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[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Player Briefing
Oh, you thought those last 3 Warbosses where the real Big Bad of this Vessel? Hah! Now you must face the might of the Biggest Boss, the Big Fist himself, Warlord Ork "Appropriate Crazy Name" (GMs are free to name this Warlord however they please)! Good luck, Heroes of the Imperium. Players are stuck with the squad they sent to deal with the last Mission, as this is the third in a Linked series.

DBFg: You Got His Attention: Linked

"Now THIS is the mightiest Ork these greenskins can muster. If we can kill him, we will break the resolve of these Xenos scum. They might never recover!"

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, however, players may also take this Mission on as a Side Quest for any Ordo Xenos present in the Narrative.

Known Adversaries
"I didn't know Warbosses could get any bigger than we've faced. Apparently I was wrong..."
The Ork Warlord "Appropriate Crazy Name" is represented by the Ghazghkull Thraka datasheet, but GMs may change his <Clan> keyword to any they prefer. This Warlord is accompanied by a retinue of lesser Warbosses and Big Meks.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective:
Kill the Warlord
: any Deathwatch allied model that scores 1 or more unSaved Wounds on Warlord "Appropriate Crazy Name" gains +1XP and +1 Renown. The model that removes Warlord "Appropriate Crazy Name" as a casualty gains +3XP and +D3+3 Renown.

Tertiary Objective:
Eradicate His Lieutenants
: for each Ork model that began the Mission with 3 or more Wounds that is removed as a casualty, each surviving Deathwatch allied model gains +1XP and +1 Renown.

The board should be set up with one large room dominating the center of the tabletop. Multiple smaller rooms and corridors should spawn off of this. The large room should have at least 3 defensible positions of scatter terrain, bulkhead walls, wreckage, and/or high ground in it. There should be at least 3 prominent entrances into the large room from the edges of the board.

The players set up their forces according to their Deployment method. The GM then sets up their forces within 3" of any of the Prominent Entrances.

The player that controls the Mission Leader model and the GM should roll off to determine who takes the first Turn.

Extraction Time: 1 hour if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less. Plus 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6-11 Battlerounds, or plus D3+1 hours if the Mission lasts 12 Battlerounds or more. Note that because this is a special Link in a series of Missions, it subtracts the Extraction and Insertion times for its duration. 1-4 hours

Technology on the Table
If the player(s) have a Trait or Talent that allows them to place Technology, roll randomly to determine the Power Levels of these.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: Surviving Deathwatch allied models from the previous Mission in this Linked chain must deploy within 6" of the center of the table.

- Extraction Options: Teleportarium or any for which the Mission Leader qualifies if the Teleportarium isn't working for reasons.

Arming Phase
As this is the third in a series of Linked Missions, players skip this Phase.

According to the parameters of the Mission.

Play Game

Debriefing Phase
Players record XP, Renown, Esteem, and any Treasures gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: Original Method: The GM gets 120 Allotment (not affected by the Doomclock). They must purchase 1 Ghazghkull Thraka to represent the Warlord "Appropriate Crazy Name" and may spend the remainder of their Allotment on other Ork HQ, Elite, and Heavy Support models (but not named characters) including other Warbosses, Big Meks, Nobs, Meks, Meganobs, and Flashgits.

Allotment: Revised Method: The GM gets Allotment equal to triple the players' combined CTV (not affected by the Doomclock). They must purchase 1 Ghazghkull Thraka to represent the Warlord "Appropriate Crazy Name" and may spend the remainder of their Allotment on other Ork HQ, Elite, and Heavy Support models (but not named characters) including other Warbosses, Big Meks, Nobs, Meks, Meganobs, and Flashgits.

Terminal Data for this mission
Any Terminal on the table provides snippets of data for every tidbit a model extracts. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve and for each, they gain D6-1 (to a minimum of 1) Esteem with the Lord's Own Code Faction or D3 Esteem with any Ordo Xenos Faction.

What Happens if Players Defeat Warlord "Appropriate Crazy Name"?
After this Mission is successfully completed, in all future Missions that feature Ork Adversaries, those Orks suffer -1 Leadership and any Adversaries purchased from the HQ section of the Ork Codex cost an additional +1 Allotment to field.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
15 / 04 / 01 / Locus Booster / This Item of Wargear grants a +1 bonus to the bearer's pre-existing Invulnerable Save, provided this model was hit at least once by either a Shooting or melee attack in the previous Battleround.

35 / 30 / 01 / Stabilizer Stim / This Item of Wargear grants the model carrying it a once per Mission use. It removes D6 Wound Tokens and restores D3 previously lost Wounds. This Relic cannot bring a model past its original starting Wounds.

10 / 25 / * / Silencer Beacon / This Item of Wargear may be thrown like a Grenade or Emplaced like a Mine. In either case, place a Marker to indicate its location. If it misses when thrown, the GM may place the Marker anywhere within D3" of its target spot. After 1 Battleround the Silencer Beacon goes off, inflicting a -3 penalty to the Leadership of all models within 6" of its Marker. The Silencer Beacon's effect lasts for 3 Battlerounds, afterwards becoming inert. It may be subsequently picked up by any Deathwatch allied model with the Capacity to carry it. Leaving this Relic behind on the Battlefield imposes a -2D6 penalty to the original bearer's Renown.

54 / 27 / * / Destroyer Grenade / This Item of Wargear is a Grenade with the following profile:

Range / RoF / Strength / AP / Damage / Type / Special Rules
8" / D3|-|- / 14 / -4 / D3+3 / Assault / This is a one-use Weapon.

24 / 16 / 01 / Confusatron / This Pistol has the following profile:

Range / RoF / Magazine / Strength / AP / Damage / Type / Special Rules
18" / D3|2D3|- / 10 / 1 / - / 1 / Pistol / Any model hit by this Pistol suffers a -1 to its BS and its WS on its next Turn. Once this Relic's Magazine is depleted, it regenerates 1 Ammo at the start of the players' Command Phase until it reaches 10.

15 / 12 / 01 / Sensorium Amp / This Armor Accessory may be added to any Powered, Artificer, or Terminator Armor and enhances the bearer's Autosenses, granting them +8" to their visual range in total darkness and +1 to hit with Ranged Weapons at Ranges up to 16".

*These Relics follow the same rules for weight as Grenades.

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2023/05/02 17:30:24

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Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Generic Relics
The following is a list of Relics that can be used as "Treasure" to be discovered with the We Tread Familiar Ground Effect of the Forbidden Knowledge Skill on any Mission. This list is by no means exhaustive, and I will be adding more to it as I come up with new ideas in the future.

I decided that I'm going to leave this list at 100 Relics in case GMs want to use it as a D100 random treasure generator.

In an effort to save space, Threshold and Cost are presented as T and C respectively.

Items with * Weight are so light that they add no significant burden to their bearer.

Relic Items

T / C / Relic / Weight / Function

50 / 02 / Abrasion Fluid / * / This Vial of gritty, dark grey fluid contains enough material to coat just 2 Weapons before being depleted. When applied to any Bladed Melee Weapon or an Astartes War Pick, the Abrasion Fluid adds the Ragged Wounds Quality to it.

20 / 10 / Abyssinian Shell / * / This Trinket projects a globe of darkness around its bearer. The bearer cannot be selected as a target of enemy Shooting or Charges unless the attacking model is 6" away or closer. While the Abyssinian Shell is active, this model's Cohesion is considered 1 step lower than it actually is (to a minimum of 0). The Abyssinian Shell may be deactivated or reactivated in a model's Command Phase.

5 / 4 / Bellyrean Grav Catalyst / * / This is a Primary Magazine for a Grav Pistol, Gravgun, or Grav Cannon. It has an ammo capacity of 10. For the cost of 2 Ammo, this Relic allows a Grav Weapon to make a "Charged Shot" with a Strength and Damage bonus of +1. However, when doing so, the Bellyrean Grav Catalyst also increases the weapon's Weight by +1 until this Catalyst is empty.

35 / 10 / Book of Multiplicitous Woe / 1 / Every time the bearer of this Tainted Relic fails a die roll, the player that controls the model gains 1 "Failure Die". These "Failure Dice" may be spent to force the GM to re-roll any single D6 roll of the player's choice until the end of the Mission. Each time one of these "Failure Dice" are used, the bearer gains +1 Corruption. A bearer with the ability to Deny the Witch can negate this Corruption by rolling a 4+ on a D6 for each gain.

50 / 25 / Burning Wrath / 3 / Whenever the bearer of this Jump Pack Charges and moves more than 7" to do it, they cause 1 Mortal Wound to the enemy model they end their Charge closest to.

15 / 5 / Cog of the Kirsehiri / * / This Honorific is a symbol recognizable by anyone familiar with local Battlefleets and the distinctive relationships between Imperial Naval and Adeptus Ordinatus Factions. Whenever the bearer of the Cog of the Kirsehiri would gain Esteem with an Imperial, Naval, or Admech Faction, they also gain +1 Esteem with 1 other Imperial, Naval, or Admech Faction of their choice.

50 / 25 / Dark Chronometron / 1 / This Tainted Relic allows the bearer to reroll one failed die roll per Mission. When the player that controls this model chooses to do this, place a duplicate of the bearer within 2" of the original model before rerolling. If the reroll results in success, the bearer gains +1 Renown. If the reroll still results in a failure, the bearer gains +1XP. At the end of the Phase, roll a D6. The number rolled is the number of Battlerounds the duplicate remains in play. These models act independently, both gaining XP and Renown for the original. At the end of each Battleround the duplicate remains in play, the original suffers +1 Corruption. The Mission cannot end before the last Battleround that the duplicate persists in is done. At the end of the rolled duration, remove one of the duplicates from play. The remaining model is now considered "the original".

10 / 01 / Devastator's Charm / * / This small Trinket allows its bearer, once per Mission, to re-roll a failed Wound roll that required a 2+ to succeed.

10 / 01 / Drakmar Imperialis / * / This pristine Coin is the sacred currency of Noble Pilgrims; those who travel to Terra to celebrate their Imperial faith. It is a rare thing indeed, for too often the Lords of Worlds pay lip service only to the Divine Master of Mankind. If the bearer of this Relic is ever faced with the choice between two options, have the Player flip a real coin and call the options. If the Player that controls this model abides by the Drakmar Imperialis' outcome, this model gains +1 Renown. If they do anything other than what the Coin dictates, the model instead loses 1 Renown, but gains +1 XP.

50 / 5 / Efficiency Multiplier / * / This box of pellets contains 10 applications of this Relic before it is depleted. When added to any Promethium Ammo container it grants the following ability to the weapon it is connected to for the duration of the upcoming Mission: whenever this weapon is used to Shoot, the controlling player rolls a D6. On a 4, 1 Ammo is refunded. On a 5+, 2 Ammo is instead refunded.

10 / 5 / Errsian Black Gilting / 1 / This Armor Modification is carved from the Black Marble of Errs with embellishments of that planet's very rare Red Gold. Whenever the bearer of this intricate Relic Sculpturing would gain Esteem with an Imperial Faction, they gain an additional +D3.

25 / 1 / Frequency Scanner / * / This Armor Modification grants the following ability: if 1 or more enemy model is within 24" of the bearer of the Frequency Scanner, they may make a Skill test at the start of their Command Phase, without expending any Ratings from any Skill. If they succeed, they gain +1 XP.

65 / 50 / The Golden Bike / 20 / This dusty, but otherwise functional Assault Bike weighs more than two Space Marines combined. However, its micro-reactor still functions and it may be ridden when found. The Golden Bike is equipped with Masterwork Twin Linked Bolters with a Primary Magazine equivalent to a Backpack Ammo Supply (and as such may be given specialty ammo using that Wargear Item's Threshold and Cost). Additionally, this Relic Motorcycle grants its rider a 5+ Invulnerable Save versus Ranged attacks that come from its forward facing arc.

45 / 30 / Helm of the Devastator / * / This Armor Modification grants its bearer access to the following Stratagem: (2CP) Ranging Salvo. Use at the start of the Shooting Phase. Any target hit by the bearer of this Relic, but not removed as casualty, becomes +1 to be hit and +1 to be Wounded by all other allied Astartes in Cohesion Range of the bearer of the Helm of the Devastator.

15 / 15 / Icon of Grace / * / This Honorific grants its bearer the following, once per Mission, ability. The first time this model would otherwise be reduced to 0 Wounds, it is instead reduced to 1 Wound and becomes Immune to Damage until the end of the Phase in which it was triggered.

10 / 08 / Ignatus Attachment / +1 / This Weapon Accessory adds Weight to any Ranged Weapon it is fitted to. Whenever the Weapon this Relic is attached to fires, it also shoots a 3" Range flame spurt at any enemy in line with the original target. This extra Shot expends no ammunition, automatically hits, and is resolved at Strength 2, AP -, and Damage 1.

50 / 15 / Left Hand of K'Nopth* / * / This Tainted Relic Vambrace Attachment grants its bearer the following, Once per Mission, ability: select 1 enemy model within 18" and in line of sight. Both the bearer and the target roll a D6 and add their Strength. If the player's model rolls higher, move the target a number of inches closer to the bearer of the Left Hand of K'Nopth equal to the difference in the scores. If the bearer has any Ratings in the Psychic Sense Skill they add that number to their D6 roll as well. If the bearer has the ability to Manifest Psychic Powers, they may use this Tainted Relic any number of times during the Mission, in the Command Phase. Each time the ability of this Tainted Relic is used, the bearer gains +1 Corruption, unless they have the ability to Deny the Witch, in which case they only gain +1 Corruption on the D6 roll of a 1, 2, or a 3.

150 / 25 / Mark of Absolute Law / * / Once the bearer of this Purity Seal has removed an enemy model with the <Daemon> or <Daemonic Engine> keyword as a casualty, the Mark of Absolute Law provides its bearer with a 2+ Invulnerable Save versus hits that originate from a <Daemon> or <Daemonic Engine>.

25 / 01 / Mark of the Conciliator / * / If the Unit the bearer of this Purity Seal belongs to completes all of its Routine Mission Objectives without losing any allied models to casualties, this model gains +1XP at the end of the Mission. If the Unit completes all the Mission Objectives without losing any allied model to casualties in a series of 2 or more Linked Missions, all models in the Unit gain +1XP and the bearer of the Mark of the Conciliator gains +D3 Renown at the end of the last Mission in the Link Chain.

02 / 01 / Pilgrims Token / * / This small Trinket allows its bearer, once per Mission, to ignore a single Wound on the D6 roll of a 5+.

50 / 15 / Right Hand of K'Nopth* / * / This Tainted Relic Vambrace Attachment grants its bearer the following, Once per Mission, ability: select 1 enemy model within 18" and in line of sight. Both the bearer and the target roll a D6 and add their Strength. If the player's model rolls higher, move the target a number of inches further away from the bearer of the Right Hand of K'Nopth equal to the difference in the scores. If the bearer has any Ratings in the Psychic Sense Skill they add that number to their D6 roll as well. If the bearer has the ability to Manifest Psychic Powers, they may use this Tainted Relic any number of times during the Mission, in the Command Phase. Each time the ability of this Tainted Relic is used, the bearer gains +1 Corruption, unless they have the ability to Deny the Witch, in which case they only gain +1 Corruption on the D6 roll of a 1, 2, or a 3.

50 / 25 / R.O.C. (Remote Ordinance Conveyor) / * / This Dual Task Servitor resembles a cybernetic spider. It can carry up to 5 Weight worth of Mines and/or Bombs and Emplaces them on its own. The R.O.C. acts independently, but must remain within 10" of the model that purchased them. If they are injured, an allied model may expend a Tech Rating to restore 1 Wound to it on a successful Skill test. This Relic Servitor should be represented by a small model on a 25mm base.
Move 5" WS5+ BS5+ S2 T3 Wounds 3 A1 Ld9 Skill -

9 / 5 / Sapphiric Plasma Cell / * / This is a Primary Magazine for a Plasma Pistol, Plasmagun, or Plasma Cannon. It has an ammo capacity of 9 and any unmodified hit roll of a 6 refunds any Ammo used for that Shot.

25 / 15 / Shroud of Aeons / * / This Camo Cloak grants its bearer +1 to any Stealth Skill checks they make. In addition, this Relic grants its bearer Stealth (+1) until the end of the upcoming Mission.

12 / 02 / Sigil of Mockery / * / This Purity Seal allows the bearer to select one allied model in Cohesion Range to reroll one failed die roll. Whenever this Relic is used, both the bearer and the target lose 1 Renown each.

5 / 01 / Thermal Mask / * / This Armor Modification sockets into any suit of Armor wearable by an Astartes. Adversaries with the <Necron>, <T'au>, or <Tyranids> keyword must pass a Toughness test before being able to Shoot at or Charge this model.

45* / 35 / Weasel Mechadendrite / * / This Mechadendrite requires the Servo Rig(1) or better Talent to function correctly. The Weasel Mechadendrite may be used in 1 of 4 ways. First, it may be used like a Manipulator Mechadendrite, able to hold simple objects like Sample Cases, Scrap, or an inert Pistol up to 03 Weight. Second, it may be detached and sent to Scout ahead. In the Command Phase, the bearer of the Weasel Mechadendrite may place a Marker anywhere on the Battlefield up to 10" from themselves. The Marker reveals any unrevealed Terrain or hidden Adversaries within 6" of it. Third, the Weasel Mechadendrite may be detached and sent at any enemy model to Attack it. In any of the bearer's Shooting Phases, instead of firing a Ranged Weapon, they may select a Target within 10" and send the Weasel at it. On the D6 roll of a 4+, this Mechadendrite causes 2D3 Strength 2, AP -1, Damage 1 hits. Lastly, the Weasel Mechadendrite may be detached in the Command Phase and sent to a Terrain Feature or Technology Emplacement within 10". If sent to a Terrain Feature with Wounds, this Relic inflicts D6 Mortal Wounds to it as it tears it apart. If sent to a Technology Emplacement, the Weasel Mechadendrite destroys it, replacing it with 03 Weight worth of Scrap that may be traded to any Admech Faction for 3D3 Esteem. Any use of this Relic that detaches it, returns it at the end of the Battleround in which it was used.

15 / 5 / Zephyr Actuators / * / These Armor Upgrades grant their bearer +1 to Advance rolls, resulting in extra Movement between +2" and up to +7".

*A model that equips both the Left and the Right Hand of K'Nopth gains +1 to their opposed Strength tests and may move their target in any direction. If they move their target up or over a pit, the target suffers a Fall from the height they are lifted to and become Pinned.

Relic Armor

T / C / Relic / Capacity / Save/Invulverable / Special Abilities

25 / 15 / Ablative Shield / * / -|5+ / This Vambrace Attachment begins the Mission deactivated. It may be activated at the start of any Phase. It provides a 5+ Invulnerable Save versus Shooting hits and a 4+ Invulnerable Save versus hits that come from Engagement Range. The Ablative Shield stops working for the remainder of the Mission after 5 successful Saves.

60* / 25 / Aegis of the Pureheart / +3 / 2+|5+ / Masterwork. This Terminator Armor improves its Invulnerable Save to 2+ versus hits from models with the <Chaos>, <Daemon>, <Daemonic Engine>, and/or <Psyker> keyword.

45 / 25 / Assurance / +2 / 3+|- / Masterwork. The bearer of this Relic Powered Armor gains +1 to any Skill test that aids or encourages one or more allied models. Additionally, for every Primary Mission Objective completed, the bearer of Assurance gains +1 Leadership until the end of the Mission.

100 / 25 / Auric Angelis / +3 / 2+|- / Masterwork. The bearer of this Relic Artificer Armor gains +1 Wound until the end of the Mission. If the bearer of Auric Angelis has only 1 Wound at the end of the Mission, returning this Relic does not remove that Wound.

45 / 35 / The Black Suit / +2 / 3+|6+ / Masterwork. This Relic Powered Armor is said to have weathered a journey through the Mytherian Gate, emerging cloaked in shadow. By order of the Inquisition, all Chapter Iconography was removed from this Armor and it was submitted for Purity testing. While the results of those tests remains unknown, this Relic has found its way to the [++Redacted++]. The model who equips this Armor gains a 6+ Invulnerable Save and a +1 to any Stealth Skill checks they may take while wearing it. If the model in question does not have any Ratings in the Stealth Skill, this Relic grants them Stealth (+1).

20 / 15 / Crusader Shield / 2 / 4+|5+ / Masterwork. This Relic One-handed Shield improves its Invulnerable Save to 4+ versus hits that come from Engagement Range. The Crusader Shield may be used in conjunction with the Shield Strike - where it has the same Melee Weapon profile as a Storm Shield - and Sword and Board Talents.

25 / 8 / Cuirass Emperator / +2 / 3+|- / Exceptional. If the bearer of this Relic Powered Armor is elected Squad Leader, it grants them +1 CP to their Squad's Pool. If the bearer is elected Mission Leader, it instead grants +2 CP to the Mission Pool.

25 / 10 / Damocles Reinforced Plate / +1 / 3+|- / Exceptional. When bearer of this Relic Powered Armor is hit by <T'au> Pulse Weapons or <T'au> Plasma Weapons, improve its Armor Save to 2+.

100 / 60 Destroyer Plate / +3 2+|- / Masterwork. The bearer of this Artificer Armor gains a 4+ Invulnerable Save versus hits from Strength 6 or better attacks. Additionally, due to the advanced optics in this Relic, any Heavy Ranged Weapon equipped by the bearer increase their Range by +12" and inflict +1 Damage on unmodified hit rolls of 6. Devastators and Intercessors armed with Heavy Bolt Rifles treat Destroyer Plate's Threshold as 50.

50* / 40 / Ever-Standing / +4 / 2+|4+ / Masterwork. The bearer of this Tartarros Pattern Terminator Armor is immune to the effects of Stunning, Suppression, and any effect that might otherwise knock this model down. In addition, whenever the bearer of the Ever-Standing jumps down into a pit deep enough to harm them, they half the Strength of the Impact.

65 / 45 / Fiery Halo / - / -|4+ / Exceptional. When the beaer of this Powered Field successfully saves against a hit, the Fiery Halo stores up the energy until the end of the Battleround, when it unleashes a 6" Range fireball centered on the bearer with a Strength equal to the number of successful Saves, AP -1, and Damage 1. This Fireball automatically hits, Ignores Cover, and has the Ablaze Quality.

50 / 10 / Flux Field / * / -|variable / At the start of each Battleround the bearer of this Powered Field must roll a D3. On a 1, this Relic provides a 5+ Invulnerable Save until the start of the next Battleround. On the roll of a 2, it provides a 4+ Invulnerable Save and on a 3 it provides a 3+ Invulnerable Save.

40* / 15 / Lasting Scar / +3 / 2+|5+ / Masterwork. Weapons equipped by the bearer of this Terminator Armor increase their Strength by +1 versus enemy models with the <Genestealer> keyword.

50 / 15 / Luckiest / +2 / 3+|6+ / Masterwork. Once per Mission, the bearer of this Relic Powered Armor may negate a single hit against it. This negation may happen after the model has already failed their Armor or Invulnerable Save.

50* / 15* / Palonian Denier / +3 / 2+|5+ / Masterwork. The bearer of this Terminator Armor gains +1 use of their ability to Deny the Witch per Battleround.

35 / 15 / Phoenix Ash / +2 / 3+|- / Masterwork. Whenever a model wearing this Relic Powered Armor is reduced to 0 Wounds roll a D6. On a 5+ this model Regenerates 1 Wound immediately.

35 / 18 / Reaper / +2 / 3+|- / Masterwork. If the bearer of this Relic Powered Armor is a Devastator, they contribute +1 CP to the Squad's Pool. If there are at least twice as many Adversary models than Deathwatch Astartes models in line of sight to the bearer of Reaper, this Relic allows them to increase their Ranged Weapon's Rate of Fire in Burst and Autofire Modes by +1.

65 / 25 / Revenant / +2 / 3+|- / Masterwork. If the bearer of this Relic Powered Armor is an Apothecary or Primaris Apothecary, they contribute +1 CP to the Squad's Pool. Whenever the bearer of Revenant is reduced to 0 Wounds leave the model in play and roll a D3. This is the number of Battlerounds it remains in play. It cannot Move, Advance, Charge, Shoot, Mainfest Psychic Powers, Deny the Witch, use any Skills or Talents, and won't defend itself if Attacked in the Fight Phase. If the bearer of this Relic does not suffer any additional Wounds before the D3 Battlerounds are up, have the player that controls the model make a Toughness test. If they succeed they immediately regenerate 1 Wound and remove D6 Wound Tokens if they had any. Do not roll on the Recovery Table. If the model fails their Toughness test, remove D3 Wound Tokens, but remove the model as a casualty. If the model suffers even a single Wound while it is in this immobile state, remove them as a casualty.

35 / 15* / Scarab Shield / 1 / 5+|5+ / Attuned, Masterwork, Resonant. The bearer of this Stormshield gains +1 use of their ability to Deny the Witch per Battleround. The Scarab Shield may be used in conjunction with the Shield Strike - where it has the same Melee Weapon profile as a Storm Shield - and Sword and Board Talents.

35 / 20 / Shimmering Plate / +2 / 3+|- / Masterwork. Whenever an enemy model Shoots at the bearer of this Relic Powered Armor and hits, but does not Wound, the player that controls the model wearing the Shimmering Plate may roll a D6. On a 3+, the Shot is reflected back at the enemy model, hitting on a 6 with the same Strength, AP, and Damage as the original.

80 / 50 / Strength of Legends / +3 / 3+|- / Masterwork. While wearing this Relic Powered Armor, the bearer gains +1 Strength. In addition, whenever the bearer of Strength of Legends must make a Strength test to resist an effect, they are considered to have automatically passed, without needing to roll.

150* / 80 / Terrorizer / +4 / 2+|4+ / Masterwork. The bearer of this Tainted Relic Terminator Armor is immune to being Shaken, Pinned, or Suppressed. In addition, they also ignore the effects of the Fearsome, Scary, and Terrifying Traits of enemy models. Adversary models that can draw line of sight to the bearer of Terrorizer suffer -2 to their Leadership and Adversary models in Engagement Range of this Tainted Relic suffer a -1 penalty to their WS.

*A model must either already be equipped with Terminator Armor or Relic Terminator Armor, or have earned a Crux Terminatus before qualifying to wear this Relic.

*A model must have the ability to Deny the Witch to equip this Relic.

Relic Ranged Weapons

T / C / Relic / Weight / Type / RoF / Mag / Range / Strength / AP / Damage / Special Rules

50 / 10 / Anethematic Purifier / 2 / Assault / D6|2D6|- / 6 / 12" / 4 / - / 1 / Ablaze, Psyker-Killer, Resonant. The bearer of this Flamer cannot gain Renown this Mission. In any instance where this model would normally gain Renown they gain an equivalent amount of XP instead. The bearer of the Anethematic Purifier cannot deploy any closer than 6" to any allied model. In addition, Auras, Skill Effects, and Talents that would otherwise normally affect this model, in this Mission do not and cannot. Stratagems used on the bearer of this Relic cost +1 CP. Black Wasps treat this weapon's Threshold as 25.

25 / 10 / Axiomatic / 2 / Rapid Fire / 1|2-4|- / 8 / 24" / 4 / - / 1 / This STC Bolter improves its AP by 1 versus targets with the <Chaos> keyword. If the target has either the <Daemon> or <Daemonic Engine> keyword, Axiomatic instead improves its AP by 2.

15 / 10 / A Touch of Flame / * / Assault / D6|-|- / 1 / 8" / 4 / - / 1 / Ablaze, Automatically Hits, Ignores Cover. Once per Mission, this Vambrace Attachment may be used to Shoot as if it were a Flamer, using those rules for Targeting and hit allocation. This Relic cannot be reloaded and counts as a Shooting Attack.

60 / 50 / The Bane of Small Beasts / 3 each, 6 total / Assault / 3|6|- / 18 / 18" / 5 / -1 / 1 / Masterwork. Each of these paired Assault Bolters doubles its Rate of Fire in all categories when targeting only models on 25mm bases.

45 / 15 / Butcher of the Benighted / 3 / Rapid Fire / 2|4-8|9 / 18 / 24" / 4 / - / 1 / Masterwork. This Stormbolter inflicts Ragged Wounds on any non-human, alien models with the <Monster> and/or <Character> keyword. Nova Marines ignore this Relic's Threshold.

25 / 10 / Cherex Pattern Bolt Pistol / 1 / Pistol / 1|2|- / 4 / 14" / 4 / - / 1 / Masterwork. Targets hit by this Bolt Pistol, but not removed as casualties, must test their Toughness at the end of the Phase. If they fail this test they become Pinned.

65 / 35 / Cherex Pattern Chem-Projector / 5 / Assault / D6|2D6|3D6 / 12 / 18" / 6 / -2 / 1 / Corrosion. Targets hit by this Heavy Flamer, but not removed as casualties, must test their Toughness at the start of each of their Turns until the end of the Mission. Whenever they fail this test they suffer a single Strength 3 hit with AP -1 and Damage 1. This Relic uses Promethium Chargers for reloads.

35 / 10 / Chiloxnyn's Doom / 2 / Rapid Fire / 1|2-4|- / 10 / 30" / 4 / -1 / 1 / This Tainted Relic Bolt Rifle may re-roll a number of hit rolls equal to half the total shots it takes. Any unmodified roll of a 6 to hit grants the bearer of this Relic +1 Renown. Ultima Founding Specialties treat this weapon's Threshold as 20.

35 / 12 / Crusader's Brand / 2 / Rapid Fire / 1|2-4|- / 10 / 30" / 4 / -1 / 1 / Masterwork. This Bolt Rifle increases its Damage to 2, when firing at targets within 10". Ultima Founding Specialties treat this weapon's Threshold as 20.

70 / 30 / Deliberations Done / 3 / Heavy / 1|-|- / 10 / 42" / 5 / -2 / 2 / Masterwork. At the start of each Battleround, the bearer of this Executor Bolt Rifle may choose any one of the following bonuses to add to this Ranged Weapon until the start of the next Battleround: Increase Rate of Fire to 2|-|-; Increase Damage to 3; Change AP to -3; Gain the Ablaze Quality; Gain the Felling Quality; Gain the Ragged Wounds Quality; Gain the Psyker-Killer Quality. Ultima Founding Specialties treat this weapon's Threshold as 50.

48 / 22 / Deromedes' Judgement / 3 / Rapid Fire / 1|2-4|- / 10 / 36" / 5 / -1 / 1 / Masterwork. Targets hit, but not removed as casualties, by this Heavy Bolt Rifle become Marked. Marked models are worth double XP and double Renown to those who remove them as casualties. Intercessors treat this weapon's Threshold as 24 and its Cost as 12.

25 / 7 / Finality / 2 / Pistol / 1|2|- / 4 / 12" / 4 / -1 / 1 / Masterwork. Versus targets with less than half their starting Wounds, this Heavy Bolt Pistol inflicts +1 Damage.

20 / 13 / Gorgonbreath / 3 / Assault / D6|-|3D3 / 6 / 12" / 4 / - / 1 / Ablaze. Targets hit by this Flamer, but not removed as casualties, must test their Toughness at the start of their next Movement Phase. If they fail, they reduce their Move characteristic to 0" until the end of the Battleround. These models count as having Moved for the purposes of Shooting with Heavy Weapons. If the GM wants, they may still move these models up to D6". However, if they do so, they count as having Advanced this Turn.

26 / 12 / Ironbreaker / 2 / Heavy / 1|2|- / 8 / 36" / 4 / -2 / 2 / Masterwork. This Stalker Bolt Rifle improves its AP by 1 when Shooting at targets with an Armor Save of 4+ or better.

150 / 50 / Jokearo Digital Graviton / * / Pistol / 1|-|- / Infinite / 12" / 5 / -3 / 1 / Masterwork. This Ring slides right over an Astartes' gauntlet finger. It never runs out of Ammo and can be used to Shoot in addition to any other Ranged Weapons the model is equipped with - although it must be used against the same targets the other weapon Shoots at. Lastly, against targets with an Armor Save of 3+ or better, the Jokearo Digital Graviton inflicts +1 Damage.

65 / 46 / Lucirien Pattern Godhammer / 6 / Heavy / D3|-|- / 6 / 48" / 9 / -4 / D6 / Masterwork. This Relic Lascannon improves its Damage by +1 when its target is at maximum Range.

50 / 32 / Night Talon / 3 / Rapid Fire / 1|2-3|- / 9 / 30" / 7 / -4 / 1 / Masterwork. This Plasma Incinerator changes its type to Assault in conditions of total darkness. Additionally, Night Talon does not inflict Mortal Wounds on its bearer when they roll a 1 to hit when Shooting in Supercharge mode. Lastly, this Plasma Incinerator can fire in Burst Mode and use Supercharge at the same time. Ultima Founding Specialties ignore this Relic's Threshold.

25 / 13 / Pacifier Crown / * / Assault / 2D6|-|- / 1 / 6" / 3 / -2 / 1 / Once per Mission, this Helmet-Mounted Circlet may be used to fire a burst of radiation that, in addition to potentionally causing Wounds to targets in Range, forces all models (friend and foe) within 6" of the bearer to make a Toughness test at -2. If models pass this test there is no additional effect. Models that fail this test become Pinned. Astartes, Heretic Astartes, and models with the <Daemon> or <Daemonic Engine> keyword may re-roll this test if they fail it the first time.

60 / 40 / Pygar's Thunderbolt / 2 / Assault / 1|D3|- / 4 / 24" / 8 / -4 / D6 / Felling, Masterwork, Melta. This Melta Gun inflicts the Pinned condition on any <Character> it Wounds, but does not kill. In conditions of darkness, the bearer of Pygar's Thunderbolt is always considered to be in Visual Range if they Shot with this Ranged Weapon on their previous Turn. Tactical Marines treat this Relic's Cost as 20.

31 / 11 / Preservator / 3 / Rapid Fire / 1|2-4|5 / 8 / 24" / 4 / - / 1 / Integral Magazines, Masterwork. This Deathwatch Pattern Bolter improves its AP and Damage by +1, whenever it targets any non-human, alien <Infantry> or <Monster>.

Relic Melee Weapons

T / C / Relic / Weight / Strength / AP / Damage / Special Rules

35 / 12 / Aether Staff / 1 / +1 / -2 / D3 / Attuned, Masterwork, Penetrating Hits, Psychic Loci. This is a Force Staff. Librarian or Primaris Librarian only.

45 / 20 / Antler Blade / 1 / as user / -2 / 1 / Balanced, Defensive, Extra Attack, Masterwork. This Champion's Blade increases its Strength and Damage by +1 when fighting any non-human, alien Faction models. Jade Dragons ignore this weapon's Threshold.

35 / 20 / Bane Immateria / 1 / as user / -2 / 1 / Balanced, Defensive, Extra Attack, Masterwork. Once per Fight Phase, one hit from this Champion's Blade may ignore its target's Daemon Save. Rift Stalkers ignore this weapon's Threshold.

80 / 33 / Belaeraphon Slap / 3 / +4 / -3 / 2 / Cumbersome, Extra Attacks, Masterwork, Sweeping Strike, Unwieldy. The servos and actuators in this Powerfist's fingers have malfunctioned, making it impossible to close the hand. Blood Angels and their Successors ignore this weapon's Threshold.

35 / 16 / Boronic Lance / 1 / as user / - / 1 / Deadly Charge, Goring, Irradiated, Masterwork, Ragged Wounds, Throwing. This is an Astartes Spear.

50 / 20 / Carybdea / 1 / as user / -2 / 1 / Balanced, Defensive, Extra Attack, Masterwork. This Champion's Blade allows its wielder to sacrifice 2 of their Attacks to give a 3rd Attack the Poisoned (3+) Quality. In addition, models Wounded by this Relic, but not removed as casualties, become Pinned at the end of the Phase.

70 / 35 / Dragon's Talon / 2 / as user / -2 / 1 / Ablaze, Felling, Masterwork. The ebony talons of this Lightning Claw are wreathed in fiery energy. In areas of darkness, all models that can physically draw line of sight to this model are considered to be able to see it, even if they are out of their Visual Range. In addition, in these same conditions, all Adversaries that can draw line of sight to the bearer of the Dragon's Talon suffer -1 to their Leadership. Models equipping a Lightning Claw in addition to this Relic gain the Extra Attacks special rule and increase the overall Weight of these paired Weapons by +1 instead of +2.

40 / 16 / Electro Flail / 4 / +1 / -2 / 2 / Crushing, Masterwork, Reach 2", Shocking, Two-handed, Unweildy, Wrapping Strike. This is a Heavy Flail.

16 / 02 / Ever-Vibrating / * / as user / -1 / 1 / Masterwork. If, while wielding this Astartes Knife, the bearer has 3 or more Attacks, but makes only 1 Attack, resolve any hit at Strength +2, AP -3, and Damage 1. If a model equips this Relic and no other Melee Weapons, they gain +D3 Renown at the end of the Mission.

44 / 22 / Flail of the Protectorate / 2 / +1 / -1 / 1 / Crushing, Extra Attacks, Masterwork, Wrapping Strike. If this Astartes Flail is used with any kind of hand held Shield, improve that Shield's Invulnerable Save by 1.

30 / 14 / Gladius Scipio / 1 / as user / - / 1 / Defensive, Masterwork. This Astartes Sword's hilt and blade are adorned with ivory inlays depicting an Astartes' victories on an ocean-bound world. If the bearer is not the Mission Leader for the upcoming Mission, Gladius Scipio adds +1CP to the Squad Pool for which its bearer is a part. If the bearer is the Mission Leader for the upcoming Mission, Gladius Scipio instead allows its bearer to try refund up to 1 spent CP every time a Stratagem is used, by rolling a D6 and scoring a 5+.

45 / 20 / Haephaston / 2 / as user / -2 / 1 / Ablaze, Balanced, Defensive, Extra Attack, Masterwork. This Champion's Blade has a 3-shot Hand Flamer built into its hilt. It may only be used when the bearer of Haephaston is in Engagement Range of enemy models and must have, as its initial target, any model currently Engaged with its bearer. Haephaston cannot be reloaded until the Debriefing Phase. Salamanders and their Successors ignore this weapon's Threshold.

36 / 16 / Hidden Blade / * / 3 / -2 / 1 / This Vambrace Attachment allows its bearer to make 1 extra Attack with it at the start of the Fight Phase, before models are selected to Fight. The Hidden Blade is a Powered Long Knife set into the forearm Armor of the Astartes who carries it.

64 / 25 / Immobilizer / 1 / +1 / -1 / 1 / Attuned, Reach 2", Two-Handed. Once per Mission, this Relic Glaive may be used to send an immobilizing jolt through any model hit by it. The target must make a Strength test at -2. If they pass this test, their Movement is reduced by 1" for the remainder of the Mission. If they fail this test, they become Pinned. Additionally if they fail, both their WS and BS are worsened by 1 for the remainder of the Mission.

15 / 10 / Inversion Mace / 1+ / +1 / - / 1 / Masterwork. When the bearer of this Astartes Maul Attacks roll each Attack one by one. For each consecutive hit in a row, increase the Inversion Mace's Strength by +1, improve its AP by 1, increase its Damage by +1, and its Weight by +1. The improvements to Strength, AP, and Damage remain until the end of the Phase. The increased Weight lasts until the end of the Mission.

19 / 01 / Katar / * / as user / - / 1 / Extra Attack, Masterwork, Vambrace Attachment. This bladed Melee Weapon fits over an Astartes' gauntlet and does not impede their ability to carry other Items and Weapons in that hand.

15 / 10 / Mace of the Blackstar / 2 / +1 / -1 / D2 / Masterwork, Stunning. This is an Astartes Maul.

150 / 50 / Meteoric Fist / 3 / +8 / -3 / 2 / Masterwork. This Powerfist inflicts 1 Mortal Wound as long as it hits its target.

65 / 20 / Paladius Serratus / 1 / as user / -2 / 1 / Balanced, Defensive, Extra Attack, Masterwork, Ragged Wounds. This saw-toothed Champion's Blade causes +1 Damage in the first Fight Phase after its bearer Charges. Tigers Ardent ignore this weapon's Threshold.

100 / 40 / Reaver Arcanum / 4 / as user / -2 / 1 / Attuned, Bleed, Cumbersome, Extra Attacks, Masterwork, Mauling, Resonant, Two Handed. This is a pair of Lightning Claws. Librarian only.

36 / 16 / Reciprocal Mace / * / 4 / -1 / 1 / This Vambrace Attachment allows its bearer to make 1 extra Attack with it at the start of the Fight Phase, before models are selected to Fight. The Reciprocal Mace is a weighted puck attached to a retractable wire set into the forearm Armor of the Astartes who carries it.

65 / 40 / Rex Titanicus / 5 / +5 / -4 / 2D3+2 / Crushing, Felling, Masterwork, Shocking, Two-Handed, Unweildy. This is a Heavy Thunderhammer.

32 / 07 / Saint Stephanos' Stunning Sword / 1 / as user / - / 1 / Defensive, Masterwork. Whenever the bearer makes a successful hit with this Astartes Sword, the target must make a Toughness test. If they fail, the bearer gains +1 Attack until the end of the current Fight Phase. These Extra Attacks may only be made with a different, non-Powered Melee Weapon and may only be used against the target that triggered them.

60 / 22 for 1 or 38 for both / Serrated Gauntlets / * / as user / - / 1 / Bleed, Defensive, Masterwork. These paired Vambrace Attachments may be taken individually, each taking up one Vambrace Slot. Together or separately, the Serrated Gauntlets impart the Disarm and Parry Talents to their bearer for the duration of the upcoming Mission. If the bearer already has these Talents, this Relic instead adds +1 to their ability rolls. In addition, if one Serrated Gauntlet is taken, the bearer gains +1 Attack with it. If both are taken, this extra Attack is taken at the start of the Fight Phase, before models are selected to Fight.

40 / 20 / Shameless Truth / 1 / +1 / -2 / 1 / Balanced, Defensive, Extra Attack, Felling, Masterwork. The bearer of this Champion's Blade gains a 5+ Invulnerable Save in the Fight Phase when their opponents have the <Demiurge>, <Necron>, <Orks>, <T'au>, <Tyranids>, or any other non-human, alien keyword.

25 / 10 / Slakeling / 1 / as user / - / 1 / Defensive, Masterwork. If the bearer of this Astartes Sword removes 1 or more Adversaries as casualties during the Fight Phase using any Talent with the word "Strike" in its name, they become Immune to the Shaken, Pinned, and Suppressed Conditions until the start of the next Battleround.

35 / 20 / Sword of the Righteous King / 3 / as user / -3 / 1 / Defensive, Masterwork. This Power Sword grants its bearer Inspire (+1). If the bearer of the Sword of the Righteous King successfully uses 1 or more Effects from the Inspire Skill in a Turn, this Relic improves its Damage by +1 until the end of the Battleround.

30 / 20 / The Sword Called Vengeance / 1 / as user / - / 1 / Defensive, Masterwork. Whenever the bearer of this Astartes Sword is able to draw line of sight to an allied Astartes when it is reduced to 0 Wounds, The Sword Called Vengeance improves its Strength and AP by 1 versus Adversaries that share a Faction keyword with the model responsible for removing their Battle Brother as a casualty, until the end of the Mission.

65 / 33 / Totalarum / 4 / +4 / -2 / 3 / Crushing, Extra Attacks, Masterwork, Mauling, Shocking, Unwieldy. This is a Thunder Hammer. Black Giants ignore this weapon's Threshold.

30+ / 16 / Vampiric Blade / 1 / as user / - / 1 / Defensive, Masterwork. +This Astartes Sword may only be taken by an Astartes of the Blood Angels or one of their Successors. If the bearer of the Vampiric Blade removes 1 or more Elite or better Adversaries as casualties during the Fight Phase with this Weapon, they gain +1 additional use of their Chapter Heirloom until the end of the Mission.

Ablaze: a model hit by this weapon catches fire. A burning model suffers a single Strength 3 hit with no AP and Damage 1 at the start of each of its Turns for D3 Battlerounds. A model may instead sacrifice its Movement Phase to put itself out before that duration expires.

Attuned: weapons with this Quality gain Strength +1 and Damage +1, if their bearer successfully manifested a Psychic Power on their previous Turn.

Automatically Hits: this weapon does not need to roll to hit, it automatically hits its targets within Range.

Corrosion: weapons with this Quality cause a single Mortal Wound to Terrain Features within 6" of its bearer at the start of every Battleround.

Crushing: weapons with this Quality gain Strength +2, 2 better AP, and Damage +1, on their first hit on any Turn in which they Charged.

Defensive: this weapon may be used defensively. Its bearer may sacrifice 2 of its Attacks to impose a -1 penalty to 1 enemy's WS within Engagement Range.

Extra Attack: the bearer makes 1 extra Attack in the Fight Phase with this weapon.

Extra Attacks: the bearer makes 2 extra Attacks in the Fight Phase with this weapon.

Felling: versus targets that started with 5 or more Wounds, this weapon inflicts a single Mortal Wound if any number of hits with it score Wounds this Phase.

Ignores Cover: this weapon negates the bonuses to Armor Saves provided by Cover.

Integral Magazines: this weapon incorporates 2 additional 3-shot magazines that may be loaded with the same or different bullet types as the Primary Magazine. These Integral Mags cannot be reloaded during the course of a Mission. Once expended, these Mags remain empty until the Debriefing Phase.

Masterwork: the bearer of this item may re-roll 1 failed roll associated with the item every Phase.

Poisoned (X): this weapon always Wounds models with the <Infantry> or <Monster> keyword on the D6 roll of the number in parentheses indicated, regardless of the target's Toughness.

Psyker-Killer: this weapon improves its Strength by +1 when used against targets with the <Psyker> keyword.

Ragged Wounds: models Wounded by this weapon, but not removed as casualties, suffer a single Strength 2, AP -1, Damage 1 hit at the start of each of its Turns until it recieves healing aid, it Regenerates, it is removed as a casualty, or the Mission ends.

Reach X": this weapon may be used against Targets up to the number of inches indicated away during the Fight Phase, regardless of whether or not that model is in Engagement Range.

Resonant: a model that is able to Deny the Witch improves the Strength of this weapon by +1 when they use it.

Shocking: models hit by this weapon suffer -1 to their Toughness until the end of their next Turn.

Stunning: targets hit by this weapon, but not removed as casualties, reduce their number of Attacks by 1 until the end of their next Turn.

Two-Handed: this weapon requires 2 hands to wield.

Unwieldy: this weapon imposes a -1 to its weilder's Attack rolls.

Vambrace Attachment: this item does not take up space in the model's hands and therefore does not stop them from using another Item or Weapon in that hand. A model may only equip a maximum of 2 Vambrace Attachments.

Wrapping Strike: on an unmodified hit roll of a 6, this weapon ignores an opponent's Hand Held Shield.

*This Relic may only be taken by models also equipped with a Mechanicus Frame.

This message was edited 68 times. Last update was at 2023/09/21 18:38:58

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I decided to update the Arsenal of the Ordo, starting with the Melee Weapons List. I've moved everything into one, huge master file, compiled all the Special Weapon Qualities here, and put in caveats for all the things that are unique to Specialties or Chapters. If you are still running this Campaign with the First version of all the Melee Weapons, rest assured the original Melee List is still there. If you are just starting or are interested in streamlining your experience, disregard the Melee Weapon List on page.2 of this blog and treat the following list as the new "Official" rules for this Campaign. As a reminder, anything you see here that is not aligned with what you know to be true in a Codex, your GM has the final say for which version of the rules you use.

Arsenal of the Ordo
Primarily, a model's limitation to the amount of Wargear and Weapons it can equip is their Renown and their Capacity. However, there are also practicality limitations as well.

A model may equip up to 2 Melee Weapons, not including their Astartes Fists and Astartes Knife (or its equivalent). A model cannot equip more than 1 Melee Weapon with the Two Handed Quality. A model may split their Attacks between 2 different Melee Weapons, unless one of those weapons has the Two Handed Quality. Two Handed weapons are always only used on their own.

A model may equip up to 2 Pistols along with either: up to 2 Rifles or up to 1 Heavy Weapon. Unless a model has a Talent that says otherwise, they may only Shoot with 1 Ranged Weapon per Shooting Phase.

A model may only equip 1 Backpack Ammo Supply. A model may equip up to 2 Auxiliary Ammo Feeds. A model cannot equip both a Backpack Ammo Supply and any Auxiliary Ammo Feeds.

A model may only wear 1 suit of Armor, but may also carry up to 2 Shields (although doing so occupies both of their hands). A model may equip up to 1 Powerfield in addition to their Armor and Shield.

A model may equip a maximum of 2 Vambrace Attachments.

A model may equip a maximum of 10 Armor Socket items.

Any other Wargear is restricted only by a model's Capacity and Talents.

Weapons and Items with a Weight of * impose no Capacity burden to the model.

For ease of use and to save space, Threshold is written here as T and Cost as C.

Melee Weapon List

T / C / Weapon / Weight / Strength / AP / - / Damage / Qualities

50 / 0 / Adamantium Scythes / * / as user / - / 1 / Extra Attack, Unhanded. Black Dragons only. Black Dragons that equip this Weapon as part of their Standard Loadout ignore its Threshold.

50 / 8 / Adjudicator's Gavel / 2 / +2 / - / 1 / Jarring. Adjudicators that do not equip this Weapon as part of their Standard Loadout ignore its Threshold.

25 / 10 / Astartes Claymore / 3 / +1 / -1 / D2 / Decapitating Strike, Steady, Two-Handed, Unwieldy. Storm Wardens that do not equip this Weapon as part of their Standard Loadout ignore its Threshold.

0 / 0 / Astartes' Fists / * / as user / - / 1 / Desperate. Models equipped with Terminator Armor or Relic Terminator Armor ignore the Desperate Quality of this weapon.

25 / 15 / Astartes Flail / 2 / +1 / -1 / 1 / Crushing, Extra Attack, Wrapping Strike.

15 / 10 / Astartes Glaive / 1 / as user / - / 1 / Reach 2", Sweeping Strike.

18 / 13 / Astartes Hand Axe / 1 / +1 / - / 1 / Overhand Strike, Throwing. Dark Hunters that do not equip this Weapon as part of their Standard Loadout ignore its Threshold.

1 / 1 / Astartes Knife / * / as user / - / 1 / Honorable, Too Many.

1 / 3 / Astartes Maul / 2 / +2 / - / 1 /

15 / 10 / Astartes Spear / 1 / as user / - / 1 / Deadly Charge, Goring, Throwing. Aeonic Legion, Storm Lords, Storm Reapers, and White Scars that do not equip this Weapon as part of their Standard Loadout ignore its Threshold.

15 / 5 / Astartes Sword / 1 / as user / - / 1 / Defensive. Solar Lions that do not equip this Weapon as part of their Standard Loadout ignore its Threshold.

20 / 15 / Astartes Trident / 1 / as user / - / 2 / Deadly Charge, Extra Attack. Pact of Prometheus that do not equip this Weapon as part of their Standard Loadout ignore its Threshold.

15 / 5 / Astartes War Pick / 1 / as user / -2 / 1 / Dark Angels and their Successors ignore this weapon's Threshold.

15 / 5 / Attuned Blade / 1 / as user / -3 / 1 / Attuned, Balanced, Defensive, Denier. Librarian only.

3 / 1 / Bayonet / * / as user / - / 1 / Deadly Charge.

