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Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

so is the general consensus that nids are doing well atm?

I'm considering playing them again if the swarmlords a cool/fun unit. Seems hes 300 points, can only have 1 so he must be doing something interesting

also a fan of genestealers. not cult, og ones

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/06/20 15:33:05

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Regular Dakkanaut


eosgreen wrote:
so is the general consensus that nids are doing well atm?

I'm considering playing them again if the swarmlords a cool/fun unit. Seems hes 300 points, can only have 1 so he must be doing something interesting

also a fan of genestealers. not cult, og ones

You're in for good times, then.
You could (almost) make an army out of nothing but genestealers (and broodlords) and the Swarmlord.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Swarmlord is in the top 5 8th Edition units, PERIOD, so yeah, no worries there. Swarmlord + Broodlord + at least one bigger unit of Genestealers is almost the auto-take start of every current 'nid list, for very good reason. :-p

I've now logged another four 'Nid games, full 2000pts, for a total of about 10-11, and am definitely loving them and learning a lot.

As other have said, Exocrine is a shooting-battery/work-horse. Even in games where he hasn't performed like a God, my opponents sometimes admitted knowing I would never move him, and thus moving things expressly to avoid his LoS. Even that can be a powerful board-control tool.

The Tyrannofex has steadily dropped in appeal as I have played. His potential seems neat, but the Rupture Cannon version is a Command Point hog as you're always tempting to try to fish for the "good" shots/damage profile. He just keeps under-performing not matter how much I love the model. Tyranids have too many amazing choices right now to settle for any "ok" ones.

Pyrovores have been elevated to situationally fun, but are still not going to be in tons of lists. I think if the tournament community ends up including "sideboards" I might carry three around with me as anti-horde, linebreakers for my 1st turn assaults to sneak through, but at least they aren't terrible right?

Biovores have drastically changed roles and are now some cool board control tech. People haven't fully mined them yet, mark my words, but I now shoot them wanting to miss more often than not, as a way to complicate charges, deepstriking, etc... They're terrific, but very, very different.

11527pts Total (7400pts painted)

4980pts Total (4980pts painted)

3730 Total (210pts painted) 
Made in au
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan

Whats our best non-melee AT now guys?

P.S.A. I won't read your posts if you break it into a million separate quotes and make an eyesore of it. 
Made in mx
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan


 SHUPPET wrote:
Whats our best non-melee AT now guys?

Against vehicles I will say shockcannon Hive Guard. Against anything else either impaler cannon Hive Guard or the Exocrine.
Made in us
Posts with Authority

I'm considering an army made entirely of malanthropes and carnifexes. Probably not the most efficient, but it'd be fun.
Made in au
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan

 Bromsy wrote:
I'm considering an army made entirely of malanthropes and carnifexes. Probably not the most efficient, but it'd be fun.

do we have rules for the Malantrhope yet?

P.S.A. I won't read your posts if you break it into a million separate quotes and make an eyesore of it. 
Made in us
Brainy Biophagus Brewing Potent Chemicals

 SHUPPET wrote:
 Bromsy wrote:
I'm considering an army made entirely of malanthropes and carnifexes. Probably not the most efficient, but it'd be fun.

do we have rules for the Malantrhope yet?

They put it up on the Warhammer community page as a preview for the upcoming forgeworld Xenos index.

No point costs, but it has a power level similar to a Hive Tyrant so it will probably end up around the same cost. It is back to being an HQ model again and a monster that comes in broods ala Carnifex.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/06/20 18:08:27

Made in us
Tunneling Trygon


Requizen wrote:
 luke1705 wrote:

Requizen wrote:
Anyone been using a Broodlord as a Warlord in armies without Genestealers? He's a Warlord that can hide, and a Synapse dude that can pop up anywhere he's needed to reinforce control if one dies.

The only other Nid character that can hide is the Prime but I'm not sure if he's that useful.

I mean...why would you not use Genestealers?

He is good but I'm still a fan of Swarmy as a warlord. Much more durable so long as you bring his friends to give him some ablative wounds

Just getting started, I was looking at getting the Tyranid Swarm box, which has more than enough Troops that I was wondering if I could get by without buying Genestealers. It's a massive savings and also 30% off at my FLGS, so even more massive.

Hormagants are great. They have their pros and cons over genestealers, but I don't think Genestealers are hands down better per point. The carnifex I think you can build as old one eye, but even if not he's a lot cheaper than he used to be. I haven't played with gargoyles yet in the new edition but I think they're going to wind up being a very good tarpit, if nothing else.

