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[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Ragin' Ork Dreadnought


Ranged Weapons
Weapons that fire a variable number of shots (ie D3, D6, etc), only expend a single "bullet" from their magazines when they fire in Standard mode, 2 "bullets" when they fire in Burst mode, and 4 "bullets" in Auto Fire mode, regardless of the number or size of the dice they roll when shooting.
Rapid Fire Weapons have a range of shots when firing in Burst Mode. The controlling Player chooses how many shots to expend, but may never fire more shots than they have bullets remaining in their Magazine.
Any Specialty that comes equipped with a weapon as part of their standard load out does not need to pay the Cost or meet the Threshold for that weapon. These weapons still take up their normal Capacity, however.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Special Rules

01 / 01 / 01 / Bolt Pistol / 1|2|- / 4 / -

05 /10 / 01 / Grav Pistol / 1|-|- / 10 / -

15 / 10 / 01 / Plasma Pistol / 1|2|- / 6 / Supercharging a Plasma pistol uses 3 shots from its magazine. Plasma pistols cannot use Burst and Supercharge in the same Shooting Phase.

15 / 05 / 01 / Hand Flamer / D3|-|- / 3 / Range 6". Strength 3. AP -. Wounds in excess of 1 may be assigned to enemy models up to 6" from the primary target as long as those Wounds are assigned in a straight line moving away from the shooter; this weapon automatically hits its targets.

20 / 15 / 01 / Inferno Pistol / 1|-|- / 4 / Range 6". Strength 8, AP -4. Damage D3. Hits scored from 3" or less roll 2D3 for Damage and take the better score.

01 / 01 / 01 / Autopistol / 2|3|6 / 6 / Strength 2, AP -. Range 12". Damage 1.

25 / 10 / 01 / Hell's Teeth (Relic Bolt Pistol) / 2|4|- / 4 / -

45 / 20 / 01 / Faustus (Relic Inferno Pistol) / 2|-|- / 4 / Range 9". Strength 8, AP -4. Damage D3. Hits scored from 5" or less roll 2D3 for Damage and take the better score.

25 / 10 / 01 / Icefire (Relic Hand Flamer) / D3|2|- / 3 / Space Wolves and their Successors only, Models hit by Icefire must pass a Toughness test or become Pinned. Wounds in excess of 1 may be assigned to enemy models up to 6" from the primary target as long as those Wounds are assigned in a straight line moving away from the shooter; shots from Icefire automatically hit.

75 / 44 / 01 / Needler (Sanctified Xeno Pistol) / 1|2|3 / 9 / Strength 1, AP -. Range 12". Damage 1. Always Wounds <Infantry> on a 4+, regardless of the target's Toughness.

75 / 44 / 01 / Pulse Pistol (Sanctified Xeno Pistol) / 1|-|2 / 6 / Strength 5, AP -, Range 18". Damage 1. 12" range in Autofire mode.

100 / 50 / 01 / Neural Rake (Sanctified Xeno Pistol) / D3|D6|2D3 / 4 / Strength 1, AP -3. Range 12". Damage 1. Always Wounds <Infantry> on a 5+, regardless of the target's Toughness. Every unsaved Wound reduces the target's Leadership by -1. Once all rounds are expended from this weapon's magazine, it becomes inert for the remainder of the Mission.

Long Arms
Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine/ Special Rules

01 / 01 / 02 / STC Bolter / 1|2-4|- / 8 / -

01 / 02 / 03 / Deathwatch Pattern Bolter / 1|2-4|5 / 8 / This weapon has two integral secondary magazines each with 3 bullets. These secondary magazines may be loaded with the same or different ammo types as the Primary Magazine. Switching between these magazines is free, but no more than 1 type of ammo can be used per Shooting Phase. Integral magazines cannot be reloaded during a Mission and come standard loaded with normal bolter bullets for free.

01 / 02 / 02 / Stalker Pattern Bolter / 1|2-3|- / 8 / When fired in Standard Mode, this weapon gains +6" range and +1 to hit.

10 / 05 / 02 / Bolt Rifle / 1|2-4|- / 10 / -

05 / 06 / 03 / Stormbolter / 2|4-8|- / 18 / Terminators may equip this weapon without having to meet the Threshold and without having to pay the Cost.

10 / 12 / 04 / Deathwatch Pattern Stormbolter / 2|4-8|- / 18 / This weapon has two integral secondary magazines each with 3 bullets. These secondary magazines may be loaded with the same or different ammo types as the Primary Magazine. Switching between these magazines is free, but no more than 1 type of ammo can be used per Shooting Phase. Terminators may equip this weapon without having to meet the Threshold and without having to pay the Cost. Integral magazines cannot be reloaded during a Mission and come standard loaded with normal bolter bullets for free.

25 / 16 / 02 / Assault Bolter / 3|6|- / 24 / Primaris Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon. Assault Bolters use Heavy Bolter reloads. A model engaged in Close Combat who is equipped with this weapon may shoot with it in Standard Firing Mode as if it were a Pistol.

01 / 02 / 02 / Astartes Shotgun / 2|-|- / 6 / Tactical Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon.

01 / 01 / 02 Autogun / 2|3-5|6 / 6 / Strength 2, AP -. Range 24". Assault. Damage 1.

10 / 10 / 02 / Gravgun / 1|2|- / 10 / Tactical Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon.

10 / 16 / 02 / Plasmagun / 1|2-3|- / 6 / Tactical Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon. Unlike other weapons, Plasmaguns come equipped standard with 2 Primary Magazines. Switching between these magazines is a non-action, merely a flick of the thumb. However, if the current magazine only has 1 or 2 shots left, the Plasmagun may not fire on Supercharge setting. Supercharging a Plasmagun uses 3 shots from its magazine. Plasmaguns cannot use Burst and Supercharge in the same Shooting Phase.

20 / 16 / 03 / Plasma Incinerator / 1|2-3|- / 8 / Intercessors pay half Cost to equip this weapon. Supercharging a Plasma incinerator uses 3 shots from its magazine. Plasma incinerators cannot use Burst and Supercharge in the same Shooting Phase.

05 / 08 / 02 / Flamer / D6|-|- / 6 / Wounds in excess of 1 may be assigned to enemy models up to 8" from the primary target as long as those Wounds are assigned in a straight line moving away from the shooter; this weapon automatically hits its targets. Tactical Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon. Flamers have the Ablaze Quality.

10 / 16 / 02 / Melta / 1|-|- / 4 / Tactical Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon.

15 / 05 / 04 / Astartes Grenade Launcher / 1|-|- / 6 / Assault. Range 24". Strength, AP, and Damage according to ammunition loaded. Scouts treat this weapon's Threshold as 01. Neophytes treat this weapon's Threshold as 05. This weapon can be loaded with any combination of Frag and Krak Grenade Rounds up to a maximum of the Magazine's Capacity. The Astartes Grenade Launcher counts as a Heavy Weapon when it comes to reloading it.

15 / 25 / 04 / Combi-Melta / as weapon being used / 8|4 / This weapon may be used as either a Bolter or a Melta and retains the Rate of Fire and Magazine of both weapons. Alternatively, a marine may fire both weapons together, using only the Standard mode of firing for both when they do so.

15 / 16 / 04 / Combi-Flamer / as weapon being used / 8|6 / This weapon may be used as either a Bolter or a Flamer and retains the Rate of Fire and Magazine of both weapons. Alternatively, a marine may fire both weapons together, using only the Standard mode of firing for both when they do so.

15 / 30 / 04 / Combi-Plasma / as weapon being used / 8|6 / This weapon may be used as either a Bolter or a Plasmagun and retains the Rate of Fire and Magazine of both weapons. Alternatively, a marine may fire both weapons together, using only the Standard mode of firing for both when they do so. The Plasma gun portion of this weapon only has 1 Plasma Cell, instead of the standard 2.

15 / 15 / 04 / Combi-Grenade Launcher / as weapon being used / 8|1 / This weapon may be used as either a Bolter or a Grenade Launcher and retains the Rate of Fire of both weapons. Alternatively, a marine may fire both weapons together, using only the Standard mode of firing for both when they do so. However, the underslung Grenade Launcher's Magazine is reduced to 1. The Grenade Launcher portion of this weapon is loaded with a single Frag or Krak Grenade Round, player's choice.

30 / 15 / 03 / Guilliman Pattern Bolt Rifle / 1|2-5|- / 10 / This weapon has two integral secondary magazines each with 3 bullets. These secondary magazines may be loaded with the same or different ammo types as the Primary Magazine. Switching between these magazines is free, but no more than 1 type of ammo can be used per Shooting Phase. Integral magazines cannot be reloaded during a Mission and come standard loaded with normal bolt rifle bullets for free. Ultramarines treat this weapon's Threshold as 10.

50 / 10 / 02 / Angelus Pattern Bolter / 1|2-4|- / 8 / Blood Angels and their Successors do not need to meet the Threshold for this weapon. This weapon is wrist-mounted and may be equipped in addition to other ranged weapons or a pair of melee weapons. The Angelus may also be fired like a Pistol even if the model is engaged in Close Combat.

60 / 25 / 02 / Spear of Titan (Relic Bolt Rifle) / 1|2-4|- / 10 / +12" range

15 / 30 / 03 / Carnage (Relic Bolter) / 2|3-6|12 / 12 / -

35 / 46 / 03 / Pride of Omari (Relic Storm Bolter) / 2|3-6|9 / 18 / If this model does not Move or Advance, Pride of Omari's Rate of Fire becomes 3|6-10|12 for this model's first Shooting Phase this Turn. Heralds space marines only pay half Cost for this weapon.

75 / 50 / 02 / Terimek's Lance (Relic Plasmagun) / 1|2|3 / 6 / Terimek's Lance rerolls to hit rolls of 1 and gains +12" Range if the model carrying it does not Move or Advance. Salamanders space marines reduce this weapon's Threshold by half. Just like standard Plasmaguns, Terimek's Lance comes equipped standard with 2 Primary Magazines. Switching between these magazines is a non-action, merely a flick of the thumb. However, if the current magazine only has 1 or 2 shots left, Terimek's Lance may not fire on Supercharge setting. Supercharging Terimek's Lance uses 3 shots from its magazine. Terimek's Lance cannot use Burst and Supercharge in the same Shooting Phase.

75 / 50 / 02 / Balefire (Tainted Relic Flamer) / D6+1|4|- / 8 / Against enemy models with the <Psyker> keyword, Balefire becomes AP -3. Balefire has the Ablaze Quality. Wounds in excess of 1 may be assigned to enemy models up to 8" from the primary target as long as those Wounds are assigned in a straight line moving away from the shooter;

75 / 100 / 02 / Warp Tongue (Tainted Relic Bolter) / 1|2-4|- / 8 / Each hit caused by Warp Tongue inflicts a single Mortal Wound. Do not roll to Wound. Librarians equipped with this weapon ignore the Corruption gain for equipping a Tainted Relic on the D6 roll of a 6+. Codiciers ignore the gain on a 5+; Lexicanums ignore the gain on a 4+; Epistolaries ignore the gain on a 3+.

100 / 74 / 01 / Splinter Gun (Sanctified Xeno Rifle) / 2|3-5|6 / 20 / Strength 1, AP -. Range 24". Damage 1. Always Wounds <Infantry> on a 4+, regardless of the target's Toughness.

100 / 74 / 02 / Pulse Rifle (Sanctified Xeno Rifle) / 1|2-4|- / 12 / Strength 5, AP -1. Range 30". Damage 1. If the wielder doesn't Move or Advance, increase range by +10".

200 / 150 / 02 / Neural Shredder (Sanctified Xeno Rifle) / D6|2D3|2D6 / 3 / Strength 1. AP -3. Range 8". Damage 1. Assault. Always Wounds <Infantry> and <Monster> on a 5+, regardless of the target's Toughness. This weapon automatically hits, there is no need to roll. Once all rounds are expended from this weapon's magazine, it becomes inert for the remainder of the Mission.

Heavy Weapons**
Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine/ Special Rules

15 / 05 / 04 / Heavy Bolter / 3|-|6 / 24 / Devastator Marines may equip this weapon without having to meet the Threshold and without having to pay the Cost.

30 / 14 / 07 / Gravcannon / 1|-|- / 10 / Devastator Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon and treat its Threshold as 08.

35 / 40 / 07 / Plasma Cannon / D3|2D3|- / 6 / Devastator Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon and treat its Threshold as 10. May be equipped by Dark Angels Terminators. Unlike other weapons, Plasma Cannons come equipped standard with 2 Primary Magazines. Switching between these magazines is a non-action, merely a flick of the thumb. However, if the current magazine only has 1 or 2 shots left, the Plasma Cannon may not fire on supercharge setting. Supercharging a Plasma Cannon uses 3 shots from its magazine. Plasma Cannons cannot use Burst and Supercharge in the same Shooting Phase.

15 / 15 / 05 / Heavy Flamer / D6|2D6|- / 12 / Wounds in excess of 1 may be assigned to enemy models up to 12" from the primary target as long as those Wounds are assigned in a straight line moving away from the shooter; this weapon automatically hits its targets. Champion or Terminator only. Heavy Flamers have the Ablaze Quality.

25 / 20 / 05 / Multimelta / 2|-|- / 8 / Devastator Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon and treat its Threshold as 05.

35 / 26 / 06 / Lascannon / 1|-|- / 6 / Devastator Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon and treat its Threshold as 10.

15 / 10 / 03 / Missile Launcher / 1|-|- / 1 / Devastator Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon and treat its Threshold as 01.

35 / 14 / 06 / Corvus Pattern Missile Launcher / 1|2|- / 4 / Different individual missiles may be loaded into this weapon, but fire in the order they were loaded. It takes 2 full Phases to reload this weapon, unless the wielder has the Swift Reload Talent which reduces this to 1 full Phase. Devastator Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon.

70 / 80 / 04 / Annihilator (Relic Missile Launcher) / 2|-|- / 2 / The wielder may reroll misses in their first Shooting Phase. Devastator Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon.

70 / 100 / 06 / Lion's Breath (Relic Plasma Cannon) / D3|2D3|- / 6 / Dark Angels and their Successors only. +1 Strength. Rolling a 1 to hit while using the Supercharge firing mode does not cause a Mortal Wound, instead inflicting only a single Strength 4 AP- hit on the wielder. Roll to Wound and save as normal. May be equipped by Dark Angels Terminators.

100 / 50 / 04 / Foe Scythe (Relic Heavy Bolter) / 3|4|8 / 24 / Blood Angels and their Successors only. +18" range when fired Burst or Full Auto.

100 / 50 / 04 / Nemesis (Relic Heavy Bolter) / 3|-|6 / 24 / Ultramarines and their Successors only. Versus Xenos (Tyranids, Orks, Necrons, Eldar, Dark Eldar, and Tau) change Rate of Fire to 4|-|8 and add +1 Strength.

125 / 75 / 06 / Light Breaker (Tainted Relic Lascannon) / 1|-|- / 6 / Light Breaker does not need line of sight to fire.

200 / 150 / 03 / Dark Weapon (Sanctified Xeno Cannon) / 1|-|- / 3 / Strength 5. AP -4. Range 36". Damage D3. Heavy. Always Wounds <Vehicle> on a 2+, regardless of the target's Toughness.

200 / 200 / 05 / Null Weapon (Sanctified Xeno Cannon) / 3D6|-|- / 3 / Strength 10. AP -4. Range 24". Heavy. Damage D3. Versus targets with the <Psyker> tag, this weapon is +1 to hit. Ignores Invulnerable Saves. If any 1 is rolled to hit, this model counts as having rolled a 9+ on the Injury Table, resolving that result only after all hits and Wounds from this weapon have been resolved. Once all rounds are expended from this weapon's magazine, it becomes inert for the remainder of the Mission.

**Assault Marines must pay quadruple Cost to equip any of these weapons for which they qualify.

This message was edited 74 times. Last update was at 2023/03/11 02:32:27

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Terminator Gear

Terminator Armor provides a model with +2 Capacity.

Ranged Weapons

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Special Rules

01* / 00** / 03 / Stormbolter / 2|3-6|- / 18 / -

01* / 00** / 04 / Deathwatch Pattern Stormbolter / 2|3-6|- / 18 / This weapon has two integral secondary magazines each with 3 bullets. These secondary magazines may be loaded with the same or different ammo types as the Primary Magazine. Switching between these magazines is free, but no more than 1 type of ammo can be used per Shooting Phase.

50 / 15 / 06 / Assault Cannon / 6|7|15/ 30 / -

15 / 15 / 05 / Heavy Flamer / D6|2D6|- / 12 / Wounds in excess of 1 may be assigned to enemy models up to 12" from the primary target as long as those Wounds are assigned in a straight line moving away from the shooter; this weapon automatically hits its targets.

50 / 15 / 07 / Reaper Autocannon / 4|5|10 / 40 / -

60 / 32 / 06 / Cyclone Missile Launcher / 2|3|6 / 12 / Each pod has a Primary Magazine of 6. Each of the 2 pods can be fitted with a different type of Missile. Once all 12 missiles have been fired, this weapon cannot be reloaded until the following Debriefing Phase. This weapon may be equipped in addition to another ranged weapon or a pair of mêlée weapons.

125 / 15 / 02 / Wrist-mounted Grenade Launcher / 1|2|- / 4 / This weapon can be loaded with up to 4 different types of grenade, but comes standard with 2 Frag and 2 Krak Grenade Rounds; choose which 1 you are Shooting before you roll the dice to hit. Once this weapon expends its last shot, it cannot be reloaded until the following Debriefing Phase. This weapon may be equipped in addition to another ranged weapon or a pair of mêlée weapons.

75* / 25 / 04 / Combi-Melta / as weapon being used / 8|4 / This weapon may be used as either a Bolter or a Melta and retains the Rate of Fire and Magazine of both weapons.

75* / 16 / 04 / Combi-Flamer / as weapon being used / 8|6 / This weapon may be used as either a Bolter or a Flamer and retains the Rate of Fire and Magazine of both weapons.

75* / 30 / 04 / Combi-Plasma / as weapon being used / 8|6 / This weapon may be used as either a Bolter or a Plasmagun and retains the Rate of Fire and Magazine of both weapons.

35 / 40 / 07 / Plasma Cannon / 1|2|- / 6 / Dark Angels and their successors only.

