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2016/05/10 17:03:19
Subject: Toys with war gaming or terrain uses
Fixture of Dakka
I've seen these on sale before, and it want to find a use for them. Perhaps some enterprising Wargamer can come up with something?
Black Bases and Grey Plastic Forever:My quaint little hobby blog.
40k- The Kumunga Swarm (more)
Count Mortimer’s Private Security Force/Excavation Team (building)
Kabal of the Grieving Widow (less)
Plus other games- miniature and cardboard both. |
2016/05/10 17:10:43
Subject: Toys with war gaming or terrain uses
Ancient Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought
I... actually don't know. Help?
Those look like awesome Killa Kan conversions. Stick a Grot in the mouths and add a few arms and we're set!
2016/05/11 14:33:37
Subject: Re:Toys with war gaming or terrain uses
Krazed Killa Kan
Guildenstern wrote:Sorry I don't have a picture, and this is a bit local, but if you're in the US near a Michael's they have a pretty cheap set of kids animal toys, with dinosaurs that easily convert to dragons. I used one in one of my older terrain bits as a "dead" dragon, buried in dirt type thing.
Yes, that line also had Cyclops (great WHFB giants), Minotaur and a Bridge, as well as Dragons ..
Safari Ltd is the line.,.
2+2=5 for sufficiently large values of 2.
Order of St Ursula (Sisters of Battle): W-2, L-1, T-1
Get of Freki (Space Wolves): W-3, L-1, T-1
Hive Fleet Portentosa (Nids/Stealers): W-6, L-4, T-0
Omega Marines (vanilla Space Marine): W-1, L-6, T-2
Waagh Magshak (Orks): W-4, L-0, T-1
A.V.P.D.W.: W-0, L-2, T-0
bringing 40k Events to Origins Game Fair in Columbus, Oh. Ask me for more info! |
2016/05/11 14:44:55
Subject: Re:Toys with war gaming or terrain uses
Veteran Wolf Guard Squad Leader
I had this one and used it in 40k as and Imperial Knight / huge dreadnought type vehicle.
I let the dogs out |
2016/05/11 16:02:23
Subject: Re:Toys with war gaming or terrain uses
Otiose in a Niche
2016/05/11 19:19:38
Subject: Re:Toys with war gaming or terrain uses
Dakka Veteran
Lincoln, UK
Papo and Safari make my favourite toy dinosaurs. No painting required, indeed some of the paintjobs are really good. They do tend to be hopelessly out of scale compared with either each other or 28mm figures. The Papo classics - Tyrannosaurus, Stegosaurus, Triceratops - are HUGE - probably best to avoid those unless you need something to face off against an Imperial Knight. A lot of the "smaller" models are 8" long or less, and will do for generic "dino hunt" models or as a cheap alternative to Lizardmen mounts (if you like building howdahs!). Also those "excavate your own dinosaur skeleton" kits are OK for making giant undead dinos - again, you may want to fashion your own howdah to carry figures. They're often very cheap, you just have to tap them out of of the block of plaster they come encased in... hammer supplied! McFarlane dragons - thirded!
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/05/11 19:30:37
2016/05/11 20:54:14
Subject: Toys with war gaming or terrain uses
Foxy Wildborne
Are those skellies just straight up GW recasts?
Posters on ignore list: 36
40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.
Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here. |
2016/05/11 21:44:29
Subject: Toys with war gaming or terrain uses
Krazed Killa Kan
oh no.. those are closer to 54mm models, and bendy as all heck
2+2=5 for sufficiently large values of 2.
Order of St Ursula (Sisters of Battle): W-2, L-1, T-1
Get of Freki (Space Wolves): W-3, L-1, T-1
Hive Fleet Portentosa (Nids/Stealers): W-6, L-4, T-0
Omega Marines (vanilla Space Marine): W-1, L-6, T-2
Waagh Magshak (Orks): W-4, L-0, T-1
A.V.P.D.W.: W-0, L-2, T-0
bringing 40k Events to Origins Game Fair in Columbus, Oh. Ask me for more info! |
2016/05/12 10:42:13
Subject: Re:Toys with war gaming or terrain uses
Otiose in a Niche
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/05/12 17:40:42
2016/05/15 02:53:02
Subject: Re:Toys with war gaming or terrain uses
Otiose in a Niche
I posted this a while back but it seems worth putting here
So someone on the great Warhammer Proxies! FB group
Posted a few funky WWII armored cars. They're 1:43 die cast cars by a company called Eaglemoss (who also do a great line of Batmobiles and Star Trek ships if that's something you'd like).
