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![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/01/25 00:16:34
Subject: Sprue Posse GT, Los Angeles, CA 2,000pts [A Few Pics Added]
Awesome Autarch
We just got done with the Sprue Posse GT, a 2 day, 5 game, 2,000 points event. All lists, pictures and round by round data can be found at:
First of all: Great event! A nearly perfect format for the truly competitive player. There was also plenty to like for the casual gamer as well, with some beautiful armies and tons of fun to be had.
Second of all: Holy gak was that a competitive field! Every list was balls out competitive and every player was above average to expert level in skill. This was the kind of tournament I personally love to go to. There were also a ton of Dakkites there, and a lot of friends I only get to see once in a while. A short list of some of the attendees (and sorry to those whom I forget): Dave_Fay, White925, Shep, Somnicide, Italiaplaya, Lambadomy, Mortetvie, Yakface, Blackmoor, Janthkin, Manimal, Kevin Nash, and many more. Dakka was rolling deep at this event!
So, I felt really confident coming into this event as I was the highest ranked player both according to RankingsHQ and in the Sprue Posse's ELO rankings, plus my list has proven itself under fire. However, some really skilled players were coming, so I knew to expect really stiff competition.
I altered my trusty Bjorn list a bit as in practice games, found I had trouble with a true assault deathstar list. I dropped a bit of firepower for more assault power. In retrospect, I got it half right, I should have kept the 3 Typhoons instead of adding the single TWC (Thunderhorse!) but dropping one troop for another Dreadnought was definitely the right play.
Thunderhorse! in action. When you assault with him, you have to say, "Thunderhorse, Hooooo!" He still died horribly even with all my encouragement
So here is my modified list:
Rune Priest: JotWW, Storm Caller
Dread: L.Cannon, H.Flamer
Dread: L.Cannon, H.Flamer
Dread: Assault Cannon, S.Bolter
G.Hunters x 5: Flamer
G.Hunters x 5: Flamer
G.Hunters x 5: Melta, Razorback, Twin Assault Cannon
TWC: Fist, Shield (Thunderhorse!)
Long Fangs x 6: M.Launcher x 5, Lazorback
Long Fangs x 6: M.Launcher x 5, Lazorback
Long Fangs x 6: M.Launcher x 5, Razorback, Assault Cannon
Some Shots of my Army:
Thunderhorse! and a Typhoon going after Shep's objective from game 2.
Bjorn and his funky fresh dreadnought crew doing the conga line up the battlefield!
My Rune Priest shouting encouragement to the Grey Hunters as they charge the enemy!
Game 1
Opponent: Blackmoor
Mission: Annihilation
Deployment: Dawn of War
Blackmoor's list (from memory, although I am thinking I may be a bit off on some of these)
Trueborn x 4: Blaster x 4, Venom, dual s.cannon
Trueborn x 4: Blaster x 4, Venom, dual s.cannon
Trueborn x 4: Blaster x 4, Venom, dual s.cannon
Warriors x 5: Blaster, Raider, Flicker, N.Shield
Warriors x 5: Blaster, Raider, Flicker, N.Shield
Warriors x 5: Blaster, Raider, Flicker, N.Shield
Hellions x 10
Warriors x 20: Syrabrite, Agoniser, D.Lance x 2
We both rolled 6's to go first, but since Blackmoor has the Baron, he got a 7! He gave me first and reserved all of his army apart from the large warrior squad with the Baron attached which deployed on board, in terrain (for a 3+ save due to Baron's stealth). Blackmoor wanted to wait and see where I deployed and also to minimize the crippling firepower I could bring to bear on him.
