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2013/04/30 18:44:15
Subject: PDH & Neil101's - Realm of Chaos - Champion of Nurglitch on Winged Beast of Nurgle
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Preston/England/United Kingdom
Adrian Smith - Impossible Stairs - Nurgle vs Tzeentch from The Lost and The Dammed
This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Realm of Chaos Slaves to Darkness book. The two Realm of Chaos books are phenomenally detailed tombs that have shaped my view of Chaos and the Warhammer World. In 1992 I picked up the Lost and The Dammed from the discontinued pile in my local GW and bought it for about £5. Since then I have spent many hours poring over the fine and disturbing artworks and short story text boxes. Looking at the Path to Glory and wishing I had some like minded people to play a campaign with. In 2001 I got Slaves to Darkness off ebay (I don't wish to think about how much it cost me) and while it is full of wonderful and morbidly erotic art my soul was already vouched to Grandfather Onogal.
The Tears of Isstvan
So roll on 12 years and Fulgrim of Tears of Istvaan posted a link to a Superb Tony Ackland interview and then suggested to our little gaming group that we mark the 25th Anniversary by rolling up Warbands and sacrificing each other to dark gods. So in February, after we visited the Arrke Wald we stepped though one of its warp gates into The Warhammer World, the six of us JB, Rise, Tears of Envy, Fulgrim, Neil and I rolled up our collective Warbands. In July we will be getting together and playing a few games of Path To Glory. To make things a little more interesting we each rolled three times on the followers table and three times on the gifts table for our Champions.
Welcome to the Saga of Willken Gortfreid - Champion of Nurglitch, The Coward of Reikland Forest.
Champion of Nurgle Willken Gortfreid (level 15)
Weapons: Sword (1pt), Chaos Weapon -Sword – Chill Blast (The blade is made from a single splinter of eternal, unmelting ice. It can emit a blast of cold from its tip at any one target creature within 2D6” during the shooting phase. The blast automatically hits its target, causing D3 S4 hits. Against undead targets the hits are only at S2)
Equipment: Heavy Armour (3pts), 1 point of equipment
Chaos Gifts: 1. Eye of God – (Chaos Weapon, Level 1 Wizard) 2. Beast of Nurgle
Chaos Attributes: 1. Cowardice.
Magic Level: 1, Power Level: 8, Spells: Nurgle Magic - Stench of Nurgle, Battle Magic –Enthuse and Part Water
Beast of Nurlge -Blightsting
Chaos Attributes: 1. Manic Fighter, 2. Bestial Face – Ant, 3.Tentacles (No effect), 4.Pseudo-Daemonhood – Wings (Min Speed 4” Max Speed 17” Acc/Dec 6”), Horns (+1 Gore Attack), 5.Overgrown Body Part – Feet (No effect), 6. Technology - Shotgun (but not the intelligence to use it), 7. GM Choice – Irrational Hatred of Goblins
Maledictor Emmerich Ruprecht, Sorcerer of Nurgle (level 10)
Weapons: Staff (1pt)
Equipment: Familiar (Magic Storage) (6pts)
Chaos Gifts: 1.Trail of Slime
Chaos Attributes: 1. GM Choice - Cloud of Flies
Magic Level: 1, Power Level: 14, Spells: Nurgle Magic – Stench of Nurgle, Battle Magic: Strength of Combat, Fire Ball
4 Pestigors
Weapons: Hand Weapons
Equipment: Mixture of shields and armour (6+ save). Banner and Musician
Followers Rewards: 1 Skull Face, 1 Beweaponed Extremity Blade (Rerolled Alcoholism)
Mercenary Captain Lothric Shroder (level 5)
Weapons and Equipment: Sword (1pts), Crossbow, Light Armour and a Shield
Followers Rewards: Warty Skin (+1 Armour Save)
5 Mercenaries
Weapons and Equipment: Swords (5pts) Crossbows, Light Armour and Shields
Here is a quick starting shot of the Pestigors tacked together.
and I will have some pics of the sorcerer soon.