25 / 15 / Black Sword / 2 / +1 / -3 / 1 / Decapitating Strike, Defensive, Monster-Slayer. Black Templars only.

* / * / Boltstorm Gauntlet / 4 / +4 / -3 / 2 / Built-in Ranged Weapon (Boltstorm Pistol), Cumbersome, Aggressor, Unwieldy.

15 / 15 / Champion's Blade / 1 / as user / -2 / 1 / Balanced, Defensive, Extra Attack. Jade Dragons that do not equip this Weapon as part of their Standard Loadout ignore its Threshold.

15 / 10 / Chain Axe / 3 / +2 / -1 / D3 / Overhand Strike, Unwieldy. Carcharodons Astra that do not equip this Weapon as part of their Standard Loadout ignore its Threshold.

8 / 5 / Chain Bayonet / +1 / +1 / - / 1 / Impediment, Weapon Attachment.

50 / 35 / Chain Fist / 4 / +4 / -4 / D3 / Cumbersome, Grinding, Ragged Wounds, Smasher, Unwieldy. Terminators only.

1 / 5 / Chain Sword / 2 / +1 / -1 / 1 / Defensive, Extra Attack.
--5 / 10 / Paired Chain Swords / 3 / +1 / -1 / 1 / Charging Attack, Defensive, Extra Attacks. Flesh Tearers that do not equip this Paired Weapon as part of their Standard Loadout ignore its Threshold.

5 / 3 / Combat Shield / * / as user / - / 1 / Ease of Defense, Vambrace Attachment.

5 / 1 / Crozius Arcanum / 2 / +2 / -3 / 1 / Chaplain and Primaris Chaplain only.

50 / 25 / Crozius Mattock / 5 / +4 / -3 / 2 / Destroyer, Two-Handed. Chaplain and Primaris Chaplain only.

1 / 0 / Crystal Dagger / * / as user / - / 1 / Desperate, Honorable, Too Many. Astral Knights and Sable Swords only.

45 / 25 / Electro Whip / 2 / as user / - / 1 / Penetrating Hits, Reach 2", Sapping, Shocking. Iron Hands, their Successors, Knights Amethyst, Primaris Techmarines, and Techmarines only.

50 / 1 / Envenomed Blade / * / as user / - / 1 / Bleed, Extra Attack, Poisoned (5+), Too Many. Black Vipers that do not equip this Weapon as part of their Standard Loadout ignore its Threshold.

25 / 15 / Eviscerator / 1 / +3 / -4 / 2 / Steady, Unwieldy.

5 / 3 / Force Axe / 2 / +1 / -2 / D3 / Attuned, Overhand Strike. Librarian and Primaris Librarian only.

1 / 1 / Force Sword / 1 / as user / -3 / D3 / Attuned, Defensive. Librarian and Primaris Librarian only.

10 / 8 / Force Staff / 2 / +2 / -1 / D3 / Attuned, Psychic Loci. Librarian and Primaris Librarian only.

50 / 20 / Frost Axe / 4 / +2 / -2 / 1 / Axe Blow, Mauling, Overhand Strike. Space Wolves and their Successors ignore this weapon's Threshold.

50 / 20 / Frost Blade / 2 / as user / -2 / 1 / Defensive, Extra Attack. Space Wolves and their Successors ignore this weapon's Threshold.

50 / 25 / Frost Claws / 1 / +1 / -2 / 1 / Bleed, Cumbersome, Extra Attack, Two Handed. Space Wolves and their Successors only. Wulfen equip this weapon for free.

50 / 15 / Frost Sword / 3 / +1 / -2 / 1 / Defensive. Space Wolves and their Successors ignore this weapon's Threshold.

50 / 30 / Great Axe / 4 / +3 / -3 / D3 / Overhand Strike, Steady, Sweeping, Two Handed, Unwieldy. Space Wolves and their Successors ignore this weapon's Threshold.

45 / 25 / Heavy Flail / 4 / +1 / -2 / 2 / Crushing, Reach 2", Two Handed, Unwieldy, Wrapping Strike.

50 / 30 / Heavy Thunderhammer / 5 / +5 / -3 / 4 / Crushing, Shocking, Two Handed, Unwieldy.

1 / 0 / Libator's Sickle / * / as user / - / 1 / Slashing, Too Many. Libators only. This weapon replaces a model's Astartes Knife.

35 / 25 / Lightning Claw / 2 / as user / -2 / 1 / Bleed, Cumbersome, Extra Attack.
--50 / 30 / Pair of Lightning Claws / 4 / as user / -2 / 1 / Bleed, Cumbersome, Extra Attacks, Mauling, Two Handed.

50 / 5 / Null Blade / 1 / as user / - / 1 / Transphasic Nullifier. Death Specters that do not equip this Weapon as part of their Standard Loadout ignore its Threshold.

50 / 5 / Obsidian Sword / 1 / as user / -1 / 1 / Balanced. Angels Obsidian that do not equip this Weapon as part of their Standard Loadout ignore its Threshold.

25 / 25 / Omnissian Axe / 3 / +2 / -2 / 2 / Boss-Mauler, Overhand Strike. Iron Hands, their Successors, Knights Amethyst, Primaris Techmarine, and Techmarine only. Primaris Techmarines and Techmarines ignore this weapon's Threshold.

25 / 15 / Power Axe / 3 / +2 / -2 / 1 / Boss-Mauler, Overhand Strike.

50 / 25 / Power Claymore / 4 / +2 / -3 / D2 / Decapitating Strike, Deadly Charge, Defensive, Steady, Two Handed, Unwieldy. Storm Wardens that do not equip this Weapon as part of their Standard Loadout ignore its Threshold.

45 / 25 / Power Fist / 3 / +4 / -3 / 2 / Cumbersome, Unwieldy. Crimson Fists ignore this weapon's Threshold.

25 / 15 / Power Maul / 3 / +3 / -1 / 1 / -

10 / 15 / Power Scythe / 2 / +1 / -3 / 1 / Sweeping Strike. Mortifactors only.

25 / 18 / Power Spear / 2 / +2 / -2 / 2 / Deadly Charge, Goring.

25 / 10 / Power Sword / 3 / +1 / -3 / 1 / Defensive.

50 / 15 / Power War Pick / 2 / +1 / -3 / 1 / Dark Angels and their Successors ignore this weapon's Threshold.

1 / 1 / Reductor / * / +1 / -4 / 1 / Apothecary only.

35 / 15 / Relic Blade / 2 / +2 / -3 / D3 / Balanced, Relic.

38 / 18 / Relic Glaive / 1 / +2 / -2 / 2 / Reach 2", Relic, Sweeping Strike.

10 / 5 / Runic Axe / 3 / +1 / -2 / D3 / Attuned, Overhand Strike, Resonant. Rune Priest only.

10 / 5 / Shock Maul / 3 / +2 / - / 1 / Shocking.

15 / 5 / Storm Shield / 1 / as user / - / 1 / Defensive.

20 / 20 / Tempest Hammer / 4 / +4 / -2 / D3 / Crushing. Iron Hands, their Successors, Knights Amethyst, Primaris Techmarine, and Techmarine only.

35 / 25 / Thunder Hammer / 4 / +4 / -2 / 3 / Crushing, Shocking, Unwieldy.

50 / 1 / Tiger Claws / * / as user / - / 1 / Bleed, Honorable, Unhanded. Tigers Ardent, Tigers Argent, and Tigers Rampant ignore this weapon's Threshold. This weapon replaces the Astartes' Fists that come standard with all Deathwatch models.

200* / 15 / Vigil Spear / +1 / -3 / D3 / Brutal Swings, Brute Finesse, Built-in Ranged Weapon (Bolter), Deadly Charge, Masterwork, Pointblank Fusilade, Reach 2", Relic, Shattering Strike, Two-handed, Unwieldy.

100 / 35 / Warp Weapon / 1 / as user / -3 / 1 / Denier, Destroyer, Psyker-Killer, Resonant, Tainted. Black Wasps and Blood Ravens ignore this weapon's Threshold.

50 / 1 / Wasp's Sting / * / as user / - / 1 / Honorable, Poisoned (4+), Too Many. Black Wasps ignore this weapon's Threshold.

66 / 25 / Wolf Claw / 2 / +1 / -2 / 1 / Bleed, Cumbersome. Space Wolves and their Successors treat this Weapon's Threshold as 33.
--100 / 30 / Pair of Wolf Claws / 4 / +1 / -2 / 1 / Bleed, Cumbersome, Extra Attack, Mauling, Two Handed. Space Wolves and their Successors treat this Paired Weapon's Threshold as 50.

*For the Threshold and Cost of this weapon see the Ranged Weapon List.

*Watch Captains ignore this weapon's Threshold.

T / C / Relic / Weight / Strength / AP / - / Damage / Qualities

125 / 75 / Artificer's Triumph / 2 / +2 / -2 / D2 / Deadly Charge, Goring, Relic, Sanctified, Throwing. Versus targets with the <Daemon> or <Daemonic Engine> keyword, this Power Spear also gains the Ablaze and Entropic Qualities. Aeonic Legion ignore this Relic's Threshold.

25 / 15 / Blade of Ebony / 2 / +1 / -2 / D3 / Relic, Righteous Strikes, Two Handed. Chaplain only.

50 / 35 / Blade of Saint Cerebus / 1 / as user / -3 / 1 / Attuned, Extra Attack, Felling, Masterwork, Relic, Resonant. Librarian only.

100 / 65 / Censure of the Lord's Will / 5 / +4 / -3 / 3 / Destroyer, Felling, Masterwork, Relic, Sanctified, Sanctifying Miasma 3", Shocking, Two Handed. This is a Crozius Mattock. Chaplain only.

60 / 40 / Judgement / 4 / +4 / -3 / 3 / Crushing, Masterwork, Relic, Shocking, Steady, Unwieldy. The bearer of this Thunderhammer may nominate 1 model that started the Mission with 5 or more Wounds in line of sight. This model becomes Judged; place a Marker to indicate this. Allied models in the same Squad as the bearer of Judgement treat the Judged model's Toughness as 1 lower than it actually is for the purposes of Wounding it in the Fight Phase. Only 1 target may be Judged at a time. Adjudicators that equip this Relic may use it to Judge <Heretic Astartes> regardless of the number of Wounds they started the Mission with.

50 / 25 / Mangler / 2 / +1 / -1 / 1 / Charging Attack, Defensive, Extra Attack, Felling, Masterwork, Mauling, Relic. On any Turn where the bearer of this Chainsword Charges an Adversary with 8 or more Wounds remaining, this Relic also gains the Entropic Quality until the end of the Phase.

Weapon Qualities
Ablaze: models hit by this weapon catch fire and suffer a single Strength 3 hit with no AP and Damage 1 at the start of each of its Turns for D3 Turns. A model may instead sacrifice its Movement Phase to put itself out.

Aggressor: Primaris Aggressor Specialties ignore this weapon's Threshold and pay only half its Cost to equip it.

Attuned: weapons with this Quality gain Strength +1 and Damage +1, if their bearer successfully manifested a Psychic Power on their previous Turn.

Axe Blow: the first Attack made with this weapon after the model wielding it Charged is resolved with Strength, AP, and Damage all improved by 1.

Balanced: this weapon grants its weilder +1 to any Parry attempts.

Bleed: this weapon allows its wielder to re-roll failed Wound rolls in the Fight Phase.

Boss-Mauler: when this weapon is used against a model that started with 5 or more Wounds, it gains +1 Damage.

Brutal Swings: the model wielding this weapon may make 2 Attacks for every 1 on their profile. Change the Damage of this weapon to 2 for these Attacks, if it isn't already 2.

Brute Finesse: a model with a Strength of 5 or more ignores this weapon's Unwieldy Quality.

Built-in Ranged Weapon (Weapon Name): this weapon has a modified Ranged Weapon built into its design. See the Ranged Weapon List for the stats of that weapon.

Charging Attack: this weapon grants its wielder +1 Attack on the Turn they Charge.

Crushing: weapons with this Quality improve their Strength by +2, their AP by 2, and their Damage by +1, on their first hit on any Turn in which they Charged.

Cumbersome: this weapon takes up the whole hand it is connected to. A model equipped with this weapon cannot hold another weapon or item in that hand and cannot use any Skill Effect that requires fine motor skills - such as I am the Miracle Worker or Let it Speak to Me.

Deadly Charge: this weapon improves its Strength by +1 on the Turn its wielder Charges.

Decapitating Strike: any hit roll of an unmodified 6 automatically Wounds the target.

Defensive: this weapon may be used defensively. Its bearer may sacrifice 2 of its Attacks to impose a -1 penalty to 1 enemy's within Engagement Range WS.

Denier: this weapon may re-roll its first failed hit roll per Mission, when wielded by a model with the ability to Deny the Witch.

Desperate: Attacks with this weapon grant your target a +1 Bonus to their Armor Saves.

Destroyer: if the wielder of this weapon rolls an unmodified 6 to hit, one of the target's non-powered weapons is destroyed.

Ease of Defense: this item may be used defensively. Its bearer may sacrifice 1 of its Attacks to impose a -1 penalty to 1 enemy's WS within Engagement Range.

Entropic: models Wounded by this weapon must roll 2 dice for every Armor Save, taking the less favorable result.

Extra Attack: the bearer makes 1 extra Attack in the Fight Phase with this weapon.

Extra Attacks: the bearer makes 2 extra Attacks in the Fight Phase with this weapon.

Felling: versus targets that started with 5 or more Wounds, this weapon inflicts a single Mortal Wound if any number of hits with it score Wounds this Phase.

Goring: this weapon improves its AP by 1 on the Turn its wielder Charges.

Grinding: this weapon improves its Damage by 1 on the Turn its wielder Charges.

Honorable: if this is the only Melee weapon a model equips for the upcoming Mission, they gain +1 Renown during the Debriefing Phase of it.

Impediment: this weapon adds +1 Weight to whatever it is attached to and incurs a -1 to hit with both weapons.

Jarring: targets hit by this weapon, but not removed as casualties, must take an immediate Toughness test. If they fail this test, they treat their WS as 6+ until the end of their next Turn.

Masterwork: weapons with this quality may re-roll 1 failed hit or Wound roll per Turn.

Mauling: when the model armed with this weapon is outnumbered 2:1 or worse during the Fight Phase, increase this weapon's Damage by +1.

Monster-Slayer: if this weapon is used to remove the last Wound from a Mini Boss or stronger Adversary, the model who wields it gains an additional +1 Renown for it.

Overhand Strike: a model may sacrifice 1 of its Attacks to improve the AP of another Attack by 1 with this weapon.

Penetrating Hits: each unmodified hit roll of 6 improves this weapon's AP by 1 until the end of the Phase.

Pointblank Fusilade: if the model bearing this weapon voluntarily takes a -1 penalty to their WS for this Phase, then, as part of 1 melee Attack, the Built-in Ranged Weapon may be fired on its Standard or Burst Mode setting with the Inaccurate Quality.

Poisoned (X): this weapon always Wounds models with the <Infantry> or <Monster> keyword on the D6 roll of the number in parentheses indicated, regardless of the target's Toughness. If the Strength of the weapon compared to the target's Toughness would otherwise require a lower number, use that instead.

Psychic Loci: if the bearer of this weapon is not in Engagement Range, they may add +1 to any Psychic Test they take.

Psyker-Killer: this weapon improves its Strength by +1 when used against targets with the <Psyker> keyword.

Ragged Wounds: models Wounded by this weapon, but not removed as casualties, suffer a single Strength 2, AP -1, Damage 1 hit at the start of each of its Turns until it recieves healing aid, it Regenerates, it is removed as a casualty, or the Mission ends.

Reach X": this weapon may be used against Targets up to the number of inches distant, indicated by "X", during the Fight Phase, regardless of whether or not that target is in Engagement Range.

Relic: this weapon counts as a Relic for all rules that interact with such.

Resonant: a model that is able to Deny the Witch improves the Strength of this weapon by +1 when they use it.

Righteous Strikes: any hit roll of an unmodified 6 improves this weapon's Strength, AP, and Damage by 1.

Sanctified: versus targets with the <Daemon> or <Daemonic Engine> keyword, this weapon gains +1 Strength.

Sanctifying Miasma X": out to a distance in inches indicated by X from the bearer of this weapon, all models with the <Daemon> or <Daemonic Engine> keyword suffer -1 Toughness and -1 Leadership.

Shattering Strike: on any Turn where the model bearing this weapon Charges, resolve 1 Extra Attack at Strength +1, 1 better AP, and Damage +1. This Attack happens at the very start of the Fight Phase, before any Units have been chosen to Fight with, yet.

Shocking: models hit by this weapon suffer -1 to their Toughness until the end of their next Turn.

Slashing: this weapon improves its AP by 1 when used against targets with a 4+ or worse Armor Save.

Smasher: if this weapon hits, it inflicts D3 Mortal Wounds in addition to any other Damage it may cause versus targets with the <Terrain Feature>, <Technological Emplacement>, or <Vehicle> keyword.

Steady: the model who wields this weapon may sacrifice 1 of its Attacks in order to negate its Unwieldy Quality until the end of the Phase.

Stunning: targets hit by this weapon but not removed as casualties reduce the number of their Attacks by 1 until the end of their next Turn.

Sweeping Strike: the model wielding this weapon may make 2 Attacks for every 1 on their profile. Change the Damage of this weapon to 1 for these Attacks, if it isn't already 1.

Tainted: equipping this weapon inflicts +1 Corruption unless the model doing so pays double its Cost.

Throwing: this weapon may be hurled at a target in the bearer's 1st Shooting Phase instead of firing a Ranged Weapon. Resolve the shot with a Range of 6", using the model's BS to hit. If it hits place a Marker next to its Target to indicate its location for retrieval. If it misses, the GM (or opposing player) may place it anywhere within D3" of the target. A model may pick it up by passing over this Marker as part of its Movement.

Too Many: this weapon adds +1 Weight for every 3 carried.

Transphasic Nullifier: models with the <Necron> keyword that are removed as casualties by this weapon suffer -1 to their next Reanimation Protocol rolls.

Two-Handed: this weapon requires 2 hands to use.

Unhanded: this weapon does not require any hands to use.

Unwieldy: this weapon imposes a -1 to hit modifier on any Attacks made with it.

Vambrace Attachment: this item does not take up space in the model's hands and therefore does not stop them from using another Item or Weapon in that hand. A model may only equip a maximum of 2 Vambrace Attachments.

Weapon Attachment: this weapon must be attached to the end of a Ranged Weapon to function correctly. It cannot be used on its own.

Weighted Strike: this weapon improves its AP by 1 on the turn the model equipped with it Charges.

Wrapping Strike: on an unmodified hit roll of a 6, this weapon ignores an opponent's Hand Held Shield.

This message was edited 17 times. Last update was at 2023/06/21 21:33:45

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I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
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Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Pistol, Rifle, and Heavy Ranged Weapon Lists

of Shooting and Weapon Qualities
Each Ranged Weapon on the following Charts is listed with each of its Firing Modes. Many weapons have 4 Modes and some have fewer than that. Each weapon is listed with a number of Qualities that apply to the weapon in any Firing Mode. Each weapon is also listed with the Range, Rate of Fire, and Qualities that apply to it in each of its Firing Modes.

For example, same Patterns of Bolt Pistol gain the Inaccurate Quality when using Autofire Mode.

If a weapon is listed without a particular Firing Mode, that means it cannot be used to Shoot in that Mode unless the model carrying it has a Talent that says otherwise.

The 4 Firing Modes are Precision, Standard, Burst, and Autofire. Each Mode is listed with a baseline Range in inches. If a model is equipped with an Item of Wargear that modifies its Range, use the baseline for the Mode it is being fired in. Some Ammunition types can modify a weapon's baseline Range. Where this is true the modified Range is presented under the Ammunition type.

The Precision Firing Mode requires that the model does not Move or Advance in its Movement Phase, but does not add the Heavy Quality to the weapon unless specifically stated otherwise.

Many Ammunition types will modify the performance of a weapon. The Strength, AP, and Damage of a weapon is always presented with the Ammunition type under its Listing. If a particular Ammunition type is not listed beneath a weapon's entry, that means the weapon in question cannot be loaded with it, unless the model has a Talent that says otherwise. The Elite Talent: Rulebreaker can be used to bypass this rule.

General Rules for All Ammo Sources
Any weapon that fires a randomized number of shots in any Firing Mode only counts as expending 1 Ammo in Precision or Standard Mode, 2 Ammo in Burst Mode, and 4 Ammo in Autofire Mode, regardless of the number of dice rolled to Shoot with.

Any weapon Reload with a C (Cost) of "0" may be purchased for nothing up to a model's maximum Capacity. If a player wishes to add additional Reloads beyond the model's normal Capacity - which would result in a commiserate reduction to the model's max Move distance - each of these extra Reloads have their C increased by a cumulative +1.

For example, a model with 2 remaining Capacity could be equipped with 2 extra Standard Carbine Ammo Reloads (the equivalent of 8 Standard Magazines) for 0 Cost. If the model's controlling Player wanted to add 2 more Standard Carbine reloads (and thus reducing the model's base Movement by 2"), the first of these extra Reloads would Cost 1 and the second would Cost 3 (1+2). If they wanted to add another, that third Reload would Cost 6 (3+3). And so on: a fourth would be 10 (6+4); a fifth would be 15 (10+5); etc.

Ammo for Solid Projectile Guns (Auto and Bolt type)
There are 3 main types of Magazines listed here: Standard (S) - the basic Mag that normally fits in the gun; Expanded (E) - a double load of bullets; and Drum (D) - a significantly larger payload of shots. Drum Magazines add +1 Weight to the Weapon they are loaded into. All reload purchases come in sets of 4. Their Threshold (T) and Cost (C) reflect that a model is equipping 4 of them when purchased with Renown during the Arming Phase.

A set of Standard Pistol Mags Weighs 0 for the first 4, and 1 for each 4 equipped after that. A set of Standard Rifle Mags Weighs 1 for the first 4, and 1 for each 4 equipped after that. Every set of Standard Heavy Weapon Mags Weighs 2.

A set of Expanded Pistol Mags Weighs 1 for the first 4, and 1 for each 4 equipped after that. A set of Expanded Rifle Mags Weighs 2 for the first 4, and 1 for each 4 equipped after that. Every set of Expanded Heavy Weapon Mags Weighs 3.

A set of Drum Pistol Mags Weighs 2 for the first 4, and 1 for each 4 equipped after that. A set of Drum Rifle Mags Weighs 2 for the first 4, and 2 for each 4 equipped after that. Every set of Drum Heavy Weapon Mags Weighs 4.

After a model expends their last Shot from their last Magazine of any set of 4, reduce the Weight penalty imposed on that model's Capacity from those Magazines by 1 (to a minimum of 0). Empty Magazines must still be carried back to the Intolerance for re-use.

Ammo for Energy Guns
Generally speaking, Energy Ranged Weapons only have 1 type of Magazine. The only exception to this is Flamer-type weapons, which have a wide variety Ammo containers such as Hand Tanks and Promethium Chargers. Each Magazine type is purchased in sets of 4 and each type of Flamer ammo is purchased individually.

A set of First Founding Grav, Melta, or Plasma Mags Weighs 1 for the first 4, and 1 for each 4 equipped after that. A set of Ultima Founding Melta or Plasma Chargers Weighs 2 for the first 4, and 1 for each 4 equipped after that. When the last shot is expended from any set of 4 Energy-type weapon reloads (excluding Flame-type), reduce their Weight by 1 (to a minimum of 0).

Grav Weapons use Grav Catalysts (GC). Grav Pistols, Gravguns, and Grav Cannons are all loaded with 1 GC. Grav Cannons can alternatively be loaded with a Backpack Ammo Supply and/or additionally fitted with a Grav Amplifier that allows the Shooter to reroll failed Wounds.

First Founding Melta Guns and Inferno Pistols use Melta Cannisters (MC) and are each loaded with 1. Multimeltas are loaded with 2 MCs or a single Backpack Ammo Supply.

Ultima Founding Melta Rifles use Melta Chargers (MCh) and are loaded with 2 MChs. Heavy Melta Rifles are loaded with an Auxiliary Ammo Feed.

First Founding Plasma Weapons use Plasma Flasks (PF). Plasma Pistols are loaded with 1 PF. Plasma Rifles/Guns are loaded with up to 2 PFs. Plasma Cannons may be loaded with up to 3 PFs and/or a single Backpack Ammo Supply.

Ultima Founding Plasma Weapons use Plasma Chargers (PC). Plasma Exterminators and Plasma Incinerators are each loaded with 2 PCs or 1 PC and 1 Auxiliary Ammo Feed.

Flamer Weapons use differently sized and named Ammo sources depending on its type. Hand Flamers use Hand Tanks. Every 2 Hand Tanks carried Weigh 1.

Flamers can be loaded with a variety of Ammo sources, including, but not limited to Hand Tanks and Flame Tanks. Each Flame Tank Weighs 1.

Heavy Flamers can also be loaded with a variety of Ammo sources. These include Flame Tanks, Flame Chargers, Auxiliary Ammo Feeds, and Backpack Ammo Supplies. One Flame Charger Weighs 2 and adds +1 Weight to the Heavy Flamer it is loaded into. Each Flame Charger after the first Weighs 1.

Empty Flame-weapon Ammo sources Weigh 0.

Combi-weapons such as Plasma-bolters and Infernus Heavy Bolters are always loaded with 1 S (Standard) version of each Ranged Weapon's Magazine. These types of weapons cannot be fitted with Auxiliary Ammo Feeds nor a Backpack Ammo Supply.

Ammo for Exotic Guns
Exotic-type weapons, such as Sanctified Xenos Weapons and Esoteric Admech Devices, each have their own, unique Ammo sources. Some Exotic Weapons cannot be reloaded and some regenerate expended Shots under specific circumstances. The Weight and number of Shots of these Ammo sources varies, and so are presented in detail with the weapon they apply to.

Alternate Ammo Sources
A model may be equipped with up to 2 Auxiliary Ammo Feeds or 1 Backpack Ammo Supply. Each Auxiliary Ammo Feed must be connected to a single Ranged Weapon, but if a model carries 2 Auxiliary Feeds these Ranged Weapons do not have to be of the same type. These Ammo sources replace the weapon's Primary Magazine when equipped. When the last Shot is expended from either of these sources, a model must spend a full Phase (Movement or Shooting) to detach the Auxilliary Ammo Feed or Backpack Ammo Supply from their Ranged Weapon and reload a fresh Magazine to replace it. Future reloads follow the rules for Reloading presented on pg.1 of this Blog.

The added Weight of 1 Auxilliary Ammo Feed is mostly carried by a model's Powered Armor, but each does impose a +1 Weight penalty to a model's Maximum Carry Capacity, empty or full. Carrying a single Auxilliary Ammo Feed separately from a weapon or armor imposes 3 Weight full and 1 Weight empty. A Backpack Ammo Supply's Weight is also mostly carried by the model's Powered Armor, but it imposes +1 Weight when full and 0 Weight when empty. Carrying a Backpack Ammo Supply separately from a weapon or not stacked on top of a model's armor imposes 4 Weight full and 1 Weight empty.

Lastly, some Ranged Weapons might have a unique Magazine type or multiple Magazine types, such as the Integrated Supplemental Magazines of Artifitex-Pattern Bolters, Guilliman-Pattern Bolt Rifles, and some other weappns. Where listed, these Ammo Sources will also display their number equipped in the weapon and Weight Penalties in parenthetical form.

For example: Integrated Supplemental Magazines (2) (+1)

Weapon Attachments
Most ranged weapons on these lists can be modified with Weapon Attachments. See the different Subcategories for how many each weapon type can have. Note that Relics cannot be modified in any way except with Special Ammunition Types. The Integral Attachments of any weapon or Relic also cannot be removed unless a model has a particular Talent that expressly says otherwise.

This message was edited 16 times. Last update was at 2024/02/05 23:59:19

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The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Bolt Weapons
The Threshold and Cost of all Bolt Weapons assumes a model or Specialty is not equipped with the weapon as part of its Standard Loadout. If a model is equipped with a particular weapon as a part of its Standard Loadout, they do not have to meet the Threshold nor do they have to pay the Renown Cost to have it. Additionally, if a model with a particular Bolt weapon in their Standard Loadout wants to equip a second version of that weapon, they ignore its Threshold and pay only half its Cost.

Many of these weapons have variant designs. In each case, the Deathwatch standard version is listed first, followed by its variations. Some of these variants come auto-equipped with certain upgrades. Where this is the case, these upgrades are listed with the weapon under the Integral Wargear heading. Many variants also have a larger or smaller Magazine Capacity. Where this is true, it does not have any effect on the Cost of Ammunition - neither Standard, Expanded, Drum, or otherwise - this is accounted for in the variant's own Threshold and Cost.

Ammunition with *+ add the Qualities that follow it to the weapon's pre-existing list of Qualities. Duplicated Qualities have no additional effect, but Integrated Ammunition layers its effects with any Special Ammunition purchased/loaded into that weapon. Qualities marked with a *, however, do add their effect to any pre-existing Quality of the same name on the weapon.

First Founding Arsenal

Bolt Carbines
Bolt Carbines may have up to 2 Weapon Attachments in addition to any Integral Wargear, unless it has the Picatinny Quality. Note that Bayonets do not take up a space for these purposes and are considered a "free slot" attachment.

Bolt Carbines may be loaded with Standard, Expanded, or, in some cases, Drum Magazines. The Cost of Ammunition also includes an entry for Supplemental Mags as well.

T:C / Weapon / Wt / S|E|D / Integral Wargear / Qualities
8:2 / Ceres-Pattern / 2 / 6|12|22 / - / Assault, Reliable, Rifle, <Scout>
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

34:2 / Furion-Pattern / 1 / 4|8|- / - / <Infuriators>, Pistol, Too Close, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -

19:3 / Hesh-Pattern / 2 / 6|12|22 / Targeter / -
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Assault, Pistol
Burst: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Assault, Pistol
Autofire: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 8, Unlockable Firing Mode

Relic Bolt Carbines
29:9 / Intangible / 1 / 6|12|- / Suppressor / Assault, Lone Wolf, Picatinny, Relic, Rifle, Unique (1)
Precision: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Target Selection
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Accurate
Burst: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -

15:8 / Phobos-Pattern / 2 / 8|16|- / - / Relic, Rifle, Unique (D3)*
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Assault
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Assault
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 12, Inaccurate, Unlockable Firing Mode

Bolt Carbine Ammunition Types
T:C S|E|D|Su / Ammo / Strength / AP / Damage / Qualities
1:0|1|2|0 / Standard Carbine Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / -

Special Ammunition Types
3:1|2|3|1 / Blessed Carbine Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / *+Anathema <Chaos>

3:0|1|2|1 / Dragonfire Carbine Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / *+Reduces Cover (-1), Reduces Range (-4"

7:3|6|8|2 / Flechette Storm Carbine Rounds / 3 / - / 1 / *+Cluster Munitions, Doubles Rate of Fire

3:1|2|3|1 / Heavy Carbine Rounds / 5 / - / 1 / *+Recoil (4+)

11:2|4|7|1 / Hellfire Carbine Rounds / 3 / - / 1 / *+Hellfire

5:2|4|6|1 / Incendiary Carbine Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / *+Ablaze, Increases Range (+2"

6:3|6|8|2 / Kraken Carbine Rounds / 4 / - / 2 / *+Increases Range (+2"

2:0|1|2|1 / Manstopper Carbine Rounds / 5 / - / 1 / *+Reduces Range (-2"

5:2|4|6|1 / Organgrinder Carbine Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / *+Soft Targets

3:1|2|3|1 / Penetrator Carbine Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / -

12:4|8|10|2 / Pulse-Blaster Carbine Rounds / 3 / - / 1 / *+Blast, Knockback (2", Reduces Range (-4", Supplants Rate of Fire (D3)

5:2|4|6|1 / Seeker-Penetrator Carbine Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / *+Relay

3:1|2|3|1 / Seeker Carbine Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / *+Relay

5:1|2|3|1 / Turbo Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -2 / 1 / -

4:1|2|3|1 / Vengeance Carbine Rounds / 5 / -1 / 1 / *+Reduces Range (-4"

Bolters can equip up to 1 Weapon Attachment in addition to any Integral Attachments, unless they have the Picatinny Quality. Integral Attachments don't add any Weight to the Weapon they are a part of, unless indicated by a (+#) next to the Attachment.

Bolter Magazines are listed in Standard, Expanded, Drum, and Backpack Ammo Supply order. The Cost for Ammunition also includes a final category for Supplemental Magazines. All Bolters on the following list can use Bolter Shells, regardless of its Pattern or origin of manufacture.

T:C / Weapon / Wt / S|E|D|B / Integral Attachments / Qualities
21:10 / Artifex-Pattern / (2) 3 / 8|16|28|250 / Augur Lense, Gene-Grip, Supplemental Magazines (2) (+1) / Rifle, <Scout>, <Tactical>
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Assault
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, Assault
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Heavy

45:10 / Angelus-Pattern / 1 / -|-|28|- / - / <Assault>, <Blood Angels>, Pistol, Rifle, Too Close, Unhanded, Unique (D3*), Vambrace Attachment
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Heavy

43:6 / Cyclon-Pattern MkVIc / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / Gene-Grip / Assault, <Cyclonic>, Rifle, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Pistol
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 8, Heavy, Inaccurate

55:14 / Edenic-Pattern Series16 / 3 / 12|24|42|250 / Noospheric Relay / <Devastator>, <Knights Amethyst>, Rifle, <Tactical>, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 25" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Assault
Autofire: 25" Range, Rate of Fire: 12, Heavy

43:9 / Fenris-Pattern / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / - / Adorned, Assault, <Grey Hunter>, Rifle, <Space Wolves>, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Heavy
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -

42:9 / Godwyn-Pattern MkIIIa / 2 / 12|24|40|250 / - / Assault, <Dark Angels>, Relic, Rifle, <Tactical>, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

9:4 / Godwyn-Pattern MkVb / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / Gene-Grip / Assault, <First Founding>, Rifle, <Tactical>
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -

21:8 / Hesh-Pattern / 2 / 8|16|-|- / Motion Predictor, Prey-Sense Sight / Rifle, Too Close
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Assault, Pistol
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Assault, Pistol
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 8, Unreliable

13:4 / Locke-Pattern Mk2b Enforcer / 1 / 6|12|22|- / Gene-Grip / Assault, Rifle, Too Close
Precision: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Accurate
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Burst: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Autofire: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Heavy

36:6 / Macragge-Pattern / 2 / 10|20|-|250 / Gene-Grip / Rifle, <Ultramarines>, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, Assault

40:4 / Naval Breacher Type96 / 1 / 8|16|-|- / - / Assault, <Marines Errant>, Rifle, Too Close, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Pistol
Autofire: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 8, Inaccurate

42:9 / Nocturne-Ultima Pattern / 3 / 20|40|65|250 / Gene-Grip, Zeroed Sights / Rifle, <Salamanders>, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Accurate, Heavy
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Assault

38:6 / Omari-Pattern / 2 / 6|12|36|250 / Gene-Grip, Sanctified Optics / <Heralds>, Rifle, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Assault
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Heavy

3:1 / Perinetus-Pattern MkII / 1 / 2|-|-|- / - / Rifle
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Accurate, Reliable

b]16:7[/b] / Samech-Pattern / 2 / 9|18|32|- / Targetter / Penetrating Hits, Reliable, Rifle
Standard: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

12:5 / Stalker-Pattern / 2 / 4|8|-|- / - / Deadly Aim, Heavy, Picatinny, Stalker Special Ammunition Types
Precision: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Target Selection
Burst: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

46:14 / Sternguard Gilded Bolter / (2) 3 / 24|-|-|250 / Compartmented Mags (+1), Genegrip, Rangefinder Scope / Adorned, Assault, Devastating, Masterwork, Rifle, <Vereran>
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 5, Heavy

14:7 / Tigrus-Pattern / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / - / Assault, Lower Caliber, Relic, Rifle, Unique (D3)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, -

51:14 / Turkhoni-Pattern / 2 / 10|20|34|- / - / <Aeonic Legion>, Picatinny, Rifle, Tainted Artifice, Unique (D3*)
Precision: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Accurate, Heavy
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Assault
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, Assault
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Heavy

22:9 / Ultra-Pattern MkIV / 2 / 26|-|-|250 / Gene-Grip, Targeting Array / Exceptional, Relic, Rifle, Unique (D3)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Assault
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Assault
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Heavy

13:6 / Umbra-Ferrox Pattern / 2 / -|-|40|250 / - / Accurate, Rifle
Standard: 26" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 13" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Assault
Autofire: 26" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Heavy

9:6 / Umbra-Pattern / 2 / 14|28|56|250 / Gene-Grip / Assault, Rifle
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -

Relic Bolters
81:14 / Asteron's Wrath / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / - / <Aeonic Legion>, Assault, <Heralds>, Masterwork, Relic, Rifle, Unique (1)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Pistol
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 8, Heavy, Reliable

52:14 / Carnage / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / - / Assault, Cluster Munitions, Masterwork, Red Rags, Relic, Rifle, Unique (1)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, -
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 12, Unlockable Firing Mode

70:13 / Defender / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / - / Accurate, <Mantis Warriors>, Masterwork, Relic, Rifle, Unique (1)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Heavy, Reliable
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Assault
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Heavy

71:14 / Great Wolf's Howl / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / - / Adorned, Inspirational, Masterwork, Relic, Rifle, <Space Wolves>, Unique (1)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Assault
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Pistol

42:7 / Lion-Pattern / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / - / Butcher, <Dark Angels>, Relic, Rifle, Unique (1*)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Assault

76:16 / Liberator / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / - / Commanding Aura, Masterwork, Relic, Rifle, <Subjugators>, Unique (1)
Precision: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Accurate, Heavy, Reliable
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Assault
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Assault

53:21 / Master's Artifice / 2 / 9|18|32|250 / - / Masterwork, Penetrating Hits, Picatinny, Relic, Rifle, Set (1/2: Adorned), <Tactical>, Unique (1)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 5, Heavy

66:11 / Nefarum / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / - / Felling, Masterwork, Relic, Resonant, Rifle, <Silver Skulls>, Unique (1)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Assault
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Inaccurate

43:14 / Phobos-Pattern / 2 / 12|24|-|- / - / Masterwork, Reliable, Relic, Rifle, Unique (1)*
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Assault
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Assault
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 5, Heavy

59:8 / The Silence (of Moirae) / 2 / 6|12|30|250 / - / Haywire, <Iron Hands>, Masterwork, Relic, Rifle, Unique (1)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Heavy

49:10 / Ulixian Dart / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / - / Exceptional, <Praetors of Ulixis>, Relic, Rifle, Unique (D3)
Precision: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Heavy
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Accurate
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Inaccurate

36:9 / Warp Tongue / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / - / Corrupted Strikes, Masterwork, Relic, Rifle, Tainted, Unique (1)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Assault

Unlockable Relic Bolters
40:11 / Axiomatic / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / Gene-Grip / Assault, Bane <Chaos>, Bane <Daemon>, Masterwork, Relic, Rifle, Unique (1)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -

45:12 / Bane of the Abominable / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / IR Targeter, Thermal Optics / Masterwork, Pulverizing Strikes, Relic, Rifle, Unique (1)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Accurate
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Assault
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, Heavy, Suppressing

37:13 / Banestrike Bolter / 2 / 4|8|14|- / Banestrike Bolter Shells / Relic, Rifle, Tainted Artifice, Unique (1), Unique Rounds
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -

60:12 / Calth's Arrow / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / - / Masterwork, Murderous Hits, Relic, Rifle, <Ultramarines>, Unique (1)
Standard: 28" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 14" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Autofire: 28" Range, Rate of Fire 4, -

23:9 / Darkest / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / Ensorcelled Bolts / Darksight, Reduces Cover (-1), Relic, Rifle, <Tactical>, Tainted, Unique (1)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 8, -

50:10 / Distraction / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / Intimidator Module / Assault, Exceptional, Loud, <Raptors>, Relic, Rifle, Unique (1)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, <Suppressing>
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Pinning (+2)

26:3 / Dread Bolter / 3 / -|-|12|- / - / Masterwork, Relic, Rifle, Unique (D3)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -

73:15 / Frostbite / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / - / Adorned, Masterwork, Murderous Hits, Relic, Rifle, <Space Wolves>, Unique (1), Wolf's Tread
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Heavy

74:15 / Gilded Artifice / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / Genegrip / Adorned, Inspiring, Masterwork, Relic, Rifle, <Ultramarines>, Unique (1)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Assault
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Heavy

14:4 / Hecate-Pattern / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / - / Relic, Rifle, <Tactical>, Unique (*)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 8, Inaccurate

76:15 / Honour of Duty / 2 / 12|24|42|250 / - / Assault, <Blood Angels>, Hard Impact, Masterwork, Murderous Hits, Relic, Rifle, Unique (1)
Standard: 20" Range, Rate of Fire: 5, -
Burst: 10" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, -

11:3 / Imperial-Pattern / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / - / Relic, Rifle, Unique (*) *Formerly STC Bolter
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Heavy, Inaccurate

78:19 / In Lucem / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / Enhanced Sight, IR Targetter / <Hospitalliers>, Masterwork, Relic, Rifle, Unique (1)
Precision: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Reliable, Target Selection
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Deadly Aim
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, Assault, On my Target

72:15 / In Truth / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / Augur Lense, Genegrip, Zeroed Sights / <Brotherhood (of the Bolter)>, Masterwork, Relic, Rifle, Unique (1)
Precision: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Target Selection
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Assault
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Assault

54:13 / Just The Darkness / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / - / Bane <Everything>, Darksight, <Everything> Killer, Heavier Caliber, Lone Wolf, Masterwork, Pinpoint Accuracy, Relic, Rifle, Tainted, Unique (1)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 8, Assault, Inaccurate

76:15 / Knightbreaker / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / - / Masterwork, Murderous Hits, Pinpoint Accuracy, Relic, Rifle, Unique (1)
Standard: 32" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Autofire: 32" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -

19:10 / Kraken-Pattern Bolter / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / - / Limited Ammo Compatibility [Scorpius and Tempest Rifle Rounds only], Relic, Rifle, Unique (1)
Standard: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Autofire: 30" Range, Rate if Fire: 3, Heavy

48:16 / Mars-Pattern "Scourge" MkII Bolter / 1 / 12|24|42|250 / Sarissa / Mark of the Ecclesiarchy, Masterwork, Relic, Rifle, Unique (1)
Standard: 22" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 11" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

47:14 / Moloc's Gift / 2 / 10|20|30|250 / Reciprocating Targetting Array / Butcher <Tyranid>, Covering Fire, Masterwork, Murderous Hits, Relic, Rifle, Unique (1)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 5, Heavy, Unreliable

52:17 / Nemesis-Pattern Bolter / 2 / 8|16|28|- / - / Masterwork, Murderous Hits, Pinning (+2), Relic, Rifle, Unique (1)*
Precision: 72" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Heavy, Target Selection
Burst: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Autofire: 48" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Heavy, Inaccurate, Unreliable

64:11 / Octavio's Burden / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / - / <Blood Angels>, Masterwork, Peace Through Bloodshed, Relic, Rifle, Unique (1)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Assault
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Heavy

15:4 / Palatine-Pattern / 1 / 12|-|36|250 / - / Not Compatable with Special Ammo or Bolter Shells, Lower Caliber, Pistol, Relic, Rifle, Unique (1)
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Autofire: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Heavy

44:7 / Precision's Pride / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / Enhanced Sight, IR Relay, Sky-Fire Optics, Zeroed Sights / <Excoriators>, Heavy, Relic, Rifle, Unique (1)
Precision: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Target Selection
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -

51:15 / Preservator / 2 (3) / 8|16|28|250 / Supplemental Magazines (2) +1 / Bane <Xenos Infantry>, Bane <Xenos Monster>, Masterwork, Relic, Rifle, Unique (1), <Xenos Infantry> Killer, <Xenos Monster> Killer
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Assault
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, Assault
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Heavy

83:17 / Silent Cry / 2 / 4|8|-|- / Sanctified Optics, Suppressor / Accurate, Anathema <Daemon>, Bane <Daemon>, <Exorcists>, Masterwork, Picatinny, Relic, Rifle, Stalker Shells, Stalker Special Ammo, Unique (1)
Precision: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Pinpoint Accuracy, Righteous Strikes, Target Selection
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Heavy

41:14 / Skapulan-Pattern Bolter / 2 / 12|26|42|- / - / Accurate, Masterwork, Penetrating Hits, Relic, Rifle, Unique (1*)
Standard: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Autofire: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -

18:8 / Spear of Titan / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / - / Relic, Rifle, Unique (1)
Standard: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Assault
Autofire: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Heavy, Inaccurate

31:7 / Tainted Phobos / 2 / -|16|-|- / Arcane Sight / Masterwork, Rifle, Tainted, Unique (1)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Assault
Burst: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 5, Heavy

76:17 / Unum In Tenebris / 2 / 9|18|30|250 / Darkeye Scope, Suppressor / Masterwork, Pinning (+3), <Raven Guard[b]>, Relic, Rifle, Unique (1)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Accurate
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, Reliable

140:61 / Vratine-Pattern Bolter / 2 / 16|32|-|- / - / Masterwork, Relic, Rifle, Unique (1), Vaunted Legend
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 8, Heavy

24:9 / Wrath of Damocles / 2 / 8|16|28|250 / Zeroed Sights / Bane <T'au>, Deadly Aim, Penetrating Hits, Relic, Rifle, Unique (1)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Reliable
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Heavy

Bolter Ammunition Types
T:C S|E|D|B|Su / Ammo / Strength / AP / Damage / Qualities
2:1|2|4|8|0 / Standard Rifle Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Tactical>

Special Bolter Ammunition Types
20:11|22|39|88|6 / Acid Burst Rifle Rounds / 4 / -2 / D2 / <Tactical>, *+Blast, Supplants Rate of Fire (D3)

8:3|6|11|24|2 / Blessed Rifle Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Tactical>, *+Anathema <Chaos>

37:-|-|18|-|3 / Bloodshard Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Assault>, <Blood Angels>, Limited Supply (2D6*), *+Catastrophic Injuries, Reduces Range (-6"

44:6|12|21|48|3 / Burden of Colossi Rounds / 6 / - / 3 / Adds Weight (+1), <Black Giants>, Limited Supply (2D3*), *+Knockback (2", Relic

8:4|8|14|32|2 / Devastation Rifle Rounds / 4 / -1 / 2 / <Tactical>

4:1|2|4|7|1 / Dragonfire Rifle Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Tactical>, *+Reduces Cover (-1), Reduces Range (-4"

6:1|2|4|8|1 / Dragonfire Heavies / 5 / - / 1 / <Tactical>, Reduces Cover (-1), Recoil (5+), Reduces Range (-4"

7:3|6|11|24|2 / Flechette Storm Rifle Rounds / 3 / - / 1 / <Tactical>, *+Cluster Munitions, Doubles Rate of Fire

41:8|16|28|64|4 / Glimmerfrost Rifle Rounds / 4 / -1 / 2 / <Grey Hunter>, Limited Supply (2D6*), <Space Wolves>, *+Helfrost

5:1|2|4|8|1 / Heavy Rounds / 5 / - / 1 / <Tactical>, *+Recoil (5+)

13:3|6|11|24|2 / Hellfire Rifle Round / 3 / - / 1 / <Tactical>, *+Hellfire

7:3|6|11|24|2 / Incendiary Rifle Round / 4 / - / 1 / <Tactical>, *+Ablaze, Increases Range (+2"

9:4|8|14|32|2 / Inferno Rifle Rounds / 5 / -1 / D2 / <Tactical>, *+Reduced Range (-12"

38:6|12|21|48|3 / Korvidari Rifle Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / Limited Supply (2D6*), <Raven Guard>, <Tactical>, *+Accurate, Increases Range (+12", Relay

10:5|10|18|40|3 / Kraken Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -1 / 2 / <Tactical>, *+Increases Range (+4"

8:4|8|28|32|2 / Kraken Rifle Rounds / 4 / - / 2 / <Tactical>, *+Increases Range (+4"

3:1|2|4|8|1 / Manstopper Rifle Rounds / 5 / - / 1 / <Tactical>, *+Reduces Range (-4"

7:3|6|11|24|2 / Organgrinder Rifle Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Tactical>, *+Soft Targets

5:2|4|7|16|1 / Penetrator Rifle Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Tactical>

7:3|6|11|24|2 / Seeker-Penetrator Rifle Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Tactical>, *+Relay

5:2|4|7|16|1 / Seeker Rifle Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Tactical>, *+Relay

16:7|14|25|56|4 / Tempest Rifle Round / 4 / - / 1 / <Tactical>, *+Cluster Munitions, Pinpoint Accuracy, Reduces Range (-4", Supplants Rate of Fire (D3)

13:6|12|21|48|3 / Thermic Rifle Rounds / 4 / -2 / * / <Tactical>, <Techmarine>, *+Catastrophic Failure, Reduces Range (-8", *Thermic

5:2|4|7|16|1 / Tracer Rifle Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Tactical>, *+On my Target

9:4|8|14|32|2 / Turbo Penetrator Round / 4 / -2 / 1 / <Tactical>

6:2|4|7|16|1 / Vengeance Rifle Rounds / 5 / -1 / 1 / <Tactical>, *+Reduces Range (-6"

43:10|20|35|80|5 / Witchfire Rifle Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Black Wasps>, <First Founding>, <Librarian>, *+Attuned, Resonant, Sanctified

41:5|10|18|40|3 / Witchseeker Rifle Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Black Templars>, Limited Supply (2D6*), *+Anathema <Psyker>, Bane <Psyker>, <Psyker> Killer

Unlockable Special Bolter Ammunition
22:7|14|25|56|4 / Scorpius Relic Rifle Rounds / 6 / -2 / D3 / Limited Supply (*), *+<Vehicle> Destroyer, Relic

Bolter Shells
These are specialty, single shot rounds. They must be individually loaded before firing. A model must sacrifice its Movement or its first Shooting Phase to load these shells and they become available to Shoot with at the start of the model's next Shooting Phase.

Bolter Shells universally add the Heavy Quality to the weapon they are loaded into and can only be fired in Precision or Standard Firing Modes.

The Threshold and Cost presented on this sublist is for ONE shell. The Weight for each Shell is negligible; a model would have to carry 30 or more individual items from this sublist to equal even 1 Weight.

