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Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

So apparently the latest WD confirms Arks of Omen will consist of five books - not the four teased during that reveals show. With a “technically sixth” volume being presented in White Dwarf.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Mmm... WD DLC.
Made in de
Servoarm Flailing Magos


 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
So apparently the latest WD confirms Arks of Omen will consist of five books - not the four teased during that reveals show. With a “technically sixth” volume being presented in White Dwarf.

Number 5 is probably the Lion... that would at least explain why they have not yet teased the book. That would allow him to squeeze in just before tenth edition.
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

 Lord Damocles wrote:
Mmm... WD DLC.

Tried and tested my dude. For what it’s worth, I’ve greatly enjoyed the Flash Point articles over the past few years.

Made in de
Servoarm Flailing Magos


 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
 Lord Damocles wrote:
Mmm... WD DLC.

Tried and tested my dude. For what it’s worth, I’ve greatly enjoyed the Flash Point articles over the past few years.

Yeah, everything that increases the value of WD is a good thing. As long as they eventually collect it in an anthology or make it available otherwise, why not. Back in the day almost every issue of WD had 'DLC', did not do any harm.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

I wish GW would just release a book with all the lore/stories and artwork without all the narrative play etc.
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Tsagualsa wrote:
 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
 Lord Damocles wrote:
Mmm... WD DLC.

Tried and tested my dude. For what it’s worth, I’ve greatly enjoyed the Flash Point articles over the past few years.

Yeah, everything that increases the value of WD is a good thing. As long as they eventually collect it in an anthology or make it available otherwise, why not. Back in the day almost every issue of WD had 'DLC', did not do any harm.

Eh…depends on the era. I’m currently on a mission to track down which WD had post Titan Legions additions for Epic Space Marine, as those never did get an anthology. Same for some 2nd Ed 40K additions.

Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa


I reckon I've got a few of those in PDF form if that's any good, MDG?

Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Already got a list of the WD issues I need, as I prefer the physical media.

Thank you for the offer though, and I may come back to you!

Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa


No worries, Doc, anytime ;-)

Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in us
Resolute Ultramarine Honor Guard

mrFickle wrote:
Malice is still a thing I believe? Just never talked about.

Wouldn’t it be cool if vashtorr was actually the demon Prince evolution of one of the missing primarchs

The two missing primarchs are the center rail. They'll never be or get anything because they're the McGuffin for DIY Chapters that aren't "successor" chapters.

My WHFB armies were Bretonians and Tomb Kings. 
Made in gb
Preparing the Invasion of Terra

They were originally but now they are their own thing.
Made in ru
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Gert wrote:
They were originally but now they are their own thing.

Yes, successor chapters are the mechanism by which you homebrew your own chapter. I fully believe that one day GW will be trying to figure out how they can’t make more money off 40K (which I’m not begrudging them) and they will have no where left to go except the missing primarchs. I might be ild and infirm by the time it happens but they can only milk the HH for so long
Made in gb
Preparing the Invasion of Terra

By the time GW ever decides to bring the Lost Primarchs into 40k then everyone on this forum will be long dead.
They can milk the armies that need updates for years while adding piecemeal Marine units to keep the masses happy.
Made in de
Servoarm Flailing Magos


 Gert wrote:
By the time GW ever decides to bring the Lost Primarchs into 40k then everyone on this forum will be long dead.
They can milk the armies that need updates for years while adding piecemeal Marine units to keep the masses happy.

If they keep the current pace they can easily do multiple decades of slow-burn plot advancement just by having a single primarch return every couple of years, and that's before we get into shenanigans like multiple independet shards, clones, reincarnations, living saints, warp ghosts and all the other possibilities that already canonically exist in the setting.
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Breton wrote:
mrFickle wrote:
Malice is still a thing I believe? Just never talked about.

Wouldn’t it be cool if vashtorr was actually the demon Prince evolution of one of the missing primarchs

The two missing primarchs are the center rail. They'll never be or get anything because they're the McGuffin for DIY Chapters that aren't "successor" chapters.

They haven’t really been that for a long long time.
It doesn’t fit the lore any more, they weren’t around at the point of Legions becoming Chapters, getting successor foundings or anything. Already just in the UM by then, so a successor to those is all it would be.

I would like book five to be the Lion, as I want him to arrive.
Did it say somewhere it was Imperium vs Chaos in book 5? Which means it still fits.
What was the quote about dlc WD part of AoO?
Made in us
Focused Dark Angels Land Raider Pilot

Danny76 wrote:
Breton wrote:
mrFickle wrote:
Malice is still a thing I believe? Just never talked about.

