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Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Mostly, on my phone.

Good to have you back brother.

Theophony"... and there's strippers in terminator armor and lovecraftian shenanigans afoot."
Solar_Lion: "Man this sums up your blog nicely."

Anpu-adom: "being Geek is about Love. Some love broadly. Some love deeply. And then there are people like Graven.  
Made in gb
Mastering Non-Metallic Metal

Thanks Graven.

Shock... Horror... I pop up again.

This time with some wip. I'll spoiler life stuff at the bottom (and type this here to remind me to add it)

Full disclosure, this is not my idea: I saw a photo pop up on Mastodon and had to make one of my own (well, as a present).

UFO abducting cattle.

First, I had to find a tiny cow model. Check! There was one amongst the model train stuff.
Then a clear, cone-shape. To act as the traction beam and support the UFO. I had a couple of options in my junk collection, selected the best. Check!
And find bits to create the UFO out of. Check! Back into the junk collection...
Pick out suitable and working LEDs and design a functioning circuit. This is explained below...

Obviously, if the UFO is to be standing on a clear cone, the battery for any LEDs has to be in the UFO.
If the battery and LEDs are in the UFO, so to does the circuitry and "switch".
Therefore you need to access the interior of the UFO if only to replace the battery.

Long story short; I decided that I'd use magnets to afix the top to the bottom of the UFO, AND use them to complete the electric circuit.
You may be able to twist the top to act as the switch (this did not pan out).

Starting from the bottom.
I have an LED pointed down and the legs drilled through the plastic support and spread in opposite directions.

I built a battery housing out of plastic with a piece of metal to act as contact to the underside of a button battery CR2032.
This metal folds under the plastic and was soldered to the negative side of the lower LED and to a free wire (that will be for the upper LED).
Another wire was soldered to the positive side of the lower LED, but not connected to anything yet.
This is the first picture below.

Using hot glue I insulated all that and afixed the battery housing to the top of the lower LED housing.
Leaving the battery roughly in line with the mid-point of the UFO between upper and lower halves.
This is the second picture below.

The upper half would therefore contact the positive side of the battery in a sandwich.

The upper LED was attached to a plastic support and the legs soldered to wires, like the lower one.
The wires were left relatively long to allow me to position it into the upper half of the UFO after checking the circuit.

The ends of all 4 free wires (2 in top and 2 below) were soldered to pieces of metal (that were electrically conductive AND magnetic),
And one final wire was soldered to the positive end of the upper LED and to another piece of metal (this would lead to the top of the battery).

The theory being that with the battery sat in the lower half, the negative underside would contact the metal that would take it to the negative contact of the bottom half, and the -ive side of the lower LED.
A magnet would connect that to the -ive side of the upper LED in the top half.
With the top half attached, the central contact would join the positive side of the battery to the +ive side of the upper LED (completing it's circuit), and to the positive contact of the upper half.
Another magnet would connect this to the +ive side of the lower LED (completing it's circuit).
This is the 3rd (middle) picture below.

In reality, both LEDs would not reliably light at the same time.

So I settled on creating a two-position setup where you can have one or the other LED lit.
I fixed the contacts in place using putty (big blob, press both halves together, remove excess).
I added a third magnetic attachment point to give a firm join, but this does nothing electrically.

I used 2 pegs (plastic rod) in the upper half and 4 holes (plastic tube) in the lower half to position the contacts in one of 2 options.
Getting everything lined up reliably has been tricky, but if you work on one at a time it's much easier than you expect at first.
I filled in around all these various attachment points to make it neater.
And this is the final picture below.

With it all together you have the unpainted result below:

It amuses me that there is clearly not enough room for that cow in that UFO.

Now to paint it.