T:C / Ammo / Strength / AP / Damage / Qualities
29:2 / Acid Blast Shell / 5 / -2 / D3 / *+Blast, Supplants Rate of Fire (2D3)

34:1 / Antiphasic Shell / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Death Specters>, Limited Supply (2D3*), *+Antiphasic

44:2 / Dragonrage Shell / 4 / -1 / 1 / Limited Supply (2D3*), <Salamanders>, *+Forked Impact (D6), Reduces Cover (-3)[/b]

4:1 / Electropulse Shell / 4 / -1 / 1 / *+Haywire, Xenotech

79:3 / Gatebreaker Shell / 4 / -5 / 1 / <Imperial Fists>, Limited Supply (2D3*), *+Forked Impact (D3)[/b]

21:1 / Genophage Shell / 5 / -1 / D3 / *+Anathema <Faction Keyword>, Bane <Faction Keyword>, Research

30:1 / Haywire Shell / 4 / - / 1 / <Iron Hands>, Limited Supply (2D3*), *+Haywire[/b]

33:1 / Hellfury Shell / 4 / - / 1 / Limited Supply (2D3*), <Ultramarines>, *+Murderous Hits[/b]

25:2 / Hi-EX Shell / 4 / - / D2 / *+Blast, Overpressure, Supplants Rate of Fire (2D6)

16:8 / Implosion Shell / 6 / -1 / 1 / *+Devastating, Ragged Wounds, Soft Targets

11:1 / Null Shell / 4 / - / 1 / *+Anathema <Pysker>, Null Field

29:2 / Psybolt Shell / 6 / -1 / 1 / *+Anathema <Chaos>, Anathema <Psyker>, Bane <Chaos>, Bane <Psyker>, Sanctified, Shield Breaker

32:1 / Quake Shell / 4 / - / 1 / <Blood Angels>, Limited Supply (2D3*), *+Staggered

11:1 / Sanctioned Shell / 4 / - / 1 / *+Anathema <Chaos>, Righteous Strikes, Sanctified

15:1 / Shard Shell / 3 / -3 / 1 / *+Supplants Rate of Fire (D6), Xenotech

19:1 / Stable Flux Core Shell / 4 / -4 / 1 / *+Murderous Hits, Righteous Strikes

9:1 / Stalker Shell / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Tactical>, *+Increases Range (+12", Target Selection

47:2 / Stormwrath Shell / 7 / -1 / 1 / Limited Supply (2D3*), <White Scars>, *+Monster-Breaker

47:2 / Tooth of Morkai / 4 / -1 / 2 / Limited Supply (2D3*), <Space Wolves>, *+Helfrost, Marked by Morkai, Relic

25:1 / Tranq Bolt Shell / 2 / -1 / * / Limited Supply (2D3*), <Raven Guard>, *+Tranquilizer (2+)

2:1 / Viral Shell / 4 / - / 1 / *+Contagious, Tainted

170:11 / Vortex Shell / 14 / -4 / D3+3 / <Watch Captain>, *+Implosion, Singularity, Supplants Rate of Fire (D3)

Stalker Special Ammunition Types
These Magazines can only be loaded into Stalker-Pattern Bolters and are listed in Standard, Epanded, and Supplemental order.

T:C S|E|Su / Ammo / Strength / AP / Damage / Qualities
3:1|2|0 / Standard Stalker Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / -

15:4|6|2 / Destructor Stalker Rounds / 5 / -2 / D2+1 / *+Pinpoint Accuracy

9:4|6|2 / Guided Stalker Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / *+Deadly Aim, Relay, Target Selection

5:2|3|1 / Seeker Stalker Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / *+Relay

13:5|8|3 / Stabilized Stalker Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / *+Accurate, Increases Range (+4", Reliable

42:14|28|7 / Stable Flux Core Stalker Rounds / 4 / -4 / 1 / +*Murderous Hits, Righteous Strikes

34:5|10|3 / Tranq Bolt Stalker Rounds / 2 / -1 / * / Limited Supply (D3*), <Raven Guard>, *+Limited Supply (2D6)*, Tranquilizer (2+)

13:5|10|3 / Turbo Stalker Rounds / 4 / -3 / 1 / -

Bolt Pistols
Bolt Pistols can equip up to 1 Weapon Attachment in addition to any Integral Attachments, unless they have the Picatinny Quality. Integral Attachments do not add any Weight to the Weapon they are a part of, unless indicated by a (+#) next to the Attachment.

Bolt Pistol Magazines are listed in Standard, Expanded, and Drum order.

T:C / Weapon / Wt / S|E|D / Integral Attachments / Qualities
0:1 / Mark III / 1 / 4|8|14 / - / Pistol
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

3:2 / Angelus-Pattern / 1 / 8|16|20 / - / Lower Caliber, Pistol
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Autofire: 12" Range, Rate of Fire 8, Inaccurate, Unreliable

31:1 / Cyclon-Pattern MkIV / 1 / 4|8|14 / Gene-Grip / <Cyclonic>, Pistol, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Autofire: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Heavy, Inaccurate

47:8 / Edenic-Pattern Series9 / 2 / 9|18|27 / Noospheric Relay / <Assault>, <Devastator>, <Knights Amethyst>, Pistol, <Tactical>, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 13" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 8" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, Assault
Autofire: 13" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Heavy

34:1 / Equis-Pattern / 1 / 6|12|21 / - / Assault, <Biker>, In the Saddle, Pistol, Unique (D3*), <White Scars>
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, Inaccurate
Autofire: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Inaccurate

36:3 / Godwyn-Pattern / 1 / 4|8|14 / Gene-Grip / <Dark Angels>, Pistol, Relic, Unique (D3*), <Veteran>
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

31:1 / Godwyn-Ultima Pattern / 1 / 4|8|14 / - / Exceptional, <Minotaurs>, Pistol, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

62:10 / Guardian Honor Pistol / 1 / 4|8|14 / Gene-Grip / Adorned, Honorific, Inspiring, Masterwork, Pistol, Relic, <Veteran>
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Autofire: 12", Rate of Fire: 4, Inaccurate

10:1 / Hesh-Pattern M38 MkII / 2 / 8|16|26 / - / Pistol, Unreliable
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, -
Autofire: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 10, Unlockable Fire Mode

3:1 / Ikanos-Pattern / 1 / 4|8|14 / - / Heavier Caliber, Pistol, Relic
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

24:1 / Mark II Ultima-Pattern / 1 / 4|8|14 / - / Pistol, <Raptors>, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Autofire: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -

30:1 / Mark III Ultima-Pattern / 1 / 4|8|14 / - / Pistol, <Salamanders>, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Accurate
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Autofire: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Inaccurate

27:1 / Mark VII Ultra-Pattern / 1 / 4|8|14 / - / Pistol, <Ultramarines>, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, Assault

28:1 / MkII Angel-Pattern / 1 / 4|8|14 / Bloodshard Rounds / <Blood Angels>, Catastrophic Injuries, Pistol, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

32:1 / Omari-Pattern / 1 / 3|6|11 / Gene-Grip / <Heralds>, Pistol, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Assault
Autofire: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Heavy, Unlockable Fire Mode

27:1 / Ryza-Ultima Pattern / 1 / 4|8|14 / - / Pistol, <Star Phantoms>, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Autofire: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Heavy, Inaccurate

31:1 / Silentus Pistol / 1 / 4|8|14 / Suppressor / Picatinny, Pistol, <Raven Guard>, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Autofire: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Heavy, Inaccurate

30:1 / Spectris-Pattern / 2 / 8|16|26 / Range-Finder Scope / <Marines Errant>, Pistol, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Autofire: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, Heavy

38:3 / Stalker Pistol / 1 / 4|8|14 / Range-Finder Scope, Suppressor / Picatinny, Pistol, <Space Wolves>, Unique (D3*), <Wolf Scout>
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Accurate
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Autofire: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, Heavy

28:4 / Tigrus-Pattern / 1 / 3|6|11 / Bayonet / Masterwork, Pistol, Relic, Snub Nose, Unique (D3)*
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

32:1 / Turkhoni Bolt Reciprocator / 1 / 6|12|20 / - / <Aeonic Legion>, Pistol, Tainted Artifice, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Burst: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, Assault
Autofire: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Heavy, Inaccurate

35:1 / Ultima-Pattern / 1 / 4|8|14 / Enhanced Sight / <Fire Hawks>, <Mantis Warriors>, Pistol, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

41:1 / Umbra-Pattern / 1 / 4|8|14 / - / <Executioners>, <Fists Exemplar>, Pistol, Reliable, Relic, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Autofire: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Inaccurate

28:1 / Umbra-Magnus Pattern / 2 / 6|12|20/ - / <Carcharadons Astra>, Pistol, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -
Autofire: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 5, Inaccurate

35:1 / Zealot Pistol / 1 / 4|8|14 / Augur Lense, Gene-Grip, Range-Finder Scope / <Black Templars>, Pistol, Unique (D3*), <Veteran>
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Autofire: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Inaccurate

Relic Bolt Pistols
45:6 / Furnace Pistol / 1 / 4|8|14 / Thermic Rounds / Catastrophic Failure, Exceptional, <Knights Amethyst>, Pistol, Relic, Thermic, Too Close, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 4" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Autofire: 4" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Heavy

31:4 / Hell's Teeth / 1 / 4|8|14 / - / Masterwork, Pistol, Relic, Unique (1)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -

79:15 / Grimnor / 1 / 4|8|14 / Range-Finder Scope, Suppressor / Lone Wolf, Masterwork, Picatinny, Pistol, Relic, <Space Wolves>, Unique (1), <Wolf Scout>
Precision: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Accurate, Deadly Aim, Heavy
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Accurate
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Assault
Autofire: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Heavy

52:9 / Lion's Pride / 1 / 4|8|14 / Augur Lense / Accurate, <Dark Angels>, Exceptional, Pistol, Reliable, Relic, Unique (1)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Heavy

43:13 / Master's Mark / 1 / 5|10|18 / - / Butcher <Models on 25mm or Smaller Bases>, Masterwork, Pistol, Relic, Set [1/2: (*+Adorned)], <Tactical>, Unique (1)
Standard: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 8" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Autofire: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Inaccurate

12:3 / Phobos-Pattern / 1 / 6|12|- / - / Pistol, Relic, Unique (1)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Assault
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Assault
Autofire: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 5, Heavy

57:12 / Phosphor Pistol / 1 / 4|8|14 / Phosphor Rounds / <Champion>, Darksight, <Pact of Prometheus>, Phosphor, Pistol, Relic, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D3, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D3, -
Autofire: 14", Rate of Fire: 4D3, Heavy

33:5 / Redeemer / 1 / 4|8|14 / - / Inspiring, Masterwork, Pistol, Relic, Unique (1)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Assault
Autofire: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Heavy

Unlockable Relic Bolt Pistols
33:5 / Cherex-Pattern / 1 / 4|6|14 / - / Inspiring, Masterwork, Pinning (+3), Pistol, Relic, Unique (1)
Standard: 14" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 7" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Autofire: 14" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Inaccurate

T:C S|E|D / Ammo / Strength / AP / Damage / Qualities
0:0|1|2 / Standard Pistol Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / -

Special Bolt Pistol Ammunition Types
2:1|2|3 / Blessed Pistol Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / *+Anathema <Chaos>

5:3|4|5 / Devastation Pistol Rounds / 4 / -1 / 2 / -

1:0|1|2 / Dragonfire Pistol Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / *+Reduces Cover (-1), Reduces Range (-4"

5:2|3|5 / Flechette Storm Pistol Rounds / 3 / - / 1 / *+Cluster Munitions, Doubles Rate of Fire

35:5|6|8 / Glimmerfrost Pistol Rounds / 4 / -1 / 2 / Limited Supply (2D3*), <Space Wolves>, *+Helfrost

2:1|2|3 / Heavy Rounds / 5 / - / 1 / *+Recoil (5+)

10:2|3|6 / Hellfire Pistol Round / 3 / - / 1 / *+Hellfire

4:2|3|4 / Incendiary Pistol Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / *+Ablaze, Increases Range (+2"

5:3|4|5 / Kraken Pistol Rounds / 4 / - / 2 / *+Increases Range (+4"

1:0|1|2 / Manstopper Pistol Rounds / 5 / - / 1 / *+Reduces Range (-4"

4:2|3|4 / Organgrinder Pistol Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / *+Soft Targets

2:1|2|3 / Penetrator Pistol Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / -

49:12|24|32 / Phosphor Pistol Rounds / 5 / -2 / D2 / <Pact of Prometheus>, Limited Supply (2D3*), *+Illuminat, Phosphor

2:1|2|3 / Seeker Pistol Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / *+Relay

10:4|5|7 / Tempest Pistol Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / *+Cluster Munitions, Pinpoint Accuracy, Reduces Range (-4", Supplants Rate of Fire (D3)

7:2|3|4 / Thumper Pistol Rounds / 5 / -1 / 1 / *+Pinning (+1)*, Recoil (5+), Reduces Range (-4", Soft Targets

4:2|3|4 / Turbo Penetrator Pistol Rounds / 4 / -2 / 1 / -

3:1|2|3 / Vengeance Pistol Rounds / 5 / -1 / 1 / *+Reduces Range (-6"

36:6|7|9 / Witchfire Pistol Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Black Wasps>, <Librarian>, *+Attuned, Resonant, Sanctified

Heavy Bolters
Heavy Bolters can equip up to 2 Weapon Attachments in addition to any Integral Attachments. Integral Attachments do not add any Weight to the Weapon they are a part of, unless indicated by a (+#) next to the Attachment.

Heavy Bolter Magazines are listed in Standard, Drum, and Backpack Ammo Supply order. Ultra Mark IVc Heavy Bolters are unique amongst First Founding weapons in that they can alternatively be equipped with Auxilliary Ammo Feeds.

T:C / Weapon / Wt / S|D|B|A / Integral Attachments / Qualities
15:8 / Ultra Mark IVc / 4 / 24|70|150|40 / - / <Devastator>, Heavy, <Heavy Intercessor>, Two-Handed
Standard: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Autofire: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Inaccurate

50:12 / Asgal-Pattern / 5 / 24|70|150|- / - / Adorned, Exceptional, Heavy, <Long Fang>, <Space Wolves>, Two-Handed
Standard: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Autofire: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Inaccurate

30:20 / MarkIIb / (4) 2 / 24|70|-|- / Suspensor-Rig (-2) / Assault, <Devastator>, Exceptional, Relic, Two-Handed
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Burst: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -
Autofire: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Inaccurate

52:13 / Requiem-Pattern / 4 / 24|70|150|- / - / <Dark Angels>, <Devastator>, Exceptional, Heavy, Inspiring, Two-Handed
Standard: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Burst: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -
Autofire: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Inaccurate

16:9 / Ultra "V" Designation Mark IVd / 5 / -|70|150|- / Motion Predictor, Pintle Mount / Cumbersome, Heavy, Two-Handed
Standard: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, Inaccurate
Burst: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Inaccurate
Autofire: 36" Range, Rate of Fire 10, Inaccurate, Unreliable

58:13 / Vos-Incarnadine Pattern / 4 / 24|80|150|- / Vambrace Support / <Blood Angels><Devastator>, Exceptional, Heavy, Imposing, Terminator-Compatable
Standard: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Burst: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Inaccurate
Autofire: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 8, Inaccurate

Relic Heavy Bolters
77:18 / Foe Scythe / 4 / 24|80|150|- / Vambrace Support / <Blood Angels>, <Devastator>, Heavy, Masterwork, Red Rags, Relic, Terminator-Compatable, Unique (1)
Standard: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 3,
Burst: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -
Autofire: 48" Range, Rate of Fire: 8, Inaccurate

72:16 / Nemesis / 4 / 24|70|150|- / - / Anathema <Xenos>, Bane <Xenos>, <Devastator>, Ferocious Fire <Xenos>, Heavy, Masterwork, Relic, Two-Handed, <Ultramarines>, Unique (1)
Standard: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Autofire: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, -

Unlockable Relic Heavy Bolters
62:19 / Dragon's Maw / (4) 3 / 40|100|150|- / Motion Predictor, Suspensor-Pad (-1) / Bane <Monster>, <Devastator>, Heavy, Masterwork, Relic, Two-Handed, Unique (1)
Standard: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -
Burst: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 8, Assault
Autofire: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 12, Unreliable

23:8 / Hecate-Pattern / 4 / 24|70|150|- / - / <Devastator>, Heavy, Relic, Two-Handed, Unique (*)
Standard: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Autofire: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 12, Inaccurate

Heavy Bolter Ammunition Types
S|D|B|A / Ammo / Strength / AP / Damage / Qualities
10:5|17|40|25 / Standard Heavy Bolter Rounds / 5 / -1 / 2 / <Devastator>

Special Heavy Bolter Ammunition Types
15:6|21|48|30 / Blessed Heavy Bolter Rounds / 5 / -1 / 2 / <Devastator>, *+Anathema <Chaos>

12:6|21|48|30 / Dragonfire Heavy Bolter Rounds / 5 / -1 / 2 / <Devastator>, *+Reduce Cover (-2), Reduce Range (-4"

16:8|28|64|40 / Flechette Storm Heavy Bolter Rounds / 4 / -1 / 2 / <Devastator>, *+Cluster Munitions, Doubles Rate of Fire

18:6|21|48|30 / Hellfire Heavy Bolter Rounds / 4 / -1 / 2 / <Devastator>, *+Hellfire

17:9|32|72|45 / Kraken Heavy Bolter Rounds / 5 / -1 / 3 / <Devastator>, *+Increase Range (+4"

44:18|63|144|90 / Psybolt Heavy Bolter Rounds / 7 / -2 / 2 / <Devastator>, *+Anathema <Chaos>, Anathema <Psyker>, Bane <Daemon>, Bane <Psyker>, Sanctified, Shield Breaker

36:14|49|82|70 / Shardstorm Heavy Bolter Rounds / 4 / -4 / 1 / <Devastator>, *+Blast, Supplants Rate of Fire (D3), Xenotech

7:3|11|24|15 / Tracer Heavy Bolter Rounds / 5 / -1 / 1 / <Devastator>, *+On My Target

23:11|39|88|55 / Turbo Penetrator Heavy Bolter Rounds / 5 / -3 / 2 / <Devastator>

19:10|35|80|50 / Vengeance Heavy Bolter Rounds / 6 / -2 / 2 / <Devastator>, *+Increase Range (+6"

Stormbolters can equip up to 2 Weapon Attachments in addition to any Integral Attachments. Integral Attachments don't add any Weight to the Weapon they are a part of, unless indicated by a (+#) next to the Attachment.

Stormbolter Magazines are listed in Standard, Expanded, Drum, and Backpack Ammo Supply order. The Cost for Ammunition also includes a final category for Supplemental Magazines.

Stormbolters are an exception to the normal variable number of shots versus Ammunition expended rules. Any Stormbolter Ammunition that allows the weapon to fire a randomized number of shots in any Firing Mode counts as expending 2 Ammo in Precision or Standard Mode, 4 Ammo in Burst Mode, and 8 Ammo in Autofire Mode, regardless of the number of dice rolled to Shoot with.

T:C / Weapon / Wt / S|E|D|B / Integral Attachments / Qualities
30:11 / Artifex-Pattern / (3) 4 / 18|36|56|250 / Augur Lense, Gene-Grip, Supplemental Magazines (2) (+1) / Cumbersome, Recoil (5+), Rifle, Terminator-Compatable, <Veteran>
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Assault
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Assault
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 9, Heavy, Inaccurate

68:13 / Edenic-Pattern / 3 / 26|52|80|250 / - / <Champion>, Cumbersome, <Knights Amethyst>, Recoil (5+), Rifle, <Tactical>, Terminator-Compatable, Unique (D3*), <Veteran>
Standard: 25" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 8, Assault, Inaccurate
Autofire: 25" Range, Rate of Fire: 16, Heavy, Inaccurate

67:11 / Hecaton-Variant MarkIIIc / 3 / 18|36|50|250 / - / Cumbersome, Exceptional, <Mantis Warriors>, Recoil (5+), Rifle, Terminator-Compatable, Unique (D3*), <Veteran>
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Assault
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 6 or 8, Assault
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 18, Inaccurate

9:1 / M33 MarkIV / 5 / -|-|54|- / Pintle Mount / Cumbersome, Heavy, Recoil (6+), Rifle, Two-Handed
Standard: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Burst: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Inaccurate
Autofire: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Inaccurate

17:6 / Mark III / 3 / 18|36|54|250 / - / Cumbersome, Recoil (5+), Rifle, Terminator-Compatable
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Assault
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Assault
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 8, Heavy

18:4 / Mark IV Thunderfire-Pattern / 3 / 14|28|40|250 / - / Cumbersome, Recoil (5+), Rifle, Snubnose, Terminator-Compatable
Standard: 22" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Assault
Burst: 11" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Assault
Autofire: 22" Range, Rate of Fire: 8, Heavy, Inaccurate

15:6 / MarkVII-Pattern / 3 / 18|36|54|250 / Gene-Grip / Assault, Cumbersome, Recoil (5+), Rifle, Terminator-Compatable
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, -

25:10 / Mars-Pattern / 3 / 18|36|56|250 / - / Picatinny, Recoil (4+), Rifle, Terminator-Compatable
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Assault, Pistol
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Assault
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 8, Heavy, Inaccurate

55:11 / MkVII Incaladion-Pattern / 4 / 20|40|60|250 / - / <Carcharadons Astra>, Cumbersome, Recoil (5+), Reliable, Rifle, Terminator-Compatable, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Assault
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Assault
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 8, Heavy

59:13 / Nocturne-Ultima Pattern / 3 / 18|36|54|250 / Zeroed Sights / Assault, Cumbersome, Exceptional, Recoil (5+), Reliable, Rifle, <Salamanders>, Terminator-Compatable, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Accurate
Burst: 11" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 8, Heavy

57:12 / Omari-Pattern / 3 / 14|28|42|250 / Gene-Grip / <Champion>, Cumbersome, <Heralds>, Recoil (5+), Rifle, Terminator-Compatable, Unique (D3*), <Veteran>
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Assault
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Assault
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 8, Inaccurate

52:16 / Ryza-Pattern / 3 / 18|36|50|250 / - / Assault, Cumbersome, Masterwork, Recoil (5+), Relic, Rifle, Terminator-Compatable, Unique (D3)*, <Veteran>
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Reliable
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 8, Heavy

27:12 / Tartaros-Pattern Combi Bolter / 4 / 16|32|56|250 / - /Cumbersome, Exceptional, Reliable, Relic, Rifle, <Veteran>, Tartaros-Compatible
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire 4, -

64:14 / Turkhoni-Pattern / 2 / 32|64|100|250 / - / <Aeonic Legion>, Cumbersome, Recoil (4+), Rifle, Tainted Artifice, Terminator-Compatable, Unique (D3*)
Precision: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Accurate
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, Assault
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 7, Assault
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 14, Heavy

64:13 / Ultima-Pattern / 3 / 18|36|54|250 / - / Cumbersome, Exceptional, Recoil (5+), Reliable, Rifle, <Sons of Medusa>, Terminator-Compatable, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Assault
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Assault
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 12, Heavy

17:4 / Umbra-Pattern / 3 / -|-|40|250 / - / Cumbersome, Recoil (5+), Rifle, Terminator-Compatable, <Veteran>
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Assault
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Assault
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Heavy

Relic Stormbolters
78:22 / By His Divine Light / 2 / 18|34|54|250 / Gene-Grip / Assault, <Champion>, Devastating, Masterwork, Recoil (5+), Red Rags, Relic, Rifle, Terminator-Compatable, Unique (1), <Veteran>
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, Reliable
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 9, -
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 18, Heavy, Inaccurate

83:30 / Lastrum-Pattern / (5) 4 / 80|-|-|- / Augur Lense, Gene-Grip, Suspensor-Pad (-1) / Adorned, Assault, Commanding Aura, <Champion>, Cumbersome, Imposing, Inspiring, Masterwork, Recoil (6+), Relic, Rifle, Terminator-Compatable, Unique (1), <Veteran>
Standard: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Accurate
Burst: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Accurate
Autofire: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 12, Heavy, Reliable

Unlockable Relic Stormbolters
90:20 / Butcher of the Benighted / 3 / 18|36|56|250 / - / Ferocious Fire <Xenos>, Masterwork, <Nova Marines>, Ragged Wounds <Xenos Character>, Ragged Wounds <Xenos Monster>, Relic, Rifle, Terminator-Compatable, Unique (1), <Veteran>
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of 2, Assault
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 8, Assault
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 9, Heavy

Stormbolter Ammunition Types
T:C S|E|D|B|Su / Ammo / Strength / AP / Damage / Qualities
4:1|2|4|8|0 / Standard Rifle Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / -

Special Stormbolter Ammunition Types
20:10|20|35|88|6 / Acid Burst Rifle Rounds / 4 / -2 / D2 / *+Blast, Supplants Rate of Fire (D3)

6:4|8|14|24|2 / Blessed Rifle Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / *+Anathema <Chaos>

38:-|-|-|-|2 / Bloodshard Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Assault>, <Blood Angels>, Limited Supply (2D3*), *+Catastrophic Injuries, Reduces Range (-6"

9:6|12|21|32|2 / Devastation Rifle Rounds / 4 / -1 / 2 / -

5:2|4|6|7|1| / Dragonfire Rifle Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / *+Reduces Cover (-1), Reduces Range (-4"

7:2|4|7|8|1 / Dragonfire Heavies / 5 / - / 1 / Reduces Cover (-1), Recoil (5+), Reduces Range (-4"

8:5|10|18|24|2 / Flechette Storm Rifle Rounds / 3 / - / 1 / *+Cluster Munitions, Doubles Rate of Fire

40:8|16|28|56|4 / Glimmerfrost Rifle Rounds / 4 / -1 / 2 / Limited Supply (D3*), <Space Wolves>, *+Helfrost

6:2|4|6|8|1 / Heavy Rifle Rounds / 5 / - / 1 / *+Recoil (5+)

14:4|8|14|24|2 / Hellfire Rifle Round / 3 / - / 1 / *+Hellfire

8:4|8|14|24|2 / Incendiary Rifle Round / 4 / - / 1 / *+Ablaze, Increases Range (+2"

10:5|10|18|32|2 / Inferno Rifle Rounds / 5 / -1 / D2 / *+Reduces Range (-12"

11:6|12|21|40|3 / Kraken Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -1 / 2 / *+Increases Range (+4"

9:5|10|18|32|2 / Kraken Rifle Rounds / 4 / - / 2 / *+Increases Range (+4"

5:2|4|7|8|1 / Manstopper Rifle Rounds / 5 / - / 1 / *+Reduces Range (-4"

8:4|8|14|24|2 / Organgrinder Rifle Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / *+Soft Targets

6:3|6|11|16|1 / Penetrator Rifle Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / -

8:4|8|14|24|2 / Seeker-Penetrator Rifle Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / *+Relay

6:3|6|11|16|1 / Seeker Rifle Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / *+Relay

35:17|34|60|136|8 / Submunition Rifle Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / *+Blast, Pinning (+2), Supplants Rate of Fire (2D3), Suppression, Xenotech

15:7|14|25|56|4 / Tempest Rifle Round / 4 / - / 1 / *+Cluster Munitions, Pinpoint Accuracy, Reduces Range (-4", Supplants Rate of Fire (D3)

14:7|14|25|48|3 / Thermic Rifle Rounds / 4 / -2 / * / <Techmarine>, *+Catastrophic Failure, Reduces Range (-8", *Thermic

6:3|6|11|16|1 / Tracer Rifle Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / *+On my Target

8:5|10|18|32|2 / Turbo Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -2 / 1 / -

7:3|6|11|16|1 / Vengeance Rifle Rounds / 5 / -1 / 1 / *+Reduces Range (-6"

43:11|22|39|80|5 / Witchfire Rifle Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Black Wasps>,<First Founding>, <Librarian>, <Primaris Librarian>, *+Attuned, Resonant, Sanctified

42:6|12|21|32|2 / Witchseeker Rifle Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Black Templars>, Limited Supply (D3*), *+Anethema <Psyker>, Bane <Psyker>, <Psyker> Killer

Unlockable Special Stormbolter Ammunition
25:13|26|46|104|7 / Scorpius Relic Rifle Rounds / 6 / -2 / D3 / *+Limited Supply (*), Relic, <Vehicle> Destroyer

This message was edited 82 times. Last update was at 2024/01/24 09:33:39

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Ultima Founding Arsenal
Although these weapons are designed specifically to fit the physiology and needs of Primaris Space Marines, they can be equipped by any Deathwatch Specialty except <Scouts> and <Neophytes>.

Qualities marked with a * add their effect to any pre-existing Quality of the same name on the weapon.

For example, Occulus Configuration Carbines equipped with Dragonfire Rounds add the Reduces Cover (-2) from the weapon to the Reduces Cover (-1) from the Rounds for a total of Reduces Cover (-3).

Bolt Carbines
Bolt Carbines may have up to 2 Weapon Attachments in addition to any Integral Wargear, unless it has the Picatinny Quality. Note that Bayonets do not take up a space for these purposes and are considered a "free slot" attachment.

Ultima Founding Bolt Carbines may be loaded with Standard or Expanded Magazines. The Ammunition list also includes an entry for Supplemental Magazines.

T:C / Weapon / Wt / S|E / Integral Wargear / Qualities
14:6 / Instigator-Pattern / 1 / 6|12 / Instigator Carbine Rounds / Assault, <Eliminator>, Rifle, Target Selection
Precision: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Deadly Aim, Heavy
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -

4:1 / Marksman Carbine / 1 / 6|12 / Marksman's Scope / <Infiltrator>, Rifle
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

8:3 / Occulus Configuration / 1 / 6|12 / Occulus Targetting Array / <Incursor>, Pinning (+1), Rifle, Reduces Cover (-2)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

5:2 / Reiver Carbine / 1 / 6|12 / - / Assault, <Reiver>, Rifle
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

Relic Bolt Carbines
53:18 / Irruptor / (1) 2 / 8|16 / Rangefinder Scope, Supplemental Magazines (2) (+1), Suppressor / Assault, Lone Wolf, Masterwork, Picatinny, <Reiver>, Relic, Rifle, Unique (1)
Precision: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Bane <Infantry>
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Reliable
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -

60:22 / Provocator / 1 / 6|12 / Instigator Carbine Rounds, Rangefinder Scope / Assault, Bane <Character>, <Eliminator>, Masterwork, Pinning (+3), Relic, Rifle, Target Selection, <Ultima Founding>, Unique (1)
Precision: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Accurate, Deadly Aim, Heavy
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Reliable

Bolt Carbine Ammunition Types
T:C S|E|Su / Ammo / Strength / AP / Damage / Qualities
1:0|1|1 / Standard Carbine Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / -

6:3|6|2 / Instigator Carbine Rounds / 4 / -1 / 2 / -

Special Ammunition Types
3:1|2|1 / Blessed Carbine Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / *+Anathema <Chaos>

8:4|8|2 / Blessed Instigator Rounds / 4 / -1 / 2 / *+Anathema <Chaos>

14:6|12|3 / Chaff Scatter Carbine Rounds / 3 / - / 1 / *+Blast, Pinning (+1)*, Supplants Rate of Fire (D6)

19:9|18|5 / Chaff Scatter Instigator Rounds / 3 / - / 2 / *+Blast, Pinning (+1)*, Supplants Rate of Fire (D6)

3:0|1|1 / Dragonfire Carbine Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / *+Reduces Cover (-1)*, Reduces Range (-4")

8:3|6|1 / Dragonfire Instigator Rounds / 4 / -1 / 2 / *+Reduces Cover (-1)*, Reduces Range (-4")

5:2|4|1 / Flechette Storm Carbine Rounds / 3 / - / 1 / *+Cluster Munitions, Doubles Rate of Fire

10:5|10|3 / Flechette Storm Instigator Rounds / 3 / -1 / 2 / *+Cluster Munitions, Doubles Rate of Fire

3:1|2|1 / Heavy Carbine Rounds / 5 / - / 1 / *+Recoil (5+)

8:4|8|2 / Heavy Instigator Rounds / 5 / -1 / 2 / *+Recoil (5+)

11:2|6|1 / Hellfire Carbine Rounds / 3 / - / 1 / *+Hellfire

16:5|10|3 / Hellfire Instigator Rounds / 3 / -1 / 2 / *+Hellfire

5:2|4|1 / Incendiary Carbine Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / *+Ablaze, Increases Range (+2")

10:5|10|2 / Incendiary Instigator Rounds / 4 / -1 / 2 / *+Ablaze, Increases Range (+2")

6:3|6|2 / Kraken Carbine Rounds / 4 / - / 2 / *+Increases Range (+2")

12:7|14|4 / Kraken Instigator Rounds / 4 / -1 / 3 / *+Increases Range (+2")

2:0|1|1 / Manstopper Carbine Rounds / 5 / - / 1 / *+Reduces Range (-2")

7:3|6|1 / Manstopper Instigator Rounds / 5 / -1 / 2 / *+Reduces Range (-2")

5:2|4|1 / Organgrinder Carbine Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / *+Soft Targets

10:5|10|3 / Organgrinder Instigator Rounds / 4 / -2 / 2 / *+Soft Targets

3:1|2|1 / Penetrator Carbine Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / -

5:2|4|1 / Seeker-Penetrator Carbine Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / *+Relay

3:1|2|1 / Seeker Carbine Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / *+Relay

8:4|8|2 / Seeker Instigator Rounds / 4 / -1 / 2 / *+Relay

5:2|4|1 / Turbo Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -2 / 1 / -

10:4|8|3 / Turbo Instigator Rounds / 4 / -3 / 2 / -

4:1|2|1 / Vengeance Carbine Rounds / 5 / -1 / 1 / *+Reduces Range (-4")

9:4|8|2 / Vengeance Instigator Rounds / 5 / -2 / 2 / *+Reduces Range (-4")

37:6|12|3 / Witchfire Carbine Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Black Wasps>, <Primaris Librarian>, *+Attuned, Resonant, Sanctified

42:9|18|5 / Witchfire Instigator Rounds / 4 / -1 / 2 / <Black Wasps>, <Primaris Librarian>, *+Attuned, Resonant, Sanctified

Bolt Pistols
Bolt Pistols can equip up to 1 Weapon Attachment in addition to any Integral Attachments, unless they have the Picatinny Quality. Integral Attachments do not add any Weight to the Weapon they are a part of, unless indicated by a (+#) next to the Attachment.

Bolt Pistol Magazines are listed in Standard, Expanded, and Drum order. Note that Absolvors cannot equip Drum Magazines.

T:C / Weapon / Wt / S|E|D / Integral Attachments / Qualities
11:3 / Absolvor / 2 / 4|8|- / Absolvor Rounds / Loud, Pistol, <Primaris Apothecary>, <Primaris Chaplain>
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Recoil (5+)

9:2 / Heavy Bolt Pistol / 2 / 4|8|12 / Heavy Pistol Rounds / <Assault Intercessor>, Pistol, <Ultima Founding>
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Autofire: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Inaccurate

Relic Ultima Bolt Pistols
57:24 / Castagya / (2) 3 / 4|8|- / Absolvor Rounds, Sanctified Optics, Supplemental Pistol Mags (2) (+1) / Loud, Mark of the Ecclesiarchy, Masterwork, Pistol, <Primaris Chaplain>, Relic, Terminal, Unique (1)
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Recoil (5+)

61:19 / Ender's Litany / 2 / 4|8|- / Absolvor Rounds / Anethema <Daemon>, Bane <Chaos>, Commanding Aura, Loud, Imposing, Inspiring, Masterwork, Pistol, <Primaris Apothecary>, <Primaris Chaplain>, Relic, Unique (1)
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Recoil (5+)

43:12 / Finality / 2 / 4|8|12 / Heavy Pistol Rounds / Masterwork, Pistol, Relic, Terminal, <Ultima Founding>, Unique (1)
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

Bolt Pistol Ammunition Types
T:C S|E|D / Ammo / Strength / AP / Damage / Qualities
7:3|4 / Absolvor Rounds / 5 / -1 / 2 / <Primaris Apothecary>, <Primaris Chaplain>

4:2|3|5 / Heavy Pistol Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Assault Intercessor>

Special Ammunition Types
9:5|7 / Blessed Absolvor Rounds / 5 / -1 / 2 / <Primaris Apothecary>, <Primaris Chaplain>, *+Anathema <Chaos>

6:3|4|6 / Blessed Heavy Pistol Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Assault Intercessor>, *+Anathema <Chaos>

16:7|11 / Devastation Absolvor Rounds / 5 / -2 / 3 / <Primaris Apothecary>, <Primaris Chaplain>

9:5|7|10 / Devastation Heavy Pistol Rounds / 4 / -2 / 2 / <Assault Intercessor>

8:3|4 / Dragonfire Absolvor Rounds / 5 / -1 / 2 / <Primaris Apothecary>, <Primaris Chaplain>, *+Reduces Cover (-1), Reduces Range (-4")

5:2|3|5 / Dragonfire Heavy Pistol Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Assault Intercessor>, *+Reduces Cover (-1), Reduces Range (-4")

11:5|8 / Flechette Storm Absolvor Rounds / 4 / -1 / 2 / <Primaris Apothecary>, <Primaris Chaplain>, *+Cluster Munitions, Doubles Rate of Fire

8:4|6|8 / Flechette Storm Heavy Pistol Rounds / 3 / -1 / 1 / <Assault Intercessor>, *+Cluster Munitions, Doubles Rate of Fire

33:4|6|8 / Glimmerfrost Heavy Pistol Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Assault Intercessor>, <Space Wolves>, *+Helfrost

11:4|6 / Heavier Absolvor Rounds / 6 / -1 / 2 / <Assault Intercessor>, *+Recoil (6+)

6:2|3|5 / Heavier Heavy Pistol Rounds / 5 / -1 / 1 / <Assault Intercessor>, *+Recoil (5+)

17:5|8 / Hellfire Absolvor Rounds / 4 / -1 / 2 / <Primaris Apothecary>, <Primaris Chaplain>, *+Hellfire

14:4|6|8 / Hellfire Heavy Pistol Rounds / 3 / -1 / 1 / <Assault Intercessor>, *+Hellfire

11:5|7 / Incendiary Absolvor Rounds / 5 / -1 / 2 / <Primaris Apothecary>, <Primaris Chaplain>, *+Ablaze, Increases Range (+2")

8:4|6|8 / Incendiary Heavy Pistol Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Assault Intercessor>, *+Ablaze, Increases Range (+2")

20:9|13 / Inferno Absolvor Rounds / 6 / -2 / D2+1 / <Primaris Apothecary>, <Primaris Chaplain>, *+Reduces Range (-12")

16:9|14|18 / Inferno Heavy Pistol Rounds / 5 / -2 / D2 / <Assault Intercessor>, *+Reduces Range (-12")

13:7|11 / Kraken Absolvor Rounds / 5 / -1 / 3 / <Primaris Apothecary>, <Primaris Chaplain>, *+Increases Range (+4")

10:5|7|10 / Kraken Heavy Pistol Rounds / 4 / -1 / 2 / <Assault Intercessor>, *+Increases Range (+4")

16:6|9 / Manstopper Absolvor Rounds / 6 / -1 / 2 / <Primaris Apothecary>, <Primaris Chaplain>, *+Reduces Range (-4")

6:3|5|7 / Manstopper Heavy Pistol Rounds / 5 / - / 1 / <Assault Intercessor>, *+Reduces Range (-4")

11:5|7 / Organgrinder Absolvor Rounds / 5 / -2 / 2 / <Primaris Apothecary>, <Primaris Chaplain>, *+Soft Targets

8:4|6|8 / Organgrinder Heavy Pistol Rounds / 4 / -2 / 1 / <Assault Intercessor>, *+Soft Targets

11:5|7 / Seeker-Penetrator Absolvor Rounds / 5 / -2 / 2 / <Primaris Apothecary>, <Primaris Chaplain>, *+Relay

8:4|6|8 / Seeker-Penetrator Heavy Pistol Rounds / 4 / -2 / 1 / <Assault Intercessor>, *+Relay

17:8|12 / Tempest Absolvor Rounds / 5 / -1 / 2 / <Primaris Apothecary>, <Primaris Chaplain>, *+Cluster Munitions, Pinpoint Accuracy, Reduces Range (-4"), Supplants Rate of Fire (D3)

14:7|11|14 / Tempest Heavy Pistol Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Assault Intercessor>, *+Cluster Munitions, Pinpoint Accuravy, Reduces Range (-4"), Supplants Rate of Fire (D3)

17:4|6 / Thermic Absolvor Rounds / 5 / -3 / * / <Primaris Apothecary>, <Primaris Chaplain>, *+Catastrophic Failure, Reduces Range (-8"), *Thermic

14:3|5|7 / Thermic Heavy Pistol Rounds / 4 / -3 / * / <Assault Intercessor>, *+Catastrophic Failure, Reduces Range (-8"), *Thermic

11:4|6 / Turbo Absolvor Rounds / 5 / -3 / 2 / <Primaris Apothecary>, <Primaris Chaplain>

8:3|5|7 / Turbo Heavy Pistol Rounds / 4 / -3 / 1 / <Assault Intercessor>

18:7|11 / Vengeance Absolvor Rounds / 6 / -2 / 2 / <Primaris Apothecary>, <Primaris Chaplain>, *+Reduces Range (-6")

12:4|6|9 / Vengeance Heavy Pistol Rounds / 5 / -2 / 1 / <Assault Intercessor>, *+Reduces Range (-4")

38:7|10|14 / Witchfire Heavy Pistol Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Black Wasps>, <Primaris Librarian>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Attuned, Resonant, Sanctified

41:8|12 / Witchseeker Absolvor Rounds / 5 / -1 / 2 / <Black Templars>, <Primaris Apothecary>, <Primaris Chaplain>, *+Anathema <Psyker>, Bane <Psyker>, <Psyker> Killer

38:7|11|14 / Witchseeker Heavy Pistol Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Black Templars>, <Assault Intercessor>, *+Anathema <Psyker>, Bane <Psyker>, <Psyker> Killer

This message was edited 24 times. Last update was at 2024/01/24 06:06:12

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Bolt Rifles and Its Variants
Bolt Rifles can equip up to 1 Weapon Attachment in addition to any Integral Attachments, unless they have the Picatinny Quality. Integral Attachments don't add any Weight to the Weapon they are a part of, unless indicated by a (+#) next to the Attachment.

Bolt Rifle Magazines are listed in Standard, Expanded, and Drum order. The Cost for Ammunition also includes a final category for Supplemental Magazines.

T:C / Weapon / Wt / S|E|D / Integral Attachments / Qualities
10:7 / Cawl-Pattern MkII / 3 / 10|20|36 / Penetrator Rounds / Bolt Rifle Shells, Rifle, <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>
Standard: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

16:9 / Gravis-Pattern MkIIc / 3 / 10|20|36 / Lockgrip, Penetrator Rounds / Bolt Rifle Shells, Gravis-Compatible, Rifle, <Ultima Founding>
Standard: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Assault

Relic Bolt Rifles
107:33 / Bellicose-Pattern MkIII / 2 / 10|20|36 / Penetrator Rifle Rounds / Bolt Rifle Shells, Commanding Aura, Honorific, Inspiring, <Intercessor>, Masterwork, Relic, Rifle, <Ultima Founding>, Unique (1)
Precision: 42" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Deadly Aim, Target Selection
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Assault
Burst: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 8, Assault
Autofire: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 10, Heavy

55:14 / Guilliman Variant / (3) 4 / 10|20|36 / Penetrator Rifle Rounds, Supplemental Mags (2) (+1) / <Angels of Defiance>, Bolt Rifle Shells, <Intercessor>, Rifle, <Ultima Founding>, <Ultramarines>, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Autofire: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Heavy

Unlockable Relic Bolt Rifles
38:18 / Chiloxnyn's Doom / 3 / 10|20|36 / Penetrator Rifle Rounds / Bolt Rifle Shells, <Intercessor>, Renowned Accuracy, Rifle, Tainted, <Ultima Founding>, Unique (1), Very Reliable
Standard: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -

52:22 / Crusader's Brand / 3 / 10|20|36 / Penetrator Rifle Rounds / Bolt Rifle Shells, Butcher <Targets within 10">, <Intercessor>, Masterwork, Relic, Rifle, <Ultima Founding>, Unique (1)
Standard: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -

83:27 / Unum Ad Perfectum / (3) 1 / 10|20|35 / Augur Lense, Genegrip, Penetrator Rifle Rounds, Suspensor-Rig (-2) / Bolt Rifle Shells, <Intercessor>, Masterwork, Pinpoint Accuracy, Relic, Renowned Prejudice, Rifle, <Ultima Founding>, Unique (1)
Precision: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Target Selection
Standard: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Accurate
Burst: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Reliable
Autofire: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Heavy

Bolt Rifle Ammunition Types
T:C S|E|D|Su / Ammo / Strength / AP / Damage / Qualities
9:5|10|18|2 / Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>

Special Ammunition Types
36:18|36|63|9 / Acid Burst Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -3 / D2 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Blast, Supplants Rate of Fire (D3)

11:6|12|21|3 / Blessed Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>*+Anethema <Chaos>

37:-|-|-|3 / Bloodshard Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Assault Intercessor>, <Blood Angels>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Catastrophic Injuries, Reduces Range (-6")

18:10|20|35|5 / Devastation Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -2 / 2 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>

10:5|10|18|2 / Dragonfire Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Reduces Cover (-1), Reduces Range (-6")

13:7|14|25|4 / Flechette Storm Penetrator Rounds / 3 / -1 / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Cluster Munitions, Doubles Rate of Fire

48:12|24|42|6 / Glimmerfrost Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -2 / 2 / <Intercessor>, <Space Wolves>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Helfrost

17:7|14|25|4 / Hellfire Penetrator Rounds / 3 / -1 / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Hellfire

12:7|14|25|4 / Incendiary Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Ablaze, Increases Range (+2")

18:10|20|35|5 / Inferno Penetrator Rounds / 5/b] / -2 / D2 / [b]<Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Reduces Range (-12")

13:7|14|25|3 / Jetfire Penetrator Rounds / 3 / -2 / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Increases Range (+12")

43:10|20|35|5 / Korvidari Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Raven Guard>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Accurate, Increases Range (+6"), Relay

19:11|22|39|6 / Kraken Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -2 / 2 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Increases Range (+4")

10:5|10|18|3 / Manstopper Penetrator Rounds / 5 / -1 / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Reduces Range (-4")

15:8|16|28|4 / Organgrinder Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -2 / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Soft Targets

15:8|16|28|4 / Seeker Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -2 / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Relay

19:10|20|35|5 / Tempest Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Cluster Munitions, Pinpoint Accuracy, Reduces Range (-4"), Supplants Rate of Fire (D3)

38:17|34|60|9 / Thermic Penetrator Rounds / 6 / -3 / * / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Catastrophic Failure, Reduces Range (-12"), *Thermic

11:6|12|21|3 / Tracer Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+On My Target

21:10|20|35|5 / Turbo Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -3 / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>,

14:7|14|25|4 / Vengeance Penetrator Rounds / 5 / -2 / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Reduces Range (-6")

42:9|18|32|5 / Witchfire Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Black Wasps>, <Primaris Librarian>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Attuned, Resonant, Sanctified

47:9|18|32|5 / Witchseeker Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Black Templars>, <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Anethema <Psyker>, Bane <Psyker>, <Psyker> Killer

Bolt Rifle Shells
These are specialty, single shot rounds. They must be individually loaded before firing. A model must sacrifice its Movement or first Shooting Phase to load these shells and they become available to Shoot with at the start of the model's next Shooting Phase.

Bolt Rifle Shells universally add the Heavy Quality to the weapon they are loaded into and can only be fired in Precision or Standard Firing Modes.

The Threshold and Cost presented on this sublist is for ONE shell. The Weight for each Shell is negligible; a model would have to carry 30 or more individual items from this sublist to equal 1 Weight.

T:C / Ammo / Strength / AP / Damage / Qualities
40:22 / Acid Blast Shell / 5 / -3 / D3 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Blast, Supplants Rate of Fire (2D3)

31:13 / Genophage Shell / 5 / -2 / D3 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Anathema <Faction Keyword>, Bane <Faction Keyword>, Research

32:19 / Hi-EX Shell / 4 / -1 / D2 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Blast, Overpressure, Supplants Rate of Fire (2D6)

16:7 / Null Shell / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Anathema <Pysker>, Null Field

16:7 / Sanctioned Shell / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Anathema <Chaos>, Sanctified

17:9 / Stalker Shell / 4 / -2 / 1 / *+Increases Range (+12"), Target Selection

36:6 / Tranq Bolt Shell / 2 / -1 / * / <Intercessor>, <Raven Guard>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Tranquilizer (2+)

11:6 / Viral Shell / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Contagious, Tainted

106:49 / Vortex Shell / 10 / -4 / D3+3 / <Intercessor>, <Primaris Lieutenant>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Implosion, Singularity, Supplants Rate of Fire (D3)

This message was edited 8 times. Last update was at 2024/01/24 05:50:01

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Autobolt Rifles
Autobolt Rifles can equip up to 1 Weapon Attachment in addition to any Integral Attachments, unless they have the Picatinny Quality. Integral Attachments don't add any Weight to the Weapon they are a part of, unless indicated by a (+#) next to the Attachment.

Autobolt Rifle Magazines are listed in Standard, Expanded, Drum, and Auxilliary Ammo Feed order. The Cost for Ammunition also includes a final category for Supplemental Magazines.

Autobolt Rifles are an exception to the normal variable number of shots versus Ammunition expended rules. Any Autobolt Rifle Ammunition that allows the weapon to fire a randomized number of shots in any Firing Mode counts as expending 3 Ammo in Standard Mode, 4 Ammo in Burst Mode, and 6 Ammo in Autofire Mode, regardless of the number of dice rolled to Shoot with.

T:C / Weapon / Wt / S|E|D|A / Integral Attachments / Qualities
15:8 / Autobolt Rifle Variant / 3 / 18|36|60|96 / Autobolt Rounds / Assault, <Intercessor>, Rifle, <Ultima Founding>
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Inaccurate

Relic Autobolt Rifles
T:C / Weapon / Wt / S|E|D|A / Integral Attachments / Qualities
51:18 / Oppression's Wisdom / 3 / 18|36|60|96 / Autobolt Rounds, Rapid Tracking Array / Assault, Entropic, <Intercessor>, Masterwork, Relic, Rifle, Suppression, <Ultima Founding>, Unique (1)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 5, -
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Unreliable

Autobolt Rifle Ammunition Types
T:C S|E|D|A|Su / Ammo / Strength / AP / Damage / Qualities
6:3|6|10|15|1 / Autobolt Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>

Special Ammunition Types
27:14|28|49|70|67 / Acid Burst Autobolt Rounds / 4 / -2 / D2 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Blast, Supplants Rate of Fire (D3)

11:4|8|14|20|2 / Blessed Autobolt Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Anethema <Chaos>

36:-|-|-|3 / Bloodshard Autobolt Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Assault Intercessor>, <Blood Angels>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Catastrophic Injuries, Reduces Range (-6")

13:7|14|25|35|4 / Devastation Autobolt Rounds / 4 / -1 / 2 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>

7:3|6|11|15|2 / Dragonfire Autobolt Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Reduces Cover (-1), Reduces Range (-6")

10:5|10|18|25|3 / Flechette Storm Autobolt Rounds / 3 / - / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>*+Cluster Munitions, Doubles Rate of Fire

43:9|18|32|45|5 / Glimmerfrost Autobolt Rounds / 4 / -1 / 2 / <Intercessor>, <Space Wolves>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Helfrost

13:7|14|25|35|4 / Hellfire Autobolt Rounds / 3 / - / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Hellfire

9:5|10|18|25|3 / Incendiary Autobolt Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Ablaze, Increases Range (+2")

13:7|14|25|35|4 / Inferno Autobolt Rounds / 5 / -1 / D2 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Reduces Range (-12")

8:4|8|14|20|2 / Jetfire Autobolt Rounds / 3 / -1 / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Increases Range (+12")

40:8|16|28|40|4 / Korvidari Autobolt Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Raven Guard>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Accurate, Increases Range (+12"), Relay

14:8|16|28|40|4 / Kraken Penetrator Autobolt Rounds / 4 / -1 / 2 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Increases Range (+4")

7:3|6|11|15|2 / Manstopper Autobolt Rounds / 5 / - / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Reduces Range (-4")

10:5|10|18|25|3 / Organgrinder Autobolt Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Soft Targets

10:5|10|18|25|3 / Seeker Penetrator Autobolt Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Relay

15:6|12|21|30|3 / Shatter Storm Autobolt Rounds / 3 / -1 / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Blast, Supplants Rate of Fire (D3), Xenotech

7:4|8|14|20|2 / Suppression Autobolt Rounds / 3 / - / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Increases Range (+6"), Suppression

16:8|16|28|4 / Tempest Autobolt Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Cluster Munitions, Pinpoint Accuracy, Reduces Range (-4"), Supplants Rate of Fire (D3)

29:14|28|49|70|7 / Thermic Autobolt Rounds / 6 / -2 / * / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Catastrophic Failure, Reduces Range (-8"), *Thermic

8:4|8|14|20|2 / Tracer Autobolt Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+On My Target

12:6|12|21|30|3 / Turbo Autobolt Rounds / 4 / -2 / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>,

9:4|8|14|20|2 / Vengeance Autobolt Rounds / 5 / -1 / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Reduces Range (-6")

44:7|14|25|35|4 / Witchseeker Autobolt Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Black Templars>, <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Anethema <Psyker>, Bane <Psyker>, <Psyker> Killer

Stalker Bolt Rifles
Stalker Bolt Rifles can equip up to 2 Weapon Attachments standard, as long as at least 1 of them has the Sight Subcategory, in addition to any Integral Attachments. Integral Attachments don't add any Weight to the Weapon they are a part of, unless indicated by a (+#) next to the Attachment.

