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Made in us
Jinking Ravenwing Land Speeder Pilot

San Diego, CA USA

Here we are again! This time it's not an assignment but rather a small tutorial on how I do stuff. Did all of these examples a total of 30 mins. You can achieve excellent results with more time spent naturally.

First off some tips and tools used:

NATURAL SAND: Made by Liquitex. Basically acrylic gel with fine sand mixed in. You could probably get the same effect using PVA glue mix with some fine sand. Or even a medium or varnish. Be creative lol.

PATINA = 1:1 Goblin green and Enchanted blue, then 1:1 green/blue mix and water, and a little white to flatten the color.

DRY BRUSHING: I use a Stippler in this. Rather large round brush, short bristles that make a flat head.
--Always brush the best you can, perpendicular to the edges you are highlighting--


---- Did the EXFOLIATION tutorial because I get asked how to do Corrosion building under painted armor. This example is a bit extreme but you get the idea and the process involved.--

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2009/12/27 10:53:24

Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut

Springhurst, VIC, Australia

This is a very good tutorial. I have just tried the exfoliation tech. and it works well, thankyou for this.

PS: You should consider writing some article of tutorials for us.


Squigy's Gallery, come have a look
Made in gb
Battlefortress Driver with Krusha Wheel

Good tutorial - thanks. One question though; what do you mean by 'patina touch up'?

Made in us
Jinking Ravenwing Land Speeder Pilot

San Diego, CA USA

InyokaMadoda wrote:Good tutorial - thanks. One question though; what do you mean by 'patina touch up'?

In the dry brushing step I got the brass in some areas covering the patina (green/blue mix I talk about in the introduction) and the touch up part is exactly what it sounds like. Touch up the green where the brass was not suppose to go and you're finished!

Made in gb
Mindless Spore Mine


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/03/20 00:01:07

Made in gb
Stubborn Dark Angels Veteran Sergeant


Beautiful stuff -- I will be trying the exfoliation approach on my Deathwing.

My painting & modelling blog: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/699224.page

Serpent King Games: Dragon Warriors Reborn!

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Las Vegas

Yeah, these are really great! I second the article writing!

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Scyzantine Empire

The exfoliation technique (all of these really...) would work great to make for old, torn up necrons!

What harm can it do to find out? It's a question that left bruises down the centuries, even more than "It can't hurt if I only take one" and "It's all right if you only do it standing up." Terry Pratchett, Making Money

"Can a magician kill a man by magic?" Lord Wellington asked Strange. Strange frowned. He seemed to dislike the question. "I suppose a magician might," he admitted, "but a gentleman never could." Susanna Clarke Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell


Made in us
Flashy Flashgitz

Cincinnati, Ohio

Wow neat!

The age of man is over; the time of the Ork has come. 
Made in gb
Battlefortress Driver with Krusha Wheel

Is the natural sand actually melting the plastic then, or is it on top of the shoulder pad?

Made in us
Jinking Ravenwing Land Speeder Pilot

San Diego, CA USA

Natural Sand is just acrylic gel and sand. It's painted on as a chunky medium and the sand adds texture and helps it keep its shape. It does not harm the plastic at all.

Made in gb
Battlefortress Driver with Krusha Wheel

Fair enough. It was just a bit tricky to see from the pictures.

Made in ca
Trigger-Happy Baal Predator Pilot

Toronto (GTA), Ontario

The close up pictures of the shoulder pads like that kind of make me feel sick... lol it looks grouse.

Dracos wrote:Codex does not override rulebook. Specific rules (generally those found in codex tend to be more specific) override general rules in case of conflict.
Made in au
2nd Lieutenant


can these work with tanks aswell?

*Ex Username: Gutteridge*

Made in us
Jinking Ravenwing Land Speeder Pilot

San Diego, CA USA

Gutteridge wrote:can these work with tanks aswell?

Of coarse! Anything you need. Here is my dread that uses all three techniques.

All the chunky rust you see was started using Liquitex Natural Sand + bestial brown mixed. SHORTCUT TECHNIQUE
You can see the WIP in my blog.

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