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Klan Wurld Waagh - Assorted WW2 inspired Orks (NOW WITH WIP BATTLEWAGON)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Screaming Banshee

Cardiff, United Kingdom

Hey guys,

So I've never actually made a P&M Blog before, which is a bit of a shame considering the number of projects I've done before this. But I guess nothing's been altogether distinctive, until (hopefully) now.

I'm very compulsive when it comes to getting my hands on armies. Ordinarily I'm not a huge fan of the Orky style; mostly because of the way the Boyz and the like look (the helmets/bodies). Anyhoo, I came upon these one day whilst doing my normal hobby prowling online:

And I was quite taken aback at how easy it looked to give Orks a nice WW2 aesthetic, something I never did for my guardsmen. Furthermore it seemed a lot easier to 'do' Orks as a non-serious spoof than Guard. I'll admit that I too have a little shudder when I read 'Nazi' in the topic-line of any thread on Orks. I decided I was going to simply theme the Boyz around a 'militaristic' theme, no iconography and no strict enforcement of historical colours in my painting.

So I was feeling pretty swayed toward Orks, but it's not unusual for me to do a 'hypothetical' and simply say an army is a workable idea rather than an obsession to make me want (and finish) it. The final impetus that pushed me to actually work on the project was recalling the KV tank from World of Tanks. When playing it, my friends and I would say it's pretty darn Orky and hell, it is:

I even saw pics of a chap converting one up:

A final sway for making one was some stuff I came upon from Puppetswar and Micro Art Studio (the latter of which I am going to mention again):

It appeared that 'Germanic' Orks could have some company from a few Russkies >

So I am not on the course for making a Speed Freaks-style army (though I think the Clan, if I choose one, will probably have to be Blood Axes, given their adoption of filthy 'umie gear). The Russian element will be themed around the big KV-2 battlewagon; at it stands, the Russian Orks stand with the KV-2 and a Tankbustaz squad (the latter of which I shan't work on for a long while, mind). The 'Germans' get twenty Ork boyz, two trukks (converted from 1/35 scale Sdfkz. Halftracks), a looted wagon (based on the S35 Somua), and a squad of Nob Bikersz with a Warboss.

The Warboss'll be a big ol' General:

But it is a poor P&M Blogger who spends so much time building up an idea, with people hopefully being interested, and yet chooses to not include pics. Although my work on this only started yesterday (I had vowed not to start until my GKs were finished), I do have some (very) WiP shots on the S35 Somua, the Looted Wagon:

This was my first time working with plasticard, it took about two and half hours with a *lot* of slacking off (I was at my gaming club) The model is an OOP S35 Somua from Heller, 1/35 scale. I felt a little guilty 'Orkifying' the thing, since I had won it on eBay as property of a deceased man, the packaging is certainly old. Rather like butchering an historical artefact...

Observe the peepy hole for an Orky driver

The Commander's hatch is a good vantage point for any Grot gunners hoping to take pot-shots!

I hope to get another update on the Wagon by Friday, I may not get much done today as I'll be distracted by the bothersome occasion that is my birthday. Hope y'all liked what you saw

As soon as I got in I felt hyped to start on the Battlewagon... it'll actually be pics of that I think that will be posted, the KV is basically built, it's just the conversion to come!

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2012/03/09 11:13:12

Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

UK - Down South - GB

Ive subbed to this, i like your work.
Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan

It is a little known fact that Joseph Stalin was, in fact, an Ork.

Fang, son of Great Fang, the traitor we seek, The laws of the brethren say this: That only the king sees the crown of the gods, And he, the usurper, must die.
Mother earth is pregnant for the third time, for y'all have knocked her up. I have tasted the maggots in the mind of the universe, but I was not offended. For I knew I had to rise above it all, or drown in my own gak. 
Made in gb
Screaming Banshee

Cardiff, United Kingdom

Glad to get some positive feedback!

I've finished the plasticard and am now moving onto rivets before priming.

I'm having a lot of trouble using the superglue method though; it just comes on in massive globs if I try to apply it using the GW superglue brush. Should I be using a needle or something? Green Stuff is just too time consuming.

Anyway, here are two more pics to keep the blog momentum going before I get this thing painted, hopefully starting tomorrow (the glue rivets will have to dry). I will either start working on the Boyz or finish my Grey Knight Strike Squad, depends what I fancy really!

