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2010/11/06 14:43:49
Subject: Re:Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!
@Empchild: Thanks.
@Sageheart: Unfortunately, I can't take credit for the sculpting of those.
@wolfshadow: They're more or less scratch-built/sculpted (apart from the "faces" and legs)
@Lennysmash: Thanks for your comment. I just painted the main torso of the objective marker in a grey-ish blue (will add some markings and such to make him look more pleasing) and not green as you suggest, but your idea finally got me thinking and put me on the right track i think. I don't really mind the changes in Paintpots because since the screw-top ones they introduced in the late 90s (which were pretty much horrible), all changes were for the better so far. And as I said, I also like the new ones (apart from the fact that they look way smaller than the 2003 paintpots. All they need to do is add that tiny little lid and I'm happy. I also use Vallejo paints (VMC and VMA) but mostly to fill gaps in the Citadel palette and for basecoating (which VMC are great for). Never really got the fuzz about dropped bottles. They're nice for Model Air colours but on VMC, I really don't need them and would prefer regular pots. But to each their own I guess. Price is a good argument though.
Anyway, maybe you remember that I'm on a tight schedule at the moment. Here's the first WIP of the first Wolf Lord (who has to be finished by Monday at the latest):
...and a detail shot of the right shoulderpad:
At first I wasn't too sure on how to tackle that guy but I'm starting to like him. He reminds me a lot of the time I painted the Warboss for my Space Orks army (bottom of the page).
Anyway, I'm proceeding pretty well and it's fun to paint him. My cold is getting better as well and I'll do a little trip to GW on Monday to get a replacement for the miscast Sicarius I recently got.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/11/06 14:48:35
2010/11/06 23:45:31
Subject: Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log
Veteran Wolf Guard Squad Leader
Bobbing along on the briny North Sea, and Montrose, Scotland when home
Absolutely loving the wolf lord.... is the wolf sculpted or purchased, and if so where??
Paint job is amazing, and i like the detailing of the riders legs
Kanluwen wrote: What's that quote from Mauleed? "When you can make complete strangers on the Internet hate you, you know you're doing something magical."?
Hatemonger wrote: If that is true, then GW must be run by Gandalf and Nagash and Harry Potter and Tinker Bell, because this site alone is crapping rainbows worth of magical internet nerdrage.
- H8
18000+ points
3000+ points
Follow my Space Wolf building exploits here@ |
2010/11/07 00:55:37
Subject: Re:Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!
@dantay_xv: I get this question a lot. They're bought. Just google for "".
So basically the heraldry of the lord is continued on the Wolf as well, effectively making him a "battle brother" by giving him a left shoulderpad with the gread company badge on it.
I really love the messed up lighting on the first picture:
....and here's a WIP of the last mission marker:
Hope you like everything.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/11/07 01:02:27
2010/11/07 01:05:24
Subject: Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log
Veteran Wolf Guard Squad Leader
Bobbing along on the briny North Sea, and Montrose, Scotland when home
Yep I do, so is this Erik Morkai, the Wolf Lord himself?
Will give it a look, thanks
LOL you should put a note in your signature about wolves at wargamma and charge them comissions for sales
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/11/07 01:06:36
Kanluwen wrote: What's that quote from Mauleed? "When you can make complete strangers on the Internet hate you, you know you're doing something magical."?
Hatemonger wrote: If that is true, then GW must be run by Gandalf and Nagash and Harry Potter and Tinker Bell, because this site alone is crapping rainbows worth of magical internet nerdrage.
- H8
18000+ points
3000+ points
Follow my Space Wolf building exploits here@ |
2010/11/07 09:12:52
Subject: Re:Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit
Sigur wrote:
....and here's a WIP of the last mission marker:
The painting is great and I'm assuming you'll weather the metals a little too. I had a good old laugh though because an ATM here is a cash point. I just have an image of a line of Space Wolves and Orks all lined up waiting to take out cash.
No trees were hurt in the making of this sig, however many electrons were disturbed.
2010/11/07 09:24:07
Subject: Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log
Poxed Plague Monk
Squeek Klaw Klan: Under-Empire
Where did you get the wolves from?
