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2013/12/24 14:24:19
Subject: Hero Quest 25th Anniversary Crowdfunding Rerelaunched on Lanzanos
They should probably just pick a rate and stick to it- generating a unique gift voucher for a different amount for each backer sounds like a logistical nightmare they haven't shown themselves capable of handling... and to use in an online store that doesn't yet exist, to boot!
This is exactly how their current online store works. You get your shipping costs back in store credit.
This it the full text from the crowdfunding campaign
"Shipping will be tracked and signed for on delivery. Prices in the chart are illustrative only, but we keep working to offer you the best service. These prices are, in the worst case, the highest possible.
Shipping costs are always the "ugly duckling" of these campaigns. To turn around this situation we have decided to apply the same successful shipping costs politics we use in our online store Unfortunately shipping costs do exist, but this way there is a chance for you to take advantage of them.
We turn your shipping costs into a gift voucher that you will be able to redeem for goods. Thus, the shipping cost becomes a direct discount in your next purchase at the Heroquest online store, which will open on Christmas next year, and you will be able to redeem it from then on. This way you will convert a painful expense into something practical."
"...and special thanks to Judgedoug!" - Alessio Cavatore "Now you've gone too far Doug! ... Too far... " - Rick Priestley "I've decided that I'd rather not have you as a member of TMP." - Editor, The Miniatures Page "I'd rather put my testicles through a mangle than spend any time gaming with you." - Richard, TooFatLardies "We need a Doug Craig in every store." - Warlord Games "Thank you for being here, Judge Doug!" - Adam Troke
2013/12/24 14:35:00
Subject: Hero Quest 25th Anniversary Crowdfunding Rerelaunched on Lanzanos
RiTides wrote: The credit will only be usable at their new HeroQuest site, though, not the current online store.
Right, but the system is already in place and works just fine.
This would apply to backers as well as retail purchasers btw. Gamezone credits your account with the shipping costs (also refunding VAT as previously mentioned). Since the Spanish crowdfunding is already a big success, I can easily see new expansions and stuff. Personally, since I'm already ordering direct from Gamezone or their main distributors overseas, this is nice and simple too. 30 euro shipping for a big box is reasonable, then that 30 euro credited to my account so I can buy another set of terrain for basically free is more than reasonable
"...and special thanks to Judgedoug!" - Alessio Cavatore "Now you've gone too far Doug! ... Too far... " - Rick Priestley "I've decided that I'd rather not have you as a member of TMP." - Editor, The Miniatures Page "I'd rather put my testicles through a mangle than spend any time gaming with you." - Richard, TooFatLardies "We need a Doug Craig in every store." - Warlord Games "Thank you for being here, Judge Doug!" - Adam Troke
2013/12/24 15:38:12
Subject: Hero Quest 25th Anniversary Crowdfunding Rerelaunched on Lanzanos
Hrrrrrrrrrrrrm. With all that has gone wrong, they may have invented the new 'gold standard' for how to deal with international shipping.
I would be much more open to backing international projects and paying for shipping when I get it back as store credit. Seems very smart to me. I think a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth would end for RoW shipping issues.
I think I may back this simply for the lulz. I want the product, I can basically pretend this is like 'gambling' 200$ on blackjack and whatever happens, happens.
I did notice something interesting: If you look at the board under the models on the image, notice the board around the center room is 'different' shape? It does look like there have been some modifications to make it 'technically different'. They should have just called it "25 Questing Adventurers!" and been done with it.
My Models: Ork Army: Waaagh 'Az-ard - Chibi Dungeon RPG Models! - My Workblog! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
RULE OF COOL: When converting models, there is only one rule: "The better your model looks, the less people will complain about it."
MODELING FOR ADVANTAGE TEST: rigeld2: "Easy test - are you willing to play the model as a stock one? No? MFA."
No ones interested in this projects any longer, or is it just Christmas?
The Spiderqueen and the levers look promising. Not so sure about the goblin npcs. Probably great for dungeon-based rpgs, but Hero Quest has always been more of a hack-n-slash game.
Heroquest has always had cinematic aspects to it which were represented by 'this regular goblin has a crossbow' or 'this gargoyle is a statue'.