Not a huge fan of termagants but they are crazy cheap bodies. I think I'd grab a tervigon but a squad of 30 with 10-15 devourers. It's great because you always choose who dies, so you can always allocate to the stock ones (made even better with the tervigon replenishing those guys!)

All in all, a great value. I thought you meant you didn't want to have genestealers in your army ever and I was horrified
Made in us
Loyal Necron Lychguard

 luke1705 wrote:
Requizen wrote:
 luke1705 wrote:

Requizen wrote:
Anyone been using a Broodlord as a Warlord in armies without Genestealers? He's a Warlord that can hide, and a Synapse dude that can pop up anywhere he's needed to reinforce control if one dies.

The only other Nid character that can hide is the Prime but I'm not sure if he's that useful.

I mean...why would you not use Genestealers?

He is good but I'm still a fan of Swarmy as a warlord. Much more durable so long as you bring his friends to give him some ablative wounds

Just getting started, I was looking at getting the Tyranid Swarm box, which has more than enough Troops that I was wondering if I could get by without buying Genestealers. It's a massive savings and also 30% off at my FLGS, so even more massive.

Hormagants are great. They have their pros and cons over genestealers, but I don't think Genestealers are hands down better per point. The carnifex I think you can build as old one eye, but even if not he's a lot cheaper than he used to be. I haven't played with gargoyles yet in the new edition but I think they're going to wind up being a very good tarpit, if nothing else.

Not a huge fan of termagants but they are crazy cheap bodies. I think I'd grab a tervigon but a squad of 30 with 10-15 devourers. It's great because you always choose who dies, so you can always allocate to the stock ones (made even better with the tervigon replenishing those guys!)

All in all, a great value. I thought you meant you didn't want to have genestealers in your army ever and I was horrified

Haha yeah I dunno what a final build will look like, but I figure if I can get this super cheap box, might as well build around it if I can. Figure I can slap on 2 Tervigons and 1-2 Exocrines and have a really strong starting point as well.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Has anybody tried putting 30 devouer gaunts in a tunnel yet? 90 S4 shots going into the target of you choice on the turn of your choice seems.....interesting.
Made in us
Unrelenting Rubric Terminator of Tzeentch

babelfish wrote:
Has anybody tried putting 30 devouer gaunts in a tunnel yet? 90 S4 shots going into the target of you choice on the turn of your choice seems.....interesting.

Thought about it, but the Mathhammer is a little underwhelming.

Vs. MEQ:
90 × (1/2) to hit × [(1/2) + (1/6)(1/2)] to wound with reroll 1s × (1/3) failed saves = 8.75 dead Marines.

Kinda meh for a 240 pt unit that needs a delivery service.

"Backfield? I have no backfield." 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Eh... if they earn back half their cost in Marines (probably more with losses from morale), and bubble-wrap a Trygon Prime they might be worth more than raw math suggests.

I mean... its not worth outright dismissing. Volume of dice is a thing that can also cause some swingy fluke moments.

11527pts Total (7400pts painted)

4980pts Total (4980pts painted)

3730 Total (210pts painted) 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

if they can just release some plastic lictors or biovores ill be in heaven

My trader feedback on other websites

Made in us
Unrelenting Rubric Terminator of Tzeentch

NewTruthNeomaxim wrote:
Eh... if they earn back half their cost in Marines (probably more with losses from morale), and bubble-wrap a Trygon Prime they might be worth more than raw math suggests.

I mean... its not worth outright dismissing. Volume of dice is a thing that can also cause some swingy fluke moments.

Thing is though, what are you bubble wrapping a Trygon from? They want to get stuck in asap. They're not going to stop even Melta from shooting at it since they have to remain within 3" of the Trygon and can't move further. I'm not saying it's not worth thinking about just that it might fall short of expectations against anything against GEQ.

"Backfield? I have no backfield." 
Made in gb
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan


Problem is you could spend the same points on 20 genestealers who are better in every way except range.

Far outstrip damage potential (but - needs to be in melee, so not guaranteed and needs to be close) and more survivable.

Perhaps use cheaper / slightly smaller squad of 15 gants as a bubble wrap

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
Friend of mine just sent me this:

"The Tyranid Codex, where I learned the truth about despair, as will you. There's a reason why this codex is the worst hell on earth... Hope. ."
Too be fair.. it's all worked out quite well!

Made in us
Tunneling Trygon


NewTruthNeomaxim wrote:
Eh... if they earn back half their cost in Marines (probably more with losses from morale), and bubble-wrap a Trygon Prime they might be worth more than raw math suggests.

I mean... its not worth outright dismissing. Volume of dice is a thing that can also cause some swingy fluke moments.