Stalker Bolt Rifle Magazines are listed in Standard and Expanded order. The Cost for Ammunition also includes a final category for Supplemental Magazines.

T:C / Weapon / Wt / S|E / Integral Attachments / Qualities
37:17 / Stalker Bolt Rifle Variant / 2 / 5|10 / Stalker Penetrator Rounds, Suppressor / Heavy, <Intercessor>, Picatinny, Rifle, Stalker Bolt Rifle Special Ammo Types, <Ultima Founding>
Precision: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Deadly Aim, Target Selection
Burst: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Inaccurate

Relic Stalker Bolt Rifles
T:C / Weapon / Wt / S|E / Integral Attachments / Qualities
71:30 / Authoritarian / 2 / 5|10 / Stalker Penetrator Rounds, Suppressor / Felling, Heavy, <Intercessor>, Masterwork, Murderous Hits, Picatinny, Relic, Rifle, Stalker Bolt Rifle Special Ammo Types, <Ultima Founding>, Unique (1)
Precision: 40" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Deadly Aim, Target Selection
Burst: 28" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Inaccurate

46:21 / Unreasonable / 2 / 5|10 / Stalker Penetrator Rounds, Suppressor, Tank Killer Optics / Corrupted Strikes, Exceptional, Heavy, Imposing, <Intercessor>, Rifle, Righteous Strikes, Stalker Bolt Rifle Special Ammo Types, Tainted, <Ultima Founding>, Unique (1)
Precision: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Deadly Aim, Target Selection

Unlockable Relic Bolt Rifles
69:25 / Ironbreaker / 2 / 5|10 / Close Range Optics, Stalker Penetrator Rounds, Suppressor / Bane <Models with a 4+ or better Armor Save>, Heavy, <Intercessor>, Masterwork, Picatinny, Relic, Rifle, Stalker Bolt Rifle Special Ammo Types, <Ultima Founding>, Unique (1)
Precision: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Deadly Aim, Target Selection
Burst: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Inaccurate

Stalker Bolt Rifle Special Ammunition Types
These Magazines can only be loaded into Stalker Bolt Rifles and come in Standard and Epanded versions. There is also a listing for the Cost of Supplemental Mags.

T:C S|E|Su / Ammo / Strength / AP / Damage / Qualities
19:10|20|5 / Stalker Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -2 / 2 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>

21:11|22|6 / Airburster Stalker Penetrator Rounds / 3 / - / 1 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Blast, Removes Target Selection, Supplants Rate of Fire (D6)

53:22|44|11 / Destructor Stalker Penetator Rounds / 5 / -4 / D2+2 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Pinpoint Accuracy, Recoil (5+)

31:16|32|8 / Guided Stalker Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -3 / 2 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Deadly Aim, Relay, Target Selection

21:11|22|6 / Seeker Stalker Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -2 / 2 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Relay

28:15|30|8 / Stabilized Stalker Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -2 / 2 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Accurate, Increase Range (+4"), Reliable

48:9|18|5 / Tranq Stalker Penetrator Rounds / 2 / -3 / 1* / <Intercessor>, Limited Supply (2D6)*, <Raven Guard>, <Ultima Founding>, *+*Tranquilizer (2+)

29:17|34|9 / Turbo Stalker Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -4 / 2 / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>

This message was edited 7 times. Last update was at 2023/12/12 23:54:51

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Heavy Bolt Rifle Variant
Heavy Bolt Rifles can equip up to 1 Weapon Attachment in addition to any Integral Attachments, unless they have the Picatinny Quality. Integral Attachments don't add any Weight to the Weapon they are a part of, unless indicated by a (+#) next to the Attachment.

Heavy Bolt Rifle Magazines are listed in Standard, Expanded, and Drum order. The Cost for Ammunition also includes a final category for Supplemental Magazines.

T:C / Weapon / Wt / S|E|D / Integral Attachments / Qualities
22:10 / Heavy Bolt Rifle Variant / 4 / 10|20|36 / Heavy Penetrator Rounds / <Heavy Intercessor>, Rifle, <Ultima Founding>
Standard: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Autofire: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Heavy, Inaccurate, Recoil (5+)

Relic Heavy Bolt Rifles
89:23 / Amadrax / 4 / 12|24|42 / Heavy Penetrator Rounds, Zeroed Sights / <Heavy Intercessor>, Masterwork, Picatinny, Relic, Rifle, <Salamanders>, Stabilized, <Ultima Founding>, Unique (1)
Standard: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Autofire: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Heavy, Recoil (5+)

Unlockable Heavy Relic Bolt Rifles
57:19 / Deromedes' Judgement / 4 / 10|20|36 / Heavy Penetrator Rounds / <Heavy Intercessor>, Marked for Judgement, Masterwork, Relic, Rifle, <Ultima Founding>, Unique (1)
Standard: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -
Autofire: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 8, Heavy, Inaccurate, Recoil (5+)

Heavy Bolt Rifle Ammunition Types
T:C S|E|D|Su / Ammo / Strength / AP / Damage / Qualities
12:6|12|21|3 / Heavy Penetrator Rounds / 5 / -1 / 1 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>

Special Ammunition Types
39:18|36|63|9 / Acid Burst Heavy Penetrator Rounds / 5 / -3 / D2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Blast, Supplants Rate of Fire (D3)

17:7|14|25|4 / Blessed Heavy Penetrator Rounds / 5 / -1 / 1 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>*+Anethema <Chaos>

21:11|22|39|6 / Devastation Heavy Penetrator Rounds / 5 / -2 / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>

14:7|14|25|4 / Dragonfire Heavy Penetrator Rounds / 5 / -1 / 1 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Reduces Cover (-1), Reduces Range (-6")

16:8|16|28|4 / Flechette Storm Heavy Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Cluster Munitions, Doubles Rate of Fire

51:13|26|46|7 / Glimmerfrost Heavy Penetrator Rounds / 5 / -2 / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Space Wolves>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Helfrost

20:7|14|25|4 / Hellfire Heavy Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Hellfire

15:8|16|28|4 / Incendiary Heavy Penetrator Rounds / 5 / -1 / 1 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Ablaze, Increases Range (+2")

23:12|24|42|6 / Inferno Heavy Penetrator Rounds / 6 / -2 / D2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Reduces Range (-12")

16:8|16|28|4 / Jetfire Heavy Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -2 / 1 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Increases Range (+12")

40:8|16|32|4 / Korvidari Heavy Penetrator Rounds / 5 / -1 / 1 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Raven Guard>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Accurate, Increases Range (+12"), Relay

22:12|24|42|6 / Kraken Heavy Penetrator Rounds / 5 / -2 / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Increases Range (+4")

15:7|14|25|4 / Manstopper Heavy Penetrator Rounds / 6 / -1 / 1 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Reduces Range (-4")

18:9|18|32|5 / Organgrinder Heavy Penetrator Rounds / 5 / -2 / 1 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Soft Targets

18:9|18|32|5 / Seeker Heavy Penetrator Rounds / 5 / -2 / 1 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Relay

29:14|28|49|7 / Shardgrinder Heavy Penetrator Rounds / 5 / -2 / 1 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Blast, Reduces Cover (-1), Soft Targets, Supplants Rate of Fire (D3), Xenotech

23:11|22|39|6 / Tempest Heavy Penetrator Rounds / 5 / -1 / 1 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Cluster Munitions, Pinpoint Accuracy, Reduces Range (-4"), Supplants Rate of Fire (D3)

45:21|42|74|11 / Thermic Heavy Penetrator Rounds / 5 / -3 / * / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Catastrophic Failure, Reduces Range (-8"), *Thermic

24:9|18|32|5 / Turbo Heavy Penetrator Rounds / 5 / -3 / 1 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>

19:9|18|32|5 / Vengeance Heavy Penetrator Rounds / 6 / -2 / 1 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Reduces Range (-6")

50:10|20|35|5 / Witchseeker Heavy Penetrator Rounds / 5 / -1 / 1 / <Black Templars>, <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Anethema <Psyker>, Bane <Psyker>, <Psyker> Killer

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2023/12/12 23:50:19

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Hellstorm Heavy Bolt Rifles
Hellstorm Heavy Bolt Rifles can equip up to 1 Weapon Attachment in addition to any Integral Attachments. Integral Attachments don't add any Weight to the Weapon they are a part of, unless indicated by a (+#) next to the Attachment.

Hellstorm Heavy Bolt Rifle Magazines are listed in Standard, Expanded, Drum, and Auxilliary order. The Cost for Ammunition also includes a final category for Supplemental Magazines.

Hellstorm Heavy Bolt Rifles are an exception to the normal variable number of shots versus Ammunition expended rules. Any Hellstorm Ammunition that allows the weapon to fire a randomized number of shots in any Firing Mode counts as expending 3 Ammo in Standard Mode, 4 Ammo in Burst Mode, and 8 Ammo in Autofire Mode, regardless of the number of dice rolled to Shoot with.

T:C / Weapon / Wt / S|E|D|A / Integral Attachments / Qualities
28:14 / Hellstorm Heavy Bolt Rifle Variant / 4 / 12|24|42|72 / Hellstorm Rounds / Assault, <Heavy Intercessor>, Rifle, <Ultima Founding>
Standard: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Burst: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -
Autofire: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 8, Heavy, Inaccurate, Recoil (5+)

Relic Hellstorm Heavy Bolt Rifles
66:24 / Prejudicial Executioner / 4 / 18|36|50|72 / Hellstorm Rounds / Exceptional, Heavy, <Heavy Intercessor>, Recoil (5+), Renowned Prejudice, Relic, Rifle, <Ultima Founding>, Unique (1)
Standard: 28" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Assault, Reliable
Burst: 14" Range, Rate of Fire: 12, Assault, Inaccurate, Unreliable
Autofire: 28" Range, Rate of Fire: 18, Dangerous to Use, Inaccurate, Unreliable

Hellstorm Heavy Bolt Rifle Ammunition Types
T:C S|E|D|A|Su / Ammo / Strength / AP / Damage / Qualities
9:5|10|18|25|3 / Hellstorm Rounds / 5 / - / 1 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>

Special Ammunition Types
30:16|32|56|80|8 / Acid Burst Hellstorm Rounds / 5 / -2 / D2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Blast, Supplants Rate of Fire (D3)

14:6|12|21|30|3 / Blessed Hellstorm Rounds / 5 / - / 1 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>*+Anethema <Chaos>

16:9|18|32|45|5 / Devastation Hellstorm Rounds / 5 / -1 / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>

11:6|12|21|30|3 / Dragonfire Hellstorm Rounds / 5 / - / 1 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Reduces Cover (-2), Reduces Range (-6")

16:8|16|28|40|4 / Flamestorm Hellstorm Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Ablaze, Dangerous to Use, Supplants Rate of Fire (D2)

13:7|14|25|35|4 / Flechette Storm Hellstorm Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Cluster Munitions, Doubles Rate of Fire

46:11|22|39|55|6 / Glimmerfrost Hellstorm Rounds / 5 / -1 / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Space Wolves>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Helfrost

17:6|12|21|30|3 / Hellfire Hellstorm Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Hellfire

12:7|14|25|35|4 / Incendiary Hellstorm Rounds / 5 / - / 1 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Ablaze, Increases Range (+2")

18:10|20|35|50|5 / Inferno Hellstorm Rounds / 6 / -1 / D2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Reduces Range (-12")

11:6|12|21|30|3 / Jetfire Hellstorm Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Increases Range (+12")

15:9|18|32|45|5 / Kraken Hellstorm Rounds / 5 / - / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Increases Range (+4")

17:10|20|35|50|6 / Kraken Hellstorm Penetrator Rounds / 5 / -1 / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Increases Range (+4")

12:6|12|21|30|3 / Manstopper Hellstorm Rounds / 6 / - / 1 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Reduces Range (-4")

13:7|14|25|35|4 / Organgrinder Hellstorm Rounds / 5 / -1 / 1 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Soft Targets

18:9|18|32|45|5 / Shatterstorm Hellstorm Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Blast, Supplants Rate of Fire (D3), Xenotech

19:10|20|35|50|5 / Tempest Hellstorm Rounds / 5 / - / 1 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Cluster Munitions, Pinpoint Accuracy, Reduces Range (-4"), Supplants Rate of Fire (D3)

11:6|12|21|30|3 / Tracer Hellstorm Rounds / 5 / - / 1 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+On My Target

15:8|16|28|40|4 / Turbo Hellstorm Rounds / 5 / -2 / 1 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>

14:7|14|25|35|4 / Vengeance Hellstorm Rounds / 6 / -1 / 1 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Reduces Range (-6")

47:9|18|32|45|5 / Witchseeker Hellstorm Rounds / 5 / - / 1 / <Black Templars>, <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Anethema <Psyker>, Bane <Psyker>, <Psyker> Killer

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2023/12/11 20:50:43

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Executor Heavy Bolt Rifles
Executor Heavy Bolt Rifles can equip up to 2 Weapon Attachments standard, as long as at least 1 of them has the Sight Subcategory, in addition to any Integral Attachments. Integral Attachments do not add any Weight to the Weapon they are a part of, unless indicated by a (+#) next to the Attachment.

Executor Heavy Bolt Rifle Magazines are listed in Standard and Epanded order. The Cost for Ammunition also includes a final category for Supplemental Magazines.

T:C / Weapon / Wt / S|E / Integral Attachments / Qualities
30:13 / Executor Heavy Bolt Rifle Variant / 3 / 5|10 / Executor Rifle Rounds, Suppressor / Executor Rifle Special Ammo Types, Heavy, <Heavy Intercessor>, Rifle, <Ultima Founding>
Precision: 42” Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Deadly Aim, Target Selection
Burst: 36” Range, Rate of Fire: 2 Inaccurate, Recoil (5+)

Relic Executor Heavy Bolt Rifles
52:24 / Pulverizer / (3) 2 / 5|10 / Executor Rifle Rounds, Suspensor-Pad (-1) / Boss-Mauler, Exceptional, Executor Rifle Special Ammo Types, Heavy, <Heavy Intercessor>, Relic, Rifle, <Ultima Founding>, Unique (1)
Precision: 42”, Rate of Fire: 1, Deadly Aim, Smasher, Target Selection
Burst: 21”, Rate of Fire: 2, Recoil (5+), Stunning

Unlockable Relic Executor Heavy Bolt Riles
82:32 / Deliberations Done / 3 / 5|10 / Executioner’s Optics, Executor Rifle Rounds, Suppressor / Deliberations (Ablaze, Bane <Everything>, Butcher <Everything>, Felling, Ferocious Fire <Everything>, <Psyker> Killer, Ragged Wounds), Heavy, <Heavy Intercessor>, Masterwork, <Primaris Lieutenant>, Relic, Rifle, <Ultima Founding>, Unique (1)
Precision: 42" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Deadly Aim, Target Selection
Burst: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Recoil (5+)

Executor Rifle Ammunition
T:C S|E|Su / Ammo / Strength / AP / Damage / Qualities
21:12|24|5 / Executor Rifle Rounds / 5 / -2 / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>

Executor Rifle Special Ammunition Types
26:13|26|8 / Blessed Executor Rifle Rounds / 5 / -2 / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Anathema <Chaos>

56:25|50|15 / Destructor Executor Rifle Rounds / 6 / -4 / D2+2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Pinpoint Accuracy, Recoil (6+)

64:30|60|18 / Disintegration Executor Rifle Rounds / 7 / -4 / D3+2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Dangerous to Use, Deadly to Use, Pinning (+4), Reduces Range (-18”)

24:15|30|9 / Dragonfire Executor Rifle Rounds / 5 / -2 / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Reduce Cover (-3), Reduces Range (-6”)

56:25|50|15 / Genophage Executor Rifle Rounds / 6 / -3 / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Primaris Apothecary>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Anathema <Faction Keyword>, Bane <Faction Keyword>, Research, Precision Mode Only

33:18|36|11 / Guided Executor Rifle Rounds / 5 / -3 / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Deadly Aim, Relay, Target Selection

29:13|26|8 / Hellfire Executor Rifle Rounds / 4 / -2 / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Hellfire

29:15|30|9 / Jetfire Executor Rifle Rounds / 4 / -3 / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Increases Range (+12”)

36:19|38|11 / Kraken Executor Penetration Rifle Rounds / 5 / -3 / 3 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>

23:13|26|8 / Seeker Executor Rifle Rounds / 5 / -2 / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Relay

30:17|34|10 / Stabilized Executor Rifle Rounds / 5 / -2 / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Accurate, Increases Range (+4”), Reliable

23:13|26|7 / Tracer Executor Rifle Rounds / 5 / -2 / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+On My Target

41:19|38|11 / Turbo Penetrator Executor Rifle Rounds / 5 / -4 / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>

32:16|32|10 / Vengeance Executor Rifle Rounds / 6 / -3 / D3+2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Reduces Range (-6”)

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2023/12/11 20:52:10

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Heavy Bolter Variants
Heavy Bolter Variants can equip up to 2 Weapon Attachments in addition to any Integral Attachments. Integral Attachments do not add any Weight to the Weapon they are a part of, unless indicated by a (+#) next to the Attachment.

Heavy Bolter Variant Magazines are listed in Standard, Drum, and Auxilliary Ammo Feed order.

Hellstorm Heavy Bolter Variants are an exception to the normal variable number of shots versus Ammunition expended rules. Any Heavy Hellstorm Ammunition that allows the weapon to fire a randomized number of shots in any Firing Mode counts as expending 4 Ammo in Standard Mode, 6 Ammo in Burst Mode, and 12 Ammo in Autofire Mode, regardless of the number of dice rolled to Shoot with.

Executor Variant
/ Weapon / Wt / S|D|A / Integral Attachments / Qualities

41:26 / Executor Heavy Bolter / 3 / 12|34|72 / Executor Heavy Rounds / Heavy, <Heavy Intercessor>, Two-Handed, <Ultima Founding>
Precision: 42" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Accurate
Standard: 42" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Burst: 21" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, Inaccurate

Relic Executor Heavy Bolters
79:37 / The Retributor Furious / 3 / 12|34|72 / Executor Heavy Rounds / Commanding Aura, Ferocious Fire <Monster>, Heavy, <Heavy Intercessor>, Masterwork, Relic, Stabilized, Two-Handed, <Ultima Founding>, Unique (1)
Precision: 42" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Accurate
Standard: 42" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Burst: 21" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Inaccurate

Executor Variant Ammunition Types
T:C S|D|A / Ammo / Strength / AP / Damage / Qualities
18:10|35|50 / Executor Heavy Rounds / 5 / -2 / 3 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>

Special Ammunition Types
23:11|39|55 / Blessed Executor Heavy Rounds / 5 / -2 / 3 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Anathema <Chaos>

54:24|84|120 / Destroyer Executor Heavy Rounds / 6 / -4 / D2+3 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Dangerous to Use, Deadly to Use, Murderous Hits, Pinpoint Accuracy

46:23|81|115 / Devastation Executor Heavy Rounds / 6 / -3 / 4 / <Heavy Intercessor>, Precision Mode Only, <Ultima Founding>, *+Pinpoint Accuracy

28:16|56|80 / Dragonfire Executor Heavy Rounds / 5 / -2 / 3 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Reduce Cover (-2), Reduces Range (-6")

23:12|42|60 / Guided Executor Heavy Rounds / 5 / -2 / 3 / <Heavy Intercessor>, Precision Mode Only, <Ultima Founding>, *+Deadly Aim, Relay, Target Selection

26:11|39|55 / Hellfire Executor Heavy Rounds / 4 / -2 / 3 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Hellfire

26:14|49|70 / Jetfire Executor Heavy Rounds / 4 / -3 / 3 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Increases Range (+18")

35:18|63|90 / Kraken Penetrator Executor Heavy Rounds / 5 / -3 / 4 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Increases Range (+6")

20:11|39|55 / Seeker Executor Heavy Rounds / 5 / -2 / 3 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Relay

38:17|60|85 / Turbo Penetrator Executor Heavy Rounds / 5 / -4 / 3 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>

41:21|74|105 / Vengeance Executor Heavy Rounds / 6 / -3 / 3 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Increases Range (+8")

Forge Variant
/ Forge Bolter / 2 / 24|56|72 / Forge Rounds, Independent Targeter, Mechadendrite Plug / Assault, <Primaris Techmarine>
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 5, Heavy

Relic Forge Bolters
67:28 / Calculonis / 2 / 24|56|80 / Forge Rounds, Independent Targeter, Mechadendrite Plug, Reciprocating Target Array / Assault, Masterwork, Relic, Rifle, <Primaris Techmarine>, Unique (1)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 8, Heavy

Forge Variant Ammunition Types
T:C S|D|A / Ammo / Strength / AP / Damage / Qualities
13:7|25|35 / Forge Rounds / 5 / -1 / 2 / <Primaris Techmarine>

Special Ammunition Types
18:8|28|40 / Blessed Forge Rounds / 5 / -1 / 2 / <Primaris Techmarine>, *+Anathema <Chaos>

15:8|28|40 / Dragonfire Forge Rounds / 5 / -1 / 2 / <Primaris Techmarine>, *+Reduce Cover (-2), Reduces Range (-4")

17:9|32|45 / Flechette Storm Forge Rounds / 4 / -1 / 2 / <Primaris Techmarine>, *+Cluster Munitions, Doubles Rate of Fire

14:7|25|35 / Haywire Forge Rounds / 4 / -1 / 2 / <Primaris Techmarine>, *+Haywire

21:8|28|40 / Hellfire Forge Rounds / 4 / -1 / 2 / <Primaris Techmarine>, *+Hellfire

16:9|32|45 / Incendiary Forge Rounds / 5 / -1 / 2 / <Primaris Techmarine>, *+Ablaze, Increases Range (+2")

29:14|49|70 / Inferno Forge Rounds / 6 / -2 / D2+2 / <Primaris Techmarine>, *+Reduces Range (-12")

18:10|35|50 / Kraken Penetrator Forge Rounds / 5 / -2 / 3 / <Primaris Techmarine>, *+Increases Range (+4")

30:12|42|60 / Rad Forge Rounds / 6 / -2 / 2 / <Primaris Techmarine>, *+<Infantry> Killer, Irradiated, <Monster> Killer, Shocking

40:19|67|95 / Thermic Forge Rounds / 6 / -3 / * / <Primaris Techmarine>, *+Catastrophic Failure, Reduces Range (-8"), *Thermic

25:12|42|60 / Turbo Forge Rounds / 5 / -4 / 2 / <Primaris Techmarine>

28:15|53|75 / Vengeance Forge Rounds / 6 / -2 / 3 / <Primaris Techmarine>, *+Increases Range (+8")

Hellstorm Variant
/ Hellstorm Heavy Bolter / 4 / 32|75|96 / Hellstorm Heavy Rounds / Assault, <Heavy Intercessor>, Two-Handed, <Ultima Founding>
Standard: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -
Burst: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Unreliable
Autofire: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 12, Heavy, Recoil (5+), Unreliable

Relic Hellstorm Heavy Bolters
93:23 / Traitor's Bane / 4 / 36|-|108 / Hellstorm Heavy Rounds / Ferocious Fire <Traitor Legions>, Heavy, <Heavy Intercessor>, <Imperial Fists>, Masterwork, Relic, Two-Handed, <Ultima Founding>, Unique (1)
Standard: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, -
Autofire: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 8, -

Hellstorm Heavy Bolter Variant Ammunition Types
S|D|A / Ammo / Strength / AP / Damage / Qualities
14:8|28|40 / Hellstorm Heavy Rounds / 5 / - / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>

Special Ammunition Types
46:24|84|120 / Acid Blast Hellstorm Heavy Rounds / 6 / -2 / D3+2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Dangerous to Use, Deadly to Use, Supplants Rate of Fire (2D3)

19:9|32|45 / Blessed Hellstorm Heavy Rounds / 5 / - / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Anethema <Chaos>

40:20|70|100 / Destroyer Hellstorm Heavy Rounds / 6 / -2 / D2+2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Murderous Hits, Pinpoint Accuracy, Recoil (6+)

16:9|32|45 / Dragonfire Hellstorm Heavy Rounds / 5 / - / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Reduce Cover (-2), Reduces Range (-4")

18:10|35|45 / Flechette Storm Hellstorm Heavy Rounds / 4 / - / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Cluster Munitions, Doubles Rate of Fire

19:8|28|40 / Heavier Hellstorm Heavy Rounds / 6 / - / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Loud, Reduces Range (-4")

22:9|32|45 / Hellfire Hellstorm Heavy Rounds / 4 / - / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Hellfire

23:12|42|60 / Hellflamer Hellstorm Heavy Rounds / 5 / - / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Ablaze, Dangerous to Use, Reduce Cover (-1), Supplants Rate of Fire (D2)

17:10|35|50 / Incendiary Hellstorm Heavy Rounds / 5 / - / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Ablaze, Increases Range (+2")

28:14|49|70 / Inferno Hellstorm Heavy Rounds / 6 / -1 / D2+2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Reduces Range (-12")

16:9|32|45 / Jetfire Hellstorm Heavy Rounds / 4 / - / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Increases Range (+12")

22:12|42|60 / Kraken Penetrator Hellstorm Heavy Rounds / 5 / -1 / 3 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Increases Range (+4")

18:10|35|50 / Organgrinder Hellstorm Heavy Rounds / 5 / -1 / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Soft Targets

37:17|60|85 / Shredder Hellstorm Heavy Rounds / 5 / -3 / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Blast, Supplants Rate of Fire (D3), Xenotech

16:9|32|45 / Tracer Hellstorm Heavy Rounds / 5 / - / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+On My Target

20:11|39|55 / Turbo Hellstorm Heavy Rounds / 5 / -2 / 2 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>

27:15|53|75 / Vengeance Hellstorm Heavy Rounds / 6 / -1 / 3 / <Heavy Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Increases Range (+8")

This message was edited 9 times. Last update was at 2023/12/21 20:09:36

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Uncategorized Bolt Weapons
Most of these Bolt Weapons can equip up to 1 Weapon Attachment in addition to any Integral Attachments. Bolt Sniper Rifles can equip up to 2 Weapon Attachments, as long as at least 1 of them has the Sight Subcategory. Integral Attachments don't add any Weight to the Weapon they are a part of, unless indicated by a (+#) next to the Attachment.

Each of these Bolt Weapons has its own configuration of Magazines and may be listed with Standard, Expanded, Drum, and/or Auxilliary Ammo Feeds. The Cost for Ammunition may also include another category for Supplemental Magazines. Note that not all of these Bolt Weapons have access to all of these Magazine types; refer to the individual weapon descriptions for clarification.

T:C / Weapon / Wt / S|D|A / Integral Attachments / Qualities
40:12 / Assault Bolter / 4 / 18|36|72 / Assault Rounds, Gunshield / Assault, Gravis-Compatable, Heavy, Paired, Pistol, Rifle, [Sustained Fire (2) & Twin-linked] When Paired, Two-Handed, <Ultima Founding>, <Veteran>
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Burst: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Recoil (5+)

Relic Assault Bolters
102:28 / Sun Storm and Coronal Harbringer / (4) 3 / 18|36|72 / Flamestorm Assault Rounds, Gunshield, Suspensor-Pad (-1) / Ablaze, Assault, Dangerous to Use, Gravis-Compatable, Heavy, <Inceptor>, Masterwork, Paired, Pistol, Relic, Rifle, <Solar Hawks>, [Sustained Fire (2) & Twin-linked] When Paired, Two-Handed, <Ultima Founding>, Unique (1 of each), Very Reliable
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 3D2, -
Burst: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: 6D2, -
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 9D2, Inaccurate, Removes Very Reliable

Unlockable Relic Assault Bolters
62:25 / The Bane of Small Beasts and Enemy of Minions / (4) 3 / 36|52|80 / Assault Rounds, Gunshield, Suspensor-Pad (-1) / Assault, Furious Fusilade [Models on 25mm or Smaller Bases], Gravis-Compatable, Heavy, <Inceptor>, Masterwork, Paired, Pistol, Relic, Rifle, [Sustained Fire (2) & Twin-linked] When Paired, Two-Handed, <Ultima Founding>, Unique (1 of each)
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Burst: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Recoil (5+)

Assault Bolter Ammunition Types
T:C S|D|A / Ammo / Strength / AP / Damage / Qualities
7:3|11|15 / Assault Rounds / 5 / - / 1 / <Inceptor>, <Ultima Founding>

Special Ammunition Types
12:4|14|20 / Blessed Assault Rounds / 5 / - / 1 / <Inceptor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Anathema <Chaos>

8:3|11|15 / Dragonfire Assault Rounds / 5 / - / 1 / <Inceptor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Reduces Cover (-1), Reduces Range (-4")

14:6|21|30 / Flamestorm Assault Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Inceptor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Ablaze, Dangerous to Use, Supplants Rate of Fire (D2)

11:5|18|25 / Flechette Storm Assault Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Inceptor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Cluster Munitions, Doubles Rate of Fire

15:4|14|20 / Hellfire Assault Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Inceptor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Hellfire

10:5|18|25 / Incendiary Assault Rounds / 5 / - / 1 / <Inceptor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Ablaze, Increases Range (+2")

13:7|25|35 / Kraken Assault Rounds / 5 / - / 2 / <Inceptor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Increases Range (+4")

13:6|21|30 / Null Cloud Assault Rounds / 3 / - / 1 / <Inceptor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Blind, Inaccurate, Marker, Null Field, Obscuring Smoke, Pariah

35:5|18|25 / Promethan Gel Assault Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Inceptor>, <Solar Hawks>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Inflict Vulnerability [Heat], Limited Supply (2D3*)

28:12|42|60 / Shardstorm Assault Rounds / 4 / -3 / 1 / <Inceptor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Blast, Supplants Rate of Fire (D3), Xenotech

17:8|28|40 / Tempest Assault Rounds / 5 / - / 1 / <Inceptor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Cluster Munitions, Pinpoint Accuracy, Reduces Range (-4"), Supplants Rate of Fire (D3)

13:6|21|30 / Turbo Assault Rounds / 5 / -2 / 1 / <Inceptor>, <Ultima Founding>

19:10|35|50 / Vengeance Assault Rounds / 6 / -1 / 2 / <Inceptor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Increases Range (+6")

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/12/11 20:57:31

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

T:C / Weapon / Wt / D|A / Integral Attachments / Qualities
23:9 / Auto Boltstorm Rifle / (2) 5 / 40|180 / Autoloader, Integrated Melee Weapon [Powerfist] (+3) / Assault, Close Range Effeciency, Gravis-Compatable, Heavy, Paired, Rifle, Too Close, [Twin-Linked] When Paired, <Ultima Founding>, Unhanded
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Burst: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -
Autofire: 18" Range, Rate of Fire 5, Inaccurate, Unreliable

Relic Auto Boltstorm Rifles
84:20 / Predavat and Besserdech / (2) 5 / 40|180 / Autoloader, Integrated Melee Weapon [Exceptional Powerfist] (+3) / Accurate, Assault, Close Range Effeciency, Gravis-Compatable, Heavy, Masterwork, Paired, Relic, Rifle, <Star Phantoms>, Too Close, [Twin-Linked] When Paired, <Ultima Founding>, Unhanded, Unique (1 of each), Unreliable
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Burst: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -
Autofire: 18" Range, Rate of Fire 5, -

Bolstorm Rifle Ammunition Types
T:C D|A / Ammo / Strength / AP / Damage / Qualities
5:7|10 / Boltstorm Rifle Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Aggressor>, <Ultima Founding>

Special Ammunition Types
43:28|40 / Arcaneum Boltstorm Rifle Rounds / 5 / -2 / 1 / <Aggressor>, Limited Supply (2D3*), <Blood Ravens>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Psychic Relay, Tainted, Tainted Artifice, Xenophaser

10:11|15 / Blessed Boltstorm Rifle Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Aggressor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Anathema <Chaos>

12:21|30 / Devastation Boltstorm Rifle Rounds / 4 / -1 / 2 / <Aggressor>, <Ultima Founding>

6:7|10 / Dragonfire Boltstorm Rifle Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Aggressor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Reduces Cover (-1), Reduces Range (-4")

9:14|20 / Flechette Storm Boltstorm Rifle Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Aggressor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Cluster Munitions, Doubles Rate of Fire

7:7|10 / Heavy Boltstorm Rifle Rounds / 5 / - / 1 / <Aggressor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Recoil (5+)

13:14|20 / Hellfire Boltstorm Rifle Rounds / 3 / - / 1 / <Aggressor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Hellfire

8:14|20 / Incendiary Boltstorm Rifle Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Aggressor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Ablaze, Increases Range (+2")

12:21|30 / Inferno Boltstorm Rifle Rounds / 5 / -1 / D2 / <Aggressor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Reduces Range (-12")

13:25|35 / Kraken Boltstorm Penetrator Rounds / 4 / -1 / 2 / <Aggressor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Increases Range (+4")

38:11|15 / Lumenin Boltstorm Rifle Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Aggressor>, Limited Supply (2D3*), <Sons of Medusa>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Illuminat, Irradiated Aura (6")

6:7|10 / Manstopper Boltstorm Rifle Rounds / 5 / - / 1 / <Aggressor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Reduces Range (-4")

9:14|20 / Organgrinder Boltstorm Rifle Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Aggressor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Soft Targets

42:28|40 / Pterothoraxi Boltstorm Rifle Rounds / 5 / -1 / 1 / <Aggressor>, Limited Supply (2D3*), <Mantis Warriors>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Heavier Caliber, Stunning

15:25|35 / Tempest Boltstorm Rifle Rounds / 5 / - / 1 / <Aggressor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Cluster Munitions, Pinpoint Accuracy, Reduces Range (-4"), Supplants Rate of Fire (D3)

25:42|60 / Thermic Boltstorm Rifle Rounds / 6 / -2 / * / <Aggressor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Catastrophic Failure, Reduces Range (-12"), Thermic

7:11|15 / Tracer Boltstorm Rifle Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Aggressor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+On My Target

9:14|20 / Turbo Boltstorm Rifle Rounds / 4 / -2 / 1 / <Aggressor>, <Ultima Founding>

15:28|40 / Vengeance Boltstorm Rifle Rounds / 5 / -1 / 2 / <Aggressor>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Increases Range (+6")

45:25|35 / Witchseeker Boltstorm Rifle Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Aggressor>, <Black Templars>, Limited Supply (2D3*), <Ultima Founding>, *+Anathema <Psyker>, Bane <Psyker>, <Psyker> Killer

This message was edited 7 times. Last update was at 2023/12/11 21:01:10

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

T:C / Weapon / Wt / D|A / Integral Attachments / Qualities
16:5 / Boltstorm Pistol / (1) 4 / 45|200 / Autoloader, Integrated Melee Weapon [Powerfist] (+3) / Assault, Gravis-Compatable, Pistol, <Primaris Lieutenant>, Too Close, <Ultima Founding>, Unhanded
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -
Autofire: 12" Range, Rate of Fire 5, Inaccurate, Unreliable

Relic Boltstorm Pistols
79:13 / Aelf Killer / (1) 4 / 45|200 / Autoloader, Integrated Melee Weapon [Powerfist] (+3), Motion Predictor / Anathema <Aeldari>, Assault, Gravis-Compatable, Masterwork, Pistol, Relic, Renowned Prejudice <Aeldari>, <Sons of Orar>, Too Close, <Ultima Founding>, Unhanded, Unique (1)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 5, -
Autofire: 12" Range, Rate of Fire 6, Inaccurate, Unreliable

98:19 / Crimson Icon / (1) 4 / 45|200 / Autoloader, Integrated Melee Weapon [Masterwork Powerfist] (+3) / Assault, Bane <Ork>, <Crimson Fists>, Devastating vs. <Ork>, Gravis-Compatable, Imposing, <Ork> Killer, Masterwork, Pistol, Relic, Too Close, <Ultima Founding>, Unhanded, Unique (1)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -
Autofire: 12" Range, Rate of Fire 5, Inaccurate, Unreliable

74:14 / Instructor's Bark / (1) 4 / 45|200 / Autoloader, Integrated Melee Weapon [Exceptional Powerfist] (+3) / Assault, Gravis-Compatable, Inspiring, Loud, Masterwork, <Mortifactors>, Pistol, Reassuring, Relic, Too Close, <Ultima Founding>, Unhanded, Unique (1)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -
Autofire: 12" Range, Rate of Fire 5, Inaccurate, Unreliable

88:14 / Martyr's Fist / (1) 4 / 30|200 / Autoloader, Integrated Melee Weapon [Masterwork Powerfist] (+3), Refractor Field / Assault, Gravis-Compatable, <Guardians of the Covenant>, Masterwork, Pistol, Relic, Too Close, <Ultima Founding>, Unhanded, Unique (1)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -
Autofire: 12" Range, Rate of Fire 5, Inaccurate, Unreliable

44:11 / Unassailable / (1) 4 / 48|200 / Autoloader, Integrated Melee Weapon [Powerfist] (+3) / Assault, Furious Fusilade <Infantry>, Gravis-Compatable, Loud, Masterwork, Pistol, Relic, Too Close, <Ultima Founding>, Unhanded, Unique (1)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Autofire: 12" Range, Rate of Fire 4, Inaccurate, Unreliable

Bolstorm Pistol Ammunition Types
T:C D|A / Ammo / Strength / AP / Damage / Qualities
4:4|5 / Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Ultima Founding>

Special Ammunition Types
31:49|70 / Acid Burst Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 4 / -3 / D2 / <Ultima Founding>, *+Blast, Supplants Rate of Fire (D3)

50:35|50 / Arcaneum Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 5 / -3 / 1 / <Blood Ravens>, Limited Supply (2D3*), <Ultima Founding>, *+Psychic Relay, Tainted, Tainted Artifice, Xenophase

45:18|25 / Blackshard Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 4 / -2 / 1 / <Death Specters>, Limited Supply (2D3*), <Ultima Founding>, *+Anathema <Necron>, Bane <Necron>

9:7|10 / Blessed Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Ultima Founding>, *+Anathema <Chaos>

50:35|50 / Bloodshard Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 4 / -2 / 1 / <Blood Angels>, Limited Supply (2D3*), <Ultima Founding>, *+Catastrophic Injuries, Reduces Range (-6")

14:21|30 / Chaf Scatter Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 3 / - / 1 / <Ultima Founding>, *+Blast, Pinning (+1), Supplants Rate of Fire (D6)

30:46|65 / Destroyer Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 5 / -3 / 3 / <Ultima Founding>, *+Dangerous to Use, Deadly to Use, Murderous Hits, Pinpoint Accuracy, Recoil (6+)

25:39|55 / Destructor Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 5 / -3 / D2 / <Ultima Founding>, *+Pinpoint Accuracy, Recoil (5+)

13:21|30 / Devastation Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 4 / -2 / 2 / <Ultima Founding>

5:4|5 / Dragonfire Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Ultima Founding>, *+Reduces Cover (-1), Reduces Range (-4")

7:7|10 / Dragonfire Heavy Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 5 / -1 / 1 / <Ultima Founding>, *+Reduces Cover (-1), Reduces Range (-4")

10:14|20 / Flamestorm Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 3 / - / 1 / <Ultima Founding>, *+Ablaze, Dangerous to Use, Supplants Rate of Fire (D2)

8:11|15 / Flechette Storm Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 3 / -1 / 1 / <Ultima Founding>, *+Cluster Munitions, Doubles Rate of Fire

35:21|30 / Foe Smasher Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 5 / -1 / 1 / <Brazen Claws>, Limited Supply (2D3*), <Ultima Founding>, *+Knockback (3"), Pinning (+1), Reduces Range (-4")

45:32|45 / Glimmerfrost Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 4 / -2 / 2 / Limited Supply (2D3*), <Space Wolves>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Helfrost

14:14|20 / Haywire Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 5 / -1 / 1 / Limited Supply (2D3), <Primaris Techmarine>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Haywire

6:4|5 / Heavy Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 5 / -1 / 1 / <Ultima Founding>, *+Recoil (5+)

12:11|15 / Hellfire Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 3 / -1 / 1 / <Ultima Founding>, *+Hellfire

7:11|15 / Incendiary Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Ultima Founding>, *+Ablaze, Increases Range (+2")

16:28|40 / Inferno Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 6 / -2 / D2 / <Ultima Founding>, *+Reduces Range (-8")

6:7|10 / Jetfire Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Ultima Founding>, *+Increases Range (+12")

7:11|15 / Jetseeker Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Ultima Founding>, *+Increases Range (+12"), Relay

38:21|30 / Korvidari Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 4 / -2 / 2 / Limited Supply (2D3*), <Raven Guard>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Accurate, Increases Range (+6"), Relay

10:18|25 / Kraken Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 4 / -1 / 2 / <Ultima Founding>, *+Increases Range (+4")

37:14|20 / Lumenin Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / Limited Supply (2D3*), <Sons of Medusa>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Illuminat, Irradiated Aura (4")

5:11|15 / Manstopper Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 5 / -1 / 1 / <Ultima Founding>, *+Reduces Range (-2")

8:21|30 / Organgrinder Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 4 / -2 / 1 / <Ultima Founding>, *+Soft Targets

60:56|80 / Phosphor Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 5 / -3 / D2 / Limited Supply (2D3*), <Pact of Prometheus>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Braced for Range (+2"), Illuminat, Phosphor

33:11|15 / Promethan Gel Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 3 / -1 / 1 / Limited Supply (2D3*), <Solar Hawks>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Inflict Vulnerability (Heat)

48:63|90 / Psybolt Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 6 / -2 / 1 / Limited Supply (D3), <Ultima Founding>, *+Anathema <Chaos>, Anathema <Psyker>, Bane <Daemon>, Bane <Psyker>, Sanctified, Shield Breaker, <Veteran>

43:28|40 / Pterothoraxi Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 5 / -2 / 1 / Limited Supply (2D3*), <Mantis Warriors>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Heavier Caliber, Stunning

13:14|20 / Pulse Blaster Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 3 / -1 / 1 / <Ultima Founding>, *+Blast, Knockback (2"), Reduces Range (-4"), Supplants Rate of Fire (D3)

22:28|40 / Rad Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 5 / -2 / 1 / <Primaris Techmarine>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Irradiated, <Infantry> Killer, <Monster> Killer, Shocking

37:14|20 / Scorching Penetrator Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / Limited Supply (2D3*), <Imperial Fists>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Armor-Burner, Dangerous to Use, Stone-Burner

6:7|10 / Seeker Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Ultima Founding>, *+Relay

17:25|35 / Shatterstorm Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 3 / -2 / 1 / Limited Supply (2D6), <Ultima Founding>, *+Blast, Supplants Rate of Fire (D3), Xenotech

33:39|56 / Shredder Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 4 / -4 / 1 / Limited Supply (D3), <Ultima Founding>, *+Blast, Supplants Rate of Fire (D3), Xenotech

23:39|56 / Submunition Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / Limited Supply (2D3), <Ultima Founding>, *+Blast, Supplants Rate of Fire (2D3), Pinning (+2), Suppression, Xenotech

5:7|10 / Suppression Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 3 / -1 / 1 / <Ultima Founding>, *+Increases Range (+6"), Suppression

14:21|30 / Tempest Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Ultima Founding>, *+Cluster Munitions, Pinpoint Accuracy, Reduces Range (-4"), Supplants Rate of Fire (D3)

33:49|70 / Thermic Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 6 / -3 / * / <Ultima Founding>, *+Catastrophic Failure, Reduces Range (-8"), Thermic

14:14|20|30 / Thumper Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 5 / -2 / 1 / <Ultima Founding>, *+Pinning (+1), Recoil (5+), Reduces Range (-4"), Soft Targets

6:7|10 / Tracer Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Ultima Founding>, *+On My Target

17:25|36 / Turbo Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 4 / -3 / 1 / <Ultima Founding>

14:21|30 / Vengeance Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 5 / -2 / 2 / <Ultima Founding>, *+Increases Range (+6")

58:28|40 / Voidshard Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 3 / -4 / 1 / Limited Supply (D3*), <Iron Lords>, <Marines Errant>, <Ultima Founding>, *+De-Escalating Penetration, Xenotech

40:25|36 / Witchfire Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Black Wasps>, Limited Supply (2D6*), <Primaris Librarian>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Attuned, Resonant, Sanctified

44:21|30 / Witchseeker Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Black Templars>, Limited Supply (2D3*), <Ultima Founding>, *+Anathema <Psyker>, Bane <Psyker>, <Psyker> Killer

37:56|81 / Xenon Boltstorm Pistol Rounds / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Black Shield>, Limited Supply (D3), <Ultima Founding> <Xenon Knights>, , *+<Xenos> Butcher, Ferocious Fire <Xenos>, Increases Range (+2"), Penetrating Hits, Xenophase, Xenotech

This message was edited 10 times. Last update was at 2024/01/21 20:45:47

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Bolt Sniper Rifles
Bolt Sniper Rifles are equipped with Compartmented Magazines, that are separated into 3 "slots" each comprised of 3 shots (for a total Mag of 9). Each of these "slots" may be filled with a different ammunition type and may be switched between in the same way as Supplemental Mags. By default, Compartmented Mags are filled with Standard Bolt Rifle Ammunition. When purchasing Special Bolt Sniper Ammunition, the Threshold and Cost presented are for 3 shots that replace the Standard Bolt Rifle Ammunition in any given "slot". Additional Compartmented Mags may be purchased for the Cost listed for Standard Bolt Rifle Ammunition, and each of these extra Mags may be individually outfitted with different configurations of Special Bolt Sniper Rifle Ammunitions. These same T:Cs can be used for any Supplemental Mags one of these weapons might be fitted with.

T:C / Weapon / Wt / S / Integral Attachments / Qualities
44:22 / Shrike-Pattern Bolt Sniper Rifle / 2 / 9 / Compartmented Mag, Suppressor / Bolt Sniper Rifle Special Ammunition Types, Bolt Sniper Shells, <Eliminator>, Heavy, Omni-Compatable, Picatinny, Reliable, Rifle, <Ultima Founding>
Precision: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Deadly Aim, Murderous Hits, Target Selection

Relic Bolt Sniper Rifles
90:36 / Apoplectic Revocator / (2) 0 / 9 / Compartmented Mag, Eliminator Scope, Suppressor, Suspensor Web (-2) / Bolt Sniper Rifle Special Ammunition Types, Bolt Sniper Shells, <Eliminator>, Masterwork, Omni-Compatable, Picatinny, Relic, Rifle, <Ultima Founding>, Unique (1)
Precision: 42" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Deadly Aim, Felling, Heavy, Reliable, Target Selection
Standard: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Accurate

74:28 / Unspeakable / (2) 3 / 9 / Compartmented Mag, Range Finder Scope, Supplemental Mags (2) +1, Suppressor / Bolt Sniper Rifle Special Ammunition Types, Bolt Sniper Shells, Heavy, Masterwork, Omni-Compatable, Picatinny, Reliable, Relic, Rifle, <Ultima Founding>, Unique (1)
Precision: 32" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Deadly Aim, Murderous Hits, Target Selection
Burst: 23" Range, Rate of Fire 2, -

Bolt Sniper Rifle Standard Ammunition
T:C S / Ammo / Strength / AP / Damage / Qualities
20:10 / Standard Bolt Sniper Rifle Rounds / 5 / -2 / 3 / <Eliminator>, <Ultima Founding>

Bolt Sniper Rifle Special Ammunition Types
18:9 / Airburster Bolt Sniper Rifle Rounds / 4 / - / 1 / <Eliminator>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Blast, Cluster Munitions, Reduces Cover (-1), Supplants Rate of Fire (2D6)

30:9 / Bloodstorm Bolt Sniper Rifle Rounds / 5 / -3 / D2 / <Blood Angels>, <Eliminator>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Catastrophic Injuries, Reduces Range (-6"), Supplants Rate of Fire (D3)

15:6 / Executioner Bolt Sniper Rifle Rounds / 5 / -2 / 2 / <Eliminator>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Accurate, Butcher <Infantry>, Reduces Cover (-3)

14:6 / Guided Bolt Sniper Rifle Rounds / 5 / -2 / 2 / <Eliminator>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Accurate, Increases Range (+6"), Pinpoint Accuracy, Relay

25:6 / Hellfurion Bolt Sniper Rifle Rounds / 4 / -2 / D3+2 / <Eliminator>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Blast, Cluster Munitions, Hellfire, Supplants Rate of Fire (D3)

12:8 / Hyperfrag Bolt Sniper Rifle Rounds / 5 / -1 / 2 / <Eliminator>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Blast, Cluster Munitions, Felling, Pinpoint Accuracy, Supplants Rate of Fire (D3)

23:12 / Interdictor Bolt Sniper Rifle Rounds / 6 / -3 / D3+3 / <Eliminator>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Anathema <Terrain Feature>, Anathema <Vehicle>

11:6 / Jetseeker Bolt Sniper Rifle Rounds / 4 / -2 / 3 / <Eliminator>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Increase Range (+12"), Relay

17:9 / Mortis Bolt Sniper Rifle Rounds / 5 / -3 / 4 / <Eliminator>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Boss-Mauler, Felling, Monster-Slayer, Righteous Strikes

15:8 / Stormgrinder Bolt Sniper Rifle Rounds / 4 / -2 / 3 / <Eliminator>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Cluster Munitions, Soft Targets, Supplants Rate of Fire (4)

20:9 / Vendetta Bolt Sniper Rifle Rounds / 6 / -3 / 4 / <Eliminator>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Reduces Range (-6")

15:9 / Xenophase Bolt Sniper Rifle Rounds / 5 / -4 / 3 / <Eliminator>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Xenophase, Xenotech

Bolt Sniper Rifle Shells
These are specialty, single shot rounds. They must be individually loaded before firing. A model must sacrifice its Movement or Shooting Phases to load these shells and they become available to Shoot with at the model's next Shooting Phase.

Bolt Sniper Rifle Shells can only be fired in Precision or Standard Firing Modes.

The Threshold and Cost presented on this sublist is for ONE shell. The Weight for each Shell is negligible; a model would have to carry 30 or more individual items from this sublist to equal 1 Weight.