Over to Neil to introduce his warband:
This message was edited 10 times. Last update was at 2014/06/21 05:21:58
2013/04/30 19:11:01
Subject: Re:PDH & Neil101's - Realm of Chaos - Nurglitch vs Tzeentch
Journeyman Inquisitor with Visions of the Warp
Aye up PDH great start
Here are my wips of the tzeentch warband led by Clovis Eichelberger the sorcerer with his twin brother Lothar the Warrior Champion, and three tzaangors in the foreground.
I rolled..
one Champion with acid excretions ( sweats acid ) and acid for blood and a magic frost sword He also has one spell to choose from the mighty tzeentch.. wondrous gifts !
Five Chaos dwarfs with crossbows
Four beast men ( one with a ravens head ) which I swapped up for Tzaangors with bows and spears, so i could have fun modelling them
three skaven with spears ( one with a tentacle arm mutation ) and one with one eye.
This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2013/04/30 20:09:55
2013/04/30 19:25:17
Subject: PDH & Neil101's - Realm of Chaos - Nurglitch vs Tzeentch
Rampaging Reaver Titan Princeps
These should look amazing. noticed neither of you seem to be using much of the Gor kit though.
"But me no buts! Our comrades get hurt. Our friends die. Falkenburg is a knight who swore an oath to serve the church and to defend the weak. He'd be the first to tell you to stop puling and start planning. Because what we are doing-at risk to ourselves-is what we have sworn to do. The West relies on us. It is a risk we take with pride. It is an oath we honour. Even when some soft southern burgher mutters about us, we know the reason he sleeps soft and comfortable, why his wife is able to complain about the price of cabbages as her most serious problem and why his children dare to throw dung and yell "Knot" when we pass. It's because we are what we are. For all our faults we stand for law and light.
Von Gherens This Rough Magic Lackey, Flint & Freer
Mekagorkalicious -Monkeytroll
2017 Model Count-71
2013/04/30 19:28:25
Subject: Re:PDH & Neil101's - Realm of Chaos - Nurglitch vs Tzeentch
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Preston/England/United Kingdom
Llamahead - Well they are a bit generic for those blessed by Onogal and the Great Shaper. Mine are Gor heads/the skull head is from a banner pole. Bodies of Plague Bearers and arms of Ungors.
Neil I really cannot wait to see your beastman up close.....the heads are just sooooo right for Tzeengors.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/04/30 19:30:34
2013/04/30 19:40:49
Subject: Re:PDH & Neil101's - Realm of Chaos - Nurglitch vs Tzeentch
Journeyman Inquisitor with Visions of the Warp
@ Llamahead , Yep far too pedestrian for Tzaangors , I am trying to cpature the spirit of the faun or satyr with my Gors.. who have been blessed by the changer of ways.. I have never actually seen a tzaangor modelled i dont think although some of the early broo luck like what i am trying to capture
Tzaangors & Pestigors from the Realm of Chaos slaves to darkness
Number 12 on from these Realm of Chaos beatmen could be one though..
Broo beasties one of these second row down looks like the bird legged one ., perfect for tzeengors.
PDH Pestigors are so right for you buddy , what is the last head on the right ?
I will pop up some more pics when i get chance probably tomorrow.
This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2013/04/30 20:14:35
2013/04/30 19:47:48
Subject: Re:PDH & Neil101's - Realm of Chaos - Nurglitch vs Tzeentch
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Preston/England/United Kingdom
That head is the gor champion - it normally has four horns.
2013/04/30 20:38:11
Subject: Re:PDH & Neil101's - Realm of Chaos - Nurglitch vs Tzeentch
Journeyman Inquisitor with Visions of the Warp
Edit PIC removed for editing
I think i this pic sums up both war bands quite well... the text on the rock is rather excellent.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/04/30 21:48:45
2013/04/30 21:01:47
Subject: PDH & Neil101's - Realm of Chaos - Nurglitch vs Tzeentch
Rampaging Reaver Titan Princeps
Heh Beastman player here Tzaangor and Pestigor were both in the Beasts of Chaos book as well although those models do capture the look far better than the generic plastics although the metal Pestigor did come rather close.