A lot of those 'NPC's are direct out of the old quests like Sir Ragnar.
The nice thing about HQ was you don't have to 'make up' a DM quest. If you are going to slay the wight king, it is basically set for you in 12 easy sessions.
If they are going to have a questpack which uses those NPCs, then that is a good thing IMHO. All about some spider queen and goblin king over here!
My Models: Ork Army: Waaagh 'Az-ard - Chibi Dungeon RPG Models! - My Workblog! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
RULE OF COOL: When converting models, there is only one rule: "The better your model looks, the less people will complain about it."
MODELING FOR ADVANTAGE TEST: rigeld2: "Easy test - are you willing to play the model as a stock one? No? MFA."
adhuin wrote: No ones interested in this projects any longer, or is it just Christmas?
Typically, the first two or three days of a crowdfunded project (on KS) are busy, then it hits the doldrums until the last three or so.
Dunno about internationals, but holiday shopping in the US has been pretty aggressive since Black Friday (day after Thanksgiving). Plus Dwarven Forge is going to have a caverns KS in February!
adhuin wrote: No ones interested in this projects any longer, or is it just Christmas?
The Spiderqueen and the levers look promising. Not so sure about the goblin npcs. Probably great for dungeon-based rpgs, but Hero Quest has always been more of a hack-n-slash game.
My guess is there's nothing much new to add now that the drama of whether this will stick around for a day have died down. If you head over to BGG, the arguments are still going in the same circles they always have, which is getting pretty tedious.
Been thinking about this for the past couple days and here's my .02.
As I see it, there are two stages to the development that bring different risks. I see a lot of people focusing on fulfillment and not focusing on the funding.
Stage 1 - Funding. Getting the most people to fund based upon name recognition without hitting a trademark violation (i.e.,KS1). Still not sure why Verkami walked away, but that's water under the bridge at this point. Lanzanos has made it pretty clear that GZ is a Spanish company with a Spanish Trademark. Note, there's nothing mentioned about shipping anymore beyond they'll worry about it after the fact, cutting out any potential issue from MD and the US. I don't think we'll see any rules, greens, printed material beyond what is in place anymore to prevent any potential copyright issue from Hasbro/GW. The minimal structure the the funding project makes it stronger and the biggest danger at this point from GZ is saying something or doing something stupid that gives MD an opening.
Stage 2 - Fulfillment - Everyone is focusing on this as being the difficult part when Hasbro/GW "will" prevent them from moving forward. IMHO, this is the easy part. GZ has the money, they can do whatever they want. They can change the name, they can change the mechanics, they can change whatever they want to. Weeble, can someone sue about copyright infringement for a derivative work without some sort of physical good released? I bet we won't see anything during this process that is the least bit derivative of the original game (i.e, we'll only see what the new outdoor side of the board look like, not the dungeon view).
I'll pitch in on the last day, because I think once it gets to that point, something will be made.
I was quite happy with the look of the game. It was the crappy tedium that came after it that lost my interest.
I'd really like to wish them success, though, thier current line of figures is top notch, and harkens back to 3-4th edition fantasy in terms of style.
I as well would like one of the games, but I'm done with crowdfunding until theres some way to honestly stop nicking about and get the games in stores. Every tom dick and harry has a crowd funding scheme, but there are really the rare ones that are following up and keeping the "Funded games" stocked and up and running.
Anyone know if I can just up and ... buy one of these games without the added gak up?
How much for just buying one game, and the additional stuff?
At Games Workshop, we believe that how you behave does matter. We believe this so strongly that we have written it down in the Games Workshop Book. There is a section in the book where we talk about the values we expect all staff to demonstrate in their working lives. These values are Lawyers, Guns and Money.
I might be mad, but I'm still really excited by this project - If it was out now I'd buy it in a heartbeat! I'll wait until the end of this not-kickstarter and maybe chip in for a copy (worth a punt for all those stretch goals).
