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the Regal Hunt, Britonnia space wolf army, Thunderwolves 2.0  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Steadfast Grey Hunter

I finally finished my Wolf Lord! There was a lot of trial and error with the flags, feathers, reins, and sleeves but overall i'm happy with the result!

I also finished 2 more bloodclaws. I tried out a different type of sleeve and I like how it came out, i'll just make it slightly larger to fit the profile of a regular pauldron.

Now i'm going to continue with the Wulfen and bloodclaws, then a WGBL on a thunderwolf. But what I really want to do is a ton of Thunderwolf cavalry! The only thing holding me back is their point cost currently in game, but I expect they will drop in points once the CA19 FAQ comes out. It's just a wish listing, but the Wolf Lord and WGBL on a Thunderwolf saw a points decrease, The SS also dropped in points for the thunderwolf cavalry!

Primaris fanboy: "NO, you can't just give old marines 2W, they're supposed to be squatted!" GW: "Heavy Bolters go brrrrrrrr"
Slayer-Fan123 wrote:

If the argument for their uniqueness is spamming Wulfen and Thunderwolves, then it wasn't really a unique army to begin with whether you like it or not.
nervous sweating
Regal Hunt, A custom space wolf army: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/774993.page#10435681 
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

Looking really good!

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Those do look nice. I'd say just do the bunch of thunderwolves, even if the FAQ doesn't drop them, a new edition in the future might do something to bring them back to being hordable, and in the meantime, you've got more awesome looking conversions you enjoy doing.
Made in nl
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman


Looking really good

Made in us
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

United States

I love this!

"Reality is, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away"
-Philip K. Dick

Constant Lurker, Slowly getting back into modelling! Someday a P&M Blog link will lurk here! 
Made in us
Steadfast Grey Hunter

Small update:
I never really looked up the other armies like Chaos, Tau ,Tyrinids etc, but I just discovered bloodcrushers! What I find funny about it is that on the same day I bought my SW codex I met a guy and he gave me codex chaos Daemons and some other indexes for free, but I never read them! I looked up some conversion people have done and I ordered a box. I'm going to try to put my spin on them like my Wolf Lord. Here is a link I found http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?10266-Loyalist-thunderwolf-conversion&p=98295 I like how they smoothed the armor but i'll add cloth to the armor instead of fur, and swap out the head.
Credit to isotope99 on BOL Loyalist thunderwolf conversion

If it doesn't work out i'll try out the legs on a regular Thunderwolf to see how that looks.

Primaris fanboy: "NO, you can't just give old marines 2W, they're supposed to be squatted!" GW: "Heavy Bolters go brrrrrrrr"
Slayer-Fan123 wrote:

If the argument for their uniqueness is spamming Wulfen and Thunderwolves, then it wasn't really a unique army to begin with whether you like it or not.
nervous sweating
Regal Hunt, A custom space wolf army: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/774993.page#10435681 
Made in ca
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

It looks promising so far! It really has good bulk for a Lord's mount!

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Tyranid Genestealers 
Made in ie
Been Around the Block


Loving sculpting work and a very unique take on the Wolves.

I lost interest them in a faction when GW decided they must have the word wolf in everything, and then ride into battle on wolves.

Stepping Between Games - www.steppingbetweengames.com 
Made in us
Steadfast Grey Hunter

Kid_Kyoto wrote:Looking really good!

Vejut wrote:Those do look nice. I'd say just do the bunch of thunderwolves, even if the FAQ doesn't drop them, a new edition in the future might do something to bring them back to being hordable, and in the meantime, you've got more awesome looking conversions you enjoy doing.

I have taken your advice to heart, I have some more wolves and some bloodcrushers coming in for conversions!
Minigiant wrote:Looking really good

Thank you! looking foward to more from your Cavalry blog!
Sageheart wrote:I love this!

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:It looks promising so far! It really has good bulk for a Lord's mount!