I deployed poorly, castling in a corner but as I ran out of room, I deployed a squad of Fangs and the Assault Cannon Dread and Bjorn in the middle of the board in cover. Blacmoor pounced on my deployment error, bringing all his mobile reserves on the far flank, firing on my stragglers at extreme range where he had local firepower superiority. His only error was leaving his Razorwing JUST in range of my Fangs which shot it down. His Venoms then wiped my straggler fangs putting us at a KP each. I desperately tried to run Bjorn (who can be worth an additional D3 KPs) back into the protective range of my castle and he made it, but the other dread was getting pummeled by Dark Lances. By sheer luck, Blackmoor failed to destroy the Dread. I got another lucky break when I managed to break the large warrior squad I had been firing on all game from my castle (only unit in range) and they ran off the board with the Baron. Now I was up 3 to 1, and even if Blackmoor destroyed the straggler dread, he'd lose. So he had to risk it and come into range of hot missile death, hoping to deal maximum damage before inevitably losing some of his forces. He came in to try his luck, and the paper armor of the raiders crumbled under a fusillade of missiles. Had the Baron's squad not run and survived the punishment, Blackmoor could have sat back and taken pot shots on the straggler dread until it popped and then fell back into a corner and won it. It came down to the failed morale test and the game was mine, 5 KP to 1.
Great game, very tactical and on a razor's edge until the last turn. Thanks to Blackmoor for the fun game!
Round 2 to follow shortly.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/01/26 03:05:45
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/01/25 00:48:34
Subject: Sprue Posse GT, Los Angeles, CA 2,000pts
Fixture of Dakka
Wow, your list was just made to manhandle the new DE. Too bad blackmoor had to draw you on round 1. To his credit, he didn't get annihilated. That is just about the worst draw for a DE player.
Can't wait to see the other reports. Wish I could've been there.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/01/25 01:19:29
Subject: Sprue Posse GT, Los Angeles, CA 2,000pts
Banelord Titan Princeps of Khorne
I want pics of your army Reece!
Also, why couldn't Blackmoor have focused your vulnerable speeders and razorbacks?
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/01/25 01:26:18
Subject: Sprue Posse GT, Los Angeles, CA 2,000pts
Abhorrent Grotesque Aberration
Hopping on the pain wagon
Leave it to Blackmoor to play his first games with a new army at a tourney ;-) he will probably respond here himself but I seem to recall him saying that he relied too much on night shields. Plus the DE anti tank stuff is 36" range and all the wolves are 48" and just shred DE vehicles.
I was hoping to get a chance to play against wolves myself but somehow it didn't happen. Guess that is the plus side of the loser's bracket ;-)
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/01/25 01:44:01
Subject: Re:Sprue Posse GT, Los Angeles, CA 2,000pts
Awesome Autarch
Game 2
Opponent: Shep
Mission: Capture and Control
Deployment: Pitched Battle
Shep's List:
CCS: Melta x 4, OoF, Chimera w/ H.H.FLamer
PBS x 7: Chimera w/ H.H.Flamer
PBS x 7: Chimera w/ H.H.Flamer
Vets: Melta x 3, A.Cannon Chimera w/ H.H.Flamer
Vets: Melta x 3, A.Cannon Chimera w/ H.H.Flamer
Vets: Melta x 3, A.Cannon Chimera w/ H.H.Flamer
Vets: Melta x 3, A.Cannon Chimera w/ H.H.Flamer
Vendetta w/H.Bolters
Vendetta w/H.Bolters
Vendetta w/H.Bolters
Hydras x 2: 1 x H.H.Flamer
Hydras x 2: 1 x H.H.Flamer
Hydras x 2: 1 x H.H.Flamer
Me and Shep! The showdown I'd been looking forward to for a while now.
Shep's army is brutal against mine (or anyone's, really). It is a Shooty Space Wolf killer, which is exactly what he designed it to do.
We both knew it would largely be a first turn game as we could both cripple the other with an alpha strike. This was further exacerbated by the fact that the terrain was grossly uneven. It looked like someone had moved terrain to one side of the table to make room for their display board or something as it was all of it was on one side. I asked if we should make the board symmetrical, but Shep wanted to play it as it lay, which is what you are meant to do n a tournament, so I allowed it. In retrospect, I should have insisted on calling a judge to redistribute the terrain evenly, but hey. 20/20 hindsight!
