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Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

The first bunch of kits are now available on my Cults3d!

Type Alpha Logistics Crates:

The Type Alpha Logistics Crates fit perfectly on smallscale terrain. Originally designed for 6mm-8mm scales, it can probably be upscaled for 15mm gaming as well.

- 1 closed crate
- 16 opened crates (various types of contents)
- 1 crate handler (figure is about 7.3mm tall)


Type Beta Logistics Crates:

The Type Beta Logistics Crates fit perfectly on smallscale terrain. Originally designed for 6mm-8mm scales, it can probably be upscaled for 15mm gaming as well.

- 1 closed crate
- 10 opened crates (various types of contents)
- 6 combinations of stacked crates
- 1 crate handler (figure is about 7.4mm tall)


Type Gamma Logistics Crates:

The Type Gamma Logistics Crates fit perfectly on smallscale terrain. Originally designed for 6mm-8mm scales, it can probably be upscaled for 15mm gaming as well.

- 1 closed crate
- 15 opened crates (various types of contents)
- 1 crate handler (figure is about 7.3mm tall)
- 8 combinations of stacked crates


Type Delta Logistics Crates:

The Type Delta Logistics Crates fit perfectly on smallscale terrain. Originally designed for 6mm-8mm scales, it can probably be upscaled for 15mm gaming as well.

- 1 closed crate
- 10 combinations of stacked crates
- 2 crate handlers (each little less than 7.5mm tall)


Type Alpha Transport Drums:

The Type Alpha Transport Drums fit perfectly on smallscale terrain. Originally designed for 6mm-8mm scales, it can probably be upscaled for 15mm gaming as well.

- 1 individual transport drum
- 5 combinations of transport drums stacked on top of each other
- 5 combinations of transport drums stacked next one another
- 1 handler (figure is about 7.2mm tall)


Type Beta Transport Drums:

The Type Beta Transport Drums fit perfectly on smallscale terrain. Originally designed for 6mm-8mm scales, it can probably be upscaled for 15mm gaming as well.

- 1 individual transport drum
- 5 combinations of transport drums stacked on top of each other
- 5 combinations of transport drums stacked next one another
- 1 handler (figure is about 6.9mm tall)


This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2021/08/30 09:58:33

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

Simple free sample pack!


Just some free samples for you guys to try out. The kit contains:
- 1 drunk worker
- 1 potted cactus
- 1 closed Type Alpha Logistics Crate
- 1 empty Type Beta Logistics Crate


Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

Coming soon: "Bring out your dead!"

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

Fun stuff!

As they say Lieutenants study tactics, Colonels study strategy, but Generals, Generals study logistics!

Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

New kits out!

Smallscale speaker boxes

These speaker boxes are great for those who'd love to kitbash in smallscale (6mm / 8mm). Whilst originally designed for 6mm / 8mm scales, these might also work for bigger ones. You might want to check the details when going bigger than 15mm scale.

This set contains the following parts:
- 3 types of individual speakers
- 10 individual handing speakers
- 4 types of racked hanging speakers
- 9 combinations of stacked speakers
- bonus worker


Smallscale graveyard

Bring out your dead! This kit will allow you to easily build cemeteries in 6mm / 8mm scales. The necropolis structure and graves are modular, allowing for many different combinations to be made.

This kit contains the following parts:
- modular necropolis (crypts with terminal, crypts, roof)
- modular graves (4 graves, 4 gravestones)
- 3 caskets
- 6 dead bodies*
- 9 bundles of candles

Please do not share of sell these files without my written permission!

*one of the corpses might have an orientation issue on the faces, the software are contradicting one another. Which is why I've included two versions of it. Please let me know if there are any issues!


Smallscale cacti

These cacti will allow you to decorate your smallscale terrain and bases. Whilst originally designed for 6mm or 8mm scale, they should also work for larger scales if resized.

The kit contains the following bits:
- 28 potted cacti
- 13 unpotted cacti
- 8 empty pots
- 1 worker

Please do not share of sell these files without my written permission!