Wouldn’t it be cool if vashtorr was actually the demon Prince evolution of one of the missing primarchs

The two missing primarchs are the center rail. They'll never be or get anything because they're the McGuffin for DIY Chapters that aren't "successor" chapters.

They haven’t really been that for a long long time.
It doesn’t fit the lore any more, they weren’t around at the point of Legions becoming Chapters, getting successor foundings or anything. Already just in the UM by then, so a successor to those is all it would be.

I would like book five to be the Lion, as I want him to arrive.
Did it say somewhere it was Imperium vs Chaos in book 5? Which means it still fits.
What was the quote about dlc WD part of AoO?

Although that would be cool Vashtorr being a missing Primarch. I think it would take away from that book being Azrael vsVashtorr. Just because it'd be like seeing Angron vs Calgar. It's a no contest slap.

It very well may be a no contest slap, but if it's the poster fight of that book I imagine it should be a decent fight. After all Az did manage to take down a Helldrake whilst running accros rooftops, on his own. He's no slouch but he's no Primarch either.

As for book 5 being Lion I think that is very likely at this stage. With Vashtorr, Angron, Magnus, Mortarion and Abaddon. It's currently a 5 v 1 against GMan. He needs the help.

Made in ro
Servoarm Flailing Magos


FYI Arbitor Ian has a new video up that deals with the lore found in AoO: Angron


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/02/04 17:07:51

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Well, that saved me a job!

Made in gb
Preparing the Invasion of Terra

Ngl, that's pretty neat. I love the idea of the Murder-Curse.
Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut

Is it said anywhere why Angron can now seemingly not be banished for any length of time? That time he got banished on Armageddon he was out of action for 100 years and a day.
Made in ro
Servoarm Flailing Magos


Iracundus wrote:
Is it said anywhere why Angron can now seemingly not be banished for any length of time? That time he got banished on Armageddon he was out of action for 100 years and a day.

He got the favour of the dread entity Mha Ke'Tyng, imbuing him with constant availability
Made in be
Regular Dakkanaut

I won't take credit for this, since people on reddit have long figured this out.

It seems the Emperor's Tarot works in 4 cards per book and people have already started solving the puzzle on what each of them coincides with in the overarching story.


I - Galaxy: The first book is much wider in scope than the upcoming books. The main campaign is being explained.

II - The Despoiler: Abbadon, Obviously

III - The Hulk: Describes the Arks of Omen and the Balefleets.

IV - The Silver Key: The Device that the Arks of Omen are probably searching the many fragments of.

V - The Great Hoste: The Second book focuses on the World Eaters Legion, and specifically...

VI - The Hound: ...Angron.

VII - The Shattered World: Now we are finally realising what the cards slowly mean. The Shattered World is Malakbael, which at the end of Book 2 gets destroyed by Angron's interference with the Choral Engine.

VIII - God-Emperor Inversed: This might be the consequences of Malakbael's destruction; the Murder-curse, which caused a massive-scale murderous rage in anyone who was near the planet, including the entirety of Fleet Quartus, which was declared traitor.

Now we are headed into speculation involving the cards from upcoming books. If it is indeed 4 per book, we can guess at what each of them means.


IX - Daemon: Seeing as the next book is about Vashtorr, this card is probably him.

X - Astartes: Probably hinting at the foe he will face, and seeing as it depicts a green-robed angel, we can safely guess the Dark Angels.

XI - The Lightning Tower: Vashtorr will lay siege to the Rock. Rumours already hinted that this woud be the case.

XII - Daemon Inversed: What might happen it seems is that Vashtorr will not succeed in his dealings on the Rock, but it will be thanks to some other Chaos Entity. I've seen people speculate that it might be the Fallen, which has some merit, but it wouldn't surprise me if something else will bout against Vashtorr.

XIII - The Horde: The sword indicates that we are headed for the 4th book to the Farsight Enclaves. The Horde in question I believe is going to be the forces under the influence of the Murder-Curse instigated by Angron's attack on Malakbael. They talk about blood-drunk and blood-maddened, which describes the affliction quite well. Some say it's Greenskins, but Crimson Verminous hordes kind of fits the idea of Blood-Maddened Imperials a lot nicer.

XIV - The Young Warrior: It is Farsight. He has the Dawn Blade in Hand and people have noted that the Red-armoured horse is his Battlesuit. They talk about a crossroads here, so I believe that the 4th book will have Farsight either struggling to not fall into the clutches of the Murder-Curse, or have to make a difficult decision in order to save the Enclaves.

Yeah. The Emperor's Tarot is a lot more interesting now. When they first appeared, they kind of seemed to be pretty generic, but now that we actually are figuring out what each of them means, it finally feels like proper foreshadowing.
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

As I’ve speculated before, I think Vashtorr is pulling a fast one on Abaddon.