100 / 70 / 06 / Dragon Slayer (Relic Assault Cannon) / 6|7|15 / 30 / Space Wolves and their Successors only. +1 Strength versus enemy models with 5 or more Wounds.

150 / 40 / 07 / Deathreaper (Tainted Relic Reaper Autocannon) / 8|10|20 / 40 / Rolls to hit of a 1 cause a hit against the wielder at Strength 5 with no AP, Damage 1.

Mêlée Weapons

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

01 / 00 / 00 / The Battle Brother's Own Fist / Strength as user, AP -. Damage 1. Even unarmed a Terminator is a formidable foe.

25 / 10 / 02 / Power Sword / -

01* / 00** / 04 / Powerfist / Unweildy

25 / 15 / 03 / Power Maul / -

25 / 15 / 03 / Power Axe / -

35 / 25 / 03 / Lightning Claw / -

35 / 25 / 04 / Thunder Hammer / Shocking, Unweildy

15 / 05 / 02 / Storm Shield / Unweildy if used as a mêlée weapon

15 / 25 / 05 / Chainfist / Unweildy, Mauling versus terrain features

65 / 15 / 02 / Frost Sword / Space Wolves and their successors only.

100 / 35 / 01 / Warp Weapon / Black Wasps and Blood Ravens only. Strength as user. AP -3. +2 Strength versus enemy models with the Psyker Keyword. Damage 1. Librarians equipped with a Warp Weapon treat it as Strength +1, in addition to the above bonus versus Psykers. Blood Ravens may equip this weapon, but treat it as a Tainted Relic if they do. This weapon gains the Exceptional Quality if it is wielded by a model that also has the ability to Deny the Witch. If used against a model with a mundane close combat weapon, roll a D6 at the end of every round of Close Combat. On the roll of a 6, one of the enemy's mundane weapons are destroyed.

100 / 70 / 04 / Judgement (Relic Thunder Hammer) / Adjudicator models can equip this weapon without having to meet its Threshold. At any time during the Mission, the wielder of Judgement may nominate 1 enemy model in line of sight that began the game with 5 or more Wounds to be Judged. Place a Marker on or near that Judged model's base. Friendly models may always prioritize that model over other targets. Additionally, the Judged model treats its Toughness as 1 lower than it actually is versus mêlée attacks made against it by squadmates of the wielder of this Relic. Only one target may be Judged at a time. Adjudicators may also use Judgement to Judge Fallen Astartes regardless of the number of Wounds they started the game with. Shocking, Unwieldy, Masterwork.

*This Threshold applies only to Terminators.
**This Cost applies only to Terminators.


Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

100 / 45 / 02 / Aegis Weave / If an enemy Psyker attempts to manifest a power within 6" of this model, the warp charge of any of their powers increase by +1.

15 / 25 / 01 / Litanies of Faith / If this model suffers the Shaken effect, they may ignore it on the D6 roll of 5+. If this model suffers the Pinned effect, they may ignore it on the D6 roll of 6.

15 / 05 / 01 / Optical Enhancement / Increase this model's visual range by +6".

150 / 25 / 01 / EPT / The Emergency Personal Teleporter removes this model from play if they roll a 7+ on the Injury Table and the Teleportarium is not functioning this Mission. Models removed this way are ineligible to reroll their results on the Recovery Table.

This message was edited 12 times. Last update was at 2020/09/26 05:00:02

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Mêlée Items

Useable by any Specialty other than Terminators

Except for the Combat Shield, a model may never be actively equipped with more than 2 of these following items. A marine only has 2 arms, after all.
Rules presented here that differ from those presented in a Codex or other GW rules supercede those rules.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

01 / 00 / 00 / The Battle Brother's Own Fists / Strength as user, AP +1. Damage 1. If a Space Marine is forced to fight without even a knife, his attacks grant his opponents a +1 bonus to their Armor Saves.

01 / 01* / ** / Astartes Knife / Strength as user. AP -. Damage 1.

03 / 01 / 00 / Combat Accessory: Bayonet / Strength as user, AP -. Damage 1. +1 Strength on the first Attack on the Turn this model Charges. This is a blade that fits under the barrel of a Long Arm weapon. On any weapon except ones that either do not have to roll to hit or are a bolter, this item imposes a -1 penalty to hit targets more than 12" from the shooter.

05 / 03 / 01 / Combat Shield / Combat Shields provide a 5+ Invulnerable Save. Additionally, a model may sacrifice 1 of its Attacks to impose a -1 to one of its opponent's WS. Nominate the target at the beginning of the Fight Phase before dice are rolled. A model who is subject to an effect that modifies the number Attacks it has on the fly (such as the Blood Frenzy Trait) can still use this effect. A Combat Shield can be actively equipped on the same arm as a Pistol, Vambrace, or Long Arm weapon.

08 / 05 / +01* / Combat Accessory: Chain Bayonet / Strength +1, AP -. Damage 1. -1 AP on the first Attack on the Turn this model Charges. This is a chain blade that fits under the barrel of a Long Arm weapon. On any weapon except ones that either do not have to roll to hit or are a bolter, this item imposes a -1 penalty to hit targets more than 12" from the shooter. *This item adds weight to the weapon it is attached to.

15 / 05 / 01 / Astartes Sword / Strength as user. AP -. Damage 1. Astartes Swords may be used defensively. A model may sacrifice half of its Attacks to impose a -1 to one of its opponent's WS. Nominate the target at the beginning of the Assault Phase before dice are rolled. A model who is subject to an effect that modifies the number Attacks it has on the fly (such as the Blood Frenzy Trait) cannot use their Astartes Sword defensively. If a model only has 1 Attack, they must sacrifice it completely in order to use this effect.

15 / 15 / 01 / Champion's Blade / Strength as user. AP -2. Damage 1. The Champion's Blade may be used defensively. A model may sacrifice half of its Attacks to impose a -1 to one of its opponent's WS. Nominate the target at the beginning of the Assault Phase before dice are rolled. A model who is subject to an effect that modifies the number Attacks it has on the fly (such as the Blood Frenzy Trait) cannot use this weapon defensively. If a model only has 1 Attack, they must sacrifice it completely in order to use this effect. Whenever a model armed with a Champion's Blade attacks in Close Combat, they may make 1 additional attack using this weapon.

15 / 10 / 01 / Astartes Spear / Strength +1. AP -1. Damage 1. +1 Strength on the Turn this model Charges. White Scars and their successors ignore this weapon's Threshold.

01 / 05 / 02 / Chain Sword / Strength as user, AP -1. Damage 1. Chain Swords may be used defensively. A model may sacrifice half of its Attacks to impose a -1 to one of its opponent's WS. Nominate the target at the beginning of the Assault Phase before dice are rolled. A model who is subject to an effect that modifies the number Attacks it has on the fly (such as the Blood Frenzy Trait) cannot use their Chain Sword defensively. If a model only has 1 Attack, they must sacrifice it completely in order to use this effect. Whenever a model armed with a Chainsword attacks in Close Combat, they may make 1 additional attack using this weapon.

15 / 10 / 03 / Chain Axe / Strength +2, AP -1. Damage D3. Unwieldy. A model may sacrifice 1 of its Attacks to ignore the Unwieldy Quality of this weapon.

15 / 15 / 04 / Eviscerator / Strength +4, AP -2. Damage 2. Unwieldy. A model may sacrifice 1 of its Attacks to ignore the Unwieldy Quality of this weapon.

01 / 08* / 02 / Adjudicator's Gavel / Strength +2. AP -. Damage 1. Enemy models hit with the Gavel one or more times must pass a Toughness test or treat their WS as 6+ in their following Turn. Adjudicators only.

01 / 04** / 01 / Wasp's Sting / Strength as User. AP -. Damage 1. Always Wounds <Infantry> on a 4+, regardless of the target's Toughness. Black Wasps only.

01 / 05 / 03 / Shock Maul / Strength +2, AP -. Damage 1. Shocking.

25 / 10 / 02 / Power Sword / Strength as user, AP -3. Damage 1. Power Swords may be used defensively. A model may sacrifice half of its Attacks to impose a -1 to one of its opponent's WS. Nominate the target at the beginning of the Assault Phase before dice are rolled. A model who is subject to an effect that modifies the number Attacks it has on the fly (such as the Blood Frenzy Trait) cannot use their Power Sword defensively. If a model only has 1 Attack, they must sacrifice it completely in order to use this effect.

35 / 15 / 02 / Relic Blade* / Strength +2, AP -3, Damage D3. Relic Blades may be used defensively. A model may sacrifice half of its Attacks to impose a -1 to one of its opponent's WS. Nominate the target at the beginning of the Assault Phase before dice are rolled. A model who is subject to an effect that modifies the number Attacks it has on the fly (such as the Blood Frenzy Trait) cannot use their Relic Blade defensively. If a model only has 1 Attack, they must sacrifice it completely in order to use this effect. Black Templars do not have to meet the Threshold of this weapon to equip it (but must still pay its Cost.

45 / 25 / 04 / Powerfist / Strength +4, AP -3. Damage D3. Unwieldy.

25 / 15 / 03 / Power Maul / Strength +2, AP -1. Damage 1. Dark Angels and their successors ignore the Threshold for this weapon. Stunning.

25 / 15 / 03 / Power Axe / Strength +2, AP -2. Damage 2. Mauling versus enemy models with 5 or more Wounds.

25 / 18 / 02 / Power Spear / Strength +2, AP -1. Damage 1. +1 Strength on the Turn this model Charges. White Scars and their successors ignore this weapon's Threshold.

35 / 25 / 03 / Lightning Claw / This weapon gains the Mauling Quality whenever the wielder is outnumbered in Close Combat. Models equipped with 2 of these gain an additional Attack.

35 / 25 / 04 / Thunder Hammer / Shocking, Unwieldy.

15 / 05 / 02 / Storm Shield / Minotaurs ignore this item's Threshold and Cost. Unwieldy if used as a close combat weapon. Storm Shields provide a 4+ Invulnerable Save.

65 / 15 / 02 / Frost Sword / Space Wolves and their successors only. Strength +1, AP -2. Damage 1. Frost Swords may be used defensively. A model may sacrifice half of its Attacks to impose a -1 to one of its opponent's WS. Nominate the target at the beginning of the Assault Phase before dice are rolled. A model who is subject to an effect that modifies the number Attacks it has on the fly (such as the Blood Frenzy Trait) cannot use their Frost Sword defensively. If a model only has 1 Attack, they must sacrifice it completely in order to use this effect. Whenever a model armed with a Frost Sword attacks in Close Combat, they may make 1 additional attack using this weapon.

100 / 35 / 01 / Warp Weapon / Black Wasps and Blood Ravens only. Strength as user. AP -3. +2 Strength versus enemy models with the Psyker tag. Damage 1. Librarians equipped with a Warp Weapon treat it as Strength +1, in addition to the above bonus versus Psykers. Blood Ravens may equip this weapon, but treat it as a Tainted Relic if they do. This weapon gains the Exceptional Quality if it is wielded by a model that also has the ability to Deny the Witch. If used against a model with a mundane close combat weapon, roll a D6 at the end of every round of Close Combat. On the roll of a 6, one of the enemy's mundane weapons are destroyed.

50 / 25 / 02 / Mangler (Relic Chainsword) / Strength as user, AP -1. Damage 1. Mangler may be used defensively. A model may sacrifice half of its Attacks to impose a -1 to one of its opponent's WS. Nominate the target at the beginning of the Assault Phase before dice are rolled. A model who is subject to an effect that modifies the number Attacks it has on the fly (such as the Blood Frenzy Trait) cannot use Mangler defensively. If a model only has 1 Attack, they must sacrifice it completely in order to use this effect. Whenever a model armed with Mangler attacks in Close Combat, they may make 1 additional attack using this weapon. Masterwork, Mauling, and Felling.

125 / 75 / 01 / Artificer's Triumph (Relic Power Spear) / Strength +2. AP -2. Damage 2. +1 Strength on the Turn this model Charges. Sanctified. Versus models with the Daemon keyword, this weapon gains the Entropic and Ablaze Qualities.

100 / 70 / 04 / Judgement (Relic Thunder Hammer) / Adjudicators can equip this weapon without having to meet its Threshold. At any time during the Mission, the wielder of Judgement may nominate 1 enemy model in line of sight that began the game with 5 or more Wounds, to be Judged. Place a Marker on or near that model's base. Friendly models may always prioritize that model over other targets. Additionally, the Judged model treats its Toughness as 1 lower than it actually is versus mêlée attacks made against it by squadmates of the wielder of Judgement. Only one target may be Judged at a time. Adjudicators may also use Judgement to Judge Fallen Astartes regardless of the number of Wounds they started the game with. Shocking, Unwieldy, Masterwork.

*This Cost is for purchasing additional Knives beyond the initial 1 every Specialty comes equipped with for free.
*This weapon does not count as a Relic for the purposes of Talents, abilities, or rules that interact with Relics
*This Cost only applies to non-Assault or non-Champion Adjudicators models who wish to equip this weapon.
**These items weigh very little. If a model is equipped with 1, their Capacity is 0. If they equip 2, their total Capacity is 1. If they equip more than 2, each additional item of the same type increases the total Capacity by +1.
**This Cost only applies to purchasing additional Wasp's Stings beyond the initial 1 every Black Wasps model may equip for free.

This message was edited 31 times. Last update was at 2021/09/07 20:22:10

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
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Norn Queen

Dublin, Ireland

Some serious work there warboss!!

Dman137 wrote:
goobs is all you guys will ever be

By 1-irt: Still as long as Hissy keeps showing up this is one of the most entertaining threads ever.

"Feelin' goods, good enough". 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

 Ratius wrote:
Some serious work there warboss!!

Thanks, Ratius. Your feedback is appreciated.

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Grenades, Mines, and Emplaced Explosives

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

01 / 01 / ** / Frag Grenade / -

01 / 01 / ** / White Smoke Grenade / Roll BS. On a hit, place a Marker anywhere up to 6" from the model who throws this grenade. On a miss, the GM places the Marker anywhere up to 8" from the throwing model. All models, friend or foe, within 3" of this Marker count as in Cover. Additionally, models who draw line of sight through the 3" area around the Marker, suffer -1 BS until the smoke dissipates. White Smoke dissipates after 1 Turn.

01 / 02 / ** / Red Smoke Grenade / Roll BS. On a hit, place a Marker anywhere up to 6" from the model who throws this grenade. On a miss, the GM places the Marker anywhere up to 8" from the throwing model. All models, friend or foe, within 3" of this Marker count as in Cover. Additionally, models who draw line of sight through the 3" area around the Marker, suffer -1 BS until the smoke dissipates. Red Smoke dissipates after D3 Turns.

01 / 05 / ** / Chaf Smoke Grenade / Roll BS. On a hit, place an Marker anywhere up to 6" from the model who throws this grenade. On a miss, the GM places the Marker anywhere up to 8" from the throwing model. All models, friend or foe, within 3" of this Marker count as in Cover. Additionally, models who draw line of sight through the 3" area around the Marker, suffer -2 BS until the smoke dissipates. Chaf Smoke dissipates after 3 Turns.

01 / 02 / ** / Krak Grenade / -

01 / 02 / ** / Blind Grenade / Models hit by Blind Grenades take no damage, but may not Move or Advance unless they pass a Toughness test. Additionally, they count their BS and WS as 6+ until the end of their Turn. Whenever a model uses this grenade it makes D3 hit rolls following the normal rules for targeting presented for this Campaign.

05 / 04 / ** / Concussion Grenade / Models hit by Concussion Grenades take no damage, but count as Pinned for D3 Turns. Whenever a model uses this grenade it makes D3 hit rolls following the normal rules for targeting presented for this Campaign.

15 / 10 / ** / Shredder Grenade / Strength D6, AP -2, D3 Wounds. Whenever a model uses this grenade it makes D3 hit rolls following the normal rules for targeting presented for this Campaign.

25 / 15 / ** / Acid Grenade / Strength 1, AP -D6. If a model hit by an Acid grenade survives, permanently reduce its Armor Save by 1. Additionally, the acid lingers causing an automatic Strength 1 hit with an AP -D6 at the end of each of the model's Turns until the end of the Mission. Whenever a model uses this grenade it makes D3 hit rolls following the normal rules for targeting presented for this Campaign.

25 / 05 / ** / Toxin Grenade / Strength 5, AP -. If a model is Wounded by a Toxin Grenade, roll a D3 and apply the affects of the Toxin Grenade to this many enemy models within 2" of the initial target. A Toxin Grenade has a cascade effect, meaning that subsequent models Wounded can also spread the effects of this grenade. Each time the effect spreads, reduce the grenade's Strength by 1. If this reduces the grenade's Strength to 0, it no longer has any effect. If there not enough enemy models to affect, excess cascade Wounds are lost. If this weapon is used when there are adversaries on the table who are dedicated to Nurgle in any way (cultists, daemons, deathguard, etc.), the marine carrying this item gains an additional +1 Corruption at the end of the Mission. Whenever a model uses this grenade it makes D3 hit rolls following the normal rules for targeting presented for this Campaign.

15 / 08 / ** / Hellfire Grenade / Strength 5, AP -2, this weapon reduces its targets'cover save bonuses by -1 (ignoring normal cover and reducing heavy cover to just +1). Versus Tyranids treat this weapon as AP -4. Whenever a model uses this grenade it makes D3 hit rolls following the normal rules for targeting presented for this Campaign.

75 / 50 / ** / Stasis Grenade / Models hit by Stasis Grenades take no damage, but count as Pinned for the remainder of the Mission.

100 / 50 / ** / Vortex Grenade / Make a single attack roll for this weapon. If it hits it causes D6 Mortal Wounds.

10 / 05 / 01 / Proximity Mine / Strength 4, AP -. When emplacing a mine, use a Marker to indicate its location. Proximity mines work exactly like booby traps.

10 / 08 / 01 / Shredder Mine / Strength 3, AP -1, D3 Wounds against models with the <Infantry> keyword. When emplacing a mine, use a Marker to indicate its location. Shredder mines work exactly like booby traps.

10 / 10 / 01 / Remote Mine / Strength D3+1, AP -. When emplacing a mine, use a Marker to indicate its location. Unlike other mines, the model who places a Remote Mine Marker decides when it goes off, detonating it during the enemy Turn. This mine must target an enemy model within 3" of it and the model who detonates it must be able to draw line of sight to both the Marker and the target at the time of detonation.