How to make wargaming Terrain: EASY |
2010/11/07 10:25:38
Subject: Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log
Decrepit Dakkanaut
Inspiring stuff, and great to see some love for Rackham paints!
Theophony"... and there's strippers in terminator armor and lovecraftian shenanigans afoot."
Solar_Lion: "Man this sums up your blog nicely."
Anpu-adom: "being Geek is about Love. Some love broadly. Some love deeply. And then there are people like Graven. |
2010/11/07 18:53:44
Subject: Re:Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!
@dantay_xv: You're welcome. I actually considered getting a bunch of these wolves and selling them on. :p
@Lennysmash: Thanks for the comment. The ATM thing is deliberate. I figured I had to do something "funny" with this one because it's such an inexplicable, techy wotsit of which nobody really knows what it does so I thought it may be just as well an ATM.
@MiloticMaster: The regular wolves are scratchbuilt/converted, the Thunder Wolves are from *puts another marker on the imaginary "where are those wolves from"-count*
@inmygravenimage: Cheers. I don't particularly love them but I got them at a sale, I think the pots are okay enough and they're alright to work with if watered down a lot (otherwise, they get a little "rubbery").
Small update - marker's done!
Cute thing that. He really looks like some kind of 1950s TV series robot.
The wolf lord himself is also finished now but doesn't look drastically different to the last update so no pictures of him this time. I've got some more work done on the Wolf and I should be able to finish him by tomorrow. Now for that Chooser of the Slain marker...
2010/11/07 21:40:24
Subject: Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log
Boom! Leman Russ Commander
hahahhah i love that its an ATM hahaha
"Reality is, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away"
-Philip K. Dick
Constant Lurker, Slowly getting back into modelling! Someday a P&M Blog link will lurk here! |
2010/11/07 22:26:20
Subject: Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log
the thunder wolf that has its mouth open you can see the gap... Cool paint job btw.
| (Space Sharks and Tau)
DJ @
Mon, Thursday+Fri 06am - 09am EST
We refuse to take sides in this anymore. And we refuse to let you turn us against one another. We know who we are now, we can find our own way between order and chaos...
It's over because we've decided it's over. Now get the hell out of our galaxy! Both of you.
"Whoever takes purple sash is purple, and follows purple leader." I follow purple tau. Theophony
2010/11/08 00:16:48
Subject: Re:Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!
@Sageheart: Glad you like it.
@Miss Dee: Thanks for the heads up. Yeah, I'll have to fix that.
Again, little update:
A new chooser of the slain marker or just a regular casuality.
2010/11/08 07:03:34
Subject: Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log
Rampaging Chaos Russ Driver
Philipppines/United Kingdom
Is that a pun on the scene in Dog Soldiers?
Hand him some super glue. Automatically Appended Next Post: "Oh, guts are out, Coop!" -SGT Wells, with his abdomen torn open, in great pain.
"Then we'll just put them back in again!" -Cooper, trying to push the Sarge's intestines back in and stick it with super glue.
Really good work btw.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/11/08 07:06:31
Makati Marauders Gaming and Painting Club.
2010/11/09 07:16:29
Subject: Re:Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log
Willing Inquisitorial Excruciator
Sigur wrote:
@wolfshadow: They're more or less scratch-built/sculpted (apart from the "faces" and legs)
Any chance of a Tutorial?
2010/11/09 15:35:21
Subject: Re:Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log
Alluring Sorcerer of Slaanesh
Union, Kentucky United States
I really like the dying marine, and more so that is how I always pictured a fenrisian wolf.
Listen, my children, as I pass onto you the truth behind Willy Wonka and his factory. For every wonka bar ever created in existance, Mr. Wonka sacraficed a single Oompa Loompa to the god of chocolate, Hearshys. Then, he drank the blood of the fallen orange men because he fed them a constant supply of sugary chocolate so they all became diabetic and had creamy, sweet-tasting blood that willy could put into each and every Wonka bar. That is the REAL story behind willy wonka's Slaughter House! |
2010/11/10 01:08:00
Subject: Re:Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!
@manoknok: Not seen the movie, but your quote is getting me intrigued.
@wolfshadow: About the painting - sure, about the modelling - hardly possible, I didn't sculpt them. My client preferred to have his own personal sculptor do the wolves.