Smallscale vending machines

Even in the grimdark future one might need a quick drink or snack! These vending machines are suitable for many smallscale (6mm or 8mm) projects, but could also be resized for bigger stuff. I wouldn't recommend going bigger than 15mm without redoing the details.

This set contains the following bits:
- 10 different vending machines
- 3 drunk workers

Please do not share of sell these files without my written permission!


Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Very nice. A lot of them could just be glued onto building as random building parts like vents, rather than being speakers or vending machines.

 Coenus Scaldingus wrote:
In my day, you didn't recognize the greatest heroes of humanity because they had to ride the biggest creatures or be massive in size themselves. No, they had the most magnificent facial hair! If it was good enough for Kurt Helborg and Ludwig Schwarzhelm, it should be good enough for anyone!
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

New release!

Smallscale Shipping Containers (Type Alpha):

Various types of shipping containers are found throughout the human colonies. The Type Alpha Shipping Container is one of these. Besides being used to transport goods, it also has a market stand variant.

This modular container designed for 6mm/8mm scaled gaming, so it would fit perfectly with stuff like Adeptus Titanicus or Battletech. But it could probably be upscaled to larger scales as well.

The kit contains the following parts:
- standard shipping container (19.75mm long x 13.5mm tall x 11mm wide)
- ventilated shipping container
- long shipping container (39.5mm long x 13.5mm tall x 11mm wide)
- 6 types of standard containers converted into market stands
- 8 types of container hatches


Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

Don't on a 3D printer, but still want my bits? I've been reaching out to some parties to distribute my designs. First of them are TapThatGames. I've sent them my entire catalog, so hopefully you'll be able to order your printed models from there soon.

But first up is the Cemetery Kit:

Available here: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1070467620/bits-blitz-cemetary-kit

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

Need some civilian shuttles?

Scarab class civilian shuttle

The Scarab class civilian shuttle is designed for smallscale (6mm / 8mm) gaming, making it compatible for games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Battletech, Aeronautica Imperialis, X-Wing and others.

The kit contains the following parts:
- 3x hulls (landing gears out, landing gears in, separate landing gears)
- separate landing gears
- 2x crew members


Beetle class civilian shuttle

The Beetle class civilian shuttle is designed for smallscale (6mm / 8mm) gaming, making it compatible for games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Battletech, Aeronautica Imperialis, X-Wing and others.

The kit contains the following parts:
- 3x hulls (landing gears out, landing gears in, separate landing gears)
- 2x engines
- 3x hatches (closed, opened, crew member walking out)
- separate landing gears
- crew member


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/09/18 18:28:38

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Tangentville, New Jersey

I really like those civilian fliers! Shame those shuttles are 6mm/8mm. If they were 28mm, I'd likely buy at least two (depending on the pricing).

Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

 KidCthulhu wrote:
I really like those civilian fliers! Shame those shuttles are 6mm/8mm. If they were 28mm, I'd likely buy at least two (depending on the pricing).

Well, in theory you could resize them to 28mm scale. You might have to tweak a few of the details though.

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


That Scarab class ship looks like someone took a Stargate Tel’tak and told 1990’s Rick Sternbach to turn it into a Star Trek ship. I like it.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/09/19 17:13:27

Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

Still a work in progress, hoping to be able to release it in October. Don't pin me on that one though!

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

New release!

Smallscale ventilation systems

These smallscale (6mm/8mm) ventilation systems were designed to be used on buildings and vehicles for games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Battletech, and Dropzone Commander. It could of course also be used for other projects and resized if needed.

The kit contains the following items:
- 21 types of ventilation systems
- 2 types of windcatchers
- 1 mechanic

Please do no share or sell these files (including prints and remixes) without my written permission.


Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

Various of my items have become available on Tap That Games!

Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain Type Vending Machines


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain Type Gamma Logistics Crates


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain Type Delta Logistics Crates


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain Type Beta Transport Drums


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain Type Beta Logistics Crates


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain Type Alpha Transport Drums


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain Type Alpha Shipping Containers


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain- Type Alpha Logistics Crates


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scatter Terrain- Cacti Set


Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

New WIPs:

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

Another free sample pack out!

