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Anvil Industry - August Final days: Medieval Mech Loyalty Reward + Civilian Disaster Response!  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Da Head Honcho Boss Grot


You can't argue with that logic "RULE OF COOL"

Trooper : Sir if we are stealth commandos why is are armour bright yellow ?

Commander : Don't you want to look cool when you die soldier ?

Trooper : Hell Yeah

Commander : Then don't ask stupid questions.

What's in the next Kickstarter by the way ?

P.S. Hey back to work you can rest when you're dead
Made in nl
Zealous Knight

Since strike backers could get recon stuff shipped with a webstore order IIRC, would it be okay if someone were to order a .50GBP bit plus shipping and ask for the existing parts to be shipped along, or is that a bit too cheeky?
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Bolognesus wrote:
Since strike backers could get recon stuff shipped with a webstore order IIRC, would it be okay if someone were to order a .50GBP bit plus shipping and ask for the existing parts to be shipped along, or is that a bit too cheeky?

Yeah thats fine with us.

So long as people pay the shipping, its reasonably easy to partially ship a pledge.

Shipping is only few pounds, but if we had offered split shipping to all, free of charge, it would add up to hundreds of pounds extra and the project is running on very tight/non existent profit margins already.

Creative Director at Anvil Industry. Posting on Dakka in a personal capacity, except in the official Anvil Industry N&R thread.
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Anvil Digital Forge on Patreon

Made in dk
Dakka Veteran


Those minis are really awesome Joel, you guys have made a heck of set here. Congrats once again.

Made in nl
Zealous Knight

Awesome, thanks. Order placed
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Edit: Not sure if I can post about your normal products here since this seems KS heavy now.

I pm'd you Anvil.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/04/29 17:27:15

My mostly terrain and Sons of Orar blog:
 whalemusic360 wrote:
Alph, I expect like 90 sets of orange/blue from you.
Made in gb
Been Around the Block

Made in gb
Warning From Magnus? Not Listening!


Niiiiice Cool bit of freehand on the box

Dead account, no takesy-backsies 
Made in us
Swamp Troll

San Diego

Any chance of there being little gun attachments for that top protuding bit on the exo suit guys? (I'm thinking Edge of Tomorrow)

Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


 Anvils Hammer wrote:
The conversation went something like

me - "are you sure bright yellow is a good idea? I cant imagine stealthy commandos running around in that"
Adam- "I dont care, it will look amazing".

and I cant argue with that..

It's hard to argue with the rule of cool.
They do have a bit of a racing theme going. Which is cool. And the pulse mechs up the back with their arms outstretched do look they're making race car noises.

 Anvils Hammer wrote:
@Snrub - Everything will be available at retail later in the year, and we are also planning a "starter box" at some point, probably based around events in Volume 2, so with some new miniatures and hopefully the first printed rules booklet.

So for clarification, was the 1st KS volume 1 and SoL is volume 2 or is SoL volume 1 with volume 2 being the next instalment? In regards to the starter box, any idea on price/model count/etc?

And I just noticed you've got the Afterlife forums up and running. Nice one.

My Blogs -
Hobby Blog
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Thanks guys!

@Dwartist - Amazing! I love it.

Thanks for the photos.

@Mlas - I just had a look at the Edge of Tommorow stuff, i actually havent seen the film yet, I really should.

No plans for attachement points exactly like those, but the "support" varient Pulse Mechs will have 'behind the shouldrer' weapon mounts, so those might be suitable for conversions.

@Snrub -

The recent Shards of Liberty KS was/is Volume One.

Volume Two is to come, and at the moment I have a rough outline but no concrete information to share. I also wont know anything about the starter box for a while, We wont start planning it out until everything from this KS has been released to full retail sale.

Creative Director at Anvil Industry. Posting on Dakka in a personal capacity, except in the official Anvil Industry N&R thread.
Anvil Industry Webstore
Anvil Industry Facebook Page with regular updates/news.
Anvil Digital Forge on Patreon

Made in us
Thermo-Optical Tuareg


The Raider suits pretty much are the ones from Edge of Tomorrow. Whatever you did when you redesigned the Pulse suits though, they just look better and better every time I see them. It seems like with the Pulse suits, the Unity Council is falling a bit behind technologically. The Pulse suits look way more advanced than the AJAX.

Made in gb
Warning From Magnus? Not Listening!


Made an order so I can get my Shard Recon stuff shipped out, couldn't be more excited!

Dead account, no takesy-backsies 
Made in us
Been Around the Block

 Barzam wrote:
The Raider suits pretty much are the ones from Edge of Tomorrow. Whatever you did when you redesigned the Pulse suits though, they just look better and better every time I see them. It seems like with the Pulse suits, the Unity Council is falling a bit behind technologically. The Pulse suits look way more advanced than the AJAX.

I imagine the Pulse Suits are absolute bleeding edge Special Forces exclusive for the Republic; the Unity Council's R&D is likely capable of producing something similar or even better (given the fluff, they probably already have but it requires some hideously immoral surgical "enhancement" for the pilots that is getting in the way of more general deployment). The AJAX's description of the most advanced mech in production probably refers to general issue stuff rather than the "ace customs" on display on SoL
Made in se
Longtime Dakkanaut

My small package just arrived.
I just backed for a squad of Unity Guard and the models look as great in person as in the pictures, if not better. Hardly any flash or mold lines (I don't even need to drill out the barrels).

Some details on their helmets for example is a little shallow so I need to be careful to not obscure it when priming but I think they'll look sweet once painted.

I'm very pleased to have received an extra Guard model as well!