These types of match-ups are why I take Bjorn. He gives me the edge against other shooty armies. We both rolled to go first, and Shep rolled that 6. With Old Man Bjorn's reroll, I could only muster a 5.
So, I was left with the quandary of what to do. My deployment zone literally had 2 shrubs and a small tree. It was pretty much empty. If I deployed I would have nearly no cover saves without creating my own by sacrificing units to make a wall. Normally, that isn't so bad as I have so many unique units that my opponent typically can't take out more than half, leaving me with enough firepower to fight back. Shep though, had 14 units that could each drop or stun one of mine with a fairly high degree of reliability. That meant that unless I seized, I was going to be in a shooting fight that would result in a downward spiral of diminishing firepower which, baring crazy luck, I'd lose. That combined with the PBSs meant that my Fangs wouldn't last long either, even if I deployed them all the way up to the edge of my deployment zone (giving maximum distance to fall back from weaken resolve).
So, I did what seemed to be the most intelligent choice which was to minimize the amount of turns Shep had to shoot at me and then rush his objective last turn with whatever I had left while protecting my own with reserves coming off board. Destroying any of his army apart from the units threatening my objective was a non-consideration, I assumed my army would get mauled. I could have played for the tie and just piled units on my objective, but I prefer to play for the win and so went to it.
The game went as expected, I cam on-board and got a volley in with my units before they were blasted. I was rolling very poorly though, and from turn 1 to 4 (really 2-4 with reserves) only managed to knock a single las cannon off of a Vendetta.
Despite this, it all came down to turn 5 when Shep crashed my Objective and I was heading towards his with everything I had. He dropped my fast movers with massed fire, and I dropped all of his apart from one damned Vendetta which was just barely within a hair's width of my objective! That blasted thing took 5 punches and rolled 5 flat out saves! I whiffed with every twin las-cannon I had that turn but still manage to punch it three times in HtH. All I needed was 2 3's or a 4 on 3 dice to destroy the Vendetta. I tossed the dice and they came up 1,2,3. Damn!
I rolled to see if we would get another turn and up came that one. Game over with Shep holding one objective to me none. Le sigh, them there's the breaks.
One more turn and I would have at least tied, possibly won (although unlikely) as my Dread train would have been in charge range of his castle.
Well played to Shep, he played a great game the dice fell his way when he needed them like they did for me against Blackmoor. That is the sign of a good game though, when it comes down to just a few dice here and there.
Automatically Appended Next Post:
Yeah, my army rocks DE unless they can alhpa strike me. If it had not been DoW, he would have had much better odds against me. Come with us to the next tournament, they are good fun!
I won 2nd best painted, there are a bunch of pics on the chaos wins blog. I will repost some here.
Blackmoor couldn't get at my easy KPs because they were behind the missile wall of Fangs which out-range the DE.
You dodged the wolves, huh? I think you would have done better against me than the Wolfstar armies. I have some trouble with AV14 and Termies, but the bikes would have been missile bait I think.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2011/01/25 01:51:42
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/01/25 02:01:24
Subject: Sprue Posse GT, Los Angeles, CA 2,000pts
Abhorrent Grotesque Aberration
Hopping on the pain wagon
I have played against HulkSmash's zillion missiles of love Space Wolves. It is really brutal.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/01/25 02:01:44
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/01/25 02:07:13
Subject: Sprue Posse GT, Los Angeles, CA 2,000pts
Awesome Autarch
Yeah, it is the best army I have put on the table. Your army is great though, I really like it.