As a Daemon/nascent God powered by innovation, a Galaxy descended full into Chaos doesn’t help him much.

I reckon whatever he has up his sleeve is purely about him reaching Godhood, at the expense of Chaos’ greater victory. Because once you’re a God, there doesn’t seem a whole lot of retribution that’s going to stick.

Hence the Daemon Inversed may be him fixing or turning on some important piece of tech which empowers The Rock.

Made in ro
Servoarm Flailing Magos


 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
As I’ve speculated before, I think Vashtorr is pulling a fast one on Abaddon.

As a Daemon/nascent God powered by innovation, a Galaxy descended full into Chaos doesn’t help him much.

I reckon whatever he has up his sleeve is purely about him reaching Godhood, at the expense of Chaos’ greater victory. Because once you’re a God, there doesn’t seem a whole lot of retribution that’s going to stick.

Hence the Daemon Inversed may be him fixing or turning on some important piece of tech which empowers The Rock.

One of the articles on the community page mentioned that Vashtorr acts a bit like the classic fairy-tale Devil or Djinn do: he sticks exactly to the contract you made with him, but he usually ensures that that contract has loopholes or tricks in it that get him the upper hand.
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Segersgia wrote:
I won't take credit for this, since people on reddit have long figured this out.

It seems the Emperor's Tarot works in 4 cards per book and people have already started solving the puzzle on what each of them coincides with in the overarching story.


I - Galaxy: The first book is much wider in scope than the upcoming books. The main campaign is being explained.

II - The Despoiler: Abbadon, Obviously

III - The Hulk: Describes the Arks of Omen and the Balefleets.

IV - The Silver Key: The Device that the Arks of Omen are probably searching the many fragments of.

V - The Great Hoste: The Second book focuses on the World Eaters Legion, and specifically...

VI - The Hound: ...Angron.

VII - The Shattered World: Now we are finally realising what the cards slowly mean. The Shattered World is Malakbael, which at the end of Book 2 gets destroyed by Angron's interference with the Choral Engine.

VIII - God-Emperor Inversed: This might be the consequences of Malakbael's destruction; the Murder-curse, which caused a massive-scale murderous rage in anyone who was near the planet, including the entirety of Fleet Quartus, which was declared traitor.

Now we are headed into speculation involving the cards from upcoming books. If it is indeed 4 per book, we can guess at what each of them means.


IX - Daemon: Seeing as the next book is about Vashtorr, this card is probably him.

X - Astartes: Probably hinting at the foe he will face, and seeing as it depicts a green-robed angel, we can safely guess the Dark Angels.

XI - The Lightning Tower: Vashtorr will lay siege to the Rock. Rumours already hinted that this woud be the case.

XII - Daemon Inversed: What might happen it seems is that Vashtorr will not succeed in his dealings on the Rock, but it will be thanks to some other Chaos Entity. I've seen people speculate that it might be the Fallen, which has some merit, but it wouldn't surprise me if something else will bout against Vashtorr.

XIII - The Horde: The sword indicates that we are headed for the 4th book to the Farsight Enclaves. The Horde in question I believe is going to be the forces under the influence of the Murder-Curse instigated by Angron's attack on Malakbael. They talk about blood-drunk and blood-maddened, which describes the affliction quite well. Some say it's Greenskins, but Crimson Verminous hordes kind of fits the idea of Blood-Maddened Imperials a lot nicer.

XIV - The Young Warrior: It is Farsight. He has the Dawn Blade in Hand and people have noted that the Red-armoured horse is his Battlesuit. They talk about a crossroads here, so I believe that the 4th book will have Farsight either struggling to not fall into the clutches of the Murder-Curse, or have to make a difficult decision in order to save the Enclaves.

Yeah. The Emperor's Tarot is a lot more interesting now. When they first appeared, they kind of seemed to be pretty generic, but now that we actually are figuring out what each of them means, it finally feels like proper foreshadowing.

This does make the whole thing much more interesting. Not knowing much about tarot cards, doesn't a card inversed generally mean its opposite, so Daemon inversed could be referring to a Primarch, something to do with the Lion? More likely some form of betrayal between Chaos factions but its fun to speculate.
Made in be
Regular Dakkanaut

Aash wrote:
 Segersgia wrote:
I won't take credit for this, since people on reddit have long figured this out.

It seems the Emperor's Tarot works in 4 cards per book and people have already started solving the puzzle on what each of them coincides with in the overarching story.


I - Galaxy: The first book is much wider in scope than the upcoming books. The main campaign is being explained.

II - The Despoiler: Abbadon, Obviously

III - The Hulk: Describes the Arks of Omen and the Balefleets.

