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Whotz Da mek workin on? IMPERIAL GUARD. ( pic heavy )  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in nl
Screamin' Stormboy

In Da Mek Shop.

Sooooo... yeah. I'm aprion, I'm new here. And I'd like to share with you all some of the things I am working on.

Currently my focus is on painting up and expanding my ever growing Ork army.

This army is lead by two main figures. My Big Mek Zapzog Da Oiler. And Warboss Lockjaw Da Deal Maka. A bunch of freebooters who have allied to their mutuall benefit. The idea being that Zapzog and his boys loot and build all sorts of fancy stuff. Keeping the best for themselves and selling off the rest. Wich is where Lockjaw and his ladz come in. Being a bit of a mercenary merchant. They go to a warzone, sell their services and wotsits to whatever local warboss is in charge for an insane fee. Afterwards loot anything not bolted down ( and a few things that are ) and make off with their ill gotten gains. aboard their looted Space Marine Battle Barge, Da Kingdom Krusha.

I used the AoBR Warboss to represent Lockjaw.

Recently though a friend of mine gave me the orks from his own AoBR box
And thus i had a golden oppertunity to convert the warboss into a more suitable representation of Lockjaw.

I gave him several additional armor plates. he wears 'Eavy armour. A kustom rokkit shoota combi weapon. After all a big boss needs a big gun.

I also added a severed head to his powa klaw. Complete with dripping gore. ( made with liquid greenstuff. Best stuff GW ever made in my humble opinion )
All thats left is to give him a nice new paintjob.

Ive been meaning to repaint my entire army since they looked a bit... off. with no real unifying color sceme. Ill take suggestions on that front
[Thumb - old boss.jpg]

[Thumb - New Boss.jpg]
New lockjaw

[Thumb - New boss gun.jpg]
Lockjaws dakka

[Thumb - New boss claw.jpg]
Lockjaws Claw with head

This message was edited 11 times. Last update was at 2012/08/12 14:56:34

Ork WAAAGH Zapzog: roughly 4000 points and ever growing. Tau Cadre of Zuran'Ki: 3000 points. Grey Knights Interdiction Force Galeon : 2500 points. Tyranid Hive Fleet Crateria: 2500 Points. The Host of Hadrekon: 1500 points. Catachan 44th Swamp hunters. 800 points.

2000 points Skaven Army. Arcsqueeks Horde 1000 points Vampire Counts Army. Duke Valmai's Court. 1000 Points Dwarven Army. Bhor Grimhammers Throng. Planning to get some Ogres later this year.
Curse you Snake-eyes!

My P&M blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/454092.page#4372031 
Made in nl
Screamin' Stormboy

In Da Mek Shop.

When da boss walked into da Mek shop he noticed somefin new being cobbled together.

I fell in love with the new ork bommers the second i saw the photos in the white dwarf. I just knew i had to get me a few. I bought 3 so i could build every variant. I decided to start with the burna bomma cause i just love the idea of dropping the 40K equivalent of napalm on a line of imperial Guard

Heres a few shots. Im sorry the quallity isnt very good. All i have to work with is a weedy lill webcam. I basecoated the bomma with black before airbrushing on Iyanden Darksun, followed by a coat of Bad Moon Yellow. ( yes i still use the old paint names >_> ) Next ill do some washes to darken up and weather the color a little. before ill start painting on some flames and damage.
[Thumb - bommer 1.jpg]

[Thumb - bommer 2.jpg]

[Thumb - Bommer 3.jpg]

Ork WAAAGH Zapzog: roughly 4000 points and ever growing. Tau Cadre of Zuran'Ki: 3000 points. Grey Knights Interdiction Force Galeon : 2500 points. Tyranid Hive Fleet Crateria: 2500 Points. The Host of Hadrekon: 1500 points. Catachan 44th Swamp hunters. 800 points.

2000 points Skaven Army. Arcsqueeks Horde 1000 points Vampire Counts Army. Duke Valmai's Court. 1000 Points Dwarven Army. Bhor Grimhammers Throng. Planning to get some Ogres later this year.
Curse you Snake-eyes!

