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Made in us
Big Mek in Kustom Dragster with Soopa-Gun

Nebraska, USA

Finally finished this bugger, ended up coming out better than i expected because the white was really holding it back. I think im going to swap to a light grey in the future lol. Instant any wash of ANY color hits the white i gotta repaint the damn thing

Base came out excellent imo. Tried to go for a ruins look rather than the usual rocky soil.

Also i need to get more light sources for my pictures. The one lamp that i use when i paint doesnt cut it lol.
[Thumb - IMG_0420.JPG]

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[Thumb - IMG_0424.JPG]

An ork with an idea tends to end with a bang.

14000pts Big 'n Bad Orkz
6000pts Admech/Knights
7500pts Necron Goldboys 
Made in us
Fighter Ace

Denver, CO

Looks good! For the wash non white thing, I almost always do white dead last for the same reason. I find it helps if you do everything including washes first, then carefully paint in white around the areas you have washed for recess details.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/10/29 17:13:36

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into Jet Engines.

My Little P&M Blog.

My Blog on Random 40k Things, Painting, and some Narrative Batreps every now and then.

2000 Points IG
2000 Points SM 
Made in us
Big Mek in Kustom Dragster with Soopa-Gun

Nebraska, USA

My problem with that is my hands arent that steady, Theres a lot of places that arent so out-front that i just ignored because its so hard for me to paint that thinly and not spill over lol

An ork with an idea tends to end with a bang.

14000pts Big 'n Bad Orkz
6000pts Admech/Knights
7500pts Necron Goldboys 
Made in us
Fighter Ace

Denver, CO

Fair enough, it takes practice to get "steady". I practically wedge myself into the table with both elbows against it and holding the model in both hands to get steady for fine detail. It ends up not so much steady, as everything just shakes at the same time and matches up

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into Jet Engines.

My Little P&M Blog.

My Blog on Random 40k Things, Painting, and some Narrative Batreps every now and then.

2000 Points IG
2000 Points SM 
Made in us
Big Mek in Kustom Dragster with Soopa-Gun

Nebraska, USA

Its magnetized so i can swap the weapons too i just didnt paint the HBC yet. Not sure if i even wanna bother anyway since theres no way im running 2 HBCs and i already got one lol.

Still need to get my Farsight Enclave though. Might find some shenanigans that will make me want to get dual HBCs lol

An ork with an idea tends to end with a bang.

14000pts Big 'n Bad Orkz
6000pts Admech/Knights
7500pts Necron Goldboys 
Made in us
Trustworthy Shas'vre

DFW area Texas - Rarely

Looks good, and I like the base work.

thanks for sharing.

"Remember, in life, the only thing you absolutely control is your own attitude - do not squander that power."
Fully Painted armies:
TAU: 10k Nids: 9600 Marines: 4000 Crons: 7600
Actor, Gamer, Comic, Corporate Nerd
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Augusta GA

If you have trouble with your hands shaking, try pressing your wrists to each other on the vein side. After a bit their shaking will synch up with each other and it won't be as noticeable when painting.

Also, less coffee, eat more meals, etc.

The riptide looks good yeah, and gray works well with purple. It's called the 'Decepticon Effect'.
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