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Worst Moments playing immature players?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in ca
Confessor Of Sins

I keep reflecting back as I read the first page and a half or so...

The most immature player I've ever seen was in a tournament back in 3rd edition.

He was one of those people who would get good enough with an army to have an idea of what he was doing wrong, but instead of improving his gameplay, thought a new army would help more. He was on his 3rd army at this point - likely his armies were paid for by his parents, as he was in high school and didn't have a job - and had brought his Space Marines. His opponent in this instance was a young kid, probably still in elementary school, who'd brought his Nids to the tourney. The younger kid didn't have enough models to make a 1,500 point list, so he'd just brought what he could. He asked the older kid if he wouldn't mind taking some stuff out of his list to make it a fair fight. The older kid - the immature one in this instance, I might remind you - probably looking for an easy win, refuses. Gameplay starts, and around turn 3 or so, it's becoming clear that the younger kid's Nids are getting the upper hand over the older kid's Marines. You can just SEE the horrifying shock of realization on the older kid's face, that he's getting his butt kicked by a 900 point army while fielding a 1500 point army. And just as that lightbulb clicks on in his head, the younger kid seems to realize he's winning, and he makes a somewhat boastful but not rude comment about how his numerically weaker army was actually winning.

To the older kid's credit, he played out the rest of the game, didn't ragequit, didn't yell or scream or complain about his models dying. He didn't try to damage the younger kid's models, he just took his licking. But that was kinda normal of the guy. He'd show up every game night for some casual 40k gaming. His hygiene was awful, to the point where if he actually ate enough to be overweight (at school sometimes people would tell him 'eat some food, skinny!') he'd be considered a stereotypical GUO, he barely knew the rules, but he never complained about losing a game or his units dying. He was there because he found the game fun and he wanted to play, but I think that the fact that the only games he ever won were those he played against his younger brother were starting to make him want to take any advantage he could short of cheating.

This story might sound a bit familiar. That's because I've told it before, from the perspective of the older kid. Because he's me. I was that older kid who, a decade ago, passed up the chance to be a decent sportsman in favor of a supposedly easy win. I don't look back fondly on what a jerk I was that day, and the only solace I can take from it is that maybe I inadvertently gave that kid a really big mood booster after he slaughtered an army 66% bigger in points than his own. I still have some issues of looking for victory at the price of being a jerk - like when I took such GLEE in slaughtering my mom's Honor Guard with a Uriah-bomb and had spent the two days prior to the game giggling to her about how deadly they were going to be. In mitigation, those Honor Guard had been marching across the field on foot for the previous half-dozen games and murdering the crap out of every one of my squads they touched, so at least I had a reason to take that kind of joy in it.

And that hygiene thing... there's a medical reason for that. Namely, I suffered from the delusion that every time I took a shower, living pink goo would start oozing from the faucet and showerhead and try to kill me. Every three to four months when I actually took a shower and it didn't happen, I figured I just got lucky and it would happen next time. The medical thing behind that is that I have schizophrenia.
Made in us
Abhorrent Grotesque Aberration

@Pouncey: I'm pretty sure that should be /thread.

"Why me?" Gideon begged, falling to his knees.
"Why not?" - Asdrubael Vect 
Made in ch
Yellin' Yoof on a Scooter

I have a few stories I can share, do note that i did not have any models of my own at the time, and was just hanging around friends in Clubs because i was generally interested in the Hobby:

I was on vacation in the UK for a little while, hanging around a good buddy of mine. He would regularly attend Events at his local gaming store, both 40k and Fantasy. Without wanting to sound offensive, some people down at this Club were...a tad weird. And one or two definetly needed a lesson along the lines of "Axe, or any other deodorant for that matter, will eventually stop working as a longterm replacement of actually WASHING your body.". The atmosphere was _usually_ good tough, so no harm done.

One day, it was a friday night if I remember correctly, one of the older fewllos brought his wife along. The guy was great, but dont ask me how he came to marry that housedragon. She would stand there, the entire evening, loudly proclaiming her opinion of this "Hobby for manchildren" and "how you seriously waste OUR money on this stuff!!". She would also make some snarky comments about some shirts the guys were wearing (Altough some of that was rather hillarious. "Is that red guy eating a mushroom? Are you wearing an advert for drugs?!") and also call our cavetroll-members out for their bad hygiene (If it werent for everything else, I think i'd hihgifved that woman right there.). It got late eventually, and as the pair was about to leave she said something that cause me to giggle a bit. I dont remember the exact tone: i think "If you people would go out more often, you'd get a decent wife like me!". Considering she pretty much behaved like Sauron on a "we dont have sugar for your coffee"-day all night, i just giggled a bit. She walked up to me and slapped me in the face. I was shocked. It didnt hurt overly much, I have 3 cousins and they whack like Ghazghkull, but it was so sudden that I couldnt say a word. "I hope that teaches you a lesson, young man!" and she was gone. They guy apologized for it later, and to be honest, i didnt care much. But the fact that this woman would come down to the Club, make fun of us all, and then slap me in the face for giggling...well you get the picture.

The second one was at friendly get-together with a few buddies. 3 people brought 40k armies and eventually got together on a table to play a game. They decided that they would play a 1vs1vs1, so noone had to wait. I got a bad feeling about that instantly. Since, as usual, people brought people the other people dindt know, this was basically programmed to go 2vs1 followed by an uneven 1vs1 with some butthurt players on each side. They wouldnt have any of it tough, so I decided to annihilate some beers and watch the carnage.