My P&M blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/454092.page#4372031 
Made in us
Battleship Captain

i like where this is going...i wanna see that paint
Made in us
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

Needs more cowbell.... I mean rockets.

Lovin the BFG on the second warboss.

Made in nl
Screamin' Stormboy

In Da Mek Shop.

Heres a litle paint update. Ive given the entire model a wash of gryphon sepia to darken the yellow and make it look nice and dirty.
Next i added a darker tone mix of yellow and light brown to a few odd panels to make it more orky. I then did some of the metal details in boltgun metal and bronze before washing those with a rich coat of devlan mud. While this is drying i'm painting up the grot gunner.

[Thumb - Bomma update 1.jpg]

[Thumb - Bomma update 2.jpg]

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2012/06/08 02:49:54

Ork WAAAGH Zapzog: roughly 4000 points and ever growing. Tau Cadre of Zuran'Ki: 3000 points. Grey Knights Interdiction Force Galeon : 2500 points. Tyranid Hive Fleet Crateria: 2500 Points. The Host of Hadrekon: 1500 points. Catachan 44th Swamp hunters. 800 points.

2000 points Skaven Army. Arcsqueeks Horde 1000 points Vampire Counts Army. Duke Valmai's Court. 1000 Points Dwarven Army. Bhor Grimhammers Throng. Planning to get some Ogres later this year.
Curse you Snake-eyes!

My P&M blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/454092.page#4372031 
Made in nl
Screamin' Stormboy

In Da Mek Shop.

Well aside from basing the flying stand this bommer is about as done as its gonna be. I initially wanted to paint some flames on it. but decided against it. I'll save that for another model.
without further delay... Pics
[Thumb - done bommer 1.jpg]

[Thumb - done bommer 2.jpg]

[Thumb - done bommer 3.jpg]

[Thumb - done bommer 4.jpg]

[Thumb - done bommer 5.jpg]

[Thumb - done bommer 6.jpg]

[Thumb - done bommer 7.jpg]

Ork WAAAGH Zapzog: roughly 4000 points and ever growing. Tau Cadre of Zuran'Ki: 3000 points. Grey Knights Interdiction Force Galeon : 2500 points. Tyranid Hive Fleet Crateria: 2500 Points. The Host of Hadrekon: 1500 points. Catachan 44th Swamp hunters. 800 points.

2000 points Skaven Army. Arcsqueeks Horde 1000 points Vampire Counts Army. Duke Valmai's Court. 1000 Points Dwarven Army. Bhor Grimhammers Throng. Planning to get some Ogres later this year.
Curse you Snake-eyes!

My P&M blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/454092.page#4372031 
Made in us
Tough-as-Nails Ork Boy

New Haven County, Connecticut

Shiny pics sir! Your boss looks aggressive sir hah, needs more dakka though
I love the bomba though, the model is epic, and the paint job is shnazzy

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/06/08 03:06:49

So being a pirate is all right to be!
Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free!
You are a space pirate!

-I win at voting-
Made in us
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

Nice progress.

Made in gb
Leader of the Sept

Nice work on the bomma. If its called the Burninator, then it needs more Trogdor (or at least a small Da Cheet)

Please excuse any spelling errors. I use a tablet frequently and software keyboards are a pain!

Terranwing - w3;d1;l1
51st Dunedinw2;d0;l0
Cadre Coronal Afterglow w1;d0;l0 
Made in us
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

TROGDOR!!!!! 'Da Burninator burnin da village. TROGDOR!!!

Made in au
Lady of the Lake

Trogdor was a man
I mean he was a dragon man
Maybe he was just a dragon
But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOORR!

Looking at this before there was just the Warboss, but with this plane this is quickly becoming interesting. Nice work thus far.

Made in nl
Screamin' Stormboy

In Da Mek Shop.

With the new Burna Bomma out of da Mek Shop ther was time for other projekts.
So Da warboss stomped into da Meks workspace and ordered him to build him a nice shiny new trukk so he and his boyz could get stuck in fasta.