Bjorn is the secret sauce to my army but the dice just weren't with me for first turn. I should get it 3 out of 4 games, but this tournament I only won the first turn roll once! Fickle dice.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/01/25 02:11:03
Subject: Sprue Posse GT, Los Angeles, CA 2,000pts
Tzeentch Veteran Marine with Psychic Potential
Ya dice werent with me at all that tournament. Going back actually, the first game wasnt to bad, till my crushers mishap ed and died haha
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/01/25 02:13:54
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/01/25 02:13:11
Subject: Sprue Posse GT, Los Angeles, CA 2,000pts
Awesome Autarch
Yeah, your dice against me were atrocious! Your daemons came into the tournament undefeated and that just wasn't your weekend. No worries though, always another game to be played! You'll get some payback at the next one, I am sure.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/01/25 02:14:35
Subject: Sprue Posse GT, Los Angeles, CA 2,000pts
Tzeentch Veteran Marine with Psychic Potential
Reecius wrote:Yeah, your dice against me were atrocious! Your daemons came into the tournament undefeated and that just wasn't your weekend. No worries though, always another game to be played! You'll get some payback at the next one, I am sure.
I hear you haha, it happens. I think i might have to make it out to the broadside bash with you. I dont think everyone else is down though.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/01/25 02:25:50
Subject: Sprue Posse GT, Los Angeles, CA 2,000pts
Abhorrent Grotesque Aberration
Hopping on the pain wagon
Reecius wrote:Yeah, it is the best army I have put on the table. Your army is great though, I really like it. Bjorn is the secret sauce to my army but the dice just weren't with me for first turn. I should get it 3 out of 4 games, but this tournament I only won the first turn roll once! Fickle dice. I am actually reading your bjorn how to right now ;-) /shameless plug edit: favorite line from your (great) tactica - So give the old man a try. He may remember Abaddon as a kid with a lot of potential and refer to the Emperor by his first name, but Bjorn still brings the thunder on the table top.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2011/01/25 02:31:58
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/01/25 02:31:30
Subject: Sprue Posse GT, Los Angeles, CA 2,000pts
Tzeentch Veteran Marine with Psychic Potential
@ Somnicide,
Your Sig makes me laugh. Daemons dont such if you know how to play them... "unless your opponent has null zone"
I barely stood a chance, my dice didnt help much either haha.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/01/25 02:36:24
Subject: Sprue Posse GT, Los Angeles, CA 2,000pts
Abhorrent Grotesque Aberration
Hopping on the pain wagon
What you missed was me slipping your dice a 20 dollar bill when your back was turned to refuse to roll anything over a 2
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/01/25 03:01:23
Subject: Sprue Posse GT, Los Angeles, CA 2,000pts
Awesome Autarch
Haha, glad you like the Bjorn jokes in the article!
Yeah man, if you want to go that would be cool with me. It is a fun tournament despite the comp, you just go to play some good games and have fun. Your Daemons look great, you'd do well. Automatically Appended Next Post: Game 3
Opponent: Lambadomy
Mission: Seize Ground, 5 objectives
Deployment: Spearhead
This was a funny match-up because Lambadomy based his army off of mine! He is even base coating it the same color as my Wolves! But, his overall paint scheme will look a lot different than mine, and frankly, I was flattered he thought my army was good enough to try it for himself as he is a very good player. Last time he and I met in a GT my IG which went on to win the event, barely, barely beat his Tau.
Lambadomy's list:
Rune Priest: Living Lightening, Chooser of the Slain, Storm Caller
Rune Priest: WTT, JotWW, Living Lightening
Grey Hunters x 5: Flamer, Las/Plas Razorback
Grey Hunters x 5: Melta, Las/Plas Razorback
Grey Hunters x 5: Flamer
Grey Hunters x 5: Melta
Long Fangs x 6: L.Cannon x 1, M.Launcher x 4, Las/Plas Razorback
Long Fangs x 6: L.Cannon x 1, M.Launcher x 4, Razorback
Long Fangs x 6: L.Cannon x 1, M.Launcher x 4
Dreadnought: L.Cannon, H.Flamer
Dreadnought: H.Flamer, Assault Cannon
So a battle of Bjorns! Funny, as Bjorn turns into an objective if destroyed, neither of us even considered shooting Bjorn, but also didn't want to play too aggressively with him! It was a weird dynamic, but very funny.
We rolled for first turn and Lambadomy's Bjorn was feeling wiser and more tactical than mine as his reroll beat my reroll!
