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that's actually fair reason for why they didn't automatically ship. I had been wondering as I thought they initially said they ship automatically.
Guess they could send email to please update default address some time before sending but automation has all sorts of issues. Maybe person is unavailable to respond in time for example.
I'll give benefit of doubt on that one that it's GW actually thinking about it
They could really do with doing some work on the vault, in its current state it’s border line unusable, long loading times without a save your spot feature accompanied by the pages refreshing if you ever click off them.
Ideally they would have an app similar to kindle where you can download the book you are interested in, and read throw it at your leisure.
Chikout wrote: For me it's been worth it for the white dwarf back catalogue alone. At the current rate of progress they should have every magazine by the end of year three. It will be interesting to see what they do when they reach issues that don't just have gw content in them.
We know what they'll do. The content just won't get shown, or more likely, we'll never see those White Dwarfs on W+.
I for one would love to see all the older articles I enjoyed back in the print day, eg Traveller RPG adventures, extras for other RPGs that are now well out of print, how to make terrain articles etc. WD used to be such a good magazine before it was a paid advert.
My (out of date) Painting Blog: Currently most played: Silent Death, Xenos Rampant, Mars Code Aurora and Battletech.
Chikout wrote: For me it's been worth it for the white dwarf back catalogue alone. At the current rate of progress they should have every magazine by the end of year three. It will be interesting to see what they do when they reach issues that don't just have gw content in them.
We know what they'll do. The content just won't get shown, or more likely, we'll never see those White Dwarfs on W+.
I for one would love to see all the older articles I enjoyed back in the print day, eg Traveller RPG adventures, extras for other RPGs that are now well out of print, how to make terrain articles etc. WD used to be such a good magazine before it was a paid advert.
Have you read it recently? It's not really a paid advert any more. They don't cover the new releases at all. I think it's a pretty good magazine these days, not worth the price they charge for it now but as part of Warhammer+ it's solid.
Chikout wrote: For me it's been worth it for the white dwarf back catalogue alone. At the current rate of progress they should have every magazine by the end of year three. It will be interesting to see what they do when they reach issues that don't just have gw content in them.
We know what they'll do. The content just won't get shown, or more likely, we'll never see those White Dwarfs on W+.
I for one would love to see all the older articles I enjoyed back in the print day, eg Traveller RPG adventures, extras for other RPGs that are now well out of print, how to make terrain articles etc. WD used to be such a good magazine before it was a paid advert.
Have to say gw has very curious paid advert strategy advertising long time ago releases.
Usually paid ad's are for new releases. Guess gw messed up eh?
Toofast wrote: So they're both chaos? Easy pass for me this year, especially since the content last year was underwhelming
It's a salamander in terminator armor for sure.
It’s for sure chaos.
And 99% based ok that art with the silhouette being an almost exact match.
I think there’s confusion here. The stack of three images do not all show the one thing.
The Salamander bit is from an upcoming animation. And it’s doesn’t relate to the next two images, which I think we’re all confident are a Chaos Terminator modelled after a piece of classic artwork.
Fed up of Scalpers? But still want your Exclusives? Why not join us?
Anyone who thinks that termi silhouette is Salamanders is gonna be really disappointed. I am curious about their decision for 2 chaos models this year. I've never had an interest in playing any form of chaos in AoS or 40k. I thought last year was genius to use an assassin as any imperial player can use him, so he might not just sit on a shelf for 30 years collecting dust.
True. But I think they are very much also about just being ‘special pieces’ more than usable.
A fantasy Orc is only usable by one lot of people anyway.
Obviously it’s great when usable too, but it’s like the Games Day models, they brought them out just with the whole fomo I guess.
Also I just want to scream into the void about how useless it is to put old rulebooks on the app without any of the rule content. That was ostensibly most of the point of those books, right?
Campaign books are about both fluff and rules. Of course the rules are no longer supported, so they get cut. Which is stupid, but what are you going to do?
It seems that GW's intent with the exclusive models is to tie them into the year of Chaos they're doing. New Chaos Marines, new Warcry, new Daemons book, new Slaves to Darkness. Would more universally usable models be better for more people? Sure. But since they have a theme for the year, it seems they want to tie in the exclusives as well.
Nehekhara lives! Sort of!
Why is the rum always gone?
Toofast wrote: Also I just want to scream into the void about how useless it is to put old rulebooks on the app without any of the rule content. That was ostensibly most of the point of those books, right?
The vast majority of the books are campaign books which are usually 50% lore and 50% rules. Obviously they could have just put up the whole book but an expanding compilation of old gw lore is a pretty good thing to have not to mention all the great art those books included. There are rumours of a vault app which would make those things much easier to access. I've said it before but the vault is the reason I'm going to continue my subscription.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/08/13 09:32:03
'It is a source of constant consternation that my opponents cannot correlate their innate inferiority with their inevitable defeat. It would seem that stupidity is as eternal as war.'
- Nemesor Zahndrekh of the Sautekh Dynasty Overlord of the Crownworld of Gidrim
Toofast wrote: Anyone know the deadline to sign up if you want the assassin? Just saw his ebay price is more than the sub.
I believe it was end of July, ie. two weeks ago.
I think it's bit of duck move to send year one miniatures to new subscribers when majority of day one subscribers are still waiting for the opportunity to pick theirs.
That place is the harsh dark future far left with only war left.
Chaos sorceress looks great. Halo is a bit much, but easily detached. I like the look of someone trying for power but falling to chaos mutation.
The terminator... eh. It reminds me of the SoB character model from the artwork. Knowing they were going to do this model, I'd hope they'd avoid the pitfalls of doing a 1 to 1 art to model transition, and do some finesse updates. Alas, no.
So it just looks clunky and more than a bit silly- the gun and the fist definitely don't help- it looks like someone plucked most of the legs of the spider, rather than fingers. And the pose makes the standard terminator shoulder problem even worse. No idea what the elongated genestealer head is about.
And I get that the KT space hulk thing is coming. But this minimal basing thing for 40k models is starting to feel weird. This isn't ship debris, just a couple rocks and some gravel on barely painted plastic.