I got the tracks done and made some side-skirts to hide that complex and frankly un-Orky track assembly (ironic that I should spend 2 hours putting the tracks together only to cover them...) You can see some rivets I did get done:

I also found an old AoBR Ork head that I had painted quite badly... went over it briefly with knarloc green, a devlan mud wash and a goblin green/knarloc green highlight. Looks passable, I might touch it up when I paint the whole model. But he's secured in there with green stuff:

Anyhoo, watch this space 'cos the next post will either be of assembled Boyz or a painted tank

Made in gb
Screaming Banshee

Cardiff, United Kingdom

Looks like I didn't live up to my promises, but hopefully what I *have* done compensates...

When I got in I couldn't help but start working on the Battlewagon, and that's where my efforts have gone.

First, I built most of the kit, a Trumpeter 1/35 KV-2:

I observed that the rear hatch opens, the kit's rather cool in that it's actually on little plastic hinges:

So, being rather obsessive for detail, I decided to have yet *another* mischievous Grot sticking his head out of a turret hatch. Achieving that meant I had to model an interior so I built this on the turret ring:

It all fits snugly inside the turret but, unfortuantely, I can't glue down the Grot I've chosen (neglected to take a pic, in the process of painting the blighter) as he has a pointy arm which blocks the hatch from shutting... so if I were to prime the vehicle I'd ruin the interior. But I'm very pleased with it. I didn't take a picture as I have since primed it all and you can't see a thing inside.

After all that I only had time to build the transport deck. After that I'm planning to (starting tomorrow) build the Commander's 'nest' on top of the turret...

Anyway, it's basic and has since had a rear part with a little exit door added, but at least it shows this thing is a Battlewagon!

I've bought the Battlewagon upgrade sprue from GW. I'm planning to magnetise the Kilkannon somehow, perhaps with dual capability with the KV's default gun; thataway I can field the Battlewagon with both a Kannon and Kilkannon. I don't know if the Kannon will be mounted below the Kilkannon or in a separate housing on the front of the hull. I've also got a spare set of Leman Russ sponsons that I may mount to the side of the turret as twin Big Shootas. Anyway, beyond building the Commander's nest and painting the interior, I can't do anymore work on this Wagon until my magnets (currently out of stock at Wayland Games... grr!) and said upgrade sprue arrive. Then it'll be onto priming.

So depending on whether I feel like painting, building the cupola or working on my Looted Wagon (which is awaiting priming), I am not sure what the content of my next post will be.

Anyhoo, hope you enjoyed what I was able to show. I realise it's not much progress since my last post, but at least some shots of the Wagon were available!

Made in gb
Screaming Banshee

Cardiff, United Kingdom

Well Wayland Games are still taking their sweet time re-stocking magnets, I've had a bunch of social stuff and I need to get my GKs finished for a game on Monday... soo I've not had much time to work on the Orks barring a start at the Battlewagon's 'command deck'; which is very WIP and very ugly so I am afraid I've neglected to take a photo.

To maybe garner the interest of some watching this blog, however, I did put together one of my Ork Boyz with the Kromlech parts to see what they're like. I forgot my bases so I had to take the pic of the mini in my hand, but it looks alright:

I think I'll paint them with the arms off, though; the sides of the face look hard to get at.

Anyhoo, the blog might go quiet for a week at the worst as I've not got much I can do with this army atm :-/

Made in it
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

Very good, I can steal some more mek ideas and follow an other promising Ork Blog!
All at once eheh.

A tip for plasticard ork plates: try to scratch all of the corners and edges with the hobby knife, plus a few battle damages around, before You glue them together, It's easier and faster that way

Welcome to the Krazy Pak. P&M Blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/420957.page
The Inquisimunda World of Saky http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/534593.page
The Mantis Warrior Challenge (by Gitsplitta) http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/11550/289929.page#5776853

May Gork and Mork drive your WAAAAAAAAAGH! 
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Brilliant orky find for those heads. Fits like a glove.

Grab a file and slap in some edge damage on the models, it'll look clawed and cracked. This is why I love my triangle file!

Definitely subscribing.

Made in gb
Screaming Banshee

Cardiff, United Kingdom

I too own the glorious instrument that is a triangle file

I'll try out some damage; it's a bit too late for the plates that I've done on the Looted Wagon, but the ol' KV is still ripe I guess.