I took a basic wartruck kit and slapped on as many wotsits and gubbinz as i could find in my bitsbox. This will be the new personal ride for the boss and his nobz. Untill i can finish up the battlewagon right good and propa
[Thumb - Da truck 1.jpg]

[Thumb - Da truck 2.jpg]

[Thumb - Da truck 3.jpg]

Ork WAAAGH Zapzog: roughly 4000 points and ever growing. Tau Cadre of Zuran'Ki: 3000 points. Grey Knights Interdiction Force Galeon : 2500 points. Tyranid Hive Fleet Crateria: 2500 Points. The Host of Hadrekon: 1500 points. Catachan 44th Swamp hunters. 800 points.

2000 points Skaven Army. Arcsqueeks Horde 1000 points Vampire Counts Army. Duke Valmai's Court. 1000 Points Dwarven Army. Bhor Grimhammers Throng. Planning to get some Ogres later this year.
Curse you Snake-eyes!

My P&M blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/454092.page#4372031 
Made in us
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

I like it. Very orky.

Made in us
Tough-as-Nails Ork Boy

New Haven County, Connecticut

Your boss is lucky to have a ride like that man, very orky, very killy, love it

So being a pirate is all right to be!
Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free!
You are a space pirate!

-I win at voting-
Made in us
Battleship Captain

Like the plane nice paint
Made in nl
Screamin' Stormboy

In Da Mek Shop.

To escort Da Warboss his new Trukk Da Mek has been working on some new Wheelz.

The first one is actually the old Ork Trukk. But since its so wheedy and small compared to the new kit i decided to make it a warbuggy instead. Since my Ork forces are expert looters I decided to turn it into a roving junkyard. The idea being that it races around the field and the other boyz load it up with everything they can find for easy transportation back to Da Mek Shop. To this end i filled it up with as many bits and bops as I could dig up. Theres loads of guard and marine bits in there. spare weapons and munitions. oil drums. a vox set. scrap metal. One lucky shot would turn this thing into a cataclismic explosion XD

Its two escorts are a standard buggy, but armed with a pair of IG auto canons ( since the shoota it comes with is a weedy little gun )
The other is made from a space marine land speeder that has been thoroughly "improved" and armed with some rokkit tubes. It also has a grot rigger to keep the engine running at "maksemum efficiency"

[Thumb - Da Wheelz 1.jpg]

[Thumb - Da Wheelz 2.jpg]

[Thumb - Da Wheelz 3.jpg]

Ork WAAAGH Zapzog: roughly 4000 points and ever growing. Tau Cadre of Zuran'Ki: 3000 points. Grey Knights Interdiction Force Galeon : 2500 points. Tyranid Hive Fleet Crateria: 2500 Points. The Host of Hadrekon: 1500 points. Catachan 44th Swamp hunters. 800 points.

2000 points Skaven Army. Arcsqueeks Horde 1000 points Vampire Counts Army. Duke Valmai's Court. 1000 Points Dwarven Army. Bhor Grimhammers Throng. Planning to get some Ogres later this year.
Curse you Snake-eyes!

My P&M blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/454092.page#4372031 
Made in nl
Screamin' Stormboy

In Da Mek Shop.

I needed a break from working on my orks. While there ain't such a thing as too much Dakka there IS such a thing as to many boyz on your painting table

So instead i worked a little on my Vampire Counts today. Namely my spirit host models. Converted from some wood elf models. I saw an article about these in an old whote dwarf once and i just had to make some for my own army. I began by spraying them with skull white, then gave them two layers of wash. first some asurmen blue and then a wash of thraka green. After this dried i very lightly drybrushed the models with some scorpion green followed by some rotting flesh and a tiiiiny dab of skull white. Once dry they models were given a liberal coat of glosh varnish to make them shiny as if they are shimmering in the light.