10 / 14 / 01 / Timed Mine / Strength D3+1, AP -D3, Damage 1. When emplacing a mine, use a Marker to indicate its location. After placing this mine, chose 1, 2, or 3 Turns. This is the amount of time the detonation is delayed. If a model with the Demolition Skill reaches the Timed Mine Marker before it goes off they may remove it and add a Timed Mine to their inventory if they have the Capacity to carry it. Otherwise the mine goes off, affecting all models within 3" of the Marker.

10 / 14 / 01 / AT Mine / Strength 8, AP -3, causes D3 Wounds against models with the <Vehicle> keyword. When emplacing a mine, use a Marker to indicate its location. AT mines work exactly like booby traps, except they are only triggered by models with the <Vehicle> or <Monster> keyword.

10 / 16 / 01 / EMP Mine / Strength 5, AP -3. If the target suffers a Wound from this mine, reduce its BS by -2 until the end if its Turn. Only effective against models with the <Vehicle>, <Necron>, or <Cult Mechanicus> keywords. When emplacing a mine, use a Marker to indicate its location. EMP mines work exactly like booby traps, except they are only triggered by models with the <Vehicle>, <Necron>, or <Cult Mechanicus> keywords.

05 / 05 / 01 / Melta Bomb* / Strength 8, AP -4, Damage 2D6 and take the better score. When emplacing a bomb, use a Marker to indicate its location. After placing this bomb, chose 1, 2, or 3 Turns. This is the amount of time the detonation is delayed. If a model with the Demolition Skill reaches the Melta Bomb Marker before it goes off they may remove it and add a Melta Bomb to their inventory if they have the Capacity to carry it.

10 / 15 / 02 / Promethium Blastbomb* / Strength 5, AP -, ignores the bonus to Armor Saves provided by cover, this weapon automatically hits all models within 8" of the Marker. When emplacing a bomb, use a Marker to indicate its location. After placing this bomb, chose 1, 2, or 3 Turns. This is the amount of time the detonation is delayed. If a model with the Demolition Skill reaches the Promethium Blastbomb Marker before it goes off they may remove it and add it to their inventory if they have the Capacity to carry it.

50 / 25 / 04 / Vortex Bomb* / Strength 10, AP -D6, ignores the bonus to Armor Saves provided by cover, affects all models and terrain within 3" of the Marker. When emplacing a bomb, use a Marker to indicate its location. After placing this bomb, chose 1, 2, or 3 Turns. This is the amount of time the detonation is delayed. If a model with the Demolition Skill reaches the Vortex Bomb Marker before it goes off they may remove it and add it to their inventory if they have the Capacity to carry it. Terrain struck by a Vortex Bomb's effect are either removed from play or, if they cannot be removed for whatever reason, are ignored for the purposes of Cover and Line of Sight for the remainder of the Mission. Leave an appropriate Marker in place as a reminder.

*Bombs typically trigger volatile terrain features such as generators, fuel tanks, vehicles, weapon caches, and the like when they go off. Refer to the GM notes of any given Mission if a bomb is detonated to determine if any additional effects occur.
**Grenades weigh little individually, but collectively their weight adds up. Any combination of types may be carried by a model. Equipping 1 or 2 grenades of any type costs 1 Capacity, 3 or 4 costs 2 Capacity, 5 or 6 cost 3 Capacity, and every additional grenade beyond 6 adds +1 Capacity.

This message was edited 13 times. Last update was at 2020/09/23 06:30:14

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Mundane Reloads for Bolt Weapons
Unless otherwise noted, Relic bolt weapons use standard magazines.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Magazine / Special Rules

01 / 01* / 01* / Bolt Pistol Reload / 4 / -

01 / 02* / 01* / Bolt Pistol Longmag / 6 / -

10 / 02* / 01* / Bolt Pistol Expanded Magazine / 8 / Brotherhood of the Bolter space marines upgrade their standard bolt pistol magazines and reloads to these for free. Additionally, marines of this Chapter do not have to meet the Threshold to purchase additional reloads of this type.

01 / 01* / 01* / Bolter Reload / 8 / -

01 / 02* / 01* / Bolter Longmag** / 12 / -

15 / 03* / 02* / Bolter Expanded Magazine / 16 / Brotherhood of the Bolter space marines upgrade their standard bolter magazines and reloads to these for free. Additionally, marines of this Chapter do not have to meet the Threshold to purchase additional reloads of this type.

01 / 02* / 01* / Bolt Rifle Reload / 10 / -

25 / 05* / 02* / Bolt Rifle Expanded Magazine / 20 / Brotherhood of the Bolter Intercessors upgrade their standard bolt rifle magazines and reloads to these for free. Additionally, marines of this Chapter do not have to meet the Threshold to purchase additional reloads of this type.

02 / 02* / 02* / Storm Bolter Reload / 18 / -

50 / 02 / 01 / Storm Bolter Expanded Magazine / 36 / Brotherhood of the Bolter space marines upgrade their standard storm bolter magazine to this for free. Additionally, marines of this Chapter do not have to meet the Threshold to purchase additional reloads of this type.

01 / 02 / 01 / Heavy Bolter Box Mag / 24 / -

05** / 05** / 01* / Heavy Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 150 / No matter what a model's Capacity is, a maximum of only 1 Backpack Ammo Supply of any type may ever be equipped by the same marine. Unlike other weapons, a Backpack Ammo Supply may only be equipped to supply ammo for a weapon carried by this model.

05** / 15 / 01* / Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / No matter what a model's Capacity is, a maximum of only 1 Backpack Ammo Supply of any type may ever be equipped by the same marine. Unlike other weapons, a Backpack Ammo Supply may only be equipped to supply ammo for a weapon carried by this model.

25** / 15 / 01* / Storm Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / No matter what a model's Capacity is, a maximum of only 1 Backpack Ammo Supply of any type may ever be equipped by the same marine. Unlike other weapons, a Backpack Ammo Supply may only be equipped to supply ammo for a weapon carried by this model.

25** / 35 / 01* / Bolt Rifle Backpack Ammo Supply / 200 / No matter what a model's Capacity is, a maximum of only 1 Backpack Ammo Supply of any type may ever be equipped by the same marine. Unlike other weapons, a Backpack Ammo Supply may only be equipped to supply ammo for a weapon carried by this model.

*Ammunition is cheap and lightweight by comparison to the weapons they feed. This Cost is for 4 reloads of the same type.
*Ammunition is cheap and lightweight by comparison to the weapons they feed. This Capacity is for 4 reloads of the same type.
**The Relic Bolter Carnage comes preloaded with these magazines. If a model equips Carnage, any standard Bolter magazines normally assigned by their Specialty are automatically upgraded to this type for free.
*Much of the weight of this item is carried by the marine's power armor and dispersed across the entirety of its exo-frame. However, if the item is somehow separated from the marine carrying it or if one is found during the course of a Mission, an empty Backpack Ammo Supply weighs 01 Capacity and a full one, regardless of the ammo type it holds, weighs 05 Capacity.
**This Cost and Threshold only applies to Specialties other than Devastators, who come equipped with this item as part of their standard gear for free.

This message was edited 10 times. Last update was at 2018/06/15 22:29:28

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Special Ammo Reloads for Bolt Weapons

Bolt Pistol

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Magazine / Special Rules

02 / 02* / 01* / Dragonfire Bolt Pistol Reload / 4 / Reduces Cover Saves by -1 (+1 becomes nothing, +2 becomes +1), but reduces the range of the weapon it is loaded into by -4".

03 / 02* / 01* / Organ Grinder Bolt Pistol Reload / 4 / Increase AP by -1. If the target's save is reduced to 6+ or worse and it has the Infantry, Monster, or both Keywords, each hit does D3 Damage.

05 / 03* / 01* / Seeker Bolt Pistol Reload / 4 / Shooter may fire at targets not in line of sight, as long as at least one ally in Cohesion Range can see the target.

05 / 04* / 01* / Hellfire Bolt Pistol Reload / 4 / Versus Tyranids, Hellfire ammo is AP -4. Versus any other target, Hellfire improves a weapon's AP by -1.

10 / 04* / 01* / Manstopper Bolt Pistol Reload / 4 / +1 weapon Strength, -2" range.

25 / 05* / 01* / Turbo Penetrator Bolt Pistol Reload / 4 / Improves AP by -2.

25 / 06* / 01* / Kraken Bolt Pistol Reload / 4 / Each hit does 2 damage.

25 / 08* / 01* / Vengeance Bolt Pistol Reload / 4 / Improves AP by -1. Strength +1. Increase range by +6".

25 / 10* / 01* / Flechete Storm Bolt Pistol Reload / 12 / Increase Standard Rate of Fire by +1 and adds a Full Auto setting. Strength -1. new Rate of Fire: 2|3|6


Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Magazine / Special Rules

01 / 01* / 01* / Tracer Bolter Reload / 8 / Allied models that fire at the same targets as this weapon may re-roll failed to hit rolls, if they fire in the same Phase as this weapon.

03 / 04 / 01* / Tracer Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Allied models that fire at the same targets as this weapon may re-roll failed to hit rolls, if they fire in the same Phase as this weapon.

02 / 03* / 01* / Dragonfire Bolter Reload / 8 / Reduces Cover Saves by -1 (+1 becomes nothing, +2 becomes +1), but reduces the range of the weapon it is loaded into by -4".

02 / 01 / ** / Dragonfire Integral Mag / 3 / Reduces Cover Saves by -1 (+1 becomes nothing, +2 becomes +1), but reduces the range of the weapon it is loaded into by -4".**

06 / 12 / 01* / Dragonfire Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Reduces Cover Saves by -1 (+1 becomes nothing, +2 becomes +1), but reduces the range of the weapon it is loaded into by -4".

03 / 02* / 01* / Organ Grinder Bolter Reload / 8 / Increase AP by -1. If the target's save is reduced to 6+ or worse and it has the Infantry, Monster, or both Keywords, each hit does D3 Damage.

03 / 01 / ** / Organ Grinder Integral Mag / 3 / Increase AP by -1. If the target's save is reduced to 6+ or worse and it has the Infantry, Monster, or both Keywords, each hit does D3 Damage.

03 / 07 / 01* / Organ Grinder Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Increase AP by -1. If the target's save is reduced to 6+ or worse and it has the Infantry, Monster, or both Keywords, each hit does D3 Damage.

05 / 12* / 01* / Seeker Bolter Reload / 8 / Shooter may fire at targets not in line of sight, as long as at least one ally in Cohesion Range can see the target.

05 / 04 / ** / Seeker Integral Mag / 3 / Shooter may fire at targets not in line of sight, as long as at least one ally in Cohesion Range can see the target.**

15 / 40 / 01* / Seeker Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Shooter may fire at targets not in line of sight, as long as at least one ally in Cohesion Range can see the target.

05 / 04* / 01* / Hellfire Bolter Reload / 8 / Versus Tyranids, Hellfire ammo is AP -4. Versus any other target, Hellfire is AP -1.

05 / 01 / ** / Hellfire Integral Mag / 3 / Versus Tyranids, Hellfire ammo is AP -4. Versus any other target, Hellfire is AP -1.**

15 / 16 / 01* / Hellfire Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Versus Tyranids, Hellfire ammo is AP -4. Versus any other target, Hellfire is AP -1.

15 / 12* / 01* / Stalker Bolter Reload / 8 / +12" range. Cannot be fired in Burst or Full Auto mode.

10 / 04 / ** / Stalker Integral Mag / 3 / +12" range. Cannot be fired in Burst or Full Auto mode.**

25 / 20 / 01* / Stalker Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / +12" range. Cannot be fired in Burst or Full Auto mode.

10 / 16* / 01* / Manstopper Bolter Reload / 8 / +1 weapon Strength, -6" range.

05 / 04 / ** / Manstopper Integral Mag / 3 / +1 weapon Strength, -6" range.**

50 / 60 / 01* / Manstopper Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / +1 weapon Strength, -6" range.

25 / 20* / 01* / Turbo Penetrator Bolter Reload / 8 / Improves AP by -2.

15 / 07 / ** / Turbo Penetrator Integral Mag / 3 / Improves AP by -2.**

90 / 80 / 01* / Turbo Penetrator Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Improves AP by -2.

25 / 24* / 01* / Kraken Bolter Reload / 8 / Each hit does 2 damage.

18 / 08 / ** / Kraken Integral Mag / 3 / Each hit does 2 damage.**

100 / 80 / 01* / Kraken Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Each hit does 2 damage.

25 / 32* / 01* / Vengeance Bolter Reload / 8 / Improves AP by -1. Strength +1. Increase range by +6".

18 / 11 / ** / Vengeance Integral Mag / 3 / Improves AP by -1. Strength +1. Increase range by +6".**

150 / 120 / 01* / Vengeance Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Improves AP by -1. Strength +1. Increase range by +6".

50 / 40* / 01* / Flechetestorm Bolter Reload / 24 / Increase Standard Rate of Fire by +1 and adds a Full Auto setting. Strength -1. new Rate of Fire: 2|3-5|6

25 / 16 / ** / Flechettestorm Integral Mag / 12 / Increase Rate of Fire by +1 and adds a Full Auto setting. Strength -1. **

200 / 160 / 01* / Flechetestorm Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 750 / Increase Rate of Fire by +1 and adds a Full Auto setting. Strength -1.

60 / 20* / 01* / Tempest Bolter Reload / 8 / Changes Rate of Fire to D3|2D3|-; on a hit roll of an unmodified 6, that shot ignores cover

45 / 08 / ** / Tempest Integral Mag / 3 / Changes Rate of Fire to D3|2D3|-; on a hit roll of an unmodified 6, that shot ignores cover

120 / 75 / 01* / Tempest Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Changes Rate of Fire to D3|2D3|-; on a hit roll of an unmodified 6, that shot ignores cover

Bolt Rifle

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Magazine / Special Rules

01 / 01* / 01* / Tracer Bolt Rifle Reload / 10 / Allied models that fire at the same targets as this weapon may re-roll failed to hit rolls, if they fire in the same Phase as this weapon.

03 / 05 / 01* / Tracer Bolt Rifle Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Allied models that fire at the same targets as this weapon may re-roll failed to hit rolls, if they fire in the same Phase as this weapon.

03 / 05* / 01* / Dragonfire Bolt Rifle Reload / 10 / Reduces Cover Saves by -1 (+1 becomes nothing, +2 becomes +1), but reduces the range of the weapon it is loaded into by -4".

03 / 03 / ** / Dragonfire Integral Mag / 3 / Reduces Cover Saves by -1 (+1 becomes nothing, +2 becomes +1), but reduces the range of the weapon it is loaded into by -4".

07 / 16 / 01* / Dragonfire Bolt Rifle Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Reduces Cover Saves by -1 (+1 becomes nothing, +2 becomes +1), but reduces the range of the weapon it is loaded into by -4".

06 / 13* / 01* / Seeker Bolt Rifle Reload / 10 / Shooter may fire at targets not in line of sight, as long as at least one ally in Cohesion Range can see the target.

06 / 05 / ** / Seeker Integral Mag / 3 / Shooter may fire at targets not in line of sight, as long as at least one ally in Cohesion Range can see the target.

16 / 45 / 01* / Seeker Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Shooter may fire at targets not in line of sight, as long as at least one ally in Cohesion Range can see the target.

06 / 05* / 01* / Hellfire Bolt Rifle Reload / 10 / Versus Tyranids, Hellfire ammo is AP -4. Versus any other target, Hellfire improves a weapon's AP by -1.

06 / 02 / ** / Hellfire Integral Mag / 3 / Versus Tyranids, Hellfire ammo is AP -4. Versus any other target, Hellfire improves a weapon's AP by -1.

16 / 20 / 01* / Hellfire Bolt Rifle Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Versus Tyranids, Hellfire ammo is AP -4. Versus any other target, Hellfire improves a weapon's AP by -1.

16 / 15* / 01* / Stalker Bolt Rifle Reload / 10 / +12" range. Cannot be fired in Burst or Full Auto mode.

12 / 06 / ** / Stalker Integral Mag / 3 / +12" range. Cannot be fired in Burst or Full Auto mode.

35 / 25 / 01* / Stalker Bolt Rifle Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / +12" range. Cannot be fired in Burst or Full Auto mode.

12 / 20* / 01* / Manstopper Bolt Rifle Reload / 10 / +1 weapon Strength, -6" range.

06 / 05 / ** / Manstopper Integral Mag / 3 / +1 weapon Strength, -6" range.

75 / 65 / 01* / Manstopper Bolt Rifle Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / +1 weapon Strength, -6" range.

50 / 25* / 01* / Turbo Penetrator Bolt Rifle Reload / 10 / Improves AP by -2.

16 / 08 / ** / Turbo Penetrator Integral Mag / 3 / Improves AP by -2.

150 / 100 / 01* / Turbo Penetrator Bolt Rifle Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Improves AP by -2.

35 / 30* / 01* / Kraken Bolt Rifle Reload / 10 / Each hit does 2 damage.

20 / 10 / ** / Kraken Integral Mag / 3 / Each hit does 2 damage.

100 / 80 / 01* / Kraken Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Each hit does 2 damage.

50 / 45* / 01* / Vengeance Bolt Rifle Reload / 10 / Improves AP by -1. Strength +1. Increase range by +6".

20 / 15 / ** / Vengeance Integral Mag / 3 / Improves AP by -1. Strength +1. Increase range by +6".

180 / 150 / 01* / Vengeance Bolt Rifle Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Improves AP by -1. Strength +1. Increase range by +6".

50 / 45* / 01* / Flechetestorm Bolt Rifle Reload / 30 / Increase Standard Rate of Fire by +1 and adds a Full Auto setting. Strength -1. new Rate of Fire: 2|3-5|6

200 / 150 / 01* / Flechetestorm Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 600 / Increase Rate of Fire by +1 and adds a Full Auto setting. Strength -1.

Heavy Bolter

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Magazine / Special Rules

01 / 01 / 01 / Tracer Heavy Bolter Boxmag / 24 / Allied models that fire at the same targets as this weapon may re-roll failed to hit rolls, if they fire in the same Phase as this weapon.

01 / 04 / 01* / Tracer Heavy Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 150 / Allied models that fire at the same targets as this weapon may re-roll failed to hit rolls, if they fire in the same Phase as this weapon.