Oh Boy. Anyone ever got into a situation, where you have this feeling... This vision of a giant burning trainwreck right in front of everyone, but only YOU see it?

So it starts out nice. 1 shoots at 2, 3 repositions. Some losses here and there. You can see that each player tries to spread his fire and his dudes evenly, so noone feels ganged up upon. But eventually, as one might imagine, it happens. I think it was turn 3 (took them a while, had to look up rules here and there), when 3 lost a huge chunk of his infantry (Orks, mostly meele) and decided to skip on the defensive play and charge in. Obviously, 1 and 2 reacted and it didnt take long before all Orks was reduced to a pile of "butthurt-green-goo". I call it that, because he was allready screaming before the dice had even dropped. The argument started, and at some point 2 calls 3 something mean, whereafter 3 picks up the first model he sees (Hillariously, being one of 1's vehicles) and throws it. Long story short, they ended up wrestling on the floor and one unlucky punch actually broke a nose.

Cue in an hour later, not only an ambulance, but also the police had arrived. I had some serious regrets later, since I was pretty drunk when the police questioned me as the "neutral party".

"I schwear Offischer. I didnt do nothing wrong...not. Ever. Hic!"

All in all, it only took one evening to destroy a rather large circle of friends, with some broken models (who looked really nice to boot!) and police-involvement. All because of some dice and dead plastic-Orks. I still see some of them regularly, and they still give me that "Grudge"-look when I mention that evening.
Made in my
Tea-Kettle of Blood

Adelaide, South Australia

"If you people would go out more often, you'd get a decent wife like me!" - Most convincing argument to stay indoors playing games I've ever heard.

 Ailaros wrote:
You know what really bugs me? When my opponent, before they show up at the FLGS smears themselves in peanut butter and then makes blood sacrifices to Ashterai by slitting the throat of three male chickens and then smears the spatter pattern into the peanut butter to engrave sacred symbols into their chest and upper arms.
I have a peanut allergy. It's really inconsiderate.

"Long ago in a distant land, I, M'kar, the shape-shifting Master of Chaos, unleashed an unspeakable evil! But a foolish Grey Knight warrior wielding a magic sword stepped forth to oppose me. Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal in space and flung him into the Warp, where my evil is law! Now the fool seeks to return to real-space, and undo the evil that is Chaos!" 
Made in us

Hiding in a dark alley with a sharp knife!

After slogging through 8 pages of this thread, reading all the kiddie (and yes adults acting like kiddies) horror stories, I'm reminded of why I don't play wargames with children. If you are not at least close to being old enough to vote, you're not old enough to sit across the game table from me. Nothing personal, I just don't get on well with kids, dislike their antics, and I'm not a baby-sitter. Someone else can do the "getting the next generation in to the hobby" job.

(the obvious exception being the rare tournament I play in, in which I simply have to play whoever I get paired with)

Everytime I make a statement like this I get a chorus of kiddies saying "But I'M mature" or people throwing out examples of adults acting worse than some kids. Let me head that off this time. No one (least of all me) is making the statement that all kids are annoying and that all those 18+ are mature. That would be foolish. We all know exceptions to that statement. But there is such a thing as a general trend and it is the rarity of exceptions that prove the rule. It's easier for everyone involved to make it a practice of not playing youngsters at all, rather than hoping against hope that this one just might be a well behaved, quiet, and well behaved child rather than a loud, annoying, kiddie.

Finally, as always, this thread has more than it's fair share of fairy tales of property destruction and physical violence. I say "fairy tales" because I suspect that most of these are simply not true.


Former Kommandant, KZ Dakka
"I was Oldhammer before Oldhammer was cool!"
Made in cz
Stalwart Veteran Guard Sergeant

Czech Republic

OK, this is really old and didnt happend to me and it wasnt 40K...but otherwise its on topic!

Me and my buddy began to play Fantasy Battles. We just spent for college students a lot of cash on armies about 600pts iirc. And went to local gaming club.
Oh my...
I remember that last time there I spanked some kid during MtG "friendly duel" when he constantly trashtalked, was vulgar and in the final, when my ancient, primitive deck smashed his "top tier made by current world champion" deck, he tried to insult me. And heck, I wasnt in mood to be insulted by spoiled brat...

So...after year I came back, with Fantasy Battles and buddy who took his army to play game with "pro". We were playing at home, but as you know, you make a lot of mistakes without playing with someone who is experienced.
His vampire counts were usually beaten by my dark elves (and believe me, my dark elves were awful), so it really wasnt strong army. But hey, we are here to learn and have fun...except...
He was playing against Big Boss, lord of everything, manager of the shop who wasnt kid at all...just acted like it. But we didint know it yet.
In short, the guy took some purely shooting Empire army, set the table without terrain, so he has clean LoS and let my buddy´s vampire counts march into hail of bullets and cannons. Oh, he also has about 1000-1100 pts army against 600 pts VC, but we learned it much, much later.
Whole game was watched by manager's detachment of kid cronies (really, he has about six juvenile retainers who honored him as WH grandmaster) and those @!*s mocked every wrong move of my buddy and cheered every succes of Empire. Of course, we didint learn anything useful. Just saw completely massacred skeletons and got to result that Empire army is totally unbalanced and local games are just one walk full of humiliation.