Next time more orky goodness. but for now enjoy these pics
[Thumb - Spirit host 1.jpg]

[Thumb - Spirit host 2.jpg]

[Thumb - Spirit host 3.jpg]

[Thumb - Spirit host 4.jpg]

Ork WAAAGH Zapzog: roughly 4000 points and ever growing. Tau Cadre of Zuran'Ki: 3000 points. Grey Knights Interdiction Force Galeon : 2500 points. Tyranid Hive Fleet Crateria: 2500 Points. The Host of Hadrekon: 1500 points. Catachan 44th Swamp hunters. 800 points.

2000 points Skaven Army. Arcsqueeks Horde 1000 points Vampire Counts Army. Duke Valmai's Court. 1000 Points Dwarven Army. Bhor Grimhammers Throng. Planning to get some Ogres later this year.
Curse you Snake-eyes!

My P&M blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/454092.page#4372031 
Made in nl
Screamin' Stormboy

In Da Mek Shop.

I started painting up the warboss today. Starting off with the skin. I used the following paints in order from left to right. I'm quite pleased with the result. The new glaze works really well for blending the colors together.
[Thumb - paint order.jpg]

[Thumb - boss skin 1.jpg]

[Thumb - boss skin 2.jpg]

Ork WAAAGH Zapzog: roughly 4000 points and ever growing. Tau Cadre of Zuran'Ki: 3000 points. Grey Knights Interdiction Force Galeon : 2500 points. Tyranid Hive Fleet Crateria: 2500 Points. The Host of Hadrekon: 1500 points. Catachan 44th Swamp hunters. 800 points.

2000 points Skaven Army. Arcsqueeks Horde 1000 points Vampire Counts Army. Duke Valmai's Court. 1000 Points Dwarven Army. Bhor Grimhammers Throng. Planning to get some Ogres later this year.
Curse you Snake-eyes!

My P&M blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/454092.page#4372031 
Made in ca
Roarin' Runtherd


Welcome to DakkaDakka!

Nice thread! I like the Bomma a lot. Looking forward to the progress on that Boss too.

Made in nl
Screamin' Stormboy

In Da Mek Shop.

Thanks I'm painting up my Big mek at the same time as the warboss using the same methods. More pics later when ive got some progress to show

Ork WAAAGH Zapzog: roughly 4000 points and ever growing. Tau Cadre of Zuran'Ki: 3000 points. Grey Knights Interdiction Force Galeon : 2500 points. Tyranid Hive Fleet Crateria: 2500 Points. The Host of Hadrekon: 1500 points. Catachan 44th Swamp hunters. 800 points.

2000 points Skaven Army. Arcsqueeks Horde 1000 points Vampire Counts Army. Duke Valmai's Court. 1000 Points Dwarven Army. Bhor Grimhammers Throng. Planning to get some Ogres later this year.
Curse you Snake-eyes!

My P&M blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/454092.page#4372031 
Made in nl
Screamin' Stormboy

In Da Mek Shop.

A little update to the paintjob on the warboss.

I painted the leather with dark flesh before applying a wash of Devlan Mud ( man does that stuff STINK >__> i wonder if theres real mud in it the way it reeks. )
I then highlighted the leather with some mahogany brown paint. an finally applied a glaze of bloodletter. I then did most of the armour plates and the gun with some boltgun metal. Then applied blood red to most of the plates. Once if added more detail ill wash the metal areas with more devlan mud to make them look worn.
[Thumb - boss updated.jpg]

Ork WAAAGH Zapzog: roughly 4000 points and ever growing. Tau Cadre of Zuran'Ki: 3000 points. Grey Knights Interdiction Force Galeon : 2500 points. Tyranid Hive Fleet Crateria: 2500 Points. The Host of Hadrekon: 1500 points. Catachan 44th Swamp hunters. 800 points.

2000 points Skaven Army. Arcsqueeks Horde 1000 points Vampire Counts Army. Duke Valmai's Court. 1000 Points Dwarven Army. Bhor Grimhammers Throng. Planning to get some Ogres later this year.
Curse you Snake-eyes!