"But me no buts! Our comrades get hurt. Our friends die. Falkenburg is a knight who swore an oath to serve the church and to defend the weak. He'd be the first to tell you to stop puling and start planning. Because what we are doing-at risk to ourselves-is what we have sworn to do. The West relies on us. It is a risk we take with pride. It is an oath we honour. Even when some soft southern burgher mutters about us, we know the reason he sleeps soft and comfortable, why his wife is able to complain about the price of cabbages as her most serious problem and why his children dare to throw dung and yell "Knot" when we pass. It's because we are what we are. For all our faults we stand for law and light.
Von Gherens This Rough Magic Lackey, Flint & Freer
Mekagorkalicious -Monkeytroll
2017 Model Count-71
2013/04/30 21:09:16
Subject: Re:PDH & Neil101's - Realm of Chaos - Nurglitch vs Tzeentch
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord
This seems like an incredibly awesome idea. Having never experienced the Realms of Chaos books, other than in passing references by other poster's, I'll be following this with glee.
Seems like a particularly cool set of books.
Both those warbands look excellent. I love that skull headed Pestigor. The eyeless Tzaangor at the front left is particularly creepy.
2013/05/01 06:49:30
Subject: Re:PDH & Neil101's - Realm of Chaos - Nurglitch vs Tzeentch
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Preston/England/United Kingdom
Llamahead - The metal pestigors were dammed good. But I prefer working in plastic/resin and besides I couldn't possibly use a stock model.
Medium of Death - They are particularly cool book. Yeah old skull is coming along very nicely, he is called Phlegmgave
2013/05/01 21:07:03
Subject: Re:PDH & Neil101's - Realm of Chaos - Nurglitch vs Tzeentch
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Preston/England/United Kingdom
Maledictor Emmerich Ruprecht, Sorcerer of Nurgleth
The base model is Ashrâk, the Spiderkin. His head is a trophy from the Ungors kit. The intestines, tubes are what his Trail of Slime leaks from. The little hand near his head belongs to his familiar. This miniatures is super tiny and comes to waist height on my Pestigors. The part I am most proud of is the staff - the birds heads nailed to the icon to make the Nurglii symbol. Onogal likes Tzeentchian spies sacrificed in his name!
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/05/01 21:11:13
2013/05/02 01:03:22
Subject: Re:PDH & Neil101's - Realm of Chaos - Nurglitch vs Tzeentch
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord
The raven skull detail on the Nurgle banner is pretty neat. I really want to see him stood next to one of those 'gors to see how small he is.
Can I also be incredibly thick and ask what rules you'll be using? I know the warbands are created using the Realms of Chaos books, but are the rules for the warband type skirmish game in there too?
2013/05/02 03:02:02
Subject: Re:PDH & Neil101's - Realm of Chaos - Nurglitch vs Tzeentch
Ghastly Grave Guard
The cold reaches of space
Medium of Death wrote:The raven skull detail on the Nurgle banner is pretty neat. I really want to see him stood next to one of those 'gors to see how small he is.
Can I also be incredibly thick and ask what rules you'll be using? I know the warbands are created using the Realms of Chaos books, but are the rules for the warband type skirmish game in there too?
Seconded - what're the rules for this? It all looks fantastic - I'm a bigger fan of Tzeentch than Nurgle, but both gangs are shaping up nicely. Got a taste for beastmen after Project Metal Beast, while feathered-horned sorcerers and changelings have always been ace in my book.
P.S. - that initial post photo of the eagle-man vs the diseased warrior is friggin' epic! I remember seeing that a LONG time ago...