5:3 / Phantom Strike Bolt Sniper Rifle Shell / 5 / -2 / 3 / <Eliminator>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Armor Burning, Entropic, Reduces Range (-4")

4:2 / Shieldbreaker Bolt Sniper Rifle Shell / 5 / -2 / 3 / <Eliminator>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Penetrating Hits, Shield Breaker

7:4 / Shockwave Bolt Sniper Rifle Shell / 5 / - / D2 / <Eliminator>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Blast, Cluster Munitions, Felling, Knockback (3"), Loud, Shocking, Stunning, Supplants Rate of Fire (2D6), Suppressing

4:2 / Stabilized Bolt Sniper Rifle Shell / 4 / -2 / 3 / <Eliminator>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Accurate, Increase Range (+8"), Relay

9:5 / Turbobore Bolt Sniper Rifle Shell / 7 / -3 / 4 / <Eliminator>, <Ultima Founding>, *+Armor Burning, Heavier Caliber, Recoil (6+), Righteous Strikes

This message was edited 9 times. Last update was at 2024/01/22 04:07:54

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Bombs are weapons carried by a model, emplaced somewhere on the battlefield - often a location specified by a Mission Objective - and then set to detonate under a specific set of circumstances. Once Emplaced, a Bomb's weight is subtracted from the model's carried Capacity.

All Bombs, Mines, and some Weapon Platforms must be Emplaced in order to function correctly. For Bombs and Mines, Emplacement requires that the model doing the Emplacing has the Demolition Skill and their controlling player makes a successful Skill roll. This use of Demolition does not expend any Ratings and even a model with no remaining Ratings may still attempt to use this ability. A model that does not have the Demolition Skill cannot Emplace a Bomb, although they may still equip one or more during the Arming Phase.

A model cannot Emplace a Bomb if it is within 2" of an enemy model with 2 or fewer Wounds or within 6" of an enemy model with 3 or more Wounds.

Instead of Shooting, a model may Emplace a Bomb in their first Shooting Phase (if they have more than one of these). When setting up a Bomb, place a Bomb Marker within 1" of the Emplacing model and roll their Skill test. If this test is failed, the Emplacing model is delayed by 1 Phase - either their second Shooting Phase if they have one or their next Movement Phase. If this test is failed with a 1, the controlling player has 3 other options.

The first Option is to Expend a Rating from their Demolition Skill to simply abort their placement and return the Bomb to their carried inventory.

The second Option is to Expend a Rating from their Demolition Skill to re-roll the Emplacing test. If this re-roll is also a 1, the player must default to the third Option below.

The third Option, which is the default if the model does not have any Ratings left to spend, is to have the Bomb detonate immediately, centered on the Emplacing model.

Most Bombs are Detonated on a Timer (or by accident). The Player that controls the Emplacing model chooses a number of Battlerounds or Turns between 1 and 5, provided the Emplacement was successful. After this number of Battlerounds or Turns have elapsed, and if the Bomb Marker has not been diffused or destroyed (see below), it detonates at the end of that Turn or Battleround, centered on its Marker. When this happens, roll for the Bomb's Rate of Fire and resolve that many attacks on each model within Range of the Bomb Marker with the BS indicated by the Bomb used.

Bombs may be modified to have one of three alternate Detonation methods. These are Boobytrap, End of Mission, and Remote

Boobytrap Bombs are triggered when an enemy model ends its Movement Phase or Moves past within 5" of the Bomb Marker, but are otherwise resolved as normal.

End of Mission Bombs detonate after the last Player allied model extracts from the table or after the end game conditions of the Mission are otherwise achieved. End of Mission Bombs do two things, both of which take effect in the very next Mission onboard the same Vessel. The first is to reduce the GM's Allotment by a number equal to the Bomb's Strength. The second is to subject the next Mission to the rules for Mundane Events at the start of each Battleround.

Remote Bombs require that any allied model also be equipped with a Remote Trigger. These Bombs are triggered when the player that controls the model equipped with the Remote decides they want to, in any Phase when that model is both in Range and also not in Engagement range of any enemy model.

Renown and XP
Successfully Emplacing a Bomb grants the Emplacing model +1XP. When a Bomb Detonates, the Emplacing model gains +1 Renown for every 3 Wounds worth of enemy models removed as casualties by the blast. A model that Emplaces an End of Mission Bomb that Detonates successfully instead gains a flat +3 Renown. A model that triggers a Remote Bomb gains +1 Renown when doing so affects 1 or more enemy models.

Destroying or Diffusing a Bomb Before it Goes Off
Emplaced Bombs are vulnerable to enemy fire and skilled enemy combat engineer equivalents. Any model with at least 1 Rating in the Demolition Skill may attempt to diffuse an Emplaced Bomb, provided there are no enemy models within 2" of either themselves or the Bomb Marker. Diffusing the Bomb follows the normal rules covered by the Demolition Skill. If a Bomb is Shot at, it counts as having the Tiny Quality with each Toughness and Wounds of 1. Bombs always count as being in Light Cover, regardless of whether or not its Marker is obscured to the Shooter. Reducing a Bomb to zero (0) Wounds Detonates it immediately.

Universal Bomb Qualities
All Bombs have the following Qualities: Detonation: Timer, Emplaced, Huge Blast, and Marker. All T:C values are for 1 Bomb of its Type.

T:C / Bomb / Weight / Integral Attachments / Qualities
50:2 / Melta Bomb / 2 / Mag Clamp, Timer / Remove Huge Blast, Single Target
S/AP/Damage/Rate of Fire/BS
8 / -4 / D3+3 / 1 / 3+ (2+)

74:2 / Phosphex Bomb / 2 / Timer / Crawling Fire, Lingering Death, <Nemesis Chapter>, Poisoned (3+), Relic
S/AP/Damage/Rate of Fire/BS
5 / -5 / D2 / D3 / 3+

25:1 / Prometheum Blast Bomb / 2 / Fuel Cell, Timer / Ablaze, Reduces Cover (-3), Spreading Flames, Volatile Package
S/AP/Damage/Rate of Fire/BS
5 / - / 1 / 3D6 / 2+

78:5 / Seismic Escalation Bomb / 2 / Timer / Implosion, Overpressure
S/AP/Damage/Rate of Fire/BS
10 / -2 / 2 / 5D6 / 2+

177:10 / Vortex Bomb / 2 / Timer / Implosion, Reduces Cover (-2), Relic, Singularity, Vortex
S/AP/Damage/Rate of Fire/BS
14 / -5 / D6 / D6 / 3+

Bomb Mods
/ Modification / Integrated Wargear / Qualities
7:+3 / Alternate Detonation Method: Boobytrap / Remove Timer, *+Sensor (5") / Remove Detonation: Timer, *+Detonation: Boobytrap, Easy Emplacement

10:+3 / Alternate Detonation Method: End of Mission / Remove Timer / Remove Detonation: Timer, *+Detonation: End of Mission, Mission Critical

5:+2 / Alternate Detonation Method: Remote / Remove Timer, *+Receiver / Remove Detonation: Timer, *+Detonation: Remote

This message was edited 13 times. Last update was at 2024/01/19 21:13:54

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Placeholder for Combi-Weapons

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Placeholder for Esoteric Weapons

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Flame-Type Weapons
The original Mission of the Intolerance was to reinforce a Bastion World with a Company of Deathwatch, that stood in the path of a Tyranid Hive Fleet. To this end, its Arsenal reflects an intention to destroy hordes of ravenous bugs. Virtually every flame-producing weapon that could be spared from their vaults was loaded on to the Frigate and its store tanks were filled with Promethium. While this was a considerable volume of liquid death, it is not by any means infinite. The total potential ammunition for all Flame-type Weapons in the Arsenal, and therefore also this Campaign, is 5,000. Every time a model Equips a Flamer-Type, Hand Flamer, Heavy Flamer-Type, Flame Gauntlet, Combi-weapon with a Flamer Component, or a Relic version of these, subtract that weapon's Ammunition from the Arsenal's remaining Promethium Stores. Any unused Ammunition is returned to the Arsenal's Stores during the Debriefing Phase, provided the weapon and/or ammunition in question makes it back to the Intolerance. If the Promethium Stores ever reach 0, the Deathwatch will have to secure alternative sources of it or they will be unable to equip any more weapons with the Flame-Type.

It should be noted here that Promethium Blast Bombs require 3 Ammunition to function correctly.

The Threshold and Cost of all Flame-Type Weapons assumes a model or Specialty is not equipped with the weapon as part of its Standard Loadout. If a model is equipped with a particular weapon as a part of its Standard Loadout - as is the case with Infernal Intercessors - they do not have to meet the Threshold nor do they have to pay the Renown Cost to have it. Additionally, if a model with a particular Flame-Type Weapon in their Standard Loadout wants to equip a second version of that weapon, they ignore its Threshold and pay only half its Cost.

All of these weapons have variant designs. In each case, the Deathwatch standard version is listed first, followed by its variations. Some of these variants come auto-equipped with certain upgrades. Where this is the case, these upgrades are listed with the weapon under the Integral Wargear heading. Many variants also have a larger or smaller Magazine Capacity. Where this is true, it has no effect on the Cost of Ammunition, this is accounted for in the variant's own Threshold and Cost.

Ammunition and Flame-Type Weapons
Flame-Type weapons expend ammunition in similar ways to other weapons with a variable number of shots. Unlike other weapons, however, Flame-Type weapons only expend 1 Ammo per D6 or 2D3 rolled.

A weapon with a Rate of Fire of 3D6 would expend 3 Ammo, but a weapon with a Rate of Fire of 4D3, would only expend 2 Ammo

Weapons with an odd number of D3 shots, such as 3D3, expend 1 extra Ammo every second time they are fired. Weapons with only D3 shots, expend 1 Ammo every other time they are fired. Lastly, weapons with a modifier to their number of shots, such as +1 or -1, do not expend an extra Ammo for this. These weapons are simply more efficient with their Ammo.

Ammunition with *+ add the Qualities that follow it to the weapon's pre-existing list of Qualities. Duplicated Qualities have no additional effect, but Integrated Ammunition layers its effects with any Special Ammunition purchased/loaded into that weapon. Qualities marked with a *, however, do add their effect to any pre-existing Quality of the same name on the weapon.

Assigning Hits from Flame-Type Weapons
Unlike other weapons, hits from Flame-type weapons must be assigned to models along a straight line drawn from the Shooter to the weapon's maximum Range, starting with the closest models first. At ranges up to half maximum, the models eligible to be targets are within 1" of that line; at ranges beyond half maximum, the models eligible to be targets are within 3" of that line. If you still have Flame Templates from 7th Edition or earlier, simply use that to determine which models are eligible to be targeted. Any model where the Flame Template even grazes their base is an eligible target. For Flame-Type weapons that automatically hit, this Template can instead be used to determine which models, specifically, have been hit. Note that all Flame-Type weapons, except Immolation Rifles and some Firing Modes of the Triflame Vambrace, use the same sized Flame Template. If you don't have access to this type of Template or don't want to use it, you can instead default to the target priority rules explained in the first two sentences of this paragraph.

Flamers can all be categorized as rifle-analogous, in that they are two-handed and roughly rifle-shaped. Note that, for the most part, these weapons do not have the Rifle Quality (meaning they cannot be adequately aimed. Also note that, unlike the current Edition of 40k, many of these weapons do not automatically hit their targets in all of their Firing Modes.

Flamers cannot equip Weapon Attachments, but may take Weapon Modifications as normal. Note that Bayonets do not take up a space for these purposes and are considered a "free slot" attachment.

Flamers may be loaded with Hand Tank, Flame Tank, or an intermediary drum-equivalent Flame Charger. Some of these weapons may alternatively be fitted with an Auxiliary Ammo Feed or a Backpack Ammo Supply, provided they are also equipped with an Auxiliary Feed as either Integral Wargear or as a weapon mod after the fact.

Firing Modes (AKA Why are there 3 different entries for "Standard"?)
Author's Note
: When I first wrote these up, I had included both a Burst and an Autofire Mode for almost all of these weapons. But then I realized that there was virtually no difference between any of these Modes, unlike the previously detailed "Bolter" category. Also, many of these weapons automatically hit when Shooting, so the idea of making them "Heavy" in Autofire was pointless as the bonus or penalty to hit didn't mean anything. What I had wanted to convey was that the Shooter had to stand still to use that Mode. This was something I already established had to be done for Precision Firing Mode, so every instance of Autofire was simply translated to an alternate Precision option. Additionally, with no Range penalty for firing in Burst Mode (for the most part) this meant it, too, was a pointless extra wording. So, essentially, nearly every Flame-Type Weapon simply has different settings of Standard and Precision Mode equating to how long your model keeps the trigger depressed. It also means that rules corresponding to Firing Modes act on fewer options.

In game terms, a player just declares the number of dice they are rolling when Shooting and that determines how much Ammo is expended.

Modifying Flame-Type Weapons
Like any other Ranged Weapon equipped by a Deathwatch Marine during the Arming Phase, Flame-Type Weapons may have their performance enhanced by a number of optional Weapon Mods presented at the end of this list. There is no limit to the number of Mods each gun can have, except as dictated by the Category they fall under. *I'll add a blurb about this in the General introduction I posted at the start of this new series above.


T:C / Weapon / Wt / H|F|C|A|B / Integral Wargear / Qualities
30:4 / Mark IIIa "Heretic" / 3 / 4|8|10|30|48 / - / <Tactical>
Precision: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D3, Reduces Cover (-2)
Precision: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4D3, Automatically Hits, Reduces Cover (-2)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Automatically Hits, Reduces Cover (-1)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D3+1, Assault, Dangerous to Use (when Advancing), Reduces Cover (-1)

42:1 / Absolution-Pattern / 2 / 3|9|12|30|48 / - / Assault, Automatically Hits, Exceptional, Reduces Cover (-3), <Salamanders>, <Tactical>, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, -
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6, -

18:1 / Artemia Mark3 "Purgation" / 2 / 3|9|12|30|48 / - / Assault, <Assault>, <Tactical>
Precision: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Reduces Cover (-2)
Standard: 10" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Automatically Hits
Standard: 10" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6, Dangerous to Use (when Advancing), Reduces Cover (-1)

52:2 / Helios-Prime Pattern / 3 / 4|8|10|30|48 / - / Adorned, Assault, <Space Wolves>, <Tactical>, Unique (D3*)
Precision: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Reduces Cover (-3)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Automatically Hits, Reduces Cover (-2)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3D3, Dangerous to Use (when Advancing), Reduces Cover (-1)

55:1 / Mark III Pattern / 3 / 4|12|20|30|48 / - / Assault, <Blood Angels>, <Tactical>, Unique (D3*)
Precision: 10" Range, Rate of Fire: 6D3, -
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Automatically Hits
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4D3, -

22:1 / Mark VII Assault / 2 / 4|8|10|30|48 / - / Assault, <Assault>, Inefficient Reaction, Reduces Cover (-2)
Standard: 10" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Automatically Hits
Standard: 10" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6, -
Standard: 10" Range, Rate of Fire: 3D6, -

14:1 / Mars-Pattern / 2 / 4|6|8|30|48 / - / Assault, Automatically Hits, Reduces Cover (-3), <Tactical>
Precision: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6, -
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, -
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3D3-1, -

17:3 / Mars "Crusader" Variant / 2 / 4|8|10|30|48 / - / Assault, Automatically Hits, Bane, Reduces Cover (-3), <Tactical>
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D3, -
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3D3-1, -
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6, -

5:1 / Mezoa-Pattern / 3 / 4|6|8|30|48 / - / Assault, Automatically Hits, Bane, Reduces Cover (-2), Tainted Artifice, Unique (D3)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D3, -
Standard: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6, -

36:1 / Mjorn-Pattern / 2 / 4|8|10|30|48 / - / Assault, Efficient Reaction, Reduces Cover (-2)
Precision: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D3, Automatically Hits, Bane
Precision: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3D6, -
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Automatically Hits
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6, -

76:7 / Nocturne-Pattern / 2 / 4|9|12|30|48 / - / Exceptional, Reduces Cover (-3), Reliable, <Salamanders>, <Tactical>, Unique (D3*)
Precision: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Bane
Precision: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3D6, -
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Automatically Hits
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6, -

98:14 / Nocturne-Pattern "Exemplar" / 1 / 4|10|15|30|48 / - / Assault, Masterwork, Reduces Cover (-3), Reliable, <Salamanders>, <Tactical>, Unique (1*)
Precision: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: D6+1, Bane
Precision: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3D6+1, -
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6+1, Automatically Hits
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6+1, -

38:1 / Phaestos-Pattern / 2 / 4|6|8|30|48 / - / Reduces Cover (-2), Reliable, <Tactical>
Precision: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Pinpoint Accuracy
Precision: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: 3D6, -
Standard: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D3, Automatically Hits
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6, -

47:13 / Pyreblaster / 3 / 6|9|15|30|48 / Auxiliary Feed / Bane, <Intercessor>, Reduces Cover (-3), <Ultima Founding>
Precision: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: D6+1, Pinpoint Accuracy
Standard: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D3+1, Automatically Hits
Standard: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6+1, Automatically Hits
Standard: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6+3, Pinpoint Accuracy

43:1 / Ultima-Pattern MkIV / 2 / 4|6|8|30|48 / - / Assault, Automatically Hits, <Raven Guard>, Reduces Cover (-3), <Tactical>, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, -
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D3, -
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4D3, -

13:1 / Voss-Pattern / 1 / 4|6|9|30|48 / Chem-Injector (Tox) / Assault, Automatically Hits, Bane, Lingering Toxin (Tox), Unique (2)
Standard: 5" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, -

Relic Flamers
60:2 / Anvillus-Tithed / 2 / 4|6|8|30|48 / - / Assault, <Blood Angels>, Reduces Cover (-2), Relic, Unique (1)
Precision: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 6D3, -
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D3, -
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4D3, -

63:13 / Balefire Gun / 2 / 4|6|9|30|48 / Chem-Injector (Tox), Shielded Rad-Chamber / Assault, Automatically Hits, Bane, Lingering Toxin (Tox), Masterwork, Rad-Phage, Relic, <Tactical>, Unique (3)
Precision: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6, -
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, -
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D3, -

51:8 / Furnace Born / 2 / 4|9|12|30|48 / - / Assault, Masterwork, Reduces Cover (-3), Relic, <Tactical>, Unique (1)
Precision: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D3, Pinpoint Accuracy
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Automatically Hits
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D3, Automatically Hits
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6, Automatically Hits

37:8 / Ghostfire / 2 / 4|8|10|30|48 / - / Assault, Automatically Hits, Blast, Burning Fury <Psyker>, Masterwork, Reduces Cover (-2), Relic, Tainted, Unique (1)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, -
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -

80:12 / Krakenbreath / 3 / 4|6|8|30|48 / - / Assault, Butcher <Infantry>, Knockback (2"), Masterwork, Reduces Cover (-2), Relic, <Space Wolves>, <Tactical>, Unique (1)
Precision: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6, Automatically Hits
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Automatically Hits
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D3, -

59:12 / Pyroclast Projector / 4 / 6|12|18|30|48 / - / Assault, Cumbersome, Exceptional, Relic, <Salamanders>, Terminator-Compatible, Unique (1)
Precision: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Armor-Burning, Bane, Butcher
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6, Automatically Hits, Reduces Cover (-3)

Unlockable Relic Flamers
48:5 / Accatran Mk1c / 2 / 3|9|12|30|50 / - / Automatically Hits, Mark of the Ecclessiarchy, Masterwork, Reduces Cover (-2), Relic, <Tactical>, Unique (1)
Precision: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6, -
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Assault
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D3, Assault

54:11 / Anethematic Purifier / 2 / 4|6|8|30|48 / - / <Black Wasps>, Assault, Automatically Hits, Killer <Psyker>, Pariah, Reduces Cover (-3), Relic, Resonant, Unique (1)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, -
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6, -

65:20 / Darkfire Eradicator / 2 / 3|9|12|-|48 / Darkfire Fuel Amp / Assault, Automatically Hits, Blackfire, Inefficient Reaction, Masterwork, Rad-Phage, Reduces Cover (-4), Relic, Tainted, Unique (1)
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, -
Standard: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6, -

19:1 / Gorgon Breath / 2 / 4|6|9|30|48 / Chem-Injector (Meduscia) / Assault, Automatically Hits, Lingering Toxin (Meduscia), Relic, Unique (1)
Precision: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, -
Precision: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3D3, -

59:4 / Intolerance of the Righteous / 2 / 4|6|8|30|48 / - / Assault, Automatically Hits, Bane <Daemon>, Bane <Psyker>, Bane <Xenos>, Butcher <Daemon>, Butcher <Psyker>, Butcher <Xenos>, <Nova Marines>, Relic, Unique (1)
Standard: 21" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, -

44:9 / Sanctuary-Maker / 2 / 3|6|9|30|48 / - / Assault, Automatically Hits, Bane <Chaos>, Butcher <Chaos>, Ferocious Fire <Chaos>, Masterwork, Reduces Cover (-3), Relic, Unique (1)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, -
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D3, -

46:5 / Solar-Pattern / 2 / -|6|-|-|48 / - / Accurate, Assault, Efficient Reaction, Masterwork, Reduces Cover (-3), Relic, <Tactical>, Terrible Inferno, Unique (*)
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, -
Standard: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 4D3, -

33:3 / STC Flamer / 2 / 3|6|-|-|48 / - / Accurate, Assault, Masterwork, Reduces Cover (-2), Relic, Terrible Inferno, Unique (*)
Standard: 8" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, -
Standard: 4" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D3, -

Hand Flamers
Most of these pistols have interchangeable Ammo magazines called Hand Tanks, but a small selection have their Ammo containers built into the weapon itself. Reloading a pistol with this Integral Wargear takes an entire Phase - either the Movement Phase or a model's entire Shooting Phase, controlling Player's choice.

Unlike other Flame-Type Weapons, most Hand Flamers may only be equipped with Hand Tank Ammo sources, with the notable exception being the Phaestos-Pattern Hand Flamer. This weapon can be fitted to an Auxiliary Ammo Feed or a Backpack Ammo Supply, with 30 Ammo and 48 Ammo, respectively.

T:C / Weapon / Wt / H / Integral Wargear / Qualities
17:11 / Mars-Pattern / 2 / 6 / Heat-Inhibiting Design / <Assault>, Efficient Reaction, Exceptional, Pistol
Precision: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D3, Reduces Cover (-1)
Precision: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 4D3, -
Standard: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Automatically Hits
Standard: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D3+1, -

44:8 / Ignis-Pattern / 1 / 6 / Heat-Inhibiting Design / <Blood Angels>, Pistol
Precision: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D3, -
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D3, Automatically Hits
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Assault

1:1 / Mezoa-Pattern / 2 / 4 / Heat-Inhibiting Design / Pistol, Tainted Artifice
Precision: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6, -
Standard: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: D3, Automatically Hits
Standard: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D3, -

65:6 / Phaestos-Pattern / 2 / 6 / Auxiliary Feed, Heat-Inhibiting Design / Masterwork, Pistol, Relic
Precision: 14" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Reduces Cover (-3)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Automatically Hits, Reduces Cover (-1)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6, Assault, Dangerous to Use (when Advancing), Reliable
Standard: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 6D3, Reduces Cover (-1)

28:9 / Pyre Pistol / 2 / 6 / Heat-Inhibiting Design / <Champion>, Pistol, Reduces Cover (-2), <Ultima Founding>, <Veteran>
Precision: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Pinpoint Accuracy
Standard: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: D6+1, Assault
Standard: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: 3D3, Assault

Relic Hand Flamers
31:1 / Akkadic-Pattern / 1 / 8 / Heat-Inhibiting Design / Masterwork, Pistol, Relic, Tainted, Unique (1)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Automatically Hits
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D3+1, Automatically Hits
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4D3, Reduces Cover (-2)

35:1 / Crucible / 1 / 6 / Heat-Inhibiting Design / Assault, Masterwork, Pistol, Reduces Cover (-2), Relic, Unique (1), <Veteran>
Precision: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4D3, Automatically Hits
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, -
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D3+1, -

46:5 / The Destroyer / 2 / 6 / Force Compressor, Heat-Inhibiting Design, Integral Tank / Efficient Reaction, Masterwork, Pistol, Relic, Unique (1)
Precision: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: D3+1, Reduces Cover (-3)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Automatically Hits

55:1 / Drake's Dominion / 1 / 6 / Heat-Inhibiting Design / <Covenant of Fire>, Masterwork, Pistol, Relic, Unique (1)
Precision: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D3, Reduces Cover (-3)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D3+1, Automatically Hits, Reduces Cover (-1)

64:6 / Fire Pelt / 1 / 6 / Heat-Inhibiting Design / Automatically Hits, Butcher, Masterwork, Pistol, Relic, <Space Wolves>, Unique (1)
Standard: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, -
Standard: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D3+1, -

84:16 / Icefire / 1 / 6 / Heat-Inhibiting Design / Masterwork, Pinning (+3), Pistol, Relic, <Space Wolves>, Unique (1)
Precision: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6, Automatically Hits, Reduces Cover (-2)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Automatically Hits, Reduces Cover (-2)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D3+1, Assault

Unlockable Relic Hand Flamers
60:14 / Archeotech Flame Pistol / 1 / 4 / Integral Hand Tank, Volumizing Projector / Automatically Hits, Masterwork, Pinning (+2), Pistol, Relic, Unique (1)
Precision: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D3+2, Reduces Cover (-2)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6+2, Reduces Cover (-1)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6+2, Reduces Cover (-1)

55:9 / Heretic's Due / 1 / 6 / Heat-Inhibiting Design / Anathema <Chaos>, Automatically Hits, Bane <Chaos>, Masterwork, Pinning (+2), Pistol, Relic, Unique (1)
Standard: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, -
Standard: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D3+1, Assault

81:13 / Tiamat / 1 / 6 / - / <Black Dragons>, Masterwork, Pistol, Relic, Unique (1)
Precision: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D3, Reduces Cover (-2)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Automatically Hits, Reduces Cover (-1)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D3+2, Assault, Dangerous to Use (when Advancing)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6, Automatically Hits, Reduces Cover (-2)

Heavy Flamers
Heavy Flamers are extremely versatile in their Ammo sources and many may be loaded with Hand Tanks, Flame Tanks, Flame Chargers, Auxiliary Ammo Feeds, or Backpack Ammo Supplies.

T:C / Weapon / Wt / H|F|C|A|B / Integral Wargear / Qualities
68:13 / Mars-Pattern / 4 / 6|8|12|30|48 / Auxiliary Feed, Volumizing Projector / Assault, <Champion>, Terminator-Compatible
Precision: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 5D6, Automatically Hits, Reduces Cover (-2)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Automatically Hits, Reduces Cover (-3)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3D6, Reduces Cover (-1)

75:14 / Anvillus-Pattern / 4 / 6|12|18|30|48 / Auxiliary Feed, Vambrace Support, Volumizing Projector / Assault, <Champion>, <Iron Hands>, <Minotaurs>, Reliable, Terminator-Compatible
Precision: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6, Automatically Hits, Reduces Cover (-3)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Automatically Hits, Reduces Cover (-2)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D3+1, Reduces Cover (-2)

18:6 / Locke-Pattern / 4 / -|-|-|30|48 / Auxiliary Feed, Pintle Mount, Volumizing Projector / Assault, Automatically Hits, Blast, Cumbersome, Reduces Cover (-3)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, -
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6,
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4D3+1, -

61:1 / Nocturne-Ultima Pattern / 5 / 8|14|-|30|48 / Auxiliary Feed, Vambrace Support, Volumizing Projector / <Champion>, Cumbersome, Efficient Reaction, Heavy, Reduces Cover (-2), <Salamanders>, Stabilized, Tartaros-Compatible
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D3, -
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4D3,
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 6D3, -

46:17 / Phaestos-Pattern / 5 / 6|12|20|30|48 / Auxiliary Feed, Vambrace Support, Volumizing Projector / Cataphractii-Compatible, <Champion>, Heavy, <Tactical>, <Veteran>
Precision: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Reduces Cover (-4)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Assault, Automatically Hits
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6, Reduces Cover (-3)

38:8 / Proteus-Pattern / (5) 6 / -|-|40|-|48 / Autoloader, Auxiliary Feed, Integral Flame Charger (+1), Vambrace Support, Volumizing Projector / Assault, Heavy, Rifle, Stabilized, Two-Handed
Precision: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Reduces Cover (-2)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D3, Automatically Hits, Reduces Cover (-1)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6, Reduces Cover (-1)

58:8 / Ultima-Pattern / 4 / -|-|40|-|48 / Auxiliary Feed, Vambrace Support, Volumizing Projector / Assault, <Champion>, <Dark Angels>, Terminator-Compatible
Precision: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, Automatically Hits
Precision: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6, Reduces Cover (-3)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Automatically Hits, Reduces Cover (-1)

Relic Heavy Flamers
68:9 / Magnus-Pattern "Cerberus" / 5 / -|-|-|-|48 / Auxiliary Feed, Volumizing Projector / Cumbersome, Heavy, Reduces Cover (-4), Relic, Terrible Inferno
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3D6, -
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 6D3, Assault
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 8D3, Accurate

40:1 / Magnus-Pattern "Gorgon" / (4) 5 / -|3|-|11|24 / Auxiliary Feed, Chem-Injector (Gorgonis) (+1), Volumizing Projector / Corrosive, Cumbersome, Heavy, Relic, Volatile Package
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D3+3, -
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D3+3, Assault
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4D3+3, -

Relic Heavy Flamers
82:16 / Breath of Stars / 4 / 4|8|12|30|48 / Auxiliary Feed, Volumizing Projector / Assault, Masterwork, Reduces Cover (-3), Relic, <Star Dragons>
Precision: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D3+3, Deadly Aim, On My Target
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 5D3-1, Automatically Hits

Unlockable Relic Heavy Flamers
76:23 / Cherex-Pattern Chem Projector / 5 / 3|6|12|30|48 / Auxiliary Feed, Chem-Injector (Cherexia), Darkfire Fuel Amp, Volumizing Projector / Assault, Corrosive, Lingering Toxin (Cherexia), Masterwork, Pinning (+3), Relic, Unique (1)
Precison: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 3D6, Reduce Cover (-1)
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Reduces Cover (-1)
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6, -

48:8 / Judician Voice / 2 / -|-|12|30|48 / Auxiliary Feed, Volumizing Projector / Assault, Automatically Hits, Masterwork, Reduces Cover (-3), Relic
Precision: 21" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6, -
Standard: 21" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, -

Uncategorized Flame-Type Weapons
These Flame-Type Weapons have unique and variable Ammo sources. While listed with Hand Tank, Flame Tank, Flame Charger, Auxiliary Ammo Feed, and Backpack Ammo Supply options, not all of these weapons have access to all of these options. The Immolation Rifle, in particular, uses its own unique Ammo source which, although it uses Promethium as its ammunition, is purchased in the same way and weight as Rifle Magazines. In other words, when purchasing reloads for it, the Threshold and Cost covers 4 Magazines, which collectively equal 1 Weight.

An Immolation Rifle is an exception to the rule prohibiting Flame-Type Weapons from equipping Sights and other Weapon Attachments. It may have up to 1.

T:C / Weapon / Wt / H|F|C|A|B / Integral Wargear / Qualities
40:6 / Flamestorm Gauntlet / (1) 4 / 3|-|-|30|- / Auxiliary Feed, Built In Melee Weapon [Powerfist (+3)], Integral Hand Tank / Accurate, <Aggressor>, Assault, Close-Range Efficiency, Gravis-Compatible, Terrible Inferno, [Twin-Linked] When Paired, <Ultima Founding>
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6+1, -
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6+4, -
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6+4, -

12:3* / Flame-Caster / 2 / -|8|-|-|- / - / Assault, Automatically Hits, Catastrophic Injuries, Cumbersome, Reduces Cover (-2), Relic, Tainted
Standard: 10" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, -
*This weapon can only be obtained with Esteem from the Magnites Faction and is on this list simply for completion's sake.

28:10 / Immolation Rifle / 1 / -|3*|-|-|- / Unique Ammo Type / Blast, Reduces Cover (-1), Rifle, Unique (2)
Precision: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, Pinpoint Accuracy, Deadly Aim
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Assault
*This is the amount of Promethium each Magazine takes from the stock, but the number of Shots per Magazine is actually Quadruple this number. Therefore, for just 3 Promethium, this Weapon actually has 12 Shots per Magazine and purchases 4 reloads for the same Threshold and Cost as a single Flame Tank.

40:6 / Magnus-Pattern "Hydra" / 1 / -|6|-|30|48 / Autoloader, Auxiliary Feed, Integral Flame Tank / Accurate, Blast, Reduces Cover (-1), Too Close, Vambrace Attachment
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, -
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6, Dangerous to Use

Relic Uncategorized Flame-Type Weapons
48:8 / Triflame Vambrace / 2 / 3|-|-|-|- / Chem Injector (Dihydro), Integral Hand Tank, Trifurcated Projector / Assault, Accurate, Relic, Unique (1), Vambrace Attachment
Precision: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Reliable, Terrible Inferno
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4D3, Blast, Pinning (+2)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Reduces Cover (-2), Devastating

Flame-Type Weapon Ammunition Types
The Threshold and Cost for this Ammunition is the same regardless of the size or variety of the Flame-Type Weapon it is being loaded into. The Cost for each category buys 2 Hand Tanks, but 1 each of every other type of Ammo source. A model may never carry more than 2 Auxiliary Ammo Feeds or more than 1 Backpack Ammo Supply. The Weight of 2 Hand Tanks, fully loaded, is 1. Each additional 2, or part thereof, also Weighs 1. Flame Tanks, fully loaded, each Weigh 1. Flame Chargers first, add +1 Weight to the weapon they are loaded into and the first additional one (the first reload carried), Weighs 2, with each subsequent Charger equipped adding an additional +1 Weight. All Flame-Type Ammo sources Weigh 0 when empty.

*Treat the Magazines loaded into Immolation Rifles as the same Weight as a single Flame Tank, but for 4 Immolation Mags.

T:C H|F|C|A|B / Ammo / Strength / AP / Damage / Qualities
3:1|2|3|5|8 / Promethium / 4 / - / 1 / Limited Supply (5,000), *+Ablaze

27:16|32|38|80|128 / Infernum / 4 / - / 1 / Limited Supply (100), *+Ablaze, Blast, Doubles Rate of Fire, Heavy

31:18|36|43|90|144 / Toxiferran / 4 / -2 / 1 / Limited Supply (D3x5), *+Ablaze, Poisoned (3+), Relic

Alchemical Promethium Additives
T:C / Additive / Effect
+9:+1 / Alchemical Hellfire / Limited Supply (D6x10), *+Hellfire, Reduces Cover (-2)*, Reduces Strength (-2)

+10:+3 / Hexfire Infusion / *+Anathema <Psyker>, Bane <Psyker>, Reduces Cover (-1)*

+10:+5 / Alchemical Shadowfire / *+Armour-Burner, Butcher <Monster>, Killer <Monster>

+13:+5 / Nightfire Infusion / *+Irradiated, Lingering Damage, Rad-Phage, Pinning (+3)*

Integral Wargear Explained
Autoloader: weapons with multiple Ammo sources - such as a Backpack Ammo Supply and a Flame Charger - require manual change from one source to another, unless they are equipped with an Autoloader mod. This allows the transfer from any equipped Ammo source to any carried Ammo source to happen automatically, without the need to sacrifice an entire Phase to do so, the very first time, per Mission, that this swap needs to happen.

Auxiliary Feed: the presence of this Weapon mod allows a Flame Weapon to be hooked up to an Auxiliary Ammo Feed or a Backpack Ammo Supply. If the weapon does not also have an Autoloader mod, changing Ammunition sources from the Auxiliary Feed to a Tank or Charger requires 1 full Movement Phase or 1 full Shooting Phase from the model in order to do so.

Chem Injector: this weapon mod introduces a chemical agent to the Promethium mix that causes an automatic secondary hit each time a model is Wounded by this weapon. The effects of this hit are detailed in each of the Chems themselves and can vary from a weaker injury to a neurological effect. Chem Injectors also have an additional effect on the weapon they are equipped to. Each type a weapon with a Chem Injector would expend 2 or more Ammo on a single Shot, roll a D6. On a 5+, one of those expended Ammunition is refunded.

Darkfire Fuel Amp: this device is a relic of the Dark Ages and a proscribed artifact. Using one draws the scrutiny of the Inquisition, meaning each time a model or Squad would gain Esteem with any Inquisitorial Faction on a Mission where this weapon mod is also present, they gain -D3 less. If this takes their Esteem "gain" to less than 0, that model or squad instead loses that amount of Esteem instead of gaining any. A Darkfire Fuel Amp adds +2Strength, improves the AP by 2, and adds +1 Damage to any Flame Weapon it is modded into. In addition, this weapon gains the Tainted Artifice Quality.

Force Compressor: this mod doubles the weapon's modified Strength. This doubling happens after all other modifiers to the weapon's Strength have been calculated (so after the modifications imposed by Heat Inhibiting Design, Darkfire Fuel Amp, and/or Volumizing Projector have been taken into account).

Heat-Inhibiting Design: this mod reduces the Strength of the weapon by -1, but also removes any Deadly to Use Qualities the weapon might have. For Hand Flamers this Integral Wargear means the Promethium loaded into them hits at Strength 3, instead of 4.

Integral Ammo Source: (such as Hand Tank and Flame Tank in Flame-Type Weapons) this Weapon Mod means a weapon can be loaded with 2 (or more depending on the Integral Ammo sources, types, or numbers) Ammunition types at the same time. Switching between these Ammo types is a non-action, but it cannot be done in the middle of a Shooting Phase. A player must choose which Ammo type they want to Shoot with before making their hit rolls.

Pintle Mount: a weapon with this Mod may be braced against any Terrain Feature or a purpose built Mount to negate the Cumbersome, Two-Handed, and Inaccurate Qualities inherent in the weapon. To brace, a model must be in base to base contact with the Terrain Feature or Pintle Mount. In addition, a model so braced increases the base Rate of Fire of their weapon by +1 in all Firing Modes available to it. A braced model cannot Move or Advance. Some Talents also interact with Pintle Mounts.

Shielded Rad-Chamber: if properly installed, this Weapon Mod protects the model from any Irradiated Quality effects the weapon would otherwise have (such as Rad-Saturated Bolter Shells).

Trifurcated Projector: a weapon equipped with this Weapon Mod may select Targets that are up to 8" apart, instead of following the normal rules for target priority.

Vambrace Support: a weapon with this Mod may use their weapon as if it had the Rifle Quality and negates the hit penalty for Moving and Shooting with Heavy Weapons. However, this Mod also takes up one Vambrace Attachment slot on the model when equipped.

Volumizing Projector: this Weapon Mod increases the Strength of the Energy Weapon it is attached to by +1. If this would bring the weapon's Strength to 7 or more, it also adds the Dangerous to Use Quality to all of its Firing Modes.

Chemical Additives (Chems) and their Effects
A weapon requires a Chem Injector Mod to make use of these Additives. The T and C of the following Chems adjust the Threshold and Cost of the Ammunition they are added to.

T:C-Chem: Description of Effect / Supply
+5:+1-Cherexia: on a successful Wound roll of the parent weapon, this Chem inflicts a single Strength 3 AP-1 Damage 1 hit. / A total of 12 Applications of this Chem are found if the Cherex-Pattern Chem Projector Relic is also found. The Threshold and Cost of this Chem increases by +2 and +1, respectively, every time another Application of it is purchased. The aforementioned Relic has an unlimited Supply of this Chem when equipped and always will, regardless of whether or not the remainder of this Chem has already been used up.

+8:+4-Cyanogenic: on a successful Wound roll of the parent weapon, this Chem forces the Target to take an immediate Toughness test. If they pass, there is no further effect. If they fail, both their Strength and Toughness Characteristics are reduced by 1 each until the end of the Mission. Only one test per Battleround may be forced on a model, regardless of the number of times they are successfully Wounded by weapons with this Chem. If a model's Toughness or Strength is reduced to zero, they suffer a single Mortal Wound. If either Characteristic would be reduced to less than zero, instead set that Characteristic to zero and inflict D2+1 Mortal Wounds on the model. / A total of 2D3x10 Applications of this Chem exist onboard the Intolerance at the start of the Campaign.

+2:+1-Degenerator: on a successful Wound roll of the parent weapon, this Chem forces the Target to take an immediate Toughness test. If they pass, there is no further effect. If they fail, the model becomes +1 to be Wounded until the end of their next Turn. / A total of 2D3x10 Applications of this Chem exist onboard the Intolerance at the start of the Campaign.

+24:+12-Dihydro: this Chem grants the player the ability to add any two of the following Qualities to each of the parent weapon's Firing Modes. No two Firing Modes may have the same Qualities, unless those Qualities already existed with the weapon. Blast, Deadly Aim, Devastating, Helfrost, Pinning (+2), Pinpoint Accuracy, Reliable, Reduces Cover (-2), Supplants Rate of Fire (1) & Increases Range (+12"), Supplants Rate of Fire (1) & Target Selection, Terrible Inferno. / A total of D3x5 Applications of this Chem exist onboard the Intolerance at the start of the Campaign.

+6:+3-Gamma Phage: on a successful Wound roll of the parent weapon, this Chem forces the Target to take an immediate Toughness test. If they pass, there is no further effect. If they fail, the model reduces their Movement Characteristic by half (rounding down) and cannot Advance, Shoot, or Charge on their next Turn. / A total of 2D3x10 Applications of this Chem exist onboard the Intolerance at the start of the Campaign.

+15:+3-Gorgonis: on a successful Wound roll of the parent weapon, this Chem inflicts a single Strength 2 AP-3 Damage 2 hit, with the Hellfire Quality. Gorgonis also increases the Weight of the weapon it is loaded into by +1 and adds the Volatile Package Quality to it as well. / A total of D3x8 Applications of this Chem exist onboard the Intolerance at the start of the Campaign.

+2:+1-Meduscia: on a successful Wound roll of the parent weapon, this Chem forces the Target to take an immediate Toughness test. If they pass, there is no further effect. If they fail, the model reduces their Movement Characteristic to 0 until the end of their next Turn. The model may still Move, but can only do so by Advancing (and suffering from all of the rules governing that action). / A total of 12 Applications of this Chem are found if the Gorgon Breath Relic is also found. The Threshold and Cost of this Chem increases by +2 and +1, respectively, every time another Application of it is purchased. The aforementioned Relic has an unlimited Supply of this Chem when equipped and always will, regardless of whether or not the remainder of this Chem has already been used up.

+10:+3-Phosgenic Agent: on a successful Wound roll of the parent weapon against a model with an Armor Save of 4+ or worse, this Chem inflicts a single Strength 2 AP-1 Damage 1 hit. In addition, this Chem also automatically inflicts the Lingering Toxin (Phosgenic Agent) on the target, increasing the Strength of this automatic hit by +1 every Turn until the Mission ends or the Target is removed as a casualty. This Chem has no effect on models with a 3+ Armor Save or better. / A total of 2D3x10 Applications of this Chem exist onboard the Intolerance at the start of the Campaign.

+4:+1-Rad-Saturation: on a successful Wound roll of the parent weapon, this Chem inflicts a single Strength 3 AP-1 Damage 1 hit, with the Rad-Phage Quality. This Chem also adds the Irradiated Quality to the weapon it's equipped to, unless that weapon also has a successfully installed Shielded Rad-Chamber. / A total of D3x5 Applications of this Chem exist onboard the Intolerance at the start of the Campaign.

+1:+1-Tox: on a successful Wound roll of the parent weapon, this Chem inflicts a single Strength 4 AP-3 Damage 1 hit. / A total of 2D6x10 Applications of this Chem exist onboard the Intolerance at the start of the Campaign.

Flame-Type Weapon Mods
Any Flame-Type Weapon except Relics can have Weapon Mods. A single weapon cannot have more than one Projector, cannot equip more than one Chem Injector, and cannot equip more than one Integral Ammo Source. Installing any of these Mods requires that either a model from the equipping character's Squad spends 1 Rating from their Tech Skill per Mod or rolls their Tech Skill and accepts the risk of failure. If a model chooses to roll and succeeds, that model gains +1XP. If that model rolls and fails, the equipping model is forced to deploy on the Mission with the Botched Effect Weapon Mod. If the model so equipped survives the Mission despite their flawed weapon, they gain an additional +1XP. Spending a Rating guarantees a successful Mod.

The Threshold and Cost adjustments for these Mods apply to the T and C of the weapon they modify, adding their totals together. Relic weapons cannot be Modded in this way.

T:C / Weapon Mod / Botched Effect / Successful Effect
+5:+1 / Ammo Counter / The weapon is a liar, deceiving the wielder into thinking they have enough to persevere when they simply do not. Whenever this weapon is chosen to Shoot with, roll an additional D6. On the roll of a 4+, that shot uses up 1 additional Ammunition. / The weapon is efficient and methodical, and chimes quietly in the user's internal vox to inform them when their Ammo is running low. Whenever this weapon is chosen to Shoot with, roll an additional D6. On the roll of a 4+, that shot uses 1 less Ammunition.

+5:+2 / Artificer's Gilding / The weapon's Machine Spirit is displeased with the attempt to disfigure it and rebels at the clumsy ornamentation of its housing. This weapon gains the Jams Quality. / Pleased with the exquisite reworking of its ancient shell, this weapon's Machine Spirit endeavors to fight with distinction worthy of awe. This weapon gains the Adorned Quality.

+2:+1 / Autoloader / The feeds simply do not align properly. This Weapon Mod adds +1 Weight, but otherwise does not work. / A marvel of technology and automation. The first time per Mission this weapon needs to swap Ammo from an Auxiliary Ammo Feed or a Backpack Ammo Supply to a different Ammo source, it happens automatically.

+2:+1 / Auxiliary Feed / The feeds simply do not align properly. This Weapon Mod simply does not work. / An easy adjustment. The weapon may now be loaded with an Auxiliary Ammo Feed or a Backpack Ammo Supply.

+2:+1 / Chem Injector / Choked with poison, the feeder hoses clog and misfire, sending gouts of corrosive mist trailing wherever the wielder treads. The model equipped with this weapon gains the Miasmic Aura (3") Quality with the same effect as the loaded Chem. This Chem affects both the wielder and any model within the Aura's effect radius without needing to first Wound with another effect. The automatic hit takes effect at the start of each of the wielder's Movement Phases. / The weapon acknowledges its new purpose and endeavors to utilize this new potency effectively. This weapon gains the effect of the associated Chem, which must be purchased separately.

+17:+9 / Darkfire Fuel Amp / The terrible artifice used to create this profane device has baffled your attempts to retrofit it. This weapon gains the Corrupted Strikes, Tainted, and Tainted Artifice Qualities. / Despite its concerted effort to thwart you, skill has prevailed and you have tamed the savage machine. This weapon gains +2 Strength, improves its AP by 2, and gains Damage +1.

+31:+16 / Force Compressor / Something has gone terribly wrong. This weapon gains the Catastrophic Failure, Deadly to Use, and Unreliable Qualities. It also loses any Accurate, Automatically Hits, Pinpoint Accuracy, Reduces Cover, and Reliable Qualities it may have. / Forged anew, this weapon is an instrument of devastation. This mod doubles the weapon's modified Strength. This doubling happens after all other modifiers to the weapon's Strength have been calculated (so after the modifications imposed by Heat Inhibiting Design, Darkfire Fuel Amp, and/or Volumizing Projector have been taken into account).

+5:+1 / Genegrip / The weapon will not respond to the user's commands and will fight them at every turn. This weapon gains the Dangerous to Use, Inaccurate, and Unreliable Qualities. It also loses any Accurate, Automatically Hits, Pinpoint Accuracy, Reduces Cover, and Reliable Qualities it may have. / The weapon is molded and coded to this user's gene signature only and refuses to function for anyone else. This weapon gains the Very Reliable Quality and automatically Jams if any other model attempts to use it, and clearing itself if returned to its rightful owner.

+5:+2 / Intimidator Module / The machine spirit is confused about who it should be intimidating. This weapon gains the Loud Quality. / A perpetual saga of insults and accusations pour from the vox relays and dirge casters set upon this weapon, taunting the enemies of Man. This weapon gains the Imposing Quality.

+2:+1 / Mechadendrite Plug / The machine spirit rebels against being enslaved to another intellect and refuses to fight. Whenever this weapon is chosen to Shoot with, roll a D6. On the roll of a 1 or a 2, it cannot be used. / You have successfully merged this weapon's spirit into an interface to be commanded by another. This weapon gains the Unhanded Quality and may be used in addition to any other weapons held by a model with at least 1 Mechadendrite Socket open to house it.

+8:+8 / Pintle Mount* / Something is misaligned. This Weapon Mod adds +1 Weight, but otherwise does not work. / An easier modification than most. This weapon gains the ability to be braced to negate the Cumbersome, Two-Handed, and Inaccurate Qualities inherent in the weapon. To brace, a model must be in base to base contact with the Terrain Feature or Pintle Mount. In addition, a model so braced increases the base Rate of Fire of their weapon by +1 in all Firing Modes available to it. A braced model cannot Move or Advance. Some Talents also interact with Pintle Mounts. *This Weapon Mod is perhaps the easiest to install. If a model chooses to roll their Skill they gain a +2 to their roll. If this would make it impossible to fail the roll, they are considered to have automatically passed.

+7:+3 / Shielded Rad-Chamber / Some vital adjustment was missed or a layer mislaid, but too late you discover it through the corrupting power of rad-sickness. Any Rad-Type addition to this weapon inflicts the Irradiated Quality on it. / Safely contained behind power fields and thick lead lining, all harmful isotopes are sure to destroy your enemies and not wear at you. This weapon's bearer is not affected by any Rad-type effects associated with the weapon. The weapon loses the Irradiated Quality if it had it.

+8:+3 / Trifurcated Projector* / Gagged and confused, the weapon speaks only from one side of its mouth or the other. Whenever this weapon is chosen to Shoot with at targets that are further apart than 2", roll a D6. On the roll of a 2+, the Shooter must assign all of this Shooting Phase's hits to one Target. / Free to judge all before it, the righteous voice of the weapon deems all worthy to die. The Shooter may assign hits to any models within 8" of the original target.

+4:+3 / Vambrace Support / The weapon scoffs at your attempt to lessen your burden. This weapon gains +1 Weight. / A seemingly easy adjustment shifts the weight and tempers the balance. This weapon loses the Cumbersome Quality and gains the Rifle and Stabilized Qualities.

+2:+1 / Volumizing Projector* / The weapon will not be forced to speak any louder than it must. Whenever this weapon is chosen to Shoot with, roll an additional D6. On the roll of a 4+, that shot is resolved at Strength -1, instead of +1. / Understanding its new purpose, this weapon endeavors to destroy the enemies of Man at every opportunity. This weapon's Promethium burns at Strength +1.

*These Weapon Mods are considered Projectors. A Flame-Type Weapon may only equip one of these.

