/head in a different leathery shade?


My Loyalist P&M Log, Irkutsk 24th

"And what is wrong with their life? What on earth is less reprehensible than the life of the Levovs?"
- American Pastoral, Philip Roth

Oh, Death was never enemy of ours!
We laughed at him, we leagued with him, old chum.
No soldier's paid to kick against His powers.
We laughed - knowing that better men would come,
And greater wars: when each proud fighter brags
He wars on Death, for lives; not men, for flags. 
Made in gb
Mutilatin' Mad Dok

Cherry Hill, NJ

I like it, but it does indeed lack pop. Ever consider a dirty whitish cloth for the rags on his head. Depending on how detailed you wanted to get you could even put stains (blood, bile, ect.) on it.

Made in us
Nimble Pistolier


Pick out some of the details as posted above to get them to pop a little more (canteen/scabard/belt). Lookin' good though, I will deffinitly follow this to see how everything turns out. Good luck!! both of you guys.

Made in us
Stabbin' Skarboy

I worked on a second one today. Anyone have any advice on how to do the eyes? I'm going to go over the hair again as well and fix the gold jewelry.

The next step is gonna be to do the remaining infantry in bolt gun metal. I look to acquire and build the Rhino on Wednesday.

Made in za
Junior Officer with Laspistol

South Africa

I think It would be cool and also make your renegades stand out more if there head cloth were to be a red or green.Kevin the eyes are fairly easy just grab your fine detail brush and paint them white and add small dots of black for the iris.

"I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member."-Groucho Marx
Made in us
Angry Chaos Agitator

Long Beach, CA

Deff, and others.. I think you are all right on with giving some color to the head cloth. I am going to paint night this wednesday, where I will meet up with Shep, Gitsmack, and others that are far more prodicient with the color palletes and I will bounce this feedback off them so they can help me with a good color fit. (I am a bit color blind, so color selection is difficult for me). In the meantime, I am moving forward with the existing color scheme, for the sake of meeting my goals, but if we can come up with a good color for the hoods, I can do a quick re-paint of just the hoods, which will go fast.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Los Angeles, CA

AbsoluteBlue wrote:Did a color test using one of my models. I think I am close to the color scheme I want.

More taking notes for myself right now but...

The cloth is : basecoat Bestial Brown, a wash of Devlan Mud, liberal drybrush of Snakebite Leather. and drybrush Vomit Brown
The metal is : baseboat Boltgun Metal, 2-3 washes of Badab Black, a wash of Devlan Mud, and a selective dab of watered down Vermin Brown

Not a whole lot of pop, but I want a dusty Vraks militia and I think this will do. I also discovered I need better lighting for my light tent , as the model is a bit darker in person.

We can talk more about this at paint night but just in case you go home tonight and want to work more on this test model, I'll throw in my two cents.

First off, that khaki looks fantastic! the steps you used are all worth it, the cloth is extremely 'deep' and rich looking.

The metal also is spot on. It doesn't look non-functional, but it looks like its seen better days, and hasn't been cared for.

Here is your problem with 'pop'. Small models like this need contrast, the more stark the contrast, the better. The more 'like' the colors on the model are, the harder it is for the eye to find any distinction in the model. For some armies like eldar and tau, you can take out a color wheel pick two contrasting colors, make them pastels, and apply it to the model for an eye catch, head turning paint job. Which earns you many oohs and ahhs. For a guy like this, that is wearing khaki fatigues and has rusty metal, coming up with contrast is a lot harder.

Ok, so rather than talk about the color wheel (which I know nothing about) I'm going to talk in terms of 'warm' colors and 'cool' colors. Everything in the red/brown/yellow camp is warm. Everything in the blue/green/grey camp is cool. Adding black or white to a color technically doesn't change what family its in, it just changes its tone. You have this wonderful brown here, from the knees of the model to the top of his head. Thats mega warm, and it is the dominant color of the model. Ok, so you have a great contrast in there with the boltgun metal. That metal is certainly a 'cool' color, and you have a lot of it on your dude. To make it look chaosy and evil, you washed it with some brown wash. It looks fantastic, but what you've done is warmed up your cool color contrast considerably. So now we have a model that looks cool, but from tabletop distance has no 'gotcha' factor at all. In the words of Murderface "It needs more 'zazz."

My suggestion for another 'cool' tone that you could throw on this model that is still evil and hardcore looking would be black. The sheath for the bayonet, the canteen, the ammo pouch, the boots and maybe even the rifle casing can be black. Highlight it with a mix of black and codex grey and keep any warm colors away from it. Paint the imperial eagle and other details boltgun, but hold the devlan mud.

The last thing I'd do would be to add some freehand detail, some mechrite red right out of the bottle to make chaos stars and X's to go over the imperial iconography would add a little more fun. It wouldn't need to be perfectly done, since you could go for a 'fresh blood applied with a finger' look.

Another sneaky place to add contrast is the base. I use the base all the time to add color and contrast to models. I'm trying to remember how you based your black legion, and what your realm of battle is painted as. You can use static grass, the color of the sand, and even the color of the ring around the base to sneak new colors into your model. Remind me tomorrow what your basing scheme is.

Great job so far! I'm totally impressed. Did Nash tell you I'll be joining you guys? You can keep me out of the fluff since you have such a great witch hunters versus traitors matchup going, but I just want the extra motivation that timelines and competition brings.

Please check out my current project blog

Feel free to PM me to talk about your list ideas....

The Sprue Posse Gaming Club 
Made in us
Stabbin' Skarboy

Shep wrote:

Great job so far! I'm totally impressed. Did Nash tell you I'll be joining you guys? You can keep me out of the fluff since you have such a great witch hunters versus traitors matchup going, but I just want the extra motivation that timelines and competition brings.