Actually a ton of dice means that the results are a lot less swingy. When you roll 3 dice, it's a lot easier to get a statistical outlier (like all 3 of them being 6's) than getting all dice being 6's on 30 dice. Basically, the more dice you roll, the closer you should get to the statistically average result.

I think Gants need to be taken as 1/2 or 2/3 stock to act as ablative wounds for the big guns since you can always remove them last.
Made in au
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan

NewTruthNeomaxim wrote:
Eh... if they earn back half their cost in Marines (probably more with losses from morale), and bubble-wrap a Trygon Prime they might be worth more than raw math suggests.

I mean... its not worth outright dismissing. Volume of dice is a thing that can also cause some swingy fluke moments.

they are like double the price of the Trygon, they are the glassy one that needs protection not the other way around lol and they are glass without the cannon. Which is another word for overcosted for the points

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/06/20 21:38:08

P.S.A. I won't read your posts if you break it into a million separate quotes and make an eyesore of it. 
Made in us
Fireknife Shas'el

Reedsburg, WI

It's been mentioned a few times in various threads that vehicles and monsters have to be 50% obscured to get cover. When I read the leaked rules I didn't see that in the cover rules? Where is that discussed?

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Made in mx
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan


 SHUPPET wrote:
NewTruthNeomaxim wrote:
Eh... if they earn back half their cost in Marines (probably more with losses from morale), and bubble-wrap a Trygon Prime they might be worth more than raw math suggests.

I mean... its not worth outright dismissing. Volume of dice is a thing that can also cause some swingy fluke moments.

they are like double the price of the Trygon, they are the glassy one not the other way around lol and they need are glass without the cannon. Which is another word for overcosted for the points

They are only 60 points more costly than the Trygon, and they are our best ranged anti-infantry weapon, only second to Genestealers, but that's because Genestealers are insane.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/06/20 21:44:29

Made in no
Liche Priest Hierophant



I am putting together the tyranofex. I have 6 hiveguards, I have no pyrovores.

What weapon do I put on the tyranofex?

Made in gb
Fully-charged Electropriest


 Niiai wrote:

I am putting together the tyranofex. I have 6 hiveguards, I have no pyrovores.

What weapon do I put on the tyranofex?

Do you have an Exocrine? If you do,not the Rupture Cannon, if you don't then maybe the Rupture Cannon.
Do you have lots of Termagants? If you do, not the Fleshborer Hive, if you don't then maybe the Fleshborer Hive.
Do you intend to run up the field and spray acid all over things? If you do then the Acid Spray.

Made in au
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan

 Niiai wrote:

I am putting together the tyranofex. I have 6 hiveguards, I have no pyrovores.

What weapon do I put on the tyranofex?

the only gun that even looks at all worthwhile is the Rupture Cannon. Give's him a use at least.

P.S.A. I won't read your posts if you break it into a million separate quotes and make an eyesore of it. 
Made in no
Liche Priest Hierophant


I do not have an Exocrine. I do have 2 Tervigons and 60 ish termagaunts. I played in 5th edition. ^_^

The rupture cannon just seems so expensive! And my hive guards cover that department quite well.

I think the fleshborer hive might be the most S5 shots points for points in our codex. Can somebody confirm? 40 shots is quite good.

The flamer seems good, although a bit exspesive delivery system. But I can run and shoot. Stand stil and shoot of there is a jucy target.

The mellee attacks are quite good vs everything but a horde. Good at killing elites and tanks. T8 is just brutal.

Made in au
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan

 Niiai wrote:
I do not have an Exocrine. I do have 2 Tervigons and 60 ish termagaunts. I played in 5th edition. ^_^

The rupture cannon just seems so expensive! And my hive guards cover that department quite well.

I think the fleshborer hive might be the most S5 shots points for points in our codex. Can somebody confirm? 40 shots is quite good.

The flamer seems good, although a bit exspesive delivery system. But I can run and shoot. Stand stil and shoot of there is a jucy target.

The mellee attacks are quite good vs everything but a horde. Good at killing elites and tanks. T8 is just brutal.

It's 20 shots, and no. 2x Carnifexes does 24xS7 shots for cheaper, with AP-1 as well. Fleshborers do a lot less, for higher cost.

If you are going to take the TFex, spend the extra 18 pts for the Rupture Cannon, or at least go with Acid Spray imo

P.S.A. I won't read your posts if you break it into a million separate quotes and make an eyesore of it. 
Made in no
Liche Priest Hierophant


It is 40 shots of he stand stil. And he has the stinger salvo so teqnicaly it is 48 S5 shots at range 18.