2013/05/02 05:48:22
Subject: PDH & Neil101's - Realm of Chaos - Nurglitch vs Tzeentch
Lord Commander in a Plush Chair
California + Philidelphia
PDH you can even make Nurgle look attractive! Great work the both of you
"Don't worry, Vik! You have all of your internet friends to keep you company! And, as everyone knows, internet friends are at least one step above imaginary friends "-Rawson
"Does an Ork shiiiit green?" "...Rogue! -you rock!" "Damn you too Rogue!""[TTFN]... That means tittyfething right?""Yep, that's me, a two-dollar whore"-Dsteingass
"... but if we all fail together we can make it look like we´ve won actually.." " all killers out there...: my face will hit your fist so hard it´s gonna bleed...your fist that is...""lol....OMG... you are a serial""he knows no pain...nor fear^^ he is a riveteer""yep... some of the dakka chaps here sure made the joints of my jaw quite loose...""er... emailsex... now that at least sounds like the perfect safer sex... but i like mine a bit more...wet""do you know what they call a quarter pounder of a buckte full of rivets in france?" "No...what?" "Rivitz royal"-Viktor von Domm
" I expected to hear gak like that from RW, not you Vik... for shame Sir, for shame"-AnUnearthlyChilde
"We are Vik's private collection of muses for the monkey on his back.....""you, guys are worse than my children......"-mxwllmdr
"Singling one out as odd in a =][_= thread is like going into an asylum, pointing at someone at random and saying "that person's insane""-Shrike |
2013/05/02 06:47:39
Subject: Re:PDH & Neil101's - Realm of Chaos - Nurglitch vs Tzeentch
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Preston/England/United Kingdom
Medium of Death/ HF Izanagi - I will take a shot when the gors are finished. The top of his staff comes up to the top of the their heads. We will be using WFB 3rd edition rules which are basically skirmish rules. We might also throw in some Mordheim.
HF Izanagi - Boo! Tricksy Bird stealing my free will. Neil's stuff is great but then his stuff always is. If you like Tzeentchy stuff check out Erik Gustavsson's Tzeentch Warband on this blog
Rogue Wolves - I think you have caught a fever and are one can make Nurgle look attractive.
2013/05/02 20:44:05
Subject: PDH & Neil101's - Realm of Chaos - Nurglitch vs Tzeentch
Aspirant Tech-Adept
This is a great idea for a project and the models are all looking very interesting so far.
PDH - I couldn't figure out the tiny familiar hand on Ruprecht without reading though, it looks like his hand - I see he is listed as having a familiar that is/does 'magic storage' - what does that involve? Did you pass over the opportunity to make a tiny Nurgle Luggage (from Discworld)?
I love that the beast of Nurgle has a shotgun but doesn't know how to use it.
I also love that your leader has cowardice as his primary gift, that's great. How does the character system work exactly? You roll up on the tables to see what you get and then play a few games with them? Do they level up further? The thing that puts me off most games is the lack of character progression - that's why I am into Necromunda so much, I like seeing my little guys grow up.
Any plans to use that cool new moon face herald from the whatever-the-hell chariot of Tzeentch kit?
Neil - I think you've got the toughest thing to build there - the five Chaos Dwarfs. I would just not know if I should use the awesome forgeworld ones or how on earth you make Tzeentchian dwarfs in the first place. Interesting though. I was wondering if the LoTR Grim Hammers kit might have some suitable bits.
2013/05/02 22:03:51
Subject: Re:PDH & Neil101's - Realm of Chaos - Nurglitch vs Tzeentch
Journeyman Inquisitor with Visions of the Warp
@ PDH I love this guy , his head will make a mighty fine trophy for my champion ;-) although he needs more eyes.. lots more eyes..
@ llamahead , i think i must have missed the beasts of chaos book .
@ Medium of death quote " The eyeless Tzaangor at the front left is particularly creepy "
He is the leader tasked with keeping the newly turned tzaangors in place.
@ Rogue cheers
@ Remi , yep tzeentch all the way , i will teach papa nurgle the error of his ways
These were my initial turnskin and caprigor mocks ups before they were tzaaned up
@ bruticus
The dwarves will be pretty much stock I think I love the Edgar skomorosky ones and wouldn't want to mess too much with the lovely sculpts , maybe add a few old school horns though and the odd arms swap... they will be black smiths primarily out caste demon forgers .. tempted to join clovis's war band to learn the secret magic of tzeentch , they are creating a suit of magic armour for Lothar , as his gifts negate the ability to wear normal armour for long , it just dissolves ;-)
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/05/02 22:06:30
2013/05/02 22:40:32
Subject: PDH & Neil101's - Realm of Chaos - Nurglitch vs Tzeentch
Fixture of Dakka
Looking forward to watching your warbands progress. I do like the Realm of Chaos books, there's much in them, even the page borders are fantastic!