In the end, my buddy packed his army, we both sold all models and went to another hobby. Because this wasnt fun at all and we could imagine to play with such jerks on regular basis.

Now Im preparing my first WH40K army for first battles...luckily in another city and hopefully with another sort of people...

Being optimistic´s worthless if it means ignoring the suffering of this world. Worse than worthless. It´s bloody evil.
- Fiddler 
Made in au
Deadly Dark Eldar Warrior


 Madcat87 wrote:
 dementedwombat wrote:
The thing that really annoys me though is when people just keep bragging about how awesome their army is. There's one Tau player and one Tyranid player who are kind of the "power gamer" types, and they will literally just walk up to you and start taking about how awesome their flying hive tyrant/riptides are and how much stuff they killed with them last game.

This iratates me so much, I may make some minor comment about how much I love X unit then they'll step up and say "Oh yeah well x unit from my codex will beat the snot out of it". What is funny is when two of these people meet and they spend half an hour one upping eachother.

YES!!! Arghhhh, I had this Ork player once and that was all he could say the entire game.
And his comparisons were hardly relevant either, like I'd say 'I really made a good choice putting XX weapon in this squad', and then he'll proceed to say 'Yeah but I have a kill kanon on this battlewagon, and all these shootas so yeah'.

Well of course a f'ing kill kanon is better than a plasma pistol or power fist...seriously...

Made in gb


I did enjoy playing in an escalation league where one player would change his list depending upon who he was facing (including proxying), thereby totally defeating the point of the escalation league... Some of his units were invalid aswell.

40K: CSM/DA/IG/Orks
FoW: LW Brits

Total Nephilim kills: 6 cultists 
Made in us
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord

Oregon, USA

 DrSchwartz wrote:
 Madcat87 wrote:
 dementedwombat wrote:
The thing that really annoys me though is when people just keep bragging about how awesome their army is. There's one Tau player and one Tyranid player who are kind of the "power gamer" types, and they will literally just walk up to you and start taking about how awesome their flying hive tyrant/riptides are and how much stuff they killed with them last game.

This iratates me so much, I may make some minor comment about how much I love X unit then they'll step up and say "Oh yeah well x unit from my codex will beat the snot out of it". What is funny is when two of these people meet and they spend half an hour one upping eachother.

YES!!! Arghhhh, I had this Ork player once and that was all he could say the entire game.
And his comparisons were hardly relevant either, like I'd say 'I really made a good choice putting XX weapon in this squad', and then he'll proceed to say 'Yeah but I have a kill kanon on this battlewagon, and all these shootas so yeah'.

Well of course a f'ing kill kanon is better than a plasma pistol or power fist...seriously...

Its not

Seriously. Kilkannons suck diseased moose wang.
At least a powerfist is worth taking.

The Viletide: Daemons of Nurgle/Deathguard: 7400 pts
Disclples of the Dragon - Ad Mech - about 2000 pts
GSC - about 2000 Pts
Rhulic Mercs - um...many...
Circle Oroboros - 300 Pts or so
Menoth - 300+ pts
Made in ie
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

octarius.Lets krump da bugs!

Why would anybody WANT a killkannon?Battle wagons have one role:Get da boys to da front lines and deffroll anyfing' in da way to get der!
Not mukkin about in da back!dats fer looted wagonz!

Kandosii sa ka'rte, vode an.
Coruscanta a'den mhi, vode an.
Bal kote,Darasuum kote,
Jorso'ran kando a tome.
Sa kyr'am nau tracyn kad vode an.
Motir ca'tra nau tracinya.
Gra'tua cuun hett su dralshy'a.
Aruetyc talyc runi'la trattok'a.
Sa kyr'am nau tracyn kad, vode an! 
Made in fi
Homicidal Veteran Blood Angel Assault Marine

Luckily, I have not yet met a guy as immature as the people in this thread...
But there's one annoying Tau player at local GW. My main army is Blood Angels and I had a small 500p army list with me. Not extremely competitive but it can manage to win/draw decently. So this player challenges me to a game. Asks what army do I play and as I answer, he starts smiling. So here we are, one of the weakest codex of the game versus one of the most competitive and he asks me if he could make his list after he saw mine.
I was kind of disappointed in the guy since that isn't my idea of sportsmanship but I granted his wish and get an army with a Riptide of course.
He also has an annoying habit of moving at least 7-8" and arguing about cover saves his enemy gets.
It was a slaugther but I was kind of fine with it.
But the thing that annoys me is that I wasn't the only one. There are some young players at our store that are new with the game, and this guy has a habit of searching out the "weakest" armies and challenging them. Okay, this has only happened a few times but it still disturbs me.

Another guy at our FLGS is asomewhat 20-years old veteran who has pretty much every army in the game. A good guy otherwise, but annoying while we're playing.
There was one game with him that has everything I find annoying with his playing:
He comes up and explains that Black Templars are his main army. Opens case and has 4 BT models, the rest were Khorne Berzerkers...
Then he starts moving his guys and moves trough cover and most of the models move 6" (he rolled a four).
He also drops his Pod down and when I ask if his guys should come out, he claims that there's no rule that forces them to do so. I answered that it's pretty clear there is one. And then he says that well, there isn't in the Templar codex (doesn't have a codex with him to prove it).
And even tough every single other Marine codex clearly states that models must disembark, he refuses to "use other codice's rules".