Mine or the bloodcrusher conversion (Isotope99)?
Thousandeyes wrote:Loving sculpting work and a very unique take on the Wolves.

I lost interest them in a faction when GW decided they must have the word wolf in everything, and then ride into battle on wolves.

I get it, I'm trying to get rid of all the wolf icons off the armor and weapons but I do like wolf mounts.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/02/07 21:29:41

Primaris fanboy: "NO, you can't just give old marines 2W, they're supposed to be squatted!" GW: "Heavy Bolters go brrrrrrrr"
Slayer-Fan123 wrote:

If the argument for their uniqueness is spamming Wulfen and Thunderwolves, then it wasn't really a unique army to begin with whether you like it or not.
nervous sweating
Regal Hunt, A custom space wolf army: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/774993.page#10435681 
Made in us
Steadfast Grey Hunter

I put together the first Thunderwolf/Bloodcrusher conversion. I cut off spikes, sanded down edges, and filled in Icons. I also replaced the hooves with the cyber paws the Thunderwolves have. Duplicating the paws came out alright but I didn't cut off enough off the top of the paws before gluing them on, so the angles I put them on is causing the Thunderwolf to stand on the tips of it's claws. But I still like how it came out! It's taller then a regular Thunder wolf but thats mostly from it standing on its claws. Next Ill try adding the Bloodcrusher legs onto a regular Thunderwolf and see how that looks.


Primaris fanboy: "NO, you can't just give old marines 2W, they're supposed to be squatted!" GW: "Heavy Bolters go brrrrrrrr"
Slayer-Fan123 wrote:

If the argument for their uniqueness is spamming Wulfen and Thunderwolves, then it wasn't really a unique army to begin with whether you like it or not.
nervous sweating
Regal Hunt, A custom space wolf army: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/774993.page#10435681 
Made in us
Steadfast Grey Hunter

I have continued test fitting Bloodcrusher legs on TWC bodies and I liked the results! Unfortunately TWC wolf bits are hard to get alone, stopping short of buying a whole new kit. So I have started to duplicate the wolf torso using insta mold and green stuff. I first tried making 2 halves of the mold them putting them together with mixed results, I didn't put enough green stuff so it came out a bit thin and flimsy.There probably is a better way of duplicating parts but I'm working with what I have on hand, I still decided to use it and just add more to the inside to stiffen it. after adding the bloodcrusher's back legs I really liked the look of it. the piston fits right under the saddle and doesn't get in the way of the rider's legs.

I covered the whole where the arms go with a pit of plastic so I wouldn't use too much green stuff trying to fill it in. The up side to having a thin shell was that it was easy to cut and I didn't feel like I was wasting to much.


Primaris fanboy: "NO, you can't just give old marines 2W, they're supposed to be squatted!" GW: "Heavy Bolters go brrrrrrrr"
Slayer-Fan123 wrote:

If the argument for their uniqueness is spamming Wulfen and Thunderwolves, then it wasn't really a unique army to begin with whether you like it or not.
nervous sweating
Regal Hunt, A custom space wolf army: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/774993.page#10435681 
Made in ch
The Dread Evil Lord Varlak

Can't wait for the endproduct

A Mostly Renegades and Heretics blog.
GW:"Space marines got too many options to balance, therefore we decided to legends HH units."
Players: "why?!? Now we finally got decent plastic kits and you cut them?"
Chaos marines players: "Since when are Daemonengines 30k models and why do i have NO droppods now?"
GW" MONEY.... erm i meant TOO MANY OPTIONS (to resell your army to you again by disalowing former units)! Do you want specific tyranid fighiting Primaris? Even a new sabotage lieutnant!"
Chaos players: Guess i stop playing or go to HH.  
Made in us
Steadfast Grey Hunter

Here is the progress so far. The cloth is supposed to be like the Caparison part of the Barding (war Horse body armor). I'll add armor and some more cloth around the head to blend it more with the body.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/03/04 22:46:17