So, I got second turn, again, and got a deployment zone with literally NO terrain...again! This time I had two small stone walls which would cover half of an infantry model. At least time there was a large, LoS blocking piece of terrain mid board, but Lambadomy deployed wisely and no matter how I played it, I would only be able to cut one of his Fang squads off from LoS and his Fangs were covering every objective, so eventually I would have to face their fire.
So, not wanting to get alhpa struck, and seeing myself in the same situation as the previous game, decided to use the same tactic and reserved everything, hoping to crash the objectives turn 5 with whatever was left standing in my list.
The game progressed along a predictable course, with us trading shots but largely doing little damage to one another as we geared up for the last turn objective rush. I again was having trouble doing any damage to my opponent's army. I was coming out of reserves firing multiple weapons on Razorbacks and Speeders in the wide open and not even scratching them.
By turn 4 we were both prepared for our big push. I charged one of his scoring units on an objective with my TWC and despite the 5 man Grey Hunters needing 4s to hit and 5s to wound, my T.Wolf failed to do anything and died. My cover saves also went to absolute dog gak and I made only one in the next two turns on any of my vehicles. Lambadomy wrecked my last mobile fast movers in position to threaten his objectives despite cover/smoke saves and so I had to rush his held objectives with infantry but failed to roll well enough to get into contesting range turn 5.
Turn 5 he held two objectives and I held 2. It all came down to his Speeder crashing one of my objectives and me firing my entire army at it and assaulting it...and failing to even get a result on the damage table! Son of a B!tc#! Another invincible speeder puts me in position to lose the game. However, if it went to turn 6, I would at least tie and possibly win as I was in position to crash one of his objectives with two units and swing the game in my favor.
Lambaodmy rolled to see if the game went another turn and up came that 1...again!
Doh! Another game lost due to me being unable to kill a blasted speeder (this one only AV10!) and the game ending on turn 5 when I just needed one more turn. But, again, it's a dice game and the dice fell my opponent's way a few times when it counted.
A very good, tense game against a good player who took an army like mine and taught me a few things with it!
So, things weren't looking too good finishing up the day. I was 1-2 and wanted to at least finish with a winning record, geez! I came in planning on having a good chance of winning the thing! Haha, so hopefully Sunday would prove to be the better day for me and my wolves.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/01/25 03:40:48
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/01/25 04:07:31
Subject: Sprue Posse GT, Los Angeles, CA 2,000pts
Fixture of Dakka
Lol. Ironic how that game came down to just the speeder, just like in our game. Only that time, you were doing the contesting and trying not to get your speeder wrecked. I threw everything I had at it (which was actually not very much left), and then you had to roll a '1' for the dangerous terrain after going flat-out. Lucky break for me in a game that you were dominating.
Automatically Appended Next Post:
whitedragon wrote:I want pics of your army Reece!
Also, why couldn't Blackmoor have focused your vulnerable speeders and razorbacks?
You can get pics of his army in my battle report. His is the beautifully painted bone white SW army.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2011/01/25 04:10:07
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/01/25 04:56:35
Subject: Sprue Posse GT, Los Angeles, CA 2,000pts
Awesome Autarch
Yeah, it was the same situation in reverse, although he didn't have to take a dangerous terrain test. That stupid speeder was indestructible. It took missiles, las cannons, power fists, krak grenades, everything and I never even got a glance!
I'll post some pics of the army, and thanks jy2, that is my favorite army.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/01/25 04:58:20
Subject: Sprue Posse GT, Los Angeles, CA 2,000pts
Longtime Dakkanaut
Haha, playing against another army that's based off yours! Hilarious! Wow, I've never seen that happen.
Yeah, those Speeders are sneaky stealing objectives at last minute. Even worst when playing against fortune Eldar Wave Serpents or Holofield Prism tanks!
