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Nudity on miniatures...  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
Nudity on miniatures...
It is art - anything goes (yay slaanesh)
It is art but keep it tasteful
Nudity is ok but nothing sexual
Young people play, keep it PG13 or below
There is a time and a place for boobies and wargaming is not it
Everybody should be wearing full suits of armour at all times
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Made in au
Alluring Mounted Daemonette



Glory to the Twelfth! Glory to Angron!

‎"Because we couldn’t be trusted. The Emperor needed a weapon that would never obey its own desires before those of the Imperium. He needed a weapon that would never bite the hand that feeds. The World Eaters were not that weapon. We’ve all drawn blades purely for the sake of shedding blood, and we’ve all felt the exultation of winning a war that never even needed to happen. We are not the tame, reliable pets that the Emperor wanted. The Wolves obey, when we would not. The Wolves can be trusted, when we never could. They have a discipline we lack, because their passions are not aflame with the Butcher’s Nails buzzing in the back of their skulls. The Wolves will always come to heel when called. In that regard, it is a mystery why they name themselves wolves. They are tame, collared by the Emperor, obeying his every whim. But a wolf doesn’t behave that way. Only a dog does. That is why we are the Eaters of Worlds, and the War Hounds no longer."

—Captain Khârn of the World Eaters Legion's 8th Assault Company, from his unpublished treatise The Eighteen Legions 
Made in fr
Fighter Pilot

Strasbourg France

I love the way we could just replace the word nudity by BOOBS.

Realy, there is no big deal with boobs. There evry where ! Let it be on your mum, your gf, your sister, television, posters, etc....

And I wouldnt mind nudity in 40K, some would just have to put up a tutorial for schlong painting....
Made in gb
Warp-Screaming Noise Marine


Made in us
Yellin' Yoof

Carrollton, Georgia

I have sculpted a gigantic, veiny, throbbing phallus on my Bloodthirster (Turns out to be head-height for the average SM, and about the same length, lovingly dubbed by my fellow gamers as "The Dick-Monster"). I have a photo posted here on Dakka, but I wasn't done painting it, and my camera is crappy at best. I've fielded him many times, and never get anything more than a chuckle. To be honest, I think it would be damn intemidating to be fighting a battle against such a daemon. Of course, I initially had no intention of making the sculpt permanent, it was a silly and immature joke, but since then i have, mostly because no one I have played has ever complained. I stand by the sentiment that anything and everything can be art, no matter the content. It certainly doesn't hurt anyone. You cannot shelter your children forever. Furthermore, why is the nude human form so feared in modern society? It's a helluva lot more natural and pure than the majority of the things we celebrate it today's world. We glorify acts of violence overseas by calling it "patriotism", but someone slips a nip and our little world seems to go into crisis mode. I'm aware that I'm a victim of geography, residing in the Bible belt, and I appreciate the opportunity to rant for a bit. Good talk.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/02/09 17:57:47

Madboss Weerdtoof's Confed-a-ration o' Ruff'yan Freebootas 3000 2000 
Made in gb
Rampaging Reaver Titan Princeps

On your roof with a laptop

Anything fine exept the distasteful and the unnesissary *COUGH female commisars COUGH* (Squad morale restored)

Just keep dem kiddies away.

This is a signature. It contains words of an important or meaningful nature. 
Made in us
Rough Rider with Boomstick

United States

I pretty much agree with iIt is art but keep it tasteful. However I really only care for it on Daemons. Anything else seems kind of... dumb. I mean one can easily wear a light leather shirt or something but whatever. Not a big deal.

In short, keep it tasteful.

2000pts. Cadians
500pts Imperial Fist

I am Blue/White
Take The Magic Dual Colour Test - Beta today!
<small>Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.</small>

Made in gb
Lustful Cultist of Slaanesh


There is only war... No time to stand there and look hawt.

If nudity / sexiness is literally ALL the character can really offer, it'll infuriate me.
If it feels like the creator is doing everything in his power just to sex up the game, it'll infuriate me.

For 40k I just don't feel like generic sexiness really... fits. Like, at all.

Slaanesh are awesome however. They're far from generic.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/04/09 15:57:54

...Oh.. well what a piece of crap my daemon is turning out to be. :( Clicks may help improve him... He is clearly suffering.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut


The gritty sci fi story of Warhammer 40K is a dark, grim, and far from perfect. Slaanesh/Dark Eldar are ecstasy/decadence, theres no real way to sugar coat it. if you dont want your children exposed at a young age to such things then be a responsible parent. enough said.