Primaris fanboy: "NO, you can't just give old marines 2W, they're supposed to be squatted!" GW: "Heavy Bolters go brrrrrrrr"
Slayer-Fan123 wrote:

If the argument for their uniqueness is spamming Wulfen and Thunderwolves, then it wasn't really a unique army to begin with whether you like it or not.
nervous sweating
Regal Hunt, A custom space wolf army: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/774993.page#10435681 
Made in us
Steadfast Grey Hunter

Here is the progress so far, I extended the Caparison onto the head, but I let it hang instead of closing it at the bottom. it looks like a sheet draped over the wolf, so I quickly drew a plan to fix it, like closing the front, adding armor on top of the head, and chain reins.


And here is the next step:

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I have learned some valuable lessons with this thunderwolf, like finishing details to the inside of the armor legs before attaching it to a model because now its hard to reach. adding or smothing surfaces before adding to it because it will really show up under the greenstuff cloth i'm trying to add.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/03/04 23:03:52

Primaris fanboy: "NO, you can't just give old marines 2W, they're supposed to be squatted!" GW: "Heavy Bolters go brrrrrrrr"
Slayer-Fan123 wrote:

If the argument for their uniqueness is spamming Wulfen and Thunderwolves, then it wasn't really a unique army to begin with whether you like it or not.
nervous sweating
Regal Hunt, A custom space wolf army: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/774993.page#10435681 
Made in us
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman


Mechawolf is looking good

Made in us
Steadfast Grey Hunter

Quick summary: I'm making a new Count as Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf with TH/SS

Inspiration struck me recently, I wanted to have a werewolf HQ but sadly GW has yet to make one for SW. So The Idea was to make an awesome Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf to lead the chapter. The first step was looking at what other people are doing to get inspiration. There are plenty of Space wolves conversions. I came across 2 guys with the same awesome Idea for a Wulfen conversion (warning large images)

@blightforge on Instagram

@heresy_by_royal_gear on Instagram

But what really got my attention were these incredible conversion by mayajid

Now that is what I want for a Wolf Lord! The next step, find a model to covert. I was looking for a monster or beast that could pass as a super human mutant. I looked at GW's whole range of both 40k and AOS, and I decided on...
Ogroid Myrmidon

Here are the WIP pics

The axe and shield from the wulfen dreadnought was a perfect fit! But I still have a lot of work to make him look more werewolf then Daemon, like adding more fur in patches around his body, replacing the hooves for paws, Fixing the shield, removing his tail and completing the tunic.

Primaris fanboy: "NO, you can't just give old marines 2W, they're supposed to be squatted!" GW: "Heavy Bolters go brrrrrrrr"
Slayer-Fan123 wrote:

If the argument for their uniqueness is spamming Wulfen and Thunderwolves, then it wasn't really a unique army to begin with whether you like it or not.
nervous sweating
Regal Hunt, A custom space wolf army: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/774993.page#10435681 
Made in us
Steadfast Grey Hunter

Still making progress on the Wulfen High Priest, I removed the hooves and made "feet/paws" but I need help deciding on what to put on his back.
A part of me Wants to leave his back bare, a mutated space wolf becoming a apex predator sort of vibe. I also made a "backpack" like regular marine, and I tried putting a Iron Halo and a trophy rack to see which was better.

the Feet/Paws. I like how they came out but I doubt I got the anatomy correct lol.

The backpack versions. I wanted to mimic the regular wulfen with the tubes plugging them into the backpack. the Dreadnought Claw worked great, the tubes replace the claws and plug into the shoulders.
Trophy Rack

Iron Halo

they both are cool from the front but look cluttered in the back

I might abandon the backpack all together to find a smaller option to fit either the rack or halo.