IV - The Silver Key: The Device that the Arks of Omen are probably searching the many fragments of.

V - The Great Hoste: The Second book focuses on the World Eaters Legion, and specifically...

VI - The Hound: ...Angron.

VII - The Shattered World: Now we are finally realising what the cards slowly mean. The Shattered World is Malakbael, which at the end of Book 2 gets destroyed by Angron's interference with the Choral Engine.

VIII - God-Emperor Inversed: This might be the consequences of Malakbael's destruction; the Murder-curse, which caused a massive-scale murderous rage in anyone who was near the planet, including the entirety of Fleet Quartus, which was declared traitor.

Now we are headed into speculation involving the cards from upcoming books. If it is indeed 4 per book, we can guess at what each of them means.


IX - Daemon: Seeing as the next book is about Vashtorr, this card is probably him.

X - Astartes: Probably hinting at the foe he will face, and seeing as it depicts a green-robed angel, we can safely guess the Dark Angels.

XI - The Lightning Tower: Vashtorr will lay siege to the Rock. Rumours already hinted that this woud be the case.

XII - Daemon Inversed: What might happen it seems is that Vashtorr will not succeed in his dealings on the Rock, but it will be thanks to some other Chaos Entity. I've seen people speculate that it might be the Fallen, which has some merit, but it wouldn't surprise me if something else will bout against Vashtorr.

XIII - The Horde: The sword indicates that we are headed for the 4th book to the Farsight Enclaves. The Horde in question I believe is going to be the forces under the influence of the Murder-Curse instigated by Angron's attack on Malakbael. They talk about blood-drunk and blood-maddened, which describes the affliction quite well. Some say it's Greenskins, but Crimson Verminous hordes kind of fits the idea of Blood-Maddened Imperials a lot nicer.

XIV - The Young Warrior: It is Farsight. He has the Dawn Blade in Hand and people have noted that the Red-armoured horse is his Battlesuit. They talk about a crossroads here, so I believe that the 4th book will have Farsight either struggling to not fall into the clutches of the Murder-Curse, or have to make a difficult decision in order to save the Enclaves.

Yeah. The Emperor's Tarot is a lot more interesting now. When they first appeared, they kind of seemed to be pretty generic, but now that we actually are figuring out what each of them means, it finally feels like proper foreshadowing.

This does make the whole thing much more interesting. Not knowing much about tarot cards, doesn't a card inversed generally mean its opposite, so Daemon inversed could be referring to a Primarch, something to do with the Lion? More likely some form of betrayal between Chaos factions but its fun to speculate.

Know a few things about Tarot, but an inversed card doesn't necessarily mean its full opposite, but sometimes an aversion of the original meaning or even a more personal meaning of the card. Death for example in actual Tarot stands for change and endings in your surroundings, but inversed, means either a resistance to that change happening, or a more personal bond with that change.

Now, we know thanks to the videos what the meaning is of both the upright, and reversed cards for Daemon. The Upright version talks about the thinning of the veil between realms, while the inversed one specifically notes the fickle backstabbing nature of chaos.

I think we should take the descriptions of these cards at face value though. Vashtorr will be inconvenienced in some way thanks to infighting or thanks to a rival interfering.

My theory; Vashtorr's full plan is going after the Lion himself and finding his chambers empty, with the cause of that being the Fallen, or some chaos entity.

Fun thing; while the tarot reading for the Emperor Inversed kind of generically says the end of the Imperium, Lexicanum has a slightly different meaning from an older source. The Inversed Emperor means specifically the chaos corruption of imperial servants, which literally is what happens in the second book of this series.
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Today’s tarot card is the fool inversed. Something about “a change of spirit from fury to serenity” so possibly some sort of hint of Angron getting defeated?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/02/10 16:28:30

Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut

Aash wrote:
Today’s tarot card is the fool inversed. Something about “a change of spirit from fury to serenity” so possibly some sort of hint of Angron getting defeated?

The wand the Fool is holding is topped with a Tau Ethereal honor blade like Aun'shi's.

The previous card was the Young Warrior with possible reference to Farsight, and how a light guttering in the black may "scourge the Red Tide or drown beneath its waves".

My take on this is Farsight somehow gets involved and gets tempted by Khorne or falls temporarily into a blind rage perhaps due to the Murder Curse. Then under the influence of an honour blade wielding Ethereal, perhaps Aun'shi, the fury is lifted and exchanged for serenity, and then Farsight goes on to do whatever is needed for the plot which may mean thwarting Angron/Vashtorr/Chaos in general,

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Currently chewing my way through AoO Angron.

Having missed Abaddon? I’m rather impressed!

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