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![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2013/08/09 07:19:34
Subject: ATC Army - "Keep Calm and Carry-On" - Imperial Guard and Space Wolves
Longtime Dakkanaut
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2013/08/09 08:08:32
Subject: ATC Army - "Keep Calm and Carry-On" - Imperial Guard and Space Wolves
Stalwart Veteran Guard Sergeant
I like the concept and the use of all the different parts but the metallics on the infantry are lost in the colour of the clothing, and the OSL just looks like a spillage of blue paint.
I really, really like the Wright Brothers inspired Vendettas though!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2013/08/09 08:32:55
Subject: ATC Army - "Keep Calm and Carry-On" - Imperial Guard and Space Wolves
Avatar of the Bloody-Handed God
Inside your mind, corrupting the pathways
Love the "drop pod" and the idea behind the army, though not sold on some of the conversions or the style of painting on some of the models (but each to their own - I know you can put out some kick ass paint jobs on an entire army faster than I can slop paint on a single model so it is just taste rather than skill in this case  ).
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2013/08/09 11:24:38
Subject: ATC Army - "Keep Calm and Carry-On" - Imperial Guard and Space Wolves
Monstrous Master Moulder
Really nice painting and conversions. The mixture of technology and wood is cool and unique. Some pretty amazing work here!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2013/08/09 11:33:01
Subject: ATC Army - "Keep Calm and Carry-On" - Imperial Guard and Space Wolves
Tough-as-Nails Ork Boy
I really like this, great work!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2013/08/09 11:55:34
Subject: ATC Army - "Keep Calm and Carry-On" - Imperial Guard and Space Wolves
Parachuting Bashi Bazouk
That is utterly fantastic! I especially love the manticores- you've really reimagined them into something that screams steampunk! Using more old-style bombs instead of missiles was inspired.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2013/08/09 12:06:06
Subject: ATC Army - "Keep Calm and Carry-On" - Imperial Guard and Space Wolves
Violent Enforcer
You're work is always amazing and this is no exception!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2013/08/09 13:35:09
Subject: Re:ATC Army - "Keep Calm and Carry-On" - Imperial Guard and Space Wolves
Longtime Dakkanaut
Thanks for the kind words guys!
I should have mentioned before, these are the inspiration for the infantry:
The monotone scheme is intentional, to look antique. In fact I used the same highlight color for every color. No they aren't the usual "pick two complimentary colors" and that's the point.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/08/09 13:35:41
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2013/08/09 13:48:19
Subject: ATC Army - "Keep Calm and Carry-On" - Imperial Guard and Space Wolves
Old Sourpuss
Fantastic as always man!

Ask me about Brushfire or Endless: Fantasy Tactics |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2013/08/09 14:44:33
Subject: ATC Army - "Keep Calm and Carry-On" - Imperial Guard and Space Wolves
Boosting Ultramarine Biker
Maryville, TN
This is some amazing stuff, very original and very creative. Can't wait to see more, keep it up!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2013/08/09 15:27:02
Subject: ATC Army - "Keep Calm and Carry-On" - Imperial Guard and Space Wolves
Enginseer with a Wrench
Love everything about it.
Imperial Fist-6k
Dark elves-4k
Dark eldar 2.5k
Warriors of chaos-4k
Dakka swap shop trades.....12 |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2013/08/09 15:45:48
Subject: ATC Army - "Keep Calm and Carry-On" - Imperial Guard and Space Wolves
Longtime Dakkanaut
Cool theme.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2013/08/09 17:46:02
Subject: ATC Army - "Keep Calm and Carry-On" - Imperial Guard and Space Wolves
Regular Dakkanaut
This army,,,the theme and detail is awesome....I love a well done themed army. I can not help but chuckle at the flag though,,,,,,33rd eh? ,,,,that must be a more popular number than I thought.
How did you do the wood grain? as I tried that on my lasguns but it did not look right at all.
love the art/mini story on the box,,,,is that a crashed B17?
"Ave, Imperator, morituri te salutant"
Black Templar-24,000+
Imperial Guard
Gaunts Ghost -2,000
Victoria's Own 33rd of Foot-2,000
Sisters of battle-2,500
Loyal Chaos Marines-2,000
Legio I Italica-8.000
Bretonnians 3,000plus |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2013/08/09 19:04:52
Subject: ATC Army - "Keep Calm and Carry-On" - Imperial Guard and Space Wolves
Longtime Dakkanaut
33 is the magic number!
And yes it is a modified b17. Good eye!
The wood grain was pretty well figured out by the time I finished this army:
So I can do it as second nature now. Basically just streaks of different colors but the trick is to start with a lighter basecoat. Don't start with something really dark.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2013/08/10 02:25:18
Subject: ATC Army - "Keep Calm and Carry-On" - Imperial Guard and Space Wolves
Huge Hierodule
Very, very cool Sir!
was censored by the ministry of truth |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2013/08/10 02:50:16
Subject: ATC Army - "Keep Calm and Carry-On" - Imperial Guard and Space Wolves
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant
Hanging out on the Great Plains
Totally cool army.