Good battle reports, keep them coming!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/01/25 17:24:27
Subject: Sprue Posse GT, Los Angeles, CA 2,000pts
Pulsating Possessed Chaos Marine
Nice reports Reecius! After my Hammerhead crashed into the woods in the last game we played doing the same thing, I'll take the invulnerable speeder revenge! Post the next two reports soon so I have something to do at work.
'12 Tournament Record: 98-0-0 |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/01/25 20:41:26
Subject: Sprue Posse GT, Los Angeles, CA 2,000pts
Awesome Autarch
Yeah, I guess that was poetic justice for your speeder crashing and dying on the way to contest my objective to give me the win in our last game!
Automatically Appended Next Post:
Game 4
Opponent: Italiaplaya
Mission: Annihilation
Deployment: Pitched Battle
Italiaplaya's List:
Fateweaver (Space Chicken!)
Blood Crushers x 6: Fully Diversified
Blood Crushers x 6: Fully Diversified
Fiends x 6: Fury
Seekers x 15
Plague Bearers x 5
Plague Bearers x 5
Plague Bearers x 5
Daemon Prince: MoT, Bolt
Italiaplaya and I meet once again! We have played each other in tournaments every time we go and every time my wolves have tied his Daemons. Our last game his Daemons beat my Biker Marines so I was worried about the match-up a little bit as it had always been a tough game in the past and I had so many more KPs than he did. Although at 2000 points I had two more dreadnoughts which are the perfect counter to Blood Crushers.
However, it turned out I had nothing to worry about because this game was not me vs. Italiaplay, it was Italiaplay vs. his dice! And his dice won.
Italiaplaya gave me first turn so I'd lose a round of shooting and I castled in the corner. I had lost the roll to girst in every game so far, Bjorn!! You are failing me this time, buddy!
It started out with Italiaplaya not getting his preferred wave, and only 2 useful units coming in, who got wasted by my army's crazy firepower. Thunderhorse (my TWC) actually did something this game and killed the Daemon Prince in combat (the DP only had one wound left! haha).
It was just downhill from there. Units came in one or two at a time, got shot to hell and then charged by Dreads.
Space Chicken didn't come on until turn 5 when most of the Daemons were already back in the warp licking their wounds. Italiaplaya's dice had been terrible all game, failing saves, not getting his units in, etc. The final money shot to the face though, was when Fateweaer finally did come on the board turn 5, he deviated 12 inches directly off the board and Italiaplaya rolled a 1 on the mishap table. Doh! What bad luck.
So, I ended up winning 5 KP to 1, but I didn't have as much to do with that as Italiaplaya's bad luck did.
His Daemons had not lost a game until this tournament and I felt like I had gotten revenge for losing with my biker marines to him in our last match-up at an RTT.
Automatically Appended Next Post:
Game 5
Opponent: Nickthewise's Dark Eldar
Mission: Seize Ground, 3 objectives.
Deployment: Dawn of War
Nickthewise's list:
Homunculae: Liquifier Gun
True Born x 3: Blaster x 3, Venom, S.Cannon x 2, Night, Flicker
True Born x 3: Blaster x 3, Venom, S.Cannon x 2, Night, Flicker
True Born x 3: Blaster x 3, Venom, S.Cannon x 2, Night, Flicker
Warriors x 5: Blaster, Venom, S.Cannon x 2, Night, Flicker
Warriors x 5: Blaster, Venom, S.Cannon x 2, Night, Flicker
Warriors x 5: Blaster, Venom, S.Cannon x 2, Night, Flicker
Wracks x 10: L.Gun x 2, Raider
Wracks x 9: L.Gun x 1, Raider
Wyches x 9: S.Nets x 2, Raider
Ravager: Flicker, Night
Ravager: Flicker, Night
Ravager: Flicker, Night
A nasty DE list. Fangs HATE venoms. Also, we were both 2-2, so we were battling it out for a winning record! Haha. Hey, I'd take what I could get at this point.
I actually won the roll to go first this time with Bjorn's reroll (about time, old man!) and chose to go first. I took the side with two objectives near my edge. Nick opted not to seize as in DoW he had nothing to alpha strike and he wanted the last chance to contest objectives.