@Empchild: Thanks.
...aaaaand here's what I'm doing now: Bloodbowl!
I probably should have been doing something else today (like finishing one of the bazillion other project on my table) but these minis were very tempting. These, like the Bloodbowl Frogmen I did a few months ago, are by Gaspez Arts and now I'm fully convinced that they know their stuff. The Frogmen were cute as a novelty theme but these sculptors also do very, very good classic humanoid chaos marauders. Excellent. The miniatures are very big, definately more like 30 to 32mm scale than 28mm, but they're neat and fun to paint. That's why I'm also going a bit over the agreed painting level on this job.
Anyhow, let me apologize for the rather bad pictures; they look neater in real life.
Hope to finish these guys tomorrow so I can return to Space Wolfy stuff, Chaos Space Marines and whatnot. Seeya then!
2010/11/10 01:53:57
Subject: Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log
Willing Inquisitorial Excruciator
Nice looking blood bowl team.
Thats a shame you didnt sculpt the wolves.
2010/11/11 03:05:00
Subject: Re:Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!
qwolfshadow: Yeah, I'd love to take credit for having modelled these wolves though.
I really kind of went over the necessary level but these were fun to paint. Seeing as how they have loads of mutations, I tried to make them colourful and diverse whilst sticking to a certain number of base colours. They really represent Chaos Undivided and look like true inhabitants of the deep chaos wastes.
Out of the three BB teams I painted so far, these have to be my favorite. Each miniature is a whole character. If you ever plan to get a Chaos team for BB - get these miniatures.
And here's a Space Wolves update as well! Well, not that much of an update really...but I got new pictures at least!
Wolf Lord, finished with new Base:
Apart from that, I have to apologize to the cheap-o Revell airbrush gun. A few weeks ago, I more or less called it a useless piece of junk that doesn't work. I have to retract the "useless" part. It's really useful for varnishing a lot of miniatures at once. Tears through your paints but gets the job done quickly.
Speaking of airbrush matters, my new moisture trap/pressure regulator arrived. Works fine now and the whole thing is almost airtight now. Woohoo!
Anyway, thanks for looking. C&C welcome as well!
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2010/11/11 03:36:41
2010/11/13 18:10:31
Subject: Re:Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!
Well, a small update on them Khorne Marines:
A wee bit monotonous to paint. Planning to have them finished by mid-next week at the latest.
2010/11/13 21:14:52
Subject: Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log
Whats the best way to you get motavated to do other peep's minis?
| (Space Sharks and Tau)
DJ @
Mon, Thursday+Fri 06am - 09am EST
We refuse to take sides in this anymore. And we refuse to let you turn us against one another. We know who we are now, we can find our own way between order and chaos...
It's over because we've decided it's over. Now get the hell out of our galaxy! Both of you.
"Whoever takes purple sash is purple, and follows purple leader." I follow purple tau. Theophony
2010/11/15 13:04:13
Subject: Re:Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!
Good question. I think that many people burn out pretty quickly after starting serious commission work and I'm a bit surprised I haven't (yet ) completely burnt out. Had a pretty big low in fall 2009 though and this weekend, I was just not able to touch any fantasy minis. But in general, I guess I'm pretty resistant to monotony or boredom. Apart from that (and I know how corny that sounds), I really love painting those little buggers and I'm so darned happy that I have the opportunity to do this for a job now and at times I'm panicking that I might fail and am not able to do this any more or that I get some physical condition and can't paint minis any more. So depending on how you look it, it's either love for the subject or block-headed, cold-blooded panic of the future.
As for suggestions to others - I guess it's important to find a balance between keeping work diverse and getting stuff done. So it's a good thing to work on different subjects at once but keeping in mind that they should get finished fast.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/11/15 13:26:02
2010/11/16 13:06:08
Subject: Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log
He wants standard space wolves minis but the blasted sw grey dont go well over shadow grey so i have to put a light grey over that ... I now know what im gonna do and thats miss out the shadow grey.
| (Space Sharks and Tau)
DJ @
Mon, Thursday+Fri 06am - 09am EST
We refuse to take sides in this anymore. And we refuse to let you turn us against one another. We know who we are now, we can find our own way between order and chaos...