My P&M blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/454092.page#4372031 
Made in nl
Screamin' Stormboy

In Da Mek Shop.

Da boss came strollin out of the Doks shed sporting a shiny new bionic jaw. Next he went to Da Mek Shop to pick up his shoota. he had asked Zapzog to add more wagon killing dakka to it.

Well thats my new warboss all painted up. Im pretty pleased with the overall result. the new Washes glazes and texture paint that GW has released really are a joy to work with. But don't take my word for it. See for yourself.

[Thumb - DA BOSS IS BACK.jpg]

[Thumb - Boss uses much Dakka.jpg]

[Thumb - Da boss n his headz.jpg]

Ork WAAAGH Zapzog: roughly 4000 points and ever growing. Tau Cadre of Zuran'Ki: 3000 points. Grey Knights Interdiction Force Galeon : 2500 points. Tyranid Hive Fleet Crateria: 2500 Points. The Host of Hadrekon: 1500 points. Catachan 44th Swamp hunters. 800 points.

2000 points Skaven Army. Arcsqueeks Horde 1000 points Vampire Counts Army. Duke Valmai's Court. 1000 Points Dwarven Army. Bhor Grimhammers Throng. Planning to get some Ogres later this year.
Curse you Snake-eyes!

My P&M blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/454092.page#4372031 
Made in nl
Screamin' Stormboy

In Da Mek Shop.

Ive started work on the second of my 3 aircraft. the Dakka Jet. Im going for a looted look with this one.

Heres a picture of the work so far. A liberal coat of boltgun metal followed by 2 washes of nuln oil and a wash of devlan mud to make it look nice and dirty. Then the odd panel painted with some stormy blue. You can see my Big Mek in the background there. hes about 70% done. Also made some more burnas wich are there too.

[Thumb - DAKKA JET.jpg]

Ork WAAAGH Zapzog: roughly 4000 points and ever growing. Tau Cadre of Zuran'Ki: 3000 points. Grey Knights Interdiction Force Galeon : 2500 points. Tyranid Hive Fleet Crateria: 2500 Points. The Host of Hadrekon: 1500 points. Catachan 44th Swamp hunters. 800 points.

2000 points Skaven Army. Arcsqueeks Horde 1000 points Vampire Counts Army. Duke Valmai's Court. 1000 Points Dwarven Army. Bhor Grimhammers Throng. Planning to get some Ogres later this year.
Curse you Snake-eyes!

My P&M blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/454092.page#4372031 
Made in nl
Screamin' Stormboy

In Da Mek Shop.

I managed to borrow my sisters digital camera. So heres a couple of shots of my Ork WAAAGH! Pic Heavy post.

[Thumb - Da WAAAGH.jpg]
The army as a whole. 4K worth of Orkz

[Thumb - Da STOMPA.jpg]
Gorks Fist. My first stompa.

[Thumb - DA BOMMA.jpg]
The recently added burna bomma Da Burninator.

[Thumb - MORE DAKKA.jpg]
And its buddy the Dakka Jet Maksemum Dakka

[Thumb - Da Big BOOM.jpg]
Da Bik Boom. Looted wagon.

[Thumb - Bik Bomb Wagon.jpg]
And its new buddy. the missle counts as a boomgun in normal games.

[Thumb - Stompy da dread.jpg]
Dis is Stompy da Deff Dread.

[Thumb - STORMBOZ.jpg]
Stormboyz is ready for da fight.

[Thumb - BIKE BOYZ.jpg]
So are da Biker Ladz

[Thumb - Da Koptas.jpg]
Deff Koptas goes even fasta. WAAAAGH!

[Thumb - KANZ.jpg]
Theres Kanz too for keepin da guardsmen away from da stompa.

[Thumb - GET CLOSER.jpg]
Git me closa ya gitz. I wanna chop em with my Choppa!

[Thumb - Da Mekboss.jpg]
Zapzog Da oiler. Big Mek in charge.

[Thumb - Grotz.jpg]
An finally some grotz. cuz you never know when you feel like kickin somefing.