Apparently they're pretty cheap in the UK, 5UKP, in the US I found a site with them for $20, or y'know, less than half the cost of a Taurox.
Looking at their stuff I see a lot of potentially useful vehicles.
At 1:43 they'll be a bit smaller than GW's oversized offerings but should be about right for civilian vehicles and terrain.
A damn near perfect armored limo.
Truck, van, APC, maybe even an alternate Taurox.
I love this truck, it's just odd enough so it won't stand out as a historical vehicle on the grim dark battle fields of the 41st millennium.
And this puppy, this puppy is just about perfect for an IG logistics vehicle. I'm about half a minute from buying 3 of them.
This stretched jeep is another odd vehicle that I can imagine being parked in an Imperial city.
Alternate Leman Russ tanks? Probably too small but can be an inferior PDF tank or maybe a predator.
Good for scout cars or trucks.
Wyvern or some jerry rigged cult or PDF weapon? Orks maybe?
A good bit of terrain or an objective.
2016/05/25 04:20:31
Subject: Toys with war gaming or terrain uses
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer
Eaglemoss makes military vehicles !!!??!!
/hobbit voice
You are an evil, evil man for showing me these.
It never ends well |
2016/05/25 15:14:15
Subject: Re:Toys with war gaming or terrain uses
Regular Dakkanaut
5$ earth shaker carriages. Looks great painted up.
2016/05/25 15:34:34
Subject: Toys with war gaming or terrain uses
Dark Angels Librarian with Book of Secrets
Tamiya 1:35 scale are pretty great. Also, forget the name, but Hobby Lobby sells a lot of 1:35 scale military vehicles that are the perfect size, think it was $14 for a half track I converted into an Ork Trukk?
Successful Trades: Ashrog (1), Iron35 (1), Rathryan (3), Leth (1), Eshm (1), Zeke48 (1), Gorkamorka12345 (1),
Melevolence (2), Ascalam (1), Swanny318, (1) ScootyPuffJunior, (1) LValx (1), Jim Solo (1), xSoulgrinderx (1), Reese (1), Pretre (1) |
2016/05/28 13:31:45
Subject: Toys with war gaming or terrain uses
Crazed Spirit of the Defiler
Eye of Terror
those toys look good' use greenstuff to mash them together for fiends or beasts of nurgle
2016/05/29 17:52:09
Subject: Re:Toys with war gaming or terrain uses
Posts with Authority
Still in production, but maybe not that easy to find, is the Girder and Panel construction toy -
(Image links to Amazon page, hopefully.)
Also called Power City Construction - with identical girders, but different panels.
I prefer the look and price of the Power City sets - but it was known as Girder & Panel when I was growing up.
Be careful as to where you buy the sets - Amazon sells the sets for about $30 - but there are places that sell the identical sets for $120....
The basic structure is made using Girders - some vertical, others horizontal, and then placing Panels onto the pegs that come out of the Girders - there are real world buildings made in much the same way. (I watched them test fitting panels to the university library not far from where I live... it was eerily familiar. )
There used to be a site that had a template for creating Panels to the toy in graphics programs - including some with a familiar Grimdark feel. I couldn't find it with a quick Google, but perhaps someone else will have more luck?
The toy has been around for a long, long time - I first played with it in the 1960s.... Back then it came with a monorail....
I am looking at them as potential terrain for a super heroes game.
The Auld Grump
Kilkrazy wrote:When I was a young boy all my wargames were narratively based because I played with my toy soldiers and vehicles without the use of any rules.
The reason I bought rules and became a real wargamer was because I wanted a properly thought out structure to govern the action instead of just making things up as I went along. |
2016/05/29 17:58:35
Subject: Toys with war gaming or terrain uses
Longtime Dakkanaut
LEGO, nuff said.
Thinks Palladium books screwed the pooch on the Robotech project. |
2016/05/30 09:25:45
Subject: Toys with war gaming or terrain uses
Otiose in a Niche
OMG they still make girders and panels? I had them in the 70s and a rubber dinosaur to smash them godzilla style!
2016/05/30 10:37:47
Subject: Toys with war gaming or terrain uses
Trustworthy Shas'vre
They are being made by Street Toys and there's a lot of cool stuff on their website.
It is in HO scale though.
Tau and Space Wolves since 5th Edition. |
2016/05/30 20:11:52
Subject: Re:Toys with war gaming or terrain uses
Brigadier General
Girder and panel is a nice system. A few things to note.
