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Female Guard head idea  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Whiteshield Conscript Trooper


Im currentl working on the last two of ghost squad ( reskon and tanya) and i was wondering if anyone had some ideas for tanyas head because i was planning on trying my luck with green stuff and a bold male head or just cutting eowyns head off

Me insane sir? well maybe just a little. 
Made in us
Sinewy Scourge

Look online for bits. Or you could look through fantasy and lord of the rings, because i think they have female models.

"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Made in us
Hardened Veteran Guardsman

the 25th century

There are companies that sell female plastic heads and other assorted bits, I think Maxmini and Microartstudio do as well as Hasslefree. You might find something in the WH fantasy line that will work, but LoTR models won't, they are on a different scale than 40k.
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Junior Officer with Laspistol

Sheffield, England

There's these, for one:


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Lesser Daemon of Chaos

North west England

Beasts of war had abit about female troopers in their lastest on the table . The miniatures the set is from is same size as guards men.

“Battle not with monsters lest ye become a monster and if you gaze into the abyss the abyss gazes into you.”

Friedrich Nietzsche
I went to God just to see and I was looking at me, saw heaven and hell were lies , but when I am God every one dies -The refelcting God

MMmm BarB-Qued pestilence...just like Papa Nurgle use to make.  
Made in us
Whiteshield Conscript Trooper


Some of my friends suggested looking at warhammer heads but ill give the websites a try.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/03/21 21:50:19

Me insane sir? well maybe just a little. 
Made in us
Drop Trooper with Demo Charge


The guys at Bwbits just introduced a bits pack for Female Heads. Look under "Other companies Interesting bitz" and scrool down.

Good to be back!

2500pts of Imperial's ready to fight

750-1000pts of Nids WIP 
Made in de
Food for a Giant Fenrisian Wolf

If you have a female mini with a cute face, you could take some green stuff and push it into her face to build a stamp for reproducing it out of green stuff or melted plastic. I tried this with Kasrkin masks and it worked out quite well. Just make a negative green stuff form, wait till its hard and then you can use it as a stamp as often as you want to.
Made in se
Slaanesh Chosen Marine Riding a Fiend

Uppsala, Sweden


Loads and loads of female models. Might be a bit too "manga" for your taste though.

I'd say the lack of proper female heads is a serious problem for me. I have done some of the greenstuff moulding that Boch talks about. It works great.
Made in us
Lord of the Fleet

Seneca Nation of Indians

TPC used to have a series of resin female IG, but contacting them can be difficult since their site got hacked.

Fate is in heaven, armor is on the chest, accomplishment is in the feet. - Nagao Kagetora
Made in de
Food for a Giant Fenrisian Wolf

Female Void miniaturs have really nice faces. They're usually cheap and since they mostly look like bodybuilders you wanna cut off their heads and throw away the bodies anyway. I even did this once to build a female imperial psycer. I think it worked out well.
[Thumb - DAKKA3.jpg]

Made in us

Boch wrote:Female Void miniaturs have really nice faces. They're usually cheap and since they mostly look like bodybuilders you wanna cut off their heads and throw away the bodies anyway. I even did this once to build a female imperial psycer. I think it worked out well.

It DID work out well - very nice!
Made in gb
Wrathful Warlord Titan Commander

Ramsden Heath, Essex

Boch wrote:Female Void miniaturs have really nice faces. They're usually cheap and since they mostly look like bodybuilders you wanna cut off their heads and throw away the bodies anyway. I even did this once to build a female imperial psycer. I think it worked out well.

@ Boch - I am not familiar with void minis, are these pictures the originals or your work.

Sorry if I am being dense here.

I see what you mean about the bodybuilders, the mini on the right has a feminine face but man hands. Usually the sure sign of a Tranny!

How do you promote your Hobby? - Legoburner "I run some crappy wargaming website " 
Made in de
Food for a Giant Fenrisian Wolf

The mini to the right is a Void original (named »Knight of the Spirit«), painted by me a few years ago. The mini to the left is a heavyly converted Imperial Guardsman. Took the head from a Celtos mini (by iKore — back then the producer of Celtos and Void) and the Storm Trooper Carapace is stuffed. I believe today Void and Celtos is published by Urban Mammoth.
Made in gb
Sure Space Wolves Land Raider Pilot

nottingam, uk

mmmm, I like your idea, but I dont think using male heads is the best way to go about it as the face should be a different shape. I have played with GS amongst many other mediums to sculpt famale heads, and it's not easy, and have rejected many attempts as they were not symmetrical, or just plain ugly!. I ended up studying a picture of Angelina Jolie's face, to work out the contours of an "attractive" female face. I wish you the greatest of luck, I sincerely hope you give the sculpting a go yourself.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/03/22 14:13:35

No more brutal honesty,
how about some honest brutality?
visit http://poisoncandyminiatures.webs.com
Made in us
Whiteshield Conscript Trooper


Actually the one on the right kinda lookedwhat i was going for, someone strong but didnt look like the offspring of an space marine and an imperial guardswoman, let us hope that never happens or all hell will break loose.
But i do happen to have a good amount of bald men heads so i could try that and i now know why not to use warhammer heads dear god those things dont fit on my guardsmen. Once i finally get some sort of thing organized and get more torsos and legs once i gather up some money after my last trek to GW( so many choices ) ill probaly post the entire squad as a whole.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2010/03/22 20:00:08

Me insane sir? well maybe just a little. 
Made in gb
Roarin' Runtherd

Midlands (Badlands) UK

Boch wrote:If you have a female mini with a cute face, you could take some green stuff and push it into her face to build a stamp for reproducing it out of green stuff or melted plastic. I tried this with Kasrkin masks and it worked out quite well. Just make a negative green stuff form, wait till its hard and then you can use it as a stamp as often as you want to.