I am still rather frustrated in that, not only does the turret now look a bit silly (I may swallow my pride and post a WIP picture), but the magnets still haven't arrived! I can't work on adding Big Shootas/the Rolla without them.

I need to figure out a way to make 'Orky' sponsons too... I thought I had enough bitz to make two Leman Russ ones, due to a sprue that was included with my Forgeworld Vanquisher, but I don't even have enough bitz to make one. I was hoping that optional Big Shootas could include a coaxial mount on the back of the turret (very easy to model - would literally be a magnetised gun-end on a little mound) a pintle-mount (I need a pole or some kind of mount to mount the pintle-mounted stubber from the Chimera on, I'll make a plasticard shield for it) and two sponsons on the side of the turret (those big flat sides are just begging for it ).

However, I did get my GW Deff Rolla, which unfortuantely doesn't quite fit the KV... I might have to build it a housing but I don't want to do any work on it until the magnets get here. *facepalm*

I think the next bit of work you'll likely see from me here is on the Boyz or perhaps the addition of plates to the Wagon... I guess the latter's not exactly inspiring so I'll work on getting pictures up of a painted group of Boyz for some point 'round Monday (the reason for the late deadline being that I've promised to play a 2000pt GK game on Monday that will require I build a second Stormraven). I think the worst update I could promise is getting the Looted Wagon riveted... though that would enable me to paint the darn thing (it's teasing me, sitting there all 'finished' but without a paint job )

Glad you're liking it so far though, guys, knowing people are watching your work is certainly a motivator

A matter I would like an opinion on, please:

I want this thing to be able to mount both a kilkannon and a kannon... I'm planning on making the turret-mounted weapon swappable between the two. But I know that some people like to run both a kilkannon and kannon on their wagons, which means I have to model both. The fellow who made the KV I linked to in my original post chose to mount a Kannon on the turret beneath the Kilkannon; I'm not sold on that, I don't think it looks good and it also seems a little impractical. I might work on a way to make them side-by-side but that doesn't appeal to me either.

What I think might look nice, is filing off the driver's view port on the front, making a more ramshackle 'Orky' one further to the right of it and use the resulting empty space to build a housing for a hull-mounted kannon.

the thing is would TFG start saying that means I can't shoot the Kannon at targets to my side? I kind of want to metagame this a bit; I mean, the actual Battlewagon model's kannon is capable of targeting at 360* I believe? I think it's mounted in a dinky little turret. Is that a persuasive argument to say that mine can do the same?

I might work on just making a turret mount, but I have no idea how to make a turret ring... I might have to just make a turret and glue it in place, but that would be a shame.... has anyone got any ideas/opinions? I'd be grateful

I also noticed that Kromlech included one of these Commando Heads in my order, perhaps by mistake:

Wonder what I could do with it....

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2012/03/15 17:04:58

Made in us
Yellin' Yoof on a Scooter

so the second tank with the platform looks like its based off a KV-1 tank model? I'd cut out the back and bit from the top of the turret ( and mount the boom gun in the turret and use the gunnery orks out of the battlewagon kit on the platform on the back or something, make a magnetized cover so you could go non-open topped.
[Thumb - IAFsvtC.png]
open topped tank destroyer

Made in us
Yellin' Yoof on a Scooter

cuz tell me this model doesn't scream "We'll make it orky!"
[Thumb - nashorn.jpg]

Made in ie
Nervous Hellblaster Crewman

Leinster, Ireland

I guess you quit this army? Pity, this P&M log was interesting, what little there is of it.....


Made in gb
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

Hererford, leo

 Noble Korhedron wrote:
I guess you quit this army? Pity, this P&M log was interesting, what little there is of it.....

I second that!

Made in gb
Pious Palatine

I was super excited about this thread until I realised it was from 2013.

If OP is still about we'd love to see some updates!

Made in ru
Screaming Banshee

Cardiff, United Kingdom

Aw it's nice to get (retrospective) encouragement

At the moment I'm separated from this army by 2,500 odd miles but maybe I'll bring some of it back when I visit the UK in the New Year.

It's all sat in boxes waiting for my renewed attention... I've actually been out of the hobby since this was 'current' after I moved around a lot.

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