Flame-Type Weapon Qualities
Ablaze: models hit by this weapon may be set on fire, in addition to suffering Damage from the hit. For each hit from this weapon assigned to the target model, roll a D6. If 1 or more 4+s are rolled, the target model is Burning. Models that are Burning suffer a single automatic hit at the start of each of their subsequent Turns at the same Strength and AP as the weapon or effect that hit them, but only Damage 1. A model that is Burning may sacrifice their Movement Phase to try to put themselves out, requiring a D6 roll of a 4+ to do so. Models with a 4+ Armor Save or worse, cannot Move, Shoot, Charge, or Fight until they are extinguished. Although these models become effectively Fearless they are automatically hit if they are Attacked in the Fight Phase and cannot act to defend themselves. An allied model may also sacrifice its own Movement Phase to assist the Burning model to put itself out, in which case the Action is automatically successful. A model with a 4+ Armor Save or worse, that is Burning, inflicts a -3 Leadership penalty to all allied models that can draw line of sight to them. If a model Burns to death, the model that inflicted this effect on them earns an additional +1XP or +1 Renown, controlling player's choice.

Accurate: weapons with this Quality gain +1 to hit.

<Aggressor>: see <Specialty>

Adorned: whenever a model equipped with this weapon removes an enemy model as a casualty, if at least one ally can draw line of sight to this model, it gains an additional +1 Renown.

Anathema: this weapon gains +1 to hit and +1 to Wound in its first Shooting or Fight Phase per Turn. If this Quality is accompanied by a <keyword> or <descriptive blurb>, these bonuses only apply when attacking models with that <keyword> or that conform to that <descriptive blurb>.

Armor Burning: each unmodified hit roll of 6 improves this weapon's AP by 2, for that hit.

Assault: this weapon may be used to Shoot with even if the bearer Advanced during its Movement Phase. If a model Advances and Shoots with this weapon they suffer a -1 to hit with it.

<Assault>: see <Specialty>

Automatically Hits: weapons with this Quality do not have to roll to hit, all shots count as hits and must be assigned to models within Range of the weapon and no more than 2" to either side of the first target.

Bane: weapons with this Quality improve their AP by 1. If there is a <keyword> or <descriptive blurb> associated with this Quality, this effect only applies to targets with that <keyword> or to whom that <descriptive blurb> applies.

<Black Dragons>:: see <Chapter Name>

Blackfire: after a model Shoots with this weapon, they gain +1 to their next Stealth Skill Effect test.

<Black Wasps>:: see <Chapter Name>

Blast: pick one and stay consistent:
(version 1) versus units that number 5 or more models, the weapon with this Quality is assumed to roll at least half its potential shots, if it doesn't roll more. Versus units that number 10 or more models, the weapon with this Quality is assumed to roll its maximum number of shots, without needing to roll. In addition, hits may only be assigned to models within 3" of the first target.

(version 2) this weapon adds +1 to its number of shots for every full 5 models in the target unit.

Note that weapons with a static number of shots (for example: Rate of Fire: 3) that also have the Blast Quality automatically use Version 2 of this rule.

<Blood Angels>:: see <Chapter Name>

Built-in Melee Weapon (+#): this Ranged weapon has a Melee weapon built right into the gun. The number in Parentheses is how much Weight this Melee weapon adds to the Ranged weapon's. This Built-in weapon means the model is armed for both the Fight Phase and the Shooting Phase without having to drop or stow their other Weapon.

Burning Fury: this weapon improves its AP by 4. If there is a <keyword> or <descriptive blurb> associated with this Quality, this effect only applies to targets with that <keyword> to whom that <descriptive blurb> applies to.

Butcher: weapons with this Quality improve their Damage by 1. If there is a <keyword> or <descriptive blurb> associated with this Quality, this effect only applies to targets with that <keyword&gt or to whom that <descriptive blurb> applies to..

Cataphractii-Compatible: models equipped with Cataphractii-Pattern Terminator Armor reduce the Cost of these items by an amount equal to their total Renown divided by 10. This discount applies after all other discounts for <Chapter Name>, <Founding>, and <Specialty> have been applied already. This discount only applies to the model equipping this wargear. The minimum Cost for any wargear is 1.

Catastrophic Failure: if the Shooting model rolls two or more unmodified 1s when rolling to hit, this weapon explodes in their hands. The weapon is completely and permanently destroyed, & the model that was Shooting with it suffers D3 Mortal Wounds. If the Shooter survives this catastrophe, they gain +1XP.

Catastrophic Injuries: enemy models within Cohesion Range of their ally that was removed as a casualty by this weapon suffer a -1 to their Leadership until the end of the Mission.

<Champion>:: see <Specialty>

<Chapter Name>: models that share the <Chapter Name> with a wargear or weapon completely ignore that item's Threshold. They must still pay the Cost for the item, however. Models that are members of a <Successor Chapter> of the <Chapter Name>, reduce the Threshold of that item by half, rounding up. This discount only applies if the model equips the wargear themselves. Lastly, if there are no models in any player's Squad(s) from this <Chapter Name>, then this wargear or weapon is not available in the Intolerance's Arsenal at all.

Close Range Efficiency: when Shooting at targets within 6", this weapon improves its AP by 1.

Corrosion: 1 or more Wound rolls of an unmodified 6 from this weapon in one Shooting Phase reduces the target's Armor Save by 1 until the end of the Mission or until an Armor Patch use is applied to that model.

Corrupted Strikes: each unmodified hit roll of 6 inflicts 1 Mortal Wound on the target in addition to any other Damage, but also impose +1 Corruption on the Shooting model.

<Covenant of Fire>:: see <Chapter Name>

Cumbersome: a model cannot equip more than 1 of any weapon or wargear with this Quality. In addition, regardless of a model's Talents, a Two-handed weapon with this Quality cannot be used one-handed. Lastly, if a model is equipped with one or more items or weapons with this Quality, they suffer a -1 to all Demolitions, Medic, and Tech Skill tests until the end of the Mission, unless they take 1 full Movement Phase to put this wargear down (place a Marker next to the model to indicate its location). Re-equipping this wargear takes an entire Turn, unless an ally in base to base contact assists, in which case both models must sacrifice their Movement Phase to do so.

Dangerous to Use: if more than one unmodified 1 is rolled to hit with this weapon, after resolving the attack on enemy models, inflict a single hit at the Strength, AP, and Damage of this weapon[l on the Shooter. If the Shooting model survives this catastrophe, they gain +1 XP.

Dangerous to Use (when Advancing): as above, except this rule only applies if the Shooting model Advanced this Turn.

<Dark Angels>:: see <Chapter Name>

Deadly Aim: each hit roll of an unmodified 6 inflicts +1 Damage for that attack only.

Deadly to Use: each hit roll of an unmodified 1 inflicts 1 Mortal Wound on the Shooting model.

Devastating: each hit roll of an unmodified 6 automatically Wounds the target.

Efficient Reaction: whenever this weapon would expend 1 or more Ammo with a single shot, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, 1 Ammo is refunded. This can make some shots cost no Ammo at all.

Exceptional: all wargear with this Quality may re-roll one failed die roll associated with its function per Mission.

Ferocious Fire: weapons with this Quality improve their Rate of Fire in all Firing Modes by +1. If there is a <keyword> or <descriptive blurb> associated with this Quality, this effect only applies when targeting models with that <keyword> or to which the <descriptive blurb> applies.

<First Founding>: see <Founding>

Fouls: if the player rolls one or more unmodified 1s to hit, it cannot be used to Shoot again until the model takes 1 Movement or Shooting Phase to clear it. If this occurs with multiple Shots, resolve the successful hits first before applying this result. Rolling multiple 1s has no additional effect unless the weapon also has the Jams Quality.

<Founding>: models from the indicated Founding (either First or Ultima), reduce the Threshold of this wargear or weapon by half, before applying any other discounts for <Specialty>.

Gravis-Compatible: models equipped with Gravis-Pattern Armor reduce the Cost of these items by an amount equal to their total Renown divided by 100, rounding up to the nearest whole number. This discount applies after all other discounts for <Chapter Name>, <Founding>, and <Specialty> have been applied already. This discount only applies to the model equipping this wargear. The minimum Cost for any wargear is 1.

Helfrost: if a model is Wounded by a weapon with this Quality, but not removed as a casualty, roll a D6 at the start of that model's next Turn. On the roll of a 6+, that model suffers 1 Mortal Wound.

Hellfire: versus all models except those with the <Vehicle> or <Titanic> keyword, this weapon always Wounds on the D6 roll of a 2+.

Inaccurate: weapons with this Quality suffer -1 to hit.

Inefficient Reaction: whenever this weapon would expend 1 or more Ammo with a single shot, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, that shot expends 1 additional Ammo. If this would expend more Ammo than the weapon has left to spare, the weapon Fouls instead.

<Intercessor>: see <Specialty>

Imposing: weapons and wargear with this Quality grant the model equipping it in the Arming Phase Intimidate (+1) for the duration of the upcoming Mission.

<Iron Hands>:: see <Chapter Name>

Irradiated: the model that equips this wargear in the Arming Phase treats its Toughness as 1 less than it actually is every Battleround the item remains within 3" of that model.

Irradiated Aura: wargear with the Irradiated Aura inflict the Irradiated Quality on all models within 3" of the item or within 3" of the model carrying the item.

Jams: if the player rolls more than one unmodified 1 when Shooting with this weapon, it becomes inoperable and ineligible to Shoot with until the controlling player is able to roll a 6 at the start of its Command Phase or an allied model with the Tech Skill ends its Movement Phase in base to base contact with the model carrying the Jammed weapon. When a weapon Jams resolve any hits first before applying this effect. Note that a model with the Rech Skill does not have to expend a Rating or roll a Skill to clear the Jam, they just have to have the Skill. In fact, they can even clear the Jam if they have no Ratings left in their Skill.

Killer: weapons with this Quality gain Strength+1. If there is a <keyword> or <descriptive blurb> associated with this Quality, this effect only applies to targets with that <keyword> or to which that <descriptive blurb> applies.

Knockback (#"): models hit by this weapon must immediately test their Strength. If the test is passed, there is no additional effect. If the test is failed, Move the target model away from the Shooter a number of inches indicated within the parentheses. If this Compulsory Move would have that model get pushed over a hole large enough to fit their base into, that model falls into that hole. If the model's base is too large to fit in that hole, place the model at the edge of the hole and treat that model as Pinned.

Lingering Toxin (Chem Name): the Chem associated with this weapon continues to affect a model it has Wounded on the previous Turn. This effect ends if the Chem or Toxin fails to Wound or take effect on the target or the target model is removed as a casualty, or, if the model is player-controlled, they receive appropriate medical attention from an ally. Any effect that removes Wound Tokens also removes a Lingering Toxin.

Loud: wargear and weapons with this Quality reveal a model's location when used. A model cannot claim Concealment when using a Loud item and suffers a -3 to Stealth Skill tests if they used a Loud item on the same Turn. Lastly, if a model uses a Loud item on their Turn, they count as "closest enemy model" for the purposes of target priority for Adversary models on the GM's next Turn.

Mark of the Ecclessiarchy:

Masterwork: all wargear with this Quality may re-roll one failed die roll associated with its function per Phase.

Miasmic Aura (#"): the model that bears a wargear or weapon with this Quality projects an Aura around themselves equal in radius to the number in parentheses in inches. Miasmic Auras typically carry a Damaging or Debilitating effect with them, inflicting it on any model that starts or ends its Movement Phase within its Aura Range.

<Minotaurs>:: see <Chapter Name>

On My Target: when a model Shoots at a target with a weapon with this Quality, all allies in Cohesion Range that Shoot at that same target this Shooting Phase may re-roll 1 of their missed hit rolls.

Pinning (+#): a unit hit by a weapon with this Quality must roll a D6, adding any modifier in parenthesis. If the total score is equal to or greater than that unit's Leadership, that unit cannot Move, Advance, Shoot, or Charge on its next Turn. Additionally, that unit is considered Pinned and cannot act on its own Turns until an allied <Character> model with 6 or more Wounds ends its Move within 6" of any model in that unit or an allied <Character> model with 13 or more Wounds ends its Move within 12" of any model in that unit.

Pinpoint Accuracy: unmodified hit rolls of 6 grant the Reduces Cover (-1)* Quality to those Shots.

Pistol: a weapon with this Quality can be used to Shoot at enemy models within Engagement Range of the Shooter.

Poisoned (#+): when a weapon with this Quality is used against a model with the <Infantry> keyword, it always Wounds that target on a D6 roll of the number in parenthesis or better.

Rad-Phage: models hit by a weapon with this Quality, but not removed as casualties are afflicted with Rad-Phage. Rad-Phage reduces the model's Toughness by 1 until the end of the Mission or until they are removed as a casualty.

<Raven Guard>:: see <Chapter Name>

Red Rags: the Damage this weapon inflicts is so terrible that it turns its victims into so many scattered, bloody rrags. Enemy models that can draw line of sight to the model that carries a weapon with this Quality must pass a Strength test at the start of its Movement Phase. If the model passes this test, there is no additional effect. If the model fails this test, they cannot Move closer to the bearer of this weapon and instead must Move away or into Cover relative to the bearer.

Reduces Cover (-#): a weapon with this Quality reduces the bonus to a model's Armor Save provided by the Cover it is in by an amount equal to the number in parenthesis. This Quality cannot reduce a model's Armor Save, only deteriorate the model's Cover.

Reliable: weapons and wargear with this Quality may reroll one missed hit roll or one failed die roll related to this item's function per Phase.

Relic: if a model equips a wargear or weapon with this Quality in the Arming Phase, and then survives the Mission with 1 or more Wounds remaining, they gain an additional +1 Renown in the Debriefing Phase. If, for whatever reason, a Relic is lost on board the [++Redacted++], all models Deployed on that Mission suffer a permanent -D6 to their Renown (roll once and apply the penalty to all affected models). Relics lost on other wrecks might impose the same penalty, spawn a Recovery Mission if the GM determines there are still Adversaries on that wreck to contest it, get automatically recovered after a few hours by recovery drones, or fall into the hands of another Adversary <Character> later in the Campaign (therefore become a possoble treasure to win back by the players), GM's choice.
Relic equipment, Ammunition, and Weapon Mods add their Relic status to the item they are equipped with, thus making the loss of the weapon or wargear carry the same burden. Returning to the Intolerance with less Relic Ammunition than the model deployed with results in that model only suffering a permanent Renown loss of 1 per Relic shot expended.

Rifle: if a model with a weapon with this Quality does not Shoot in its first Shooting Phase, its controlling player may select one unit within line of sight to Aim at. Provided the Shooter can still draw Line of Sight to its selected target unit at the start of its very next Shooting Phase, its controlling player can re-roll its Wound rolls of 1 against that target.

<Salamanders>:: see <Chapter Name>

<Space Wolves>:: see <Chapter Name>

<Specialty>: a model with the matching <Specialty> treats the Threshold and Cost of this wargear or weapon as half (rounding up).

Stabilized: a weapon with this Quality ignores the penalty for Moving and Shooting with a Heavy weapon.

<Star Dragons>:: see <Chapter Name>

Stone Burner: when attacking to Damage a Terrain Feature, this weapon increases its Damage by +D3.

<Tactical>: see <Specialty>

Tainted: models equipping this wargear in the Arming Phase gain +1 Corruption. A Tainted item may be purged of its Taint if the model that equipped it in the Arming Phase does one of the following by the end of the upcoming Mission:
-personally complete 3 or more, and more in total, Objectives than any other allied model while at least 2 allies can draw line of sight to them
-kill 5 or more, and more in total, Adversaries that started the Mission with 3 or more Wounds than any other allied model deployed this Mission
-be the only model to survive the Mission and have that Mission be successfully completed
-be a <Chaplain> and successfully nullify all Corruption gains associated with this Mission

Tainted Artifice: if a model that equips this wargear in the Arming Phase gains more XP or more Renown than any other member of their Squad during the Mission, they must test their Strength during the Debriefing Phase. If they pass, there is no additional effect. If they fail, they gain +1 Corruption.

Target Selection: when Shooting into a Unit, the player that controls the Shooting model may choose which enemy takes the hit(s). In addition, the Shooting model may target a <Character> model even if there <Minion> or <Fodder> models within 2" of it.

Tartaros-Compatible: models equipped with Tartaros-Pattern Terminator Armor reduce the Cost of these items by an amount equal to their total Renown divided by 10. This discount applies after all other discounts for <Chapter Name>, <Founding>, and <Specialty> have been applied already. This discount only applies to the model equipping this wargear. The minimum Cost for any wargear is 1.

Terminator-Compatible: models equipped with Indomitus-Pattern Terminator Armor reduce the Cost of these items by an amount equal to their total Renown divided by 10. This discount applies after all other discounts for <Chapter Name>, <Founding>, and <Specialty> have been applied already. This discount only applies to the model equipping this wargear. The minimum Cost for any wargear is 1.

Terrible Inferno: if, through bonuses to hit from other Qualities, Weapon Mods, or Talents, this weapon's effective hit modifier would make it impossible to miss, it gains the Automatically Hits Quality and gains a +1 to this weapon's Ablaze roll.

Too Close: this weapon gains +1 to hit when targeting models within 8" of the Shooter.

[Twin-Linked] When Paired: when a model is equipped with 2 copies of this weapon, it gains the Twin Linked Quality. This Quality allows them to reroll missed hit rolls and missed Wound rolls when Shooting.

Two-Handed: this wargear or weapon requires 2 hands to use and a model cannot use the item at all if they only have 1 hand free.

<Ultima Founding>: see <Founding>

Unhanded: this wargear or weapon does not require any hands to use and a model can still use the item even if they have no hands free at all.

Unique (#): wargear and weapons with this Quality are in limited supply.
-Items that are Unique (1) may only be equipped by 1 model at any given time.
-Items that are Unique (2) or more, may only be equipped by a number of models equal to the item's Unique number at a time.
-Items that are Unique (D#) have their total number of copies rolled for either at the start of the Campaign or when they become available.
-Items that are Unique (D#*) are only available if at least 1 model from the corresponding <Chapter Name> is in any player's Squad. In addition, roll a number of D#s equal to the number of models with the <Chapter Name> that are present in all Squads to determine how many copies of this item there are available in the Arsenal; do not roll again if another model with that <Chapter Name> is subsequently added to another Squad using the rules for Expanding the Squad or Replacing Casualties.
-Items that are Unique (D#)* roll to determine how many are available when they are found or become available.
-Items that are Unique (*) have a fixed number available when they are found or become available, determined by the circumstance.
If a model that is equipped with a Unique item is lost, the item is lost with them. If they are removed as a casualty, but do not Teleport back to the Intolerance and their body is not recovered, the item is lost. Losing a Unique item costs every model in the associated Squad a permanent -2D3 Renown loss. Roll once and apply the result to each model in the Squad.

Unreliable: weapons and wargear with this Quality must reroll one of the successful hit rolls or successful dice rolls related to this item's function, per Phase.

Vambrace Attachment: this wargear or weapon takes up a Vambrace Slot on the model (remember that models may only equip up to 2 Vambrace Attachments).

Very Reliable: weapons and wargear with this Quality may reroll up to half the missed hit rolls or half the failed dice rolls related to this item's function per Phase.

<Veteran>: models with either the <Veteran> upgrade from Squad/Character creation or 100+ spent XP, reduce the Threshold of this wargear or weapon by D3, and the Cost of this wargear or weapon by 1, applied after discounts for <Specialty>.

Volatile Package: if a model carrying a wargear or weapon with this Quality is hit and Wounded and fails their Armor Save with an unmodified roll of a 1, the wargear or weapon detonates on the model, inflicting D3 Mortal Wounds and the wargear or weapon is destroyed. Volatile Package items also typically have the Tiny Quality, meaning a model with the Sniper Talent can single it out to Shoot at specifically. When this is the case, the item Detonates automatically if the Shooter hits. GMs, I encourage you to give Minion models Demolition Charges from time to time so players can make use of this ability. Nothing is more entertaining than seeing the glee on a player's face when his kitted out Sniper-Specialist scores a perfect hit on a cultist in a crowd and everybody in that crowd is suddenly and unexpectedly blown to smithereens.

This message was edited 21 times. Last update was at 2024/09/03 20:39:59

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Also, side note to be edited out later: rest assured I am working diligently on all these lists. I keep finding more Bolters and Relics that I've missed and I want to make these lists as comprehensive as I can. Mostly for my own (in)sanity. Currently researching Archeotech, Grenades, Missiles, Miscellaneous weapons and obscure wargear. And I will be compiling all these referenced Qualities in one big post at the end of the entries. There's...a lot. But at least they will all be in one place, alphabetically organized for easy reference. Thanks for following along, I hope everyone is having as much fun with it as I am. Have a great day!

Also, also, after all these lists are done, I will be going back to revise the new Squad creation rules to include all the Space Marine options including the different varieties of Intercessors and the newer Primaris types. I want to try to stay up to date with the model range. And I will be formatting and codifying the Campaign specific rules as they have become an amalgam of 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th edition rules. These will be optional, as my intent has always been to make this game compatible with any version of 40k you want to play it in. The Campaign Missions, Talents, Skills, and Wargear will reflect the Campaogn-specific format, however, and I'll leave it up to individual players and GMs to take what I've presented and adapt them for their own games, using whatever format they are comfortable with.

As an aside, I see the greatest uptick in views on this blog on the weekends and I hope that means some of you are playing it. To me, that is the greatest reward for this massive project - that the community is having fun with the thing I've made. I am so grateful for you all. You make all this effort worth while. Thank you for sharing this great hobby with me; your enthusiasm makes this old Ork's heart happy. Cheers!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/02/08 01:42:36

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Grav-Type Weapons
There are precious few variant Grav-type Weapon designs. As always, the Deathwatch standard version is presented first on this list, followed by its variations. Some of these variants come auto-equipped with certain upgrades. Where this is the case, these upgrades are listed with the weapon under the Integral Wargear heading. Some variants also have a larger Magazine Capacity. Where this is true, it does not have any effect on the Cost of Ammunition, as this is accounted for in the variant's own Threshold and Cost.

The technology used to create Grav-Type Weapons is in itself a relic of Ages past. The understanding of this technology is vague and incomplete, which makes Modifying these weapons extremely difficult. There are a very limited number of components that can be added to these weapons without catastrophic results.

Ammunition and Grav-Type Weapons
Essentially, a Grav-Type weapon draws its destructive power from an internal micro-reactor that turns the gravitic forces of the universe in upon itself. So long as this reactor functions correctly, a Grav Weapon with sufficient power has effectively infinite Ammunition. As such, the Ammo Sources of these weapons do not contain "bullets", but are rather portable power sources that fuel their reactors. A Grav Catalyst is a Magazine-Sized power cell similar in function to a Las-Type Weapon's Power Cell. The Implosion Reactor inside every Grav-Type Weapon reciprocates energy into this Grav Catalyst, regenerating a single expended shot at the start of every Battleround, up to the magazine's maximum Shot capacity. However, it is often more expedient go simply swap out depleted Grav Catalysts rather than waiting for the weapon to recharge itself.

All Grav-Type Weapons, from Grav-Pistols to Grav-Cannons to the Relic Graviton Guns, all use the same, interchangeable Grav Catalyst Magazines. These Ammo Sources may even be swapped between different models carrying even vastly different, and differently Modded, Grav-Type Weapons.


Grav-Cannons, except Relics, may have as many Weapon Mods as the individual model can afford to add, but may not have any Weapon Attachments.

Grav-Cannons may be loaded with 1 Grav Catalyst or, if it has the Auxiliary Feed Weapon Mod or Integral Wargear, a Backpack Ammo Supply.

T:C / Weapon / Wt / G|B / Integral Wargear / Qualities
42:16 / Mars-Pattern / 4 / 10|80 / Auxiliary Feed, Grav-Amp, Implosion Reactor, Improved Reactor, Mass-Ramp / Anathema <Vehicle>, Breaker (Models with an Armor Save 3+ or better), <Devastator>, <First Founding>, Heavy, Two-Handed
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -

34:13 / Mark VIIIc / 4 / 10|80 / Auxiliary Feed, Grav-Amp, Implosion Reactor / <Devastator>, <First Founding>, Heavy, Two-Handed
Precision: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Breaker <Models with an Armor Save 3+ or better)
Standard: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Murderous Hits
Burst: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: 5, Dangerous to Use

34:13 / Mark IX Pattern / 4 / 10|80 / Auxiliary Feed, Grav-Amp, Implosion Reactor / Butcher <Models with an Armor Save 3+ or better, <Devastator>, <First Founding>, Graviton, Heavy, Two-Handed
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -

Relic Grav-Cannons
78:27 / Doom Edict / 4 / 10|80 / Auxiliary Feed, Grav-Amp, Implosion Reactor, Improved Reactor, Mass Ramp / Butcher <Models with an Armor Save 3+ or Better>, <Devastator>, <First Founding>, Heavy, Masterwork, Relic, Two-Handed, Unique (1)
Precision: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Anathema <Vehicle>, Breaker <Vehicle>
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Graviton

82:27 / Graviton Cannon / 4 / 10|80 / Auxiliary Feed, Implosion Reactor, Mass Ramp / Blast, <Devastator>, <First Founding>, Graviton Pulse, Haywire, Heavy, Masterwork, Relic, Two-Handed, Unique (1), <Veteran>
Precision: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Butcher <Models with an Armor Save 3+ or Better>
Autofire: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6, Graviton

57:23 / Renault Pattern / 4 / 20|90 / Auxiliary Feed, Grav-Core, Gunshield, Implosion Reactor, Mass Ramp / Breaker <Models with an Armor Save 3+ or Better>, <Devastator>, Exceptional, <First Founding>, Graviton, Graviton Pulse, Heavy, Relic, Two-Handed, Unique (1)
Precision: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Anathema <Vehicle>
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, Ferocious Fire <Vehicle>

Grav-Guns, except Relics, may have as many Weapon Mods as the individual model can afford to add, and may have up to 1 Weapon Attachment.

Grav-Guns may be loaded with 1 Grav Catalyst or, if it has the Auxiliary Feed Weapon Mod or Integral Wargear, a Backpack Ammo Supply.

T:C / Weapon / Wt / G|B / Integral Wargear / Qualities
21:8 / Imperial-Pattern / 2 / 10|80 / Implosion Reactor, Mass-Ramp / Assault, Butcher (Models with an Armor Save 3+ or better), <First Founding>, Rifle, <Tactical>
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

22:8 / Hystrar-Pattern / 1 / 10|80 / Implosion Reactor, Mass-Ramp / Assault, Rifle, Tainted Artifice
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Blast, Breaker <Models with an Armor Save 3+ or Better>
Burst: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Accurate
Autofire: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -

55:19 / Lucian-Pattern / 1 / 10|80 / Auxiliary Feed, Implosion Reactor, Improved Reactor, Mass-Ramp / Assault, Butcher (Models with an Armor Save 3+ or better), <First Founding>, Rifle, <Tactical>
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Target Selection

35:15 / Metallican-Pattern / 2 / 10|80 / Implosion Reactor, Mass-Ramp / Assault, Butcher (Models with an Armor Save 3+ or better), <First Founding>, Imposing, Loud, Rifle, <Tactical>
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Burst: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -

49:9 / Omari-Pattern / 2 / 10|80 / Implosion Reactor, Mass-Ramp / Assault, Butcher (Models with an Armor Save 3+ or better), <First Founding>, <Heralds>, Inefficient Reaction, Rifle, <Tactical>, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

77:26 / Turhkoni-Pattern / 1 / 16|80 / Auxiliary Feed, Catalytic Regenerator, Grav-Amp, Implosion Reactor, Improved Reactor, Mass-Ramp / <Aeonic Legion>, Assault, Butcher (Models with an Armor Save 3+ or better), <First Founding>, Rifle, <Tactical>, Unique (D3*)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Heavy, Inaccurate

Relic Grav-Guns
69:28 / Autotellurian-Pattern Graviton Gun / 2 / 20|- / Grav-Core, Implosion Reactor, Improved Reactor, Mass Ramp / <First Founding>, Graviton, Graviton Pulse, Haywire, Heavy, Masterwork, Relic, Rifle, <Tactical>, Unique (1), <Veteran>
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Accurate
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Blast

59:20 / Death's Pride / 2 / 10|80 / Implosion Reactor, Mass-Ramp / Assault, Butcher (Models with an Armor Save 3+ or better), <First Founding>, Masterwork, Relic, Rifle, <Tactical>, Unique (1)
Precision: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Breaker <Models with an Armor Save 3+ or better>
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Murderous Hits, Sustained (1)

60:21 / Lunar Noctis / 2 / 10|80 / Implosion Reactor, Improved Reactor, Mass-Ramp / Assault, Butcher (Models with an Armor Save 3+ or better), <First Founding>, Masterwork, Relic, Rifle, <Tactical>, Unique (1)
Precision: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Murderous Hits
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

84:20 / Steadfast / 2 / 10|80 / Implosion Reactor, Improved Reactor, Mass-Ramp / Assault, Butcher (Models with an Armor Save 3+ or better), Covering Fire, <First Founding>, <Imperial Fists>, Masterwork, Relic, Rifle, <Tactical>, Unique (1)
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

46:16 / Styrixi-Pattern Graviton Gun / 2 / 10|- / Implosion Reactor, Improved Reactor / Blast, <First Founding>, Graviton, Haywire, Heavy, Masterwork, Relic, Rifle, Unique (1), <Veteran>
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: D3, -

77:17 / Weight of the Stars / 2 / 20|90 / Grav-Core, Implosion Reactor / Breaker <Models with an Armor Save 3+ or better>, <Devastator>, <First Founding>, <Knights Amethyst>, Masterwork, Relic, Rifle, <Tactical>, Unique (1)
Precision: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Close Range Efficiency
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Furious Fusilade <Models with an Armor Save 3+ or better>

Grav-Pistols, except Relics, may have as many Weapon Mods as the individual model can afford to add, but may not have any Weapon Attachments.

Grav-Pistols may be loaded with 1 Grav Catalyst or, if it has the Auxiliary Feed Weapon Mod or Integral Wargear, a Backpack Ammo Supply.

T:C / Weapon / Wt / G|B / Integral Wargear / Qualities
16:6 / Mars-Pattern / 2 / 10|80 / Implosion Reactor, Mass-Ramp / Butcher (Models with an Armor Save 3+ or better), <First Founding>, Pistol
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -

Relic Grav-Pistols
63:10 / Gamon / 1 / 20|90 / Grav-Core, Implosion Reactor / <Assault>, Butcher <Models with an Armor Save 3+ or better>, <First Founding>, Masterwork, Pistol, Relic, Unique (1), <Warp Eagles>
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -

45:14 / Mass Stygium / 1 / 10|80 / Auxiliary Feed, Implosion Reactor, Mass-Ramp / Butcher <Models with an Armor Save 3+ or better>, <First Founding>, Masterwork, Pistol, Relic, Unique (1)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

Ammo Sources for Grav-Type Weapons
The following Threshold and Costs are for 4 Grav-Catalysts and 1 Backpack Ammo Supply. Grav Catalysts weigh 1 for every 4 equipped. The Astartes' Power Armor carries most of the weight of the Backpack Ammo Supply, but it does still add 1 to the model's total carried weight, whether full or empty.

T:C G|B / Ammo / Strength / AP / Damage / Qualities
7:3|24 / Reactor Power / 4 / -1 / 1 / <Devastator>, <First Founding>

Integral Wargear Explained
Auxiliary Feed
the presence of this Weapon mod allows a Grav Weapon to be hooked up to a Backpack Ammo Supply. If the weapon does not also have an Autoloader mod, changing Ammunition sources from the Auxiliary Feed to a Grav Catalyst requires 1 full Movement Phase or 1 full Shooting Phase from the model in order to do so, controlling player's choice.

Catalytic Regenerator: this integral modification is actually applied to the equipped Grav Catalysts carried by the model. It adds +6 to each of those Ammo Source's total Magazine Capacity. This means that each Grav Catalyst equipped by this model will have 16 Ammunition instead of the normal 10. As long as this Weapon Mod is part of the weapon's Integral Wargear, it does not modify the Threshold or Cost of the Ammo Sources.

Grav-Amp: when this Weapon Mod is a part of the weapon's Integral Wargear, it adds +1 to that weapon's Strength. This Mod has additional effects when added to a weapon that doesn't have it built in.

Grav-Core: when this Weapon Mod is a part of the weapon's Integral Wargear, it adds +10 Shots to any Ammo Sources loaded into that weapon. This Mod has additional effects when added to a weapon that doesn't have it built in.

Gunshield: against the first Wounding hit this model suffers in each Battleround, this Integral Wargear provides the model with a +1 bonus to its Armor Save.

Implosion Reactor: this is an integral component of every Grav-Type Weapon, allowing it to do the destruction it does. In addition, at the start of every new Battleround, this Integral Wargear regenerates 1 previously expended Shot, up to the maximum total Capacity of that Ammo Source.

Improved Reactor: when this Weapon Mod is a part of the weapon's Integral Wargear, it adds +1 to that weapon's Damage. This Mod has additional effects when added to a weapon that doesn't have it built in.

Mass-Ramp: when this Weapon Mod is a part of the weapon's Integral Wargear, it improves that weapon's AP by +2. This Mod has additional effects when added to a weapon that doesn't have it built in.

Grav-Type Weapon Mods
Any Grav-Type Weapon except Relics can have Weapon Mods. A single weapon cannot equip more than one Integral Ammo Source. Installing Weapon Mods in Grav-Type Weapons is more difficult than other weapons. To do so, a model from the equipping character's Squad must do one of the following:

Spend 1 Rating from their Tech Skill and roll a D6, per Mod, during the Arming Phase. On the roll of a 2+, the Mod is successfully installed, apply the Successful Effect of that Mod to the weapon. The model that spent their Rating to do this gains +1 Renown, but starts the next Mission with 1 fewer Ratings in their Tech Skill. If the roll is a 1, the equipping model must abide by the Botched Effect of the associated Mod and the model that expended the Rating instead gains +1XP.

Roll their Tech Skill, but without expending a Rating. On a successful Skill test, the model that performed the Weapon Modification gains +1XP and +1 Renown and the model equipping the weapon abides by the Successful Effect of that Mod. On a failed test, the model that performed the Weapon Modification gains +1XP, but also suffers -1 Renown and the equipping model must abide by the Botched Effect. If the model so equipped survives the Mission despite their flawed weapon, they gain an additional +1XP.

The Threshold and Cost adjustments for most of these Mods apply to the Grav Weapon they modify, adding their totals together. The Catalytic Regenerator Mod is the only Grav-Type Weapon Mod that adds its Threshold and Cost to the weapon's Mags.

T:C / Weapon Mod / Botched Effect / Successful Effect
+2:+1 / Autoloader / The feeds simply do not align properly. This Weapon Mod adds +1 Weight, but otherwise does not work. / A marvel of technology and automation. The first time per Mission this weapon needs to swap Ammo from a Backpack Ammo Supply to a different Ammo source, it happens automatically.

+2:+1 / Auxiliary Feed / The feeds do not align properly. This Weapon Mod simply does not work. / An easy adjustment. The weapon may now be loaded with a Backpack Ammo Supply.

+4:+4 / Catalytic Regenerator / Instead of improving the efficiency of this weapon's Ammo Sources, it instead actively saps them. This weapon's Implosion Reactor does not regenerate 1 spent Ammo at the start of each new Battleround. Instead, the controlling player must roll a D6 for eavh unused Grav Catalyst the model is equipped with. On the roll of a 5+, that Grav Catalyst's maximum total shots is reduced by 1 until the end of the Mission. / Minor adjustments to essential connections in the Grav Catalyst somehow vastly improve its power transference. All Grav Catalysts this model is equipped with improve their maximum Ammo Capacity by +6 each.

+5:+1 / Genegrip / The weapon will not respond to the user's commands and will fight them at every turn. This weapon gains the Dangerous to Use, Inaccurate, and Unreliable Qualities. It also loses any Accurate, Automatically Hits, Pinpoint Accuracy, Reduces Cover, and Reliable Qualities it may have. / The weapon is molded and coded to this user's gene signature only and refuses to function for anyone else. This weapon gains the Very Reliable Quality and automatically Jams if any other model attempts to use it.

+6:+3 / Grav-Amp / The weapon begins to actively hum and vibrate. At the start of each Battleround, the controlling player must roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, the Modded Weapon reduces its Range in all Firing Modes by 3" and increases its total weight by +1 until the end of the Mission. If this Range adjustment reduces the weapon's Range to 0" in any Firing Mode, the model carrying it suffers D6 Mortal Wounds and the weapon is permanently destroyed. If the carrying model is removed as a casualty by this effect, they are automatically and irreversibly slain; remove the model from the controlling player's squad roster. / The weapon begins to softly purr, gradually increasing in intensity and magnitude until it becomes a deafening roar. Increase this weapon's Strength by +1. In addition, at the start of each new Battleround, the controlling player must roll a D6, adding the score to the previous Battlerounds' total. When this total score equals the weapon's maximum Range, the weapon gains the Loud Quality.

+3:+2 / Grav-Core / The Grav Core is miscalibrated and instead of empowering the weapon, it actively drains it. Whenever this weapon is chosen to Shoot with, in any Firing Mode, it costs the Shooting model 1 additional Ammo, with no added effect. / This Mod adds an integral Ammo Source to the Grav Weapon that regenerates its own Ammunition even faster than the weapon's Implosion Recator. This Weapon Mod adds +10 Ammunition to the weapon it is installed in. In addition, the spent Ammo from this Mod regenerates 3 expended shots, up to the Grav Core's maximum of 10, at the start of each Battleround.

+2:+1 / Gunshield / The connections on this Mod are weaker than they look. The first time this model suffers a Wounding hit from a Ranged Weapon that comes from the direction the face of the model is pointing, this model receives a +1 bonus to its Armor Save. Afterwards, this weapon suffers a -1 penalty to its hit rolls in all Firing Modes. / An armored plate stands between the Shooter and their enemies, providing improved protection from any with the courage to shoot this model in the face. Against the first Wounding hit this model suffers in each Battleround, this Mod provides the model with a +1 bonus to its Armor Save.

+7:+4 / Improved Reactor / Something has gone terribly wrong with this weapon's core systems. It is immediately, recognizably bad. The equipping model has the option of leaving this Modded weapon behind on the Intolerance, but still count as spending their Renown for having equipped the weapon. If the controlling player decides to bring the weapon on the Mission anyway, it gains the Dangerous to Use and Deadly to Use Qualties. / Linked indicators in the Astartes' Powered Armor internal systems reveal a huge increase in this weapon's reactor effeciency and destructive potential. Improve this weapon's Damage by +1. In addition, whenever this weapon is chosen to Shoot with, roll an additional D6. On the roll of a 5+, refund 1 expended Ammo to the weapon's loaded Grav Catalyst, Grav Core, or Backpack Ammo Supply.

+11:+5 / Mass-Ramp / The tech seems to have cranked this Mod up a little too high during installation. At the start of the first Battleround, this weapon becomes heavier and harder to use accurately. Increase the weapon's weight by +1 immediately and it suffers -1 to hit in all of its Firing Modes. / Applied correctly, this Mod vastly increases the weapon's lethality and the glowing effect of its exposed reactor coils radiates heat in all directions. Improve this weapon's AP by +2 and grant the model carrying it the Heat Aura (3") Quality.

+2:+1 / Suspensor-Pad / Miscalibration of the delicate anti-grav systems within this Mod render its intended effect null or counter, unpredictably. For the first Battleround of the upcoming Mission, this Mod reduces the weight of the weapon by 1. At the start of each subsequent Battleround, the controlling player must roll a D6. On the roll of a 1, this Mod instead increases the weight of the weapon it is attached to by +1. On the roll of a 6, this Weapon Mod simply stops working for the remainder of the Mission. All weight gains inflicted by this Mod are cumulative until it stops working. / Set in place correctly, this adjustment lightens the load. Reduce this weapon's weight by 1 until the end of the Mission.

+5:+1 / Teleportation Recall / A timing miscalculation makes this Mod unpredictable. At the start of each of the player's Turns, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, the weapon is Teleported out of the model's hands and back to the Intolerance. I hope the model is armed with another gun. / Inscribing the arcane sigils in the correct sequence makes losing this item to the unpredictable fluctuations of its Grav Reactor an impossibility. Even if the model equipped with this weapon is slain and their body not recovered or the weapon itself increases in weight due to other Mods to the point where it becomes too heavy to carry, this weapon is not lost. Instead, at the flick of an icon or the end of a set timer, it Teleports back to the Intolerance safe and sound.

Grav-Type Weapon Qualities
weapons with this Quality gain +1 to hit.

<Aeonic Legion>: see <Chapter Name>

Anathema: this weapon gains +1 to hit and +1 to Wound in its first Shooting or Fight Phase per Turn. If this Quality is accompanied by a <keyword> or <descriptive blurb>, these bonuses only apply when attacking models with that <keyword> or that conform to that <descriptive blurb>.

Assault: this weapon may be used to Shoot with even if the bearer Advanced during its Movement Phase. If a model Advances and Shoots with this weapon they suffer a -1 to hit with it.

<Assault>: see <Specialty>

Blast: pick one and stay consistent:
(version 1) versus units that number 5 or more models, the weapon with this Quality is assumed to roll at least half its potential shots, if it doesn't roll more. Versus units that number 10 or more models, the weapon with this Quality is assumed to roll its maximum number of shots, without needing to roll. In addition, hits may only be assigned to models within 3" of the first target.

(version 2) this weapon adds +1 to its number of shots for every full 5 models in the target unit.

Breaker: weapons with this Quality change their Damage to D3. If there is a <keyword> associated with this Quality, this effect only applies to targets with that <keyword>.

Butcher: weapons with this Quality improve their Damage by +1. If there is a <keyword> associated with this Quality, this effect only applies to targets with that <keyword>.

<Chapter Name>: models that share the <Chapter Name> with a weapon or item completely ignore that wargear's Threshold. They must still pay the Cost for the wargear, however. Models that are members of a Successor Chapter of the <Chapter Name>, reduce the Threshold of that item by half, rounding up. This discount only applies if the model equips the wargear themselves. Lastly, if there are no models in any player's Squad(s) from this <Chapter>, then this wargear or weapon is not available in the Intolerance's Arsenal.

Close Range Efficiency: when Shooting at targets within 6", this weapon improves its AP by 1.

Covering Fire: weapons with this Quality double their Rate of Fire in Standard, Burst, or Autofire Mode when Shooting Overwatch.

Dangerous to Use: if more than a single unmodified 1 is rolled to hit with this weapon, after resolving the attack on enemy models, inflict a single hit at the Strength, AP, and Damage of this weapon on the Shooter. If the Shooting model survives this catastrophe, they gain +1 XP.

Deadly to Use: each hit roll of an unmodified 1 inflicts 1 Mortal Wound on the Shooting model.

<Devastator>: see <Specialty>

Exceptional: all wargear with this Quality may re-roll one failed die roll associated with its function per Mission.

Ferocious Fire: weapons with this Quality improve their Rate of Fire in all Firing Modes by 1. If there is a <keyword> or <descriptive blurb> associated with this Quality, this effect only applies when targeting models with that <keyword> or to whom that <descriptive blurb> applies.

<First Founding>: see <Founding>

<Founding>: models from the indicated Founding (either First or Ultima), reduce the Threshold of this wargear by half, before applying any other discounts for <Specialty>.

Furious Fusillade: weapons with this Quality double their Rate of Fire in all Firing Modes, after all other modifiers to Rate of Fire have been applied. If there is a <keyword> or <descriptive blurb> associated with this Quality, this effect only applies to targets with that <keyword> or to whom that <descriptive blurb> applies.

Graviton: weapons with this Quality do not compare their Strength to their target's Toughness to determine what they need to roll to Wound. Instead, this weapon must roll equal to or greater than their target's Armor Save to Wound that model. Versus targets with no Armor Save, including models that only have an Invulnerable or Daemon Save cannot be harmed by this weapon.

Graviton Pulse: after resolving hits and Wounds for this weapon, the controlling player places a Marker in base to base contact with any target hit by this weapon. All models that start or end their Movement Phase within 3" of this Marker reduce their Movement Characteristic by -D6". If this adjustment reduces a model's effective Movement to zero or less, that model simply cannot Move this Turn.

Haywire: versus targets with the <Admech>, <Battlesuit>, <Necron>, <Vehicle>, and/or <Daemonic Engine> keyword, this weapon inflicts 1 additional Wound with every successful Wound roll and 1 Mortal Wound in addition to other Damage, on a Wound roll of a 6.

Heat Aura (3"): any model within the 3" of a model with this Quality or within 3" of a model equipped with a wargear or weapon with this Quality, at the start of their Command Phase, must roll a Toughness test. If the model passes this test, there is no additional effect. If the model fails this test, it suffers an immediate Strength 3 AP-1 Damage 1 hit. Roll to Wound and Save as normal.

Heavy: if the model wielding this weapon does not Move or Advance, they gain +1 to hit with it. If the model does Move, they suffer -1 to hit with it. If the model Advances, they cannot Shoot with this weapon at all.

<Heralds>: see <Chapter Name>

<Imperial Fists>: see <Chapter Name>

Imposing: weapons and wargear with this Quality grant the model equipping it in the Arming Phase Intimidate (+1) for the duration of the upcoming Mission.

Inefficient Reaction: whenever this weapon would expend 1 or more Ammo with a single shot, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, that shot expends 1 additional Ammo. If this would expend more Ammo than the weapon has left to spare, the weapon Fouls instead.
-Fouls: a Fouled weapon cannot be used to Shoot until the model takes 1 Movement or Shooting Phase to clear it, the controlling player is able to roll a 3+ at the start of its Command Phase, or an allied model with the Tech Skill ends its Movement Phase in base to base contact with the model carrying the Fouled weapon.

Jams: if the player rolls one or more unmodified 1s when Shooting with this weapon, it becomes inoperable and ineligible to Shoot with until the controlling player is able to roll a 6 at the start of its Command Phase or an allied model with the Tech Skill ends its Movement Phase in base to base contact with the model carrying the Jammed weapon.

<Knights Amethyst>: see <Chapter Name>

Loud: wargear and weapons with this Quality reveal a model's location when used. A model cannot claim Concealment when using a Loud item and suffers a -3 to Stealth Skill tests if they used a Loud item this Turn. Lastly, if a model uses a Loud item on their Turn, they count as "closest enemy model" for the purposes of target priority for Adversary models on the GM's next Turn.

Masterwork: all wargear and weapons with this Quality may re-roll one failed die roll associated with its function per Phase.

Murderous Hits: each unmodified hit roll of 6 inflicts 1 Mortal Wound on the target.

Pistol: a weapon with this Quality can be used to Shoot at enemy models within Engagement Range.

Relic: if a model equips a wargear or weapon with this Quality in the Arming Phase, and then survives the Mission with 1 or more Wounds remaining, they gain an additional +1 Renown in the Debriefing Phase. If, for whatever reason, a Relic is lost on board the [++Redacted++], all models Deployed on that Mission suffer a permanent -D6 to their Renown (roll once and apply the penalty to all models.

Rifle: if a model with a weapon with this Quality does not Shoot in its first Shooting Phase, its controlling player may select one unit within line of sight to Aim at. Provided the Shooter can still draw Line of Sight to its selected target unit at the start of its very next Shooting Phase, its controlling player can re-roll its Wound rolls of 1 against that target.

<Specialty>: models with the corresponding <Specialty> keyword reduce this wargear's Threshold and Cost by half each (rounding up where applicable). This discount is applied after those for <Founding> and <Chapter Name>. An item's Threshold and Cost cannot be reduced below 0.

Sustained Fire (1): each hit roll of an unmodified 6 adds a number of additional hits equal to the number in parentheses following this Quality.

<Tactical>: see <Specialty>

Tainted Artifice: if a model that equips this wargear in the Arming Phase gains more XP or more Renown than any other member of their Squad during the Mission, they must test their Strength during the Debriefing Phase. If they pass, there is no additional effect. If they fail, they gain +1 Corruption.

Target Selection: when Shooting into a Unit, the player that controls the Shooting model may choose which enemy takes the hit(s). In addition, the Shooting model may target a <Character> model even if there <Minion> or <Fodder> models within 2" of it.

Two-Handed: this wargear or weapon requires 2 hands to use and a model cannot use the item at all if they only have 1 hand free.

Unique (#): wargear and weapons with this Quality are in limited supply.
-Items that are Unique (1) may only be equipped by 1 model at any given time.
-Items that are Unique (2) or more, may only be equipped by a number of models equal to the item's Unique number at a time.
-Items that are Unique (D#) have their total number of copies rolled for either at the start of the Campaign or when they become available.
-Items that are Unique (D#*) are only available if at least 1 model from the corresponding <Chapter Name> is in any player's Squad. In addition, roll a number of D#s equal to the number of models with the <Chapter Name> that are present in all Squads to determine how many copies of this item there are available in the Arsenal; do not roll again if another model with that <Chapter Name> is subsequently added to another Squad using the rules for Expanding the Squad or Replacing Casualties.
-Items that are Unique (D#)* roll to determine how many are available when they are found or become available.
-Items that are Unique (*) have a fixed number available when they are found or become available, determined by the circumstance.
If a model that is equipped with a Unique item is lost, the item is lost with them. If they are removed as a casualty, but do not Teleport back to the Intolerance and their body is not recovered, the item is lost. Losing a Unique item costs every model in the associated Squad a permanent -2D3 Renown loss. Roll once and apply the result to each model in the Squad.

Unreliable: weapons and wargear with this Quality must reroll one of the successful hit rolls or successful dice rolls related to this item's function, per Phase.

Very Reliable: weapons and wargear with this Quality may reroll up to half the missed hit rolls or half the failed dice rolls related to this item's function per Phase.

<Veteran>: models with either the <Veteran> upgrade from Squad/Character creation or 100+ spent XP, reduce the Threshold of this wargear or weapon by D3, and the Cost of this wargear or weapon by 1, applied after discounts for <Specialty>.

<Warp Eagles>: see <Chapter Name>

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Side note: my original intention with making these lists was to make the equipment lists:

1.WAY more comprehensive
B. Easier to use

I started with the Bolt weapons, because of the English alphabet, and thought that putting the various ammo types with each weapon category would make it easier to use. But after completing both the Flamer and the Grav weapon lists, I realize it may have been easier to just list all the Bolt ammo types at the end of the infinite list and just add Qualities to each that limits their use, if they have any. After all, almost all of those ammo types are cross-compatible, with minor adjustments for Base Bullet profiles. The only Ammo types that need to stay with their weapons are the Bolter Shells, Stalker Special Ammo, Bolt Rifle Shells, and Executor Bolt Rifle Special Ammo.

I also need to post a comprehensive list of the descriptions of all Bolt Weapon Qualities, Integral Wargear, Weapon Mods, and Weapon Attachments. Again, this was originally going to come at the very end of this huge, multi-category weapon and wargear list, but at the rate I have been posting that would have taken forever and I want these lists to be immediately useable.

To this end, I will be editing the Bolt weapon entries. Likely I will consolidate the Arsenals by Founding, keeping the relevant Special Ammo categories with or near their respective weapons, and editing the last few posts to contain the comprehensive Integral Wargear explanations, the full list of Qualities, all the Bolt Weapon Mods, and the huge list of Weapon Attachments available for those guns.

I thank you all for your continued patience with me, I am trying to make the best gaming experience for you all as I can and I am doing all of this in my spare time on my days off, between my full time job and my family. Thank you for reading this whole thing and have an awesome day. Our hobby thrives because we all participate in it. And I love you all for it.

And of course, the next list up will be Grenades, followed by Grenade Launchers with specialized Grenade Rounds. Then Laser-Type and oodles more.