Well they couldn't go 40 odd days without some controversy - MK Ultra studios are no longer sculpting the miniatures there's a post by Daniel from MK on BGG with the details
Short story MK Ultra can't get straight answers from GZ and they are concerned about damage to their own reputation by association so they feel they can't continue.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2013/12/29 14:26:53
lío de vapor caliente is how we say the progress is going.
Save your money, this is vaporware at best.
At Games Workshop, we believe that how you behave does matter. We believe this so strongly that we have written it down in the Games Workshop Book. There is a section in the book where we talk about the values we expect all staff to demonstrate in their working lives. These values are Lawyers, Guns and Money.
Didn't MK Ultra do the Mantic Men At Arms? No great loss there
Automatically Appended Next Post:
OrlandotheTechnicoloured wrote: Probably the right move dropping out) from MK Ultra since they were going to be doing the work but only get paid after the crowd funding money came in
with the potential legal issues and with 2 different crowd funding projects failing it's probably not worth the risk
so the next question who is Gamezone going to get to do the sculpting now?
rather odd especially since the money is already collected. Lanzanos charges you immediately once the project is funded.
Thankfully there's more than one digital sculptor on the planet and Gamezone's already made $165,000 on Lanzanos... plenty of people like paychecks
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/12/29 17:01:41
"...and special thanks to Judgedoug!" - Alessio Cavatore "Now you've gone too far Doug! ... Too far... " - Rick Priestley "I've decided that I'd rather not have you as a member of TMP." - Editor, The Miniatures Page "I'd rather put my testicles through a mangle than spend any time gaming with you." - Richard, TooFatLardies "We need a Doug Craig in every store." - Warlord Games "Thank you for being here, Judge Doug!" - Adam Troke
Short story MK Ultra can't get straight answers from GZ and they are concerned about damage to their own reputation by association so they feel they can't continue.
rather odd especially since the money is already collected. Lanzanos charges you immediately once the project is funded.
Thankfully there's more than one digital sculptor on the planet and Gamezone's already made $165,000 on Lanzanos... plenty of people like paychecks
I have pledged and haven't been charged yet. It told me 'end of the campaign'.
My Models: Ork Army: Waaagh 'Az-ard - Chibi Dungeon RPG Models! - My Workblog! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
RULE OF COOL: When converting models, there is only one rule: "The better your model looks, the less people will complain about it."
MODELING FOR ADVANTAGE TEST: rigeld2: "Easy test - are you willing to play the model as a stock one? No? MFA."
Lately, I find forums more harmful than helpful but due to the fact that we are now working in projects that surely will appear in these forums, I don't see a reason to don't left a post here from time to time (in my stinky english)
Triple9 wrote: Stage 2 - Fulfillment - Everyone is focusing on this as being the difficult part when Hasbro/GW "will" prevent them from moving forward. IMHO, this is the easy part. GZ has the money, they can do whatever they want. They can change the name, they can change the mechanics, they can change whatever they want to. Weeble, can someone sue about copyright infringement for a derivative work without some sort of physical good released? I bet we won't see anything during this process that is the least bit derivative of the original game (i.e, we'll only see what the new outdoor side of the board look like, not the dungeon view).
One possibility is that GZ releases an entirely different ruleset, including cards, and has a different name for the US translation. IIRC, GZ also said their game would be a new game,and different ruleset *would* be a new game. Miniature painters might not mind, since the sculpts will be the same (?), but boardgamers...
But speaking of miniatures, now that Mk has pulled out, now what??
EDIT: GZ's response in an update: "To answer your question straight away: no, it won't affect the miniature creation process in any way, as here at GameZone we have always sculpted our own models. And it is the same for HQ25. MKultra was contacted to have an additional backup for our sculptor, and they got us in touch with another modeller from our same city so we could work with him in a direct and personal way. MKultra involvement in this issue is just to get their commission for this business management as a middleman, nothing else.
Thank you for your good will to the project. Truth is, that all this "controversy bubble" around it is really unnecesary."
Also, are the miniatures shown in the video MK Ultra's? If so, are you retaining them, or are they property of GameZone?
If the former, that would mean that there are no WIPs of any sculpts yet... But since comments are disabled on the campaign that can't be discussed there.
RiTides wrote: Also, are the miniatures shown in the video MK Ultra's?