1)It's made of polypropylene so superglue or epoxy is necessary for gluing and basing and Krylon Fusion and Camo paints are by far the best I've found for priming.
2) It can function in different scales depending on what panels you use. The picture that Grump posted above shows alot of panels that are much closer to 28mm than HO. However, some of the power city panels have doors that are somewhere between to HO (1/87) and 1/64
3) The power city structures do not provide enough panels to cover all the sides, but they are just paper so you can easily copy and print as many as you want.
I did a very brief review of the stuff and it's measurements here:
And here's a building where I used it.
2016/06/27 12:08:38
Subject: Re:Toys with war gaming or terrain uses
Otiose in a Niche
2016/06/30 02:50:13
Subject: Re:Toys with war gaming or terrain uses
Scuttling Genestealer
No picture, and an internet search utterly fails to find a relevant match, but 5 Below is selling these drink/snack cups styled after rockets, complete with thrusters on the bottoms, which could be useful.
2016/06/30 03:13:07
Subject: Toys with war gaming or terrain uses
Powerful Spawning Champion
It's been posted in a lot of terrain threads, but the Generator from the 'Generator Defense' Halo boxed sets is absolutely gorgeous as a massive generator/silo/supercomputer/etc. It's large, about 10" tall:
2016/06/30 13:15:22
Subject: Toys with war gaming or terrain uses
Smokin' Skorcha Driver
That girder and panel stuff looks excellent, and surprisingly you can seem to buy it here in the UK, hella expensive though
2016/07/15 04:00:15
Subject: Re:Toys with war gaming or terrain uses
Otiose in a Niche
2016/07/15 09:13:30
Subject: Toys with war gaming or terrain uses
Ancient Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought
I... actually don't know. Help?
Oh mama, slap a few orks on that and you have a stompa.
2016/08/01 04:55:11
Subject: Re:Toys with war gaming or terrain uses
Otiose in a Niche
I'm thinking of a backwater space port table and obvioously it would need a crane.
Not one of those sleek yellow T cranes we have nowadays, has to be a big ugly dirty one.
2016/08/31 11:51:27
Subject: Re:Toys with war gaming or terrain uses
Otiose in a Niche
2016/08/31 12:17:02
Subject: Toys with war gaming or terrain uses
Brigadier General
That Tomica stuff is pretty cool!
I've ordered a fair number of Plarail items from HLJ and Hobbysearch for my son's Thomas trains which were started from the blue Tomica track system that has since been replaced in the USA with different track.
Maybe it's time to start looking at the rest of the Tomy/Tomica line.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/08/31 13:23:50
2016/09/01 03:10:10
Subject: Toys with war gaming or terrain uses
Otiose in a Niche
Thomas, ug.
We have 3 different Thomas sets in different scales and mediums, wood, Tomy Prarail and not-Legos.
Japanese kids' magazines come packaged with DVDs of cartoon samplers including tons of ads of course. Kyoto Secunda Prime studies Prarail commercials and pamphlets the way I used to study Star Wars and GI Joe toy catalogs. I remember having dreams about building a whole city out of SW playsets.
DNA huh.
2016/09/01 03:30:16
Subject: Re:Toys with war gaming or terrain uses
Fixture of Dakka
porkuslime wrote: Guildenstern wrote:Sorry I don't have a picture, and this is a bit local, but if you're in the US near a Michael's they have a pretty cheap set of kids animal toys, with dinosaurs that easily convert to dragons. I used one in one of my older terrain bits as a "dead" dragon, buried in dirt type thing.
Yes, that line also had Cyclops (great WHFB giants), Minotaur and a Bridge, as well as Dragons ..
Safari Ltd is the line.,.
Those are a steal at the price, BTW.
I picked up the 40mm wooden disks, some gravel, and brown 99cent paint, and they base excellently. The Greek stuff is absolutely awesome sauce for games. They also have an excellent Dinosaur, and creature line. You ever wanted that Johnny Quest Giant lizard, Spider, or Scorpion? They are just the ticket. Other games to use them in include Pulp City, Warhammer fantasy, Crooked Dice TV series, or any other game that you need some freakish creatures in. 10 bucks or so, compared to 50.... Yeah, its like that.
Another line to look into is old school MARX sets. The Naverone, Battleground, or Porkchop Hill set has plenty of stuff. The old west range as well, works great for games like Blackwater Gulch, Buckshot, or SoB. You find these sets on E bay for a song and a dance, or at your local thrift shops. OR, you might just have some left over from back in the day.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/09/01 03:33:14
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