A dakkafex with Carnifex, bone mace, 4 deathspitters with slimer maggots is 111. 2 for 222 for 48 S7 shots.

Tyranofex, fleshborer hive, stinger salvo, powerfull limbs 225. 48 shots S5 when standing stil.

Yeah the numbers are probably suporting the carnifexes.

The carnifexes has 16 HP 7 T. Tyranofex has 14 HP 8T. I din't know how much that last thoughnes counts for. Both of them diminisher after loosing half their wounds.

That being said MC withouth some form of armour pentration is very bad in this codex. I would probably run carnifexes with scything talons.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Cheyenne WY

 Niiai wrote:
It is 40 shots of he stand stil. And he has the stinger salvo so teqnicaly it is 48 S5 shots at range 18.

A dakkafex with Carnifex, bone mace, 4 deathspitters with slimer maggots is 111. 2 for 222 for 48 S7 shots.

Tyranofex, fleshborer hive, stinger salvo, powerfull limbs 225. 48 shots S5 when standing stil.

Yeah the numbers are probably suporting the carnifexes.

The carnifexes has 16 HP 7 T. Tyranofex has 14 HP 8T. I din't know how much that last thoughnes counts for. Both of them diminisher after loosing half their wounds.

That being said MC withouth some form of armour pentration is very bad in this codex. I would probably run carnifexes with scything talons.

Yes, its not really clear yet. If you're "handy" I strongly suggest using Magnets. That way you can try differant builds, or modify if a new rule gets added later.

The will of the hive is always the same: HUNGER 
Made in us
Unrelenting Rubric Terminator of Tzeentch

 Niiai wrote:
It is 40 shots of he stand stil. And he has the stinger salvo so teqnicaly it is 48 S5 shots at range 18.

A dakkafex with Carnifex, bone mace, 4 deathspitters with slimer maggots is 111. 2 for 222 for 48 S7 shots.

Tyranofex, fleshborer hive, stinger salvo, powerfull limbs 225. 48 shots S5 when standing stil.

Yeah the numbers are probably suporting the carnifexes.

The carnifexes has 16 HP 7 T. Tyranofex has 14 HP 8T. I din't know how much that last thoughnes counts for. Both of them diminisher after loosing half their wounds.

That being said MC withouth some form of armour pentration is very bad in this codex. I would probably run carnifexes with scything talons.

Dakkafexes are only putting out 12 shots each. Not sure where you're getting 48 shots. They can have either 2 or 4 Death Spitters with each Deathspitter putting out 3 shots.

"Backfield? I have no backfield." 
Made in au
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan

 Niiai wrote:
It is 40 shots of he stand stil. And he has the stinger salvo so teqnicaly it is 48 S5 shots at range 18.

A dakkafex with Carnifex, bone mace, 4 deathspitters with slimer maggots is 111. 2 for 222 for 48 S7 shots.

Tyranofex, fleshborer hive, stinger salvo, powerfull limbs 225. 48 shots S5 when standing stil.

Yeah the numbers are probably suporting the carnifexes.

The carnifexes has 16 HP 7 T. Tyranofex has 14 HP 8T. I din't know how much that last thoughnes counts for. Both of them diminisher after loosing half their wounds.

That being said MC withouth some form of armour pentration is very bad in this codex. I would probably run carnifexes with scything talons.

Oop forget about weapon beast for a minute

drop the bone maces and go for the other and you are even cheaper, but yeah, its only 24x S7 shots with AP1. You could probably run some calcs there to see what actually kills more stuff, but 40x S5 shots isnt bad I guess!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I'm going to be testing dual Tyrannofex's with all 3 load outs. I'm curious how effective that Rupture Cannon is, I feel like 2x TFex's both shooting twice a turn are likely to trigger the double hit at least once and maybe tear a hole right through a Knight real quick or something. But I also think 80x S5 shots might be a winner, although 18" range may make that tricky. I feel like ~12 S7 AP-1 hits per every turn of double shooting might be the worst option though.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/06/21 02:42:21

P.S.A. I won't read your posts if you break it into a million separate quotes and make an eyesore of it. 
Made in us
Brainy Biophagus Brewing Potent Chemicals

As a small thing to chew on, a Fortification detachment with 3 Sporocysts with Venom Cannons is only 372 points for three 5D3 S8 AP-1 shots a turn plus any mortal wounds that may be dished out by the spores they spit out. If you space them just so, you can also pretty much cover the entire backfield with synapse with only a single synapse creature committed to powering up their synaptic resonator ability.

Edit: Corrected mistake. I'm tired...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/06/21 07:13:22

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