Has not been very exciting.
My absence it not the result of terrible news. Such as alien abduction.
No, it's just low motivation and easy distractions.
I haven't reopened my shop, so I don't "need" to build anything for that,
And I found that building 4 projects ready for Christmas every year was too much, so I've cut down there too (hence the dice towers previously):
I did try to create some game token trays for this past Christmas, but didn't make anything that worked satisfactory and so just bought some. (and so I had nothing to show you lot).

As for creativity; No new Fallout 4 settlement builds, because I've been editing my "How I build in Fallout 4" video series for my YT channel.
Dipping in and out, these take a long time to edit. but do somewhat satisfy creativity.
I have shared these videos on here before, but if you want to check out the tours of finished settlements, or see the effort that goes into building them:
Should work.

In other news...
I am deep in Baldur's Gate 3.
I started a second playthrough before finishing the first and played them in tandem.
Then when I finished the first, started a 3rd and am playing that in tandem with the 2nd (that is nearing the end).
Life is mostly BG3.
And that is the main reason for my absence.

If you are ever looking for signs of life, I am active on Mastodon. Follow me at @DrH@warhammer.social
I'm always reposting past works daily, but am willing to chat there.

My Facebook page only gets posts of new, finished projects (such as models and videos). But you get that here anyway.
I log in, post, and log out.

And I deleted my Twitter not long after it was bought by a facist idiot.
I don't miss it, only the artists I followed there, that haven't migrated to Mastodon.

So, I'm still kicking.
Hope you are all well.
I'll try and check in on your work soon.

Thanks for sticking around.

Mastodon: @DrH@warhammer.social
The army- ~2295 points (built).

* -=]_,=-eague Spruemeister General. * A (sprue) Hut tutorial *
Dsteingass - Dr. H..You are a role model for Internet Morality! // inmygravenimage - Dr H is a model to us all
Theophony - Sprue for the spruemeister, plastic for his plastic throne! // Shasolenzabi - Toilets, more complex than folks take time to think about!  
Made in gb
Mastering Non-Metallic Metal

UFO complete.

I am working on another prop replica.
However, I have neglected to take any wip photos as I've built it, but I will take a "before paint" shot to show you all soon-ish.

In other news:
Still playing Baldur's gate 3.
2nd playthrough finished a while ago. Monks are stupid-powerful.

3rd playthrough is well into act 3.
Trying out multi-classing with all the companions.
Some are not working as well as I hoped, but it's a matter of finding what works together (and what doesn't).
My dragonborn, Sorcerer/Bard has worked well though.
Multi-classing adds a lot more complexity to the game; managing spells for a Druid/Cleric can make your head spin.

And I have planned out my 4th playthrough already... I just can't stop BG3ing.

Mastodon: @DrH@warhammer.social
The army- ~2295 points (built).

* -=]_,=-eague Spruemeister General. * A (sprue) Hut tutorial *
Dsteingass - Dr. H..You are a role model for Internet Morality! // inmygravenimage - Dr H is a model to us all
Theophony - Sprue for the spruemeister, plastic for his plastic throne! // Shasolenzabi - Toilets, more complex than folks take time to think about!  
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Mostly, on my phone.

HeHeHE Mooooooooooo

Theophony"... and there's strippers in terminator armor and lovecraftian shenanigans afoot."
Solar_Lion: "Man this sums up your blog nicely."

Anpu-adom: "being Geek is about Love. Some love broadly. Some love deeply. And then there are people like Graven.  
Made in gb
Mastering Non-Metallic Metal

HA HA MOO! MOOO! HA Ha Moo! Graven'

And the promised pre-paint wip of the next project.

It's not the best choice.
It's Spacer's Choice!

If all that means nothing to you, you've missed out on a fun game.

Mastodon: @DrH@warhammer.social
The army- ~2295 points (built).

* -=]_,=-eague Spruemeister General. * A (sprue) Hut tutorial *
Dsteingass - Dr. H..You are a role model for Internet Morality! // inmygravenimage - Dr H is a model to us all
Theophony - Sprue for the spruemeister, plastic for his plastic throne! // Shasolenzabi - Toilets, more complex than folks take time to think about!  
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Madison, WI

Love to see you back to your old tricks Dr H!! Your work always makes me smile!