No, it aren't...
And we prefer to don't say anymore about all that subject beyond this post. We aren't against GZM... but in Spain, if you are not at the side of something, you are against... Even if you say over and over that you aren't, and if you explain your true motives of quitting from one job, it doesn't matter.
My message in BGG had only one purpose. To keep my word and my company's name clear after seeing lies and strange movements.
The words from GZM explaining what I WRONGLY (I accept that) comment in one FB's post were that what I've said in that comment wasn't real, and that was a setback for my word (I wasn't making up anything, they told me that they talked with Hasbro, and the laughs were loud) and my company (so, no Hasbro laughs? no agreement wtih them? more crowdfunding cancellations and no payment for the studio? No thanks, sir) This message is in the net since 13th December.
By that time I didn't say a word, I didn't (and I don't) care what the "spanish miniature-market" thinks about my word or my company. I didn't have, and we WON'T have any more bussiness there...
Simply, I sent a mail to GZM telling that the name of MKUltra Studio retires from the HQ project. We accepted the work in the name of the studio, we didn't put in contact anybody with anybody, the fact that our sculpter and GZM are from the same city (Seville) is a (lucky) coincidence for them, because they were in a real hurry for a sculpter... (Why? you can wonder... I also know facts that nobody knows, but I keep my mouth shut, as I said We don't want to put more gasoline in the fire, that's not our goal, as I said) And so, we retired from the project.
We didn't have a response from them to this message. We didn't care. There was work (WIPs) made by that time... The payment and the use of that work is not our bussiness anymore, and quoting a famous TV-host from the 80s spanish television "Hasta aquí puedo leer". There is people that didn't say a word in this drama and don't deserve to get involved.
But by the time that these words appears in an international forum as BGG, that's a totally different thing. I have very important orders from many foreign (for me, USA is foreign hehehe) companies, and I want that ANYBODY that could read or investigate the "Heroquest-gate" drama could have my interpretation of all this subject. Again, my company and my word is clean of anything strange, obscure or harmful for the industry.
The result of all this is more lies about us... (we AREN'T commision-agents, that's was offensive for us, with all our respect to comission agents) Enough is enough. We make a final statment in our FB, in spanish, that will be deleted tomorrow, and that's all.
At this moment, we shut up the mouth about all this drama ... We have A LOT of work to do, and our time is gold.
EDITED for gramatical corrections... Again guys, sorry for my english...
This message was edited 9 times. Last update was at 2013/12/30 15:11:24
Gran explicación de la historia de fondo de la situación, gracias!
By and By, WHY are they beating this dead horse to glue? Its darn near 3 times now....
Really wish they wouldn't have peed on thier shoes over it, the figures are top drawer, even if the attitude is assclasstic.
At Games Workshop, we believe that how you behave does matter. We believe this so strongly that we have written it down in the Games Workshop Book. There is a section in the book where we talk about the values we expect all staff to demonstrate in their working lives. These values are Lawyers, Guns and Money.
Joyboozer - reading some of the Spanish forums regarding this game, I certainly got the feeling that there was a lot of passion behind this project. It seems like they really wanted to make it happen, but there was also obviously a lack of preparation as well. And now, when you start to fall foul of 'cackling bad guy from Disney movies wearing a stetson and crocodile leather shoes waving legal papers' it's quite possible this will end in a loss for everyone.
But, the funding is going quite strongly at present. I will pledge and take what I think is probably only a small risk, against what I still think will be a potentially awesome payout next Xmas when a bunch of friends and I are busy sending our nicely sculpted barbarian, dwarf, elf and wizard into the dungeon. It's the thought of that which keeps me going!
judgedoug wrote: Didn't MK Ultra do the Mantic Men At Arms? No great loss there
There was a post about this on the Mantic section of the forum, Scarletsquig spoke to someone who told him the story. Apparently there was some kind of logistical problem (to do with software compatibility) that meant some guy in China ended up doing the 3D modelling of those Men at arms. The Men at arms concept had originally been designed by the French sculptor they have working for them (I forget his name), but the finished product was nothing like the original because of the breakdown in communication.