It's over because we've decided it's over. Now get the hell out of our galaxy! Both of you.
"Whoever takes purple sash is purple, and follows purple leader." I follow purple tau. Theophony
2010/11/17 14:30:16
Subject: Re:Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!
@Miss Dee: I suggest only using one GW Grey. They just don't work together too well. Use one Grey and base the whole job on that by using mixes. I rarely use any colour right out of the pot and use a ton of mixes just because I prefer getting the exact colour I need. Nothing worse than trying to highlight one GW colour with another one (there's exceptions of course but I'd much rather highlight enchanted blue with an enchanted blue/white- or renchanted blue/bleached bone-mix rather than with Ice Blue. Just an example.)
So I was able to overcome my utter inability to even look at grey Space Wolves and got a bit done.
Built/Converted some Wolf Scouts:
The guys in the front (axe and prominent sword) have power weapons, the guy with the bare arm to the left of the poweraxe guy is getting mark of the Wulfen. Armless guy will get a Melter.
Proceeded with painting the Thunderwolf Cav and the Hero of Wolf Guard:
I guess I shouldn't write that down because it doesn't sound motivated but I figured that whining will make me seem so much more authentic, so here we go: painting grey power armour is no fun. Battle Damage is completely annoying.
Two days ago I got some work done on the Khorne Berzerkers as well. They're about 70 to 80% finished now.
2010/11/17 16:41:19
Subject: Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log
Freelance Soldier
Bristol, UK
Lovely stuff here Sigur, looks absolutely great.
Can I suggest skipping forward 10 years to the age where you don't really care about what people say on the internet. Studies show that it decreases your anger about life in general by 37%. - Flashman |
2010/11/23 16:20:46
Subject: Re:Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!
@Natorum: Thanks.
Okay, I know there hasn't been an update in quite a while. So let's see what's new...I've mainly been working on some Khorne Chaos Space Marines but they're still not finished (sorry).
I won at a painting competition over at . I'm usually not hugely into painting competitions but this one had an interesting theme so I decided to participate. Here's a picture of my winning entry:
I only had two days or so to think of something to do, build and paint everything so it's not perfectly executed but it was fun putting the thing together.
Apart from that, the Thunderwolf Cavalry and a Wolfguard Hero will be finished within the next few days.
2010/12/01 12:49:40
Subject: Re:Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!
Alrighty, something new on the Space Wolves front:
The first five Terminators are about 70% finished. Not sure, maybe I need to redo the power weapons completely which would be very annoying but I'm afraid I messed those up a bit. Tried something new and I think I have to work on that technique a bit more.
2010/12/03 01:15:26
Subject: Re:Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!
SO! Massive pictures time!
Finished Thunderwolf Cav:
(the Wolfguard hero still needs his Combimelta though)
Finished Terminators:
Variant armament for the Cyclone Terminator:
...and here's the new stuff!
Wolf Scouts (now twice as Space Barbarian-esque!) with two mission objective markers:
The second Wolf Lord:
It's really nice how this one looks very different to the first Wolf Lord.
So, that's tonight's update. I hope you like it.
edit: If the pictures aren't displayed properly this means that my photobucket bandwidth is exceeded. The pictures should be back up in a few days. Until then, you can have a look at them here:
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/12/03 15:49:07
2010/12/03 03:22:54
Subject: Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log
Vive Sigur! Beautiful work!
2010/12/03 10:22:44
Subject: Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit
Can't see atm cos of photo-bucket's lame advertising strategy. Very excited though if they are the quality you have already put out.
No trees were hurt in the making of this sig, however many electrons were disturbed.
2010/12/03 11:10:02
Subject: Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log
Willing Inquisitorial Excruciator
Might want to upload to the gallery here. No 'bandwidth exceeded' messages, and it bypasses a lot of folks work filters. I know I cannot see a lot of photobucket images while @ work.
2010/12/03 15:25:14
Subject: Re:Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!
Thanks for the suggestions, especially the heads up about work filters. I'll upload pictures to the galleries here. My photobucket bandwidth should be refreshed around the 8th, until then I'll use external galleries or just my other photobucket account.
edit: Uploaded the pictures in the Gallery now:
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/12/03 15:47:42