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Made in be
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman

Here's a preview of what has to become a Special Forces themed Hardened veterans squad. I painted them in a multicam-like way. Shoulderpads and vests are removed. Made pockets, goggles, backpacks and ballistic vests. please leave a comment ;-)
[Thumb - DSC01710.JPG]

[Thumb - DSC01711.JPG]

[Thumb - DSC01717.JPG]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/06/27 12:34:01

Made in us
Bounding Assault Marine


Looks good to me. I really like the coloring of The gun.
Made in us
Hardened Veteran Guardsman

Feel like they need a modern day weapon for them to be complete...

love the vest

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/06/26 02:07:23

Made in ca
Storm Trooper with Maglight


Very Nice!

Link to my Gaurd blog, PLease Coment!: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/497565.page#0  
Made in us
Crafty Bray Shaman

Guy on far right has a very good face, and the smiley face on the scope is just great. Keep it up!

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Oklahoma City, Ok.

Really nicely done!
i love it when minis have character!

"But i'm more than just a little curious, how you're planning to go about making your amends, to the dead?" -The Noose-APC

"Little angel go away
Come again some other day
The devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say" Weak and Powerless - APC

Made in be
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman

Tnx for all the great comments! working on the rest and will post some more pics when ready :p
Here's a pic of a guy i'm making
[Thumb - SF_Cowboy2[1].jpg]
This is the spec ops in real life

[Thumb - DSC01741.JPG]
my conversion, doubting if i'll make the sunglasses...

Made in be
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman

More pictures...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Funk3140 wrote:Feel like they need a modern day weapon for them to be complete...

love the vest

Yea an M4 with mods would be great wouldn't it :p
[Thumb - DSC01721.JPG]
withouth the cam flash

[Thumb - DSC01725.JPG]
rifleman reloading

[Thumb - DSC01729.JPG]
dif angle

[Thumb - DSC01733.JPG]
close up

[Thumb - DSC01736.JPG]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/06/26 09:06:52

Made in us
Calm Celestian



"Go for Broke!" - 34th ID

*warning spelling errors may and will happen in my posts*
Fox-Light713 WIP thread - https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/802744.page
Made in nl
Witch Hunter in the Shadows


Looking good! Be sure to post up pics of the guy with the beard when he's done!

Made in be
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman

Barksdale wrote:Looking good! Be sure to post up pics of the guy with the beard when he's done!

Zal ik doen ;-)

Made in be
Preacher of the Emperor

A strange place

specialforces88 wrote:
Barksdale wrote:Looking good! Be sure to post up pics of the guy with the beard when he's done!

Zal ik doen ;-)

Nederlands praten op een engelstalig forum.

Maar doe zo verder, ik ben benieuwd voor de baardige veteraan.

Keep up the good work!

Made in be
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman

sillyboy wrote:
specialforces88 wrote:
Barksdale wrote:Looking good! Be sure to post up pics of the guy with the beard when he's done!

Zal ik doen ;-)

Nederlands praten op een engelstalig forum.

Maar doe zo verder, ik ben benieuwd voor de baardige veteraan.

Keep up the good work!

Will do ;-) lots of work!

Made in us
Focused Fire Warrior

Montreal, Quebec

sweet stuff bro


Made in us
Tail-spinning Tomb Blade Pilot

Metro Detroit

Lookin good, but base em.

In the words of the late, great Colonel Sanders: "I'm too drunk to taste this chicken." 
Made in be
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman

imark789 wrote:Lookin good, but base em.

yea, will do, not ready yet thou

Made in us
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

North Jersey

Very good job on the Multicam!


1500 pts
3000 pts
======Begin Dakka Geek Code======
======End Dakka Geek Code====== 
Made in be
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman

cgmckenzie wrote:Very good job on the Multicam!


Tnx, been working it out for awhile...it turned out ok imo

Made in gb
Deadshot Weapon Moderati

South Lakes

Never thought of doing that mag-reload thing! i love it.

Made in be
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman

sphynx wrote:Never thought of doing that mag-reload thing! i love it.

Thanks ;-)

Made in us
Perfect Shot Dark Angels Predator Pilot

Indianapolis, Indiana

I love how you've kind of simulated an IBA/MTV type thing with their gear. The dick flap looks especially awesome lol

Attention all space marine bashing neckbeards: Nobody cares what you have to say, so stop trying and go cry yourself to sleep. 
Made in be
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman

DODcrazy wrote:I love how you've kind of simulated an IBA/MTV type thing with their gear. The dick flap looks especially awesome lol

tnx, whats IBA? grtz

Made in us
Lord Commander in a Plush Chair

California + Philidelphia

Like it alot as im doing a special forces IG army as well, only thing wrong is i think the lenses are too light blue for the rest of this dirty-er camo. Other than that i think it looks good!

