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Just a quick video complete with mix ratios (as making washes out of colors you have varies) It's not a pro technique but rather something you can mix up quick and get painted onto a bunch of models. We cover tarnish (patina) on Brass base coat and light rust effect over Boltgun Metal base coat.
And yes this model was just painted for the tutorial not a commission of personal mini so paint colors are in places they shouldn't be hehe.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2009/08/14 01:45:01
@gretar - You can use just water but but you will get better results using alcohol and flowaid mix.
@Death Gear - Vallejo Game Color paints are available in many places.. in the US I get mine from
@Atomic Dork - I've never used the PP ink you speak of but when I think of ink I think of it being transparent. For the "patina" the chalky effect is needed. That's why I add a little white to the mix because it helps to cloud the shiny metal, bringing the effect to life.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/08/19 10:39:08
Awesome Video, it really helps to see how the glaze was made and how to apply it. Please keep these videos coming, they are very inspiring for me as a "novice" painter!!
I've been using a similar mixture with Citadel paints for copper/brass armour on my orks. Slightly watered down Snot Green / Enchanted Blue / Bleached Bone (was just using colours I had on hand) mix seemed to provide a decent result for me.
Out of curiousity is there a huge difference between Vallejo and Citadel/other paints? I haven't seen the Vallejo game colours anywhere in Australia.
Vallejo is way better than GWimo. But that's the whole package. They are cheaper, spill proof non-dry out dropper bottles, and you get more (17ml vs GW 12ml). I think the pigments are finer in Vallejo and the paint goes on smoother.
Reaper Masters is great also for the more advanced techniques as it handles very well when heavily diluted with water. And their color range and triad sets are unmatched.
Again IMO
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/08/21 03:03:39
Hmm.. I might have a look around for them and see what they are like. Thanks for the info
The Vallejo Game colour set is $190 in Australia.. which ends up being something like $2.50 per paint not including the 3 brushes you get. Probly get it just for the fact the paints are in dropper bottles which make mixing colours alot easier than the Citadel paints which make mxing a PITA.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/08/26 03:55:30