Primaris fanboy: "NO, you can't just give old marines 2W, they're supposed to be squatted!" GW: "Heavy Bolters go brrrrrrrr"
Slayer-Fan123 wrote:

If the argument for their uniqueness is spamming Wulfen and Thunderwolves, then it wasn't really a unique army to begin with whether you like it or not.
nervous sweating
Regal Hunt, A custom space wolf army: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/774993.page#10435681 
Made in us
Steadfast Grey Hunter

Work, covid-19, and video games had me distracted for a while but I'm back!
I decided to remove the new shield and replace it with the shield that came with the model. I cut and sanded down the chaos runes, and added a wolf pelt. I made a quick mold to duplicate the original pelt so that I could make it thinner to better fit on the shield. Using the wolf head smoke launcher, I mounted the iron halo on the back. Cutting the axe in half was risky but it paid off, before it looked unwieldy but it can do some real damage now!

I'd say it's 80%dime before I attempt to paint it. I still need to fix the front of the belt, finish the rest of the robe, fill in runes on skin, and clean up.

Primaris fanboy: "NO, you can't just give old marines 2W, they're supposed to be squatted!" GW: "Heavy Bolters go brrrrrrrr"
Slayer-Fan123 wrote:

If the argument for their uniqueness is spamming Wulfen and Thunderwolves, then it wasn't really a unique army to begin with whether you like it or not.
nervous sweating
Regal Hunt, A custom space wolf army: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/774993.page#10435681 
Made in gb
Posts with Authority

Norn Iron

Great work! Canny choice for the base model. Very nice job with the green stuff. I think you did fine with the paws, also the backpack and axe.

I'm sooo, sooo sorry.

Plog - Random sculpts and OW Helves 9/3/23 
Made in ca
Steadfast Grey Hunter

Toronto, Canada

What an absolutely wonderful idea. A werewolf as a Wolf Lord on a thunderwolf. Pardon me if I steal this idea and run with it. It looks like this guy is size comparable to a thunderwolf?
Made in us
Steadfast Grey Hunter

Apparently GW sells a box of just skull, I bought some and based the Wolf Lord, shamelessly copying the idea from the cover of the box. He was already the same height as a TWC model, but I did forget to add the Iron Halo.

here are close ups of the base:

A lot more work needs to be done now to clean up the skulls. When I eventually get to painting i'm going to try to get the skulls to look old and have grass/shrubs growing over them, a ancient battle field he still protects. Other then that I did add a "belt buckle" to cover up the chaos symbol.

Primaris fanboy: "NO, you can't just give old marines 2W, they're supposed to be squatted!" GW: "Heavy Bolters go brrrrrrrr"
Slayer-Fan123 wrote:

If the argument for their uniqueness is spamming Wulfen and Thunderwolves, then it wasn't really a unique army to begin with whether you like it or not.
nervous sweating
Regal Hunt, A custom space wolf army: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/774993.page#10435681 
Made in ch
The Dread Evil Lord Varlak

As last time , i still envy your skill for modelling

A Mostly Renegades and Heretics blog.
GW:"Space marines got too many options to balance, therefore we decided to legends HH units."
Players: "why?!? Now we finally got decent plastic kits and you cut them?"
Chaos marines players: "Since when are Daemonengines 30k models and why do i have NO droppods now?"
GW" MONEY.... erm i meant TOO MANY OPTIONS (to resell your army to you again by disalowing former units)! Do you want specific tyranid fighiting Primaris? Even a new sabotage lieutnant!"
Chaos players: Guess i stop playing or go to HH.  
Made in de
Furious Raptor


Just saw this and I have to say I love every bit about it! These are some fantastic conversions and the sculpting is pretty sweet too. Love the feathers
The wolf lord is especially awesome, great idea and perfect execution of it

Have a look at my scupting blog The things I do  
Made in ca
Steadfast Grey Hunter

Toronto, Canada

I said (out loud) "oh boy" when I saw you had updated this thread.

Looks great. Can't wait to see you paint him.
Made in us
Steadfast Grey Hunter

Unfortunately no progress has been made on the TWC, because I got distracted with another project!