This message was edited 8 times. Last update was at 2024/09/03 20:41:58

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The Deathwatch has an incredible selection of Grenades. Crates and crates of them. Some were packed away on the Intolerance with very anti-Tyranid ideas in mind and may have very limited use on battlefields inside the cramped confines of a derelict spacehulk. The Threshold and Cost of a great many of these Grenades reflects this. GMs, allow your players to get creative with these weapons' uses.

Grenades, Destructible Relics, and Throwing Wrenches
The following list has many subcategories, including Objects that are arguably not Grenades. Herein lies the rules for throwing virtually anything roughly the size or weight of a hand grenade. Some of these objects are labeled as Relics even though they are very obviously one-use explosives. Where this is the case, a model will suffer the loss of 1 Renown for each Relic Grenade they equip in the Arming Phase that they return to the Intolerance without. Equipping these rare and powerful weapons should not be done lightly.

The throwing range of any roughly Grenade-sized object on these lists is equal in inches to double a model's current Strength Characteristic. Certain wargear, such as Powered Armor and the Grenade Loop, can also modify this Range.

For example, a Cultist with a Strength 3 could throw a Wrench, a Molotov, or similar Grenade-like Object up to 6" distant (S 3 times 2=6"). Whereas an Intercessor with a Strength 4 and wearing Powered Armor, would be able to throw those same objects up to 9" (S 4 times 2=8+Powered Armor bonus 1=9").

As a player purchases Talents that increase a model's Strength or their models suffer effects on the Battlefield that negatively affect their Strength, the Range of their thrown things will change. It also means that Strength 2 Grots can't throw rocks farther than a Space Marine can throw a Grenade. See the Wargear List for Armor and their throwing bonuses below.

The range of thrown weapons such as Spears and Axes is also equal to double a model's Strength except without the benefit provided by Powered Armor. So, for instance, a Strength 4 Assault Marine could throw a Power Spear at a target up to 8" away. Many of the weapons that can otherwise be used as a melee instrument have the De-escalating Strength and Marker Qualities, the latter usually having a range increment associated with it (such as 3" or 5") and the former as an indication that the weapon lands somewhere, can be retrieved, and used again.

"Ammunition" for Grenades
Grenades are single use weapons. They cannot be reloaded. Even things like Bricks, Hammers, and Wrenches cannot be reloaded, even if they are reusable. When equipping Grenades in the Arming Phase, their Threshold and Cost apply to 3 Grenades of the same type, unless expressly stated otherwise with the One Grenade Quality. The universal Weight of Grenades is 1 for every 3, or part thereof, of all types equipped. As Grenades are used and deducted from the carrying model's Inventory, they reduce their total Weight by 1 whenever they reach a lower multiple of 3. When a model runs out of Grenades to use, the total remaining imposition of Weight is removed from that model's Capacity.

For example, when equipping Acid Grenades, a model must have a minimum of 32 Renown and pay 3 Renown for every 3 Acid Grenades their controlling player wants to equip them with. However, equipping even a single Vortex Grenade requires that a model has a minimum of 111 Renown and pay 42 Renown to equip that one Grenade. If this same model equips both Grenade types (for a total of 4 Grenades), their total carried Weight is 2 until they use any 1 of them. If this model is equipped with 6 Grenades of any type, their total carried Weight in Grenades is also 2 until their total remaining Grenades is 3 or less. When their last Grenade is used, the total Weight penalty is 0.

Using Grenades as Boobytraps
As per the Demolition Skill, a model may use a Grenade from their Inventory to set a trap for their Adversaries. When placing the Boobytrap Marker note its BS as equal to the placing model's Skill Characteristic, not their BS Characteristic.

Some Grenades automatically become Boobytraps when they are thrown. Wherever these weapons land, place a Boobytrap Marker with a radius equal to the distance indicated by the Marker Quality. These weapons have their own BS as set by the Grenade itself.

Throwing "Marker" Grenades at a Spot Rather than a Target
Any Grenade with the Marker Quality may be placed or thrown to a point on the battlefield as yet unoccupied by a model. Simply designate the location with the Marker, measure range, and roll BS (if throwing) or Skill (if placing). In the case of throwing, if a miss occurs, have the player roll a D6 and the GM places the Marker this many inches away from the intended spot in any direction.

Grenades and Objects With a Strength of *
Some of these weapons do not have a recognizable Strength score, instead having it listed as *. Where this is the case, the Strength of the weapon is determined by the model that threw it. Grenades and Objects with a Strength of * treat their Strength as equal to the throwing model's Strength -1. Many of these weapons also have the De-escalating Strength (#") Quality. This means that the weapon's Strength is further reduced by 1 for every number of inches indicated, or part thereof, that the target is from the throwing model.

For example, a Tactical Marine wearing Powered Armor with a Strength 4 throws an Improvised Brick at an Ork Adversary 6" away. The Strength of that attack will be 2 as the weapon starts off as a Strength 3 (the model's Strength 4 -1) and because it travels a distance between 4" and 8", this Range category further reduces the impact's Strength by -1. If the target was within 4" or further away than 8", its Strength would be 3 and 1, respectively.

Grenades and Objects with a Strength of * that have additional effects - such as Blinding or Pinning - do not have to Wound their targets to take effect.

How Much Damage?
Some of the weapons on these lists have a Damage Characteristic of D2-1. What does this mean? It means this weapon sometimes doesn't do any Damage at all. The least amount of Damage any weapon can do is 0.



T:C / Grenade / S / AP / Damage / Rate of Fire / Qualities
32:3 / Acid / 2 / -D6 / 1 / D3 / Acid Burns, Dangerous to Use, Lingering Corrosion

9:2 / Blind / * / - / D2-1 / D3 / Blast, Blinding (4"), Pinning (+2)

5:1 / Chaff / * / - / D2-1 / 1 / Chaff, Lingering Smoke (D3 Turns), Heavily Obscuring Smoke, Marker (3")

29:3 / Chrono / 2 / -5 / D2-1 / D3 / Anathema <Infantry>, Blast, Pinning (+4)

23:4 / Concussion / 2 / -3 / 1 / D3 / Accurate, Blast, Concussion

17:4 / Cryo / 4 / -1 / 1 / D6 / Blast, Break Free, Frost's Bite, Stuck in Place

8:1 / Defoliant / 3 / - / 1 / D6 / Anti-Plant, Huge Blast, Lingering Toxin (6+)

33:3 / Electrobane / 3 / -3 / D3-1 / D3 / Anathema <Admech, Battlesuit, Daemonic Engine, Dark Mechanicum, Necron, Vehicle>

27:6 / Flash Flare / 3 / -3 / D2-1 / D6 / Blast, Blinding (2"), Pinning (+4), Stunning

54:6 / Fleshrender / 5 / -3 / 2 / D3 / Blast, <Blood Angels>, Limited Supply (D3x3*), Reduces Cover (-3)

1:1 / Frag / 3 / - / 1 / D6 / Blast

15:3 / Gas / 4 / -1 / 1 / 1 / Boobytrap (2+|D3), Lingering Toxin (4+), Marker (3")

36:14 / Genophage / 5 / -4 / D3 / 1 / Anathema <Faction>, Bane <Faction>, Limited Supply (Special), One Grenade, Research (Genophage)

10:3 / Glue / 2 / -4 / 1 / D6 / Break Free (-2), Stuck in Place

18:2 / Hellfire / 3 / -2 / 1 / D3 / Hellfire, Reduces Cover (-1)

5:2 / Incendiary / 3 / - / 1 / D6 / Ablaze

6:1 / Krak / 6 / -1 / 2 / 1 / -

12:3 / Nova / 4 / - / 1 / D6 / Ablaze, Blast

20:3 / Neurostun / 3 / -1 / 1 / D6 / Blast, Blinding (8"), Chaff, Haywire, Shocking

23:4 / Paralysis / * / -2 / D2-1 / D3 / Blast, Paralysis, Xenophase

23:5 / Plasma / 5 / -2 / 2 / D6 / Blast

13:3 / Psykotroke / 3 / - / D2-1 / D6 / Blast, Confusion, Limited Supply (D3x3), Mind Control (+3)

44:2 / Sanctified / 3 / - / 1 / D3 / Anathema <Daemon, Daemonic Engine>, <Black Templars>, Blast, Limited Supply (D3x3*), Sanctified

14:2 / Shock / 3 / -1 / 1 / D3 / Anathema <Infantry>, Bane <Infantry>, Shocking, Stunning

5:1 / Smoke, Red / * / - / D2-1 / 1 / Heavily Obscuring Smoke, Lingering Smoke (D3+1 Turns), Marker (5")

4:1 / Smoke, White / * / - / D2-1 / 1 / Lingering Smoke (2 Turns), Marker (4"), Obscuring Smoke

32:18 / Stasis / 2 / -4 / D2-1 / 1 / Limited Supply (D3x3), One Grenade, Pinning (+6), Stasis

2:1 / Sticky / 3 / -1 / 1 / 1 / Boobytrap (3+|D3), Marker (3")

15:3 / Strangler / 2 / - / 1 / D3 / Blast, Break Free, Strangling (D3+2), Stuck in Place

16:3 / Stun / 4 / -1 / 1 / D6 / Blast, Confusion, Stunning

33:8 / Thermic / 6 / -2 / D3+2 / D2 / Armor Burning, Catastrophic Failure, Murderous Hits

22:4 / Toxic / 5 / - / 1 / D6 / Blast, Corpse Marker (1"), Lingering Smoke (2Turns), Lingering Toxin (5+), Obscuring Smoke

Improvised "Grenades"
These weapons do not have a Threshold or a Cost as they are either scavenged from the battlefield (Improvised Brick) or easily crafted from readily available materials (Molotov).

Improvised Grenade / S / AP / Damage / Rate of Fire / Qualities
Improvised Throwing Brick / * / - / D2-1 / 1 / De-escalating Strength (4"), Marker, Reusable

Molotov / 3 / -1 / 1 / D3 / Ablaze, Blast, Spreading Flames, Volatile Package

Relic Grenades

T:C / Grenade / S / AP / Damage / Rate of Fire / Qualities
48:26 / Belicose-Pattern Stasis / 4 / -4 / 1 / 1 / Accurate, Limited Supply (3*), One Grenade, Pinning (+6), Relic, Stasis, <Storm Wardens>

47:2 / Garm-Blood Vial / 3 / - / 1 / D3+1 / Limited Supply (1*), One Grenade, Poison (4+), Relic, <Space Wolves>, <Wolf Priest>

51:6 / Holy Hand / 4 / -1 / 1 / D3 / Anathema <Chaos>, Bane <Chaos>, <Black Templars>, Blast, Limited Supply (1*), One Grenade, Relic

19:4 / Onyx-Class Blind / * / - / D2-1 / 1 / Chaff, Heavily Obscuring Smoke, Lingering Smoke (3), Marker (6"), Relic, Shrouding

76:20 / Phosphex / 5 / -3 / D3 / D6 / Blast, Crawling Fire, <Knights Amethyst>, Limited Supply (D3*), Lingering Death, <Nemesis Chapter>, One Grenade, Relic

43:6 / Psykout / 3 / - / 1 / D3 / Anathema <Daemon, Daemonic Engine, Psyker>, Blast, Breaker <Daemon, Daemonic Engine>, Limited Supply (D3x3), Lingering Null Cloud (D3 Turns), Null, Null Cloud (3"), Relic

111:42 / Vortex / 10 / -5 / D6 / 1 / Deadly to Use, Implosion, Limited Supply (D3), Murderous Hits, One Grenade, Relic, Singularity, Vortex

137:53 / Yimira-Class Stasis Bomb / 11 / -5 / 1 / D6 / Blast, Dangerous to Use, Limited Supply (1*), <Long Fang>, One Grenade, Pinning (+4), Relic, <Space Wolves>, <Veteran>, <Wolf Guard>

Unlockable Relic Grenades

T:C / Grenade / S / AP / Damage / Rate of Fire / Qualities
29:16 / Archeotech / 4 / -3 / D2-1 / 2D3 / Blast, Limited Supply (D6x3)*, Murderous Hits, Relic

78:13 / Blackfire / 10 / -4 / 1 / D6 / Blackfire, Blast, Limited Supply (Special), Relic, Seismic Shock, Volatile Package

145:27 / Destroyer / 14 / -4 / D3+3 / D3 / Increases Range (+2"), Limited Supply (Special), Relic

39:19 / Phosphex / 5 / -3 / D3 / D6 / Blast, Crawling Fire, Limited Supply (Special), Lingering Death, Relic

16:7 / Tanglefoot / * / - / D2-1 / D6 / Blast, Entangled (-D6"), Limited Supply (3), No Effect <Fly>, One Grenade, Relic

51:11 / Witchfire / 6 / -3 / D3 / D6 / Ablaze <Daemon, Daemonic Engine, Psyker>, Blast, Deflagrate <Daemon, Daemonic Engine, Psyker>, <Librarian>, Limited Supply (3)*, <Primaris Librarian>, Relic

Esteem Grenades
These Grenades are only available to equip if a model has the prerequisite ET (Esteem Threshold) with the appropriate Faction.

ET:EC / Grenade / S / AP / Damage / Rate of Fire / Qualities
13:3 / Hallucinogen / 6 / - / D2-1 / D6 / Blast, Limited Supply (D3x3 per Mission), Mind Control (+3), No Effect <Admech, Dark Mechanicum, Necron, Vehicle>, Transcendancers

12:2 / Haywire / 5 / -1 / 1 / D3 / Haywire, Limited Supply (D3x3 per Mission), Transcendancers

45:8 / Mutagen / 9 / - / 1 / D3 / Blast, Breaker <Psyker>, Limited Supply (D3x3 per Mission), No Effect <Necron, Vehicle>, Rad-Phage, Transcendancers

17:3 / Rad / 2 / -1 / 1 / 1 / Cycle of Night, Irradiated, Limited Supply (D6x3 per Mission), Lingering Radiation Effect (2D3 Turns), Marker (3"), Rad-Phage, Tainted

32:5 / Radchaff / 3 / -1 / 1 / 1 / Chaff, Irradiated, Limited Supply (3 per Mission), Lingering Radiation Effect (2D3 Turns), Lord's Own Code, Marker (6"), Rad-Phage

Thrown Objects
There is no Treshold or Cost for these Objects because they can be found laying around on the Intolerance, in the wreckage of the [++Redacted++] for free, or are purchased from the Melee Weapon list.

Object / S / AP / Damage / Rate of Fire / Qualities
Astartes Handaxe / +1 / - / 1 / 1 / De-escalating Strength (4"), Marker

Astartes Knife / as user / - / 1 / 1 / De-escalating Strength (6"), Marker

Astartes Spear / +1 / -1 / 1 / 1 / Goring, Increases Range (+2"), Marker

Power Spear / +2 / -2 / 2 / 1 / Goring, Marker

Tool (Hammer, Wrench, etc) / * / - / 1 / 1 / De-escalating Strength (3"), Marker, Reduces Range (-1")

Unlockable Relic Thrown Objects

T:C / Object / S / AP / Damage / Rate of Fire / Qualities
85:23 / Artificer's Triumph / +2 / -2 / D2 / 1 / Ablaze <Daemon, Daemonic Engine>, <Aeonic Legion>, Deadly, Entropic <Daemon, Daemonic Engine>, Goring, Marker, Masterwork, Relic, Sanctified, Unique (1) (Power Spear)

37:11 / Boronic Lance / +1 / -1 / 1 / 1 / Deadly, Goring, Irradiated, Marker, Ragged Wounds, Relic, Unique (1) (Power Spear)

38:17 / Golden Lance / +1 / -1 / 1 / 1 / First Marked, Goring, Increases Range (+3"), Marker, Relic, Tainted, Transcendancers, Unique (1) (Astartes Spear)

38:17 / Irradiated Brick / D3+3 / -1 / D2 / 1 / Enfeebling, Irradiated, Marker (3"), Rad-Phage, Relic, Sapping, Unique (1)

18:6 / Irradiated Hammer / * / - / 1 / 1 / Irradiated, Marker (3"), Murderous Hits <Terrain>, Reduces Range (-1"), Relic, Reusable, Tech Re-Roll (6+), Unique (1)

40:20 / Psychically Attuned Zzapstik / +1 / -2 / D3 / 1 / Attuned, Marker, Relic, Research (Orkish Weapons), Unique (1)*, Xenotech

16:7 / Silencer Beacon / * / - / 1 / 1 / Delayed Detonation: 1 Battleround, Marker (6"), Relic, Reusable, Silence (3 Battlerounds), Unique (1)

Xenotech Grenades
*The Stats and Qualities of these weapons are detailed here, but the Threshold, Cost, and rules regarding how they are obtained are detailed below, on the Xenotech wargear list. The short definition of the Research (category) Quality is that the Deathwatch must obtain 10 examples of the weapons indicated before they are able to begin attempting to recreate a Sanctioned version for use.

Grenade / S / AP / Damage / Rate of Fire / Qualities
Aeldari Hallucinogen / * / - / D2-1 / D3 / Blast, De-escalating Strength (4"), Psychotropic, Research <Aeldari Weapons>, Xenotech

Aeldari Plasma / 5 / -1 / 1 / D6 / Blast, Research <Aeldari Weapons>, Xenotech

Druhkari Mutagenic / 3 / -D3 / 1 / D6 / Blast, Lingering Corrosion, Research <Druhkari Weapons>, Xenotech

Fusion / 9 / -4 / D6+2 / 1 / Research <Aeldari Weapons>, Seismic Shock, Volatile Package, Xenotech

Gravitic / 5 / -1 / 1 / D6 / Blast, Graviton Pulse, Research <Votanni Weapons>, Xenotech

Mole / 5 / -2 / 1 / D6 / Blast, Relay, Research <Votanni Weapons>, Seismic Shock, Xenotech

Monoball / 6 / -1 / 3 / 2D3 / Blast, Research <Aeldari Weapons>, Righteous Strikes, Xenotech

Monofilament Trap / * / - / D2-1 / 1 / Boobytrap (5+|1), Entangled (-D3"), Entangled Charge (-D3"), Marker (12"), Mortal Strikes, Research <Aeldari Weapons>, Xenotech

Phantasm / 1 / - / 1 / D6 / Blast, Phantasm, Research <Druhkari Weapons>, Xenotech

Photon / * / - / 1 / D6 / Increases Range (+1"), Pinning (+2), Research <T'au Weapons>, Xenotech

Prismatic / 4 / -2 / 1 / D6 / Blast, Blinding (4"), Research <Aeldari Weapons>, Xenotech

Shard / 4 / -1 / 1 / D6 / Blast, Increases Range (+2"), Murderous Hits, Research <Druhkari Weapons>, Xenotech

Shredder / D6 / -2 / D3 / D3 / Blast, Research <Druhkari Weapons>, Xenotech

Stickbomb / 3 / - / 1 / 1 / Boobytrap (4+|D3), Delayed Detonation (1 Turn), Increases Range (+2"), Marker (3") Research <Orkish Weapons>, Unreliable, Xenotech

Grenade- and Thrown Weapon-Specific Qualities

Acid Burns: models hit by a weapon with this Quality, but not removed as casualties, suffer 1 automatic hit at the start of their next Turn at Strength 2, AP-D6, and Damage 1.

Anti-Plant: a weapon with this Quality automatically hits and Wounds vegetation, foliage, and other similar Terrain Features, such as fungus, jungle, mutated plants, etc.

Blast: pick one and stay consistent:
(version 1) versus units that number 5 or more models, the weapon with this Quality is assumed to roll at least half its potential shots, if it doesn't roll more. Versus units that number 10 or more models, the weapon with this Quality is assumed to roll its maximum number of shots, without needing to roll. In addition, hits may only be assigned to models within 3" of the first target.

(version 2) this weapon adds +1 to its number of shots for every full 5 models in the target unit.

Blinding (#"): models hit by a weapon with this Quality must take a Toughness test. If they fail this test, their maximum visual range is reduced to the parenthetical number of inches listed with this Quality.

Break Free (+/-# or D#): a model hit by a weapon with this Quality may attempt to end any of its lingering effects early by rolling a Strength test at the start of their Movement Phase (modified as necessary by any number in parentheses associated with this Quality). If they pass, they may Move normally, but cannot Advance, and any lingering effects are negated provided the model Moves out of the effected area on its current Turn. If they fail, the player controlling the model may try again at the start of its next Turn.

Chaff: place a Marker as detailed by the weapon or item. All models within 3" of this Marker are -1 to be hit with Ranged attacks and are immune to the effects of Thermal Optics, Scanners that detect Heat, and any other wargear that detects, reveals, or targets using Heat sensors.

Concussion: the controlling player of a model hit by a weapon with this Quality, but not removed as a casualty, must roll a D6 at the start of that model's next Turn. On a 5+, the model cannot Move, Advance, or Charge this Turn. On a 3+, the model also suffers -1 to hit this Turn. And on a 2+, the model also suffers -1 to Wound, cannot use any Skills, cannot Deny the Witch, and cannot attempt to manifest any Psychic Powers this Turn.

Confusion: models hit by a weapon with this Quality, but not removed as casualties, must immediately test their Toughness. If the model fails this test, they cannot Move, Advance, or Charge until the end of their next Turn.

Corpse Marker (#"): if a model is removed as a casualty by a weapon with this Quality, place a Marker with a radius equal to the number in parentheses where the target was felled. Any model that begins or ends its Movement or Charge Phase, or passes within Range during its Movement or Charge within this radius suffers a single hit with the same Strength, AP, and Damage as the weapon that caused this Marker to be placed, on the D6 roll of a 3+.

Crawling Fire: after all hits from this weapon have been assigned, measure 3" from any one of the models assigned a hit by this weapon, in any direction. Any models not already hit by this weapon within that 3" also suffer 1 automatic hit from this weapon, at the same Strength, AP, and Damage as the original hits.

De-escalating Strength (#"): a weapon with this Quality reduces its Strength by 1 for each increment of Range as indicated by the number in parentheses. If this Increment is 3", for example, then at Ranges from 3.1" to 6", its Strength is -1 and at Ranges from 6.1" to 9", its Strength is -2, and so on, until either this weapon's Strength equals 0 or it reaches its maximum Range.

Delayed Detonation (#): after a weapon with this Quality is thrown or Emplaced, it waits a number of Turns indicated by the number in parentheses before it activates. On the Turn it takes effect, it activates at the start of the Shooting Phase.

Entangled (-D#"): a weapon with this Quality reduces the Move Characteristic, of each model hit, by the number in parentheses, for their next Movement Phase.

Entangled Charge (-D#"): a weapon with this Quality reduces the Charge Distance rolled, of each model hit, by the number in parentheses, in their next Charge Phase.

[Faction]: in the case of weapons and wargear obtained through Esteem, this Quality refers to the appropriate [Faction] a model must have said Esteem with.

Frost's Bite: each unmodified 6 to hit inflicted by a weapon with this Quality reduces the target's Movement on its next Turn by -1". If this would reduce its Movement to 0", it can only Move by Advancing.

Graviton Pulse: after resolving hits and Wounds for this weapon, the controlling player places a Marker in base to base contact with any target hit by a weapon with this Quality. All models that start or end their Movement Phase within 3" of this Marker reduce their Movement Characteristic by -D6". If this adjustment reduces a model's effective Movement to zero or less, that model simply cannot Move this Turn. This Marker remains in play until the end of the next Battleround.

Heavily Obscuring Smoke: models that draw line of sight through an area affected by Heavily Obscuring Smoke must subtract 2 from their hit rolls. In addition, models targeted through this area gain a +2 Cover Bonus to their Armor Saves.

Huge Blast: pick one and stay consistent:
(version 1) versus units that number 5 or more models, the weapon with this Quality is assumed to roll at least half its potential shots, if it doesn't roll more. Versus units that number 10 or more models, the weapon with this Quality is assumed to roll its maximum number of shots, without needing to roll. In addition, hits may only be assigned to models within 5" of the first target.

(version 2) this weapon adds +2 to its number of shots for every full 5 models in the target unit.

Irradiated: any model either carrying or within a 1" proximity of a weapon or Marker with this Quality treats their Toughness Characteristic as 1 less than it actually is for all rules purposes.

Lingering Corrosion: if a model is hit by this weapon, but not removed as a casualty, reduce its Armor Save by 1 for the remainder of the Mission.

Lingering Death: after this weapon's hits are resolved, place a Marker within 1" of any model hit by it. It remains in place for the duration of the Mission. Subsequently, any model that starts or ends their Movement Phase within 3" of this Marker must roll a Toughness. If they pass there is no additional effect. If they fail they suffer 1 Mortal Wound.

Lingering Null Cloud (D# Turns): weapons with this Quality have their Null effect persist for additional Turns as indicated by the number or variable within the parenthesis.

Lingering Radiation Effect (D# Turns): weapons with this Quality inflict a single automatic hit on any model within range of its associated Marker at the start of their Movement Phase for additional Turns as indicated by the number or variable within the parenthesis. The Strength, AP, and Damage is the same as the original hit.

Lingering Smoke (D# Turns): weapons with this Quality have their Heavily Obscuring Smoke or Obscuring Smoke effects persist for additional Turns as indicated by the number or variable within the parenthesis.

Lingering Toxin (#+): a weapon with this Quality will inflict an automatic Wound on any model previously hit by this weapon, at the start of that model's Movement Phase on the D6 roll equal to or greater than the number indicated in the parentheses. These rolls persist every Turn after the initial hit until the Lingering Toxin fails to Wound the model.

Mind Control (+#): a model hit by a weapon with this Quality must immediately test its Leadership Characteristic with a modifier equal to the number in parentheses. If this test is passed there is no further effect. If this test is failed, the affected model comes under the control of the opposing player on their Turn. These models may Move, Advance, or Charge, may Shoot at erstwhile allies they can draw line of sight to, and may interact with Doors to Open, Close, Lock, or Unlock them. These Mind-Controlled models may be used to set off Boobytraps and trigger Autosentry Turrets and Alarms. They cannot, however, use any Skills and cannot interact with any Technology except those already mentioned above. All models on the table treat Mind-Controlled models as Enemy models. A Mind-Controlled model that suffers one or more Wounds, whether or not it manages to Save, may immediately retest their Leadership with the same modifier as the original weapon minus 1.

Mortal Strikes: a weapon with this Quality inflicts a single Mortal Wound on any target it hits, but only a maximum of 1 per target.

Null: models Wounded, but not removed as casualties, by weapons with this Quality cannot attempt to manifest any Psychic Powers or use their Psychic Sense Skill for D3 Turns.

Null Cloud (#"): within the area of effect indicated in parenthesis, models suffer -2 to their Leadership Characteristic, -2 to any Psychic Tests they may take, and -6" to their Cohesion Range.

Obscuring Smoke: models that draw line of sight through an area affected by Obscuring Smoke must subtract 1 from their hit rolls. In addition, models targeted through this area gain a +1 Cover Bonus to their Armor Saves.

Paralysis: if the target of a weapon with this Quality fails its Armor, Daemonic, or Invulnerable Save, whether or not it takes any Damage, that model cannot be chosen to Fight with in the next Fight Phase until all other eligible models have already been selected. If more than one model is affected by this Quality, then, after all other models have been selected to Fight, the controlling player (s) may select the order of these models in accordance with the normal rules for doing so.

Phantasm: each hit made by a weapon with this Quality reduces the target's Leadership Characteristic by 1 until the end of its next Turn.

Psychotropic: if any hit is scored on a target from a weapon with this Quality, the attacking player rolls 2D6. If the total score on these dice add up to the target model's Leadership Characteristic or more, that model suffers 1 Mortal Wound.

Rad-Phage: a model Wounded by a weapon with this Quality, but not removed as a casualty, reduces its Toughness Characteristic by -1 for the remainder of the Mission. A model may only have its Toughness reduces by Rad-Phage once per Mission.

Research (Faction Weapons): in order to make even a single weapon or ammo of this type, the Deathwatch Marines must first add the Tertiary Objective: Obtain <Faction Keyword> Weapons: if any Deathwatch allied model spends 1 complete Movement or Shooting Phase in base to base contact with an enemy model - living or dead - they collect 1 <Faction Keyword> Weapon from that model. If the Deathwatch allied model has the Tech Skill they may expend a Rating and test, collecting D2+1 <Faction Keyword> Weapons if successful, instead. If any Samples are collected this Mission, the Mission Leader model gains an additional +1 Renown during the Debriefing Phase.

Once 10 total Weapons of the same <Faction Keyword> have been obtained, any model with any two of the Demolitions, Tech, and/or Forbidden Knowledge Skills may test their Skill Characteristic between Missions. This is called the Research roll. On a failed test, D6 <Faction Keyword> Weapons are destroyed and more must be obtained to bring their total number back to 10 before another test can be attempted. If the test is passed, 1 Sanctified Xenotech weapon - a Rifle, a Pistol, a Grenade, a Melee, or a Heavy Weapon - is created. Once created, all 10 <Faction Keyword> Weapons are consumed in that process and more must be obtained to start the process again. Each time a Sanctified Xenotech weapon is made, all models that participated in its construction - the Sample collectors and the Research roller - gain +1 XP.

Research (Genophage): in order to make even a single weapon or ammo of this type, the Deathwatch Marines must first add the Tertiary Objective: Obtain <Faction Keyword> Samples: if any Deathwatch allied model equipped with a Sample Container spends 1 complete Movement or Shooting Phase in base to base contact with an enemy model - living or dead - they collect 1 <Faction Keyword> Sample from that model. If the Deathwatch allied model has the Medic Skill they may expend a Rating and test, collecting D2+1 <Faction Keyword> Samples if successful, instead. If any Samples are collected this Mission, the Mission Leader model gains an additional +1 Renown during the Debriefing Phase.

Once 10 total Samples of the same <Faction Keyword> have been obtained, any model with any two of the Medic, Tech, and/or Forbidden Knowledge Skills may test their Skill Characteristic between Missions. This is called the Research roll. On a failed test, 1 <Faction Keyword> Sample is destroyed and another must be obtained to replace it before another test can be attempted. If the test is passed, 1 Genophage weapon - a single Grenade or Bolt Shell - is created, inserting the <Faction Keyword> into its Anathema and Bane Qualities. Any number of single use Genophage weapons may be created in this way, as long as a model with the appropriate Skills passes their Skill test, and the players have at least 10 of the same <Faction Keyword> Samples on hand before the test is made. Each time a Genophage weapon is made, all models that participated in its construction - the Sample collectors and the Research roller - gain +1 Renown.

Seismic Shock: on the next Mission following one where a weapon with this Quality was used, roll on the Mundane Events table at the start of each Battleround.

Shocking: models hit one or more times by a weapon with this Quality reduce their Toughness Characteristic by 1 until the end of their next Turn. If this effect reduces the model's Toughness to 0, the model instead suffers a single, immediate Mortal Wound.

Shrouding: enemy models cannot draw line of sight through an area affected by this Quality.

Single Target: regardless of the number of shots generated by this weapon, all must be allocated to the same target.

Stasis (#): a model hit by a weapon or effect with this Quality cannot Move, Advance, Charge, Shoot, use any Skills or Psychic Powers, and cannot take any other Actions. A model affected by Stasis can be pushed around the battlefield by any other model in base to base contact with it, up to 3" in any direction. If the pushing model has a Strength 6+, they may instead push the Stasis victim up to 6" in any direction instead. The affected model also becomes immune to Poison, Radiation Effects, and any other Environmental Effects like Hard Vacuum or Spreading Flames, until the Stasis effect ends. Stasis lasts for a number of Turns equal to the number or variable in parentheses. If a model is still under the effects of Stasis at the end of the Mission and within 2" of any allied model, that model is considered Captured.

Strangling (# or D#): a model hit by a weapon with this Quality suffers a single automatic Hit at the Strength, AP, and Damage of the original hit at the start of its next and subsequent Movement Phases, until the effect ends (after the number of Battlerounds indicated in parentheses) or they are able to Break Free.

Stuck in Place (# or D#): a model hit by a weapon with this Quality cannot Move, Advance, or Charge until the effect ends (after the number of Battlerounds indicated in parentheses) or they are able to Break Free.

Stunning: models hit one or more times by a weapon with this Quality reduce their Attacks Characteristic by 1 until the end of their next Turn. If this effect reduces the model's Attacks to 0, the model cannot defend itself and is automatically hit when enemy models Attack it.

Xenophase: weapons with this Quality ignore Invulnerable Saves. The target may only attempt an Armor Save against this weapon, if it isn't completely nullified by the weapon's AP.

Xenotech: models equipping any weapon or wargear with this Quality immediately and permanently reduce their total Renown by -1.

This message was edited 18 times. Last update was at 2024/04/24 17:04:24

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Grenade Launchers
Grenade Launchers are simplistic devices designed to provide range and accuracy to modified grenade rounds. Whether automated, underslung, or rifled, they all do the same thing - lob explosives down range. There isn't much more to say about them.

Grenade Rounds
Just like other weapons, many Grenade Launchers have magazines with a number of shots in them before they must be reloaded. Some of the weapons on this list have a Magazine of 1. Where this is the case, these weapons must be reloaded after every shot and can typically only be used in Standard or Precision Firing Mode. When purchasing ammunition for Grenade Launchers, individual Grenade Rounds have the same Weight as standard Grenades.

A model carrying 3 Grenade Rounds would add 1 Weight to their inventory until all 3 Grenade Rounds were expended.

There are 4 classifications of Grenade Launcher "Magazine". These are Breach, Cylinder, Standard Magazine, and Preloaded Pod. A weapon with a Breach or Cylinder Magazine must be hand-loaded, one Round at a time. Reloading each individual Grenade Round takes a full Movement or Shooting Phase. A weapon with a Standard Magazine can be reloaded much quicker, requiring 1 full Movement or Shooting Phase to replace the entire supply of shots. Preloaded Pods can only be reloaded during the Arming Phase of Missions unless a model's Grenade Launcher has the Auto Reloader Mod. Standard Magazines Weigh 1 for each equipped. Preloaded Pods Weigh 2 for each extra equipped. If a model reloads one of these weapons it cannot make a Charge in the same Turn.

Rate of Fire
Grenade Launchers do not have typical Rates of Fire. Instead these are presented as "x#". Where this is the case, the number of shots rolled for these weapons is equal to the Rate of Fire of the Grenade Round times the Grenade Launcher's Rate of Fire.

For example, an Asaheim-Pattern Autolauncher has a Standard Firing Mode Rate of Fire of "x2". If this weapon were loaded with Stormfrag Grenade Rounds - which have a Rate of Fire of D3 - the controlling player would roll 2D3 (2 times D3) to determine the weapon's Rate of Fire for that Shooting Phase.

Modifying Grenade Launchers
The only way to add any sort of Sight or Optic to a Grenade Launcher is with a Weapon Modification. The weapons on this list cannot be outfitted with add-on Wargear, except as noted in their Mods list.

Target Selection with Grenade Launchers
When Shooting with these weapons first select the primary target then generate Rate of Fire. Roll to hit as normal. The primary target must be assigned one of the hits generated. Remaining hits can only be assigned to other models within 2" of the primary target, unless the Grenade Round has the Blast or Huge Blast Quality. Blast Quality Grenade Rounds can assign hits to models within 3" of the primary target and Huge Blast Grenade Rounds can assign their hits to models within 5" of the primary target. No model may be assigned more than 1 hit until all eligible models within range have been assigned at least 1 hit each. Roll to Wound and Save as normal after that.

First Founding Arsenal

Grenade Launchers
T:C / Weapon / Wt / B|C|M|P / Integral Wargear / Qualities
26:9 / Omega-Pattern Frag Cannon / (5) 3 / -|-|16|- / Dual-Chambered Magazine, Gene-Grip, Recoil Compensator, Suspensor Rig / Assault, <Devastator>, <First Founding>, Limited Ammo Types (Accelerated Shell, Heavy Frag Shell), Recoil (5+)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: x2, Inaccurate
Burst: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: x6, Heavy, Saturation Fire

42:5 / Asaheim-Pattern Auto Launcher / 1 / 4|-|-|- / Neural-Link, Mag Clamp / Assault, <Space Wolves>, <Wulfen>
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: x2, Inaccurate
Burst: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: x4, Saturation Fire

15:5 / MarkVII Assault Launcher / +3 / -|-|8|- / Handlebar Mount / Assault, <Assault Biker>, <First Founding>, <Scout>
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: x1, Reliable
Burst: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: x2, Inaccurate

20:8 / Mezoa-Pattern Auto Launcher / - / 1|-|-|- / Mag Clamp / Accurate, Assault, <Champion>, Exceptional, Reliable, Unique (2)
Standard: 20" Range, Rate of Fire: x1, -

Ultima Founding Arsenal

Grenade Launchers
T:C / Weapon / Wt / B|C|M|P / Integral Wargear / Qualities
26:5 / Mars-Pattern Storm Launcher / +2 / -|-|-|12 / Neural-Link, Mag Clamp / <Aggressor>, Arming Phase Reloadable, Assault, Gravis-Compatable, <Ultima Founding>
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: x1, Reliable
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: x5, Saturation Fire

10:3 / Cawl-Pattern Underslung Launcher / +1 / 1|-|-|- / Undersling Rigging / <Intercessor>, <Ultima Founding>
Standard: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: x1, Reliable

Unlockable Grenade Launchers
T:C / Weapon / Wt / B|C|M|P / Integral Wargear / Qualities
8:2 / Accatran-Pattern Launcher / 2 / -|-|6|- / Bipod / Assault, Brace for Range (+6"), Rifle
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: x1, Reliable
Burst: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: x2, -

19:5 / Cadian-Pattern Launcher / 2 / -|-|6|- / - / Assault, Relic, Rifle
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: x1, Very Reliable
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: x2, Inaccurate, Reliable

9:1 / Voss-Pattern Launcher / 1 / -|-|6|- / - / Assault, Fragile, Pistol
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: x1, Reliable
Burst: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: x2, Inaccurate

Relic Grenade Launchers
T:C / ]Weapon / Wt / B|C|M|P / Integral Wargear / Qualities
76:14 / Voss-Pattern Assault Launcher / 4 / -|6|-|- / Vambrace Support / Assault, <Black Shield>, <Blood Angels>, Heavy, Masterwork, Relic, Stabilized, Unique (1*)*
Standard: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: x1, Reliable
Burst: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: x2, Inaccurate
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: x3, Saturation Fire

33:15 / Wrist Launcher / +1 / 2|-|-|- / Mag Clamp / Assault, <Champion>, Exceptional, <First Founding>, Relic, Terminator-Compatible, Unique (3), Vambrace Attachment, <Veteran>
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: x1, Accurate, Reliable
Burst: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: x2, -

Unlockable Relic Grenade Launchers
T:C / ]Weapon / Wt / B|C|M|P / Integral Wargear / Qualities
65:10 / Anvilus-Pattern Grenade Discharger / +2 / -|-|6|- / Mag Clamp / Assault, <Blood Angels>, Masterwork, Relic, Unique (*), Vambrace Attachment
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: x3, Saturation Fire

19:6 / Balistus-Pattern Wrist Launcher / +2 / -|-|5|- / Mag Clamp / Assault, Exceptional, Limited Ammo Compatibility (Alarus-Pattern Grenade Rounds), Mark of the Ordo Malleus, Relic, Terminator-Compatible, Unique (*), Vambrace Attachment
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: x1, -

32:6 / Bellicose-Pattern Underslung Launcher / +1 / 1|4|-|- / Undersling Rigging / Masterwork, Relic,Unique (1)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: x1, Reliable

45:11 / Tartaros-Pattern Grenade Harness / +2 / -|-|-|8 / Mag Clamp, Neural-Link / Arming Phase Reloadable, Assault, Cataphractii-Compatible, Masterwork, Pistol, Relic, Tartaros-Compatible, Unique (*)
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: x2, Saturation Fire

86:20 / Tears of the Angel / (4) 2 / -|6|-|- / Suspensor Rig, Vambrace Support / Assault, <Blood Angels>, <Champion>, <Devastator>, Masterwork, Reliable, Relic, Stabilized, Unique (1)
Standard: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: x1, Accurate, Reliable
Burst: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: x2, -
Autofire: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: x3, Saturation Fire

72:14 / The Gagorak / +2 / -|-|-|8 / Mag Clamp, Neural-Link / Arming Phase Reloadable, Assault, Cataphractii-Compatible, Masterwork, <Minotaurs>, Pistol, Relic, Saturation Fire, Tartaros-Compatible, Unique (1)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: x2, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: x4, Upgrades Blast

59:14 / Warning / 4 / -|7|-|- / Vambrace Support / <Black Shield>, Heavy, Lingering Toxin (4+), Masterwork, Reliable, Relic, Stabilized, Tainted Artifice, Unique (1)
Precision: 28" Range, Rate of Fire: x1, Accurate, Target Selection
Standard: 14" Range, Rate of Fire: x1, Assault
Burst: 7" Range, Rate of Fire: x7, Saturation Fire

Grenade Rounds
The main difference between Grenades and Grenade Rounds is the method of delivery. A model that is armed with loose Grenade Rounds cannot throw them the way they would a Grenade in the same way a model cannot simply throw bullets with the same effect as Shooting them. To reflect that these Grenade Rounds are hurtling out of a rifled barrel by means of propellent, all Grenade Rounds have a minimum Strength of 3 and inflict a minimum of 1 Damage to any model it manages to Wound.

When equipping these Grenade Rounds, the Cost categories are for 1 Individual Grenade Round (which may be loaded into Breach or Cylinder Magazine types), 1 standard Magazine, and 1 Preloaded Pod.

T:C: I|M|P / Grenade Round / S / AP / Damage / Rate of Fire / Qualities
38:3|16|21 / Accelerated Shell / 7 / -2 / 2 / 1 / Close-Range Effect (Strength +2, AP +1), <Devastator>, <First Founding>, Increases Range (+12")

30:1|6|8 / Acid Grenade Round / 3 / -D6 / 1 / D3 / Acid Burns, Dangerous to Use, Lingering Corrosion

11:1|5|6 / Blind Grenade Round / 3 / - / 1 / D3 / Blast, Blinding (4"), Pinning (+2)

6:1|3|4 / Chaff Grenade Round / 3 / - / 1 / 1 / Chaff, Lingering Smoke (D3 Turns), Heavily Obscuring Smoke, Marker (3")

35:2|9|12 / Chrono Grenade Round / 3 / -5 / 1 / D3 / Anathema <Infantry>, Blast, Pinning (+4)

27:2|10|13 / Concussion Grenade Round / 3 / -3 / 1 / D3 / Accurate, Blast, Concussion

18:1|7|10 / Cryo Grenade Round / 4 / -1 / 1 / D6 / Blast, Break Free, Frost's Bite, Stuck in Place

5:1|4|5 / Defoliant Grenade Round / 3 / - / 1 / D6 / Anti-Plant, Huge Blast, Lingering Toxin (6+)

38:1|7|9 / Electrobane Grenade Round / 3 / -3 / 1 / D3 / Anathema <Admech, Battlesuit, Daemonic Engine, Dark Mechanicum, Necron, Vehicle>

29:2|13|17 / Flash Flare Grenade Round / 3 / -3 / 1 / D6 / Blast, Blinding (2"), Pinning (+4), Stunning

1:1|5|7 / Frag Grenade Round / 3 / - / 1 / D6 / Blast

15:1|5|7 / Gas Grenade Round / 4 / -1 / 1 / 1 / Boobytrap (2+|D3), Lingering Toxin (4+), Marker (3")

20:1|7|9 / Glue Grenade Round / 3 / -4 / 1 / D6 / Break Free (-2), Stuck in Place

15:1|5|7 / Heavy Fragmentation Shell / 6 / -1 / 1 / D3 / Blast, <First Founding>

12:1|4|5 / Heavy Slug Grenade Round / 5 / -1 / D3 / 1 / Linear Strike

18:1|5|6 / Hellfire Grenade Round / 3 / -2 / 1 / D3 / Hellfire, Reduces Cover (-1)

5:1|3|4 / Incendiary Grenade Round / 3 / - / 1 / D6 / Ablaze

6:1|2|3 / Krak Grenade Round / 6 / -1 / 2 / 1 / -

12:1|5|7 / Nova Grenade Round / 4 / - / 1 / D6 / Ablaze, Blast

19:2|9|12 / Neurostun Grenade Round / 3 / -1 / 1 / D6 / Blast, Blinding (8"), Chaff, Haywire, Shocking

23:2|10|13 / Plasma Grenade Round / 5 / -2 / 2 / D6 / Blast

14:1|4|5 / Shock Grenade Round / 3 / -1 / 1 / D3 / Anathema <Infantry>, Bane <Infantry>, Shocking, Stunning

7:1|4|5 / Smoke, Red, Grenade Round / 3 / - / 1 / 1 / Heavily Obscuring Smoke, Lingering Smoke (D3+1 Turns), Marker (5")

6:1|2|3 / Smoke, White, Grenade Round / 3 / - / 1 / 1 / Lingering Smoke (2 Turns), Marker (4"), Obscuring Smoke

8:1|4|5 / Sticky Grenade Round / 3 / -1 / 1 / 1 / Boobytrap (3+|D3), Marker (3")

10:1|4|5 / Stormfrag Grenade Round / 4 / - / 1 / D3 / <Aggressor>, Blast, <Ultima Founding>

41:3|16|21 / Stormkrak Grenade Round / 9 / -1 / D3 / 1 / <Ultima Founding>

9:1|3|4 / Strangler Grenade Round / 3 / - / 1 / D3 / Blast, Break Free, Strangling, Stuck in Place

16:1|7|9 / Stun Grenade Round / 4 / -1 / 1 / D6 / Blast, Confusion, Stunning

33:2|11|15 / Thermic Grenade Round / 6 / -2 / D3+2 / D2 / Armor Burning, Catastrophic Failure, Murderous Hits

22:2|10|13 / Toxic Grenade Round / 5 / - / 1 / D6 / Blast, Corpse Marker (1"), Lingering Smoke (2Turns), Lingering Toxin (5+), Obscuring Smoke

Relic Grenade Rounds
19:1|8|11 / Onyx-Class Blind Grenade Rounds / 3 / - / 1 / 1 / Blinding (12"), Chaff, Heavily Obscuring Smoke, Lingering Smoke (3), Marker (6"), Relic, Shrouding

Unlockable Relic Grenade Rounds
15:1|5|6 / Alarus-Pattern Grenade Round] / 5 / -3 / 1 / D3 / Blast

Integral Wargear Explained
whenever a model armed with a weapon with this wargear is within 1" of a Terrain Feature, they may negate the Inaccurate Quality associated with the weapon this is attached to.

Dual-Chambered Magazine: weapons with this wargear may equip 2 different Grenade Round types in the same Magazine, but only pay half the Cost (rounding up) of each type. Half the shots in this Magazine are one type and the remainder are of the other type. A model may only fire 1 type of Grenade Round per Shooting Phase. Select 1 type for which the model has enough remaining shots before rolling to hit.

Gene-Grip: the weapon with this wargear gains the Very Reliable Quality in Standard and Precision Firing Mode if they do not Move or Advance in their Movement Phase. This weapon automatically Jams if any other model attempts to use it.

Handlebar Mount: a weapon with this wargear counts as not Moving if they Move 6" or less while on an Assault or Outrider Bike.

Mag Clamp: a weapon with this wargear cannot be Disarmed.

Neural-Link: this wargear allows the model equipped with this weapon to Shoot it in addition to any other Ranged Attacks it may make. Unless the weapon is also equipped with an Independent Targeter, however, it must be used to Shoot at the same target unit as its other Ranged Attacks.

Recoil Compensator: whenever a model Shoots a weapon equipped with this wargear and rolls more than 1 die when Shooting, it gains a further +1 Shot. If it is firing multiple Grenade Rounds each with a variable number of shots, this Mod adds +1 Shot for every 3 Shots rolled. These extra Shots do not expend any ammo.

Suspensor Rig: a weapon equipped with this wargear reduces its Weight by 2. If this is Integral Wargear, these adjustments have already been factored into the weapon's profile.

Undersling Rigging: a weapon with this Integral Wargear cannot be used on its own. It must be connected to the foregrip of another Rifle weapon and thereafter functions like a Combi-Weapon.

Vambrace Support: a weapon with this wargear takes up a Vambrace Slot until the model carrying it either drops it or has it Disarmed.

Grenade Launcher Weapon Mods
Any Grenade Launcher except Relics and Underslung Launchers can have Weapon Mods. Installing any of these Mods requires that either a model from the equipping character's Squad spends 1 Rating from their Tech Skill per Mod or rolls their Tech Skill and accepts the risk of failure. Spending a Rating guarantees a successful Mod. If a model instead chooses to roll and succeeds, that model gains +1XP. If that model rolls and fails, the equipping model is forced to deploy on the Mission with the Botched Effect Weapon Mod. If the model so equipped survives the Mission despite their flawed weapon, they gain an additional +1XP. Opting to roll does not use up a Rating.

Some of these Mods are specific to one particular Grenade Launcher type. Where this is true, the type it may modify is listed with the Mod.

The Threshold and Cost adjustments for these Mods apply to the Grenade Launcher they modify, adding their totals together.

T:C / Weapon Mod / Botched Effect / Successful Effect
+4:+2 / Automated Reloader: Storm Launcher only. / The feeds and gears do not align properly, but with a loud grinding noise, this Mod keeps trying to work for the remainder of the Mission. This Weapon Mod adds +1 Weight, and prevents the model from using Stealth Skill effects for the remainder of the Mission. / A marvel of technology and automation. A model equipped with a Storm Launcher with this Mod may equip up to 2 additional Preloaded Pods that reload themselves automatically during the model's next Movement Phase.

+2:+2 / Bipod: Cadian-Pattern Grenade Launcher, Frag Cannon, and Underslung Grenade Launchers only. / Mounted incorrectly, this mod either locks open when not in use or refuses to lock when needed. Or both. This Weapon Mod adds +1 Weight, but doesn't do anything else. / Standing and braced or laying prone, this mod adds significant stability to a user's shots. Whenever a model armed with a weapon with this wargear is within 1" of a Terrain Feature, they may negate the Inaccurate Quality associated with the weapon this is attached to.

+8:+6 / Divining Cogitator The Machine Spirit is displeased and refuses to deliver accurate targeting data. This weapon gains the Dangerous to Use Quality and loses any Accurate, Reliable, and Very Reliable Qualities it may currently have. / Placated properly, this device's s Machine Spirit delivers deadly accurate targeting information. If the Shooter does not Move or Advance, their weapon gains the Deadly Aim Quality and increases its maximum Range in all Firing Modes by +4D6" until the end of the players' Shooting Phase.

+5:+1 / Gene-Grip / The weapon will not respond to the user's commands and will fight them at every turn. This weapon gains the Dangerous to Use, Inaccurate, and Unreliable Qualities. It also loses any Accurate, Automatically Hits, Pinpoint Accuracy, Reduces Cover, and Reliable Qualities it may have. / The weapon is molded and coded to this user's gene signature only and refuses to function for anyone else. This weapon gains the Very Reliable Quality in Standard and Precision Firing Mode if the model carrying it does not Move or Advance in their Movement Phase. This weapon automatically Jams if any other model attempts to use it.

+4:+4 / Indirect-Fire Sight The sight is not mounted correctly, increasing the possibility of dangerous ricochets. Whenever this weapon is used to Shoot at targets at higher or lower elevations than the Shooting model, it gains the Dangerous to Use Quality. / Securely mounted, this Mod allows the shooter to strike at targets it cannot see due to obscuring balconies and tunnels. This weapon may be used to target enemy models in Range, even if the Shooter cannot draw line of sight to them.