And one more.
So I play against this one guy who mostly fields Chaos and Necrons. He's a really good friend of mine and was one of the people who got me into the hobby in the first place. He isn't a WAAC-player, but he does win tournaments a lot. So we play pretty often, and mostly I field my Blood Angels. It was a one-side whooping for a while since I lost every one of our games for a while. And he used to joke a lot in the game and we had a casual mood.

It all kind of changed one game, this was a game we played between my BA/Eldar and his Daemons. So I had a pretty good start, slaughtering two of his squads in the first turn. Then I realised how much of a kid he was... Since then, every time he wasn't winning, he would go to this annoying state where he sitted silently and watched, didn't bother to joke and only talked if he wanted to bitch me about rules or the extra half inch I had moved. After all he got his game in order again and when he was winning again, he started the usual joking again. But it's so annoying that since that I have truly enjoyed his victories more than mine, because then there was at least some fun and casuality...

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2013/12/06 10:28:15


=====Begin Dakka Geek Code=====
======End Dakka Geek Code====== 
Made in us
Archmagos Veneratus Extremis

On the Internet

@soomemafia: there was actually an issue with the errata for the Black Templar Drop Pod when one took RAW: it deleted the part about requiring them to disembark. It was still incredibly cheesey to do.
Made in us
Revving Ravenwing Biker

Sherman Oaks, CA

WARNING: Incoming wall o' text.

These instances are pretty minor and I am sure that we all have "been there, done that." My instances are usually with my friends who can get a little heated in games like this when things don't go according to plan. However, it's usually a gradual buildup that then explodes and then simmers down. Usually we have a good laugh afterwards as we realize how childish and stupid it all is.

One of these moments was when I was playing against my friend's Imperial Guard back in 5th edition I think. He had a lot of "power blob" Imperial Guard and I was using my Deathwing / Ravenwing combo from 4th edition. Things just REALLY did not go his way. I ended up sandwiching his blobs between bikers and terminators, and gunning down a fair number of them. I charged in with my terminators. Now, he had a lot of power weapons in the squad (back in 5th they just ignored all armor regardless of "shape") and I figured his lowly sergeant's and commissars would take down a terminator or two each. Nope, none. I got to blast him with fists. He rolls his morale check. Ld 10 stubborn... gets an 11... Kills a guy to re-roll. Another 11. At this point I begin to feel bad as his guys run away. Then, he tries to rally in his turn. Ld 10 stubborn. Rolls an 11 and his guys run away again (if I remember correctly). At this point my friend picks up his dice, lets out a bestial yell of frustration and throws the dice across the driveway. They clack across the pavement and into the row of plants that rest alongside it. At this point I just sort of fall down laughing because it was such an epic nerd rage moment. I asked him if he wanted his dice back. He said something along the lines of, "no, they are never allowed back." We took a second to let him cool down. Later, we realized how hilarious the whole ordeal was, and that the odds of those terrible die rolls was nothing short of astronomically bad luck. The BEST part was finding those dice a few days later when i was watering the plants... I saw them and contemplated taking them back inside to a loving home of tabletop gaming. I decided that it was probably safer to just wash them down into the gutter.

Another example of one of the "annoying kids" is one of our new Dark Angels players. I am the only Dark Angels player at the local GW and this kid has accordingly latched on to me as a sort of "Dark Angels buddy." The problem is that this kid will NOT shut up. It's constantly questions like "what should I do? I have my librarian where do you want him? Can I put an apothecary in this unit.? Where are you dropping your terminators, they should team up etc etc" I am a very understanding and patient person most of the time but there comes a point where it's just too much. I have to just be like "do whatever you want. they are your models I don't care." All of the other players do not like to participate in games whenever he is there because it is just such a monumental level of pestering, questioning, and misunderstanding. I'm not sure what can be done because our store is such a great community and the manager is awesome and welcoming (apparently too much at times haha) of all ages. We have sort of taken a vow to give him a chance, but if he gets too annoying, just obliterate his army so he will stop playing that day. It's mean but it's also necessary for the good of the herd so to speak. Why why WHY must the only other Dark Angels player be the most hated/annoying in the shop?! Sigh...

Last example, then i will stop, is again, with the young'uns. For some reason I have been deemed the Champion of the Young'uns at the local GW. It's probably because I am a pretty patient person and want everyone at the store to have a good time. I'm also a giant 10 year old boy at heart (aren't we all?) and like to help those people getting involved in the hobby for the very first time. The best thing is that almost ALL of the kids are actually really nice and smart and have fun playing the game. But, there was one kid, similar to the one above, who suffered from that sort of "curious younger brother" syndrome. His older brother, probably about 13, had just gotten in to the hobby with Space marines (don't we all? haha). I believe that the 13 year-old was playing Salamanders, and had mostly gone for tactical marines and Land Raiders with terminators. As such, when I plopped down my white terminators, ravenwing bikers, land speeders, and drop pod, the younger brother immediately began asking what literally EVERYTHING WAS and getting a sugary stained hand dangerously close to all of my newly built (and some painted) models. Questions like: "what's that?" It's a bike. 'What's that?" It's an attack bike. "What's the difference?" ... one is an attack bike... it has an extra guy and gun that you can CLEARLY see on the model. "What's that thing?" It's a land speeder... "What's that one"... that's an identical landspeeder... etc. etc. It was literally that fast as well. No pause, no hesitation. It was just like "oooooookay you need to go away now little guy. haha. Oh the chilluns.