01 / 06 / 01 / Dragonfire Heavy Bolter Boxmag / 24 / Reduces Cover Saves by -1 (+1 becomes nothing, +2 becomes +1), but reduces the range of the weapon it is loaded into by -4".

01 / 08 / 01* / Dragonfire Heavy Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 150 / Reduces Cover Saves by -1 (+1 becomes nothing, +2 becomes +1), but reduces the range of the weapon it is loaded into by -4".

15 / 09 / 01 / Seeker Heavy Bolter Boxmag / 24 / Shooter may fire at targets not in line of sight, as long as at least one ally in Cohesion Range can see the target.

15 / 12 / 01* / Seeker Heavy Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 150 / Shooter may fire at targets not in line of sight, as long as at least one ally in Cohesion Range can see the target.

15 / 12 / 01 / Hellfire Heavy Bolter Boxmag / 24 / Versus Tyranids AP -4 and D3 Wounds. Versus any other target, Hellfire Heavy Bolter rounds do D3 Wounds. Cannot be fired in Full Auto mode.

25 / 15 / 01* / Hellfire Heavy Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 150 / Versus Tyranids AP -4 and D3 Wounds. Versus any other target , Hellfire Heavy Bolter rounds do D3 Wounds. Cannot be fired in Full Auto mode.

15 / 12 / 01 / Manstopper Heavy Bolter Boxmag / 24 / +1 weapon Strength, -8" range.

25 / 20 / 01* / Manstopper Heavy Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 150 / +1 weapon Strength, -8" range.

25 / 20 / 01 / Turbo Heavy Bolter Boxmag / 24 / Improves AP by -2.

50 / 35 / 01* / Turbo Heavy Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 150 / Improves AP by -2.

100 / 50 / 01 / Kraken Heavy Bolter Boxmag / 24 / Each hit does +1 damage.

150 / 75 / 01* / Kraken Heavy Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 150 / Each hit does +1 damage.

150 / 50 / 01 / Vengeance Heavy Bolter Boxmag / 24 / Improves AP by -1. Strength +1. Increase range by +6".

200 / 75 / 01* / Vengeance Heavy Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 150 / Improves AP by -1. Strength +1. Increase range by +6".

100 / 35 / 01 / Flechetestorm Heavy Bolter Boxmag / 72 / Increase Standard Rate of Fire by +1 and adds a Burst mode. Strength -1. new Rate of Fire: 4|5|10

150 / 75 / 01* / Flechetestorm Heavy Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 450 / Increase Rate of Fire by +1 and adds a Burst mode. Strength -1.

Storm Bolter**

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Magazine / Special Rules

03 / 01 / 02* / Tracer Storm Bolter Reload / 18 / Allied models that fire at the same targets as this weapon may re-roll failed to hit rolls, if they fire in the same Phase as this weapon.

06 / 04 / 01* / Tracer Storm Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Allied models that fire at the same targets as this weapon may re-roll failed to hit rolls, if they fire in the same Phase as this weapon.

10 / 04 / 02* / Dragonfire Stormbolter Reload / 18 / Reduces Cover Saves by -1 (+1 becomes nothing, +2 becomes +1), but reduces the range of the weapon it is loaded into by -4".

15 / 15 / 01* / Dragonfire Stormbolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Reduces Cover Saves by -1 (+1 becomes nothing, +2 becomes +1), but reduces the range of the weapon it is loaded into by -4".

15 / 15 / 02* / Seeker Stormbolter Reload / 18 / Shooter may fire at targets not in line of sight, as long as at least one ally in Cohesion Range can see the target.

25 / 40 / 01* / Seeker Stormbolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Shooter may fire at targets not in line of sight, as long as at least one ally in Cohesion Range can see the target.

15 / 15 / 02* / Hellfire Stormbolter Reload / 18 / Versus Tyranids AP -4. Versus any other target, Hellfire improves a weapon's AP by -1.

25 / 16 / 01* / Hellfire Stormbolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Versus Tyranids AP -4. Versus any other target, Hellfire improves a weapon's AP by -1.

15 / 25 / 02* / Manstopper Stormbolter Reload / 18 / +1 weapon Strength, -4" range.

25 / 65 / 01* / Manstopper Stormbolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / +1 weapon Strength, -4" range.

25 / 25 / 02* / Turbo Stormbolter Reload / 18 / Improves AP by -2.

50 / 80 / 01* / Turbo Stormbolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Improves AP by -2.

100 / 30 / 02* / Kraken Stormbolter Reload / 18 / Each hit does 2 damage.

150 / 80 / 01* / Kraken Stormbolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Each hit does 2 damage.

150 / 40 / 02* / Vengeance Stormbolter Reload / 18 / Improves AP by -1. Strength +1. Increase range by +6".

200 / 120 / 01* / Vengeance Stormbolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Improves AP by -1. Strength +1. Increase range by +6".

100 / 50 / 02* / Flechetestorm Stormbolter Reload / 54 / Increase Standard Rate of Fire by +1 and adds a Full Auto mode. Strength -1. new Rate of Fire: 3|4-7|8

200 / 160 / 01* / Flechetestorm Stormbolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 750 / Increase Rate of Fire by +1 and adds a Full Auto mode. Strength -1.

*Ammunition is cheap and lightweight by comparison to the weapons they feed. This Cost is for 4 reloads of the same type.
*Ammunition is cheap and lightweight by comparison to the weapons they feed. This Capacity is for 4 reloads of the same type.
*Much of the weight of this item is carried by the marine's power armor and dispersed across the entirety of its exo-frame. However, if the item is somehow separated from the marine carrying it or if one is found during the course of a Mission, an empty Backpack Ammo Supply weighs 01 Capacity and a full one, regardless of the ammo type it holds, weighs 05 Capacity.
**For purchasing Special Ammo Integral Magazines for the Deathwatch Pattern Stormbolter, refer to the listings of same for Bolters.
**The weight of this item is carried by the Bolter or Bolt Rifle it is built into. These items add no individual Capacity to the weapon they are loaded into.
**These Integral Special Ammo Mags can also be purchased for Guilliman Pattern Bolt Rifles for +1 Cost.

This message was edited 16 times. Last update was at 2022/01/17 09:41:06

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Technologies of Mars*
*Gear from these lists may only be taken by Techmarines.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

** / 05* / ** / Macro Mechadendrite / This cyberlimb is equipped with an unsophisticated grabber or claw. It may be used to crush small items like sample containers, hands, and detonators; to peel away corroded surfaces to get to the conduits inside or crumple control boxes to expose the internal wiring; or to warp door frames to crudely wedge a door shut. Alternatively they may be used to pick up large items like dead bodies, ammo crates, and armored wall panels. For this purpose the Macro Mechadendrite has a carrying Capacity of 4. This item's Capacity cannot be used to carry additional gear.

** / 15* / ** / Medical Mechadendrite / This cyberlimb is equipped with a sophisticated medical suite of micro-manipulators, injectors, and various anesthesia. It may be used on the Techmarine to reduce their D6 roll on the Injury Table by -1 or to assist a model with the Medic Skill within 2" of the Techmarine, granting a +1 to their Skill roll.

** / 25* / ** / Interface Mechadendrite / This cyberlimb is equipped with a sophisticated data extraction array. It may be used to interact with a Tech Terminal up to 2" away from the Techmarine using its own Tech2 Skill rated at 4+. This may be done even if the Techmarine is currently engaged in hand to hand combat, is incapacitated due to injury, or is currently interacting with a different terminal. Alternatively, the Interface Mechadendrite may be used to assist the Techmarine at a Tech Terminal, granting a +1 to their Skill roll.

** / 15* / ** / Plasma Mechadendrite / This cyberlimb is armed with a plasma pistol. It may fire at a separate target than what the Techmarine it is attached to is Shooting at. The plasma pistol comes equipped with a standard magazine, but may only be reloaded if the Techmarine is also equipped with a Manipulator Mechadendrite.

** / 08* / ** / Flamer Mechadendrite / This cyberlimb is armed with a flamer. It may fire at a separate target than what the Techmarine it is attached to is Shooting at. The flamer comes equipped with a half-size magazine, but may only be reloaded if the Techmarine is also equipped with a Manipulator Mechadendrite.

** / 01* / ** / Las Mechadendrite / This cyberlimb is armed with a laspistol. It may fire at a separate target than what the Techmarine it is attached to is Shooting at. The laspistol comes equipped with a standard magazine, but may only be reloaded if the Techmarine is also equipped with a Manipulator Mechadendrite.

** / 05* / ** / Bolt Mechadendrite / This cyberlimb is armed with a bolt pistol. It may fire at a separate target than what the Techmarine it is attached to is Shooting at. The bolt pistol comes equipped with a standard magazine, but may only be reloaded if the Techmarine is also equipped with a Manipulator Mechadendrite.

** / 03* / ** / Manipulator Mechadendrite / This cyberlimb is equipped with precision tools and finger-like appendages. It can be used to pick small items up, carry small items such as an Auspex, a severed head, or a sample container. The Manipulator Mechadendrite can also be used to reload the various weapon Mechadendrites equippable by Techmarines, provided it isn't already carrying an item.

01 / 01 / 00 / Hidden Compartment+ / This implant shuffles internal organs and muscles around to create a small void that adds +1 Capacity that can only be used to carry items that specifically weigh 1 Capacity such as grenades, extra reloads, sample containers, and the like.

25 / 25 / 00 / Logis Implant+ / After this model expends a Rating to use any Skill they may roll a D6. If they roll a 6, that Rating is not spent, although the Skill use still happens.

**While there is no Threshold for these items per se, a model must have the Servo Rig Talent (1 or more) to equip any of these items.
+As Implants, a model only needs to meet the Threshold for this item when they first acquire it. It is then permanently added to a model's equipment and its Cost is permanently subtracted from the model's total Renown.
*While a Techmarine with a high enough Servo Rig Talent can equip multiple Mechadendrites of the same type, each one of the same type beyond the first Costs double the previous. As example, a Techmarine with Servo Rig3 wants to equip 2 Flamer Mechandendrites. They would pay 8 Renown to equip the first and 16 Renown to equip the second. If they wanted to equip a third Flamer Mechadendrite, it would Cost 32 Renown.
**More of an implant than a piece of gear, these items' Capacity are mostly taken up by the model's overall cybernetic frame rather than its raw physical might. If a model is equipped with up to 2 of these items, their total Capacity is 0. If they equip 3 or more, each additional Mechadendrite increases the total Capacity by +1.


Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

15 / 05 / 01 / Servitor Remote Monitor / This arm-mounted display allows a Techmarine to extend the range of a single Servitor by up to 24". Additionally, that Servitor need not remain in line of sight in order to continue functioning.

50 / 25 / 01 / Optimizer HUD / This helm-mounted item allows a Techmarine to keep careful tabs on all of their own systems and their functioning. It allows the Techmarine to re-roll a single die for any reason once per Turn.

25 / 15 / 01 / Pulse Scanner / Once per Turn, instead of using a Skill, the Techmarine may activate this item. It sends out a subsonic pulse in a wide dispersal that can detect tunnel blockages, crowds, or other mass-based anomalies within 9" of the Techmarine. GMs, pay attention to your deck maps in scenarios with partially obscured set ups. Remember that while this item doesn't detect rooms or passageways, it will vaguely reveal objects like generators, collapsed tunnels, and armored bulkheads. In scenarios where enemy movement is hidden, this item will cause a Blip to appear in any place where 2 or more Adversaries gather or any 1 Adversary with the Vehicle or Monster tag does. In Missions where "Blips" are already in use, this item instead reveals the Adversaries that any Blips in range represent. If, on subsequent Turns, those Adversaries then move within 1" of another revealed Adversary or an unrevealed Blip, they revert back into unidentified Blips.

60 / 15 / 01 / Signal Booster / This item doubles the effective range of any technological item carried by the Techmarine, including the other items above & items like Auspexes and Augurs, but excluding weapon ranges and Mechadendrites.

75 / 50 / 01 / Archeotech Electro-Converter / At the start of this model's Turn, this item may be used in an attempt to convert bio electricity into useable energy. The Archeotech may be attached to any energy weapon (melta, plasma, las, or conversion beamer) or to a Tech Emplacement with Dead, Minuscule, or Low Power. This model must then make a Toughness test. If they pass, they may regenerate up 4 expended "bullets" from an attached weapon's magazine or increase the Power Level of a single Tech Emplacement by 1 step for the upcoming Turn. If this model fails their Toughness test, they suffer a single Mortal Wound, but the effects still work.

Melee Weapons

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

01 / 25 / 02 / Omnissian Axe / Strength +3, AP -2, Two-handed. Versus enemy models with the Vehicle tag this weapon gains the ElectroPulse and Shocking Qualities.

25 / 45 / 02 / Electro Whip / Strength 4, AP -. Each to hit roll of a 6 increases this weapon's AP by -1.

Ranged Weapons

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Special Rules

100 / 50 / 06 / Conversion Beamer / 1|-|- / 30 / The longer the range, the more power this weapon requires to shoot. Shooting at a target up to 12" away uses 1 "bullet" from this weapon's magazine. Targets beyond 12" and up to 24" away require 3 "bullets" from the magazine. Targets beyond 24" and up to this weapon's maximum range require 10 "bullets". A conversion beamer cannot be reloaded in the conventional sense, but its magazine regenerates 1 expended "bullet" every Turn.

This message was edited 14 times. Last update was at 2021/01/14 00:52:45

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
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Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

I added two new Talents to the Technological Talents tree so that Techmarines and Apothecaries can take Servitor Cohorts.

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Reloads for Specialist Weapons
Unless otherwise noted, Relic weapons use the standard reloads for a weapon of the same type.
Weapons that fire a variable number of shots only expend a single "bullet" from their magazines when they fire in Standard mode, 2 "bullets" in Burst mode, and 4 "bullets" in Auto Fire mode, regardless of the number or size of the dice they roll when shooting.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Magazine / Special Rules

01 / 01* / 01* / Half Promethium Tank / 3 / Reload for Hand Flamers, Flamers, and Flamer Mechadendrites.

01 / 01 / 01 / Promethium Tank / 6 / Reload for Flamers and Heavy Flamers.

01 / 02 / 02 / Promethium Charger / 12 / Reload for Heavy Flamers.

25 / 03 / 01 / Sanctified Promethium Tank / 6 / +1 Strength versus enemy models with the Daemon or Psyker tag. Reload for Flamers and Heavy Flamers.

25 / 08 / 02 / Sanctified Promethium Charger / 12 / +1 Strength versus enemy models with the Daemon or Psyker tag. Reload for Heavy Flamers.

01 / 04** / 01** / Grav Catalyst / 10 / Reload for Grav Pistols, Gravguns, and Grav Cannons.

15 / 08** / 01** / Plasma Cell / 6 / Reload for Plasma Pistols, Plasmaguns, and Plasma Cannons.

15 / 09** / 01** / Plasma Magazine / 7 / Reload for Plasma Incinerators.

08 / 03** / 01** / Melta Canister / 4 / Reload for Inferno Pistols, Meltas, and Multimeltas.

01 / 01** / 01** / Power Cell / 30 / Reload for Laspistols, Lasguns, and Las Mechadendrites.

10 / 03 / 01 / Heavy Power Cell / 6 / Reload for Lascannon.

01 / 01** / 01** / Automag / 6 / Reload for Auto Pistols and Autoguns.

01 / 02** / 01** / Long Automag / 10 / Reload for Auto Pistols and Autoguns.

15 / 02 / 02 / Autodrum / 30 / Reload for Assault Cannons.

50 / 13** / 01** / Needle Clip / 9 / Reload for Needlers.

50 / 18** / 01** / Splinter Clip / 20 / Reload for Splinter gun.

25 / 10** / 01** / Pulse Charger / 6 / Reload for Pulse Pistols.

25 / 15** / 01** / Pulse Mag / 12 / Reload for Pulse Rifles.

50 / 100** / 01** / Dark Cell / 3 / Reload for Dark Weapons.

*This Cost is for 2 reloads of the same type.
*These items weigh little individually. This Capacity is for 2 reloads of the same type.
**This Cost is for 4 reloads of the same type.
**These items weigh little individually. This Capacity is for 4 reloads of the same type.

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2017/11/30 00:19:50

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Shotgun Shells and Grenade Rounds

Individual Shotgun Shells
Manually reloading Shotguns takes 1 Phase for every 3 shells loaded. Unlike other weapons, a Shotgun can be reloaded even if it hasn't expended its last bullet. Whatever type of shell is loaded last is the first available to fire. Models with the Swift Reload Talent manually reload up to 8 shells per Phase.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

01 / 01* / 01* / Standard Shell / -

01 / 02* / 01* / Dragonfire Shell / Reduces the target's Cover Save bonus by -1.

01 / 03* / * / Scatter Shell / reduces range by half, but each hit counts as 2 hits.

01 / 04* / 01* / Seeker Shell / Doubles maximum range. Ignores Cover.

01 / 03* / 01* / Shredder Shell / Strength 2D3 and AP -2 at half range. Strength D3+1 and AP -1 at ranges higher than half.

01 / 08* / 01* / Destroyer Shell / Strength 6, AP -2.

01 / 06* / 01* / Storm Shell / Damage 2.

Shotgun Magazines
Shotguns equipped with a magazine cannot reload individual shells manually until the last bullet is expended from the current magazine.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Magazine / Special Rules

01 / 02 / 01** / Standard Mag / 8 / -

01 / 03 / 01 / Standard Drum / 15 / -

01 / 05 / 01** / Dragonfire Mag / 8 / Reduces the target's Cover Save bonus by -1.

01 / 08 / 01 / Dragonfire Drum / 15 / Reduces the target's Cover Save bonus by -1.

01 / 08 / 01** / Scatter Mag / 8 / reduces range by half, but each hit counts as 2 hits.

01 / 12 / 01 / Scatter Drum / 15 / reduces range by half, but each hit counts as 2 hits.

01 / 15 / 01** / Seeker Mag / 8 / Doubles maximum range. Ignores Cover.

01 / 25 / 01 / Seeker Drum / 15 / Doubles maximum range. Ignores Cover.

01 / 10 / 01** / Shredder Mag / 8 / Strength 2D3 and AP -2 at half range. Strength D3+1 and AP -1 at ranges higher than half.