+2:+1 / Mag Clamp / The powerful magnets applied to this weapon are misaligned and it fights against its wielder's grip in an effort to fly away. This Mod increases the weapon's weight by +2, adds the Inaccurate Quality, and requires the Shooting model to make a Strength test after every one of its Shooting Phases. If this test is failed the weapon flies out of the model's hands and is placed as a suitable Marker D3" in front of the model. Any model that wishes to retrieve this weapon must first pass a Strength test to pry it off the deck plating. / Powerful magnets pin this weapon to its wielder's grip. The weapon with this Mod cannot be disarmed.

+6:+3 / Recoil Compensator / After the first shot, the systems designed to absorb the back blast of this weapon jam, causing it to jump off target with every subsequent shot. After the first time this weapon is used, it gains the Inaccurate Quality and loses any Accurate, Reliable or Very Reliable Qualities it may have, for the remainder of the Mission. / The weapon's barrel is modified to absorb and redirect some of the back blast, making it easier to stay on target with multiple shots. Whenever this weapon rolls more than 1 die when Shooting, it gains a further +1 Shot. If it is firing multiple Grenade Rounds each with a variable number of shots, this Mod adds +1 Shot for every 3 Shots rolled. These extra Shots do not expend any ammo.

+1:+1 / Simple Riser-Sight: Frag Cannon and Accatran-, Cadian-, and Voss-Pattern Launchers only. / The sight is simply not zeroed correctly, making accuracy impossible. Whenever this weapon is used to Shoot at targets more than half its Range distant it gains the Very Unreliable Quality. / Zeroed right, this Mod makes the weapon effective at ranges greater than its normal maximum. If the model equipped with this weapon does not Move or Advance, increase this weapon's maximum Range in all Firing Modes by +D6" until the end of the players' Shooting Phase.

+2:+1 / Suspensor-Pad / Miscalibration of the delicate anti-grav systems within this Mod render its intended effect null or counter, unpredictably. For the first Battleround of the upcoming Mission, this Mod reduces the weight of the weapon by 1. At the start of each subsequent Battleround, the controlling player must roll a D6. On the roll of a 1, this Mod instead increases the weight of the weapon it is attached to by +1. On the roll of a 6, this Weapon Mod simply stops working for the remainder of the Mission. All weight gains inflicted by this Mod are cumulative until it stops working. / Set in place correctly, this adjustment lightens the load. Reduce this weapon's weight by 1 until the end of the Mission.

+4:+1 / Suspensor-Rig / Miscalibration of the delicate anti-grav systems within this Mod render its intended effect null or counter, unpredictably. For the first Battleround of the upcoming Mission, this Mod reduces the weight of the weapon by 1. At the start of each subsequent Battleround, the controlling player must roll a D6. On the roll of a 1, this Mod instead increases the weight of the weapon it is attached to by +1. On the roll of a 6, this Weapon Mod simply stops working for the remainder of the Mission. All weight gains inflicted by this Mod are cumulative until it stops working. / Set in place correctly, this adjustment lightens the load. Reduce this weapon's weight by 2 until the end of the Mission.

+5:+3 / Fragmentation Amplifier A deadly miscalculation in this wargear's implementation makes a catastrophe inevitable. This weapon gains the Deadly to Use and Catastrophic Failure Qualities until the end of the Mission. / Installed correctly, this mod ensures frag rounds detonate with cataclysmic effect. All Grenade Rounds with the Blast Quality also gain the Pinning (+2) Quality when fired from this weapon. If an affected Grenade Round already has some version of the Pinning Quality, this Mod instead improves that ammunition's AP by 1.

+5:+1 / Teleportation Recall / A timing miscalculation makes this Mod unpredictable. At the start of each of the player's Turns, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, the weapon is Teleported out of the model's hands and back to the Intolerance. I hope the model is armed with another gun. / Inscribing the arcane sigils in the correct sequence makes losing this item an impossibility. Even if the model equipped with this weapon is slain and their body not recovered or the weapon itself increases in weight due to other Mods to the point where it becomes too heavy to carry, this weapon is not lost. Instead, at the flick of an icon or the end of a set timer, it Teleports back to the Intolerance safe and sound.

Grenade Launcher and Grenade Round Qualities
Absurdly Large Blast: pick one and stay consistent:
(version 1) versus units that number 5 or more models, the weapon with this Quality is assumed to roll one more than half its potential shots, if it doesn't roll more. Versus units that number 10 or more models, the weapon with this Quality is assumed to roll its maximum number of shots plus one, without needing to roll. In addition, hits may only be assigned to models within 7" of the first target.

(version 2) this weapon adds +3 to its number of shots for every full 5 models in the target unit.

Arming Phase Reloadable: a weapon with this Quality can only be reloaded during the Arming Phase of a Mission unless it has a Weapon Mod that says otherwise. This also means the model is stuck with whatever ammunition type it loaded at that Phase for the duration of the Mission.

Braced for Range (+#"): if a model equipped with this weapon does not Move, Advance, or Charge this Turn, add the #" in parentheses to this weapon's Range in all Firing Modes.

Cataphractii-Compatible: models equipped with Cataphractii-Pattern Terminator Armor reduce the Cost of these items by an amount equal to their total Renown divided by 10. This discount applies after all other discounts for <Chapter>, <Founding>, and <Specialty> have been applied already. This discount only applies to the model equipping this wargear. The minimum Cost for any wargear is 1.

Close Range Effect (+X): whenever a weapon or ammunition with this Quality targets a Unit within half its maximum Standard Firing Mode Range, it gains the bonuses listed in the parenthesis. These bonuses are added on top of the weapon's base Strength, AP, and/or Damage, as applicable.

Fragile: if the player that controls the model using this item or weapon with this Quality rolls more than a single 1, they must make a Strength test for that model. If this test is failed, the weapon or item is destroyed.

Linear Strike: if this weapon scores more than 1 hit, those extra hits may only be assigned to models behind the initial target and in a straight line.

Mark of the Ordo Malleus: this Quality is a double edged sword. The item that bears this Mark is instantly recognizable by members of that Ordo and its sworn enemies alike. This may raise questions from the Ordo (like "how did you come by this?"), demands from its membership ("prove you are worthy to bear this" or "hand it over immediately"), and draw the ire of its foes (suddenly all the daemons on the table prioritize the model that bears this item as their single focus target). However, if the model can convince the associated Ordo representatives that it is worthy to carry such an item (through roleplay on the controlling player's part and/or using it to do the things it was designed to do with an unparalleled zealotry), items with this Mark earn this model +D6 Esteem with its associated Faction whenever they deploy to a Mission with it.

Recoil (#+): whenever a model is chosen to Shoot with a weapon with this Quality, if it does not have a Strength at least equal to the number listed in parenthesis, it suffers -1 to hit.

Saturation Fire: this Quality modifies the Target Selection rules for Grenade Launchers. Select Primary Target model as normal, but additional hits may be assigned to any other model within inches equal to the Firing Mode's Rate of Fire for Grenade Rounds without Blast. For Grenade Rounds with Blast, multiply this Area by 3. For Grenade Rounds with Huge Blast or Absurdly Large Blast, instead multiply this Area by 5. Shooting like this imposes both the Inaccurate and Very Unreliable Qualities.
Alternatively, if the Shooting model wants to assign all additional hits to models within 3" of the Primary Target model for Grenade Rounds without Blast, within 5" for Grenade Rounds with Blast, or within 7" for Grenade Rounds with Huge or Absurdly Large Blast, Shooting like this adds the Accurate and Very Reliable Qualities instead.
The Player that controls the Shooting model must decide how to use this Quality before any dice are rolled.

Stabilized: models Shooting a Heavy weapon that also has the Stabilized Quality ignore the penalty to hit when Moving and firing imposed by Heavy.

Tartaros-Compatible: models equipped with Tartaros-Pattern Terminator Armor reduce the Cost of these items by an amount equal to their total Renown divided by 10. This discount applies after all other discounts for <Chapter>, <Founding>, and <Specialty> have been applied already. This discount only applies to the model equipping this wargear. The minimum Cost for any wargear is 1.

Terminator-Compatible: models equipped with Indomitus-Pattern Terminator Armor reduce the Cost of these items by an amount equal to their total Renown divided by 10. This discount applies after all other discounts for <Chapter>, <Founding>, and <Specialty> have been applied already. This discount only applies to the model equipping this wargear. The minimum Cost for any wargear is 1.

Upgrades Blast: a weapon with this Quality adds the Blast Quality to ammunition that does not already have that rule. It also upgrades the Blast Quality to Huge Blast if its ammunition already has Blast. If the weapon's ammunition already has the Huge Blast Quality, this instead upgrades that to Absurdly Large Blast.

Very Unreliable: weapons and wargear with this Quality must re-roll half the successful hit rolls or half the successful dice rolls related to this item's function whenever it is used.

This message was edited 8 times. Last update was at 2024/09/03 20:47:35

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Laser Weapons
Here you might be wondering why something as powerful as a Space Marine might want to use a weapon as "weak" as a lowly Laspistol. This is because 40k would have you believing an easily concealable, invisible death ray is somehow an undesirable weapon to have. I guess for most Chapters, for whom Shock and Awe are the principle tools by which they wage war on the enemies of Mankind, this would be true. But for Chapters that rely on stealth, subterfuge, assassination, and deceit, this is truly not the case. Therefore, I have included "mundane" las-weapons amongst the arsenal of the Ordo. Alternatively, these weapons can be used to arm an Astartes' more average and unaugmented cohort followers.

Invisible Death Rays
All laser weaponry have the following universal Qualities: Cauterizing Wounds and Invisible Beam.

Sized for Lesser Men
Most laser weapons are purpose-designed to be wielded by unaugmented Militarum Units and are therefore prone to being crushed in the hands of the Astartes. Additionally, trigger guards are designed for the unarmored fingers of those same men. Any laser weapon not specifically made for an Astartes gains the Fragile Quality when used by a Space Marine. In addition, non-Astartes laser weapons used by an Astartes is automatically considered permanently destroyed at the end of the Mission it was used on. Destroyed laser weapons may be traded to any Admech Faction for D2-1 Esteem.

Too Easily Recharged
Any laser weapon ammo source can be recharged on the fly by being exposed to an open flame. A model armed with a laser weapon that is set Ablaze automatically regenerates 1 previously expended shot from all of their equipped Ammo Sources at the end of each Battleround that they are burning. Magazines that are "replenished" in this way add the Dangerous to Use Quality to any weapon they are loaded into.

Hull Integrity, Shmull Integrity
Any weapon on these lists with a Strength 6 or more or an AP -3 or better, poses a threat to the integrity of the pressurized chambers on board a decaying spaceship or the Spacehulk it is becoming. Players that control models that miss shots with these qualifying weapons must roll an additional 2D6 at the end of their last Shooting Phase. On the roll of any double, roll on the Mundane Events table at the start of each new Battleround until the end of the Mission. If a Chamber or Compartment is indicated, use either the current room the Shooting model is in or the room directly behind the missed target in the path of the shot.

Ammo for Your Laser Death Rays
There are three main power sources for laser weapons. These are Power Pack, Discharge Generator, and Backpack Ammo Supply. All varieties, whether Pistol, Rifle, or Cannon, can be loaded with any of these sources. However, each type makes better or worse use of those Ammo sources. Rifles and Carbines are by far the most efficient of these. Much like other weapon Magazines, equipping 4 Power Packs adds 1 Weight for each set of 4. Equipping 2 Discharge Generators also adds 1 Weight for each set of 2, but a model may only carry a total maximum of 4 of these. A model may only ever carry 1 Backpack Ammo Supply, but doing so only adds 2 Weight whether it is full or empty.

Weapon Attachments
Laspistols, Lascarbines, and Lascannons may have up to 1 Weapon Attachment in addition to any Integral Wargear. Lasguns may have up to 2 Weapon Attachments in addition to any Integral Wargear.

Auxiliary Arsenal
Weapons on these lists may have up to 2 Weapon Attachments in addition to any Integral Wargear, unless it has the Picatinny Quality.

The original Mission of the Intolerance was to reinforce a Bastion World in the path of a Hivefleet. The Inquisitor that requested this sacrifice deemed it necessary to also better equip the defenders already there. To this end, they supplied the Deathwatch with a handful of the finest examples of Laser technology they could get their hands on. This means that, while exceptional, these lasguns are in limited supply. Arm them accordingly.

T:C / Weapon / Wt / P|D|B / Integral Wargear / Qualities
3:1 / Accatran MG Heavy Variant / 1 / 16|32|64 / - / Close Range Effect (AP+1), Exceptional, Pistol, Unique (10)
Standard: 10" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

2:1 / Accatran MkII / 0 / 20|40|80 / - / Exceptional, Pistol, Unique (10)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

10:6 / Cadian-Pattern Helpistol / 1 / 20|42|84 / Targeter / Close Range Effect (AP+3), Exceptional, Pistol, Unique (8)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

4:3 / Kantrael-Pattern MG Defender / 0 / 20|40|80 / - / Exceptional, Pistol, Unique (10)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -

3:1 / Kantrael-Pattern Mk X Heavy / 1 / 18|36|72 / - / Close Range Effect (Strength +1), Exceptional, Pistol, Unique (10)
Standard: 10" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 5" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

8:4 / Lucius-Pattern Helpistol / 0 / 20|38|76 / - / Close Range Effect (AP+3), Exceptional, Pistol, Unique (12)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, Fouls

8:3 / Mark IV Dervish / 1 / 18|36|72 / - / Durable, Exceptional, Pistol, Reliable, Unique (11)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

2:1 / Mons-Pattern / 0 / 20|40|80 / - / Exceptional, Pistol, Unique (12)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, Unreliable

8:3 / Nihilus-Pattern / 1 / 20|40|80 / - / Close Range Effect (Strength +1), Exceptional, Irradiated, Pistol, Unique (4)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Reliable
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

1:1 / PL-3 Arcon-Pattern / 0 / 10|40|- / - / Bane, Exceptional, Killer, Pistol, Unique (6)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

5:1 / PL-3 Arcon-Pattern Hotshot / 0 / 10|40|- / - / Exceptional, Pistol, Unique (6)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

Relic Laspistols
31:7 / Blast Pistol / 1 / 8|16|40 / - / Close Range Effect (Strength +2, AP+1), Masterwork, Pistol, Relic, Unique (D3)
Standard: 8" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 4" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

28:8 / Scythe-Pattern / 0 / 20|40|80 / - / Masterwork, Pistol, Relic, Unique (D3)
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -

33:7 / Sollex-Pattern VI Steel Burner / 0 / 20|40|80 / - / Close Range Effect (AP+3), Masterwork, Pistol, Relic, Unique (D3)
Standard: 14" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 7" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Inaccurate

T:C / Weapon / Wt / P|D|B / Integral Wargear / Qualities
3:2 / Catachan Mk4 / 0 / 20|40|80 / - / Assault, Exceptional, Rifle, Unique (6)
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

6:4 / Goethrik "Fireshot" / 0 / 10|20|40 / - / Assault, Exceptional, Pistol, Rifle, Unreliable, Unique (8)
Standard: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

3:2 / Locke-Pattern / 0 / 15|30|60 / - / Assault, Exceptional, Rifle, Unique (6)
Standard: 20" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 10" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

16:8 / M36A Arcon-Pattern Heavy Carbine / 0 / 15|30|- / Rangefinder Scope / Bane, Exceptional, Killer, Picatinny, Pistol, Unique (4)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

18:9 / M40 Vostroyan-Pattern / 1 / 20|42|85 / Bayonet / Assault, Exceptional, Extra Attack, Rifle, Unique (D3)
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Burst: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -

2:2 / Mars-Tellurian Mk II-III / 0 / 40|80|120 / - / Exceptional, Rifle, Unique (4)
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Autofire: 14" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Heavy

2:1 / Minerva-Aegis Pattern / 0 / 20|40|60 / - / Assault, Exceptional, Rifle, Unique (6)
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Autofire: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -

2:2 / MkIII / 0 / 36|40|80 / - / Assault, Exceptional, Rifle, Unique (6)
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

12:7 / Snubnose / 0 / 20|40|80 / - / Assault, Exceptional, Heavier Caliber, Killer, Pistol, Rifle, Unique (2D3)
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

Relic Lascarbines
37:15 / Gifted Vostroyan Heirloom / 1 / 20|42|85 / Bayonet / Adorned, Assault, Durable, Extra Attack, Masterwork, Rifle, Unique (1)
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Burst: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -

31:9 / Ursh-Vantovka Lascarbine / 1 / 20|40|100 / - / Assault, Masterwork, Pistol, Relic, Rifle, Unique (1)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

T:C / Weapon / Wt / P|D|B / Integral Wargear / Qualities
8:5 / Accatran MkIV / 0 / 25|50|100 / - / Close Range Effect (Accurate), Exceptional, Rifle, Unique (4)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

4:3 / Accatran MkIVc / 1 / 20|50|100 / Single Use Under Barrel Grenade Launcher / Exceptional, Rifle, Unique (4)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Grenade Launcher: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: x1, Arming Phase Reloadable, One Use

8:5 / Accatran MkIVe / 1 / 20|50|100 / Under Barrel Grenade Launcher / Close Range Effect (Accurate), Exceptional, Rifle, Unique (3)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Grenade Launcher: 16" Range, Rate of Fire: x1, 3 Round Mag

11:8 / Accatran-Pattern MkII Recon / 0 / 20|50|100 / - / Assault, Close Range Effect (Accurate), Exceptional, Rifle, Unique (6)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -

4:3 / Drusus-Prime Pattern / 1 / 18|36|75 / Relic Iconography / Exceptional, Rifle, Unique (4)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

25:10 / Fractrix-Pattern Assault / 1 / 25|50|100 / Infra-Targetter, Optical Array, Twin Power Ports / Exceptional, Reliable, Rifle, Unique (D3)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 5, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 8, -

13:3 / Hotshot Marksman Rifle / 1 / 8|18|35 / Rangefinder Scope / Armor Burning, Bane, Exceptional, Rifle, Unique (3)
Precision: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Target Selection
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

5:4 / Kantrael-Pattern M36 / 0 / 20|50|100 / Bayonet / Exceptional, Rifle, Unique (4)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

4:3 / Kantrael-Pattern MG Ia / 1 / 20|50|100 / - / Durable, Exceptional, Rifle, Unique (4)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

8:5 / Kantrael-Pattern MG IV / 0 / 20|50|100 / - / Assault, Exceptional, Rifle, Unreliable, Unique (4)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -

7:5 / Kantrael-Pattern MG XII / 0 / 20|50|100 / - / Close Range Effect (AP+1), Exceptional, Rifle, Unique (4)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -

6:3 / Lasburst Twin / 1 / 20|50|100 / - / Exceptional, Rifle, Unreliable, Unique (4)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 5, -

17:9 / Lathe-Pattern Integrated Lasrifle / 1 / 25|60|110 / - / Exceptional, Killer, Mark of the Mechanicus, Rifle, Unique (2D6)
Standard: 26" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 13" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

13:9 / Long Las / 0 / 30|60|150 / - / Accurate, Exceptional, Murderous Hits, Rifle, Target Selection, Unique (3)
Standard: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -

8:5 / Lucius MkI Helbore / 1 / 10|25|50 / Bayonet / Exceptional, Killer, Rifle, Unique (6)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

7:5 / Lucius MkII Helbore / 1 / 20|40|80 / Bayonet / Exceptional, Reliable, Rifle, Unique (6)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

6:5 / Lucius MkIII Helbore / 1 / 20|40|80 / Bayonet / Exceptional, Rifle, Unique (6)
Standard: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

8:4 / Lucius-Pattern No.98 / 0 / 10|25|50 / - / Assault, Dangerous to Use, Exceptional, Killer, Rifle, Unique (4)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

28:9 / M3/39 Arcon-Pattern Heavy Lasgun / 2 / 30|60|120 / Bipod / Exceptional, Rifle, Unique (D3)
Standard: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Burst: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, -
Autofire: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 12, Heavy

5:4 / M35 M-Galaxy Short Pattern / 0 / 25|50|100 / Targeter / Exceptional, Rifle, Unique (6)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

5:4 / M39 Arcon-Pattern / 0 / 18|45|- / - / Exceptional, Rifle, Unique (4)
Standard: 26" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 13" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

14:8 / M39 Arcon-Pattern Longlas / 0 / 30|75|- / Long Range Optics / Exceptional, Rifle, Unique (D3)
Precision: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Murderous Hits, Target Selection
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -

8:2 / M39B Arcon-Pattern Assault / 0 / 20|50|- / Rangefinder Optics / Assault, Exceptional, Rifle, Unique (6)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

14:7 / M7/39 Arcon-Pattern Hellburner / 1 / 15|28|- / Red Dot Laser Sight / Bane, Close Range Effect (Strength +1, AP+2), Exceptional, Rifle, Unique (4)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

11:6 / Mars MkIII Short / 0 / 20|50|80 / - / Durable, Exceptional, Reliable, Rifle, Unique (6)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

3:3 / Mars-Pattern / 0 / 20|50|80 / - / Exceptional, Rifle, Unique (4)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

24:6 / Merovech Model 481 "Persuader" / 0 / 30|50|100 / - / Exceptional, Rifle, Unique (4)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 8, -
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 15, -

9:6 / Merovech-Pattern Assault / 0 / 20|50|100 / Bayonet, Twin
Power Ports
/ Assault, Exceptional, Rifle, Unique (4)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

9:3 / Mk2 Hellgun / 1 / 10|18|35 / Twin Power Ports / Assault, Close Range Effect (AP+3), Exceptional, Pistol, Rifle, Unique (3)
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -

11:7 / Necromunda-Pattern / 2 / 25|50|100 / Underslung Exterminator / Assault, Exceptional, Rifle, Unique (3)
Precision: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Target Selection
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Exterminator: 6" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, Assault, Automatically Hits, One Use

6:3 / Nihilus-Pattern / 1 / 30|60|120 / Gene-Grip / Exceptional, Irradiated, Rifle, Unique (4)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 5, -

3:3 / Ryza M-Pattern / 0 / 30|50|100 / - / Exceptional, Rifle, Unique (4)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

8:6 / Ryza-Pattern Hotshot / 1 / 15|25|50 / - / Assault, Close Range Effect (AP+2), Exceptional, Rifle, Unique (3)
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -

8:3 / Sollex-Pattern IX "Death Light" / 0 / 18|36|75 / - / Close Range Effect (AP+1), Exceptional, Killer, Rifle, Unique (6)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Dangerous to Use

8:5 / Stormfront-Pattern / 1 / 25|50|100 / Bayonet / Durable, Exceptional, Goring, Rifle, Unique (3)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

20:11 / Triplex-Pattern / 0 / 30|50|100 / - / Exceptional, Rifle, Unique (4)
Precision: 36" Range, Rate of Fire:1, Target Selection
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, Heavy, Killer

14:4 / Type XIV Heavy Lasgun / 2 / 20|36|70 / Long Range Optic, Low-Light Infrascope / Bane, Exceptional, Killer, Inaccurate, Rifle, Unreliable, Unique (3)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

6:4 / Veridia-Pattern Illuminator VI / 0 / 30|50|100 / - / Assault, Exceptional, Rifle, Unique (4)
Standard: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

5:4 / Voss-Pattern / 0 / 30|50|100 / - / Exceptional, Pistol, Rifle, Unique (6)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

Relic Lasguns
27:12 / D'Laku Crusade-Pattern Hellgun / 1 / 12|30|75 / - / Armor Burning, Bane, Close Range Effect (AP+1), Exceptional, Relic, Rifle, Unique (D3)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

45:16 / Kalibrax V-I Pattern / 1 / 30|60|120 / Bolt Collimator Array, Induction Blast-Charger, Reinforced Energy Transfer Capacitor / Durable, Masterwork, Relic, Rifle, Unique (1)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Autofire: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, -

46:17 / Pinnacle of the Lathes / 1 / 25|60|110 / - / Adorned, Durable, Killer, Mark of the Mechanicus, Masterwork, Relic, Rifle, Unique (1)
Standard: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Accurate
Burst: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 5, -

31:9 / Mars MkII / 1 / 20|50|80 / - / Durable, Masterwork, Relic, Rifle, Unique (D3)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, -

Unlockable Relic Lasguns
30:16 / Lazerifle / 1 / 60|100|200 / - / Exceptional, Relic, Rifle, Supercharge (Strength +1, AP+1, Costs 6 Ammo), <Tactical>, Unique (1)
Standard: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 15" Range, Rate of Fire: 5, -
Autofire: 30" Range, Rate of Fire: 6, -

Laser Weapons
T:C / Weapon / Wt / P|D|B / Integral Wargear / Qualities
41:7 / M41 Multilaser / 5 / 6|12|50 / - / Amplified Shots (Strength +3), Durable, Exceptional, Heavy, Unique (2)
Standard: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: D6, -
Burst: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D3, -
Autofire: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 2D6, Inaccurate

Unlockable Laser Weapons
I believe this weapon comes from one of the Esteem lists, so I am pricing it here as ET:EC.
ET:EC / Weapon / Wt / P|D|B / Integral Wargear / Qualities
12:2 / Lasblaster / 1 / 30|-|- / - / Assault, Rifle, Unique (1)
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -
Burst: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 5, -
Autofire: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 8, Penetrating Hits

Unlockable Relic Laser Weapons
T:C / Weapon / Wt / P|D|B / Integral Wargear / Qualities
19:7 / Digital Hellgun / 0 / 2|-|- / Integral Power Source (Strength 4, AP-2, Damage 1) / Arming Phase Reloadable, Assault, Limited Use (2 Shots per Mission), Pistol, Relic, Unique (1)
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -

61:28 / Digilas / 0 / 1|-|- / Integral Power Source (Strength 9, AP-3, Damage D6) / Arming Phase Reloadable, Assault, Limited Use (1 Shot per Mission), Pistol, Relic, Unique (1)
Standard: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -

55:27 / Precision Mining Laser / 3 / 30|90|180 / - / Amplified Shots (Strength +5, AP-3, Damage D3+1), Arming Phase Reloadable, Close Range Effect (Damage +2), Durable, Relic, Rifle, Unique (*)
Standard: 18" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 9" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, -

First Founding Arsenal
All laser weapons on the following lists have the Astartes-Compatible Quality.

T:C / Weapon / Wt / P|D|B / Integral Wargear / Qualities
66:27 / Converted Godhammer-Pattern / 6 / -|-|16 / Tank Killer Optics, Targeter / Amplified Shots (Strength +6, AP+3, Damage D6), <Devastator>, <First Founding>, Heavy, Inaccurate, <Techmarine>, Unique (4), Vestigial Machine Longing
Standard: 48" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -

107:49 / MkVII Mars-Pattern / 5 / 1|8|16 / Tank Killer Optics / Amplified Shots (Strength +9, AP+3, Damage D6+1), <Devastator>, <First Founding>, Heavy, Unique (12)
Standard: 48" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -

105:30 / Mark IX / 5 / 1|8|16 / - / Adorned, Amplified Shots (Strength +6, AP+3, Damage D3+2), <First Founding>, Heavy, <Long Fang>, <Space Wolves>, Unique (1)*
Standard: 54" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -

70:30 / Ryza-Pattern / 4 / 1|8|16 / Vambrace Support / Amplified Shots (Strength +6, AP+3, Damage D6), <Devastator>, <First Founding>, Heavy, Rifle, Stabilized, Unique (D3), <Veteran>
Standard: 48" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 2, Unlockable Firing Mode

87:31 / Converted Stormbringer-Pattern / 4 / -|8|16 / Targeter / Amplified Shots (Strength +6, AP+3, Damage D6), <Devastator>, <First Founding>, Heavy, <Techmarine>, Unique (8), Vestigial Machine Longing
Standard: 48" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Penetrating Hits

Relic Lascannons
T:C / Weapon / Wt / P|D|B / Integral Wargear / Qualities
120:40 / By Divine Choice / 6 / 1|8|16 / Tank Killer Optics / Amplified Shots (Strength +6, AP+3, Damage D6+1), <Devastator>, <First Founding>, Heavy, Masterwork, Relic, Unique (1)
Precision: 72" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Deadly Aim, Target Selection
Standard: 48" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Accurate

89:32 / Destructor's Dawn / (6) 4 / 2|10|20 / Reinforced Energy Transfer Capacitors, Suspensor Rig / Amplified Shots (Strength +6, AP+3, Damage D6), <Devastator>, <First Founding>, Heavy, Masterwork, Relic, Unique (1)
Standard: 48" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -
Burst: 24" Range, Rate of Fire: 3, Inaccurate

113:35 / Heimdal's Spear / 6 / 1|8|16 / - / Adorned, Amplified Shots (Strength +6, AP+3, Damage D3+3), <First Founding>, Heavy, <Long Fang>, Masterwork, Relic, <Space Wolves>, Unique (1)
Standard: 50" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -

81:28 / Lightbreaker / 6 / 1|6|16 / Siege Sight / Amplified Shots (Strength +6, AP+3, Damage D6), <Devastator>, <First Founding>, Heavy, Masterwork, Relay, Tainted, Unique (1)
Standard: 48" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -

95:35 / Sol Militaris-Pattern / 6 / 1|-|16 / - / Amplified Shots (Strength +6, AP+3, Damage D6), <Devastator>, <First Founding>, Heavy, Masterwork, Relic, Shoulder Mounted, Target Lock <Monster, Titan, Vehicle>, Unique (D3)
Precision: 48" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -

Unlockable Relic Lascannons
T:C / Weapon / Wt / P|D|B / Integral Wargear / Qualities
123:48 / Converted Arachnus / (8) 6 / -|8|16 / Suspensor Rig / <Devastator>, Heavy, Mark of the Ordo Malleus, Masterwork, Relic, Tainted Artifice, <Techmarine>, Unique (1), Vestigial Machine Longing
Standard: 48" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Amplified Shots (Strength +6, AP+4, Damage D3+3), Anathema <Vehicle>
Burst: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 4, Amplified Shots (Strength +4, AP+2), Assault

Relic Laser Weapons
135:51 / Lascutter / 1 / 16|32|- / - / <Ancient>, <Assault>, <First Founding>, Masterwork, Pistol, Relic, Rifle, Unique (D3), <Veteran>
Precision: 3" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Amplified Shots (Strength +6, AP+4, Damage D3+2), Anathema <Doors, Terrain Features>, Costs 4 Ammo
Standard: 12" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, Amplified Shots (Strength +3, AP+4, Damage D3)

Ultima Founding Arsenal
All laser weapons on this list have the Astartes-Compatible Quality.

Laser Weapons
T:C / Weapon / Wt / P|D|B / Integral Wargear / Qualities
70:32 / Las Fusil / 3 / -|24|- / Bipod, Range-Finder Scope / Amplified Shots (Strength +6, AP+3, Damage D6), <Eliminator>, Heavy, Picatinny, Rifle, <Ultima Founding>
Precision: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -

Relic Laser Weapons
T:C / Weapon / Wt / P|D|B / Integral Wargear / Qualities
100:40 / The Unmaking Ray / (3)2 / -|24|- / Bipod, Eliminator Scope, Suspensor Pad / Amplified Shots (Strength +6, AP+3, Damage D6), <Eliminator>, Heavy, Masterwork, Picatinny, Relic, Rifle, <Ultima Founding>, Unique (1)
Precision: 36" Range, Rate of Fire: 1, -

Standard Laser Ammo
The Cost below is for 4 Power Packs, 1 Discharger Generator, and 1 Backpack Ammo Supply.
T: P|D|B / S / AP / Damage / Qualities
3: 1|2|4 / 3 / - / 1 / Heat Rechargeable, Light Rechargeable

Unlockable Relic Laser Ammo
The Cost below is for 4 Laze Mags and 1 Laze Discharger Generator.
T: L|D / S / AP / Damage / Qualities
12: 3|4 / 3 / - / 1 / Double Effeciency, Heat Rechargeable, Light Rechargeable, Limited Supply (*), Relic, Super Charge (Strength +1, AP+1, Costs 6 Ammo)

Integral Wargear Explained
if a model armed with a weapon with this wargear Charges or is Charged, it gains +1 Attack for the first Fight Phase. In addition, although this Melee Weapon Attachment has no special qualities, the model using it doesn't count as only being armed with their bare fists.

Bipod: whenever a model armed with a weapon with this wargear is within 1" of a Terrain Feature, they may negate the Inaccurate Quality associated with the weapon this is attached to.

Bolt Collimator Array: if a model armed with a weapon with this wargear does not Move or Advance, it and any allied model also armed with the same Type Weapon within Cohesion gain +12" Range and +1 to hit.

Eliminator Scope: when Shooting at targets within 24", this wargear inflicts +1 Damage on an unmodified hit roll of a 6.

Gene-Grip: the weapon with this wargear gains the Very Reliable Quality in Standard and Precision Firing Mode if they do not Move or Advance in their Movement Phase. This weapon automatically Jams if any other model attempts to use it.

Induction Blast-Charger: a weapon with this wargear allows the Shooting model to voluntarily take a -1 to hit and -12" Range to add the Blast and Supplants Rate of Fire (D6) Qualities to its Standard Firing Mode.

Infra-Targetter: a weapon with this wargear increases its user's Visual Range by +12" in conditions of darkness. In addition, it grants the model equipped with this weapon +1 to hit for the very first shot it makes on its Turn.

Integral Power Source: a weapon with this wargear both doesn't need and cannot equip external Ammo Sources. It cannot be reloaded during a Mission.

Long-Range Optic: if a model armed with a weapon with this wargear does not Move or Advance, it gains +1 to hit when Shooting at targets at least 24" distant.

Low-Light Infrascope: a weapon with this wargear increases its user's Visual Range by +8" in conditions of darkness. In addition, it grants the model equipped with this weapon +1 to hit when Shooting in Precision or Standard Firing Mode.

Optical Array: if a model armed with a weapon with this wargear does not Move or Advance, it and any allied model also armed with the Type Weapon within Cohesion gain +4D6" Range.

Range-Finder Scope: if a model armed with a weapon with this wargear does not Move or Advance, it gains +6" Range in Precision and Standard Firing Modes.

Red Dot Laser Sight: this wargear refunds 1 Ammo per Shooting Phase if the player that controls the Shooting model rolls at least one 6 when rolling to Wound.

Reinforced Energy Transfer Capacitors: a model armed with a weapon with this wargear may voluntarily take a -1 to hit to increase its Rate of Fire of by +2 in any Firing Mode except Precision.

Relic Iconography: once per Mission, if an effect or weapon would reduce this model to 0 Wounds or less, this wargear allows that model's controlling player to roll a D6 before the model is removed as a casualty. If this roll is an unmodified 6, ignore all the Damage inflicted by that effect or weapon and add +1 Wound Token to that model instead.

Siege Sight: a weapon equipped with this wargear allows the model armed with it to target models and Blips it cannot see, provided that target is in Range, the weapon being used to Shoot with has an AP-3 or better, and there are no more than 3 walls, doors, or other terrain features between the Shooter and that target. Using the weapon in this way worsens its AP by 3 and provides the target with Heavy Cover. This Attack may only be made in Precision or Standard Firing Mode.

Single Use Under Barrel Grenade Launcher: this is a special, single shot combi-weapon Attachment. It is loaded with a Krak Grenade Round by default, but a model may swap this out for any other single Grenade Round for which they qualify and can afford.

Suspensor Pad: a weapon equipped with this wargear reduces its Weight by 1. If this is Integral Wargear, these adjustments have already been factored into the weapon's profile.

Suspensor Rig: a weapon equipped with this wargear reduces its Weight by 2. If this is Integral Wargear, these adjustments have already been factored into the weapon's profile.

Tank-Killer Optics: a weapon equipped with this wargear gains +1 to hit versus targets with the <Vehicle> or <Titanic> keyword.

Targetter: a weapon equipped with this wargear gains +1 to hit with the very first shot a model takes on their Turn.

Twin Power Ports: a weapon with this wargear may load 2 Power Packs or 2 Discharge Generators at the same time, effectively doubling its ammo. Reloading this weapon requires the model equipped with it to sacrifice its Movement or Shooting Phase to do so.

Under Barrel Grenade Launcher: this is a special combi-weapon Attachment. It has an Ammo capacity of 3 Grenade Rounds, which must be purchased separately. The Ammo Source for this Attachment is considered a Breach.

Underslung Exterminator: this is a special, single use combi-weapon Attachment. It is loaded with just enough Prometheum for 1 shot.

Vambrace Support: a weapon with this wargear takes up a Vambrace Slot until the model carrying it either drops it or has it Disarmed.

Laser Weapon Mods
Any Laser Weapon except Relics can have Weapon Mods. Installing any of these Mods requires that a model from the equipping character's Squad rolls their Tech Skill and accepts the risk of failure. When making this roll, a failure indicates the weapon in question is irrevocably destroyed and the model attempting the Modification immediately loses 2D3 Renown permanently. Success means the modification takes and the model gains +1XP. Rolling does not use up a Rating. Any Laser Weapon destroyed in this way may be traded to any Mechanicum Faction for D3 Esteem or may be saved as Tech Scrap as detailed below.

The Threshold and Cost adjustments for these Mods apply to the Laser Weapon they modify, adding their totals together.

T:C / Weapon Mod / Botched Effect / Successful Effect
+8:+1 / Compaction / A vital component of the weapon's function has been torn away in the process of making the weapon lighter and no one knows what it was or how to reattach it. The weapon is destroyed. Reduce its Supply by 1 and, if the weapon had the Rifle Quality, add 1 Tech Scrap to the Deathwatch Loot Inventory. If the weapon had the Heavy Quality, it instead adds 2 Tech Scrap to the Deathwatch Loot Inventory, rather than 1. / Just enough of the weapon's facia has been removed to make it lighter and more compact. Reduce this weapon's Weight by 1. If this reduces it to Weight 0 or less, the weapon gains the Fragile Quality if it did not have it already. If the weapon's Weight was already 0, this Mod instead increases this model's Capacity by 1 while this weapon is being carried.

+19:+10 / Continuous Beam / While adjusting this weapon's settings, something breaks internally. The weapon is destroyed. Reduce its Supply by 1 and add 1 Tech Scrap to the Deathwatch Loot Inventory. If the weapon had the Heavy Quality, it instead adds 2 Tech Scrap to the Deathwatch Loot Inventory, rather than 1. / Adjustments made to this weapon have recalibrated its focusing mechanisms, drastically changing the way it fires. This weapon gains a Precision Firing Mode and loses all other Firing Modes it otherwise had. This Firing Mode gains the Accurate, Increases Range (+12"), Long Range Efficiency, Supercharge (Strength +1, Damage +1, Costs 5 Ammo), and Target Selection Qualities. All improvements stack with the Qualities this weapon already has in its original Precision or Standard Firing Mode.

+7:+6 / Dialed Penetration / While adjusting this weapon's settings, something breaks internally. The weapon is destroyed. Reduce its Supply by 1 and add 1 Tech Scrap to the Deathwatch Loot Inventory. If the weapon had the Heavy Quality, it instead adds 2 Tech Scrap to the Deathwatch Loot Inventory, rather than 1. / Adjustments made to this weapon have recalibrated its focusing mechanisms. Although it fires less frequently now, its shots burn through enemy armor and bulkheads with equal ease. Reduce this weapon's Rate of Fire in all Firing Modes by 1, but improve its AP by 1 as well. If this reduction in Rate of Fire would take its number of Shots to 0, it keeps its Rate of Fire of 1 and instead gains the Deadly to Use Quality when Shooting in that Firing Mode.

+5:+1 / Gene-Grip / The weapon will not respond to the user's commands and will fight them at every turn. This weapon gains the Dangerous to Use, Inaccurate, and Unreliable Qualities. It also loses any Accurate, Automatically Hits, Pinpoint Accuracy, Reduces Cover, and Reliable Qualities it may have. This is the only weapon mod that does not outright destroy the Laser Weapon on a botched roll. / The weapon's firing grip is molded and coded to this user's gene signature only and refuses to function for anyone else. This weapon gains the Very Reliable Quality in Standard and Precision Firing Mode if the model carrying it does not Move or Advance in their Movement Phase. This weapon automatically Jams if any other model attempts to use it.

+8|+4 / Stipling Fire / While adjusting this weapon's settings, something breaks internally. The weapon is destroyed. Reduce its Supply by 1 and add 1 Tech Scrap to the Deathwatch Loot Inventory. If the weapon had the Heavy Quality, it instead adds 2 Tech Scrap to the Deathwatch Loot Inventory, rather than 1. / Adjustments made to this weapon have recalibrated its focusing mechanisms. Although its Rate of Fire is vastly improved, its Range and power have suffered. Increase this weapon's Rate of Fire in all Firing Modes by 3, but reduce its Range by half and its Strength by half, rounding down (a Strength 3 weapon becomes Strength 2, but a Strength 9 weapon becomes a Strength 5, etc.).

Laser Weapon Qualities
weapons with this Quality gain +1 to hit.

Adorned: whenever a model equipped with this weapon removes an enemy model as a casualty, if at least one ally can draw line of sight to this model, it gains an additional +1 Renown.

Amplified Shots (X): regardless of the type of Ammo this weapon is loaded with, it improves its stats as indicated in parentheses.


Arming Phase Reloadable: a weapon with this Quality can only be reloaded during the Arming Phase of a Mission unless it has a Weapon Mod that says otherwise. This also means the model is stuck with whatever ammunition type it loaded at that Phase for the duration of the Mission.

Armor Burning: unmodified hits rolls of 6 improve this weapon's AP by 2.

Assault: this weapon may be used to Shoot with even if the bearer Advanced during its Movement Phase. If a model Advances and Shoots with this weapon they suffer a -1 to hit with it.

Astartes-Compatible: wargear with this Quality is not subject to the Fragile Quality when handled by models with the <Astartes> Keyword.

Automatically Hits:

Bane: weapons with this Quality improve their AP by 1. If there is a <keyword> associated with this Quality, this effect only applies to targets with that <keyword>.

Cauterizing Wounds: a model Wounded, but not removed as a casualty, by a weapon with this Quality must take a Toughness test at the start of each of its Turns. If this test is failed, that model suffers 1 Mortal Wound.

<Chapter Name>: models that share the <Chapter Name> with a weapon or item completely ignore that wargear's Threshold. They must still pay the Cost for the wargear, however. Models that are members of a Successor Chapter of the <Chapter Name>, reduce the Threshold of that item by half, rounding up. This discount only applies if the model equips the wargear themselves. Lastly, if there are no models in any player's Squad(s) from this <Chapter>, then this wargear or weapon is not available in the Intolerance's Arsenal at all.

Close Range Effect (X): a weapon with this Quality improves its stats as indicated when targeting models within half its maximum Standard Firing Mide Range.

Dangerous to Use: if more than a single unmodified 1 is rolled to hit with this weapon, after resolving the attack on enemy models, inflict a single hit at the Strength, AP, and Damage of this weapon on the Shooter. If the Shooting model survives this catastrophe, they gain +1 XP.

Deadly Aim: each hit roll of an unmodified 6 inflicts +1 Damage.

<Devastator>: see <Specialty>.

Double Efficiency: Ammo Sources with this Quality double the number of Shots a weapon gains from its Magazines when loaded into that weapon.

Durable: this Quality negates the Fragile Quality imposed on wargear for being handled by an Astartes.

<Eliminator>: see <Specialty>.

Exceptional: all wargear with this Quality may re-roll one failed die roll associated with its function per Mission.

Extra Attack:

<First Founding>: see <Founding>.

Fouls: if the player rolls an unmodified 1 to hit, it cannot be used to Shoot again until the model takes 1 Movement or Shooting Phase to clear it. If this occurs with multiple Shots, resolve the successful hits first before applying this result. Rolling multiple 1s has no additional effect unless the weapon also has the Jams Quality.

<Founding>: models from the indicated Founding (either First or Ultima), reduce the Threshold of this wargear by half, before applying any other discounts for <Specialty>.

Fragile: if the player that controls the model using this item or weapon with this Quality rolls more than a single 1, they must make a Strength test for that model. If this test is failed, the weapon or item is destroyed.

Goring: the melee attachment of this weapon improves its AP by 1 on the Turn its wielder competes a successful Charge.

Heat Rechargeable: whenever a model is near a source of heat, such as a fire, a reactor, or is missed by a weapon with the Melta Quality, their Ammo Sources with this Quality regenerate 1 previously expended Shot at the end of the Phase, up to their maximum magazine capacity.

Heavier Caliber: versus targets with a Toughness Characteristic less than that of this weapon's Strength, this weapon may re-roll failed Wound rolls.

Heavy: if the model wielding this weapon does not Move or Advance, they gain +1 to hit with it. If the model does Move, they suffer -1 to hit with it. If the model Advances, they cannot Shoot with this weapon at all.

Inaccurate: weapons with this Quality suffer -1 to hit.

Invisible Beam: a model using a weapon with this Quality does not give away its position when Shooting from a Concealed position.

Irradiated: the model that equips this wargear in the Arming Phase treats its Toughness as 1 less than it actually is every Battleround the item remains within 3" of that model.

Killer: weapons with this Quality gain Strength+1. If there is a <keyword> associated with this Quality, this effect only applies to targets with that <keyword>.

Light Rechargeable: in well-lit areas, this Ammo Source regenerates 1 previously expended Shot at the start of each Battleround.

Limited Use (X): this weapon may only be used a number of times oer Mission as indicated in parenthesis.

<Long Fang>: see <Specialty>.

Mark of the Mechanicus: this Quality is a double edged sword. The item that bears this Mark is instantly recognizable by members of that Faction and its sworn enemies alike. This may raise questions from the Mechanicum/Mechanicus (How did you come by this?), demands from its membership (Prove you are worthy to bear this or Hand it over immediately), and draw the ire of its foes (suddenly all the Cyborgs, Servitors, and Magos on the table prioritize the model that bears this item as their single focus target). However, if the model can convince the associated Ordo representatives that it is worthy to carry such an item (through roleplay on the controlling player's part and/or using it to do the things it was designed to do with an unparalleled zealotry), items with this Mark earn this model +D6 Esteem with its associated Faction whenever they deploy to a Mission with it.

Mark of the Ordo Malleus: this Quality is a double edged sword. The item that bears this Mark is instantly recognizable by members of that Ordo and its sworn enemies alike. This may raise questions from the Ordo (How did you come by this?), demands from its membership (Prove you are worthy to bear this or Hand it over immediately), and draw the ire of its foes (suddenly all the daemons on the table prioritize the model that bears this item as their single focus target). However, if the model can convince the associated Ordo representatives that it is worthy to carry such an item (through roleplay on the controlling player's part and/or using it to do the things it was designed to do with an unparalleled zealotry), items with this Mark earn this model +D6 Esteem with its associated Faction whenever they deploy to a Mission with it.

Masterwork: all wargear and weapons with this Quality may re-roll one failed die roll associated with its function per Phase.

Murderous Hits: each unmodified hit roll of 6 inflicts 1 Mortal Wound on the target.

One Use:

Penetrating Hits: each unmodified hit roll of 6 improves this weapon's AP by 1 for that hit.

Picatinny: a weapon with this Quality can equip +2 Weapon Attachments, in addition to its Integral Wargear.

Pistol: a weapon with this Quality can be used to Shoot at enemy models within Engagement Range.

Relay: a weapon with this Quality may be used to Shoot at targets out of line of sight to the Shooting model as long as the target model is in line of sight to an allied model within Cohesion Range of the Shooter.

Reliable: weapons and wargear with this Quality may re-roll one of the missed hit or dice rolls related to this item's function, per Phase.

Relic: if a model equips a wargear or weapon with this Quality in the Arming Phase, and then survives the Mission with 1 or more Wounds remaining, they gain an additional +1 Renown in the Debriefing Phase. If, for whatever reason, a Relic is lost on board the [++Redacted++], all models Deployed on that Mission suffer a permanent -D6 to their Renown (roll once and apply the penalty to all models.

Rifle: if a model with a weapon with this Quality does not Shoot in its first Shooting Phase, its controlling player may select one unit within line of sight to Aim at. Provided the Shooter can still draw Line of Sight to its selected target unit at the start of its very next Shooting Phase, its controlling player can re-roll its Wound rolls of 1 against that target.

Shoulder Mounted: if a model equipped with this weapon does not Advance during its Movement Phase, increase this weapon's Range by +2D6" in Standard and Auto Firing Modes until the end the Turn. If the model doesn't Move, either, instead increase this weapon's Range by +12" in all Firing Modes until the end of the Turn.

<Space Wolves>: see <Chapter Name>.

<Specialty>: models with the corresponding <Specialty> keyword reduce this wargear's Threshold and Cost by half each (rounding up where applicable). This discount is applied after those for <Founding> and <Chapter Name>. An item's Threshold and Cost cannot be reduced below 0.

Stabilized: models Shooting a weapon with the Heavy Quality that also has the Stabilized Quality ignore the penalty to hit when Moving and firing imposed by Heavy.

Supercharge (X): at a cost of additional Ammo as indicated in parenthesis, this weapon gains the bonuses to its profile as indicated in the parenthesis. If the weapon in question does not have enough Ammo to cover the cost of this effect, the controlling player cannot use this ability.

<Tactical>: see <Specialty>.

Tainted: models equipping this wargear in the Arming Phase gain +1 Corruption. A Tainted item may be purged of its Taint if the model that equipped it in the Arming Phase does one of the following by the end of the upcoming Mission:
-personally complete 3 or more, and more in total, Objectives than any other allied model while at least 2 allies can draw line of sight to them
-kill 5 or more, and more in total, Adversaries that started the Mission with 3 or more Wounds than any other allied model deployed this Mission
-be the only model to survive the Mission and have that Mission be successfully completed
-be a <Chaplain> and successfully nullify all Corruption gains associated with this Mission

Tainted Artifice:[/color] if a model that equips this wargear in the Arming Phase gains more XP or more Renown than any other member of their Squad during the Mission, they must test their Strength during the Debriefing Phase. If they pass, there is no additional effect. If they fail, they gain +1 Corruption.

Target Lock <Keyword>: a weapon with this Quality that is used to Shoot at a target with the appropriate <Keyword> indicated may re-roll a hit roll of 1. However, this re-roll is made at -2 to hit.

Target Selection: when Shooting into a Unit, the player that controls the Shooting model may choose which enemy takes the hit(s). In addition, the Shooting model may target a <Character> model even if there <Minion> or <Fodder> models within 2" of it.

<Techmarine>: see <Specialty>.

<Ultima Founding>: see <Founding>.

Unreliable: weapons and wargear with this Quality must re-roll one of the successful hit rolls or successful dice rolls related to this item's function, per Phase.

Unique (#):

Vestigial Machine Longing: a weapon or wargear with this Quality has been taken from a Vehicle or Emplacement and converted to be man-portable. Its Machine Spirit will always long for the connections it experienced while networked with its parent machine. At the start of the players' Command Phase roll a D6. On the roll of a 1, this weapon or wargear refuses to function. A model equipped with this item that also has the Tech Skill may expend a Rating from that Skill to negate this effect.

<Veteran>: models with either the <Veteran> upgrade from Squad/Character creation or 100+ spent XP, reduce the Threshold of this wargear or weapon by D3, and the Cost of this wargear or weapon by 1, applied after discounts for <Specialty>.

This message was edited 21 times. Last update was at 2024/09/14 18:21:29

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