- VardenV2

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/12/06 19:57:32

The Reactor Core - Commission Painting Service: http://reactorcorepainting.com
Made in nz
Focused Fire Warrior

New Zealand

When we were younger, playing in third, my mate was the spoilt "parents buy me everything" type and he had an ork army that literally had 5 of everything, he even played with two ghazghskulls. Anyway he would do the whole speak like an english soccer hooligan ork thing, talk trash about how the orks won the armageddon campaign, were the best blah blah blah. On the two occasions we all ganged up with marines, eldar, necrons and blood angels vs his orks he would act all cocky until things looked like they weren't gonna go his way, at which point he'd just wander off halfway though and say this was boring and we should all just hit the beers. Then later on he'd be like "haha remember just before when i was stomping you all, man i felt sorry for you guys fighting my orks blah blah" and if you called him on it he'd just lose his s**t and leave.

Honestly i get seen to almost every game i play and i'll still finish the game (though admittedly we agree to call it when its turn 4 and i have nothing left but a terminator and scout) because i enjoy the narrative. Seeing my rhino kill a bloodthirster with a hk missile in the last turn makes up for the fact that the rhino was basically the only thing that survived. And all the people you've mentioned throwing s**t? Wtf man, that stuffs pricey, not to mention if id spent hours painting up some huge as model for some 9 year old to hurl it. He would not be leaving the shop in one piece!

Made in nz
Heroic Senior Officer

New Zealand

" but it's also necessary for the good of the herd"

Wow i was cracking up for ages over that sentance. No idea why i fond that funny. funniest thing all day. I just imagine one of the cows breaking the legs of the demented cow so it gets eaten by the wolves and saying "It is necessary for the good of the herd".


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/12/06 21:55:15

Made in gb
Willing Inquisitorial Excruciator

 Swastakowey wrote:
" but it's also necessary for the good of the herd"

Wow i was cracking up for ages over that sentance. No idea why i fond that funny. funniest thing all day. I just imagine one of the cows breaking the legs of the demented cow so it gets eaten by the wolves and saying "It is necessary for the good of the herd".


Brought to mind the scene from Hot Fuzz

- 1250 points
Empire of the Blazing Sun (Combined Theaters)- 1950 points
FUBAR Starship Troopers- Would you like to know more?
GENERATION 9: The first time you see this, copy and paste it into your sig and add 1 to the number after generation. Consider it a social experiment.  
Made in gb
Mutated Chosen Chaos Marine

*bursts though room with axe* HEEEAAARRRS JHONNY!!!

 doc1234 wrote:
 Swastakowey wrote:
" but it's also necessary for the good of the herd"

Wow i was cracking up for ages over that sentance. No idea why i fond that funny. funniest thing all day. I just imagine one of the cows breaking the legs of the demented cow so it gets eaten by the wolves and saying "It is necessary for the good of the herd".


Brought to mind the scene from Hot Fuzz

Ever since I saw Hot Fuzz, I never saw Tau the same way again

Night Lords (40k): 3500pts
Klan Zaw Klan: 4000pts

 Grey Templar wrote:

Orks don't hate, they just love. Love to fight everyone.

Whatever you use.. It's Cheesy, broken and OP  
Made in us
Revving Ravenwing Biker

Sherman Oaks, CA

 Swastakowey wrote:
" but it's also necessary for the good of the herd"

Wow i was cracking up for ages over that sentance. No idea why i fond that funny. funniest thing all day. I just imagine one of the cows breaking the legs of the demented cow so it gets eaten by the wolves and saying "It is necessary for the good of the herd".


Haha I'm amazed you read that far. Glad to know it brought joy to someone lol.

- VardenV2

The Reactor Core - Commission Painting Service: http://reactorcorepainting.com
Made in nz
Heroic Senior Officer

New Zealand

 VardenV2 wrote:
 Swastakowey wrote:
" but it's also necessary for the good of the herd"

Wow i was cracking up for ages over that sentance. No idea why i fond that funny. funniest thing all day. I just imagine one of the cows breaking the legs of the demented cow so it gets eaten by the wolves and saying "It is necessary for the good of the herd".


Haha I'm amazed you read that far. Glad to know it brought joy to someone lol.

- VardenV2

Cheers dude, almost was funnier than those sickly looking old tyranid models i was looking at earlier. Cheers
Made in au
Crazed Spirit of the Defiler


Fortunately, my FLGS is exactly that, darn friendly. However, during christmas time, or october when all the little snots come in to buy presents for themselves with birthday money or whatever, we often get the marine toting Fegot who prattles on about dreadknights, stormravens and most notably the bloody land raider vanilla. How the latter is viewed as not particularly useful in the current edition, why anyone would use it is beyond me The problem however, is that i play marines as one of my armies, and so i get quizzed about what unit is good for this, that, and the other thing. "Just play with what you like guys!". One time i mentioned the lulful tactic of using a land speeder with a MM to flank and pop things, so this little kiddy decides to do just that, however he cunningly covers it's advance by kamikaze charging directly in front of a goddamn tri-Las predator. Words cannot describe the nerdrage of this little snot when it got blammed out of the sky, he then accused me of it being my fault, and he packed his things and left. Thank the emprah no models were hurt I saw this little kiddie about 2 weeks later, and he apologized to me and the kind sir he was playing against. That was a couple years back, and i play with this guy fairly often now, he's a good friend up at the store, mostly because he's sorted out his issues, but fun to play against nonetheless

Made in gb
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain


Mine was the other night on vassal, long story short we were both being dicks, he had the backbone to discuss it afterwards and I grew to respect him as a result, the main issue we had was the lack if a medium other than text, so tone and intent could not be achieved, so in future we will play on Skype to avoid these issues.