01 / 18 / 01 / Shredder Drum / 15 / Strength 2D3 and AP -2 at half range. Strength D3+1 and AP -1 at ranges higher than half.

01 / 45 / 01** / Destroyer Mag / 8 / Strength 6, AP -2.

01 / 70 / 01 / Destroyer Drum / 15 / Strength 6, AP -2.

01 / 25 / 01** / Storm Mag / 8 / Damage 2.

01 / 35 / 01 / Storm Drum / 15 / Damage 2.

Miscellaneous Shotgun Accessories

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

01 / 10 / 00 / Extended Magazine / Adds +2 to manual reload magazine.

05 / 15 / 00 / Street Sweeper* / Increases Rate of Fire by +1, making Shotguns 2|3|-.

10 / 15 / 00 / Auto Conversion* / Adds a Full Auto firing mode to Shotguns, making them 1|2|4.

*Combining these upgrades gives Shotguns a 2|3|6 Rate of Fire.

Grenade Launcher Rounds
Grenade Rounds may be purchased individually or in "Sleeves" of 4.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Rate of Fire / Special Rules

01 / 01 / 01** / Frag Round / D3 / -

01 / 03 / 01 / Frag Sleeve / As Frag Rounds.

01 / 01 / 01** / Krak Round / 1 / -

01 / 03 / 01 / Krak Sleeve / As Krak Rounds.

01 / 01 / 01** / Concussion Round / D3 / Concussion Rounds do no damage, but models hit count as Pinned for D3 Turns.

01 / 03 / 01 / Concussion Sleeve / As Concussion Rounds.

01 / 02 / 01** / Chaf Round / 1 / Place a Marker at any point in line of sight, up to the maximum range of the weapon this grenade round is fired from. On a hit, the Marker lands on target. On a miss, the GM may place the Marker anywhere in range of the weapon. All models, friend or foe, within 3" of this Marker count as in Cover. Additionally, models who draw line of sight through the 3" area around the Marker, suffer -2 BS until the smoke dissipates. Chaf Smoke dissipates after 3 Turns.

01 / 05 / 01 / Chaf Sleeve / As Chaf Rounds.

01 / 02 / 01** / Blind Round / 5 / Models hit by Blind Rounds take no damage, but may not Move or Advance unless they pass a Toughness test. Additionally, they count their BS and WS as 6+ until the end of their Turn.

01 / 05 / 01 / Blind Sleeve / As Blind Rounds.

05 / 03 / 01** / Sticky Round / 1 / Place a Marker at any point in line of sight, up to the maximum range of the weapon this grenade round is fired from. On a hit, the Marker lands on target. On a miss, the GM may place the Marker anywhere in range of the weapon. Strength 3, AP-. Sticky Rounds, once placed, work exactly like booby traps.

05 / 10 / 01 / Sticky Sleeve / As Sticky Rounds.

15 / 03 / 01** / Shredder Round / D3 / Strength D6, AP -2, D3 Damage.

15 / 10 / 01 / Shredder Sleeve / As Shredder Rounds.

25 / 20 / 01** / Strangler Round / D3 / Strength 1, AP -. Strangler Rounds Pin enemy models in place for D6 Turns. Each Turn after the first a model is Pinned by a Strangler Round, it suffers a hit at Strength +1 more than last Round's hit. A model Pinned by this weapon may attempt a Strength test to try to break the bonds holding them at the start of their Movement Phase. If they pass, they are no longer Pinned and suffer no more automatic hits. If they fail, increase this weapon's automatic hit's Strength by an additional +1 this Turn.

25 / 75 / 01 / Strangler Sleeve / As Strangler Rounds.

25 / 15 / 01** / Acid Round / D3 / Strength 1, AP -D6. If a model hit by an Acid Round survives, permanently reduce its Armor Save by 1. Additionally, the acid lingers causing an automatic Strength 1 hit with an AP -D6 at the end of each of the model's Turns until the end of the Mission.

25 / 55 / 01 / Acid Sleeve / As Acid Rounds.

25 / 13 / 01** / Incendiary Round / D3 / Strength 3, AP -. Models hit by Incendiary Rounds must pass a Toughness test or be set Ablaze. Each Turn after the first a model is Ablaze it suffers a single Strength 3, AP - hit. A model that is Ablaze may spend its Movement Phase putting out the flames. If it does so, it cannot Move or Advance. The Ablaze effect lasts for D3 Turns or until a model puts itself out.

25 / 50 / 01 / Incendiary Sleeve / As Incendiary Rounds.

25 / 05 / ** / Toxin Round / D3 / Strength 5, AP -. If a model is Wounded by a Toxin Round, roll a D3 and apply the affects of the Toxin Round to this many enemy models within 2" of the initial target. A Toxin Round has a cascade effect, meaning that subsequent models Wounded can also spread the effects of this grenade round. Each time the effect spreads, reduce the grenade's Strength by 1. If this reduces the grenade's Strength to 0, it no longer has any effect. If there not enough enemy models to affect, excess cascade Wounds are lost. If this grenade round is used when there are adversaries on the table who are dedicated to Nurgle in any way (cultists, daemons, deathguard, etc.), the marine carrying this item gains an additional +1 Corruption at the end of the Mission. Toxin Rounds count as gas attacks.

25 / 18 / 01 / Toxin Sleeve / As Toxin Rounds.

15 / 08 / 01** / Hellfire Round / D3 / Strength 5, AP -2, ignores cover. Versus Tyranids treat this round as AP -4.

15 / 30 / 01 / Hellfire Sleeve / As Hellfire Rounds.

75 / 40 / 01** / Stasis Round / 1 / Models hit by Stasis Rounds take no damage, but count as Pinned for the remainder of the Mission.

75 / 100 / 01 / Stasis Sleeve / As Stasis Rounds.

100 / 50 / 01** / Vortex Round / 1 / D6 Mortal Wounds.

100 / 200 / 01 / Vortex Sleeve / As Vortex Rounds.

*Shotgun Shells weigh little individually. This Capacity is for every 24 Shotgun Shells carried by the model in excess of what's loaded into their weapon.
*This Cost is per individual bullet.
**Grenade rounds weigh little individually. This Capacity is for every 4 grenade rounds carried by the model in excess of what's loaded into their weapon.
**Shotgun reloads weigh little individually. This Capacity is for every 4 magazines of the same type.

This message was edited 11 times. Last update was at 2023/03/01 01:12:19

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

I changed the way grenades with Markers work and I am currently working on the Extensions of the Omnissiah's Will wargear list. At some point in time I will probably update the climbing and falling rules as they strike me as way too complex at the moment.

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

I updated the mêlée weapon rules today.

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

I've been editing and tweaking this giant project. Check back often as this is a living document. Some of these posts have 50+ edits on them (although most of them are for grammatical and spelling mistakes). I updated the Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Flesh Tearers, and Carcharodons Astra Chapter entries to make them each more unique.

I've also been working my regular job quite a bit, so have had little time to put in for the new gear lists, but to whet your whistle I'll tell you I have these in the works:

Vault of the Librarium*
*Gear from these lists may only be taken by Librarians.

Tinctures and Tools*
*Gear from these lists may only be taken by Apothecaries.

Litanies of Faith*
*Gear from these lists may only be taken by Chaplains.

Tools of the Ordo

And of course...

Extensions of the Omnissiah's Will*
*Only models who have taken the Ally of the Mechanicum Talent may select from this category of gear.

Thans for looking. Feedback is always appreciated. Soon I will get into the backstory and the Missions. I know I have alluded to a lot.

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

I clarified the Skill rules regarding effects and order of process.

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Extensions of the Omnissiah's Will*
*Only models who have taken the Ally of the Mechanicum Talent may select from this category of gear.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

01** / 15* / ** / Optical Mechadendrite* / This cyberlimb is equipped with an optical sensor that allows the bearer to draw line of sight to targets even when they are completely obscured from view. Equipping more than 1 of these Mechadendrites increases this model's weapon ranges by +1" per additional Optical Mechadendrite.

01 / 10 / 01 / Subdermal Syphons+ / These implants impart the Sapping quality to the bearer's mêlée attacks.

01 / 25 / 01 / Subdermal Conductors+ / These implants allow the model to partially convert their own internal bioelectrical current into usable energy. In close combat, Subdermal Conductors impart the Shocking quality to the bearer's mêlée attacks. Additionally, if this model uses the "Arise from your Aeonic Slumber effect of the Tech Skill, they may re-roll a failure, but suffer a -1 to the second attempt. If the model has a Skill Stat of 4+ and they fail their roll, their re-roll only succeeds on a 5+.

01 / 25 / 01 / Extra Limb*+ / In addition to allowing this model to carry an extra weapon - including the option for an additional mêlée weapon - this cybernetic add-on also increases the model's Capacity by +2.

01 / 10 / 01 / Monotask Device*+ / This implant grants 1 of the bearer's Servitors a re-roll when using its Tech Skill. Choose which Servitor before Deployment.

01 / 50 / 01 / Redundant Systems*+] / Actually a series of implants and temporary backup generators, this cyber item allows the bearer to re-roll their results on the Injury Table when called upon to do so.

01 / 15 / 01 / Radgraph*+ / This implant automatically detects radiation levels and chemical trace in the surrounding vicinity. On the tabletop the range of this item is 6" and will automatically identify toxins from poisonous weapons granting a situational +1 modifier to all Toughness tests made to resist those effects. Additionally, power cables, generators, and anomalous effects such as warp radiation or decaying munitions within 6" of this model will automatically be identified as well as the potential benefits or dangers they may impose. GMs take note, if a player's model is equipped with this item, it's on you to tell them when they detect interesting things. This item is likely going to be selected when players begin encountering a lot of Dark Eldar and Tyranids. My recommendation is to use this device to reveal map secrets to the players. Is there a shielded vault on the other side of that bulkhead? Tell the player with this device that it detects a strong energy source right behind that wall. Is there a crack in the Immaterium just waiting to be opened in the room? Tell the player that his device detects warp fluctuations and that they spike every time one of his companions kills an enemy model. And so forth. This device is an awesome tool for foreshadowing and generating side quests.

01 / 20 / 01 / Multi-tool Implant+ / The Multi-tool grants the bearer a situational +1 modifier to their Tech Skill tests when dealing with Tech Emplacements of any Power Level other than Full.

*A model must have the Mechanicus Frame in order to select this item.
**A model must have the Servo Rig Talent (1 or more) to equip any of these items.
+As Implants, a model only needs to meet the Threshold for this item when they first acquire it. It is then permanently added to a model's equipment and its Cost is permanently subtracted from the model's total Renown.
*While a Model with a high enough Servo Rig Talent can equip multiple Mechadendrites of the same type, each one of the same type beyond the first Costs double the previous. As example, a Techmarine with Servo Rig3 wants to equip 2 Flamer Mechandendrites. They would pay 8 Renown to equip the first and 16 Renown to equip the second. If they wanted to equip a third Flamer Mechadendrite, it would Cost 32 Renown.
**More of an implant than a piece of gear, these items' Capacity are mostly taken up by the model's overall cybernetic frame rather than its raw physical might. If a model is equipped with up to 2 of these items, their total Capacity is 0. If they equip 3 or more, each additional Mechadendrite increases the total Capacity by +1.

Miscellaneous Gear
Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

45 / 15 / 01 / Refractor / This item grants the bearer a 5+ invulverable save, unless the bearer already has a better invulverable save, in which case the Refractor improves that save by +1.

75 / 35 / 02 / Conversion Field Generator / This item projects a 4+ Invulverable save that covers both the bearer and every other model within 3" of it. This item may also be emplaced and/or Overcharged. Remove the item's Capacity from the carrying model and place a Marker anywhere within 2" of the bearer. The model is no longer equipped with the Generator, but the Marker now projects the field. Enemy models whose line of sight passes through the field grant the target beyond a 4+ Invulnerable save, regardless of their actual promixity to the Marker. If the bearer wishes, they may Overcharge the field when they Emplace it. Doing so increases the Invulverable save to 2+ for D3 Turns, afterwhich the item becomes inert.

120 / 65 / 01 / Displacement Field / This item grants the bearer a 4+ Invulnerable save. In addition, every time the Field works, the model equipped with it may Move up to D3" in any direction, as long as they remain further than 1" away from any enemy models and outside of impassable terrain.

75 / 15 / - / Awakener Chip / This item must be paired with a specific weapon. When using the Awakened weapon, Overwatch shots hit on a 5+. A Techmarine may instead grant another Deathwatch marine the use of this item, but only if that marine also meets the Threshold of this item.

01 / 25 / 02 / Catalog Tome / Any time a model with 1 or more remaing Ratings in the Tech Skill, that is also equipped with this giant book, moves into base to base contact with any Tech Emplacement they may opt to roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, they cannibalize the Emplacement, and if the model then survives the Mission with 1 or more Wounds remaining, they may hand over all the widgets, cogs, and datachips they've collected to any Faction they have Esteem with for +D3 Esteem. Cannibalizing renders the Tech Emplacement in question broken and useless for the remainder of the Mission.

35 / 35 / - / Phase Crystal Converter / This item replaces one of the Plasma Cells on a Plasmagun or Plasma Cannon. Using the Supercharge ability with these weapons only costs 2 bullets instead of 3 while the Converter is equipped. Additionally, any Plasma Cell loaded into a weapon with this upgrade counts its Magazine as having 8 bullets instead of only 6.

05 / 15 / 01 / Historic Overlay / When this model gains the "Layout of the Surrounding Hulk" local information tidbit, this device overlays those plans in three dimensions over the visuals in the Marine's heads-up display, revealing hidden passages, power conduits, and other structural tidbits otherwise obscured by decay and ruin. GMs, this gadget is always active once equipped, so be sure to pay attention to your notes and when a model with this device moves into range of an anomaly or otherwise hidden Tech Emplacement, let your player know.

Grenades and Grenade Rounds
Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

10 / 25 / 01** / Radchaf Grenade Rounds / Place a Marker at any point in line of sight, up to the maximum range of the weapon this grenade round is fired from. On a hit, the Marker lands on target. On a miss, the GM may place the Marker anywhere in range of the weapon. All models, friend or foe, within 3" of this Marker count as in Cover. Additionally, models who draw line of sight through the 3" area around the Marker, suffer -2 BS until the smoke dissipates. Lastly, any model within 6" of the Marker suffers a -1 to its Toughness stat. Radchaf dissipates after 3 Turns.

50 / 07 / ** / Rad Grenades / Roll BS. On a hit, place a Marker anywhere up to 6" from the model who throws this grenade. On a miss, the GM places the Marker anywhere up to 8" from the throwing model. All models, friend or foe, within 6" of this Marker suffer a -1 to their Toughness stat. Rad dissipates after 12 Turns.

**Grenade rounds weigh little individually. This Capacity is for every 4 grenade rounds carried by the model in excess of what's loaded into their weapon.
**Grenades weigh little individually, but collectively their weight adds up. Any combination of types may be carried by a model. Equipping 1 or 2 grenades of any type costs 1 Capacity, 3 or 4 costs 2 Capacity, 5 or 6 cost 3 Capacity, and every additional grenade beyond 6 adds +1 Capacity.

This message was edited 17 times. Last update was at 2018/07/09 22:51:12

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

*I modified the Leaping and Falling rules so that they are more simplified, less math-y, and more concise.

Added 4 new Talents to the Elite Tree.

Added clarification to the Tech Skill effect descriptions as they seemed kind of like throw away effects. I wanted to make sure Tech got the same love as the other skills.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2017/09/22 19:11:12

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Before I get too far along, I feel I should create a repository for all the Traits and Qualities I've alluded to throughout this document. This post is essentially a place holder and will be edited a lot as I come up with new options for both. This isn't so much a place to buy these options, as it is a place to put all their definitions in one location.

*These refer to special rules as they are applied to Items.

Ablaze (A weapon with this Quality need only hit once to inflict its effect. Each Turn after the first a model is Ablaze it suffers a single Strength 3, AP - hit. A model that is Ablaze may spend its Movement Phase putting out the flames. If it does so, it cannot Move or Advance. The Ablaze effect lasts for D3 Turns or until a model puts itself out)

Catastrophic (weapons with this Quality that cause 1 or more Wounds impose an additional -D3 penalty to enemy Morale checks)

Charged ElectroPulse (This Quality inflicts a -2 penalty to a target's Ballistic Skill on a hit, if the target also has the Vehicle or Necron tag.)

Conflagration (any model that suffers an unsaved Wound from this weapon causes an automatic additional hit at the same Strength and AP on all models within 2" of it at the end of the Turn)

Deadly to Use (any roll of a 1 to hit with this item destroys it and immediately applies the effects of a successful hit on the model wielding it)

Deadly** (This Quality usually gets tacked on to another effect, Trait, or Quality and means that any stat tests associated with what it's attached to automatically fail. For example, a model automatically fails their Toughness test when attempting to shrug off the Wound Token influcted by a Deadly Toxic weapon. Also, models automatically fail their Toughness tests when attempting to regenerate Wounds lost to Deadly Contagions. Deadly can also be applied to weapons on its own. In these cases, any 6 rolled to hit with these weapons cause a single Mortal Wound in addition to any other effects)

ElectroPulse (This Quality inflicts a -1 penalty to a target's Ballistic Skill on a hit, if the target also has the Vehicle or Necron tag.)

Entropic (Weapons with this Quality force their targets to roll an additional die when taking Armor Saves against it and taking the worst score)

Enfeebling (Against targets with 5 or more Wounds, Enfeebling weapons cause the target to lose 1 point of Strength and 1 point of Toughness until the end of their next Turn on any hit)

Exceptional (Exceptional Quality weapons allow their bearer to re-roll the first failed to hit roll of every Mission. Exceptional armor re-rolls its first failed Armor Save of every Mission. Any other item of Exceptional Quality re-rolls its first failed roll of every Mission)

Felling (Against targets with 5 or more Wounds, Felling weapons cause a single Mortal Wound in addition to any other effects. The Felling Quality can only be applied to weapons that are also Masterwork)

Irradiated** (A model or item with this Trait suffers -1 to its Toughness. These items also impose the -1 Toughness penalty to all models in base to base contact with the model holding this item)

Masterwork (Masterwork Quality weapons allow their bearer to re-roll one failed to hit roll of every Turn. Masterwork armor re-rolls one failed Armor Save of every Turn. Any other item of Masterwork Quality gains one re-roll every time it is used)

Mauling (Mauling weapons cause +1 Damage per hit)

Pheromone Tracker (usually applied to Tyranid body parts separated from its host, this Quality draws other Tyranid creatures towards itself. In addition to making any model carrying this item their number one target, the Pheromone Tracker also adds +D3 allotment to a Mission every Turn that can only be spent on Tyranid Adversaries. The GM may save up this Allotment to afford larger creatures, but need not spend any of it at all. Any excess Allotment generated in this way, but not used gets saved and added to the next Mission's Allotment.)