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/05/02 22:40:52
2013/05/03 14:09:24
Subject: Re:PDH & Neil101's - Realm of Chaos - Nurglitch vs Tzeentch
Ghastly Grave Guard
The cold reaches of space
PDH wrote:HF Izanagi - Boo! Tricksy Bird stealing my free will. Neil's stuff is great but then his stuff always is. If you like Tzeentchy stuff check out Erik Gustavsson's Tzeentch Warband on this blog
LOL... we like what we like, no? But I think you both have some crazy good flavors going for each team. And I just checked out the link... Erik's stuff is top-notch. I seriously need to find a hardcore game group to do Inq campaigns with and cool side-projects like this... I'm working with Vit and he's half the world away...
neil101 wrote:@ Remi , yep tzeentch all the way , i will teach papa nurgle the error of his ways
Exactly~! Your sorcerer on the disk-pedestal looks great. I like how you used the sword from the Tzeentch Sorcerer Lord on him. Very fitting weapon. Question - Body of the sorcerer? Which kit is it from? The head is one the new Chaos leaders (blue guy) and the horns are from the plastic Chaos Lord.
Keep it up, guys. This is gonna be wicked.
2013/05/04 08:36:35
Subject: Re:PDH & Neil101's - Realm of Chaos - Nurglitch vs Tzeentch
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Preston/England/United Kingdom
Bruticus - Hey dude. I wanted the tiny hand to look like it was his, like he is directing the familiar with his mind. Magic Storage familiars can adsorb any spell cast on them and then thier master may release one automatically in the magic phase.
I also love that the beast of nurgle cannot use its shotgun....but someone in base contact can use shoot it.
The system is not as advanced as Necro/Mord. Basically as Warbands get Victory Points, eg for winning, killing an opposing gods champion etc, for every 10 the champion rolls on the rewards table: 40% chance of a mutation 60% chance of a gift. A followers will also get a reward at same time. When a champ gets a reward there is also a chance other followers will join his warband. So while you get to see you champion grow in the eyes of the gods there are no stat advances, but that would be easy to incorporate from Mord.
GiraffeX - so much so that I am sure there are bits I still haven't read.
Remi - Yeah I got so lucky meeting my gaming groups being into this odd stuff like me.
2013/05/04 09:25:03
Subject: PDH & Neil101's - Realm of Chaos - Nurglitch vs Tzeentch
Regular Dakkanaut
Bloody brilliant guys! Such a genious use of kits, once again. Makes me wish I had the extra time to put up a band of chaotic things together. Well, now I just have to settle in following your progress... and that I shall be doing with great interest!
2013/05/07 21:30:08
Subject: Re:PDH & Neil101's - Realm of Chaos - Nurglitch vs Tzeentch
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Preston/England/United Kingdom
Ok my WIP Pestigors. I should only have four but I forgot the banner bearer so had to build a fifth. So I shall have one less mercenary to make up for it (not a fair trade but never mind). I need to add something to the top of the banner and drill some buckle holes into the champions belt.
Double click the pics to zoom in.
What a cute little guy in the musician's belly....
...trying to steal the champions lunch
close up of a belt buckle I made using a nice little tutorial by AWOL that can be found here along with some very nice models.
Ize - Cheers Kari.
2013/05/08 00:17:06
Subject: PDH & Neil101's - Realm of Chaos - Nurglitch vs Tzeentch
Ruthless Interrogator
Phenomenal work on those pestigors, Peter!
Although I've built and painted a good number of the plastic plaguebearers, I haven't been confident enough to cut them up for my muties. I think I need to rectify that soon. They really do just work wonders for any mutant or plague ridden deviant.