Now that is a great idea..... *shuffles off to modeling box*

Hung like Einstein, Brain of a Horse.... Or just clever enough realise 'ow stooopid I is. ~2000
Made in us
Whiteshield Conscript Trooper


Not a bad idea and i tried GS ing my own head it still looked like a guy.... just long green hair... or a very large hood.

Me insane sir? well maybe just a little. 
Made in au
Regular Dakkanaut

Brisbane Australia

Wood Elf Glade gaurd heds are pretty cool if you dont mind a "wilder" look. Ill be using them for some female Slaanesh marine bits bashing soon.

Boch: Love that conversion mate.


Angels Of Ecstasy CSM WIP
Space Wolves 1500 Points
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Necromunda WIP 
Made in us
Whiteshield Conscript Trooper


One of my friends ( he doesnt play much but he looks at the website and stuff) sugested using Damonettes .... I very much doubt that i want my people to become demons in the middle of a game. I kinda wish GW made some heads for us instead.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I probaly will go with the waywatchers or buy one onlice

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2010/03/24 23:29:15

Me insane sir? well maybe just a little. 
Made in de
Food for a Giant Fenrisian Wolf

I wouldn't use Deamonettes, unless you want a zombie-looking army (unsing the plasic heads) or females without noses (using the metal heads). I wouldn't use Wood Elfs' heads either, 'cause, they'd still look like Wood Elfs.
But I got another idea: In every Sisters of Battle Immolator or Exorcist there is a plastic head of a Sororitas in the sprue. I can imagine that would look pretty cool on an Imperial Trooper's body.
Maybe you can buy some of those heads online, or maybe you know someone who plays Witch Hunters and has those as spare parts.
Btw, here's a good link: https://sslsites.de/forgeworlds.de/index.php?cPath=90_91_305_1262_458
Made in us
Whiteshield Conscript Trooper


Soon i hope to order some female models from online that i choose from shadow forge and urban mammoth hope to get them painted up and online soon

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/04/03 03:03:02

Me insane sir? well maybe just a little. 
Made in us
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Los Angeles, CA, USA

You might also try Micro Art studios as well.
Made in us
Fighter Pilot

The Ark

scorp wrote:Im currentl working on the last two of ghost squad ( reskon and tanya) and i was wondering if anyone had some ideas for tanyas head because i was planning on trying my luck with green stuff and a bold male head or just cutting eowyns head off

Somebody forgot their 'Y's this Morning!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Boch wrote:Female Void miniaturs have really nice faces. They're usually cheap and since they mostly look like bodybuilders you wanna cut off their heads and throw away the bodies anyway. I even did this once to build a female imperial psycer. I think it worked out well.

Their is a e in miniaturs. lol, arent I an Ass hat!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/04/05 03:38:45

Made in us
Lord of the Fleet

Seneca Nation of Indians

Yes, you are. That is the only statement that I cannot find fault with that you have made.

Fate is in heaven, armor is on the chest, accomplishment is in the feet. - Nagao Kagetora
Made in de
Food for a Giant Fenrisian Wolf

OMG! How could I forget the "E"?! I swear this has never happened to me before — please forgive me, great lord! For sure the whole Internet would fall into chaos, if it wasn't for you, who stays up all night until all spellings in the known existing forums are corrected. You're so right! Who needs sleep or sex or even a life anyway!! You are my hero, Jackoff Douche Man (or whatever heroic name your initials stand for...), I love you, keep up the great work!
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

always got the hasslefree heads if you want to greenstuff the hair yourself.


i always thought they looked a lot better than most on the market

The Imperium of Man is able to traverse the Warp with difficulty when their Emperor concentrates from his golden life support machine and lights the way. Unfortunately, because the Emperor has the attention span of the average 5-year-old Pokemon fanboy, this means that many an unfortunate Imperial ship has had the WTF WHERE'D THE LIGHTS GO experience, which in the Warp is invariably fatal.  
Made in us
Implacable Skitarii


i didn't see this posted yet but Chronoscope minis by Reaper look good and even if you don't use the modals the heads also look good.

one mini they make that i suggest is

You know you're spending too much time on 40k when... you worry about the Gets Hot! rule when turning on a plasma tv. - frightenedfreddie
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Bounding Assault Marine

Rubidoux, CA

I've been trying to do this for a few years now, if you can get them Escher Gangers from Necromunda work pretty good if you don't mind mohawks, as for Void I just use the minis asis they work good there was another mini line I liked with realy good female infantry, can't remember the name right now but they made GW minis look cheap costwise ($8+ for one mini)

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