Sanctified (Sanctified items have been blessed by the Ecclesiarchy. Standard Imperial weapons with the Sanctified Quality count their Strength as 1 higher versus Daemonic adversaries and standard armor counts its Save as 1 better versus any damage from a Daemonic source)

Sapping (A weapon with this Quality need only hit once to inflict its effect. Targets affected by Sapping suffer -1 to their Strength stat until the end of their next Turn)

Shocking (A weapon with this Quality need only hit once to inflict its effect. Targets affected by Shocking suffer -1 to their Toughness stat until the end of their next Turn)

Stunning (A weapon with this Quality need only hit once to inflict its effect. Targets affected by Stunning suffer -1 to their Attack stat until the end of their next Turn)

Toxic (Toxic weapons automatically generate a single Wound Token on any target that they hit, even if they don't Wound. A model may attempt to remove this Wound Token by passing a Toughness test the moment they would otherwise gain it)

*These refer to special rules as they are applied to Models.

Chained[#]* (This Trait indicates that the more of a particular model type that is gathered in the same area - a proximity to another model with the same Trait indicated by the number in parentheses - the stronger the linked effect becomes. Each additional model within range of another model with the same Traits increases the effects of all Chained* Traits by 1. For instance, Plague Zombies have the Miasmic1*, Contagion1*, and Chained[0]* Traits. For every Plague Zombie in base to base contact with another Plague Zombie, each model increases its Contagion by +1 and its Miasmic by +1. A typical infantry model can fit 6 models in base to base with itself. The Plague Zombie at the center of that crowd becomes Contagion7 and Miasmic7. In crowds, Plague Zombies are terrifying foes.

Contagion (This Trait acts like a passive weapon, causing a single automatic hit at the Strength indicated by the number attached to this Trait whenever a model without this Trait Moves or Advances into range of the Contagion, or at the start of the victim's Movement Phase if they remain in range subsequently. The default range for Contagion is 0" - base to base - unless a model also has the Miasmic Trait in which case the range is equal to its Miasmic aura. In cases where a victim is in range of more than one model with this Trait, only apply a single hit at the highest Strength. This hit has no AP. Models who suffer 1 or more Wounds from this effect may attempt to regenerate those Wounds by passing a Toughness test at the start of any Turn where they are not in range of the Contagion. If they pass, they regenerate 1 Wound lost to this effect. If a model loses its last Wound to this effect, it automatically suffers 1 Wound Token in addition to any other effects as indicated by the Injury Table. Contagion counts as a gas attack. Using the crowd of Plague Zombies again, if a model without Contagion moves to within 7" of that crowd, they suffer a single Strength 7, AP - hit. If they lose a Wound, but subsequently move out of range, they may test Toughness to regain that Wound at the start of every Turn until either the Mission ends or they succeed, whichever comes first.

Cowardly (Models with this Trait cannot declare a Charge against an enemy model unless that model is already engaged with 3 or more friendly models. Cowardly cannot Advance unless they use their movement to get further away from an enemy model)

Fearless (Models with this Trait ignore the effects of Shaken and automatically recover from Pinned effects at the start of their next Turn.)

Fearsome (Models with this Trait impose a -1 modifier to Leadership tests for all enemy models that can draw line of sight to them. In the case of Fearsome adversaries versus Space Marine Squads, this penalty only applies if the Mission Leader can draw line of sight to this model.)

Ferocious (These models gain +1 Strength and +1 Attack starting on the second Turn of Close Combat)

Irradiated** (A model or item with this Trait suffers -1 to its Toughness)

Miasmic (often applied to plague carriers or certain Tyranid monstrosities, this Trait indicates the model in question has both an aura and a cloud that follows with them as they go. Miasmic models act similarly to Markers in that their accompanying effects radiate from them to a predetermined distance, as determined by the number attached to this Trait. In addition to all other effects, Miasmic creatures are also -1 to be hit at any range. For example, a Plague Zombie has the Miasmic1 Trait. Its aura extends 1" around itself. In addition to carrying its Contagion Trait into this range, it is also -1 to be hit with Shooting and Close Combat attacks. Wherever this model moves it carries its Miasmic Trait with it.)

Sniper (Models with this Trait can target any model they wish, including some Tiny models taken as part of a model's wargear such as Cyber Cherubs, Ammo Runts, and Shield Drones)

Terrifying (Models with this Trait impose a -3 modifier to Leadership tests for all enemy models that can draw line of sight to them. In the case of Terrifying adversaries versus Space Marine Squads, this penalty only applies if the Mission Leader can draw line of sight to this model.)

Tiny (Models with this Trait are so small that they impose a -1 penalty to enemy Ballistic Skill rolls to hit them)

Warlock (This Trait allows a Psyker to attempt to manifest up to 2 Psychic Powers every Turn. All Aeldari psykers have this Trait)

Wicked (Models with this Trait gain a +1 bonus to their Leadership if any model in their line of sight suffered 1 or more unsaved Wounds this Turn.)

Chapter Traits
These are Traits specific to individual Space Marine Chapters.

Acute Senses (in Missions where visibilty is limited, Space Wolves add 6" to their visibility range)

Blood Frenzy (after killing an enemy model in Close Combat, this model doubles the number of Attacks on their profile until the end of the Mission)

Feared and Mistrusted (Black Shields must always pay double XP to purchase Cohesion Talents)

Hatred [Traitor Legions]* (re-roll failed to hit rolls in the first round of Close Combat when fighting against Thousand Sons, Emperor's Children, World Eaters, Deathguard, Iron Warriors, Alpha Legion, or Black Legion Chaos space marines)

Legendary Enemies (in Missions where Thousand Sons, Emperor's Children, World Eaters, Deathguard, Iron Warriors, Alpha Legion, or Black Legion Chaos space marines are the adversaries, this model gains an additional D3 Renown if they survive the Mission)

Only the Dead (Star Phantoms may ignore the restriction against shooting into Close Combat, randomizing their hits between all participants when they do)

Reckless (if an enemy model moves to within 8", this model must attempt to charge it. If they subsequently win that Close Combat they gain +1 Renown)

Secret Mission (Black Shields begin the campaign with an additional 10 Renown)

The Thirst (roll a Toughness test at the start of every Movement phase. If the model fails they must move towards the nearest visible enemy model. If there are no visible enemy models, the model counts as having passed the test)

Unknown Providence (Black Shields of any Specialty may purchase Ratings in any Skill not normally available to them for 20XP per Rating)

Wisdom (once per Mission, this model may use the Command or Tactics Skill whether they have Ratings in it or not, without expending a Rating and succeeding on a 4+ regardless of their actual Skill Stat)

**Qualities or Traits marked in this way can be both a Quality and a Trait.
*These Traits have a similar effect to the Talents of the same name, but do not count towards the limit of those Talents a single model can take.

This message was edited 31 times. Last update was at 2023/02/08 17:11:03

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Litanies of Faith*
*Gear from these lists may only be taken by Chaplains.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

35 / 25 / 01 / Codex Imperialis / This tome contains the gathered wisdom of countless Watch Captains and Brothers Vigilant. Lessons learned across a thousand forgotten battlefields, many fought far from the Light of the Astranomicon. In the field and in the hands of the Chaplain, the Codex Imperialis can be distilled down to chants and canticles distributed via sacred vox comms. At the start of any Turn, the Chaplain may use the Codex Imperialis to assign 1 squad mate in Cohesion range a single re-roll. If the re-roll isn't used by the end of the Turn, it is lost. A new squad mate may be chosen for this re-roll every Turn.

25 / 15 / 01 / Book of Catechisms / A collection of litanies and Imperial prayers, the Book of Catechisms grants all models within Cohesion range of the Chaplain the Ferocious Trait.

01 / 01 / 01 / Words of Law / If the Chaplain is the Mission Leader or if the Mission Leader is in Cohesion range of this Chaplain, they may re-roll the first failed Moral check of the Mission.

01 / 03 / 01 / A Treatise on Tactics / This book is a collection of after-action reports from a myriad of decisively won engagements. The Chaplain who carries this book counts as having the Tactics1 Skill if they don't already possess the Skill or, if they already do have the Skill, this book grants them a single re-roll per Mission that may only be used for Tactics.

Purity Seals*
*These items may either be assigned to the Chaplain model or saved to be equipped to another model by the Chaplain during the course of the Mission. In order to equip another model with a Purity Seal on the fly a Chaplain must be in base to base contact with the model who is to receive the honor and have the Purity Rites Wargear equipped. A model must achieve the Purity Seal's criteria before it can be bestowed. A Chaplain cannot bestow more Purity Seals than he is equipped with. Chaplains may equip themselves with 1 each of these Seals without having to meet the Criteria.

*If a model earns the same Purity Seal 3 times and they survive, they may have their Seal permanently bound to their power armor in electrum. Doing so costs no Renown and the model permanently gains the benefit of the Seal. A model may earn up to 3 of the same type of electrum Purity Seal.
*Purity Seals weigh virtually nothing individually. If a model is equipped with 10 or more Seals or more than 3 electrum Seals, these collectively weigh 01 Capacity.

Threshold / Cost / Item / Criteria / Special Rules

01 / 01 / Rite of the Projectile / Inflict maximum Damage (all shots hit, all hits Wound, all Wounds fail to save) with a Missile, Autocannon, or Autogun in a single Shooting Phase / Whenever this model scores a hit with a Missile, Autocannon, or Autogun, that weapon inflicts +1 Damage. For each Seal of this type beyond the first, the Damage is increased by 1.

01 / 01 / Rite of the Destroyer / Inflict maximum Damage (all shots hit, all hits Wound, all Wounds fail to save) with a Lascannon, Gravcannon, or Plasma Cannon in a single Shooting Phase / Whenever this model scores a hit with a Lascannon, Gravcannon, or Plasma Cannon, that weapon inflicts +1 Damage. For each Seal of this type beyond the first, the Damage is increased by 1.

01 / 01 / Rite of the Survivor / Survive 5 or more Shooting Phases while equipped with a Plasma Weapon / Whenever this model rolls a 1 when shooting with a Plasma Weapon in Supercharge mode, it may make 6+ save in order to avoid the Mortal Wound. For each Seal of this type beyond the first, this save is improved by 1.

01 / 01 / Litanies of Detestation / Personally slay 15 or more models of the same Faction and Type / Whenever this model Charges enemy models of the same Faction and Type that earned them this Seal, they gain +1 Attack during the 1st round of Close Combat. For each Seal of this type beyond the first, the number of bonus first round Attacks is increased by +1.

01 / 01 / Wrath of Angels / Personally score the killing Wound on 3 or more enemy models that began the Mission with 3 or more Wounds each / Whenever this model attacks an enemy model with 3 or more Wounds they improve their weapon's AP by 1. For each Seal of this type beyond the first, the AP is improved by 1.

01 / 01 / Litany of Swiftness / Rolling maximum Charge distance on 3 or more Charges and/or rolling the maximum Advance distance 3 or more times in 1 Mission / Whenever this model Advances or Charges, increase their Move distance by 1". For each Seal of this type beyond the first, the distance Moved is improved by +1".

01 / 01 / Litany of Brotherhood / Using 3 or more Skill effects that benefit another allied model in 1 Mission / Increase this model's Cohesion range by 1". For each Seal of this type beyond the first, the Cohesion range is improved by +1".

01 / 01 / Oath of Vengeance / Killing an enemy model after being reduced to 0 Wounds at least once during a Mission / Whenever this model acquires 1 or more Wound Tokens, they may attempt to ignore 1 of those Tokens by rolling a D6. On the roll of a 6, 1 Token is ignored. For each Seal of this type beyond the first, the score needed to ignore the Wound Token is improved by 1. 2 Seals ignores the Token on a 5+, and so on.

01 / 01 / Word of the Emperor / Successfully use the Command, Intimidate, and/or Inspire Skill 3 or more times in the same Mission / This model gains a single re-roll that can be used on any 1 die for any reason during the course of the Mission. For each Seal of this type beyond the first, the number of re-rolls are increased by 1.

01 / 01 / Thy Strength be Legend / Pass 3 consecutive Characteristic tests in the same Mission / This model may re-roll 1 failed Characteristics test during the course of the Mission, treating their Characteristic as 2 worse for the purposes of this re-roll. For each Seal of this type beyond the first, the penalty on the re-roll decreases by 1.

01 / 01 / Rite of Leadership / Pass 3 or more Characteristic tests in full view of the entire surviving squad or, if this model is the Mission Leader, pass 2 or more consecutive Leadership tests in full view of the entire surviving squad during the same Mission / This model may modify 1 friendly or enemy die roll by +/-1 per Mission. For each Seal of this type beyond the first, the number of dice they may modify increases by 1.


Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

01 / 05 / 01 / Purity Rites / Allows the Chaplain to apply Purity Seals on the fly during the course of the Mission.

15 / 08 / 00 / External Vox / This device allows the Chaplain to increase the range of their Inspire Skill by +6".

25 / 15 / 00 / Incense of the Aegis / This tiny, ever-burning incense holder shrouds the Chaplain in blessed smoke that wards him from the touch of the Psyker and the Daemon. The Chaplain gains the Miasmic2 Quality that bestows the Sanctified Trait to all allied models' Armor within range.

01 / 00 / 00 / Rosarius / This holy amulet contains a powerful force field that protects the Chaplain from the Emperor's foes. It imparts a 4+ Invulnerable Save to the Chaplain.

25 / 15 / 00 / Due Diligence Array / Similar in function to the Rosarius, the Due Diligence Array allows the Chaplain to expand his 4+ Invulnerable Save to all allies within 2" of him for 1 Turn. After using this effect, roll a D6. On the roll of a 1, the Array ceases functioning for 1 Turn as it regenerates its power.

Melee Weapons

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

01 / 00 / 01 / Crozius Arcanum / Strength +2, AP -3. Damage 2. Shocking.

25 / 15 / 02 / Blade of Ebony / Strength +1, AP -2. Damage D3. Two-handed. Rolls to hit of 6 improve this weapon's AP by 1 and increase its Damage by +1.

100 / 35 / 02 / Censure of the Lord's Will (Relic Crozius Arcanum) / Strength +3, AP -3. Damage 3. Shocking and Masterwork. Two-handed. Against enemies with the Daemon tag, this weapon gains the Sanctified and Felling Qualities. This weapon is a massive two-handed Crozius Arcanum equipped with an incense brazier inside the weapon's head.

This message was edited 6 times. Last update was at 2018/08/03 16:28:49

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought


Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Number of Missiles / Special Rules

01 / 01 / 01 / Frag Missile / 1 / -

01 / 02 / 07 / Frag Missile Pod* / 6 / This reload may only be used for Cyclone Missile Launchers.

01 / 01 / 01 / Krak Missile / 1 / -

01 / 02 / 07 / Frag Missile Pod* / 6 / This reload may only be used for Cyclone Missile Launchers.

03 / 02 / 02 / Long Burn Frag Missile / 1 / This missile has the same Strength, AP, and Damage as the Frag Missile, but adds +12" to its maximum range.

03 / 02 / 02 / Turbo Krak Missile / 1 / This missile has the same Strength, AP, and Damage as the Krak Missile, but adds +12" to its maximum range.

05 / 03 / 01 / Airburst Missile / 1 / Shots D6. Strength 4, AP -. Damage 1. Ignores Cover.

05 / 05 / 07 / Airburst Missile Pod* / 6 / This reload may only be used for Cyclone Missile Launchers.

15 / 08 / 01 / Seeker Missile / 1 / Strength 4, AP -1. Damage 2. If any squad mate in Cohesion range can draw line of sight to the target, this Missile may be fired at it, even if the model weilding the launcher cannot see the target.

15 / 10 / 01 / Plasma Missile / 1 / Shots D6. Strength 5, AP -2. Damage 2.

20 / 15 / 07 / Plasma Missile Pod* / 6 / This reload may only be used for Cyclone Missile Launchers.

20 / 15 / 01 / Destroyer Missile / 1 / Strength 6, AP -3. Damage D3. Versus terrain features such as bulkhead doors, armored bunkers, and/or massive generators, this weapon gains +2 Strength and +D3 Damage.

25 / 25 / 07 / Destroyer Missile Pod* / 6 / This reload may only be used for Cyclone Missile Launchers.

30 / 25 / 01 / Tangler Missile / 1 / Shots 2D6. Strength 3, AP -. Damage 1. All hits must be assigned to models within 6" of the primary target. Any model hit by this weapon must also pass a Strength test or become Pinned. This effect lasts for D6 Turns. At the start of an enemy's Movement Phase, models Pinned by this weapon may attempt another Strength test to free themselves, acting as normal if they pass.

40 / 30 / 07 / Tangler Missile Pod* / 6 / This reload may only be used for Cyclone Missile Launchers.

50 / 50 / 01 / Stassis Missile / 1 / Shots D3. Strength 10, AP -. Damage 1. Any model Wounded by a Stassis Missile becomes Pinned for 2D6 Turns.

150 / 100 / 01 / Vortex Missile / Shots D6. Strength 9, AP -4. Damage D6. If this weapon rolls a 4+ for Damage on any of its hits place a Wandering Vortex Marker within 2" of the original Primary Target. During every Movement Phase, friend and foe, roll 2D6 to determine how far this Marker Moves. On the Players' Turn, they may choose the direction; on the enemies' Turn, the GM decides the direction. During the subsequent Shooting Phase - friend or foe's - roll a D6. On a 4+ resolve another attack as if the Missile hit at the new location of the Marker. If any of these hits generate 6 Damage, the Marker stays in play and continues to wander. On a 3 or less, the Marker implodes. Every model within 2" of the Marker takes D3 Mortal Wounds and the Marker is removed. If the Wandering Vortex Marker fails to score any 6s on subsequent Damage rolls, it otherwise winks out harmlessly. Remove the Marker with no further effects.

