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2009/06/03 21:16:51
Subject: Imperial Landing Pad
Enginseer with a Wrench
While playing Dawn of War I was observing the Heavy Vehicle launch pad and decided to make something similar and the following is the result. I did this on the fly but you should start with a perfect square which I did not and cut the corners equal or if you you cut one corner piece, use that as a template for cutting off the other 3 corners.
This pad is entirely done with Foam Board and heavy cardstock paper. You can transfer the idea to styrene sheet if you want.
The first pic is the landing pad finished with a Lightning on the pad. By the way, that lightning is also made from paper cards stock and will be another tutorial further down the line.
This pad, unlike the one from Forge World, has two ramps. But that will be evident later on.. In the inner circle number the pieces so that you get the right one in place around the center pad. that goes for the edges also.
Strength and Honor
Silveroxide |
2009/06/03 21:39:34
Subject: Imperial Landing Pad
Hooded Inquisitorial Interrogator
You do a fantastic job with these. Really impressive work
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/06/03 21:39:47
2009/06/03 21:56:03
Subject: Imperial Landing Pad
Enginseer with a Wrench
The landing pad is basic and simple to make. I was going to make it more detailed but decided to use the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) process. It is very sturdy and can hold up to a lot of games. An added bonus is that since it is hollow underneath, you can use LED lights to light it up. Or turn it upside down to carry game pieces in. but make a cover for it so the pieces do not fall out.
As you can see from the first pic, this pad is finished but I will post it in increments. It is a lot easier and faster than my build of the super Chimera.
Strength and Honor
Silveroxide |
2009/06/04 05:25:43
Subject: Re:Imperial Landing Pad
Enginseer with a Wrench
The making of the ramps. There are two versions depicted and both give the same results. one version is multi piece, where you glue the side of the ramp on after building up the edge to catch something to glue on. The other version has the side attached and you fold them down. When you fold the edges on cardstock, Score the folding line but be careful not to cut thru. The eagles and skulls will be downloaded later along with the caution stripes. I used a hole punch to get the landing lights and rivets.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2009/06/04 05:32:34
Strength and Honor
Silveroxide |
2009/06/05 12:50:20
Subject: Re:Imperial Landing Pad
Enginseer with a Wrench
Making and placement of out-riggers. These are different than the standard flat plate out-riggers of GW. These have a pin that the crew would hammer or pneumatic stick into the ground. The pad is not only for landing but can be used a base for Artillery pieces.
Strength and Honor
Silveroxide |
2009/06/05 17:02:58
Subject: Imperial Landing Pad
Hardened Veteran Guardsman
Nice, but could do with more rivets
2009/06/05 19:16:30
Subject: Imperial Landing Pad
Enginseer with a Wrench
The rivets are on the way.
Strength and Honor
Silveroxide |
2009/06/05 21:09:44
Subject: Re:Imperial Landing Pad
Enginseer with a Wrench
The pictures say it all. I am updating the pad with lots of rivets for the rivet heads and will update it a later on, but for the time being, HERE STANDS the LANDING PAD.
Strength and Honor
Silveroxide |
2009/06/06 03:20:09
Subject: Re:Imperial Landing Pad
Enginseer with a Wrench
The last pics. Will update later with the riveted version.
Last pics are painted details, Eagles and skulls. There is also the warning stripe lines.
I hope that you enjoyed the builds as much as I did making them.
Strength and Honor
Silveroxide |
2009/06/07 23:57:09
Subject: Re:Imperial Landing Pad
Enginseer with a Wrench
Here is the pad with lots of rivets. I believe that it is a bit overkill but then, the Imperial Guard love their nuts and bolts and rivets....OH MY!.
Strength and Honor
Silveroxide |
2009/06/08 04:40:12
Subject: Re:Imperial Landing Pad
Enginseer with a Wrench
Here are the updated pics of the Pad. Retouched the rivets with Navy Grey. I still have a few more items to post. This is another option for the gamers to consider. Some may like the process and then there are the purist, who may consider that resin or plastic or nothing at all. It is the same at the paper modeling post. There they also have the paper purist, but they do have sections for other items not paper.
This landing pad is sturdy enough to withstand many games. One of the reasons I left out the rivets, is that they tend to peel off unless you varnish, lacquer or polyurethane the pad. I like mine matt over shiny so I tend not to varnish mine. Again, i hope that you enjoyed the build as i did making it.
Strength and Honor
Silveroxide |
2009/06/08 17:27:51
Subject: Re:Imperial Landing Pad
Battleship Captain
Awesome. Suace.