Kudos to that bloke
Made in us
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

since the early 80s, I have had the pleasure o play with many mature and outstanding players just as I have had the misfortune to play with many immature players.

when it comes to the immature players, I can honestly say that not once have I ever seen immaturity and such poor sports or whatever else you wish to call it, as I have on online forums. I suppose it is the blind bullying where you are just a faceless persona or the fact that it is so easy to gang up with others of the same immatureity level and victimize innocents. Whatever the case may be in terms of the reason, I have found this to be true ad the worst experiences I have had in a 'gaming career".

clively wrote:
"EVIL INC" - hardly. More like "REASONABLE GOOD GUY INC". (side note: exalted)

Seems a few of you have not read this... http://www.dakkadakka.com/core/forum_rules.jsp 
Made in us
Thinking of Joining a Davinite Loge

I have only bumped into a few bad apples in the last 17 years. The best one was against a dark Eldar player back in 2001. I went off to college in 2000 and my FLGS went under but there was another shop some 45 minutes away owned by the same guy (his expansion didn't work out because the guy he was partnered with sucked and didn't care if kids stole the GW stuff he only cared about his magic cards. Anyway, the shop closed about 2-3 months after I left for school. I came back over the summers and played in their RTs every summer. This one guy was a total "over used word for pee pee" and built a reputation on being a WAAC type of gamer (at that point in my gaming career, I was too). This guy was absolutely pounding the crap out of everyone and bragging how he was quick to table his opponent. He kept it up during round 2 as well, kept talking about how there was no competition. Well in round 3, he faced my gun line guard. It's guy was so over confident, he told me the game wouldn't last more than 2 rounds before he was going to table me and that he would eat my army and this was a perfect match up. First, he argued that DE always go first and I pointed out only in attacker and defender missions and our mission had neither. Then he called a TO who laughed and said, "wow, looks like he is right. I didn't catch that and I thought it was always goes first. Roll to see who goes first." I won the roll, I went first. No movement and 2 basalisks dropped 2 shots into 2 raiders each carrying one HQ. First one was the archon and incubi. 2 dice to pen (using the highest and I pen on a 2+) using the ordinance weapon pen chart I got +1 damage from being opened top and I rolled a 6 to see his leader die. He called the TO over because he said he got a 2+ shadow field. I kept reading, "the vehicle blows up and there are no survivors in the transport. All models die and there are no saving throws." We then moved to the next basilisk shot, his dracon with the web way portal died to the same effect. Next because he failed to really use any cover, I shot his raider carrying his witches (killed half the unit and pinned them down). The rest of my heavy weapons just lit up whatever else was in range and could see him. By the end of my second turn, I had broken his army and my gun line started to advance because I had to get a unit into his deployment zone. His stuff came in piece meal and he had nothing left for me to shoot at after turn 2 but I let his 2 talons show up on turn 3 when he failed to get them out. They were gone pretty quickly. When i tabled him, he argued with me about extra points because I didn't get into his deployment zone, etc. I gave him a taste of his own medicine and looked at the tables next to me and said, "man that was quick. I was expecting a challenge at the final table. The guys I played in round 1 & 2 put up a tougher fight but that was because all their eggs weren't in one basket." I went back to school and came back the following summer. He was pretty quiet when he played at the table next to me in round 1. When he started to get brash with his uber nasty LATD army one of the guys said, "I think you're going to face that guy with the praetorian guard army. He seems to be cleaning house." He retreated a bit but we never faced each other because at round 3 there were 3 undefeated players and I was the odd man out so I played another guy who had a massacre and a large victory who played an army almost identical to the other guy's from last year. He got turn 1 so I felt the hurt. I was able to stop the archon and his incubi before they hit my lines but the dracon got the homing beacon off and I had 3 talos and 20 witches running through my lines on turn 2. I think those 20 models killed close to 60 guardsmen. By the end of the game, my heavy Bolter squad finished them when they failed to make a sweeping advance into them. My preachers, commissars, and all of my infantry were dead and all he had left was a unit of warriors in the back with lance shooting at me. I had some 20 models left but nothing to actually take him out because I had to move and shoot. We ended with a minor victory in my favor and to date that was the best game I've ever played in my life because it was so back and forth and in the end the body count was so high - I had my officers left but no one to command. He had one unbroken squad of warriors. The LATD player took second because he had a minor loss but got all of his secondary objectives in all of his games and I didn't in the final round so he beat me by one point.