*Individual Missiles may be loaded into any Missile Launcher, Relic Missile Launcher, or Cyclone Missile Launcher.
*These Pods can only be used to reload Cyclone Missile Launchers on extended Missions where the squad is not transported back to the Intolerance at the end of the Mission, but there still is a Debriefing Phase.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/09/29 22:47:14

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Tinctures and Tools*
*Gear from these lists may only be taken by Apothecaries.


Threshold / Cost / Number of Doses / Item / Special Rules

01 / 01 / 3 / Pain Suppressant / If a model administered this Stim has 1 or more Wound Tokens and must roll on either the Injury or the Injury Recovery table, while under the effects of this Stim, they may treat their total Wound Tokens as 1 less than what they actually are. The effects of this Stim last for D3 Turns.

01 / 03 / 3 / Onslaught / Any model administered this Stim must Advance in their Movement Phase and rolls 2D3 when they do, instead of D6. The effects of this Stim last for D3 Turns.

05 / 03 / 3 / Frenzy / Any model administered this Stim must Charge if they have eligible targets. Additionally, while the effects of this Stim last, the affected model gains +1 Attack and +1 Toughness versus mêlée attacks. The effects of this Stim last for D3 Turns.

10 / 05 / 3 / Focus / Any model administered this Stim cannot Advance for any reason. Additionally, while the effects of this Stim last, the affected model gains +6" visual range, +6" ranged weapon range, and may re-roll failed to hit rolls if they are using Standard Firing Mode. The effects of this Stim last for D3 Turns.

10 / 08 / 3 / Brute / While the effects of this Stim last, the affected model gains +1 Toughness and +1 Strength, but treat their Ballistic Skill as 5+ for the same duration. The effects of this Stim last for D3 Turns.

15 / 10 / 3 / Nullifying Agent / While the effects of this Stim last, the affected model becomes immune to the Toxic Quality and the Contagion Trait. The effects of this Stim last for D3 Turns.

25 / 18 / 3 / Larraman's Booster / While the effects of this Stim last, the affected model may subtract D3 from any rolls they must make on the Injury Table. If this results in a roll of 0 or less, the model may also remove up to 1 Wound Token previously accrued during the course of the Mission. The effects of this Stim last for D3 Turns.

*These items weigh virtually nothing individually. Carrying 12 or more doses weigh 01 Capacity collectively.
*A model may never be affected by more than 1 Stim at a time.


Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

01 / 01 / 01 / Medipak / A Medipak grants a +1 bonus to the first 3 Medic tests of a Mission. A Medipak may also be sacrificed in order to re-roll a single failed Medic test per Mission. Once sacrificed, it no longer grants the bonus to rolls, even if it still had uses left.

35 / 35 / 02 / Resusitrex / The Resusitrex may be used on any Space Marine, Scout, or Neophyte model that has become a Dead Marine Objective. On the roll of a 5+, stand the "dead" marine (or Scout/Neophyte) back up with 1 Wound and 5 Wound Tokens. Models restored in this way gain +5XP, if they survive the Mission. There is no limit to the number of times a model can be saved with a Resusitrex. Scouts and Neophytes saved in this way 5 or more times during the Campaign may be promoted to Tactical Marines or Assault Marines respectively.

01 / 03 / 01 / Medscanner / This device grants a +1 bonus on any Medic re-rolls for this model and all allied models within 6" of him.

50 / 25 / 01 / Diagnosticator Helm / This helmet grants a +1 bonus to any Medic Skill rolls for the "I am the Miracle Worker" effect.

01 / 08 / 05 / Sample Case / This case carries up to 3 Sample Containers and negates any ill effects those samples might otherwise incur. Such as the Pheromone Tracker Trait imposed by Tyranid samples or the Irradiated Trait imposed by some machine components.

01 / 01 / 01 / Sample Container / This holds a single sample, such as a Tyranid's brain or an Isotopic Rod, for easy transport.

150 / 80 / 02 / Stassis Field Generator / This device cocoons a single model in an impenetrable field. While in this field they cannot be affected in any way. The model loses all Traits. If used on a willing subject, they become an object wieghing 10 Capacity. If used on an unwilling subject, treat this wargear as a Mêlée weapon with the following profile: Strength 1, AP -4. Unweildy. No Damage, but if the target is "wounded" and fails their Save they become trapped in the Stassis Field.

Ranged Weapons

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine/ Special Rules

15 / 05 / 01** / Tracker Dart / 1|-|- / 1 / 6" Range. Strength 2, AP -. Damage 1. Models hit by a Tracker Dart count as always in line of sight to the Apothecary and any allied model in Cohesion range of him. However, unless that model actually is in line of sight to the shooting model, it also counts as in Cover.

50 / 25 / 01 / Needle Pistol / 1|-|- / 10 / 12" Range. Strength 1, AP -. Damage D3. Against living targets such as Daemon Engines, Ork Infantry, and Tyranid Monsters, this weapon Wounds on a 4+ regardless of the target's Toughness. Additionally, models previously Wounded by this weapon must take a Toughness test at the start of their Turn or suffer an additional D3 Wounds with no AP. For an additional 25 Renown an Apothecary may upgrade this weapon to Deadly.

**This Capacity is for 3 Darts.

Weapon Reloads

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Primary Magazine/ Special Rules

15 / 15 / 01** / Needle Mag / 10 / Reload for the Needle Pistol above.

**Ammunition weighs little individually. This Capacity is for 4 reloads of the same type.

Vault of the Librarium*
*Gear from these lists may only be taken by Librarians.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

01 / 01 / 01 / Runes of Denial / This one-use item grants the Librarian +1 to their Deny the Witch rolls.

01 / 01 / 01 / Runes of Power / This one-use item grants the Librarian the ability to re-roll 1 of their dice when attempting to manifest a Psychic Power.

10 / 05 / 02 / Grimoire of Names / When fighting against Daemons, this book allows the controlling player to select 1 of the Ruinous Powers - Nurgle, Tzeentch, Khorne, or Slaanesh. Daemons either aligned to that Power or unaligned must pass a Toughness test before they can Charge this model. If they fail their test they cannot chose another target. Additionally, against those same Daemonic enemies, this model may re-roll 1 of their to hit rolls and 1 of their to wound rolls in both their Shooting and Assault Phases per Turn.

25 / 15 / 01 / Searing Token / This eye-shaped amulet allows the Librarian to re-roll one of their Power dice when attempting to manifest a Psychic Power.

50 / 25 / 01 / Investiture of the Warp / This psychically-attuned fetish allows the Librarian to roll an additional D3 when attempting manifest a Psychic Power.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

00 / 00 / 01 / Psychic Hood / This armored cowl grants the Librarian a +1 to their Deny the Witch attempts when the enemy Psyker is within 12".

25 / 25 / 01 / Hexagrammic Wards / This powerful shielding protects the bearer from enemy Psychic attacks. Against any Mortal Wounds inflicted by enemy Psychic Powers, this model may make a special 4+ Invulnerable Save.

50 / 35 / 01 / Aegis Protectorate / Against enemy models with the Daemon or Psyker tags, treat this model's base Save as 2+, unless it normally would be a 2+. In that case, equipping this item means a model's Armor Save can never be penalized to worse than 5+.

50 / 45 / 01 / Psychic Shield / Against enemy models with the Daemon or Psyker tags, this model gains a 5+ Invulnerable Save. If the bearer has successfully manifested a Psychic Power on its last Turn, this Save is improved to 4+.

Melee Weapons

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

01 / 01 / 01 / Force Sword / Strength as user, AP-3, Damage D3; plus Strength and Damage +1 as long as the Librarian manifested a Psychic Power last Turn.

05 / 03 / 02 / Force Axe / Strength +1, AP -2, Damage D3; plus Strength and Damage +1 as long as the Librarian manifested a Psychic Power last Turn.

10 / 08 / 02 / Force Staff / Strength +2, AP -1, Damage D3; plus Strength and Damage +1 as long as the Librarian manifested a Psychic Power last Turn. Additionally, if a model is armed with a Force Staff and is not engaged in mêlée combat, they may add +1 to their attempts to manifest Psychic Powers.

25 / 15 / 01 / Attuned Blade / Strength as user, AP -3, Damage 1; plus Strength and Damage +1 as long as the Librarian manifested a Psychic Power last Turn. Additionally, if this weapon is used to Parry an enemy attack, it gains +1 to the attempt.

50 / 35 / 01 / Blade of Saint Cerebus (Relic Force Sword) / Strength as user, AP -3, Damage D3; plus Strength and Damage +1 as long as the Librarian manifested a Psychic Power last Turn. Additionally, this Relic grants +1 Attack and has both the Masterwork and Felling Qualities.

Specialist Reloads for Bolters and Stormbolters

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Primary Magazine / Special Rules

25 / 15 / 01* / Witchfire Bolts / 8 / As Bolter, +1 Strength versus Daemons. When wielded by a model with the ability to manifest Psychic Powers, this weapon's Burst Fire Mode Range is 18" and its Standard Fire Mode range is 30". Ignores Invulnerable Saves.

35 / 20 / 01* / Witchfire Bolts / 18 / As Stormbolter, +1 Strength versus Daemons. When wielded by a model with the ability to manifest Psychic Powers, this weapon's Burst Fire Mode Range is 18" and its Standard Fire Mode range is 30". Ignores Invulnerable Saves.

*Ammo weighs little individually. This Capacity is for 4 reloads of the same type.
*Ammo weighs little individually. This Capacity is for 2 reloads of the same type.

This message was edited 10 times. Last update was at 2021/09/09 05:00:24

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Tools of the Ordo (available to all Deathwatch marines)

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

01 / 01 / 00 / Armor-Mounted Spotlight / This item allows the model equipped with it to see up to 48" in a straight line when the visual range of the model is otherwise obscured by darkness. However, all other models will also be able to draw line of sight to this model, regardless of darkness conditions, and may always target this model even if it is not the closest model to the shooter. This item may be turned on and/or off as a free action.

35 / 04 / 05 / Mantlet Shield / This item is a deployable barricade (a triple section of the Aegis Defense Line will work to represent this item) that counts as Fortified Terrain once emplaced. Once deployed remove this item's Capacity from the model carrying it just like Emplaced weapons. This item provides the model carrying it a +1 bonus to its Armor Save until it is emplaced.

01 / 10 / 00 / Exceptional Quality / This Quality must be assigned to a weapon, suit of armor, or item of wargear that requires a roll. Exceptional Quality gear allows a player to re-roll the first failed roll associated with the item per Mission.

50 / 25 / 00 / Masterwork Quality / This Quality must be assigned to a weapon, suit of armor, or item of wargear that requires a roll. Masterwork Quality gear allows a player to re-roll 1 failed roll associated with the item per Turn.

50 / 25 / 01 / Jump Pack / This bulky backpack variant allows its wearer to make great leaps across open gaps and gentle, albeit roaring, descents into the depths of the decayed hulk. Jump Packs increase a model's base Move to 12". Additionally, these packs ignore the first 12" of Falling distance when calculating the Strength and AP of the impact. Jump Packs also allow a model to Move up, down or across gaps of up to 12" without penalty. Lastly, Jump Packs add 12" to the base distance a model may jump across a gap. Assault Marines may equip a Jump Pack without having to meet the Threshold and without having to pay its Cost. Chaplains and Champions treat this item's Threshold as 15. Devastators and Intercessors must pay Quadruple the Cost to equip this item. Terminators cannot equip this item at all.

01 / 15 / 01 / Auspex / This item grants the bearer a single re-roll each Battleround that may be used for either a Shooting hit rolls or a wound roll in the Fight Phase, player's choice. An Auspex may also be used to scan the surrounding area up to 2D6" using the Tech Skill. Successful interaction with the device will reveal weak areas in the surrounding architecture, hidden tunnels in the walls or floors, and reveal any Adversaries that are not in line of sight (because they are in the walls, under the floor, on the next deck, or some other narrative reason) as blips.

10 / 05 / 02 / Grav Amplifier / When coupled with a GravCannon, this item allows the bearer to re-roll failed Wound rolls. On its own, the Amplifier instead forces enemy models to subtract 1" from their Charge distances when Charging the model that carries it.

100 / 05 / ** / Icon Imperator / Any marine equipped with this item adds +1 Damage to their Ranged weapons when attacking enemy models with 8 or more Wounds.

01 / 01 / 01 / Augur Array / When placed against a wall, this item provides a thermal image of up to 6" beyond.

01 / 03 / 01 / Scope / Increase the range of the weapon this item is assigned to by 6" when that weapon is fired in Standard Firing Mode.

25 / 20 / 01 / Targeting Array / This device may be used with any ranged weapon equipped by the model. It allows the marine to assign subsequent shots fired in any Mode to enemy models +1" more distant from the Primary Target.

01 / 01 / 01 / Sealant / This fast-drying substance allows a marine in base to base contact with a door or barricade to permanently seal it shut. Treat the target of the Sealant as a Locked Bulkhead for the purposes of destroying or moving through it. Each Sealant container has enough material for 3 uses before becoming useless.

01 / 01 / 01 / Magboots / Magboots allow the model equipped with them to Move up and down sheer metal surfaces as if they were level ground. A model can even end their Turn magnetized to a wall, but if shot at must roll to avoid Falling as normal.

25 / 25 / 01 / Grav Pack / This item reduces the Strength of the hit caused by a Fall by half, rounding down. If this results in a 0, this model ignores the hit.

01 / 01 / 01 / Manacles / For binding a prisoner. The bound model can Move as normal, but cannot Advance, can't Shoot, and can only make 1 Attack in close combat, treating their Weapon Skill as 6+.

25 / 15 / 01 / Ocular Spy / This item may be placed on any terrain feature and acts as a security camera long after the marines leave the area. When placing the Spy, choose the direction it is looking toward. The Spy cannot see anything behind itself, but otherwise has a 180° field of vision in the direction it faces. During the Mission it is placed the Ocular Spy acts like a stationary model guarding the area it is in. Enemy models attempting to sneak up on the squad by staying out of their line of sight automatically fail if they pass within 24" of the Spy in its arc of vision. Place the sneaking models where they were spotted. For D3 Missions after the 1 it is placed in, the Ocular Spy forces the GM to reveal what he has spent 3D6 of the upcoming Mission's Allotment on. A GM must reveal whole models. For instance, if a 4 is rolled, the GM may state that he has spent those 4 on a Miniboss, which actually reveals that they've spent 5 Allotment. They could also say they spent those 4 on 4 Minions or that those 4 went towards purchasing a Boss Monster - which reveals that they've spent 30 Allotment. But the reveal is not just what types of adversaries they have purchased, but literally what models they're bringing to the Mission. Taking the above example, the GM could say they spent 4 Allotment on a Tyrant Guard, 4 Allotment on 4 Genestealers, or at least 4 on a Carnifex. This reveal happens before the Arming Phase. Like grenades, once placed, Ocular Spies are expended, but only a model's Capacity limits the number of them they can carry.

100 / 50 / ** / Cyber Cherub / This creepy flying cyborg baby follows the marine around, acting as a warning system, a target assist, and a mule. The Cyber Cherub must remain within 2" of its controlling marine and extends his visual range by +3", allows him to assign subsequent shots to enemy models +1" more distant from the Primary Target, and has a carrying Capacity of 4. A Cyber Cherub is a tiny creature that may be targeted by enemy models with the Sniper Trait. If individually targeted, the Cyber Cherub has a Toughness of 3, 1 Wound, a 4+ Invulnerable Save, and the Tiny Trait.

35 / 15 / ** / Servo Skull / This item increases a model's visual range by 2D6". Roll whenever the lights go out. A Servo Skull is a tiny device that may be targeted by enemy models with the Sniper Trait. If individually targeted, the Servo Skull has a Toughness of 2, 1 Wound, a 6+ Invulnerable Save, and the Tiny Trait.

35 / 15 / ** / Servo Vox / This item may be placed up to 2" from the controlling player. If the Servo Vox is in Cohesion range of another model - using the controlling model's Cohesion - then this model counts as being in Cohesion range, too. A Servo Vox is a tiny device that may be targeted by enemy models with the Sniper Trait. If individually targeted, the Servo Vox has a Toughness of 2, 1 Wound, a 6+ Invulnerable Save, and the Tiny Trait.

50 / 01 / ** / Ordo Honorifica / A model equipped with this item may also equip a Heavy Flamer, even if they are not a Terminator or a Champion.

01 / 02 / 01 / Clip Harness / When climbing, this item adds a +2 bonus to a model's Strength for the purposes of avoiding Falling.

35 / 06 / 00 / Suspensor Rig / This item must be paired with a weapon. It reduces the Capacity weight of the weapon it is attached to by half (rounding up) and changes the weapon's type to Assault, regardless of what it was before. However, this item also reduces the weapon's range by half (rounding down).

00 / 01 / 00 / Tactical Rigging / This item adds +2 to a model's Capacity.

25 / 05 / 01 / Teleport Homer / If a model becomes isolated from the rest of his squad mates, this device allows him to attempt to Teleport to within 6" of any other model who is also equipped with one of these devices. The Teleporting model must roll a Toughness test if they fail, they move D6" in a random direction and this would put them inside a terrain feature, instead move them just enough to avoid that, but they suffer D3 Mortal Wounds. If they just pass (they roll equal to their Toughness), they Teleport and suffer a single Mortal Wound. If they pass any other way, Teleport them as normal.

50 / 25 / 02 / Teleport Beacon / Emplacing this device creates a 6" diameter field centered on it which acts like a Teleportarium Extraction point or a Teleportarium deployment option for any Mission that begins in the same or nearby section of the Hulk.

60 / 10 / +01* / Teleport Rig / This item must be paired with another item. It allows that item to be Teleported onto the [++Redacted++] via Teleport Beacon instead of being carried by the model. *This item adds its weight to the item it is attached to.

50 / 50+ / ** / Deliverant / This grants the Mission Leader the Insertion option for a Thunderhawk.

150 / 25 / ** / Crux Terminatus / This icon of honor allows a model to equip Terminator Armor. Additionally, just wearing this badge sets the marine apart from his peers. At the end of the Mission, note how many space marine models can draw line of sight to this model. The marine wearing the Crux earns Renown equal to that number of marines and all of those marines also each gain +1 Renown just for having witnessed his greatness.

