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2024/05/21 06:45:12
Subject: Re:Project - old world in 10mm scale
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon
I created some movement trays. I used leftover cardboard, wooden sticks and some glue. Added a little texture and painted them. Here are some freshly painted undead, dipping their toes in a pair of finnished trays.
First multiplayer test game booked 1st of june, I will paint as much as I can for it
Brutal, but kunning! |
2024/05/27 06:24:38
Subject: Re:Project - old world in 10mm scale
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon
I made some progress this weekend with the tomb kings. I finished some more units for the test game, and also I made a little display for them. I will try to completly paint their army until saturday, wich means another unit of archers, 3 chariots and a necro-priest.
Then if Rah is willing, I will finnish some of the bretonnians too.
Brutal, but kunning! |
2024/06/02 22:00:09
Subject: Re:Project - old world in 10mm scale
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon
As my tomb kings have 1000pts ready, it's time to shift the focus to the bretonnians. I have painted a pair of knight, some men at arms and a wizard (counts as damsel). Lastly a group shot of the merry and currently painted band of warriors.
Brutal, but kunning! |
2024/06/03 14:59:38
Subject: Project - old world in 10mm scale
Powerful Spawning Champion
Such tiny knights, but so detailed, it's neat.
2024/06/04 14:57:13
Subject: Project - old world in 10mm scale
Charging Orc Boar Boy
These look exceptionally nice.
If not for the sunk cost fallacy, I would switch over to 10 mm myself
2024/06/04 19:00:58
Subject: Project - old world in 10mm scale
Battlefield Tourist
I love the display so much! Wonderful work.
2024/06/05 06:14:02
Subject: Project - old world in 10mm scale
Grizzled Space Wolves Great Wolf
Very cool! I have a “half scale” Kings of war / WHFB thing going. It ends up about 10 to 12mm scale because I halve all the base sizes, and to not have headaches ranking the models up I drop the models themselves a bit smaller than old school WHFB.
Automatically Appended Next Post: Moscha wrote:These look exceptionally nice.
If not for the sunk cost fallacy, I would switch over to 10 mm myself
On the upside, a 10mm regiment of 20 models as would be typical of WHFB only takes, like, a couple of hours to paint, lol.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/06/05 12:43:14
2024/06/09 01:28:24
Subject: Project - old world in 10mm scale
Stalwart Veteran Guard Sergeant
Bloody brilliant to be building and painting things at that tiny level and customize them as well. Highly impressive. Can't wait to see more painted up. As a terrain person - what terrain do you use for the board? I feel like this is something you could literally bring onto a train and play as you travel as long as you've got some magnets and a fold out board.
2024/06/09 17:45:42
Subject: Re:Project - old world in 10mm scale
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon
Thanks for all the comments, very encouraging! Here are a now 12 men strong unit of men at arms.
Regarding terrain, a table can be forgivingly small. Here is an example (72x48cm), overstuffed with terrain pieces. I intend to make a dedicated desert theme board for these armies, but here is some showcases. Hills made out of cork intended for hot pots.
Trees made out of pipe cleaners. Fields made out of cut door mats. Houses bought as resin pieces and painted. Rough swamp made out of cardboard, filler and some vallejo water effects.
The mat is just some painted green cloth.
Brutal, but kunning! |
2024/06/12 13:03:09
Subject: Project - old world in 10mm scale
Powerful Spawning Champion
These days I prefer a smaller table, who has the space anymore? Ha. Trees and all look great, men at arms too.
2024/08/06 06:18:53
Subject: Re:Project - old world in 10mm scale
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon
Hello! I'm making some progress, although not at the rocket speed from the start of the project. But slow and steady wins the race!
Here is the current state of the bretonnians. I still have several archers, 6 knights and my lord on pegasus to paint. But it is starting to look like an army.
Brutal, but kunning! |
2024/08/06 11:25:07
Subject: Project - old world in 10mm scale
Powerful Spawning Champion
Coming together very well indeed.
2024/08/07 02:45:21
Subject: Project - old world in 10mm scale
Possessed Khorne Marine Covered in Spikes
Fantastic painting at that scale!
2024/08/08 11:43:02
Subject: Project - old world in 10mm scale
Stalwart Veteran Guard Sergeant
Looking amazing, love the detail on those tiny figures you're managing to get.
Also... did you paint that backdrop yourself? It looks wonderful with the 10mm figures.
2024/08/08 13:21:39
Subject: Re:Project - old world in 10mm scale
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon
@blockade23 Yes, thought it could add some life. It's a common a4 thick paper with some acryllic paint. Hopefully I'll build some actual playable board and terrain after the minis are done. Then that backdrop can serve as concept art
Brutal, but kunning! |
2024/08/26 08:34:16
Subject: Re:Project - old world in 10mm scale
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon
Mounted knights of the realm are done. Here they are all 12 riding together.
Brutal, but kunning! |
2024/09/01 14:15:23
Subject: Re:Project - old world in 10mm scale
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon
Here is my bretonnian baron and his royal pegasus rainbow dash.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/09/01 14:15:43
Brutal, but kunning! |
2024/09/01 16:23:21
Subject: Re:Project - old world in 10mm scale
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon
And here is also finnally the finnished block of archers. There were so many little details on these to paint. I could have gone with a more uniform simple scheme, but I think with the result that it was worth it!
Brutal, but kunning! |
2024/09/01 17:43:13
Subject: Re:Project - old world in 10mm scale
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon
With the archers, my bretonnia side of the project is done. Here they are.
Brutal, but kunning! |
2024/09/01 17:56:15
Subject: Project - old world in 10mm scale
Brainy Biophagus Brewing Potent Chemicals
extremely impressive!
i have played games of the current edition |
2024/09/11 17:59:28
Subject: Re:Project - old world in 10mm scale
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon
A bit of a sidetrack for the tomb kings as I still have a dragon and 10 skeletons left on my original project plan. But here is a cheeky screaming skull catapult.
Brutal, but kunning! |
2024/09/12 21:25:46
Subject: Re:Project - old world in 10mm scale
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon
And a dragon for the skeleton boiz
Brutal, but kunning! |
2024/09/15 17:56:03
Subject: Project - old world in 10mm scale
Longtime Dakkanaut
Central Valley, California
I love these pics so much, keep it flowing.
~ Shrap
Rolling 1's for five decades.
AoS * Konflikt '47 * Conquest Last Argument of Kings * Team Yankee * Horus Heresy * The Old World * Warcrow |
2024/09/17 20:24:56
Subject: Re:Project - old world in 10mm scale
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon
I just finished 10 more tomb guard. This completes the tomb kings according to my original plan to build what is in the gw starting box. Next step of the project is to build a themed gaming board and some more matching terrain.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/09/18 05:09:10
Brutal, but kunning! |
2024/09/19 05:50:21
Subject: Re:Project - old world in 10mm scale
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon
Bonus round.
Sometimes a prince of bretonnia is turned into a toad by sorcery. These magical toads have an unnatural lifespan and can become huge. Such creatures are still kept as loyal pets by their families. They are even used in battle, where they munch up enemies of the land.
Brutal, but kunning! |