Just some free samples for you guys to try out. The kit contains:
- 1 luggage carrier
- 1 logistics worker
- 1 speaker box
- 1 bundle of candles
- 1 ventilation box


Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

I've been a bit quiet lately, this is mainly due to me doing various designs for Vanguard Miniatures at the moment.

But yeah, for Bits Blitz I've been working on some modular buildings. I hope to be able to release the first one by the end of the month...

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

My first building just got released!

Alpha Hab Tower

The Alpha Hab Tower is designed for 6mm/8mm gaming, but it could probably be upscaled for 10mm and 15mm scaled gaming as well. This makes the Alpha Hab Tower suitable for games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Dropzone Commander, or Battletech.

The kit consists of the following parts:
- 3 types of entrances (all windows, single row of balconies, double row of balconies)
- 3 types of back walls (all windows, single row of balconies, double row of balconies)
- 3 types of side walls (all windows, single row of balconies, double row of balconies)
- 2 types of roofs
- 7 types of balconies

Please do no share or sell these files (including prints and remixes) without my written permission.


Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

Don't have your own printer but still wanna get your hands on the Alpha Hab Tower? DG Minis UK have got you covered!

Available here!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/11/24 16:29:22

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

Bring out yer dead!

I've decided to release the dead workers from the cemetery kit as a separate package.
The dead workers can be found here: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/smallscale-dead-workers

The original cemetery kit can be downloaded here: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/smallscale-cemetery-kit

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in gb
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps

Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

Final release of the year!


Designed for games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Epic, or Battletech in mind, these crude structures will give your battlefield some extra character. This kit includes 6 highly detailed 6mm/8mm scaled structures.

Please do no share or sell these files (including prints and remixes) without my written permission.


Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

For those who don't have a 3d printer of their own:


Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan

Columbus, Oh

$10 US for the set? or is that $10 per building, because if it is for the set, omg, that is a deal

2+2=5 for sufficiently large values of 2.

Order of St Ursula (Sisters of Battle): W-2, L-1, T-1
Get of Freki (Space Wolves): W-3, L-1, T-1
Hive Fleet Portentosa (Nids/Stealers): W-6, L-4, T-0
Omega Marines (vanilla Space Marine): W-1, L-6, T-2
Waagh Magshak (Orks): W-4, L-0, T-1
A.V.P.D.W.: W-0, L-2, T-0

bringing 40k Events to Origins Game Fair in Columbus, Oh. Ask me for more info! 
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

It’s for all 6 buildings. Do note they are in Titanicus scale.

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

I dont know why, but I really want to paint them up like sesame street.
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

 MajorWesJanson wrote:
I dont know why, but I really want to paint them up like sesame street.

Oh please do! Who doesn’t want some grimdark Sesame Street?

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan

Columbus, Oh

 Malika2 wrote:
It’s for all 6 buildings. Do note they are in Titanicus scale.

I figured as such, but still used to GW prices..

Any chance of a print or physical models next to your other models?

2+2=5 for sufficiently large values of 2.

Order of St Ursula (Sisters of Battle): W-2, L-1, T-1
Get of Freki (Space Wolves): W-3, L-1, T-1
Hive Fleet Portentosa (Nids/Stealers): W-6, L-4, T-0
Omega Marines (vanilla Space Marine): W-1, L-6, T-2
Waagh Magshak (Orks): W-4, L-0, T-1
A.V.P.D.W.: W-0, L-2, T-0

bringing 40k Events to Origins Game Fair in Columbus, Oh. Ask me for more info! 
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

I've just released the Titanicus scaled candles from the cemetery kit as a separate set.

Candles available here: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/smallscale-candles

Smallscale human (he's about 7.8mm tall) only added for scaling purposes. I guess you could also use those candles for bigger stuff, like lets say INQ28 oriented stuff.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/01/13 12:34:40

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
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