150 / 150+ / ** / Iudicium / This grants the Mission Leader the Insertion option for the Iudicium Thunderhawk.

**These items are badges or honorifics such as medals and ribbons. They have a negligible weight by comparison to the myriad other gear a marine carries. Therefore, they take up no Capacity.
**These items are actually separate models that act on their own and do not have to be carried by the marine who equips them. Therefore, they take up no Capacity.
**This item does not have an individual weight.
+This cost may be spread amongst the entire squad, but the Mission Leader must still meet the Threshold himself.

Armor and Fields

Threshold / Cost / Armor Save|Invulnerable Save / Item / Special Rules

05 / 03 / -|5+/ Combat Shield / This Armor Accessory does not prevent a model from holding another Item or Weapon in the hand it is equipped to. The Combat Shield weighs Capacity 01 and only works against hits inflicted on the model in the Fight Phase.

25 / 01 / 4+|- / Scout Armor / Whenever this model Advances roll 2 dice and take the preffered score. Space Wolves and their Successors must pay 25 Renown to equip this armor. However doing so grants the wearer the Stealth1 Skill, unless they already had that Skill in which case this suit improves its Rating by +1.

25 / 15 / 2+|6+/ Seige Shield / Only works against Shooting attacks that come from this model's front arc. The Seige Shield weighs Capacity 03.

15 / 10 / 3+|5+/ Storm Shield / The Storm Shield weighs Capacity 01.

15 / 12 / -|5+/ Impudence Field / This field only works against Mêlée attacks. It reduces the Strength of enemy hits by -1 (to a minimum of 1).

20 / 15 / 4+|- / Crusade Plate / Reduce any Wounds inflicted by Events by 1 (to a minimum of 0). Equipping this Armor grants the model +D3 Renown if they survive the Mission with 1 or more Wounds remaining.

* / 15 / 2+|5+ / Terminator Armor / *A model must either also be equipped with a Crux Terminatus or be the Terminator Specialty. Terminators neither have to meet this item's Threshold nor pay its Cost to equip it. Terminator armor adds +2 to a model's base Capacity.

150 / 100 / 2+|- / Artificer Armor / Artificer Armor adds +1 to a model's base Capacity.

150 / 100 / 2+|- / Runic Armor / Space Wolves and their Successors only. This Armor also confers a 5+ Invulnerable Save versus Damage caused by enemy Psychic Powers.

Emplaced Guns*
Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine/ Special Rules

15 / 15 / 10 / Twin Heavy Bolter Tarantula / 6|-|12 / 60 / -

35 / 25 / 14 / Twin Lascannon Tarantula / 2|-|- / 12 / -

50 / 45 / 14 / Twin Assault Cannon Tarantula / 12|14|30 / 60 / -

25 / 08 / 04 / Deathwind Pod / D6|-|- / 10 / Deathwind Pods are equipped with a single Deathwind Launcher.

25 / 10 / 03 / Auto Sentry / -|-|6 / 60 / The Auto Sentry is a small turret equipped with a modified Stormbolter and large box Magazine.

150 / 35+ / 01+ / Imperator's Will (Relic Tarantula) / Rate of Fire as twin heavy weapon mounted / Primary Magazine as twin heavy weapon mounted / The Imperator's Will is an empty Tarantula chassis that may be fitted with a twin version any non-Relic heavy weapon. Imperator's Will has a BS of 3+ and adds 12" to the range of the weapon mounted to it. The Primary Magazine of any twin weapon is double normal. The Capacity of the Imperator's Will is equal to 1 plus the weight of 2 versions of the same weapon. Models who equip the Imperator's Will must also pay the Renown Cost of the weapons attached to it.

*All emplaced weapons require 1 full Turn to set up. Once placed they can never Move or Advance, use their own BS of 4+ (unless otherwise listed as better), and always Shoot at the nearest enemy models in range. Once they run out of Ammo, they may be reloaded like a Heavy Weapon if a model with an appropriate magazine is in base to base contact with it. Once deployed, remove their Capacity from the model carrying it.

Emplaced Reloads and Specialty Ammo

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

15 / 02 / 03 / Replacement Pod / This is a reload for the Deathwind Pod.

15 / 03 / 01 / Sentry Box / This is a reload for the Auto Sentry.

Long Arms
Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine/ Special Rules

50 / 15 / 02 / Sniper Rifle / 1|-|- / 4 / If a model armed with a Sniper Rifle does not Move or Advance, increase the Range of this weapon by +24". A model armed with a Sniper Rifle suffers a -2 penalty to hit if it Moves. A model equipped with Scout Armor does not have to meet the Threshold to equip this weapon.

Reloads and Specialty Ammo for Sniper Rifles

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

05 / 01* / 01* / Sniper Mag / This is the standard reload for the Sniper Rifle.

05 / 03* / 02* / Anti-Materiel Mag / Versus targets with the Vehicle or Building <keyword>, this weapon may reroll Wounds.

35 / 05* / 01* / Shieldbreaker Mag / Ignores Invulnerable saves.

15 / 02* / 01* / Airburster Mag / Ignores Cover.

50 / 16* / 01* / Genophage Mag / Increase Damage to D3.

*Ammunition is cheap and lightweight by comparison to the weapons they feed. This Cost is for 4 reloads of the same type.
*Ammunition is cheap and lightweight by comparison to the weapons they feed. This Capacity is for 4 reloads of the same type.

This message was edited 40 times. Last update was at 2023/05/16 20:29:51

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Currently I'm working on the meat of the narrative. I'll have another update soon. Ship names and narratives, adversaries, missions, and factions are upcoming. Stay tuned!

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Phases of the Missions
*Opportunities for unstructured roleplay if the GM and Players are agreeable to it.


* Explain the Mission parameters, including Deployment and Extraction options
* Known Adversaries and what to expect
* Primary and Tertiary Objectives
* Players use applicable Skills
* Maps if available
* In service to whom
Choose Mission Leader
* Decide which model is best to lead this operation
* Swear Oaths, if applicable
* Spend Renown to equip your models
* As per the Mission's options
* Play the Mission*

* Record XP and Renown
* Spend or bank XP
* Reload Cyclone Missile Launchers, if applicable

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/10/20 00:29:59

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Deployment and Extraction

As stated earlier in this document, players have a number of options for both Deployment and Extraction in their Missions. In the beginning of the Campaign, these "options" are dictated wholly by the Missions themselves. However, as the Campaign progresses, players will get a feel for the environment of the [++Redacted++] and the landscape of the narrative, to the point where they might like options. This is totally natural.

If any player takes the Watch Captain Talent they may alter the Deployment/Extraction parameters of any Mission their Squad takes on. This may be useful when playing a series of linked Missions where remaining onboard the [++Redacted++] is vital for the sake of time, when on secret Subplot Missions, or when Narrative Setbacks would otherwise render certain options moot.

Each of the options presents the players with a different set of parameters to consider when formulating their Mission plans. The following is a detailed description of each option.


Thunderhawk Insertion: The Deployment Zone for this option is any corridor or room along the Players' edge of the table. All Imperial models deployed in this way must begin the game in Cohesion range of the Mission Leader. Player(s) must pay for the Deliverant or the Iudicium with their Renown in order to select this option.

Teleportarium: The Deployment Zone for this option is 2 lines, each 3" wide by 8" long, placed anywhere within 12" of the players' board edge. All Imperial models deployed on this Mission must fit wholly within 1 or both of these lines (they can be placed side by side to allow larger models to deploy). The exact placement of these lines is dictated either by the GM or, if any of the players with a model in the squad has the Tactics Skill, by the player whose model is the Mission Leader.

*In some Missions, where players have managed to ally themselves with 1 Faction or another of the Admech (more on this later), the exact placement of these lines, and/or the size of these lines, may be altered or manipulated.

Alternative Teleportarium Insertion Rules*: instead of placing 2 lines of 3" by 8" dimensions, a player with the Tactics Skill may place a series of eight 2" squares in any configuration, as long as each square touches another square along an edge. These squares can be placed anywhere up to 6" from the board edge designated as the Deathwatch Deployment Edge or, when not specified by a Mission, any edge that is also 9" from any Objective. These squares are placed before Deployment and the GM cannot place Adversaries closer than 9" from the edge of any of these squares.

*This rule variant is optional. Players, ask your GM if they are okay with using it. GMs consider allowing players to use this option.

Deadfall Boarding Torpedo: The Deployment Zone for this option is anywhere on the table up to 18" from the players' table edge. All models deployed in this way must begin the game in Cohesion range of the Mission Leader.

The Insidiatori Mortuum is a high speed, high impact deployment vehicle. It cannot be used in situations where non-space marine characters have joined the squad for any reason. As tough as Inquisitors and Magos are, their bodies would be pulped instantly upon impact with the outer hull.

*When a Narrative Setback renders the Teleportarium inoperable and players do not want to expend the Deadfall or lack the Renown to purchase the use of a Thunderhawk, the following 2 options are open to them. The Mission Leader decides which 1 to use.

Interceptor Shuttle: The Deployment Zone for this option is anywhere on the table up to 6" from the players' table edge.

Interceptor Shuttles are relatively slow insertion vehicles. When using this Deployment method, roll a D6 before the start of the 1st Turn. On the roll of a 1, add +1 hour to the overall length of the Mission. On any other roll, add that amount to the Adversary Allotment for the Mission.

Boarding Pod: The Deployment Zone for this option is anywhere on the table up to 6" from the players' table edge. All models deployed in this way must begin the game in Cohesion range of the Mission Leader.

Just Down the Hall: This Deployment Zone is for use with Linked Missions. Marines may be set up anywhere along their own table edge up to 3" in.


If 1 of the Objectives in a Mission is Extraction, then it is only achieved when all surviving models meet the corresponding Extraction parameters for the option selected.

Deliverant Thunderhawk Extraction: The Mission Leader's player chooses a room or corridor on any table edge at the start of the game, before the 1st Turn. This is the Extraction point. If the chosen board edge is the same as the Deployment board edge, the Mission Leader gains +1 Renown. If the chosen board edge is perpendicular to the Deployment board edge, the Mission Leader instead gains +1 XP. If the far board edge is chosen, the Mission Leader gains no bonus, but every other model in his squad who survives the Mission gains +1 Renown and +1 XP. Player(s) must pay for the Deliverant with their Renown in order to select this option.

Iudicium Thunderhawk Extraction: The Mission Leader's player chooses a room or corridor on any table edge at the start of the game, before the 1st Turn. This is the Extraction point. If the chosen board edge is the same as the Deployment board edge, the Mission Leader gains +1 Renown. If the chosen board edge is perpendicular to the Deployment board edge, the Mission Leader instead gains +1 XP. If the far board edge is chosen, the Mission Leader gains no bonus, but every other model in his squad who survives the Mission gains +1 Renown and +1 XP. In addition, if any Marine model suffers a roll of a 9+ on the Injury Chart, the Iudicium counts as a Teleportarium for the purposes of any subsequent rolls on the Recovery Table. Player(s) must pay for the Iudicium with their Renown in order to select this option.

Teleportarium: At the start of the game, before Deployment, the GM places or designates a single 6" by 6" square anywhere on the tabletop and designates this as the Extraction point. GMs, this 6" by 6" square must be placed in an area where it will fit.

Alternative Teleportarium Extraction Rules*: instead of placing a square of 6" by 6" dimensions, a player with the Tactics Skill may place a series of nine 2" squares in any configuration, as long as each square touches another square along an edge. These squares can be placed anywhere at least 9" from any Objective, anywhere on the table. These squares are placed before Deployment, but the GM can place Adversaries right on top of them. Player(s) must remove enemy models from all the Teleportarium Squares before they can begin to Extract. If placed at least 18" away from the Deathwatch Deployment Zone, the model whose controlling player placed these squares gains +1XP. If placed on the same board edge as the Deathwatch Deployment Zone, the model whose controlling player placed these squares instead gains +1 Renown.

*This rule variant is optional. Players, ask your GM if they are okay with using it. GMs consider allowing players to use this option.

Interceptor Shuttle: The Mission Leader's player chooses a room or corridor on any table edge at the start of the game, before the 1st Turn. This is the Extraction point. If the chosen board edge is the same as the Deployment board edge, the Mission Leader gains +1 Renown. If the chosen board edge is perpendicular to the Deployment board edge, the Mission Leader instead gains +1 XP. If the far board edge is chosen, the Mission Leader gains no bonus, but every other model in his squad who survives the Mission gains +1 XP.

When all models have reached the Extraction point, roll a D6. On the roll of a 5+, the game continues for another Turn. If the Extraction point is on a perpendicular edge, add +1 to this die roll. If the Extraction point is on the far board edge, add +3 to this roll. Roll at the end of every Turn until the Shuttle arrives. If 3 or more Turns pass without the Shuttle arriving, add +1 hour to the total Mission length. If 1 or more Turns pass without the Shuttle arriving, all models deployed on this Mission gain +1 Renown.

Defensible Position: At the start of the game, before Deployment, the GM places an Objective Marker at any point on the table, at least 6" from any board edge. Surviving models must reach this Marker and eliminate all enemies or activate all bulkhead doors to secure the position in order to achieve this Objective and end the Mission.

As the option suggests this "Extraction" method does not actually extract the players' models. There is no Arming Phase for the next Mission, unless a player has a Talent to mitigate this. Additionally, reduce the time of the next Mission by -1 hour. Lastly, unless a Chaplain has deployed with the squad, roll a D6 for each surviving squad member. On the roll of a 1, that model gains an additional +1 Corruption.

This message was edited 9 times. Last update was at 2021/10/18 18:39:52

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

I added some new ammunition types to the long list of bolter reloads and added the Stalker Pattern Bolter to the list of weapons.

Made some minor adjustments to the Chpaters list, including toning down the overpowered Blood Angels Frenzy Trait.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/10/25 17:34:32

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

I added a new Chainsword Relic.

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

I changed the "earning XP" criteria from any Wound inflicted on a Boss Monster or Miniboss to the following:

Scoring a hit on a Boss Monster that inflicts 1 or more unsaved Wounds*
Scoring a hit on a Miniboss that inflicts 1 or more unsaved Wounds*

I also updated the original post with that info.

I feel like this version has better clarity and also reflects the current rules system where weapons can inflict variable damage per hit. It is also still compatable with older rules if your group is using those instead.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Mission Types
There are 3 categories of Missions in this campaign. Each plays out with a slight variation on the standard theme of 40k games. These 3 Mission types are Exploration, Linked, and Routine. The following is a detailed breakdown of each.

Note that one of the main themes of this campaign is time and the race against it. Each of these Mission types addresses the delicate balance between safety and time. Insertion - or the time it takes characters to be briefed, to arm, and to deploy - is an immutable 1 hour endeavor. Extraction - or the time it takes characters to get to their escape vehicle, make the transit back to the Intolerance, and then be debriefed - is another immutable hour. So the Mission Types that occupy the time between these 2 immutable hours will determine the overall length and therefore expenditure of this precious Time.

Exploration Missions
Exploration Missions are not played out like regular 40k games. Instead they are largely dictated by dice rolls. No board is set up unless something goes awry and models are not deployed to the table. Instead, the Mission Leader simply rolls the appropriate number of dice as dictated by the Mission's Parameters and adds that many hours to the Mission's length.

Exploration Missions sometimes have a Risk/Reward option where the Mission Leader can opt to roll on a "Treasure Table" that can provide new information and/or found special items, but also runs the risk of random encounters (and a table set-up and mini 40k game as players attempt to fight their way out of a bad situation) and/or fruitless searching (and therefore wasted time).

Exploration Missions always have very simple Objectives such as "Find a Safe Passage Through to the Control Room" or "Activate the Generators in Sequence". Note that during these Missions, unless the Mission Leader generates a random encounter, there is no way for an individual marine to singlehandedly achieve any Objective. If an Exploration Mission ends successfully (meaning at least 1 marine survives until the end) the Objective is automatically achieved.

Note also that Exploration Missions may also be "Linked" (see Linked Missions below) to the next Mission. In the case of Linked Exploration Missions, ignore the Extraction and Insertion times for this Mission and the next Mission, respectively. In the beginning of the campaign, the option to Link Exploration Missions to the following Mission will be clearly stated. As the campaign progresses, players may gain the option to make this decision themselves on the fly.

Linked Missions
These are standard games of 40k. Terrain is set up according to the Mission guidelines, and models deploy. Objective Markers are placed, & players and GM participate as normal.

However, unlike standard 40k games, Linked Missions do not end after a set number of Turns. These games last until all Objectives are completed or all Space Marines have been removed as casualties. Additionally, Linked Missions remove the otherwise immutable 1 hour Extraction time at their end and the otherwise immutable 1 hour Insertion time at the beginning of the very next Mission this Squad participates in. If there are more than 2 Missions so Linked, each Mission in the chain gains this benefit.

Linked Missions also impose a penalty on the Squad for their remaining Missions in the Linked sequence. Subsequent Missions that follow a Linked Mission do not get an Arming Phase. Players must anticipate their arming options not only for this Mission, but for all Missions linked in sequence to this one. Expended rounds do not replenish. Bullets, grenades, and other one-use items that are used in the first Linked Mission are not available for use in the next Mission in the chain. Supplies will diminish and if players are not careful they will be left attempting to complete their Missions with their knives and bare fists alone. Items that are "once per Mission use" do replenish at the start of the next Mission in the Linked sequence, however.

Games of this type that last 5 Turns add 1 hour to the Mission's time. Games that go on for 6 or more Turns instead add 2 hours to the Mission's time.

Routine Missions
These are standard games of 40k. Terrain is set up according to the Mission guidelines, and models deploy. Objective Markers are placed, & players and GM participate as normal.

However, unlike standard 40k games, Routine Missions do not end after a set number of Turns. These games last until all Objectives are completed or until all the Space Marines Extract. Note that in some games Extraction is an Objective, but one that must be completed last or the players forfeit their remaining unfinished Objectives.

Games of this type that last 5 Turns add 1 hour to the Mission's time. Games that go on for 6 or more Turns instead add 2 hours to the Mission's time.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2017/11/16 23:26:05

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Added some new clarifications to the Recovery rules and the new Tier3 Elite Talent, Interlocking Fields of Fire. I'm currently writing up the narrative background of the campaign. With luck I'll have something to post up very soon.

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
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