"Don't worry, Vik! You have all of your internet friends to keep you company! And, as everyone knows, internet friends are at least one step above imaginary friends "-Rawson
"Does an Ork shiiiit green?" "...Rogue! -you rock!" "Damn you too Rogue!""[TTFN]... That means tittyfething right?""Yep, that's me, a two-dollar whore"-Dsteingass
"... but if we all fail together we can make it look like we´ve won actually.." "...to all killers out there...: my face will hit your fist so hard it´s gonna bleed...your fist that is...""lol....OMG... you are a serial""he knows no pain...nor fear^^ he is a riveteer""yep... some of the dakka chaps here sure made the joints of my jaw quite loose...""er... emailsex... now that at least sounds like the perfect safer sex... but i like mine a bit more...wet""do you know what they call a quarter pounder of a buckte full of rivets in france?" "No...what?" "Rivitz royal"-Viktor von Domm
" I expected to hear gak like that from RW, not you Vik... for shame Sir, for shame"-AnUnearthlyChilde
"We are Vik's private collection of muses for the monkey on his back.....""you, guys are worse than my children......"-mxwllmdr
"Singling one out as odd in a =][_= thread is like going into an asylum, pointing at someone at random and saying "that person's insane""-Shrike
Made in be
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman

Rogue Wolves wrote:Like it alot as im doing a special forces IG army as well, only thing wrong is i think the lenses are too light blue for the rest of this dirty-er camo. Other than that i think it looks good!

Post some pics of ur army
yea lenses are not really my think, tryin to work out what works best

Made in us
Storm Trooper with Maglight

Montain Home, Ar

The only thing I really see wrong is that the smily face on the scope cover should be upside down. Other than that, that stuff looks real good!

Made in be
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman

danpieri wrote:The only thing I really see wrong is that the smily face on the scope cover should be upside down. Other than that, that stuff looks real good!

yea true, but id would suck to show it that way, dont you think? tnx for the feedback!

Made in us
Lord Commander in a Plush Chair

California + Philidelphia

I will as soon as i fix my camera, but i understand i like to stick away from lenses for the most part other than that i usually keep it boltgun metal, washing it with badab black untill its nicely dark, some highlights with boltgun metal followed by small shine marks of mithril silver and sometimes a small veeerry small amount of water effects on the lenses might work but honestly it dosent always. But with this camo sceme i'd try using different shades of grey if you dont want that metal shine you know?

"Don't worry, Vik! You have all of your internet friends to keep you company! And, as everyone knows, internet friends are at least one step above imaginary friends "-Rawson
"Does an Ork shiiiit green?" "...Rogue! -you rock!" "Damn you too Rogue!""[TTFN]... That means tittyfething right?""Yep, that's me, a two-dollar whore"-Dsteingass
"... but if we all fail together we can make it look like we´ve won actually.." "...to all killers out there...: my face will hit your fist so hard it´s gonna bleed...your fist that is...""lol....OMG... you are a serial""he knows no pain...nor fear^^ he is a riveteer""yep... some of the dakka chaps here sure made the joints of my jaw quite loose...""er... emailsex... now that at least sounds like the perfect safer sex... but i like mine a bit more...wet""do you know what they call a quarter pounder of a buckte full of rivets in france?" "No...what?" "Rivitz royal"-Viktor von Domm
" I expected to hear gak like that from RW, not you Vik... for shame Sir, for shame"-AnUnearthlyChilde
"We are Vik's private collection of muses for the monkey on his back.....""you, guys are worse than my children......"-mxwllmdr
"Singling one out as odd in a =][_= thread is like going into an asylum, pointing at someone at random and saying "that person's insane""-Shrike
Made in be
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman

Rogue Wolves wrote:I will as soon as i fix my camera, but i understand i like to stick away from lenses for the most part other than that i usually keep it boltgun metal, washing it with badab black untill its nicely dark, some highlights with boltgun metal followed by small shine marks of mithril silver and sometimes a small veeerry small amount of water effects on the lenses might work but honestly it dosent always. But with this camo sceme i'd try using different shades of grey if you dont want that metal shine you know?

tnx, ill try that

Made in us
Lord Commander in a Plush Chair

California + Philidelphia

yo man its im getting a nice shipment in and i'll try to mock up some of my troops to give you some ideas

"Don't worry, Vik! You have all of your internet friends to keep you company! And, as everyone knows, internet friends are at least one step above imaginary friends "-Rawson
"Does an Ork shiiiit green?" "...Rogue! -you rock!" "Damn you too Rogue!""[TTFN]... That means tittyfething right?""Yep, that's me, a two-dollar whore"-Dsteingass
"... but if we all fail together we can make it look like we´ve won actually.." "...to all killers out there...: my face will hit your fist so hard it´s gonna bleed...your fist that is...""lol....OMG... you are a serial""he knows no pain...nor fear^^ he is a riveteer""yep... some of the dakka chaps here sure made the joints of my jaw quite loose...""er... emailsex... now that at least sounds like the perfect safer sex... but i like mine a bit more...wet""do you know what they call a quarter pounder of a buckte full of rivets in france?" "No...what?" "Rivitz royal"-Viktor von Domm
" I expected to hear gak like that from RW, not you Vik... for shame Sir, for shame"-AnUnearthlyChilde
"We are Vik's private collection of muses for the monkey on his back.....""you, guys are worse than my children......"-mxwllmdr
"Singling one out as odd in a =][_= thread is like going into an asylum, pointing at someone at random and saying "that person's insane""-Shrike
Made in us
Hardened Veteran Guardsman

Chicago IL

Alright, I gotta say. I Open this Thread and when I look at the first picture I thought, "What kind of Model is that?"

But now I know. Nice Job!

"I would rather carry a hammer to war over any sword." - Captain Marcus, Caragaran 1st Regiment >
Caragara Planetary Defense Force Growing Fast Check out my P&M Blog.http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/306883.page
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