Eastern Frontier Exploratores
224th Astra Legion (main army)
628th Praetorian Guard Cohort (wife's army)
827th Auxilia Cohort (ad mech fun)
825th Foderati Cohort (in the beginning army)
1212th Foederati Cohort - Jokaero (cause I like apes with guns) |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2013/08/10 03:28:30
Subject: ATC Army - "Keep Calm and Carry-On" - Imperial Guard and Space Wolves
Stubborn Dark Angels Veteran Sergeant
If you dont mind sharing, what Empire bits did you use? Are they all Greatswords? Where did the kneeling legs come from? I did a Genswick army a while back and wanted to do an Empire themed IG army but didn't think it would be possible. You did a great job on these guys.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2013/08/10 04:55:03
Subject: Re:ATC Army - "Keep Calm and Carry-On" - Imperial Guard and Space Wolves
Storm Trooper with Maglight
I Love the vendys!!!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2013/08/10 05:28:54
Subject: ATC Army - "Keep Calm and Carry-On" - Imperial Guard and Space Wolves
Regular Dakkanaut
Well, that's the coolest thing I've seen today  I absolutely love the stylized OSL. I wish I had that sort of grasp of lighting and shading!
Winning is good, explosions are better! |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2013/08/10 06:25:43
Subject: ATC Army - "Keep Calm and Carry-On" - Imperial Guard and Space Wolves
Hooded Inquisitorial Interrogator
Amazing skills best guard army in my opinon.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2013/08/10 08:56:44
Subject: ATC Army - "Keep Calm and Carry-On" - Imperial Guard and Space Wolves
Regular Dakkanaut
there is nothing negative i could think to say about this army! amazing conversion work
when i first saw the images i dont know why but the planes instantly reminded me of Studio Gimli! a futuristic look with a historical presence.
well done! 10/10!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2013/08/10 09:55:02
Subject: ATC Army - "Keep Calm and Carry-On" - Imperial Guard and Space Wolves
Crazed Flagellant
Western Australia
Brilliant mix of models and some really interesting combinations.
Would be very happy with the army
Too many models to paint - so little time
A man is only measured by the size of his feather and cod piece...
10,000pts Grand Army of the Empire |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2013/08/10 10:27:07
Subject: ATC Army - "Keep Calm and Carry-On" - Imperial Guard and Space Wolves
Agile Revenant Titan
This is why I love going to larger events. It is there you get to see the most extreme and wild looking armies. The conversion work is immense and the entire army furthers why I love the 40K genre. You can throw in so much variety and it will fit. It is an army that looks fantastic and likely plays very well on the table top.
Question: Is the separated front end of the aircraft used as a Drop Pod? Game wise, it looks like Arjac coming out with some buddies to wreak havoc.
No earth shattering, thought provoking quote. I'm just someone who was introduced to 40K in the late 80's and it's become a lifelong hobby. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2013/08/10 18:10:07
Subject: ATC Army - "Keep Calm and Carry-On" - Imperial Guard and Space Wolves
Regular Dakkanaut
GMMStudios wrote:33 is the magic number!
And yes it is a modified b17. Good eye!
The wood grain was pretty well figured out by the time I finished this army:
So I can do it as second nature now. Basically just streaks of different colors but the trick is to start with a lighter basecoat. Don't start with something really dark.
ah ,awesome,,,sorta,,,,eyes my painting table,,,and finished ig army,,,,,,see thats were I went wrong,,,started out with dark brown,,,then worked up,,,,,,ughs,,,,100 lasguns to repaint,,,, lol
"Ave, Imperator, morituri te salutant"
Black Templar-24,000+
Imperial Guard
Gaunts Ghost -2,000
Victoria's Own 33rd of Foot-2,000
Sisters of battle-2,500
Loyal Chaos Marines-2,000
Legio I Italica-8.000
Bretonnians 3,000plus |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2013/08/11 03:18:52
Subject: ATC Army - "Keep Calm and Carry-On" - Imperial Guard and Space Wolves
Storm Trooper with Maglight
Wow one of the coolest armies ive seen
Maybe our life is just a death simulator. - Simon Jones, leader of the Catachan anti-Imperium Traducers. The CATS!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2013/08/11 19:50:23
Subject: ATC Army - "Keep Calm and Carry-On" - Imperial Guard and Space Wolves
Hurr! Ogryn Bone 'Ead!
B29 actually. Cockpit is a dead giveaway.
- Assembling first army.
Nowlan's IG Army in progress
Thin your paints, drill your gun barrels, remove all mold lines. The Emperor wills it. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2013/08/11 20:23:46
Subject: Re:ATC Army - "Keep Calm and Carry-On" - Imperial Guard and Space Wolves
Shas'ui with Bonding Knife
This is phenomenal. Really awesome job. The vignette is cool, the conversions are great, the paint job is stupdendous, and that case is friggin awesome as both a case and diorama (though i'm going out on a limb and assuming you can't actually use it for transport ? Not that fact would lessen the cool factor one bit).
If i have one constructive criticism (and literally, it's the one thing i could find)... the OSL on the inquisitor's power sword could use a little sprucing up. It's not bad, not by a long shot, but it's a little beneath the quality of the rest of the paint job on the entire diorama.
Amazing work. Seriously.
-- Haight
daedalus wrote:
I mean, it's Dakka. I thought snide arguments from emotion were what we did here.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2013/08/11 21:42:05
Subject: Re:ATC Army - "Keep Calm and Carry-On" - Imperial Guard and Space Wolves
Fresh-Faced New User
I must ask where you found the basing leaves! I have been looking for some for ages now!
Overall Great work!
Attention Campers. Lunch has been canceled today, due to lack of hustle.......Deal with it. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2013/08/11 21:49:53
Subject: Re:ATC Army - "Keep Calm and Carry-On" - Imperial Guard and Space Wolves
Dipping With Wood Stain
MilesBergs wrote:I must ask where you found the basing leaves! I have been looking for some for ages now!
Overall Great work!
Leaves look like ones from Secret Weapons miniatures.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2013/08/11 22:14:14
Subject: ATC Army - "Keep Calm and Carry-On" - Imperial Guard and Space Wolves
Pestilent Plague Marine with Blight Grenade
Awesome stuff!