DoW saved my bacon in this game. I came on the board and got setup in defensive positions, ready to trade broadsides with the DE. Nick's forces came on the board but due to night fight, was unable to get many shots off even with acute senses.
My dice went fairly hot and I started dropping Venoms, Raiders and Ravagers (oh my!) out of the sky rapidly. I dropped Vect's transport too, as that guy is an absolute beast and I wanted him nowhere near my lines.
I was dealing heavy damage to Nick's army but his venoms wiped two squads of fangs and his lances started taking out my Razorbacks.
Turn 5 we both made our moves, crashing objectives with our remaining mobile units. I held two to his one, a unit of wracks came in and wiped my hunters sitting on one of my objectives but I had a Dread there to keep it contested. One of my Dreads and Thunderhorse wiped his Warriors and Wyches sitting on his objective. Vect and his buddies counter-assaulted and killed Thunderhose but the dread survived and was just barely within 3" of the objective to contest it. My second objective was buried deep in a castle of units and was uncontested.
The game ended turn 5 giving me the win, 1 objective to 0.
Nick was an awesome opponent and took everything in stride, definitely a fun guy to game with.
So I ended up tied for 7th in Generalship, 3rd Ren. Man (overall score) and 2nd best painted.
It's funny, I consider myself more of a player than painter but I have won a lot more painting awards than playing awards! Haha, maybe I am in the wrong part of the hobby
But a great tournament, with incredible competition and an excellent format. I highly recommend any of the Sprue Posse's events to those in the LA/OC area. I earned my spot to the invitational at the end of the year by winning an earlier tournament, so I will definitely be coming to that event.
Thanks for the fun games to all my opponents!
This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 2011/01/26 03:13:54
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/01/26 02:13:13
Subject: Sprue Posse GT, Los Angeles, CA 2,000pts
Longtime Dakkanaut
Getting my broom incase there is shenanigans.
whitedragon wrote:I want pics of your army Reece!
Also, why couldn't Blackmoor have focused your vulnerable speeders and razorbacks?
#1. I will post a batrep soon with pictures.
#2. The 20 man DE Warrior squad that had 2 brightlances was shooting at speeders and razorbacks. I must have gotten at least 6 penitrating shots though the course of the game and I rolled nothing but '1s' and '2s' for the damage result.
#3. It was my first game with the new DE. If I know now what my army can do, I would have just flown the Razorwing up to alpha strike his castle and unloaded 4 missiles, 2 Dark Lances and a Splinter Cannons and I cound have put a hurting on lots of things. The least I would have done was trade a KP for the Razorwing's KP.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/01/26 02:35:34
Subject: Sprue Posse GT, Los Angeles, CA 2,000pts
Awesome Autarch
Yeah, Blackmoor was not popping vehicles at all. He just couldn't do more than stun them. Same thing happened to me against Shep and Lambadomy for a few turns in our games.
I was wondering why you didn't let fly with all the missiles on the first turn.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/01/26 03:02:56
Subject: Sprue Posse GT, Los Angeles, CA 2,000pts
World-Weary Pathfinder
Thanks for the kind words Reece, it was nice to meet and game with you (and Blackmoor). It was fun to test my mettle against such skilled opponents.
Looking forward to a rematch sooner than later!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/01/26 03:11:32
Subject: Sprue Posse GT, Los Angeles, CA 2,000pts [A Few Pics Added]
Awesome Autarch
No worries man, you were definitely a fun guy to play. I think if it hadn't have been DoW, just like with Blackmoor's DE, you could have really put a hurting on me. I like your army a lot, i would run one really similarly if I played DE.
I am definitely looking forward to a rematch!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/01/26 07:43:22
Subject: Sprue Posse GT, Los Angeles, CA 2,000pts [A Few Pics Added]
Ladies Love the Vibro-Cannon Operator
It's funny, I consider myself more of a player than painter but I have won a lot more painting awards than playing awards! Haha, maybe I am in the wrong part of the hobby
Well, you probably underestimate your painting potential.