Ork WAAAGH Zapzog: roughly 4000 points and ever growing. Tau Cadre of Zuran'Ki: 3000 points. Grey Knights Interdiction Force Galeon : 2500 points. Tyranid Hive Fleet Crateria: 2500 Points. The Host of Hadrekon: 1500 points. Catachan 44th Swamp hunters. 800 points.

2000 points Skaven Army. Arcsqueeks Horde 1000 points Vampire Counts Army. Duke Valmai's Court. 1000 Points Dwarven Army. Bhor Grimhammers Throng. Planning to get some Ogres later this year.
Curse you Snake-eyes!

My P&M blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/454092.page#4372031 
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Burtucky, Michigan

I love seeing an Ork horde coming together. Keep up the work man, Im digging it
Made in nl
Screamin' Stormboy

In Da Mek Shop.

Looky what finally arrived in the mail yesterday. My ultimate gamers edition
Has the rulebook. The collectors rulebook. The bag. Dice in lasgun tin, including marker holder servo skulls. new templates. All the Psychic cards. and some extra goodies, including glossy photocards depicting the cover of every rulebook ever made. A black coffee/tea mug with the imperial aquila on it. ( happy about that one ) and a high quallity poster that shows the front and back cover of the new rulebook in its full glory

Im a happy gamer right now ^^

sorry bout the bad quallity pics. i should really save some money for a good digicam, problem is i usually spend it on hobby stuff
[Thumb - overview.jpg]
all da goodies except the poster. didnt fit in the shot.

[Thumb - cover shot.jpg]
this is one sexy book. almost feels like sacrelige to open.

[Thumb - proof.jpg]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/07/04 11:58:58

Ork WAAAGH Zapzog: roughly 4000 points and ever growing. Tau Cadre of Zuran'Ki: 3000 points. Grey Knights Interdiction Force Galeon : 2500 points. Tyranid Hive Fleet Crateria: 2500 Points. The Host of Hadrekon: 1500 points. Catachan 44th Swamp hunters. 800 points.

2000 points Skaven Army. Arcsqueeks Horde 1000 points Vampire Counts Army. Duke Valmai's Court. 1000 Points Dwarven Army. Bhor Grimhammers Throng. Planning to get some Ogres later this year.
Curse you Snake-eyes!

My P&M blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/454092.page#4372031 
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Burtucky, Michigan

Wow they packed alot of stuff in that set
Made in nl
Screamin' Stormboy

In Da Mek Shop.

I've been working on a new Imperial guard Catachan Jungle Fighter army. Instead of using regulair GW bases though I'm using resin bases from Secret Weapon Miniatures. Ive just finished a command squad and a sentinel squadron. The command squad is still drying. but the sentinels were ready for some pics. Ive also airbrushed a hellhound and Valkyrie. But neither one is done yet. so for now just a few pics of the sentinels.
[Thumb - sentinels 1.jpg]
3 sentinels. 2 with flamers one with missles.

[Thumb - sentinels 2.jpg]

[Thumb - run for it.jpg]

[Thumb - sentinel closeup 1.jpg]
I LOVE the water effects. brings the base to life.

[Thumb - snetinel closeup.jpg]

[Thumb - water 1.jpg]
Some more base shots. lots of work but worth it :)

[Thumb - wet feet.jpg]

Ork WAAAGH Zapzog: roughly 4000 points and ever growing. Tau Cadre of Zuran'Ki: 3000 points. Grey Knights Interdiction Force Galeon : 2500 points. Tyranid Hive Fleet Crateria: 2500 Points. The Host of Hadrekon: 1500 points. Catachan 44th Swamp hunters. 800 points.

2000 points Skaven Army. Arcsqueeks Horde 1000 points Vampire Counts Army. Duke Valmai's Court. 1000 Points Dwarven Army. Bhor Grimhammers Throng. Planning to get some Ogres later this year.
Curse you Snake-eyes!

My P&M blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/454092.page#4372031 
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