You can never beat your first time. The second generation is shinier, stronger, faster and superior in every regard save one, and it's an unfair criticism to level, but it simply can't be as original. - Andy Chambers, on the evolution of Games Workshop games |
2013/05/08 00:35:34
Subject: PDH & Neil101's - Realm of Chaos - Nurglitch vs Tzeentch
Blood Angel Captain Wracked with Visions
I hit subscribe on the first post alone Its amazing how much can be missed in one week away. Now to read the rest of the thread Automatically Appended Next Post: And the rest of the thread did not disappoint
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/05/08 00:41:07
2013/05/08 06:32:03
Subject: PDH & Neil101's - Realm of Chaos - Nurglitch vs Tzeentch
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Preston/England/United Kingdom
Starfarer - Thanks. Well it was JB with his old men for the Ygg that opened up the possibilities for the Plague Bearers.
Dreadclaw69 - I am glad someone is appreciating the thread.
Thank you both for taking the time to reply.
2013/05/08 13:27:21
Subject: Re:PDH & Neil101's - Realm of Chaos - Nurglitch vs Tzeentch
Ghastly Grave Guard
The cold reaches of space
That Pestigor with the bubble-eye helm and the face in the stomach...
I feel my soul being pulled away from Tzeentch... no, PDH.. NO! I will not be tempted! Neil, show this upstart the power of the Lord of Change!!
Seriously though... those are some fantastic kitbashes with the extra GS touches of fur and buckles... Plaguebearer bodies with beast-parts... damn!
2013/05/08 13:56:51
Subject: PDH & Neil101's - Realm of Chaos - Nurglitch vs Tzeentch
Massive Knarloc Rider
Wow PDH! When I saw this blog pop up a few days ago I knew we would all be in for a treat, and I wasn't wrong. I love these Pestigor conversions, great use of the Plaguebearer bits, and I love how intricately detailed these guys are. The Pestigor metals are some of my favorite miniatures, and I fell in love with with them when they first came out way back when. But as you said, it just wouldn't be PDH blog without conversion, and these new guys are really something to behold.
On the matters of using Lord of the Rings miniatures, what are they like to work with? What's the scale like?I've heard that it's pretty off from the 'heroic' scale of Warhammer. I have that Ungor severed head you used, and it's tiny! Maybe that answers my own questions haha!
And Neil, your Tzaangors look awesome! I'd love a close up on them, it's a bit hard to pick out some of the details. But from what I can see, the Tzaangor with the two weapons looks absolutely baller! It's that eyeless face, it's just so cool!
About the rules in general, they seem like a lot more complex versions of the 'Path the Glory' supplement that featured in a couple white dwarfs around the time 'hordes of chaos' was released, and I'm assuming this is what they were based off of. Very cool game, I played a few games way back when, and I liked the random rolling for your team!
Is the original set that you're using much more complex? The hilarity of a beast of nurgle not knowing how to use his weapon is really quite something!
2013/05/08 17:30:53
Subject: Re:PDH & Neil101's - Realm of Chaos - Nurglitch vs Tzeentch
Kinebrach-Knobbling Xeno Interrogator
I love the little nurgling in the musicians belly!
Both warbands look great so far. Subscribed.
2013/05/08 21:47:56
Subject: Re:PDH & Neil101's - Realm of Chaos - Nurglitch vs Tzeentch
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Preston/England/United Kingdom
HF Izanagi - Cheers Remi. I wish I could take credit for putting the nurgling in his stomach....just an arm. The clothing, armour and fur were the most important part for change them from daemon to mortal(ish).
Ghosty - Hey dude. Thanks. LOTR minis are tiny and a LOTR goblin is smaller still. The Sorcerer's head goes up to the waste on the Pestigors. I will take some scale shots when I have built the Mercenaries (who I am starting tomorrow night). As for working with them you need to transport them to Warhammer (be that through a boltgun or a Warhammer pouches).
Igandris - Thanks. I love him too. I will have to come up with a suitable name for him.
2013/05/12 00:31:50
Subject: PDH & Neil101's - Realm of Chaos - Nurglitch vs Tzeentch
Maddening Mutant Boss of Chaos
Outstanding stuff! Love the pestigors -- very effective use and blend of the new plaguebearer figs.
And (I'm arriving late here, I realize) that Tzeentch warband looks very promising as well.