Made in gb
Been Around the Block

WIP: Idaho Yoshida, Strike Commander
Made in gb
Da Head Honcho Boss Grot


Can you just paint my miniatures for me looks awesome combined talents always do
Made in gb
Calculating Commissar


Ok, got the latest email update for the Kickstarter. I like the new design angle for the CRANE infantry, although I do think it is a pity the trenchcoats have gone, from what I could tell from the image anyway. The gun in particular looks significantly more high tech, rather than just a standard 21st Century SAW. I can imagine it using some sort of high tech caselss ammo or something, to keep up the huge volleys of firepower. Will they have a large ammo box as a backpack? The targeting gear in the helmet looks good It would appear to be pretty much the same helm, but with targeting lenses, and I liked the helmet design before a lot. This just fits their role better, without changing the aesthetic too much (of the helmet).

My only real gripe is that the trenchcoat has gone, I thought that was a good look, but I can see that this differentiates them from the Unity Guard more.

I don't have a problem with waiting a bit longer either I would much rather you be a perfectionist over details and put out a better product than get worse models quicker It's not like I can do anything with the models anyway till I get home from Uni in late June.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/05/20 10:03:24

 ChargerIIC wrote:
If algae farm paste with a little bit of your grandfather in it isn't Grimdark I don't know what is.
Made in us
Thermo-Optical Tuareg


I suggested having a skirt like the snow troopers from ESB. That could at least keep a similar silhouette.

I'm not really feeling the chest mount for the gun though. It doesn't provide the shooter enough mobility. Something like a steadycam mount would work a lot bettet.

Made in gb
Calculating Commissar


Well, the way the mount looks to me, is that it clips on, and looks like it has a quick-release easy to remove kind of mechanism, for increased mobility, and then gets clipped on for sustained firing, like deploying a MMG.

 ChargerIIC wrote:
If algae farm paste with a little bit of your grandfather in it isn't Grimdark I don't know what is.
Made in us
Swamp Troll

San Diego

Single point slings are not new. It just looks like an evolution of that system. Usually at the level she's operating, she'd be allowed to pick or provide her own specialty gear.

Made in us
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

 Anvils Hammer wrote:
@RiTides - "They were protected by women and children, we put them down easily" has got to be one of the most horrifying deadpan lines in the move. They use shotguns based on the WA2000 sniper rifle in that scene, which I real like.

Your pose B pack of Drones are high on the priority list after Salute.

Awesome Equilibrium quote!

Any word on the B pack of Drones, I am really looking forward to those

Also, this...

...is just amazing

Edit: I'm behind the times, there was just an update posted with these already in resin!


This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/05/29 01:18:43

Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

Does anyone know how the shipping is going for the models that are already finished? I only pledged for some drones and am slightly surprised that they have not shown up yet.

Also the models above are awesome. It has been a great pleasure watching Anvil Industries grow over these few short years.

Made in gb
Calculating Commissar


Was it Drone pack B? As far as I can remember, they are working through the Shard Strike set, and had a bit of a hitch in redesigning the CRANE infantry shown above, and will be completing the add-on packs after finishing Strike. Drones are high on the add-on priority list (which is being done in order of popularity IIRC), so expect your drones around mid to late June I would say.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/05/29 09:21:52

 ChargerIIC wrote:
If algae farm paste with a little bit of your grandfather in it isn't Grimdark I don't know what is.
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Morning all,

Thanks for the positive feedback on the CRANE infantry.

I am making really good progress with the rest of the miniatures and I think SHARD STRIKE should be completed by the end of next week.

Once the figures from Shard Strike are done, completing War Drone pose pack B is top of the list and should take a couple of days in total to complete.

As people have been waiting a while I will be making sure Pose Pack B has some good content, not just a couple of different sets of legs.

Creative Director at Anvil Industry. Posting on Dakka in a personal capacity, except in the official Anvil Industry N&R thread.
Anvil Industry Webstore
Anvil Industry Facebook Page with regular updates/news.
Anvil Digital Forge on Patreon

Made in us
Swamp Troll

San Diego

I have to say, I really enjoy that those guns appear to be closer to the correct scale than some of your older weapons. The posing on your figures has also improved greatly since the first time I saw your stuff

I'm hating that I have to wait for this stuff to go retail but it's been a real pleasure to watch it unfold.

Made in us
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

Sounds excellent, Anvil! I'd much rather wait for quality, so your plan for pack B is great (and if they have good pose variation and weapon options these could be a really big future seller, so better to take the time to get it right).

I agree with the others that watching this process has been awesome, particularly lately now that you seem to have gotten past the teething issues with the printer! The Crane infantry are my favorite infantry sculpts of yours yet . Of course, like Cain I'm really here for the drones but may get tempted into a few more things (your gun tractors are what got me to first dip my toe in, after all!).

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/05/29 14:52:26

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Thanks guys,

@MLaw - Yep I have scaled the weapons down slightly for the newer stuff, still heroic scaled, but not to the same extent.

We will get it to retail as fast as we can!

@RiTides - Aiming to complete SHARD STRIKE this week still, so the Drones should be finished quite soon indeed

I am certainly really pleased our printer is working, but its actually a second one, the first one is still being a pain, I need time to fix and modify it but wont get a chance now until after the KS is done.

Here are three new female figures from the KS,

On the left a Spectre Operative, In the middle a named character, Gabriela Aguilar, read her full Bio HERE, and on the right a republic Commando, part of Idaho Yoshidas elite unit.

Creative Director at Anvil Industry. Posting on Dakka in a personal capacity, except in the official Anvil Industry N&R thread.
Anvil Industry Webstore
Anvil Industry Facebook Page with regular updates/news.
Anvil Digital Forge on Patreon

Made in us
Thermo-Optical Tuareg


Joel, what are you doing? You're making sensibly dressed and propotioned female figures? No bare midriffs? No boob plates? No butts sticking out? What heresy is thid?

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut


Everything looks excellent!


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