I would hope you'd show us what you're building so we can keep it in a mega thread. We'll also post the batreps here as well and the list progression.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/02/17 21:11:57

Made in us
Screamin' Stormboy

Los Angeles, CA

Hey! Nice stuff! Good to see you getting bloggy about your traitors.

One little suggestion for pop... you could add some color to the lenses in the re-breather mask... maybe even some orange like you did with your plague marines. Alternatively, jade/scaley green might be an interesting look and would be a nice contrast from the khaki.

I like what Shep said about the chaos markings in red too... though you might be able to get away with putting them on in calthan brown or scorched brown if you don't want to step away from your palette.

Keep up the good work!

Come check my Ork Project Blog:

- The Waaagh of GitSmack Daemonkilla BeakieMangla, Da Arch-Krumpa of the Riven Sector
- The Emperor's Judgement
- Commander Shi'Ar'Tol's Fal'Shia Expeditionary Force
- ? 
Made in us
Stabbin' Skarboy

Here is my progress for tonight.

Made in us
Angry Chaos Agitator

Long Beach, CA

Kevin Nash,

Those SoBs are looking a lot better. I like how you brightened them up a bit.

Made in us
Stabbin' Skarboy

I got a lot done on the Immolator tonight.

I still have to acquire a Rhino and acquire the Two Melta Gun sisters I have on order. I also have a second Immolator in the mail.

Made in us
Angry Chaos Agitator

Long Beach, CA

Here is a WIP view of the Armoured Fist Squad. I have decided on holding off on doing the extra level of detail until I have the entire 400 points is complete, as I need to remember I am on a time limit. I am doing some additional weathering and details for the Chimera and will post those this weekend.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/02/20 21:25:58

Made in us
Sniping Hexa

I like the way they look like miltia but the thing that I think would add flavor is like mud on the bases (spackle)
or so kind of debirs looks empty.

How many more do you need ?. I think IMO your beating the SOB player

Hydra Dominatus

World Wide War Winner  
Made in us
Angry Chaos Agitator

Long Beach, CA

For better or worse the bases are going to have to match my Realm of Battle Board For which I use Scorched Brown, Dark Flesh, and a Drybrush of Kommando Khaki, it looks a little muddy, and as part of the basing I will also me muddying up the boots, so good call!

For 400 pts I just need to build and paint 4 more guardsmen, base all 20, weather and detail my built Chimera, and build, paint, etc 1 more Chimera. Yeah the SoBs are going down I have decided to replace my 2 Meltas with Plasma Guns, so if I can force him out of his vehicles before he gets close, I win.

Edit... I also have 2 weeks left, so that should give me enough time to go back and add at least one more level of detail to everything.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/02/21 02:11:55

Made in us
Auspicious Aspiring Champion of Chaos


Kevin Nash wrote:I worked on a second one today. Anyone have any advice on how to do the eyes? I'm going to go over the hair again as well and fix the gold jewelry.

The next step is gonna be to do the remaining infantry in bolt gun metal. I look to acquire and build the Rhino on Wednesday.

eyes = a knitting pin, skull white paint, a steady hand.

pupils = same pin, washed off, chaos black, steady hand, small jabbing motion, also steady hand.

its how i do it. want a pic?

also, for those traitor troopers, try a blue for the "eye" in the head mask.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/02/21 02:21:56

I collect:

Grand alliance death (whole alliance)

Stormcast eternals

Slaves to Darkness - currently Nurgle but may expand to undivided.
Made in nl
Regular Dakkanaut

@ lord marcus :

I love your models esspecialy the faces... btw do you have some pictures of your skaven i just love skaven?
Made in ie
Pestilent Plague Marine with Blight Grenade

nice sisters
Made in us
Auspicious Aspiring Champion of Chaos


TheGrin wrote:@ lord marcus :

I love your models esspecialy the faces... btw do you have some pictures of your skaven i just love skaven?

please link me to my works that you have seen. if you are talking about the pic in my above post it is a quoted picture.

I collect:

Grand alliance death (whole alliance)

Stormcast eternals

Slaves to Darkness - currently Nurgle but may expand to undivided.
Made in us
Stabbin' Skarboy

@lord marcus: Thanks for the tips on the eyes. I'll give it a shot.

I did a lot of work on the Immolator tonight:

Made in us
Sniping Hexa

That will look good th emud effect I do it to my DKOK

Hydra Dominatus

World Wide War Winner  
Made in us
Auspicious Aspiring Champion of Chaos


Your welcome,always here if you need advice.

that immolater looks tasty.

I collect:

Grand alliance death (whole alliance)

Stormcast eternals

Slaves to Darkness - currently Nurgle but may expand to undivided.
Made in us
Angry Chaos Agitator

Long Beach, CA

I completed the 1st Armoured Fist Squad.

Starting with my first attempt at free hand drawing on a tank we have the Chimera:

I am really happy with the way the Chaos iconography turned out and I look forward to adding more symbols and graffiti to this Chimera.

Next, I have the full squad, including the Chimera and the attached Enforcer:

Barring the fact that I need more/better lighting for taking pictures, I am also happy with the results of this squad. The basing was done to specifically match my Realm of Battle Board. I haven't applied any of the great input that I have recieved on this thread, yet. However, I am stopping at this level of detail, until I finished off the second squad and see how much time I have left.

Thanks to the inspiration and guidance from Shep, I am extremely happy with the results of the Heavy Weapons Team:

The best part, and all thanks to Shep, and his Vostroyan Re-Paint Plog, for telling me how to do this, is that I like how well the spotter fits in and is removable:

The full progression for the base is seen here:

Now I am off to finish the second squad!

Again, thanks for the input!

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