Mantic Games Pathfinder
KoW: Basilean Legacy Dwarfs
Warpath Corperation
Warhammer Invasion LCG
Dark Elves Mill Deck
Ironclaw Aggro Deck
Nurgle Control Deck  
Made in ca
Excellent Exalted Champion of Chaos

Grim Forgotten Nihilist Forest.

Keep it in good taste.

I've sold so many armies. :(
Aeldari 3kpts
Slaves to Darkness.3k
Word Bearers 2500k
Daemons of Chaos

Made in us
Terrifying Wraith


I dont particularly like it, and find that it would probably throw off the mood on the tabletop, but if you want to do it then go right ahead.
Edit: Ah damn, did not realize that this thread died in 2012. So,uh, sorry for the necropost. Wont happen again

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/04/11 05:57:17

Dear old friends, remember Navarro 
Made in us
Unhealthy Competition With Other Legions

Tied to a bedpost in an old motel, confused and naked.

Meh, even if it's painted well I still think it's pretty lame.

Made in ax
Perfect Shot Dark Angels Predator Pilot

Whoa do you suffer Spontaneous Human Combustion whenever you see yourself in the mirror while showering or something?

Aka dont care.

A Dark Angel fell on a watcher in the Dark Shroud silently chanted Vengance on the Fallen Angels to never be Unforgiven 
Made in nl
Raging Rat Ogre

It depends on the context. I’m fine with both female and male nudity. Also why are lots of alien races being depicted as apparently nude or bare foot in lots of sci-fi ranges?

In case of player armies:
Vehicle/Banner pin-ups are fine in my book so are demons, brutes and berserker/Amazonian characters.
Ragtag characters with torn or little revealing tribal garments are ok too by me. Otherwise characters who can’t dress themselves. Like the rat ogre model who has both his hands replaced with blades. Why does he have a loincloth? Is there some Skaven slave whose ungrateful task it is too dress this violent and unpredictable creature. I would like to see that model. Complete with a look in his eyes that says he is dead inside.
Depicting explicit sexual acts on vehicles and banners is just lame and only serves to provoke a reaction if you plan to bring them to the gaming table. Not to mention if you have miniatures preforming sexual acts. Don’t have sex during a battle goddammit it would get you killed!
Commissars don’t put up with that gak!

In case of miniatures not for playing, or for those used in dioramas:
I would say go nuts. You want to depict a hedonistic orgy of excessive sex. Fine by me.
Rat ogre/Demon with an erection. Sure.
The horrors of war, featuring rape and murder. I can go with that.
Keep your weird kinks to yourself if you know it’s going to offend lots of people also don’t bring them to painting competitions and other public displays. The “it’s art and I am being provocative” won’t go down well in general. Especially if it only serves, to ruin other peoples fun.
Although you still need to hide it like porn if you ever get visitors.

A hemophobic Khorne berzerker, a germophobic plague marine and a sexy Skaven walk in to a Games workshop.....
We mark the lands with blood, in fire we prevail.
We are tremendous. We are the end of days.
It ain't appropriate for anybody, baby. That's the siren call!
Made in us
Sword Knight

It's okay as long as the nudity isn't overboard and makes sense in the lore/fluff/whatever else you call it.

Made in fr
Hallowed Canoness

So, hurray for necroposting !
I actually would enjoy more non-sexual nudity and less sexualization of female characters.

"Our fantasy settings are grim and dark, but that is not a reflection of who we are or how we feel the real world should be. [...] We will continue to diversify the cast of characters we portray [...] so everyone can find representation and heroes they can relate to. [...] If [you don't feel the same way], you will not be missed"
Made in nl
Grovelin' Grot Rigger


I like it , but use common sence when your in a public place where kids are.
Made in fi
Posts with Authority

They're your minis, you do what you will with them. But for an old geezer like me, that Kindom Death Hentai ish feels weird when sweaty beardy hikikomori's are in the same room. I don't want to be smelling any funny erections nahmean

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in gb
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain


keep it tastful, anything goes is ANYTHING goes and there are several illegal and taboo subjects that should not be crossed even in the name of art.
Made in us
Tzeentch Aspiring Sorcerer Riding a Disc

Orem, Utah

 Hybrid Son Of Oxayotl wrote:
So, hurray for necroposting !
I actually would enjoy more non-sexual nudity and less sexualization of female characters.


I don't think it is a good fit for every game (by a lot) but I rather like grotesque nudity on minis. Like the body horror stuff you see in Kingdom Death or Cthulhu Death May Die.

Made in au
Speed Drybrushing

Newcastle NSW

It is art - anything goes.
But keep it relevant, yes Slaanesh daemons are more than likely to be showing a lot of skin, female Commissars are not.

Not a GW apologist  
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