Anvildude: "Honestly, it's kinda refreshing to see an Ork vehicle that doesn't look like a rainbow threw up on it."

Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory
Made in gb
Mastering Non-Metallic Metal

Thanks Gits'.
I'm not around as much as I used to be, but things do still happen from time to time.

Now unified in mostly the same colour.

Thankfully, this will be a beaten up gun. So a clean, smooth paintjob is not necessary.

Mastodon: @DrH@warhammer.social
The army- ~2295 points (built).

* -=]_,=-eague Spruemeister General. * A (sprue) Hut tutorial *
Dsteingass - Dr. H..You are a role model for Internet Morality! // inmygravenimage - Dr H is a model to us all
Theophony - Sprue for the spruemeister, plastic for his plastic throne! // Shasolenzabi - Toilets, more complex than folks take time to think about!  
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Madison, WI

Very nice work! Your doctorate must be in "cool"...

Anvildude: "Honestly, it's kinda refreshing to see an Ork vehicle that doesn't look like a rainbow threw up on it."

Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory
Made in gb
Mastering Non-Metallic Metal

Thanks, Gits'. It does start with a "C"...

Here's the finished article.

The first pistol from The Outer Worlds.
1:1 prop replica.

On a black background is a game screenshot, for comparison.
A scale shot with a hand holding the gun.
A combined picture of my gun over a game screenshot, for fun.

I am feeling the pull towards some hobby, maybe soon.
And an item in question is sat below my monitor and has been staring at me for months.
And it's next to another, unrelated, model that is literally staring at me.

However, I am still playing Baldur's Gate 3.
3rd playthrough has finished.
4th playthrough in a row has entered the 2nd act.
Thinking of what I might try and do for the 5th ... (leaning towards the "jack of all trades" achievement).

Mastodon: @DrH@warhammer.social
The army- ~2295 points (built).

* -=]_,=-eague Spruemeister General. * A (sprue) Hut tutorial *
Dsteingass - Dr. H..You are a role model for Internet Morality! // inmygravenimage - Dr H is a model to us all
Theophony - Sprue for the spruemeister, plastic for his plastic throne! // Shasolenzabi - Toilets, more complex than folks take time to think about!  
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

Very snazzy!
Made in gb
Mastering Non-Metallic Metal

Thanks aku'.

in other news:
Exciting things happening in my other blog, I've started building something... a model... for my collection...
Update when I've typed it.

Mastodon: @DrH@warhammer.social
The army- ~2295 points (built).

* -=]_,=-eague Spruemeister General. * A (sprue) Hut tutorial *
Dsteingass - Dr. H..You are a role model for Internet Morality! // inmygravenimage - Dr H is a model to us all
Theophony - Sprue for the spruemeister, plastic for his plastic throne! // Shasolenzabi - Toilets, more complex than folks take time to think about!  
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Madison, WI

That's pretty darn cool man. Well done!

Anvildude: "Honestly, it's kinda refreshing to see an Ork vehicle that doesn't look like a rainbow threw up on it."

Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory
Made in gb
Mastering Non-Metallic Metal

Thanks, Gits'.

Mastodon: @DrH@warhammer.social
The army- ~2295 points (built).

* -=]_,=-eague Spruemeister General. * A (sprue) Hut tutorial *
Dsteingass - Dr. H..You are a role model for Internet Morality! // inmygravenimage - Dr H is a model to us all
Theophony - Sprue for the spruemeister, plastic for his plastic throne! // Shasolenzabi - Toilets, more complex than folks take time to think about!  
Made in gb
Gargantuan Great Squiggoth

Not where I should be

Awesome stuff as always. Brilliant work on the gun. Looks awesome.

Now off to check this other blog??

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