Wulfen Dreadnoughts
I still have the head, hood, power cables and some small details to go but this is the first of 2 Wulfen dreads and Murderfang.


Small change to the Wolf Lord:
He now faces forward. I felt like it made him seem more like a threat.


Old facing

And wip pics

Primaris fanboy: "NO, you can't just give old marines 2W, they're supposed to be squatted!" GW: "Heavy Bolters go brrrrrrrr"
Slayer-Fan123 wrote:

If the argument for their uniqueness is spamming Wulfen and Thunderwolves, then it wasn't really a unique army to begin with whether you like it or not.
nervous sweating
Regal Hunt, A custom space wolf army: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/774993.page#10435681 
Made in ca
Steadfast Grey Hunter

Toronto, Canada

I got excited when I saw that you had posted, and the update did not disappoint!

These look great. My only thought would be to add some bionics to the legs of the Wulfen Dreadnoughts (wires, or some metal, or something).. I don't think it necessitates it, but after extensive ogling by me, I started question the wulfen leg's ability to hold up the torso feature the dread hands. Maybe wires or tubes running from the power source/backpack thing on his waist?
Made in us
Steadfast Grey Hunter

Finally I finished putting together my Wulfen High Priest:


I just added a holstered bolter and pouches so you get a hint at what he use to be.

And New to the army is a Cyberwolf count as!


this was a fast and easy conversion

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 416_SpaceWolves wrote:
I got excited when I saw that you had posted, and the update did not disappoint!

These look great. My only thought would be to add some bionics to the legs of the Wulfen Dreadnoughts (wires, or some metal, or something).. I don't think it necessitates it, but after extensive ogling by me, I started question the wulfen leg's ability to hold up the torso feature the dread hands. Maybe wires or tubes running from the power source/backpack thing on his waist?
yeah I was thinking of adding wires from I guess the power pack to those ports on the thighs but as for pistons on the legs I don't actually have bits like that currently but I'll see what I can do

This message was edited 6 times. Last update was at 2020/10/20 04:00:08

Primaris fanboy: "NO, you can't just give old marines 2W, they're supposed to be squatted!" GW: "Heavy Bolters go brrrrrrrr"
Slayer-Fan123 wrote:

If the argument for their uniqueness is spamming Wulfen and Thunderwolves, then it wasn't really a unique army to begin with whether you like it or not.
nervous sweating
Regal Hunt, A custom space wolf army: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/774993.page#10435681 
Made in us
Steadfast Grey Hunter

I got my original blog back!

Primaris fanboy: "NO, you can't just give old marines 2W, they're supposed to be squatted!" GW: "Heavy Bolters go brrrrrrrr"
Slayer-Fan123 wrote:

If the argument for their uniqueness is spamming Wulfen and Thunderwolves, then it wasn't really a unique army to begin with whether you like it or not.
nervous sweating
Regal Hunt, A custom space wolf army: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/774993.page#10435681 
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Good to see! Some pretty impressive conversions going so far, can't wait to see em painted.
Made in us
Steadfast Grey Hunter

Here are the Knights' Squires, count as Cyberwolves. They are a small race of abhumans, some suspect a relative to the squats. Small, pale, and a strange obsession with skulls, the Regal Hunt has grown fond of them. What they lack in strength, size, hardiness, skill, wisdom, and common sense, they more them make up for it with loyalty and courage.

A (relatively) quick converstion:


I also just started painting some bloodclaws

Primaris fanboy: "NO, you can't just give old marines 2W, they're supposed to be squatted!" GW: "Heavy Bolters go brrrrrrrr"
Slayer-Fan123 wrote:

If the argument for their uniqueness is spamming Wulfen and Thunderwolves, then it wasn't really a unique army to begin with whether you like it or not.
nervous sweating
Regal Hunt, A custom space wolf army: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/774993.page#10435681 
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