I'm happy to say I started a trend at that club though. I played in their tournaments from 2000 - 2006 and always found someone in the tournament who looked like they just needed something in their army that they couldn't afford. First year it was a kid with a foot slogging army, I got him 2 rhinos with my prize money. Second year when I took overall, it was land raider for a kid with a death wing army (he had lots of the original plastic termites from the first space hulk game). third year, a kid with a space wolf army who needed more troops because he bought a bunch of extra war gear to make 2000 points, and a unit of plague marines for a chaos player. When I went back in 2006 the guys who won all gave their support away to players who needed it. I went back this past summer to see my parents and they continued the trend. Apparently, the shop reimburses your tournament fees if you donate the proceeds to someone else now. The owner still remembers me and still gets a kick out of what I did back then. I had a pick up game there over thanksgiving and played a guy who said that was how he was able to afford to play a competitive army because someone gave him their tournament winnings back several years ago because all he could afford to put on the table were tactical marines and scouts. It felt good because these kids seemed to stick around longer and didn't just give up.

Made in au
Flashy Flashgitz

Canberra, Down Under

 Ascalam wrote:

'...Marines are better than everyone at everything, so they can't lose.'

This is by far the funniest thing in here.

This has made me realise that I was also probably an annoying child in GW back in the day, firing a barrage of nonsensical questions at whatever poor bloke happened to be playing at the time.
He just wanted to play, damnit!

Current Proposed Rules Project: Orkish AC-130 Spekta Gunship!

WAAAGH Sparky!
1400 (ish) - On the rebound!
Kommander Sparks DKoK
1000 (ish) - Now on the backburner

- Men, you're lucky men. Soon, you'll all be fighting for your planet. Many of you will be dying for your planet. A few of you will be put through a fine mesh screen for your planet. They will be the luckiest of all.  
Made in gb
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord

boyd wrote:
I have only bumped into a few bad apples in the last 17 years. The best one was against a dark Eldar player back in 2001. I went off to college in 2000 and my FLGS went under but there was another shop some 45 minutes away owned by the same guy (his expansion didn't work out because the guy he was partnered with sucked and didn't care if kids stole the GW stuff he only cared about his magic cards. Anyway, the shop closed about 2-3 months after I left for school. I came back over the summers and played in their RTs every summer. This one guy was a total "over used word for pee pee" and built a reputation on being a WAAC type of gamer (at that point in my gaming career, I was too). This guy was absolutely pounding the crap out of everyone and bragging how he was quick to table his opponent. He kept it up during round 2 as well, kept talking about how there was no competition. Well in round 3, he faced my gun line guard. It's guy was so over confident, he told me the game wouldn't last more than 2 rounds before he was going to table me and that he would eat my army and this was a perfect match up. First, he argued that DE always go first and I pointed out only in attacker and defender missions and our mission had neither. Then he called a TO who laughed and said, "wow, looks like he is right. I didn't catch that and I thought it was always goes first. Roll to see who goes first." I won the roll, I went first. No movement and 2 basalisks dropped 2 shots into 2 raiders each carrying one HQ. First one was the archon and incubi. 2 dice to pen (using the highest and I pen on a 2+) using the ordinance weapon pen chart I got +1 damage from being opened top and I rolled a 6 to see his leader die. He called the TO over because he said he got a 2+ shadow field. I kept reading, "the vehicle blows up and there are no survivors in the transport. All models die and there are no saving throws." We then moved to the next basilisk shot, his dracon with the web way portal died to the same effect. Next because he failed to really use any cover, I shot his raider carrying his witches (killed half the unit and pinned them down). The rest of my heavy weapons just lit up whatever else was in range and could see him. By the end of my second turn, I had broken his army and my gun line started to advance because I had to get a unit into his deployment zone. His stuff came in piece meal and he had nothing left for me to shoot at after turn 2 but I let his 2 talons show up on turn 3 when he failed to get them out. They were gone pretty quickly. When i tabled him, he argued with me about extra points because I didn't get into his deployment zone, etc. I gave him a taste of his own medicine and looked at the tables next to me and said, "man that was quick. I was expecting a challenge at the final table. The guys I played in round 1 & 2 put up a tougher fight but that was because all their eggs weren't in one basket." I went back to school and came back the following summer. He was pretty quiet when he played at the table next to me in round 1. When he started to get brash with his uber nasty LATD army one of the guys said, "I think you're going to face that guy with the praetorian guard army. He seems to be cleaning house." He retreated a bit but we never faced each other because at round 3 there were 3 undefeated players and I was the odd man out so I played another guy who had a massacre and a large victory who played an army almost identical to the other guy's from last year. He got turn 1 so I felt the hurt. I was able to stop the archon and his incubi before they hit my lines but the dracon got the homing beacon off and I had 3 talos and 20 witches running through my lines on turn 2. I think those 20 models killed close to 60 guardsmen. By the end of the game, my heavy Bolter squad finished them when they failed to make a sweeping advance into them. My preachers, commissars, and all of my infantry were dead and all he had left was a unit of warriors in the back with lance shooting at me. I had some 20 models left but nothing to actually take him out because I had to move and shoot. We ended with a minor victory in my favor and to date that was the best game I've ever played in my life because it was so back and forth and in the end the body count was so high - I had my officers left but no one to command. He had one unbroken squad of warriors. The LATD player took second because he had a minor loss but got all of his secondary objectives in all of his games and I didn't in the final round so he beat me by one point.