Nice reports, thanks for sharing!
Former moderator 40kOnline
Lanchester's square law - please obey in list building!
Illumini: "And thank you for not finishing your post with a " " I'm sorry, but after 7200 's that has to be the most annoying sign-off ever."
Armies: Eldar, Necrons, Blood Angels, Grey Knights; World Eaters (30k); Bloodbound; Cryx, Circle, Cyriss |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/01/26 09:04:44
Subject: Re:Sprue Posse GT, Los Angeles, CA 2,000pts [A Few Pics Added]
Slippery Ultramarine Scout Biker
Czech Republic
How does Dreadnought with TL lascanon work for you? It seems nice to have such a multi-purpose model with heavy flamer, however 145 point AV 12 shooting platform is kinda expensive. I am currently painting new Dreadnoughts for my list and I am not particulary impressed by MM + HF Dreadnought, but then there is that 30 point difference. Ive tried to sneeze this combination to my list to make up for insuficient melta shots, but I do not think one MM will make any difference. However you arent melta heavy as well so I am asking if TL lascanon dread is just your current metagame piece of elite or all round reliable pick.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/01/26 17:55:03
Subject: Sprue Posse GT, Los Angeles, CA 2,000pts [A Few Pics Added]
Awesome Autarch
I love them. They are anti tank, anti infantry and a great tarpit/counter assault unit. In our meta game here, there isn't much AV13+, so I find the meltas are unnecessary. It is pretty much all AV12 and down. Las Cannons are a great tool for popping tanks and they give me some AP2 weapons for terminators, etc. I live the L.Cannon/H.Flamer dread.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/01/26 18:40:33
Subject: Sprue Posse GT, Los Angeles, CA 2,000pts [A Few Pics Added]
Pulsating Possessed Chaos Marine
If it makes you feel better, Bjorn was .500 for the weekend since my Bjorn got me first turn 4 times in a row, finally failing me against Mortetvie's 6 in the last game. Maybe there's some cosmic connection and Bjorn can only help one of us at a time.
And nothing is better than a strong player with a good army that is also awesomely painted...looking at your and Shep's and Earth's armies made me so jealous. I really should have spent more of my unemployed time learning how to paint!
'12 Tournament Record: 98-0-0 |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/01/26 18:57:46
Subject: Sprue Posse GT, Los Angeles, CA 2,000pts [A Few Pics Added]
Archmagos Veneratus Extremis
Home Base: Prosper, TX (Dallas)
 That's what I did with my unemployment time. Even got people to pay me to practice on their models
Best Painted (2015 Adepticon 40k Champs)
They Shall Know Fear - Adepticon 40k TT Champion (2012 & 2013) & 40k TT Best Sport (2014), 40k TT Best Tactician (2015 & 2016) |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/01/26 19:20:01
Subject: Sprue Posse GT, Los Angeles, CA 2,000pts [A Few Pics Added]
Awesome Autarch
Doh! My Bjorn failed miserably this tournament. It happened at Ard Boyz first round last year, too. I lost the roll every game. Usually though, I go first almost every game.
Oh well! I'm glad your worked!
Your army will look super cool once it is done, I like the red on bone scheme.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2011/01/29 13:06:42
Subject: Sprue Posse GT, Los Angeles, CA 2,000pts
Ladies Love the Vibro-Cannon Operator
Somnicide wrote:I have played against HulkSmash's zillion missiles of love Space Wolves. It is really brutal.
I'd be quite interested to see this battle report.
Nicely painted army.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/01/29 13:07:03
Former moderator 40kOnline
Lanchester's square law - please obey in list building!
Illumini: "And thank you for not finishing your post with a " " I'm sorry, but after 7200 's that has to be the most annoying sign-off ever."
Armies: Eldar, Necrons, Blood Angels, Grey Knights; World Eaters (30k); Bloodbound; Cryx, Circle, Cyriss |