I'm happy to say I started a trend at that club though. I played in their tournaments from 2000 - 2006 and always found someone in the tournament who looked like they just needed something in their army that they couldn't afford. First year it was a kid with a foot slogging army, I got him 2 rhinos with my prize money. Second year when I took overall, it was land raider for a kid with a death wing army (he had lots of the original plastic termites from the first space hulk game). third year, a kid with a space wolf army who needed more troops because he bought a bunch of extra war gear to make 2000 points, and a unit of plague marines for a chaos player. When I went back in 2006 the guys who won all gave their support away to players who needed it. I went back this past summer to see my parents and they continued the trend. Apparently, the shop reimburses your tournament fees if you donate the proceeds to someone else now. The owner still remembers me and still gets a kick out of what I did back then. I had a pick up game there over thanksgiving and played a guy who said that was how he was able to afford to play a competitive army because someone gave him their tournament winnings back several years ago because all he could afford to put on the table were tactical marines and scouts. It felt good because these kids seemed to stick around longer and didn't just give up.

This story could be amazing. I don't know. Please, try again with paragraphs to make it readable.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/12/16 19:48:10

Games Workshop Delenda Est.

Users on ignore- 53.

If you break apart my or anyone else's posts line by line I will not read them. 
Made in gb
Stalwart Dark Angels Space Marine

Wow having heard this my local gw must be the best place to play warhammer in the world! There are usually 6 people (including me) and we usually play a large 3v3 Match or we go off and do our own thing, pick who we want to play and doing a couple of little 2v2s or 1v1s although we do usually all bring slightly competitive lists we play friendlys, and to e honest they are great fun, we applaud eachother even if they kill one of our units or even beat us by a country mile! We crack jokes about each others characters and army's, all in all it's the highlight of my week and all so we can go back the next week telling legendary tales of how we slayed monstrous tyrinids with psycic bolts and create yet more tales!

1000 points 80% painted
90 points 0% painted 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

 Agent_Tremolo wrote:
 tau tse tung wrote:
*update* The guy (who is a father may i add) befriended many of the 14 to 16 year olds (that age) and one of them was a boy who would openly make racial remarks. Now on dakka i have posted my chinese themed army and got good feedback, even from formor US army vets. But this kid never let go my army was a "Dirty red" army and make horrible racist jokes like "his guard cant see" etc and would even make them with this old bloke.

I happen to know a total nutjob of a guy who thinks of 40k as some sort of training/analogy for the coming racial holy war, Orks being blacks-muslims, Eldar jews, Tau chinese, Chaos atheists/satanists, marxists and liberals. Of course, in his view of things the Imperium is the great, beleaguered white race and Space Marines, most obviously, our white aryan national-socialist saviors and overlords (He plays blood angels/C:SM, for what matters). Thing is, he knows the game rather well and is mature enough not to cheat. Actually, he's not a bad guy to have a game against, unless anyone touches on his idiocic racial and political fetishes, in which case he goes full ramblomatic. My friends usually do that on purpose

I'll have to ask him what he thinks of Necrons and Tyranids, btw

You'd think that Necrons, not having souls and relying on science/technology and having shrugged the gods that once controlled them, would be atheists. Of course, people like that have a very skewed view of the world and tend to make stuff up to fit their narrative.

A lot of the stories on this thread are pretty horrific. The worst immature moment in 40k I experienced was my own. I was 13 or 14 and had a rudimentary grasp on the rules enough to play it. I brought a poorly built DA list with 2 land raiders to a tournament and I was tabled by a DE player by the third turn my second game, which made me cry. I didn't make a scene, but I probably made the DE player feel somewhat uncomfortable; he was a good sport about it though and didn't make it worse.

Sekhmet - Dynasty 4000pts Greenwing - 2000pts Deathguard - 1500pts Daemons of Nurgle - 1000pts ~320pts
Made in us
Agile Revenant Titan

Austin, Texas.

 Trench-Raider wrote:
After slogging through 8 pages of this thread, reading all the kiddie (and yes adults acting like kiddies) horror stories, I'm reminded of why I don't play wargames with children. If you are not at least close to being old enough to vote, you're not old enough to sit across the game table from me. Nothing personal, I just don't get on well with kids, dislike their antics, and I'm not a baby-sitter. Someone else can do the "getting the next generation in to the hobby" job.

(the obvious exception being the rare tournament I play in, in which I simply have to play whoever I get paired with)

Everytime I make a statement like this I get a chorus of kiddies saying "But I'M mature" or people throwing out examples of adults acting worse than some kids. Let me head that off this time. No one (least of all me) is making the statement that all kids are annoying and that all those 18+ are mature. That would be foolish. We all know exceptions to that statement. But there is such a thing as a general trend and it is the rarity of exceptions that prove the rule. It's easier for everyone involved to make it a practice of not playing youngsters at all, rather than hoping against hope that this one just might be a well behaved, quiet, and well behaved child rather than a loud, annoying, kiddie.

Finally, as always, this thread has more than it's fair share of fairy tales of property destruction and physical violence. I say "fairy tales" because I suspect that most of these are simply not true.


I understand where your coming from. Nearly all the people my age and younger i face are either terrible at gaming (with no strategy, or a really bad army list) are incredibly immature, or make up rules like they run gw. (no i SWEAR guardsmen hit on 2+!!!)
But, not every one is that way. me and my friend both play 40k and get favorite opponent all the time, even when we demolish the other person, and with my eldar this happens a good amount.
But, i will say mature gamer kids are rare. I would say if they are taking enough time to come on here and get help with there game play then there probably not a bad opponent to face.

I do drugs.
Mostly Plastic Crack, but I do dabble in Cardboard Cocaine. 
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